Love Potions, and Heartbreaking Dreams
"Here Neville, have a Butterbeer."
Neville looked at the girl with brown hair and Slytherin robes, confused as to why he was being talked to. No girls ever talk to him, except Hermione, Luna, and Ginny. "Um..." he trailed off as he can tell that the bottle the girl held wasn't even a Butterbeer bottle.
"Please?" The girl asked in a nearly pleading way. "My sister and I are giving them out to everyone. It's for a project of mine for muggle studies," she adds quickly, smiling down at him. "I have to make drinks myself instead of using magic."
"Is it free?" Neville then asked, drawing his eyebrows closer. All he knows is free things never are free. It comes with a price, as his grandmother always says.
"Yes," the brunette says, nodding her head firmly. "I'm giving you and everyone else a Butterbeer for free, aren't I?"
Neville stared at the Butterbeer in the girl's hands, really looking at it. It seemed not at all harmful. But he didn't pay attention to who the girl was handing out the Butterbeer to. "Oh, alright," he finally agreed. He hauled his legs over the seat, ready to stand up and go. "I need something to drink while I finish a Transfiguration Essay anyway."
The girl beamed and handed Neville the Butterbeer. "I do hope you enjoy it!" she says, eyes glittering mischievously which Neville really didn't notice. "See you!"
"Yeah," Neville deadpanned, grabbed his stuff and rushed out of the Great Hall, away from the girl. He unscrewed the cork from the Butterbeer and took a sip. Licking his lips, he put the cork back on and continued to Gryffindor Tower. Then he notices someone out of the corner of his eyes and looks their way. "Oh, Hi Harry!" The sudden feeling of light-headedness overwhelmed him when he stared at Harry.
"Hello, Neville," said Harry, smiling sheepishly back at him and the way Neville's just staring at him. "How are yo-"
Neville pushed him up against the wall and kissed him, the feeling of obsession coursing through his veins when his lips touched the other blokes.
"N-Nev-." Harry tried to push Neville away, but all he did is give in to the kiss and kiss back because slowly, he was becoming obsessed with Neville Longbottom, in a loving way. He doesn't know why.
Blaise and Draco were just walking down the corridor, on their way to the Dungeons for Potions. Earlier, Harry had rushed off to the bathroom, so Draco wanted to make sure Harry was okay by checking up on him in the bathroom before Potions.
But Draco froze to the spot, his heart feeling like it was shattering into tiny pieces and he dropped his book bag on the floor.
Blaise could see the tears in Draco's eyes. Even he had tears in his own eyes because he really, really likes Neville. This just hurt to see, even if he and Neville haven't actually sorted out our feelings for each other. Well, Blaise had. He just didn't know if Neville liked him in the same way.
Draco just felt like running away, to his godfather, a professor, anybody! This cannot be happening. He knows Harry loves him, and he loves Harry back so damn much that he'd die for him. "H-Harry...?"
Harry broke out of the kiss, looked at the blonde Slytherin, shrugged and went back to kissing Neville with a smile.
That just broke Draco more. He sank to the floor, feeling lightheaded, his hands out in front of him. Harry had just shrugged at him and continued kissing Neville. He let the tears fall and he felt a hand rubbing his shoulder. He knows it was Blaise, which he's so glad went with him. He wouldn't know what he would have done if he saw them...and he was alone.
"Draco," whispered Blaise sadly down to his best friend, and his lip quivered. "My mother told me to always observe before believing." He looks over at Neville and does just that and he definitely sees an unusual object. "I think you should do that too. Look in Neville's hand."
Draco didn't want to look up at the two. It was just too hard. He wanted to escape. When he did look up at the two, which he just broke apart again, he could see a bottle in Neville's hands. "I-It's just B-Butterbeer, Blaise," he choked out
"Is it Butterbeer though?" Blaise drawls, his voice sounding certain that it's not what it appears to be. "Have a closer look."
Draco did look, but all he saw was a bottle of Butterbeer. But the liquid inside seemed a little whiter than Butterbeer would be.
"Draco, can't you see what I'm seeing?" Blaise asked him quickly, crouching down so he can comfort Draco.
Draco chuckled sadly at Blaise. "I don't know, Blaise," he mutters. "I'm a little heartbroken here."
Blaise frowned. Why would someone poison Neville? He has no enemies because he's just too sweet.
"You're heartbroken?" asked a soft voice, and Draco tried not to sob as he knew that voice belonged to Harry. The next thing he knew Harry was kneeling down in front of him with Neville. He refused to look up.
"Who broke your heart, Draco?" asked Harry a little seriously, wrapping his hands around the Slytherin's arms. "Tell me who it is so I can find them and make them pay for hurting my best friend."
Best friend? It seems so long ago since that was what it was. Harry is his best friend, he doesn't doubt that, and he loves Harry so much. He is Harry's boyfriend, his lover, his one and only. Everybody knows this. But when he looked into Harry's emerald green eyes, seeing them shine with...a little heart in the Iris? The hell is that?!
He knows Harry has no birthmark and he's never seen that little green heart in Harry's iris ever before. He knows where every curve, muscle, edge, and hair is on Harry's body. That heart shape in Harry's eye was new. He didn't even see it this morning. Unless...
The little heart in Harry's eye gave him hope. Even if he still felt shattered, he managed to ignore the hurtful feelings and stand up, letting his boyfriend know that he was okay. "It's fine, really," he deadpans.
"Draco, if I'm right about this we need to take these two to the Dungeon to talk with professor Snape," Blaise whispered immediately, and he looked at the two inquisitively.
Draco nodded, not taking his eyes off Harry's green eyes. "Harry, I just want to tell you how much I love you," he says flatly, eyes filling with tears once again. He wants this to be some nightmare that he will wake up to in a few minutes.
Harry smiled at him. "I love you too, Draco-" Draco looked up at him with hope. "-As a friend." The Slytherin frowns and looks down at the floor underneath him. "But I love Neville the most."
Neville smiled and placed an arm around Harry's waist.
"Yup, we're going to the Dungeon to see your dad, Harry," Draco said quickly, choking down a sob. He couldn't take this no longer. This hurt too much. "Let's go..."
Harry looked excited. "My dad?" he asks at once. "Yay! Let's go see him!"
Draco could have laughed and kissed Harry at how excited he looked, but right now, he couldn't. "Lead the way, Blaise," he drawls.
Blaise nodded, frowned at Neville, and led the way to the Dungeons.
Draco stood behind Neville and Harry, making sure they don't try to run off even if they were going to see Severus. This was just hurting him so much; hearing Harry say he loves... It sickened him!
They made it to the Potion's classroom, where Severus already was. Luckily, nobody had come down to Potion's this early in the morning. They still had 35 minutes left of breakfast.
"Sev," said Draco, sounding a whole lot sadder than he was earlier.
Severus looked up at his godson, whose eyes were red, looked wet and blotchy. Then he looked at his son, who was holding Longbottom's hand. He had absolutely no idea what was going on, but he stood up from his desk and went to them. "What happened?" His voice was immediate and serious.
Blaise snatched the butterbeer from Neville's hand, apologised to the boy, and then gave it to his professor. "We believe it's poisoned...with a love potion," he tells his professor, masking out his true feelings.
"A love potion?" Severus asked, and Blaise nodded his head. He wouldn't ever doubt Mr Zabini's knowledge of Love Potions. He could see the change in Harry though. He knows Harry loves Draco to death. "Mr Potter, please step forward."
Harry raised an eyebrow at his dad, but stepped forward, Neville doing the same.
"Mr Longbottom, please step away from my son," said Severus a little too strictly. There's no way he'll let Mr Longbottom anywhere near his son when he knows how deep in love Harry is with Draco.
Neville gulped, not wanting to anger Harry's father, and stepped backwards towards Blaise.
When Harry was directly in Severus' eyesight, he studied his son from head to toe, looking for signs of the love potion as those types of potions always leave a mark.
"His right eye, Sev," said Draco sadly, hugging himself when looking at Harry's back. Just how did this happen! That's what he wanted to know. How was a love potion involved?
"And Neville's right eye," Blaise added as he too noticed the odd heart shape in Neville's eye next to his pupil.
Severus smiled at his godson, knowing he would know the difference in Harry than anybody. He looked Harry in his right eye and saw the most peculiar thing. A green heart in his pupil. That's something he has seen before in previous classes involving love potions.
Severus went back to his desk and looked through his drawers, finding his oldest potions book and turned a couple of pages until he found the right page. "Mr Potter, Mr Longbottom, please put yourself on a table and lie there."
"But, dad..."
"Now, Harry!" demanded Severus. He hated shouting at his son, but he must do it. It hurt to see Harry under a daft little love potion when he knows how much Harry loves Draco and how much Draco loves Harry back.
Harry frowned and did what he was told. He lay down on a table, staring up at the ceiling and not knowing what was going to happen. Neville went to his own table, even if he would rather be closer to Harry.
"As it reveals in the book, they must be kissed by their true love-"
Severus didn't even get to finish as Draco went to Harry, grabbed his face and kissed him while hoping it would do something. Secretly, nobody except Severus knew that the love potion was on Harry's lips too, but because of Draco's undying love for Harry, he will never be affected by the potion.
Neville frowned when seeing them kiss. He felt almost heartbroken. How dare the Slytherin steal Harry!
When Draco leaned away from the kiss and opened his eyes, he frowned when seeing Harry glaring up at him. Would this mean...? He let the tears fall and backed away from Harry, apologising for what he did. "I'm sorry," he muttered to Harry.
"-with the anti-love potion on their lips or it won't break the love potion's effects," finished Severus, smiling down at his godson. Draco looked up at his godfather with faith in his eyes, hoping this potion book was right. "Yes, Draco. You will succeed in helping Harry break the love potion. Neville, however, is another mystery. One does not know who-"
Blaise cut him off immediately, "I'll do it."
Severus looked at him, unsure about that, but nodded. "I can't guarantee it'll work, Mr Zabini," he tells him.
"I don't think it'll work either, sir, but we have got to try," Blaise said confidently, standing tall like he was wearing a crown. He must do this. Must showcase his feelings for Neville, even if it scared him a little.
"If you insist," mutters Severus, really doubting they could wake Neville up. "I must get to work but firstly, if you're both going to awaken these boys from the potion, we must put them to sleep. Unless you intend to wait until the potion wears off."
"We are not waiting," said Draco and Blaise together, furious with their Potions master. There was just no way they'd let Harry and Neville go off somewhere to snog in the corridors where people can see.
Severus smiled and placed his book down and went towards his cupboard. He was setting up a non-verbal blue transparent shield around the tables Harry and Neville were on, so they don't try to escape. He grabbed a bottle of knock-out potion, which would make Harry and Neville fall asleep for a little while so the process of killing the love potion can be quicker.
Severus went back out of his potions storeroom and grabbed a little measuring tablespoon from his desk. "Hold them down, please," he orders quickly, pointing to the two boys. "This isn't going to be easy unless they can be effortlessly manipulated."
"Dad?" Harry said, voice filled with confusion and horror at what these Slytherins might do to him and Neville, "What's that?"
Severus just smiled, but it pained him to see the distrust in his son's eyes. "This will make you fall deeper in love with the Longbottom boy," he says quickly as he summons a few items over to him from his desk. Those words nearly made him gag.
"Oh," said Harry slowly, looking over Severus' shoulder and smiling at what appeared to be nothing. He felt a little calmer now. "Okay."
Draco just wanted to hug Harry and tell him to come back, the real Harry. The Harry that loves him. He knows that Harry is somewhere locked deep inside. He just wants to find that Harry and bring him back.
Harry opened his mouth and Severus poured a little bit of the potion onto the spoon and tipped it inside Harry's mouth. Harry had trouble swallowing the potion as it tasted disgusting, like one of those bad Bertie Bots. Then, after a couple of seconds, he felt sleepy and drifted off into slumber.
Draco frowns and cups Harry's face in his hands. He looks down at the beauty before him. The beauty who glared at him after he kissed him in thought that it would help the situation. He leans down and presses his forehead to Harry's and sighs. Why must this happen? Why and how did it happen in the first place?
"We're going to have to hold Mr Longbottom down," Severus said firmly. He and Blaise went towards Neville, who looked frightened to his core. Draco walked over after a silent moment with Harry to himself.
Neville shuffled back on the table, but when he got to the end of it, he stopped and looked back at the three emerging Slytherins.
Blaise entered through the force field to Neville and sat on the table, staring at the boy. "Neville, listen to me," he says slowly and reached for the other boy's hand. "You don't love Harry. You're under a love potion."
Severus gave Draco the spoon with the sleeping potion on it. While Blaise was talking to Neville, he rushed off to his cauldron and got to work on the counter potion for the love potion.
"No, I'm not," stated Neville at once, shaking his head with a frown, not believing what the Slytherin is saying and moves his hands away from the Slytherin. "I'm not under a potion. I love Harry."
Blaise sighed and bit his lip. This just hurt. "Neville, you don't love him," he says firmly, and he manages to grab one of Neville's hands. "If you do, your heart would be beating so hard in your chest that you don't think you will be able to calm it down." He turns Neville's hand around and presses it to his own chest in hope that the Gryffindor could feel his hammering heart. "Does your heart hammer against your chest when looking at Harry?" Neville was silent.
"Do you get that nervous butterfly feeling whenever Harry walks into a room, or whenever he is near you?" Blaise asks him quickly. Neville still was silent. "Do you, Neville? Do you feel those things when with Harry? Whenever Harry breathes on your neck, or touches your skin, do your hairs stick up on your arms and neck and do you feel that tingly feeling? Do you feel a warmth spread through your body when he touches you? Do you?"
Neville frowned and shook his head, "I don't feel those things," he tells him, his voice low and confused. "But I do love Harry!"
Blaise then smiled. "No, Neville," he shakes his head and squeezed his hand around Neville's wrist. "You don't love Harry. This was just the love Potion talking. Please, fight the love potion. Fight the love potion for me."
"Why should I fight the love potion for you?" asked Neville softly, giving him a curious look.
"It's because..." Blaise paused, looking down at the table and felt his heart suddenly flutter in his chest. Then he looked back up into Neville's blue eyes and blushed. "It's because I...I love you, Neville Longbottom."
Draco looked up at his best friend and gave a small smile, glad he finally admitted his feelings. Even if the real Neville was locked away somewhere inside that head of his. "I'm glad you finally admit it after all this time," he says to him.
Blaise blushed a little more but continued staring into Neville's blue eyes.
"You love me?" asked Neville slowly.
Blaise nodded fondly. "I love how you're so clumsy, and nearly fall over every tile and stairway in Hogwarts," he tells him rather quickly with a smile on his face. "I love your blue eyes that remind me so much of the ocean..."
While Neville just looked at Blaise, shocked and still confused, Draco quickly slipped the knock-out potion into Neville's mouth.
Neville fought to not swallow the potion down but was unsuccessful in doing so when Blaise cupped a hand over his mouth. Slowly, but surely, he fell into a deep slumber.
Blaise sighed deeply in relief and laid Neville on his back. He reached up and brushed the hair away from his closed eyes.
"Finished the potion," Severus came rushing back to them from his storeroom with his cauldron, and a few vials. He poured the pinkish-blue liquid into small vials. "Draco, Harry's up first," he stated at once. He looked at Blaise with an apologetic smile, "Sorry. Harry's always first."
Blaise waved a hand in the air airily, telling his professor that he didn't mind. But he just wanted Neville to wake up, so he can get back to being close with him and spending quality time together.
Severus went to Harry right away and gave Draco the vial. "Put this on your lips and kiss him," he tells him. "It's the only way."
Draco nodded, putting the measuring spoon to the side, and grabbing the small vial from his godfather. He placed the tip of his finger over the opening of the vial and tipped it upside down. When the liquid covered the tip of his finger, he gave the vial back to his godfather and spread the liquid over his lips like he was applying lip balm.
He looked at Harry's sleeping figure, trying not to lick his lips as he always does when he's about to kiss Harry. He gently pulled Harry's chin down to open his mouth a little, his heartbeat only quickening in his chest, and he kissed him. He kissed him gently, but deeply, wanting the potion to wear off and wake Harry up already.
The taste of Harry floods his senses with love, a tingly feeling and warmth. He grew excited and his heart skipped a beat when he felt Harry's lips kissing him back so slowly, or maybe he was imagining it. Harry groaned. Nope, Draco was not imagining it and he smiled in the kiss.
Blaise smiled at his best friend and Harry, who's also a best friend of his now. Then Severus gave him the counter-potion, he quickly tipped a little bit onto his hand and dabbed it onto his lips. His heart suddenly began to hammer in his chest as he leaned forward, he was directly on top of the other boy. He leaned the rest of the way down, his finger pushing down Neville's chin, and connected his lips to the other boy's. The flutter within suddenly intensified, and with that, he forgot everything around him as his senses exploded from inside.
Severus sighed and these four boys and went to his ingredients storeroom to pack a few items away. He didn't want to hang around when the two Gryffindors woke up.
Neville opened his eyes, blushing at what was happening. "Mmmm!" He couldn't say anything as his lips were occupied with Blaise's.
Blaise broke out of the kiss, blushing and stared back into blue eyes. "Neville, I need to ask; do you remember what I told you a few minutes ago when you were under the effects of the potion?" Neville just looked at him, his blush darkening and Blaise could tell that Neville did remember what he had said. It made Blaise smile. "It's true. Everything I told you."
"B-Blaise..." Neville was stuttering too much so he decided to pause, his face burning and heart flipping in his chest. "I-I l-love... y-you..." He gulped. "Too."
Blaise smiled the widest he's ever had. He placed his hand on Neville's cheek and rubbed his thumb along the cheekbone. "Can I kiss you again?" he had asked.
Neville was at a loss for words, not exactly knowing how to reply. He tried to say something, but his throat felt too dry. He could only muster a small nod. Then the Slytherin kissed him again, and he nervously placed his hands around the Slytherin's back.
Then Harry opened his eyes, seeing Draco still kissing him. His love for this blonde-haired Slytherin only increased as he remembered what happened today. He reached up and placed his hands on the Slytherin's neck, deepening the kiss and inserted his tongue in Draco's parted lips.
Draco groaned and lifted himself up on the table, his mouth still occupied by Harry's tongue and he pressed their bodies together. But Harry wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend and moved Draco to the side a little, so he could push his tongue further inside him to explore and taste his boyfriend again. His hand, without him knowing, was travelling down to Draco's pants.
Draco moaned on Harry's tongue, really wanting the same. But not in the damn potion's classroom. He leaned out of the kiss but stared into Harry's green eyes. "Save that for later," he whispered, smirking. He could already picture being in bed with Harry and shagging the fuck out of him. His Harry.
Harry blushed, smiled slowly, and leaned over for another breathtaking kiss. But as his lips touched Draco's, he leaned away and sighed. "I'm sorry if my untrue words from earlier hurt you, Draco," he says after a beat.
Draco shook his head, pressing his forehead to Harry's. "No," he lied because he didn't want to put any weight on Harry's shoulders. "They didn't hurt me. I'm just hoping it will never happen again and don't blame yourself, Harry," he says softly. "It wasn't your fault, or Neville's. I don't know whose fault that is. But it would have started with Neville. He obviously drank or ate something that made him...that."
Neville heard what Draco said and frowned himself. "It was a Slytherin girl," he told them flatly, not believing that he could have been so stupid to take something from someone. "She handed me what I thought was Butterbeer. She said she and her sister were handing them out to everyone for free. I was just stupid enough to believe her."
Just as Neville finished, there was a knock on the Potion classrooms door and two girls walked in. One is older with blonde hair and the other with brown hair. Everyone sat up and stared at the two girls.
"That's her!" said Neville at once, pointing to the younger girl.
"I think my sister has something to say to you all," said Daphne Greengrass and lightly pushed her younger sister into the classroom. "Astoria...what do you have to say?"
Astoria Greengrass fiddled with her golden bracelet on her wrist, not looking at either of the boys in the classroom. She just stared at the floor with guilt. "I- I'm sorry for giving you the love potion, Neville," she mutters. "I was just hoping that..."
"You hoped what?" snapped Harry a little angrily. How dare this little girl do something so stupid! "What was your goal?!"
Daphne frowned at him. "Father wants Astoria to marry into a Pure-blooded family already," she drawls. "I told him, no, but he won't listen. I'm already engaged to a lovely wizard, even if my preference is female."
"Your father wants her to marry my boyfriend?" snarled Harry, sounding disgusted when talking about such a thing. He will never let that happen. He is the one who'll marry Draco Malfoy in the future, not anyone else. "I'm sorry to say it but that's not going to happen! Draco's mine!"
"There's no other males, Harry," Daphne said softly. "None around her age and pureblood. Besides Blaise, but I see he's occupied with someone else as of now. I'm-"
Harry cut her off, "Absolutely fucking not." Draco winced at the swear words and placed a hand over Harry's shoulder, trying to calm him down with the slightest of touches. "In case you haven't noticed, Draco's taken and there is nothing you or your family can do about it. And isn't there an American school on the other side of the world? Or an Australian one? How about Beaxbaton's or Durmstrung? Why can't she marry a pureblood from those places?"
Daphne looked taken aback like she hadn't thought of those schools before. Usually, as she knew, pure-bloods would marry into families closer to their own home in the same country. "I guess I should talk about my father about that," she says after a while of thinking. "I never thought about those countries." She paused and looked at the four boys apologetically. "Then again, I'm terribly sorry, Harry, Draco, Neville and Blaise." She nudged her little sister in the arm.
Astoria finally looked up at the teenage boys. "I'm sorry," she looked at the boy she poisoned, "I'm sorry, Neville. Will you forgive me?"
Neville smiled at her and nodded. "It's alright, Astoria," he says, voice empty of all emotions and face set on her blankly. "All I wanted was an apology." His face then turned a little serious. "But please, never force love upon someone."
Astoria nodded guiltily, and with her sister, she left the classroom.
Harry sighed with relief and placed his arms around Draco again, breathing in his scent and feeling a lot calmer now. He was glad the pesky little girl left.
Draco smiled at Harry, kissing him on the forehead. "Since that's all over with, why don't we go somewhere alone?" he asks him, already thinking of private places he can run off to with Harry.
"Yes, please," whispered Harry with a cheeky grin, now wanting to be in bed with his Draco again.
With a big thank you hug to Severus and a goodbye to Blaise and Neville, Draco and Harry hurried up to Gryffindor Tower. They ignored Seamus and Dean jumped onto Harry's bed, kissing each other fiercely, hungrily, and deeply.
Seamus rolled his eyes at the two and closed the drapes around Harry's bed with a flick of his wand, to give those two some privacy.
Only ten minutes later, Harry was lying on his stomach and Draco collapsed on top of him. The Slytherin's dick was still up his arse after they both were overwhelmed by their own orgasms. Draco gave Harry's shoulder a kiss, which made Harry shiver with happiness and pleasure.
"Merlin, I love you," Harry whispered breathlessly. "That was incredible."
Draco smiled and continued kissing Harry's shoulder. "It most definitely was," he says, voice muffled by Harry's skin. "But you're the one who makes the sex incredible."
Harry blushed from that and turned his head around; silver sparkling eyes were watching him, and it only made his face burn more. "That's not as true," he mumbles into his pillow, closing his eyes as he feels the lovely sensation of Draco's cock filling his arse. "Your dick's up my arse. That makes the sex with you incredible."
Now Draco blushed. He pulled his dick out of Harry a little but thrust back inside of him quickly. Harry groaned. Draco smiled. "Like that, don't you?" he asks hotly.
"Of course, I like it, Draco," Harry mutters, panting from the pleasure. So he wants to play it dirty again? "That beautiful dick of yours is heavenly up my arse."
Draco snorts and pulled out of Harry. He lay beside him, an arm over Harry's sides and his legs tangled with Harry's. "I forgot to tell you how much I love you," he says.
Harry smiled and he snuggled as close as he could to Draco. "I already know, Draco, and I love you too, so very much." He closes his eyes and nuzzled Draco's neck with a happy sigh.
Seamus sighs in relief when he realises that Harry and Draco had stopped making love. He crawls over to Dean and lies in his lap. Dean smiles, his free hand moving to Seamus' hair to run through while his other hand holds up the book he's reading.
Neville walked out of the portrait with Harry and Draco right behind him into the corridors of Hogwarts and the first person he sees standing in front of him is none other than Blaise Zabini himself. Neville blushed, remembering what occurred a couple of days ago.
"Hullo, Neville," said Blaise with a smile, rubbing at his arm and just adoring the redness in the Gryffindor's cheeks and completely ignoring Harry and Draco. "Uhm... can I talk to you?"
Neville, still blushing as red as a tomato, nodded at the Slytherin. "Sure."
Harry smiled at them knowingly. "We'll just go... this way!" He says quickly and led Draco by the hand in the opposite direction to Neville and Blaise. And Draco winked at his best friend, hoping Blaise was going to ask a particular question to the Gryffindor known as Neville.
Blaise held out his hand, ignoring his friends, and Neville raised an eyebrow at the hand. He didn't want to keep the Slytherin waiting, so he placed his hand over Blaise's hand. He felt a shock of somewhat electricity as their hands met, and he wondered if Blaise felt the same.
Blaise indeed felt the same electric sensation, which he smiled at. He wove their hands together and started walking. "So, I just want to talk to you about a few things which happened days ago," he says, a little distracted by how warm Neville's hands were and how right they felt when twined with his own. "I'm sure you know what day it was."
Neville nodded. The Slytherin's hand felt so like natural in his hand and he really liked it. This connection with Blaise was stronger than Theodore had ever given him.
"Yeah, so..." Blaise looked down a corridor, seeing as it was empty and went down it with Neville. "About the kiss that we shared," He smiled at the memory and looked at the Gryffindor. "I just wanted to say-"
"You didn't like it, did you?" Neville asked in a mutter, frowning down at their twined hands. He thought about letting the Slytherin's hand go but he just... couldn't. Blaise's hands were just so warm and comfy.
Blaise blinked at him and shook his head. "Neville, that kiss was bloody amazing!" he says, grinning widely at him. "I enjoyed it a lot. But I just want to say... that I want to do it again. Kiss you, I mean."
"You want to kiss me?" Neville asked quietly, trying not to hide a smile from coming onto his lips.
Blaise nodded quickly. "I do, Neville," he says, then he paused and looked down at the Gryffindor's lips and licked his lips. "Can I?" He looked back up into sea blue eyes.
Neville considered this for a moment. Yes, he really, really likes this Slytherin. He didn't realise that he just nodded until the other bloke was leaning in, and Blaise's brown eyes started closing. A hand was placed on his cheek, and Neville swallowed and leaned in, tilting his head to the side until his lips were connected to the Slytherin's warm soft ones.
His heart skipped a beat when the Italian Slytherin began kissing back and there was an internal fluttering sensation somewhere down in the pits of his stomach. Neville could feel how his heart started picking up speed and hammered against his chest like it wanted to rip out of his chest and zoom towards the Slytherins. That wasn't possible, right?
Blaise leaned away after a few more seconds, a bright smile on his face but he just had to say something more. "Neville, I-, uhm..." He looked him in the eye, took a calming breath and said, "On the next Hogsmeade weekend, which is this weekend, would you like to get a Butterbeer with me? As a date?" he added just to make it clear.
Neville smiled at the option and nodded his head, staring into mocha brown eyes. "Yes, Blaise Zabini, I would love to go out with you," he says after a beat.
And Blaise grinned the most he's ever grinned in his entire life. What he didn't expect was Neville to lean in and plant a quick kiss on his cheek, and now Blaise's face hurt from smiling too much. "Great! I'll pick you up first thing in the morning."
"I'll see you then," said Neville shyly. "I should go, though. Need to finish off an essay on Transfiguration." He actually wanted to tell his roommates about this. He finished his Transfiguration essay already.
"Oh, okay, I'll see you soon," Blaise said softly, gave the Gryffindor a quick kiss, waved goodbye and left to the Slytherin Dungeons.
Neville sighed happily, the lingering kiss from Blaise still on his lips. He headed back to Gryffindor Tower, and when he entered the dormitory, he grinned at Seamus and Dean.
"Look who's smiling," Dean mocked when noticing the big grin on his dorm mate's face.
"And should we be scared?" asked Seamus, knowing he's never seen Neville smile that much. Not even Theodore Nott could make Neville smile like that.
Neville got straight to the point as he just wanted to get it off his chest. He was beaming with happiness. "Blaise asked me out."
"Oh, good god!" Dean beamed at him and threw a chocolate frog his way. Neville had trouble capturing it with his hands, but he managed to. "Congratulations, Neville. We're so happy for you."
Neville smiled at them. He was so happy about today. What else could he want in his life than a really great guy?
"How long have ye liked him, Neville?" Seamus suddenly asked, also intrigued by this new gossip.
Neville shrugged and opened the chocolate frog container. "I'm not too sure," he says slowly. "I've always found him attractive. I think it is when we saw each other on the Hogwarts express. It's when I felt something, and he helped me."
"Naww!" Dean chuckled and joined Seamus on his bed to share Valentine's Day Chocolates he still had from Seamus. "Tell us everything! We must know." And Neville smiled wide.
Harry waited for everybody to leave the DADA classroom, so only he, Draco and Remus was alone. He's been feeling a little guilty because he hardly spends time with Remus anymore. His time is mainly spent up with Draco, and also his dad, Severus. He just doesn't want Remus to feel left out at all. Remus is like another father to him, besides Severus. He's like a stepdad or an Uncle.
"Harry, Draco, what are you still doing here?" Remus asked when packing his stuff up into his briefcase.
Draco shrugged and looked at Harry questionably. He only leaves a place when Harry leaves it. "Why are we still here, Harry?"
"Can you take me back to 12 Grimmauld Place, Remus?" Harry asks him politely, his arm linked with Draco's. He needs to find something... Something Sirius gave him.
"Sure, but it depends on how long you want to be there for," Remus said, and with a flick of his wand, he showed the cycle of the moon. The floating moons all in different shapes on the cycle Remus conjured from his wand had clouds as dark as a midnight sky floating past, blocking out most of the moons' hue. "Full moon."
"Oh," drawls Harry, a little disappointed about that subject. Bad bloody moon. "I just wanted to retrieve something from my room there. A gift Sirius got for me."
"Alright then," Remus said after a minute, agreeing to take Harry to Sirius' place with a simple nod. "If it will only take a few minutes then I'm allowed to go."
"And where are you allowed to go on such a dreadful day?"
Harry could recognise that voice from anywhere. In fact, even Draco and Remus could. It was Severus!
"Harry just wants me to take him to 12 Grimmauld Place to obtain something from his room," Remus tells him firmly. "It'll just be a few minutes."
"Absolutely not!" said Severus calmly, though he looked quite serious, and he crossed his arms. He lowered his voice just a notch to add, "You are not exiting the castle unless to hide in the shrieking shack when dusk hits."
"Seems like you're going with Severus then, Harry," Remus said, pursing his lips at Severus. He doesn't like arguments at all, so instead, he tried to reason with whoever he talks to or just agrees with them.
"If you really ought to get whatever it is you need from your Godfather's place, then you can come with me," Severus said to Harry, and he walks over to him. "Why didn't you come to me in the first place? I'd be happy to help you."
" I just haven't spent much time with Remus that much, and I just hope I'm not making him feel left out or anything," Harry mutters a little awkwardly to Remus, rubbing at his elbow. Draco smiles and places an arm around Harry to try making him feel a little better.
"Harry, why would you think I'd be feeling left out?" Remus asks him softly, leaning the side of his hip on his desk. "If you really wanted to catch up with me outside of class, you could stop by my office for some tea during your spares or breaks. Or during the weekends all four of us could go somewhere as a family like a beach, or camping."
Harry smiled at that wonderful suggestion. "I would love that, and for us to do things as a family," he says lightly, and Draco placed his arms around Harry's stomach and gave his cheek a kiss.
"And Draco, you'll be waiting here," Severus tells the blonde firmly, smiling hard at his godsons' disapproving expression. "To watch Remus and to not take your eyes off him. That's an order!"
Draco groaned at this unfair option. But he would like to get to know Remus a little better.
"Let's go, Harry," Severus says at once and nodded his head toward the classroom's exit. "We're leaving before it gets...too dark." He sent a gaze Remus's way, and when Harry got off his stool and walked to him, he looked away from Remus and took Harry to his office.
Draco sighed. He didn't even get a kiss goodbye from Harry. But he smiled when Remus cracked up because of him, glad he could make someone else, other than Harry, laugh.
"In you go." Severus grabbed the vase full of Floo Powder and handed it to Harry when they made it into Severus' living quarters.
Harry reached into the vase and grabbed a small handful of Floo Powder. Then, as he stepped inside the Fireplace, he muttered, "12 Grimmauld Place" and he was whooshed into the lounge room of 12 Grimmauld Place. Darkness. He clapped his hands twice. Nothing happened. Don't be daft, this isn't one of those muggle devices. "Kreacher!" A low grumbling mutter was heard below Harry and he looked down to the floor.
"What do you want, half-breed?" Kreacher muttered, his small blue eyes staring up at Harry with pure detest.
"Please turn on the lights," Harry said calmly. Even if Harry hated this elf, he still liked to show manners. Not like Sirius ever did to Kreacher.
Kreacher mumbled something unintelligible again and the lights came on with a click of his fingers.
"Thank you, Kreacher," said Harry politely, smiling and leaving the House elf to do whatever the hell it was doing before he came here. Probably finding more maggots to give him on his birthday or Christmas next year. But he looked back at the Fireplace and didn't see Severus. Where was he? Maybe he knew Harry was old enough to travel alone to his own dreadful house. He is going to give this place a good makeover whenever he can after Hogwarts.
Harry rushed up to his bedroom, passing Regulus's bedroom and Sirius'. Harry tried not to tear up when he passed Sirius' room. He entered his own bedroom and searched bottom and top for any sign of the gift Sirius gave him. The knife. He checked every drawer, shelf and even under the bed. Nothing. He sighed and laid back on his bed. Then he heard it. Something fell off the bed but what? He looked down at the floor and that's when he saw it. The knife was somewhere on his bed but fell off.
Harry picked up the knife and flicked it forward, and the blade appeared. It was like that muggle-borns knife. But this knife you had to use force and not a button. He knew he had to find something else to bring with him to make it seem like he was not trying to smuggle a knife into Hogwarts and to not cause his dad or Draco to worry. There wasn't anything useful in his bedroom, besides quills on his desk, parchment, a hairbrush which he knows Draco would love for him to use. He already has quills and parchment. Maybe Regulus's room has a few things?
Something other caught his eye on his bedside table. It was a broken mirror. It's the magical mirror Sirius gave him when he was still alive. He leaned over and grabbed the mirror, and he saw a hint of blue in it. He thought nothing of it and put it back down.
Placing his knife in his jeans pocket, he headed out of his room and towards Regulus's. He could 'borrow' a pillow? Or some... Forget it. He grabbed a couple of quills and some parchment and headed downstairs to the lounge room again. There wasn't anything interesting to keep anyway unless he wanted old antique items. But no, he had no use for those.
He entered back into the Floo, parchment and quills stacked up in his hands but then felt arms wrap around him and he heard the sound of parchment being squished. "Daaad, you're squishing the parchment!"
"Sorry, you frightened me," Severus mumbled and sighed with relief when he had his son back in his arms. "I couldn't go in after you for some reason." He leaned out of the hug and stared at his son. "You could have come to me if you required quills and parchment. I have an entire office draw plus a whole thirteen-foot cupboard full of them."
Harry's mouth slackened and he gave a slow disbelieving shake of his head. "A thirteen-foot tall cupboard?" he asks slowly. He's heard of a five-foot-tall cupboard, not an eleven-foot one. "Anyway, I ought to put these quills and parchment away, if you don't mind waiting."
Severus shook his head and patted him on the back. "I don't resent."
Harry smiled at his dad and left his office up to Gryffindor Tower to pack away his parchment, quills and find a safe place to put his knife where nobody would find it. Nobody goes down to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom anymore, not since his fourth year, so he placed it in the cupboard under a disillusionment charm.
It was safe for now. He looked around and memories came back to him, they weren't good ones. Ivy's suicide, his own cutting sessions down here... Merlin. He tried taking his mind off those things and headed back up to the common room.
Ron was furious when finding out Hogsmeade trips were cancelled due to the wet March Weather. Even the apparition lessons were difficult with a few other people splinching themselves.
"Happy Birthday, Ron!" said Harry, Seamus, Neville, and Dean when they woke up on the first of March. "Open your presents!"
Ron grinned at the pile of presents at the end of his bed and caught the large present Harry threw to him. He ripped open the paper to Harry's present, and as he did so, Draco appeared in the dormitory, but he wasn't seen.
Draco snuck up to Harry's bed, sat behind Harry and placed his hands over his boyfriend's eyes. "Guess who," he whispered into Harry's ear.
Harry smiled. "Draco," he said as he removed Draco's hands from his eyes and turned around to face the Slytherin. He leaned in for a quick kiss, which Draco gave in to until he leaned away.
"How's the birthday boy this morning?" Draco asked Ron politely, who placed what looked like Quidditch keeper gloves to the side.
Harry turned around so he was facing Ron from his bed. He smiled when feeling arms wrap around his stomach, so he leaned back on Draco.
"I'm bloody Brilliant!" said Ron happily who excitedly started on the next present. He smiles at Harry and holds up his new keeper gloves, "And thanks Harry, for the gloves."
"No problem, Ron," said Harry lightly.
"Well, I hope you have a good birthday, Ron," said Neville quickly, smiling at the birthday boy. "Blaise and I planned to meet down at the Greenhouses this morning. Sorry."
"It's alright, mate," said Ron, distracted by the colourful wrapping paper of his other presents he still needs to open. "Have fun!"
Seamus and Dean ooooo'd in interest at who Neville was going to meet, which Neville blushed from. "We're just working on a project together," he tells them innocently.
"Mm-Hmm," said Draco in disbelief. Oh, he saw Neville and Blaise kissing back on that day when Neville somehow didn't know better than to check the Butterbeer before consuming it. "Are you sure that's all you're doing?"
"Yes!" Neville said at once, his face and neck darkened with that blush. "We're researching the properties of Knotgrass!"
"Alright." Draco still didn't believe him. But he was only teasing the Gryffindor, but he wanted to know the details. He'll ask Blaise later. It was fun to tease people anyway. He'd have a go at any of these Gryffindors for a tease, even Harry.
"Bloody Hell!" said Ron in surprise, sliding on the odd-looking leather bracelet. One thing he recognised is the Irish Celtic knot on the bracelet. It was quite pretty.
Neville took his chance and disappeared out of the dormitory before any other questions were to be thrown at him.
"Ye're welcome, Ron," said Seamus happily, glad his gift pleased his dorm mate.
"Thanks, Seamus!" Ron smiles at his Irish dorm mate once more, and then began to unwrap another large present. His eyes widened at the familiar wizarding board game, but white and silver. "Whoa..."
Draco grinned. He's been planning that present for a while now. "A pure French edition of Wizards Chess," he says once he sees that the Weasel realised what it is he gave him.
Ron's mouth was agape when staring at the, what he calls, expensive edition of Wizards Chess. One set of the chess pieces was silver and the other a pure white. The board's chess squares were white and silver too. "I don't know what to say," he says lightly.
"Just a 'thank you' would be well," said Draco in a soft but almost lavish voice. Harry chuckled at him and turned his head around to kiss his jaw for his poshness.
"Thank you," said Ron quietly, smiling brightly at him. He cannot wait until he gets to have his next Chess match with someone. His birthday just couldn't get any better.
Harry caught Dean's eye, and his fellow Gryffindor was grinning.
"Ready?" Dean mouthed to Harry, and Harry nodded with a smirk. Humiliate Ron time.
"Happy birthday to you," sang Dean and Harry together to Ron. "You live in a Zoo. You look like a monkey and you smell like one too."
Ron's ears turned a red colour, the same as his face. "Gee, thanks guys," he says awkwardly, grimacing as he looks at them.
Seamus started laughing at the song, his arms wrapped around Dean's shoulders as he laughed. "Did ye two make that up?" he asks them after his laughter had died down.
"Nope," said Harry and Dean together in unison. Oh, how they wished they could create something as funny as what they had sung. There were other versions too, but they chose what they thought was funniest.
"It's actually a very popular muggle Birthday song," Harry says and looks beside him at Draco who is smiling at him. He gets a little distracted by the Slytherin and tilts his head slightly.
Ron opened the last two presents and thanked Dean for the Chudley canons merch including scarves, beanies, gloves, and flags. Then onto his next present... A heavy golden watch with odd symbols around the edge and moving stars instead of hands. "I'll become of age next year."
"We all will, Ron," Draco mutters, smiling at the thought of being able to use magic outside of Hogwarts. He leaned back down onto Harry's bed and took Harry with him since his arms were still wrapped around Harry's stomach. Harry let out a giggle as he went backwards with Draco and laughed when he rolled over, so he faced the Slytherin. He forgot there were four other people in the dormitory with him and Draco when he leaned down for a kiss.
Harry was rather bored, laying on his bed in the dormitory throwing his stress ball up into the air and catching it. Then repeating the process. Throw up, the ball comes down, catch it. Throw up. The ball comes down. Catch.
Harry sighed and after a couple more minutes of throwing the ball up in the air, he got bored of it. He went to his trunk and opened it, looking for something fun to do. There really wasn't anything except... a certain piece of parchment that caught his eye. It was the Marauder's map. He hasn't used it in ages.
He sat back on his bed, pointed his wand at the parchment and said, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." The map of Hogwarts appeared in front of him and Harry could see everybody. McGonagall was up in her Headmistress's office, Severus was in his potion's classroom, Remus in his office. But a certain name popped up and he smiled. Draco Malfoy. Draco was with Blaise and Pansy in the Slytherin common.
He wondered what they were talking about. He just wanted to be down there with Draco, hugging, snogging, snuggling, and annoying everyone with their cuteness. He bit his lip in ponder about when he'll see Draco next. Or he could barge into the Slytherin common room and sit on Draco's lap. Sounds like a wonderful idea, actually.
Draco shut his mouth and puffed his cheeks out like a frog. He misses Harry, even if it's been ten hours. But that's still a long time. Usually, he'll either spend the night in Gryffindor or Harry will spend the night in Slytherin. Or even the entire week. It wasn't until Harry was somehow caught by McGonagall sneaking out of Gryffindor Tower five minutes before curfew that he had to sleep alone.
Draco hasn't even had sex with Harry in weeks! He can't not have sex with Harry. It's a beautiful source of losing energy, by fucking into his boyfriend until he releases everything. Or even the other way around. But he wants Harry to fuck him up the arse this time. He wants to feel Harry's hard thick cock painfully slowly fucking into him and sending him off the edge into waves of pleasure and ecstasy.
Draco's not the type of person who'll go up to Harry and ask, Do you want to have sex? No. He'd rather have Harry ask him that question. But normally, if they're about to have sex, it's either just a look in the eye that tells the other what they want or just by skin touching skin like an innocent little stroke of an arm. He doesn't know how to tell Harry what he wants.
Draco wouldn't dare go up to Harry in the Great Hall and rut on him, nor in any common room unless it's empty with only himself and Harry. He wants a new way to turn Harry on. He loves rutting on Harry, or even just touching him in places when they're alone or not.
"Draco!" Pansy snapped, hitting him on the shoulder with her magazine of Witch Weekly. She's been trying to snap her best friend out of his dream state for minutes. "Merlin, what are you thinking so deeply about?"
"Harry," Draco simply says with a smile, looking down at the black table where the skull candle sat.
Pansy laughed in the kind of way where she just knew what Draco meant. "Of course, you are, Draco," she said slowly, linking her fingers together over her lap. "Did you want to go back to our fourth year and have discussions about Harry and how amazingly hot and beautiful he is or something similar to that?"
Blaise snorted. He didn't want to hear such ranting again. "Right, I'm leaving because I hate when Draco rants about Harry," he grits out when he stands up from the couch. He just wanted to see Neville. "See you!"
"No," said Draco to Pansy's question, but he would love to have chats about Harry every now and then like the good old days. He can talk to Pansy about anything. So, he leaned a little closer to whisper, "I just want to have sex with Harry."
Pansy blinked at him, obviously trying to gather this information. "Then have sex with him, Draco," she says like it's the most obvious and easy thing to do. She doesn't know why they're whispering when all the other Slytherins are on the other side of the common room. "It shouldn't be hard."
"It's not," Draco muttered, now looking down at the black skirt Pansy was wearing. He's always wondered what it's like wearing such a thing. Are they annoying or comfortable?
"Go and have sex with him, then," Pansy said simply. She just wanted to throw a pillow at him. No, throw multiple pillows at him until he gets off his arse and leaves.
"Are skirts comfortable to wear?" Draco asked her suddenly and a little slowly, completely ignoring what Pansy said before.
"Draco, why are you asking a question about skirts?" Pansy had to ask him, a little alarmed and also quite curious. Why would any guy ask about skirts? "But yes, they're comfortable."
"I'm just asking," Draco drawls with a small shrug and looks into the warm dancing fire in the marble fireplace to their side. He totally isn't thinking of trying one on.
"Wait..." Pansy just thought of something and why Draco asked the question. The corners of her lips lifted into a smile. "Do you want to try a skirt on?"
Draco looked up at her, flushing a little. "I-"
"Oh, Merlin!" Pansy beamed. Now she was excited. She's never had to pick out a girly outfit for a guy before. "Follow me, Draco. It is dress up for Harry time!" She grabbed Draco by the wrist and pulled him up from the couch.
Draco gulped, hoping he made the right idea. He let Pansy take him up to the girl's dormitory. But he was confused. He couldn't, as a guy, enter the girl's dormitory. He knows this because he's not stupid enough to try. Once Theodore Nott tried, he got zapped across the hallway. It was actually kind of hilarious.
"Et per hunc puerum," said Pansy when stood outside the girl's dormitory hallway. The doorway flashed with some kind of yellow force field and it lowered to the ground. She stood inside and slowly, Draco followed in behind her but removed her hand from his wrist once Draco crossed the force field.
Daphne Greengrass, sitting on her bed painting her nails a scarlet red colour, raised a blonde eyebrow at the Slytherin male entering the dormitory after Pansy. "Um..."
"Draco wants to be dolled up for Harry," Pansy tells Daphne, and Draco just stands in the middle of the room with his arms crossed. Pansy didn't know if she should tell her dorm mate the real reason Draco's here that does involve Harry but in a different way.
"Dolled up?" Daphne asked in utter confusion about why Draco wanted to be spruced up for Harry. But she knows what Pansy meant. "Is that all?" She smiled.
Pansy nodded. "Would you like to help me?" she asked her nicely.
"Why I'd be delighted to," Daphne said, putting the lid back onto her nail polish and laying it beside her. She stood up from her bed, drying her nails with a charm and walked over to them. "So, first of all, what colour skirt would you like, Draco?"
"" Draco had asked simply. He didn't know any other colour he likes or looks good in, besides silver or white. Black has always been his chosen colour of clothing.
"Really?" asked Daphne a little lamely. "Why such a dull and depressing colour?" But then she shook her head. "Never mind that, let's find you some skirts! Come on, Pansy!"
Pansy grinned and they looked through their trunks and wardrobes for some black skirts for Draco. They dropped six black skirts on Pansy's bed.
"Come choose your pick, Draco," said Daphne, distractedly straightening out one of her black panelled skirts on Pansy's bed.
Slowly, Draco moved towards them and studied the black skirts. There were a couple of pencil skirts, Tulle, knife-pleated, circle, Peplum, panelled and miniskirts. Draco couldn't decide between the pleated skirt, mini pencil skirt or panelled skirt.
"Why don't you try them on," Pansy insisted, throwing the skirts Draco chose at him and pushing him towards the bathroom.
"Now get dressed!" Daphne says at once. She and Pansy shooed him to the girl's bathroom, ordering him to not touch anything inside the bathroom but the skirts.
Draco sighed as the bathroom door closed, locking him in. Girls are weird... He made sure the door really was locked and then unzipped his pants and pulled them down. He stared at the pleated skirt and decided to put it on. He pulled it up to his waist, done up the button first then the zipper. He smiled and did a little turn around. Skirts are so airy. Merlin!
He exited the bathroom with the black pleated skirt on and walked back into the girl's dormitory room.
"Merlin..." Pansy was at a loss of words when looking at her best friend.
"You shave your legs...?" Daphne asks flatly, staring down at the male's legs. No guy she knows ever does something so feminine. She's a little surprised though.
"Sometimes I do," Draco slowly admits, looking down at his shaven legs. He doesn't have hairy legs. Nobody really could see the hairs on his legs. All except Harry, of course. "I'll be back. I haven't tried the other skirts yet..."
Then he turned on his heel and left back to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He took off the pleated skirt and tried on the panelled skirt. He did a little spin around, but the skirt didn't move that much. Must be the strong cotton material.
He pulled down the panelled skirt and tried on the black mini pencil skirt. He made sure everything was on properly, grabbed his pants and the two other skirts and walked back out of the bathroom. He believes he likes this skirt as it's not too flowy. "I like this one more than the others," Draco tells the two girls and placed the other skirts down on Pansy's bed with the others.
"Fantastic," said Daphne, smiling and clapping her hands lightly. "But first, before you head out into the real world with that skirt on, you need to know a few...rules."
"Rules?" Draco asked, voice low and confusion taking up his expression. He didn't think skirts had rules. Pants didn't. So why skirts?
"Yes, Draco, rules," said Pansy at once, nodding slowly at him. "You can't just go frolicking around the skirt, jumping up into the air and showing off your boxers."
"I don't frolic," muttered Draco, face a shade of pink, and scowling at the thought of ever frolicking the halls of Hogwarts.
"Yes, well, let's get right into the rules," said Pansy and did a quick turn towards her bed to gather her skirts. "Rule number one: sit like a lady." She sat on her bed with one leg over the other. "Like so."
Draco nodded and sat on the closest bed to him with his leg crossed over the other. An easy thing to do. He's done it before many times. He finds it more comfortable than man-spreading.
"And if you ever sit with your legs fully crossed, like you're meditating, then push down the skirt so nobody could try to look...up," added Daphne, a slight flush to her face.
"The next rule," said Pansy, now standing up from her bed. "We have a way, when we drop something, how to properly pick it up. It's pretty simple. You just bend your legs." She demonstrated bending her legs so she could touch the ground with her hand, without showing anything, then standing back up again.
Draco then tried it, but he stood on the other side of the room and tried his best in bending down. Pansy was right. It was easy. He always bends down to grab stuff he drops in this position. He stood back up. "What's next?"
"Don't spin around too fast when you're wearing panelled skirts, or your skirt will go up," said Daphne with a grimace, looking away and with a flick of her wand, sent her skirts on Pansy's bed back to her trunk. "And when walking, keep your chin high, back straight, shoulders back. That's all we can tell you about skirts." She looks over at Pansy in question. "What's the next thing for Draco to wear, Pansy?"
"A nice top," said Pansy, grinning at her dorm mate. "I think a white singlet will do the trick. What do you think, Daph?"
"How about a white long-sleeved top, though?" asked Daphne as she looks at Draco. She doesn't think Draco would be a singlet boy. "That should be good enough. I think I have the perfect thing." She dug into her trunk and grabbed a long-sleeved white top and threw it to Draco. "Put that on. We want to see you looking fabulous!"
Draco grinned at the white girly long-sleeved top and entered the bathroom, locking the door again. He would rather wear his school white long-sleeved top but this was fine. He took off his grey coat, and black sweater and put on the white long-sleeved top. How come he fits into these girl clothes? Merlin...! But it was a little short in length so he added a few extension charms to the top. Sorry, Daphne.
He exited the bathroom with his coat and sweater in his hands and placed them on the bed on which his pants lay. "What do you think?" He did a small little twirl around on the spot, grinning at how girly he looked. But that's what he wants. Well, he doesn't want to look too girly. He just wants to turn Harry on.
"Beautiful!" squeaks Daphne, clapping her hands rapidly. "I'm guessing heels are next?" She turned directly to Pansy.
"Most definitely," said Pansy quickly, smiling at her best male friend in a skirt and a girl top. "What colour, though? Black or white?"
"Black," said Daphne at once. "It has to be black." She was already searching her trunk for some high heels for Draco. She knows she'll have to use extension charms on her heels for Draco's feet to make them fit. Oh well.
Pansy went back to her own trunk and looked deep inside.
Draco just sat on the empty bed and straightened out his skirt and made sure his shirt was on properly. Five pairs of black heels were placed in front of him and he looked up at the two girls then smiled. Draco chose the Closed Toe Platform high heels and tried to put them on after applying extension charms. It seems they're a little hard to put on. So many straps...
Pansy had to put them on Draco, and to Draco's discomfort, Daphne slapped some kind of rose-scented cream on his legs. It was strange but smooth on his legs. Daphne had finished applying moisturiser on Draco, so Pansy strapped the heels tightly onto Draco's feet.
"Last thing you must learn is how to walk in these heels," said Pansy after a beat, sighing as she knew this would be the hard part. She and Daphne stood on either side of Draco as he stood up. "Okay. Remember, one foot in front of the other."
"Don't walk on your heels," added Daphne firmly.
Draco took in a deep breath, getting used to being an extra foot taller than he was. He straightened his skirt on both sides. "Walk on toes, one foot in front of the other," he mutters under his breath. "Got it."
"Good," said Pansy who was trying to sound encouraged enough. She hoped her own feet won't get stood on. She knows how painful it is.
Draco breathed in and took the first step. He wobbled a little. He still had Pansy and Daphne on either side of him if he fell. He took the next step, which was less wobbly than the first, then the next. In a couple of minutes, Draco was strutting around the room, and even doing little circles in one spot.
"One last thing..." Pansy grabbed her plain black leather jacket and put it on Draco. It needed a little adjusting, but it fitted Draco well after some quick charms. "Harry's really going to get high on you, Merlin." She pressed her finger to her top lip and looked her best friend up and down, smiling. "Yup! Harry's just going to flip when he sees you."
Draco smiled down at the outfit he was wearing. Never in his mortal life had he ever thought of dressing as a girl. "Thank you, Pansy and Daphne, for this," he says lightly. He felt like hugging them but kept his affection to himself.
"No problem," chorused Pansy and Daphne together with big grins.
"Hang on," Pansy then said, and she grabs her wand from inside her cardigan pocket and raises her wand to Draco's eyelashes. She lightly brushed her wand against Draco's lashes, and Draco noticed every brush of Pansy's wand made his eyelashes darker. Then Pansy traced the tip of her wand against Draco's eyelids, which applies eyeliner to his eyelids. She stood back, conjuring a mirror in front of Draco's face and smiled at her work. "Beautiful!"
Draco looked at himself in the mirror, quite impressed with how gorgeous he looked with makeup on. He grew excited. He knew Harry was going to love this look. Then he thought about lipstick and if he should wear some but thought nah, maybe some other time.
"First, I need to put my clothes back up in the dormitory, then I'll go find Harry," Draco tells them. He went to the bed with his clothing, picked them up, and headed for the dormitory door. "Can you two come with me when I go find Harry? I don't want to walk the corridors alone."
"Of course!" beamed Daphne. She had to find something to wear too.
"We would love to be your backup girls, Draco," says Pansy, her excitement slowly increasing. "Just let us get dressed into something more classy. Meet us in the common room."
Draco nodded at the two girls and with a smile, he left the girl's dorms and headed up to the boy's dormitory.
Blaise's eyes widened and his mouth fell open at the sight of his dorm mate in a skirt and heels. "Merlin's Beard, Draco!" he says loudly in surprise while trying not to crack up. "The hell are you wearing?"
"You're not going to judge me, right?" Draco just had to ask his best friend. He hoped his best friend wouldn't judge him but accept him, even if this would probably be a monthly thing.
"Of course not, Draco," Blaise said softly, shaking his head slightly. "I'm just a little surprised, that's all."
"Thanks," Draco mumbles with a smile, rubbing the back of his neck. "I actually did this for Harry."
"Oh?" Blaise looked up into his best friend's eyes, noting the eyeliner and mascara, then smirked at what he had thought Draco meant. "Why? You trying to get something out of it?"
Draco nodded, trying to cover his flush by sitting down on his bed and looking out the window into the Black Lake. "I'm trying to turn Harry on by using different ways," he tells him, distracted by the Giant Squid he could make out in the distance.
"How the hell can you walk in those?" Blaise asked immediately, pointing to the black high heels Draco's wearing. How can anyone wear such hurtful looking things.
"It took a few minutes to learn exactly how to walk in heels," Draco tells him flatly with a shrug. He extended his leg forward and admired the black heels. "I'm still getting used to walking up and downstairs with them. I have to walk on the ball of my foot." He sighed. "But I must go. I'm meeting Pansy and Daphne downstairs so we can walk through the corridors looking for Harry. You can come if you want."
Blaise shook his head. "I'll be alright to stay here," he mutters as he looks back down at the book he was reading. Though he thought about that, getting dressed up in girl clothes with Draco and walking the hallways with him just to give Hogwarts something new. "Enjoy...err...whatever you and Harry will do which I do not want to know about."
Draco gave a strong nod, stood up to straighten his skirt and left the dormitory. When down in the common room, he ignored all the stares but the few muggle-borns, it seems, were all smiling at him with pride. He's so proud he's got supporting muggle-bornSlytherinss on his side. He found Pansy and Daphne in their own skirts, heels and long-sleeved shirts ranging from bell and lantern sleeves.
"Hello again," he said, smiling at the two girls. "You both look fabulous!" He never compliments anybody but Harry. On this occasion, though, he just had to compliment these two girls who helped him with this outfit.
"Ready, Draco?" asked Pansy at once, fiddling with her dangly silver hoop earrings.
Daphne was the first out of the common room, then followed Draco then Pansy. They walked up the Dungeons together with Draco in the middle, all the way up to the ground floor then to the Great Hall. Nervousness was rushing through Draco's body, not because of people staring, but because of what Harry might say or think about him.
Harry was at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Hermione for breakfast. He watched Draco through the Marauder's map all morning until he got a little hungry. What confused him was seeing his boyfriend walk into the girl's dormitory with Pansy. Now...he knows Pansy is a Lesbian. She'd never try to hit on Draco. Hence the reason she's a Lesbian.
On the Marauder's map, Pansy wasn't even that close to Draco, and thank Merlin for that. He would like to know all the girls and guys in Slytherin house, so he knows what people Draco deals with. Then he remembered who Daphne was. The sister to Astoria, who spiked Neville with Love Potion.
Harry had seen on the map that both of the girls had gotten closer to Draco in the girl's dormitory, but not too close. If Harry's calculations were right, the girls had to have been about four feet away from Draco. He wondered what those girls and Draco could have talked about.
An unsteadying silence surrounded Harry. What happened to all the chatter?
"Bloody Hell! Is Draco wearing-"
At the sound of Draco's name, and his best mate and Hermione looking slightly shocked, which confused Harry, he turned his head around and everything just went in slow motion. Draco was wearing a fucking skirt, which he looks so damn sexy in. With HEELS! And...damn, Draco looks so hot in a leather jacket. He swore to Merlin Draco's beautiful blonde hair was glowing a golden hue by the morning sun shining down through the tall windows of the Great Hall . And his stunning silver eyes were shining like diamonds, or was it his imagination?
Harry was feeling himself harden at the image of Draco. Crazy butterflies were fluttering inside his stomach and his heart skipped a beat when Draco winked at him and walked toward him. He wants that bloke now. Someplace alone, in bed, naked. Even the thought made himself harden more. "I want that," he muttered to himself but didn't realise Hermione, Ron, and a few others heard him. He didn't mind, not really.
The silence was broken, and chatter began around the Great Hall again.
Draco smiled as he neared Harry. "Hello, my gorgeous Gryffindor," he mumbles and instead of sitting beside Harry, he sat directly on his lap and placed his arm around his boyfriend's neck.
Harry quietly groaned, his cock just hardening more. He could feel Draco's cock through his trousers and Draco's skirt. He wanted this bloke underneath him. To see him withering underneath him. To see those long blonde – blackened with mascara - eyelashes fluttering both open and closed, perfect mouth agape and letting out the most beautiful and elegant grunts, groans, and moans.
He wants to see that whitish blonde hair tousled on the pillows or just anywhere on a bed or couch. He wants to see Draco's legs, shaved legs, apart and opened for him. Balls dangling freely out in the open, only for him. Cock pink and swollen, ready for a shag. There were just so many reasons why he wanted this bloke.
"Harry," Draco whispered, tilting his head to the side to press a gentle kiss on Harry's jaw. He could feel how hard Harry was. His job was nearly complete, he just needed that shag. "I love you."
"I love you too, Draco," Harry mutters, and his hands were placed on Draco's sides, slowly travelling down to the black pencil skirt. "You. Me. Dormitory, now." His voice was low and commanding.
Draco smiled. It's exactly what he wants. "Yes, please," he whispered, biting his lip. Merlin, Harry just kept on hardening underneath him. He gave Harry's jaw another kiss and stood up from the table.
Harry immediately got up from the table, ignoring Ron's snort and Hermione's giggle, and intertwined his and Draco's hands together when walking out of the Great Hall. He was getting excited, both mentally and physically. But he doesn't understand how Draco could walk in such high heels. It looks impossible! Draco was walking with such poise and elegance, as always, but in heels.
As soon as he knew it, Harry was up in the boy's dormitory in Gryffindor Tower with Draco. His cock was wanting attention and it wanted it now! But he knows he must wait. He started kissing Draco hungrily, his hands sliding up the black pencil skirt, and walking towards the bed.
Draco removed his heels without using his hands when kissing Harry back with as much hunger. The Gryffindor, once at the bed, lightly pushed Draco down onto the bed, and Draco looked up into hungry green eyes. He smirked. He wasn't going to be played like this. When Harry was on the bed with him and trying to push him down, Draco slapped his hand away and sat on Harry's lap with his legs wrapped around the Gryffindor's back, which was directly on top of the Gryffindor's cock and his hands snaked up to Harry's neck.
Harry stared up at the Slytherin on his lap, his cock still hardening to its full extent and Draco leaned down for a kiss. He kissed the Slytherin back eagerly, heatedly, and demandingly. Draco's toes curled behind Harry's back from the kiss, and he felt his own cock harden from slowly rubbing against Harry's.
Harry groaned, wanting more than just Draco rubbing his beautiful cock against his own. They weren't even undressed yet. And just as Harry thought about the nudeness of Draco while kissing Harry back, Draco was taking off his leather jacket Pansy let him borrow. Harry helped him take the jacket off, of course, as he wanted to see Draco nude already with his beautiful shining skin.
Draco threw his jacket somewhere to his side but didn't really care where it ended up. All he wanted was Harry, and he'll damned tease this Gryffindor for more every so often. He only leaned out of the kiss for a second just so Harry can pull off his grey shirt and chuck it somewhere. Then he went back to kissing him, his hands were on Harry's chest and his thumbs circled Harry's nipples.
Harry groaned from the pleasure of having his nipples rubbed by his boyfriend so he slowly pushed up Draco's white long-sleeved top until he could feel the Slytherin's heart beating against his hand which he placed on Draco's chest. Then he broke out of the kiss, stared at Draco's light pink nipples, and leaned down to lick one of them. Draco gasped, the tingling sensation of Harry's wet mouth on his nipple was sensational! But when Harry started using his teeth, Draco tilted his head back and moaned.
Harry continued lightly grazing his teeth over Draco's hardening nipple, loving the moans he was hearing from above him. With his hand, he started rubbing his thumb over Draco's other nipple which made the Slytherin shiver with pleasure. Draco was just feeling too amazing and he fell backwards onto the mattress with an 'oomph'. Harry smiled down at him and leaned forward, attaching his lips to the Slytherin's salty skin on his neck and placing slow, light kisses everywhere.
Draco's eyes were looking up at the ceiling, his legs spread apart and showing his white boxers. He was still wearing the black pencil skirt. He was emitting slightly heavy breathing as Harry's kisses on his neck became sloppier and more intense until Harry was starting to suck and create hickeys. He gasped when Harry began nibbling on his earlobe and licking just behind the ear.
When Harry's mouth returned to his neck, Draco reached his arms down his stomach and pulled down Harry's trousers. He tried his best to pull them down to Harry's ankles, even by using his legs and feet but couldn't. He then pulled down Harry's black boxers, wishing he could see Harry's hard cock but all he could do was feel it.
"Draco-," Harry groaned and started slowly thrusting into Draco's hand, still sucking on Harry's neck. Draco only began running his hand around Harry's length, and his thumb over the foreskin and head. Harry was moaning and he reached down to Draco's skirt, but Draco grabbed his hand and shook his head. The Slytherin, instead, reached up from under his skirt and pulled down his boxers, smirking at Harry's surprised and excited expression.
Draco's plan was paying off, a lot. All week, and last week he was wanting sex with Harry. But he never got it, until now. He even had to wank while picturing Harry's smile, his beautiful nude body and green eyes a couple of times just to release some pleasure.
Harry licked his lips, watching Draco pull off his boxers until he could see the pink head of the Slytherin's dick just showing from under the skirt. He pulled the black pencil skirt up over Draco's belly and ran his hand up and down the Slytherin's length, which dripped pre-come from the head. Harry licked his lips again and leaned down with his hand grabbing a hold of the base of Draco's dick, licking away the pre-come and placing light feathery kisses on the head of Draco's dick.
Draco moaned and arched his back a little. Harry's kisses sent pleasured tingles through his prick and groin. Harry took Draco in his mouth, swirling his tongue over the head and then descending down the shaft, his cock wanting attention again, but Draco's hands had stopped moving. That was okay, though. He will have his fun time soon.
Harry was bobbing his head up and down, his mouth slowly progressing down Draco's full length. He was glad there wasn't any gag reflex, he just doesn't want to stop this. Draco's beautiful and so delicious like a sweet. Draco moaned and reached behind him to grip the end of the pillow, thrusting up into Harry's mouth. Harry's hot mouth on his dick, spreads warmth, love, and tingles of pleasure all through his lower region and sends shivers up his spine.
It only took a couple of minutes until Draco was coming into Harry's mouth with a whimper, sending ribbon after ribbon of come inside Harry who was licking, sucking and swallowing Draco whole while savouring the taste of Draco in his mouth.
Draco sighed happily, but he knew it wasn't over. His breathing began to calm down and Harry removed his mouth from the blonde Slytherin's dick. Harry made sure there was no trace of any cum on Draco whatsoever, so he cleaned him up with his tongue. Then he leaned away from Draco's prick and tapped the insides of the blonde's thighs.
Draco spread his legs apart a little more, which gave Harry access to more of him. Harry pulled his pants off fully but grabbed his wand from one of the pockets. "Accio Lube!" A small bottle of familiar Lube flew into his hands, and Draco smiled, loving the smell of peppermint Lube even if Christmas was ages ago. Harry opened the bottle and poured some lube onto his hands, then coated his prick with it. The smell of the lube filled the air of the dormitory with a rich peppermint scent.
Harry leaned down, his arms moving Draco's legs upwards and licked around Draco's entrance. Draco gasped, his hands tightening around the pillow behind him then he groaned when feeling Harry's warm tongue enter his entrance and pass the ring of muscles. Harry hummed, his tongue vibrating inside of Draco which sent the Slytherin off the edge and panting heavily.
"Harry-, please," Draco moaned, tilting his head to the side and his hands finding Harry's hair which they gripped onto.
Harry groaned as Draco's hands found his hair and tightly clenched around his locks. He pushed his tongue in a little deeper, then pulled it out and licked around the entrance again before pushing back in. Draco yanked on Harry's hair, and Harry grunted and pulled away with a hiss.
"Sorry, Harry," Draco whispered, releasing his hands from Harry's hair and dropping his arms down at his sides.
Harry just smiled and coated his hands with a little bit more of the peppermint lube, which he spread over Draco's entrance and slipped a finger inside. The blonde Slytherin grunted. Harry moved his finger out of Draco a little but thrust back inside him and wriggled his finger a bit. "Draco Malfoy. Spread out, only for me. So lovely."
Draco bit his lip from the words and moved back a little, making Harry's finger sink deeper inside him and he moaned. Harry smiled and knew what Draco wanted so he thrust a second finger inside the blonde Slytherin. Then after a few seconds of Draco panting and moaning for more, Harry entered the third finger.
"Harry-," Draco whispered in a needy voice. He just wanted so much more.
"Patience, my beautiful snake," Harry whispered and thrust his three fingers in and out of Draco repeatedly. But when he felt like he's prepared Draco enough, he took out his three fingers and lined his cock up to Draco's entrance. He secretly has been waiting for this too. He's dreamt about fucking Draco a couple of times over the last two weeks but doesn't exactly know how to say he wants a shag. He knows he's done it before last year back in term one, where he said, "I want you to fuck me," to Draco, but that was then. This is now when they're slightly older, maturing and still getting to know each other and themselves.
Draco wriggles down, feeling the familiar mesmerising cock of his boyfriend's at his entrance which he really wanted to enter him right now. He's been waiting for this for weeks. And then, by Draco's wish, Harry slowly slipped inside him.
Draco's eyes widened and he whimpered when Harry slipped past all resistance and his arse expanded around Harry, his heart started thumping hard against his chest. "Harry, so amazing."
Harry bit his lip, and moved out of Draco only to thrust back into him deeper. Draco moaned and gripped the bedsheets around him, trying to find something to hold onto but there was nothing except the darn bed sheets.
The angle of penetration changed when Harry moved a little to the side and his cock brushed against Draco's prostate, sending the Slytherin off the edge with moans and grunts when Harry continued fucking into him.
Harry kept a firm grip on Draco's legs which he held as he plunged into Draco again, hitting the Slytherin over the prostate over and over again which spasmed the blonde male underneath him into total oblivion.
Draco moaned, he tilted his head back, exposing his throat and looked up at the bed head behind him, seeing pinpoints of light in his eyes. Harry grunted, heart hammering in his chest from the fucking, "This skirt is bloody annoying! I'm either taking it off or pulling it up higher." Draco didn't say anything, only moan, it's all he could do. Draco wanted to object and tell Harry to keep the skirt on, but what good will it do? If it annoys Harry, then there's no harm done in taking the skirt off.
"D-Do," was all Draco could say and moan.
Harry smiled, and even if he doesn't want to leave the inside of Draco, he pulled out, unbuttoned and unzipped the skirt so he could pull it off Draco and chuck it far away from them. Draco frowned, missing the incredible feeling of Harry inside him. But as he thought about Harry's cock, Harry entered him again which made Draco moan loudly again. He wanted Harry to come in him already. The pinpoints of light never left but intensified when Harry started to move and pick up his pace.
Only some seconds later, Harry thrust into Draco one more time and came in him with a loud "Fuck!" and Draco, whose arms were bent over his head, let out a protracted moan when feeling Harry's climax continuously hit his prostate and the Gryffindor's come slowly leaking out of his arse.
"Oh," Draco sighed and bit his lip when Harry continued to fuck him. "Harry. So good for me."
Harry leaned forward and placed a kiss on Draco's parted lips. "How was that, my love?"
"Incredible!" Draco said quietly with a happy sigh, smiling widely from the pleasure. He closed his eyes for a couple of minutes, still feeling Harry thrust into him but only slowly and gently. "You know, I've wanted sex for a while now. A couple of weeks."
Harry stopped slowly thrusting and stared at Draco. Then he smiled. "I wanted the same," he mumbles, leaning forward over Draco's body. "I just didn't know how to tell you. But I have been busy with homework so that adds onto that." He pokes his tongue out and tongues at Draco's nipple, the Slytherin whimpered in ecstasy.
Draco raised his hand to caress Harry's cheek and his legs wrapped tightly around Harry's arse. "By the way," he spreads Harry's cheeks apart with his heels and pushed Harry further inside him, "how do you like your boyfriend in a skirt?"
Harry Hmmmed, still really liking the thought of his boyfriend in a skirt. "You're so damned sexy, hot, funny and just beautiful," he tells him in a low mumble, his tongue getting back to its work on licking around Draco's pink nipple. "I felt like I was going to come in my pants at the Great Hall when you walked in and sat on my lap."
Draco smiled and bit his lip. "Perhaps, I should keep wearing skirts then," he manages to say when holding in his breath out of a moan. Harry and his fucking teasing.
"Perhaps I should keep fucking you when I see you in skirts then," then said Harry, his mouth descending around Draco's nipple, and the Slytherin smirked at him.
"Maybe you should," mumbled Draco with a wink. Harry leaned down, with a smile, for a long, slow, and innocent kiss.
On the morning of the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, Harry quickly got up, dressed and headed down to the Quidditch Pitch. A sudden whistle behind made him look back and he saw Draco walking towards him with the same black pencil skirt, a black shirt with bell sleeves and black high heeled boots.
The blonde Slytherin wizard is also accompanied by Blaise, Pansy and Daphne. Pansy and Daphne were both wearing skirts, and heels like Draco. Was it some Slytherin fashion week he doesn't know of? He wolf-whistled at the group of Slytherins, but it was only for Draco to hear.
Draco stopped short when seeing Harry, then smiled and threw his arms around him. "Harry, good luck out there," he mumbles to Harry's ear, his nose tickling the skin under Harry's earlobe.
Harry smiled and gave a kiss to Draco's cheek, scenting the mesmerising Vanilla and Citrus from Draco. "Thank you, my dear Draco," he says lightly, leaning his torso away but keeping Draco close to him. "You look beautiful as always."
Draco felt himself blush, both from the kiss and the compliments. "Thank you, Harry."
Harry smiled and kissed him, pulling him closer and tilting his head to the side to deepen the kiss. Draco kissed back with the love he shares equally with Harry, his body needing to be close to his lovers yet he didn't want to turn Harry on. Not yet at least.
"Harry..." Harry could tell by the voice that it was Pansy, and she smiled brightly at the two love birds. "I believe you should get going to the changing rooms. The match is about to start."
Harry broke out of the kiss quickly, knowing that damn well it was true. He sighed but gave Draco another kiss, but quick. "I know," he says, distracted by Draco's beauty.
Harry felt his heart thumping in his chest as Draco leaned down for one final kiss, and, of course, Harry kissed him back. He not only felt fireworks exploding within him, but he felt rockets. As the kiss ended, Harry leaned away, gave them all a wave and headed to the changing rooms.
Draco sighed happily and turned to his friends. "Let's go find a seat," he says to them after a moment. "I want to watch my boyfriend win as always."
Pansy giggled along with Daphne and linked arms with her. "Alright, lover boy," she grins. "Let's go."
"Where the hell have you been?" demanded Ginny to Harry once he finally entered the locker rooms. The whole Gryffindor team was changed and ready for the big game.
"I was with Draco," Harry muttered to her, smiling as he thinks about Draco again.
"Oh, right, of course," said Ginny slowly, smiling back at him. "How could I have not known?"
"Yeah, and I saw Luna exit the changing rooms just now," Harry said, elbowing her in the ribs. "So, I wasn't the only one meeting someone."
Ginny blushed and rubbed at her ribs. She had been caught. "That's true..."
Harry grabbed his Firebolt and pushed his glasses straight. "Let's go, everyone!"
The Gryffindor Team marched out onto the pitch hearing deadening cheers and a couple of boos. Damn Slytherin traitors. Harry wished Draco could get the Slytherin team on Gryffindor's side.
After a little talk about where to fly and where not to, because of the sun, they headed to the middle of the pitch where Harry and the Hufflepuff captain shook hands. Madam Hooch blew the whistle and then everyone kicked off into the sky on their brooms.
Harry was soaring higher than the other players, in search of the snitch, so when he finds it, he can go back to Draco and spend the day with him.
"Smith, from Hufflepuff, has the Quaffle," said a dreamy voice that echoed over the grounds. "Smith did the commenting last time, except for me. Oh, look, Ginny Weasley flew into him, I think but it is on purpose. Smith had been quite rude to Gryffindor; I do hope he regrets it now because he's playing them. Oh, he has lost the Quaffle, Ginny took it from him, I do really love her, she's a very beautiful girl."
Harry stared down at the commentating podium. It was Luna. Who would let her commentate? McGonagall who sat next to Luna looked slightly uncomfortable. Then he looked up at Ginny and laughed at her blushing face, knowing she'd be so embarrassed by what Luna said.
"Now that big, mean, Hufflepuff players got the Quaffle from her. How dare he. I don't remember his name. Was it Bibble?"
Everyone laughed when McGonagall shouted at Luna, correcting the name of the player Luna was describing.
Harry looked around the stand for the Snitch, but then he caught Draco's eyes and smiled. Draco smiled back and gave him the thumbs up. Harry just wanted to go over there and kiss that perfect smile, but he had to catch this golden-winged snitch.
The Gryffindor supporters all cheered when Ginny and Demelza scored a goal.
"Oh, look! Gryffindor Beater has dropped their bat," commented Luna.
Harry spun around in mid-air. Luna was right, Peake had dropped his bat but wasn't going after it. Harry, pissed, dove after the bat.
A blinding, sickening pain ... a flash of light ... distant screams and the sensation of falling down... The next thing Harry knew was that he was lying on something very cosy and warm. His hand, he didn't know which one, felt warmer than normal. Harry looked to the side and swore he was seeing an angel, but when his eyes adjusted to the new light he smiled slowly and saw his boyfriend. "Draco..."
Draco, who was looking down at Harry's hand which he intertwined with his own minutes ago, looked up into Harry's green eyes and smiled with relief. "Harry..." He shifted closer to him and leaned down for a quick kiss. "Merlin, you scared me out there."
When Harry could see better, he noticed Draco wasn't in the skirt, top or heels anymore. He was just in a black coat, dark green sweater, and black pants. "Why, Draco?" he asks him quietly. "What happened?"
"I believe Madam Pomfrey said you cracked your skull," Draco said softly, his other hand placed gently on Harry's cheek and his thumb rubbed over Harry's cheekbones. "You poor darling. Always injuring yourself in Quidditch." Harry slowly grinned as he knew that was correct. He can't count how many times he has been in the Hospital Wing after Quidditch Injuries. "I'm reasonably certain she mended it already though."
"That, I did so," said Madam Pomfrey, walking towards Harry's bed from her office which she walked out from. "I'm also keeping you overnight, Mr Potter."
Harry frowned and looked down at the blankets over his legs. "Can Draco stay with me then?" he asks the medic witch.
"I'm afraid not," Madam Pompey tells him firmly. She lightly pushed Harry back down onto the pillows, which Draco glared at her for.
"Please?" Draco asked her softly, turning his glare into a small smile. "I promise I won't disturb him while he's sleeping."
Madam Pomfrey looked at the two boys, who she could tell needed each other very much and gave a defeated sigh.
Draco smiled gratefully at her and squeezed Harry's hand with his own. "Thank you," he says to her. He then looked down at Harry, his heart skipped a beat when Harry's green eyes shined up at him and he leaned down for a kiss. Harry happily, but sleepily, with a hammering heart, accepted the kiss and placed his other hand under Draco's cheek.
Madam Pomfrey smiled at them, turned on her heel and let them be.
The boys leaned out of the kiss only just until all they could see were each other's eyes. Draco brought his legs up onto the bed and lay down, his head resting on the pillow next to Harry's. He brought his hand up to Harry's hair, slowly running his hand through messy black locks, and Harry closes his eyes and smiles. Draco kisses just above Harry's glasses on his nose and Harry giggles and puts an arm around Draco. The Slytherin hears the adorable little giggle and leans his lips away from Harry's forehead, smiling at the other bloke.
"I can't resist your cuteness," Draco whispers, and Harry opens his green eyes slowly, his smile only widening. "You know that."
"I know that plenty," Harry replies quietly, and then he's pulling down the sheets of the bed, wanting Draco to wriggle down under the sheets with him. As if reading his mind, Draco quickly gets his legs under the sheets and moves down, then wriggles closer to Harry and continues playing with his hair.
Harry's just enjoying this so much. He can be with Draco all night and not have to be alone in the Hospital Wing. His arm wraps back around Draco's waist, keeping his lover close to him and feeling the Slytherins bodyheat surround him with such a comfortable warmth that relaxed him.
Draco moved his hand to Harry's face, where he caresses Harry's soft warm cheeks and watches as Harry slowly drifts off to sleep. He lowered his hand to Harry's waist, keeping it there in hope it'd feel like a nice warm hug to Harry as he falls asleep. He closes his eyes, listening to Harry's slow breathing and continued giving Harry's forehead soft kisses until he was peacefully falling asleep.
Harry had left the Hospital Wing with Draco, healed and unbruised from the Quidditch Match incident. They both, during the apparition lessons, had learnt to successfully apparate without splinching themselves. Harry only apparated successfully once whereas Draco had done it at least twice. They both were still learning.
On the weekend of the apparition test, Harry and Draco watched Ron and Hermione disappear with the rest of the sixth years who'll turn seventeen in a fortnight, head down to the village.
"What should we do while they're gone, Harry?" Draco asked him lightly with a smile and placed his arm around Harry's shoulders.
Harry smiled back; the blonde Slytherin's smile warmed his heart up on this cold day. "Why don't we go to the Room of Requirement and ask it for a cosy room to snuggle up in?"
"Let's go then," Draco insisted on the wonderful idea.
Harry turned around so he faced Draco and leaned in for a quick kiss, their hands intertwining together. Then they headed up to the seventh floor to the room of requirement. Strangely, there already was a door meaning someone was inside. But it seemed they wouldn't mind if anybody came into the room with them. With curiosity, Harry and Draco entered the room and were amazed at the familiar sight.
They were in a cinema room, and a couple of Hogwarts students were sitting down with 3D glasses on and watching a movie. Harry realised they were watching Ghostbusters. He grinned and pulled Draco to the right side of the cinema but in the middle of the room on the second row of seats.
"Harry, what is this movie?" Draco had asked and grimaced when an odd ugly looking dog thing made an appearance on screen. "And is that how muggles depict our werewolves to be? Merlin's Beard..." He hoped Harry wouldn't get any flashbacks from the last time they watched a movie together.
"Shhhh!" The people around them put their fingers to their mouths and shushed him. Draco flushed and moved a little closer to Harry.
"This movie's called Ghostbusters," Harry whispered into Draco's ear, and as he did so, two red and white buckets filled with popcorn and two large cups of cola appeared on the seats beside them.
Harry grabbed the bucket of popcorn put placed it in between himself and Draco to share.
Draco didn't understand the movie at all. The muggles had magical long wand things that can suck what muggles believe are ghosts, into some rectangular device thing. And they had uglier looking werewolves. A moving marshmallow man? What was that all about?
Harry was laughing at the representations in the movie, and the cultural assumptions, values, and beliefs that Draco was confused about. He knows he needs to arrange movie days/nights with Draco every so often. It'd be so damn fun! Oh, he needs to watch something scary with Draco like Z-nation or perhaps romantic movies. It's a must-do.
Harry found himself back in the Department of Mysteries. Bellatrix was there again, and a couple of Death Eaters. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, and Ginny were trapped in the arms of Death Eaters.
Spells, jinxes, and curses were thrown from Sirius, Lucius, and Bellatrix. And then a particular green light from Bellatrix's wand was thrown at Sirius, hitting him on the chest.
Sirius was falling backwards, into the veil.
"NO!" Harry shouted, tears in his eyes as he watched Sirius fall through the veil again. Then the dream changed, he was back in the Graveyard in his fourth year and saw Peter kill Cedric. Back to Sirius, completely disappearing beyond the veil.
Harry woke up, beads of sweat dripping down his head and his wet eyes quickly scanned the room he was in. He was in the dormitory up in Gryffindor Tower. He couldn't be bothered to check the time. The anxiety hit him hard in his chest and he sat up, staring at his sleeping dorm mates' closed drapes around their beds. He hasn't felt this bad since a couple of weeks ago when he had a mental breakdown in class when his thoughts darkened as he remembered a memory from the Dursleys, and it was triggered all because someone scraped their nails against their desk. He was lucky Draco was there with him.
He hasn't had this dream since the Holidays. Why has it just come out from the dark now? Why is it haunting him? He reached for his stress ball under his pillow and leaned on the bedhead while squishing the ball in his hands. Nothing was happening.
He rolled up his sleeves and scratched at his arms, which helped a little. He knows what can help him when feeling this down, but he doesn't hold any blades in his possession. The pocketknives he had confiscated from the muggle-borns playing that knife game was all up in McGonagall's office.
But then he remembered the knife Sirius gave him, the one that's in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. It was just two flights downstairs. He could easily sneak out. He told himself no. He was not going down this path again. He had to be strong for Draco. But the longer he waited for this dark feeling and thoughts to vanish, they just got worse.
Harry silently and sluggishly crept out of bed, grabbed his Invisibility Cloak out of his trunk, and headed downstairs and out of the Gryffindor Common Room. He entered through to Myrtle's bathroom minutes later and went to the sinks. Opening the cupboards up, he didn't see the knife. He frowned. Was someone watching him when he stored the knife here? A feeling of magic in the cupboard was sensed by Harry. Then he remembered he had cast a disillusionment spell on the blade.
He cast numerous counter-spells inside the cupboard until the knife appeared. He pulled down the knife and looked at it while unconsciously pulling up his sleeves. He looked down at his arm, full of scars, and sighed deeply. Do I really want to do this? To go down this path again. To suffer? What would Draco think? Yeah, have I ever thought about how he might be feeling if he sees me with cuts again? No, I'm just a selfish f-...
Then Harry paused. "I'm not a freak," he told himself, but the words didn't sink in. Instead, his brain deleted 'not' so it sounds like he's calling himself a freak. "I'm not a freak!" Before he knew what he was doing, the knife's cold blade was slicing through the skin on his inner forearm.
Blood bubbled up on his arm, more than his missing blades actually have, and rolled down his arms creating rivers of blood. The rush of numbness hit him and with that, utter disappointment, and dread. He couldn't stop his knife from slicing his skin again. He just didn't know that he wanted this.
Two cuts, three cuts. Harry tried to stop but couldn't. The disappointment and dread he felt disappeared, replacing it with numbness. Four, five cuts. Now he felt worse. He could just picture the disappointment on Draco's face.
Harry looked down at his arm. There was so much blood, but not too much to make him feel dizzy. He doesn't think he can look at anyone today. He doesn't want to. He feels so numb, but a little too numb. He's dangerously numb. He washed the blood off his arms, put the knife back in the cupboard and headed back up to the dormitory.
Harry slumped onto his bed, and he just lay there, staring to the side of him. But then he began to cry, quietly. One tear after the other fell down his face and dropped onto the bedsheets, staining his sheets with wetness. What's wrong with him? He just cried and cried. He couldn't fall asleep. He needed Draco, but then again, he doesn't want to disappoint him. He doesn't want to wake anyone up either. What could he do?
Harry sat up and stared around the room, hugging his legs to his chest. Everyone around him was in their sleepy land still, and Harry just felt utterly alone. He looked over at Ron's bed. Maybe Ron could help him like giving him a hug. That's what he thinks he needs. A hug.
The tears just kept rolling down his face, he couldn't be bothered to wipe them away. Casting a quiet "Lumos," he moved to Ron's bed. He placed his lit-up wand over his best mate's face, which was facing his left. "Ron?" He choked out softly.
Even if Harry felt so down, he knew something was up when he saw a little bit of brown hair sticking up from underneath Ron's blanket beside Ron. Harry placed his hand down on a space that was free on the bed and sat down. He immediately sat up in fear when he realised he had sat on something solid. He was confused. Ron was lying on the other side of the bed, not the left side.
Something big moved from under the left side of Ron's bedsheets and a face wriggled its way up onto the pillows. Harry gasped.
Hermione glared at the person who woke her up. But when her eyes adjusted to the Lumos light, she frowned and felt the worry wash over her at her best friend's face. "Harry," she whispered, slowly sitting up and covering herself with the blankets. "What's wrong?"
When did Hermione get here? Harry sniffed. He had a feeling Hermione was nude but that didn't stop him from hugging her and letting out sobs.
"Oh, Harry," she says softly, hugging him back gently and not at all afraid that Ron's blanket slipped a few inches down her chest. "Tell me what's wrong."
"N-Nightmare," Harry mutters to her shoulder. He knows he can talk to Hermione about anything, but it is easier talking to Draco. He wished Draco was here with him.
"Harry, can you turn away so I can put something on?" Hermione asked him gently. She doesn't want Harry to see anything.
Harry nodded and leaned away from the hug, "Of course." He moved back to his bed, facing the wall, and sat down, his arms hugging his legs again. The tears came back again, and he sighed in his arms.
Hermione frowned at her best friend, knowing how broken he is. She looked around the room, making sure everyone was still asleep except Harry and crept out of Ron's warm bed to his trunk. She opened Ron's trunk and dug deep, using the light from Harry's Lumos to search for something that will cover her.
She finally found one of Ron's scarlet shirts, which she put on, and was like a short dress on her. She went to Harry's bed, sat beside him, and gave him a side hug. "Do you want to talk about these nightmares, Harry?" she asked him.
"It was just a couple of bad memories," Harry tells her flatly, turning his body slowly around so he faced her. "Cedric's death, and Sirius'. You know..."
Hermione didn't know how she could help except hug her best friend. "I know it must be hard, Harry," she says softly, petting him on the back. "Do you have these nightmares often?"
Harry shook his head slowly and sadly. "Yes and no," he deadpans. "I sometimes have these nightmares, but others are less effective than the others. Like the one I dreamt of, it really brought back past memories and experiences. I felt like I was back at the Department of Mysteries and watching Sirius go through the veil."
What else could Hermione say? She really didn't know. "Harry, you know we all love you, right?" she asked when staring down at Harry's arms, in which his sleeves were rolled up. She felt tears in her eyes, wondering how long Harry has still been cutting.
"I know that, Hermione," Harry drawled, the corners of his mouth lowering into a frown. He knows it is true, yet sometimes he just doesn't believe that he's loved. How could anyone love a depressed teenage boy who doesn't wish to exist most days? "I know Draco loves me, Severus, you, Ron, Remus, the other Weasley's. I know they love me."
"Good," says Hermione lightly, reaching down to trace her fingers over one of the cuts on Harry's arms that she could see.
Harry flinched from the touch. He's never had anybody touch his scars but Draco. He rolled down his sleeves, cursing himself for not rolling them down when he finished cutting. "So, was that your first time with Ron?" he asked to change the subject.
Hermione blushed, but Harry couldn't see it that well from the darkened room. "Yeah, actually, it was," she mumbles and pulls her hand away when she sees Harry's unease.
"I hope Ron used protection," Harry muttered down at his sleeve-covered arms. He knows Ron's not stupid like that though.
Hermione chuckled quietly at him. "Yes, Harry. I made sure of it," she tells him, her tone low and assuring. "We used one of the condoms my mom and dad got for me on Christmas."
"Good," said Harry flatly, giving a small nod. "Tell me if Ron ever tries to have unprotected sex with you when you don't want to. I'll chat with him. Got it?" He sounded quite serious. It was a serious matter, though.
"Yes, Harry," Hermione says slowly. She's grateful for having Harry as a best friend. "You don't need to get defensive about it. I'm capable of taking care of myself."
Harry looked to the floor numbly. He knew that. "I'm just being a good friend," he tells her blankly.
Hermione smiled, really glad that she has a helpful best friend. But then she pondered something. She and Ron has stumbled across something rather intriguing in Hogwarts a few days ago, and she's found a book about it inside the Restricted Section in the Library.
She actually thought the large portrait was just a normal portrait, but Ron went head-first into the portrait's wall. She honestly thought that she and Ron were walking into Narnia when they first found the garden. She's even seen Seamus and Dean there too. Same with Blaise and Neville.
Hermione suddenly yawned. She did have a really big night last night. "So, do you know of any secret garden in Hogwarts behind a large portrait of a corridor?" she asks him.
Harry looked at her curiously. He didn't think anyone knew of the Secret Garden of Amare besides him and Draco and Seamus and Dean. "You should go back to sleep, Hermione," he drawls, wanting to skip that kind of topic about the garden. "I don't want to keep you up from what I can easily guess you and Ron did."
Hermione blushed when looking over at Ron's bed. She shook her head sadly. "But I don't want to leave you to cry yourself to sleep, Harry," she says quietly, placing her hands under her thighs.
"It doesn't really matter, Hermione," Harry deadpans. "I'm okay, really!" He tried to sound sympathetic but couldn't muster it.
"Are you?" Hermione asks him softly, raising her brown eyebrow. She would hate to go back asleep and not know when Harry starts crying. It's just heartbreaking.
"I am," Harry lied with a quick nod. He didn't want her worrying when she should be sleeping. "Go back to sleep, Hermione."
Hermione sighed, knowing she couldn't do anything to help him but gave Harry one last hug first. "Goodnight, Harry," she squeezes him tightly. "Try to go back to sleep, please?"
"I will," Harry promises but he doesn't believe he can fall back asleep. He just couldn't. He is too numb.
Hermione gave him a small tired smile and returned back to Ron's bed, snuggling under the blankets, and tucking herself in.
Harry sighed heavily, and when he knew Hermione had fallen asleep, he searched his trunk for his map. He tapped the tip of his wand to the Marauder's Map and whispered while choking down a sob, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."
The Map of Hogwarts formed. Harry's eyes lingered at the Slytherin dormitories where he spotted Draco's name. Blaise was on the other side of the room sleeping in his own bed. How he wished he could just appear in the dorm room and launch himself at Draco. Just as he began to think about his boyfriend, his eyes began to troop and slowly close.
He snapped his eyes open quickly in an instant as he hears a faint whisper of "Harry" and he looked around the room again. Nobody was awake, and strangely enough, Ron's drapes were drawn shut when he never saw Hermione move them when she got back into bed. He thought nothing of it, his eyes looked down at the map and his heart dropped from his chest. He felt the sting of tears in his eyes when staring at the sixth-year boy's dormitory. Right next to Draco on his bed was a name. Astoria Greengrass.
No, Harry thought. This couldn't be true. Draco was gay and he knows it. Never once has he seen Draco look at a girl in the way Draco looks at him. He has always been Draco's centre of attention and he loves it. But this... The name was so close to Draco's own name. A tear rolled down his eye. He had to make sure this wasn't a lie. But he knows the map doesn't lie. It just made him feel worse.
Grabbing his cloak from his trunk, and clutching the map and his wand, he hurried out of the dormitory and down the stairs to the common room. He went straight to the Slytherin common room in the Dungeon. When he arrived at the secret entrance into the Slytherin common room, it just opened for him, not needing a password to be said. That was odd. Checking the map again when walking down the hall to the boy's dormitory, the name was still there. The fucking slut.
His heart dropped down, somewhere, into oblivion when he entered the sixth-years boy's dormitory. It looked a little different, the beds looking much larger than they normally were and more monarchical with silky Slytherin green drapes. But sure enough, in the large bed with Draco with the drapes of the bed open fully, was a girl with brown hair. He dropped his cloak, Map and wand at the sight and dropped them to the floor. He felt the pain of heartbreak and rivers of leaking warm tears trail down his face at this nightmare of a night.
This couldn't be happening. Harry knows for a fact that Draco loves him and is very gay. But what was this? He didn't understand. This girl in bed with Draco is Astoria. Girl in bed with Draco... Harry sobbed and fell to his knees, the pain of heartbreak really tearing at his mental health and his mental walls went up completely. How could Draco do such a thing? Why would he? It didn't make any sense.
"Draco," a feminine voice said softly. Harry, tears streaming down his face, looked up at the bed.
A mumble was heard and a rustle of sheets. "What?"
"Someone's in the dorm room."
Draco looked up, his wand in his hand and he cast a Lumos. "Who's there!" he snapped.
Harry tried to quieten down his sobs. He needed to escape. He can't deal with this pain. He got up and walked to the door.
"Oi!" Draco spits. He froze at the figure in the room, knowing who it was. "Potter! What the hell are you doing down here? How do you know the password to the Slytherin common room?!"
Harry turned around and looked Draco in his beautiful... wait...white eyes? He was half-naked with a girl in his bed. But the girl had no face. He was just glad the girl was covered in bedsheets though he could see Astoria had on a singlet. "How do I know the password!" he asks loudly, nostrils flaring and eyes narrowing into slits. "HOW DO I KNOW THE FUCKING PASSWORD?!" He couldn't stop the tears. "Draco, I can't believe you! I thought you loved me."
"Loved you?" Draco sneered. "The sodding hell would you think that I love you? I loathe you. Do you know that those two words are different?!" He smirks and crosses his arms. "Although, with that thick skull of yours, I doubt you'd know the difference."
Harry really felt worse. He shook his head. All these years... What was it all about? The friendship, the kisses, the love? What happened to all of it? Doesn't Draco love him anymore? Afraid he was right. Maybe... Draco just doesn't want a depressed little freak who cuts in his life. Yeah, that sounds right. "Goodbye," he says after a moment of silence. He looks up at Astoria, he frowns when she smiles bitterly at him, and he rushed out of the dormitory.
"Wait, Potter!" Draco calls out as he bends down to pick up Harry's items he dropped. "You forgot your things..."
If Harry doesn't have Draco anymore, he needed his father. He ran to his father's living quarters. But when he got halfway there, he ran into something hard. He apologised and looked up. "Severus!" Harry cried and threw his arms around his father. "D-Draco. H-He cheated on me."
"You believe...that I would care?" snarled Severus. Harry looked up at him, his frown coming back to his face. Maybe his father's just annoyed that he was up so late. "Get your disgusting hands off me, you insufferable child."
Harry's heart just broke into pieces. Who was there to say he even felt like living anymore? He couldn't think properly. He was in too much pain. The cuts on his wrist weren't helping him as he rubbed and scratched at them.
"How did you even get inside, you brat?" Severus spat with that familiar but old loathe in his eyes.
Harry just couldn't take this anymore either. He ran away and out of the common room. He needed to go up, and that's what he did. He first checked the Defence Against the Dark Arts room for Remus, but he wasn't there or in his living quarters. His stuff wasn't even there! What the fuck happened overnight?
He then ran up to the Astronomy Tower as fast as he could. He sprinted to the edge of the Astronomy Tower, not thinking straight. He hauled his legs over the railings until he was on the other side.
Just one leap and he'd be dead. It's exactly what he wants. To die. To forget love exists. To forget the pain of heartbreak, loss and unfortune. He held onto the railings from behind and was about to jump when a familiar voice and a couple of footsteps were heard from behind him.
Of course, it just had to be Draco. Why couldn't Harry be alone for once?
"Potter, listen to me," Draco spoke softly, nearing the edge towards Harry, his wand in front of him just in case his classmate tries anything. "Step away from the edge. You don't want to do this."
Harry turned around so he faced Draco. That beautiful blonde male he loves so much, only to be heartbroken by him. He feels like he's cried so much that he won't need to for an entire year. He just feels so unloved. What happened overnight? "I want to do this," he tells Draco. "I'm sorry. I don't deserve any of this."
A girl screamed.
Harry let go of the railings and fell backwards off the edge, falling down, the wind making his hair flow up, and the silhouette of Draco moving further away from him as he fell down. And there was blackness. Finally. Away out of this depressing life.
"DRACO!" Harry screamed and he woke, sitting up, his arms hugging his legs, and he began rocking back and forth. His face is still wet from tears. His heart felt like it broke into millions of tiny pieces and he began to cry.
Shouts and grunts were heard around Harry, including the sound of someone hitting their head on the back of a wall.
Hermione was the first one up, and the first one to spot Harry. "Harry!" she says loudly and ran over to his bed. She placed her arms around him, hugging him tightly like she could lose him at any minute. "What's wrong, Harry?"
Dean and Seamus were the next out of their beds, and they went to see what the commotion was about. Then Neville and Ron got up and went to a scared and broken looking Harry.
"D-Draco, he cheated on me," Harry chokes out into Hermione's shoulder. He just felt so broken. He wanted to fade away into oblivion. He didn't want to exist anymore.
"He what!" Ron shouts at Harry, his fists balling by his side.
"If I get me hands on that git," Seamus grumbled angrily, crossing his arms tightly.
"You'll do absolutely nothing," Dean spoke to Seamus firmly, scolding him even if he was pissed with Draco. How could he do such a thing?
"Who did you see him with?" Ron asks Harry at once. If Dean won't let Seamus hurt Draco, then he will do it for him. And oh, the Slytherin will regret ever living in the first place.
Hermione ignored the other boys in the room and sighed. She knew that all wasn't true. Draco would never do such a thing to Harry. She can never mistake the look of love Draco gives Harry when he thinks nobody's watching. "Harry," she mumbles, "It was only a nightmare."
"Draco would never cheat on you, Harry," Neville says softly, wanting Harry to know it and not doubt it. "Blaise and I know this too, and Blaise is Draco's best friend. He knows Draco more than anyone. And you should know this too as he is your boyfriend."
Harry just didn't believe it was a nightmare, even if he woke up back in bed. He wanted to believe it, his heart did, but his mind didn't. When Hermione still hugged him, he grabbed his map from beside her and looked at the Slytherin boy's dormitory. Only Blaise and Draco, in different beds, were in the sixth-years boy's dormitory. But he wanted to make sure the map wasn't lying to him.
Harry managed to escape from Hermione's hug and run out of the dormitory, ignoring the loud, "HARRY!" coming from behind. He had to make sure Draco wasn't... He didn't want to believe it was true.
Harry was sprinting out of the Gryffindor dormitory and common room, on his way down to the Slytherin Dungeons and as he got there, he went directly to the sixth-year boy's dormitory. The door into the dorm was closed, but he opened it without hesitation and closed the door behind him loudly.
He felt relieved when peeking into Draco's bed, with only a sleeping Draco Malfoy on the inside, surrounded by drapes. He cried with relief and crawled into bed with him, not caring if he woke the Slytherin up.
Draco woke immediately and was terrified when feeling someone get into bed with him, but when he felt the familiar warmth of a particular person when touched on the arm, he smiled and turned around. He sat up immediately when seeing how broken Harry looked. "Harry?" he asked softly, placing his hand over Harry's hand. "What's wrong?"
"Please," Harry cried and gave Draco's hand a tight squeeze, his tears rolling down his cheeks, "never leave me." Draco frowns as Harry breaks down into sobs, and he pressed his forehead to Harry's. "Please never cheat on me. Please, tell me you love me and express it as much as you can. Please never fall in love with someone else. Please, just don't leave me ever."
Draco was shocked at what Harry was telling him. But he doesn't understand why Harry is telling him this. Harry should know that he loves him so much, much more than his own father and mother. "Harry James Potter, I will never ever in my life leave you for someone else," he tells him firmly. "I will never ever cheat on you, and why the fuck would you even think that of me? I love you so much, more than anything. I adore and love your existence. You are literally everything to me."
"I love you too, Draco Malfoy," Harry mumbles while swallowing down sobs. Then he remembered what he did in the bathroom. He felt so terrible for cutting himself in the bathroom. "I'm sorry, Draco. I'm sorry that I disappointed you."
"Harry, you haven't disappointed me in any way," Draco tells him in a soft and assuring way. His other hand cupped Harry's cheeks and he circled his thumb over Harry's smooth skin. "Why would you think I would be disappointed in you?"
Harry felt shame redden his face and he rolled his sleeves up, knowing there is nothing to hide from his boyfriend. Except maybe the nightmare...
Draco gasped and frowned at the familiar cuts on Harry's wrists. He thought Harry had gotten past this urge. He wasn't disappointed in Harry at all. "Tell me, why did you do this to yourself?"
"It was just a nightmare of Sirius falling through the veil again," Harry deadpans, lowering his head to Draco's chest. He tried not to think about that nightmare or the thought of the other disturbing dream. "And memories of Cedric's death."
Draco cupped Harry's chin and made him look up at him. He leaned forward and tried his best to kiss the frown off Harry's face, and his own frown. He smiled when his lips touched Harry's which quickened his pulse and heartbeat and sent tingly sensations and warmth all through him. Draco had a feeling Harry wasn't telling him everything.
The kiss made Harry smile a little bit, as Draco's kisses can make him feel so many things like love, happiness, his heartbeat quickening in his chest, and butterflies in his stomach. Just so much. Then he leaned away but threw his arms around Draco's neck in a tight hug, not wanting to leave his Slytherin boyfriend's side.
"Harry, is there anything else you're not telling me?" Draco had to ask, smiling at the smell of Pine from Harry. It was so mesmerising. Why would Harry think that he doesn't love him? He loves Harry's smile, and scent...he practically wrote a book about 100 things he loves about him.
Then Harry frowned, knowing there was another dream. But should he tell Draco or would his blonde Slytherin laugh at him? He shouldn't think Draco would laugh at him as his incredible boyfriend wouldn't do such a thing. He knows he wouldn't.
"Harry," Draco said quietly, tilting his head to the side and he kissed Harry's neck. "Please tell me. Don't you remember the book I gave you for Valentine's day? It literally told you how much and what I love about you." He leans away and stares Harry in the eye. "Everything in that book is true, Harry Potter. Everything." He cups Harry's face in his hands, knowing that it's the most beautiful portrait he has ever seen in his life. "And remember the Amortentia? I smelt you in the potion, I really did. You smelt me in it too. I don't know why you don't believe me when I say that I love you."
"Draco, I know that you love me," Harry drawls and remembered the book Draco gave him clearly. He hasn't read the whole thing yet, but he will soon. He just feels relieved every time Draco tells him that he loves him. "I just..." He started tearing up. "Oh, god."
"Shhh!" Draco rubbed Harry's arms up and down in a comforting way. He wanted to know about this dream and why it has upset Harry. He must know what upset Harry so he can do his best to comfort him. "Tell me, Harry, Please. It'll make you feel better, trust me."
Harry took a deep breath and began to tell Draco about the other dream he had, but when he got halfway through, he teared up and leaned down on Draco to cry but muttered the rest of his dream.
Draco rubbed Harry's back, his other arm around Harry and Harry's head was under his chin. He nearly laughed at the dream. Liking girls in a loving way would honestly be his own nightmare. "Harry, it was only a dream," he tells him flatly. "I would never cheat on you like that. I don't even like girls in that way. I'm gay, for you and only you." He pauses and thinks of something humorous to say to Harry to try and make him crack up, "I like cock, balls, and arse." The corners of Harry's mouth twitched. "And I'm so gay for you that I dress up in girly clothes, wear makeup and paint my nails the colour of the rainbow."
Harry slowly smiled and in a single second, he began to laugh joyously. He had a sudden thought of Draco dressing up in all Drag and walking through Hogwarts all proud and gay. He wanted to see that happen. He also wanted to feel something other than pain. Lust, it was. He wants lust and love. Draco smiled and pressed his lips to Harry's forehead.
"And Harry?"
"Severus would never say that to you," Draco told him, petting Harry's fluffy hair reassuringly. He knows Severus would never say that to Harry. The man knows how broken Harry would be. "You're his son, and he cares so much for you."
Harry nodded slowly, and Draco looked down at Harry's arm, at the cuts, and sighed. He rubbed his hand gently over them. Harry didn't flinch away. Draco's touch felt good on his arm.
Harry leaned away from the hug and looked down at Draco's green Slytherin doona. Then he glanced at Draco's pyjama bottoms to where he knows the Slytherin's prick is, then looked up into silver eyes. He leaned forward and attached his lips to the blonde's, and his heart started quickening its pace as the Slytherin kissed back.
Draco sighed against the mouth of his lover, and his tongue then slipped past Harry's mouth and rubbed against the Gryffindor's with gentle fervour. Harry reached out to grab the crux of Draco's thighs, and he slipped his hand into the Slytherin's pyjama bottoms. His hand reached for Draco's dick, thick and becoming hard by his touch.
He would rather be the one who Draco fucks and he should be the one and only one. He knows he's Draco's only one. He can feel Draco becoming hard and it made himself hard with ecstasy to feel him inside his arse or to be in Draco. Draco's cock is owned by him. Nobody can take it away.
The blonde's head tipped back in pleasure, leaving a milky white neck open for Harry to enjoy. And enjoy it he did. Harry licked and sucked gently, he nipped and bit down as he pulled down Draco's pyjama bottoms so he could grab Draco's flushed member and stroke it. With the first bite, Draco's hips thrust forward helplessly against Harry's still rubbing hand. He groaned as his muscles clenched. He thrust forward a few more times and sighed as he released. Then Harry kissed Draco's neck softly.
Draco switched their places quickly, shoving Harry to the head of his bed gently. He smirked in that sexy way he knows his lover, Harry, liked before going after Harry's mouth again. Harry moaned into Draco's mouth, and his hands clenched white blonde locks of silken soft hair while Draco moaned and tangled his tongue deeper into Harry's mouth. The Slytherin pulled back, his face flushed, lips swollen, and eyelids drooping. With a look, Harry smiled and allowed his head to rest against the wall, giving the Slytherin free reign. Moving to the side of Harry's neck, Draco kissed and nipped him.
Harry ran his fingers through Draco's hair while Draco assaulted his neck with teeth and tongue. Draco pushed Harry's shirt up his flat stomach while his hips rubbed against Harry's. Stepping back slightly, he pulled the shirt over his lover's head and continued as though he'd never left. Harry gasped as Draco brushed his fingers along his nipple. "Draco..."
Draco groaned in reply and reached into Harry's pants to grab his engorged member. Harry thrust towards him jerkily. Draco couldn't help it anymore. He began undressing them both with the Gryffindor's help and chucked their clothes behind him as he didn't care where they ended up. When they were both naked, Draco grabbed onto Harry's hips, thrust into him from behind without readying the Gryffindor and hissed. He wrapped his hand around Harry's member and began pumping in time with his hips.
Both of them moaned deeply. Draco pounded harder into Harry and gritted his teeth while Harry was moaning throatily. Finally, after long minutes of thrusting, Harry's body clenched and jerked around Draco. He spilled his release into Draco's hand, and Draco rubbed Harry's seed along his spilling member, milking him for more as he spilled into Harry's body. They both were panting as Harry removed himself from Draco's softening dick and turned around to face his lover.
Draco leaned down; pressed Harry's thighs outwards as he began to lick Harry's stomach and cock clean of Harry's seed. He pulled the head into his mouth and licked in avid ecstasy. He suckled Harry's sac and nibbled on the very tip. Harry jerked and Draco thrust his tongue against the hole and licked it long and hard which made Harry spill a second time into his lover's mouth and Draco happily swallowed.
Sliding back up Harry's body, Draco kissed the dark-haired man and he greeted the kiss happily as their tongues danced together. Draco pulled back to nip at Harry's neck again and bit down hard, drawing blood but Harry seemed to not mind at all. They shifted their hips, Harry's knees coming up while Draco lifted Harry's hips to gain access. Still suckling the wound on Harry's neck, Draco thrust back into Harry with a groan which made Harry gasp quietly with each synchronised pull of Draco's mouth and thrust of his hips. "Draco," he groaned and came for the third time when the other man spilled his seed.
Draco lapped at Harry's neck, the wave of their orgasms causing aftershock for both of them. He felt utterly exhausted from the three rounds of sex he had with Harry. Three rounds! Honestly, the sex keeps getting better every time they do it. He pulled out of Harry, his prick dragging against Harry's stomach as he leaned up for another slow kiss. Then he collapsed down beside Harry, panting with his hand on his stomach as he looked up at the ceiling. "How do you feel, my darling?" He looked beside him at his exhausted boyfriend. He reached a hand over and ran it through his lover's dark fluffy hair.
"I feel loved," said Harry breathlessly even if he knows he is loved by Draco so much and not just because of the sex. Merlin, he feels like Draco's semen actually filled him up inside. The thought of babies popped into his mind, and he doesn't know how it appeared. But the thought of having a child with Draco sounds incredible and he hopes one day that will become true. "And full," he added.
"Full?" Draco asked as he rolled onto his side and moved closer to Harry, who then looked up at him. He smiled and pressed a kiss to Harry's lips again and was confused about how Harry can feel full. But then he remembered what it was like to be shagged by Harry and feel his seed fill him up from the inside. He gets that.
"Never mind," said Harry tiredly, and he let out a yawn. Draco chuckled at the yawn and he found it adorable. Harry snuggles up to Draco and put an arm around him, feeling protected and undeniably loved. "I love you."
"I love you too, Harry Potter," Draco mumbles, smiling brightly at him. Then he let out a yawn since he bets he is the most tired out of the both of them. "And don't ever forget that."
Eventually, when Draco pulled the sheets over them and continued petting Harry's hair, Harry fell asleep in his arms. Draco pressed a gentle kiss to Harry's forehead, hoping it would help Harry spread happiness and love through his mind to sleep peacefully after the wonderful sex.
Harry bid Ron and Hermione fair well and good luck as they had their apparition test. He headed to Potions, where he met Draco, slid into the seat next to him and kissed his cheek.
Draco smiled, turned his head around and gave Harry a proper mouth-to-mouth kiss with his hands snaking around Harry's waist.
"Alright, you two," said Severus at once, sighing with quiet happiness at his favourite students making out in his classroom. His only favourite students. "That's enough snogging."
Harry and Draco blushed and broke out of the kiss, looking over at Severus with a guilty expression. Earnie McMillion was chuckling at them.
Draco sighed and opened his copy of Advanced Potion Making when Professor Snape told them to just brew him anything they want.
"Draco?" Harry reached under the table and grabbed Draco's hand, placing his hands over it. "You alright?" he asks softly.
Draco looked at him with a smile and nodded. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"
Harry raised an eyebrow, looking deep into silver eyes and gave him a smile. He looked at his dad who was busy writing something at his desk, then looked back at Draco. Biting his lip, he leaned forward and kissed his blonde Slytherin boyfriend again. His hand was on Draco's neck and the other hand was squeezing the blonde's hand.
Severus looked up from his writing as he knows his Professor's senses are tingling, and he rolls his eyes at the two boys snogging again in the classroom. "Boys!" he snapped.
Harry pulled away from the kiss with a grin, leaving Draco breathless and blushing. He got out his own Potions textbook and scanned the pages for something 'amazing' to brew.
Harry had caught Draco staring at him through the lesson, which he blushed because of, as did Draco. He did not mind if he would get snapped at by Sev again for kissing Draco, so that's what he did. He leaned away from the kiss and rolled his eyes at the smirk on Draco's lips. His hand on Draco's neck fell to Draco's lap, and the blonde Slytherin let out a moan as Harry rubbed his hand over his erection.
Earnie and Severus looked up at them. But Severus sneered. "That's enough, you two!" he spat, and he pointed at Harry and then next to Ernie, "You – over there! And you - stay where you are!"
Harry frowned when he had to move away from Draco. He gave the silver-eyed Slytherin a kiss and went to his required table for the rest of the lesson.
The bell rang and Ernie was the first to leave. Harry grinned at Draco and pinned him to the back of the classroom wall. Draco smirked and turned them around, so he was pinning Harry to the wall. Then he leaned the rest of the way in and kissed Harry, his leg slowly moving up until it touched Harry's erection.
"How do I endlessly survive with you two?" Severus asked his book flatly but actually meant to say it to Harry and Draco. These two are just little misfits.
"You just can," Draco drawled, distractedly staring into bright emerald green eyes. "You were born to survive our cuteness."
"Out, now!" Severus didn't mean to snap again. The full moon was coming up and Remus was getting a little energetic. He needs to make sure Remus gets to the Shrieking Shack before nightfall. "And take your stuff with you."
Draco groaned, not wanting to go anywhere but as long as he has Harry, that's all he needed. Harry and Draco headed to the Gryffindor common room, where later on in the evening they were greeted by Ron and Hermione.
"Guess what?" asked Hermione quickly. Before anyone could answer, she said, "I passed!"
"Congratulations!" said Harry lightly and hugged Hermione as she opened her arms open for a hug. He's so happy for her. Now it's his and Draco's turn for Apparition in a few weeks. "What about Ron?"
"Ron just failed," said Hermione, and she seemed a little sad to mention it.
Harry nodded, and when Ron came through the portrait, he walked over to him. "Better luck next time, mate," he says and pats him on the shoulder. "Perhaps you can do the test with Draco and I?"
Ron lighted up a little from hearing that and he nodded. He didn't want to do it alone.
Harry never used the Marauders Map again because of that dreadful dream he had about a month ago. He never needed to unless he wanted to sneak out and see Draco during the early hours of the morning or late at night. It has been a thing between him and Draco, to spend at least a couple of nights in each other's dormitories for the week whether it be for sex, or just to sleep together.
Harry grabbed the Marauders Map from his trunk and sat on his bed in the empty dormitory. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," he said and pointed the tip of his wand at the map.
The map of Hogwarts appeared on the parchment and Harry spread it out on his bed. He beamed when he saw Draco's moving figure exit the Slytherin common room out into the Dungeons.
Just then, a silvery animal leapt out from the wall in front of him and sat on his bed. Harry smiled down at the silvery ferret. He wanted to pat it but knew his hand would go through the animal's body. Then the ferret began to talk in Draco's voice.
"Morning, my darling Harry. I'll be with you, physically, in a couple of minutes. Love you."
Harry chuckled at the ferret. Excitement was flooding through his veins and he couldn't wait to see Draco. But as he looked around the room, making sure it looked perfect and not messy, a certain dark blue object caught his eye on Dean's bed. Specifically, it was under Dean's white pillow. It wasn't hidden very well, whatever it is.
Curiously, Harry left the Map and his wand on his bed, and the little silver ferret sadly faded away, and he went to Dean's bed. He grabbed the object and gasped at its velvety material. He couldn't believe his eyes at what he was holding. He opened the lid and stared down at a small silver Celtic band.
Dean couldn't want to ... marry Seamus, could he? Because this ring obviously means something to Dean. But they're only Sixteen. Or, Harry was just jumping to conclusions and it's probably a birthday gift. But Seamus's birthday is in September, which was five months away.
This was both a surprise and a shock to Harry. His own dorm mate wants to marry his other dorm mate. This was just...incredible! He has got to tell Draco this. Or perhaps Dean doesn't want anybody to find out?
Just as he was thinking of Draco, the door opened and in walked none other than Draco Malfoy. Harry looked up at his boyfriend and smiled, not thinking about what was in his hand. "Hello, Draco."
Draco smiled back and went over to Harry, who was not on his own bed but that didn't matter. But then he froze and stared down at the box in Harry's hand containing a ring. Excitement, shock, and happiness filled him. "H-Harry...?" he stutters as he spoke.
Harry raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend, seeing the excitement in his eyes. It made his heart flutter. But he realised what Draco might be thinking, finding him with a box in his hand with a ring. He could have laughed at that. Marriage? Oh, that will come in the future, hopefully.
"Harry," Draco repeated and swallowed down his over-excitement.
Harry smiled adoringly at Draco and shook his head. "I-..." He didn't know what to say. Obviously, this ring wasn't for Draco and nor was it Harry's to give. "Draco... this um... it's not for you, or me," he finally tells him.
Draco's heart sank a bit. He thought, for just a moment when he saw the ring that Harry would... He actually would have said yes if Harry asked that four worded question. But it seems that what he thought didn't come true. Oh, a guy can dream. "Then who's it for or from?" he deadpans.
"I'm guessing," Harry looked back down at the ring, "that it's for Seamus," he says lightly. "It's why I'm on Dean's bed. I found it under his pillow."
"Do you think that...?" Draco was going to ask a question regarding if it was about a particular subject, but he quickly scrambled off the bed and hid under it as someone walked in. Dang it, he forgot to take Harry with him.
Now Harry froze when Dean walked into the dormitory, alone. Luckily, Seamus wasn't with him. Oh, that would come to a whole lot of questions.
Dean frowned when seeing that his dorm mate had found the particular thing he's been trying to hide from everyone all month. "Harry..."
"Dean, are you going to ask Seamus to marry you?" Harry asked first before Dean could say anything else. He needs to know this exciting and surprising information.
Dean swallowed. He was so nervous and panicking. He never wanted this to come out into the open. He slowly went to his bed, which Harry sat on, and sat uncomfortably next to his fellow dorm mate with his hands under his upper legs. He sighed slowly. "I guess there's really not anything to keep from you now, is there?" he asks flatly, and Harry shook his head with a smile. "Yes, I want to marry Seamus Connor Finnegan."
"Connor?" asked Harry slowly in confusion, and under the bed, Draco was confused with the other name too. But now they both knew what Seamus' middle name was.
"Connor is Seamus' middle name, Harry," Dean tells him while staring blankly down at the floor in front of him. He thought Harry would have known that already. "Didn't you know that?"
"No, Seamus and I aren't really the best of friends," Harry drawls, and he pokes at the ring. But he does wish they were good friends. Seamus is a great guy. "I wouldn't even know his favourite food. That's your job to know such things."
"Yeah, well I learn something new about Seamus every single day," Dean said, now looking down at the ring with a beaming smile and he grabs the box out of Harry's hands. "I believe I know Seamus better than his own family."
Down under the bed, Draco could agree with Dean entirely. He learns something new about Harry every day too. It's another thing he loves about his green-eyed Gryffindor.
"So, why are you marrying Seamus at such a young age?" Harry asked him curiously, raising an eyebrow as he looks at him. He would like to know such an intriguing thing.
"Two reasons, Harry. One - because I want to and want to spend the rest of my life with him, and two - my mother likes to speed things up," Dean tells him, closing and opening the lid of the ring box. "She got the idea in my head, to marry Seamus about last year during the Easter Holidays. Seamus was still asleep, and mom and I like to have our little quiet conversations with each other about certain things early in the morning. Then she brought the topic up about marriage, and I began to think about it."
Harry just smiled and let Dean continue. This conversation got entirely amusing and he wonders when exactly Dean would propose to Seamus. He would like to see that happen.
"I want to spend the rest of my mortal life with Seamus," Dean continues quietly. "Through all the fights, even if they're small, I learn that we grow closer together. I want to explore Ireland with him and learn about his cultural background. I want him to gain another family, my one. And I would love to join his family. I want him to have sisters-in-law. and I'll have a couple of cousins-in-law too."
"What marital name would you choose?" Harry asked him. He felt a hand wrap around his ankle and smiled as he knows that was Draco. "Finnegan or Thomas?"
"I don't know, Harry," mutters Dean, shrugging and smiling. He finally looked up at Harry. "Dean Finnegan has a nice ring to it. Seamus Thomas does too. I'll probably let Seamus decide."
"That's sweet," Harry said gently, patting him on the shoulder. "Do you have a certain theme for your wedding that you would want? If you had proposed to him, what would you want the theme to be?"
Dean shrugged and looked to the floor again. He was smiling so much that it hurt. "Somewhere nice," he answers simply. "Maybe in Ireland near where Seamus lives, or at a beach."
"I have one question, though," said Harry at once. "Are Draco and I allowed to come to your wedding, or is it a family-only thing?" It would be cool if they had a wedding in Ireland. He'd also like to learn about the culture. Although, Hermione probably knows a lot more than Seamus does. But it's good to learn from an actual Gaelic person.
Dean smiled at him, not understanding why he wouldn't invite his favourite couple. "Of course, you and Draco are allowed to come to our wedding-"
Draco was silently cheering and smiling under the bed. A Gaelic wedding? That would be something new to experience.
"- and perhaps..." Now Dean lightly nudged Harry in the arm with his finger. "If you find someplace romantic in Ireland, since it is a romantic country, you can propose to Draco there."
Harry blushed, knowing Draco would hear this very conversation. "Um... yeah," he says slowly. He was nervously laughing and under the bed, Draco was smiling as wide as he ever could. "Maybe I will."
Draco just wanted to explode into glitter at those words Harry said. But he knows Harry's just trying to answer Dean's question...with dishonesty.
"So, Harry," Dean started lightly, wriggling his eyebrows. "When are you going to pro-"
But Dean was cut off as someone had entered the dormitory. A Seamus Finnegan to be exact. Seamus smiled at his boyfriend and Harry, but when he saw the ring box in Harry's hand, he froze in both excitement and confusion. "Dean... Harry?"
Dean was panicking. Seamus wasn't supposed to see the ring yet. And right now, he couldn't think of proposing to him now. He would have done it sometime after they graduate next year as Seventh Years. "Seamus..."
Harry knew what he had to do in this situation, no matter how much he was going to blush because of it. "I... Seamus, I talked to Dean about this and - I want to marry Draco."
Draco parted his lips a little from under the bed, a dark blush creeping up his neck to his face at Harry's words. A million thoughts rushed through his head, all about marrying Harry. He couldn't stop smiling. But he had to tell himself that this was only a trick of Harry's. He knew Dean would be a little nervous now, that Seamus has seen the ring. It was only fake.
Seamus was shocked to hear that come from Harry's mouth. Then a smile formed on his mouth, but a sudden movement under the bed made him look down. Under the bed in the slight darkness, there was Draco. He grinned at the blushing Slytherin then looked back up at Dean and Harry. "Ye want to marry him, ey?" Harry nodded a little slowly. "Well, why don't ye? He is under the bed."
Harry's blush darkened, knowing Draco was under the bed this whole time. He slowly turned his head to look at Dean, who was frowning and gave him back the ring box.
Draco sighed and came out of his hiding spot; it wasn't a very good one anyway. With a big smile, he pulled himself up onto the bed and sat facing Harry. "Is there something you want to ask me, Harry?"
Harry gulped and stared at the ring, then at Dean who nodded at him, telling him it was okay. This was not a dream, Harry knew. It was real. Harry gave an apologetic smile and then looked back at Draco. He placed the ring box down in front of Draco, took a deep breath and said, "Draco Lucius Malfoy. You are my whole world and I love you so much. More than anything else in the world. You are the love of my life. My one and only. The light of my life."
Harry didn't know what else to say, but that charming smile Draco was giving him gave him a little bit of courage. He could hear Dean giggling beside him. "Draco, you make me the happiest person in the whole wide world, even if I am still dealing with my depression." He bit his lip, really thinking about this. Those silver eyes, though. Watching him. And that dark blush on the Slytherin's face. "Those are just a few of the reasons that I am hoping you will spend the rest of your life with me." He got off the bed and kneeled down in front of Draco. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, will you marry me?"
Draco felt like the happiest guy in the world right now, even if this was a fake proposal. But secretly, he wishes it weren't a fake proposal. And that proposal, he guesses is the muggle way. He presumes Harry doesn't know the pure-blooded way to propose. Oh well. He tried to hide his excitement, but it just bloomed out. "YES!" he shouts. "Merlin, Harry, I would love to marry you!" He held his hand out to Harry, grinning widely, and Harry slipped the ring on his ring finger, beaming. He threw his arms around Harry, nearly knocking him down.
Dean wiped the tears from his eyes, happy, joyful tears, obviously. "That was beautiful, really beautiful!" he says happily.
Seamus wrapped his arms around Dean and pressed his cheek to Dean's. But he kissed him on the cheek. "We should leave them be, Dean," he whispers to him. "I think they would like some time alone."
Harry leaned out of the hug with Draco. Gosh, this was a little embarrassing. He watched Dean and Seamus leave, but Dean glared at him and Harry knew Dean wanted the ring back in the box and under the pillow where he found it. Harry nodded at him and turned his head, locking eyes with Draco and he leaned in for a slow kiss.
Draco placed his forehead against Harry's, sniffling, and told himself that was all fake. "You do know that pure-bloods have a different way of proposing to their lovers?"
"I didn't know," said Harry flatly, staring down at the ring on Draco's finger. He wondered how long it will take until he sees a real ring on that finger. A real one that he put on himself as a real proposal ring. "What is it like?"
"Well, when the proposer says what they had said and puts the ring on their lovers' finger, the lover would feel like...they would feel magic come from the ring and surround them," Draco explained it with the exact words his own mother had used when he was ten. "It's hard to explain. I've never felt it, obviously, so I wouldn't know what it feels like."
Harry smiled, slipped the ring off Draco's finger, and put it back in its box.
"I wanted to keep that on, Harry," Draco mutters, a little frown showing on his face. He wanted to go walking through the corridors of Hogwarts to show off the ring and pretend Harry actually... He could already see the excited grins on Pansy's and Blaise's face. Too bad Ivy isn't here to see it all though.
Harry smiles fondly and kissed the frown off Draco's lips. "Draco, you know who it is actually for," he says, and he brings Draco's hand up to his mouth. "The ring, I mean." He kisses Draco's knuckles.
"I know, Harry," Draco mumbles, his cheeks a little red from Harry's kisses. It was a nice ring, but it wasn't for him.
"What do Pure-bloods say in a marriage proposal?" Harry asked him curiously.
"They say..." Draco paused and fiddled with the black ring with an emerald Harry gave him for his 15th birthday. The Malfoy ring was on the next finger. He never took his eyes off Harry's green eyes. "Harry James Potter, I pledge my life to you, if you accept marrying me and becoming my husband in approximately two years and one day."
Harry stared into Draco's silver eyes, his smile widening at what Draco said. "Oh, so that's what they say?" he asks slowly in thought. He never knew that, but of course, he wasn't born into an old Pure-blooded family.
Draco nodded but sighed as he kind of meant what he said. All he needed to do was wait for Harry to accept his proposal so he could slip a ring on his finger.
Harry gave Draco a quick kiss and hid the ring box with Dean's ring to Seamus under Dean's pillow where it can't be seen. Then he turned back to Draco. "So, what shall we do now?" he then asks. "Garden of Amare, Musical room, or the Library's Secret Room?"
"Snuggle in the Library's secret room?" Draco suggested quickly, giving Harry a small smile. He just knows he will probably fall asleep thinking of marrying Harry. Merlin... how will he survive?
"I'd love that, Draco."
June approached faster than Harry thought, and with it, Draco's birthday. He has planned a few things for Draco's special day, and he also had to ask Headmistress McGonagall for permission.
During one lunch, he went over to Severus and Remus at the Professor's table for a little chat about what he wanted to give Draco and where he wants to get it. Severus declined, but Remus nodded and agreed to go with Harry to Paris by Portkey to get what Harry wanted to give Draco.
Harry thought back to the day he found Dean's ring for Seamus when arriving in Paris in the afternoon. Such an interesting and exciting day that was. He and Draco have kept it a secret and will plan to keep it a secret for as long as they can. He's not planning on telling Hermione or Ron about it even if he trusts them to keep it a secret. He wondered who the best man would be...probably Seamus' cousin. The flower girls? Dean apparently has sisters.
Draco wakes up on June the fifth with an obscenely large delicate bouquet of colour-changing roses on his bedside table, filling the dorm room with a lush sweetness. When he gets out of bed and checks the card, he's barely able to read Harry's illegible scrawl: Happy birthday, Draco Malfoy, initially misreading 'Malfoy' as 'Maltoy'.
Draco squints, lips turned inwards as he tries to stem the wild surges of excitement and warmth that are filling him up as he watches the darling little buds shift from snow white to bright bubblegum pink to pale lilac to a maroon so rich and deep that it's almost wine red before flashing a pretty, butter yellow.
He props the card up on the bedside table next to a...wooden bowl of chocolates, which Draco pauses to note, are from La Maison du Chocolat in Paris. That bowl is new to him. With a wave of his wand, the curtains around him open up, and he looks over and sees Blaise with a pile of colourful wrapped presents in his hands walking towards him.
"Happy birthday, Draco," Blaise says, a smile on his face as he places a present one by one on Draco's bed and then gives him a side hug. "These are from me, your mother, Pansy, and Harry. The chocolates are from Harry if you didn't know."
Draco grins and starts with a present wrapped elaborately in bright gold paper and dancing ribbons. He tugged at the ribbons so they flutter daintily to his bedsheets. He gasps after he peels off the fancy golden wrapping paper with trembling fingers and the gleaming mahogany box is revealed, instantly making his insides clench excitingly. He stares at the bright brass clasp for several beats too long before he's lifting it up and flinging the box open, one hand flying to his mouth as he sees the white gold watch.
"You're of age, my darling little dragon," Blaise reads off the little piece of golden paper that he sees glued to the lid of the mahogany box. It's Narcissa Malfoy's handwriting as he can tell. He sits down next to him and rolls up his sleeve to glance at his own family heirloom silver-bronze watch. The watch was his birth father's.
Draco slowly lifted the watch out with both hands, the metal cool and somehow welcoming in Draco's grasp. When he turns it over, the white-silver lines of the name engraved on the back, Septimus Malfoy, gleam up at him as if in recognition. Peering closely at the face of the watch, the bright gold roman numerals shimmering through the glass, the serpent-shaped hands wiggling as Draco runs a thumb over it. He puts the Malfoy heirloom watch on and tightens it so it fits perfectly.
Draco then opens his other five presents from Blaise and Pansy, and he thanks Blaise with a hug for the bottle of Absinthe that he can drink with Harry at some time. Blaise's mother had actually brought it for Draco as he couldn't buy alcohol yet. With the bottle, Blaise also got him a large Royal Doulan wine glass.
"Thank you," Draco whispers. He grabbed the next present, a sky grey wrapped rectangular box and grinned as he knows it was from Pansy by the familiar smell of Acacia he could scent from the wrapping paper. She always swarms her wrapping paper in acacia scent. He tears at the paper, opened the box and picked up a little note that was on top of some black material. 'Darling, you're so gay I might as well buy you a whole new wardrobe. Love, Pansy. Draco laughed, and Blaise snorted.
Pansy got him a black mini pencil skirt and a black A-line skirt, and Draco nearly laughed because now he doesn't have to go back to her and ask for a skirt whenever he wants to turn Harry on or just wear them for fun. Another thing she got him was some simple makeup like eyeliner and mascara. She even got him some black lace-up heeled ankle boots. Merlin. At least he has something to wear.
Blaise started cracking up at the skirts and heels, and Draco hit him over the shoulder and started on Harry's present. But as he started opening the shiny red box, none other than Harry Potter walks into the dorm room. Draco beams, his heart fluttering in his chest, and he gets off his bed. He rushes into Harry's arms for a hug and a kiss. He still hasn't opened Harry's presents yet.
"Harry birthday, love," Harry says lightly, leaning away only slightly from the embrace so he can look into silver eyes that are shining with happiness. "I hope your morning is well. I would have gotten you breakfast if only the Great Hall opens its doors at six in the morning."
"That's alright," Draco mumbles, tightening his arm around Harry's waist so he can cup Harry's cheek with his other hand. "We can get breakfast together once I get dressed." Harry nods, and Draco leans forward and attaches his lips to Harry's in a slow kiss.
Blaise rolls his eyes at the two and decides to get dressed and go see what Neville's doing. Just as he leaves, Draco leans away from the kiss with Harry and leads him to his bed with a smile. He grabs the red present he had been unwrapping previously and sits down with Harry. Opening the lid of the rectangular box, he finds an odd-looking comb. Confused, he looks at Harry.
"It's a Portkey for our dinner date tonight at six," Harry tells him lightly, a wide smile on his face. "I asked McGonagall for permission to take you out tonight. But unfortunately, Remus is kinda going to be there with us in the background like a spy just to make sure everything's all right and we don't get kidnapped or some shitty reason. It's McGonagall's orders."
Draco nodded. He understood that. Just because most of the Death Eaters were captured, doesn't mean there are still some out there or bad wizards and witches. "That's fine, as long as I get my birthday dinner date with you," he says, putting the lid back onto the box and putting it aside. "Thank you, Harry."
Harry kisses his cheek, reaches behind him and gives him the next present. "You are so welcome, Draco."
Draco grins and opens the last present he got from Harry. His jaw drops at the expensive rich green material he can see from inside the wrapping paper, and he feels himself blush as he realises Harry had brought him some new dress robes in a rich green colour.
"Those are for our dinner date tonight," Harry tells him, and Draco's eyes brighten unnaturally. Harry smiles fondly. "I brought myself dress robes for tonight too. A light red colour."
"Where exactly are we heading tonight?" Draco asks him lightly, tipping his head in an awkward smile. "Hogsmeade?"
"Le Sept," Harry says, mispronouncing the name, "in Paris."
"You're taking me to Paris for dinner?" Draco asks incredulously. Harry nodded slowly. Draco slowly smiles, kisses him, and lowers him down onto his bed.
Harry grunts as something large is under his back, and he twists his torso around to see a bottle of alcohol. He grabs it, and a wine glass he sees on Draco's pillow and puts it on the bedside table. He has a feeling either Blaise or Pansy gave Draco the alcohol. Draco leans down and begins kissing Harry's neck slowly, giving Harry an understanding of what he wants. Harry sighs happily and removes all Draco's presents from the bed, placing them on the floor.
Harry looks back at Draco, bites his lip and spreads his legs as he grabs a fist of Draco's pyjama shirt to pull him down for a kiss. The Slytherin licks his lips and gives Harry all of his love during the kiss, and then some early morning slow love-making. After, they dress and head down to the Great Hall for some breakfast before having to go to class for the day.
As the afternoon came, they parted separate ways to dress into their dress robes and met under the Willow Tree with Remus to head to Paris by Portkey. Harry noted that Remus had brought Severus with him, which he understood, and the two professor's sat at the back of the restaurant but had a view of Harry and Draco.
When Harry and Draco returned from their wonderful dinner date, they headed back down to the Slytherin common room and to the boy's dormitory. Harry went over to Draco's bed, grabbed the Absinthe alcohol and the wine glass, popped the lid off and poured some into the glass. "You're first drink," he says, giving him the glass.
Draco takes the wine glass from him a little hesitantly, knowing he has to be 18 to actually drink with friends with no adults around. He thought to himself, I'll only be Seventeen once and dam the law and took the first sip. It strangely tastes like black licorice with a herbal aroma, but he likes it.
Harry summons Kreacher and asks for a wine glass from 12 Grimmauld Place, and when the house-elf returns with a triangular wine glass. He pours himself half a glass, raises his glass to Draco and winks, "To getting drunk with the sexy birthday boy."
Draco smirks and nods, "To getting drunk for the first time with my sexy man beast." They clink their glasses together and down their glasses. It takes a moment for the alcohol to get to their bodies and brains. The first feeling Harry feels is the heating sensation at the back of his neck, and he feels a sudden rush of excitement. It's exactly what he felt the last time he got drunk.
The rest of the night consisted of drinking together, dancing randomly without music, giggling and excessive laughter, sloppy kisses, and after finishing nearly the whole bottle, they ended the night with drunken, fast, rough sex in bed and then fell asleep in each other's arms with unnaturally high "I love yous," more sloppy kisses and giggling.
Blaise had entered the dorm room when Harry and Draco were in the middle of their undeniably loud love-making, and he rolls his eyes but noticed the Absinthe he got Draco nearly empty. Merlin... how far did they go on the alcohol? He ignored everything he was hearing as he is quite used to it and headed for a shower and then minutes later, came back to a silent dorm room.
Draco woke up with a loud groan. His head hurt, and his mouth felt dry. He pressed his fingertips to his temples to relieve the pressure and pain but it only helped a little. Squinting his eyes, he looked around and noticed the drapes around his bed are closed. He doesn't remember closing them last night. He then looks down beside him and is blinded by the beauty of his sleeping naked boyfriend all on display to his eyes. Harry's hair looked messier than normal and he adored it with all his heart.
He blinks, opens the drape on Harry's side and the first thing he sees is the bottle of alcohol which is nearly empty. Merlin... He starts remembering bits and pieces of yesterday on his birthday. The morning with all the presents. Morning sex with Harry. He doesn't remember anything that happened in his Herbology, Divination, or Arithmancy class at all, and that is rather bad. What if he has homework he has forgotten? He remembers the dinner date with Harry though, and the first drink of actual alcohol he has ever had. But then it all goes into pictures and flashes of becoming rather drunk, dancing rather mortifyingly with Harry, giggling, and then the rough sex.
Head still feeling quite sore, he slowly and shakily leaned down to kiss Harry good morning. He missed Harry's lips by a fraction of an inch and ended up kissing Harry's chin. He didn't mind though and just swarmed Harry's chin with slow kisses here and there.
Harry eventually wakes after a second of feeling soft butterfly kisses on his chin and a body over his own, and as he slowly opens his eyes, a familiar souring pain in his head made him grunt and rub at his face. "Jesus, how much did I drink?" he asks the naked blonde angel over the top of him.
Draco laughs softly, cups Harry's face, and gives him an actual morning kiss but slow and shaky. "The entire bottle apart from a millimetre which is left over," he mumbles to Harry's bright lips that are swollen from last night. Harry looks beside them at the bottle and sighs. "Oh, and I forgot to thank you for the incredible day and night I had yesterday."
Harry smiles slowly, his hand reaching up and around Draco's neck, and he spreads his legs and grabs Draco's cock and aims it directly at his arse. "How about a 'You're welcome' shag?" he asks a little loudly than necessary, but he didn't think anything of his loud voice as he thinks he and Draco are alone. Draco licks his lips, and he moves forward to push into Harry.
"No!" came a voice from outside Draco's bed, and the drapes on Harry's side open all the way, and the drapes at the end of the bed open too. Blaise Zabini was facing to the side, his arms crossed, and he didn't look too happy. "Harry, get back to Gryffindor Tower and start packing. Draco, you start packing too! The Hogwarts Express is bound to leave in an hour!"
"Shit!" Harry says quickly and looks around for his dress robes on Draco's bed, trying to ignore his throbbing head and the fact that he was heard by someone. But then his clothes were thrown at him by Blaise who used a simple charm so he didn't have to pick them up. "Thanks," he mutters to him.
Blaise nodded and walks back to his bed to finish packing a few books and quills which won't take him too long.
Harry quickly dresses back into his dress robes and was thankful he didn't see or smell any alcohol on them. He leans over Draco, giving him a quick kiss and tells him he'll see him down at breakfast, and then rushed out of the room.
Draco sighs with a smile and thinks about how yesterday was probably one of his best birthdays ever. At least he could remember it. Then he remembers he has a trunk to pack, so he creeps over to his trunk to dress in some casual clothes, then got to work in packing all his books, quills, and items all away in his trunk.
"Mate, where have you been!" asks Ron at once as Harry walks into the Gryffindor 6th years dorm room, a little wobbly on his feet. Harry smiles but stumbles a little as he gets to his bed, and he tripped over nothing. Ron caught him before he hit his head on his bed poster. "Merlin, Harry..."
"Sorry, late night with Draco," Harry mutters out when he managed to stumble to his bed with some help from Ron. Ron rolls his eyes at the obvious fact. "Got a little drunk. Drank half a bottle of alcohol with Draco. Had heaps of sex with him." He realised he said too much and blushed.
Seamus burst out into laughter when hearing that. He knows what it is like when drunk. He has been drunk before with Dean a few months ago and said a few things in front of Fergus that he really shouldn't have said. It's a great feeling, being drunk, though. "Ay, Harry, hoped ye had lots of fun," he says, grinning widely.
Harry does admit that he definitely had a lot of fun. Too much actually. But there is no such thing as too much fun. He smiles at his dorm mates, nodded to assure them he is okay, and crawled over to his trunk from on his bed. He searched through it for some casual clothes, and he decided to go have a shower to freshen up.
After freshening up and dressing casually, he headed back to the dorm room to start hurriedly packing his things away in his trunk. Then with Ron, he walked to the Great Hall where he met with Draco at the Slytherin table.
"My darling," Draco says, offering him his hand with a smile. Harry grins, places his hand over Draco's, and sits down next to him.
"So, how was your night, boys?" Pansy asks them, buttering her toast with strawberry jam, and she raised a slow eyebrow when only hearing silence for a second. "I heard from a source that it got very wild."
Harry snorted as he grabs some toast and butters it with jam. He would admit that it got wild last night. He did after all get drunk with Draco, and it was Draco's first time getting drunk so that was fun. Draco was so fun, hilarious, adorable, and so rough and sexy during sex.
Draco just kept his head down, kept quiet and smiled as he dishes himself some warm porridge with honey.
"I see," Pansy drawled. "Well... I do hope you two had a good time." She smirks at her toast. "I still can't believe you two drank an entire bottle of alcohol." She shook her head slowly. "I've heard about hangovers, and apparently, they're very painful."
"Oh, they are indeed quite painful," Harry tells her flatly, pouring some orange juice into his goblet. He doesn't know if coffee will have a bad effect on his body after a hangover, so he's going to be careful. "It's pretty much a painful migraine. It sucks. Don't drink too much unless you want to and have someone to share the pain with."
Pansy grimaces at that thought. She knows how painful a headache can be, but not a migraine. The thought of getting drunk with someone sounded scary to her now.
After some time, Ron went over to get Harry and take him back up to Gryffindor to gather their things and head down to the Hogwarts Express. He had been snapped at by Hermione when he told her what Harry had done last night that she said is illegal. He didn't argue with her, of course. He knew not to. She was rather scary when mad though.
Harry was on his way down to the Hogwarts Express with Ron when Hermione, face looking a little red in anger, stormed down towards them.
"Harry James Potter, I cannot believe you drank alcohol underage!" Hermione snapped, nostrils flaring as she catches up to the two. "You know that's illegal, especially in the muggle world! And you apparently drank an entire bottle! Jesus Christ!"
"I wasn't alone when drinking," Harry bites back, looking back and up at the pathway and spots Draco walking down with Blaise and Pansy by his side. The sight of the blonde Slytherin calms him down.
"I know this, Harry," Hermione says, forcing herself to be calm. "But Draco should have known not to let you drink last night! You're still sixteen until the holidays. It was so irresponsible of you both to do such a thing!" She hesitates and smiles hard at him. "I think your father ought to know about this, Harry."
Harry grimaces, looks at her to see if she's lying, and then he looks away. He knew she wasn't lying. She's quite proper when talking about this. "Look, I'm sorry," he says flatly, his gaze directed at the scarlet train in the distance. His hangover had well left after eating his breakfast. "Is that what you want me to say? To apologise?"
"No, I want you to go and admit what you and Draco had drunk last night to your father," Hermione said at once, placing her trunk on the black carriage with a little help from Ron whose ears were red.
Just as Hermione got up onto the carriage and sat down, Harry decides he doesn't want to be argued with anymore and walked away toward Draco, Blaise, and Pansy. He ignores Hermione calling his name, and he swings an arm around Draco and kisses him loudly with a Mwah. Draco smiles during the kiss and hugs him closely.
Blaise and Pansy leave them there and continue down towards the carriages. Harry and Draco lean away after a while, smile at each other, then head down and join Pansy and Blaise on a carriage.
They get on the Scarlet Steam Engine and find a compartment together. Hermione appears by the compartment door and looks in. She knocks, frowns at Harry, and points down to the door handle on her side of the door.
Harry looks at her and nods his head. She just wanted to come inside the compartment.
Hermione opens the door, walks over to him and hugs him. "I'm sorry, Harry," she mumbles to his ear, and Harry's nearly wheezing from how much her hugs suffocate him. "I shouldn't have snapped at you. You're just being a teenager. But you should have known not to do that yesterday."
"S' fine," Harry drawls and tries leaning away to get some air into his suffocating lungs. But then he smirks as she whispers a little random fact into his ear, and she finally leans away to release him from her embrace. She turns and leaves the compartment, closing the door behind her, and heading back to see Ron.
"What was that all about?" Draco asks Harry, his hand reaching up to mess Harry's hair up even more. He's a little sad that he and Harry have to depart ways when they get to platform 9 ¾ instead of taking Harry with him to the manor. But Harry has a loving family and a new home too, and of course, he is happy about that.
Harry turns to him, grins slowly, and hauls his leg over Draco's thighs to sit on his lap. He looks him in the eyes, completely ignoring the fact that they aren't alone in the compartment, and tilts his head as he leans forward to start kissing his neck. Draco sighs as Harry's feathery lovely lips kiss his neck, and he squirms in his seat at the picture of Harry naked once again and bobbing his arse up and down on his cock. His dick stirs in his pants in excitement.
"I need my daily dose of protein before we go our separate ways home," Harry murmurs, and he licks a long wet curvy line from Draco's Addams Apple around to his earlobe. Draco grunts and Harry smiles against the Slytherin's salty skin. He moves off Draco's lap, gets down on his knees and spreads Draco's legs apart.
Blaise looks at them from staring out of the window, and he curls his lip at what looks like is about to happen. But as he sees Harry unzipping Draco's fly, he nopes out of this situation, grabs Pansy by the wrist and pulls her off the compartment seat. He fumbles with the door handle, but he finally gets it open and pulls Pansy out before she sees anything she wouldn't want to see.
Harry hears the compartment door shut, and he quickly gets to his feet and shuts the blinds down. He goes back to Draco and kneels down again. "You know, I've heard from someone that sperm is protein," he says, pulling at Draco's jeans as he wants his boyfriend naked from the waist down, but Draco's not moving his hips up to let Harry pull his pants off. Draco snorts and bites his lip.
With a sigh, Harry sees Draco's white boxers and leans down to stuff his nose into Draco's groin to smell him raw. Feeling quite aroused and hungry by the musky scent of his boyfriend, he balls his fist into Draco's boxers and pulls them forward so Draco's pink throbbing cock appears in his sight. Licking his lips, he wraps his hand around the base of the Slytherin's cock, and he licks at the seeping slit with salty-sweet pre-come leaking from it.
Draco's hands find their way into Harry's messy black hair, and he moans from Harry's teasing tongue circling the head. Harry moves his mouth down Draco's length, his own warming cock wanting attention, and Draco whimpers and thrusts up into Harry's wet hot mouth. Harry grunts, squeezes the base, turns his head to the side, and starts bobbing his head up and down on Draco's cock to give him the best blowjob he can yield in under ten minutes.
Harry pulls off some seven minutes later after Draco's powerful orgasm, and he swallows down Draco's salty sweet ribbons of come with a happy smile. "I love your creamy protein," he mumbles.
Draco, still panting from his orgasm, releases his hands from Harry's hands and laughs softly at Harry's words. He loves Harry's beautiful talented mouth and the incredible blowjobs he gives. "Well, I love you," he whispers, and he watches Harry put his cock back in his boxers and zip his fly back up. He could watch that all day and never get bored.
Harry crawled back up for a slow kiss, and he sat back on Draco's lap. After, he collapses down beside Draco and licks his lips. "That was fun." Draco hummed in agreement and placed a hand over his flat belly. They cuddled together on the seat for the rest of the train ride to London.
Draco hurried to his mother for a hug when they got off the Hogwarts Express with their trunks and Hedwig. He could see the two Aurors standing in the background watching his own mother. "I hope you're well, mother," he says and kisses her forehead.
"I am quite well, my dragon," Narcissa says, smiling happily at Harry during the embrace with her son. "And how about you, Harry? How's school?" She leans away from the hug with her son and steps over to Harry.
"I'm actually fantastic!" Harry said, and he places his arms around her in a hug. He was going to kiss her forehead too but stopped himself as he knows where his mouth had been. "Have you seen Severus or Remus who'll apparate me back home?"
Narcissa shook her head, leaning away. "No," she replies gently, "Your father told me you can stay over at Malfoy Manor for some time before you go back home. But Severus wants you home at dinner."
Harry beams his excitement at her. An extra hour or two with Draco and an hour catching up with Narcissa sounds amazing. "Let's go then!"
I had to add a little bit of Deamus, by the way. :3
Ooooooh a Deamus proposal. How exciting!
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