Promises and Truths
A plant that sees into people's minds. Unfortunately, it's seeing in Harry's mind: "Nice butt, Blondie!"
Harry: *In his mind after staring at Draco's ass: Oh shite!*
Draco: *Hears the voice is coming from somewhere near Potter. Turns to face him. He'd smirk.* "Well, well, well. Who do we have here? Say, plant. What else has Potter been thinking?"
Harry: *Gulps*
Plant: "He thinks you're such an insufferable git but has a nice ass. He's been wanting to snog you since you met, he's been wanting to blow-"
Harry: "Covers plant's mouth with hand so it won't say anything else* "Uh-..."
Draco: *Raises an eyebrow at Potter* "Oh really? Well, tell Potter to meet me at Honeydukes this Saturday and to not invite his friends." He kissed Potter on the cheek, winked at him and walked off.
Harry: *He felt a blush rise form his cheeks* *mind: Did he just... ask the plant to ask me out?*
Plant: *Reads Harry's mind* "He totally did! He said to me to tell you that you have a date with him at Honeydukes on Saturday, and to not bring your friends!"
Harry: *Drops plant as he doesn't need it anymore and doesn't want it.* Who knows what else the plant could say to him or someone else.
Plant: "Oww!"
Harry: "I've got to find something to wear..."
Harry woke up feeling exhausted after waking up from another nightmare about the Graveyard. He felt like his body had just run miles whilst he was sleeping. Harry always kept his curtains down, around him, as he slept. It had always felt safe to him like nothing could get him.
Harry noticed that Ron was sitting up on his bed with his arms hugging his legs. He wished he could sleep like that, so peacefully. "Your awake," Ron said in a sleepy tone and rubbed at his eyes.
"Just woke up," Harry lied since he was up all night. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and feeling a familiar burning sensation from his left arm. He tried to ignore the pain, but it was too powerful. He felt numb, the good numb, the emotionless numb from his cuts. He sluggishly grabbed his glasses from the bedside table and put them on.
"So, did you put your name in the Goblet?" Ron asked critically, staring at Harry for an honest reply. All he wanted was honesty from his best mate and no silly bias.
"Nobody can get passed Dumbledore's age line, Ron, not unless they're 17 or older," Harry said tiredly, resting his head on his knees. He was tired of having to answer the same question repeatedly, especially if it was something he didn't do.
"Well, you've gotten past it," Ron drawled. "How?" He looked back down at his bedsheets, not believing that his best mate could get past the age line, but he somehow did. He just wanted to find out how. Doesn't he know the Tournaments are bloody dangerous? Even he wouldn't do such a thing.
"I told you, I didn't put my name in that damn goblet!" Harry spat out to him but in a quiet voice, so he didn't wake the others. Now he was getting annoyed with his 'friend' if he could call him that now. He scratched at his arm, feeling the relief of the pain once again. "I was here all afternoon as I came back from dinner. So, please, come off it!"
Ron kept buggering Harry and asked him how he got passed Dumbledore's age line. Harry had enough of this and wanted to jump of the Astronomy Tower. He got up, got dressed, and headed down to the Common Room. He knew that people would stare at him if he went to breakfast like they always do, so he decided to skip and head straight to Divination. It was a fair distance away from Gryffindor Tower so he could easily get there in time.
As Harry entered through a corridor, he was so deep in thought that he didn't see the other person coming around the corner and accidentally bumped into that person. He thought he'd just bounce off the individual but no, he fell down onto the floor with the person underneath him. He took a sharp intake of breath as soon as he knew who that person was.
Those shining silver eyes staring right back at him, he could feel the boy's hot breath on his own face. Although, as Harry stared into those pools of silver, he couldn't help but see just the slightest hint of blue. It was the colour of the blue sky during the day, Harry's favourite shade of blue. He could feel his cheeks starting to redden as he just bumped into Draco Malfoy, his crush. The Slytherin's face is so close to his own, their noses slightly touching, he could just easily lean in...
Harry's eyes trailed up to the blonde's perfect styled hair which he just wanted to touch again. His eyes then travelled down to the blonde's pink lips which looked very welcoming, soft, and warm. The sound of Draco clearing his throat made Harry snap out of the gaze he was in. He just realized that he was just checking out Draco Malfoy in front of him.
Harry looked back up into Draco's stunning silvery eyes again, and a flush crept up his face. "Sorry, Draco," he muttered, and he cleared his throat. This just couldn't be happening. He was supposed to be on his way to class and not bump into the hottest guy in school. Well, he knows others don't fawn over Draco like he does. Not even any girls. As far as he knows.
Draco could feel his own cheeks redden at the sight of Harry Potter, who he knew was just checking him out. "No, I'm sorry," he said on a soft tone of voice, and he smiled at him. "I was rushing and wasn't looking where I was going."
Harry had to agree with Draco there as they both seemed to be deep in thought before they crashed into one another. "Yeah, neither was I," he replied with a small, returned smile.
Draco still found it adorable that Harry had checked him out as it reminded him of the third year, except he was doing the checking out. He loves that smile, those perfect lips, that black hair, no matter how messy it is but it always seems to be hotter every day and Draco just want to run his fingers through it. Those beautiful Emerald green eyes as well. You're beautiful, Harry James Potter and I wish I could tell you that, he thought dreamily. He bit his lip as he had been staring at Harry's lips which he wished he could kiss so slowly and lovingly.
Harry felt the blush still remaining on his cheeks, just watching as Draco bite his lip made him feel all warm and fuzzy and just want to kiss him. He just wants to stare into those eyes forever. That whiteish blonde hair is so perfect, no matter if it has gel in it or not. Draco Lucius Malfoy, you're just so attractive! I just wish I can tell you how beautiful you are every morning; I want to wake up and kiss you good morning every day. However, he knows he'll never be able to do that, and will never be good enough for Draco.
Draco wondered if Harry was still mad at him for cursing Granger. He'd been wallowing in guilt since that day. He missed Harry. "Look... I'm sorry for cursing Granger," he says with a remorse tone of voice. "It was a stupid thing to do. I can't blame my anger on it, you or her. I'll do anything to make it up to you."
Harry frowned at him, wondering if there really is something which Draco can do to make it up for the things he did and said. "It's okay, I've forgiven you." Has he really forgiven Draco after everything he did and said? The answer is yes because who wouldn't forgive that pretty face.
"So, is the truce back on?" Draco asked immediately, staring at Harry's frown, and pondering what's going on in Harry's life that brings a frown upon that beautiful face of his. He wants to know why Harry looks so down all the time, and every single day. In his third year Harry seemed happier. He remembers that clearly.
Harry nodded at him. The truce is definitely back on. "You can make it up to me by..." Actually, he didn't know how Draco could make it up to him. Right now, he just couldn't think directly because of how those silver eyes stared right through to his soul.
"-Helping you out in Potions and maybe showing you another one of my secret places?" Draco finished off Harry's sentence, and suggested a really good idea to make it up to Harry. It won't have anything to do with apologizing to Granger, but at least he will be helping Harry get a better grade in his Potions examinations.
Harry nodded again, liking that idea. Good lord, he needs the help in Potions otherwise he will be failing the class in a matter of months. He doesn't actually want that even if some times he can't be bothered. He wants to pass so he can get a good enough job in the future. Not that he sees a future for himself other than him dying by suicide. "That sounds very fair," he says.
Draco gave Harry a weak smile; he hasn't been in that secret room in the library since showing Harry that day and would consider it being best in helping Harry study Potions. "I'd be happy to help you with Potions. Merlin knows you need it!" he added with a smirk and to his surprise it made Harry smile. That's what he likes to see, a charming smile. "I'll owl you a date, time and a place we'll meet over breakfast either tomorrow or the day after that."
Harry's frown grew into a small smile after the small little insult from Draco. Speaking of owls... Harry still hadn't owled Sirius back but he made a mental note to do it this afternoon. "Thanks, Draco," he said benevolently, although flushing when Draco mentioned the word 'date'. He thought of a different type of date. "I can't wait!"
Harry and Draco both only realized that they were still in the same position, but they didn't seem to mind at all or realize that they were being stared at by older students: one Ravenclaw and one Hufflepuff.
Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang were spying on the two from around a corner. They were waiting for something surprising to happen but that never came. They caught these two fourth years just as they crashed into each other and fell to the floor which excited them both. Well, Cedric was more excited than Cho as he knew about Harry's little crush on Draco. It wasn't hard to see actually, and neither was Draco's apparent crush on Harry.
Cho felt a little impatient in waiting for two rivals to do something, so she sighed and leaned her head against the wall. "Do you think we should go over and pretend we just saw them?" she whispered to her best friend, a little curiously as she wanted these two to just... get it over with!
Cedric watched the two boys in awe as he knew there was lots of chemistry with them two. "My good side is telling me we should leave them alone but the other side of me is saying we should go over and act surprised," He told her and gave her a smirk. There was a second of hesitation for him, and he thought for a minute. "Yeah, let's go and intrude. I don't think they both know the other likes them back."
Cho raised an eyebrow at her best friend. She knew about Draco's crush on Harry as she could easily see it but didn't know about Harry's crush back on the Slytherin. "Wait... so, you're saying Harry likes Draco more than a best friend?" she asked him carefully, and her eyebrow seemed to raise a little higher at the obvious look on her friend's face.
Cedric nodded and a knowing smile spread on his face. "Exactly!" he said with a little bit of enthusiasm as he looked down at her. "And I'm guessing Draco likes Harry back the same way but it's only a hunch. Can I trust you to keep it a secret?"
Cho nodded; she could easily keep secrets. Especially for her friends. "Of course, I can!" she said quietly but sincerely, and she smiled at the two boys who were still staring into each other's eyes. Oh, it just warmed her heart. It just reminds her of a romance novel where it's love at first sight. It's truly beautiful! "You know me better than that, don't you? Anyway... Let's go to them, I want to see their reactions when they see us."
"Okay, then," Cedric replied with a smile and followed his friend slowly over to the two boys, not to make a sound.
Harry and Draco were still staring at each other's eyes, both thinking the same thing. Kiss him! You know you want to. But they just couldn't do it.
Cho decided to make an appearance and drop her Potions book on the floor a few feet away from the two. She gasped in surprise at seeing the two rivals so close together.
The two boys looked up at the Ravenclaw in shock, scared she might run off and tell someone. They couldn't deal with people finding out right now. Well, their secret friendship they couldn't deal with. However, whatever the students think was going on... that would be a whole new story.
Cho then didn't know what to do, all she thought about was giving them a surprised face, not anything else. "Uhm... Hi!" she said, she looked over at Cedric and gestured him to come over to her with a nod.
Cedric then made an appearance and came out from behind a statue. "Well, well, well..." he grinned at the two boys' whose faces flushed when seeing him come out of hiding. He just adores making random appearances and catching people in an act. "Who do we have here?"
"Um..." Harry managed to say shyly. He just didn't know what to do. He felt as if he was stuck, frozen to the spot and directly over Draco which only made his flush darken. God, why does Draco make him feel this way? He knows the obvious answer is having a crush on him but like... can he for once control his emotions?
Draco cleared his throat, not knowing what to do or say. Harry was still on top of him so he couldn't runoff and Harry's hand was still on his lower stomach which gave him a funny feeling in his pants. His hand was just so warm, and it was vibrating all through him.
Cedric gave the two boys a big smile as he asked them, "So... are you two going to lock lips or not?" The question was a massive one, and one he looks forward to hearing the answer for. Or to actually see kissing being done.
Both boys turned to look at one another with blushes on their cheeks, green eyes met silver. Harry slowly got up and off Draco even if he secretly didn't want to. He just realized his hand had been leaning on Draco's stomach which made him apologize again, "Sorry!"
Draco stayed in the position on the floor and he felt a little sad that Harry moved from where he was. He wished he could be with him all day, like how Weasley and Granger could. He'd love to be friends with Harry again and be able to spend quality time with him, but he knew he'd just want to be more than best friends. He'd want to be able to cuddle with Harry, kiss and hold hands as they walk through the corridor.
Cedric chuckled at the two boys while Cho giggled at them. This was such a nice sight to see. Two people deep in love though they don't see it. "You know, you two really are adorable together without all the fighting and name calling that's been done and said in the past," he said with a warm smile, and hinting what they should become.
"Indeed! We were waiting for something interesting to happen," Cho replied, mirroring Cedric's warm smile and hinting, like Cedric, of what the two boys should have done together that rhymes with 'missing'. Oh, she just adores gay couples. Especially when they come out! Then she'd have run to the outed couple and gave them big hugs.
That only made the two flustered boys blush even more. Harry tried not to show much emotion but failed. He tried coming up with the worst scenarios he could in his head. "Y-you-re not g-going to t-tell anyone?" he asked shakily, though not knowing of his panic attack coming around. Draco looked at him with an expression of worry, knowing shakiness was apart of panic attacks as Ivy has them at times.
Cedric and Cho shook their heads, not wanting to tell anyone unless these two boys actually get together. "We better be off to class now. Buh bye!" Cho said and waved goodbye to them, then she decided it was time to head off to class.
"Yeah! What she said," Cedric replied awkwardly and walked off with Cho, glad they could leave the two lovebirds alone to sort things out. They needed time to themselves more often by the looks of it. They needed time to talk, definitely. He did note the way Harry was shaking, it wasn't hard to see. It wasn't normal, he knew. Draco wasn't shaking though and he actually looked calm. Calm but anxious.
Harry and Draco slowly got up from the floor, wiping themselves free from dust and dirt. There was a moment of silence between the two boys, not knowing what to say to each other. The few minutes they just witnessed nearly shook them.
Harry knew he had to also get to class, he didn't know if Breakfast was over or not. He pushed his glasses back up his nose and decided to break the silence between him and Draco. "Uh... I better get to class..." he said and rubbed the back of his neck, smiling at the ground. "I don't want to be late, even though I hate Divination."
"I have to agree with you there, Divination is worthless," Draco says, nodding in agreement with him. He doesn't even recall getting a singular thing right in Divination. Apparently, you had to believe in Divination to be able to do it. "Hope you get to your class on time!"
"Thank you, Draco," Harry said with a small smile, his cheeks still felt warm from blushing so much. What an interesting morning this has been after crashing into none other than Draco. "Same to you!"
Draco gave a small little wave and smile to Harry and started walking to Ancient Runes, remembering being closer to Harry than he'd ever been and staring into those brilliant green eyes. He'll never forget this, being so close to Harry, and his green eyes that stared into his own, and those lips that he could have kissed with a simple movement forward.
Harry made his way up to the Divination tower, climbed up the ladder into the classroom and decided to find a place to sit for when the lesson starts. Sooner than later, everyone who's in his Divination class started arriving. First Lavender, Dean, Seamus, Ron, and the others. Harry completely ignored Ron, whilst Ron ignored Harry back. That was fine to him.
"Good morning class, today we'll be doing something much easier," said Professor Trelawny in her shaky voice, and smiling at all her students. "We'll be using zodiac crystals to see what is set for you in the future."
Lavender raised her hand.
"Yes dear?" asked Professor Trelawny with her wide-eyed spectacles. Though some of her students wonder if those really are her eyes.
"Um... Professor, what are our zodiacs?" Lavender asked whilst raising her eyebrows as she was curious to what the special word meant. She knew of a lot of Divination words, but 'zodiac' was new to her.
"Zodiac signs are a belt of the heavens within about 8° either side of the ecliptic, including all apparent positions of the sun, moon, and most familiar planets," Professor Trelawny explained and most of the class all groaned silently from how boring it sounded. "It is divided into twelve equal divisions or signs. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. To find out your Zodiac, you must tell me your birthday."
Everyone looked at the Professor in utter confusion and tedium, until Lavender broke the silence by saying, "The 31st of August Professor."
"Ah yes, Virgo," Professor Trelawny said and she looked up into the sunny sky like she could see the stars though its daylight. "You are well known for your trustworthiness, discipline, and caring nature. You have a strong understanding of people and use this ability to identify the best way to help others."
Lavender smiled happily at the Professor, feeling proud of being a Virgo now that she knew what it meant. She wondered who else was a Virgo like herself.
"Please go and collect your crystal, Lavender," the Professor said and pointed to the round wooden table in front of her desk which dozens of crystals each lay glimmering in the sunlight. "It's the pink coloured crystal." Lavender excitedly got up and collected her pink Crystal, studying its beauty at her table.
Padma raised her hand, wanting to find her crystal like her sister's best friend too. "Me! Do us, Professor!" she said quickly, her arm waving in the air still as she couldn't wait to have her zodiac crystal. "22nd of April."
"Taurus, yes," the Professor said, knowing well of the bull zodiac sign and its characteristics beyond the stars. "Your personality is defined by your loving and determined nature. In all your relationships, you display loyalty and faithfulness. While your romantic partners and loved ones appreciate this quality greatly, it may be your determination that they admire the most."
"So, which crystal is ours, Professor?" Parvati asked while she was looking at the table with colourful crystals glimmering in the classroom. She hoped to get the other pink one, or the purple one! The blue looks nice.
"It's the red one, my dears," the Professor said, and she went back to her desk to mark the role and watch over her students for disbelievers in Divination or misbehaving students. Although, she rarely catches anyone misbehaving in her class as she's too focused on her class and Divination.
Then after that, the whole class except Harry raised their hands and asked the Professor what their zodiac was. Even though of his popularity, the professor told Harry what his zodiac was. "Oh, Mr Potter. Your zodiac is Leo. You are most comfortable in a social setting. You love people and don't shy away from any chance to be the center of attention."
Harry didn't know what any of that meant or even if it was true. He knew he's not known for wanting attention. Well, sometimes he is but it's rare. He didn't really pay much attention to what he had to do, all that was on his mind were those stunning silver eyes who belonged to Draco Malfoy and his own dark thoughts.
The Divination lesson was completely annoying as Professor Trelawny kept predicting Harry's death, over and over again. It got to the point where Harry felt like Hermione in the third year, where she felt like the class was completely silly. He thought about the death predictions Professor Trelawny gave him and wondered if these predictions are real and that he'll try to- He shouldn't think that far. He knows that he is messed up in the head, but he doesn't want to die from these predictions, though the thought was somewhat nice. Harry shook those thoughts out of his head.
A-few-totally-normal-predictions-of-Harry's-death-later, the class was over. Trelawney gave the class homework; they had to use their own personal planet charts and predict certain casualties. After Harry wrote his homework down, he put everything back in his bag and left to go for a short walk before Transfiguration.
Draco looked around at his surroundings in the courtyard, saw a giant tree and headed over to it with Crabbe and Goyle behind him. All he was thinking about was Harry; those beautiful green eyes, that pretty smile, the fluffy raven-coloured hair he just wanted to run his hands through as he snogs the boy hard against a wall. "Help me up the tree?" he asked Gregory and Vincent quietly, but he was already trying to climb up it.
"Why do you want to climb the tree, Draco?" Crabbe asked curiously, looking the tree up and down like it would give him a reason why his buddy wants to climb up the tree. It didn't give him an answer though, which was disappointing to him. Even Gregory was looking for an answer beyond the tree and from Draco.
Draco sighed at the two, wishing they could just help him up the tree. It's all he wants to do, as well as impress Harry. "Just... please," he said and looked back at them. Can't they do something right for once or even listen to what he says? He knows these two aren't his slaves but sometimes it feels like it. "It's for...something." Someone.
By the request, Crabbe and Goyle tried their hardest to help Draco up the tree for whatever reason their blonde Slytherin friend had. It took them a few tries but managed to help Draco up the tree with ease. Draco sat on the tree cross legged, peering down at all the students until a mess of black fluffy hair came into view. He smiled wickedly at Harry, but he did notice how down the Gryffindor looked. "Hey, Harry!" Shit...
Goyle looked up at his blonde friend sitting up in the tree. He was shocked and confused right now due to the fact that Draco called Potter his first name. What happened to 'Potter' this and 'Potter' that? But most importantly, what happened to Draco. "Why're you calling him 'Harry' now?"
Draco took his eyes off Harry for just a minute which was extremely hard to do, to look at his friend below him on the floor of the Courtyard. He quickly came up with something. "I just do," he said in a flat voice, just waiting for Harry to notice him already. "It's his name which I and everyone else really should be using instead of last names which is so old-school."
Goyle nodded; but then Harry walked up to the small Slytherin group, completely ignoring Crabbe and Goyle, and peered up at Draco. "Why're you up in a tree, Malfoy?" the Gryffindor asked, raising his eyebrows as he loved seeing the sunlight reflect on the boy's whitish blonde hair. It was mesmerizing, and beautiful.
Draco shrugged and looked back at Harry with a smile. A smile he's been keeping for only Harry to see. "I just like to climb trees," he told him, ignoring everyone else in the vicinity of him, the tree, and Harry as he knew everyone would be staring at them. "That's all." He loves when that sparkle in Harry's eyes lights up from the sun and its rays shining down in them.
"No, you don't," said Gregory Goyle with a chuckle of disbelief. "This is your first time up a tree-"
"Shut up, Goyle," Malfoy snaps down at him. Gregory was right about how he doesn't climb trees though. "I do like climbing trees."
"Not likely." And then Pansy came into view, her short hair bobbing up and down above her collar. Vincent Crabbe's straightened his posture immediately and put a smile on his face and Gregory Goyle punched his friend in the arm with a not going to happen look on his face. Pansy giggled at the blonde and the oblivious Gryffindor who are so much in love with each other but cannot see it. "He just wants to impress a certain... person."
"Oh, really?" Harry couldn't help but sound interested. The thought of finding out about this person Draco wants to impress intrigued him. He could finally find out about this mystery dude and hate the guy until the day he died. Wouldn't it be great if Draco liked him back? He would be jumping all over the walls. "Can I hear more about this certain person?"
Pansy smirked at him, wanting so much to just come out to Potter about Draco's crush so she could finally get him to understand that his crush was worth it. "Why, of course!" she said sweetly as she went over to Harry, placing a hand on his back to lead him away from Draco so she could tell him. "If you would follow me, I would love to have a little chat about Draco's love interest with you."
"No!" Draco quickly but carefully hopped out of the tree, glaring at Pansy and made his way to Harry. He was not going to let her win whatever she was going to do. He won't let this happen. Harry did not know about his crush on him. What if he didn't like him back? "Perhaps, you'd like to know about Pansy's love interest, Harry? Hm?" he offered quickly.
Harry looked from Pansy to Draco as they argued, confused about what was happening. And why is Pansy Parkinson acting all nice so suddenly? What's going on? Is he in some weird dream? He knows he's not as he dreams only of Draco and not of Draco's friends.
"Oh, no you don't!" Pansy exclaimed, the smirk still on her lips as she grabbed Potter by the wrist to try to take him away from Draco. If this was the only way to get them to get together then so be it. She will risk her friendship with Draco for this because it is worth it. She rather Draco be happy and finally date Harry.
Unfortunately, Harry hissed in pain from the touch as the cuts underneath his jumper burned. God, the woman had sharp nails too. But they weren't sharp as cat claws, they were actually round with white tips at the end. So, they didn't look sharp but the pressure of them digging into his skin kind of hurt.
Pansy stopped and looked at Harry curiously; Draco felt worried about his Gryffindor friend immediately. "Harry?" Draco asked softly, his brow wrinkled with worry. Surely Pansy's nails don't hurt that much. He's been scratched by Pansy's nails a couple of times and they never left any marks. "Are you alright?"
Pansy looked at her nails, studying them carefully. Her nails aren't sharp enough to actually hurt anyone or scar them. "Surely my nails can't hurt that bad!" she protested, frowning down at her nails which needed a new coating of nail polish. "They're blunt and couldn't even scar if I scratch at my skin."
"Yes, I'm fine," Harry said quietly and nodded at the two Slytherins. He just needed to get away. They can't find out about this... nobody can. He cannot let them know of his ways of dealing with his life, and the pain that sinks deeply into his heart. "I - need to go."
"Oh, ok, all right," Draco said and he ran a hand gently through his hair, still extremely worried for Harry at what he and Pansy witnessed. He doesn't know about if Crabbe and Goyle saw what he and Pansy did, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was following Harry and making sure he is alright. He watched the Gryffindor leave and then turned back to his fellow Slytherin friend. "You... you scratchy little git!" He whispered in a harsh tone. So many things could have happened if it weren't for Pansy and her nails. "Scaring Harry away like that."
Pansy laughed with her hands on her stomach. But she really was worried about Harry's sudden departure. It wasn't really normal to want to get away after being 'scratched'. But she wants to make sure he wasn't physically harmed with actual scratches. He could have checked for scratches in front of herself and Draco thought to be assuring. "Well, I'm sorry I scared your precious little Harry away."
Draco glared at Pansy and then turned to leave towards where Harry had gone. But really, he could not find Harry anywhere. He guessed the green-eyed wizard had gone to Gryffindor Tower. It was a shame; he really was really worried about Harry. Especially how the Gryffindor hissed like he was in pain. Merlin... he would cut Pansy's nails off in her sleep if they were that sharp. Scratchy little git!
Draco just headed up; he had no clue where the Gryffindor common room entrance was but guessed he just had to go up to find it. But of course, the last person he wanted to run into, the best friend of Harry who was walking up the stairs with her books tightly gripped to her chest.
"Granger!" he called halfheartedly. Perhaps the muggle-born knows where Harry is. She should know. She is Harry's friend after all.
Granger turned around and glared at him, not knowing what he wanted but it mustn't be good. "Malfoy?" she drawled. What was he doing near the Gryffindor entrance? Did he know the portrait of the Fat Lady was the entrance into the Gryffindor common room? Good Lord, she hoped he didn't know.
"Have you seen Harry anywhere?" Draco asked her quickly, and he fiddled with the Malfoy ring on his finger with impatience. He just wanted to find Harry right away. The sooner he knows the sooner he can go find Harry.
"No," Hermione said slowly and shook her head. Why can't he find Harry himself if he wants to see him? She then raised her eyebrow, pondering why Malfoy wants to know where her best friend is. "Why do you want to know his location? Are you wanting to ask him something?"
"Never mind that, Granger," Draco said and he scowled at the questions he was being asked. He only came here to ask the questions, not her. But he admired the girl's worry for Harry as she should be worried. Shouldn't she know what Harry goes through? "I was just a little worried about what happened minutes ago."
Hermione furrowed her eyebrows as she was now worried about her Gryffindor friend and what happened that she didn't know about that occurred only minutes ago. "Why?" she asked at once. "What happened?"
Draco shrugged. He really didn't know what happened back there except Pansy's sharp nails digging into Harry's arm. "Just forget I said anything..." He turned around and left, but as he got down the stairs, he looked back up at her. "Granger?"
Hermione looked back down at the Slytherin, wondering why she was still here and not in the library studying. But she had Harry on her mind and where he could be. "Mm?"
Draco looked around, seeing nobody, and sighed in relief. He didn't want to be caught in the act of saying, "I'm sorry for hexing you the other day." He really was sorry for what he had done. He hated losing Harry because of it.
Hermione blinked, and a smile formed on her mouth. This was definitely a surprise to hear. "Thank you for the apology, Malfoy," she said kindly. Never in her life would she ever think Malfoy out of all people would be apologizing. "But I find this hard to believe that you would be apologizing to what you purebloods call... a Mudblood?"
"Sorry again," Draco said in a contrite tone, gave an apologetic smile and turned to leave. Finally, he can find Harry and search on his own. It's all he wants. To find his favourite Gryffindor and see if he's alright.
"Malfoy," Hermione said once again, giving the wizard a knowing smile. She knew something had been up with her best friend and Malfoy. She doesn't know what it is, but she knows they're not rivals anymore or just acquaintances. Rivals don't talk to each other and call them by their first names.
Draco stopped and looked back at her, a little annoyed. What is it now? Honesty, he just wants to find Harry and make sure he is doing well.
"What exactly happened between you and Harry?" Hermione asked him in a soft voice and tilted her head to the side a little, knowing something happened between Harry and Malfoy. "You seem to have become... somewhat friends."
Draco sighed. Why hasn't Harry told Granger about the truce yet? Perhaps Harry will tell his friends in his own time when he is ready. So, if that is what Harry wants then Draco will accept that. It is time for some good old acting. "Me and Harry?" he asked in disbelief, well, he hoped he sounded disbelieving. "Friends? Pfft!" He cracked up in laughter.
Hermione rolled her eyes at the Slytherin, knowing that was all an act as she saw him hesitating and thinking. "Whatever, Malfoy. Believe what you want." She turned and left for the Gryffindor common room.
Draco stopped his fake laughter and opened an eye, seeing Granger had left him alone. Thank Merlin! Now he really needed to find Harry and Pansy's nail clippers for a sneak attack. He rubbed his hands together, thinking of all the mischief he could do. He just hoped Harry was alright, somewhere safe, and perhaps alone or with Weasel.
But he still went around the castle searching for Harry and still had no luck. He searched the ground floor of the castle, the second, third, fourth and all the way up to the seventh floor of the castle. There was still no sight of Harry Potter anywhere. He even checked the secret place in the Library that he showed Harry. He wasn't there either, or at the Willow tree. Merlin's Beard where was he? Deciding that this was just tiring, he headed down to the dungeons for his little prank on Pansy.
When in the Slytherin 4th year boy's dormitory, he searched his trunk for his own nail clippers. He picked up the grey nail clippers from a little compartment and checked his own nails out just to be sure his own nails weren't sharp. Perfect as always with no pointy or sharp edges. He smiled and headed down into the common room to find his sharp-clawed friend.
"Here Pansy, Pansy, Pansy," he called out with a smirk and ignored all the other Slytherins staring at him oddly. Those people didn't matter. He just had to cut her sharp nails. Well, pretend to just to scare her.
"Yeah, Dray?" Pansy said from on one of the black couches in front of the fireplace, and she looked behind her at her best friend. She's been waiting for him to get down here so she can tease him about his crush on Potter. She loves a good tease.
Draco walked slowly and silently towards the couch like a panther hunting its prey. His smirk stayed in place as he neared the black-haired Slytherin girl with short hair. He clicked the nail clippers together, hearing a 'click', 'click', 'click'.
Pansy quickly looked down at the things in her best friend's hand, seeing the nail clippers and her eyes widened with fear. Fear that her perfect nails will be chopped off by her best friend. She jumped off the couch with a, "No, don't you dare!"
"Yes, I do dare," Draco said as he rounded the couch, but Pansy moved the other way around the couch. He loves play-fighting with his best friends. It's one of his favourite games.
"Dray, darling..." Pansy stopped as Draco started moving clockwise around the couch. She glared in annoyance at him and quickly jogged around the other side of the couch. As Draco stopped, she put her hands on the couch's back. "Don't you dare do this!" she spat. "You know how much I care about my nails!"
Draco laughed intimidatingly as he so wanted to cut her nails. She hurt Harry so he'll hurt her but cutting her nails shorter. "Oh, I know Pans," he said and crawled over the couch to her with a mischievous smile. "Now get over here, I have some nails to cut!"
"No!" Pansy squealed and ran to her dormitory from the couch, and when she was out of sight from Draco she smirked.
Draco sighed merrily and made his way back to his room to put the nail clippers away. He honestly loved his friends so much; they were so fun! Now it was time to torment Blaise. He-he! But as he arrived at the entrance to the boy's and girl's dormitory, Pansy stood there with two large yellow bottles, Blaise behind her, walking away with a smirk on his lips.
Draco could have known what those two bottles were from a mile away. His hair products. "Okay, now you are going too far, Ms Parkinson!" Draco told her in a warning tone, narrowing his eyes at her to warn her to stop whatever she was about to do. Merlin, this woman can be a tough one to deal with "Give them here!"
"Nope," Pansy said, smirking as she shook her head. "Payback, Dray!" She opened one of the bottles and tipped it upside down, getting ready to squeeze it in case Draco gets too close to her. "Just one squeeze and I will smell the sweet scent of revenge!"
"Don't you dare!" Draco spat at her, and his face tightened with irritation. Pansy was just going too far with this. Doesn't she know how important his hair products are to him? "Give me my hair products!"
"Nope," Pansy repeated, her smirk only widening. Oh, she loves it when she has all power over Draco because of his silly hair products. It just means when she wants something, she can get it easily by intimidating her friend. Looks like she's going to get a free nail job done sooner than she thinks.
Draco slowly walked towards her, and he had his hands up in front of him as he neared her like she was a wild animal ready for attack or to run away. He was not going to let her get away with this at all. "Pansy, I swear if you do anything to my hair products..."
"Ah, ah, ah!" Pansy waved a finger in disapproval at him for even getting close to her. She's not going to make this easy for him. "Take one more step and I squeeze all of this shampoo and hair gel on the floor. Wouldn't want that, now would you?"
Draco stopped, his glare on Pansy had transformed into anger. "Pansy..." He inhaled and held it for ten seconds before exhaling and feeling calm. "Look, I'm sorry... I was just worried for Harry's sake. You saw the look on his face once you dug your sharp cat-like nails into his arm!"
Pansy closed the lid on the shampoo bottle she was going to squeeze and smiled. She was glad this was over. Although, she really would have squeezed a little bit of Draco's shampoo and conditioner out of the bottle. Then her features softened. "Yes, I saw. What do you think was up with him?"
"I don't know, Pans..." Draco said and sounded a little worried. He was hiding his actual emotions deep inside himself just so he didn't look like he was worrying too much. He doesn't want worry lines or anything like that. "He looked like he was in a lot of pain... It almost scared me."
Pansy banished her best friend's hair products back to the boy's dorm room with her wand. "I know, Dray," she said and walked up to him to give him a hug, wishing they both knew about why Potter's so down looking. She's surprised nearly everyone doesn't see it. Potter's behaviour reminds her of someone else in Slytherin... Ivy Black, of course! But... Potter couldn't be suffering, could he? "I'm proud of you for caring about him that much. He would really appreciate it."
Draco hugged her back gently, thinking how lucky he was in his life to have such a great friend. Who he wants to find is Harry so he can ask if he's alright. "Yeah... I'm-"
"-Very worried for him," Pansy finished his sentence as it was obvious Draco would say the same thing. "Yes, Dray. I know. Blaise and I know. I am so glad you made a truce with him as well. Ivy is so proud of you too. You have no clue how happy she is now. You know how much she's been through. She's even given up looking for her blades which I have hidden in many different places in the Dungeons. Well, I hope she's given up looking for them. She has no idea how many spells I had to cast on them so she can't Accio them to her." She pulled out of the hug with a smile and raised her hand to caress the whitish-blonde hair.
Draco pulled away from her touch and glared at her. She knows that she and a lot more others know that he doesn't like his hair touched. "Don't touch my hair!" he snapped and took a step back. "My hair is only to be touched by..." He stopped before he could say anything else and a certain someone's name.
Pansy raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. She couldn't believe it. "Merlin!" she gasped and realized what this meant. "Harry has touched your hair? You let him?!" She almost squealed in excitement.
Draco chuckled at his best friend and looked to the floor. "Well, yeah..." He smiled at the memory, wishing he could see Harry again. All he wishes is for Harry to be okay and somewhere doing something fun.
Pansy just smiled at him, seeing the need in Draco's eyes to see Potter again. Honestly, she and Ivy really need to do something to get the two together quicker. "You never let Ivy, Blaise, me, or anyone else for that matter touch your hair," she says, then poked at his arm with a grin on her face. "So, when will you ask him out?"
"Ask who out?" The two Slytherins turned their heads to look at their other best friend. Blaise Zabini. Maybe they were a bit too loud. Draco hoped the entire Slytherin house didn't hear them.
"Potter, of course!" Pansy said and beamed at Blaise's' surprised expression. He should be surprised since it's obvious that Draco's so in love with Potter and she really needs to get them together with a little help from Ivy. The question is how they can do that.
"Pansy!" Draco hissed and glared at her. Could she be more annoying, and can she shut the hell up? "Shut it!"
Pansy ignored Draco and smiled at Blaise, really wanting her other friend to hear this. "I'm asking him when he'll finally ask Potter out," she told him in an excited tone, and she was nearly bouncing on her feet.
"Oh, really?" Blaise asked and looked at Draco with a smirk, wondering when that really will happen. He knows of Draco's crush on Harry. It's pretty obvious too. He keeps catching Draco staring over at the Gryffindor table and directly at Harry every day. "So, Draco, when will that be?"
Draco groaned and headed into his dormitory. He really had no idea when he would be able to do that. It was so nerve-wracking even being next to Harry. The Gryffindor makes his heart hammer in his chest and stomach flutter every time he is looking at him or near him and only him. He sat on the end of his bed and sighed, thinking about emerald green eyes, and smiled.
As soon as Lunch came around, Harry walked into the Great Hall and sat down next to Hermione facing the Slytherins. He didn't want to come to lunch today, but the professor had informed them last night that he wanted to speak to everyone about something special. So, even if he dreaded going to the Great Hall and wanted to just sulk in his bed with the curtains drawn around him, he just had to come.
When Dumbledore rose from his seat, everyone in the room grew quiet and stared at the headmaster. "Welcome all to lunch," the headmaster said. "Now, I don't normally speak at lunch, but this is an important thing that needs to be discussed. The Yule Ball."
There were whispers and murmurs going around the Great Hall about the sudden event that would take place.
"Yes, how very exciting! It will be on a Saturday after the first task, just two months from now," the headmaster said, giving a big smile with twinkling blue eyes. "Your parents already know of the dates as they were sent out when the term started. You are all required to wear dress robes. That is all."
Everyone had returned to eating, discussing what they'd wear and who to take. Dumbledore was about to head back to his seat but decided to say a few last words. "Actually...." Every head turned back to the headmaster and Dumbledore smiled at everyone. "I have a joke. Why does Voldemort prefer Twitter over Facebook?"
The whole Great Hall was silent, people dropped their food at the mention of he-who-shall-not-be-named, but Dumbledore seemed to not care. "Because he has followers, not friends," the headmaster said, wiping back a tear of joy.
There was a lot of loud laughter at that joke. "That is all," the headmaster said with a cheerful smile.
"Oh, a Yule Ball," said Hermione who sounded quite intrigued by this new event, and she smiled as she scanned the Gryffindor table for someone. She had no idea who to take, or if she should wait for someone to ask her. "Who do you think you'll go with?"
Harry shrugged, not really caring about the Yule Ball. He'd rather spend the night up in the 4th year boy's dormitory where he can wallow in self-pity for not going and seeing how incredible Draco looks. He would rather be isolated and alone than go to some dance. Unless someone asks him... then yeah, he will probably go. Although, who he wishes to go with is Draco.
"Harry! You have to find a date to the Yule Ball, it's what the Tri-Wizard contestants have to do," Hermione said sternly while piling some food on her plate and never letting her eyes go from Harry.
Harry shrugged again and stared down at an ant that was crawling over the table. He just didn't care. He then remembered he had to tell Hermione about Draco. The real truth about him and Draco. "Hermione?"
Hermione gave her friend a small smile, though she was a little annoyed that Harry wasn't responding to her about dates to the Yule Ball. "Yes?" she asked and stabbed her fork into an egg which made Harry wince a little.
"Let's just say when school started, Draco made a truce with me," Harry said to her and looked her in the eye just so she knew he wasn't lying. Why would he lie about something so great? The truce really has been the best thing that has ever happened to him this year. "What would you say?"
Hermione shrugged but then looked up from her toast, into his eyes which she knew told the truth and stared at him in disbelief. "Wait... Harry, you're not joking, right?" she asked him. "Malfoy made a truce with you?"
Harry nodded at her with a fake smile, hoping she believed him. Then he looked behind her at the Slytherin table and ogled Draco, "Not joking." Merlin, Draco seems to always look perfect every single damned day with his damned styled hair, perfect mouth, shiny teeth, stunning silver eyes, and handsome face. "Harry!" He didn't even hear Hermione calling his name as he was too lovestruck to hear her.
"Harry!" Hermione said and tried getting her friend's attention back. She sighed with relief. "That's wonderful, Harry! When did this happen?" She had to know but guessed it would have been around the start of the year.
"In Care of Magical Creatures," Harry told her and stared down at the food in front of him on the table. He honestly wasn't hungry. "The first lesson of the year."
Hermione bit her lip, trying to hold down a squeal from the exciting news she was being fed from her best friend. "Tell me more!" she said at once with a great smile on her mouth. It was obvious she wanted to hear lots more and Harry just didn't know where to start.
"He saw me flying on my Firebolt," Harry said and chucked a grape at Hermione to silence her as she was about to say something to him. She chuckled and threw it back at him, but it missed and instead hit a Ravenclaw bloke behind him, but the grape went in the hood of their robe. Oops! "And before you say anything, yes I know I'm not allowed to ride my Firebolt, but I just needed something to do." He filled his goblet up with pumpkin juice and took a sip just to wash the French Toast down.
"Tell me more!" Hermione said excitingly, and her eyes gleamed as her grin grew wider. She was just so curious to know what else happened between Harry and Malfoy as it was noticeable that they had been getting along quite well together. "What happened? Did he watch you? Did you guys talk?"
Harry tried to smile as he remembered that day out on the Quidditch Pitch. "Yes, we talked," he said with a little nod and he picked at his French Toast, trying to eat more. "I never knew he was watching me until I saw his hair glowing on the stands." Hermione giggled at his choice of descriptive words. Harry didn't know what else to tell her, he knew Draco would rather keep the secret places just that, secret. He sighed and stared down at the ant who was trying to steal a bit of breadcrumb from his half-eaten French Toast.
"Anything else you want to tell me?" Hermione asked him and dished herself up some potato salad. She was still excited to hear more.
"No..." Harry said blankly. He took a sip of his pumpkin juice and looked over at Draco. He saw Draco wriggle his fingers at him, wink, and smile. Harry just lost his control; he opened his mouth wanting to smile and say something back but the pumpkin juice spilled out of his mouth and onto his lap. He flushed with embarrassment, glancing down at his goblet, and placed it back on the table. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve, muttered a drying charm, and looked back over at Hermione with a shy smile. Goodness, Draco makes him go crazy.
The Slytherin Table
Draco chuckled at Harry, knowing how cute he can be at times. He wondered what happened and why Harry spilt his drink on himself. "Maybe because he likes you," a voice in his head said. That wasn't a voice. That was his best friend Pansy Parkinson whispering into his ear. "No, Pansy," he whispered back but looked down at his sausages. "Someone so amazing like him could never like someone like me that way.
Pansy rolled her eyes at him, not believing what was coming out of his mouth. "Alright," she says with a shake of her head, wondering where Draco Malfoy went. "Suit yourself but don't come running to me when he's the one who asks you out."
Ivy sighed miserably; she didn't know what she was going to do with this Yule Ball thing coming up. She normally never goes to these kinds of things, they weren't fun. "So, who are you taking to the Yule Ball?" she asked them. She needed a distraction.
Draco shrugged, continuing to look over at Harry. "I'd love to go with Harry but I'm sure tons of girls are all going to swarm him and ask him to be their partners," he said with a little frown. He wishes he could go with Harry but he doesn't have the courage to ask him. He can try but he knows he will chicken out. As soon as he knew he was staring he looked back down at the table and checked his nails out to distract him.
Ivy continued dipping her spoon in a bowl of tomato soup which she is able to eat and drink. Soups were easy to digest. Her goblet was filled with her normal dose of what looked like cranberry juice. "Oh, Draco. You know you can just ask him," she says earnestly. "It'll probably make the dare easier to do since you'll be dancing with him."
Draco looked back at his cousin and thought about the perfect night. He could picture himself and Harry dancing a slow dance, looking into each other's eyes, and kissing. Oh, what a dream. "I'll try asking him," he said in a promising tone and moved the food on his plate around with a fork. "Not sure if I have the bravery to do so though."
Ivy shook her head, disagreeing with him about having the courage to do something so simple. "Everyone has Bravery, Draco," she tells him, wetting her lips as they were a little dry. "You just need to give in to it when the time comes."
Draco crossed his arms over the table and laid his head down on them. "This is hopeless!" he tells the table with a frown nobody could see. "I'm not going to be able to do it."
Ivy sighed and patted his head, to his displeasure. She liked doing it anyway. Annoying her cousin was fun. "You will be able to do it, I believe in you," she told him softly.
"Don't touch my hair!" Draco muttered as he looked up and stared at a basket of green and red apples in front of him. He leaned over a bit and stared at Harry dreamily from across the Great Hall. Ivy chuckled as she drew her hand back from his head, and then she caught sight of a girl at Gryffindor table with long curly dirty-blonde hair looking her way. She smiles and the Gryffindor girl looks away immediately, cheeks red. Lavender.
Harry was walking to his next class, which was Charms. It was a short walk, not too far from the Great Hall and it had really good views of the mountains and the countryside in the far distance. As he stared at the mountains, he wondered what it would feel to be free as an eagle soaring through the sky.
Draco didn't realize Harry was standing at one of the windows that showed the mountains and countryside. He walked over and stood by him, looking out at the beautiful landscape in front of him. This would probably be a good place to ask Harry to the dance. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Harry turned around to face his favourite Slytherin, Draco Malfoy. "Yeah, he is," he said but then hesitated as he just couldn't believe what he said and admitted right in front of his crush. He felt his cheeks warm up with a blush. "I mean-it is," he said quickly with a nervous smile and laugh. "Definitely! The view-. Yes, very pretty."
Draco tried to hide the blush that crept up his neck and cheeks from what Harry said. Did Harry really just admit that he – Draco - is Beautiful? No, he only meant the scenery. He smiled at the stuttering Harry Potter beside him. "Um, I was wondering..." he started, biting down on his lip nervously.
"Yeah?" Harry says distractedly as he finds his mind lost when looking out at the mountains in the distance. The distraction was actually Draco, but he didn't want it to be obvious. He didn't want Draco to find out that he fancies him. It was probably too late now.
Draco looked out at the scenery, thinking maybe it would help him a bit. When he was about to ask, he felt a little nervous and shook his head. "Never mind. We better get to class," he says and turns away from the window to face Harry. "I'll give you a head start if you want."
Harry nods. It would be best that way. "Yes, sure," Harry says with a half-smile towards the blonde Slytherin. "I'll see you in class." He then started to walk to Charms, trying to wonder what Draco was going to ask him.
"Hurry up, Potter! You're walking slower than a ghoul and my grandmother in a race!" Draco yelled with a smirk. Though the Grandmother part was a lie. She's unfortunately not alive anymore and he never got to know her either.
Harry snorted and walked a little faster per the Slytherin's request. It took him a good minute to make it to Charms in time and sat down next to Seamus since he knew Hermione would rather sit alone than get disturbed by others and friends. Ron was already in the classroom sitting by Neville.
"Hello, Harry," Seamus said with a small smile. He wondered if Harry had forgotten what he saw at the Quidditch World Cup where he and Dean were holding hands for a bit. Let's just say his fingers got a little cold and he asked Dean to warm them up. He doesn't even care if Harry finds out about Dean and his big secret.
Harry got out his quill and parchment from his bag and placed them on the table he shared with Seamus. "Hello, Seamus," he said in a warm tone. "How's your day been?"
"Good," Seamus said and decided to doodle a little on his parchment to pass the time. Beside him, Dean was watching Seamus draw, but he also added a few little doodles to Seamus' parchment. Very detailed bird doodles.
Harry slightly frowned as he wasn't asked the same question back. Why didn't Seamus ask how his day had been? Of course, Harry would have lied and said 'I'm fine' but it's still polite to ask. Does he not care about him or something? He really shouldn't be thinking this low. He did his best to ignore the low thoughts when he saw a glimpse of Draco entering the classroom, and as he passed, Harry smelt Vanilla and citrus. He melted into his seat, staring as Draco sat down next to his goons.
"Say, Harry," Seamus said in a curious voice, nudged him with his elbow and winked at him. He's a little curious about Harry's love life since his fellow Gryffindor likes to isolate himself for some unknown reason. "Have ye got yer sights on a certain girl?"
"Not a girl, Seamus", Harry muttered and shook his head. He looked back down at his parchment after seeing Pansy smiling knowingly at him, and poke Draco on the arm. Darn it! He knew she was going to tell Draco that he had been staring at him.
"Ohhhhhhhhh, who's the guy then?" Seamus asked as he raised an eyebrow, repeatedly poking him on the arm. Now this was getting intriguing to hear and he wanted to know so much more about the love life of Harry Potter if there is one. Who's this guy Harry has his eyes on, and does he know him?
Harry was about to say something such as 'Nobody special', but the professor came into view. At last, the class was starting. He had time to stare over at Draco and not get caught doing so. Well, he hoped he wouldn't get caught.
In a second, the Charms teacher, Professor Flitwick, jumped up onto his desk and said in a bubbly tone, "Good afternoon, students." He smiles at his students who all smiled happily up at him.
Every student in the room said, "Good afternoon, Professor."
"Now, does anybody know what the Charm 'Anteoculatia' does?" the professor asked in a squeaky voice. His head turned to the only person in the room who had raised her hand which was Hermione Granger. She had a proud smile on her face as she knew about the charm. "Ah, Ms Granger. Do enlighten us on what the charm does, please?"
Hermione still had that proud smile on her face and her chin was held high as she clearly said, "The Charm 'Anteoculatia' is the incantation of a hex that grows antlers on the head of the target." She loves reading and knowing what spells and charms are when nobody else does.
"Very good, Ms Granger," said Professor Flitwick with a satisfied smile towards the young lady. "20 points to Gryffindor!" Cheers were heard across the room to where most of the Gryffindor's sat, though there were some 'booing's' coming from Slytherins.
Harry looked to the Slytherins booing but only saw that Crabbe, Nott, and Goyle were insolent to Hermione's knowledge. It was a relief to know that Draco had no part in the booing, not that Harry would ever think his favourite Slytherin would do such a thing. Although, Draco was snickering.
The professor glared at the three Slytherins and their bad behavior, before returning to look at the rest of his students. "Alright students, settle down, settle down," he told them in a slightly stern voice. "Now, today I want you all to grab a partner and practice the spell on each other. Also, if you'd like to know, it doesn't hurt."
Harry wondered what partner he would be chosen to be with. He'd like to be with Hermione for a change since she's the best witch he knows of and wouldn't mess up the spell. Or Seamus and Dean. They would be nice to practice spells on.
There was a loud set of 'yesses' all throughout the classroom. However, there were a few bangs and cracks coming from somewhere to the right side of the classroom where the Slytherin's were.
The professor looked at where the banging had come from. Of course, the Slytherins. He sighed and raised his voice. "It appears that some of you have made it very clear you are not to be trusted with picking partners. So instead, I'll pick for you." Groans were heard around the room, but the tiny professor ignored them. "Neville Longbottom and Theodore Nott."
Neville buried his head in his arms and shook his head while Theodore glared at him from over at the Slytherin's side of the room. He went over with a sigh to the Gryffindor and sat next to him but mainly ignored him.
"Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson. Ron Weasley and Blaise Zabini!"
Ron glared over at Blaise, but Blaise didn't really care so he happily moved next to Ron. He didn't mind being ignored. He knows he won't be ignored for very long though as he always finds a way to make a friend. Or more.
"Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas," the professor said, looking at the people he had chosen. "Lavender Brown and Gregory Goyle. Parvati Patil and Vincent Crabbe."
Seamus and Dean gave each other loving stares and intertwined their hands from under the table. Harry saw this and thought it was kind of... sweet. Whilst Lavender, Goyle, Crabbe, Parvati and Nott were all glaring at each other.
"Last but not least, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy," the professor said, and he smiled over at the Slytherin who was getting up from his seat to join the Gryffindor over the other side of the room. At least he wasn't frowning or sneering at the sudden change of seating plan.
Harry felt someone sit down next to him, and he could smell that captivating scent of citrus and vanilla. He could see the whiteish-blonde hair from the corner of his eye. "Sup, Malfoy," he says. Time to act as if they weren't secret friends.
Draco sat down next to Harry with a wicked smile. He always loved getting partnered with Harry, even if he must use his Malfoy Mask at times. "Hello Harry," he said a little quietly, so nobody really heard him saying Harry's name. He added in a louder voice, "It's unfortunate, Potter, that you made it to class today."
Harry turned his head to face his new friend and laughed. He wasn't doing very well at trying to act like they were rivals still. He looked him deep in his silver eyes and gave him a little smile. "What a damn shame," he told him in a flat tone, and he notices a sparkle in those eyes which made his heart flutter. "I'm stuck here with you."
Draco stared back into those brilliant Emerald Green eyes of Harry Potter. He gives a fake and dramatic sigh." Oh, poor Potter," he teased with a smirk on his lips. "However will you deal with me?"
Harry was getting so lost in those eyes of Draco Malfoy but he remembered what he should be doing with Draco, how to deal with him as the Slytherin said. "Anteoculatia!" he whispered and pointed his wand at Draco. A stream of dark forest green magic came out of his wand and hit Draco on the head and deer antlers started to grow from his head.
Draco blinked as Harry had just cast the spell on him. "Very sneaky of you, Potter," he says, and he smiles at this cheeky Harry he's getting to know. He likes this sneaky Harry and getting to know him more. Perhaps being in classes will make them closer together. "Very Slytherin of you."
Harry remembered the hat saying the same thing to him, how he would be great in Slytherin. He chuckled at the antler horns on top of Draco's head and he had to admit that they kind of suit him and made him look... handsomely adorable. "The antlers suit you, Malfoy," he said and he felt his face redden. He hoped it wasn't noticeable. "Now you're a doe-doe git." Why the sodding hell did I say that?
Draco snorted and raised his hands to his hair and felt the antlers sticking out of his head. He blushed as Harry complimented him and he noticed that Harry never stopped staring at him and his antlers. He wanted to thank him. "A doe is a female deer, Potter. I would hope you'd know that and a do-do is a bird. I didn't think you'd be so thick in the head."
Harry laughed at Draco's insults to him and glanced down at the blonde's lips, muttering, "I'm not thick in the head, Malfoy." He quickly looked over Draco's shoulder at Ron and Blaise Zabini who both seemed to be sneakily casting the spell on students who were not doing what they were supposed to do. He smiled weakly at his friend; glad he was having fun even if he was still annoyed at him.
Draco watched as Harry looked over to Weasley and Blaise, he knew something was up with Harry and the Weasel, but he just didn't know what. "Anteoculatia!" he whispered as Harry wasn't watching.
Harry felt something funny happening to his head and reached up to his hair to feel what was happening. He felt his own pair of antlers on his head, and he looked over at Draco who was smirking and... blushing? "Oi! Uncalled for!"
Draco enjoyed the sight of Harry and his moose antlers which fit his raven hair quite well and he looked very... cute. "It was called for," he said in a mocking tone of voice. Merlin... he would love to see Harry in all the antlers he can charm onto him as possible. "You had your go, so it was my turn."
Harry smiled at Draco. True smiling was quite rare for him as he would always use fake smiles to go about his day but for Draco, it seemed, he could give him real ones. "Two can play that game," he said boldly as he pointed his wand at Draco. "Anteoculatia!"
Elk antlers replaced Draco's deer antlers on top of his head and Draco felt the new antlers Harry gave him with his hand and pointed his wand back at Harry. "Anteoculatia!" Oh, it was so on! If he's going to be antlered up, so will Harry. But he likes seeing that charming smile form on Harry's lips.
Harry's moose antlers were replaced with Caribou antlers. He laughed at the fun he was having with Draco and Rapidly enough, Draco started laughing as well. This is the most fun he's had in ages. He had forgotten he was supposed to be laughing at Draco and not with him.
Sooner than later, Draco and Harry joined Ron and Blaise in casting the charm on other students. Hitting Padma, Lavender, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott with reindeer ears, the whole class laughed at the five reindeer students. Especially Goyle with a red nose and Harry heard Dean call him Rudolph.
With a flick of the professor's wand, the reindeer antlers on the five students had disappeared. "Alright students, it's time for your next class," the professor yelled out to his students who were all laughing joyfully.
Harry couldn't believe it; the time had gone by so fast. "You're not so bad, Malfoy," he said to Draco who still was beside him, deciding to continue the little quarrel they were having earlier. "You're quite fun."
Draco rolled his eyes, smiling as he checked out his nails. "I know, Potter," he says smoothly with pride, cheeks rosy pink. "I'm quite the stunner to be around." He winks as he catches Harry looking at him.
Harry blushes. "Irksome git," he mutters with a smile. Draco pokes his tongue out at him.
"Do you want me to walk with you to Transfigurations?" Draco suddenly asked him even though he could be seen walking with Harry by others but that really didn't matter right now. He just wants to spend as much time as he can with Harry.
"Sure!" Harry replied whilst placing his quill and parchment back in his book bag. He watched Draco go to the exit of the classroom but remain at the old oak door waiting for him. He didn't realize until Draco turned to look at him that he was staring at his ass. He needs to stop doing that.
Draco smiled as he realized that Harry had been looking at him for what he guesses is a few seconds... or minutes. Does that mean he...? No, he can't. "Are you coming, Potter?"
Harry nodded and quickly walked up to Draco and they made their way towards the Transfiguration class. Harry smiled to himself because of the fun he had with Draco throughout the lesson. He wished all his classes had Draco in it.
Minutes later after saying a quick goodbye to Draco and they departed ways, Harry entered the Transfiguration classroom and sat down beside Neville. There was a tabby cat sitting on Professor McGonagall's desk, swishing her tail and everyone knew that was McGonagall. Harry was glad he wasn't the last to enter the classroom.
Harry looked at the Professor in her Animagus form, remembering back in the first year when he and Ron came late to their first Transfiguration class. It was not a good impression at all. Not even to Draco back then, he felt like an idiot when coming late.
The professor counted the number of students in her room, all of them were thankfully present. She then transformed back into her human form, still leaving a stern look on her face. "Good afternoon, class."
"Afternoon, Professor," every student replied. The professor smiled but something caught her eye. Someone, actually. A third-year Gryffindor by the name of Colin Creevey. Colin Creevey, who was not in the fourth year, raised his hand from the back-left seat of the classroom.
"Mr Creevey!" said Professor McGonagall, and everyone turned their heads to look at the younger boy. "What are you doing in my classroom?"
"Sorry Mrs," said Colin, flushing as everyone was staring at him. How embarrassing. He thought he had Transfigurations class now. If he doesn't have Transfigurations, then what class does he have now? "Don't I have Transfiguration now?"
"Charms, Mr Creevey. You have Charms class," Professor McGonagall corrected him. She's a little disappointed that he wouldn't know his schedule by heart, and she was a little annoyed by the title he gave her. "Tell me, why do you call us Professor's Mrs or Mr when you know very well that we're professors?"
"Never mind, Ms- I mean professor," said Colin, the flush on his face slightly fading as people started looking away but he knew they were listening closely. "I'll just go... and thanks."
"Very well, Mr Creevey," said Professor McGonagall and watched as the young boy left. She had a class to teach anyway. "This spell is used when fighting others. It was very popular in the sword and shield error in time such as back in Merlin and King Arthur's time. Now, who can tell me what the spell 'Lapis Parma' is?"
Hermione raised her hand high up in the air, knowing the answer right away.
The professor sighed as she rather someone else answer questions than Ms Granger. "Anyone else apart from Ms Granger?" the professor asked, looking around the room. As nobody else put their hand up, the professor sighed in disappointment and said, "Very well, Ms Granger."
Hermione smiled and lowered her hand. "Lapis Parma is a transfiguration spell that is used to turn medium objects into a shield," she states proudly, and she grins as she knows more than everyone in this room, besides McGonagall. "However, its twin spell is 'Lapis Gladio', which is used to turn medium objects into a stone sword."
"Very good, Ms Granger," said Professor McGonagall with a relaxed smile. One thing is for sure, she enjoys the students who know about the spells beforehand. "20 points to Gryffindor! Now, go ahead and practice the spell on these muggle pencil cases."
Everyone started turning their pencil cases into a heavy shield after the professor instructed them to do and some even asked Hermione to repeat the sword spell. Hermione knew perfectly well that her classmates were not mature enough to have swords in their possessions, so she didn't tell them about the spell.
Harry turned his pencil case into a shield, weakly smiling to himself as he could do the spell. He watched nearly all the Gryffindor guys ask Hermione for that sword spell and he chuckled as he watched Hermione keep a straight face. He could never do that; he'd easily feel as if his emotional walls were built up and he had to get away from that situation. He watched Dean and Seamus smiling at each other and he watched as they both gathered their own teams. Seamus asked a Ravenclaw bloke and Neville to join, and Dean grabbed two other boys from Ravenclaw.
Harry watched as the boys were pretending to be in a sword battle One of the Ravenclaw boys said "Ducklis" and turned Dean's shield into a rubber duck. Dean dropped the duck in surprise and hid behind Seamus. Harry suddenly remembers Draco's smile from Charms, and oh, how he loved those smiles. It always seemed to brighten up his day.
Finally, after a good 30 minutes of class, it was over and Herbology was next. Transfiguration and Herbology were single classes which means for the first 30 minutes of the afternoon was half a class of Transfiguration and the end was Herbology for the rest. All the boys were carrying their shields, Hermione was giggling because those shields were going to turn back into pencil cases in a matter of time.
Harry sighed at his classmates; glad they were having fun. He put his transfiguration textbook in his bag and made his way to Herbology alone, hoping to spot Draco in the corridors. He passed many students of Hogwarts, even seeing Fred and George chasing after Ms Norris. He finally catches sight of Draco and waves him over, and Draco, grinning, makes his way to Harry.
They passed Greenhouse 1 and 2, sneaking a peek inside to see the different plants growing out of each pot. Finally, he entered greenhouse 3 where his class was and where white-coloured flowers in pots were situated in the middle of a long table. Parvati and Lavender enter the greenhouse from behind Harry and Draco.
"I'm going to sit with Pansy if you don't mind," Draco told Harry quietly, Harry nodded and made his way to a table beside Neville, catching Draco looking over at him. He sat down with a smile and looked over at the chalkboard, wondering what the professor was going to teach them. Harry took a quick glance over at Draco, their eyes met and they both looked the other way with a blush on their cheeks.
"Hello, my lovelies," said Professor Sprout, who came in from her office and went to the front of the greenhouse to the chalkboard. She smiled at her class and got to work on writing what the class needed to do on the blackboard.
"Good afternoon, professor," the students all chorused and some of them tried to read what the professor had written.
"Today we're going to be handling Sneezewort," Professor Sprout said in a light voice as she turned to look at her class after writing what she needed to. "Can anybody tell me about the plant, the origin and the uses of it?"
Hermione's hand shot up rapidly. Neville's hand slowly went up.
"Ah, Ms Granger?" the professor asked her. It wasn't a surprise at all as Hermione always knew something beforehand. She could probably give the girl a whole essay about plants that the class will learn about in the near future and she would get them all right.
"Sneezewort is a species of herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the genus 'Achillea'," said Hermione and lowered her hand with a smile. "Its origin is in Europe and North America. These plants are most effective in the inflaming of the brain and are therefore much used in Confusing and Befuddlement Draughts, where the wizard is desirous of producing hot-headedness and recklessness. The leaves can be used for insect repellant. It is used as an ingredient in the making of various potions, such as the Befuddlement Draught and the Strong Invigoration Draught."
"Well done, Ms Granger. 20 points to Gryffindor!"
Neville noticed Harry seemed a little down, which he has been seeing a lot lately. He gave Harry a little tap on the shoulder and Harry flinched at the sudden gesture and smiled back at him. Neville knew that was a forced smile as he knew them well. Even he lets out a few fake smiles here and there. He wanted to ask if everything was okay, but the professor interrupted him by talking.
"Now, please try your best to not smell the plant, as it will make you sneeze a lot," the professor warned her class. "And write a detailed description of the Sneezewort on your parchments please."
Harry got out his parchment and quill, he did his best to write a description of the plant. He wrote, The outer petal colour is a much snowier white colour than the inner flower petals, which have a translucent lemon colour. The middle of the flower has a lemony yellow colour, where all the moisture is processed by the plant to make people sneeze. In fact, the plant stem is a special colour of mint. Though, the plant's leaves are often the same mint colour as the stem. Once he finished writing he glanced behind him, Emerald green eyes meeting Silver.
Draco smiled at Harry and wished he was back next to him. He just didn't want to leave Pansy alone in case Nott started flirting with her. He doesn't actually care about the flirting, but Pansy's told him that sometimes Nott gets a little... sensual. In this case, she would be stuck with him since she wouldn't be able to move from her desk.
Harry smiled back at Draco and gave him a wink as he caught him staring again. He will never get used to it. Draco tried to hold down a blush that was rising from his neck, but it was too late. He had been caught by Pansy who elbowed him in the arm with a big grin on her face. Why couldn't she just do her work and ignore him until class is over?
"You're blushing the colour of my mom's red lipstick, Draco," she whispered and sneakily drew a quick heart on the bottom left edge of his parchment. Inside the heart, she wrote in small letters 'Harry'. She smirked at the heart and just hoped Potter would come over here and accidentally see the heart. She should be calling him Harry now since Draco and Harry are friends now.
Draco narrowed his eyes at Pansy, his best friend. At least she was quiet when she admitted how apparently red his own face is. "I know, I can't help it," he said with a dreamy smile over at Harry, and then he checked out his nails to distract himself from Harry, but it was just too hard.
Pansy crossed her arms over the desk, still wondering if he asked Harry yet to the Yule Ball. She would be disappointed if he didn't. This is a very important question her friend needs to ask Harry. "Have you asked him to the Yule Ball? Or asked him out?"
Draco shook his head, still wondering when he'd be able to have the bravery and courage and do it. "No, it makes me nervous." But then he saw it and he panicked. A heart with Harry's name in the middle was on the corner of his parchment and the heart wasn't even small. It was at least twice the size of his thumbnail. He rubbed at it with the sleeve of his robe to get it off, but it didn't come off or even smudge. He groaned quietly and looked over at his best friend, glaring at her once more.
"Draco, you you got this!" Pansy snapped quietly just to stop him from trying to ruin her little doodle. It would rub off but with a special type of fabric which she keeps in her robe pocket. "You can ask him out. It's hard but in the end, it'll be worth it."
Draco looked down at the table, admiring all the small outlines of carvings students had made in the past. He ran his finger over the carvings on his wooden desk until an interesting-looking carving with initials caught his eye. He studied this initial carved inside a heart and recognized the JP+LE in a carved heart. James + Lily, Harry's parents. "Pansy!" he whisperes and pointed to the initials inside the heart, completely forgetting about the heart on his parchment. "Look at these initials!"
Pansy looked down at where Draco pointed and saw the carved heart shape and the initials on the inside. "Aww!" she said sweetly and wondered who these people were. "That's adorable. Whoever they were must have been so much in love."
Draco chuckled at his oblivious friend. Couldn't she see? These were Harry's parents. "Don't you know whose initials they are?" he asked and wondered what a carved heart with his initials and Harry's would be like. He had an urge to do it already.
Pansy shook her head at him, not knowing who these initials could have been. "Jennifer and Lucilla?" she suggested and smiled at the thought of a Lesbian couple creating this. It would be so cute though!
Draco rolled his eyes at her. How could she still not know? It is so obvious! "No, James and Lily," he whispered to her. He didn't want to draw attention to them by mentioning Harry's parents, so he had to keep quiet about this. "Harry's parents."
Pansy read over the initials, not sure if they could be the actual James and Lily Potter they were thinking of. "I'm not sure if that's correct, Draco," she says with a slow shake of her head, and she traces the initials with her finger. "There could have been many people with J and L as their first name."
Draco sighed. If this were the initials of Harry's parents, he knew that Harry would want to be able to see memories from his parents. He then remembered he had to write a description of the sneezing plant thing, so he studied it. The petals were kind of a snowy white, the stem and leaves were a mint green colour. He wrote it all down in a more detailed description, writing, "The colour of the outer petals is a far snowier white colour than the inner petals of the flower, which has a creamy lemon colour. The center of the flower has a lemony yellow colour, which is where the plant stores all the liquid to make people sneeze. Moreover, the stem of the plant is a unique mint colour. Although, the leaves of the plant also are the same mint colour with the stem."
Draco re-read over his writing to make sure it made sense, he put his parchment to the side and glanced up to see Harry twirling his quill on his cheek. He thought that was kind of cute, watching Harry stare absentmindedly out the window like there was something outside which was more important than class.
Harry was bored, he'd finished the description of the flower easily. He watched everyone in front of him scratching their quills on their paper or thinking about how to word a sentence. He then looked back behind him and noticed he was being watched. He winked at Draco again and stretched out his arms. He saw the blonde's cheeks turn a pretty pink rose colour which satisfied him. Since he had finished writing about the plant, he raised his hand.
The professor looked up from her desk, seeing a student raise their hand. It was Harry Potter. "Yes, dear?"
"I've finished my description; can you please check my paper?" Harry asked her and slowly lowered his raised hand, and he looked over at Hermione who also had finished her description of the plant earlier. It must've taken her a few seconds to write a paragraph that was... half a damn page long. How the hell can she do that? "I also want to do something more, so I'm not bored."
The professor got up from her desk and she nodded at Hermione to listen. "Sure!" she said as she walked over to Harry's desk. The professor picked up Harry's parchment and scanned over it and liked what she was seeing. "Excellent work, Mr Potter. If you'd like, you can read page 230 in your textbooks since that's what we'll be doing in the next lesson."
Harry nodded and opened his textbook to the required page as his professor went over to Hermione to probably tell her what to do. He read the title, 'Fire Seed Bush'. It sounds like an interesting chapter about fire plants, so he got into reading the chapter.
Professor Sprout, after telling Hermione about what she could do next, walked around her student's desks and made sure everyone was doing the right thing. She got to the Slytherins and checked their progress in writing a description about the plant. She discovered something interesting on Draco Malfoy's parchment he's been writing on. She smiled at the obvious heart doodled on the bottom of the boy's classwork but when she saw whose name was on the inside of the heart, she just couldn't believe it. Young Mr Malfoy likes her other student Harry Potter? She just adores this! "I like the heart, Mr Malfoy," she said quietly beside him and Pansy Parkinson.
Draco froze and covered the heart with his hand as a flush rose up his face and beside him, Pansy was snickering, so he elbowed her in the arm to shut up. It shut her up and made her hiss in pain, which Draco actually felt a little guilty for. "Um... that's a mistake- "
The professor sighed at his lie and patted him on the shoulder gently. "I know it's not a mistake, Mr Malfoy," she says quietly as she knows the Slytherin doesn't want to be heard by the whole class and definitely not by Harry. "I see the way you ogle him during my classes and in The Great Hall. Go get him before it's too late."
Draco looks up at her, but she has already begun walking to the front of the class. He sighed and buried his head in his arms on the table, not believing that happened at all. It couldn't have. His crush has been found out by a teacher.
"Even Professor Sprout knows and believes that you need to ask him out," whispered Pansy as their professor was out of ear range from them. Merlin's Beard that was amazing. "You really should be asking him out, Dray. Time's kind of running out."
Draco just groaned quietly in his arms and wished he had covered the heart up with ink. Why didn't he do that in the first place? This whole scenario never would have happened if he did so. "I told you and Ivy that I'll get to it when I can get him alone with me. I promise you."
"You better," Pansy muttered under her breath though Draco could hear her clearly. "We've been waiting since you two became friends. No, in fact even longer than that." Draco sighs and looks over at Harry, he just can't help it. He catches the Herbology professor talking to Harry and Draco freezes again, hoping his professor wasn't telling Harry about what she saw on the piece of parchment he had and used.
Harry looked up at Draco after Professor Sprout left his desk. Apparently, Draco had something important to tell and ask him. He wondered what it would be so when class finished, and everyone was packing up, he snuck down the aisle of desks until he got to Pansy and Draco's desk. "You wanted to ask me something?" he asked the blonde Slytherin as he leaned over the desk with crossed arms
Draco swallowed and slowly looked up into green eyes that held curiosity. So, that's what Professor Sprout said to Harry and not at all what he feared. "Um... h-hello, yes," he said with a stutter but forced himself to sound calm and collected. He heard Pansy snort a little which didn't help him at all.
Harry smiled at the Slytherin and wondered what was going through that smart brain of his. "Hello to you-" Then he sees it. A heart sketched into the bottom left corner of Draco's paper he's been writing on and inside that heart... Merlin's Beard. He felt a certain heat rise from his neck and cover his face in a light red blush. No, this just cannot be real. That handwriting, however. He knew that wasn't Draco's handwriting so it must have either been Pansy's or someone else's. But why would she write on Draco's work? He looked away and back into those silver eyes. "I- uh..." He bit his lip but then thought that maybe it was a different Harry. He didn't know any other Harry's in Hogwarts though. Technically he doesn't know everyone in Hogwarts. Just a few in his year level.
"Harry?" Hermione poked her head back in the greenhouse and looked to where her friend was. She found him talking to Malfoy and Parkinson. She wondered what this was all about, and she hoped she wasn't interrupting anything important. "Harry, are you coming to dinner?"
Harry looked behind him at his friend and gave a smile. He forgot about dinner. He actually was going to head to Gryffindor Tower to start on his Divination homework. "Yes, Hermione, I am going to dinner," he tells her and then looks back at Draco. "Let's continue this later, Draco."
Draco gives a slow nod and a smile at Harry, relieved that he didn't have to ask him a certain question in front of Pansy. "I'll see you later, Harry," he said nonchalantly and watched Harry give him a nod back and turned around to leave with Granger.
"It's not that hard to ask out your crush, Draco," Pansy said with a smirk as Harry and Granger were out of ear reach and she had everything packed away into her book bag ready to dump it in her room down in the dormitory. It's not too hard even though she actually hasn't tried asking her own crush out. "You could have easily said that six-word question in a matter of six seconds."
"And what about you, Ms Parkinson?" Draco asked her bitterly as he neatly stacked his items away in his book bag. He was pissed. She's acting like asking Harry out is the most easiest thing to do like picking up a quill. "Have you found it easy to ask out Granger? Tell me, have you asked her out yet?" Pansy didn't answer him for a few seconds, and Draco knew the answer to his question already. No, she hasn't. "I thought so."
Hermione was walking to Harry to the Gryffindor common room just so they can put their books and items away before dinner. She noticed a smile on her friend's face, and she couldn't help but wonder why he was smiling – since she hasn't seen him smile a lot at all and that worried her. Did Malfoy say something to Harry that made him like this? Could he have...? Oh, the possibilities were endless. "Harry, what happened back there?" She decided to give him an easy question then get into the harder ones later on.
"What? - oh..." said Harry who was brought out of his thoughts which were filled with Draco and that doodle he saw on the parchment. He really couldn't stop smiling at the thought of Draco actually liking him back. But there could be another Harry in Hogwarts. So, he decided to tell her. "Nothing much. The professor just said that Draco wanted to talk to me and when I got there and started talking to him, I saw..." he paused for a minute, wondering if she should hear this. Fuck it! She really should know. "Hermione, are there other students with the first name 'Harry'?"
"I'm not really sure," Hermione said with a shrug, and she looked at him questionably. She wondered what he meant. "I've been listening to every Welcoming feast for the first years and never once have I heard another Harry being called up for being sorted. Why are you asking me this, Harry?"
"On the bottom left corner of the parchment Draco was writing on during class, I saw a doodle of a heart and inside it was the name Harry," he told her with a beaming expression and glowing pink cheeks. "However, it wasn't in Draco's handwriting. My name, I mean. It wasn't Draco who wrote my name in the heart, so I don't know what to think."
Hermione was so close to giggling and shouting at him that the heart was definitely for him, and even if it wasn't Malfoy's handwriting, why would they put it on Malfoy's work? It had to mean something good. "Oh, Harry. Don't you see what this means at all?!" she asked him excitedly. "He likes you for goodness sakes! It may have been Pansy Parkinson's handwriting, or Theodore Notts, or someone else's but it's on the parchment he was writing on. C'mon, Harry. Think about this! If you knew who Ron liked, if there was someone, wouldn't you be drawing hearts around that person's name on his work just to tease him?"
Harry knew that Hermione had a point, but he just didn't believe that such an incredible guy like Draco would like someone like himself in that way. Someone who's a freak, who cuts himself, who hates himself, who wants to die. It was just unbelievable. Who would like a freak like himself? He shouldn't be thinking this darkly, but the thoughts just took over. "Maybe he did it for a joke, Hermione," he said a little wretchedly as they entered the common room from the portrait after Hermione said the password.
"Come on, Harry!" Hermione said in disbelief at her friend who cannot seem to see that Draco likes him. God, he's oblivious to the moon. "Who would literally draw a heart and put your name in it for a joke? Nobody would. Not unless they like you, Harry. Do you see what I'm saying here?"
Harry knew exactly what Hermione was saying but he still couldn't believe it. "I know what you mean, Hermione," he said and dumped his bookbag on a free couch in the common room. He sat down with a smile, thinking that there could be hope for him to build his friendship with Draco.
Hermione smiled and pulled him up from the couch, taking his book bag too. "Let's head to dinner, Harry," she told him and ushered him upstairs towards the boy's dormitory, throwing his bookbag up to him. "You can stare at Draco for as long you want when inside the Great Hall."
Harry didn't mind that idea at all, even if he wouldn't be eating anything. He tried eating something after he and Hermione put their bookbags and items back up in their dormitories and headed to the Great Hall for dinner, but he only ate half a bowl of Chicken Mornay. He supposes that was good enough. Hermione was right about the fact that Harry would be sneaking glances towards the Slytherin table as he did that a lot. He just couldn't believe that Draco out of all people could like him. He doesn't actually believe it, but he had hope that the Slytherin did.
Harry was back up in the Gryffindor common room, working on his Divination homework up late. He really didn't have time to wait for an actual prediction to happen, so he started making up predictions as he goes, making them more vicious every minute.
"Hmmm. Ah yes, at 4:00 am next Sunday when the weather is at its highest, I will suffer from a heat stroke..." he told himself and sadly chuckled at the thought of it coming true. "On Monday at 5:00 I will drown in a pit of viper venom but make it out alive and at 12:00 pm next Monday I will get a headache and a brain tumor. Yeah, this sounds good enough, I'll use them."
Harry looked around the common room and saw that the room had been cleared out from all the other Gryffindors. Only Fred and George remained, they were both sitting at one of the tables, but they looked like they were plotting something mischievous.
Harry remembered the talk with Fred at the Quidditch World Cup and how they had a chat about sexuality, how Fred and his twin were Pansexual and how Harry was more into guys than he was of girls. He remembered locking lips with Fred that night and remembered how George found out and how he kept asking how it all happened.
Fred and George both looked up and saw Harry. Harry looked up at the twins and smile, who smiled back at Harry.
Surely Harry couldn't have heard the mischief George and Fred were planning, he'd have to have extremely good hearing abilities to hear what the twins were planning. "So, Harry," Fred suddenly said. "What were you laughing about?"
Harry looked down at the floor, seeing a single bird feather on the wooden floorboards. How did that get there? Probably an owl. "Oh, nothing," he told them. "Just coming up with silly predictions that Trelawny will hopefully believe. Got anything I can add? Instead of brain tumors, drowning in viper venom, and getting a heat stroke?"
George laughed at these predictions Harry came up with and thought of a few he could actually use. "A positive prediction would be that you'll pass Divination by doing your very hardest," he suggested, grinning. "That's one. Oh, and that you'll be taking Draco to the Yule Ball if you ask him quickly."
Harry felt a blush rise from his neck at the thought of taking Draco to the Yule Ball and being his date. A guy can really dream about that. "I guess," he says an in almost dreamy voice. He closed his eyes and thought of the whole thing, of taking Draco to the Yule Ball, walking into wherever it will be held arm in arm with him and dancing with him. Then he opened his eyes quickly and shook his head. "I can't tell the professor about my dreams of dancing with Draco."
"Let's go with... you'll talk to a Shadowman at 3 am while everyone's still sleeping," suggested Fred as he rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip in thought. "You'll plant a deadly flower and it'll bloom exactly when Mars pasts Jupiter in a few months' time. Oh, and house elves will replace the caviar for fisheyes."
Harry was laughing as he wrote these predictions down which actually are good and hilarious. The twins kept feeding him predictions and he wrote them down as fast as he could. "So, you guys aren't angry at me for apparently putting my name in the goblet?" he then suddenly asked.
George and Fred shook their heads at him, knowing Harry would have never done it in the first place. "Harry, we know you'd never do something that silly," George said. They admit that at first they thought Harry would have done something but it took them a day to realize that Harry wasn't stupid enough to do something like that.
Fred nodded in agreement at his twin, knowing Harry wouldn't be that daft and do something so stupid to risk his life. Although the younger boy always somehow ends up in death-like situations. "We believe you didn't put your name in the goblet, Harry. If we couldn't, though we tried, then you can't.
George got himself up of off the couch, his twin following, and they started walking towards the staircase up to their dormitories. "Anyway, we're going to bed now, Harry," he said and gave a little wave goodbye. "Good night!"
Harry nodded at them and waved goodbye. "Alright, goodnight Georgie and Freddie," he said sleepily with a forced smile. Harry knew those two always stayed until up around 10:30 at night, just to finalize their pranks. It's just something they do, it's like their routine.
George peeked his head around, looking at Harry with a grin. Fred was already upstairs but he had something to mention. Harry looked up at him. "By the way, Harrykins, I'm still waiting for my kiss," he said in a loud whisper and Harry snorted. "Between Fred and I, I'm the better kisser."
"Maybe later," Harry whispered loudly back with a chuckle and flushed cheeks. It does give him time to practise kissing. He might need it. George winked and disappeared back up the stairwell.
Finally, Harry finished his Divination homework and decided to head to bed, ignoring Ron's glares as he got into bed. However, as he got up, he noticed Hedwig was sitting by the window. He walked over and sat beside his owl, petting her soft white feathers. He then remembered the letter Sirius had sent him; it would be a good time to write a reply to him now more than anything. So, Harry grabbed a piece of parchment, read over Sirius' letter, and began writing.
Dear Sirius,
The first week of school was fine, except that I somehow got placed in the tournament. I don't know what happened there. Thanks for knowing that I'd never put my name in the goblet, I am so sick and tired of Ron and other students asking me how I did it. Ron and I have gone our separate ways, but it's fine, he's just being a git. I haven't told anyone this but, I haven't told Ron about my sexuality. Should I? Hermione already knows, but of course, she's Hermione. She even knows I like to stare at my crush a lot and she knows exactly who he is. I'm so glad you want to help me with the task, I don't know what the task is yet, but I will hopefully find out. I'm thankful you don't mind the guy I like being in Slytherin because he is. I won't go into detail on what he looks like because it will be too easy to guess but he has whiteish-blonde hair and pale-ish skin. That's all I will tell you about him, it's a guessing game, kind of. Thanks again for accepting me as who I am.
Harry placed the letter to Sirius in an envelope and gave it to Hedwig. "Can you take this to Sirius, please?" he asked in a pleading way, and Hedwig nodded and flew out the window. Harry watched Hedwig fly out into the darkness then got himself ready for bed and fell into a deep sleep thinking about a certain whiteish blonde hair silver eyed Slytherin.
Did you know that the actress who played moaning myrtle was much older than a student! Shirley Henderson was 36 when she played the bathroom-haunting ghost of a 14-year-old student who was killed by a basilisk's stare in Chamber of Secrets.
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