Revived Friendship
Harry had to deal with the continuous stares at him, whisperings about him and students asking him how he got into Dumbledore's age line. He had quite enough of it all and life, it was misery to him. Thankfully, he had Hermione, Fred, George, Dean, Neville, and Seamus on his side as they believed him. Harry still hadn't told Ron about the truce yet; he made a mental note that he would do it as soon as he could.
The next morning as Harry was trying to eat his breakfast, the school owl swooped down and gave Harry a few letters. With a sigh he placed it in his bag, knowing it'd probably be some more hate mail he's been getting since the Daily Prophet article on him.
Hermione noticed the familiar numb look on her best friends face and she knew it was from the hate mail he had been getting from the article Rita Skeeter had written. That witch! "Are you going to read those, Harry?" she asked as she was eating a nice bowl of warm porridge with almonds and maple syrup in it.
Harry shook his head. "No, it's probably hate-mail again," he said a little miserably with a frown. Honestly, he liked reading the hate mail for some reason because it made him feel worse. Was it okay to do what he was doing? Was it healthy? He didn't really care though.
Hermione frowned at the negative hate-mail and wished there were something she could do to help him in some way. "Don't think that, Harry," she said with a sad shake of her head and a disbelieving tone. "Who knows who it could be from. Possibly Padfoot?"
Harry didn't know what to think. The letters could have been from Sirius, and they could be hate-mail. "I don't think it can be from Padfoot as it is a school owl that sent it, Hermione," he told her flatly. A voice in his head was telling him it could be from Draco, but Harry was afraid to open the letter in front of Hermione in case it wasn't.
"Well, you should read it," Hermione said earnestly and watched him eyeing the letters while she ate her porridge. It kind of worried her. She knew how sick and rude the comments in the letters could be as she's read a few right when Harry was given them. "Could be somewhat important."
Harry opened a letter easily and found it had familiar beautiful cursive writing. It was from Draco. He knew Draco's handwriting from miles away.
Meet back at the Willow tree? We'll spend lunch back in the secret library room. I'll bring some Potion equipment so you can practice. Afterwards, I'll show you another secret spot.
Harry gave a smile at that note and looked back up at Draco which he nodded, and Draco nodded back with a smile. That charming smile, the one Harry loved so much but was never able to kiss. He quickly slipped the note into his robe pocket so if he'd forget anything he can just peek at the note.
Draco noticed a few things that many could not. It was Harry's smile. It never quite reached his eyes like it should do if he was really smiling happily. It worried him. What was Harry Potter keeping from the world that made his state look so... numb and dull?
Harry then began opening the other letters. His frown deepened as he opened another letter from 'a fan'. It was a horrendous letter, so full of bias, lies and hurtful words. It made him feel terrible and he needed to get away right now. Merlin's Beard... He's been clean from cutting for a couple of days now, though there's still new cuts on his wrists.
Hermione saw Harry's frown and placed a hand on his shoulder for reassurance. "Incendio," she muttered, pointing her wand at the letter and watched the hate-mail disintegrate. Goodbye mail. To hell it goes where it belongs.
"Thanks," Harry replied sadly and placed his elbow on the table, resting his chin on his hand and looked down at the other letters that could hold hate-mail. He'll save the others for when he's alone so he can wallow in self-pity and keep them to he can review them later on in the day.
"It's no problem at all, Harry," Hermione said lightly and gave his hand a little squeeze though she can see how he grimaces when she touches him. It was highly worrying. What is wrong with her best friend? That's all she wants to find out. "I'm always here for you if you need to talk, Harry."
Harry gave Hermione a forced smile, hoping it was enough and continued staring down at a spot on the table deep in thought until it was time for classes. It actually took Harry longer than expected so he got up, told Hermione he was going to the bathroom, and headed to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom where he started cutting to numb himself from the pain he was feeling deep inside. The deeper he cut the number he felt which he believed was really good as the thoughts of what his fans have been writing to him really sank him down into the dark pits of his mind. He only made five cuts on his wrist, it's all he needed in this situation. Then he cleaned himself up and headed to Gryffindor Tower for a lie down as he has nothing else to do before classes.
Throughout the morning, Harry had been feeling quite lonely and depressed and time seemed to be going really slow. Ron still wasn't talking to him. It made Harry feel even worse as Ron was supposed to be his best mate and support him through this damned tournament that he shouldn't have been put into in the first place.
Harry was just walking along the corridors as he had nothing to do when he heard someone shouting his name. "Harry!" He knew that voice from anywhere. It was Ron, unfortunately. What did he want? Oh, it was probably to know how he put his name in that goblet. How great...
Harry turned around to reveal Ron, jogging over to catch up to him. "Mhm?" he mumbled reluctantly. Most of the time he just wants to go to sleep and just stay asleep, but he knows he will miss Draco's handsome face and pretty silver eyes. Of course, he will miss Hermione and whoever else, but Draco really has spread some sort of light into his life and he loved it.
"Uh, look," said Ron and got straight to the point. He hated this silent treatment they had and wanted it to end now. He can't live without Harry, his best mate, in his life. He's the only mate he has while Hermione's his best friend. "I'm sorry for nagging you about how you passed the age line."
"Mhm," Harry managed to mumble again. He really doesn't want to deal with anything or anybody right now. He just wants to be alone, away from everybody, away from the world. Except away from Draco. He really likes him and when he found that heart on the blonde's parchment... he doesn't know what to feel. He just feels relieved somehow.
"I came to realize that you couldn't possibly know a spell or make a potion that could get you across that line," said Ron who sounded quite sure of himself, and he had his head listed high as if to show how confident he is about the decision he was making. "I also know that you wouldn't even have the guts to ask someone older to put your name in the Goblet either."
"Yeah. Thanks, Ron," Harry sounded sarcastic but also emotionless, like he always is. He knew he didn't need anyone to say he couldn't have done any of those things, because truly he couldn't and wouldn't. He didn't really need it rubbed in his own face either.
"So, are we still friends?" Ron suddenly asked with a quirked eyebrow, he studied Harry's demeanor curiously and noticed something was up. But Harry always looked so numb, so he shrugged it off as normal behaviour of a stressed teenager. But the nightmare he had caught Harry screaming about late one night had got to him. Sometimes he wondered if it was only a dream.
"Yes, Ron," Harry said while feeling slightly annoyed that he was dealing with Ron now than later. He couldn't deal with this right now, he needed to get away. He should be getting to class on time so he can get a seat on time.
"Great!" Ron said with a quick smile and his expression seemed to lift a little. However, Harry's expression sunk deeper and he scratched at the cuts he made earlier. The scratching made his arms burn a little which he didn't mind at all. It was good.
"Great..." Harry said through his teeth with a numb expression. What's wrong with him? Can't he say something smart for once instead of the usual 'Mhm' and 'Great'. At times he wished he were dead. He wished his attempted suicide worked and Dudley never disturbed him. What would have happened to him if he did die? The Wizarding World probably wouldn't ever find out if his Auntie or Uncle buried him in their backyard somewhere or actually in a Grave. That would be nice though.
Harry began to start walking again, not knowing where he was going. His mind was just focused on his death and if it will be easily found out if he did die in the muggle world. Would Ron and Hermione ever find out about his death? How about Draco or wouldn't he have cared if he died during the holidays?
Ron jogged after him, making sure no one tried to have a go at his best mate though the thought wasn't really on his mind. Nobody has really had a go at Harry from what he knows and he's glad. "So, figured out the task yet?" he asked immediately with a little bit of curiosity.
"No," Harry said in a low voice and shook his head slowly, not wanting to talk about the task right now. That was not on his mind and was the least of his problems right now. He just didn't want anything to do with the bloody task. Apparently, these tasks were terrific and difficult? Good. Perhaps he can die easily then.
"You know it's coming up soon, right?" Ron asked tensely and gave him an inward look. His best mate should know better than to sit around or walk around Hogwarts with no plan and no knowledge of what he is up against on the first task. Who Harry really needs is the help from his best mate and Hermione.
"Yeah, I know," Harry says and looks to the ground sadly, knowing the task is nearing at a fast pace. He just wishes he had a way to escape this. He pondered if jumping off the Astronomy Tower will get him out of it. He'd be dead in the end so that would be a good thing. But then there's Draco who he is so sure actually cares for him... unless it was some sort of joke. "I just haven't the time to think about it."
"Harry, you've got to know what you have to deal with," Ron said and sounded very serious as he didn't want his best mate injuring himself badly in the first task, whatever it is. They ought to find out about the task. Couldn't the professors give them a hint about the task? Its what Harry needs the most.
"I know, I just..." Harry said but didn't know what else to say. He had nothing to say. He tried saying something by opening his mouth, but nothing came out. Instead, Ron began speaking to him.
"C'mon Harry, let's go talk to Hermione," Ron said and ushered him towards the library where he knows she will be. Unless she is on her way to class. "I'm sure she'd be able to help you."
"Sure..." Harry said wretchedly, forcing a quick smile. He really wanted to get away, but knew he needed help with the first task. He was 14, out of all the 17-year-old's and needed all the help he could get. Without the help he knows he would die but he wouldn't care at all. He tried escaping from his life once and would probably do it again if he feels like complete and utter shit sometime. There weren't many places to end your life at Hogwarts beside the Astronomy Tower. Where would he find a rope if he wanted to do it that way?
They began walking towards the Library, having to turn a corner before walking in the right direction. Ron noticed Harry's change of behaviour, and he seemed to move robotically with eyes that looked so lost to the world. "What's up, mate?" he asked while rubbing at his eyebrow, showing his worry for his best mate.
"Nothing, Ron. I'm quite fine," Harry lied just to get him to come off the topic. Again, with the questions... With that particular question. He hated it. He hated it all. He wished there was a hole in the ground that he can jump into.
Ron scratched his head, not knowing if he should believe his best mate or not. "Alright, if you insist," he said with a sigh, edging away from the conversation as it appeared that Harry didn't want to talk to him about whatever's going on.
They kept walking along the corridors of Hogwarts when Ron bumped right into something, well, someone. He looked up at the figure that crashed into him. "Bloody Hell, Hagrid," he said out of surprise. The professor actually scared him a little. "I'm sorry."
Hagrid smiled warmly down at Ron and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder which nearly knocked the air out of Ron's lungs. "It's alrig', Ron," he said gleefully and looked to his favourite Gryffindor seeker. Only Gryffindor seeker actually. "I'm just 'ere to see 'arry. It'll only take a minute or two."
Ron nodded, even though he wanted to spend the rest of the day with Harry. He hasn't talked to his best mate at all this month, which is really saddening, and he misses his best mate. It's almost like having a part of you missing.
"You wanted to see me?" Harry asked and looked up at the giant man in front of him. What he hopes is Hagrid not being able to see the side of him that's just dead and broken. Nobody else can see it though so that's good but he is sure Draco's starting to get suspicious from the worried looks the blonde has been given him every day.
"Yes," said Hagrid with a small nod, and glanced around the corridors for other students passing by. He saw none but what he was about to tell the young Gryffindor was important. "It's abou' the..." He bent down to whisper, "Task."
"Okay," Harry said blankly and he turned his head to look at his best mate. He forced a smile just so he doesn't appear sad or anything in front of the two. "Ron, you don't mind?"
"No, not at all," Ron replied with a friendly smile and a shake of his head. He didn't mind as long as he sees Harry again sometime during the day. One of the most important things is that they need to catch up on their lives and hanging around each other.
"See you in Herbology and Potions, I guess," Harry said with that forced smile that he hoped was enough to fool Ron. He didn't like this any more than he had. Spending a minute or two with an adult was stressful, and he knew he'd be hit with the 'are you okay' question a lot.
"Will do," Ron said while watching Harry and Hagrid walk off towards the Forbidden Forest.
Harry grudgingly entered the Potions classroom and sat next to Neville. He watched as everyone entered the room after him. Seamus, Dean, Draco, and his goons and lastly Ron, Hermione and Lavender. Everyone was chatting wildly; Harry couldn't help but glance up at the Slytherins. As soon as his eyes met a certain silver-eyed Slytherin, he looked away with a little blush that rose from his cheeks.
The potions classroom door slammed shut, that could only mean Professor Snape had entered. Everyone grew quiet, dead quiet as they watched their dark Potions Professor ever the room. "Turn to page 167. We will be brewing an invisibility potion," said Professor Snape in his monotoned voice.
Harry and the class turned their potions book to the required page quickly and read over the ingredients. 'Cherries, Chicken and spiders'. He glanced over at Ron and Hermione who partnered up together.
"You may commence, read the instructions carefully," Snape said coldly, looking directly at Neville and Harry who he knew will mess up the potion.
According to the first step, Harry had to chop up the cherries into bits and so that's what he did. Harry quickly chopped up the cherries into small pieces and sprinkled them into the cauldron. The potion then turned a reddish pink, exactly how it should be. He looked over at his work partner chopping his cherries wrong. "No, Neville," he whispered carefully and stopped the other boy from messing up the potion. "Chop them up into tinier pieces, trust me."
Neville nodded and smiled at Harry, whispering a "Thanks." He's glad he gets paired with smarter people who know a little bit of stuff related to Potions.
"No problem, Neville," Harry said and read the next instruction which he had to cut up a breast of chicken into slices. "When you get to the chicken, cut them into slices as it says in the book, like this." He showed Neville how to properly cut them up by slicing them into pieces.
Harry watched Neville cut his own chicken into smaller slices like he had done with his chicken. He felt proud of Neville though it was just cutting up food into pieces. He's been cutting food since he was at least three or five when being taught how to cook. So, the cutting in Potions was easy. It was just time management.
"Good," Harry said as he continued slicing the chicken. Just a quick glance to the side of him he caught Draco staring at him. He saw how the blonde's cheeks were becoming a little red which he loved. When Draco smiled at him, he looked back at Neville with a forced smile. The thought of that heart he saw doodled on Draco's work back in Herbology class flooded his mind and he couldn't stop thinking about it. "If you need help just ask."
Neville nodded slightly and continued to cut his cherries into smaller bits. As he finished, he sprinkled them into his cauldron, watching as the liquid turned a reddish pink. He smiled at his work.
Harry felt really good helping someone out and made them feel happy about themselves. He then dropped the chicken slices into his cauldron, watching as the colour turned whiter to an almost strawberries and cream colour. He then began to zone out staring at the sharp knife. I wonder... It looks sharp enough, He thought darkly. No, stop thinking so negative. Harry shook his head, trying to get rid of the negative thoughts from his head.
He then read over the last step, which was the hardest one. He had to rip off the spider legs delicately and put them in one by one for every five seconds. He then had to drop the spider's whole body into the cauldron for the last step. It sounded easy, but was it?
Draco, who was on the Slytherin side of the Potions room, finished his potion second after Granger. He didn't care if she still beat him as it just didn't matter. As long as he gets a good grade then he is fine. He didn't need the professor's approval to drink it as he knew what the potion looked like as it was finished. He quickly filled two vials' up of his potion, one for the professor and one for himself. He drank the one for himself, slowly watching as his hands, arms, and body became invisible. He grabbed the second vile, labelled his name on it and placed it in the vile holder on the professor's desk.
He just stood there, admiring the class in front of him. He looked over at Harry who seemed to be doing quite a good job at his own potion. Although, he was looking rather sad. Draco knew Harry hasn't been himself lately, he's asked the boy about it, but he has only said the familiar words of 'I'm Fine'. He walked up to Harry and watched him closely with a smile.
He thought about the other week, and how Harry somehow put his name in that goblet. Of course, Draco didn't believe that Harry was that stupid to want to go into the Tri-wizard or even try putting his name in that Goblet. He knew Harry could never get passed Dumbledore's age line, nobody could unless they were 17 or older. No spell or potion he was ever taught by his godfather could make someone age and have that age recognized as true. It was just impossible.
Draco walked around the desk, grabbed a spare seat quietly next to Weasley and made sure to hide it from sight. He slid the seat next to Harry but hesitated, wondering if he had been caught. He would have sighed in relief as he noticed that Harry was distracted by something else and sat right next to him; he could easily smell his pine smelling shampoo from there. He loved the smell of pine; it was just like waking up in the early morning and taking a walk out into a forest.
Draco stared at Harry, looking at his complexion, black hair, soft cheekbones but most importantly, his lips. Those lips looked so warm, soft, and so inviting. He had thought about giving Harry a little kiss on the cheek, just to see what his reaction is but he didn't want to take that chance in case the potion wore off and Harry would be staring at him. He watched as Harry did the final steps for the potion, making sure he did it correctly.
Harry grabbed the spider and looked at its legs, it was a daddy long leg spider, so it thankfully wasn't harmful. But still, it was a spider that didn't deserve to die. He felt rather sorry for the spider and wondered what being a spider was like. He shook his head and remembered he had a task to do, he could worry about the life of a spider after the lesson. Carefully and slowly, Harry ripped off its front leg and dropped it in his cauldron. He waited five seconds and took off the other spider's leg and dropped it in, watching as it sizzled. After doing the last 5 legs of the spider, he grabbed the body and dropped it in the middle of the liquid, watching as it sizzled, popped, and the liquid turned see-through.
Harry felt someone leaning over him and looked over his shoulder, Snape was looking at his potion. "Your potion is decent, Mr Potter. 1 Point to Gryffindor," the professor said in his cold monotoned voice. Put your potion in a glass vile and the leftover you can try it on yourself." The potions professor than looked at the empty seat beside Potter, studying it. He knew something was up, he then realized Mr Malfoy wasn't in his seat. He sighed and shook his head knowingly, knowing his godson Draco had occupied the seat.
Harry nodded, grabbed a vile from on his desk and filled it up with his potion. It definitely was see-through, like the potion was actually invisible. With a little smile, he scooped the leftover potion into another vile. He was about to take a sip, but he felt someone very close to him, like right next to him. It was kind of scary like a ghost was watching him. He put his vile down on his desk and popped a corkscrew in it so the liquid wouldn't spill out.
Draco watched as Harry stared at the seat that he was in. He didn't know what to do, just sit there and watch as Harry looked like he saw a ghost. He liked watching Harry. It was like a habit kind of. He loved the way Harry would bite his lip when he was concentrating. He loved how Harry's eyes would sparkle in the early and afternoon rays of the sun. He loves the colour Harry's cheeks turn whenever he's blushing. He loved how Harry would run his hands through his hair when a little frustrated or as a fidgety habit. He loved it all, everything about Harry.
Harry quickly grabbed the other vile of potion and walked over to Snape's desk and placed it in the vile holder next to Hermione's, labelling his name on the side. He saw Draco's completed vile and compared it to his own, they looked exactly the same. Harry then returned to his seat, he looked across the room but didn't see Draco.
As he sat down in his seat, he rolled his eyes. It was obvious to him that Draco was the one invisible and who sat next to him. He felt his cheeks go warm and his heart was beating wildly in his chest, Draco Malfoy, his friend but also crush had been sitting next to him for how long exactly? Harry didn't know but guessed it was since Draco finished his own potion. "Draco, I know it's you, " Harry whispered to the seat beside him though Neville was giving him curious looks. "No need to hide."
Draco sighed, he loved hearing Harry's voice. It was so calming, so warm and it gave him butterflies in his stomach. "Sorry, Harry," he said, charmingly smiling at him though it was invisible to everyone's eyes. "Just thought I'd come by and visit."
Harry stared up at the now, see-through Draco Malfoy. He wanted to run his hands through the soft-looking Whiteish blonde hair, but he'd think his hand would go straight through like he was a ghost. He then scanned Draco's face, that handsome face, those beautiful silver eyes, the sharp cheekbones and jawbones and his soft-looking inviting lips. Harry forgot he was staring until a warm hand lifted his chin up to meet perfect silver eyes. That hand gave Harry tingles all through his skin, like static electricity, was pulsing through his veins. "I-, Uh-," he stuttered and swallowed. He just had a sudden urge to kiss him. But in the classroom? Not a chance. It'd just draw attention to them.
Draco smiled at Harry, watching as the Gryffindor's Adam's apple bobbed up and down and then he realized as his cheeks warmed up that he was blushing. He just wanted to lean in and end the space between them, but he knew if word got out to his father, that he's been snogging the 'enemy', depraved things will happen to him because of his father. He forgot he was staring into pristine Emerald Green eyes and that his hand was under Harry's chin, so he lowered his hand from Harry's chin and looked at the desk. "'Sorry," he whispered.
"There's no need to apologize," Harry whispered back with a forgiving smile. He couldn't believe what could have happened. Harry thought back to his previous question. It certainly felt like Draco wanted to kiss him or maybe he hoped for that. He turned his face and looked down at his desk, he felt a blush rise from his neck to his cheeks.
Draco gained back his thoughts, remembering what he had to ask of Harry. "Harry, I'd like-"
"Everyone out!" the professor snapped. "It is lunchtime." everyone quickly gathered their things and started heading out.
Draco bit his lip, knowing someday he had to ask Harry. He nodded at Harry and walked back to his table, grabbed his stuff, and put them all in his book bag. He winked at Harry, hoping he'd remember the note from this morning.
Harry, on the other hand, was dumbstruck and blushing again. What was he going to say or even ask were the thoughts rushing through him as he stuffed his potions textbook into his book bag. He watched Draco leave, and he searched his robe pocket for the familiar note and sighed in relief. He read it over and headed down to the Herbology section of the school. He wasn't hungry anyways.
Harry pushed his way through the elongated branches of the Willow tree. They were beautiful like always and looked like emeralds on a string. He shook the branches, watching as rain droplets would fall down and splash on the ground.
Draco was just sitting at the trunk of the willow minding his own business and the next thing he knew he was being rained on, "Oi!" He said loudly as he ran a hand through his hair, getting rid of the raindrops and wiped the other droplets from his scarf and robes.
Harry stopped shaking the tree branches, instead moved them out of the way and spotted Draco near the trunk of the tree. He was mesmerized and intrigued when watching Draco caress his soft blonde hair and run his fingers through it. He gave Draco an apologetic look for making the tree rain on him. "Sorry, Draco. I didn't see you there."
Draco sighed happily and got up, dusting his pants off. "It's okay," he assured him. It didn't matter anymore. All that mattered if being here with Harry and spending long numbers of time with him alone. "Are you ready for Potions Practice?"
"Yes!" Harry said with a little nod, which is something he would have never said in his life ever, but noticed that there was no Potions equipment anywhere in sight. Strange... He can't do anything Potion-related if there's no equipment. "Where's the Potion stuff?"
"It's already in the room," Draco tells him and to Harry's surprise, he links arms with him which makes Harry's heart skip a beat or two. He just loves being this close to Draco but secretly he wants to hold hands. With a shy smile towards the Slytherin from Harry, they started walking back towards the greenhouses.
They both pushed passed the Willow's branches, still linked arms but they moved a little closer to each other. They hurried down to the library, making sure nobody was watching them, past the thousands of bookshelves until they stopped at two vertical ones, pulled the trigger, watched the torch lights flame up and headed into the room, closing the door behind them.
Harry looked over at the dressing table filled with stacks of Potions books, a cauldron, and ingredients on one of the bookshelves. "Wow..." he said in absolute awe. Everything's so tidy too. "You're prepared." They both walked over to the dressing table, ignoring the mirror though they both really couldn't help but stare at each other's reflection.
Draco raised an eyebrow at him and then smiled. "Of course, a Malfoy is always prepared," he reminded him but yet again he should know that he's a tidy person. He remembered all the times Harry arrived to Potions class unprepared. "So." He opened one of the Potion books. "Which Potion shall we practice first?"
"What Potions are there?" Harry asked, staring down at the book in Draco's hand but what he mainly stared at were Draco's hands. The Slytherin has such perfect well-manicured nails. he recalls the amount of times he has caught Draco checking his nails out and even filing them. It's so gay.
Draco scanned the Potions book, looking from the easiest of Potions to the hardest. "Well, there's Draught of the Living Death, Invisibility Potion, Dreamless Sleeping Draught, Essence Potion," he suggested. "Those are all the easy ones of course." He looked up at Harry, a smile forming on his lips when catching him staring. "Why don't you choose one?"
He knew the Draught of the Living Death would be the potion that you fall into a deep death-like sleep and that you'd have to be kissed by a person with the antidote on their lips. He'd love to be kissed by Harry when he's sleeping and then wake up still kissing him. It would be like a dream; he'd be the princess and Harry would be the prince. Well, he didn't want to be the princess. It was more along the lines of him and Harry both being princes. Gay princes.
Harry pointed to the potion that looks kind of hard but also simple to brew. Dreamless Sleeping Draught?" he suggested to the blonde who seemed to be staring at his face, but he didn't know where. He blinked and pressed his lips together. Draco was still staring at a spot on his face. Oh, he hoped he didn't have any sneaky pimples that came through. "Um... Draco?" His hand automatically found their way to Draco's cheeks which he caressed, and a red tinge formed on the Slytherin's cheeks.
Harry even blushed himself as he hadn't realized where his hand was until silver eyes looked up into his own. He dropped his hand to his side, and it touched Draco's hand which sent shivers all through him. Then Draco was leaning forward slowly, but he hesitated, bit his lip while ignoring his heart hammering in his chest and scanned over the ingredients for the chosen Potion. "Sleeping Draught, it is." He walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed the required ingredients, walked back to the dressing table next to Harry and set them beside the cauldron. He looked up at Harry with a smile. Harry wrinkled his nose, looking at the Potion book.
Draco chuckled and gave the book to Harry. He just couldn't believe he nearly... kissed him. "So, what does it say to do first?" he asked and he'd mutter a muttered, "Aguamenti" and filled the cauldron up with water, he then lit a fire under the cauldron.
Harry read the instructions and trailed a finger down the page. "Add 4 sprigs of Lavender to the mortar," he says.
Draco nodded, "And in which bottle is it?" Good Merlin he hoped Harry knew what the Lavender flower looked like. Harry pointed to a bottle with a type of long purple plant in it with jade green leaves. He knew exactly what it was and grabbed the bottle of Lavender in it.
"Correct," Draco said and watched as Harry slowly dropped the Lavender into the mortar. It was kind of mesmerizing watching Harry working on potions. "The next step?" He almost whispered out the last two words.
Harry read what the next instruction was. It's still simple instructions like making the invisibility potion. It will probably get more difficult the more ingredients he adds in "Add two measures of Standard ingredient into the mortar?"
Draco nodded and repeated, "Which bottle is it in?" He just had to make sure Harry knew what it was. Merlin... save him if he had to teach Harry about all the ingredients.
Harry pointed to a bottle with what looked like dried herbs in it. He looked up at Draco to make sure it was the right one, with a nod of agreement Harry sprinkled two drops of the ingredient into the mortar. "Crush into a creamy paste using the pestle." Draco nodded. Harry crushed the Lavender and the herbs together, watching as it turned into a creamy paste in a matter of minutes.
For the next half an hour, Harry kept following the steps he had to take when making the potion. He always looked up at Draco to make sure he was doing everything right, with a nod of assurance he continued brewing the potion. "Stir seven times clockwise? I don't have a-."
Draco showed Harry two mixing rods and one was a lighter brown than the other. "Look at the top of the page, Harry," he told him. "What does it say?"
Harry looked up at the top of the page in the Potions book and saw the letters 'ER'. These weird letters always confuse him, so he chooses to ignore them, thinking that they are some proverb from a potion master. "It says I need the ER, whatever that means."
Draco smirked. "ER is Ebony Rod, Harry," he said boldly and caressed a hand through his hair. It seemed Harry was watching him with a sparkle in his eye that Draco adored. "And which rod is the Ebony Rob?" He was quite enjoying this, it seemed Harry didn't even know that there were different stirring rods. Oblivious Harry is a damned cute Harry.
"I-I dunno," Harry stuttered and quickly pointed to the vine-like rod and hoped he was right. Damn, he feels like an idiot. Why didn't he know this already? What's even worse, he's being an idiot in front of Draco, and it is just so mortifying. "Just tell me!"
Draco shook his head, clearly not pleased with what Harry was saying at all. "How do you not know what an Ebony rod is?" he asked him seriously, and his eyebrows drew closer in together. "We were taught this in the first year. Were you listening at all? However, to be fair we never started using the Ebony Rods until the end of our third year."
Harry shrugged, "It's hard trying to concentrate when Snape's breathing down your neck." It sucked when he has been concentrating his hardest and then Snape appears out of nowhere and is watching him with such a sour expression. It just wasn't fun.
Draco chuckled at the confused boy beside him. How does Harry not know about rods at all? He must have heard something about them. "What's the colour of Ebony, Harry?"
"Uh..." Harry said and itched at his eyebrow, trying to think of the colours which he knew of. "Black or brown?" He hoped he was right though he knew Ebony was either a black or brown colour.
Draco sighed with relief; he thought he'd have to teach Harry every colour of the rainbow or something similar to that. Thank Merlin! "Good! And what's the colour of Myrtle wood?"
"Light orangish brownish to grey or olive," Harry said while staring at the cauldron, then into Draco's silver eyes that seemed to sparkle when they looked back into his own eyes. It made his insides flutter. He doesn't understand love at all.
Draco nodded and felt glad Harry knew this much. Now its time to ask the more difficult questions. "Now, what are Ebony and Myrtle wood rods used for?" he asked the Gryffindor who looked adorably confused.
Harry shrugged and ran his hands through his hair with frustration. Why must this be so difficult when really, it's not. They are rods. They should be easy to remember. At least he can teach Ron something new that would hopefully help him.
"Harry, Harry, Harry," Draco said and shook his head in disapproval. "How have you managed throughout your years?" he asked softly and then smiled, knowing Harry has his ways. "Ebony is Negative and Myrtle wood is Positive. How can you still not know that?"
Harry began feeling a bit stupid for not knowing what these are, he started to frown but someone lifted his chin up to meet their Silver eyes. It was Draco. Such pretty eyes and a pretty face. He feels so blessed to have a friend such as Draco who actually cares enough about him to help him earn a higher grade in Potions. All Hermione has done is tell him to study multiple times. Ron doesn't help at all either.
"It's fine, you just didn't know," Draco reassured him and handed Harry the Ebony Rod. Their fingers touched, making him smile and have the longing to hold those warm hands of the Gryffindors. "Start stirring twice, clockwise."
Harry grabbed the Rod and jabbed it into the steaming liquid.
"Dip the rod in, don't plunge it!" Draco grabbed Harry's hand, held onto it and guided Harry's hand in stirring. "You need to slowly stir it otherwise you'll destroy the delicate ingredients," he told him softly and placed his neck on Harry's shoulder. He likes being close to Harry so much and will take every opportunity to obtain that closeness unless it's too awkward for Harry of course. "And with this five-inch cauldron, you should be stirring it in a matter of five seconds for each rotation." Harry could feel Draco's breath on his neck. He swore to Merlin that the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and a familiar fluttering sensation within him turned itself on again.
Harry looked down at Draco's elegant pale fingers, he looked up to see Draco staring at him. He blushed and looked back down at the cauldron, remembering being just as close to Draco a couple of days ago when they fell on each other as well as minutes ago when Draco was staring at the lower half of his face.
Draco watched Harry turn his attention back to the cauldron with a slight rosy tinge to his cheeks. He thought that was quite adorable and smiled. "You got it?" he asked and removed his hand from Harry's warm one, trying not to stutter at the bloke he was close to. He could easily just lean in and...
Harry nodded and continued stirring the potion for one more time, the water turned into a light purple colour. He gave a satisfied smile at his work and pondered how he would thank Draco in the future. A box of chocolates? Flowers? Maybe a thank-you card?
"What's the next ingredient then?" Draco asked just to distract himself from possible kissing scenes with Harry. They were quite hard to remove from his head. They are just thoughts that won't go away though he doesn't really want them gone from his head at all.
Harry finished stirring the Potion and took the Rod out of the cauldron. "Just wave my wand over the cauldron," he muttered, wishing Draco were still holding his hand. He grabbed his wand from his pocket and waved his wand over the cauldron. The light purple colour of the potion turned to a darker purple.
After watching Harry finish the potion, Draco applauded him with a smile. He's proud of Harry's effort even if he had to help him stir. "Congratulations, Harry," he said brashly. "You've made one of the hardest but easiest Potions in the book."
Harry let an actual smile come across his face at his work and poured some into a vial. "Thanks, Draco," he said sweetly and placed a cork on top of the vile and set it aside on the dresser. Really, how can he thank him? He's done so much and used some of Draco's potion ingredients. "I couldn't have done it without you."
Draco's cheeks flushed slightly, "I know, don't let it get to your brain. I can't be helping you every time." Although, that thought did sound nice because he would be with Harry more often. "So, who's going to drink the potion?"
Harry shrugged and turned to him, gripping onto the dressing table. "I guess we'll leave it here for now," he said while thinking about if he would drink the potion and lay down on the couch while Draco kneeled down and confesses his love for him while he was sleeping. The thought made his stomach flutter pleasantly. "So, what secret place will you take me to that you have in mind?"
"It's a secret, Harry," Draco said with a secretive smile and then walked Harry to the door. He opened it easily and waited for Harry to exit.
"Such a gentleman," Harry said with a roll of his eyes playfully and followed Draco out of the library's secret hidden room. Draco smiled and led Harry out of the library by the tunnel and pulled down the wall torch. All that Harry knew was that by the looks of it, and the familiar corridors they were passing by, Draco was taking him up to the seventh floor of the castle.
Draco stopped at a blank wall and glanced at a confused Harry who wondered why they were facing a blank wall in the astronomy ward. As Draco closed his eyes Harry's mind began to wander and he felt like taking a nap someplace homely, but he also thought about Quidditch and how they'd have had to cancel the Quidditch house cupand Harry saw the wall start to deform; an old grand wooden door appeared. The door opened and they were met with a hallway, a dark lightless hallway going who knows where. The Slytherin took a step in and held out his hand for Harry which the Gryffindor grabbed hold of with a shy smile and he let Draco lead him into the darkness. The door behind them closed, leaving them in the pitch-black hallway.
"Lumos," muttered Draco. The tip of Draco's wand had lightened up, flooding the darkened hallway with some light. Harry got out his wand and pointed it towards the darkness and muttered, "Lumos Maxima!" A great big ball of light escaped from Harry's wand and flew down the hallway, at the end of the hallway stood a door in the shape of an arch with a curious doorknob. Harry and Draco exchanged curious looks and continued walking down the hallway until they were right in front of the door.
"Sometimes I wonder what else is buried beyond these walls," Harry whispered as he shone his wand tip at the tunnel walls. What else could be in Hogwarts that nobody knows of? Hidden passageways? Hidden rooms behind walls or statues?
"Same!" Draco said and raised his lightened wand up at the door with curiosity. The outside lining of the door was yellow while the door was black. He looked closely at the doorknob, it was in the shape of a lion's head. "A lion could only mean Gryffindor." He traced the lion's head with a finger.
Harry knocked on the door, noticing it wasn't hollow. "The door colours are giving me a Hufflepuff vibe," he said as he placed his ear to the door to see if there was any sort of noise coming from the other side of the door. "If Hermione were here, she'd probably know about this place. She has read 'Hogwarts: A History" millions of times."
Draco's smile turned into a smirk when watching Harry hear for any noise inside. What could be inside the door though? A giant Niffler? Not likely. It wouldn't have survived down here unless it had food around. Oh, Merlin. Now he's making himself a little anxious. "Are you expecting anyone to knock back, Harry?"
"Pfft, n-no!" Harry stuttered and took a step back from the door. He knew nobody would be down here if Draco only knew of this place. But what if there was some kind of device inside the door or on the other side? "I'm just curious, that's all. Should we try to open them up?"
"We could try," Draco said, trying to open the door by the lion doorknob. Because of the old magic it wasn't rusty as if it was just used yesterday. No dust in sight either. The only cobweb in sight was on the corner of the wall at the top. There was a giant huntsman on it too. "It won't budge!"
Harry tried opening the door himself. There must be some spell to cast on it. Draco tried opening the door again. It still wasn't doing anything, so he pointed his wand at the door and muttered, "Alohomora!" It did nothing. What's wrong with this door? Doesn't it not know easy spells like Alohomora? What other spells could it open up by? Maybe by saying the animal it will open the door. "What's 'badger' in Latin?"
Harry shrugged as he said, "I don't know." He has never taken any language class beside French while he was back in primary school so how would he know of anything related to Latin? But then he thought of the simple word for 'open'. "What's open in Latin? Maybe that word, whatever it is, will work for the door."
Draco pointed his wand back at the door's handle and muttered, "Apertio!"
The door 'Clicked' and opened. Draco and Harry held their wands out in front of each other in case they'd meet some kind of danger and they walked into the darkened room. The only actual light source in the room, which wasn't very bright at all, was what looked like two windows at the far end of the room to where they were standing. They couldn't see what was through the window though.
Harry tried to find something like a torch or a light switch but there was nothing nearby. The only thing he could do in this situation was cast an easy spell. "Lumos!" He whispered and sent out five balls of light around the room. He only saw a glimpse of furniture like a round mat in front of them, something large at the end of the room, and a few small pot plants.
Draco sent a "Lumos Maxima" up at the roof. The ball of light formed into a big bright orb and lit up the entire room. Harry and Draco's jaws dropped in shock. They couldn't believe what they had just found. They both muttered a "Nox," and put their wands away in their robes.
What the room Harry and Draco were in was a bedroom. There were plants in every spot in the room which made it sort of cottage-core, a large red and gold four-poster wooden bed laid at the back of the room, large arch-shaped enchanted windows appeared eitherside of the bed with black drapes that touched the floor. In the middle of the bedroom lay a giant yellow circular mat with black rims. On the right side of the room were bookshelves and bookshelves of plants and potion ingredients in small glass vials. The left side of the room held a large wardrobe, a table, and a yellow door.
Harry noticed the yellow door first and wondered where that could lead to. He tried to open the door by the handle. Obviously, it didn't work. Draco gave Harry a curious look and pointed his wand at the door and muttered, "Apertio!" They both watched as the door opened, revealing a...lavatory.
"I want to jump on the bed and see how comfortable it is," Harry said as he turned away from the lavatory and headed for the bed. It looks quite nice and he did want a nap. He smiled at the thought of Draco taking a nap with him.
Draco snorted at the thought of Harry jumping up and down on the bed. Although, it sounded undeniably cute. "Childish much?" he teased the Gryffindor and Harry glanced at Draco with a grin, silver eyes meeting green, a beautiful mixture of colours.
"Very well," Draco said flatly and thought the same about the bed. It did look quite cosy to him. "But after you had your fun could we go back to the secret library room? Before we leave I'd like to collect my Potion items."
"Sure," Harry said with a quick nod as the thought of drinking the potion and falling into a deep sleep while Draco confesses his love to him found its way into his head. He jumped onto the bed and laid down, looking up at the ceiling of the bed.
Draco watched his friend hop onto the bed and silently lay there. What happened to jumping on the bed and acting all childish? He chuckled at him and walked up to the bed, rested his hands on one of the posts and watched Harry close his eyes, deep in thought. He just wanted to join him, be close to him.
Harry sat up in the blink of an eye, smiled and bit his lip. He looked over at the Slytherin who looked as if he had been staring at him and it made him blush a little. "I've had my little fun. Let's go."
"Certainly!" Draco beamed and walked towards the exit with his robe billowing behind him. He turned around as he made it to the door and looked at Harry. "Anything to get out of this place, it's all too yellow, black and green. Too many potted plants! It gives me Hufflepuff vibes. Beside the bed..."
Harry laughed at the Slytherin and his beliefs, pondering why he thinks so low of the Hufflepuff house when they are actually pretty nice. "And that's bad because...?" he asked the Slytherin in a low voice and raised his eyebrow, making Draco's cheeks colour slightly.
"Because they're all mushy and too kind," Draco says matter of factly, and crosses his arm, making Harry laugh which he enjoys doing a lot. He would do and say anything to see Harry laugh or smile. Or even blush as he has done so before.
Harry gave a snort. How are Hufflepuff's too mushy? And of course, they have to be nice. Everyone has to be nice to gain people's respect and friendship. "I repeat, and that's bad because?"
Draco narrowed his eyes at Harry, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it as he had nothing to say. He just couldn't say anything as there's just nothing bad to say about the Hufflepuff house.
Harry got up off the bed and walked over to Draco. He placed a finger over Draco's lips, shushing him and he stared at the Slytherin's lips. He didn't think Draco's lips were this smooth and soft. Merlin... "Exactly! There's nothing bad about Hufflepuffs. I'm friends with a Hufflepuff," he told him in a soft voice, and he finally looked up into silver eyes that had a sparkle in them. "Let's go. We can test out the Sleeping Draught."
Draco looked down at Harry's finger that shushed him, and a slight blush rose up to his cheeks. He nodded and turned away from Harry to open the door out of the bedroom. He stood aside from the door for Harry, just like he did earlier in the day. When was it closed? "After you."
Harry smiled and walked through the door, whispering a "Lumos." Draco closed the door behind him and walked side by side with Harry until they got to the end of the tunnel. They both exchanged smiles, quickly exited and looked around cautiously. Harry cast a "Nox" and put his wand away in his robe pockets.
Harry then spotted Professor McGonagall down the corridor and froze. This was a little bad. What if she sees the door? What if the entrance doesn't seal and it just stays open? It would cause suspicion. "The professor, what do we do?" he asked quickly.
Draco bit his lip, turned to Harry, and looked him in the eye. He quickly pulled Harry into a hug before the professor could see them both standing in front of a blank wall, which would raise a little suspicion. His heart was hammering in his chest as he just hugged the most spectacular and beautiful bloke he's ever known in the entire world.
His nose picked up a scent from Harry that he just loves. Pine. Pine scented...he didn't know if it was Harry's shampoo/conditioner or if it was his cologne. He tried not to inhale too deeply but he just loved the smell. It was so relaxing, so captivating and reminded him of taking a walk in a pine forest.
Harry smiled shyly and hugged back, wrapping his arms gently around the Slytherin. He was blushing from the embrace; this was their first-ever hug. He didn't know why Draco suddenly hugged him, but the Slytherin's warm body against his felt so nice and wonderful. He just hoped Draco couldn't feel his beating heart against his chest.
He smelt something amazing and familiar, Citrus and Vanilla. That's what Harry could smell from Draco and he absolutely adored it. He just wanted to melt into the Slytherin's embrace. He nudged his nose in the Slytherin's neck and knew right then that his cologne smelled like Vanilla. It was delicious. He just wanted to start licking the Slytherin's neck. Okay, he knew should hold that thought in the back of his head as that'd just be weird. He didn't know where the citrus was coming from but guessed it had to be Draco's hair products.
Professor McGonagall saw the two young boys and sighed happily with a smile. She didn't know who those two were as she didn't see them properly, but it was nice to see a Slytherin and a Gryffindor together. "Ah. Young love," she said sweetly with a sigh. She turned away and continued to the teacher's lounge.
Draco and Harry continued hugging for what felt like an eternity to them. They both just melted into the hug, loving how warm and snuggly it was. It was their first hug as friends after all and they loved it. That was until they heard a soft "Ahem," they quickly broke out of the hug and stepped away from each other to look at a girl with wild bushy hair and a knowing smile.
"Hermione," Harry whispered and swallowed down a hard lump in his throat. He scratched the back of his head, feeling a little awkward now as she just saw him and Draco hugging in the corridor with nobody around. She knows of his friendship with Draco, so he doesn't have anything to hide.
Hermione nodded at her best friend, and she was literally squealing on the inside when they finally hugged. "Yes, it's me who just witnessed the two of you hugging," She said and raised an eyebrow at the Slytherin. She was just so happy for Harry but hid it with just a smile. "Have I also missed out on seeing a snogging session as well?"
Harry felt his cheeks warm. He didn't know if it was blushing or just embarrassment. Looking to the side of him, he saw that tinge of red come back to Draco's cheeks. He tried opening his mouth to say something to Hermione, but she cut him off.
"Anyway," Hermione said and smiled like an idiot. She wished she had someone to tell this to but she will just have to wait until Harry gets back to Gryffindor Tower this afternoon so she can bombard him with questions. "I'm going back to the common room. Did you want to come too, Harry?"
Harry felt a little guilty as he hadn't spent time with Hermione much. He's always either with Draco or by himself. But he wanted to try the potion out, he didn't mind if it was himself that had to drink it. "Maybe later, Hermione."
Hermione gave a nod and said," Alright. See you later, Harry." He gave both boys a smile and walked off back to where she came from. Harry slowly brought his eyes up to meet Draco's silver ones and sighed with relief. At least the door behind them had vanished and that she didn't ask questions at all. Now he had Draco alone with him once again.
"Why didn't you go with her?" Draco asked, his eyebrows furrowed curiously. He thought Harry would go with her if she wanted Harry to go with her. Maybe it was homework she wanted to work on with Harry? Whatever his reason was it made him curious.
Harry shrugged as he really didn't have a decent explanation instead of saying how he wanted to spend the whole day with Draco. "I've spent loads of times with her and she's mainly reading," he told him. God, he hated lying to Draco, but this was necessary. "I don't like disturbing anyone who has their nose in a book."
Draco nodded as he understood how it was with a bookworm of a friend. Blaise is quite a bookworm. That is if you catch him reading a book that's not a textbook. "Let's head back to the library," he said and linked arms with Harry again. He smiled at the red tinge that resurfaced in Harry's cheeks. "I need to clean out my cauldron." Harry gave him a quick nod and headed back to the library with Draco.
As soon as they were back in the library, they passed the many tall bookshelves with thousands of books and then turned left until they were in front of the familiar vertical tall bookshelves. They walked down the aisle until they noticed the familiar old wooden bookshelf that held the trigger to the secret entrance. This time Harry pulled the book with the white rose down, which then caused the bookshelf to shake and open up like doors. They entered through the passageway, watching as the torch lights began to light up the hallway and headed to the Oak door at the end. They entered through the oak door, walked around the blue couch, sat down on it, and laughed.
Draco sighed in relief as they were safe and away from students and their prying eyes. He doesn't mind if people see him and Harry together. Though they would know something is happening and he will let them guess. "That was a close one, Harry," He said and looked to his side at him. "Do you think Granger will tell?"
Harry shook his head and looked up at Draco with a small smile, knowing Hermione would not be telling a thing. All she would do is bombard him with questions about his lunch with Draco. "No, she'd never tell anyone. Even if I ask her to tell someone, she still won't tell anyone. That's how well I know her." He realised then how much of a friend she really is to him.
Draco nods and feels a little better knowing the secret is safe from the public. "So, about Skeeter's article..." he asked hesitantly, frowning a bit. He knows how much everything would hurt as he has read it a heap of times. "Are you sure you're okay? I'm sure it's been rough on you for the last couple of days."
"I'm fine, I can take your Malfoyism," Harry said flatly, and Draco raised an eyebrow in disbelief. He gave the Slytherin an assuring smile and nod, but it didn't seem to work on Draco. That's not very good. He could find out about the part of his life which nobody knows exists and he wants to keep it that way.
Draco nodded about the Malfoyism Harry mentioned but couldn't help but feel a little sad that his words could have hurt Harry. "Yeah, they weren't hard to miss," he said a little woefully and stared down at his hands. "Just so you know, I talked to Skeeter a couple of weeks ago when I was still, err, mad at you."
"So now? Would you still say the same things about me again?" Harry asked him and raised his eyebrows as he waited for an answer from the Slytherin. He really could take the Malfoyism, even on his worst days because it means he just has more to wallow in self-pity over when he's alone.
Draco took a moment's hesitation to think this through. Of course, he wouldn't say much about Harry to Skeeter even if it were for a laugh and to make sure Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott aren't suspecting anything about the relationship he has with Harry. "It's more complicated than it was now, isn't it?"
Harry bit his lip, knowing that because they are friends Draco would feel bad for talking to Skeeter about him. Draco shouldn't be feeling bad if Harry doesn't mind feeling down because of insults. "I guess...."
"So, are you really mad or just a little?" Draco couldn't help but ask because the thought of ever hurting Harry really saddened him. He knows Harry's going through something just as the way he's been watching him. He notices how depressed he looks, and how his eyes look lifeless to the world, and it's easy to tell when the Gryffindor hasn't been sleeping much.
Harry shook his head, "No, not mad at all." He just doesn't get mad at all anymore. It's just being upset. It's his main emotion. Depressed, stressed, and upset. "But it can be a bit much with Ron, Snape, scar and the Tournament."
Draco smirked at the sound of the Weasel's name. But what he would like to know is what happened with Harry and Weasel. They were best friends and then...not? It was confusing and he pays a lot of attention to Harry. Not in the stalkerish way, of course. He just gets worried about Harry a lot. "What happened with the Weasel anyway?"
Harry sighed, lucky he and Ron made up even if he is still a bit sad about it. "He's been mad at me," he says in a low tone, crossing his arms and looked to the floor, frowning a little. "He thought I put my name in the damn goblet."
Draco nodded and understood what Harry was getting at. Nearly everyone believed that Harry put his name in that goblet. How could he? Someone seventeen or older could only put their name in the goblet and he doesn't believe that Harry would ask an older person. That's stupid and he knows Harry's not stupid. "Ah, what else is on your list? The tournament is obvious. What did you mean by scar? What scar?" He looked puzzled.
Harry laughed and lifted his fringe up, showing the famous lightning bolt scar that everyone knows. If anyone didn't know his famous scar, then either they have been living under a rock their entire life. "You know, the scar? I'm sure you've noticed it."
Draco was still puzzled at how Harry's scar is causing him problems. "But what does it have to do with-?"
"It has been starting to hurt a bit," Harry said and let his hand fall to his side. " It's a mixture of stabbing and burning pains." He froze and just realized what he has said. At least he didn't admit what he does in the bathroom to numb him or what he goes through. "It's very distracting."
"It's been hurting?" Draco asked in disbelief and stared at Harry's forehead which now was covered up by his dark hair. The dark hair looks like a birds nest every day but there's something about it that he likes. It just so fluffy and he wants to thread his fingers through those messy locks. "How can a scar hurt? Why does it hurt?"
Harry shrugged. That's a question he's been asking himself for many years since it had started hurting. "I'm not sure, Draco," he said and deliberately tilted his head to view Draco in another light. "The next time I come across another person with a Killing Curse scar on their forehead, I'll make sure to ask him."
Draco chuckled at the sarcasm from Harry. It's just the way he said it and sounded. He actually found it pretty adorable. "So, you don't want to hex me for all the things I've said about you in the article?"
Harry shook his head, pulled his glasses down his nose, and looked over the rims with a flat gaze. "No, never," He told him and tried cleaning the lens of his glasses with the sleeves of his robe. He rarely cleans them as they don't fog up much. Blinking, he could only see blurs and as he looked up, he could only see a blur of whiteish-blonde. "I don't hex people unless I really need to."
Draco's heart fluttered in his chest as full green eyes looked into his own silver eyes and they sparkled. He grabbed Harry's glasses from him and cleaned them properly just by breathing on them and wiping them with the material of his inner robe. "Anyway," he said distractedly as he handed Harry back his glasses with a smile. "I could really use some of that potion we made earlier. I feel like a nap."
"You can have some if you want," Harry said and put his glasses back on. They were so much cleaner! Merlin... "Thank you for cleaning my glasses." He grabbed the glass vile with the clear liquid in it. "I'm also exhausted at walking from one side of the castle to the next."
"Yeah, Same," Draco says and he looks down at the vial in Harry's hand. He hesitates and bites his lip. "Pass me the vial, please?" he asks him sweetly, quickly runs a hand through his hair and extends out his arm to Harry.
Harry gave Draco the vial and watched him take off the cork. It was almost mesmerizing. "So, is there some other potion I would need to make just so you can wake up?"
Draco blushed at the thought of the potion which needs to have someone kiss you to wake the drinker of the potion up. He shook his head with a smile saying, "Not at all, " brought the vial to his lips and took a small sip. It took a few seconds until he suddenly yawned and laid down on the couch, resting his whole body on the couch and fell into a deep sleep.
Harry watched as Draco fell asleep. He looked so peaceful, happy, handsome, cute... Harry got up from where he was sitting on the couch, scooted closer to the sleeping Draco, and sat where there was a big enough gap beside Draco's waist. He reached over and carefully ran his hands through the blonde's hair from fringe to the back, feeling how silky and soft it was against his fingers. So soft! The Slytherin was so darn handsome, he could just melt right here.
He trailed a finger down Draco's face, from his forehead and snaked his way down to his lips. Those pink lips that look so inviting, soft and warm to Harry. Before he knew what he was consciously doing, he licked his lips and was leaning down slowly, closing his eyes and planted a soft, lingering kiss to Draco's lips. His lips were so damn soft and smooth, and Harry just wanted Draco to kiss him back. His heart was hammering against his chest, he felt warm all over, and there was a flutter within him that only intensified.
As he opened his eyes, he froze, his lips still connected to Draco's. That beautiful face was only inches away from his own. He blushed and quickly moved back out of the kiss. Cupping his hand over his mouth, he smiled as he had been wanting to do that for so long. What he really wanted, was having Draco kiss him back.
Harry wanted to distract his mind from the kiss, so he grabbed his wand and went over to the dresser which the cauldron was on. He swished his wand around the cauldron and cleaned it out for Draco. He didn't know if he should keep the bottle or not in case he would need it to sleep so he would get enough sleep and not wake up depressed in the morning. As soon as the cauldron was clean, he heard a groan and looked over at the Slytherin. "Rise and shine."
Draco sat up on the couch and looked over at Harry. That was... a nice sleep. It felt like he was out for hours, but was he? "How long was I asleep for?"
"Only a few minutes," Harry said and bit his lip, hoping Draco didn't feel anything while he was deep in his sleep. Though it would be nice if he did so he can get a reaction from him. "Do you remember anything after you fell asleep?"
Draco suddenly blushed and looked into Harry's green eyes, remembering a certain thing he dreamt of. No, but I dreamt of kissing you, he thought. He shook his head at the question. "No. I don't remember a thing except drinking the potion and falling asleep."
Harry nodded in relief and cast a quick "Tempus," showing it was close to the end of lunch. "I'm going to head back and find Ron and Hermione," he said and pressed his lips together, remembering the feel of Draco's lips under his. "I have something to tell them." He didn't really want to tell Draco about the Dragons in the Tournament because he just didn't want him to worry. However, something in his mind was telling him to tell Draco since he probably knows a lot about Dragons and such. Maybe some other time.
Draco looked down at the floor with disappointment and gave Harry a sad little smile. He didn't want this incredible hour to end. "Oh, alright," he says and heavily sighs, breaking eye contact. "See you, Harry." Harry smiled, waved goodbye and walked back out of the secret room.
Draco sighed. He noticed his lips were feeling a little funny but shook it aside for now. He couldn't help but think about the small dream he had. But, in his dream, he couldn't move or even kiss back, he just watched as Harry leant down and kissed him. He wished it were real, he'd always dream about it. Going out with Harry, snogging anywhere on the school grounds and hugging.
He got up and walked over to his cauldron ready to clean it but noticed it had already been cleaned. "Thanks, Harry," he whispered with a smile. He sighed again, packed everything up and made his way back to the Slytherin Dungeons to tell Ivy and Pansy about the day. But first, he had to take his belongings back to the boy's dorm room.
He found Blaise up in the boy's dormitory just meditating on his bed. In the past, he always wondered what the point to meditating was, and he now knows its use is to clear the mind and relax the body. It was an odd thing to do but helpful when there's an exam or test coming up.
Draco didn't disturb him as he knew Blaise wanted his peace. He quickly dumped his items in his trunk and headed back out of the dorm and to the common room. Ivy and Pansy were sitting at one of the rectangular study tables by one of the large windows which looked out into the Black Lake. "Good evening, Pansy, Ivy."
Ivy twisted around on her chair to look at her cousin and forcefully smiled. "Well, look who finally turns up," she says mockingly, and Pansy turns her head to look at him with her own smile. "Did you enjoy your lunch date with Harry Potter?" Pansy chuckles at the term Ivy used and got back to writing notes down for Charms.
A blush rose to Draco's cheeks, and he wished it were a lunch date even if lunch actually wasn't involved. "It wasn't a date, guys," he said as he sat down on one of the chairs on the other side of the table and sighed happily. "I was just helping him with potions which he actually did a good job on. It was a sleeping Potion. I'm glad Harry took the rest because it seems he needs a good sleep."
"Oh, so it was a study date?" Pansy asked him, smirking as she held her excitement in for her best friend. But it was exciting! Her best friend sort of had a study date with Harry Potter, the boy he has had the biggest crush on since forever!
Draco shook his head, the blush still showing on his face. Any date he would love to go on with Harry would be a dream. "It wasn't a date guys," he told them again and he stared dreamily at Pansy's book, thinking about Harry and the little dream he had. "When I took the potion, I did dream of Harry leaning down and kissing me. It felt so real though... I could feel his lips on mine like he actually was kissing me, but I couldn't kiss him back. I hate dreams at times."
Pansy and Ivy looked at each other, a little curious about this dream of Draco's. Then they smiled at looked back at him. "Tell me, Draco," said Ivy as she drummed her long black-painted nails on the table. "Which sleeping potion did you use, and have you eaten anything at all?" It just couldn't be... Even with an empty stomach, you can't get hallucinations or dreams when under sleeping potions. She knows this because she drinks them a few times every week.
"The dreamless sleeping potion, why?" Draco asked her and rested his elbow on the desk and leaned his chin on his hand. He sighed as he noticed a patch of black on Pansy's book and smiled at it. It wasn't as dark as Harry's hair, but it definitely made it harder to not get the thought of him out of his head.
Pansy started giggling and Ivy slapped her hand over her mouth in surprise, "DRACO!" They both said in utter surprise and excitement, making all the heads of their fellow Slytherin's around them look over at them. Ivy and Pansy didn't say anything else as the common room became silent. It took a few seconds for the chatter to start back up again in the common room so they could continue.
"Draco, can't you see what this means!" Pansy whispered with a wide grin and she just wanted to dance around the common room and sing what was in her head. Her best friend is so much in love! Oh, and Harry Potter too! This excited her so much.
"Honestly, Draco," said Ivy, disbelieving that her cousin could be so oblivious about this. Harry kissed him! She could scream it out to the world. Oh, she was so proud of Harry and excited for her cousin. "He kissed you god damnit! While you were sleeping. You drank a dreamless sleep potion, Draco. Think!"
Draco looked at them and realization hit him right in the face. A smile formed on his face, and he bit his lip as he looked down at his fingers. Was it true all along? It wasn't a dream at all. It was real! No wonder his lips felt funny after he woke up... Harry had kissed him! He couldn't get the thought from his head, and he kept smiling. "He kissed me," he whispered and pressed his lips together. "Pinch me I think I may really be dreaming."
Pansy smirked and pinched him hard on the arm with her nails. Draco yelped and rubbed at his arm, glaring at her. "What the hell was that for!?" he asked his best friend bitterly, but he knew what it was for. It wasn't a dream after all. His smile returned and he looked back down at his hands, wondering where Harry was right now.
Pansy started laughing joyfully at her best friend. "He's lovestruck, Ivy," she says softly and wraps her arms around the older girl's neck, so she can smirk at her best friend who's obviously thinking about a certain Gryffindor boy.
"Oh, I know he is," Ivy says with a cheeky smile while coming up with a plan to get these two together and actually kiss. Oh, she was getting so many ideas, but she had to choose the perfect one. "How does it feel, Draco? Tell us. What are you feeling right now?"
"I just feel like I've been kissed by Harry freaking Potter and didn't know it," Draco said in a dreamy tone of voice, and he had a beaming expression with glowing cheeks. He made the two girls beside him giggle at him for long seconds, but Draco didn't care. Harry had kissed him! Oh, how will he react when he sees Harry again in class?
"My goodness Draco," said Ivy as she tried to contain her giggles within her. She just loved hearing this from her cousin. It is all just beautiful, and she cannot wait until she sees Harry and Draco together. She will make this happen with Pansy. "Just ask him the hell out already! If he kissed you, then he likes you back."
Draco looked to his side and gave a yearning look at the entrance to the Slytherin common room and sighed. The thought of dating Harry just seems like a dream come true. But he could make it happen if he had the courage to go up to Harry and just ask him out. "But what if he was dared to kiss me?" he suggested, and a little frown appeared on his face.
Pansy couldn't believe her best friend and she groaned. "Draco!" she said and dropped her head to Ivy's shoulder, sighing as this just couldn't be happening. "He does like you back! Don't you know how many times I find him staring at you every day? It's like his eyes are glued to you! Don't forget that I catch you sneaking glances at him as well. Just ask him out! Remember the deal we made? I'll ask Granger out and you ask out Harry."
"Let's just head to class, Pansy," Draco says just to change the topic though thinking of Harry staring at him flooded him with warmth and a lovely fluttery feeling. He will ask Harry out soon. He promised it.
Pansy just sighed and got up from her seat. "Fine," she muttered, giving him a forced smile, and walked away to the girl's dormitories to get the required books for the next class.
Ivy watched her go and then looked back at her cousin, giving him an unimpressed look. "I'm a little disappointed right now but that will fade," she told him, sighing. "You best be off. I don't want you late to class."
Draco gave a little nod, understanding her disappointment in him. He didn't care though. He left her be and headed up to the 4th year boy's dormitory. Blaise was now getting his items ready for class, but Draco was very happy to let Blaise have his peace. He walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder and when his curly-haired Italian friend turned to him, he gave him a big hug. "Harry kissed me," he said in a whisper and smiled again. Merlin, his cheeks are starting to hurt now from all this smiling.
Blaise froze for a minute, realising he was being hugged by Draco. His friend rarely gives him hugs. "I'm so happy for you, Draco," he said and beams as he pats his friend on the back in the hug. What good news! "How was it? Was it exactly like you thought it would be like?"
"I'll tell you on the way to class," Draco says as he leans away from the hug and grabs his Charms book from on top of his trunk. He turns to his friend and grins. "Let's go!"
Harry went straight to Gryffindor common room to find Ron and Hermione to tell them about the task as he couldn't tell them during class. However, as he made it into his dorm, he found something strange but interesting. Dean and Seamus were snogging on Dean's bed. Bloody Hell! How didn't he see this coming? He saw these two holding hands at the Quidditch World cup, and he could see the looks they were giving each other.
Harry felt a blush forming on his cheeks and looked away to his bed and saw that there was an envelope on his bed. He quietly tiptoed across the room to try not to disturb the boys and their snogging session and tried to quietly grab the letter. He did grab the letter but then made a creaking noise in the floorboards and two people were staring up at him from one of their beds.
Seamus cleared his throat, knowing they had been found out. Only a few people know of their relationship, and it wasn't Harry. Only Neville knew. Dean moved on his bed, uncomfortable in the position he sat in. This was a little awkward. At least someone else found out about the relationship with Seamus that he has.
Harry looked up and saw the two boys who were snogging looking at him with sheepish smiles on their faces. "Um, hello!" he said and scratched the back of his head guiltily. Oh, what should he say? He walked in on them, not the other way around.
"Hi," Dean and Seamus chorused together and Harry chuckled awkwardly at them.
Harry smiled at the two boys so much in love and sighed at them. This was nice to hear and see. Real teenage lovers. "Your secret is safe with me," he assured them. "By the way, you guys are cute together," he said honestly with a smile.
A blush rose up Seamus' face to his cheeks and he smiled at his fellow Gryffindor. "Thanks, Harry." Dean shyly nodded his thanks.
"No problem, you can continue... uh, snogging," Harry said to them and then quickly looked back at the letter, opened it, and read the letter from Sirius.
I'm glad to know the school year has started okay. With the tournament, all I can say is keep a close eye on your surroundings. There could be a possibility that someone purposefully put your name in the goblet. I'm sorry about Ron, he will make it up to you soon. You really should tell Ron about your sexuality; it means that you trust him enough and they will be so proud to know you trust them. Knowing Hermione, she'll know who your crush is in a blink of an eye. It's why she's known as 'The brightest witch of her age'. So, this boy's in Slytherin? He must be a pureblood then unless he's a muggle-born or half-blood? Whiteish blonde hair and pale skin? That sounds quite familiar if I do say so myself. Does this mysterious boy also have irises the colour of Silver? If I'm not mistaken, this boy sounds a lot like my cousin Narcissa and her husband Lucius's son. Not to sound rude or anything but this guessing game sucked, you should try harder next time Harry. If you're wondering how I feel about this, know that I'm not mad. I'm really surprised, Harry. I'm glad you told me this, even if I do hate Lucius. I've always suspected that Lucius was on the side of Lord Voldemort, which I'm not too happy about. With Draco, you can lure him into the good side. Best luck in getting your man!
Harry smiled; surprised at how well Sirius can take things. He knew he should have made the guessing game harder for his godfather. But at least Sirius supports him with liking guys and most importantly, liking Draco Malfoy.
Seamus and Dean had continued snogging on Dean's bed since Harry had started reading the letter. Harry rolled his eyes at the adorable couple and grabbed some parchment to write a reply to Sirius.
Dear Sirius,
I'll make sure to keep an eye out, thank you. Who would possibly put my name in the goblet of fire? Last I heard was that I am famous, and people adore me, which I really hate. I promise to tell Ron about my sexuality soon, I just need some time. Yeah, you guessed right. I do have a love interest in Draco Malfoy. Thanks for telling me about how bad I am at guessing games, by the way.
I'm pretty sure Draco is already on our side, he's much nicer this year than ever. Honestly, I could go on and on about Draco. We nearly actually kissed in class, and it was potions with Snape. Imagine Snape seeing two rivals kissing in his classroom? Ahahaha! I'd love to see the look on his face. Anyway, I have some information about the first task. It's Dragons! I saw these Dragons with my own eyes in the Forbidden Forest. I even saw Ron's brother Charlie there. He and his crew were handling the dragons. It was scary! I don't know what I should do for the task. Know any spells or something? Potions? Can't wait to hear back from you!
Harry put the parchment in an envelope, sealed it and made his way down to the Owlery for Hedwig to deliver. After delivering the mail and watching Hedwig fly off into the blue skies, he made his way down the Owl Tower. He looked down below at the cliff the Owlery was built on and cleared his throat, noticing how far it goes down. He had a sudden thought of jumping off the Owlery Tower into the cliff below. It wasn't a nice thought. He pictured the scene in his head very clearly and it wasn't pretty. It was very bloody. The trip to Charms class was depressing as he kept thinking of ways he could kill himself at Hogwarts.
He entered the Charms classroom and saw an empty seat next to Draco, but also an empty seat next to Ron. He didn't know where to sit because he was become great friends with Draco but also back to friends with Ron, so he decided to just sit next to Ron. Sorry Draco. He hopes the Slytherin understands.
As everyone sat down in their chosen seats around the classroom, the tiny professor got up on his desk and welcomed all his pupils. "Good afternoon, everyone."
"Good afternoon, Professor Flitwick," was chorused around the room.
"Today, we'll be going outside to use this next charm," the tiny professor said in a squeaky tone. "So, all you need is your wand and follow me. Everyone out into the courtyard!"
Everyone got to their feet and walked out of the classroom and down many flights of stairs into the open area of the Transfigurations courtyard. Harry watched as Draco was talking to Pansy about something. He couldn't help but remember how soft Draco's lips were as he kissed them, how adorable he looked as he slept, his cute dimples as he smiled and his soft silky hair. Draco's just so much like an angel, a gorgeous angel who fell from heaven and who's now a hot Slytherin mess. He forgot he was staring at Draco as Pansy tapped Draco on the shoulder and pointed at Harry. Draco winked at Harry which of course made Harry blush and look away instantly. God damn Draco and his charms.
Professor Flitwick made his way over to a large rock, climbed on top of it and muttered, "Sonorus." He looked down at his chattering students and sighed. "Attention students!" he flinched at how loud his voice became. All the class students turned to look at him. "As I now have your attention, who can tell me what the charm Ascendio is?"
Hermione raised her hand straight up into the arm like she always does when she knows something. Harry wondered if Hermione was like this when she went to muggle primary school.
The professor looked at the only person with their hand up and smiled, "Miss Granger?"
Hermione lowered her hand. "Ascendio is a charm used to lift the caster high into the air," she said proudly and just wanted to test it out on somebody as she scanned the students. Oh, she'll do that sometime.
The professor nodded at her excellent description. "Well done, Miss Granger," he squeaked happily. "20 points to Gryffindor! Now, go and get a partner and practice the charm, and don't worry, when you land, it won't hurt."
Harry sighed in relief; he didn't want anything else to hurt except the pain he felt deep within him. That's the only pain he has actually, unless he hurts himself either as an accident or by cutting. He didn't even realize someone stood next to him as he stood staring at the ground.
Draco stood next to Harry with a nervous smile, remembering what happened during lunch earlier today. Merlin's Beard he won't forget about this day at all, but he must focus. Class was a time for learning, not daydreaming about your crush actually kissing you. "Want to be partners?"
Harry looked up at the Slytherin and forced a smile. "Sure!" he said and tried not to sound depressed as he was feeling a little down. But now since the Slytherin is with him, he actually feels a little better. It's kind of like a magnet pulling out the negative energy and thoughts from him and flooding him with positive thoughts and feelings.
Draco wasn't dumb. He could see the sadness and emptiness in Harry's eyes. So empty like there is nothing there, just blank eyes with no emotions. He hoped it didn't have anything to do with him though he doesn't remember doing anything. He placed a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder and gave him a charming but worried smile. "Are you feeling well, Potter?"
Harry looked into the Slytherin's silvery eyes which always made his heart hammer against his chest and gave him the biggest fake smile he could, which wasn't very big. "Yeah, I'm fine," he says flatly. God, he hates lying to Draco, his friend. Best friend. But he must. He doesn't want Draco to find out how much of a freak he is.
Draco didn't believe it. After spending loads of time with this amazing young man, and being secretly kissed by him, he knows when Harry's lying and isn't okay. "Alright then," he said and closely watched Harry's expression which looked so down. It scared him a little. "But you know you can talk to me about anything."
Harry nodded and looked down at the ground. He just doesn't want anybody to find out about what he goes through. "I know," he says, and he jams his hands in his pockets, still avoiding eye contact. "Thank you, Draco."
Draco gave Harry a reassuring smile and lightly squeezed his shoulder. "It's no problem, no problem at all," he told him softly. "I'll always be here for you, Harry." He sighed as he knew they still were in class and had work to do. "Let's practice this charm."
Harry nodded and followed Draco into a clearing. They stepped five meters away from each other, turned around to face them, bowed, and got into their duelling position. "Ascendio!" Harry shouted first. A white stream of magic flew out of Harry's wand directly at Draco, hitting the blonde and sending him rocketing upwards into the sky. Harry watched in amazement as Draco flew up and back down. Before Draco touched the ground, Harry pointed his wand at Draco and shouted "Immobulus!" Draco started to slow down in mid-air as he came back down to the ground. Harry just didn't trust the Ascendio spell to send Draco carefully back down to the ground, he didn't want anything happening to this amazing handsome blonde Slytherin.
As soon as Draco was back on the ground safely, he pointed his wand at Harry and shouted "Ascendio!" Harry quickly ducked down, the spell missed him by inches.
Draco sighed and sent the spell at Harry again, "Ascendio!" Harry yet again ducked away from the spell and cast an "Anteoculatia!" at Draco. Harry watched as Elk antlers grew from Draco's head and he laughed at how adorable Draco looked.
Draco knew the spell Harry just cast at him, the forest green familiar light that came with it. He cast a silent "Fumos," creating a cloud of smoke from the tip of his wand. The cloud of smoke grew darker and darker around him until Harry couldn't see Draco anymore. The smoke surrounded Harry, making this easy for Draco.
Draco could only see through the smoke, he watched Harry from the side and silently crept up behind him. He quickly wrapped his arms around Harry's back in a hug and whispered into his ear, "I win."
Harry laughed and turned around, giving Draco a proper hug. "Fine, you win," he said and let his chin rest on Draco's shoulder. The scent of Vanilla caught his attention and he melted in the embrace. This is who he wants in his life and not just as a friend. He wants Draco as someone to kiss good morning, hug, kiss in the hallways, cuddle with, and have fun with.
The smoke around the two boys evaporated. Harry leaned out of the embrace with Draco, enough so he could look up into Draco's silver eyes and Draco stared back into Emerald green eyes. Harry studied Draco, liking what he saw. The whiteish blonde hair that is so soft and silky, long blonde eyelashes, the beautiful silver pools with hints of light blue, the adorable nose, the pink soft inviting lips that Harry just wants to kiss again, the sharp cheek and jawbones.
Draco also studied Harry too. The messy raven hair that looks undeniably soft and sexy, the beautiful sparkling emerald green eyes, the thin porcelain lips that look so kissable and soft... He couldn't believe those perfect lips kissed him only today. They realized they were staring at each other so they both blushed and looked away.
Pansy saw the two lovebirds hug and stare at each other lovingly, even if they both didn't see it. She walked up to the two boys and poked Draco on the arm, smirking. Draco and Harry looked at the Slytherin girl and broke out of the hug quickly with blushes on their faces.
Pansy had a knowing smile on her face, and it annoyed the hell out of Harry because it just reminded him of Hermione's annoying knowing smile. "Well, I'll be," she said and placed her hands on her hips. "I didn't expect to see two of you hugging in public." She then smirked. "What's next? Snogging?"
Draco smiled at the thought of kissing Harry, really kissing him mouth-to-mouth with passion and love. "Funny," he said when remembering Harry's muggle-born friend saying something similar to that. "Granger said the exact same thing earlier when she caught us hugging."
Harry nodded; remembering hugging Draco for the first time and how cuddly and warm the hug was. That was until Hermione had to appear and ruin everything. He feels glad that she knows though. The more people the better.
Pansy sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, wishing she were the first to find the boys hugging and not Granger. But she did wish to hug Granger, just to see what she's like. "Well, I'm sorry to have to break up the hug between you guys but Draco and I need to go."
Draco wondered why he suddenly needed to go with her. Is there a logical reason for him to go? "Alright, Fine," He said a little irritably towards her. He looked into those emerald green eyes and smiled softly. "Goodbye, Harry. I'll see you soon!"
Harry nodded. He wished Draco didn't have to go for whatever reason it was. "Goodbye Draco and Pansy." He gave them both a little wave, but it was mainly for Draco. He wants to get to know Draco's friends a little better. As the two Slytherins left, he looked to the ground where he saw a small worm wriggling across the dirt. He then had an idea for him and Draco to do. "Wait!"
Draco turned back around, raising an eyebrow at what Harry wanted to say. He was glad Harry had something to say so he didn't have to leave so quickly. "Yes, Harry?" he asked his favourite Gryffindor, giving him his charming smile.
Harry bit his lip and looked back up at Draco, hoping he didn't stutter at what he was about to say. "Did you want to go flying with me sometime?" he asked a little quickly. It sounded like a good idea in his head. He just hoped Draco would accept the request.
Draco smiled at this interesting offer and nodded. It sure sounds like fun since he would be with Harry, alone together, like they were on a date. "Certainly!" he says stirringly. "I'd like that. When exactly is this?"
Pansy tried to hold down a squeal and she covered her mouth just in time. Her best friend got asked out! Oh, how exciting! But the way Harry asked him was kind of lame. Couldn't he ask to just get a butterbeer with him? That would be easier.
Harry shrugged and stared into pools of silver which maintained a sparkle in them. He hoped the weather would be nice when they go on that flight. No storms or thunderstorms for him, please. "I'm not too sure when it will be but I'll owl you the details."
"Okay," said Draco calmly, hiding his excitement. He had the desire to start running to the Slytherin common room and whooping with joy but he'll keep that to himself until he arrives in the dorm room. "It's a date!" He hesitated and blushed as he realized what he just said. 'It's a date'. The thought was exhilarating!
Pansy giggled quietly to herself and whispered into Draco's ear, "It sure sounds like a date." She loved teasing her friends. It is the best thing she can and likes to do. But she knows when to stop when it gets over the top.
"Shut up!" Draco hissed to Pansy. He didn't want Harry to hear what she said. Some things she says are irrelevant to conversations and topics. She just liked butting in on conversations. It's what she does best.
Pansy waved goodbye to Harry, wanting to have a friendly little chat to Draco about what she saw. "Bye, Potter," she called and then turned away, grabbed Draco's arm, and pulled him out of the courtyard.
Harry watched the two Slytherins leave, 'It's a date' stuck in his head. His intention wasn't to ask Draco out for a date, although that thought always gave him butterflies and made him blush. He wished it were a date, but he didn't think that flying on brooms 40 feet in the air would be classified as a date. He sighed and headed back into the corridors to retrieve his schoolbooks and quills from the Charms classroom.
"Ron! Watch your mouth," Hermione warned him with an annoyed look. She couldn't believe the language she was hearing and at age 14! Who does he think he is?
"I'm sorry!" Ron spat as he tried freeing his arm from the book's pages that seemed to bite whenever he got too close. They're bloody annoying and he just wants to stupefy them! He's just scared Madam Pince might come out of somewhere and slap him across the head with a book. "It's not my fault these books bite."
Hermione rolled her eyes at him and got back to reading her book called 'The Maze Runner' for the tenth time. The book is that good she would read it over and over again.
Harry then walked into the library, scanning the room, and seeing the familiar bickering of his two best friends. He couldn't help but smile, seeing those two bickering always made something in him lighten up. "Hey guys."
"Hello, Harry," Hermione replied with a warm smile and she looked up at him from her book. She bookmarked the page in case there was something he needed to tell her and Ron. There is always something he needs to tell actually.
"What did Hagrid talk to you about when we last saw him?" Ron asked his best mate, and his expression became a little curious at the thought of what they could have been talking about. A lot of what Hagrid says is interesting even down to just looking after a Skrewt.
"Oh, he showed me caged dragons," said Harry and had to look at what his friends had been doing while he was gone. Hermione seemed to be reading some muggle book Harry knows of and Ron, he guesses, was trying to do homework. "I think they have something to do with the first task."
"What, Dragons!" Hermione spat in disbelief. This was just illegal. 17- and 14-year-olds shouldn't be allowed to take on Dragons at all. They are not allowed to do this at all! "That's barbaric! They can't use actual dragons for a task!"
"Well, apparently they can," Harry said with a sigh, falling into a chair next to Ron. He remembered seeing the four dragons trapped in the cages and how pissed they looked. He wants nothing to do with those dragons ever even if it's his last day on Earth. The only dragon he wants in his life goes by the name of Draco Malfoy.
"Bloody Hell!" Ron said and sounded a little intrigued about the task Harry could have to face but also a little worried. He's really worried for his best mate because if dragons really are a part of the task, he may not see his best mate at all after the first task. "Do you know what kind of Dragons they are?"
"No, but Hagrid did say something about a Hungarian Horntail," Harry said hesitantly, not knowing what a Hungarian Horntail was, but it sounded immensely horrific. Just the name 'Horntail', he knew wouldn't be pleasant like all kittens and puppies.
"That's even worse!" Hermione yelled across the table at them and stood up. She made the heads of students all around them in the library look her way. She flushed lightly and sank back into her chair, grabbing her book and hiding her face in it so she wasn't seen much.
"Anyway, how is Harry supposed to beat a dragon?" Ron asked keenly, looking from Harry to Hermione curiously. He smiled at the flushed Hermione Granger sitting across from him, her face still buried in her book. "Or whatever he is supposed to do with a dragon."
"I'm not sure exactly," Harry said with a little shrug. All he knows from legends is defeating Dragons with a sword, which he does kind of have. The sword of Gryffindor. But he doesn't want to kill the dragon. It's a rare mythical being that he didn't even believe was real a few years ago. "I did ask Padfoot about it, I sent him a letter earlier."
"Harry, you're supposed to ask these things about the task," Hermione said, hitting Harry with a book. She saw a slight grimace from her friend and wasn't even sorry for it. Her friend must get his buttocks up and find out more about dragons. "Who knows how long it'd take Sirius to reply back!"
Harry grimaced at the pain Hermione gave him from a simple book. "I know, I just didn't feel like it," he said torpidly, and he really had no plans on asking any professors about dragons or even Hagrid. He would know some stuff about Dragons, but he would rather do this the hard way. "I was too busy running away from Hagrid who was flirting with the Headmistress of Beauxbatons."
"Blimey!" said Ron in surprise and his mouth fell open, and he was a little disgusted at that thought. "So that's why Hagrid's always dressed at his best. Well, the best he can look," he added with a slight scoff.
Hermione hit Ron with the same book she hit Harry with. She actually found it a little sweet that Hagrid's trying to impress the Headmistress of Beauxbatons. The man's clearly in love with her, so of course, she gives him his best wishes.
"Oww!" Ron hissed and began rubbing at his arm which was sore all because of his best friend. "What the bloody hell was that for!" She can be a bit harsh at times, but he knows it is only because either he or Harry did something wrong. He understands that.
"Oh, shut it..." Hermione spat at them, and her glares turned soft. They needed to do research on Dragons and fast before the tournament. "Anyway, we need to clearly do some research on Dragons."
"Yeah, but where are the books on Dragons?" Ron asked them, looking at Hermione as he knew she would know where every book in the library was kept. She probably knows the library from back to front.
Hermione rolled her eyes at him and got up from her seat. She began searching the bookshelf isles of the library until she found the 'D' section. Harry and Ron followed close behind her as the thought of getting lost in the library was possible. "It should be around here..." she says as she almost glided down the aisle. "-Ah yes, here. Oh... That's sad, there are only 2 books on Dragons."
Ron raised an eyebrow at his bushy-haired friend, not knowing why she would be sad that there's only two books about Dragons. One book is enough. "What's sad about that?"
Hermione gave Ron a pinched expression, a little annoyed at him for even thinking that it wouldn't be sad if there were only two books about Dragons when they needed at least five to be able to help Harry as much as they could.
Harry rolled his eyes at his friends. Sometimes he sees his friends as an old married couple who bicker at least three times a day. "C'mon guys, we need to research everything we can about Dragons. I don't want to be burnt to a crisp!" Hermione and Ron frowned at the thought Harry gave them.
With that, the trio began reading. All they could find were how to take care of a Dragon from the egg, to the toddler, to the adult and how to train them to do tricks. None of these books had anything about how to handle or chase Dragons away, which is what Harry would need for the first task.
"This is hopeless!" Hermione mumbles to the chapter she was reading about baby dragons and what they eat. Nothing at all told her how to lead Dragons away or to fight them. Where are the stunning spells and jinxes Harry could use?
"My brain hurts!" Ron whined, laying his head on the book in front of him he had been reading. Nothing in these books can help Harry at all. Just once he wishes a book could give him useful answers instead of boring stuff they have to learn.
"I'm exhausted," Harry said and his eyelids felt quite heavy. He could fall asleep here actually. His head droops, and he supports it with a hand. He was just staring down at the page in his book and feeling like he could drift off into sleep in only minutes.
Hermione rolled his eyes at her two friends, knowing they didn't do much research and only complained. "You guys didn't even do much!" she exclaimed, lips pressing into a white slash. "I've read both of these two books while you two were zoning out!"
"Hey!" Ron said with a clenched jaw, a little annoyed at her for not seeing that he and Harry did help her. He did read nearly the entire book which was a lot to him. "We helped, a bit."
Hermione raised an eyebrow at her friend who believes half a book is a lot. "By a bit, you mean half of a book," she drawled at him while fidgeting with the bottom flap of the page.
"We should go, it's nearly dinner," Harry said just to change the topic. But the person he needed to talk to was Cedric. He just couldn't leave the Hufflepuff to die in the first task. That wouldn't be very fair at all.
Hermione checked the time on her Muggle watch and nodded, seeing as it's nearly time to go to dinner. "True, let's go!"
Ron sighed in relief, muttering a "Finally." It was his favourite time of day: food time.
Harry walked out of the library and he'd thought Cedric would be there studying or doing homework, but he wasn't. Across the courtyard, he spotted Cedric walking with a group of Hufflepuffs. It was the first time he'd seen him, but he needed to talk to him alone. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Cedric's book bag and said "Diffindo."
The bottom of Cedric's bag fell out, dropping all of his books and parchment on the ground. Harry heard Cedric tell his friends that he would catch up and he bent down to pick up his belongings. Harry hurried over to help him pick up everything. "Hey, Cedric. Sorry, that was me," Harry said and pointed at the bag, "I needed to talk to you alone."
Cedric turned around and sighed at the younger male in Gryffindor's robes. "Yeah?" he asked softly, pondering what he needed. What he doesn't want is more lies. "Is everything alright, Harry?"
"I- uh... I wanted to talk to you," Harry said quickly and tried his best to think about how he was going to say this. "It's about the first task." It is an important topic that must be discussed with this Hufflepuff and he just hoped Cedric would believe him. It's really hard on him if people don't believe what he says. He would feel worthless and untrustworthy.
Cedric nodded, gesturing to Harry that he has his attention. The look on Harry's face told him that it must be an important topic. "Why?" he asked, sounding a little concerned and he stilled himself just to better observe the topic. "What is it?"
"Dragons, Cedric!" Harry exclaimed and leaned closer a little just so if there were students around, they wouldn't hear him. "The task is Dragons."
Cedric looked at Harry in disbelief and rubbed at his arms absently. "Are you positively sure?" he asked the Gryffindor carefully, his mouth slackening a little. Dragons? Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore said nothing about there being Dragons for any kind of task.
Harry nodded, and he couldn't believe it himself. The Dragons were there in the Forbidden Forest when Hagrid showed them to him. Big, fierce, fire-breathing Dragons. "Yeah, I saw them."
"You saw the Dragons?" Cedric asked, and he looked rather impressed with the fact that Harry got to see them. "But what kind of Dragons were there?" All Dragons are a little different to what he knows, and it seems he's going to have to find more information about them.
"Yeah," said Harry with a strong decisive nod and unwavering eye contact with the Hufflepuff bloke. He remembers having to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming or anything. But the fire that came out of that Dragon's mouth definitely wasn't a trick of the light. It was real, scorching fire. "I couldn't see what kind they all were though."
"Oh," Cedric said, still not buying it and Harry frowned at him knowing he couldn't do anything to make the Hufflepuff believe him. There was a sudden moment of silence before Cedric broke it. "So, Harry?"
"Yeah?" Harry asked hesitantly and had a sudden inward, pained look on his face. He knew Cedric didn't believe him and oh, how worthless he felt. He jammed his hands into his pockets to keep them hidden, and he looked down to the ground below him.
"Did you put your name in the goblet?" Cedric asked him and raised his eyebrows a little. It still was hard to believe what Harry was telling him. But why would there be Dragons in this task? From the books he has read about the Tri-Wizard tournament there was never any Dragons included in it.
Of course, the question Harry least liked to hear. Why the hell aren't people believing him with this? "No, Cedric. I did not put my name in the Goblet, I couldn't," he said with a slow shake of his head. "I'm not 17 and I'd never ask someone older to put my name in the Goblet either. That's just silly. You literally don't know how many people have asked me that question and how many of them I have answered and ignored."
Cedric felt a little guilty as he hadn't believed Harry at all, but now that Harry had reason as to why he wouldn't put his name in the Goblet, he believed him. "I believe you, Harry," he assured him. "Is there anything else you wanted to ask or talk to me about?"
A blush formed on Harry's face as he remembered kissing Draco while he was under the sleeping spell. The conversation he had with Cedric a couple of weeks ago also appeared in his mind. "Actually yes, who are you taking to the Yule Ball?"
Cedric chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Harry, I-"
Harry knew what Cedric was going to say and shook his head. He didn't want to ask him, but a certain blonde Slytherin. "No, I don't want to ask you," he said and gave a smile at that thought. "I just want some help... or something."
Cedric nodded slightly at the sudden offer. The thought of walking into the Yule Ball by Harry's side was a little funny, especially when he had a boyfriend. "What kind of help do you need?"
Harry bit his lip, thinking about what he was going to say. Of course, he had just one person who he wanted to take to the Yule Ball but doesn't know if Draco wants that. He knows Draco doesn't want his father hearing about this friendship he has with Draco, and Harry gets that. "I'm not sure who to take, got any ideas?"
"Well, I am asking Cho, and we're just going as friends," Cedric says and gives a one shouldered shrug at Harry. "Joshua will be in Paris as his mother had some kind of arrangement for him with the job he wants. Who do you have in mind?"
Harry looked to the floor and smiled. A certain blonde Slytherin popped into his mind. The thought of Draco just never leaves his mind actually. He's glued to the front of his mind, and it always makes a fluttery feeling intensify whenever he sees him.
Cedric smiled and nodded, knowing exactly who Harry was thinking of. A Draco Malfoy if he's not mistaken. "Ah, should have known," he said at the lovestruck Harry Potter. "Honestly, Harry, just asks him. I know it's hard and nerve-wracking, but you just say it and get it over with."
Harry nodded; he was thankful he had Cedric as a friend. Well, he was glad to have him back as a friend. "What if I don't ask him in time?" he asked quickly. The thought of missing out on the opportunity was saddening, and if Draco went with a girl it just angered something within him.
Cedric sighed at what Harry told him. He would feel sorry for Harry then. "Then just ask Ron or some guys in your house," he suggested simply, knowing there were many guys Harry could ask. The person he wanted to see Harry linked arms with at the ball was Draco. "Like the Weasley twins, they seem nice. Or... some other guys such as Neville or ask a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff guy. How about Blaise Zabini? He seems nice and isn't too bad looking at all."
Harry hadn't really thought about asking any guys except Draco to the Yule Ball at all. "Uh... if I don't get the time to ask Draco then I'll just ask Ron or the twins then."
"Alright then," Cedric said in a light voice and an upturned happy face. Then he raised an eyebrow, wondering if Harry had something else to say. "Is that all you want to ask?"
"Yes, that's all I actually wanted to say," said Harry with a quick nod. He felt like Cedric was becoming a little suspicious about his friendship with Draco which he wouldn't mind talking about, but he knows it can become rather...embarrassing. "See you, Cedric!" He waved goodbye and jogged up to the Grand Staircase to avoid an embarrassing conversation about him liking Draco and what he'd probably been doing with the blonde.
"Alright, bye Harry," Cedric yelled back with his hands over his mouth so Harry could hear him. He was actually going to tell Harry about a certain blonde Slytherin's feelings towards him but left it for some other time.
Harry proceeded to the Great Hall for dinner since he was feeling a little hungry. It was finally the end of the week, no classes, no extra homework but most importantly, more time to hang with Draco. He still had the thought of being inside the secret library room with a sleeping Draco and kissing him. He wondered what could have happened if Draco woke up as he kissed him.
Could Draco have shoved him off and ended the friendship? Harry frowned at the thought of losing a best friend, of losing Draco. It'll kill him, literally. Could Draco have kissed back? How would it feel? Those soft warm lips on his own sent pleasurable shivers down his spine.
"Hey, Harry!" It was Hermione who already was eating her Yorkshire puddings. Harry gave her a little smile and sat down next to Ron who was already munching his chicken. "How was your talk with Cedric?"
"Oh, it was fine," said Harry and started dishing himself up some roast chicken and roasted vegetables. He feels like he needs to eat a few vegetables and protein just so his body can try digesting it. "I talked to him about the task, the Dragons, and a few other things..."
"A few other things" Hermione repeated, sounding a little curious and she brought her fork down to her plate. She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms over the table, now interested in what her friend has to say. "What kind of things, Harry?"
Harry smiles and looked up at the Slytherin table, directly towards Draco Malfoy who was staring back at him. He smiles at the blonde Slytherin, noticing that pink tinge in the blonde's cheeks which he loved seeing appear on those pale cheeks.
Draco smiles back and looks down at his potato salad, moving it around on his fork as he knows about the kiss Harry gave him while he was asleep.
"Oh," said Hermione with a knowing smile, one of those annoying smiles Harry dislikes. Ron hates them too, but he rarely gets them from her. "So, it has something to do with Draco Malfoy, doesn't it?" She knows Ron wouldn't be listening as he's too caught up in stuffing his face with food. "You know Harry... I believe he likes you back. Whenever you look at him, we both notice that he's staring back at you with what I call a blush on his face. He's always caught red-handed or should I say red in the face."
Harry groans and dumps his head down into his mashed potatoes, groaning again as he now has a mash potato forehead. "Remind me again why I'm alive?" he asked as he began to hear laughter all around him. Now he feels embarrassed at what he had just done.
Ron snorted at his best mate and grabbed a few napkins; Hermione did the same. "Harry, what the bloody hell are you doing?"
"Hating life," Harry muttered but loud enough for his friends to hear. He slowly peeled his forehead off his plate, Ron and Hermione already got to the job of cleaning his face up. "Thanks, guys..." He looked around the table and saw Seamus Neville, Ginny, Dean, and the twins all laughing at him. How embarrassing! Looking at the Slytherin table, he started blushing as he noticed Draco smiling goofily at him, and Ivy and Pansy giggling towards his direction. He didn't care that the girls were laughing at him, it was Draco who made everything worse. Draco had seen him embarrass himself. Kill me now, he was thinking as his chin dipped when looking back down at the food he was going to eat. He wasn't really hungry anymore now, but he would at least eat some vegetables.
"Oh, Harry," Hermione says softly with a genuine smile. She could feel his embarrassment and tried her best to get the mashed potatoes off his face and out of his hair. She actually had to use a "Scourgify!" to get rid of the rest of the potato from his forehead and hair.
"Thanks again, guys," Harry says quietly, and he swallows as the laughter dies down. He looks over at Draco who he catches again looking at him. He doesn't even mind the glances. He loves them. The Slytherin mouths an 'Are you okay' to him, and Harry nods with a little smile. How embarrassing this dinner has been for him doesn't even beet the humiliation he felt when Dumbledore called out his name from the Tri-wizard Cup. Merlin, save him now.
When your cat walks over your laptop or rubs its face near the X button; so much anxiety :>
Me: "No! Stop! Don't do it! No! Don't you dare press it! I've been working so ha-"
Cat: *accidentally presses X button and deletes everything - unless it was on purpose*
Me: "Why!"
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