In Quidditch Matches, The Distraction Is Love
Harry, Ron, and Hermione entered the Great Hall for breakfast on the day of the first Quidditch match against Slytherin, but as Hermione and Ron went to the Gryffindor table, Harry went to the Slytherin table. When Draco looked up at him, Harry gave him a quick peck and whispered, "I'm going to beat your arse today, Malfoy."
Draco smirked, not believing that will happen at all. "Believe what you want, Potter," Draco responded back coolly, just without that famous Malfoy sneer. "But I'm reasonably sure your arse will be beaten by me on the field."
"You're reasonably sure?" Harry asked slowly, his hands resting on Draco's shoulders and he squeezed tightly. "How about now, then?" He then began massaging his shoulders. "You. Me? We'll settle this as gay men."
Pansy just laughed at that title, nearly knocking over her pumpkin juice onto Blaise's Potion book he was reading, but the Italian Slytherin moved his book away from her just in case.
"Alright." Draco downed his pumpkin juice and stood up from the seat with a big grin. "If you're ready to get your arse kicked, then let's go."
"Oh, I'm ready," said Harry at once, anticipated at the thought. He turned on the ball of his feet and strut out of the Great Hall, with Draco following behind him. That was until he was pinned to the wall outside the Great Hall by none other than Draco Malfoy himself.
Harry smiled, and as the Slytherin returned a smile, he kissed him. It was a heated, lingering, and demanding kiss. Draco twined their tongues together as he was given entrance into Harry's hot mouth, and Harry moaned as Draco pressed his lower body into him.
And then Draco leaned out, placing his forehead against Harry's, and panting heavily as he was nearly out of breath from the intense kissing. "Seriously, Harry, good luck out there," he says breathlessly, staring directly into emerald green eyes and smiling brightly. "You'll need it."
Harry rolled his eyes at him and leaned in for another kiss. He finally got his arms free from Draco's clutch, wrapped them tightly around his Slytherin boyfriend and pressed their bodies together.
They both groaned simultaneously as their pricks touched one another again from inside their pants, sending pulses of warmth through their groins. Draco leaned away from the kiss, knowing Harry wants the same. "Library's secret room?" he suggested quietly.
Harry smiled at that thought. But he was hungry and never had the chance to get breakfast when he first saw Draco. "I'm a little hungry, Draco," he tells him in a mumble. "Perhaps if I win, which I know I will-" Draco rolled his eyes in obvious scepticism, "-then I'll give you the best time of your life."
"But when I win, I'll give you the best time of your life," muttered Draco, lifting his hand to Harry's neck. He leans over to his face and placed a wet kiss on his neck. "In the Slytherin dormitory," he added with a smirk, and when Harry tilted his neck to the side a little, he went back to kissing his neck and adding a little tongue.
"Come on, you two!"
Harry looked to the side where the voice came from, Draco was still kissing his neck. It was Dean and Seamus who stood outside the Great Hall, watching them. Harry made a high whiny noise in the back of his throat as Draco bit his neck.
Seamus smirked and went towards them, nudging the Slytherin off Harry so he could place an arm around Harry's shoulder and the other around the Slytherin. "Harry, ye need yer strength for today," he says firmly, leading them back into the Great Hall, and Draco scowls at Seamus and moves away from him. "Don't want ye falling off yer broom." He looks beside him at Draco, narrowing his eyes, "And Draco, stop distracting Harry. He needs to win against ye snakes, again."
Draco lowered his head. "Alright, I'll leave," he mutters, a little disappointed that he doesn't get the spend the last 30 minutes with Harry. "But Slytherin will win this match, I know it!"
Seamus snorted. "Yeah..." he said with utter disbelief. "Right."
Harry reached his hand out to his boyfriend with a grin. It wasn't like he and his Gryffindor teammates were going to reveal anything important about their Quidditch movies or positions for Draco to overhear and possibly steal for the Slytherins to use. "You can sit with us, Draco," he says, wrapping his arm around Draco's waist. "You might be booed by the Gryffindors, but if they do, I'll give them hell for you."
Draco smiled at Harry and leaned in for a quick kiss, his hand cupping Harry's cheek. "That sounds like a lovely offer, but I'm afraid your Gryffindor's-" He narrowed his eyes at Harry's two dorm mates. "-are a little anxious when it comes to a Slytherin seeker finding out about the Gryffindor Quidditch Team's tactics on the field."
"We don't mind," said Dean lightly with a shrug. "As long as you don't tell the Slytherins about Gryffindor's tactics because believe it or not, we trust you."
"I'm appreciative that you trust me so much," Draco says flatly, crossing his arms. "And you can trust me that whatever I hear at your little lion table, I will not publicise the word to the Slytherin Quidditch Team." He raises his chin, "You have my word."
The four walked into the Great Hall towards the Gryffindor table. But when all the Gryffindors saw a Slytherin come to join them, they booed at him, even if they knew Harry Potter was his boyfriend. They didn't want the Slytherins to overhear moves that the Gryffindors have been practising for the match. The Gryffindors wanted to win the match.
Draco flushed in embarrassment, knowing the boos were directed at him but he didn't have the bravery or courage to sit down with Harry, even if he would love to. So, all he could do was plant a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek and head back to the Slytherin table with a sigh and sat next to Blaise.
Harry frowned when Draco left the table, the blush remained on his face when the Slytherin kissed his cheek. He was ashamed of his house for being so disrespectful. Even the pale blue sky, as he looked up at it, didn't cheer him up at all. He glanced over at Ron and Hermione who sat next to him, watching as Hermione gave Ron a piece of toast. He wished Draco could feed him, no matter how embarrassing it would be.
When Harry looked over at the Slytherin table, he caught Draco staring at him. He smiled sweetly at the pink tinge on his boyfriend's cheeks and winked at him, his smile growing as the pink tinge darkened in colour. The blonde Slytherin shook his head at him, and Harry sighed, knowing he can't come over to their table otherwise he would earn a few boos from the Slytherins.
Harry looked back down at his empty plate, deciding to layer it with eggs and a few pieces of toast. When fiddling with his robe pocket, he felt something inside. It was a small vial... With a mischievous smile, he fished it out of his pocket, knowing exactly what it was. He was going to spike Ron's breakfast with it anyway. Well, he was thinking about it.
The frosty grass crunched under their feet as they walked down to the stadium. Harry felt a little guilty for lying to Hermione. During breakfast, he made it look like he had spiked Ron's drink with the Felix Felicis. Hermione was quite mad. But he did it so it would give Ron hope in doing well in the Quidditch match.
Harry jumped as someone smacked his arse. He whisked around to glare at whoever touched him that way, as no one was allowed to touch him that way but Draco! But then he smiled. It is Draco, and in his Slytherin Quidditch robes with his broomstick on his shoulder. It's been a while since he's seen his boyfriend in Quidditch robes. He could see Draco's perfectly curved Quads and biceps in those tight white pants. And then that arse... He can't take his eyes off his boyfriend's arse.
"Harry," Draco whispered into his ear, his hand now placed on Harry's arse, "you keep getting the wrong sized pants." He squeezed Harry's right arse cheek, and the gasp that came out of Harry's mouth made Ron glare at them. "You have no idea how long it takes you to turn me on when you walk in those bloody tight pants of yours."
Harry blushed, both from hearing that from Draco and Draco's hand on his bottom. He knew he had the right sized pants on. What was Draco talking about?
He looked over at Ron, who obviously refused to look at him and Draco now. He grinned and looked beside him at Draco. "Oh, really?" he asks quickly, dropped his broom on the grass, linked hands with Draco but turned around and rubbed his arse against Draco's prick.
Ron glanced behind him to see if Hermione came down with them but noticed the two Seekers doing something inappropriate and curled his lip. "OI!" he snapped, disgusted at what they are doing. "No doing that while I'm around!"
"Then leave," muttered Draco, who let out a groan at the friction in his pants from Harry's arse rubbing against his prick. He just wants to pull Harry under the Quidditch stands, rip Harry's pants down and shove his cock inside Harry's warm arse.
Harry felt Draco harden, and gosh, it was making him hard. He suddenly can't wait until the Quidditch match is over so Draco's cock can come home into his arse or he can join their bodies together and push his cock home in Draco's arse.
When Ron left in a hurry, Draco groaned again and muttered, "Merlin, can we just skip this bloody match and head to the Quidditch Locker rooms for a nice fuck?"
Harry laughed softly and turned around, placing his hands loosely around the blonde Slytherin's neck. "We can do that after the match, Draco," he says in a low, quick voice, and he bit his lip. "Right now, we have to head down to the pitch."
Draco pressed his forehead against Harry's, just wanting a shag now before the match. He kissed him, placed his arms around Harry's waist, and pulled him closer, just to deepen the kiss and twine their tongues together while getting the taste of Harry in his mouth before leaning away with a smile. "Not even a blowjob?" he asks quietly as a group of students walk by them.
Harry laughed and kissed him. "Not now, Draco," he mumbles. "Let's go to the pitch."
Harry and Ron walked out onto the pitch to wild roars and boos. Harry was trying to find Draco on the other side of the pitch and finally, he found him with the Slytherin Quidditch Team coming out of their locker room. He smiled at his boyfriend and could see the blonde Slytherin smiling back. He nearly tripped over Ron's feet when staring at Draco dreamily, and how his whitish blonde hair shone in the sunlight, his silver eyes gleamed with the silver of his Slytherin Quidditch robes.
"Mate, are you all right?" asked Ron at once, noticing how distracted and clumsy Harry suddenly was. What's up with that? His feet were nowhere near Harry's shoes.
Harry didn't take his eyes off Draco and nodded at Ron's question. "Yup," he says quickly, tapping his fingers on his broom's handle. "Just a little...distracted by someone."
Ron smiled at him, knowing who Harry meant. "Draco has you wrapped around his little finger, Harry," he sighs, shaking his head a little fondly.
Harry sighed dreamily at Draco while the blonde Slytherin was talking closely to the Slytherin team. "Oh, I know," he says after a beat. "He's so beautiful." He looked at his best mate and grinned, "Isn't he, Ron?"
"No, Harry, he's not what you call beautiful," Ron tells him flatly, rolling his eyes at his love-struck best mate. He was lying, of course. He knew Draco was quite good looking if you see through the brat he used to be.
Harry frowned at him, then looked back at Draco with a little smile. Who wouldn't think his boyfriend was hot? Draco's a bloody angel!
The Gryffindor Team and Slytherin Team met in the middle of the pitch.
"Captains, please shake hands," said Madam Hooch. Harry held his hand out to Urquhart, who crushed his hand in a handshake. "Mount your brooms. On the whistle ... three ... two ... one ..."
The whistle sounded, Harry and the others kicked off hard from the frozen ground, and they were away. Harry soured around the perimeter of the grounds looking for the snitch and keeping an eye on Draco.
When Harry heard the unfamiliar voice commentating, he looked back for only a glance and saw it was none other than Zacharias Smith, a Hufflepuff whom he disliked. He ignored the commentating from the Hufflepuff and glanced around the Pitch, looking for that golden snitch.
Someone kissed his cheek. Harry turned his head and glared at Draco. Merlin, this boy was distracting. "You're a bloody distraction, Draco," he murmured, cheeks a light red colour.
Draco grinned proudly and pushed back the hair on his forehead, only making him more of a distraction to Harry. "Thank you," he says lightly, winking at him. "I try my best to distract my boyfriend."
Harry smiled, his face reddening a little more. "You beautiful bastard."
Draco sighed at him, searching the pitch for a golden ball of light to beat Harry to. Harry moved his broom closer to Draco and kissed his ear, but he was aiming for Draco's neck.
"What's this?" Zacharias commented when seeing the two Seekers chatting with each other. "The Gryffindor Seeker, Harry Potter, and the Slytherin Seeker, Draco Malfoy, look as if they are flirting with each other instead of competing against each other in winning the match. Honestly, boys, go get a room."
Harry snorted. Draco grinned with a blush and sped off. Harry raced after him, knowing the Slytherin spotted something golden as he too spotted it. The small golden ball was glinting high above them against the clear blue sky.
Harry accelerated; the wind whistled in his ears, drowning him of the commentating from Zacharias and the roar from the crowd. He knew if Draco got to the snitch, Gryffindor would lose because they're only one hundred points up. Draco was now a few feet from the snitch and his hand was outstretched.
"Oi, Malfoy!" Harry yelled in desperation with a smirk. He doesn't care if he's heard from everyone. "Nice arse!"
Draco fumbled the snitch, letting it slip through his fingers from what Harry said. How dare he...little fucking beautiful lion. Harry distracted him with simple complements.
Harry grinned and sped after the snitch. He made a great swipe and caught the golden ball, yelling, "YES!"
The crowd realised what happened and a great shout was heard that could have drowned the sound of the whistle marking the end of the game.
Draco sighed happily and flew over to Harry. He caressed the green-eyed Gryffindor's cheek and said, "Congratulations, Harry, my darling." He smiles, knowing what comes next. "I am proud." Then he leaned over for a kiss, so loving and slow.
The crowd now changed to cheering for the couple snogging in mid-air on the Pitch. Harry leaned away, smiling, and placing his forehead against Draco's, his hand tangled in the blonde hair. "Still up for that locker room-"
"-Yes," said Draco quietly and quickly, he could hear laughter around them but ignored it. "Since you won..." Harry nodded, smiling widely at the thought. He loves winning.
When they were allowed to, and every other Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch Team members had gotten dressed and headed up to the castle, Harry snuck into the Slytherin locker room to find Draco sitting down on one of the benches. He went to him, hauled his leg over the bench and kissed him.
Harry's fingers traced slowly down Draco's spine, his breath coming more quickly against the Slytherin's skin. Draco's hands were limp on his chest, and he felt lightheaded again. Harry tilted his head slowly and touched his warm lips to Draco's for the second time, very carefully, parting them slightly. He entered his warm tongue into the Slytherin's mouth, tasting and exploring his boyfriend as much as he could before kissing down his mouth towards his neck, where it all became more intense.
"Harry," Draco groaned in a tight, longing voice, digging his nails into Harry's back. The sound made Harry moan against the bruised skin of Draco's neck, a rush of blood flowing through his body and making his stomach lurch deliciously. "Harry – p-please."
Leaving Draco's neck, Harry looked him in his eyes, their breathing heavy and their pupils large and dark. Without waiting any longer, he pushed Draco gently down onto the bench and straddled him, pulling his own Quidditch robe off and his shirt from underneath, before fumbling with getting Draco's robes off. His fingers were shaking.
"I can't," Harry said angrily. "Bloody robes-"
Without further ado, Draco grabbed at his own robe and pulled it off, as well as the Slytherin shirt from underneath. Their mouths crashed together once more as the fabric of their robes fell to the floor, and Harry didn't even suppress the moan that came from his throat.
Pants next. Harry struggled to pull the creamy-white coloured Quidditch pants off, but after a few seconds, he stripped himself and Draco of their pants.
Finally, boxers. Harry's eyes met Draco's, asking, even if he knew Draco wanted it badly, before finally the last barrier was removed. Draco pulled at Harry's, and the material was gone. Draco put his arms around Harry's neck and pulled him down into a forceful kiss, and together they fell back onto the bench. Harry brought Draco's legs up over his shoulders, and it just felt so normal he didn't have to think about it.
"Lube?" Draco asked breathlessly as they broke apart for air. Harry, luckily, remembered to stash a secret bottle in his trousers. He reached into his Quidditch robe pocket, which lay on the floor and pulled out the Lube from inside the pocket.
Harry dipped a hand into the pot and rubbed it over his fingers. "Ready, my beautiful Slytherin?"
"Oh my, Harry, just do it!" Draco half yelled; half laughed. Grinning briefly, Harry placed one finger over Draco's entrance and rubbed the lube over it before sticking a finger in.
"More," Draco said in a half-whisper. Harry slid in another finger and began to move them back and forth. Draco arched his back and grabbed at the sides of the bench, clearly needing something to hold onto. Harry scissored his fingers and Draco took a sharp little breath, tensing up before relaxing once more. Harry couldn't wait any more.
"Draco," He began huskily, "Can I...?"
Draco pulled Harry closer and kissed him hard. "Please."
Sitting back again, Harry positioned himself before slowly, slowly sliding himself into Draco, who gasped and clenched around Harry. He stopped. "Okay?" he asked at once.
"Just-" Draco said with gritted teeth. "Just give me a moment to adjust..."
Harry stayed still, resisting the almost overwhelming urge to rut into Draco, to finally be consumed by him. The short seconds felt like hours until Draco nodded.
Harry stifled a moan as he, very slowly, pushed the rest of the way into Draco burying himself as deeply as he could before sliding out again. Draco made a little caught-in-the-throat noise that made Harry's stomach churn in the best way possible.
"Can I go faster?" He asked as he could feel Draco relaxing a little around him, praying that the answer would be yes.
"Please," Draco nodded fervently.
Harry pushed back into Draco again, gradually working up speed, unable to stifle the gasp of pleasure that the sensation brought. Just the second of Draco moaning, the sight of him writhing underneath him, was almost enough to make Harry completely lose control.
Taking Draco's erection in his hand, he started to move it in time with his own body. The reaction he got was excellent – Draco gave a shuddering gasp that ended in a groan and looked at Harry with eyes that are wide and beautiful. Then, suddenly, Draco almost screamed.
"Oh, my fuck- Harry, right there, right there!"
Draco's hands clawed at Harry's back, the pain making the pleasure even greater, as Harry moved faster, keeping his angle just right so that every push made Draco go wild. The mixture of the sensations he felt and the sound of Draco moaning his name nearly sent Harry over the edge, and he could feel the pressure building with every movement.
"Harry," Draco finally gasped. "I'm close!"
Harry used his remaining energy to pound into Draco with all his strength. "Together!" He burst out – and was blinded by the sheer force of his orgasm. He screamed Draco's name and heard Draco screaming back as they rode a surging wave of ecstasy. The feeling pushed into every muscle in his body and each nerve of his brain felt like it would explode in sensation until, finally, the energy dissipated. He collapsed on top of Draco and kissed him with every fibre of his being.
At last, they lay panting slightly, entwined in each other as they descended from the high. He looked at Draco, whose eyes were dark and heavy-lidded, and a smile passed between them.
"I love you," Harry whispered.
"I love you too, Harry," Draco responded back in a whisper. After a heartbeat, he asks, "Don't you have some Gryffindor party you must attend?"
"I'm not going if they won't let you in," Harry mumbles, rubbing his finger over the blonde Slytherin's bottom lip.
"Harry, you should go," said Draco softly, squeezing Harry's arm. His silver eyes were soft with gratitude, and he kissed Harry's thumb. "You earned it from winning. They're expecting you."
Harry smiles and leans down to clean Draco's cock free from the Slytherins salty-sweet semen. "Like I said before, I'm not going unless you're with me," he mumbles to Draco's cock and slides his mouth down Draco's shaft. Draco sighed and spreads his legs out wider, tipping his head back as Harry pleasures him.
Harry pulls off with a smile and kisses Draco's groin before sitting up, looking down at his stomach and smearing his fingers in Draco's warm semen. He brings his fingers to his mouth. "Mmmm," he hums his delight, and Draco just stares at him. "I love your Baby Gravy."
Draco just blinks until he bursts into laughter. Harry grins at him and continued his motion of cleaning his own stomach clean of Draco's semen with his fingers and then his mouth. "B-Baby G-Gravy?" the Slytherin splutters, laughing even more loudly now, and Harry can only shut him up by pushing himself back inside the Slytherin's entrance again and plants a wet kiss on his lips.
Draco whimpers as Harry's cock rubs against his prostrate again, and Harry pulls out once he knows Draco has stopped laughing. "You done laughing, yet?" Harry asks him.
Draco nodded. "Looks like we have a party to attend then," he mumbles, smiling happily as he brings his knees together.
They headed back up to the castle after getting dressed back into their robes and went to Gryffindor tower. When they entered through the portrait, they immediately heard cheers. Curious, they made their way through the crowd of excited Gryffindors to what they were cheering about. Of course, it just had to be Ron and Hermione snogging.
Harry smiled at them and decided to just sit down with Draco on one of the armchairs for a snogging session. He definitely got that snogging session with Draco, until he was interrupted.
"Harry, a word?" It was Hermione. "Alone," she added firmly, glancing at Draco who was repeatedly kissing Harry's neck. Or to her, it looked like he was making out with Harry's neck.
Harry nodded. He looked at Draco and gave him a short kiss before getting up and following Hermione up to the dormitory staircases.
"You shouldn't have spiked Ron's drink," Hermione says at once, her hand gripping his arm as she pulls him up the stairs. "You heard Professor Snape, it's illegal." Harry rolls his eyes.
"You're not going to turn us in or something?" They both looked at where the voice came from when entering the boy's dorm room. It was Ron.
"What are you talking about?" asked Harry lightly, turning around so he could look down at Draco from the stone railings, hiding his obvious grin.
"You know exactly what we're talking about, Harry!" Hermione said sharply, crossing her arms and shifting her weight onto her other leg. "You spiked Ron's juice with Lucky Potion at breakfast! You know, the Felix Felicis!"
"Nope, I never did," said Harry, shaking his head and turned back to face them both. He slipped his hands into his pockets and casually rocks back and forth on his heels.
"Yes, you did, Harry," Hermione grouses. "Explain why Ron never once missed a goal during the game!"
"Well, Ron's a really great keeper," said Harry, who grinned broadly. "And I didn't put it in. I promise you." He slipped his hand inside his jacket pocket and drew out the tiny bottle that Hermione had seen in his hand that morning. It was filled with the golden potion and its lid was still tightly sealed with wax. "I wanted Ron to think that I had done it, so when you were looking, I faked it." He looked at Ron, "You saved everything because you felt lucky. You did it all yourself."
"There really wasn't anything in my Pumpkin Juice?" Ron asked Harry, astounded that he actually did very well in the Quidditch match.
Harry shook his head and pocketed the vial of potion. "Anyway, I have a boyfriend downstairs who's probably getting swarmed by our fellow Gryffindors to dance or drink some Butterbeer, which I don't want him to be forced to anything ridiculous," he says and starts stepping back towards the stairs. "You know us Gryffindors with all the dares. Daring people to lick chairs, climb up a tapestry..."
Ron snorted and nodded. "Bloody Hell! I remember when Seamus got dared to draw things on people's faces during the night and if that person or persons know it was him, they could do anything to him or dare him to do anything. Remember when Angelina made him lick a piece of gum from under the table just for drawing a beard on her face when she was sleeping during lunch in the common room."
And here we go again, thought Harry as he made his way downstairs to Draco. He smiled when seeing his boyfriend untouched, alone, and adorably checking his nails out on the maroon armchair. He joined him, of course, and sat on the cushiony arm piece of the chair. He leaned on Draco, placed his arms around his neck and kissed him.
Christmas was fast approaching. Hagrid already put up the twelve Christmas trees in the Great Hall. Tinsel and garlands of Holly were twisted around the banisters of the stairs, everlasting candles glowed inside the helmets of the suits of armour, and great bunches of mistletoe had been hung at intervals along the corridors.
Draco kept to Harry's side every second, minute, and hour of every day, just in case any girls or even guys try to accidentally walk under a Mistletoe with Harry, even if everybody knew they were dating, and nobody wanted to anger Draco in some way. Especially with one girl that tried to get a kiss from Harry. Romilda Vane. But Draco had stood under the mistletoe with Harry just in time, kissed him, and then once the mistletoe vanished, slapped the girl across the face pretty hard and it left a mark.
Harry was just amazed at Draco, but also a little annoyed as that did look like it hurt. But he's going nowhere near that girl or any other girl for that matter. Except for Hermione, of course. But he wouldn't want to get trapped under the mistletoe with her. No thank you. Can't all the girls get it through their thick skulls that Harry wasn't interested in anybody except Draco? Only Draco.
Ron was even laughing at the situation Harry was in, finding it hilarious with all the girls wanting to kiss Harry and even some younger boys. He was glad Draco was always by Harry's side, he doesn't want to get stuck under a bloody mistletoe with his best mate, even if it was to save him from girls.
Harry rarely got to see Ron because wherever Hermione was, Ron was, and Hermione's timetable is so full that Harry and Ron can only see her in the afternoon. It's mainly Ron who sees Hermione because whenever Harry walks in on them kissing, he just leaves the room and goes to find Draco.
"Mother said we can come over on Christmas Day," Draco informed Harry, his eyes gleaming with excitement as they walked to Charms together in the frosty morning.
"Brilliant!" Beamed Harry, squeezing Draco's warm gloved hand with his own. "But why not go to the manor for the full week of the Christmas Holidays?"
"I asked that too, and mother says she's just been getting to know her sister over the year," Draco says, distracted as he thought about finally meeting his aunt for the first time. "I understand though. She hasn't seen her own younger sister in... well, I don't know how long it has been for her. I never met my Aunt Andromeda."
Harry looks at him and nods understandingly. He kissed his cheek while snaking an arm around Draco's arm. "Well, did she say where she's picking us up from?"
"She didn't," muttered Draco, looking down at the cold floor below him.
"Then who's going to apparate to the manor?" Harry asked as they entered the Charms class and went towards the back of the class where their normal seats are.
"I don't know, Harry," Draco shrugs and sat down by the wall. Harry joins him, placing his book bag on the table. "We'll find out on the day I guess."
Harry sighed and rested his head on Draco's shoulder. He couldn't wait till Christmas so he can spend the day with Draco, see Narcissa again and celebrate. "Do you know if your father will be allowed to come home?" Harry suddenly asked when Professor Flitwick walked into the room and got onto his desk.
"Not sure," Draco says flatly, purses his lips and grabs the items he'll need for class. "Mother never said anything about it in the letter." He gave a one-sided shoulder shrug and he kissed Harry's forehead as the professor looked their way.
Harry smiled at his professor, knowing he wants to start the lesson without any distractions. He removed his head from Draco's shoulder but kept his hand intertwined with Draco's underneath the table.
"Mr Potter, stay after class please."
Harry nodded at his Potions Professor as everyone besides Draco left the room. He pondered what his dad wanted to talk to him about. But Draco's hand that intertwined with his own through class, was still there.
Severus sighed at his godson, who obviously wanted to stay behind with Harry. The two boys are a literal two-package deal. "I presume this both concerns you then," he mutters to Draco.
Draco gave his godfather a stern nod. Wherever Harry goes, he goes. He is not going anywhere.
Severus grabbed a chair and placed it in front of the younger wizard's table, then he sat down on it. "You're each aware Christmas is just around the corner?" he reminds them. Harry and Draco nodded. "What are you planning to do on Christmas?"
"My mother sent me a letter stating Harry and I can come home to the Manor on Christmas day," Draco says, bringing Harry's hand up above the desk and smiling at him. "Why?"
"Oh," Severus mutters again. He straightens up and steeples his hands over the desk. "I was eager that we could spend Christmas together as a family with Remus."
Now Harry felt a little bad. He would love to spend Christmas with both Severus, Remus and Narcissa. "Can't you and Remus come over to the Manor and spend it with us there?" he asks him as a simple suggestion.
"We could but we would have to be invited," Severus drawls.
"Sev, you're always invited over to the Manor," Draco said at once, and his eyebrows drew together with sympathy. Why would his godfather need to be invited to the Manor when he's allowed in whenever he wants? Though as he isn't blood family and hasn't been given the right, he cannot unlock the gates of Malfoy Manor from the outside if he wanted to come into the Manor's grounds.
Severus took a minute to think about the option and eventually agreed with it. "I'll come over and invite myself in if that's what you kids call it nowadays," he finally says.
Draco smiled. "Great!" he said happily.
"Not great," mumbles Harry who leaned to the side, placed his arms around Draco and kissed his blonde Slytherin boyfriend's cheek. "Brilliant!"
Christmas morning, Harry woke and felt around for his glasses but couldn't find them. What he felt was skin that wasn't his. He opened his eyes and stared at the body beside him and smiled. Draco Malfoy was in his bed in the dormitory, and still asleep. It's the best sight in the world.
Harry rested his head on his arm, reached over and brushed Draco's tousled hair away from his eyes. Those resting eyes and blonde eyelashes. He placed a light kiss on his boyfriend's lips, his other hand now stroking Draco's chin.
The sex last night was incredible like it always is. He still feels sticky too. He swore he came twice last night, on Draco's hand and his stomach. He wouldn't know, though. He was too busy staring up into those silver eyes while Draco fucks into him and gives him pleasure. He was so glad Ron, Seamus, Dean and Neville all went home so he and Draco had the dormitory all night, and it also allowed them to really tell each other, by loud moans and screams, how much they loved each other. It was a wild night.
Harry leaned away from the kiss, smiling and opened his eyes again. His heart skipped a beat, now pools of silver were staring up at him. "Merry Christmas, handsome," he says tiredly, his eyelids half-open as he blinks slowly at Draco.
Draco couldn't stop the blush from appearing on his face and he smiled as brightly as the sun. "Merry Christmas to you too, sexy," Draco says under his breath as he stuffs his nose into Harry's arm. "I love you."
That made Harry's day 100% better. "I love you too, Draco Malfoy," he mumbles, his hand reaching for Draco's hair again to thread his fingers in. He leaned in for another kiss, which Draco kissed back and gently rubbed at Harry's forearms.
Harry hissed from the touch and Draco leaned out of the kiss, staring worriedly at his boyfriend. "Harry," he says quickly, removing the sheets away from Harry's arms and studied his boyfriend's forearm. No cuts whatsoever. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
Harry shook his head but placed his forehead against Draco's with a tired sigh. He doesn't want to mention blades and how cold they were on his arm. "Your hands are just so cold," he says, voice a little shaky as he feels Draco's hands again. They were cold but still warm with life.
Draco smiled down at Harry's arm, seeing only faint scars from ages ago. "You know, I'm truly proud that you've found different ways to deal with your depression," he mumbles, leaning down and placing a few light kisses over Harry's scars. "Whenever I saw you looking so numb, I worried for your life. I knew what you had done to yourself, and I was so scared that your cuts may have gotten infected in the long term."
"Yeah," Harry said slowly. Gosh, that hurt a little. He hasn't given up cutting, he just can't find his blades anywhere. And there are no other sharp enough objects he could use. There was not one day when he wants to slice up his skin, but now that he hasn't done it in a long time, it's starting to fade. He's starting to get used to slapping a hair bauble on his wrist.
With a sigh, Harry looked at the end of his bed and grinned. Presents! The first one, was a little wrapped box from Kreacher. He chucked it to the far side of the dormitory with a scowl. Probably is a payback gift for that one time he asked Kreacher do do something for him.
"Harry...what was that?" Draco had asked, knowing that wasn't something he brought for Harry. Whatever that was... It was poorly wrapped too!
"A box of maggots," muttered Harry, glaring at the box. He hates that sodding house-elf.
Draco curled his lip, looking down at the box and he banished it with his wand.
Harry opened the next present and smiled. He pulled out a golden snitch maroon sweater but didn't put it on as he doesn't want to dirty it with spunk. But he opened the little box of mince pies and shared them with Draco. A package from George from Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. Brilliant!
Draco actually opened the package from George for Harry, seeing a load of candies and practical jokes but giggling as he found candy cane flavoured lubricant, grey handcuffs, a long pink thing that looks like The Elder Wand to Harry, and a black cock-looking item.
Harry looked and what George got him and laughed at both the presents. "G-George is so great," he manages to say through his laughter, and he cannot wait to use these items.
"Harry, what's this?" Draco asked eagerly and held up the long pink thing in front of him.
Harry only laughed harder at the pink butt plug with a bright pink handle. "It's a sex toy for gay men," he tells him amusedly and grabs the butt plug from Draco. "I don't even know how George got that." Then he got an idea and smirked. "Here...lay down."
Draco looked at him for a minute before he lay down. He felt something slowly enter inside him and he moaned, tilting his head up as whatever Harry pushed inside him brushed against his prostate. "K-Keep going."
Harry only smiled, leaned up while still thrusting the pink butt plug in Draco and kissed him. Still kissing him, he pushed the plug further inside Draco until he could hear Draco gasping against his mouth. As much as he'd love to go on with this beautiful moment, he wants to finish unwrapping his presents, see what Draco got and head down to breakfast. He pulled the plug out of Draco and placed it back in the box next to the lubricant. Perhaps, tonight, he and Draco can use that lubricant...
"Why did you stop?" Draco asked him quietly with a little pout, wanting the odd pink thing back inside him again.
Harry chuckled at him, his thumb caressing his cheek. He didn't know how to reply. "Because I love you," he replies softly, his hand moving down to Draco's groin.
"I love you too, Harry," Draco said lightly, biting his lip as Harry's fingers glided through the blonde curls on his groin. "But that's still no reason to stop fucking me."
"Merlin, I love it when you swear," Harry mumbles, rolling on top of his boyfriend, and he loved how Draco's hands are rubbing his sides and spreading warmth all through him. So, he retaliated by moving back a little, so he was seated on his boyfriend's prick. He was kissing Draco more intensely now, his hands on the Slytherin's neck, his thumbs rubbing gently at Draco's Adam's apple.
Draco wanted this so much, but like Harry, he wanted to see what presents he got. He pushed himself up, still kissing Harry, even if Harry was trying to push him back down. "Harry," he whispered.
Harry made a "Hmm?" noise when kissing him.
Draco broke away from the kiss, lowering his neck and placing his forehead against Harry's lips just to stop this sneaky little lion from trying to kiss him again. "Move aside, Potter," he muttered, smiling as Harry just kisses his forehead repeatedly. "I want to see what I got."
And what Draco got, was a new dark green silk scarf from his mother, as well as a little silver diary and on the inside was a passage that read 'The bond between mother and son lasts a lifetime. The bond between mother and son is a special one. It remains unchanged by time or distance. It is the purest love – unconditional and true. It is understanding of any situation and forgiving any mistake'.
Draco couldn't stop smiling. He placed the diary down and unwrapped the present from Harry. A black mug with 'This guy stole my heart' in bold, red, and white letters. It was true after all. Harry stole his heart.
Harry smiled at him as he knows Draco likes the present. "Let's get dressed, Draco," he says, watching the Slytherin excitedly open the other present from him and a present from Severus. "I'd like some breakfast."
They dressed warmly and then headed out of the dormitory and down to the Great Hall. Only a couple of students stayed at school. Eight Ravenclaw's, five Hufflepuffs, a few younger Gryffindor's and Slytherin's, Harry and Draco. They sat a little while away from the other students, wanting to be alone together. All the professors were up at the Professors' table, and of course, like always, Remus was sitting with Severus.
They had a quick breakfast, eating their pancakes until they were stuffed then head up to the Professors' table together, laughing at the pink Christmas hat Remus put on Severus' head.
"Oh, shut your mouths," Severus muttered at them, the blush on his face nearly as pink as the hat. Remus was laughing at him, full belly laughter. Severus rolled his eyes at him.
"Can we go now?" asked Draco, standing stiffly with impatience. He wants to see his mother; he hasn't seen her for four months. He's only ever written to her.
"My impatient little snake," Harry spoke very softly into Draco's ears and the blonde Slytherin wizard smiled at him. He placed an arm around Draco to hold him close.
"Looks like we're going then." Severus stood up and seconds later, Remus did the same. "Merry Christmas, by the way," he says happily, smiling at the two boys.
"Merry Christmas," Harry and Draco both said to the two older wizards, their voices synchronising as one.
"Shall we head to the Floo in my living quarters now?" Severus asked them immediately, but Harry and Draco already turned on their heels and were walking away out of the Great Hall. Severus sighed at his son and godson's departing figures. "Dear Merlin, save me from these two."
Draco was the first to enter the Floo in Severus' living quarters lounge room, saying "Malfoy Manor" as he stepped inside and disappeared in green flames. Then Harry was the next to enter the Floo, repeating the same words as Draco, but making sure he says 'Malfoy Manor' clearly so he doesn't end up someplace he doesn't want to be.
Thankfully, Harry arrived inside the lounge room of Malfoy Manor, and also in the arms of Draco. He smiled and hugged back, keeping his eyes on the Floo for his father's arrival. Severus never came in, which concerned Harry. "Draco... Severus hasn't come in through the Floo yet."
Draco ended the hug but made up for it with a kiss. He kneeled in front of the Floo, looking into it for any sign of his godfather. "Sev?"
Only a second later, Severus walked through the Floo, which caused Draco to shuffle back a bit just so he wouldn't step on him. Severus sadly smiled down at his godson and offered him a hand up, and Draco accepted it. "Remus isn't coming," he tells them.
"What?" asked Harry quickly, sad that Remus won't be able to make it for whatever reason it is about. "Why not?"
The Floo erupted into flames again and someone stepped out. A woman with long light brown curly hair and muggle winter clothes all in dark purple colours. "Hello," she says politely. Harry, Draco, and Severus just stared at her, not knowing who she was. "Oh, my apologies. I'm Andromeda Tonks."
"Ah, Mrs Tonks," said Severus lightly, smiling at her back. "So pleasant to greet you. I'm Severus."
Andromeda smiled at him brightly, knowing who the man was dating by what her daughter has told her. "Likewise, Severus."
"You're my auntie," Draco said quietly, his voice barely audible, and he is looking at the woman he's never seen in his entire life. He could see his mother in her, kind of. Kind, beautiful, smart, cunning.
Andromeda looked at her nephew and nodded. "Draco," she says, smiling at her nephew and the boy holding his hand beside him. She opened her arms up for Draco and stepped forward. "Oh, it is so good to finally meet you."
Draco walked up to her and hugged her. It's the first hug he's ever had from this woman. The first-ever scent he smells is Murraya Paniculata, as he knows his mother has some in her greenhouse.
Harry smiled at the family reunion. He was so happy for Draco, for finally reuniting with his auntie and hopefully, his cousin Nymphadora.
Severus placed an arm around Harry's shoulders and sighed. "Harry, I'm afraid I must leave you and Draco with Andromeda," he says quietly, rubbing Harry's arm and looking over at the lady and her nephew.
"Not you too," muttered Harry with a frown, looking up at Severus sadly.
"Remus just doesn't intend to arrive because of Nymphadora Tonks, his ex," said Severus, looking away from the two relatives and at Harry. "I don't understand why he's acting up about it, but I'll just let him be. Just be back at Hogwarts around 1:00 in the afternoon for your presents from me and Remus."
That made Harry smile, thinking about more presents. But still, he wished Remus would come and Severus. He wishes Mr Malfoy were here with them too. He is great company and he would enjoy having him over for a few hours. "We'll be back at one, promise."
Severus removed his arm from Harry's shoulder, his hands returning to his sides. "Good," he says at once and steps towards the Floo. "I'll see you and Draco this afternoon."
Harry nodded. He felt a little sappy, so he hugged his dad. Severus smiled and ruffled his son's hair. Then he pulled away and disappeared into the Floo with a smile goodbye.
Harry sighed and went towards Draco and Andromeda. He hates to break up this family reunion. "So, where are we heading to?" he asks Andromeda who looks at him with a little smile.
Andromeda and Draco broke away from the hug, and Draco stood back next to Harry with a few tears in his eyes. Harry smiles at him and wipes away the tears that fell from his eyes.
"We're going to the Tonks Household, Harry," Andromeda tells him and ushers them towards the Floo. She grabs the vase of Floo Powder and hands it to them. "Narcissa's already there too."
"I thought she's on house arrest," Harry says as he grabs a handful of Floo Powder from the vase. He knew Narcissa couldn't go anywhere, not unless she's with Aurors.
"My daughter's an Auror, Harry," Andromeda reminded him, and Draco quickly stood in front of the Floo with a handful of Floo Powder as he just cannot wait to be reunited with his mother and cousin.
"Right," said Harry lamely. He felt a little stupid now. He totally hasn't forgotten about that one important fact about Draco's cousin.
Harry and Draco smiled, and one after the other, they Floo'd to the Tonks Household.
Draco didn't get enough time to look at his surroundings until he was embraced in a tight hug by his mother. He smiled and hugged her back tightly. "Mother, I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, my dragon," Narcissa says, her voice a little quiet, and she tightened her grip on her son and kissed his forehead. Then she spotted Harry and waved a hand at him, "Hello, Harry."
"Hello, and Merry Christmas, Narcissa," Harry says happily.
Narcissa beamed when ending the hug with her son. Then she went over to Harry and embraced him in a light hug. "I've also missed you too, Harry," she says to Harry's ear.
"Are they here yet?"
Draco looked over to where the voice came from, and Narcissa ended the hug so Harry can look behind him. It was Nymphadora Tonks. But...she had her hands on her round belly. They realised what that meant.
"Tonks," said Harry slowly, his mouth falling open with surprise. "A-Are you...?"
Tonks smiled; her hair turned bright pink as she nodded. "I'm pregnant, Harry," she says happily and rubs at her stomach. Draco grins up at his cousin's hair, remembering what it is like to have his own colour change by his mood thanks to the twins' mood-changing cream.
Harry and Draco are now glad Severus and Remus didn't come. When looking into each other's eyes, they knew they should keep this a secret. They heard the conversation Remus and Tonks had back at the Burrow in the kitchen, something about her being pregnant and Remus supposedly knowing a spell to stop pregnancy. Whatever it was, it didn't work.
"Congratulations!" Harry said gleefully after a few seconds. He wanted to hug her but didn't know if it will hurt the baby. "How many months...?"
"Six months," said Tonks.
"I'm sorry for asking but is it...Remus's?" Harry had asked softly, and he hoped to Merlin he doesn't sound rude by asking that.
Tonks nodded, her hair turning bright blue. She could tell the young wizard was asking her for a hug, which she smiled at and gestured for him to come forward.
Harry slowly walked forward, away from Draco, and when he was close enough to Tonks, she wrapped her arms around him in a side hug. He begins to wonder if Tonks' child will have her Metamorphmagis genes.
"Harry, would you like to be the godfather to my baby?" Tonks asked him quietly, her hand rubbing his back. "I figured that Remus would want you to be the godfather to his son, which I doubt he'll ever know existed."
Harry smiled. This was the best news he's ever heard, besides Tonks having a baby. "I would love to be the godfather to your child, Tonks," he says lightly, giving her back a little pat. "It would be an absolute honour."
Tonks let go of him and noticed the familiar white-blonde haired boy who she smiled at. "When I met you, I didn't know we were related at first," she tells the blonde boy who she remembers first meeting at the Burrow in July, and she gestures for him to come to her. "I've heard stories about your father and mother, but never knew about you."
Draco walked up to her, wanting a hug as well. "Does this mean I'm an uncle?" he asks flatly, his eyes shining as he glances from her face to her belly. This was exciting to hear.
"Yes," said Tonks gently, nodding her head. "Uncle, niece or nephew, or first cousin once removed."
"Now, who wants presents and Christmas lunch?" asked Narcissa at once, walking back towards the Christmas Tree in the Living Room.
They all were seated around the dining room table in the Tonks household, which was a smooth wooden polished rectangular table in a smaller room connecting to the kitchen. Even Ted Tonks, Nymphadora's father had joined them for lunch. Seafood, Roast chicken, ham, and coleslaw dispersed out into large bowls around the dining table was for lunch and dessert, Trifle.
Draco stared at the large bottle of what he knows is champagne with wonder. His father always drank wine, and he wondered what it would taste like. He knows he's only sixteen... "Mother, when will Harry and I be allowed to drink champagne?" he asks her at once.
Narcissa looked at her son, and then at Harry. "I wouldn't allow you wine until next year," she says, tilting her head to the side in thought. "But since it's Christmas, so I guess why not."
Andromeda summoned two extra wine glasses from the kitchen, but smaller than her own, to the table and filled them up halfway with Billie-cart-Salmon.
Harry never really had ever thought about drinking wine. It's always been adult drinks to him, something he's never allowed to have. Especially at the Dursleys. Even Dudley wasn't allowed Wine.
The two glasses of wine floated toward Harry and Draco, and they reached out to grab their own. They looked at each other for a little while, wondering if this drink would somehow affect them in some way.
Harry had his experience with alcohol once and didn't like it at all. No matter how excited and giddy he was to everyone. He even forgot about the sex he and Draco had that night. That was the worst part.
Harry and Draco clinked their glasses together lightly as a toast to a happy Christmas, then looked away into their wine glasses at the red liquid sloshing around. Draco brought the wine up to his mouth and took the first sip. He tasted pear and green apples and it felt like tiny diamonds were exploding on his tongue. Strange. He never thought that wine could do this to his mouth.
When Harry watched Draco take a little sip of the wine, he did the same. Gosh. He scrunched his face up. This was strong stuff. But not as strong as firewhiskey, and thank goodness for that. At least it tasted like Pear and green apples.
"How is it?" Narcissa asked after some time, smiling at the boy's odd reactions to the wine.
"Very...intriguing," Draco said slowly, looking over at his mother as he placed his wine glass down beside his plate of food. "Is it supposed to taste like apples and pears though?"
Narcissa nodded as she was cutting up her ham strip into smaller pieces. "Would you both try it again if you could?" she asks them, "or perhaps try a different kind of wine?"
"Maybe," said Harry flatly with a shrug and begins to feed himself some peas and mashed potatoes. He would rather drink alcohol when it's legal for him to do so.
"Yeah," said Draco, nodding his head. He would definitely try more Wine in his future with Harry. One day, he wants to get really drunk with Harry so they can experience everything together when drunk including dancing, kissing, and sex even if that means not remembering it at all.
Draco then handed Harry a wizarding Christmas bonbon. Harry grinned and pulled at the bonbon. A red hat appeared on his head and he looked down at the bonbon, knowing he had won this time. He also won a little fake spider. Brilliant! He can hide it on Ron's pillow. Okay, maybe not, but on his bedside table.
Bangs from the bonbons were heard around the dining table. Harry pulled the next bonbon with Narcissa and she won, earning her a purple hat and a little tube of indigo nail polish.
"So, Tonks," Harry said casually, dishing his plate with roast vegetables and chicken, "What are you thinking of naming your baby?"
"I was thinking Teddy if it is a boy because that's an adorable name," said Tonks softly. "If it turns out to be a girl, probably Clary which is short for Clarissa."
Harry thought calling a boy Teddy was sweet. His nickname can be Teddy Bear! "Are you still allowed to do your Auror duties?" he asks out of nowhere. The question just entered his head.
"Only paperwork," Tonks tells him simply. "Like assigning Aurors to do different jobs. We all need to have a healthy work-life balance. Nobody should be doing five jobs alone while the others only do two." Then she suddenly gasped, her hands moving down to her stomach. Her face flushed, her hair colour changing to a light blue. "The baby just kicked."
Draco raised an eyebrow at her, pondering how a baby could kick from inside of his cousin. Was it alive with a soul yet? He's been told the soul goes into the body once the child comes out of the mother.
Harry was quietly chuckling to himself, really excited for the newborn to be born into the world sometime next year. He'll be a godfather soon and he is so excited!
After finishing Christmas lunch, Harry and Draco went for an exploration through the house. Then suddenly, as they entered a hallway with doors on either side of them, Harry felt like he was trapped in a large sphere. He felt trapped so he banged on whatever invisible force there was.
Draco stared at Harry, who seemed to be banging on invisible walls. He realised as he stretched his arms out wide, that they both were inside some circular object but couldn't see it. They stared at each other but then smiled. A green figure increasing in size above them made them look up above them.
"Mistletoe," said Harry, smiling lovingly at Draco.
Draco reached his hand up to Harry's cheek, caressing it gently, his other hand on the back of Harry's neck, and he was leaning closer for a kiss under the mistletoe. It would have been their fifth mistletoe kiss.
Harry was blushing, his heart quickening in his chest, those annoying but lovely butterflies fluttering around in his stomach, as he felt the love of Draco surge through him like poison in his blood. But this poison was a good poison, a loving, breathtaking poison. His hands were around Draco's lower back, pulling the blonde Slytherin wizard closer to him inch by inch.
Andromeda walked in on them and smiled at the two. This was her first time seeing the couple kiss, but she didn't want to disturb them or feel like she was intruding so she turned around and quickly headed back to the lounge room to her sister.
That evening, when Draco and Harry returned to Hogwarts, they spend the rest of their time with Severus and Remus. Not once did they mention Tonks in the conversation, especially to what she's going through all alone. So, they just lied and said they spend the morning with Narcissa and Andromeda in Malfoy Manor.
Harry and Draco were quiet when opening their presents. They only thanked Remus and Severus for their gifts and after, celebrated with Christmas activities and dinner in Severus' living quarters. Harry will remember this Christmas, though, especially the news of becoming a godfather to Tonks' child. But the best part, he gets to spend it with his father as their first Christmas ever.
Harry and Draco walked the corridor of the castle together, holding hands, in the early chilly morning. Students were arriving back from their Christmas holidays by the Hogwarts Express and were slowly filling up the long halls of Hogwarts.
To stay away from the students and have time together, they headed outside of the castle into the cold air and snowy grounds. They walked around the grounds until they come across an Oak tree, which they sat down under.
Harry sat in between Draco's legs and leaned back on him while Draco hugged Harry around the stomach with his back to the trunk of the tree.
"Remember our first Christmas together?" Harry asks distractedly as he stared ahead into the forest. He didn't see anything moving through the trees, though he wanted to.
"Yes, I remember our first Christmas together," said Draco, glancing at Harry's face and eyes which he wished were looking back at him. It was also our last Christmas with Ivy." He hugged his boyfriend to keep himself warm.
Harry leaned to the side and looked up at Draco, suddenly frowning at what he had mentioned. "I'm sorry for mentioning her, Draco," he says softly, his hands moving down to Draco's warm hands on his lap.
Draco shook his head and pressed his lips to Harry's, not really minding if they talk about Ivy. He still feels the pain of her grief now and then, but he's gotten better. "I'm alright to talk about Ivy," he says after a beat of silence. "There's no need to apologise."
"You sure?" Harry had to ask, his voice low and soft. He doesn't want to make Draco feel uncomfortable by talking about this.
"I'm very sure, Harry," Draco tells him and gives him another kiss. Harry melts into the kiss and wraps his arms around Draco's neck just to be a little closer.
They kissed for a couple more seconds until they were running out of air, and they began to feel a little cold even if they were rugged up in clothes. They headed back into the castle to warm up, noticing more students were wandering around the corridors than there were an hour ago.
The corridors were a little cold, so Harry led Draco up to Gryffindor Tower where it's much warmer. The only problem was when Harry said the password, it didn't work. And that wasn't all, the Fat Lady looked paler than usual.
"Baubles," Harry repeated again.
"There's a new password," the Fat Lady said.
"What?" Harry asked loudly. He couldn't believe it. The password had changed without him knowing, but how?
"We can just go to the Slytherin common room, Harry," Draco suggested lightly, his arm linking with Harry's arm. "It's just not as warm as the Gryffindor common room."
"Let's go then," Harry says, and they left down to the Dungeons with Draco.
They were nowhere near the Dungeons when they stopped as a fluffy-haired Hermione came jogging up to them, pink in the face. "Hello, Harry and Draco," she said breathlessly. "How was your Christmas?"
"It was brilliant!" beamed Harry. "Spent Christmas Day at the Tonk's household." He nudged Draco in the sides, "Draco met his aunt, Andromeda Tonks, and found out he's got a cousin." He doesn't know if he should mention Tonks' baby. But he will tell Hermione and Ron whenever he can.
"Oh, congratulations!" Hermione said to the Slytherin, smiling at him as she places an arm over Harry's shoulder.
Draco nods at the appreciation.
"Hermione, what's the password to the Gryffindor common room?" Harry then asked her. He didn't want to change the topic and knew he could have asked later, but he just wanted to snuggle up with Draco in the common room in front of the fireplace.
"Abstinence is the password, Harry," Hermione tells him flatly as they walk back towards Gryffindor. "Now, I'm going to go find Ron. Are you coming, Harry?"
"I'll come with you," Harry deadpans, nodding his head. It just means he has to make it up to Draco somehow as their snuggling session has to be postponed until after he talks with Ron. "I haven't seen him since last week."
"Great!" Hermione beamed.
Harry looked back at Draco with a wry smile, knowing the Slytherin would rather be with him all day than look for Ron. "I'll see you very soon, my love," he tells him softly and reaches up to cup his cheek.
"How soon exactly?" asked Draco quietly, staring deeply into emerald green irises as he nestles and leans his face into Harry's hand.
Harry gave a shrug. "Soon, Draco," he says firmly. "An hour or less."
Draco smiled at Harry. He leaned closer and gave Harry a soft kiss on the cheek as a goodbye. Harry smiled and closed his eyes, still feeling Draco's lips on his cheek and warmth wash through him. He was blushing from Draco's loving gesture, also from Hermione giggling at them. Draco then leaned away, still smiling but with a pink tinge to his cheeks. "Love you, Harry. I'll see you hopefully very soon."
Harry opened his eyes and nodded while staring into silver. "I love you too, Draco, and I'll see you-"
Hermione rolled her eyes at them and grabbed Harry's arm. "Come on, you love-struck boy," she says quickly, pulling him through the corridors up to Gryffindor Tower. "You're coming with me."
Harry gave Draco a sheepish smile as he walks away with Hermione. He looked away with a sigh and to the front of him. "So, how were your holidays?" he asked her.
"It was great, honestly," said Hermione happily, still holding onto his arm. "Mom, dad, and I went to a holiday lodge and spend Christmas there. They got me a diary that opens up into a lamp and crocodile bookmarks that looks like they're swimming on the top of the book where it's marked. Oh, and thank you for the old book scented candle and the Adult colouring-in book. They helped pass the time during the week."
"You're so welcome, Hermione," said Harry lightly, yanking his arm out of her grip. "What else did you get?"
Hermione flushed at what else her parents gave her. "Well, um..." she trails off, not exactly wanting to tell him the embarrassing gift. "Because mom and dad know about the relationship I have with Ron, they erm..."
"They what, Hermione?" Harry had asked, intrigued as to why his best friend's face turned red. This must be something hilarious, which he must know.
"They gave me a bag of condoms, Harry," Hermione muttered, her face only darkening in colour and she looked away from him.
Harry burst out laughing, knowing that has got to be the funniest present he's ever known anyone would give someone. "Oh, god, Hermione," he finally says, wiping a tear of joy away from his eyes. "That's hilarious!"
"Yes, hilarious," said Hermione with high sarcasm. She opens her mouth, looking as if she had to say something else, but she closed her mouth after a minute.
"Wait," Harry paused at hearing that information, and he tilts his head when glancing at her, "You and Ron have had..."
Hermione shook her head. "No, Ron and I haven't gotten there yet," she tells him. "Now, give me more details about your Christmas."
Even though Harry just saw Draco seconds ago, the blonde Slytherin popped into his head and he smiled. "Hold that thought, Hermione. I got to do something." Before Hermione could reply, Harry was jogging down the hallways where they came from. When he spotted Draco, his smile widened, and he began running up to him. When he was close enough to Draco, he pulled the blonde Slytherin by the hand to the wall and pinned him to it and kissed him.
Draco didn't understand what was happening, but when he saw a flash of black hair and gorgeous green eyes, then felt lips kiss his own and his hands and arms were pinned to the wall. Then he knew. It was Harry. He slowly smiled in the kiss when knowing Harry wanted an actual kiss before leaving with Hermione to Gryffindor Tower.
But as quickly as Harry pinned him to the wall, Harry removed himself from Draco and jogged back to Hermione with a big smile.
Draco just stood there; hands still pressed against the wall where Harry had left them. He watched Harry's leaving figure and smiled fondly, the feel of Harry's kiss still lingering on his lips. Merlin, he loves this green-eyed, dark-haired Gryffindor so much. When Harry disappeared down the next corridor, Draco headed down towards the Slytherin Dungeons to find Blaise.
Harry caught up with Hermione again by the Fat Lady, the taste of Draco still on his lips which made him grin.
"Harry, where did you run off to?" Hermione asked him. All she saw is Harry just running off like the corridor is on fire.
"Kissed Draco," Harry mumbles and smiled at nothing in particular besides the stone floor, and his cheeks were pink with a blush.
Hermione smiled at him, giving him a playful nudge with her elbow. "That's very sweet, Harry," she says, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving a little squeeze. "Hang on - password. Abstinence."
"Correct," said the Fat Lady, and swung forward to reveal the portrait hall.
"She really should stop drinking so much with Violet," said Hermione, shaking her head with disappointment as she led the way into the packed common room.
"Drinking?" said Harry.
"Yes, Harr- Ron!"
Harry watched Hermione jump into Ron's arms and throw her arms around him, and Ron fell backwards on the armchair behind him. Harry laughed at them and their disgustingly cute relationship. He left them be, Ron and Hermione haven't seen each other for an entire week and probably have a lot of capturing up to do.
With a sigh, Harry walked up to the dormitory, expecting it to be empty and Merlin how he was wrong. Bloody Dean and Seamus making out in their beds, nude. He placed a hand over his eyes and walked towards where his bed was but hissing in pain when he hit his knee on something and fell over onto the hard floor with an "Oww!" It was his bloody trunk!
Harry looked up, and two naked men, thankfully covered in sheets were staring at him. "Sorry, don't mind me," he says awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thought the dorm was empty... I can go if you want."
Seamus smiled at him and shook his head. "We're done, anyway," he says, pulling the sheet up past his chest. "Ye can stay."
"Thanks." Harry didn't know how to answer that. Yes, he's been in the dorm when Seamus and Dean were in bed like they are now, naked. It always feels awkward, but he just pretends they're not there.
Harry finds Hermione alone by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room reading a book as usual and he joins her on the couch. He wants to tell her a little something related to dreams, specifically a dream he has had because he just wants to tell her. He can't keep it to himself, and he trusts her to keep it a secret.
"Hello, Harry," Hermione says, distractedly looking into the fireplace. Harry can tell something is on her mind. He wants to know what but leaves it for some other time.
Harry decides to just say what he's thinking. "Draco asked me to marry him," he says quickly, and Hermione looks over at him in surprise. What he didn't know is that they were not the only ones in the common room. "In my dreams," he added clearly and smiles at her.
"Oh," Hermione says slowly, and she starts giggling at the dream Harry told her about. "I just don't know what to say, Harry." She puts her book down on the armrest. "That's um... You surprised me there. I actually thought..."
"I know it's odd," Harry drawls, and he leans back on the couch, staring at the crackling fireplace heating up the common room. "I asked Trelawny what she thinks of it, and well..." He tells her what he remembers his professor said to him about his dream. "I understand a little of what she said, but I honestly am not thinking of marrying Draco at all. It's a future thing." He just hopes he and Draco stay together even after Hogwarts. The thought of not is depressing.
"If you're admitting something then I guess I should tell you something too," Hermione deadpans, bringing her legs to her chest and facing him. "I um... I asked McGonagall to postpone my Extracurricular Activities and Graduation at the end of the school year." Harry looks confused, and Hermione sighs. "I want to graduate next year as a Seventh Year, Harry. Not this year."
Harry slaps his hands on his face and groans. The problem is he doesn't want Hermione to do this alone. He, Hermione, and Ron are a three package deal. "So you're saying next year you're going back to Hogwarts as a Seventh Year?" he asks her flatly, and Hermione nodded. "Jesus Christ, Hermione... are there even other's in our year who will be there with you?"
"Yes, Harry, I won't be alone," Hermione tells him lightly. "All of the Ravenclaw's and Hufflepuffs besides Padma Patil and Susan Bones will be with me next year, but I did hear Susan saying she'll be joining me too. None of the Slytherins I know besides Pansy, Draco and Blaise are graduating this year."
"I'm not letting you continue Hogwarts on your own, Hermione," Harry says at once, shaking his head firmly as he scooches closer to her. Hermione raises her eyebrow, thinking she may be heard Harry wrong. "If you're going, then I am too, and I'll somehow influence Ron in joining us as well."
By the stairs, two younger Gryffindor students watch in silence and think of a plan from what they've heard Harry say. They are Cody and Christina, the two siblings.
Hermione frowns as she feels guilty that she had to ruin Harry and Ron's year. "I'm sorry, Harry," she mumbles, pushing a strand of hair behind her years. "I just didn't want to feel like a dropout and I want to do my N.E.W.T.S. next year like every other Seventh Years before us."
"It's alright," Harry says softly and gets up from the couch, "I'll just go tell Ron this." He knows he must tell Ron this, and also Draco, Pansy, and Blaise. He's not going to go alone with Hermione. Not if he can help it. He will drag his boyfriend and best mate with him.
Hermione nodded. But then she thought about that for a moment. "Why don't you go tell your boyfriend and his friends, and I'll go tell Ron," she says, sliding her legs down the couch's pillows to get off the couch and stand up. "It'll be quicker than going from person to person."
Harry considered that for a moment. After a heartbeat, he nodded at the suggestion. "I'll see you in a bit then," he says, smiling and with a turn of his heel, he headed down to the Slytherin 6th year boy's dormitory.
The room smells like incense and candles. He finds Draco sitting on his bed reading something that he can tell is in French by the wording 'Les Trois Mousquetaires'. He doesn't know what it means but would like to. On the other bed, Blaise is sitting with his legs crossed and meditating. Three white candles are floating around Blaise and a burning incense stick levitates around the bed.
"Hello, Harry," Blaise says, his voice low and concentrated on his breathing and meditative state.
"Hey," Harry replies gently, watching the candles float around Blaise. He hasn't seen Blaise meditating for a while, not since before Easter last year.
Draco looks up at Harry and smiles. "Bonjour, mon magnifique Harry," he says to Harry and gives a little bow while sitting. Harry grins and sits down next to him though he has no idea what Draco said.
"Err..." Harry mumbles, "si?" Draco chuckles and gives him a quick kiss on the lips.
"Draco pretty much said, 'Hello my gorgeous' to you," Blaise tells him, opening one eye and looking over at the couple giving each other little kisses. He gives them a smile. "And Si means yes in Spanish."
"Alors, comment allez-vous Mon chéri?" Draco asks Harry softly, running his hand down Harry's arm to his warm hands where he links hands with him. "Et qu'est-ce qui t'amène ici?" He leans towards and nudges his nose into Harry's neck, and presses a kiss to Harry's nape.
Harry sighs dreamily from Draco's warm little touches and kisses. He looks over at Blaise for help in understanding what Draco said to him but the Italian Slytherin continued to meditate. He then remembers why he is here. "Hermione and I have decided to continue our schooling to our seventh year," he tells them.
Blaise snaps his eyes open and looks at Harry in disbelief. "What?" he asks quickly. He pauses for just a second, the candles around him lowering to his bedsheets.
"Quoiquoi?" Draco asks him quietly.
Harry tells the two Slytherins about how Hermione wants to continue her schooling into her seventh year, and that he doesn't want her going through with it alone so he will join her next year with Ron. He hopes Hermione's doing well with persuading Ron in joining them next year for the Seventh Year.
"Je n'arrive pas à y croir. [I can not believe it]," Draco mutters and leans down onto his bed with a sigh. He slides his hands down his face and groans. "Pourquoi me quittes-tu pour tes deux meilleurs amis?[Why are you leaving me for your two best friends?]"
Blaise nodded slowly in agreement with Draco. He just cannot believe it either. "Draco, you can join Harry if you want to next year," he says flatly to his best friend. "I don't mind at all. And please, stop speaking French so your boyfriend can understand you."
Draco sits up and grins at Blaise. "Mais j'adore parler français, Blaise.[But I love speaking French, Blaise, » he mumbles with a playful pout. « Et puisque Harry continue ses études, je vais vous entraîner avec moi. [And since Harry is continuing his studies, I will take you with me,] » he says, pointing a finger at him. « Je ne vais pas vous laisser obtenir votre diplôme tôt tout seul. Je sais que vous vous êtes amélioré, donc je sais que vous irez bien l'année prochaine.[I'm not going to let you graduate early on your own. I know you've improved, so I know you'll be fine next year,]» He then crosses his arms and looks at him pratiquly. « En outre, cela signifie pas d'activités parascolaires.[Also, this means no extracurricular activities,]»
Blaise rolls his eyes. Of course, Draco's acting smart, but he does have a good point. No extracurricular activities if he does go back to Hogwarts for his seventh year. He knows that Draco won't let him do anything alone, just like how Harry won't let Hermione go to Seventh year alone. «Oh, Merlin. Tais-toi! »
"Fine," Draco muttered, and Harry smiles at him and kisses his cheek in approval, though he loves when Draco speaks French like always.
"So, does this mean you'll both be joining Hermione and me next year?" Harry asks the two, and he places his hands over Draco's.
Blaise thinks about that for a minute, and Draco quickly nods. "We will have to tell Pansy this too," Blaise says after a beat, and knows the other two Slytherin girl's never got the letters from McGonagall about graduating early. They had no reason for Graduating early anyway. "My final answer, yes. I'll come back next year."
Harry beams and gets up from beside Draco. "Let's go tell Pansy then," he says quickly, leaning down to grab Draco's hand to pull him up off his bed. "I'm not letting anyone stay behind."
Blaise nods, blows out the three candles surrounding him and the incense stick and gets up from his bed. "Let's go then."
They found Pansy in the common room, and like Blaise, she was a little hesitant at the suggestion. But she gave in as she didn't want to be the only Slytherin graduating this year. It relieved Harry so much that he sent a Patronus up to Hermione saying he's gotten the three Slytherins as planned. For the rest of the morning, Harry and Draco just spent it with each other in the Slytherin boy's dorm room, listening to the crackling of the fire while cuddling, snogging and looking out the tall windows at the Black Lake and the fishes and Merfolk who swam by.
Harry woke with a yawn. What he felt underneath him was warm skin. He shot his eyes open and stared down at the upper half of Draco's body. He smiled and circled his thumb over the blonde Slytherin wizard's pink nipples. He groaned as he sat back, something large was inside of him. He realised what it was. He hoped it wouldn't cause any problems for himself or Draco.
He slowly removed his body from Draco's cock, but as he pulled off halfway, silver eyes shot open and hands were on his hips, pushing him back down. "Harry-"
They both groaned together as their bodies connected once again.
"Sorry," Harry mumbles, embarrassment colouring his face, and he stared down into pools of silver. "I... err... did I sleep...?"
Draco smiled, his hands rubbing Harry's thighs. "You fell asleep on me, yes," he says tiredly, lids half-open. "Let's say you ran out of energy while...riding me."
Harry's face reddens more and he bit his lip. "Right..." he says quietly. But the memories didn't lie to him. He did feel so weak like his energy was being drained out of him. Perhaps it was the morning jogging yesterday with Hermione as well?
"I finished the job while you were drifting off into your adorable little dreamland," Draco says softly, winking up at Harry and smirking.
Harry, if possible, blushed a darker shade of red. "Happy two-year anniversary of our relationship, though," he says as he removed Draco's hands from his waist and moved off Draco, the Slytherin's cock sliding out of him and onto the flat of his stomach. He stared down at it, thanking Merlin that nothing bad happened to it.
"You enjoy staring, Potter?" Draco asked him, his voice low and smooth. Just the way Harry's staring at his cock makes him want to fuck him again but somewhere different like in the shower or by the window in front of all the merfolk. "And Happy second Anniversary to you too!"
Harry looked back up into Draco's silver eyes. His face feels like it's burning because of the blush on his face. He sheepishly smiled and nodded. When seeing Draco about to open that damned perfect mouth to say something smart, Harry leaned forward and kissed him.
Draco's smile widened in the kiss and his hands explored around Harry's back. His hands kept moving down Harry's back until they reached his arse cheeks which he squeezed them.
Harry gasped and leaned out of the kiss, his green eyes shining down into Draco's silver ones. "Breakfast, my love?" he asks lightly with a smile. He wants food in his stomach so he doesn't feel the pain of hunger.
"That depends, my darling," Draco says as he sits up onto his elbows. "Are you my breakfast?"
Harry rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, pulled the curtains aside and got up out of Draco's bed. "By the way," he said as he pulled on his boxers and pants, "how did you end up falling asleep with me on top of you?"
"Easy, you're just soft and squishy like a pillow," Draco answered him and hugged himself with his bedsheets.
Harry grinned at him when pulling on his top but a sudden presence on the other side of the room caught his eye. "Oh, hello Blaise," he says and quickly puts on his Gryffindor cardigan and robe.
Blaise smiled at Harry and was glad Draco had his lower body covered with blankets. "Morning, Harry... and Draco."
"How'd you sleep, Blaise?" Draco asks his best friend and pulls his blankets up to his shoulder to block out the cold air from the door into the hallway of the dormitories.
"Apart from the moaning I heard, I slept pretty well," Blaise said, crossing his arms as he walks over to his own bed and opens his trunk. "I do hope you both had a good time," he added in a mutter as he looks through his trunk and pulls out his book bag. He had no problem saying what he said.
"Oh, we did," Draco mumbles, glancing down at his pyjamas at the end of his bed, grinning.
Harry sighed at his blonde Slytherin boyfriend but gave him a smile. He enjoys hanging with his Slytherin friends and boyfriend. "Just ignore him, Blaise," he drawls, glancing at the other Slytherin in the room.
"Harry, I'm always ignoring him whenever he talks like that," Blaise replies with a cold sneer Draco's way. Draco only smirked at him.
"Get dressed, Draco," Harry commands lightly and threw Draco's Slytherin school robes at him that he had grabbed from on top of Draco's trunk.
Draco caught his clothes, wincing as his tie hit him in the face, and Harry chuckled and went over to kiss him on the cheek.
When Draco finally was dressed, he, Harry and Blaise wandered down to the common room and saw a bunch of students their age surrounding the noticeboard. Curiosity filled them so they went to see what the commotion was all about.
Apparition Lessons
"That sounds entirely exciting!" said Blaise at once, grinning widely at the notice board. "I've always wanted to apparate."
"Same," mumbled Draco with a smile as he fixes up Harry's tie and tightens it. He can't let Harry look like he just got out of bed and rushed to get dressed.
Harry was thinking otherwise about Apparition. Apparition to him still made him feel a little oozy, he just didn't want to admit it. "Think I'm allowed to sign this form now?" he asks Draco. "Or do I have to go back up to Gryffindor Tower to sign that form?"
"Well, it doesn't say anything about Slytherin's only signing this form, so I guess you can sign it," Blaise says as he signed his name on the form, and then walks away from the noticeboard to the two black leather seats in front of the fireplace.
Harry smiled and signed his name down on the form, Draco then did the same too.
"I think I'm going to "accidentally" lose some of my galleons and place them under Ron's pillow," said Harry, using air quotation marks when stepping aside to let other students see the noticeboard and write their names down.
"My Harry," mumbles Draco proudly, wrapping his arm around Harry in a tight side hug and pulling him closer. "This is another reason why I love you so much." He ran his finger down Harry's nose. "One of your attributes is generosity."
"I'm just doing what anybody would do," said Harry softly, snuggling into the hug with Draco until no space was left between them. "I know Ron will be able to afford the Lesson, but I want to help him."
"I'm heading to the Great Hall for breakfast," muttered Blaise, looking quite awkward just watching the couple mingle and kiss, so he left on his own to the Great Hall.
Draco smirked as Blaise left him and Harry alone. But now he can feel the hunger for food deep inside his stomach. So, he and Harry walked up to the Great Hall from the Dungeons and sat at the Slytherin table.
Harry was dishing his plate up with eggs until he heard someone begin to sing and several shocked gasps come from somewhere in the Great Hall. It wasn't until he heard the lyrics that he began to feel a little concerned for the student, wherever he or she is.
There is an old tradition,
A game we all can play.
You start by getting liquored up
And sharpening your blade.
You take a shot of whiskey,
You grab your knife and pray
And spread apart your fingers,
And that is what you say:
Claps were being heard in tune with the person singing. But people seemed to sound worried about what was going on.
"What are you doing!"
"Where did you get that knife from?"
"Put that blade down!"
Harry's head shot up at the word knife. Did a student really bring a knife into the school premises? The thought was scary, but what they were singing scared him the most. Whisky and a Knife in a sentence? That just cannot be good. He could tell even Draco believes so by the worried expression on his face.
I have all my fingers,
The knife goes chop! Chop! Chop!
If I miss the spaces in between
My fingers will come off!
The sound of something sharp hitting wood and the horrified gasps of a few students made Harry stand up and search the Great Hall. There were a bunch of students surrounding someone at the Hufflepuff table.
"Harry?" asks Draco worriedly, his brows furrowed at the group of students. He was pointing to the Hufflepuff table, "What's going on over there?"
"I don't know, Draco," Harry said, his voice low, and he was shaking his head. He couldn't believe this child, bringing a weapon into school. "But I am going to find out." He stood up from the table and went towards the Hufflepuffs at their table. He was shocked to see a young girl stabbing a black pocketknife in between her fingers and singing.
And if I hit my fingers,
Blood will soon come out.
But all the same, I play this game
Cause that's what it's all about.
Harry stopped himself from looking at the blade, so sharp... Where were the Hufflepuff prefects? They should be doing something about this kid. Then he realised who this kid was. "Emmaline..."
Emmaline turned around; her face paled at the older wizard who had caught her. "Oh, hello Harry!" she said politely and forced a smile at him.
"Emmaline, you know better than to smuggle sharp muggle objects into Hogwarts," Harry said in a serious tone, his gaze firm on her. The muggle-borns and half-bloods around Emmaline and Harry lowered their heads, not wanting to get caught either. "What if you were caught by a professor?"
Emmaline shrugged. "I didn't think the professors would even know daggers exist," she mumbles, moving the knife down under the table. "The only thing the wizarding world has for weapons are wands."
Harry shook his head, knowing that wasn't true. Bellatrix had a dagger, which killed Dobby. "Give me the knife, Emmaline," he says at once, handing out his palm to her. "It's best to give it to me so if a professor does see you with it, you won't get punished."
Emmaline sighed and grudgingly handed Harry the knife. She was lucky she brought another one with her, but it only means knife games in the common room or dormitory.
"Thank you," said Harry, who pressed the trigger on the knife backwards, which made the blade tuck into the handle. It was mesmerising... He pressed the trigger forward. Out popped the blade. He pressed the trigger backwards, which made the blade tuck away. "I may not be a Prefect, but I don't want to see you with anything sharp like this again." He sounded earnest. "Do you understand?"
"Yes, Harry," Emmaline said in a low voice. "I understand, crystal clear."
"Good." Harry turned around and went back to the Slytherin table, pressing the trigger forward, and revealing the blade. He dropped the knife onto the table beside Draco, like how someone would drop a microphone, and sat next to Draco. "This is what some little girl was singing about," he tells Draco.
"Merlin," Draco said breathlessly and sounded a little shocked. "Was she stabbing the table too? I heard some kind of tapping on wood by something"
Harry raised an eyebrow. "Did you want me to show you what the girl did?" he asks flatly, now thinking of playing The Knife Game to show Draco it.
"If it doesn't include stabbing yourself, then sure," Draco drawled, eyeing Harry and the blade suspiciously. He will take the blade off Harry if he needs to just to ensure Harry's safety.
Harry lowered his eyebrows and looked back at the knife. He has that sudden urge to use it, to feel it slice across his wrists. Would it cut deeper than his blades? The thoughts just zoomed inside his brain. He pressed the trigger backward, and the blade disappeared. He did it again. Blade.
Draco jumped in his seat from that unsettling sound and how fast the blade just appeared. He just stared at the blade with absolute horror. "Muggles have such gruesome objects!" he sneers, finally managing to look away and down at the table. "Are these lying around in their houses?"
"Possibly," said Harry with a shrug and he crossed his arms over the table. "I mean, they use them for self-defence." He raised his arm and rests his palm against his jaw. "If they're being robbed or harassed, they can use the knives to protect themselves or hurt the bad people."
"Oh," said Draco slowly. But Draco was confused with the muggle version of self-defence and how to avoid break-ins. How do these muggles stay protected from what Harry calls 'bad people'?
"I don't know what to do with this knife," muttered Harry when staring at the actual blade of the knife. He wanted to...keep it. But then he remembered something Sirius gave him. A knife. But where was that? He pondered if it was at 12 Grimmauld Place. Unless he left it at the Burrow during the Holidays. Gosh, the only present Sirius gave him, and he lost it. What kind of a godson is he? "It's got no use to us wizards."
"You could give it to a Hufflepuff Prefect," Draco suggested. He would ask Harry to give it to him so he can banish it but the Hufflepuff prefects are better off knowing about this knife. "Get them to do whatever with it. Break it. Burn it. Whatever method they would use."
"That's a good idea," Harry said thoughtfully, nodding at the option. He doesn't want Emmaline getting into trouble though. "But I think I'll ask Hermione. She'll know what to do with it."
They finished breakfast and headed to their first class of the term, Charms. It was a long walk, as always, so Harry started a conversation. "When can we take the test?"
Draco looked at Harry questionably when walking up the stairs to the second floor. "What test?" he asks flatly.
"Apparition," said Harry. What other test would he be thinking about?
"Once we turn seventeen, then we can go for our Apparition test," Draco tells him, and in front of them further up the stairs he spots Pansy and he smiles at her. Pansy smiles and waves back then she continues up the stairs with Daphne. "June for me and July for you, Harry."
"Where would we have our apparition lessons?" Harry then asked, bumping shoulders with him every so often. "We can't apparate inside of Hogwarts, everyone knows that."
"I don't know where the lessons will be held," Draco responded lightly with a shrug, his heart flipping over excitedly as he placed an arm around Harry. "It could be somewhere in Hogsmeade."
They entered the Charm's classroom and sat behind Seamus and Dean, Hermione and Ron were beside them.
"Me cousin Fergus scares the hell out of me by popping in and out of the house," Harry hears Seamus say. "It annoys me so darn much. Wait till I can do it back...he'll never have a peaceful moment ever again..."
Harry smiled at that thought. Then the thought of doing it to Sirius popped into his mind. He pondered what that would be like to just apparate in at any time and scare the living hell out of Sirius, or even Severus and Remus. The depressing thought went away as Dean started chuckling and kissed Seamus' cheek.
Lost from the love and warmth spreading through Seamus, he flicked his wand a little too enthusiastically which sent a rocket of water out of his wand and knocked the tiny professor Flitwick down.
Harry and Draco kept quiet when the topic of apparition continued, even though the lesson. It was amusing to hear. But Seamus just had to turn around and ask Draco, since he had pure-blood parents if he's ever side-apparated with them.
"Well, yeah, I guess I have multiple times," Draco said, nodding as he looks up at the Irish Gryffindor. "Harry has side-along-apparated with my mother and father before too though."
"Whoa," said Seamus, leaning backwards in his chair a little. "What does it feel like?"
"Like you're stuck in a tube that's going 50 miles per hour," Harry explained it as quickly as he could. It's the most unpleasant feeling for him, and he still doesn't like it. He's side-apparated with Narcissa loads of times, and Draco was there too.
Dean nodded, but Harry could see something odd in Dean's expression. It was...nerves. But why was he looking so nervous? He shook it off, thinking it was just nerves for the apparition lessons.
The rest of the day, Harry and Draco just kept away from everyone by hiding in the Library's Secret Room up until they had to go to class.
Harry and Draco lined up outside of the Potion's classroom, and when the door opened, they and the whole class entered through and took their seats.
Severus stood in front of his class, looking over his students. "You all maintain a lot of work you ought to finish this afternoon. First of all, who can explain to the class about Golpalott's Third law?"
Hermione's arm quickly shot up.
Severus looked around the room for any others who could answer the question. After a minute to test her patience, he looked at the girl with her hand raised. "Ms Granger?"
"Golpalott's Third Law states that for each of the separate components, the antidote for a combined poison is equal to more than the total of the antidotes," Hermione explained.
"Good," said Severus with a nod. "But if we accept that Golpalott's Third law is true...?"
Harry was not understanding anything his potion's professor was telling him. He'll just have to believe that the law is true. He could tell Draco didn't understand it either. The only person who seemed to understand what Severus meant was Hermione.
"So, fourth," finished Severus, "come forward and collect one of these phials from my desk. You must create an antidote for the poison within it before the lesson ends. Time starts now!"
Everyone rushed to the front of the classroom to Severus's desk to collect a poison of their own.
Harry didn't know what to do with this poison he received from the professor's desk at all. He uncorked the poison he had taken, tipped it into his cauldron and lit a fire underneath it. He glanced at Draco, standing next to him, who looked deep in concentration as he slowly poured a few ingredients into his potion.
Harry adored that and sneakily planted a kiss on the blonde Slytherin's cheek, which made Draco smile.
"Harry, I love you, and on the contrary, I really want to get this done," Draco whispered, sideways glancing at him and nudged Harry with his elbow in Harry's arm.
Harry smiled back and sighed, just wanting that kiss with his boyfriend. Draco rolled his eyes and leaned forwards for an actual kiss, but short. Harry melted in the surprising kiss but frowned when Draco made it short.
"Boys!" Snape snapped, crossing his arms over his desk. "You know the rules. There is no snogging in my classroom which means you can leave that for out in the corridors."
Harry and Draco looked down at their cauldrons, deep red blushes on their faces and what's worse is the sound of laughter around them. Draco got back to where he left off and Harry was still really lost. He doesn't know how to do this. He remembers the Prince's Diary and wondered if it was still there. He glanced up at Severus, who walked around the desk to sit down.
Severus grinds his teeth when feeling a surge of pain as he sat down.
Harry just froze and examined his father, wondering what was wrong and why he saw his father flinch like he was in pain. Unless...because he was sitting down. He began to snicker, and beside him, Draco raised an eyebrow at him.
"What are you snickering about?" Draco asked him quietly as he pours a light blue liquid into his cauldron and some Lavender strips.
"Look at Severus," Harry whispers to him back, grinning as Draco looked towards his father. "When he sat, I saw him flinch in pain. Do you think he and Remus...?" But the thought was incredibly disturbing to him.
Draco just stared ahead at his godfather for a few seconds, then looked back at Harry. "Merlin," he mutters, staring deeply into Harry's eyes. Then he began to snicker a little.
Harry became bored when Draco went back to making the antidote for the poison. He knew there was still another half an hour left, but he wanted to get something done. He snuck to the cupboards and luckily enough, there it was. The Prince's diary. He pulled it out and walked back to his desk and began reading.
Harry turned to the chapter on antidotes in the Prince's Diary. There was Golpalott's Third law, which was stated word for word. Nothing in the Prince's notebook explained what it meant. He bent over the Half-Blood Prince's book and turned a few pages.
Just shove a Bezoar down their throats.
Bezoars? He swore he's heard of them before. He was curious if this would work. He walked towards the storeroom of ingredients and rummaged inside it, pushing aside unnecessary ingredients he doesn't need like Unicorn hair until he finally found a small card box at the back of the shelf with the scribbled words of 'Bezoar'.
He opened the box just as Severus called, "You all have two minutes left!" Harry grabbed a Bezoar, which was a shrivelled brown object, put the box back in the cupboard and hurried back towards his cauldron just in time.
"Time!" called Severus, who shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Let's observe how well you've all done."
Severus walked around the room slowly, examining everyone's potions. Nobody had finished their antidote. Harry just waited patiently, clutching his Bezoar in his hand.
Finally, Severus went to their table, had a sniff of Draco's potion then continued to Harry's.
Harry smiled and held out his hand, the Bezoar sitting on his palm. Severus looked down at it for a couple of minutes and Harry was thinking that maybe he'd get yelled at.
"A Bezoar definitely acts as an antidote to all these potions," Severus said, nodding with approval. He's quite proud of Harry, though he would have liked Harry to actually try and make a potion to cure the potion.
Draco stared at the Bezoar, and then into Harry's green eyes. He's pissed that he spilt something orange on him that looks like vomit.
"Pack up, I would like you all out of my classroom!" Severus snapped just as class finished.
"Should we interrogate our dear professor about what we could be right about?" Harry asked Draco in a quiet voice, so nobody else could hear him speak of such an awkward topic.
"Would you really want to find that out, Harry?" Draco asked slowly with a grimace. He didn't want to think about such an odd thing.
Harry knew that no; he doesn't want to know about that particular topic in his dad's life. "Nope."
"Harry, Draco, what are you two still doing here?" asked Severus once every other one of his students had left the classroom.
Draco opens his mouth to reply but Harry placed his hand over Draco's mouth before he could say something. He just thought of a brilliant idea! He was just thinking about Buckbeak and hoped Buckbeak was able to fly today. "Can we borrow some Gillyweed?"
Draco looked at Harry, confused at why Harry needed Gillyweed all of a sudden.
Like he could read Draco's mind, Severus asked, "Why do you require Gillyweed, Harry?"
"I just do," said Harry simply, smiling as innocently as he could and he drops his hand from Draco's mouth. He didn't want to tell them what he wanted to do with the Gillyweed. It's just a surprise.
"You're not going to provide me a rational explanation, are you?" Severus drawls, his arms crossing over the table as he looks at the two.
Harry shook his head at his father's question. "Nope," he says.
Severus sighed, wanting to know the reasoning for wanting Gillyweed. He could see James in Harry's face now, that mischievous smile always there. "I provide you permission, but you'll be brewing an extra batch for me," he says, firmly pointing a finger at him.
Harry didn't care about that. All he cares about is getting the Gillyweed. "Thanks," he says lightly, "and I'll be here before lunch starts to grab a few of them."
"If you must," replied Severus before walking off to his ingredients storage room.
Draco still had no idea what Harry wanted with the Gillyweeds. "Harry, why do you need Gillyweed?" he asks curiously. He was hoping to not hear an 'I just do', but was in luck when Harry said, "You'll see, Draco."
Draco grunted at the answer he got. But he knows his sneaky little lion is up to something and he just wants to know what it is. Unless it's a surprise, then he can wait a little while.
They packed their things and headed out of the classroom. Harry had Transfiguration's while Draco had Arithmancy. They departed with a kiss and headed to their class.
Harry rushed up to his dormitory after Transfiguration had finished and grabbed two towels from his trunk. He hoped Dean wouldn't mind if he borrowed his blue and white duffel bag. He probably won't even know it's gone. He packed the two towels in the duffel bag and quickly headed out into the corridors.
Harry headed to the kitchens for a quick stop to get some food and a food container then made his way down to the dungeons to the Potions classroom. He smiled when seeing Draco already in the classroom but facing away from him. He snuck up to Draco and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Hello, there."
Draco smiled when feeling his heart do flips at the sound of Harry's voice, and he turned around in his seat. He stood up, and when he was about to place his arms around Harry, he looked down at the strange bag in his boyfriend's arms. "What have you got there?"
"You can have a look if you want, Draco," Harry says lightly and leans in for a quick kiss. He placed the duffel bag on the table, not really caring if Draco looks into it. It's just some food, towels and a container. He just needs to get one more item.
Harry smiled when seeing Draco's face brighten as the Slytherin looked into the Duffel bag. Then he proceeded to the Potions storeroom to find the Gillyweed. After searching every shelf, top and bottom, he finally found a container filled with Gillyweed. He only needed four anyway. He reached inside the container, grimacing at how slimy they felt, and pulled out four. With the Gillyweed in his hands, he exited the storeroom and went back to Draco, who was sneakily eating the pieces of watermelon the elves kindly cut up for him.
"Oi!" snapped Harry and Draco jumped from his chair. He disparagingly shook his head at him. "Get your paws off the picnic food!"
Draco smirked and placed the carton of watermelon pieces back in the bag. He looked back at Harry guiltily, muttering, "Sorry, I'm just hungry."
"Can't you wait for a couple of minutes?" Harry asked quickly, placing the Gillyweeds into a little container in the Duffel bag and zipping it back up.
"No," drawled Draco, shaking his head. He watched as Harry put the odd-looking bag over his shoulder. Harry interwove his hand with Draco's and began leading him out of the Potion's room. Draco, confused as hell, just let Harry lead him through the corridors of the castle, out into the grounds where the birds were tweeting happily and down to Hagrid's hut.
Harry smiled as Buckbeak came into view, and the Hippogriff stood up on its legs when seeing Harry and Draco. Harry bowed down to the Hippogriff, and beside him, Draco did the same.
Buckbeak tilted his head to the side but bowed down to both of them. He made a little throaty noise and dug his hoof into the dirt.
Harry reached his arm out to the Hippogriff's beak and gave it a little pat. "Hold this please," he handed Draco the duffel bag and Draco took it from him and dangled it in front of his legs.
Draco stared at the Hippogriff known as Buckbeak, and the Hippogriff stared back. Oh, it's so on! But then he felt Harry kiss his cheek, which made him chuckle and lose focus on the Hippogriff. He was hoping to get a real kiss, but Harry had walked over to Hagrid's hut. He sighed and looked back at the Hippogriff, continuing with the staring contest.
Harry knocked on Hagrid's large wooden door. "Hagrid?" he called loudly. "You in there?"
In only seconds, the door flew open, and Hagrid appeared at the door. "'Aarry! So good ter see you," he said happily. "What're you doin' 'ere?"
"Can Draco and I ride on Buckbeak again?" Harry asked him immediately, not wanting to waste any time. He hasn't had a proper date with Draco in weeks. "It's actually a surprise I have for Draco."
Hagrid smiled down at him. "O' course, you should 'ave told me in the first place," he says, giving Harry's shoulder a gentle pat. "Just give me a minute."
Harry nodded and went back to Draco and Buckbeak but hesitated when seeing them looking at each other weirdly. The Hippogriff and the Slytherin were just staring at each other like they were talking to each other through their minds. "Um... Draco, what are you doing?"
"Staring contest, Harry," Draco mutters, continuously staring into Buckbeak's black eyes while trying to keep his eyes open. "It's insane, he never blinks!"
Harry laughed softly at his boyfriend and the Hippogriff. He went up behind Draco, wrapped his arms around the Slytherin's stomach and placed his chin on his shoulder. "You ready for lunch?"
Draco smiled, slipped the duffel bag onto his arms, and placed his hands over Harry's hands which were on his stomach. "I am, Harry," he says, leaning his head back so he can look Harry in his green eyes though he knows he lost the staring contest with Buckbeak.
Hagrid walked over to them, the black bridal in his hand, but he didn't say anything to make his presence heard. He just went over, attached the bridal to Buckbeak's head, beamed at the two and headed back to his hut.
Harry watched as Hagrid left them be and smiled. He moved around Draco, grabbed the duffel bag, and placed it on Buckbeak's back. When Buckbeak lowered himself a little, Draco got up on Buckbeak then Harry hauled himself over. With a slight tug on the bridle reins, Buckbeak began to trot, canter than gallop until he was flapping up into the air.
Draco kept a tight hold on Harry and the duffel bag as they soared higher and higher into the sky, passing the Quidditch pitch, then soaring above the Black Lake and flying towards the castle. He heard Harry whispering something into Buckbeak's ear, but he just didn't hear it. But then Buckbeak changed course and headed for the mountains.
Buckbeak knew where he was going, by the directions Harry told him. When he got there, he soared down to the ground and landed elegantly on his hooves.
Harry got off Buckbeak and then helped Draco down, earning himself a kiss on the cheek by his Slytherin boyfriend. He smiled with a blush and tried to find a perfect area to set the picnic up by the little lake. He cast a few warming charms around the area just so it's not too cold. It was a nice day after all. He laid the towels down on the ground just a few meters away from the little lake and put the food down on it.
They sat down on the towels and began eating their watermelon, and salad and drinking their cranberry juice. Draco held up a little piece of watermelon to Harry's mouth, and Harry slowly leaned forward and grabbed it with his mouth. Draco tilted his head to the side a little, mesmerised by Harry's appearance like always. He looked down at the Gryffindor's lips and traced them with his finger.
Harry swallowed down the watermelon, not taking his eyes off Draco and his actions. Warmth flooded through him at Draco's touch and he blushed when Draco leaned forward and connected their lips in a kiss.
The kiss progressed from slow and innocent to intense, hungry, and desperate in a matter of seconds. They didn't care if the ground was cold, or if the air was chilly. They wanted each other.
Then Harry leaned away and reached for the container containing the Gillyweeds. He knows it sounds insane, but he'd like to go for a swim. They weren't exactly out of Hogwarts, so Harry could cast a warming charm on the lake.
"Harry...are you crazy?!" Draco asks him loudly, shocked out of his right mind that Harry would want to go swimming in January when it's bloody cold.
"I'm maybe a little crazy," Harry said smoothly and took off his jumper and t-shirt. "All the best people are crazy." He threw his shirt and jumper at Draco, which messed the Slytherin's blonde hair up a little.
Draco pushed his hair back and licked his lips as Harry began unbuttoning his pants in front of him. "I just don't want you catching a cold, Harry," he mumbles, his gaze shifting from Harry's green eyes to Harry's pants.
Harry grinned at Draco and ruffled the Slytherin's neatly styled hair. "I'll be fine," he tells him soothingly. "Are you joining me in the lake?" He pulled down his pants and placed them in a pile with his shirt and jumper to the side of Draco.
Draco placed his hand over Harry's cock from the black boxers Harry was wearing and felt his hardness. It was making himself hard, so he pulled Harry's boxers down to his ankles and licked his lips again. "I think I might just stay here in this position," he says and leans forward to kiss the head.
Harry was raking his hands through Draco's hair and he moaned when Draco took his cock in his mouth. That hot, beautiful, perfect, exciting, wet mouth, was on his prick, slowly but surely sucking him. Oh, darn. Maybe a few extra minutes can be wasted by Draco doing this to him.
Draco could feel Harry's warm come slowly dripping from the head and he swirled his tongue around the shaft, savouring every little bit of it.
Harry looked over at Buckbeak, trying to suppress a moan but it came out. He felt lucky that Buckbeak wasn't watching them. The embarrassment if he did...
Harry moaned again as Draco's mouth moved further down the shaft of his cock. He gripped the strands of Draco's hair tightly, making the Slytherin moan on his cock, which sent waves of pleasure down to his balls and his groin.
Draco placed one hand on Harry's hip and the other held the base of Harry's cock, which he gave a squeeze every now and then.
Soon enough, Harry was coming and shooting his spunk inside Draco's mouth. Waves of ecstasy ran through him when feeling Draco's tongue still doing its job. Merlin, this Slytherin was beautiful and so good at his job.
When Draco finished lapping up all of Harry's spunk in his mouth, he started undressing too.
Harry passed him a Gillyweed, nearly laughing at how Draco looked disgusted when looking at the Gillyweed in his hands. "I don't know if you know this, but Gillyweed helps you breathe underwater for an entire hour," he tells him, watching the Slytherin take off his pants first. The damn teaser! "It's pretty...useful."
"Oh, really?" Draco sounded intrigued. He crossed his arms after throwing his grey long-sleeved turtleneck shirt and sweater to the ground. "If I catch a cold it is your fault, Harry."
Harry grimaced at the thought of Draco falling ill because of him. Now he was having second thoughts.
Draco shoved his Gillyweed in his mouth, grimacing around the thick, sludgy feeling. The taste was so salty that it made him want to vomit, but it was better than a Bubblehead Charm, and much more reliable.
Harry swallowed his own, and then they went towards the lake and stepped in. Merlin, the water was perfect. Warm and swishy and better than even the Prefects' Bath at Hogwarts. They should do this more often.
Harry took a quick look at Draco, smiling when seeing fins, gills, and flippers form on his boyfriend. He couldn't be any more beautiful with or without fins. Then he swam down further into the lake. He never thought it would be too deep, but he was wrong. He swore he could see an underwater cave a few meters below him. He swam down to the bottom of the lake, around some long flowy seaweed and coral.
Draco was behind him, bobbing up and down in the Lake's waters. Harry swam up to him, tapping him on the shoulder and Draco swiftly turned around and threw his arms around Harry.
Harry smiled and hugged his boyfriend back. He loves Draco's warm, cuddly hugs all the more so if they were under the chilly water.
Draco ended the hug and looked into Harry's green eyes with love. "I love you," he mouthed.
"I love you too," Harry mouthed back with an adoring smile.
Then Draco leaned forward and ended the space between them in a slow kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, their bodies touched together. He felt the unmistakable slide of Draco's tongue along with the place where his shoulder and neck met.
Harry gasped, feeling water slosh through his lungs; fuck he loved water. It was so erotic, so sensual. It reminded him of fucking Draco in his dorm room, Library secret room, and the founder's bedrooms at Hogwarts. Draco's hands came around Harry's waist and he pulled their floating bodies together, pressing his erection against Harry's bum.
Harry felt Draco's fingers rubbing along his cleft, teasing at his hole while his other hand came around to wrap around his cock. He rocked his hips, swaying in the water, unsure which way he wanted to push most. Draco's fingers worked him open so slowly he thought he would die, or their Gillyweed would need a top-up at least.
Harry didn't even realise they were sinking into the lake bed until he was on top of a large cushiony coral, almost like a bed but shaped in an oval.
Draco removed his fingers from Harry's arse and Harry whined. The sound echoed strangely in the water, barely audible. But then they returned, coated in something slimy and Harry's thighs trembled with need. Draco rubbed the Gillyweed all around Harry's hole, coating the rim with slippery stuff, and then tossed it away.
"Please," Harry begged, though he wasn't sure Draco could hear him at all.
It didn't matter; he pushed in any way, sliding his cock all the way inside and bringing their bodies touching in one smooth stroke. Harry's head fell back against Draco's shoulder, and Draco turned, pressing their mouths together and kissing Harry deeply as he began to move.
The water made his thrusts smoother and deeper than Harry was used to. Each rocking pump of his hips rubbed Draco's cock against Harry's prostate, sliding over it as slickly as the water moved around them. He pushed back against Draco, now shamelessly trying to take as much of Draco's cock as he could.
Draco's hand was on Harry's chest, pulling them flush together. He began mouthing at Harry's jaw, down his neck. He nipped at the delicate skin there as he thrust with the rhythm of the water, tortuously slowly.
Harry whined. He couldn't take it anymore. He took his cock in hand and began jerking himself off, but he'd not even settled into a good rhythm before Draco was batting his hand away. Harry could've cried.
But then Draco replaced it with his free hand, curling his fingers loosely around Harry's shaft and barely wanking him. Every nerve in Harry's body was soaked with sensation, he was trembling with the need to come. He wrapped his hand back around Draco's neck and pulled him in for a kiss, trying to tell Draco everything he couldn't say underwater—that he was close, that he needed desperately to come right this minute, that he loved him and would forever.
Draco's thrusts started speeding up. Harry closed his hand around Draco's, tightening his grip over Harry's cock. They jerked him off together as Draco pounded into him from behind and the water swayed with them.
Harry's balls tightened and he knew he was close. He kissed Draco fiercely. Draco whined against his mouth and the vibration when his other senses were damped was so hot that pleasure shot through his body and he came, hard, clenching around Draco's cock.
Draco's arm tightened around Harry's chest and Harry felt the hot pulse of Draco's come shooting inside him. Harry gasped for breath, taking in lungful after lungful of saltwater. He opened his eyes; his come was floating before him, slowly dispersing with the ebb and flow of the lake. Now they were floating upwards.
Even as he thought this, they broke the surface, sputtering and coughing with the shock of water and air mixing in their lungs. Harry coughed up the rest of the water from his lungs and blinked.
"That was beautiful," Draco said in a hushed voice, crossing his arms as he lay on his belly in the shallow pebble waters of the lake.
"It was," said Harry but was too distracted by the large animal looking down at him from the grass in front of him. "Hello, Buckbeak."
Draco looked to the side and saw Buckbeak in front of Harry. "Oh," he says slowly, "I wonder if he...saw everything."
Harry then chuckled, finding that thought highly embarrassing even if Buckbeak was just a Hippogriff. "Well, if he did, who's he going to tell?" he asks Draco beside him and nudges him in the side.
Draco smirked. He crawled out of the water and onto the sandy grassy bank of the lake. Harry did the same but lay next to him and they both stared up at the bluish-grey sky.
Harry found Draco's hand and he intertwined it with his own. Merlin, he feels so fucking incredible! That sex was nothing like they've ever done before. On couches, beds, and chairs, but never underwater.
Draco turned his head and looked at Harry, whose green eyes stared up at the sky. He moved a little closer and placed his hand on Harry's chest. Harry then looked at him and they locked eyes for a minute. Draco smiles and lies down next to him, Harry snuggling closer to him.
February arrived when the snow began melting around the school to be replaced with cold wetness. The only thing everyone was excited about was the Sixth Years apparition lessons, which were scheduled for Saturday morning.
When Harry and Draco arrived at the Great Hall (Hermione had come down with Ron) they noticed all the tables had disappeared. They assembled in front of McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, and Severus, who were the Heads of House, and a small wizard. Harry knew that small wizard must have been from the ministry.
Draco stood close to Harry, not caring if the Professors are telling them non-verbally to move further apart from each other. They just wanted to get through this together.
The ministry wizard introduced himself and explained what he was here for. Then he went on to discuss how the Headmistress has lifted the enchantment so they could practice apparating.
When the Ministry wizard asked the students to get into a position where they have a clear five-foot path in front of them, the students all scrambled around and did so. But Harry and Draco kept at least half a meter away from each other, refusing to go any further.
Twycross made old-fashioned hoops appear in front of every student and told them about the three Ds.
"Good luck, Harry," Draco whispered to Harry when Twycross finished telling everyone about the first step. Destination.
"You too," Harry whispered with a smile, then heard Twycross state the second rule. Determination.
Harry looked towards his hoop in front of him, trying not to think of anything else. This was hard, as he couldn't stop thinking about Draco, even if he was beside him. Draco was the same, he couldn't stop thinking about Harry, his smile, and his eyes.
And then step three, Twycross ordered them to apparate on command. Of course, everyone was alarmed at having to apparate so quickly like this was the actual test. Then he started counting down from three.
Harry looked beside him at Draco, who just had pure concentration on his face. It was beautiful to Harry, and he just wanted to lean forward and kiss those pale cheeks but didn't want to distract Draco from this apparition lesson.
"- two -"
Harry focused his mind back on the hoop behind him. What were the three D's again? Destination, destruction? No...
"– Three! - "
On command, Harry had spun on the spot but lost his balance and fell over. When he opened his eyes, silver was staring back up at him. He realised he fell on top of Draco. How the hell can he do that? "Sorry, my love," he whispers, lips only a few inches away from Draco's.
Draco smiled up at him, his hands sneakily snaking their way up to Harry's face and caressing those soft cheeks of his. Then his other hand moved around the back of Harry's neck and pushed the Gryffindor towards him. He leaned up and kissed Harry on the nose, which made that adorable red tinge appear on the Gryffindor's skin.
Harry was blushing, not only from Draco being so adorable, but he could feel a whole set of eyes on him and Draco. He heard a few giggles and whispers around them too. Still blushing, he got up from on top of Draco and stood up, but he helped Draco up to his feet too.
"Thanks," Draco mumbled, smiling at how red his boyfriend's face is. He kissed Harry's cheek, which to his surprise and utter adoration, reddened Harry's cheeks a little more.
"You are very much welcome, Draco," said Harry quietly, standing in front of his hoop again. His face was so red now, that Draco just wanted to continue kissing his cheek.
Everyone adjusted their hoops and went back to their original positions as commanded by Twycross. Nothing excited happened during the three other attempts at apparating until Susan Bones splinched her leg.
"Merlin," said Draco with horror as the Heads of House restored Susan with her leg and Twycross told everyone about splinching and how it occurs. Everyone watched in awe at how Twycross apparated from where he stood to the back of the Hall.
Still, after one hour, Susan's splinching was the only exciting thing that happened. Twycross fastened his coat, and with a reminder of Destination, Determination and Deliberation, he left the Great Hall with McGonagall after vanishing the hoops.
Everyone was now on their way out to the entrance Hall. Harry left Ron and Hermione who went back to Gryffindor Tower, so he walked with Draco to the Slytherin Dungeons. He groaned and rubbed at his forehead, feeling a headache come on. Nope, it was a migraine. He could tell the difference between headaches and migraines.
Draco smiled and placed his arm around Harry's waist. "Headache?" he asks softly.
"No, migraine," muttered Harry, still rubbing at his forehead. "Been thinking about the hoop too much and apparating into it, I guess."
Draco laughed, giving Harry's forehead a kiss, and thinking that his kiss will heal the migraine. The scar still laid on Harry's forehead, but it had faded and turned a skin-coloured pink.
Pansy and Blaise were sitting in the Slytherin common room when Harry and Draco entered. The Gryffindor and Slytherin seeker went and sat down with Blaise and Pansy on the opposite chair.
"How did you do with the apparition lessons?" Pansy asked them flatly, disappointment on her face at her own apparating disaster.
"Not very well," Harry drawled, shaking his head. Even he was a little disappointed. "Kept falling over."
"-And landing on top of me," Draco added with a smirk, and Pansy giggled at them. Draco reached up and caressed Harry's cheek with his thumb. "You adorable little lion."
Harry blushed and looked down at his linked hands on his lap. "It was an accident, Draco," he muttered to his hands, leaning to the side to rest his head against Draco's shoulders.
"Right," Draco said slowly in disbelief. "An accident." He rolls his eyes. "You totally didn't just fall on top of me for a kiss."
Harry couldn't understand what was happening to his face, which kept burning warmer and warmer with a blush whenever Draco said something either embarrassing or very sweet.
Then Severus Snape entered the common room with a smile, and also a deep blush on his face.
"Professor, a word?" asked Blaise when Severus walked into the common room. When he got a nod of response, he left his friends and exited the common room with his professor.
"What do you think that's all about?" Harry asked quizzically, glancing over towards the common room exit. He was glad he could change the topic.
Pansy just shrugged. "Not too sure, Harry," she says, voice low and bland as she checks out her long nails. "Probably something about the Extracurricular activities."
Harry nodded and looked beside him at Draco, who gave him a charming smile and Harry felt his heart flutter. He bites his lip as Draco leans towards him, and he sighs as Draco kisses both of his cheeks before finally closing the distance between them in a gentle kiss.
Blaise walked back in looking devastated and slightly a little irritated, and he slumped back down onto the couch next to Pansy.
"Blaise, what's wrong?" asked Pansy worriedly. The look on her best friend's face was new to her. Draco broke out of the kiss with Harry immediately and looked over at Blaise.
"Just talking about something that happened over the holidays," Blaise said as he runs a hand through his hair and sighs deeply. He was remembering the conversation he had with Severus about who he saw in Malfoy Manor while Lord Voldemort still reigned who was, of course, Severus. He's just so mad at his professor. He's just walking around all innocent with a fricking Death Eater Tattoo on his arm – which he has seen.
Harry surprised Draco on Valentine's day by walking into the Great Hall at Breakfast with a bouquet of 12 long-stemmed red roses, and a muggle teddy bear which he knows is kind of sappy but doesn't really care, and a box of chocolates.
Harry walked up to the Slytherin table, sat down next to Draco, and ignored Pansy's smirk by kissing Draco on the cheek. "Happy Valentine's day, Draco!" he says happily, pushed the box of chocolates in front of Draco, and placed the roses down as well as the bear.
Pansy grabbed the bear before Harry could stop her and giggled at it. "Awwe!" she giggled again and showed Draco the bear. "Look, Draco," she says lightly, grinning at her best friend and the teddy bear. "It says he loves you!"
Draco smiled at the bear. "I know he loves me, Pansy," he mumbles, intertwining his and Harry's hands together and gave him a returned kiss on the cheek. "And, of course, I love him too."
"She's drunk on pancakes," Blaise said just to distract Pansy so he could take away her pancakes and place them on his empty plate with a grin.
"Those are mine!" Pansy spat and crossed her arms, glaring at him like she was in a tantrum. Then she huffs because that's all she could do right now.
Blaise just smirked and piled blueberries – which Pansy is allergic to – on his pancakes. They're all his now.
"Rude," Pansy muttered and grabbed herself a slice of banana bread.
"Why you gotta be so rude," Harry sang in a soft, quiet voice, stabbing his pancakes with his fork. "Don't you know I'm human too." He noticed all the holes he made in his pancakes. "Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry him anyway."
Pansy and Blaise looked at Harry, shocked, and Draco just blushed, looking down at his orange juice and banana slices on his pancakes.
"What?" Harry asked and looked up at them, not understanding why they were all staring at him like he was going to say something utterly important or interesting.
"It's what you said, Harry," Blaise deadpans, not taking his eyes off Harry as he cut into his pancake. He could have cut his fingers off using the blunt knife and he wouldn't have known.
"What?" Harry asks flatly. "'Why you gotta be so rude'?"
Blaise shook his head with a slight smile. "After that, Harry," he tells him.
Harry rehearsed the lyrics in his head over and over again. He didn't find anything wrong with what he had said. "I don't get it," he says after a beat. "Is there something wrong in the lyrics?"
Blaise opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it and shook his head. "Never mind."
Harry sighed and leaned his head on Draco's shoulder. He grinned when looking at a rose in the bunch he gave Draco, "So, Blaise," he looks over at the Italian Slytherin curiously, "Did you get anything for Neville?"
Blaise swallowed down a piece of pancake. "Um, no," he says quickly, glancing back down at his pancakes. "I would have if I had the courage."
"Geez, Blaise," Harry says, voice low and he rolled his eyes, grabbed out a red rose from the bunch he gave Draco and handed it to Blaise. "Give this rose to him."
Blaise stared at the rose, thinking that if he did it, would it gain him anything or would he stuff up and make a complete fool of himself in front of Neville. At least school's only one chapter of his life. "Fine..." he muttered, snatching the rose from Harry, and flinching as a thorn dug into his skin.
Harry looked at Draco who just stared down at the teddy bear on the table, which Pansy had put down minutes ago. "Draco, you alright?" he asks softly.
"What- oh." Draco looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, I'm great," he says gently, nodding his head. "But that song you sang...did you make it up?" That song dug at something deep inside him, now he can't get the thought of marriage out of his head. Ha-Ha. Thanks, Harry.
Pansy leaned a little closer over the other side of the table, her hand pushing back the hair from her ears so she could hear what Harry was going to say better.
Harry shook his head. "No, it wasn't made up by me," he tells him, grabs Draco's goblet filled with orange juice and drinks it for himself with a grin. "It's a muggle song."
"Oh," said Draco slowly, not even bothered that his juice was taken by Harry. He changed the subject to something more important. He smiles and steals his goblet back. "I forgot to say Happy Valentine's day back."
"That's alright," said Harry, bringing his hand up to Draco's chin, and he rubbed his thumb over Draco's bottom lip. He gives Draco a quick peck on the lips with a smile, his hand sliding down Draco's neck, and goosebumps rose on the Slytherin's neck. Harry leans away from the kiss, a smile on his face as he locks eyes with Draco again. But then he remembered the rose and Blaise. He looked over at the Gryffindor table and beamed. "Look at Blaise."
Pansy and Draco turned their heads to the Gryffindor table and noticed Blaise tapping Neville on the shoulder, clutching the rose. Neville looked up at Blaise and smiled, but when Blaise showed him the rose, Neville blushed. Blaise handed Neville the rose and leaned down. Harry, Draco, and Pansy couldn't tell what he was doing, either whispering something or... Nope. Blaise had kissed him on the cheek. Neville's face and neck, if possible, darkened to the next shade of red and he was at a loss of words.
Pansy giggled at her best friend as Blaise too had blushed but walked away from Neville with a smile. She got to her feet when Blaise was heading for the Great Hall doors to escape the room and the embarrassment.
"That was intriguing to watch," Harry said quietly, his elbow on the table and chin rested on his hand. He then laughed at Neville. "Look at Neville's blushing face!"
Draco chuckled at Blaise's leaving figure and how red Neville's face had become. "Let's go after Blaise," he says quickly, "I'm pretty sure he needs a pep talk."
Harry helped carry Draco's Valentine's gifts from him down to the Slytherin common room. Blaise must have been mortified for what he had done. Harry felt a little bad, it was his idea for giving Blaise the idea to give Neville the rose. He didn't expect Blaise to go forth and kiss Neville.
They found Blaise up in the sixth-year boy's dormitory lying down on his bed with his hands covering his face. Harry placed Draco's gifts on Draco's bed and sat next to Blaise, Draco doing the same but on the other side of the bed. Pansy was at the end of Blaise's bed.
"Blaise," Draco said softly, "are you alright?"
Blaise slid his hands down his face and stared at his three friends around him. "Yes, I'm good," he mutters, pushing himself up onto his elbows. "Just a little embarrassed." He couldn't get the thought of how soft Neville's cheeks were on his lips.
"We all have our embarrassing moments, Blaise," Harry tells him, a reassuring smile on his face as he slaps a hand on Blaise's shoulder. "I once tripped up the stairs."
Blaise snorted, not believing that at all. "How can you trip up the stairs?" he asks him.
Harry shrugged, grinning at him. "I dunno," he says quickly, "ask the stairs. The stairs tripped me."
Draco and Pansy laughed at him. "That reminds me..." Draco trails off, walks over to his bed and grabbed a little something that was under his pillows. "Happy Valentine's day, my sweet Harry." He handed Harry his gift and kissed his cheek.
Harry smiled at the red and gold landscape shaped book. He read the title out loud, "100 things I love about you."
Draco shook his head and sat back down on Blaise's bed next to Harry. "It's 100 things I love about you, Harry," he tells him gently. Pansy giggled quietly from beside them and they chose to ignore her. "And you will see over time, that more things I love about you will be added to that book."
"Draco, this is just...such a thoughtful gift," Harry said merrily, his lips parted. He was about to open the book, but Draco placed his hand over the cover, keeping it shut.
"Your eyes only, Harry," Draco mumbles, sounding a little serious. He bit his lip and glanced down at the book. "Not when people are around."
Pansy raised an eyebrow and looked down at the book in Harry's hands. She smirks at the thought of Draco adding quite sexual things about Harry in that book. No wonder Draco wants Harry to keep it to himself.
Harry nodded and hugged the book to his chest. "Thank you, Draco," he says, smiling at him fondly. "I love this, and I love you." Draco smiled and leaned forward for a kiss, which Harry leaned the rest of the way forward and placed his free hand around Draco's neck.
"Shall we leave them be?" Pansy whispered to Blaise. She smiled at Harry and Draco showing affection to one another. She loves how far the two have come.
"I guess we should, and I'll tell you what happened with Neville," Blaise said quietly, moving off his bed as quickly as he could. That kind of intriguing future information made Pansy smirk. They silently exited the dormitory, leaving the snogging boys alone.
"What should we do today, Draco?" Harry then asks after the kiss, forgetting the world around him just by staring at this stunning blonde Slytherin in front of him.
"Besides classes, we could go back to the music room for a while," Draco suggested with a shrug. "We haven't been there since last year. Or we can go to the Garden of Amare and...have a little fun?"
Harry smiled at that option and felt a little excited by that. "How about we do all of those options?" He mumbles, curling his fingers in Draco's hair on the back of his head. "I don't know about you, but I'd love to produce a field of flowers with you again."
Draco laughed at the memory. "How about we go to the music room before classes start, then at lunch, we head to the Gardens?" he asks him, his hand on Harry's side moving down to his hip.
"Sounds like a plan," Harry replies, grinning.
That evening Harry and Draco came back from the Garden of Amare and walked back to the Slytherin Dungeons and up to the boy's dormitory. They made sure nobody was inside, even if Blaise would be the only bloke who resides in the dorm besides Draco, but he wasn't inside. They undressed and hopped into Draco's bed to snuggle up to one another.
Draco placed an arm around Harry's waist and pushed their nude bodies together. Harry groaned in Draco's neck, the Slytherin's cock, which rested on his thigh, was still a little wet from the shagging in the Garden. They did create another meadow of flowers, just a little further away from the Gazebo and towards the maze. Harry hates that maze, though. He doesn't understand why such a maze should be in the garden of Amare, which literally transcribes to the Garden of Love. That maze was the maze of horror and secret revelation.
Harry saw the gift Draco got him on the end of the bed and smiled. He wanted to read what was in it. What's on the pages. He gave Draco's jaw a kiss and climbed out from under the sheets just to retrieve the book.
Harry groaned as something wet caressed his entrance. It was too familiar. "D-Draco-" he moans.
Draco hummed against Harry's entrance; his eyes closed, his hands spreading Harry's cheeks wide. He pushed his tongue deep inside Harry and swirled it around in Harry's insides. Draco's hum vibrated through Harry, making him moan from the pleasure.
"Harry, so beautiful." Draco licked around the ring of Harry's muscles again, then he kissed his entrance. "So sexy." Another lick which sends Harry over the edge with shivers of pleasure. "Delicious."
Harry crossed his arms, laid his head on them, and arched his back. "Draco, I-I wanted to r-read what's in y-your gift."
Draco smiled and pushed his tongue in as far as he could go. Harry moaned, feeling Draco's hot tongue slide in, out and in again. Draco slid his tongue out and kissed Harry's entrance. Then he leaned away with a grin.
Harry grabbed the red and gold book Draco gave him and looked back at Draco. "Did you have fun?" he asks him flatly, lowering his body flat onto the mattress.
Draco nodded, his smile only widening. "Yes," he mumbles, and he leaned forward for a kiss, but Harry stopped him with his hand over Draco's mouth.
"You're not going to kiss me again until that perfect mouth of yours is clean," said Harry at once, curling his lip. He's had Draco kiss him after eating him out before, which he hasn't minded once.
Draco sighed and kissed Harry's tailbone. "Fine," he mutters. But then he fluttered his eyelashes at Harry and stared at him with puppy dog eyes
Harry tried his best to look away, but those silver eyes, that beautiful smile, and those handsome features are really hard to not want to give kisses and love to. So, he turned around, crawled to him and kissed him.
Draco grinned as he got what he wanted. All it takes is a little physical manipulation and he gets it. He moved his body against Harry's, one arm on his shoulder and the other down at his waist. Harry's hands, which were placed around his back, send shivers and tingles down his spine. Draco pulled out of the kiss with a smirk and pushed Harry, tummy first, down on the bed.
"At least give me my book so I could read it?" asked Harry breathlessly, still out of breath from the kiss. He leaned on his elbows so he could read the book when it would be given to him.
Draco grinned, kissed Harry's shoulder and reached behind him to grab the red and gold book he gave Harry. He placed it under Harry's chin and leaned up, his prick dragging around Harry's arse cheeks.
Harry sighed happily and opened the book to the first page. He chuckled when seeing a picture of Draco smiling and waving at him, but then picture Draco was pushed to the side and Blaise came into view with a smirk. Harry laughed at the Italian Slytherin.
"Ugh!" Draco groaned and dropped his head to Harry's shoulder. "Turn the page please," he ordered. "I don't want to see myself when all I want to see is you under me."
Harry turned the page, eyes widened at the list of things under the red cursive title 'Things I love about you.' There was a lot on one page. But there were more pages to look at. He flipped through the pages in the book, it felt like it was never-ending. So, he turned back to the second page and began reading. Draco's handwriting was so pretty, loopy and cursive on the page.
Harry groaned as something large entered him, and he realised it was Draco. "Geez, Draco," he made out quickly as he wriggles his arse. "How much sex do you want?"
Draco pressed his lips to Harry's shoulder and groaned when sliding himself in a little further. "This is the last time, I promise," he mutters. Harry didn't believe him though.
Harry tried reading but Draco's cock was just too distracting inside him. He wanted to move and feel it rub against his prostate, but he adjusted to the feeling when Draco pushed all the way in, so he could begin reading.
1. I love your smile.
2. Love the way you make me smile.
3. Love how you make my rainy day sunny and warm.
4. Love the way you hold my hand.
5. Love the sound of your voice.
6. Love how you go out of your way to help someone.
7. Love how you try to work hard for the things you want.
8. Love how you get mad.
9. Love how you make me happy.
10. I respect you for who and what you are.
By the time he finished reading the first page, he had tears of happiness in his eyes. But one thing Draco wrote down was a little funny. "You love how I get mad?"
Draco smiled fondly, tucked his hands under Harry's chest and kissed Harry's shoulder again. "Yes, no matter how angry you are," he tells him quietly. "You're adorable when you get mad. All of your bloody emotions are adorable."
Harry chuckled and they both groaned from the friction. "God, Draco," he says with a grunt, and he pushed himself back onto Draco's cock. "Just fuck me already again!"
Draco shook his head and placed his chin back on Harry's shoulder. "Read the next page," he insists.
Harry turned the page over and smiled when seeing more pretty cursive writing.
1. I love how easily you laugh.
2. I love how you bite your lip when concentrating on something.
3. I love the way you calm me down.
4. I love the way you're always so warm.
5. I love the way you love me through it all.
6. I love how you love me.
7. I love that you adore my mother.
8. I love that you actually care for my father, even if he's a Death Eater.
9. I love how you're so much fun.
10. When I'm with you, I can just be me.
Harry flipped to the next page. He just couldn't stop reading this and his heart was just hammering against his chest. He feels so loved, even if he knows it already.
1. I love your mannerisms.
2. I love how you make me feel alive.
3. I love how whenever I'm with you, either in bed or out and about, I'm in heaven.
4. I love how you're so divine.
Harry didn't get to finish when the door opened and in came Blaise, who froze and turned away when he saw his best friends naked in the same bed together. "Gosh. Lock the door, will you?"
"How about you knock first?" Draco scowled and tries to find the blankets behind him. All he wants is alone time with Harry. Is it too much to ask?
Blaise glared at the wall. "Sorry," He muttered, crossing his arms. "Can the both of you get under the sheets so I can turn around and look at you without losing my lunch?"
Harry smiled down at his book, knowing he has to wait until Draco pulls out of him. When Draco did pull out of him; Harry had to groan in his pillow, so Blaise doesn't hear it. He felt a warm body next to his own, then felt sheets pull up over him and turned his head. Draco was lying next to him with a smile, hair ruffled, and his head being supported by his elbows. "You can look now," Harry said to Blaise.
Blaise slowly turned around. He sighed with relief when Harry and Draco's nude bodies are lying under the blankets and sheets of Draco's bed. "Thank you!" he said, quickly smiling at them. "I came here to tell you both to get dressed as dinner's in a couple of minutes."
Draco groaned, moved closer to Harry, and placed his arms around Harry's back. "Not doing anything," he says at once.
Harry smiled into Draco's blonde hair, smelling that beautiful citrus scent and kissed the bloke's forehead. Draco smiled and snuggled up close to Harry, really not wanting to go anywhere.
Blaise sighed, knowing it was obvious he won't be able to get these two lovebirds out of the dormitory unless scratched and bitten. Why would he want to ruin his flawless skin by doing so?
Fun Fact: Merlin was reputed to be a shape-shifter, a statesman and a magician.
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