New light, new Love
Draco smiled when waking up next to the bloke he loves so much. He ran his hands gently through Harry's dark hair and placed that daily morning kiss to his lips. When emerald green eyes fluttered open, he just fell deeper in love with this Gryffindor boy. "You know, my darling. My idea of a perfect morning is waking up next to you."
Harry smiled and raised his hand to caress Draco's soft cheek. "Yeah, well... I love when I wake up in the morning and the first thing I see is your gorgeous ass."
Draco snorted quietly and kissed him. "C'mon, let's get up and head down to breakfast," he said as he pulled away from the kiss and got off the bed.
Harry sighed. He didn't want to get up at all. Who wouldn't if the person you love so much is lying next to you? "Alright."
After they were dressed, Draco made sure to store his citrus flavoured hair gel on the bottom of his trunk. He still went to the bathroom with his second hair gel to Style his hair before going down to the kitchen arm in arm with Harry.
Ron kept staring at the couple with grins as he knew exactly what they did last night in his bedroom. Merlin save him if the room smelt of sex.
Harry buttered his toast and spread some of Mrs Weasley's homemade strawberry jam onto the toast. But just as he was about to take a bite from the toast, the familiar sound of the Floo excited everyone as they had no clue who was visiting at such early hours. Harry and Draco thought it'd be Severus, but they were entirely wrong. The people who walked into the kitchen hand in hand were Bill Weasley with Fleur Delacour.
"Good morning, everyone," said Bill with a smile. His eyes travelled to Harry and then to Draco, the Slytherin in the house. It seems like He has a lot of capturing up to do with that couple.
"'Ello!" said Fleur cheerfully, her smile lighting up her face. She looked over at all the smiling faces of the Weasley family. "Eet iz so good to meet all of you!"
Harry could recognise that lady's French accent from anywhere. Fleur Delacour, the girl's sister he saved at the Tournament. He gave her a smile, which Fleur returned.
Mrs Weasley grimaced at the sight of the lady but gave her a welcoming smile as she walked up to the two. "Ah, Bill, Fleur, such a moving morning having you arrive unexpectedly," she said sweetly. "How long exactly are you staying for?" she tried not to sound rude.
"Mom," Bill said firmly. "I told you over owl that we'll be staying for the remainder of the holidays following our engagement."
Everyone at the table listened closely to the conversation going on between the three adults. Especially with the word 'engagement'.
"Engagement?" repeated Mrs Weasley in disbelief but also disapproval. "I said nothing of the sorts for you to get engaged!"
Bill's face was serious. "Mum, I told you this...don't you remember we're getting married next year?" His voice quietened, "And it's not your decision who I decide to marry or not."
Mrs Weasley huffed in annoyance. Of course, she knew. "Right."
Bill cut her off, "And we'll be staying in my room for the rest of the holidays, mum."
"No, no, you'll not be sleeping together at all," said Mrs Weasley strictly with a shake of her head. "You will be up in your own room while Fleur will be sleeping in Ginny's room."
Ginny raised an eyebrow at the Veela. She wondered just how nice this woman would be, "Okay." She grabbed her toast and ate in silence.
Ron leaned closer to Harry to whisper, "Mum dislikes Fleur. I don't know why, but I think it's because Bill and Fleur are 'taking it too fast' in the relationship."
Harry nodded slowly, but he was mainly focused on his food and Draco.
The only thing Draco remembered of Fleur was her kissing Harry's cheek after the second tournament of the Tri-Wizard which he's annoyed at her for but that was in the past and it was nothing offending.
"Why don't you guys sit, please," said Mr Weasley as he could see the slight rejection on his eldest son's face. It hurt to see his son so rejected by his own mother because of engagement.
Mrs Weasley turned her head to look at her husband in surprise, but also disbelief. Couldn't her husband see what she sees? That her son and this... woman have taken it too fast.
"Zank you, Mr Weezley," said Fleur happily, clasping her hand to her heart. She and Bill sat down at the table on the other side of Harry and Draco.
Mr Weasley nodded and finished off his breakfast and mint tea. He sighed contentedly and stood up from his seat. "Another day. Another day at work." He rounded the table, placing a kiss on Ginny's head, which she smiled at. Then to Ron, which he grimaced from. Then he tried placing a forehead kiss on Fred and George, but the twins moved their heads away from their father's mouth. Mr Weasley sighed and wrapped his arms around his son's necks so he could hold them still and place a kiss on their foreheads. Fred and George scowled and wiped the kiss from their forehead, muttering to themselves that they're not children anymore.
Fleur chuckled at the family and how they show affection towards each other. Mr Weasley continued around the table, placing a kiss on Harry's forehead, which he chuckled from. Instead of Mr Weasley giving a kiss to Draco's forehead, Harry did it for him with a smile.
Draco smiled while eating his toast, glad he didn't have to be kissed on the forehead by Mr Weasley. His father doesn't kiss his forehead, so he's not used to it at all. Only his mother shows affection towards him, with lots of hugs and forehead kisses.
And then that left Mr Weasley to give Bill and Mrs Weasley forehead kisses before leaving through the Floo.
Fleur frowned as she didn't get a forehead kiss, but as she saw Harry and Draco, she smiled. "Ow'z school?"
"It's great!" Harry said with an easy smile, forming a steeple with his hands and pressing them to his lips.
"Je suis Draco, au fait. C'est merveilleux! Toujours apprendre de nouvelles choses," said Draco with his own smile. What he said was: 'I'm Draco, by the way. And school is magnificent! We're learning a lot of new things'. He thought, why not surprise this woman with her own country's language as it seems Mrs Weasley's not very fond of her which is a little disappointing to know.
The Weasley's, besides Ron and Harry, looked at Draco in utter amazement as they didn't know the Slytherin could speak any other language besides English.
Fleur looked at him, surprised. "Tu parles français? (You speak French?)"
Draco nodded. «Je parle couramment de nombreuses langues.(I'm fluent in a few languages.)"
"Oh! Quelles autres langues parlez-vous? (Oh! What other languages do you speak?)" asked Fleur, intrigued.
"Essentiellement français, mexicaine, et italien. C'est tout ce qu'on m'a appris. Mais j'ai de la chance de le savoir car cela signifie que je peux dire à quel point j'aime Harry dans différentes langues. (Essentially French, Mexican, and Italian. It's all I was ever taught. But I'm lucky I know it because it means I can say how much I love Harry in different languages,)" Draco said with a smile and squeezed Harry's intertwined hand under the table.
Harry looked at Draco at the mention of his name in the conversation Draco was having in French. He doesn't know what Draco's saying but recognises the 'J'aime' which he is sure means love.
Draco smiled at him and leaned in for a quick kiss, his heart fluttering wildly in his chest as Harry kissed back and placed a hand on his pale cheek.
Fleur giggled at what Draco had told her and placed a hand over her heart with a sigh. "C'est si beau à dire, Draco. Harry est vraiment chanceux de vous avoir dans sa vie. (That's so beautiful to say, Draco. Harry is really lucky to have you in his life.)"
Draco leaned out of the kiss and smiled at her gratefully. "Merci, Fleur. Et je tiens à vous féliciter et à vous souhaiter mes meilleurs voeux ainsi que les fiançailles et le futur mariage de Bill. (Thank you, Fleur. And I would like to congratulate and give my best wishes to you and Bill's engagement and future marriage.)"
"N'êtes-vous pas le plus gentil petit garçon! (Aren't you the sweetest little boy!" she said kindly.
Draco didn't like being called a little boy, but he let that go for now. He looked down at his empty plate and stood up from the seat while intertwining hands with Harry.
Harry looked up at Draco but stood up with him too. The next thing he knew was that he was being led out of the kitchen and into the lounge room with Draco. And then he fell backwards onto the couch because the Slytherin pushed him down on it, but he took Draco with him.
They both laughed until Draco got into a comfortable position on top of Harry and looked down into those emerald green orbs he loves so much. Those emerald green orbs he stared into while fucking into the bloke last night. He smiled at the memory, but mostly for having such a beautiful bloke in his life and leaned down for a slow kiss.
Perhaps time stopped when Draco's lips met his, but the flutter only intensified. Harry's heart pounded in his chest and his legs felt weak, even if they were resting on a lounge chair. He could only focus on how soft Draco felt against his mouth, how addictively he invaded all his senses.
Draco wasn't sure if nature rooted for this moment, but every breath he took smelt like Pine. The warm feeling of Harry's breath, although destabilising, was inviting.
But then a hand touched his shoulder and he jumped in fright. He looked behind him at the person, well, persons who disturbed their snogging session and grimaced.
"Sorry!" said Fleur with a frown and took a few steps back. She did not mean to scare the children. "Bill and I juzt want to talk to you boyz."
"Just a friendly chat," Bill said with a friendly smile at the two boys. "Nothing you should worry about."
Draco sat up, giving Harry enough room to pull his legs away and to the side so they could sit side-by-side. "Talk away then."
"May we zit?" asked Fleur sweetly, her frown turning upside down at the couple in front of her.
"Sure..." said Harry slowly. He does not know why they're asking for permission when they can just sit anywhere they want.
When the engaged couple had seated, Bill began, "So... When's the last time I saw you two together?" he asked and Harry and Draco shrugged.
"Ze Yule Ball!" Fleur reminded them. "Ze last time I saw you two waz at ze Yule Ball. You both looked like you are in love with each other," Fleur added with an appreciated sigh. "I heard zat you two had been rivalz."
Harry smiled down at the floor, his cheeks reddening from that memory. Draco blushed himself from that exact memory, and when he looked at Harry and saw his attractively flaming red cheeks, he kissed his cheek.
"That's just it, Fleur," said Harry as he squeezed Draco's hand in his. "We are in love with each other." He looked at his blonde Slytherin boyfriend with his smile and felt his hammering heart go wild in his chest, "I am deeply in love with Draco Malfoy."
And then Draco's heart pounded in his chest again from how beautiful the sounds coming from Harry's mouth and it was meant for him. He couldn't be feeling any luckier. "I am deeply in love with you too, Harry Potter."
Fleur cried tears of joy from hearing such young boys say those powerful towards to each other. It was beautiful.
Bill placed an arm around Fleur and kissed her temple. He asked them, "How exactly did you two become friends and then more?"
"I made a truce with Harry," Draco said quietly while not taking his eyes away from breathtakingly green orbs. "It was at the beginning of our fourth year. I had a cousin who begged me to finally 'man up' as she told me, and become friends with Harry. So, I did what I was told to do because I really wanted the whole rivalry to stop and to become friends with Harry. But then after, my cousin, since she knew I had a very big crush on Harry, told me that one: I should ask Harry to the Yule Ball and two: I should ask him out."
Harry smiled at what his blonde Slytherin boyfriend had told him. He moved closer so his legs touch Draco's. He remembers the day he asked Draco to the Yule Ball but found out he was going with Pansy just as friends. "Why didn't you ask me to the ball before asking Pansy, Draco?"
Draco smiled at him with a dark blush on his cheeks. "Harry... you were my first ever crush and do you even know how hard it was to even start a conversation with you without my heart exploding in my chest because of how loud and hard it was thumping? Same with being close to you or whenever you looked at me, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered around like there was no escape." "However, I did come close to doing both, but Granger interrupted me," the Slytherin said with a scowl. "I was literally so close to asking you out and to the Yule Ball before she came and had to ruin everything."
Harry laughed. Damn it. But he never knew that at that time Draco was going to ask him out. "Good old Hermione interrupting at the worst moments."
"Best moments, you mean," Draco corrected him. With his heart rate picking up speed again, he leaned closer to the dark-haired Gryffindor for another kiss.
Bill and Fleur smiled at them and decided to leave them alone for the time being.
Harry placed his arms around Draco's waist to pull the Slytherin closer to him. Draco groaned as he felt Harry's prick pressed up against his own as he lay down on the dark-haired Gryffindor. And then Harry starts to move back and forth slowly, making Draco moan as both of their prick's touch and rub against one another. They both want to feel each other raw and naked together in bed just like last night but knew they only have four more shagging nights in Ron's room for the month.
Ron walked into the room and snorted at the couple. He sat on the armchair on the other side of the couch with his legs over the edge so he could look at them. He was thinking of ways to disturb them since they're not supposed to do anything sexual in the Burrow.
When he heard a moan come from his best mate, he smirked. He looked around the room, looking for something to throw at them but found nothing. He cleared his throat loudly with an "Ahem!" but there was just no answer. He sighed and hopped off the armchair only to stand in front of the snogging couple. He was bored and wanted to have a little fun time annoying these two.
He collapsed on top of the boys, making Draco fall next to Harry with a "Heey!" Ron chuckled and hugged them. He never in his wildest dreams would think about hugging these two so easily. "HaArRrYyY, DrRaAaCcCoOo. I'm bored."
Harry laughed at his best mate and patted him on the back in the hug. "Alright, you little shit," he smirked at the name and could have laughed again at Ron's confused look. "Get off us, please. We'll stop snogging and do whatever you want."
Ron smiled at the colour patched pillow in front of him. "Wizards chess?"
Harry groaned at the boring game his best mate wants to play. He doesn't want to play any game at all unless it involves games with only himself and Draco alone in bed.
Draco tried to remove himself from underneath Ron but failed to do so. "We can play Wizards chess, only if you get off us," he assured him with a frown as he felt like a stuffed animal squashed amongst other stuffed animals.
"Yay!" said Ron with a loud elated voice. He removed himself from the two boys and the couch and grabbed his wizard's chess board which sat on the table next to the couch. He sat in front of the couch with the wizard board on the floor in front of him.
Draco looked down at the red-headed Gryffindor placing all the pawns, knight's, king's, castle's queens, and bishops down in their correct place on the board. He rolled his eyes at the wizard's chess obsessed Gryffindor and leaned back down to kiss Harry once more. Yet again, his heart hammered loudly in his chest as Harry's lips, so soft and addicting, kissed him back with equal the amount of love he was giving him. The strong scent of pine overwhelming his senses, like a morning stroll in the forest, from Harry he could smell. He knew he had to end the kiss, as the Weasel would grow impatient. So that is what he did. He pulled away slowly from Harry's soft lips, missing the feel of them already as he stares into beautiful emerald green eyes.
Draco slid down the couch and onto the floor, watching from the corner of his eye as Harry did the same and smiled as Harry's hands intertwined with his own. "Pawn to D4," he said, smiling with a playful grin. Draco's black pawn moved two spaces forward.
Ron looked him directly in the eye, then back to the board, "Pawn to f4." Ron's red pawn moved two spaces forward.
Harry surpassed a sigh; this was going to be a long hour of watching and waiting for the game to finish. At least he had Draco to fall asleep on if he needed to. He was already nodding off as his head rested on Draco's shoulder.
"Knight to C4," said Draco. And by then, as Draco's black night moved to the correct square on the board, Harry had already fallen asleep.
Ron smiled at his sleepy best mate and looked down at the board, "Bishop to B3." He sighed deeply.
"What's up?" whispered Draco in a warm caring tone. "Pawn to A4."
Ron watched Draco's pawn move forward. "I just miss Blaise," he whispered back while pinching the skin of his throat in worry. "Pawn to B4."
"I know you do," said Draco softly. He understands Ron's worry for Blaise. "I miss him too." He closed his eyes and placed a gentle kiss on Harry's forehead. "Pawn to E3," he whispered against Harry's forehead.
"Why couldn't he come to the Burrow during the Holidays instead of going back to his home to live with his Aunt?" asked Ron to his chessboard like the little chess pieces could come alive and tell him the answer. "He could have stayed in Percy or Charlie's room. That way I know he's safer here than alone up in his room probably-"
Draco cut him off with a frown, he doesn't want to hear anything that concerning, "Don't think that, Ron. I appreciate you caring for my best friend but it's still dreadful to assume that." He looks down at Harry sleeping on his shoulder and smiled. "Whenever Harry wants his alone time, I give that to him." He gave Harry's forehead a gentle kiss. "Yes, I worry about him every minute and second that I'm not there with him, but I don't think of anything too terrible. I keep my mind on the happy memories I've had and made with Harry and that's all I need."
Ron gave a small nod. The advice the Slytherin gave him sounds like it actually might help. "Thanks for the...err...advice thing. I'll keep in mind to only think about the happy memories of Blaise I have." He looked back down at the chessboard with his chin rested on his hand. "Pawn to C4."
"You are welcome, Ronny-kins," said Draco with a smirk from the name he said. He learnt it from the twins. "Castle to G2."
Ron glared at him for the embarrassing name, "Don't call me that, please." But then he grinned at the mistake Draco made, "Bishop, take Knight."
Draco sighed. His face became a wall of challenge. "Pawn take pawn." He gave Harry's hand a little squeeze. "You're not the only one worrying about people, though. I have no clue why mother sent me here in the first place when she clearly said in her letters that Harry and I get to come home. She clearly said that it was safe, secure and everything. So, why send me and Harry here if it is safe at the manor unless..." He swallowed. "But I don't want to think about that..."
"Can't you send someone over to check up on her if you're worried?" asked Ron, tilting his head to the side to show he's curious about the issue. "Or at least go and visit her?"
"Who could I send to the manor, Ron?" whispered Draco distractedly as he stared at the chessboard. "Bishop to F3." He doubts Mrs Weasley will let him leave the Burrow. "And I don't think Mrs Weasley will let me go see her."
"Oh, I don't know, maybe a house-elf?" said Ron sarcastically with deliberately raised eyebrows. He would have thought Draco would think sending a House-elf would be his first choice. "Like Dobby, for example. I think he abides by you, does he not?"
"He does," admits Draco with a nod. And he's grateful the house-elf trusts him again. "Castle to G4." Draco stopped the conversation there just in case it gets out of hand. He doesn't want arguments to start again. He waited for Ron to make his next move of the game.
Ron looked up at him. "It's your turn."
"No, it's yours," said Draco, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Are you sure?" Ron asked.
"Yes!" exclaimed Draco.
"Castle to A4," said Ron suddenly. He flashed a cold smile at the Slytherin.
"Bis-," started Draco, but he was interrupted.
"'Ello boyz!" Draco and Ron looked over at Fleur who had just entered the lounge room. Harry was still sleeping peacefully on Draco's shoulder.
"Hello, Fleur," Ron said with a smile. He doesn't know why his mother suddenly hates this lady. He knows she and Bill have been dating for a year, and yes he agrees marriage is a little too sudden but it's their choice.
Draco gave her a little smile, "Hi."
"'Ow are you all zis fine evening?" asked Fleur as she sat down and put her hands in her lap.
"I'm good!" said Ron with a nod. Though He and Draco both smiled politely at her, but not genuinely.
"And 'ow are you, 'Arry?" Fleur asked the immobile quiet wizard leaning on Draco's shoulder.
Draco pressed a finger to his lips to try and silence her. "He's sleeping," he says quietly. "I don't want to wake him."
Fleur nodded at him. She looked down at the checkerboard curiously. "What eez zis?"
Ron looked at her and blinked, trying to process what he had heard. "You don't know what wizards' chess is?" he asked, confused out of his right mind. She should know what it is.
"Weezards shess?" asked Fleur while lifting a single eyebrow. "Zis eez not'ing like ze Weezards shess we 'ave in France."
Ron sighed in relief. He would have ended up disliking her for not knowing what wizards' chess was. "What's the French wizards' Chess like?" he asked with a still demeanour aided in observation. He was curious to know. Do they look different? Do they have different colours?
Fleur smiled. "Our Weezards shess eez seelver and white," she explains it to them simply. "Seelver and white shessboard and piecez. And ze board has diamondz, not squares."
Ron nodded his head. His ears turned red with shame. Of course, he wouldn't be able to afford one. Draco noticed this, however, and frowned at the youngest Weasley brother. At least it gives him an idea of what to get him for Christmas. Ron's chessboard was a little tacky anyway.
"So, who eez winning?" Fleur asked while staring at the chessboard that looks centuries old. She tilted her head to the side to try to see the resemblance of the wizard's chessboard at her home but couldn't see it.
"Nobody has won yet," said Ron merely with a sigh. He was about to win before Fleur came to disturb them.
Draco smiled at the sleeping figure of Harry on his shoulder and rested his head on Harry's dark hair that laid on his shoulder. Harry's messy black hair tickling his ear was sending little shivers down his neck and spine. "I love you so much, Harry Potter," he whispered low enough into Harry's ear.
"Heard that," Ron said, a relaxed smile spreading on his face. It's still nice to hear love confessions from the two even if they can get a little cheesy.
Fleur too heard what Draco said so she covered her smile with her hand.
Draco grinned at them. He realised how stiff his shoulders are for staying in one place for a long time, for having Harry lay on them for a long time. He sighed as it was obvious, he had to move but didn't want to wake Harry up. He wanted to add a bit of romance to this situation so he slowly lifted Harry's head from his shoulder and twisted his own body around so he could kiss him. It took a few moments of just pressing his lips to Harry's lips until he got a response. His heart pounded in his chest as those soft lips kissed him back slowly and drowsily.
Harry fluttered his eyes open, wanting to get a peek to see if this was a dream or not. He could tell, by the feel of his own heart hammering in his chest, the scent of citrus and vanilla emitting off Draco, the Slytherin's warm hand placed on his cheek and the feel of Draco's warm gentle lips kissing him that this just couldn't be a dream at all. It was real and he just couldn't be feeling any more blessed than he was yesterday or the day before. Draco Lucius Malfoy is his happiness, he had found his happiness ages ago and only now has he just realised it.
And then Draco leaned out of the kiss with a smile. When he opened his eyes, he noticed Harry's eyes were already open. Those magnificent stunning emerald green eyes staring brightly into his silver ones stabbed him in the heart with love. "Hi," he said quietly and caressed Harry's cheek with his thumb.
Harry smiled at him with a blush forming on his cheeks. "Hi..." He noticed there were two other people in the room. He remembered Ron and Draco playing wizards chess together but didn't remember Fleur watching them at all. "Oh, hello Fleur," he said with a tired smile. He surpassed a yawn from escaping his mouth.
"'Ello, 'Arry. 'Ow are you feeling today?" she asked in a soft and gentle voice. She hoped he had a good little nap on Draco's shoulder.
"I'm good, thanks," Harry said honestly. But that question still gets annoying to answer on repeat. Was that all she came here to say because he was getting a little bored. He wants to go someplace alone with Draco if that's possible. When there was only the slow bird-like whistle coming from Ron, he decided that this was just too boring. He'd at least like to get some more sleep. Why not head to Ron's room to catch up on sleep with Draco? It would be relaxing, warm, cuddly, and so great!
Draco seemed to know what Harry wanted, alone time with each other. He wants the same thing, to be all alone with Harry, someplace nice and snugly where all he can hear is Harry's breathing, his heartbeat, and the smell of Harry. He could see how deep in thought Harry was just because of the distant look on his face. He knew Harry wouldn't talk now so that just left him to end the awkward silence.
"Harry and I... are going to go." He stood up with ease. And when Harry stood up, he linked arms with him and led him out of the lounge room, leaving a confused Ron and a smiling Fleur alone.
Harry didn't ask the question of where Draco was taking him. Obviously, they were going up, up to Ron's room. Right now, he would love to be snuggled under his or Draco's bed sheets with his Slytherin boyfriend. And once inside Ron's bedroom, they did exactly that. They hopped into Draco's bed and snuggled up to each other with the blanket covering them both.
One evening, Harry and Draco were out in the sunshine by the pond watching the frogs swim and jump around. Draco stared at a particular frog in front of him. He was glaring at it, hoping that it wouldn't jump onto his face. He'd hex it into the next week if it did. But what intrigued him was something he remembered with Ivy a few years ago. He looked at Harry with a smile, "Is there some kind of story based on a princess and a frog made by muggles?"
Harry hesitantly turned his head to look at him. How did he know there was such a thing? "Yeah, the princess and the frog," he said with a hesitant nod of his head. "It's made by Disney. How do you know about it though?"
Draco gave him an obvious look, the same obvious look to say who exactly told him about muggle items. But he didn't know what Disney was or who it was.
"Riiiiight," Harry said with a prolonged 'I'. It was obviously the vampire girl. "Ivy, I should have known."
Draco hmm'd at him and moved closer to Harry so their legs touched. "I wasn't told the story," he says though he knows the frog is supposed to get kissed by a princess and it turns into a prince. "Can you tell me about it, please?"
"Are you sure you want to hear about a little muggle girl story?" Harry asked straightforwardly. He didn't think Draco wanted to know about one of Disney's creations. "It's pretty boring, to be honest."
"Yes, Harry," said Draco with a nod. His silvery eyes looked at Harry softly, telling the Gryffindor that he really wants to hear about the story no matter if it's a kids story.
Harry sighed. But he's going to spice the story up a bit. "Once upon a time lived a boy named Tom," he begins but thinks about the younger version of Tom Riddle. Geez. Why did the man want power in exchange for ugliness? "He was just a normal boy with short black curly hair and brown eyes. His occupation was a waiter, and he enjoyed the job a little. And one evening, after finishing his shift off, he walked back home. His home was a fair distance away, he had to walk through a lot of parks and gardens to get there. But a sudden noise stopped him in his tracks, and he looked into the pond where the croak came from."
"There, sitting on a Lily pad was a frog singing a song," Harry continued and thought of Tom Riddle, the younger handsome version – he had to admit because it was true – singing some kind of One Direction song. "It had a human voice, a pretty good singing voice too. Tom was just at a loss of words at what he saw. When the frog saw him, he started asking it questions. Asking how it could talk if all frogs can talk like humans. The frog laughed and told him that only he could talk because he was a special frog. Tom asked the frog how exactly he was special from the other's, and then the Frog told him who he really is. A prince who was cursed by an evil voodoo sorcerer. And the only way to break the curse would be a kiss on the lips."
"Tom didn't believe the frog at all," Harry said and looked down into the pond at the frogs swimming around. "Obviously, nobody would believe him. He got annoyed at the frog's ranting and decided to head home. But the frog followed him and kept saying he needs to be kissed. When Tom was halfway towards the end of the park, he turned around swiftly and glared at the frog. He was pissed so he asked him that if he kisses him, will he go away. The frog promised him that if he does kiss him and he doesn't turn back, then he will leave him alone and never bother him again."
"Tom then picks up the frog with both hands and kisses him. And then bam!" Harry exclaims loudly and pokes Draco on the nose, making the Slytherin smile. "Tom feels a sudden weight on his arm and collapses onto the floor, only to lock eyes with a handsome male the same age as him with blonde hair and blue eyes. He just doesn't believe what had happened and thinks he's going crazy. But he kisses the blonde-haired boy again because the bloke's just incredibly handsome and he really wants this guy in his life. Then they date for a couple of months, and they instantly fall in love with each other. It was love at first sight."
Draco chuckled and placed his chin on Harry's shoulder while wrapping his arms tightly around Harry's sides. It sounds a little like his and Harry's story a little but that day when Harry kissed him as a ferret – thanks Mad-eye fucking Moody – it was actually when he came out to Ivy that he was already dating Harry. "I'm hoping you would kiss me if my crazy aunt turned me into a frog?" asked Draco to Harry and fluttered his eyelashes at him.
Harry smiled and kissed him. Why wouldn't he? It would be weird kissing your boyfriend who was turned into a frog, but you would save them. "Don't you worry, I will, my frisky blonde ferret," he smirks at the animal name and reaches up to play with Draco's hair. "If you get turned into any animal just come running to me and I'll fix you."
Draco let out an "mmm" from his throat but he made a grunt of disapproval from being called a ferret. "Thank you, my darling. I would do the same for you too... and I'm not a damn ferret."
"You better do the same for me, my frisky ferret," said Harry mockingly, and he grips Draco's hair and pulls it back so the Slytherin exposes his neck. Harry goes for the jackpot and bites into Draco's neck, and the blonde squirms a little from Harry's teeth.
"Git," responded Draco, pushes Harry up from his neck and kissed the smirk off Harry's face with a smile. But then he pulled away as his bottom felt sore from this ground he is sitting on. He rather his bottom be sore because of Harry and his thick meaty cock though. "Can we get up, please? This ground's a mixture of hardness and sloppiness."
Harry laughed softly and stood up with his Slytherin boyfriend. "Fine, my frisky blonde kitten," he then says and Draco gives him a charming smile. Lucky for Draco, no mark was present on his black pants but Harry couldn't take his eyes off Draco's perfectly round arse. But to distract himself, he crouched down and picked up a stone. He studied it, the edges and roughness before trying to skip it in the lake. Instead, the stone just went 'Plonk!' in the water. He sighed.
"What are you trying to do?" asked Draco curiously with a raised brow. He rolled his head to the side and felt the stinging sensation of Harry's hickey on his neck. He truly loves them.
"Trying to..." Harry picked up another rock and threw it into the water. He's seen it be done before, but nobody has shown him how to do it. "Skip rocks."
"Skip rocks?" Draco repeated curiously. How couldn't Harry know how to skip rocks? It's pretty simple once someone gets the hang of it. "Here, let me show you how to do it."
Harry looked at him as he grabbed another rock. "You know how to skip rock's?" he asked in disbelief. Muggles usually know about skipping rocks. He didn't think wizards do. "How?"
"Father taught me when I was younger," Draco said as he stood behind Harry and linked hands with him but also held onto the stone in Harry's hand with him to guide him in how to skip rocks. "We were at an important person's house waiting for the party to start, we came across a lake in their garden and that's when he taught me."
Harry looked up into Draco's eyes and smiled. The blonde Slytherin's soft touches sent pleasant shivers down his spine. He was waiting for Draco to lean closer to kiss him but the Slytherin only winked at him which made Harry blush.
"It's the way you hold the rock before you throw it that causes it to skip," Draco said quietly. "You hold the rock with your thumb and middle finger. Then place your index finger on the edge and...-" He guided Harry in throwing the rock into the pond while keeping a firm hold on Harry's hand. "Throw."
The rock skipped three times into the pond before sinking.
Draco smiled and kissed Harry's cheek as a 'congratulations, you have skipped your first rock'. Harry's cheek was so warm with a blush that it made Draco's cheeks blush. "You think you got it?"
Harry just didn't want this beautiful moment to end. He loves having Draco so close to him while teaching him something new. "No..." he lied.
Draco picked up another rock before getting back into the position he was in with Harry's back touching his stomach while his hand linked with Harry's and Harry's hand grabbed onto the rock.
Harry looked back up at Draco, who looked at the rock, so he did the same. He really couldn't concentrate at all because of how close Draco was to him, and his legs were feeling a lot like jelly because of this beautiful moment. The blonde Slytherin's voice sounded like beautiful church bells ringing in the distance, and the sound of the frogs surrounding them just made him feel so at peace. But as Draco's breath ghosted on his neck, and the scent of Citrus and Vanilla ran up his nostrils, he closed his eyes and gave in to the pleasure as he tilted his neck back a little.
"Concentrate, Harry," Draco said quietly with an adoring smile. He blew into Harry's ear and the Gryffindor shivered. Harry immediately opened his eyes and looked up at him with a goofy smile. Draco couldn't take not kissing Harry, especially with that adorable smile, so he leaned in and kissed him.
Harry slowly smiled in the kiss as he got what he wanted. Draco's soft feathery kisses took his breath away and he felt like he was floating up in the sky with the Slytherin. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest and he feels like he could collapse because of how weak his legs feel right now. Draco's kisses are just so powerful, and they feel like they drain the energy right out of him. And he loves how this beautiful blonde-haired Slytherin affects him. How his heart only beats fast for him, how his hands get all sweaty when he's around, the touches the Slytherin gives him sends tingles through his skin and shivers everywhere. But then the kiss ended, and he didn't want it to. He opened his eyes as he could just feel Draco doing the same. He stared deeply into those beautiful silver irises that shine stunningly in the evening sunlight. Oh, could it be possible to fall deeper in love with someone?
The sound of a rock skipping across the water started the two boys and they looked over at the person. It was Bill Weasley, with a big smile on his face and a pile of rocks in his hands. "Lesson number 1 about learning, never become distracted or you won't even learn a thing," he said as he skipped another rock into the water. The rock skipped twelve times across the pond and disappeared in amongst some reeds.
"Hey, Bill," said Harry with a blush on his cheeks from being caught. Bill was right, he had become distracted by Draco. How couldn't he be distracted by his handsome boyfriend? The sight of him is far more breathtaking than his kisses. Well, he doesn't know if that's true or not. It's one or the other.
Draco gave one last kiss to Harry's cheek before moving away from the Gryffindor to give him room to skip a rock. "Let's see if you have learnt something other than becoming distracted by me," he said with a smirk to his lips.
Harry sighed, missing the feel of Draco from behind him but he stood up straight, held the rock with his thumb and middle finger and placed his index finger on the edge of the stone. He then threw it into the pond.
The rock flew in the air above the water and skipped five times before sinking into the water. Harry smiled, pumped a fist in the air and shouted in triumph.
Draco whistled in amusement. "Great job, Harry!" He grabbed a rock and threw it over the water. It skipped eight times.
Bill smiled at them while throwing another rock into the pond and it skipped fourteen times.
"Wow..." said Harry, his face shiny and rosy. How can they do that so easily? "How the hell can you skip rocks so far?"
"Practice, Harry," said Bill simply because it was true. Practise is everything when wanting to be able to do something that one cannot usually do."Practice makes perfect, and I had six brothers to play with when younger."
"Bill is now officially my favourite Weasley," Draco admitted with a smile at the man. He stood by Harry and skipped another rock into the water.
Bill chuckled at the Slytherin. "I'm flattered, Draco."
"I thought Percy was your favourite?" Harry asked Draco with an enigmatic smile. No, he knows Percy is Draco's favourite.
"He was," Draco said with a nod. "He was on the top of my list because he is highly educated, works for the ministry and all that. But the letter he sent Ron regarding you, really got to me too. The day Ron got the letter, after Divination, I asked him about it, he gave it to me, so I read it." He frowned when remembering how harsh the letter was. "Why didn't you come to me after reading it if you were so upset? I would have stood by your side, gave you as much love as you needed and helped you through it."
"I just..." Harry started but his depression pulled him down. But he promised Draco and the twins that he'll try to be happier... But how could he do that when he's just being reminded of his past and how hurtful it all was?
"Harry, are you okay?" Bill then asked, his eyebrows were drawn together in worry. He's seen such a familiar sight where one looks like they're alright, but when triggered, they just break.
"Yeah, I'm... fine," said Harry with a frown. His posture slumped a little and his eyes have lost that shine in them. Well great, now he feels even worse for lying. He just doesn't want anybody else finding out about his darkest secret. Draco, Ron, Neville, Blaise, Hermione, Ivy, Severus, Narcissa, Sirius, and the twins all know about his secret. He doesn't want anybody else to know or worry about him.
Draco placed a careful hand on Harry's shoulder for reassurance. When Harry didn't flinch away, he embraced him in a hug. "I'm so sorry I mentioned this, Harry." He rubbed his hands up and down Harry's back slowly. "I shouldn't have mentioned it at all."
Bill looked at the two curiously, wondering if there is something big that he had missed out on knowing. If his brother had said something mean to Harry, then he'll need to talk to him about it.
"Don't apologise, Draco," whispered Harry with a tone that lacks strength and vitality. "It was my fault. I brought Percy's name into the conversation."
"Yes, that's true but I added onto that," Draco said carefully. He knows it's his fault and he feels bad for it. "I deepened the conversation about Percy and what he had done. So, don't take full responsibility for this. It's not your fault."
"Draco's right," Bill started with a frown. He had a pained look on his face like he knew what Harry was feeling. "But it's neither one of your faults. It's Percy's fault. If he did hurt you somehow, by a letter if I heard correctly, then it's his fault. So, don't blame yourself for what my little brother had done. I'll have a talk with him whenever I can. And Harry, just know you can always talk to me about anything that concerns you. I'm always here to talk to, just like how Draco's there for you." He narrowed his eyes at the Slytherin, "Which I'm hoping he is."
Draco swallowed and nodded. Every one of the Weasley brothers is like actual older brothers to Harry. It gets a little scary sometimes, he admits. Especially if they are angry, serious, or pissed. "I'll always be here for Harry, though life and death," he reassured the oldest Weasley brother.
"Good," said Bill while keeping a close eye on him. "Good. Now..." He saw the miserable look on Harry's face and felt extremely worried now. He must keep a close eye on this younger wizard from now on. "Why don't we go inside? It's becoming quite chilly out here."
Harry only gave a nod as he held onto Draco's arm which linked with his own and headed back inside into the Burrow's warm lounge room. He slouched down on the couch, not wanting to move away from it at all.
Draco sat beside his depressed boyfriend and sighed deeply. He didn't know what to do except ask for Severus, but he didn't want to disturb the man again. He lay down on the other side of Harry and placed an arm around him. He kissed his boyfriend's forehead and lay back down beside Harry.
But minutes later, Harry got up from the couch and looked down at the sleepy Slytherin. He frowned and headed up to Ron's room for a proper lie-down. But what he didn't know was that Draco wasn't asleep.
When Draco saw and felt the silhouette of his boyfriend move away from him, he got up and followed him. It wasn't until he saw Ron's bedroom door close that his worry grew a little, so he opened the door and entered. He smiled when seeing Harry curled up in bed all nice and snugly and warm. He walked around the bed until he was directly in front of Harry's face. He ran a hand gently through his hair and gave his forehead another kiss on the cheek. "I love you so much, Harry Potter," he whispered with a smile. "Please never forget that."
He left the room and closed the door behind him. He wanted to keep an eye on Harry, even if he's not in the room with him. He wondered... "Dobby?" he called. Nothing happened or appeared... He sighed. "Dobby?" he called but a little louder.
Dobby popped into the hallway with a yellow beanie on his head with matching socks. Draco thought that was utterly strange but didn't judge it. "Mr Draco Malfoy? What can Dobby do for Draco?"
"Hello, Dobby," greeted Draco with a rushed smile. "It's really good to see you again. Now... the reason why I summoned you is for two things. One: can you check up on Harry every hour? He's in this closed room. And two: I know it's a lot to ask but could you check up on my mother once every day?"
"Dobby is glad to see Draco too," Dobby says with a big cheerful smile. "About the options, Dobby can do the first option. Not second. Dobby doesn't want to go back to Malfoy Manor. Malfoy Manor stores bad memories for Dobby. Very bad memories."
Draco frowned at the house-elf as he knew the manor has bad memories for all house-elves. What could he say to the elf? "Dobby... I know the manor holds bad memories, but you can forget about them and move on. And my father isn't at Malfoy Manor anymore. He's in Azkaban. So, if you're worried about him being there, don't. And you can trust my mother. You can trust her, can't you?"
Dobby the house-elf nodded, "Dobby can trust misses Malfoy. Misses Malfoy is very trustworthy person."
"So, will you check up on her then?" Draco asked gently at the elf with his bright silver eyes. "Please? I need to make sure that she's okay."
Dobby hesitated for a moment. He kept looking up at the Slytherin then down at the floor with unease. He repeated the gesture but finally after a minute had gone by, he nodded. "Dobby will do both options. But as Dobby has to go back to manor Dobby wants something in return."
Draco raised an eyebrow. That was something new to hear coming out of a house-elf's mouth. How hard could the payment be anyway? "Name your price, Dobby."
Dobby smiled at him. "Dobby wants hug as payment." He opened his arms out wide for a hug.
"Is that all?" Draco asked when rubbing absently at his arms in disbelief. He couldn't believe it. "A hug? Nothing expensive like actual clothes?"
"Yes, that is all Dobby wants," said Dobby with a grin. His arms were still open, waiting for a hug.
Draco swallowed. Hugging a house-elf? He's never thought about that before. But he knows the sooner he gets it over with the better. He crouched down onto his knees and gradually hugged the elf. He felt a little humiliated right now even if nobody was watching. He hoped nobody was watching.
Dobby pulled out of the hug with a smile and popped out of the Burrow, leaving a crouching Slytherin alone.
Draco shuddered at the thought and realisation of what happened. He is definitely using twice the amount of soap tonight when in the shower to wash himself off. At least he knew if his mother would be okay when Dobby comes back with the news.
He got to his feet and entered back into Ron's room. Harry was still lying on the bed, but Draco couldn't tell if Harry really was asleep or if the Gryffindor just wants to look like he's asleep. He closed the door behind him and decided to just sit on his bed and watch the moving picture of him and Harry dancing together around the fountain in Venice for some time.
Narcissa Malfoy was down in the lounge room of Malfoy Manor sitting by the piano. She was remembering all the times Lucius played a few songs on the piano for her back when they were teenagers. She used to dance around to the songs, even hum to them. She smiled at the beautiful memories and sighed.
When she turned around, she jumped in fright and placed a hand on her heart. "Dobby!" she stammered at the house-elf she hasn't seen in so long. "Don't scare me like that..."
"S-Sorry missus Malfoy," stuttered the elf with a guilty frown. He wasn't meant to do such a thing.
"It's alright, Dobby," Narcissa said with an accepting smile as her heart calms down. "Why are you here? The last time I saw you were four years ago. Where have you been? I was a little worried about you. You are quite a nice little elf."
Dobby gave her a grateful smile. He had tears in his eyes because nobody has ever told him that they have worried about him before besides Harry Potter. "Dobby is here to check up on missus Malfoy. Dobby was ordered by Mister Draco Potter." He paused at what he had said and Narcissa chuckled in amusement. "To make sure that Missus Malfoy is doing good, and Dobby was freed by Harry Potter four years ago. Dobby is also grateful that missus Malfoy worried for Dobby. And Dobby thanks missus Malfoy for the compliment. That makes Dobby feel good."
"Please tell Draco that he doesn't need to worry about me," said Narcissa softly. She just doesn't want him worrying about her. "I'm doing just fine, even if I do miss him a lot. And tell Harry I miss him too," she added with a smile. "There's nothing they need to worry about. I simply sent them off to the Burrow for their safety."
"Dobby will do what Missus Malfoy says," the little house-elf says. "But Dobby can tell Mr Draco and Mr Harry are curious as to why Missus Malfoy sent them to the Burrow. Even Dobby is curious. Is there a reason Dobby should know? If missus Malfoy tells Dobby, Dobby will not speak of it to Mr Harry and Mr Draco. Dobby promises."
"I'm sorry, Dobby," Narcissa said with a down-turned mouth and a shake of her head. "I cannot tell. I can't tell anybody. It's too dangerous for anybody to find out. The only other person who knows is under the same roof as Harry and Draco right now. If she feels as if it's the best time to tell them, then she will. It's her choice."
"Dobby understands," Dobby says with a frown and nodded his head. "Is there anything else Missus Malfoy must tell Dobby or a message Misses Malfoy wants Dobby to deliver to Mister Draco Malfoy?"
"No," Narcissa said with a little sigh when looking at the wooden floor. "Nothing really." She looked back into the elf's eyes, "Is this all you came here for?"
Dobby nodded again. "Yes, that is all Dobby is here for. But Dobby will still check up on Missus Malfoy as ordered by Mr Draco."
"If you must," said Narcissa, raising her eyebrows and giving a glassy stare at the elf. The elf swallowed. "It was wonderful seeing you again, Dobby."
Dobby gave her a nervous smile before popping out of the room, leaving Narcissa all alone again with a whole house to herself. It's something she truly doesn't like.
Dobby popped back into the Burrow and into a bedroom that was Ron's. When he saw the figure of Draco he smiled and began to speak. "Do-"
"Shh!" Draco placed his finger over his lip and pointed to a resting Harry Potter. The elf looked over at what he thinks is a sleeping Harry Potter, but Harry was just resting. "Whisper it to me," Draco ordered silently. "How's my mother?"
"Missus Malfoy is doing good," whispered Dobby to the Slytherin. He visibly cleared his throat. "Missus Malfoy told Dobby to tell Mr Draco that Missus Malfoy doesn't want Mr Draco Malfoy to worry about missus Malfoy and that missus Malfoy misses Mr Draco Malfoy and Mr Harry Potter."
Draco blinked at the elf. One day he knows that he and Harry must teach the elf how to properly speak. Sometimes these elves get confusing. "Thank you, Dobby," he whispered back. It was a relief to know his mother was doing well. "Is that all?" When the elf nodded, he continued, "Remember, every week check up on my mother and report back to me. Okay?"
"Dobby will do as instructed," Dobby whispered, but because he's not used to whispering his voice was getting higher. "Dobby must go. Goodbye."
"Ye-" Draco couldn't even say the rest of his goodbye's as the elf had already popped out of the room. He sighed and leaned down on his bed for some shut-eye.
Bill knocked on Fred and George's door right after morning tea the next day. He had Ron behind him, who looked particularly curious and a little worried because he needed to talk to his brothers alone. In a few seconds, after hearing a few little banging noises coming from the room, which could only mean the twins were making something, the door opened and there stood Fred and George.
Fred and George looked at each other and knew something was up. Whenever one of their brothers had to talk to them about something important, they would gather the rest of the Weasley brothers up, and sometimes their father. But it was only Bill and Ron who stood outside their door.
"May we please come in?" Bill asked nicely with a smile. Urgent matters to discuss should be discussed with the brothers and nobody else. Sometimes Ginny too, if it concerns her.
"Sure..." George finally said and opened the door for his brothers. They were making something new, but that wasn't as important to what Bill wanted to talk to them about.
Bill walked in with Ron and leaned against his brother's wooden desk and studied his three brothers carefully. George was seated on the wooden seat under the desk, and Fred was on his green quilted bed on the Right side of the room with a bunch of different coloured objects surrounding him. "Has anyone of you perceived the difference in Harry lately?" he asks them three curiously. "He appears... really down."
Ron tensed. Of course, he knew about his best mate's depression. It was a shock to him when he first found out because he never thought that his own best mate would hide something from him and how terrible it was.
"No," said George. He didn't blink. Fred looked towards the bedroom door.
Bill raised his eyes at the obvious lie from the two twin brothers. It was easy to tell. He's been living with those two pranksters all his life. "If there's something I should know about Harry that's concerning you, you really should tell me. I may not have remained around Harry as much as you guys have, but I can see the signs. I have a few work colleagues that suffer from depression, PTSD, mild anxiety, and the two Bipolar disorders."
He looked closely at the two twin brothers who seemed to be speechless, then looked at his youngest brother whose face paled. "Ron..." His younger brother looked up at him with uneasy eyes. "I know it will be tougher for Harry to have more people know about his suffering, but really, it helps if the people who care highly about him know of it. Charlie and I have both dispensed with friends who have endured depression. We both know the signs and assisted them to the best of our ability."
George sighed deeply and looked at his twin, who looked back at him and nodded. It was impossible to lie in front of his older brothers. "Excuse me," he said as he reached for the drawer on his and Fred's table containing the very sharp objects.
Bill moved aside and curiously stared at the chocolate frog box his brother grabbed from inside one of the drawers to the desk. But when George opened up the container, he frowned when seeing what was lying inside of it. About six sharp blades were seen inside the container. It seems as if his suspicion was correct. Undeniably correct. "Is someone going to reveal to me what's going on in Harry's life?" asked Bill who wrinkled his brow in worry.
George frowned and placed the lid back on the chocolate frog container, put it back in the drawer and sat next to his twin again on his bed.
"We don't know if Harry would want us to tell you, Bill," Ron finally managed to say and folded his arms over his lap. "He already goes through enough as it is. We don't want to put more weight on his shoulder."
"Who's going to tell?" Bill asked disdainfully. "I would certainly not directly come out to Harry and say 'Hey, I know you have depression' because I know that would render him uncomfortable, just like how I ask my work colleague if he's doing okay or not. He gets uncomfortable if I ask him every day. But I at least ask him that three or four times a week." He paused to let this information sink into his brother's head. "What I will do is let Harry know that I do care for him since I know he'll be doubting whether people care for him or not. Just always let Harry know you care for him... So, with that all said, can I ask what's going on with Harry?"
Ron frowned. He didn't want to lose Harry's trust because obviously, his best mate would know someone had told Bill what he goes through.
Fred and George had no idea how Harry became depressed. They knew now that he and nightmares, but was there something deeper that they didn't know about Harry?
"He... was abused," Ron said quietly but not hushed enough for his brothers to be able to hear him. Fred, George, and Bill looked at him wide-eyed in horror.
George ran his hand through his hair. He just couldn't even believe what he heard. Harry was abused. He knows the Dursleys are bad, but they couldn't have been that bad, could they?
Fred opened his mouth to speak but was unable to come up with words to say. He couldn't say anything. He was just at a loss for words.
"Bloody Hell!" Bill murmured loudly. He gripped his own throat and sighed. "How prolonged has this remained going on for?"
Ron, Fred, and George all shrugged. They all don't know how long Harry had been abused. They only knew that Draco would know it all, the Slytherin would know much more about what Harry goes through than themselves.
"Right," muttered Bill. This was getting him nowhere. "Is there anything more I ought to know?"
"I overheard Snape talking to Draco and Harry," Fred spoke and looked up at his older brother. "I don't know what about though."
Bill nodded. He doesn't know why Severus Snape would be here. Last he heard was that he loathed Harry. Could he have been wrong? But Snape's been hating on all students.
"Snape is here because he gives Harry therapy," Ron decided to tell them. "I dunno when Snape found out, but he did and he helps Harry. I've kind of seen the improvements in Harry since the appointments. Can't believe I am saying this, but Snape is a great dude."
"Snape giving therapy?" Bill says curiously as he stares out the window, then he nods as if he's proud that the Potion's Professor has improved entirely from who he once knew him to be like. From what he remembers about the man was his scary dungeon bat look. It was a scary look when he was younger, but to him now, not anymore. He finds it kind of funny. "Fascinating! I wonder if he's done it before if he is so good."
"Harry has nightmares," George added to the conversation. "Ask Ron, he was there when Harry had one of his nightmares."
"The first non-Voldemort nightmare Harry had that I witnessed was something about Harry's Uncle," Ron admits and frowned at the memory of waking up to Harry yelling and crying. "I don't know what about, but it must have been rough if he was yelling in his sleep and crying... It was disturbing... That is the only one I remember. The others were of Voldemort if I remember correctly."
"Anything else?" Bill asked again. "What regarding those blades in that container? Where did you find them and why are there numerous numbers of them?"
Fred was about to explain where he and George found them but something in the corner of his eye stopped him. It was actually someone he spotted.
"What's this about blades?" asked Draco while crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the door frame. He heard them speak a little about Harry and wanted to find out why. It seemed he came at the right time.
Ron, Fred, and George froze while Bill just smiled at the Slytherin. "Where's Harry?" he had to ask. It'd be bad if Harry was also listening in to the conversation. But how long had the Slytherin been there for?
"In Ron's bedroom, asleep," Draco answered. Although he knew he should be feeling serious about this topic, he was giddy because Ron's little prank ended and he washed out the mood-colouring cream from his hair. He found out Ron also sabotaged his nearly empty shampoo bottle and he could tell the white liquid was contaminated with the mood-changing cream as the liquid was a banana yellow colour. "What blades are you talking about?"
Bill opened the drawer back up and grabbed the chocolate frog container. He took off the lid, placing it on the table and showed Draco what was inside the container.
Draco paled at the sight of six blades in the container. Six sharp looking blades. "These..." he hesitates at the familiar blades he has seen Harry with. "Where did you get them?"
"That's what I want to know too," Bill said as he looked over at his twin brothers again. The blades are in their room. "Where did you find these blades, boys?"
Fred cleared his throat, so George began to tell them. "We found them when mother, Fred and I went back to gather everything Harry owns back at 4 Privet Drive," George replies, and his voice becomes quieter out of uneasiness. "We found those blades spread out around his bedroom."
"When we first found the blades, we just couldn't believe what we were seeing," Fred deadpans. He covered his face with his hands. "We didn't believe it, but it made perfect sense," he adds, voice muffled behind his hands that are covering his face. "The long sleeves, hardly eating anything which makes sense as to the scrawniness, always looking so down and self-isolation..."
George patted Fred on the back and rested his head on his twin's shoulder.
"What I want to know is why you didn't tell me this when Harry, Ron and I first arrived at the Burrow," Draco said, pressing his lips together with slight agitation from the amount of secrecy the brothers could have kept from him that involves Harry.
"We had second opinions, Draco," said George, his chin dipped slightly. "We questioned what we found first, even though we knew something was up with our dearest Harry. We still had to think before we acted."
Draco dragged his hands through his hair and sighed. "Truthfully, I don't know how you two aren't Slytherin's." Ron, Fred, George, and Bill all laughed at the Slytherin, glad the conversation got a little humorous and Draco smiled. "Anyway, thanks for telling me this now instead of never."
"I think you should be thanking yourself, Draco," said Ron boisterously. He laid back on George's bed until his head hit the wall, and he grunted as Draco and the twin's snigger and Bill just smiles at him. "Not funny, guys," he adds when pushing himself up onto his elbows. "But you did sneak in here unnoticed, Draco."
Draco shrugged. "What can I say? It is a skill of being a Slytherin," he sounds quite proud of his mockery. He paused and looked at the door. He had to make sure Harry was okay still. He would hate to find out that Harry had woken up and started crying. "I'm going to head back to the bedroom..." he said as he walked towards the door.
"Draco...?" asked Bill a little hesitantly, voice somewhat rough and Draco turned around slowly and looked at him with raised eyebrows as if to ask what he wants. "Can I ask what Professor Severus Snape was doing here a day or two ago?" He just wants a second opinion on this and to know more about what goes on in the therapy appointment.
Draco hesitated. This was an adult he was talking to. An adult who's probably dealt with similar situations before, or so he hopes. "He's Harry's therapist," he replies in a low voice. "He comes by once a week to have a talk with Harry about how his life has been, how his week was, et cetera."
Bill nodded. That made sense. It also made him feel grateful for the Potion's Professor. When was the last time he spoke to Severus? It's been quite a long time, he knows that. "That's good," he responds simply. "I'm pleased to know that Harry has a couple of people to talk to and a therapist." He paused and grinned, "By the way, how did Severus even agree to become Harry's therapist? Last I heard, Severus loathes Harry."
"Long story which I promise to tell you lot later," Draco says quickly as he wants to run off to Harry now. "See you later, Weasels!" And without a wave, Draco left the room back to Ron's room to check up on Harry.
Bill looked at his brothers with a relaxed smile. He is so proud of them for acting up and taking care of Harry as best as they can. "I want to thank all of you for telling me this, and for taking good care of Harry when he needs it most."
Fred smiled at his older brother and nodded. He drew his eyebrows together, lifts a leg up onto the side of the bed which he wraps an arm around it and asks, "Are you going to tell mum and dad about this?"
"No," said Bill in a low voice, knowing that it is best not to tell their parents about this. "I'm not going to tell mum or dad. This is just between us brothers, Draco, and Harry. If Ginny wants to know, then that's alright too."
Ron slowly smiled in relief, and Fred sagged against George who laughed shakily.
Bill smiled and put his hands in the pockets of his pants. "I'll leave you guys alone now as I have a few letters to write to my other brothers," he tells them slowly, though Ron opened his mouth to protest but Bill cut him off just in time. "And no, I won't be including what Harry goes through. Only little snippets of his grief for Sirius, as I am aware, he's taking quite seriously."
Fred and George both pushed Ron and Bill out of their room with grins as they still had to finish off their new invention.
Ron sighed and gave a cheeky smile to his oldest brother before disappearing off to the kitchen as he knew his mom would probably like some help with cooking. And that left Bill to go up to his own room to write letters to both Charlie and Percy.
Harry woke up with a groan. He didn't have a nightmare, thank god for that. But he still woke up feeling pretty shitty. Can't he get a decent amount of sleep just one time? Is that too much to ask for?
Looking around the darkened room, he noticed Draco and Ron were still asleep. At times he wished he had a room to himself, like Percy's or Bill's so he could sulk by himself all he wanted. But what he remembered was Draco saying that if he felt upset, he could always wake him up and snuggle with him until he does fall asleep. But he doesn't want to wake Draco up. He'd just feel worse.
"I don't mind if you wake me up, Harry," echoed Draco's voice in his head. "I can just catch up on sleep in the morning or the next day."
Did Draco really mean that? Would his Slytherin boyfriend not care if Harry wakes him up just to get in bed with him?
Even if the thought of that sounds incredible, he just is thinking too deeply about this option. But... Draco did say he would catch up on sleep in the morning... So, that was that.
Harry just wants some alone time too. But when Ron and Draco were asleep, it was sort of like alone time since they were both in the land of sleepy dreams and away from consciousness.
Harry sluggishly pushed the blankets off himself and got out of bed. Merlin, save him if he makes the Slytherin angry by waking him up. He stood at the side of Draco's bed. The blonde Slytherin was lying on his stomach on one side of the bed so there was enough room for Harry to squeeze in.
Harry gently pulled the blankets up and slowly got into bed with Draco. The mattress creaked, he froze and held his breath. The Slytherin didn't flinch or move. With a silent sigh, he wormed further down into the blankets and placed an arm on Draco's back.
Draco turned his head around and smiled tiredly at his boyfriend, his eyes still closed. He woke up from the noise the mattress made when Harry hoped into bed with him. He didn't mind at all though. "Harry?"
"I'm sorry if I woke you," Harry said in a low voice, taking a moment to see if the Slytherin wants him in bed.
Draco snapped his eyes open, furrowed his eyebrows and turned over so he faced Harry. He knew something was up if Harry was up this early in the morning. "No, it's okay," he said quietly with a tiny smile. "Remember what I said: I'm always here, even at midnight, to cuddle up to and talk to." Harry gave a nod which Draco could just see. "Was it a nightmare?"
Harry shook his head. "No," he replies slowly, "I just woke up feeling awful."
Draco placed his arms around Harry and leaned closer so he could comfort Harry physically. Then he breathed in his scent. Pine. His favourite smell. "I'm so proud that you came to me when you felt this way, Harry," he said tiredly, voice grainy. He laid his head back down on the pillow but ran his hand through Harry's hair. "Now get some sleep. If you cannot, just lay with me until morning."
Harry nodded again and crawled further down under the blankets. He felt calmer when Draco put an arm over his side. He leaned his head closer to Draco's. He wanted to kiss him, to feel those soft lips against his own but couldn't see very well. He ended up kissing Draco's eyebrow.
Draco snickered at what Harry wanted to do. He slid his hand down from Harry's hair and cupped his face while leaning in to kiss him. It was a success. A kiss on the lips. But it was only a light press of lips together before he leaned away with a smile and whispered with his entire heart, "I love you."
"I love you too, Draco," Harry replies quietly and stroked the blonde Slytherin's arm. He feels so whole when with Draco, as well as safe and protected. He unconsciously parted his lips with a slight smile.
Draco connected their lips again for a second before leaning back out and placing his head on the pillow. "Now sleep," he ordered Harry quietly. "As much as I love you, I just don't want you grumpy in the morning from lack of sleep."
"Goodnight, my love," Harry replies quietly and closes his eyes. He was trying to surpass a yawn, but it had escaped his mouth.
Draco smiled at his boyfriend's adorable little yawn. "Goodnight, my darling."
In the early morning, Harry was still sleeping. Draco lay awake and watched Harry sleeping peacefully with a smile. This is what he loves to wake up to. His boyfriend is asleep with a smile on his face.
Harry then began tensing and moving roughly under the blankets. His smile was weakening. Draco began to worry. Was Harry having a nightmare?
Draco sat up and began shaking Harry slightly to try to wake him up. It wasn't helping Harry wake up at all. What could he do to help wake Harry up from the nightmare? But then he thought of something. It might not be the same situation he was thinking of, but he just had to try. Heart beating loudly in his chest, he leaned down while firmly cupping Harry's face and pressed his lips to Harry's.
Harry started tensing less and calming down a little bit, but not fully. Draco smiled as his lips were still pressed to Harry's lips, it seemed to be working. It was a little difficult kissing Harry if he wasn't kissing him back, but he tried his best by nibbling down on Harry's lip and opening his mouth a little.
And then Harry woke up and tried to sit up, but his forehead collided with Draco's forehead.
"Oww!" hisses Draco and rubbed at his temple with a smirk. It was quite funny to him how he managed to wake Harry up just with a kiss.
Harry frowned and rubbed at his forehead. "I'm sorry..." he gets out while feeling his forehead throb with pain. It's all he could feel right now. Pain.
Draco leaned in for a proper morning kiss. "Do." A kiss. "Not." Another kiss. "Apologise." And another kiss. Harry began to smile at each kiss Draco gives him. "You." Another kiss. "Beautiful." And one final kiss. "Gryffindor."
"S-" Harry stopped himself from apologising again. He blushed from the compliments given to him by Draco.
Draco smiled at Harry's reddened cheeks. He pushed Harry back down onto the pillows, sat on his lap and leaned down to kiss both of Harry's cheeks. When there was a small smile sighted on his boyfriend's face he leaned back down and repeatedly kissed Harry's cheeks.
Harry started to chuckle and lean away from Draco's kisses but as the Slytherin sat on top of him and held him down, he couldn't move.
Satisfied with the smiles Draco was getting from Harry, he sat up and stared down at him. He wriggled back a little and smirked when knowing what hard thing he was sitting on.
Harry slid his hands from Draco's stomach up to his waist and around his back. Draco closed his eyes and let out a moan, just for fun, and it made Harry laugh. With a smile, he opened one eye and looked back down at Harry.
Harry raised his hands to Draco's chin and cupped it. He studied his boyfriend's face, looking him up and down with a smile. "Have I ever told you how beautifully handsome you are?"
Draco blushed and grabbed Harry's hand from under his chin with a nod. "A couple of times," he replies softly and started kissing the back of Harry's hand. He looked into those gorgeous emerald green eyes of his boyfriends with a tilt of his head. "Have I ever told you how beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, hot, sexy and charming you are, Harry James Potter?"
Harry's blush darkened more than Draco's. "Not in a full sentence like that," he says in a low voice but filled with fondness at the compliments given to him by the Slytherin, and Draco continued to kiss the back of Harry's hand.
Harry sighed and wished he could stay in bed all day with Draco. But he was hungry and could sense Mrs Weasley in the kitchen making something scrumptious for breakfast. While Draco was kissing his hand, which made Harry feel all warm and fuzzy inside, he looked over at Ron's bed. His best mate was still sleeping. How can he be such a heavy sleeper when he and Draco had been talking, giggling, and kissing for what felt like hours?
He looked back at the blonde Slytherin and licked his lips. He could smell some type of food coming from downstairs but couldn't pick up what it was. "Can we head down for breakfast please?" he asks quietly and is thinking about jumping on Ron's bed to wake him up. "I'm starved."
Draco smiled and looked down at his boyfriend's pyjama top. He pushed Harry's pyjama top up, so he had a full view of Harry's stomach. "Yes, I can hear the little lion inside your tummy roaring for food."
"Curse my stomach," muttered Harry with a scowl when looking down at his flat stomach.
"Don't curse your stomach, Harry," Draco says flatly, and he glances from Harry's face and to Harry's stomach and back at his face like he cannot decide where he should lay his eyes on. "Your tummy is very cute."
Harry snorted at what Draco had told him. "How the fuck - how exactly is my stomach cute?" he asks briskly and Draco – finally – settles his eyes on Harry's face longer than he has when looking at Harry's stomach.
"It just is," replied Draco simply, distracting himself as he ran his fingers over his boyfriend's stomach with a smile. He's noticed little black hairs growing on Harry's lower stomach and they travel down by a thin line under Harry's pyjama bottoms to Harry's groin. "The little black curls dispersed on your stomach are adorable, the little lion inside your tummy is very cute, especially how it growls."
"Is that all that's cute about my stomach?" asked Harry, sidetracked. He still doesn't believe that his stomach is 'cute'. How can one's stomach be cute? He reached up and caressed Draco's cheek with his free hand.
Draco tilted his head to the side and placed his hand over Harry's hand which had caressed his cheek. "Of course not," he says softly, "there are millions of reasons why your stomach is so cute and why you, in general, are so cute."
Harry felt himself blush down to the nape of his neck and he swallowed. "You're very cute too," he mumbled to himself but Draco did hear him only a little.
Draco wanted to play with Harry a little. "Sorry, Harry," he begins and cups his ear, "I didn't hear y-"
Harry grabbed him by his pyjama shirt and pulled him down for a kiss. Heart beating fast like he just ran ten kilometres; he wrapped his arms around the blonde Slytherin's head and deepened the kiss.
Draco smiled in the kiss and felt so light as Harry kissed him with those soft feathery lips of his. His knees felt extremely weak like he could topple over if he tried to stand up.
Harry slowly loosened his grip on his Slytherin boyfriend but still kissed him with everything he had. Draco started using his tongue. He fought for entrance to Harry's mouth with a swipe of his tongue over the dark-hair Gryffindor's lips.
Harry pushed him up and away from his mouth before the kiss got exciting so he could say," I said that you're undeniably and very cute too, Draco Malfoy." Now he felt like his face was on fire. There was a tired gag on the other side of the room. Both Harry and Draco knew it just had to be Ron who gagged at them.
Draco gave Harry one last kiss and reached for the bottle of pills on the table beside Harry's bed. He sat back up and looked at Harry sternly. "Get dressed and take your pills for the day."
Harry sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "I take my pills and I'm happy all the time," he sang lowly when remembering the muggle song he listened to when back at the Dursley's.
Draco raised a brow at him. Do the pills actually make Harry happy? Or are they just some stress-reliever thing? He doesn't know as he's never taken them before. He only takes potions if he needs them but that's quite rare for him as he's quite healthy.
When Draco finally got up off Harry, Harry got dressed and took his pill for the morning. And then they headed down to the kitchen for breakfast.
When everyone made it down to breakfast, Mrs Weasley had already dished up plates of French Toast in the middle of the table. Draco had to admit that this French Toast tasted incredibly good and was quite familiar to the ones his mother makes him when in Venice.
Harry was just eating his french toast when he realised something. His 16th birthday is in a week. 16! The years are just going by so quickly...
"So, 'Arry," said Fleur suddenly. She was cutting up her French Toast which was hilarious to Ron, Ginny, and the twins. Even Harry cracked an amused smile at the French woman. "I waz never told about your family. Relativez, aren't zey?"
Fred, George, Draco, Harry, and Bill looked up at her in shock. The topic of Harry's muggle family never crossed the Weasley's minds.
Harry hesitated and looked up at the French woman with uneasy eye contact. He does not trust Fleur with knowing about what goes on in that house, he trusts nobody in this house except Draco and occasionally Severus. Ron, maybe, since he already knows. Same with the twins but that was an accident that should not have happened.
"Are zey a good family?" asked Fleur, and she actually means if Harry's muggle family are doing well. She noticed some shocked expressions on younger faces. "What?"
And that was all it took to send Harry off the edge. He had a loss of appetite. His lips trembled and pressed together. He flinched as his fork was dropped onto his plate.
Draco wanted to glare at Fleur and tell her to shut her trap but didn't want to sound too rude. After all, he could see how hurt Harry looks right now.
"I need to use the loo," said Harry in a low voice that sounded pained and he quickly left the kitchen to head to Ron's room. Flashbacks started throwing themselves to the front of Harry's mind as they replayed punishment episodes. What he needed to do was cut, but he doesn't remember bringing his blade back to his room on that night he cut himself.
George and Fred glanced at each other worriedly, then to Bill and Ron who exchanged the same glance of concern and then the four brothers all looked at Draco who looked sadly at his empty plate.
Draco knew what he had to do. He needed Severus to make Harry a few potions, but he also had to check up on Harry. He can't do two things at once. He finally looked up at the four brothers who were staring at him. Even if he's normally the one to talk to Severus about coming over, he needed as much help as he could get.
With a nod of his head in the direction of the lounge room, and four nods back, he excused himself from the kitchen and entered the lounge room to stand next to the fireplace. He turned around once Ron, Bill, Fred, and George had all entered the lounge room after him. He bit his lip. "Can you guys talk to Severus and ask him to come over and make the three required potions, and he'll know which, for Harry while I check up on Harry and make sure he's alright?"
"Of course!" said Bill at once with a quick nod, and he pursed his lips. He doesn't know how to deal with this right now. It wasn't Fleur's fault. He didn't want to blame his future wife.
Draco gave them all a nod of gratitude, chucked some Floo Powder in the fireplace and muttered, "Severus Snape's living quarters." Before running up the stairs to Ron's room to check up on Harry, he turned to the Weasley brothers and said, "Good luck."
Once he made it upstairs, he checked the bathroom first just in case. He sighed with relief when noticing that Harry's not there and not doing anything harmful to himself. Then, with a hurtful lump in his throat that he can't seem to swallow down, he checked Ron's bedroom.
His eyes travelled to the lonely handsome black-haired boy with gorgeous emerald green eyes sitting by the windowsill. He didn't and tried not to make any sound when walking up to him. What he could hear were the silent sobs of his boyfriend. It broke his heart to see Harry like this, so broken and tired of life.
When he sat down next to his Gryffindor boyfriend, he smiled as Harry could feel his presence and rested his head on his shoulder. Harry's hair tickled his neck, it's always something he enjoys a lot. He embraced Harry in a side hug and whispered calming words and sentences to him.
Meanwhile, back down in the lounge room, Ron and Bill sat in front of the fireplace while Fred and George watched from behind with looks of dread on their faces.
"Severus Snape?" called Bill into the Floo in a weary voice. "It's Bill Weasley from the Burrow. We have an urgent matter to discuss Harry Potter."
It took a few minutes until Severus Snape's face appeared in the fireplace. He had to act like he didn't know what they were talking about as he knew how uncomfortable Harry would be when knowing more than a few people know about his suffering. "What urgent matters, Mr Weasley? And if they're critical, how is Mr Potter implicated?"
"Professor, we're not dumb," said Bill firmly, disliking how an adult still thinks of him as a child. "Even I could see the concerning signs with Harry and I only just found out about the truth yesterday."
Severus sighed. Now that he knew Bill Weasley and his brothers knows about Harry's problems, he could trust these Weasley's. "What is it you expect from me?"
Bill took a beat of silence to gather what Draco had told him previously. "Draco said something about three required potions to give to Harry and that you know which ones he's talking about," he tells him.
Severus nodded. He knows Draco's talking about the Calming Draught, Pepper up Potion and the Eating Disorder Potion. But the Eating Disorder won't be necessary anymore now that Harry has gained a healthy amount of weight than his 4th year. "I identify what potions Draco's talking about, however, I do not retain any in stock, so I'll require to brew more."
"Can I help with brewing the potions?" Bill offers. "You remember the grades I got in Potions, don't you?" He smiled with a gleam in his eye at the memory of all the O's he's gotten in Potions in his years back at Hogwarts.
"Undoubtedly, yes," said Severus. "Best Weasley I ever tutored as well as Percy," he added and showed his impressiveness with a little smile. "I don't generally require assistance, but I would akin to an aiding hand."
"Great!" said Bill. He was going to ask the professor when they will start brewing, but the professor's face had already disappeared from view.
Several minutes later after Severus gathered everything he needed from his home, Flooed to the Burrow and started making the three Potions Harry needed with Bill, they decided to split the jobs. They also decided to make a batch that would last about a whole week.
Bill was brewing the Pepper up and one half of the Pepper Up potions in the lounge room while Severus was brewing the Calming Draught and the other half of the Pepper Up potion in the kitchen.
To Severus' joy, Bill wasn't the one to ask questions about why Harry needed these three potions. Ron and the twins had gone to please themselves in some way, and that was exactly what Severus needed. No kids to disturb him.
The sound of the Floo echoed through the kitchen, as well as footsteps. "Hello, Remus," someone said, and Severus knew it was Bill's voice. But his heart began to quicken as the footsteps came closer towards him and into the kitchen.
"Good morning, Severus," said Remus Lupin with one of those high cheek smiles that show his two dimples that always irritates Severus, and irritate Severus the dimples did. "What are you and Bill brewing together?"
Severus's hands began to feel a little sweaty as he continued stirring the Fluxweed. "We're just brewing a few Draughts for Harry," he mutters, glances back down at the potion he's stirring and watched the watery liquid turn a pearl white colour.
"Harry?" Now Remus felt a little worried for his deceased best friend's son. Why would Harry need Draughts? He decided to not ask questions since the man is entirely busy. "Speaking of Harry," he crosses his arms loosely over his stomach, "when should we tell him about what S... about S-Siri-'," His voice broke and he frowned. He couldn't say his name. "When..."
"When we ought to inform Harry about Sirius' possessions which he now retains?" Severus finished for him flatly. He felt a sudden rush of concern for the wolf. He knew Black and Lupin were a thing. Were a thing...
"Yes, that..." Remus trailed off uneasily. He stared down at his hands sadly, and Severus glanced up at him and felt sad for him. But then Remus regained his confidence to ask, "When should we tell him?"
"I was contemplating after I give Harry these Draughts and he calms down, then we can inform him on his new possessions," Severus responds dryly, and Remus nods and closed his eyes. Remus squeezed his eyes shut, and looks as if he's shaking a little. Severus stopped what he was doing and looked at him closely. "Remus..." He decided to use the man's first name. But when using the name, it felt very unaccustomed... "Are you alright?"
Remus looked up at him. "What?" he asks quickly. "Oh, yes, I'm good." He scratched at his neck.
Severus raised an eyebrow. He was sure the wolf just lied to him.
"So... about the therapy thing you're doing for Harry," Remus says slowly and gave him a grateful smile. He is very proud of this man for sorting out his differences with Harry, whenever that happened. "I want to thank you for talking with Harry about... everything. I don't know what else Harry suffers with apart from S-" He took a deep breath to say the rest. "Sirius's death... I would like to know though..."
"In due time," said Severus while giving him a little smile which made Remus' stomach do flips. "And you're welcome."
Remus shook his head at what his heart was telling him. Not now, he thought. Not when he's still hurting inside from the loss of his ex-boyfriend and the grief of leaving Dora without a proper explanation.
Severus continued with the potion, which he just had to wave his wand around the cauldron, and it was done. He wondered if Bill had finished the Pepper up potions yet. And just as he finished pouring seven bottles of the Calming Draught, he caught Lupin looking at him. "What?"
"Nothing..." Remus said quietly, his heart fluttered in his chest and cheeks warmed up from being caught staring. Next to Severus, Bill was smiling at the two. "You're just so concentrated when brewing potions. You've always been dedicated..."
"It was my mother's life work, Potion brewing." Severus stopped there. It was never his intention to say that. He never told anyone, besides Lilly, Harry, and Draco, about his own mother. He decided to change the topic to a more interesting topic, even if he felt somewhat jealous because of it. "So, how's living with Nymphadora Tonks?"
"The what-" Remus hesitated and took in what Severus said. It took a couple of seconds for him to figure out what the man meant. "Oh, it was fine."
"It was?" Severus asked when he picked up what Remus had said. He was a little confused and he raised his eyebrows when grabbing one of the bottles containing the Calming Draught and held it up to the light. Clear as crystal.
"I... broke it off," Remus decides to say, and he lowered his gaze from the other man and looked in the empty cauldron.
"Oh..." Severus said densely. He couldn't understand why he felt a sudden exhort of relief. "If you don't mind me asking, why?"
Remus leaned against the kitchen bench with both arms and looked at him. "I realised I was never in love with Nymphadora," he says lightly. "It was Sirius I loved all along and by dating her, I pushed my true feelings for Sirius away." He sighs and shrugs. "I know it was a silly thing to do, I don't know why I agreed to go out with her. I guess when Sirius was in Azkaban, and I had nobody left, I started exploring." He raked a hand through his hair as he says, "Turns out, I was just searching for Sirius." Severus watched him closely, nearly in awe, when Remus was carding a hand through his hair. "I was trying to find another Sirius for myself. It took me a while to realise that there is only one Sirius Black, but he's long gone now. I don't think I can ever forgive myself for... ignoring my feelings for him."
Severus truly had no idea what to say to this man. He was never the one for giving sympathy to others. So, he just nodded to what Lupin admitted to him. "It seems you're taking the death of Sirius Black gravely and you haven't fully let him go, just like Harry."
"What do you mean?" asked Remus softly, his brows furrowing.
"Lupin, you haven't let Sirius go," Severus said, his features softened as he cleans his cauldron with a flick of his wand. "You need to let him go."
Remus frowned. He doesn't know if he's able to do that. For years, he's hidden his true feelings for Sirius inside. He's missed out on feeling what real love is again. "I can try," he said airily with a small truthful smile. He really will try, for Sirius. "But it'll take a long time."
"Time abides long enough for those who make use of it," said Severus soothingly, and he's looking sorry for Remus. He enjoys giving people really good advice as it makes him feel good about himself.
"Right-" Remus was cut off.
"I finished the potions!" said Bill at once. A shuffling of feet was heard and Bill walked around them with seven bottles of potions floating through the air behind them. They were the Pepper ups. Bill laid the potions he made next to the ones Severus made. "Is that all?"
"Yes, Bill," said Severus with a grateful smile. Why couldn't the Weasel wait until he and Remus were done talking? "Thank you for assisting me. You've spared me a great deal of time." He summoned two mugs from in a kitchen cupboard and placed them down on the kitchen table. "I do hope Draco and Harry are thirsty."
Bill filled the two mugs up with boiling water and placed Green Teabags in them. He looked at the potion's professor. "So..." He just had to make sure all he needs to do is give Harry the spiked mug of tea. "You want..." Severus nodded. "Right... Spiking potions time," he said with a thwarted sigh.
After Bill filled Harry's mug up with the three potions, he took it up to Ron's room with Remus. They both opened the door to find Draco and Harry, arm in arm, head against head, on the window seat.
Bill and Remus smiled at the boys and walked towards the two, hoping they weren't disturbing their alone time. Bill placed the cup under the blonde Slytherin's nose, and in seconds, the Slytherin opened his eyes. Bill knew that a nice strong cup of tea could always wake someone up.
Draco looked down in the mug under his nose. He could smell the strong green tea leaves in it. And then he looked into Harry's mug, it was a darker shade of green than what's in his mug. He looked at Bill and Remus curiously, and when he got a nod from Bill, he knew it just had to be spiked with the required potions. It was a success.
Harry stirred in his little nap and woke up to the smell of fresh hot tea. He was so thirsty. Or was it the tea that made him thirsty? Whatever option it was he didn't care. His mouth felt really dry and he needed to re-hydrate.
He grabbed the cup from Remus and immediately took a sip. The hot tea filled his insides with warmth, and he took another sip from the mug. He was feeling pretty good like he could skip around the house with a big smile on his face like some five-year-old. He doubted that he would skip around the Burrow, but he definitely would have that big smile on his face.
"Once you boys finish off your tea please come downstairs as Severus wants to have a chat with you," Remus informs them. He squeezed Harry's shoulder before leaving the room.
Bill gave them both a quick nod before exiting Ron's bedroom with Remus and headed down to the lounge room.
Draco leaned his head back on Harry's head and held his mug in his hands. Harry rubbed his cheek on Draco's shoulder and smiled. He took another sip of his tea. After they both finished their mugs of tea, they headed down to the lounge room and sat down on the couch awaiting Severus' entrance. Finally, after several minutes, Severus walked in with Remus. "Make yourselves comfortable, we'll probably be here for a while..." He sat on the other side of the couch and Remus moved the armchair around so he could sit in front of them. "Now...," said Severus shortly after watching Remus sit and cross his legs. "It has come to our realisation that your godfather has left his possessions in your hands, Harry."
"That includes 12 Grimmauld Place, the items inside it, his vaults and the house-elf," Remus added, his finger tapping each other finger on his other hand as he lists what Harry will obtain from Sirius. "Oh, and I can't forget his motorcycle," he adds, and Severus was looking at him with confusion. "Ah, Venom." He sighs a little dreamily. "Such good times on that bike."
"But what if I don't want his items?" asked Harry at once, his shoulders drooping at the thought of the look of disappointment on Sirius' face when he thinks about not keeping Venom. He should be sad about this but feels as if something is forcing the sadness all away. "What if I just don't want any of it? What if I want to forget it even existed?"
"Harry," said Draco with a frown, and he shook his head. He wants Harry to keep Sirius' items as memories, especially the motorbike. He's had beautiful dreams of Harry taking him out into the countryside or the city on Venom. "There could be important items in Grimmauld place that you might want. Important items you may want to keep."
"Like what?" Harry asked him flatly. What could he possibly want from that place? Why would he want extra galleons when he has enough to probably feed an entire family for years? And why would he need another house-elf when he has Dobby?
Draco looked at the two adults curiously. There was just one thing that didn't make sense. "What about Ivy?" he asks them and leans back on the chair. He took Harry with him who chuckled and he smiles amusingly. "She's Sirius' adopted daughter so shouldn't she be obtaining some of Sirius's stuff too?"
"Miss Black doesn't get any of Sirius' possessions because Sirius didn't sign anything away to her," Severus replies simply. "And she's not the daughter of Willow Lestrange either," he decides to add as he needs to tell the truth. "Willow Lestrange doesn't even exist. She is just a ... him."
"What?" asked Draco quietly in disbelief. He doesn't believe what he's hearing. He doesn't want to believe it all. "Him?" Draco blinked at Severus, hoping he was still asleep upstairs in Ron's room with Harry in his arms. "What do you mean? Make sense of this, please!"
Harry covered his hands over his face. This all just doesn't add up.
Severus cleared his throat. "She is the daughter of Rabastan Lestrange," he says and the room goes silent with only Harry's gasp of dubiety and Draco's scoff. "Nobody knows who the mother is unless there was another father in the relationship..."
Draco's jaw dropped in shock. A Lestrange? He sighed as he knows there's a truth to what family Ivy belongs to. The thought of Ivy came rushing into his head and he frowned. How would she cope with this? She is not his cousin. More like a cousin by marriage, just not by blood. "What would Ivy think of this?" he asks quietly, and Harry snakes an arm around his shoulder.
"She already knows, Draco," Remus tells him softly, and that's when Draco breathes a sigh of relief out of his nose. "Professor Dumbledore told her of it and who her actual parent is. He is still figuring out who the mother is."
Draco gave Severus and Remus nods. He looked at Harry who seemed to still be taking this all in and smiled fondly. "So, this means all of my uncle's possessions are given down to Harry?" he asks just as Harry looks up at him.
"That is correct," said Severus.
"I still don't want any of it," Harry spoke suddenly, voice quiet but rough. He looked up at the three, wondering why he just can't feel sad anymore. "It will just remind me of Sirius too much. It all will," he says and brings his legs up onto the couch so he can lie down on Draco's lap. "Even the house-elf is quite... reluctant."
Draco snorted at that comment. Every house-elf he knows has been grumpy except Dobby. "A house-elf being reluctant is normal, Harry," he reminds him and tries to ignore the fact that Harry's head is pressed down into his cock. Luckily for him, he is wearing jeans.
"Well, you haven't met Kreacher," snipes Harry with a cold grin on his face. "He's the grumpiest thing in the world."
There was a loud pop and a grumble of something unintelligible. The four wizards looked down at the house-elf that had just popped in.
Draco blinks at the house-elf. He's never seen it before in his entire life. How does it even know the Burrow? But then he remembers seeing the hideous, wrinkled old creature cleaning in one of the rooms at 12 Grimmauld Place.
"Kreacher?" said Harry lamely, propping himself up on one elbow and stared the house-elf down. "What are you doing here?"
Kreacher looked at Harry with a scowl. "Kreacher was summoned by Harry Potter," he said in his harsh bull-frog like voice. "Kreacher hates to admit that Harry Potter is Kreacher's master now. Kreacher would rather die than be Harry Potter's master. Filthy half-breed and blood traitors."
"Hey now..." said Remus with resentment. His eyes narrowed into slits at the house-elf and he gave him a flat look. "That's not very nice..."
Draco bared his teeth at the house-elf. The git! "Don't you dare call Harry that!" he bites out stiffly. "And don't call them that!" he snapped at him.
Kreacher grimaced at the blonde's words. "Kreacher doesn't want to serve a half-breed," the house-elf said tactlessly.
"Yeah, well, I don't want you as my fucking house-elf!" responded Harry with a bitter raised voice. Severus and Remus looked at Harry in shock at a word that he had said. "I have Dobby and he's the best house-elf I could ask for!"
Kreacher muttered again under his breath. All they could hear was "Blood traitors," being muttered from the house-elf. "Half-breeds," and "Filthy." Draco glared at the house-elf, who turned away from him and Harry.
Severus and Remus were just minding their own business while listening to the kids arguing with the house-elf about who it will serve. It's like watching kids fighting over who doesn't want this toy over the other.
But that was until Kreacher popped out of the room as he was too agitated to deal with anything more.
Harry sighed in relief. He was glad the grumpy house-elf left.
"So..." Severus muttered under his breath, wondering what Lily would do if she heard her son swear in front of her. He knows James and Sirius would be laughing the muggle out of them. "That was unquestionably fascinating to observe."
Remus heard him and chuckled softly in agreement, "Sure was."
Draco frowned down at Harry, who stared at the ground below them with a rush of emotions surging through him. "Harry?" he asks softly and brushes his knuckles on Harry's cheek. "You alright?"
Harry shook his head and looked up at him, and Draco tried not to grunt out of pleasure at Harry's head pressing against, no, rubbing against his cock. This is the first time Harry's ever told someone that he's not okay. He feels somewhat relieved.
Draco leaned his head down and pressed his forehead to Harry's with a sigh. He placed his arms around Harry's neck, wanting to hug him. Even if it wasn't the hug he wanted to give Harry, he didn't want to let go. He was not going to let go. He is so proud of his boyfriend for finally admitting that he's not okay. It was such a big step in Harry's success to getting better.
"Just seeing the elf brought back memories of Sirius," mumbled Harry into Draco's ear, and he snaked his arms around Draco's shoulders. The scent of Vanilla and Citrus calmed him down a little.
"I know, Harry," whispered Draco quietly, giving Harry's nose a little kiss. He rubbed circles over Harry's stomach in a soothing motion. "It will get better. Trust me."
Severus got up from his chair and moved a little closer to Remus, but he regretted it as his heart picked up speed as he was just an arms width away from the other man. "I'm heading off now," he said to Remus. "We pretty much summed up everything about Harry owning all of Black's items now. We'll give him various times to essentially decide on what he wants."
Remus just nodded as he became so lost in the voice of Severus's. He blinked and focused his gaze on the couple in the middle of the room hugging. His lips widened in a smile as he remembered himself and Sirius hugging in the middle of the common room back in his 5th year with nobody around but him and Sirius and Sirius and him. He didn't even realise Severus had gotten up and left the room until the sound of the Floo brought him out of his memories.
Harry loosened his arms from around Draco's shoulders, and Draco leaned back up to look down at him. Harry grabbed a fist of Draco's sweater and pulled him down for a kiss which was only a soft press of lips. His hands moved down Draco's chest to his waist and he melted when Draco kissed him back, so gently, and so lovingly.
Remus couldn't stop smiling at the couple and decided to leave them be and head back to Hogwarts for the day. After all, he does have to get back into teaching in two months.
Draco's fingers lightly travelled up and down Harry's arms, but he leaned out of the kiss with a charming smile only to place his forehead against the dark-haired Gryffindor's. "Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind, and therefore is winged cupid painted blind."
Harry smiled at the obvious Shakespeare quote and kept his eyes closed but the fluttering in his stomach, the thumping of his heart and the warm breath of the blonde Slytherin ghosting on his mouth made his legs feel like jelly and he opened his eyes to meet with silver. That beautiful pristine silver that reminds him of diamonds shining in a bright room on display.
"I love how you made me love my life," Harry whispered to the Slytherin because it was true. Back before his fourth year, he didn't like living his life at all. And now that he has Draco in his life to love, he feels complete and certainly enjoys his life ... to some point until he completely breaks down.
Draco smiles and his eyes twinkle. "You know, Harry Potter," he says in a low voice while rubbing his nose over Harry's. The gesture made Harry's smile grow. "If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then you will realise how special you are to me."
Harry gave him a short kiss. "I love you, Draco Malfoy," he mumbles, and Draco's heart swells to five times its size. "So much. So much that words just cannot express it. You have no idea how much I love you."
"I love you too, Harry James Potter," said Draco softly, a radiant glow in his cheeks appeared. His heartbeat only quickened its pace and he felt tingling nerve endings through his skin. He breathed in that beautiful scent of pine, but also ... chicken? Where is he smelling the chicken from? The kitchen, of course! Mrs Weasley's making lunch. "Let's head into the kitchen. I smell chicken sandwiches."
Harry gave a sigh. He, of course, didn't want to go anywhere but stay in the arms of his boyfriend where it's comfortable, warm and snugly. But he also wanted food. "Let us go then."
It turns out lunch wasn't even ready and it wasn't time yet. Just a few more hours, so Harry updated Draco and Ron on what else he has learnt from Dumbledore about Tom Riddle and the seven Horcruxes. He hasn't been on the mission yet, he's just told them how it's hard to talk Slughorn into giving him his memories.
"You haven't tried manipulating him?" Draco says after a quick moment of hesitation as he was deep in thought about how to help Harry in that situation. "Like offering him something in return?"
Harry laughed sardonically. "What? Like, give him one of my memories of my mother and father which I don't have? Not likely, Draco."
"Maybe find out his favourite food and give him that," Ron then suggests with a shrug. "I know I'd give anything for food, especially if it's my favourite meal or snack."
Harry then shrugged. "Maybe," he drawls at the suggestion Ron and Draco gave him. "How about we Owl Hermione for another proffer? I'm sure she'd know what to do and if I should use both of your suggestions."
"Sure thing," Draco says with a nod. Ron nods as well.
So that settled it. Harry wrote to Hermione with Updates on what he's been told by Dumbledore about and what he has seen in Dumbledore's other memories. It was all a lot to add into one letter, and with a few extra pieces of paper that he had ripped out of the leather diary he found in his trunk that he remembered Hermione giving him in his 4th year, he managed it all well.
Draco looked curiously at the diary Harry had. He quickly flipped through its pages, wondering if Harry had ever written his emotional feelings in it but there wasn't anything in the pages of the diary. That was unfortunate to him.
It only took a day until Hermione's reply came back, in which she told Harry to try what Ron and Draco had suggested and that he also should talk to Slughorn about it in person and build up to the question with what happened. Harry agreed to do that, of course, because what else could he do? Perhaps something new will come to mind closer to when he sees Slughorn next with Dumbledore.
Remus was in a large flower garden where the wind rustled leaves and plant stalks all around him, insects were buzzing, birds were singing their beautiful unique sounds and the rich smell of soil and fragrant flowers overwhelmed his senses. He followed the meandering step stone paths with dirt between the slabs around the garden until he came across a white wooden arch covered in vines and creeping yellow flowers. He looked away for just one second to study the butterflies fluttering from one pink flower on a flowerbed to the next, but a sudden figure startled him. He looked up at the familiar man in shock. He stared at his former lover with wide eyes.
Sirius, so young and handsome and healthy. Not at all the person he was before he died, the person Azkaban had turned him into.
"Sirius," Remus whispered, heart-clenching, stomach full of butterflies, and he lost all feeling in his legs. "You're here." Tears were now falling down his cheeks. He couldn't help it. If this was purgatory or a dream, Remus wanted to stay here, with Sirius.
His heart ached for him, longing to be in his arms and inhale his scent, and kiss those soft, warm lips. Sirius pulled him into a hug.
"I'm right here, Remus, don't cry," whispered Sirius back.
Remus hugged Sirius close. He felt so real as if they were both still living. He didn't want to let go, because what if this really is a dream? Then it meant, this moment wasn't real. What if he let go? And Sirius was gone, and he was back in Hogwarts ... Of course, that wouldn't be so bad. Hogwarts was like his home, where he mostly grew up, where he and Sirius met.
"I'm not letting you go any more," Remus whispered once he stopped crying. "I'm not losing you again."
"You must, Remus, you have to go back," said Sirius with a painful tightening in his throat. He swallowed hard from how much this hurt him. "You have to be there for Harry."
"I know. He has the Weasley's, and Draco. But he needs you more than me. He needs his godfather. I need you. I am so sorry, Sirius. I'm so sorry for ignoring my feelings for you and dating someone else. I'm so sorry for-"
Sirius leaned out of the hug and placed a finger to Remus' lip to shush him. He shook his head sadly at him. "Remus please don't apologise. I understand you must have been feeling lonely after I was sent to Azkaban. I get that. If I were in your situation, I would have waited until you were out of Azkaban, even if it were a lifetime that I had to wait."
Remus gave him a small smile. But then he felt worse now from what Sirius admitted to him. Sirius would have waited for him, but he didn't want to wait, he wanted Sirius back.
Sirius pushed a strand of hair away from Remus's face and Remus closed his eyes, remembering all the times Sirius did that in the past.
"Go back for my pup, Remus," Sirius said softly with a vacant look on his face. "He needs you now more than ever."
Remus frowned. He so much wanted to stay with Sirius. He didn't want to go back but Sirius was right, Harry had lost so much and needed all the help he could get. "I- I L-"
"Love you?" Finished Sirius. Remus nodded. "I love you too." He grinned and grabbed Remus's face with both hands and pressed their lips together hard. Remus felt his whole body melt. It's been a while since he's kissed Sirius. Too soon, the kiss was over.
Sirius gathered him into one last embrace, and whispered, "Just remember, in your heart, I'll always be with you. I'm always in your heart."
Still in Sirius' arms, Remus looked around the garden they were in. "Where even are we? I've never seen this garden at all in my life and I've been to plenty as both human and wolf."
"I don't know, Moony," said Sirius with a shake of his head. "This is your dream."
"Then how are you here, Sirius, if this is a dream?" Remus asked him sadly. He would hate if this were a dream, but then again, he doesn't remember dying or losing consciousness.
"Oh, you wouldn't even believe me if I told you," Sirius said with a smile. The smile that always gave Remus butterflies in his stomach and left his heart pounding in his chest.
"Try me, Sirius," said Remus with deliberate raised eyebrows.
Sirius laughed. "Two words," he says, "Jesus Christ."
"Who?" asked Remus in disbelief. He knew who Jesus was, of course, as he grew up in both worlds.
"Told you that you wouldn't believe me," Sirius said, smirking. Remus smiled softly. "Never mind him..." He looked at the sun that shone down on them and sighed. "My time is nearly up."
"What? No, please, stay," begged Remus, his smile fading from his face.
"I'm sorry, love, but I have to go. As do you too."
Remus' heart clenched at the term of endearment, he missed Sirius so much.
"Please remember to take care of Harry," Sirius reminded him. He hesitated for a second, before continuing, "and also... don't be afraid to let your another..."
"Sirius," Remus said softly, frowning. "No."
"Moony..., I'm Serious...," Sirius insisted, hugging him tighter, as if he hated what he was saying, hated that he had to let go. Pain tore at Remus' heart. He wished so much that Sirius would stop, not finish what he was trying to say...
"Sirius...," Remus whispered, but it was no use, for Sirius kept talking.
"I want you to be happy. So, if you find another, don't be afraid of what I might think. Don't be afraid if you have to let me go. Just know that I will always love you, no matter what, even if you decide to give your heart to someone else."
Remus had no more words to say. He couldn't imagine himself with anyone else. He wasn't ready to let Sirius go, he held on tighter. He could still hear Sirius' voice fading, his grip around Remus becoming looser until Sirius was gone...
And then Remus woke up, heart beating in his chest and a painful lump in his throat that he just couldn't swallow down. He began to cry, knowing that it was only a dream. He disliked how that was the last time he would see Sirius again. It all felt so real, though.
When he wiped the falling tears from his face, he checked his body for any bleeding, in case he did somehow lose consciousness, but his body was clean and bloodless just like how he came out of the shower last night.
Last night. He checked the time with a "Tempus." It was six thirteen in the morning. With a sigh, he decided to get out of bed and get dressed. He walked out of his living quarters and decided to go for a long stroll through the castle. The long corridors of the castle were filled with shadows from the morning sun as it loomed over the opposite side of the castle.
He stopped at one of the large arched windows and looked out at the luscious green grassy fields that led to Hagrid's hut and the Quidditch pitch. So many memories of Sirius came back to him. But then he felt a presence next to him. The smell of herbs and spices filled his nostrils and he had to admit, it was quite an amazing scent. He squinted his eyes at the castle window and realised who the reflection in the window was.
"You're up early," Severus said, he didn't even sound surprised. The morning light shone on Lupin's light brown hair and made it appear to have golden streaks in it. It is, he admits with a hammering heart, an extraordinary sight.
"Couldn't sleep," Remus replied merely. "I could... I just... had a dream. Or, perhaps, it was a nightmare. But it was so beautiful..." He doesn't know why he's telling Severus about the dream he had.
"Did you intend to discuss the dream, Lupin?" Severus asked him, his eyebrows drawing together and he had to rethink what he has asked of the man. He only assists Harry with his problems, but he wouldn't mind helping and talking to Lupin about his.
Remus was surprised to hear that Severus would help him and talk to him about his memories. He shakes his head, "It's just between me and Sirius."
Severus nodded. Of course, Remus had a dream about Sirius Black. Why wouldn't he if he mourns over Black's death? "Are you confident you don't anticipate discussing this dream of yours? It really helps, talking, that is."
Remus sighed deeply and finally turned around to look at the other man. His hazel eyes met with stunning Black orbs. "I saw Sirius in my dream, Severus. He and I talked, had an actual conversation. He told me a lot of things, and mainly to look after Harry as he needs it and... to let him go... Let Sirius go..."
Severus gave him a weak smile. He doesn't know how he could help this man. "I'm so sorry, Lupin. Just remember you are not alone in this," he said gently and hesitantly rose his hand to the other man's shoulder. He doesn't know why he did that. "I'm here to talk to if needed, as is Dumbledore. And things will work out for you, it'll take time, but you will get there and get through it all."
Remus smiled back at him, and it was an actual smile. The touch of this man, even if it wasn't skin against skin, gave his shoulder tingles and spread warmth through his body. Is this what Sirius meant? To give his heart to another. "Thank you, Severus," Remus said courteously. He continued lightly, "For the wise words of comfort..."
Severus doesn't want to be thanked. He just did what someone else would do. "Shall we head to the burrow?" he asks. "I have one or two things Harry and Draco ought to be aware of." He dropped his hand from Remus' shoulder, his cheeks becoming a little pink, and then he started walking towards the dungeons.
Remus caught up to him quickly. He was curious about what Severus meant. "What do you mean?" he asks quickly, "what have you got planned for them?"
"Duelling," Severus said simply. "They must understand how to accurately duel. The second-year duelling class was all right, but that was straightforward duelling. Harry and Draco ought to know how genuine duelling works."
"Severus..." Remus began as both men emerged into the Slytherin dungeons. He was unsure about teaching the kids how to duel. "Are you sure that's wise...? They're only children."
"I know, but didn't you hear about the rebellion Harry, his friends and a couple of other students in their year commenced?" Severus asked airily with a proud smile. "They established a group under Umbridge's nose. Dumbledore's Army. Apparently, Harry had been instructing the students how to duel and throw a couple of duelling spells."
"Yes, I've heard about the rebellion," said Remus with a nod, a grin forming on his face and Severus gets sidetracked, more like mesmerised, by those two dimples that show on the man's face. "I have no idea how they managed to keep it a secret for so long, especially under Umbridge's nose... Sirius and I were very proud, it was such a Marauder thing to do."
By the time Remus had finished talking, they were already somewhere in the Dungeons. Remus took in the sight before him, they were in someone's living quarters and he guessed it was Severus'.
Severus stood in front of the Fireplace and took no hesitation to chuck some Floo powder in and muttering, "The Burrow." Shortly after Severus was gone, Remus followed from behind him.
They were now in the Burrow's lounge room, but nobody else was in that very room and around them was silent enough you wouldn't be able to hear mouse scurry around. Where was everyone?
"Draco," called Severus out into the room.
"Harry?" Remus called as well.
There was a thundering of footsteps and the twins, Bill, Fleur, Ron, Harry, and Draco had come down the stairs.
"Oh," said Ron lamely. He sounded a little disappointed. "We thought mum must have been home."
Fred and George retreated to their bedroom as they had more important things than to have some kind of reunion with the potion's professor, even though the ex-defence teacher was a really great guy.
"Excuse the Weasel's behaviour, Sev," Draco said kindly as he made his way towards the adults while getting a glare from Ron, but he didn't care about him right now. He watched from the corner of his eye as Harry sat down on the couch with his knees to his chest. "What brings you two back to the Burrow?"
Severus looked up at the oldest Weasley brother, and the girl he remembers who competed in the Tri-Wizard. Fleer or something. "Bill, how decent are you in duelling, and..." he tries not to sound rude, "your name?"
"Fleur," said Fleur with a little smile. "I am Fleur."
"Yes...," Severus said blankly, "But back to the question... are you two experienced in duelling?"
Bill and his fiancée nodded. "I'm pretty good at it, so is Fleur," Bill says, he slips a hand around his fiancee's waist. "Fleur was in the top ten in her Duelling class, and if you remember, I was too." He looks at him quizzically, "Can I ask why you're asking about this topic?"
Severus just smiled. "Can you gather up all your brother's and your sister and join me and Remus outside in a few minutes?" he asks of them. Bill nodded and headed back up to the twin's room without any more questions while Draco, Harry, Ron, and Fleur look at the two adult wizards curiously. "I have been given permission by Dumbledore to do this and allow you three to use underage magic for a while." Looks of excitement crossed the three younger wizard's faces.
In several short minutes time, the twins, Ron, Bill, Fleur, Harry, and Draco stood outside and were facing Severus and Remus.
"Where's your sister, Mr Weasley?" asked Severus who looked around the group of redheads for one with long red hair.
"With mum," said Ron loudly as he stood behind the twins, who were purposefully blocking his view with innocent grins on their faces—the gits. "They're out shopping."
"Alright," said Severus with a nod. He straightened his posture up a little and said, "She can join us another day."
Remus smiled at him, then looked back at the small crowd. "Bill, Fleur, please join us up the front." Severus looked at Lupin, while Lupin wasn't looking, and gave him a smile.
As instructed, the engaged couple joined Severus and Remus but stood a little behind them.
"Now." Remus looked at Harry with a proud gleam in his eye. "We are aware you and a couple other's organised Dumbledore's army?" he asks, and Harry nodded his head with a grin. "And you taught the other students defence spells?" Harry nodded again. "What kind of spells were taught, Harry?"
"Expelliarmus, stupefy, impedimenta, Protego, Expulso, and some non-defence spells," Harry listed the ones he remembered. He doesn't know what this has to do with anything right now.
"The basic spells," said Severus with a sigh. "You lot have a lot to learn." He paused and looked at the twins who just then, stepped aside and Ron fell onto the ground after still trying to get past them. "Fred, George-" he said just as Draco sniggers at Ron and Harry goes to help him up from the ground. The twins looked up at him as their names were heard. "-You're with Fleur. Ron, you are with Bill. Draco's with Remus and that leaves me and Harry."
Bill and Fleur both nodded and pulled their partners aside to start duelling.
Draco smiled and kissed Harry on the cheek for good luck. Harry chuckled at the affection from his lover. He grabbed Draco's chin, pulled him closer by the shirt and gave him a proper kiss square on the mouth.
Severus rolls his eyes and took a step back with his wand raised and pointed at the two boys. But then he heard someone whisper into his air, "Don't you dare ruin their little moment. Besides, they're going to need it as they both will get their butts kicked in this duelling practice by us." That made Severus smirk. He looked at who whispered that in his ear and his heart sped up in his chest when looking into hazel eyes with a hint of green. He blinked and looked away from Lupin only to find the young couple who was snogging looking at him and Remus with smiles.
"Go soft on him, Sev," ordered Draco with a stern voice at his professor. Though he knew very well how good Harry is at duelling. He's seen it before during classes and he might have taken a peek into the Room of Requirement during one of Harry's lessons and seen him duel Seamus, Ron, and a couple of other males.
Severus walked away from Remus and Draco and led Harry in front of a tree, which Harry normally sits under to talk to Serpentine the green snake.
"IMPEDIMENTA!" Severus shouted. He gave Harry no time as in real duelling, you had to know just when to block a spell and when to cast one.
Harry dodged the spell at the very last second, fell over and rolled on his side. "That's not fair, Severus!" he grumbled and looked over at Draco who was on the floor in a second. It makes sense, Draco was never there to be taught the defensive spells properly in the Room of Requirement.
Severus smiled. "In real duelling, Harry, you need to know just when to dodge, fire or block a spell," he says, and Harry looks back at him with a scowl. He waited for the boy to get back up before firing another spell. "Lacarnum Inflamare!" A ball of flames shot out of his wand and directly towards his young component.
"Aquamenti!" Harry shouted, putting out Severus' fire. His green eyes were alight with the fighting spirit that Severus thought he'll never see again. "Levicorpus!" He threw the spell right back at the professor.
Severus non-verbally threw up a shield, blocking Harry's spell. Harry had a challenging smirk on his face. "Ascendio!" Severus shouted at the same time Harry shouted, "Protego!"
Harry's shield rebounded Severus' spell, who was able to block it just in time. Suddenly, Harry started casting an abundance of quick spells at him and for a while, all Severus could do, was hold up his shield as he fired back.
"Protego!" Severus shouted. The spell reflected Harry's spell. Severus took the small fraction of a second to throw a second curse at the boy while he put up his shield.
"Steleus!" The spell hit Harry right in the chest. Suddenly the boy couldn't stop sneezing, his shield began to weaken so Severus took his chance.
Tallantellegra he said non-verbally. Harry's feet were uncontrollable. His shield went down, and Severus wasted no time, "Expelliarmus" he shouted. Harry's wand flew right through the air. Severus caught it at the same time he sent the counter curses to stop his opponent's legs and uncontrollable sneezing. "Your curses are remarkable and also your reflexes. But it is your shields that need work. You cannot let yourself become distracted."
But Severus himself became distracted by the duel between Draco and Remus, who too had quite astonishing reflexes and curses.
Harry smiled at his Professor become distracted by something too. Too bad the professor had his wand, or he could start firing spells at him. "How am I supposed to keep up my shield at the same time as throwing out a curse? I only have one wand."
Severus looked back at him. "Strategy, Harry," he tells him simply like it could just give Harry the answers in that one word. "Think, you have to think."
Deciding it will be easier to just show him what he meant instead of explaining, Severus threw Harry's wand back to the boy. "Levicorpus!"
Harry right away blocked the first curse, so Severus fired another curse and said, "C'mon Harry, hex me back!"
"I can't with the shield!" exclaimed Harry.
"For the love of Merlin," said Severus with a sigh. "Just try!"
"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted but his shield went down, and Severus was able to hit the spell with Protego, resulting in Harry's wand flying towards him again.
"As I said, it's not using two spells at once, it's strategy," Severus explained it. "You have to find that little pause, that hesitation in your opponent as you throw out a hex. Use that hesitation to throw up a shield before they find the chance to fire back."
Harry nodded. He's beginning to see what the man means. "Oh, I see what you mean."
"Good," said Severus. He was proud of Harry's progress and what he had learnt when rebelling against Umbridge.
"You were doing some non-verbal spells," Harry said, slanting him a wry smile. He's always wanted to learn how to cast non-verbals. "I was wondering if you can teach me."
"Once you have mastered shields, Harry, then I will teach you how to cast non-verbally."
"Alright, I'll work on it," said Harry with a quick nod. But then the mischievous smile appeared on his face. "Shall we join Draco and Remus and duel against them?"
Severus suppressed a laugh and nodded. "Sure."
Harry and Severus both snuck up on Remus and Draco and started firing spells at them. Harry threw an "Expelliarmus" at Draco, who didn't see it coming so his wand flew into Harry's hands. Harry caught it with a smirk.
Draco turned around with a glare but as his eyes met Harry's he couldn't help but smile. He walked up to his boyfriend and tried grabbing his wand back, but it was no use as Harry swiftly moved it away from Draco's grasp.
Harry grabbed Draco's shirt with his free hand and pulled him into a short kiss. "Did you get your arse kicked by Remus, like how Severus kicked mine?" he asked with a huff as he pulled away from the kiss.
Draco groaned and placed his forehead against Harry's. "Ugh! Don't let me remember it!"
Harry grinned and kissed him again with a hammering heart. His eyes travelled to the duellers when the kiss ended. He looked at Remus and Severus who were still duelling each other with almost elegance. The two duellers walked around in a circle, ready to strike when they felt was necessary. "Look at them," he says lightly.
Draco turned around and looked at the two adults duelling each other. He smiled, "Now that's what you call experienced duellers."
"I told Severus this before, but why don't we duel against them?" asked Harry while holding his chin up with vengeance. "Us against them. I know we'll probably get beaten again, but that bit of duelling is fun."
Draco laughed at his boyfriend who clearly wants revenge. "We can do that."
After another hour and a half of duelling, Severus shouted, "I think that's enough time for now." There were protests of disappointment coming from the youngest Weasley brothers, but Severus ignored them.
Draco had caught his godfather staring at Remus a couple of times during the duelling practice, and even after it which made him feel even more curious about what that's all about. But he had a hunch about what it could be, which made him smile. He's never heard of his godfather liking anyone before, so this was something new to see. Something beautiful to see. But not as beautiful as Harry, of course! With that in mind, he decided to interrogate his godfather after lunch before he left by Floo.
"Sevvyyyy?" He called like a restive child as he entered the lounge room to find his godfather in front of the fireplace.
"Please refrain from calling me that, Draco," requested Severus as he stared at his godson in disapproval. "You're not seven anymore if I remember correctly how you used to call me."
Draco scoffs in disbelief and looked down at the floor. He scoffs again as it seems that's all he can do. "Fine," he mumbled. "But anyway..." He looked back up at his godfather with a smile. "What's this thing with professor Lupin you have?"
Severus raised an eyebrow. "Aren't I not allowed to have friends, Draco?"
"Right..." said Draco in disbelief as he cocked his head to the side. He began circling his godfather with a smirk. "Friends who stare at each other when the other isn't looking, friends who... A friend who feels a butterfly sensation in their stomach whenever they're around, a friend whose heart hammers in one's chest whenever their love interest has walked in the room or is standing close to you and is smiling. A friend who-"
"That's enough, Draco," snarled Severus in a low voice. "I get your point."
Draco's smile returned to his face and he stopped in front of his godfather. "Do you, Severus? Do you really get my point?" he asks him in a low voice, and he crosses his arms over his chest. "Let me tell you something ... when I first met Harry, guess who felt his heart start rapidly beating in his chest, felt nervous butterflies in his stomach, felt his hands get all sweaty, and guessed who ignored that feeling for two years?" Severus opened his mouth to stop this useless ranting but Draco quickly cut him off. "I did. I fell in love with Harry James Potter at first sight. It wasn't until the third year that I started to give in to my feelings for Harry. I have admitted to my best friend in the second year that I had feelings for him, but I only thought it was a crush. But it wasn't. It was love. I love Harry Potter." He felt a hand intertwine with his own and knew it was Harry's because of how the touch spread warmth through his body, and his own heart started pounding in his chest and the blush that spread on his face as Harry kissed his cheek.
Severus opened his mouth again as he knew Harry had heard what Draco had been spilling out at him. There's just no way he's fallen for the bloody wolf! There's just no way! He knows it's acceptable to like guys, but to like Remus Lupin? Oh, he could just see Sirius Black trying to claw his way out of heaven to come down and shred him to pieces.
"And that's also when I fell in love with Draco Lucius Malfoy at first sight," Harry added with a loving smile at Draco. He kissed the blonde Slytherin's cheek again, then rested his head on Draco's shoulder and looked at the professor, "It's okay to like him, Severus. It's not going to harm anybody."
Severus curled his lip at the two boys in front of him.
"So, godfather," Draco started with raised brows, wanting to hear all about his godfather's feelings for a certain someone. "Do you feel your heart thumping in your chest whenever he's around? Do you get sweaty palms and that butterfly feeling in your stomach whenever he is close by?"
Severus inhaled and counted to ten. His godson was getting on his nerves for this interrogation about his feelings for the wolf, which he doesn't have, mind him. The only feeling he expresses to the wolf is politeness, that's all. A smile here and there at the wolf is okay, but not all the time.
But he does admit that Lupin's smiles are quite...extraordinary and breathtaking. Especially those dimples. "What do you want me to say?" he asked the two children; his lips were slightly parted in curiosity.
Draco smiled at him. Wasn't it obvious what he wanted his godfather to confess? "Admit your feelings for him."
Severus narrowed his eyes at him. "I'm leaving," he says gruffly. "Goodbye." And before Draco and Harry could stop him, he Flooed out of the Burrow and back to the castle.
Draco smirked and looked at Harry as he placed his arms around him. "What do you think, my darling?" He wants to ask Harry how easily it is to see that someone's changed the Potion's Professor. "Does Severus Snape seem a bit off to you? Like someone's changed him in some way?"
Harry held Draco tightly around the waist and brought their bodies closer. "Hmmm..." He tilts his head to the side in thought. "He has changed quite a bit..." he agrees with the Slytherin there. "It's been a week since we last saw him. When do you think this change in him started?"
Draco shrugged and brushed his cheek over Harry's like a cat would do to place its scent on certain objects it rubs against. But he only did it to stay close to Harry. "Like... two or three weeks ago or when Remus came here for his first time unannounced."
"I remember that day," Harry says with a diverted chuckle. "Did you see the look on his face when he saw Remus?" he asks lightly, and Draco nods thoughtfully. "At first, I thought I saw loathe but then I saw something different, a different kind of emotion that I've never seen before from Severus."
"It's love, I'm sure," responded Draco with a smile which he then begins to kiss Harry's chin and down his neck. The smile turned into a smirk and he lowers his voice into a whisper, "Speaking of love... Or making love... we haven't had sex since last week," he tells him in hope to give Harry an idea of what he wants. "Plus, that beautiful blowjob you gave me in the shower that week on Friday afternoon." He slipped his hands, which rested on Harry's waist, down Harry's pants and he heard a little gasp from his boyfriend when squeezing Harry's arse cheek. He pushed his boyfriend closer to himself so he could feel Harry's slight hardness against his own, only covered by denim jeans. "Shall we head up to Ron's room and shove him out so we can have it all to ourselves for our round of fun?"
Harry smiled and leaned closer to his lips were only inches away from his own. "Sounds amazing," he whispered, his green eyes flaring hungrily into needy silver and he closed the distance between them in a slow kiss.
A few minutes later, they were up in Ron's room on the bed lying naked together, Draco giving Harry's neck wet and hot kisses while Harry sighs from the feeling of being marked by this Slytherin on top of him yet again.
Ron had run out of the room when they first had come in, kissing, and pulling their clothes off, so they were all alone.
Draco kissed down Harry's neck and left a bruised hickey on his skin. Harry moaned and tipped his head back, exposing more of his neck for his Slytherin boyfriend to kiss. Draco leaned back, only to reconnect lips with Harry once again and stroke Harry's arm up and down. His other hand supported his weight while bent on the pillow next to Harry's head.
Harry spread his legs apart while the Slytherin rocked against his body and kissed him, sending pleasured aching tingles through his body which ached for the Slytherin to be inside him again.
Draco trailed his kisses back down Harry's neck and he sat up on top of his boyfriend. He pulled Harry's arm up to his mouth and kissed Harry's palm and down his wrist. The faint scars from Harry's self-harming were seen easily against the skin on his arm.
Harry shuddered at the feel of Draco's lips kissing his faint scars and cuts on his wrist. It wasn't the most pleasurable of feelings, but he liked it. The little kisses from Draco left tingles on his cuts that made him quietly laugh as it felt like his cuts were healing. But they weren't going to heal. He knew scars stay with you for a long time, forever.
Draco continued kissing Harry's scarred arms up and down, giving even the scars a love as they were a part of Harry he knew will stay for a very long time. He hoped not the self-harming, but the scars even if he'd like to rid of them from Harry's skin so his darling can't look back to his past and remember everything he's suffered from.
He then moved, so he had the whole view of Harry's naked blissful body in front of him. The sight was so beautiful, and he kept telling himself that this was all his to love, hold, protect, and to even be loved and protected. It was all his own.
Draco lifted Harry's leg and placed a kiss on his ankle, which made Harry smile at him and gives a little laugh. Harry's never been kissed anywhere except his torso, head, arms, and upper legs by Draco. Never below the legs. It was still as powerful as any kiss the Slytherin gives his skin, it still sent warmth through his body, as well as tingles.
Finally, after watching the Slytherin place kisses over his feet, ankles and heel, Draco stuck his finger into his mouth and lowered it down to Harry's entrance. Harry gasped in pleasure as Draco's elegant saliva-coated finger began circling over the ring of muscles over his entrance.
Draco smiled at the gasps and moans coming from above him and moved closer to Harry's groin to breathe in the beautiful musky scent of his boyfriend. His hands moved up to the valleys of Harry's waist and he placed a kiss on the little black curls on Harry's groin. Harry slowly smiled from the pleasured kiss and he let out a moan as those kisses from his blonde Slytherin boyfriend trailed down to his prick.
Draco leaned back up as his mouth got to Harry's prick, but he couldn't help himself. He dipped his tongue into Harry's navel, causing his Gryffindor boyfriend's hips to thrust upwards, and quick fingers to tangle in his blond hair. Draco paused slightly to wrap a hand around Harry's length and squeeze, causing Harry to groan deep in his throat.
"Merlin, Draco," he said, voice hoarse with desire.
Draco grinned slightly, running his hand up and down Harry's erection a couple of times. Harry's fingers tightened painfully in his hair and Draco growled in response, dropping his hands away and instantly replacing them with his mouth.
"Shit!" Harry shouted, hips bucking upwards as Draco swallowed him in one fluid move. Harry was writhing around on the bed as Draco sped up his assault; it was taking all his strength to make sure the two of them remained on the surface.
A chorus of "Oh, fuck, yes, don't stop, Merlin, harder, faster, please," was escaping Harry's mouth, and Draco thought that he'd never heard a prettier sound than that of his Gryffindor Golden Boy boyfriend losing himself in the throes of lust.
Draco suddenly grabbed Harry's hips and held him down, sucking hard once more. He watched from under his eyelids as Harry careened over the precarious edge he'd been holding on to, and he exploded before his eyes, Draco's name falling from that pretty mouth like a rushing waterfall.
Harry remained still on the bed, his only movement that of his chest rising and falling, first rapidly, then more slowly as he regained his composure. He opened one eye and peered at Draco briefly, before opening the other, a look of contentment on his face.
"I love you, so much," he whispered to the blonde Slytherin.
Draco smiled at those beautiful words and the sweet taste of Harry's sour spunk still in his mouth. He licked the insides of his mouth, tasting the excess spunk before saying, "I love you too, so very much."
He placed a pillow underneath Harry before spitting on his hand. Harry raised an eyebrow at that but moaned as he felt Draco's hand, covered in saliva, rub against his entrance, and felt how runny it was. The runny saliva slipped into Harry's entrance and he could feel it running inside of him. It wasn't until Draco pushed a finger into his hole that he began to feel things he's missed like the slick finger of the Slytherin's slowly thrusting in and out of his entrance. He gasped as Draco's finger curled inside him and brushed against his prostate which sent shivers from the pleasure through his body.
"Draco-," panted Harry with a desperate look on his face. "Please-"
Draco, who loves watching his boyfriend get so aroused because of him, added a second finger and Merlin, he could have come already from the moans and gasps coming from Harry. There was a sudden flush of warmth that spread down from his groin as he moved closer to Harry while continuing to fuck him with his fingers.
Harry whined and arched his back, his entrance closing in on Draco's finger. Draco took no hesitation and added a third finger into Harry's arse from the need he could see in Harry's gorgeous emerald green irises.
When he felt satisfied enough, he pulled out his three fingers but replaced them with his tongue. He wanted to eat his boyfriend inside out and pushed his tongue as far as it could go into Harry's entrance.
Harry let out little sighs and pants as Draco's tongue slipped past the ring of the muscles of his hole. He dug his fingers into the sheets and curled them when feeling Draco's hot tongue slide deep into his hole.
But then it was over too soon as Draco licked his lips and leaned back. He crawled back up to Harry and kissed his forehead before returning in front of him. He leaned forward to the table beside him, but Harry grabbed his arm.
"I want you," he said with a blush. His blush only deepened at the last word, "Raw."
"Are you sure?" Draco asked him gently with drawn brows. "I don't want to hurt you."
Harry smiled at him, loving how Draco can be so gentle, even when having sex. "I told you what I want, my love," he said as he leaned back down on the pillow.
Draco gave his blushing cheeks a kiss, as they're just so attractive, and leaned back into position. He gave one last 'Are you sure' look at Harry and when he got a nod, he slowly pushed himself into Harry's warm and slick entrance. Harry cried out, not caring who heard as the muscles inside him were burning, spasming and opening up for Draco's prick which moved an inch from every small thrust.
Draco rocked into Harry again, going deeper and deeper into him which earned another throaty cry from Harry as his boyfriend's prick scraped against his prostate.
And as Harry was about halfway from his own orgasm, Draco froze, as deep as he could be in Harry and heard a loud yell come from downstairs.
Draco looked down at Harry, really not wanting to stop this beautiful sex moment with his boyfriend as he could feel his orgasm starting from deep inside him. He began to move again but only slowly, painfully slowly because as much as he loved fucking his boyfriend and hearing him moan, he doesn't want himself or Harry getting into trouble. Or any of the Weasley brothers for that matter.
Harry closed his eyes and gave in to the little pleasure with a smile. He doesn't mind going slow at all with sex, as long as he had Draco, could feel him inside him and making love to him. "I love you," he whispered again, his smile still on his lips and his eyes closed.
"I love you too, Harry," Draco says back while still slowly thrusting into Harry. He placed a kiss on Harry's neck, which Harry chuckled from.
But then Draco began to regain speed again as the noise in the house started increasing. He bucked into Harry again, and again until Harry's breathing began to deepen.
Harry began panting heavily and little moans escaped his mouth. Draco couldn't help but give his boyfriend all he had and fuck him into the next week.
"Dr-raco," Harry moaned. He needed more, want to have his orgasm. "Touch me, fast."
Draco groaned, steadied himself on one arm and moved his hand down Harry's belly. Still thrusting into his boyfriend, he grabbed Harry's dick and began stroking the length of it rapidly.
Harry cried out, but only softly and he bucked into the Slytherin's hand. His muscles tightened and hardened from every thrust the Slytherin gave him, and Draco moaned from having his cock massaged from inside Harry's entrance.
Harry gave a protracted moan, not being able to think except feel the tenseness and warmth from in his groin and came out on his stomach and Draco's hands. The Slytherin's eyes widened at the release from his boyfriend and licked his lips. Harry smiled and shakily reached his hand down to dip his finger in his come and reach his hand up to the Slytherin's mouth.
Draco, who kept rocking into his boyfriend's body, licked Harry's finger up and took it in his mouth. He sucked it clean, removing the excess semen that ran down the Gryffindor's fingers.
Harry continued the process, his hand only becoming shakier as he begins to see these pinpoints of light in his eyes from the shagging until there was a knock on the door.
They both froze and looked at the door in horror, hoping nobody will come inside and see them having their fun.
"Harry? Draco?" They both could tell it's Ron by the shaky voice. "Dinner's ready. You um... better get dressed and come downstairs because my mother will get curious and possibly come up here to investigate herself."
Harry shuddered at that thought, but he wrapped his legs around Draco and pushed him back in. All he wants is his Slytherin boyfriend to come inside of him otherwise it wouldn't have been fair.
Draco continued back with his pace, bucking into Harry fast and harder so he could finish this and get down for food even if he'd love to spend the afternoon lying in bed naked with his boyfriend.
He groaned and finally felt the release of his semen flow out of himself and deep inside Harry. He collapsed on top of his boyfriend, breathing in the faint smell of pine, and sighed happily. Once he knew everything that came out of him was inside Harry, he removed his softening cock from Harry's body and lay next to his boyfriend.
"You do realise the whole Weasley family is expecting us downstairs for dinner, right?" asked Harry breathlessly with a smile. He felt full, but not the type of full where he couldn't eat food for weeks. The pleasured and sex full.
Draco grunted and snuggled up to Harry with a smile. "I'm not going anywhere unless it's with you."
Harry placed a kiss on Draco's sweaty forehead before getting out of bed, even if he doesn't want to and deciding to get dressed.
"Noooo!" whined Draco tiredly with a frown. He doesn't want to get out of bed either. "Come back to bed. I want to sleep with you, naked."
Harry smiled as he pulled up his boxers and denim jeans. He grabbed his shirt and walked back to the bed. He pointed to his stomach were a little puddle of his come lay, "You missed a spot." Draco tried to lick it off, but Harry stopped him. "You must come down for dinner."
Draco grinned, nodded and started licking off Harry's come from his belly. When his boyfriend's stomach was free of come, he started getting dressed, Harry put on his shirt and jumper and they both headed down for dinner.
"Oh, wait..." said Harry as they headed down the stairs, pausing to remember part of him that Draco had eaten out. "Mouth cleansing charms. We – you need..."
Draco sighed. He would never breathe near anyone because of where his mouth had been and what it had tasted. Damn underage magic wizard laws. "It'll be embarrassing, but we can ask the twins or Bill to charm out mouths with it."
Harry flushed, already feeling the embarrassment well up inside him. "Bill will take it better than the twins, I'm sure of it."
"If you're so sure..." said Draco slowly with uncertainty. He bit the inside of his cheek.
Just out of their luck from trying to come up with a good enough excuse in front of the whole Weasley family, Bill had appeared behind them.
"Bill!" said Harry with a nervous smile. "Can you cast a mouth cleansing charm on Draco, please?"
"Um... why?" Bill asked curiously. But then he looked at the two baffledly and laughed when shaking his head. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh... You do know my mother doesn't approve of sex in the Burrow?"
Harry and Draco both flushed and nodded. it's something they have to deal with a lot when out of Hogwarts where the rules of underage sorcery apply.
Bill rolled his eyes t them but can't help but feel proud of them. "Sneaky little buggers..." he mutters under his breath, and the blonde Slytherin smirked. Bill cast the mouth cleansing charm on the two and patted them both on the shoulder.
"Thanks..." Draco's flush was darker than Harry's. He gave Harry a quick kiss, intertwined hands and headed down to the kitchen.
Percy Weasley sat in his office at the Ministry of Magic sorting out all the letters. He blinked back tears as he came across letters from his mother, asking how he is and wanting him to come back home. He hates disappointing and saddening his mother, but this was just for the best. He incendio'd the letters from his mother while letting a teardrop from his eye.
He groaned when more paperwork was sent to him. He doesn't mind the workload of paperwork as it distracts him from the world for a while. But a certain letterhead caught his eye. It was someone from Gringotts writing to him. But who can't mistake that neat handwriting in black ink, or that yellow stamp seal? It was a letter from his dear oldest brother, Bill. But what caught him off guard, was the two words in capital letters that spelt. 'SUICIDE WATCH'. Now he felt curious and undeniably worried. Who was on suicide watch?
Dear Percy
I hope you're well. Mother, in case you're wondering, is fine. She's a little upset that she hasn't heard from you, and so am I, your brothers, sister and Harry.
Now, it has come to my realisation that I have figured out something about our little non-blooded brother that's highly concerning. And the letter you wrote to him last year, really got to him. So has everything terrible that has happened, including the death of his godfather, Sirius Black.
As I know you well, you would have easily guessed who I am talking about in this letter. This letter is indeed about Harry Potter. Are you aware that he suffers, Percy? As in really mentally suffers. I'm afraid Harry has fallen into a deep depression. Have you seen the signs like I have through the years? I don't even know how long Harry's been suffering. Charlie, me, and you haven't been in this teenager's life as much as Ron and Hermione.
To add a positive note, have you met Draco Malfoy, Harry's boyfriend? He's such a sweet bloke, very nice and not so much the snobby rich kid everyone thought he was. Or... were. Those two are quite the couple, though. Have you seen them together? It's like reading one of mom's muggle books about teenage love, just with a gay couple. Have I mentioned that gay couples are now officially my favourite couples ever? I'm getting off-topic here, sorry.
Do you remember a young woman named Beatrice Haywood? You probably haven't as you were in your second year, but Charlie and I have. She was no younger than us by a few months. She actually suffered quite a lot. Charlie, me, and a few other's saw the change in the girl's demeanour and knew something was up. But one day, it was just too late. She committed suicide for many reason's I am unable to tell you. Swore it on an oath to Beatrice's older sister, Penny Haywood. It was devastating, to say the least.
This is what I am afraid of, Percy. That our non-blooded brother will one day snap and it'll be too late. Do you remember the innocent little boy you met back in Ron's first year? Innocent little Harry Potter who we were so sure lived life like a royal until Ron came home after that year and complained to us about how we need to adopt Harry as our own? What happened to that Harry we know, or has that been the Harry we've always known? That's the problem there. Which Harry have we known all along or has Harry been abused by his relatives for a long time? Yes, Harry Potter is abused and has been for what I guess is many years.
We're all scared, Percy. Even the twins somehow found out. I'm guessing Draco's known for quite a while, same with Ron and Hermione. Mom and Dad don't know about it, and they can't know anything about it either because how would Harry feel if everyone he loves and cares about knows of his problem? It'd make him feel scared and that he would think we would call him a freak. Why though, I don't know. It's something Fred, George and Ron had told me a week ago. What should we do about this, Percy? I've informed Charlie about this too, just so you know.
Oh, that reminds me. Don't you remember what your ex-girlfriend, Penelope went through? Her best friend, a Muggleborn was bullied and tormented by her peers until that unfaithful night that she jumped from the Astronomy Tower to her death. Nobody but the Professors and us were informed about it. It was kept quiet all year long. Your ex-girlfriend lost her best friend, and she suffered terribly from the loss until that one day, she wanted to join her best friend.
Do you remember? Or have you already forgotten? Like the family and friends, you've forgotten? Do you remember what Penelope tried to do? Were you the one who followed her up to the Astronomy Tower, noticing she was crying? Were you the one who watched her climb the railings of the Astronomy Tower? And were you the one who watched the girl leap from the railings? Were you? Were you the one who ran to the edge of the railings and cast one of the many levitation charms on her to stop her from plummeting to her death?
How much did it hurt, Percy? To see your girlfriend, commit suicide right before your eyes? How many tears did you have to shed in our mother's arms before you could tell yourself that you truly were okay? How many Percy? How many talks did you, Charlie and I have together that year when it all happened? How many? One hundred and eighty-five. That's how many discussions you needed until you felt better. Do you remember what I told you every time? That it wasn't your fault. It wouldn't have been your fault even if you weren't able to save her. It wasn't anybody else's fault except for the bullies. That's who's to blame.
I sent this note, not as a 'you must come back' letter, but a letter to tell you about everything you're missing. Even if you don't come home after reading this, remember that we all love you. We miss you so much!
Love from Bill.
Percy raked his hands through his hair. He never expected this sort of terrible letter. Harry Potter suffering is something he would have never thought he'd ever heard in his lifetime. And then the memory of Penelope came back into his mind, but it wasn't the memory he liked to see. It was of her suicide attempt. Why couldn't she tell me what she was going through, he remembered thinking 3 years ago.
Right now, he felt so lost and didn't know what to do. It was either Ministry or family. His family, who raised him, loved him and cared for him, or the Ministry who offers him a job and protection. He just didn't know.
He couldn't get back to work either no matter how hard he tried to concentrate. There was just so much on his mind. Hearing about Harry and his depression, he just can't believe it. The wizarding world's golden boy suffering from a mental problem, and a bad one that is.
He doesn't even care if Harry had a boyfriend. But Draco Malfoy? Wasn't he one of the Inquisitor squad members for Umbridge? He remembers the blonde Slytherin boy being quite the leader for Umbridge's squad, and he's a pretty bloke. He doesn't mind the fact that Harry's dating Draco, not one bit. He's seen some gay people snogging in the ministry which always put a smile on his lips. And ever since Ronald came out to the family about being bisexual, which was an incredibly brave thing to do, he has been questioning his own sexuality. He does see quite a lot of really good-looking blokes around the Ministry and has pondered what it'd be like to kiss them himself, but he doesn't think about that too much as he has an important job to do.
'SUICIDE WATCH' really shocked him and made him feel so worried for his little non-blooded brother. Has Harry really tried to...? He doesn't want to think about that either. This is just a hard decision. Too hard of a decision. He would like to help out Harry, but then there's his job... C'mon Percy! It's just two decisions. Make up your mind!
To Percy's luck, Fudge stood outside his door and observed him in a Lily-pad green robe and pointy hat. But to Percy's knowledge, Cornelius Fudge had retired from his job. "Mr Weasley," said Fudge a little tiredly. He noticed the worry lines on the younger male's forehead. "Is something the matter?"
"Family troubles," muttered Percy with a slight frown. He wanted to go see his family and make sure Harry's okay, but he just doesn't want to leave his work.
"Oh, well I insist you go see them if it's urgent," Fudge ordered him lightly with furrowed brows.
"I don't know..." Percy said quietly. This was just all too much for him.
"Percy," Fudge entered the room and stood in front of him. "I do insist that you depart and visit your family." His voice was only softening, and he grabs one of Percy's quills and strokes the eagle owl tendrils. "From what I've heard, you haven't seen them since the Quidditch World Cup. That's a little concerning, you know. I and everyone else in the ministry who's high ranked certainly adores how you have an ambition for work. But you do realise family comes before anything else in life, right?"
Percy just looked at him with sadly a frown. He knows family comes first out of anything else, but he really cares about his job and doesn't want to let anybody important down.
"Is there anything else I should know?" Fudge asked with a soothing tone of voice and gave his employer a sad smile.
Percy didn't want to tell the man the direct details of what the letter's about. Especially if it's about Harry Potter. He trusts this man in front of him but doesn't trust him with the knowledge of Harry's state. What exactly would this man do with certain knowledge? He doesn't know and doesn't want to find out. All he could say was, "One of my brothers is on suicide watch 24/7."
Fudge gasped and his mouth fell open. Then he regained his thoughts. "Then you must go home, Percy!" he says loudly but in a gentle voice. "Think of your family, what they're going through right now if one of your brothers are thinking of ending their life. How would your mother feel to know one of her children is that broken that they want to die? Or your father? Think, Percy. I'm giving you the holidays off. You have been quite the employee, been here every day and put your job first before everything else."
"But-" Percy didn't want to have the holidays off.
"No buts, Percy," said Fudge calmly with a wave of his finger in disapproval. "I'm giving you the rest of the holidays off and that's an order."
Percy sighed and began stacking all the paperwork he needs to do in his briefcase. Then a hand stopped him from doing so.
Fudge pulled his hand away gently and continued, "And you don't need to work from home. You have a family Percy, a family who cares and wants you home."
"I guess I'll leave then," Percy muttered, not looking up at the minister as he just gathers a few items from under his desk. He sighed in utter defeat as he really can't argue with this man unless he has a really good excuse.
"Good," said Fudge brightly with a smile. He gestured the door to his employer with a hand. "Now go. Your family will want to see you."
Percy gave the man a nod and stood up from his chair. He stacked all his paperwork that will be done neatly on the desk in piles of 'done' and 'to do'. After, he gave the man one last nod and locked the door behind him as Fudge wandered down the beige coloured hall. He wouldn't risk apparating out of the ministry in case something bad happens. He knows other wizards and witches do but he just wouldn't risk it. He'd rather take the Floo's.
Just as he rounded the corner towards Fudge's old office, which he has permission to use at times, he bumped into something solid and a sharp pain seared on his forehead. Then he realised it was someone. "Sorry," he hisses as he rubbed his forehead repeatedly. But then he looked up into familiar picturesque pecan brown eyes and his mouth dropped open in surprise. "Gah... I-" His heart started thumping in his chest and his legs felt utterly weak when staring at the utterly handsome man he knows from Hogwarts.
"Percy!" said Oliver Wood joyfully with a smile. "So good to see you, mate!" He playfully slapped Percy on the arm, and Percy gasped as an electrical jolt ran through his arm where Oliver slapped him.."How long has it been?"
Percy felt his cheeks warm up from what he had just let out of his mouth. "I-It's good to s-see you too, Oliver," he stuttered with a nervous smile. Oh, Merlin. What's happening to him? "I-It's been... two years, hasn't it?"
"Ah, yes, two years," Oliver replies thoughtfully, nodding with a distant look on his face. "I haven't seen you since graduation. Quidditch has been pretty hectic lately with all the training." Percy nods, his eyes gazing from Oliver's distractedly brown eyes to his toned arm muscles while thinking about how much Oliver must be training. "Where are you heading off to?"
"I'm h-heading home for the Holidays," Percy tells him, eyes focusing at the other man's eyes, and makes his voice sound firm and gave his best friend a real smile. He cursed himself for the stuttering. Why was he stuttering? He hadn't any idea. "I haven't s-seen my family for a while. I want to visit them."
Oliver nodded. "Good, I'm sure they would love to see you," he says while knowing how lovely the Weasley's are. From all the times he has come over to the Burrow in the past, he has always made a first impression on Percy's mum and dad. "I wouldn't keep your family waiting, even if I loved seeing you too," he added kindly with a slight rosiness to his cheeks. "It has been quite a while."
Percy looked down at the floor, his blush reddening a little more from the word 'Love'. "So, what are you doing here?" he asked as he didn't want this reunion to end so quickly. "I thought you'd be on some Quidditch Pitch practising with the team?"
"Oh, I will be," said Oliver with a nod. "I just thought I'd pay the Department of Magical Games and Sport a visit to see how things are and if any new Brooms are being made." He paused with a slight smile at the sudden question he wants to ask this bloke. "So, is there a woman in your life I should know about?"
Percy laughed, a full-on all belly laugh, and shook his head. He hasn't thought about relationships since Penelope. He does admit, back in Hogwarts, he had an interest in Oliver before he started dating Penelope, but also during the relationship with her. He ignored the funny light and fluttery feelings he felt whenever Oliver was around him when dating Penelope.
But even in the relationship, he felt like something was missing and Penelope couldn't seem to fill that empty pit in his stomach. "No woman ... or man," he said just to let Oliver know what his preferences are. "Not since..." He frowned and looked down at the floor with sadness.
Oliver frowned with his best friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know, I was there," he said in a soft voice, and Percy looks back up at him. "I'm glad you came right to me after you rescued her." The Puddlemere keeper embraced him in a hug, which is something he doesn't normally do, but knew it was necessary for this situation.
Percy tried not to let tears form in his eyes because he doesn't want to appear weak in front of his best friend. But like always, Oliver's hugs always managed to calm him down and he melted into the embrace. He just hoped Oliver couldn't feel his heart in his chest pounding against Oliver's fit chest. Oliver's strong arms which built up from Quidditch was wrapped around his slim figure.
Through all his years of Hogwarts, how could Percy have been so blind to who he really wanted? The person in his arms right now. How could he have thought differently? And then he smelt something he remembers during potions one time as he walked into the room. Quidditch broomstick handles, freshly mown grass in the morning, sweat and manly musk.
He didn't even realise he and Oliver were still hugging, but it was nice, and he didn't want to let go. He felt like he was already at home at the Burrow, either in his room or down in the lounge room with his brothers and sister. His brothers and sister who he misses so much.
And then the hug ended, too soon. Percy missed the feeling of the other man around him, he felt protected, warm, and calm. He stared back into brown eyes and smiled, not noticing how close his face was to the other man's but then he took a step back and the warmness returning to his cheeks again. "I- I should go... It was great seeing you again, Ollie."
Oliver chuckled gleefully at the name he used to be called by Percy back at Hogwarts and smiled back. "Alright, and have a safe trip back home, Percy."
"Will do, Ollie." Percy gave him one last smile, pushed his glasses up his nose and walked past him.
"Wait!" called Oliver with a pink tinge to his cheeks. He bit his lip when Percy turned back around to look at him with an eyebrow raised. He rubbed the back of his neck. "You look good, mate."
"Uh..." Percy stammered; his cheeks felt like they were on fire now from the compliment. "Thanks, you too look hot – I mean... handsome - I – uh... good." He took a deep breath, thinking by doing so his face will return to its normal shade of colour. How embarrassing! "Good. You look good."
Oliver smiled down at the floor, the pink tinge in his cheeks turning into a pinkish-red colour. "See you around, Perce," he said with a finger wave and walked off in the other direction down the hall.
Percy sighed and leaned against the wall. He stared up at the ceiling with a smile and replayed what had just happened. He can't believe he just complimented his best friend, stuttered and blushed in front of him. What was happening to him? He's never felt like this around Penelope before. But whatever this was that he was feeling, he really liked it.
Percy truly likes how Oliver makes his heart pound in his chest whenever he's close, or when he gets butterflies in his stomach whenever the man walks into a room, how his hands feel sweaty and how his legs feel like they want to give up and fall to the floor. He's been like this towards his best mate for ages so how come he's starting to see that he likes his best mate now?
He remembered he had a family to go see so he continued to Fudge's old office. Of course, the Floo was closed down in Fudge's office. How could he have forgotten? He regretted what he was about to do because what if something happens to him with the powerful wards surrounding the ministry?
He took in the familiar scents and sounds of his childhood home as he successfully apparated to the Burrow. The fresh grass, the flowers, the birds chirping happily.
"PERCY!" Someone yelled. But nobody could mistake the hug Percy was crushed in and the scent of his mother entered his nostrils.
"Percy, oh, my dear third born," Mrs Weasley said happily with a glimmer in her eyes, but also a little sadly. "I missed you so much, we all missed you so much. Oh, Perce. I was so worried about you. Nobody taught you how to live out in the big world, and you managed to do it all by yourself. So proud, we all are."
"Mom..." Percy said quietly with a little smile and a roll of his eyes. "I missed you all too."
Mrs Weasley leaned out of the hug and kissed her son on the cheek. He looked at her son's face all over with pride, "My boy's all grown up."
Percy could see the tears in his mother's eye, but he continued to smile. But that smile was mostly from the memory of Oliver. He scrunched his face up as his mother began to kiss him repeatedly on the cheeks. "Mum... that's enough, please. I'm not a six-year-old anymore."
"Right... Sorry," Mrs Weasley let her son go and wiped the tears from her eyes. "How long are you staying?"
"The rest of the holidays, mum," Percy tells her as they walk to the front door of the Burrow. He noticed a pair of gardening gloves by one of the garden beds and knew his mother had been gardening before he came. "I'm not going anywhere."
Mrs Weasley's smile grew wider at what her son said. "Oh, good!" she says happily. "Now, in you go!" she ushered him to the front door. "Everyone's inside."
Percy nodded, kissed his mother's forehead and walked through the front doors of the Burrow. The first person he laid eyes on when inside his home, was of course Ginny, who read on the maroon couch in the lounge room.
"Percy?" Ginny said slowly while staring at him like if she blinked, he would disappear. But then she smiled as she knew it wasn't an illusion, "Percy!" She hopped off the couch, disregarding her book, and rushed up to him for a hug.
Percy just smiled back and hugged his little sister back. "Hey, squirt." He's called her that since she was a young toddler. "I missed you."
"Missed you too, big brother," Ginny said huskily while tightening her grip on Percy. "You haven't a clue how much mom worried for you. And me as well!"
"I know, I-"
"Did I hear..." The twins had just come down the stairs and stared at their brother, who they haven't seen in a long time, in complete and utter surprise.
"Well, well, well," said Fred gruffly with a grin on his face and crossed his arms over his chest. "Look who showed up after..." He cocked his head at his twin, "How long has it been Georgie?"
Ginny ended the hug with her older brothers and hopped back on the couch to finish reading her book.
"A whole year and five months, Freddie," George answered with the same grin on his face. Oh, he has a lot of questions to ask his older brother.
"Yes, that," Fred said slowly and looked back at his older brother.
"Sorry..." was all Percy could say right now. He didn't know what else he could say. "No hug?" he then asks carefully. He opened his arms for his younger twin brothers.
Fred and George both raised an eyebrow at him, knowing brothers don't usually hug but let themselves be embraced by their older brother anyway. It was a sort of a nice and comfy hug, as they felt.
Like they could feel the love spreading through the Burrow, Bill, Ron, Fleur, Harry, and Draco came down the stairs and stopped in the lounge room as they saw who exactly stood hugging the twins.
Bill gave his younger brother, Percy, a grateful smile. He was glad his brother decided to join them after all. He hopes it was the letter that got him and what he included in the letter.
Draco gave Percy a glare as he knew how the Weasel affected Harry last year. How dare he even show his face here after ignoring his own family, and the hurtful letter to Harry!
Ron gave Percy a little smile, and Harry tried to smile at the other Weasley brother but couldn't, so he clung to Draco.
Ginny glared at Fleur, even if this day was about Percy and his visit back home. The next thing that happened was someone walking out of the Floo, it was another red-headed boy. "CHARLIE!" Ginny yelled and jumped into her other oldest brother's arms.
Charlie smiled at his overexcited sister, and then looked up at all his other siblings until his eyes met with Bill's. "I came as soon as I got your letter."
Bill nodded. Everyone who wasn't Bill, Charlie and Percy looked at the older three in confusion.
"Wait..." said Ron, and he scratched at his cheek in confusion. He doesn't remember any letter. "What letter?"
"Nothing that concerns you, little brother," said Charlie at once, smiling as Ron huffs his annoyance. He ended the hug with his sister and joined Bill in the middle of the room. He whispered into his ear, "So who's going to talk to him first? Percy, you or me?"
"Percy will talk to Harry first as he has a whole lot to talk to him about," Bill whispered back to his second youngest brother. He gave Percy a nod, who returned a nod and escorted Fleur out of the room.
Fred and George looked at each other, studied the room and how quiet but secretive it feels. Even if they tried, they wouldn't be able to manipulate their older brothers into telling them anything that draws curiosity to them, so they decided to head to their shop for some time being.
Charlie decided to join his twin brothers in travelling to their joke shop so he could have a look around and see what marvellous inventions his little brothers have created.
Percy sat down on the couch with a sigh and looked up at Harry and Draco who were about to leave. "Harry... can I talk to you?" he asks him softly. He could feel Ron's presence behind him and turned his head around t look him in the eye, "You too Ron."
"Alright," said Ron, suddenly feeling a little excited about what his brothers will finally tell him. He walked around the couch and sat next to his older brother. "Spill."
Percy sighed and started the apology with Ron. "I wanted to apologise for sending that note to you last year," he begins slowly, and Ron cringes at the mention of the letter. "It was stupid of me to assume that you would even do as I say, and I shouldn't have believed Fudge at all. I realised the mistake I made and want to make it up to you somehow, and I apologise for putting all those negative thoughts about Homosexuality into your head when you were younger."
"I accept your apologies, Percy," Ron said, walking around the armchair to sit on the armrest of the couch with a smile of gratefulness at him. "Just never tell me to defriend one of my best friends because I'll never in my life ever do such a thing."
Harry looked over at his best mate on the couch and gave him a small smile. This was an uneasy topic to hear about or even talk about.
"And Harry..." Percy looked at Harry with a frown, knowing now what the boy suffers from. He just hoped his letter didn't make him feel worse. "I'm extremely sorry for everything that was in the letter that regarded you," he apologises deeply and looks down to his feet, eyes blank. "You're not any of those words I called you in the letter, and yet again, I say sorry for making you feel so down that day. I hope there's something I can do to help you in some way."
Harry sat down next to Ron on the couch. Even Draco joined them on the couch, only to hold Harry's hand. "Thank you, Percy, for the apology," he said in a low gentle voice. "It means a lot to me. I do admit that I've been through a lot. I don't think there's anything you can do for me right now, but I don't want anything in return. An apology is all that matters."
Percy gave a sad nod. "And if there's anything you want to talk to me, Bill and Charlie about, just know that we're always here for an ear to talk to," he says just to reassure Harry that he's not alone and has plenty of people to talk to.
"How do you...?" Harry asked him quickly. he felt a little anxious now that Percy knows. Who else knows now and who told them?
"Harry... I've dealt with a few people who have suffered from depression just like you have," Percy said carefully, aware of how queasy Harry looks. He knows Bill and Charlie know how to deal with suicidal teenagers better than himself. "I can see the signs, same with Bill and Charlie. We've known people who committed suicide back when we were at Hogwarts. The faltering smile, wearing long sleeves every day, isolation, dull eyes that look so dead to the world. It's pretty easy to see. I don't know how mom and dad haven't seen the changes in you yet."
Harry frowned and stood up sluggishly from the couch to say, "I need a glass of water." He doesn't know what to feel right now. It's great that Percy apologised, but that letter he wrote genuinely upset him. He doesn't know if he'll forget it in the future or not.
"Ron," Draco hissed, and when the redhead looked his way, he nodded his head to the kitchen where Harry walked towards.
Ron nodded back and followed Harry into the kitchen just to make sure his best mate wouldn't try anything. Merlin save him if anything happened to Harry and he was the one to blame
Percy leaned his weight on the armrest of the armchair and looked at Draco curiously, knowing the blonde wanted to talk about something. He can take it, whatever the blonde says at him. He knows he deserves it.
"You know Percy, I looked up to you before you sent that rude letter," Draco said profoundly, and he smiled with both his eyes and mouth. "I thought that you must have been a spy for Dumbledore or someone else instead of picking sides with Umbridge. She was a terrible woman, you know?"
"I didn't think she was that bad, to be honest," Percy responded quietly. He knew to befriend the most important people from the Ministry to gain good respect.
"Are you kidding?" Draco asked him loudly with raised brows in disbelief. "Her literal punishment in detention was a blood quill! A BLOOD quill! You know, the ones where they make you write in your own blood."
Percy swallowed uncomfortably. He never knew about that. Now he sees how horrible that is. He didn't want to think about such dark things like that though. Since he's never fully met Harry's boyfriend, he's like to know him a bit more. "So... we haven't properly been introduced. As you know I'm Percy, a-"
"And I'm Draco," Draco finished for him quickly. "Draco Malfoy. Now..." his face was serious, "about that letter." He straightened his posture to look a little bigger, even if Percy was a few inches taller than him. "You have no idea how hurt Harry was about it. I was so worried about him, and I knew he was either somewhere alone slicing up his skin on his arms, or with Ron and Hermione."
Percy's jaw dropped open from that information the Slytherin easily let slip out of his mouth. Harry had been cutting himself? Now that is something new to hear, and pretty concerning. "Look, Draco, I'm sorry!" he said hoarsely, his gaze averting from the Slytherin. "I'm sorry my letter really hurt Harry, and Ron and possibly yourself. It was my fault for believing everything Fudge told me."
Draco nodded in agreement. It was the fifth Weasel's fault, as well as Fudge's for spreading such bias about Harry.
"Since that is over..." Percy stood up stiffly and straightened out his robes. "I'll head to my room and send Bill down. I'll... see you and Harry later."
Draco smiled at him as the man walked off. He noticed something in the man's features and grinned. It was obvious something or someone crossed this man's mind. He knows it's none of his business but he gets curious. "Who is it?"
Percy turned around and looked at Draco, confused. "What?" he asks flatly.
"Who's the man or woman in your life?" asked Draco kindly, the grin still on his face.
"Oh..." Percy smiled as he remembered soft brown eyes. The brown eyes that belong to his best friend "He's not my man..." His tone quietened, "Although, I wish he were." He cleared his throat quickly. "Um... He was my best friend back in Hogwarts."
"Best friend, huh?" Draco asks him. His eyes widened as he remembered who he recalled Percy hanging around with when the bloke was back in Hogwarts. "Merlin's Beard... Oliver Wood! When are you going to tell everyone?"
Percy smiled and nodded, that blush from an hour ago coming back to his cheeks. "Yes, my best friend, Oliver wood," he admits it easily with no hesitation. "And I will tell everyone when I'm ready." He paused and cocked his head at the Slytherin, "Why am I even talking about this to you?"
Draco shrugged, "It just happens, to be honest." He leaned forward on the couch and clasped his hands together. "But I can also tell, just like when I know Ron's thinking about Blaise. It's a look on your face. You, Ron, and Bill both have it." The only people he hasn't seen the familiar look on is the twin' and Charlie's faces yet.
"Um... yeah... goodbye, Draco." Percy hurriedly left the lounge room up to his bedroom as this Slytherin was creeping him out a bit with this knowledge he has, and his trunk followed him up the stairs.
Harry walked into the lounge room with a glass of water. He sighed, placed it down on the wooden table and sat on the couch. He laid down and placed his head on Draco's lap while staring up into silver irises.
"Are you okay now?" Draco asked him with a smile. He hid his concern for his boyfriend pretty easily just with a smile that he knew melted Harry on the inside.
"Yeah..." Harry raised his hand and caressed Draco's cheek with his thumb. The smile did melt Harry's insides. "I love you, Draco."
Draco leaned down and placed a kiss on Harry's lips. "I love you too, Harry," he whispers as he leaned back out and started running his hands through his boyfriend's black hair. Now he just wants to lie down with Harry. "Move up the couch. I want to lie down next to you."
Harry wanted to say he's fine right here in Draco's lap where he can just fall asleep like this, but he did move up to the armrest of the couch for Draco so he could join Harry and lay with him in each other's arms as they fall asleep together.
Narcissa strolled through the darkened but candle-lit hallways of Malfoy Manor as bored as a pup without its chew toy. She misses her son so much, as well as Harry and her husband. She wishes they could have stayed over the holidays but as she heard Voldemort's plan, she just had to send them away for their own safety.
The Manor just seems to become more boring every day. The only thing that takes up time is reading and watering her plants in the greenhouses. She can't even cook because of the house-elves! She just can't seem to do anything that will pass time because she's just too worried about when Voldemort will arrive with his clan of Death Eaters. Those bloody death eaters ruined people's lives.
On the positive side, she knew Lucius would be back. Merlin knows what Azkaban is like, and she hopes Lucius isn't getting treated awfully. As much as she loves her sister, Bellatrix, she'd rather have her back in Azkaban again. She misses the Bellatrix she once knew as a kid, the sweet but mischief girl. Azkaban and the dark arts just turned her into some killing machine, and she lost her humanity.
And then there is Andromeda, the kindest and purest of heart. She and Sirius were much like sister and brother. They both were very kind, with not a single devious bone in their body. Back when they were teenagers and she found out Andy had fallen in love with a muggle-born, yes, she was a little disturbed by that, but over time, she grew to accept it. It was love after all.
There was a loud bang that sounded like it came from outside the manor. Narcissa jumped a little in fright. That has never happened before. What it was she didn't know. She stood by one of the large tall windows in the hallway on the second floor and warily looked out at the yard below her. Nothing out of the ordinary. She looked out up at the sky, nothing strange was happening.
She heard the loud bang again. She watched in horror, as she now knew it had something to do with the wards surrounding the manor. Someone was trying to break in as she saw the sparks of magic successfully managing to damage the wards.
Usually, if something like this did happen Lucius would already be outside with his wand scanning the perimeter while she and Draco would be in one of the bedrooms' bathrooms safe and secure. If someone were trying to break-in, the best option was to hide. She was a successful dueller, one of the best in her classes back at Hogwarts. But when she's all alone, and she doesn't know who her target is, she'd rather go into hiding.
After taking one last look outside the window, she continued down the hallway. When another loud band was heard, and she could hear the wards breaking, she began lightly jogging down the hallways in her low heeled shoes with her hand clutching her wand tightly just in case any unwanted visitors managed to breakthrough.
Once she got to the lounge room, another loud bang was heard, and she froze. How would anybody find the manor if it was warded out from sight? And couldn't they use the front gates if they were someone she knew?
A new noise, one so familiar, came from the front of the manor. The front door had been opened. But nobody except a Malfoy could open it up. Just for precaution, Narcissa ran to her cherry-red chaise and hit behind it. Every second she'd peek out over the back of the chaise to see if someone had entered the room.
And when someone did, her eyes began to water at her husband dressed in Azkaban's black and white long-sleeved shirt and pants. "L-Lucius!" She ran into his arms, not caring if her husband smelt terrible because all she wanted was him back. It's just been so long. It's so lonely in the manor without him. And doesn't Azkaban have showers there?
"Cissy," Lucius gave a sigh of relief, his face flushed with elation, and inhaled the expensive smell of his wife's shampoo and conditioner. He missed her so much, she was the only thing, apart from Draco, that kept him able to survive life in Azkaban. Just by holding onto memories of his wife, son, and even memories of Harry last year during the Christmas holidays, he was able to repel the Dementors.
Narcissa leaned out of the hug but still had her arms around her husband's arms. She leaned her forehead against his, "You have no idea how much I've missed you," she says in a low, nearly watery voice. "I've waited days, weeks until your arrival back home. It's been so boring alone in this damn Manor."
"I missed you too, Cissy," Lucius replies softly to her, almost in a whisper, with a frown on his face. "I'm sorry you had the manor to yourself." He looks around the lounge room, expecting to see his son somewhere on the couches but doesn't. "But where's D-"
Narcissa shut him up with a soft kiss to the lips with her hand cupping her husband's cheek. She knew Draco was safe at the Burrow and didn't need anyone else knowing where his location was as well as Harry's.
But what Narcissa didn't know, was that she and Lucius weren't the only ones in the lounge room. Bellatrix Lestrange was staring at them, clearly impatient with the tip of her wand pointed at her bottom lip. She rolled her eyes at her sister's and Lucius' "beautiful" reunion with each other when the man was only in Azkaban for six weeks. She was in Azkaban for more than fourteen years. "Stop with this disgusting PDA, sister," she said, curling her lip in disgust.
Narcissa broke out of the kiss and looked at her sister with dread. She quickly put up the walls in her mind to block out the memories of Harry, Molly, and her son so they don't fall into the wrong hands. When did she get here? Of course, it must have been the wards. She will forever be angry at her older sister for killing her only cousin, Sirius Black. She will forever miss Sirius and will always think of him whenever she needs to. "Why should we, Bella?" she asked her sister with a quick smile. "It's called love. Have you ever heard of it?"
Bellatrix glared at her younger sister, lowering her wand from her mouth and crossed her arms. "Of course, I have, my dear sister," she sneers, "I love Rodolphus!"
"Mm," Narcissa made a noise in her throat in disbelief. She didn't believe her sister at all. She's never seen her older sister look at a man with love in her eyes. "Do you actually love him?"
"Yes, I do," mutters Bellatrix darkly under her breath, and Narcissa still looks at her in disbelief. "A lot."
"Do you love him so much that when he enters a room butterflies flutter around in your stomach?" Narcissa asked her, her eyes twinkling. She squeezed Lucius' hands a little and doesn't break eye contact with her older sister. "Or whenever you're close to him, your heart starts beating rapidly in your chest, and you have a longing to be close to him every minute of every single day?"
"No..." Bellatrix drawled. She cringed and rubbed at her nose. She's never felt those kinds of feelings towards her husband. She thought those feelings only occurred in books. Could she have been wrong?
Narcissa smiled at her. She was right all along. Her older sister only married for money and power. How avaricious. "I see," She grinned and let go of the embrace with Lucius. She took a step towards her sister. "Do you know who does love you?" she asked with a smile. "Just not in the lovey-dovey kind of way?"
"No?" Bellatrix took a step back, curious as to why her sister is suddenly coming closer to her. "Who, Sissy?"
"Me!" Narcissa took that step forward to her older sister, before she could run away, and embraced her in a tight hug. Much like the ones Molly gives her children, Harry, and her son, Draco. She sighs happily at the hug she hasn't had a hug with her older sister in so long, and she remembers her scent of woody red roses.
Lucius smiled at the two and summoned his armchair from on the other side of the room.
Bellatrix growled and tried to remove herself from her sister's embrace. "Let go of me, Narcissa!" she shrieks, turning sharply one way to get out of Narcissa's arms but failed to do so, and so she turns the other way and fails again.
"Nope," said Narcissa who smiled and only tightened the hug. She just realised how thin her sister was. Too thin. "Not going to let go until I hear what I want to hear."
"What do you want to hear?" Bellatrix asked snappishly, just wanting to get out of the hug. She struggled to remove herself from her sisters embrace yet again.
"You know exactly what I want to hear, Bella," Narcissa said quietly, wondering how long it has been since her very own sister has told her that she loves Narcissa. The last time she remembers it being before Bellatrix was sent to Azkaban.
Lucius didn't hear what his wife had whispered to Bellatrix but knew what they were talking about. "She means to say that you love her," he says at once, hoping to see a bit of sisterly bonding while the two are back together again.
"Ew, no!" Bellatrix sneers coldly. She swallowed hard. She refused to say such disgusting language.
"I love you, Bellatrix," Narcissa said slowly just so it sinks into her sister's head, and hopefully her cold heart. "Now say it back to me. Come on, you can do it."
"I refuse to say it!" Bellatrix grits out to her. She scowled in annoyance and that only made Lucius chuckle merrily.
"It's just four simple words," Lucius asserted, and he smiled politely at Bellatrix, to her utter disliking.
"No!" Bellatrix nearly yelled. She still tried to push her sister away from her. She hates hugs even if they give her a warm feeling that rushes through her. She hates that feeling of warmth. It's so annoying.
Narcissa sighed at her cold-hearted sister. "You know what? Fine!" she spits back hotly and leans away from the hug. It hurt a little to hear her sister say such a thing. "But how could you!" Bellatrix looked a little stunned, and her features barely softened like she felt guilty all of a sudden. "Even after you managed to escape from Azkaban, I was hoping I'd get at least a hug from you or an 'I love you' but no." Narcissa huffs and turns away from her. She walks over to her chaise, and she looks at it sadly as she trails a finger along the top cushion. "You just waltz right in here with the Dark Lord like you just came back drunk from a party."
Lucius glared over at Bellatrix who made his wife angry. How dare she! Although, Narcissa was right. When's the last time Bellatrix showed any love for the family? He knows it's probably impossible for Bellatrix to show love since she's been in Azkaban for more than fourteen years.
"I'm sorry, Cissy," Bellatrix then says harshly, not even like she was apologising. She felt some kind of emotion, and that annoying warmth spread through her body. Can't it just stop? "I just don't love you as a sister anymore."
"Sisters do love each other," Narcissa tells her sister flatly, unable to look her in the eye right now. She hates Azkaban for doing this to her older sister. "Don't you remember mother telling us how much she loves us whenever our father upset us?" She wonders if memories will trigger the happiness and love in Bellatrix to come back out. "Father never told us that he loves us, he told us that's it's a weak thing to do. Did our mother ever think the same? No, she didn't. Remember when we were kids and you, Andy and I use to have sleepovers in each other's rooms every Friday night, and we'd stay up late doing each other's makeup, reading stories to each other, eating sweets, and telling each other how much we love each other when we went to bed?"
Bellatrix frowned as she could not remember those memories at all. That's what Azkaban did to her. Remove all those good memories from her mind and heart only to replace them with nothingness and coldness. But she does wish that those memories remained with her. "I don't remember, sissy," she says, her cheeks burning in shame. "I'm sorry. I-" She let a single tear that she swore came out of nowhere fall down her cheek. "I love you too."
Narcissa finally looked back at her sister and smiled. "What was that?" she asked a little in surprise at what she thought she heard. She couldn't believe her ears. "I didn't quite hear you."
Bellatrix sighed heavily with exaggeration. "I said..." she walked over to her sister and hesitantly placed her arms around her, hugging her even if she hates showing affection. "I love you too, Narcissa. My younger sister."
Narcissa's jaw opened a little in shock and she loosely placed her arms around her sister. Her smile reached her eyes and ears. "Good," she says brightly. "That wasn't so bad now was it?" Her big sister grimaced. "That's what love is, big sis. It doesn't only have to come from a significant other." She steeped away from the hug, looked back at her husband and tried not to gag from the stench. "Lucius, why don't you go have a shower? You need it."
"You really do," agreed Bellatrix to Lucius with a quick nod. She waved a hand over her nose.
"Wow..." Lucius responded sarcastically with a frown. How nice of them. "Thanks, ladies." He paused and sighed deeply, knowing how much he does need a shower. "I'm on my way anyway." He immediately left the room.
Narcissa waved her wand in the air and the stench disappeared. The air now smelt of Jasmine.
Bellatrix sniffed the air and huffed in displeasure. "Ugh. It reeks of Jasmine."
"Don't you like it?" Narcissa asked her softly. She smelt the air and sighed with a slow smile. "It's calming, don't you think so? It is sedative, increases alertness and energy levels."
"Its sedative alright," Bellatrix replied with a scowl. She locked eyes with her sister as she too noticed like Lucius that Draco is nowhere to be found. "By the way, where is our dear Draco?"
"Oh," Narcissa had to think of something quick so she doesn't get questioned too much. She bit at her lips. Bellatrix raised an eyebrow. "He's... staying at a friend's place. Blaise Zabini. That's who Draco's with."
"Oh, Blaise Zabini. Mother Teresa Zabini." Bellatrix's forehead wrinkled. She bit the inside of her cheek. "The Zabini name is familiar to me." She hesitated as she has something still on her mind to share with her sister. "Oh, and... I'm Pregnant."
"Pregnant?" Narcissa's gaze goes down to her sister's abdomen, where no sign of life is in her sister yet. She looks her in the eye with disbelief. "Pregnant...? With whom and for how long?"
Bellatrix fiddles with her wand and smiles a little. "It's been a month," she tells Narcissa in a low voice, a little excited by it. "And it's the Dark Lord's..." Narcissa gasps in horror.
How could – what? The Dark Lord of all people? Her sister really is crazy. "Yes, well..." Narcissa started and looked at the exit leading out of the lounge room into the hallway. "Congratulations! Um... but come, sister. We have a lot of catching up to do."
When Narcissa turned on her heel to leave the room, a whisp of familiar black smoke flew into the lounge room and she froze when the black smoke morphs into Voldemort, the man with red eyes and black robes. Oh, good Lord. "My lord," she says politely. "When did you get here?"
"Ah, Narcissa Malfoy," the Dark Lord said in his cold deathly tone. "What a pleasant surprise seeing you again."
Narcissa put on a smile.
Severus was reading on his lounge chair in his living quarters when the room lit up in green flames. Severus didn't look up, already knowing who had arrived. No one dared Floo into his private living areas except for Dumbledore.
"Good morning, Albus," Severus said, casually turning a page in his book over. "What do I owe you on this fine morning?"
"You have a thing for Remus Lupin, am I right?" asked Albus who's voice filled the dark, fire-lit living room of Severus' living quarters.
Severus whisked his head around to glare at the headmaster whose blue eyes twinkled with delight.
Albus merely chuckled and waved a hand. "I'm only joking," he said but the twinkle in his eye told Severus otherwise.
Severus looked away from the headmaster's gaze but spotted a document in Albus' hands. "Another one of your missions?"
"No, none of that," said Albus who looked down at the document in his hands for a second before returning his gaze on Severus. "I'm actually here to talk about Mr Harry Potter. You've become fond of the boy, have you not?"
Severus hates to admit it, but Albus was right. "Yes, I've grown fond of Harry Potter," he says coldly as the thought of Remus entered his mind – thanks to Albus – when he should be thinking about this topic. "It's not because I feel bad for him, growing up in an abusive household. He's nothing like his father. Not the brat James was. He's more like Lily than anyone else."
"Yet, this is another reason, Severus. You have loved so much and lost it all. Who had to go through so much pain and grief, and hate her son for an intensity that can only be turned into love in the end?"
But Severus could only shake his head in disbelief. He couldn't understand what Albus was telling him. He loving Harry? He's fond of the boy, yes, but to love him as a son? He, Severus, the official guardian, the foster father... the father of one Harry Potter... her son... Lily's son... his chest built up with the pressure of shock.
"Why are you speaking as if the ministry has already granted me custody over Harry? It's not official, Albus, stop talking as if I'm officially his guardian! I don't think I'm fit to be a parent."
"That is actually why I've come here, Severus. I just arrived from the Ministry, on the way back from my last mission. I've filed a report so you can become the official guardian of Harry. I've brought the contract, everything has been approved, and all you have to do is sign it and get Petunia Dursley to give her consent."
Severus gaped in shock. "A guardian transfer for a minor..., but how? How did you let them agree so suddenly and quietly? That's impossible, Albus, and what about Lupin?"
"I must admit, sometimes it's a perk of being me," Albus chuckled. "I have a great influence over the Wizarding Department of Child Protection Services, also the Minister has no say in this. It was crucial to do this without anyone knowing."
"But what about Lupin?" repeated Severus.
"Remus would have been, yes, but unfortunately because he is a werewolf, he would've never been granted official guardianship. Alas, even my influences over the department aren't powerful enough. I need Harry to remain absolutely safe. For once the knowledge of him no longer being in the care of his relatives goes out, Harry can easily fall into the wrong hands. I can't have him without a guardian I fully trust, and risk him going into the care of the Ministry, for if that happens, we can lose him to the foster system or even Voldemort's hands."
"But what about the Weasley's?" Severus said weakly.
"Severus, I trust you to do this. You have to take the chance, or you will very much regret it." Albus placed the document on the coffee table. "I'll let you ponder on this for a while, but do not give it too much time for Harry is waiting for you."
Severus' eyes laid on the document, 'Guardian to Harry James Potter' etched onto the paper in black ink.
"Albus, if I sign this document, can't the Dark Lord find out?"
"Everything is done under the strict rules of confidentially to the minor," said Albus lightly. "The only people who can access the file is me, you, and Harry. So, Voldemort should not have to find out just yet. We still have time trust me, Severus."
The night was warm and stifling. No one would even know if a day had passed in this suburban, muggle neighbourhood. Everything looked exactly the same. Even the flowers and plants hadn't wilted under the hot, summer sun.
Severus knocked on the door of number 4 Privet Drive. He did not even bother to change into muggle clothes before arriving. He had disapparated from Hogwarts as soon as he signed the guardianship form.
Severus rang the doorbell this time, assuming he was waking the Dursleys up from sleep. He heard the rustle of footsteps on the other side of the door before it opened to reveal an angry and sleepy-looking Vernon Dursley, dressed only in his pyjamas and night robe. His hair on his fat head was mussed up and his moustache was sticking up in every direction. He glared at Severus through small, piggy eyes, eyeing the black, wizarding robes he was wearing.
"Get in quick!" he muttered before looking up and down the street as if his neighbours would even be up at this ungodly hour of the night to spy on them. Severus rolled his eyes and entered the house. He could see the locked door on Harry's cupboard. Glaring at it, he immediately stalked over to it with billowing black robes around him and slammed open the door, wanting to get a look at Harry's childhood bedroom. It reminded him of why he was here, it gave him the strength to go on.
"Hey, what are you doing you freak!" Dursley bellowed. Severus ignored him as he turned on the little light. The dim light glowed unnaturally, showing him the small cot, the thin rags for blankets and clothes, and shelves for cleaning products and junk.
"Hey, I'm talking to you, you worthless piece of..."
Severus whirled around so that his wand pressed threatening into the muggle's large chest. "One more word, Dursley, and I swear I am going to hex you until your nothing more than the worthless piece of swine that you are," Severus said in barely an uncontrollable voice.
"What is going on?" a voice suddenly came from above then. "Vernon!"
Severus looked up to see Petunia standing on the stairs, looking over the railing at them.
Severus brought his gaze back to the muggle in front of him. He had been waiting for so long to do this. So long, to have this chance to hex this muggle into oblivion for what he had done to Harry. "Give me one good reason why I should not do it, Dursley, one word!"
Dursley's face turned a nasty shade of purple, only muttering a few unintelligible words. Severus impatiently pushed Dursley up against the wall. "You made that boy's life a living hell!" Severus shouted. "Do you have any idea what you've done to him!"
"Snape, stop it!"
"No, get away Petunia, your husband deserves what's coming to him! He hurt her only son!"
"Snape! I do not know much about your world, but I do know enough that you will be sent to Azkaban Prison if you violently use magic against us. Now, that would not help Harry at all, would it?"
Severus pressed his wand deep into Dursley's chest. He so wanted to hex him, but she was right. If he did something to this man, then... that would ruin his chance of becoming Harry's godfather. With severe willpower, Severus put his wand down. Dursley gasped in fear and slid to the floor, shaking and white in the face. Petunia ran to her husband making sure he was alright before glaring right back.
"Why are you here, Snape!" she snapped at him. "You've taken Harry, so what are you doing here?"
"I've come to collect your signature, stating your consent that you will allow Harry to leave your care," Severus calmly said. "I want to be his new guardian."
She didn't say anything, she just glared at him and helped her husband back onto her feet. "Come, let's go to the kitchen." She led a shocked Vernon Dursley to the kitchen and sat him down at the round table, before starting to make a cup of tea for him. Severus leaned against the doorway, waiting.
Until Dursley was calmed down with a cup of tea in front of him, did Petunia finally turn to Severus for an explanation. "Well, what is this about, Snape!" she snapped, still clearly angry that he showed up in the middle of the night and attacked her husband.
He gave her the parchment stating for a minor transfer with Severus' signature glistening in black ink. He pulled out a quill and a bottle of ink and placed them down on the table. "Harry refuses to return here, leaving him without a proper home to return to during the Holidays. It is not safe for Harry to be without a proper legal guardian. He can fall into the wrong hands if the Ministry shall ever find out. The last thing we need is Harry getting lost in the foster system."
Dursley snorted from his cup of tea, "I should have ruddy tossed that boy into the orphanage!"
Severus gave him a withering glare, trying again not to hex the man. "I've signed the document stating that I will take over as Harry's guardian until he is of age. All you need to do is sign your consent," he finished, eyes still glaring at Dursley.
"What about the wards on our house?" Petunia asked him. "Will we still be safe from that Dark Lord if I sign? Will Harry still be protected?"
"Yes, as long as you still offer him a place here if nothing shall happen. A legal documentation should not interfere since it is ancient blood magic."
Petunia nodded, still reading the document. "So, if I sign this, then only legally, Harry is no longer ours?"
Severus tore his disgusted glare from Dursley, locking onto Petunia, rage coursing through his blood at her words. "No longer yours?" he said slowly. "You have no right saying he was ever yours! You who forced him to call himself a freak, to make him feel as if he was not worthy of love or a family! You destroyed his self-esteem!" Severus shouted. "Your husband was not the only abuser here! You hurt him in the worst way possible, Petunia, and Lilly will never forgive you for what you've done!"
Petunia glared at him, tears were shining in her beady eyes as she quickly signed the document and threw it at him. "Go, Snape! You've got what you wanted!" she yelled at him. "You've taken Lilly from me and now you've taken Harry, so I hope you're happy!"
Severus growled as he collected the parchment and stalked out of the house, not even bothering to say the angry tirade of comebacks racing through his mind. She was right. He had got what he wanted. Now... there was no point in sticking around. So, it was a swift of billowing black robes, that Severus Snape finally disapparated with a loud pop back to Hogwarts.
Harry woke up on his birthday with a sigh. The first thing he tries to do is put an arm around Draco, but as his arm explores the bed and tried to find the source of his boyfriend's warm body, he realises nobody else is on his bed except himself. He opens his eyes at once, looking around the room but it was so blurry. He blinked a couple of times and realised he didn't have his glasses on. He grabbed his glasses which lay on the table next to his bed and searched the room with his eyes. Draco wasn't anywhere to be seen. He frowned. Could he have forgotten his birthday? Oh, how he hoped not. The only thing he could decipher was the large lump on Draco's and Ron's bed.
He slipped off his bed and walked over to Draco's bed. The lump that was there had no head of beautiful whitish blonde hair, so he pulled away from the blankets only to find a pillow. Curious, he did the same to Ron's bed. A pillow. He frowned and decided to head down to breakfast. Perhaps everybody is downstairs, he thought.
So, downstairs he went. He noticed every other Weasley's bedroom door was shut and pondered if they all were still asleep. He kept the frown on his face and headed all the way down the stairs, and as he got to the bottom stair, his heart raced and his eyes widened at the sight of everyone looking at him with presents in their hands.
Hermione was there, as well as Pansy, Blaise, The Weasley's, Remus, and Severus. Draco was there too. Harry smiled tentatively at everyone, and then everyone began to sing Happy Birthday.
"Happy birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, dear Harry.
Happy Birthday to you."
Draco then walked up to Harry to embrace him in a hug and a good morning and Happy Birthday kiss.
Harry slowly smiled in the kiss, his arms moving around Draco's back to pull the Slytherin even closer to him as he melts in the loving embrace. "I love you, Draco Malfoy," he whispers so only his lover can hear him.
Draco grinned at him and placed his forehead against Harry's and whispered, "I love you too, and I think you should be telling the Weasley's and everyone else here that."
Harry kissed him one more time before intertwining their hands together and turning around to look at everyone else. "I love you guys," he says in a soft voice, though he never thought about saying such a thing to everyone he cares about. Just Draco.
Hermione was the first to come rushing into his arms for a birthday bear hug. "Happy Birthday, Harry."
"It's so good to see you, Hermione!" said Harry with an appreciative smile. He looked behind Hermione at Pansy and Blaise who gave him both smiles. His eyes travelled to Blaise, who was smiling, thank goodness. He looked down at the Italian's arms but they were covered in grey long sleeves. He quickly looked away from Blaise's arms as he knew how uncomfortable it is to have someone stare down at your arms and ended the hug with Hermione.
Hermione handed him a blue wrapped gift with a light baby blue ribbon and smiled. "This is from both me and Pansy."
Harry smiled and sat down on the couch, Draco sat next to him and Harry unwrapped the gift slowly as the wrapping paper looked quite expensive. And then everyone piled up their presents down on the couch next to Harry. Harry sighed; after finding out Hermione and Pansy gave him a book about how to safely deal with cutting urges, he began unwrapping all the other gifts from everyone.
The gift Hermione and Pansy gave him was pretty thoughtful, and he looks forward to reading it because it just gives him an interested vibe.
And then there's the gift Draco gave him which was wrapped in silver paper with a gold and black bow. A silver chained necklace with a silver pendant complete with the words 'Pride' in the colours of the rainbow and on the other side read 'Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies' was deep inside the box.
"It's so beautiful, Draco," Harry said sweetly, really admiring the jewellery his boyfriend somehow managed to grasp. "Where and how did you get it?"
Draco smiled at him. "During a weekend at school, I may have gone out into the muggle world again to find something for you," he says quickly and his tone sounds like he doesn't regret breaking the school rules one bit. "And when I saw this necklace, it was like it sang to me and told me to buy it because I know it will look completely amazing on you."
Harry felt himself blush and so he leaned forward with a pounding heart and kissed Draco square on the lips.
"So, I was correct..." Said Severus flatly with an eyebrow raised, and the two boys immediately broke out of the kiss but Draco only looked at him. "I did see you two out in the muggle world in your fourth year?" Harry and Draco exchanged guilty smiles, and Severus noticed it. "I see... Lying to a professor about your identity, going on an unsupervised trip to London alone, and you-" He looked at his godson sternly. "—going out into the muggle world without an adult for supervision? What were you thinking? I'm-"
"Impressed," Remus finished his sentence with a mischievous smile.
"No," muttered Severus while glaring at Lupin. That smile full of mischief dug at something deep inside, it was like a memory surfacing again. But it wasn't a memory. It was an emotion. He ignored the emotion and continued with the matter at hand.
Remus ignored him and continued, "James and Sirius would be so enthralled with you guys," he says with a quick glance at Severus who scowled at him. It only made him feel proud. "They have even visited the muggle world a few times, might I add." But then he looks a little repentant, "I shouldn't have let them though..."
"You could have been killed by muggles!" Severus continued to the boys. "Or a muggle could have taken your possessions! Or-" He stopped there and sighed. It was obvious nobody was listening to him except Molly, of course. Couldn't she say something to these kids?
"This quote...I've heard of it before," said Harry thoughtfully, his eyebrows flashed up and held themselves in place.
Hermione came over to him from where she was talking to Pansy, Blaise and Ron and studied the necklace. "It's a quote from Aristotle," she smiles, "I've read about him. He was a muggle Greek Philosopher and polymath."
"Oh, Aristotle," said Harry with a nod. "I remember learning something about him back in primary school in fifth grade." He adoringly looked at Draco and kissed him again as a thank you.
Draco smiled, his cheeks reddening from the loving gesture. He placed his arms around Harry's waist. "Don't forget ... you have a lot more presents to open from everyone." He grabbed the necklace from Harry's grasp and clipped it on from behind. "I love you," he whispered as he caressed Harry's arms and placed a kiss on his neck.
Harry closed his eyes for just a second, feeling the warmth that Draco's kiss gave his neck until he looked at the pile of presents and grinned.
Remus's present was a literal picture of Remus, Sirius, and James in their animagi forms lying down next to each other under a tree. Harry couldn't believe his eyes when Remus gave him the picture. The picture didn't even exist to Harry until now. And he loved it. Best gift he's ever been given.
The Weasley's all gave him chocolate – which he doesn't mind as he knew about their wealth. But chocolate was a great gift because he's never once had so much chocolate at the Dursley's. One time Dudley gave him a little bit of chocolate, and it was only a quarter of a chocolate bar. It wasn't until he first came to Hogwarts in the first year that he could have as much chocolate as he'd like.
Percy gave Harry a white mug that has blue cursive handwriting that says 'I'm Sorry' as well as a bucket of muggle sweets which Percy had told him how he obtained it in Muggle London with Oliver, who also gave Harry a Puddlemere United t-shirt and scarf.
Ron and Blaise's gift is a magical heat blanket where it can sense what temperature you want when sleeping or just relaxing in bed. Harry was thankful for the blanket. He finally has his own just like how Draco has the tortilla blanket. Bill and Fleur's gift was a little like Ron's and Blaise's, but it was a mood sensor in the shape of the Eiffel Tower.
And that just left two more presents which Severus handed his one to Harry. But it wasn't in a box like the others. It was a document. Harry's eyes widened at the large black inked letters that read 'Guardian transfer for minor Harry James Potter'.
"I signed it and your aunt has signed," Severus tells him, his smile widening. "Now all I have to do is send it. However, I won't do that yet until you give me your permission. I don't want to force you into this unless you feel comfortable and happy."
Harry kept reading it over and over again, not quite believing what he was seeing.
Draco got curious and read what the parchment said. Draco's mouth fell open, he suddenly knew what this was about.
"I don't understand, sir..." Harry said, looking up at the professor.
"Albus needed someone who can legally be your guardian to spare the risk of falling into the hands of the ministry," said Severus. "And I really care for you, Harry. It's not because of the therapy appointments, even if they did help me see that you're nothing like how your father was. I grew fond of you when knowing who you really are."
Harry smiled he embraced his professor in a hug, which he wouldn't normally do, but if this letter does get sent back, then he would have gained a family. A small one, but that's all he wants. A family to care for him. He knows he has The Malfoy's and the Weasley's, but they don't have total guardianship of him.
"I would love to be your son, Severus," Harry said quietly. His smile widened as he saw Remus staring at his soon-to-be-father. He mouthed a 'Caught you' which of course made Remus blush and look away.
"And I would love to be your father, Harry," responded Severus who tightened his grip on Harry in the hug a little, thinking about if he's hugging the boy correctly as he hasn't had a proper hug in ages.
Draco smiled and folded his arms over his chest. He was so happy that Harry now has a caring family, instead of those relatives of his.
"And now would be the time to mention my last present that's also from Sirius," said Remus who summoned another document and a few other items that were a blur over to him from in the kitchen. Harry let go of the hug with Severus and looked at what Remus was giving him. A familiar set of keys and riding helmet, and a registration document for a particular vehicle. It was Sirius' black Kawasaki. "You have your official riding lesson today at 2 this evening. I'll be taking you to get your license to drive the bike whenever you want."
Harry doesn't know what to say except, "Thank you." He's a little surprised that he'll be having a riding lesson today. What if he messes up? What if he falls off? What if he- no, he thinks to himself. Calm yourself down, Harry. "I cannot wait! And yes, I'll like to get my license. Thank you again!"
With a quick hug for Remus, Harry then carried all his presents, except for the guardian transfer back up to Ron's bedroom. Draco followed him up, and when Harry didn't expect it, Draco pushed Harry down on the bed and crawled on top of him.
Harry chuckled and stared up at the blonde Slytherin towering over him. He just wants to spread his legs for this bloke and make love already. "Hi."
Draco smiled and leaned down for a proper morning kiss with a beating heart. One filled with touching, pulling gently on one's hair and a little bit of tongue. When he leaned out, his hair was all messy from Harry's hands gripping at the ends because of the kiss but he didn't mind.
"Now that was amazing," whispered Harry. He raised his hands back up to Draco's hair and play with the fringe that fell over his forehead.
"You're amazing, Harry," Draco whispered back with a smile full of love. He cupped Harry's cheeks and leaned down again but to place his forehead against Harry's. "Happy Birthday, my darling Harry."
"Happy birthday to me," Harry closed the distance between them in another kiss, which Draco accepted for a few seconds but then leaned away because there were people downstairs just for Harry.
"Let's head back downstairs, I smell cake," the Slytherin said and licked his lips with eyes filled with hunger but not exactly for cake, instead for the boy under him. But he has learnt to tame himself when it comes to wanting to make love with Harry as he can do that later. Harry smiled and licked his lips also. Draco kissed Harry once more before pulling him downstairs.
Blaise smiled at the two when they emerged back downstairs from Ron's room and sat on the couch with Remus and Severus for a conversation. He tried to smile, actually. Ever since his stepfather had gotten back from Azkaban a couple of days ago, he's just been sinking back down into those dark pits of his mind. It's just gotten harder for him. His step-father still wants him to join Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and it seems like he's just not going to give up. But Blaise just wants to give up on life sometimes. It'd be much easier.
He keeps himself locked up in his room, the only time he goes out is when he knows his parents are asleep. He would usually just go for a wander through the family manor or go outside in the gardens for a few minutes even if it's pitch black outside.
Meditation has stopped working for him. It used to help him clear his mind and make him feel calm, but it just doesn't. He's too worried, stressed and sad because he overheard his parents saying that the Dark Lord was back. The bloody Dark Lord freed his stepfather and possibly all the other Death Eaters out of Azkaban.
And one thing he's kept from Ron, Pansy and Draco, is that his aunt is no better than his mother and father are. She's less abusive but still is quite rude. But at times during the day, she's very kind and loving towards him like how a real aunt should be. Blaise understands why his aunt is like this. She has Multiple personality disorder, something the doctors at St Mungo's told her when she was a child. When his aunt was in her kind and caring mood, Blaise would tell her that she needs to go and get treatment for the disorder, but his aunt declines and says she doesn't need to.
Blaise felt a warm soothing hand slip into his own and put on a smile. Even Ron's caring gestures never seemed to work for him anymore. Blaise knew he had to get back to his family's Manor before lunch. It just sucked to not be able to spend more time with everyone at Harry's birthday. "Goodbye, Ron," he whispered into the red-headed boy's ears. "I must head home."
Ron looked at him sadly. "You're leaving?" he asks quietly, frowning. "Can't you stay for a little while?"
Blaise gave him a smile and hoped the smile could fool Ron into thinking that he was okay. "My parents expect me back before lunch," he tells him with a little pout, and it always made Ron smile – which it did. "Tell Harry Happy Birthday and say goodbye for me to him and Draco."
"Oh, and alright," said Ron flatly. He frowned and placed his arms around the Italian. "Well, I don't want to anger your parents if you're not home by lunch. So, you can go if you need to."
"Thank you," Blaise said softly in appreciation. The next thing he knew was Ron leaning in to kiss him, and of course, he kissed back. But the thing is, he used to feel love when Ron kissed him and now, he just doesn't feel it. What was that all about? And when the kiss ended, he turned away and entered the Floo.
He spotted his mother, Theresa Zabini, a thin Italian woman with black hair and brown eyes, much like his own, on the large black leather L shaped couch in the lounge room as he entered through. There was a half-read book upside down on the arm of the chair next to his mother.
The hardwood floors were warmed up from the fireplace with the typical accessories of a pile of logs, a hearth, and a mantle. The sound of the curtains rustling in a breeze through the window framed windows of the room calmed his nerves down a little. But the best part of the lounge room was where the potted plants dispersed out everywhere. Plants always had a certain Earthly vibe that he likes and can calm him down.
He tried his best to sneak off to his bedroom, but when he heard his mother say, "Ah, my Blaise. How was the party at Pansy's?" He sighed and looked at her. He obviously had to lie to her about who's party it was before he could go. The safest option would have been Pansy's because she would stick up to him whenever he needs it.
"It was fine, mother," Blaise said and looked to the floor beneath him. He stood with one arm holding the other at the elbow. "Very fun."
"How marvellous!" Mrs Zabini answered softly, not at all recognising the sadness in her son's tone. "How is Pansy and Draco?"
"They're good, mother," Blaise replies quickly, wanting to get to his room so he can read for hours or to just look out at the view from his bedroom of the entire estate. "Very great friend-"
"Look at me when you're speaking!" Mrs Zabini snapped, her eyes slits when Blaise immediately turned his head and looked at her with his own eyes filled with fear and worthlessness. "Much better," she said, sneering. She held a direct stare that lacked warmth. "Honestly, I raised you better than that. I raised you with high royal manners!"
Blaise frowned. He hated these talks about high-quality pure-blood ethics. He then ignored her and headed to his bedroom, flinching as he heard, "GET BACK HERE YOU FILTHY LITTLE BRAT!"
Tears welled up in his eyes and that only made him run towards his room. Closing the door behind him, he began to pace his large room. He knew what he needed but didn't want to disappoint Ron. After all, he's been the best supportive boyfriend.
He let all the tears escape and run down his face like rivers. He stormed into his elegant bathroom, opened the sink cupboard up and grabbed an empty lipstick tube that once held his mothers' blood-red lipstick but now contains the blade he stole from Harry.
Rolling up his grey sleeve, he studied his arm and all the scars that lie on his arm. As his mind wrapped around how nice and supportive his friends are, he consciously sliced the cold blade across his skin. The rush of the numb haze hit him, and he calmed down a little. But what suddenly scared him was the loud bang of a door being opened. And when he just sat there, listening out for some other bang to happen but nothing came so he continued on his arm.
Then the bathroom door opened up with a bang. Blaise looked up in alarm and dropped the blade. Clatter. He locked eyes with his stepfather, Raffaele Zabini, but he could tell the man he calls his father looked from his arms and back up to his eyes. He wasn't actually his real father, just another one of his stepfathers. Probably the eighth one, he doesn't know. He lost count after continuously buying dress robes for each new wedding there is.
Mr Zabini's nostrils flared as he stared at his son in horror and anger. He couldn't decide which emotion to use. "You dare speak to your mother like that! You worthless piece of trash. Look at you!"
Blaise leaned his back against the cupboard of the sink and took in what his stepfather had told him. He closed his eyes and began to cry, thinking of the memories of the loving mother he used to have. Where did they go? The last time he saw her was back in his fourth year before the third Tri-wizard tournament happened. She used to send him candies, chocolates and letters asking how he's been and how much they love him. Whatever happened to the loving, caring family he once knew?
Mr Zabini drew out his wand and pointed it at his son. "Answer me!"
"What do you want me to say?" Blaise asked his father sadly. His lip quivered. "Do you want me to apologise? What's there to apologise for? And how dare you point that thing at your only son! The son who loves you and mother. Don't you remember me? Don't you remember loving me? Where's that father and mother I had?"
Mr Zabini snarled at him and turned away only for a brief moment. "Those parents are gone, not coming back..." He turned around; his wand pointed back at the young male again which he shouted "CRUCIO!"
Blaise screamed in pain and felt the unforgivable curse course through his veins, feeling like he's being split apart by thousands of hot knives. the Burrow, Harry lied on Draco's lap and stared up into his silver eyes, and those silver eyes stared right back down into his emerald green ones. He could hear the conversation going on between Hermione, Pansy and Ron. It had something to do with Pansy's parents but all he cared about was having Draco by his side, even if the blonde Slytherin is always by his side every hour and every day.
When Harry did look away from Draco, which was pretty hard to do, he watched Severus – his new father – and Remus having their own quiet conversation by the stairs. He pondered what it was about.
Draco's warm hand caressing his hair was enough for Harry to start falling asleep with a smile. Could his day get any better? His smile only widened when he felt Draco's soft lips kiss his lips. But he didn't kiss back as he drifted off into sleep.
The sound of the Floo echoes through the lounge room of the Burrow and woke Harry up. Draco looked up at the Floo, seeing a woman with purple shoulder-length hair in Auror robes appear from inside.
The woman smiled down at them. "Hullo!" she says kindly to Harry and Draco. But then her eyes lay on the blonde who she knows immediately is her cousin. "I'm guessing you must be Draco. Nice to meet you. I'm Tonks. Nymphadora Tonks. But I prefer Tonks," she added hastily. She paused and narrowed her eyes at him, "You don't want to see what happens when you use my first name."
Draco swallowed and gave her a quick nod while Harry chuckled and kissed his neck. He's never seen a real Metamorphmagis before or even met one. Aren't they rare?
Harry looked at her with a kind smile. "Good afternoon, Tonks. I'm glad you and Draco have finally met." He paused as he knew his birthday celebration was already over, "But... if you came for my birthday, you're a little late.
Tonks gave him a frown, her hair colour turning a light blue. "I'm terribly sorry, Harry," she says, her dark eyes filled with regret. "I've been on Auror duty at the Ministry all day, and I promise I'll make it up to you."
"I understand, Tonks," Harry says lightly, and Draco snakes an arm around Harry's shoulders. "And I'm fine with just a box of chocolates."
Tonks nodded at him but promised herself she'll get the bloke something decent. But then looked around the room with a glare, her hair turning a flaming red colour. "Now... Has anybody seen Remus bloody Lupin?"
Remus looked through the lounge room from the kitchen. "I heard my na-" He swallowed when seeing the lady, he knew had to leave. "Tonks... Hello."
"You!" Tonks growled and stormed up to him with her wand raised at his throat.
Remus backed up against the wall. Women can be damn scary at times. Where was that Gryffindor bravery? He took a chance and ducked under and away from her, returning into the kitchen but the angry red-haired Metamorphmagis lady followed him into the kitchen.
Harry and Draco glanced at each other, both not knowing what's going on. They decided to eavesdrop on the conversation.
Tonks finally cornered Remus in the corner of the kitchen, her wand at his throat and her irises coloured red, equally matching her hair. "You sodding idiot!" she snapped at him harshly. "You left me without a note! I had to have a talk with my mother which she had to tell me why you left!"
Remus looked over at Severus, who was quietly reading a book and sipping a cup of tea with his eyebrow raised. He knew the man was listening to the conversation. "Look, Dora. I'm sorr-"
"DON'T call me Dora!" Tonks spat at him, her nostrils flaring. "And do you know what's worse?" Her voice quietened down in a whisper, "I think I'm pregnant!"
"No, you're not," assured Remus quietly with a shake of his head. "I got rid of it. You know the spell I'm talking about too, the one Lilly found back in my fifth year in one of the books she borrowed from the library."
Tonks raised her voice at him, "You WHAT!" She took a deep breath to calm herself down. Her hair turned light purple again. What if she wanted this baby? "How would you even know if it worked, Remus!"
"I just do," hissed Remus softly. "Now tell me what you want me to say!"
"What I want you to say!" said Tonks loudly, her face reddening in agitation. "Admit what you prefer, Remus! Say it to my face! Tell me who you really loved! Say it!" Her voice kept getting louder and louder. "Say you loved him! Not me! And how dare you be with me when you never actually felt the same feelings as me!"
Severus' eyebrow rose a little higher from what he was hearing. He felt a twinge of jealousy from hearing that Remus once dated this woman from the Order.
Harry and Draco, who were listening in to this conversation, couldn't believe what they were hearing. Remus left this woman? But why?
"You want me to say that I loved Sirius?" Remus says, his voice calm and easy-going. "Well, there, I said it." He threw up his hands over his head, "I'm in love with Sirius Black! I still am but I'm starting to let go of him."
Tonks shook her head and bit her lip sadly. "Did you ever feel anything for me, Remus?" she asks him in a serener tone now, but still a hint of bitterness can be heard.
Severus looked at them, wanting to hear what Lupin had to say.
Remus frowned at her and shrugged. "I felt something-" he admits slowly and Tonks looked at him with admiration. "But it was only small. I guess I just feel like you're a sister to me because we're both different from normal wizards. You're a Metamorphmagis and I'm a werewolf. We're the odd ducklings compared to everyone else."
"And now?" Tonks asked quietly. "Do you feel anything for me now?"
"Tonks... I-" Remus looked away from the lady and locked eyes with Severus, who looked back at him.
Tonks looked hesitantly from Remus to Severus and Back to Remus again. She finally understood this now. "Oh. My. Ger..."
Remus blushed and looked away from both adults. Severus looked back down at his book with a smile and continued reading from where he left off but the blush on the man's face wasn't distinguishable.
"I literally cannot believe this!" said Tonks in quick disbelief. She stared at her palms as if they tell the truth. "I... Goodbye, Remus," she said with a moment's hesitation and left, not seeing the two boys crouched down and listening in to the conversation she and Remus had.
"So..." Severus said. He closed the book he was reading, placed it beside him and looked at the other man in the room. "What was that all about, moreover the whole she-used-to-be-your-girlfriend-and-apparently-you-left-her-for-some-reason-that-has-something-to-do-with-Sirius-Black," he said without taking a single breath.
"Uh..." Remus couldn't decide how to answer back. "I left her because I was never in love with her," he tells him in a low voice and runs a hand through his hair. "It was Sirius I loved all along, not her."
Draco and Harry looked at each other with smiles. They both knew Sirius loved Remus, but this information they overheard really got to them. Sirius died in love, or with a broken heart. And now Remus is saying how much he loved him back. It was heartbreaking but romantic at the same time.
Severus nodded, understanding this man in front of him. He, without knowing, took a little step forward which he felt his heart start pounding faster the closer he was to Lupin. "And what about in the present?" He asked, not realising he sounded desperate to hear what Lupin had to say. "Have you found someone?"
"Um..." Remus looks down at his shoes for a second before looking back up into warm black orbs. "I think I may have ...found someone-"
"Oh, my god," Harry whispered surprisingly with a smile. He really enjoyed what he was hearing. "Do you think Remus will finally tell him?"
"I don't know," Draco whispered back with his own excited smile. "I hope he does." He felt like he was intruding on the conversation between his godfather and Remus, but he really wanted to hear whatever they were going to say to each other.
"-I just don't know if they like me back," finished Remus. He couldn't stop staring into those black pools that reminded him so much of the night sky on a full moon. Such a very pretty colour, and when light shines in those black orbs, it literally looks like he's staring at a full moon on a dark night sky. Even though he's scared of the full moon, which proves his point with his Boggart, but this moon he's seeing is the most spectacular full moon he's ever seen.
Severus became so lost when staring into Lupin's eyes that he forgot time even existed. Those hazel eyes, with a little bit of forest green and gold in them. So unique, breathtaking, and stunning. They prompted him of some kind of potion, when mixing moonstone, peppermint oil and Jellyfish stingers in, it makes a beautiful hazel colour. Much like the ones he's staring at now. But these are perfect.
"Just kiss already," Harry hissed out, scowling in impatience. He and Draco were still watching them from behind the wall leading into the kitchen. Draco gave a silent chuckle and kissed Harry's cheek. This was honestly just so interesting to watch.
Remus unconsciously moved a little closer and parted his lips. "You know... I not ever despised you at school if you speculated," he decides to say softly. "I kind of actually wanted to be your friend, even if James and Remus wouldn't accept it. Any friend of Lily's would have been any friend of mine if they let me."
Severus licked his lips. He doesn't know why he did that. It was just because this man was a little close, but to be honest with himself, he doesn't mind it. "It's not that I did not expect to be your friend, Remus, I genuinely did. I was just going through a difficult time and took it out on everyone around me. I'm sorry for pushing you away back in Hogwarts those many years ago."
"It's alright, Severus," said Remus with a smile. A soft smile he gave the man in front of him. "I understand that. Having to deal with being a werewolf every month was incredibly challenging for me, particularly when being a teenager at the time. And I'd like to apologise for my friends and how they treated you, who knows how you dealt with it all and I hope they didn't make it harsher for you with whatever you went through."
Severus smiled at him and looked to the floor for a second. It was hard talking about his childhood, even if he did tell Harry and Draco bits and pieces, but when he was near this man, he felt like he would understand what he went through somehow. It was just a feeling.
"That Valentine's day when you offered me a piece of chocolate, I just couldn't fail to remember it," he admitted slowly. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, how nice you were to me ever since I not once obtained Valentine's day gifts from anyone, apart from Lily." He stopped himself from declaring anything else in case something personal spills out of his mouth. "She was my best friend, my only friend."
Remus gave him a nod. It was saddening to hear that Severus never had been given gifts from anyone besides Lily and that one time with himself. What about his parents though? But the thing that made him smile with a warm tingle in his cheeks was hearing that Severus couldn't get the whole day out of his head, especially the parts where he was with him. It was sweet to hear that. And it didn't stop him from doing what he was about to do, he felt the same way too.
Heart pounding in his chest and his legs feeling so weak like they could collapse, Remus took the last step towards Severus, raised his arm up to the other man's face and brushed that black shoulder-length hair behind his ear and leaned forward while slowly closing his eyes the closer he got.
Severus hesitated; it's been a long time since he's been kissed. Can he still do it, he wondered. His hair has never been touched by anyone except himself, so this was something new to him too. He bit his lip, also feeling his heart hammering in his chest and a nervous butterfly feeling in his stomach from being so close to this man.
"Merlin!" said Harry a little louder than necessary. Draco gave a small squeak when seeing his godfather and Remus almost kiss, and he quickly slapped his hand over his mouth with a big grin.
"Quick!" Harry said quietly and moved back away from the wall a little so he and Draco were out of sight but it was too late, once Severus heard his son's voice and an odd squeak, he looked their way and caught a glimpse of whitish blonde hair.
"Kiss me!" whispered Draco as they stood up but weren't in sight of the two adults in the kitchen. They were just behind a wall beside the entrance into the kitchen.
"What?" asked Harry in a whisper. He doesn't understand this. Yes, he'd love to kiss his boyfriend but right now when they could be caught? Draco rolled his eyes and pulled him into a kiss.
Severus looked back at Lupin, no, Remus with a smile and a faint blush on his face. He cannot believe what nearly happened and will probably have that moment stuck in his head for a while. Just like that Valentine's day. And to add to that, he can't even slow down his racing heart.
Remus shrugged at him and smiled and looked to where the source of the voices was, not at all trying to hide his blushing cheeks.
Curious, Severus slowly walked towards the exit of the kitchen. There was nobody in the lounge room. He wasn't dumb. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms at the sight of the two boys snogging by the wall who were probably listening in to the conversation, or even seeing what was going to ... happen. That blush on the dark professor's face remained.
Remus wanted to know what Severus was staring at and so he walked up to him. When he saw Harry and Draco, his smile only grew as he knew they were probably eavesdropping, much like what James used to do with Sirius and... Peter. Oh, how he misses his best friends so much. He misses the old Peter though, not this... Death Eater scum one.
When Harry and Draco only heard silence, apart from the noises they were making during kissing, they just knew they have been spotted. They slowly pulled out of the kiss but kept each other close in the embrace. Draco raised his hands to Harry's face and caressed the warm blushed cheeks while smiling adoringly at him. In the corner of his eye, he could see his godfather and Remus staring at them, it brought a smirk to his face.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" asked Severus slowly, smiling as he caught them in an act of eavesdropping. "A snooping lion and snake."
"Can't I show my love and affection to my boyfriend," Draco asked his godfather gently, looking directly at Severus with innocence like he and Harry totally didn't eavesdrop on the conversations they heard.
"I didn't mean that," Severus said, shaking his head at the blonde. "So... what did you little peepers overhear?"
"Nothing," said Draco innocuously with an innocent smile. His nose twitched and he cursed himself for it. "We heard nothing, Sev."
Severus raised an eyebrow at his godson. It was obvious when Draco lies, thanks to Narcissa. He knows the little nose twitch or itching of the nose is when his godson lies about something.
"Right..." Remus looked back at Harry and smiled. "I hate to have to leave on such a celebrational day, but Happy Birthday, Harry." He opened his arms and Harry immediately walked into his arms for a hug. "And don't forget to meet me at the Ministry at 2 this evening."
"You better treat my father right," Harry whispered seriously into Remus's ear with a grin. "Or you'll be dealing with me and Draco. And yes, I'll see you at the Ministry."
Remus tightened the hug with Harry and chuckled at the braveness from James and Lily's son. He blushed as he caught Severus' gaze. "I will, Harry," he whispered. "I promise I'll treat him right."
"You better," Harry muttered to him, but Remus ended the hug and ruffled Harry's hair. Harry walked back towards Draco with a smile and put his arms around his blonde Slytherin boyfriend.
Remus headed towards the Floo, grabbed some Floo powder and looked back at the three wizards with a sigh. He gave Severus a wink, smiled at the pink tinge to the man's cheek and walked into the Floo.
Once Remus was gone, Harry and Draco looked at their blushing professor with knowing smiles. Harry let out a chuckle as he remembers what he nearly caught Severus and Remus about to do.
Draco poked his godfather on the arm. It was time for interrogating. "So, Severus. Want to tell us about the snogging scene we nearly caught you and Remus in?"
Severus face only reddened more from hearing that he and Remus were being watched. "I-"
"It's okay, Sev, spill the tea," said Harry warmly and soothingly, wanting to hear everything about the scene he and Draco heard. When his father still didn't say anything but stare at the ground with a smile, he said, "My father's in lo-ve," in a teasing sing-song voice.
Severus rolled his eyes at the couple. Of course, why didn't he think about leaving when he had the chance instead of getting interrogated by his godson and Harry. "That was... something between me and Remus. You had no business probing us."
"It is our duty, as your son and godson, in watching over you," Harry tells him firmly. "It's what we must do." Draco nodded in agreement with Harry's words.
Severus sighed. Looks like he must perform a grand exit too if he is to escape the couple. "I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Harry, but I also must depart," he says rather quickly as he does have something important to do that must get done quickly. "I'll be delivering your guardian transfer document to the ministry so by tomorrow you will officially be my son."
Harry smiled at that news and hugged his father. Severus gave a smile in the hug. He's never once thought about kids and raising them. At least he doesn't have to do the raising part as that's already done, but he can help his son with living things. He ended the hug, smiled at his godson and disappeared into the Floo, leaving Harry and Draco alone in the lounge room. But the two decided to go to Ron's room for a lie-down and some peace and quiet.
And when they got to Ron's room, they spotted Ron lying on his own bed throwing a practice snitch up into the air, catching it, and repeating. They sat on the redhead's bed together and watched the practice snitch.
"Want to hear something interesting we just saw?" Draco asked the bored Ron Weasley. "And can you keep it a secret?" Why wouldn't he tell what he and Harry could have seen? He knows not to tell too many people about it as he didn't want his godfather and Remus to be found out so quickly and easily.
Ron looked at him with a raised eyebrow, already wanting him to spill the details. He gave a nod to the last question.
"Harry and I saw Severus and Remus nearly kiss," Draco finally admitted it to him, grinning from the memory and Harry just laid down on Draco's lap and stared up at his boyfriend fondly.
Ron's jaw dropped in shock. He was speechless for a few minutes but eventually, he found his voice again. "Are you kidding me?"
Draco shook his head. Why would he even come up with a lie this incredibly and spread rumours about it? His own godfather was in love! He's never seen Severus so happy at all, apart from the guardian transfer thing, but mostly because of Remus.
"Not kidding," says Harry, tilting his head to look at his best mate. "You should have seen them! It was Remus who leaned in, Remus who I think brushed back Sev's hair-"
"I wonder if it's as greasy as it looks," Ron interrupted with wonder in his tone. His best mate snorted at that comment and he got a pillow thrown at him by Draco. "Alright, sorry!" He raised his arms in surrender.
"I don't think my father's hair is greasy at all, Ron," admitted Harry with a chuckle. It looks greasy, though he doubts it is. "It just appears that way. And besides, when I hugged him, I smelt Basil, sage and..."
"Herbal Tea," added Draco and Harry gave a nod.
"Should I be creeped out that you both know what our professor smells like?" Ron asked, grimacing at the thought of having his potions professor around 24/7. It's pretty much hell for him but at least the man's nicer than he usually is.
Harry laughed and shook his head, "Nope." He then leaned a little closer, "Now, can you keep what we told you a secret?"
"I believe I can," promised Ron with an assuring nod.
It's not over yet, my lovelies. >:3
It's only halfway through. He-He.
So... I've introduced two new ships. Have you spotted them?
Percy Weasley x Oliver Wood = Perciver.
Severus Snape x Remus Lupin = Snupin.
Do you ship them? Or are these ships new to you?
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