Loss and suffering
"They were rapidly becoming obsessed with each other's bodies."
Chapter Summary - Characters and others not being used: Horace Slughorn, Albus Dumbledore, Pensieve Tom Marvolo Riddle and the others in the Pensieve, No Slug Club, No Draco-sneaking-out-to-fix-the-cabinet, No finding Horcruxes... You get what I mean.
Enjoy the chapter!
Harry woke with a yawn, remembering he had to go back to Hogwarts today. Hogwarts. Draco. He smiled. He hasn't seen his Slytherin boyfriend for a couple of days because Draco wanted to spend the rest of the week with his mother. Harry understood that, as Draco never got to see Narcissa the entire holidays, not until after the war. He couldn't wait to see Draco. It feels like it has been months since he last saw him!
He pushed himself out of his warm bed and decided to get dressed. Searching for his trunk under his bed, he couldn't find it. He swore it was there just yesterday when he last looked. He stared at the drawers and wardrobe, wondering if his clothes somehow managed to find their way inside. He then searched through the drawers and found half of the clothes he owned already inside. He smiled. It must have been either Severus or Remus. But they really didn't have to do this. He was capable of doing it himself. He pulled on a short-sleeved stone blue V-neck t-shirt, a black hoodie, and a pair of dark tracksuit pants.
Harry headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast, but it was already served. Bacon and eggs. The smell was delightful! But bacon and eggs brought back so many memories from the Dursley household where he'd have to make it for three people. It was triggering, but he sat down on the kitchen bench with a forced smile.
The heavyweight of his depression was pushing him back down, but Harry tried fighting against it, knowing how much he was loved by Draco, his dad, Remus, Narcissa, probably Lucius, the Weasley's, Hermione, Pansy and Blaise. He knows those people loved him so much, and he'll try fighting as much as he can against his depression. But this just reminded him of Fred, who was missed dearly by his friends and family. Not to mention George, he had lost his other half and would be feeling like shit every day. He knows Fred's death isn't his fault, yet he felt like it was considering he stayed at the Weasleys during the summer. Now he felt even terrible. "Morning," he mutters, not noticing how miserable he sounded.
"Good morning, Harry," said Remus softly, using the spatula to place an egg and a couple pieces of bacon on Harry's plate. "Excited to head back to Hogwarts?"
To be honest with himself, Harry doesn't know. Hogwarts has always been his home, but now that he has a real home, he just feels like Hogwarts is just another school. "I guess so," he said while stabbing the egg's yolk on the plate with his fork. "The best part would be to-"
"See Draco?" Severus finished for him, smiling as he walks into the kitchen with a floating black mug of coffee following from behind him.
Harry blushed at the mention of Draco and nodded. He's been thinking about him since that dream he had of Draco and him at Malfoy Manor in the rose maze. The proposal dream. He just cannot seem to get it out of his mind. "He's the best part about going to Hogwarts," he tells them softly, starting to slowly feel better as he thinks about Draco and how just a smile from him can light up his insides.
"Speaking of Draco," said Severus lightly and went towards Remus. He peeked into the pan of eggs and bacon and licked his lips, then glanced back up at Harry. "Why don't you come to Hogwarts with me and you can astound him on the Hogwarts express?"
Harry smiled thoughtfully at that brilliant idea. He could picture that adorable surprised face of Draco's when he hops off the Hogwarts express when it arrives in London. "When can we leave?" he asks at once.
"As soon as you eat your breakfast," Remus said firmly, pointing to Harry's plate filled with 2 stabbed eggs and a half-eaten piece of bacon.
Harry quickly wolfed down his breakfast, not missing a single strip of bacon. He lightly pushed his plate away after he was done and looked at the two men. "All done, so can we go now?" he asks quickly and gets up from the stool he sat on.
Severus smiled and nodded his chin towards the living room without actually looking that way. "Meet me by the Floo," he says, folding his toast in half with an egg and bacon in it. "We'll be Floo-ing into my living quarters in the castle."
Harry gave him a nod and headed into the lounge room. He stopped when seeing his trunk, wondering how it got there. It was nowhere in his room, and the last time he saw it was under his bed in his room. How did it get here?
He opened his trunk and noticed everything inside was packed neatly consisting of the rest of his clothes, schoolbooks, and necessities. He gave a smile at Hedwig, who hooted in her cage and ruffled her feathers.
"You ought to thank Remus for packing your trunk for you."
Harry reached into Hedwig's cage and petted her snowy white feathers, knowing Severus was standing to the side of him. "I know," he mumbles and booped Hedwig on her beak. Hedwig coos and looks down her beak, making Harry chuckle. "But he really shouldn't have," he added and turned around to look at Severus. "I could have done it myself."
"But you didn't, Harry," Severus said, making his way to the Floo with a half-eaten bacon and egg toast in his hand. He summoned his briefcase into the lounge room and placed it by his feet. "He did it for you."
"I know," Harry repeated, looking blankly at the briefcase by Severus' feet. He's just been busy thinking about Draco and trying to figure out what spoon is for his main course and which is for desert. It turns out the smallest spoon is for dessert and the largest is for his main course meal.
Severus held out his black vase filled with Floo powder to Harry. "Come, I have a lot to do when I get to Hogwarts."
Harry grabbed his trunk and Hedwig's cage, securing it on his arm and took a bunch of Floo powder. He walked into the Floo, only to reappear inside his father's living quarters in Hogwarts and Severus walking through the Floo behind him.
"Are you capable of getting to Hogsmeade by yourself or would you require my assistance?" Severus asked him, placing the briefcase down on his dark leather couch in the lounge room of the private quarters.
"Yeah, actually," Harry placed his luggage and Hedwig's cage down on the floor beside the couch. "Could you please apparate me to the Hogsmeade train station?" he asks, glancing up at him, and Severus nodded at him. But before they left, Harry got into his school robes so he doesn't have to dress on the train.
Harry followed Severus out of his living quarters into the familiar corridors of Hogwarts. It's been a while since he was here, like it has been a couple of years. But only two months. He was excited to see Draco again. He didn't realise he was beginning to fast-pace strut through the corridors until Severus had sped past him with his own fast walking.
Harry grinned challengingly and tried catching up to Severus, but he reminded himself of a dizzy squirrel when moving lopsidedly and trying to gain speed. He gave up on walking and jogged up to Sev, catching up to him easily from the number of morning jogs he and Hermione have done previously. "Severus, how do you do that with your robes?" he asks suddenly. He still had to know how his father and Draco could make their robes do that blowy thing like a cape.
Severus looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "Do what?"
"Make your robes fly, sort of, when you walk," Harry tells him, grabbing the sides of his Gryffindor robes and just shook them up and down like a flowing cape.
Severus smiled and placed an arm around his son's shoulders. "I'm confident you know how to catwalk?" he asks casually, giving Harry's shoulder a little squeeze as they walk. "Don't you?"
"Catwalk?" Harry asks in a low voice, a little confused at the answer. He's never tried cat-walking before. That's Draco's thing. But the weird thing was finding out his father can catwalk. Severus Snape, his father, the dark Potion's professor, catwalks? It was just incredulous.
"Yes, but it's similarly regarding how you wear your robe," Severus states and pushes open the large doors of the castle as they walk out. "If you wear it around you like a cloak, then it won't bellow. Your robe must be on your shoulders for it to bellow like a cape, alongside catwalking. Do you understand it now?"
Harry nodded. He understood what his father meant now.
Severus held out his arm for his son as they stood outside the gates of Hogwarts. Harry firmly grabbed onto Severus' arm, closed his eyes, and felt the apparition effect on him. When he felt the hard ground under his feet again, he opened his eyes and stared at the train station and the scarlet steam engine in front of him.
When Severus let go of his arm, and he did the same, he had to quickly ask, "Don't I need a ticket?"
"Not if your parent or guardian works as a teacher in Hogwarts," Severus says, smiling at his son's surprised expression as they walk onto the platform and to the train. Though, that was a big lie since he's already paid for it. But Harry doesn't need to know that.
"Oh, wow," said Harry, his voice low and bewildered at the free opportunity he got. "Well, thank you, and I'll see you when Draco and I get back."
Severus nodded and Harry gave him a quick hug before hopping onto the train and finding a compartment on his own. When he spotted Severus waving at him, he waved back through the compartment window until the train began to move.
The trip to London, Harry never imagined it to be this lonely and boring. But he was the only one on the train, apart from the lunch lady but she was somewhere else. Probably on the other side of the train. While he stared out at the landscape of the mountains, he had a little nap.
There was a knock on a door. Compartment door, as Harry could hear and opened his eyes. He realised he was lying down on the seat. He looked up, the Trolley Witch, without her trolley, was standing outside the compartment he was in.
The Trolley Witch opened the compartment door. "We're nearly in London, dear."
Harry gave her a tired smile, wishing he could go back to his little nap, but he wished more than anything to see Draco. "Thank you, ma'am," he says politely and sits up a little to see her better.
The Trolley Witch nodded and left him be. Harry sighed and stared back out of the window and saw London in the distance. He could see Big Ben from where he was. He pondered if Draco could see it too, wherever he was.
Harry drummed his feet against the floor as the Hogwarts express rolled into Platform 9 ¾. It wasn't until the train entered the building that he began to see people. He could see Neville with his Grandmother, Blaise and Pansy with their mothers, and a few others he knows like the Weasley's and Hermione. But he scanned the platform for the one person he wants to see most out of everybody else.
Then he spotted him. Draco's hair is combed back but a few locks of hair fell across his forehead. His hair was neat, styled, and perfect as always. He wore everything in black, and although black is a depressing colour, Harry believes it makes Draco look sexy as hell. Harry felt himself drool. When the train stopped, he rushed out of the compartment and off the train. He strolled up to Draco with a big grin, even if the Slytherin hasn't spotted him yet, and yelled, "Draco!" while jumping onto his Slytherin boyfriend for a hug. He nestled his nose in Draco's neck and sighed happily. It's been so long for Harry, even if it has only been a couple of days. But days without seeing your boyfriend gets pretty boring and lengthy.
Draco laughed and spun Harry around in the hug. He placed his arms around Harry's waist, looked at him and smiled so brightly it made Harry's knees feel weak. "Merlin, Harry," he says lightly and looks him up and down. "We saw each other a few days ago. Not a whole bloody month."
"I've missed you too, Draco," Harry muttered, rolling his eyes, his smile wider than ever. He had a really good look at Draco, really noticing how much his blonde Slytherin boyfriend has grown even if he spent the entire holidays with his boyfriend. Draco's at least an inch and a half taller than him, but Harry's known that he has grown a little taller too. He rubbed his thumbs up and down Draco's cheeks, "I love you."
"I love you too, Harry Potter," Draco said back in a low voice, and he leaned in and tilted his head to the side so he could kiss Harry. He bent back Harry's head across his arm and kissed him, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made Harry cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. He missed the feel of Harry's sweet soft lips on his own, and Harry agreed with him by placing his hands on his sides. His insistent mouth was parting the green-eyed Gryffindor's shaking lips, sending wild tremors along his nerves, evoking his sensations. And before a swimming giddiness spun him round and round, he knew that Harry was kissing him back.
"Boys," Narcissa had to interrupt them, even if she hated to. "I dislike ruining this beautiful heart-warming moment between you two, but you both need to go."
Harry leaned away and sighed. Narcissa was right. Even if the Hogwarts Express just got here, he and Draco both needed to go if they wanted to get a good compartment to themselves. His hands travelled down to Draco's own hands and he linked them together as he leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss.
He broke away after long seconds and opened his arms up for a hug from Narcissa. But then he remembered something when Narcissa hugged him back gently. "Aren't you supposed to be on house arrest?" he asks her slowly.
"They will simply let me drop my Draco off, but I'm being observed by Aurors even right now," Narcissa informed him, pointing behind her in different directions at two men dressed in dark Auror robes standing a few meters away from her and each other. She was already irritated by the contraption on her ankle, she didn't need people watching her every move. "After this, I have to go back home and stay there until Draco comes back."
Harry nodded in the hug and gave her a squeeze, which she returned without hesitation. He leaned away and smiled at her. "I guess this is goodbye until I see you again."
Narcissa nodded. She shooed them towards the Express, her eyes filling with tears at how much she knows her son has grown and Harry too. They're becoming wonderful young adults. "Now go," she says at once. "I don't want you boys arriving late."
"Of course, mother," Draco tells her, putting his arms around her and giving her forehead a kiss. "Take care of yourself," he mutters. Narcissa smiles in the hug, and a few seconds later, she gently pulls out and stares at them both proudly. Draco picks up his trunk and then walks with Harry over to the Hogwarts Express.
"I'm guessing your trunk's already at Hogwarts since your father is a professor?" asked Draco when they boarded the train, and he stared down at Harry's empty hands until he grabbed onto Harry's closest hand and held it.
"That is correct," said Harry flatly as he was looking for an empty compartment or one with friends in them. He spotted Blaise and Pansy in one compartment on their own and pulled Draco inside it. "Hullo!" he says politely, giving them both a quick smile.
Draco smiled at his friends and closed the compartment door behind him and Harry.
Pansy looked up at them and smiled back at them. "Hello, Harry and Draco," she says just as Draco places his luggage above his head and sits down with Harry on the opposite seat as her.
"Hello," Blaise said, moving across to the window to give the other two blokes room to sit with one another. It was nice seeing the two again. He flinched as his head bumped the window as the train started moving.
"How are you two doing?" Draco asked them softly when Harry lies down and placed his head on Draco's lap, and Draco loved it because he got to play with Harry's hair. He knows the breakup must've been hard for his best friends.
"I'm alright," Pansy mumbles with an honest nod of her head. "A few tears here and there when I see her but that's all.
"I've actually taken it quite well, knowing my mental state," Blaise tells them, his tone of voice soft and low. A movement on the other side of the compartment caught his eye. It was Longbottom. Neville Longbottom. But the other bloke looked so depressed as he walked by. What was wrong with Neville Longbottom?
"That's good to hear," Harry said to the both of them, his head still resting on Draco's lap and he sighs, feeling quite relaxed at the feel of Draco's warm hand in his hair massaging him. He gave the two a little smile. "So, excited for the new school year?"
"I guess," said Pansy flatly. She straightened out her black skirt. "I'm just glad I'm graduating earlier."
Draco looked at her in disbelief. He thought only he, Harry, Ron, and Hermione got letters from McGonagall saying that they'll be graduating with the Seventh Years. Well, she didn't say they are the only ones though.
"Wait, you're graduating as well with the seventh years?" Harry had asked, a tentative smile building up his face at the realisation that he, his friends and Draco won't be the only ones graduating this year.
"Yup." Pansy searched deep in her red cardigan pocket for her Owl letters. When she had it in her clutch, she showed it to them. "Signed by Headmistress McGonagall."
"I got one too." Blaise pulled out his Owl letter from the Headmistress that he got a week ago.
"Merlin, I wonder who else got one," said Draco quietly, looking down at Harry on his lap and bites his lip in thought. Harry reached his hand up and lightly brushed his fingers over Draco's cheeks, and when Draco leaned down to kiss him, he smiles and licks his lips.
Pansy suddenly sighs when remembering something important that she, as a Prefect, had to do. "We have Prefect duties, Draco," she reminds him in a low mutter and throws her letter at the snogging couple.
Harry placed his arms around Draco's neck, not wanting him to go anywhere as he was enjoying snogging his boyfriend gently with all the love he can give him. He's just shivering with tingles at the feel of Draco's lips moving against his and Draco's hand running through his hair and the smell of Draco all in one.
Draco pulls out of the kiss, leaving Harry pouting and he softly laughed. He looked him deep in those emerald green eyes he remembers meeting for the first time when he was eleven. "Harry, darling, I need to go to this meeting," he says and makes it up to him with a simple kiss on Harry's forehead on the lightning bolt scar. Though he knows Harry would want something else too. "But I promise I'll make it up to you."
Harry grinned slowly at him. He walked two fingers up Draco's chest, not losing eye contact. "Oh, I'm sure you know exactly how to make it up to me, Draco," he says quietly, his hands running through the sides of Draco's hair.
Blaise snorted at the realisation of what Harry wanted from his best friend, and Pansy sniggered and looks out the window.
Draco flushed, knowing his best friends knew what Harry meant. "Harry..." he mumbles as the dark-haired Gryffindor suddenly sits up and shuffles beside him. He leaned closer, tricking Harry into a kiss but instead, he nibbled on Harry's ear, causing the Gryffindor to gasp from the touch. "Let's leave this conversation to when we get back to Hogwarts."
"Yes, please, do that," Pansy drawls with narrowed eyes at them. "One does not want to hear about what comes from your bedraggled mouth." She stood up and straightened down her skirt. "Now let's go, Draco. We have Prefect duties that we must attend."
Draco sighed, looked at Harry and cupped his chin while leaning forward for a kiss. And Harry melted in the embrace, kissing back softly but demandingly as he didn't want Draco to leave his side for the stupid meeting. But too soon, the kiss ended, and Harry kept a firm grip on the blonde Slytherin's arms as Draco got up, but the Slytherin managed to slip through his clutch.
Draco smiled adoringly at him. "Sorry, Harry," he says, voice low and soft. "But I'll see you soon. Promise." And then he was gone, and Harry sighed and slumped back down on the compartment chair.
"Cheer up, Harry," Blaise says abruptly, looking at him with a faint smile. "You'll get to see him soon."
"I know," Harry drawled, his lips were pressed tightly together. "I just didn't see him much through the last week of the holidays."
Blaise rolled his eyes at the apprehended teenager. He only saw Ron, when they were still dating, about twenty times during the Holiday when Harry and Draco saw each other every day. Does Harry really think it's unfair? He stood up swiftly. "I'm going to go find Neville. He looked a little down when I saw him."
"You know that Neville exists?" Harry asked him, blinking dumbly. He didn't think Blaise would know who Neville was, or any other Slytherins besides Draco. Now he admits he just asked a stupid question.
"Um..., yes, Harry," said Blaise with a slow nod. "He's always messing up his potions in class, which I believe is..." He rubbed at his arm, smiling as he looks out the window. "Kind of cute."
Harry smiles at him, realising something interesting about this conversation. "Go on then," he says quickly, pointing to the compartment door. "Go talk to him. I'll just look out the window for the time being until Draco gets back."
Blaise smiled at the floor as he stood up. "Alright, see you," Blaise gave a little wave and left Harry alone in the compartment to sit by the window and stare out at the landscape. Blaise walked down the train, checking every compartment until he came across one with Neville Longbottom, sitting alone, arms hugging his legs, with tears in his eyes. He grew worried for the Gryffindor. He knocked on the compartment door, but when the boy inside didn't hesitate to know he was heard, Blaise invited himself in.
He sat on the other side of Neville and looked at him sadly. "Neville... are you alright?" he asked softly, leaning forward and rests his elbows on his knees. He knows the other bloke isn't too well, but he had to ask. He wanted to ask and know what was upsetting him. Neville just gave him silence and Blaise sighed. "Neville, what's up?" he asks again, a little louder this time. "You know you can tell me. I'm friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione too. So, if you think I would be stupid enough to pick on-"
"He broke up with me," Neville muttered, but his tone was just too quiet.
"He broke up with me," Neville repeated but a little louder. "Theodore did."
Blaise frowned at him, knowing how it feels to be heartbroken. He went over and embraced the Gryffindor in a side hug as he sat next to him, ignoring the strong fluttery butterfly feeling in his gut for now. "I understand how that feels, Neville," he tells him flatly after a beat. "Ron and I broke up over the holidays because..." He took a quick calming breath. "Because I saw that he is in love with Hermione."
Neville finally looked up at him, feeling a sudden jolt go through him when making eye contact with the Slytherin and his pulse began to race. "I'm sorry about your breakup, Blaise," he says softly, the corners of his lips moving down into a frown.
"Don't apologise, Neville," Blaise shook his head, smiling sadly at the Gryffindor. "It just happens in life."
A tear fell down Neville's face and the Slytherin wiped it away with his thumb. He was grateful Blaise was here with him, he doesn't like being alone, but he just didn't want to bother anybody. "That's not all," he admits flatly.
"What's not all?" asked Blaise softly. Now he was becoming worried. What did his fellow Slytherin do to this kind soul?
"T-Theodore, h-he killed people with his father during the holidays and Voldemort was with him," Neville bursts out with a sob, leaning back on the seat and looks up at the ceiling of the compartment. "I heard Theo's father say that while B-Bellatrix, Lucius Malfoy and a few other Death Eaters went somewhere for war, the rest of the Death Eaters, including Theo's father, went with Voldemort to go on a killing spree. I don't know who got killed but I think there were a lot of deaths."
Blaise loosened up his collar. He was angry at his fellow Slytherin for doing something so outrageous and fighting with the wrong side. Oh, whenever he gets his hands on that bloke, he'll make sure he never sees the sun again. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Neville," he says with forced calm and places a hand on Neville's knee. "Nobody should go through something like that. Know that I am always here for you, Neville. Same with Pansy, Ron, Hermione, Harry and Draco."
Neville gave him a grateful little smile. "Thanks, Blaise," he murmurs, and the Slytherin gave him an appreciated nod.
Harry, who still sat alone in the compartment he was in was so bored. What's taking the bloody meeting so long? He wanted to find out for himself. He exited the compartment and searched the last two train carriages for Draco. Nothing. He also peeked into the compartments to see if he knew anybody inside. He only saw Luna and Ginny talking with each other, and Blaise and Neville were hugging, which he smiled at them for and continued to the next carriage. Still, no sign of Draco except a couple of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw's in his year that he kind of knows. He's just never talked to them much. He passed the Lunch lady, asking if he wanted anything and he politely declined.
Harry turned around only to find Parvati Patil, who appeared to be alone in a carriage standing at one of the compartment doors. "Yes?"
"Have you seen Lavender anywhere?" Parvati asked him kindly, folding her arms and quickly glancing down the train carriage for any sign of her best friend.
Harry shook his head. Last he heard she was with Ivy at the Brown's house. "Have you checked the other compartments?"
"Yeah, I can't seem to find her," Parvati said, nodding and when a green lollipop appears beside her head floating in the air, she grabbed it with a smile. "Do you think she... came back?"
Harry shrugged and hesitantly steps back. How would he know anyway? The girl just reminds him of when Fred was still alive and running amuck with George. "I wouldn't know, sorry," he drawls.
Parvati sighed, gave him a little smile, and entered her compartment again.
Harry turned back around and continued to the next carriage. He forgot how long the Hogwarts express is, as he travelled to the next carriage and the next. Until finally, he came to the last carriage, but it was closed. There was a window, like the other carriages, where he could look in. He peeked in and saw Draco and the other prefects sitting around a circular table. He grinned as Ron caught him staring in and waved.
Ron smiled at him, but unfortunately, Hermione saw where Ron was looking and gestured for Harry to go away. Harry didn't leave. All he wants is to see Draco. That's all. He knocked on the door to the next trailer and flushed when every other Prefect turned their heads to look at him. Harry gave Draco a wide smile and waved.
Draco smiled at him and waved back. What Harry was doing here he hadn't an idea. His boyfriend can't be bored already. It's only been a couple of minutes since he's seen him. But it's cute how Harry came looking for him.
Harry's smile widened and he breathed on the window, creating a heavy fog on the window from his breath. He drew a heart with his finger and wrote "D+H" but in the opposite direction so Draco could read it. He breathed over the heart again so it would last a little longer and shaped his fingers into a heart over his chest. Hermione, Pansy, and Padma burst out into giggles at what Harry did.
Draco blushed and smiled fondly at what Harry had done. It was so cute of him to do something like that. But really, now? When he's in a meeting? Can't Harry wait until after the meeting? It was nearly over.
Ron nudged Draco in the arm. "I think you better go, Draco," he says in a low voice, snorting as his best mate kept breathing on the window, the heart and two letters still visible to everyone's eye. "I don't know how long he can take it without having you in his presence."
Draco stood up from the table, not caring if the meeting was over and slid the door open. He stepped out, still smiling at Harry and closed the door behind him. "That was sweet and all what you just did there, but can I just ask what you are doing here?"
Harry placed his hands around Draco's neck and blushed from the compliment. He smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I was bored," he simply said. "Blaise had gone off to find Neville and I didn't want to disturb Seamus and Dean who were obviously snogging in a compartment or doing who knows what, and Luna and Ginny were talking together in their own compartment." Draco placed his arms around Harry's waist, and Harry's cheeks glowed as he beamed. "By the way, why did the meeting take so long?"
"A few prefects, namely the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff ones, noticed a few students are missing from the Hogwarts Express," Draco tells him, and he groans low in his throat a little as Harry presses his lower body into his own. "We were discussing why they haven't come back, if that's the reason for their disappearance."
"Oh," said Harry, sounding intrigued but also a little guilty. He didn't mean to evade an important meeting. "Who's missing, if you're allowed to tell me?"
Draco sighed deeply at the number of students he knows are missing. He didn't realise Voldemort had three other groups, besides the one that fought at the Burrow, who went on a killing spree. Even one of his friends has gone missing. "Vincent Crabbe, Lavender Brown, and several others."
Harry nodded slowly, remembering the conversation with Parvati he had numerous minutes ago. He hoped the missing students are okay. "Where are the other Slytherins?" he asks softly. He was thinking about where Draco's goons and Theodore Nott are. Did they die? He hoped not. They were Draco's friends so of course, he would care a little about where they are.
"Gregory and Theodore, I don't even know," Draco muttered, shrugging his shoulders. He hoped Gregory, Vincent, and Theodore were alright. Ivy and Lavender too. "They like keeping a low profile for some reason."
"So, is the Prefect meeting finished yet?" Harry asked just to change the topic. He wants his boyfriend alone with him again. "I want you back so we can be alone together where there are no distractions whatsoever."
"I'll have to ask," Draco says, voice low and eyes sparkling at that wondrous thought. He moved his hands down further from Harry's waist, gripping both Harry's arse cheeks and giving them a gentle squeeze. Harry bit his lip to hold in a groan, and he pressed his groin into Draco's. Draco let out a throaty moan, his hands on Harry's arse gradually moving his cheeks apart. "And I want the same thing, to be alone with you again." And he just wants to take Harry into one of the closest dressing rooms and fuck him or either let Harry fuck him for as long as he wants.
Harry couldn't stop smiling as he curled his fingers through Draco's hair on the back of his head and lightly yanked. "Then make that happen, Draco," he whispered, kissed him deeply, and took a step back out of Draco's embrace.
Draco sighed, trying to hold onto his arousal for when he gets to Hogwarts with Harry so they can have some fun somewhere. He didn't lose eye contact with those gorgeous green eyes that belong to his boyfriend. He then turned around and opened the door back into the prefect meeting trailer, peeking his head in. When every other prefect looked his way, he swallowed guiltily and said, "Think I can skip the meeting? One of you can inform me of what-"
"Of course, Dray!" said Pansy at once with a small smile, speaking over the top of him. "I'll tell you once we get back to the Slytherin common room tonight." Though, she doubted whether she will see Draco tonight if Harry wants him all evening.
"Thanks, Pans," Draco said, smiling gratefully at her and thinking how good of a best friend she really is. When Pansy nodded, he closed the door and Harry led him back to the compartment they were in and locked the door behind them. Hedwig screeched as she was woken up by the two males.
Harry pulled down the blinds of the compartment windows and door and sighed with relief. He was all alone with his boyfriend right now. It's exactly what he wanted. He sat down on the compartment seat and snuggled up to Draco as he did the same. He leaned away a little, reached his hand up and caressed the blonde Slytherin's cheeks, admiring how handsome he was.
Draco grabbed Harry's hand and began kissing his palm. He looked up into green eyes while still kissing Harry's hand and smiled when seeing Harry's smile. It's one of those smiles that are real, and not forced or fake. He was so mesmerised by the smile that he didn't realise he was leaning in until soft, warm lips touched his own and kissed back slowly but lovingly.
Was it possible to know what the colours of the rainbow feel, taste, and see? Because that's what Draco was feeling in his own sensual way when kissing Harry. Harry was just so mesmerising and beautiful, to the sight, touch, and the taste. When breathing in the Pine from Harry, he felt a cool inhalation of oxygen warming his soul. He felt like there was nobody else in the world but him and Harry. But then he leaned away from the kiss, already missing the warmth that Harry makes him feel everything amazing in one kiss.
Draco then leaned forward for a hug, squeezing Harry tightly in the comfortable embrace. And just as he felt the most comfortable, he began to fall asleep in Harry's arms but since he was a little aroused by Harry from earlier, he was dreaming of making love with Harry in the compartment. It didn't help his jerking cock that now wanted attention. But he didn't want to get into trouble like last time.
Harry noticed things. Wonderful sexual things. He could tell Draco was aroused just by the large bulge he can see in his pants. Smirking, he moves his hand down from Draco's side and ran it over the excited twitching bulge in Draco's pants. He could feel how hard the Slytherin was.
He had the need to feel more of Draco against him, to feel the press of his body atop him, to taste some more of him. Boldly, he reaches down and strokes the flat of his palm over the ridge of Draco's cock, the material of his pants soft and worn beneath his hand.
Quickly glancing up at the Slytherin's young and handsome sleeping face, he unzips Draco's fly slowly and pulls his dick out of his white boxers. The smell of Draco's musky scent hit his nostrils and made him groan low in his throat, feeling himself harden by the smell of Draco raw and beautiful for him. Harry wrapped his hand around Draco's slender cock, and he licked his lips.
He leaned over Draco's lap, his hand moving down Draco's length, and he felt the burning sensation of hunger in his gut. He licked at the slit, gathering salty-sweet pre-come on the tip of his tongue and moaned his delight. He put his mouth over the head, his hand working up and down Draco's length and he sucked with everything he could on the flushed head.
Harry looked up. Draco was wide awake, his eyes wide as he stared down at Harry, his pink mouth open, and he swallowed heavily, his Addams apple bobbing. Harry wanted to smile but his mouth was too busy. All he could do was wink at Draco, and Draco swallowed again and sighed.
Harry got off the chair, his mouth still on the head of Draco's cock, and he moved to the floor and spread Draco's legs apart so he could be as close as he can get. The cracked groan of pleasure Draco lets out as Harry's mouth descends around him is quite enough for Harry to go fully hard. Draco's cock lengthens and hardens further in the insistent, hot suction of Harry's mouth, the soft foreskin stretching and peeling off the head.
Harry hums as the lets the crown slip into his throat for a moment, smirking around the hard thickness when Draco cries out and drops a hand into Harry's messy dark hair. Draco leaves his hand there, loose and undemanding, as Harry bobs his head steadily, slicking Draco's cock up thoroughly, leaving it gleaming with spit when he sucks off to lick hungrily into the slit.
"Fuck," Draco breathes, his head falling back and his hips canting out when Harry pushes his thumb into the slit and massages until a clear dribble of precome oozes out. Finally twisting some of Harry's hair around his fingers and bucks up, leaving a smear of slick on Harry's cheek as his cock slides up his face.
Harry smirks. "Yes, Draco?" he teases, running the tip of his prick along the insides of his mouth but not licking or sucking.
Draco moans, tossing his head back again and straining towards Harry's mouth, his shoes slapping in muffled thuds against the compartment floor carpet. Harry sips delicately at the slit when another stream of precome trickles out and then hungrily swallows it down, sighing through his nose at the choked scream from Draco.
He pulls off again when he starts to get dizzy, licking up along the bulging veins and pulling the foreskin down hard towards the base, fluttering little sucking kisses over the shaft when Draco whimpers and writhes. Holding his cock by the base with one hand, Harry reaches for and gently tugs at Draco's balls, lifting the heavy sack on one palm and rolling it around, closing his fingers around it on a teasing squeeze every now and then.
"God!" Draco holds him by the hair and bucks when Harry squeezes the glans with his throat; gagging softly, Harry lifts off an inch or two. "Sorry! I'm so sorry," he gasps, loosening his fist a bit and patting Harry's head clumsily before shuddering at the way Harry just takes him back down his throat. "Merlin."
Harry can tell that he's close; his cock twitches vigorously in his hand with every punishingly hard suck Harry slurps around the head, spurting out thick strings of precome into Harry's mouth as his balls tighten steadily in his hand.
"Want to dirty my mouth up some more, Malfoy?" Harry murmurs, inhaling into the thatch of blonde curls above his straining cock. "Want to come down my throat?"
"Yes," Draco wheezes at once. "Oh, fuck, yes. Harry, please."
"Going to swallow it all down, Draco," Harry promises lewdly, starting to fist a hand up the long shaft, angling the bulbous, almost purpled head back into his mouth.
His hand bumps into his own chin as he works Draco's cock at a furious pace, sucking loudly until his cheeks hollow. Jaw aching and lips swollen, Harry shuts his eyes when Draco finally cries out hoarsely and shoves Harry's head down with both hands. He presses his cock into Harry's throat as it twitches and pulses out ribbon after salty ribbon of warm spunk that Harry eagerly gulps down while feeling like an absolute slut, whining and whimpering as he grinds his erection against the front of the compartment seat.
"Please!" Draco groans helplessly when Harry continues to suckle at his weakly twitching cock, licking the runaway trickles of come off his balls, sucking wetly into the nook from where they hang.
Harry shushes him softly, leaving his cock with a final, long lick up the shaft, and then kissing his way up to his naval. He presses greedy hands all over Draco, stroking his thighs, his heaving stomach.
Gently dragging Harry's head back with a fistful of hair, Draco pants down at Harry, eyes wide and dark and lower lip bitten red and plump. Now Draco's eyes are heated, his expression intense, and Harry stares back helplessly
Harry zipped Draco back up and joined him back on the seat with a happy smile. "Well, that was wonderful," he says, placing an arm around Draco's shoulder and leaning towards him until his nose pressed into his cheek.
"It was more than wonderful, thank you very much," was all that Draco said, and he closed his eyes, feeling relaxed and sleepy once again. "I'm going to give you hell if we get into trouble when arriving back at Hogwarts."
Harry leaned towards his neck and bit down on the soft skin under Draco's ear. "By 'hell' do you mean love-making because I wouldn't mind that one bit," he mutters to the blonde's ear. Draco snorted and for a moment of silent thinking, he felt himself fall back asleep.
Draco was awoken fully as the train came to a stop. He realised, when looking out the window at the evening sky, they were at the Hogsmeade train station. They hopped off the train, Harry carrying Draco's trunk for him though Draco insisted he shouldn't, and they headed towards the carriages. And after Draco stole his trunk back from Harry and placed it down with everyone else's, Draco froze at the black bat-like horse he's never seen before in his life.
Harry smiled at him and petted the Thestral's bony nose. "It's a unique but magnificent creature," he says softly and looks into its dark eyes that are looking back at him.
"I always thought the carriages moved on their own," Draco muttered, astounded at the skeletal black horse in front of him. "And they most definitely are quite incredible."
Harry reached for Draco's hand and lifted it to the Thestral's snout. He could see the fear in his boyfriend's face but squeezed his hand reassuringly just to calm him down. When he noticed Draco had calmed down a little when he sighed slowly through his nose, he moved the blonde's hand the rest of the way up to the snout.
The Thestral sniffed Draco's hand and nuzzled its nose in his hand.
Draco gave the Thestral a little smile, hoping this means he made a new friend. But he had to pull his hand away as the carriage in front of theirs began to move when a few people boarded it. So, he and Harry got on theirs and sat side by side, their bodies pressed together as the cool September air blew against their cheeks.
Harry opened an eye as he heard someone or two people step up onto the carriage they were on. It was Blaise and Neville. He noticed how down the other Gryffindor bloke was. "Neville...," he said softly. He knows his fellow Gryffindor goes through so much with his parents still in St Mungo's, but there's just something off about Neville now. "Are you alright?"
Draco looked up at the Gryffindor and Slytherin in front of him. He smiled at Blaise, who smiled back but felt concerned for the Gryffindor. He hid his concern for Longbottom by looking away and down at his and Harry's intertwined hands.
Neville looked up at Harry and gave him a little nod and a smile, but Harry could tell it was a forced smile. "I'm alright, Harry," he tells him slowly. "Just...getting through a few things."
Harry just nodded. He was curious about what else Neville suffered from, he just didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable if he asks. But then he saw something familiar, a piece of parchment that Neville had. It was the Owls regarding a decline in school years. He didn't mention it, knowing Neville probably just wanted peace.
The carriage ride to the castle was silent, but neither boy minded the silence. Harry and Draco had each other, Neville stared up at the stars and Blaise just stared ahead. But Harry had caught Blaise sneakily glancing at Neville, which was rather sweet.
Harry placed his chin on Draco's shoulder and admired every outline of him. His pale complexion was beautiful beyond nature, whitish blonde hair gleaming in the moonlight, and silver eyes sparkling like diamonds. Harry reached for his boyfriend's chin and turned it towards him. When silver looked into his green eyes, he leaned forward for a kiss.
Blaise smiled sweetly at the snogging couple. He leaned back in his seat, smelling the night air, and sighing peacefully. The side of his hand tingled and he looked down, not remembering his hand even being near Neville's. "Sorry," he whispered to the Gryffindor beside him, pulling his hand away and placing it on his lap.
"It's alright," Neville said quietly, his cheeks flushed pink. He looked up at Blaise and forced a smile.
Blaise could see beyond that mask and shook his head, disapproving that Neville was bottling it up inside. He moved closer to the Gryffindor, giving him a side hug just to try to make him feel better. Neville sighed in the hug, letting the warmth from this other bloke surround him. He felt better, only a little.
And then half an hour later, they arrived at the gates of Hogwarts. Harry gave one last kiss to Draco before getting off the carriage after Blaise and Neville. He held his hand up for Draco, who still stood on the carriage. Draco smiled, placed his hand over Harry's gently, and stepped down the carriage. Relieved he was back on the hard, solid, ground, he and Harry, behind Blaise and Neville, walked up to Hogwarts from the gates.
The Great Hall was filled with chatter and laughter when Harry and Draco walked in, and with that, the ceiling of the Great Hall was as dark as the night sky outside with little stars shining down on everyone. At the professor's table, they both could see the new Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall, sitting in the golden throne Professor Dumbledore once used to. But to their surprise, sitting next to Severus was the new Defence teacher, Remus Lupin. Harry smiled widely at him, and Remus smiled back and gave him a little nod.
The silence found its way in when everyone spotted Harry and began whispering. Harry swallowed. He was certain that the news of Voldemort being defeated by him and Draco didn't get out into the Wizarding World. He thought wrong apparently. He hadn't retrieved any source of information, like the Quibbler or The Daily Prophet, about the war and who died or survived. Of course, he knew who died and who didn't from the war. Was there something he missed out on?
Harry looked up at his dad, or should he call him Severus, or professor now? Probably professor, even if he's gotten used to calling Severus 'dad'. He could already feel the embarrassment course through him if he accidentally calls Severus 'dad' in class. Oh, the laughter he could already hear ringing in his ears.
When Severus gave him and Draco a nod, Harry quickly gave Draco a kiss and headed to the Gryffindor table with Neville. Draco stood there, smiled from the lingering kiss, and sat next to Blaise on the Slytherin table.
Harry kept his head down, knowing people were still staring at him even when the Sorting hat began to sing, and the first years were being sorted. What's their problem? Was it wrong to defeat Voldemort with Draco? Last he heard the evil snake-eyed git killed people. He didn't want attention, it's what he dislikes.
"Harry?" It was Seamus who whispered, as Harry could tell from the Irish accent. "Is it true? Is it true ye killed...Voldemort?"
"Yes," Harry muttered back quickly, so only Seamus and Dean could hear besides Ron and Hermione who were sitting a few people away from him. "But I didn't do it alone. I had Draco who helped me."
Dean raised an eyebrow, not believing what his dorm mate was saying. "Draco helped you...?" he asks in a low gruff voice. "How?"
"Some kind of bond," was all Harry told them, not wanting to dig deeper into the details. The war was just heavy on everyone's shoulders. "But we used what Voldemort doesn't have." Dean and Seamus leaned in a little to hear what Harry had to say. "The power of love."
Seamus smiled at him; glad the Dark Lord was defeated with something other than a spell. He then frowned and warily looked around the table, then back at Harry. "We both heard about Fred's death, and have tried to talk to Ron about it but he just walks off when we only get to say, 'We're sorry for yer loss'."
Harry nodded, knowing Ron still gets emotional at the mention of Fred. Even he does at times. He did, after all, learn how to dance with that guy and have his first kiss with him. Those will forever be in his memories.
The sound of a spoon hitting a goblet quietened everyone down, and they looked up at the professor's table.
Minerva McGonagall rose from the golden throne and looked down at her students. "As you all are aware, although some not, the last Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore is decreased. Now, I have taken that role as the new Headmistress of Hogwarts." The students began to clap at the new Headmistress, and McGonagall smiles and quietened them down. "Everything will remain the same from now and on, except for those students who received the Owls during the holidays. I ask those students to please stay behind after the feast which I will dismiss early. But first of all, let us welcome back Professor Remus Lupin, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher!"
The Great Hall burst into applause at the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, and Remus stood up with a smile at the pupils all applauding him. He couldn't be happier to be back at Hogwarts. But then he sat down as the new Headmistress wanted to say a few things more.
McGonagall took a moment's hesitation before she had to say the rest. "You're all aware that a couple of students have gone missing," she says, her mouth twitching into a frown. " The whereabouts of Ms Lavender Brown, Mr Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Theodore Nott are unknown." Her frown mirrored a couple of her other Gryffindor students and some Ravenclaw. "All we can say are that the people mentioned are deceased since no full bodies were found except pieces of people and wands. So, let's please bow our heads or raise our wands to the wizards and witches who have fallen for our safety during the war which took place during the holidays, and which took the lives of Ms Lavender Brown of Gryffindor house, Mr Fred Weasley of Gryffindor house, Mr Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Theodore Nott and... Ms Ivy Black of Slytherin house."
Parvati Patil, who never knew what happened to her best friend, broke down into sobs. Padma, on the Ravenclaw table, immediately rushed over to her twin to comfort her. Hermione frowned at her dorm mate, not knowing other people were killed during the war and rubbed the other girl's back. Ron frowned down at the table, the memories of that day as fresh as squeezed lemons in his mind.
Harry immediately looked over to Draco, who sat in shock next to Blaise and Pansy. Feeling his own tears in his eyes, he wanted to go over to Draco and comfort him from the loss he never knew had. He looked up at his father, or was it professor now? He didn't care right now as Draco was his main priority. When Severus gave him a quick nod, and a sorrowful look over at Draco, Harry got to his feet and rushed over to the Slytherin table.
Pansy scooted aside and let Harry in. Harry gave her a thankful sad look, knowing Ivy was her best friend too and embraced his boyfriend in a side hug, whispering words of comfort into his ear when seeing how sad he looked.
McGonagall frowned at the two boys, knowing Ivy was a big part of their lives. Her heart ached in her chest for the two boys, but she had to continue. "And let us all pay our respects to the Aurors who were so kind to fight with the other Death Eaters that not only fought at the Burrow but at different locations that are unknown to us all."
A few bowed their heads in remembrance, and the rest raised their wands; including Harry. He knew Draco was just too grieved to do anything. He gets that. He knows exactly how Draco was feeling, losing someone you care a lot for. But the frown on the blonde Slytherin's face broke his heart, especially the tears falling down his cheeks. It just hurt to see your one true love in so much pain. Now he understands how Draco feels about him when he used to cut. He just doesn't anymore, he can't find his blades at all. It's like they vanished. He just scratches at his skin, it's all he really can do for now. It helps a little but talking to Draco is better. All he could do was hold and squeeze his boyfriend's hand while they sat in silence, remembering the good times they had with Ivy and Lavender.
And then McGonagall called upon the feast. Everyone dug in, except Draco who picked at his food, refusing to eat it. He just felt so numb and heavy. Ivy was his sister, maybe not blood-related but she was his cousin by in-law.
Harry frowned at Draco's eating behaviour that he himself would normally have. He just hopes to Merlin that Draco doesn't become too depressed, not like how depressed he's been feeling for years. He would do everything in his mortal life to help Draco as much as he could, even cancel his therapy appointments with Severus and give them to Draco. Draco needed the therapy appointments more than he needed them.
Draco leaned his head on Harry's shoulder and silently cried onto his neck, wanting this to be some nightmare that he'll wake up to any minute now. But then again, he doesn't want it to be a nightmare or a dream because Harry's been so adorable, sweet and amazing today and he just doesn't want it to end. This just wasn't fair at all. The last time he saw Ivy was during the Holidays last year. She didn't even write, or Fire-call at all! But he believed that she was alright because she was with Lavender. And now they're both dead. What the hell happened during the war on the other side of the UK that he didn't know about?
Harry reached up and caressed Draco's neat whitish blonde hair and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Draco," he whispered into his ear, his forehead pressed against Draco's temple. "I'll always be here for you if you need to talk. You're not the only one who suffered a loss." Draco just blankly stared down at a pot of Irish Stew. "I lost my best friend too. Ivy found out about my dark secret way before anybody else did." Harry removed his hand from Draco's hair and placed it over Draco's hand under the table. "Pansy also lost her best friend. I don't know about Blaise, but I know he'll miss her too. We all will. She affected all of our lives and still does. She'll be watching us from the clouds above. And I'm sorry about Vincent and Gregory. I might not have known them like you have, but I bet they were really good guys."
Draco looked up at him, his head still rested on Harry's shoulder and tears streaming down his face. "I love you too, Harry," he quietly said back and leaned up for a little kiss. The familiar warmth that washed through him during the kiss calmed him down a little. He just loves how Harry can make him feel better when he's so downhearted, even with just little kisses, hugs, snuggles, and even sex. Was it okay to not feel hungry because he just doesn't want to eat right now?
Harry sighed and dished his plate up with a couple of sausages and mashed potatoes with peas. He cut the sausages up into little bite-sized pieces, stabbed one with his fork and lifted it to Draco's mouth. "Eat for me, please, love?" he asks of him gently.
Draco frowned but he had to do this for Harry. He opened his mouth and bit into the sausage piece, sliding it off the fork with his teeth and began chewing on it. Were sausages supposed to be this... tasteless? Where's that nice meat taste gone? When Harry lifted his fork with another piece of sausage up to his mouth, he bit into the sausage and ate it. As much as he loves when Harry feeds him because it's cute, he just doesn't want to appear like some baby so he picked up his fork and started eating the sausage pieces from Harry's plate and some mashed potatoes.
McGonagall stood up again after a few 15 minutes later when the feast ended. "To those who have received the Owls during the holidays, please stay behind," she states, her voice firm but loud. "As for everyone else, the feast is over, you may head back to your dorms. But prefects, tell your house the password to enter your common room. Have a lovely afternoon and have a wonderful sleep. Dismissed."
Pansy gave Draco a frown, seeing how upset he was, and decided to tell the Slytherin house of the password to the dorms. Draco clung to Harry, holding him tight and never wanting to let go because if he did, he would think that Harry would disappear on him too and where would that leave him? Alone.
Harry seemed to catch on to what Draco was feeling and shook his head with a sad smile. He reached up, moving Draco's hair to the side so it fell over his forehead, not caring he messed up his boyfriend's styled hair. "I'm not going anywhere, Draco Malfoy," he tells him softly. "I'll always be here for you."
Draco gave him a little smile as he knew that already. He slowly leaned forward, cupping Harry's cheek and kissed him. Harry slowly smiled when Draco kissed him, and of course, he kissed him back and tilted his head to deepen the kiss.
Everyone began to file out of the Great Hall, but the ones who retrieved the Owls stayed behind. Harry was surprised to see that Dean, Seamus, Neville, the Patil twins, and a few others in his year came to join him and Draco. It seemed he, Draco, Ron, and Hermione weren't the only ones affected by this war, even if the Death Eaters he knows came to the Burrow for the war. What about all the other Death Eaters? Where did they go and are they all dead or still roaming?
As soon as there were only a few students left who held their Owls, McGonagall got right to the point. "You all have been affected by the war. It is why you were given these Owls." She Accioed everyone's Owls to her. "With them, you have the option to Graduate with the seventh years. Because of this, you'll all be given accredited tasks and activities to complete by a due date, but your sixth-year classes will still take place."
Ron groaned to himself, but it wasn't loud enough for everyone to hear.
McGonagall continued. "Each of your professors, when your first lessons start, will give you your task, as well as your sixth-year work. These Extracurricular activities are seventh-year work, which you'll have to complete work on every week. And concerning your dormitories, you all will be residing in the sixth-year dorms. That is all I can say. You will learn more about the tasks from your professor. Thank you."
And then McGonagall starts a conversation with the other professors, leaving Harry to sigh and look back at Draco. He frowned when seeing such an unfamiliar frown on Draco's face. "No matter what our professors say, I am not leaving your side," he tells him quite very stiffly. "I'll literally sneak down to the Slytherin dungeons with you but hidden under my invisibility cloak."
Draco felt relieved. He would hate to sleep alone, without Harry, in a bed that feels empty. He knows Blaise will still be there in the dorm with him, but he needs Harry. Harry's that Patronus that chases all the negative emotions away and he feels so lucky to have Harry in his life. "We better get going then, Harry," he then says.
Harry smiled sadly at him, gave his cheek a kiss and stood up. Draco stood up also, blushing from the loving kiss and they walked out of the Great Hall and down to the Dungeons. "Serpentem vectem," Draco said at the secret entrance to the Slytherin common room. The secret entrance opened, and they walked in.
"Err... my Latin's a little rusty," Harry mutters, flushing as he didn't know a lot of Latin, and then there's Draco who could speak a couple of different languages every day whenever he wants to.
"It's Latin for Serpent," Draco said simply when leading Harry to the sixth-year boy's dormitories.
"Oh," said Harry dumbly. He felt stupid. 'Serpent' was literally in the first word. He entered the dorm room with Draco. It looked the same as the fifth-year dorms from last year. But instead of five beds, there were only three. Strange... Harry only just realised something. "I don't have my pyjamas." But a set of pyjamas and clean underwear was thrown towards him. He smiled at his boyfriend, realising it was his own clothes that he had stored in Draco's trunk when he sleeps over with Draco in the boy's dormitory. He has a set of Draco's pyjamas in his own trunk in Gryffindor. "Thanks, Draco."
Draco gave him a little nod, complete with a forced smile and a deep kiss on the cheek, which Harry blushed from and gave him a fond smile back.
After a nice warm shower together, he and Draco returned to Draco's bed and snuggled up together. He kept his arms tightly around Draco, so in case his boyfriend breaks down into sobs during the night, he was there to gently squeeze and kiss him to try and make him feel a little better.
Draco reached out and ran his finger along Harry's faint lightning bolt scar. But he mostly stared into his boyfriend's bright green eyes. Harry stared back into those silver eyes he loves and kissed him slowly. "I love you," he mumbles after the kiss, and he reaches up to cup Draco's chin. "Now, please go to sleep."
Draco sighed and pressed his nose into Harry's neck, not wanting to go to sleep but he will for Harry. "I love you too."
Harry woke up and the first thing he laid eyes on was Draco, whose hair and pale skin gleamed beautifully in the artificial light. He stared down at the blonde Slytherin's light pink lips and couldn't help but give him a morning kiss, even if Draco was asleep, which thank Merlin for that as it means Draco slept all night. "Morning, beautiful," he quietly says while watching silver eyes flutter open. "How did you sleep?"
Draco groaned, not wanting to get up but stay in bed with Harry all day. Sadly, that wasn't an option Headmistress McGonagall gave him. "I couldn't sleep," he mumbled, raising a leg over Harry's hips and pulling himself over Harry, lying flat on his stomach so Harry couldn't move.
Harry laughed gently at the snugly Slytherin but sighed a little sadly at what Draco said. He placed his arms around his blonde Slytherin wizard's back. "Draco, we need to get breakfast and our timetables for the year," he says quietly, his hands slipping past the band of Draco's pyjama bottoms. And Draco groaned again and fisted his hand in Harry's hair and kissed him, and when Harry opened his mouth, he twinned their tongues together.
Something pulled Draco off Harry, a someone Harry could see, and Draco shrieked from the surprise attack. Harry smiled up at Blaise by the drapes to Draco's bed.
Blaise smiled back and patted Draco on the shoulder who glared at him. "Let's go, you two," he says, nodding his chin towards the door out of the dormitory. "Don't want to be late for breakfast or class."
Draco groaned again and collapsed back onto the bed on top of Harry. He just didn't want to go anywhere. He just felt too heavy.
Harry smiled, leaned down and kissed Draco's forehead. Draco still didn't get up, so he tried everything he could, with a little help with Blaise's Slytherin manipulation skills, to get him up and off the bed. All Harry had to do was sleep with Draco at least five times a week, which would be easy, stay with him as much as he could and never leave his side. All easy for Harry. Of course, there would be the occasional blowjobs and sex every now and then.
The walk to the Great Hall was slow, considering how tardily Draco walked. Even Blaise had trouble trying to walk at the exact same pace as Draco. It was easy for Harry though as he knows exactly what it's like to be so depressed and not noticing when he walks slowly when his mind is thinking terrible intrusive thoughts.
And all of a sudden Draco sniffed loudly, and he's muttering sadly, "Oh, Merlin..." Harry looked at him immediately, and Draco began to sob quietly, pinching the bridge of his nose. Harry's features soften, and he wraps his arms around his upset boyfriend gently.
"I know," Harry says softly, sympathetically, when rubbing his lover's back soothingly and listening to Draco's sobs which saddened him so much to hear. "I'm here for you if you ever want to vent, you know? I'll listen to you talking for hours, until midnight or the next day as I'm your shoulder to cry on." Draco nods his head, tears dripping down his face, onto Harry's robe, though the Gryffindor didn't mind one bit.
"I'll meet you guys in the Great Hall," Blaise says, and he pats and squeezes Draco lightly on the shoulder before continuing to walk down the corridor.
"Draco, my dear, would you like to go somewhere alone?" Harry suggests to him just as softly as before. "Maybe the kitchens? I need to get some food in you, and if you can't deal with thousands of people in the same room as you, I believe the kitchens would be the best place to take you."
"No, no," Draco says quickly, weakly, shaking his head sadly. "We should go to the Great Hall. I want to have breakfast with you and my friends."
"If you're so sure," Harry replies softly, though a little unsure about if Draco should go eat breakfast in a room full of people when he feels so down. Draco nods his head, letting Harry know that he was okay with it, and Harry nodded as well and gave Draco's wet tear-stained cheek a deep kiss, then linked arms with him and walked him to the Great Hall.
Harry took one look up at the ceiling when entering the Great Hall with Draco for breakfast. It was a nice shade of blue just like the actual sky outside but complete with little fluffy white clouds. They sat at the Slytherin table, and Harry frowned when Draco didn't begin to eat. He remembers how the food he ate became tasteless only years ago. It was quite unpleasant. But now he's proud he can at least eat the same amount Draco can, but can actually taste the food.
"Hey, mate," it was Ron, who joined them at the Slytherin table, leaning against the table and he handed Harry's book bag to him with a grin. "Thought you might need this today."
"Thanks, Ron," said Harry, smiling appreciatively as he grabbed his book bag from his best mate and tucked it under his feet. Ron nodded and headed back to the Gryffindor table after patting him on the shoulder.
Draco sighed and leaned on Harry, just wanting this day to hurry up and go by so he can have the rest of the afternoon with Harry. And when McGonagall gave him and Harry their timetables, he compared them and frowned. The only classes he has with Harry are Potions, Defence and Charms. He knows he shouldn't be complaining, but can't he just have every lesson with Harry so he can get through the day easier?
"But professor," said Harry before McGonagall could walk off. "I thought I had to get an 'Outstanding' in my O.W.L.S. if I want to become an Auror."
"Correct, but Professor Snape has kindly declined that for the year," McGonagall tells him courteously. "He's happy to accept students with 'Exceeds Expectations' at O.W.L."
"Oh," Harry looked up at the professor's table at his dad, no, professor, and gave him a smile, which Severus returned.
"By the way, a couple of students have already put their names for the Gryffindor Quidditch team," McGonagall says. "In due course, I will pass the list to you and you can fix the trials at your leisure." The headmistress patted them both on the shoulder and continued giving the rest of her students their timetables.
"Wait, professor!" Harry called out, and McGonagall turned around and looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "Um... can you follow me and Draco just for a few seconds?" The Headmistress nodded.
Harry gave Draco's hand a reassuring squeeze when they were safely out of the Great Hall from everyone's ears and were by the Grand Staircase. "Can you tell us how... Ivy died?" He could feel Draco tense up from the question, but he knew Draco would like to know about how she passed. He does too.
McGonagall frowned at him through her spectacles. "I'm sorry, Mr Potter, but I do not have that information," she tells them flatly. "And I wouldn't know. When Aurors inspected the grounds of where the other wars took place, they only found bits of people."
"Bits?" Draco choked out, sniffing loud and thick. "How could there be bits?"
"I apologise for your losses, Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy," said McGonagall, voice quiet and sympathetic. "All I can say is there must have been some sort of explosion for people to be in fragments." She stopped there, not wanting to say anything else as it's quite horrifying, even to her. "I must go and hand out the rest of the timetables, boys. Again, I apologise for your loss."
The boys just stood there after McGonagall went back inside the Great Hall. Harry was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and looking up at the stone ceiling. Draco sank to the floor, his arms wrapping loosely around his legs and he rests his head on his knees.
Harry quickly glanced down at him and frowns as he crouched down to his knees and sat beside him. He placed an arm around Draco's back, and the Slytherin leaned on him. He doesn't realise Draco's crying until he looks at him, and he sees the wet silver eyes and the tears spilling from said eyes. Then he leaned in for a short kiss, trying to ignore his thumping heart in his chest as he gives Draco all his love in one simple kiss. "Should we head to Defence early or spend some time together, alone?" he asks softly, wiping away the Slytherin's tears from his cheeks.
"Second option, please..." Draco mutters, inching closer to Harry's neck where he nuzzles him with his nose. Harry smiles sadly and gives his cheek multiple little kisses until minutes later, they both get up from the cold floor.
When they headed back down to the Slytherin dungeons, Harry thought of someplace they haven't been to in a long time. It was actually a couple of places. "We haven't paid a visit to the LSR, Secret musical room or even the bedrooms in a while," he suddenly says, snapping Draco out of his thoughts about sex and if it will help him for some time. After all, Harry said it helps him when feeling so low. "What do you say?"
"I say the Hufflepuff bedroom for... sex?" Draco suggests to him immediately, his body moving as close to Harry's when walking towards the Dungeons. He just really wants this pain to go away. "Sex before classes, please?" He forced a pout.
Harry laughed at that utterly fantastic option he can give Draco. "Alright," he said quickly, feeling giddy at the thought of making love with his boyfriend. "Let's go." Sex makes him feel a lot better when depressed, so he knew it would help Draco. The only problem is if it becomes Draco's obsession to have sex with him just to feel something other than grief. He understands that. He just wants sex to be a time of making love with Draco, to please each other, and sharing love with each other.
About twenty minutes later, Harry, with a beating heart, his hands on either side of Draco's waist and the blonde Slytherin's legs wrapped around his waist, was slowly thrusting into Draco's warm slick arse, even if only seconds ago they both felt overwhelmed by their own orgasms after giving each other blowjobs. He just wanted Draco to feel something other than pain and grief, and this sex, he could tell has helped Draco and himself from the loss they suffered from Ivy. This bloke underneath him is so beautiful, especially against the yellow blanket of the bed. It made the Slytherin look heavenly, especially naked. Harry loves his naked, gorgeous, sexy, pure, Draco Malfoy.
Draco kept letting out little moans and grunts when Harry fucks into him. He tilts his head back on the yellow pillows under his head, exposing his throat, until Harry leaned down and bit at Draco's throat while still thrusting deep inside him.
Draco just felt like he and Harry were floating on clouds when staring up into Harry's gorgeous green eyes and beautiful features. He knew he was being fucked by what muggles call an angel. Harry was such an angelic being. So handsome, kind, beautiful-
"Yes, Harry- You're so beautiful... Fuck!" Draco moaned, clenching his arse over Harry's prick, and feeling Harry's warm splash of climax fill him up from the inside. And Harry came inside of Draco again after one last hard thrust, grunting as everything squirted out of him and inside his boyfriend. He fell on top of Draco but hoped he didn't hurt him when he realised he thrust himself further inside Draco.
Harry pushed himself up using his elbows so he could view Draco's face. He smiled adoringly and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's sweaty forehead with tousled whitish blonde hair sticking to his forehead. "Gosh, I love you," he whispers to Draco's brows after kissing him there gently.
And Draco smiled, feeling really good and incredible from the sex with Harry. "I love you too, my sexy-man-beast," he mumbles happily and reached behind Harry to give his arse a tight squeeze. Harry chuckled lecherously at the familiar name and moaned at the teasing touch. Draco reached up and ran his hand through his boyfriend's sweaty hair. "Thank you for this, Harry. I feel much better now than I had hours ago."
"It's all right," said Harry lightly, "I love sex with you." He slowly pulled himself out of Draco's warm arse and Draco let out a small pout, missing his boyfriend's soft cock inside him. Harry lay next to Draco on his side, smiling at how messy Draco's hair had become. Well, as messy as it could be, which wasn't very messy at all. Just a few little strands of hair sticking up, which looked extremely adorable and sexy to Harry.
Draco cuddled up to Harry, his arms around the dark-haired Gryffindor's waist and his head resting on Harry's chest. He felt incredibly clingy now. He sighed happily, but then remembered class. He groaned, and Harry laughed.
"We still need to tell Professor McGonagall about these secret rooms you and I have kept secret for years," Harry says, placing an arm around Draco's back and the other threading his fingers through blonde hair. He looks around the Hufflepuff bedroom, at the bookshelf he sees that could hold very important facts and spells, and to the enchanted windows that shone a light down on their naked bodies. "There's got to be information in these rooms that she'd like."
"Can't we do that after we graduate?" asked Draco in a muttered voice, too distracted by the feel of Harry's skin and the scent of him underneath him. Harry's cock that's resting on his thigh is making him randy again. "Just in case she'll expel us for keeping these places to ourselves."
Harry nodded his head, and when Draco looks up at him, he pressed his lips to Draco's in a gentle kiss. Draco sighs through his nose during the kiss, and he smiles as he crawls further up until his face is towering over Harry's. He leans away, and Harry rubs at his thighs. "Let's get ready, Draco."
Draco playfully frowns as he just didn't want to leave this nice cosy bed and he could tell Harry didn't want to either.
After dressing, they left the Hufflepuff bedroom for Defence against the Dark Arts on the fourth floor. Everyone was queuing outside the classroom, waiting for the door to open. Harry almost laughed at Hermione who carried a ton of books in her arms.
The classroom door opened, and Professor Lupin stepped out into the corridor with a smile. "Good morning," he says lightly. "Please, everyone inside."
Harry looked around the classroom as he entered with Draco. It looked exactly like how Lupin left it after the third year. He sat down with Draco at a desk and got out his book and quills for the lesson.
Lupin closed the door and moved to the front of the classroom. "It's so wonderful to see familiar faces, but if you are new here, I'm Professor Remus Lupin," he says casually. "Can I have a raise of hands to who received the letters during the holidays?" Nearly everyone raised their hands. "I see. Now, for today's lesson, you'll be taught how to cast non-verbal spells, and for your Extracurricular activity you'll be practising, learning and completing a ten-inch essay on the Hex-Deflection incantation which will be due by the third lesson of this week."
Seamus and Ron groaned at the amount of work they'll be doing, and Dean smiled fondly at Seamus.
"Who can tell me what the spell Salvio Hexia is?" Lupin asked the class. And of course, the first hand that shoots up into the air is Hermione Granger. "Ah, Ms Granger?"
Hermione lowered her hand and said, "Salvio Hexia is the incantation of a Protective enchantment which deflected hexes from the area."
"Correct!" Lupin smiled and surveyed the room. "Now, everyone moves into pairs and practise non-verbal spells, please."
Harry smiled at Draco and Draco smiled back. They got off the seats and Lupin moved the desks and seats aside to give room for a full space of duelling.
Draco kissed Harry quickly on the lips, his hand on the back of Harry's neck and his heart skipping a beat when Harry kisses him back. Then he leaned away but pressed his forehead to Harry's. "Scared, Potter?" he mutters.
A fleeting moment of bewilderment and then Harry bursts out laughing, face lighting up at the memory. "You wish," he says, smiling widely and Draco rolls his eyes as he feels his mouth twitch. And then Draco turned around, going to the other side of the classroom before turning back around and facing Harry. He got into his duelling pose and Harry just fell deeper in love with him at how poise and perfect he looked.
Harry grinned. He knew that Draco knows of the members of the DA club, and that defensive spells were being taught in the Room of Requirement. But none of the DA members had successfully cast a charm non-verbally. He kept grinning when seeing that the DA members in the class were cheating by whispering the incantation instead of saying it out loud.
Draco tried casting a stupefy non-verbally but just couldn't find it in him. it was frustrating. How are people supposed to do this?
Harry grew impatient and sent a whispered "Impedimenta" Draco's way.
Draco quickly cast a loud, "Protego!" He just could not cast a non-verbal Protego easily, not like how Harry looked like he could.
"Twenty points to Miss Hermione Granger for casting a successful Jelly-legs jinx non-verbally!" said Lupin loudly with a proud grin on his face.
Hermione gave a satisfied smile but continued with her non-verbal spells at Ron.
"Harry, Draco, let's see how you're doing?" Lupin says at once, his fingers steepled as he gazes at them, just waiting for them to do something.
Harry nodded and looked back at Draco, grinning, who shared the same grin. "Stupefy!" he whispered; his wand raised at his boyfriend.
Draco gulped, but he could just see how Harry was whispering the incantation. Cheeky cheating but beautiful bastard! Two can play it at that game. He whispered a "Protego!"
Harry, startled as his spell came back to him, whispered back a "Protego!"
Draco repeated a whispered Protego just to send the Stupefy back at Harry.
And as the spell came back to Harry, he blocked it with his wand, and not a spell.
Lupin raised an eyebrow at the two teenagers and crossed his arms, a little disappointed in these teenagers. He wasn't stupid, he's grown up with James and Sirius and he has noticed many of the students whispering the spell besides Hermione. "Didn't I tell you to use non-verbal spells, boys?"
Draco and Harry flushed but smiled at each other. "Sorry, Professor," they both said in unison.
"But how do you cast spells that are non-verbal, professor?" Draco then asked, slightly tilting his head to the side as he looks back at his professor. He's been trying but he really doesn't know how.
"Performing non-verbal spells require a lot of practice, mental discipline and concentration," stated Lupin. "All you really must do is think the spell or say it out loud in your head."
Was it really that easy, thought Harry as he and Draco made their way down to the Great Hall for lunch. Throughout lunch, Draco kept a clingy arm around Harry's waist and his head on Harry's shoulder the whole time as he ate, even if he was an inch taller than Harry. What can he say? Sex with Harry makes him clingy. Only clingy to Harry, though.
Harry kept giving Draco's forehead little kisses which made his Slytherin boyfriend smile while eating his kidney pie. Gosh, he loves Draco so much. Especially when he is in this clingy nature. It is adorable. He's like a fluffy white kitten wanting attention.
Sooner than later, it was time for their evening class, Potions. They headed down towards the dungeons, following the familiar path. But as they got halfway there, Harry stopped, kissed Draco's cheek, and hurriedly said, "I got to run to the bathroom. I'll be as fast as I can."
"Alright, Harry," says Draco, their intertwined hands entwining as Harry moved away. But the Gryffindor gave Draco his book bag. "Don't be late, my darling."
Harry smiled and gave him an actual kiss on the lips before running off towards the bathroom. Draco sighed happily with a smile and proceeded down to the Dungeons with his book bag on his shoulder and Harry's. When he arrived, he noticed the door was already open and a few silhouettes of people had disappeared inside the classroom.
Quickly, he emerged into the classroom and found an empty table for him and Harry. But when smelling the room, he noticed the scents were so seductive. Pine, broomstick handles, apples, and a warm fireplace with hot chocolate. He smiled brightly and closed his eyes. He smelt Harry but doesn't know why Harry's seducing scent has filled the Potion's classroom.
He stared over at the potions in the middle of the room. There were three cauldrons filled with different potions. He knew one of them had to be Amortentia as he remembers brewing it in his fourth year and smelling the same divine scents. He smiled down at the table he sat on, waiting for Harry to come back from the toilets.
Just a few minutes later, Harry was rushing through the corridors, hoping he wasn't late until he finally made it to the dungeons. He entered the classroom and froze, the delicious and seductive smell of Citrus, Quidditch, Treacle Tart, and Vanilla entered his nostrils. When he opened his eyes, they landed straight on Draco who was smiling beautifully down at the table. It was a beauteous and adorable sight to see to Harry. Why the hell does the room smell like Draco? He was utterly confused. He really didn't care if anybody was looking at him, even if some were, and said as he looked ahead at his professor, "Sorry I'm late, professor."
Severus just nodded and pointed to the seat next to Draco. Everyone in the room, Except Draco, Ron and Hermione was shocked. Normally their potion teacher would have yelled at Harry if he came late to class and even issued him a detention.
"Ms Granger," said Severus at once. He knew he doesn't need to ask anyone about anything that he teaches every lesson as she already somehow knows. "How about you inform us about these three potions."
Hermione nodded. "The first one is Veritaserum, which is a colourless, odourless potion that forces the drinker to tell the truth," she says simply, her eyes never leaving the fourth potion that Snape never mentioned. "The second one is Polyjuice Potion..."
Harry sat down next to Draco. He just couldn't stop sniffing the air. It's the most beautiful scents in the world. But he doesn't need any potion to sniff when he has Draco right beside him. He just had to ask, "Draco... why does the whole room smell like you? I think you put on a little too much cologne this morning," he added a little quietly as he realises nearly everyone has looked his way.
Draco turned his head and looked at him lovingly, his heart hammering in his chest and butterflies filling up his stomach. His adoring smile just grew wider when knowing about the other potion in the middle of the classroom. He reached forward and caressed Harry's cheek, saying in a low voice, "I love you so much, Harry James Potter." Then he leaned in for a slow kiss before Harry could reply back because he knows Harry can smell him in the potion.
Harry was surprised at the sudden meeting of lips with his boyfriend. What was that all about? Did he say something?
Hermione smiled knowingly at them. She was pretty sure everyone heard what Harry told Draco. "And the last one is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world," she says loudly so everyone hears her. She likes embarrassing her best friends. "It is supposed to smell differently to each of us, according to what attracts us the most. And yes, Harry, I'm pretty sure we all heard what you told Draco."
Harry felt himself blush a dark shade of red and felt his cheeks burn more when Draco kissed his flaming cheek and people started giggling and laughing at him. It was true though; he loves Draco so much. But he doesn't need a potion to tell him that. He looked at Draco, his blush only darkening at what he was about to admit. "I love you too, Draco Malfoy," he says softly, "But no darn love potion, to whatever extent of power it has, can prove how much I love you."
And Draco blushed, his heart feeling like it was going to explode with glitter and affection, so he kissed Harry and hugged him tightly. There were murmurs of Awwes, giggles and smiles at the two boys because of what Harry had just admitted.
"Draco," Harry whispered, eager for an answer to his question. "What did you smell?"
Draco's smile grew. He would tell Harry anything regarding how much he loves him. "I smelt you, Harry," he mumbles, licking his lips as he leans forward. "Pine and Quidditch..." He kisses Harry just as Harry's green eyes sparkle with what he knows is love.
"Amortentia doesn't create love," continued Severus to what Hermione was saying beforehand, ignoring his son and godson snogging in the far corner of his classroom. He tried not to smile at his godson and son. "It's impossible to manufacture or intimate love. This spell will simply cause a powerful obsession or infatuation. It's the most dangerous and powerful potion in the room. But now, it is time to start work."
"But sir," said Earnie Macmillan, who pointed at the small black cauldron on Severus' desk. "You haven't told us about that potion." The potion was the colour of molten gold and looked like little goldfish were leaping above the surface of the liquid.
"Felix Felicis," said Severus. "Can anybody explain to me what it does?" He searched the room with his eyes, but the only hand that was up was Hermione's. "Ms Granger?"
"It's liquid luck," said Hermione rather excitingly. "It pretty much gives you luck for around a few hours." By hearing that, the whole class seemed to sit up straighter. But Harry wasn't really listening to it anymore, though he could tell Draco was interested in the potion.
"Now," said Severus slowly, "I don't normally do this, but if one of you succeeds to brew a perfect or almost perfect Draught of Living Death, then you'll be offered a special prize." He stalked back to his desk, grabbed a small glass vile and filled it up with Liquid Luck, placing a corkscrew on top. "One tiny bottle of this potion is enough to last you 12 hours of luck. From dawn to dusk, you'll be lucky in everything you attempt but it is a banned substance in organised competitions such as sporting events, examinations or elections." Harry looked beside him at Draco who just stared at the Felix Felicis. He wondered why Draco would want such a potion. "Turn to page ten of Advanced Potion-Making to earn the prize. We have half an hour left. The person with the best potion wins the Felix Felicis. About your Extracurricular activity... I'd like a 12-inch essay on the uses of Horn of Bicon. You may start."
Harry reached into his bag, but he just couldn't find his Potions book. He sighed deeply. "Ron forgot my Potion's book," he says gruffly. "Just great."
Draco snorted. He wouldn't trust the Weasel to grab his things for him. And thank Merlin that has never happened. "Trust him to gather everything you need," he mutters. When Harry narrowed his eyes at him, he only fluttered his eyelashes and placed a kiss on his warm cheek.
Harry smiled down at the table and blushed again. He raised his hand and looked at the professor. "Da- Professor?" He couldn't believe he nearly called his professor 'dad' in front of everyone. How would his classmates react to that? He didn't want to find out. "I forgot my Potion's book this morning. You wouldn't have an extra somewhere, would you?"
"Corner cupboard, Mr Potter," stated Severus.
Harry strode over to a corner cupboard and after foraging the shelves, he finally found one battered-looking copy of Advanced Potion Making by Libatius Borage. He wished there was a newer copy. Disappointed by how old it looked; he went back to Draco to start the potion.
Harry watched as Draco riffled feverishly through his own new edition of Advanced Potion-Making and could tell Draco wanted that lucky day. But why would he need that lucky day? Doesn't the Slytherin have everything he's ever wanted?
Harry was annoyed at the previous owner, who had scribbled all over the pages in their black ink. Thankfully, Ron had remembered to put his Ingredients and scales into his book bag. When he finished cutting up his roots, Harry bent low over his book again. It was irritating trying to decipher the directions under the black ink. He couldn't even read the next instruction as it was crossed out.
Crush with the flat side of silver dagger, release juice better than cutting.
Draco looked over at the book Harry had, startled at the familiar handwriting scribbled into the book. What has his godfather done to the book? Scribbling over the instructions, Harry was following them. What if the potion blows up in his face? But he knew his godfather, knowing he would never create harmful potions for the brewer. "Harry," he whispered, "what are you doing? That's not how you're supposed to-"
Harry's potion turned the exact lilac colour the book said it would, and Draco's eyes widened. Whatever his godfather had scribbled down, it worked better than the actual ingredients.
Harry shrugged and began to stir clockwise every seventh counterclockwise stir.
Draco just couldn't believe what he was seeing. He raised his hand when Harry's potion turned a pale pink, exactly how the book stated. "Professor, can you come here, please?" he asked at once. He didn't like how Harry's copy had different instructions than his own and made the brewing process faster.
Harry glared at him. "Draco, what are you doing?" he hisses and brings Draco's hand back down to his side but unfortunately, Professor Snape noticed. There's just no way he's giving this book up. He wondered what else this book has in store in its pages.
Severus stalked over to his two favourite students, even if he had to fake it at school. Nobody in this school except Remus, Ron, Hermione, the Weasley's, Harry, and Draco knew that Harry was his legal son now. Severus peered down into their cauldrons, nodding in approval. "Yes, what is the problem?" he drawled.
"This!" Draco said quickly and held the book Harry had found in the storeroom towards his professor. "I know this is yours, professor. It's you're writing! I would know of it from anywhere."
Harry looked up at his professor, shocked. He didn't know this at all, and he's seen Severus's handwriting loads of times. How could he have not known?
Severus smiled down at his potions book from his sixth year. Luckily enough, he's got rid of all the harmful spells in that book and had hidden them in a few safe places during the holidays. "Mr Potter still may use the book as it has unharmful information in it." He winked at them and headed back to his desk, proud that someone would be using his book with the correct potion instructions in it.
"What!" Draco muttered darkly to his godfather's back. "Unbelievable!"
Harry grinned at Draco, stole his Potion's book back from him and kissed his hand with a challenging look on his face.
Draco raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend, blushing from the gesture and smirked when he sees that look on Harry's face. "Oh, it's on, you gorgeous green-eyed Gryffindor," he lowers his voice into a whisper into Harry's ear as he stands beside him.
And Harry blushed but got back to work on his potion according to the book, and Draco did so too. Seven stirs clockwise, pause... seven stirs counterclockwise, one stir clockwise...
"Stop what you're doing!" called Severus after a while. "Put everything down!" He began to slowly move around the classroom, looking into everyone's cauldron. He didn't give anyone a comment but did give some potions a stir or a sniff. He gave Hermione's potion an approving nod. Then he stalked to Harry's and Draco's tables and had a look at their potions. He smiled at Harry's potion. "It looks like Mr Potter will be taking the Felix Felicis today."
Groans and sighs were heard around the room, and Hermione watched Harry closely in disbelief. Severus stalked back to his desk just to pick up the vile of Liquid Luck, only to give it to Harry with a smile nobody else in the room but Harry and Draco could see. "Congrats, Mr Potter," he says with a forced sneer.
And Harry smiled at the little vile of Felix Felicis. He won't use it though. Why would he? He doesn't want it anyway.
"So, what are you going to use it for, Harry?" Draco asked him with a mixture of eagerness and curiosity. He had been thinking about what Liquid Luck could help him. He knows it won't be able to give him Ivy back, but it could get his father out of Azkaban if it's possible. Liquid Luck can make it possible.
Harry sighed. "Well, I'm not," he simply says.
"Pardon?" Draco thought he heard wrong. Why wouldn't Harry use it?
"I'm not going to use it," Harry turned to face Draco, placed the vile down on the table against his potion book and intertwined hands with the blonde. He smiled sweetly, caressed his blonde Slytherin boyfriend's cheek with his thumb and said, "I don't want any luck because the only thing I've ever wanted and have is you, and everything I've ever wanted is standing right in front of me." A few giggles were heard from inside the room, and Draco stared at Harry lovingly, his blush coming back to his face. "And lucky for me, I know I just don't need it."
Then Harry took this opportunity before class ends to lean forward and end the space between himself and Draco in a loving kiss, leaving their classmates around them to sigh in awe, giggle or just smile at them when packing up their items to head to dinner.
Draco could feel how hard his heart was beating against his chest, the flutter only intensified within his stomach at what Harry said and the sweet kiss they were sharing. He will forever remember this day for how sweetly and romantically adorable Harry's being. Could his own life feel any luckier? He stared down at the vile after the kiss, smiling as he knew he also didn't need it. Everything he has and wants is right in front of him, just like what Harry said.
Harry kissed him again, but it was only a short one before grabbing the book and putting it back where it belonged. He would like to keep it, but it was his professors after all.
"How did you do that?" Hermione asked at once, walking up to him from behind as she finished packing her stuff up with Ron.
Harry shrugged and closed the cabinet door. "Lucky, I guess," he mutters and stands back up. He didn't want to tell her about the Potions book, just in case she thinks it's some other diary of Tom Riddles and confiscates it. He moved around her and went back to Draco. "Ready for some dinner, my dear?"
Draco nodded as he began packing his own items up. "Are we spending the night back down in the Slytherin Dungeons or the Gryffindor dormitories tonight?" he asks him, placing his book bag on his shoulder and linking his other arm with Harry's.
"How about the Gryffindor dormitory for a change?" asked Harry with a fond smile and grabs his book bag from his seat. Hermione had left the room with a knowing roll of her eyes. "I haven't exactly slept on my bed yet," he says when they walk out of the classroom together. "It'll be nice to share it with you. You don't mind, do you?"
Draco shook his head at Harry's question. "Not at all, Harry," he says softly and leans towards him, his nose pressed to Harry's cheek. He gives him a little kiss on his cheek. "I'd love to spend the night in bed with you again."
Harry grinned, turned his head around and kissed him again square on the lips.
Harry was on his way down to the dungeons from the Gryffindor common room a few minutes before curfew, his invisibility cloak in his pocket, when he heard muttering a few feet away. When peeking around the corner, he discovered it was Professor Trelawny. As much as he wanted to ignore her, he wanted to ask her about something regarding divination. Well, a dream and what it meant. He made his presence known to her. "Professor?"
Trelawny shrieked, whatever she was holding fell to the floor and Harry recognised them as playing cards. She looked up at him, her eyes behind her spectacles widening. "Oh, Mr P-Potter," she finally says. "Aren't you supposed to be in your dorm room? It's nearly curfew."
"Well, yes, but I was heading to the Slytherin dormitory to meet with a special someone," said Harry, kneeling down to pick up the professor's playing cards. He wasn't going to tell her why he was going there, even if it was just innocent snogging and sleeping.
"Oh, Mr Draco Malfoy I assume?" asked Trelawny softly, picking up the rest of her cards and Harry nodded. "A nice-ish young lad that one." She smiled gratefully at him; thankful he was helping her with her things. "I know he has the third inner eye but doesn't exactly use it."
Harry nodded slowly, not exactly remembering how good Draco was in Divination. All he does remember is Draco being a damn distraction. "Professor, I wanted to ask you about something related to Divination."
They both stood up, and Harry handed her the playing cards he picked up.
"Ask away, dear boy!" said Trelawny at once, shuffling her cards and stacking them neatly in her hands.
"It's about a dream I had," Harry muttered but he instantly regretted saying that as Trelawny began to shake just like she did in his third year when talking about The Grim. "Nothing bad!" he assured; his palms raised at her. "It's somewhat a happy dream..."
"Mr Potter, I don't have all night," Trelawny said a little restively, fiddling with the tips of her playing cards.
Harry could tell she was impatient, so he got right to the point. "I um... I had a dream about marrying the one I love," he tells her quickly, instantly looking down to the floor as a wide smile creeps its way onto his face.
"Oh," said Trelawny, who gave him a half-smile. She was a little surprised. "You had a dream of marrying Mr Draco Malfoy?"
Harry nodded, a blush forming on his face at the memory of the dream. It just felt so real, and Draco's touch too, and the silver ring. "What does it mean, professor?" he finally asked her for the meaning of his dream.
"To dream that you are being proposed to indicates that you are merging a previously unknown aspect of yourself," Professor Trelawny says. Harry had no idea what she means at all. "More directly, the dream may mean that you are thinking about marriage or some serious long-term commitment, project, or situation. Your reaction to the proposal indicates your true feelings about marriage or commitment."
Harry's blush darkened and he rubbed the back of his neck. He honestly hasn't ever thought about marrying his boyfriend at all. The dream just happened. But he admits the thought of marrying Draco sounds nice. Just to think about standing under a wooden garden arch with flowers coloured white and maybe yellow and purple, everyone he knows and is family to him sitting a few feet away on wooden chairs, and Draco in front of him with a beautiful smile on his face as he slides a golden ring onto Harry's finger just gave him happy chills. But he just doesn't want to think about marriage because he's just a teenage boy getting through the last year of Hogwarts. And then after Hogwarts? What happens then?
"To dream that you are engaged to be married represents sexual or relationship needs," said Trelawny, smiling politely at the boy as she knows who is thinking deeply. "You may be trying to resolve your feelings of loneliness. Alternatively, it symbolises your commitments and desires for security. More directly, if you are unmarried, the dream may indicate your desires for some form of commitment."
"To dream of a marriage signifies commitment, harmony, or transitions," Trelawny says. "You are undergoing an important developmental phase in your life. The dream may also represent the unification of formerly separate or opposite aspects of yourself. In particular, it is the union of masculine or feminine aspects of yourself. Consider the qualities and characteristics of the person that you are marrying. These are the qualities that you need to look at incorporating within yourself." She then gives him a stern but soft look, "Although, I do hope you're not planning on marrying Mr Malfoy because you're both too young."
"But Professor, Draco has told me that some pure-blooded families make their kids engage with another at the age of 15, and some even marry at 17," Harry tells her. "So, even if I do want to marry Draco, I wouldn't do it any time soon. In five years, maybe. Not now, though."
Trelawny nodded. "That's good," she says lightly and smiled. "Besides, I don't think your father wants you to marry before he does."
Harry looked at her, puzzled. Doesn't she know his father's dead? "Um... professor, what do you mean?" he asks flatly, a wave of grief coming over him, but he pushed it away. Unless she means... "How do you know about Severus being my dad?"
"The inner eye sees all," said Trelawny casually and started walking back a few steps. "And it's Professor Snape to you now that you're back at Hogwarts, Mr Potter."
"Right..." muttered Harry. He's actually glad he had this talk with the Professor. Now he knows his dream didn't mean anything bad. "Thank you, Professor. I err... must be off."
"Thank you, Mr Potter," Trelawny called to him as Harry walked off towards the Dungeons.
When Harry entered through to the Slytherin common room, he immediately ignored the Slytherin's staring or smiling at him and headed to the sixth-year boys' dormitory to find Draco. And when entering the dorm room, he smiled when seeing Draco reading the potions book he got him for their first-year anniversary last year.
Harry walked up to him, ignoring Blaise's presence, grabbed the book from Draco, placed it aside and pushed Draco down on the bed. He grinned and leaned down while sitting on his boyfriend's waist for a snogging session before sleep.
Draco was surprised at the sudden kiss, even if he knew Harry was planning on coming to the dormitory to sleep with him. He wrapped his arms loosely around Harry's neck to pull him closer until every part of their bodies was touching, and he started to moan as Harry started rubbing on him, creating friction in his groin.
Harry pulls away just as he remembers somewhere and that somewhere he wants to go with Draco. "I want to bathe with you," he whispers to Draco's silver eyes that suddenly sparkle with excitement. "Grab a towel and your pyjamas."
"Where are you-"
"Come with me, Draco," Harry mutters to him and grabs out his spare pyjamas from Draco's trunk and two of the white fluffy towels Draco has.
Draco purses his lips but grabs his pyjamas and raises an eyebrow when Harry pulls out his Invisibility Cloak from his pocket. Where was Harry taking him? He gets under the cloak with Harry and holds onto the two towels and Harry's pyjamas as well as his own. They walk out of the dormitory together, out the Slytherin common room and into the Dungeons.
"Harry, I think I ought to know where you're taking me," Draco says quietly when they walk up the stairs to the fifth floor. Was there some secret pool room in Hogwarts where Harry was taking him too?
"The Prefect's Bathroom, Draco," Harry answers at once. "I've been there once when finding the clue to the Golden Egg for the Second Task. I was hoping you know the new password so we can bathe together."
"I've never used that bathroom ever," Draco says flatly. He thinks about what Harry says. Bathe? So, there's a bath inside that particular bathroom? "I have no use for it. Never been there anyway. I don't think the Prefects use it. None that I've heard of anyway. The password is Aquamarine."
Harry smiles. All the effects the Prefect's Bath gives can be quite romantic with the bubbles, the steam, foam, and the coloured water. He gets to share it with Draco too. "Aquamarine," he says at the door beside the statue of Boris the Bewildered.
The door opens wide, and the two boys walk in. Draco's eyes widen at the softly lit candle-filled chandelier, and the white marble rectangular swimming pool sunk into the middle of the floor, and Harry takes off the cloak and closes the door quietly. He places a hand on Draco's back and guides him forward, and as they near the bath, it turns on.
Harry just puts on the Bubbles, the coloured bathwater, and the vanilla scented bath salts. Draco's still staring at the giant bathtub until Harry goes over, starts kissing his neck and pulls off Draco's grey sweater. "Undress yourself, Draco," he whispers, nibbles down on his neck and tugs on the hem of his long-sleeved shirt.
Draco manages to pull his shirt off and place it and his sweater down by a bench where Harry's cloak lies and their towels and pyjamas. Harry grins at him and starts undressing and chucked Draco a white bathrobe just in case a specific ghost girl comes and ruins their bath time.
Harry gets in the warm steamy bath first after disrobing his bathrobe, chucking it just outside the boundaries of the bath, and he places his wand down on the side. Draco joins him right after Harry sits down, placing his wand next to Harry's.
Draco crawls to Harry and sits on his lap. He could feel the Gryffindor's cock underneath his arse, and he wriggles his ass a little. He smirks as Harry groans, his arms coming up and wrapping around Harry's neck, he presses their brows together before giving Harry's lips a wet kiss. The Gryffindor smiles, arms around the Slytherin's waist, but gradually his hands lower to Draco's bottom.
"Oh?" Draco says, and he lifts himself and reaches behind to wrap a hand around Harry's cock. He lifts himself more, gives Harry's length a little jerk, and presses the thick head to his entrance. Harry stares, wide eyes at the Slytherin's face, and Draco presses himself down with a groan onto Harry's thick cock. It burns even if the sensation is underwater. The ring of muscles expands and burns as he takes more of Harry inside him, and he wants, - no needs to have all of Harry in him. He takes a sharp gasp as he slides all the way down Harry's length slowly but had to use a bit of force to sink further down until he was seated on Harry's lap. "Shit."
Harry rubs the Slytherin's back up and down and gives his neck little kisses as Draco adjusts to the feeling.
A little giggle was heard, and Harry looks right over to the bathroom stalls, narrowing his eyes at the ghost girl he sees who was casually lying on her belly on the top of the stall door. Jesus, the ghost can balance.
"Are you two making love?" Myrtle asks sweetly, smiling brightly and swinging her legs back and forth behind her.
Draco freezes at the sound of the ghost girl in the same room as him and Harry. Honestly, is it normal for Myrtle to snoop like this? He hopes she didn't see anything. His body is for Harry's eyes only.
"You could say that," Harry mutters as he jiggles Draco's arse cheeks from under the water, and Draco moans quietly as he begins to slowly move up and down on Harry's cock to gain some kind of friction. Harry scowled at the ghost girl as she giggles again. "We would appreciate it if you fuck off to somewhere else in the castle."
Myrtle gasps loudly in shock. "Such language!" she hisses at Harry, her hand over her nonexistent heart. "For goodness sakes, Harry." She floats up and over to the large window in which she sits, her arms hugging her legs to her chest. "You're not the only muggle-raised child in this room, you know! I can swear too!"
"Sorry, but can you do me the favour and fly off to Gryffindor Tower and scare the hell out of Ron, Seamus, and Dean for me, please?" Harry asks of her nicely, hoping she'll do what he asks so he and Draco can be alone again.
"Fine, you Fucktard!" Myrtle shouts at him darkly, and Harry snorts quietly at the swearing ghost. She gives him the middle finger and floats away, through the roof.
"Merlin, she can swear," Harry drawls, and he looks back at Draco, a slow smirk coming across his face as he bucks up into Draco's arse, biting his lip. Draco gasps shakily and leans down to his chest. Harry hugs him loosely.
Draco then sighs, leaning backwards and pushes himself off Harry, Harry's cock dragging out of his arse. He swims backwards into the deepest parts of the bath, and he just stayed there for a moment before splashing Harry with a big wave.
Harry, now soaked from head to toe, spits out some water back into the pool. With a growl, he dives down into the water under the layers of soap, grabs him by the feet and drags him under. Draco falls into the water, quickly turns around and crosses his arms at the sight of a grinning Harry. Harry swims forward, amused at Draco's irritated look, but he watches Draco's white-blonde hair sway in the water.
Harry launches himself out of the water, and Draco follows along. Harry reaches up and runs his hands through Draco's soaked hair, and Draco wraps his arms around Harry's waist as Harry plays with his hair.
They walk back to the seats underwater and sat beside each other. Draco leans his head on Harry's shoulder and glides his hand along the surface of the water. "Do you think we should get back to Slytherin?" he asks after a while of playing with the water.
"I believe we should," Harry says, his lips attaching to Draco's neck once again. "We'll be finishing what we started off, by the way." Draco smirks, reaching under the water and giving the head of Harry's cock a squeeze. Harry groans softly, pushing Draco's hand away from his cock. "Your arse is mine."
"Alright," Draco says smoothly, Accioed his towel to him but quickly glanced around the room for the ghost girl. "Let's get going, Harry." He quickly his out of the water and wraps the white towel around him. When dried and dressed in their pyjamas, they went back to the Slytherin 6th boy's dormitory to have some fun before sleep.
"Hey, Harry," Someone said, their voice was soft and full of sympathy.
Harry stood up from looking into his trunk at the wizarding picture of his mother and father dancing and glanced around the dorm room. It was Dean. "Oh, Hello."
Dean sat on the end of his bed, looking at Harry with sympathy clearly on his face. "How have you been?" he asks softly.
"Good..." Harry didn't know why the conversation started this simply. But it was nice of Dean to ask him how he's been.
"I meant with how you're dealing with everything, Harry," said Dean. "Your depression."
"Right," Harry drawled and closed his trunk, leaving his wizarding photo untouched once again. "To be honest with you, I've been doing a lot better," he says earnestly, sitting down on his trunk and bringing his leg up. "I've had therapy sessions with a professor. That has helped me a lot. Draco's been there for me every day, he's honestly the best solution to my mental health. Just chatting with him about anything, hugging, kissing, and snuggling together helps. Even sex," he added with a smirk. "But doing that too much can become an obsession."
"What if Draco's not there when you need him the most?" Dean then asked, crossing one leg over the other. "How do you cope?"
"Well, if I can't help it, I scratch my arm where I used to cut since I have no idea where my blades have gone," said Harry in a low, tired voice, resting his chin on his knee. "I guess it's a good thing. But if I do manage to fight the urges without Draco, I would just squeeze a stress ball or slap a hair bubble around my wrist."
Harry pulled up his sleeve, showing a black hair bubble wrapped around his wrist. "It's Hermione's, but she let me keep it, knowing it was far more important for my use," he says, poking a finger into the space and fiddling with the hair bubble.
Dean nodded. But he winced as Harry snapped the hair bubble around his wrist, making a slapping sound. "So, you're okay now?" he asks calmly.
"A little bit, yeah," muttered Harry, nodding slowly at him. "I still wake up feeling like shit but thinking of Draco and knowing I'll see him in a couple of hours makes it easier to get up in the morning."
"That's good," Dean replies lightly with a little nod and a genuine smile at his dorm mate. But then he looks down to the floor, frowning as he asks, "About the war that happened during the holidays, you don't blame yourself for all the deaths, do you?"
"No," said Harry, shaking his head again. Dean looked at him in disbelief. "For once, I don't. It wasn't my fault that Voldemort somehow found out I was at the Burrow. It wasn't my fault that Dobby died, or Fred. But I was the one who should have been hit with the spell, not Fred. I know it was directed at me-"
"Harry, you are blaming yourself," Dean cut him off loudly, getting up off his bed and walking up to him. He sat beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault," he added softly, his head tilting. "The Death Eaters somehow found you, but it's not your fault he died."
"I did blame myself for Fred's death at one point," said Harry a little sadly, but he masked it as he looked to the floor. "I swore to myself that I will not blame myself anymore, I want to get better for Draco. I'm sick and tired of dealing with pain and grief. I just want it to go away, and I know just ending it all would just make it worse for everyone who I care about. Not only would the pain leave me forever, but my death would make everyone I care about suffer. I don't want that." He looked beside him at Dean, "I want to live on, with Draco, my friends, my parents."
"That all is so good to hear, Harry," Dean said quietly. "I'm proud of you for battling against it all. I know it must be hard for you." But he paused at the last thing Harry had said. "What do you mean parents?"
Harry smiled, knowing he should at least tell Dean about his new legal father. "This is a secret I do not tell anyone besides my closest friends, but over the holidays, on my birthday, Severus Snape, who's also my therapist, came over to celebrate my birthday," he tells Dean flatly. Dean's eyes widen at the information Harry tells him about their Potion's professor. "His gift for me was a legal document stating that he was now my father. I've officially moved in with him too, and Remus has too."
"Wait... Remus Lupin?" said Dean slowly. This was just becoming too confusing. "Professor Lupin has moved in with...professor Snape?" He took that all in and blinked his confusion. "Okay, did I miss out on something?"
"Other than watching Severus and Remus snogging, then no, not really," said Harry sardonically with a shrug and a grin.
"Snogging?" Dean said a little loudly. This was all so new but exciting to hear. "Severus Snape has finally found his true love." He was speechless. "The possibilities of this world are endless."
"Heyyy!" Harry said with a prolonged 'y', giving his dorm mate a nudge with his elbow. "That's my father you're talking about."
Dean smiled apologetically at him and patted his shoulder as he stands up. "I'm sorry, Harry," he says lightly and watches as Seamus walks into the room and trips over his own feet. He laughs at his boyfriend and goes to help him up off the floor. "Jesus, Seamus Finnegan. You might need smaller shoes."
Harry just stares at them and sniggers as he gets of his trunk and moves to his bed. How can Seamus just trip on nothing? Unless there's something invisible in the room.
"They're not mine," Seamus mutters and easily slides the shoes off and kicks them towards Dean's bed. "They're yer's. I couldn't find mine this morning, so I put yer's on-"
"Seamus, your shoes are underneath your bed where you last left them," Dean laughs and Accioed Seamus' shoes to him with a flick of his wand. He has finally found out how to say non-verbal spells. "They're always under your bed. Even at your home in your bedroom, you can find your shoes there."
Harry rolls his eyes at the two and lies down on his bed, deciding to take a little nap while he listens to the two who sounded quite like an old bickering married couple.
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