Harry's Holidays - Part 2
Hermione's parents decided to let her stay with the Weasleys for the remainder of the holidays just so Ron and Harry don't get bored on their own. Knowing Ron, boredom is the least likely to happen.
Harry was sitting in the lounge room with Ron, playing a game of Wizards Chess when there was a familiar whooshing noise. Harry stared at the young girl who had just stepped out of the Floo. There, standing behind Ron, was Hermione Granger. Ron looked behind and smiled.
"Hey, Hermione," Harry said and had been engulfed in a big hug from Hermione. He hugged her back gently but didn't feel as if he deserved them. Hugs were for people who needed and deserved them, right? Harry did not believe he needed or deserved them.
"It's so good to see you, Harry," Hermione grinned and tightened her arms around him as if she could feel Harry's negative emotions. "You don't know how lonely it gets with just my parents." She then she looked up and ran into Ron's arms. "You two, Ron. I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too, Hermione," Ron said while not knowing what else to say so he awkwardly patted her on the back. He's still not used to girl hugs except with his mom and Ginny which are rare occurrences.
"Where are your things?" Harry asked, searching around her for a familiar-looking trunk but there was no trunk to be seen. He would have brought it upstairs for her, even if he slaves for mostly everyone now. Shame he lives in a cruel world... What's there to live for? He's only here to be Ron's wizard chess mate, to be Hermione's study buddy, and the Weasley's waste of space and food. They give him food but all he does is vomit it up.
Hermione gave Harry a dumbfounded look, stunned that her best friend would even forget that her trunk would already be up in Ginny's room. "Honestly, Harry. It's already upstairs."
Harry looked back at her and nodded, feeling stupid that he'd forgotten that Hermione probably charmed it to float upstairs as she walked into the wards. But why didn't he see it earlier?
Hermione saw the unfamiliar look in Harry's eyes and looked at him worriedly but shrugged it off as normal teenage boy behaviour. "Anyways, what shall we do?" Ron opened his mouth to say something, but Hermione quickly cut him off," And no, we're not playing Wizards Chess or Exploding Snap!"
Ron rolled his eyes at Hermione, not liking the day already. "Fine..." he mutters.
Harry shrugged and looked out the lounge room window into the warm morning dew. It really was beautiful outside, but he prefers the 'ber' months. September, October, and November. Autumn hues of reds, orange and yellows followed by nice white snow. Whitish blonde... He shook his head, sending the sudden thought of Malfoy away. "Maybe we could go for a walk?"
"Sure, but it sure is warm outside this morning," Hermione assured them with a little wave of her hand to fan her face. "Sure enough, I hope it's cooler out here than down south."
"As long as it's not hot enough to melt us like ice cream, then we'd be okay," Harry told them, looking out the window at the grassy field where little dandelions that look like little suns grew. "Besides, we can ask Mrs Weasley to cast cooling charms on us if we need to."
The Golden Trio all agreed on going for a walk, even if it was 25°C outside. It really was a beautiful day; the birds were singing out to one another and the scarecrows were doing their job at scaring the crows away from the corn. They decided to go walking in the countryside, passing many fruit trees, and stealing a couple of apples to chew on. Hermione wasn't fond of stealing and snapped at the boys for doing so but Ron only shrugged, and Harry stared at the ground numbly for being told off.
They walked past the green and red apple trees and Harry couldn't help but to stop and pick a green apple. He had no idea why he did so, it just felt like he needed to do it. Harry just stared at the green apple, trying to figure out why he chose this one instead of a nice red juicy apple. Then the thought hit him, Draco Malfoy.
Why the hell was he thinking about that git? But he does wonder if Draco's straight or not... He probably is since he's a pureblood and apparently must produce an heir in the future. The impossible thought of creating an heir with Draco popped into his head but he shook that thought away. It was impossible anyway.
Harry thought about last year and in Hagrid's class. Draco had become so unbelievably attractive and was so beautiful, even if he was a mean git. His white-blonde hair that shone in the sunlight, his perfect mouth that should be blessed with kisses from the angels, those silvery eyes that he swears are made of actual diamonds... He was brought out of his thoughts as a hand was being shaken in front of his eyes.
Hermione waved her hand in front of Harry's eyes to try and stop him from thinking deeply. "Hello? Earth to Harry. Snap out of it!" she said agitatedly and wrinkled her brow. "Stop staring at that apple and eat it already!"
Harry blinked a few times just to make sure he wasn't still thinking. "Right, sorry," he said blankly and took a bite out of the green apple. It actually tasted pretty good. It was sour-tasting but good.
Ron nudged Harry on the shoulder, a little worried for his best mate. He's seen how different Harry's been since taking him to the Burrow from the Dursleys. "You alright, mate?" he asked him carefully, furrowing his brows. "You look deep in thought."
Harry nodded slowly, taking another bite of the green apple. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said and gave them a quick smile just so they wouldn't worry anymore. "I was just... thinking."
Hermione gave Harry a knowing smile, wondering if she's missing out on something or if there was a someone in her best friend's life that she didn't know of. "Who are you thinking of, Harry? Anyone we know?"
Harry began to blush as the thought of Draco flooded through his mind again. Perfect whitish blonde hair, pretty silver eyes that are so breathtaking... "Uhm... Let's head back," he said quickly as he wanted the subject to change. "I'm guessing it's nearly lunchtime."
"Alright, Harry," Hermione said, knowing that Harry was keeping something from her, but she decided to ask him about whatever it was a bit later in the day.
The trio started to head back to the burrow, walking past all the muggle farms. Harry finished off the green apple and buried it in a patch of soil, hoping that one day it'll grow into a big apple tree.
"Hermione?" Harry asked as he was seated on his bed in Ron's room, snuggled up in the fluffy thick blue blanket. He just wanted to ask her a few things related to...love.
Hermione turned her head from the window that looked out into the distance and looked at him. "Yes, Harry?"
"What does it mean when you..." Harry hesitated and bit his lip, thinking about how to word what he was about to say. "Feel some kind of warm tingly feeling in your heart when you look at someone? And butterflies whenever that someone walks into a room that you're in."
Hermione blinked at him and smiled knowingly. She giggled at her best friend, knowing exactly what it meant. Oh, her best friend's in love! "It means you like someone, Harry!" She told him excitedly, her eyes gleaming with an inner light. "Do you have a crush on somebody? Who is it?"
Harry was really thinking about this. Does this mean he likes... Draco Malfoy? No. Surely, he doesn't like him. He's a git. How could he like him? How could anybody like him? He's just a foul-mouthed git! But he does have really pretty eyes... A handsome face too...
"Well?" Hermione asked, intrigued. "Who is he?"
Harry looked at her in shock. He didn't think she'd find out this easily that he was gay. "Hermione... I..."
Hermione smiled reassuringly at him and placed her right hand on his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay to like guys," she said gently, giving his shoulder a squeeze. "It really is Harry. I've seen you staring at Quidditch magazines - at the pictures - a little more often than other people would. I find you stare at any guy we come across once every while. There's no need to feel bad about it, you know."
Harry felt his blood rush to his cheeks, staining them with a tinge of red. He would like to tell Hermione, but could she keep this kind of secret? If Malfoy ever found out about his little crush... Oh, he didn't want to know. "I..."
"Harry, let's start from the beginning," Hermione says as she knows this would be a little difficult for Harry, coming out of the closet. "How did you find out? You did seem to really like Cho last year. Perhaps not?"
"Cho's a cool person and really good at Quidditch. I focused on her in hopes that I could fix my problem. It didn't work," Harry tells her. Hermione nodded, giggling. "I soon realised that this problem couldn't be fixed. I had to accept it."
"That's so good, Harry," Hermione said with an encouraging smile and she patted his hand softly. "Know that I am here for you. If ever you need to talk about boys."
Harry snorts. "Thanks, Hermione," he says. He wished he told her months ago. It would have lifted some weight off his shoulder that he was already carrying.
"Harry, is there a certain Weasley boy you're interested in?" Hermione suddenly asked with a little laugh. Oh, this was exciting for her! She's never had friends who had crushes on boys or girls and she's always wanted to have a chat about crushes.
Harry bit down on his lip and shook his head. He doesn't know how to tell her. It should be so easy but talking about your crush is kind of hard. "I don't know who I'm interested in... I mean, there's a guy who makes me feel..."
"-All warm and fuzzy inside?" Hermione finished her best friend's sentence with a smile. She sat closer to him, intrigued about this boy her best friend likes. "Who is he, Harry?"
Harry sighed and collapsed backwards on his bed. He pictured Malfoy from last year, giving his book bag to... Was it Crabbe or Goyle? Harry can't tell which is which as they both look the same. He remembered how Malfoy walked up to him, those cool silver eyes shining as they pierced into his very soul. That gorgeous smile and he had to admit, that smirk was bloody hot. Even as the Slytherin bit his lip as he stared at him, it was just so... beautiful. It was like looking at a fallen angel, just without its wings and a git-like attitude. He honestly wondered what Malfoy would be like without that posh attitude, without that sneer and Merlin, without a large amount of hair gel used on that perfect hair that Harry wanted to run his hands through...
Harry was too busy daydreaming about a particular blonde Slytherin to even hear what was going on around him.
"Harry?" Hermione tried again. She smiled and decided to say every boy's name she knew of just to see if Harry has a reaction. "Ron?" Harry snorts and shook his head. "Seamus Finnegan? Dean Thomas? Blaise Zabini? Gregory Goyle? Vincent Crabbe? Fred Weasley? George Weasley? Terry Boot? Michael Corner? Anthony Goldstein?"
Harry raised an eyebrow at his best friend, not knowing what she was doing. He looked at his fingers, fiddled with them and started picking at his nails out of boredom.
Hermione continued, "Neville Longbottom? Theodore Nott? Ernie McMillian? Justin Finch-Fletchy? Zacharias Smith? Stephen? Kevin? Draco Malfoy?"
Harry looked at her as she said the last name. But one thing was sure, he didn't want to be found out this easily. Even if he did have a crush on Draco Malfoy - which he doesn't - he can assure that...somehow
Hermione almost squealed happily at the news and cupped her mouth with her hands. "Oh, my goodness, Harry!" she giggled and bounced up and down on the bed. "You like him?!"
Harry shook his head, but the blush that was forming on his cheeks was very noticeable and told Hermione otherwise. At least she didn't have a negative tone when she asked him if he liked Draco. "No..."
"You do!" Hermione teased with a little push on Harry's upper arm. She wasn't even grossed out that Harry liked Malfoy. But to her, there really wasn't anything about Malfoy that was attractive or pretty in any way. That's just her opinion though, there could be plenty of girls or guys who like that git.
Harry's blush was only growing redder. "I really don't..."
"Harry." Hermione couldn't help but smile, she rubbed Harry's upper arm up and down with reassurance. "It's okay if you like him. He may be a total foul-mouthed evil little cockroach-." Harry chuckled at her words and remembered last year. "-But if you really do like him, I will always accept it. I will always accept you for who you are and who you like."
"Thank you, Hermione," Harry said, giving her a little smile. There was a sliver of relief that he felt for a moment, a relief to know Hermione doesn't care who he likes. That he likes guys. The blush was still on his face and he just couldn't get rid of it. "But I really don't like him like that..."
Hermione sighed in disbelief and hit his shoulder with her book. "Yes. You. Do!"
Harry flinched every time his best friend hit him, but he had to tell himself it was only Hermione being playful and nothing and nobody else. She wasn't Uncle Vernon punishing him in any way.
"Admit it, Harry!" Hermione beamed. She just didn't see what she was doing to Harry, hitting him with her book. Nobody knew and Harry preferred that. "You like him!"
"Like whom?" Hermione and Harry looked up at Ron's door to find none other than Ron Weasley himself leaning on the door frame. Ron came in and sat beside Harry. "Who do you like?" he asks curiously.
Harry shook his head and rushed out of the room; he didn't want to have these types of conversations anymore. He knew Ron hated Malfoy, what good would it do if Hermione spilt his secret? Well, if it even is a secret.
Hermione glared at Ron. How dare he scare Harry away after she was just about to get the truth out of Harry. "Ron!" she spat and hit him with her book. Ron didn't even wince from the hit. "You scared him off!"
Ron shrugged and looked her in the eye. He just didn't know why Harry had to run off as he mentioned liking people. "So, who's this girl he likes?"
Hermione shook her head and walked after Harry, leaving behind a confused Ron in the bedroom. She found her best friend in the kitchen, leaning against the dining table staring absentmindedly at the fruit bowl on the kitchen table. "Harry?" she started by being soft and assuring. "Are you all right?"
Harry looked over at her and nodded. He was really feeling himself sink deeper into his dark mind at the thought of losing Ron as a friend because of some crush and then Hermione. But she was here with him and not upstairs with Ron. "I'm fine, Hermione."
She sat next to him, grabbing an apple and bit a chunk out. "Is this about Ron finding out about him?" She noticed that Harry looked away in guilt, and she sighed. "Do you not think he'll accept you?"
Harry said nothing and didn't move a muscle. But as he did, he motioned towards the back door before placing his hand on the knob and looking at her sadly. "I'm going to go for a walk..." he mumbles. "I want to clear my mind."
"Alright," Hermione then said and knew her best friend would want some time alone to think. "Happy thinking!"
Harry didn't hear what she said as he already turned the doorknob and headed out into the cold evening. He didn't know where he was heading as he let his body guide him away from the house. The next thing he knew, he stood underneath a tree. He decided to sit there for a while and to just think, think about if it was okay to like guys because boys were the only thing on his mind.
He never notices the girls he walks by; they're all just blurs. But the girl's boyfriends he does take a really good look at. He does not know what he's into in a guy. Obviously, a guy who is kind, caring, handsome, sweet, smart, and intelligent but in their own way...
He didn't even realise a 3-meter long brown snake had just Slithered past him until he saw its movement in the grass. Hell, would it be crazy to just have a conversation with it? "Hello, sssnake... I'm Harry."
The snake looked at the human boy curiously. "Human? You can talk to me?"
Harry, surprised that it even would speak to him gave the snake a small nod. "Yesss, I can. I'm not a normal human though."
"What do you mean?" the snake asked and curled itself into a sitting position. He's never talked to a human before and even if he did, they never understood him.
"Do you believe in magic?" Harry asked the snake with a small grin. It was a fake grin, of course. He pondered if snakes could see beyond the soul... "And if I may asssk, what isss your name?"
"My name isss SSSerpentine," Serpentine the snake said, trying to give the boy a smile. "And sssince I am ssspeaking to a human boy, I guesss I'm either crazy or magic doesss exssissst."
Harry laughed at the snake, but it wasn't a real laugh as he felt too down. "Ssso, you're not going to bite me?" he had to ask as he knows snake bites hurt. That bloody Basilisk.
Serpentine shook his little head and he swayed from side to side. "We sssnakesss only bite humansss if they try to hurt usss or if they block our path. We hate being caved in. I actually lossst my brother becaussse of a human. Well, two humansss. They cornered him and ssstabbed him with what they call a ssshovel. I wasss there to sssee it all happensss. I just wanted to sssneak attack the humansss for payback."
Harry frowned at the snake. He just realised how alike snakes are to humans. They both have families that they love and protect. "I'm sssorry for your losss, SSSerpentine. I never knew."
"It isss okay, Harry," Serpentine said sadly, his little tongue popping out of his mouth for a few seconds. "It isss jussst a life and death sssituation. It happensss at sssome point in our life."
Harry nodded and hesitated at the thought of death and just disappearing from existance. He almost laughed as he was having a decent conversation with a snake. "C-Can I pet you? I've never patted a sssnake before and humansss do have sssnakesss asss petsss."
"I don't sssee why not?" Serpentine said as he slithered closer to the boy and moved into a spiral shape. "Sssso, what are you, if not a human?"
"I'm a wizard," Harry said simply, lowering his hand to carefully rub the snake's delicate scaly skin. He thought that snakes would be slimy but no, he has been wrong to think that. They feel like lizards.
"A wizard? Like Albussss Dumbledore?" Serpentine asked, looking up at him and finding the human's hand felt really nice on his skin.
Harry stared down at the snake in disbelief. He didn't know Dumbledore has talked to snakes before. "You know Albussss Dumbledore?"
"Yess," said Serpentine with a nod. "Albusss and I have met a few timesss on sssome of hisss tripsss. I have not ssseen him for decadesss though."
"I never knew that..." Harry said. He'd have to talk to his professor about this at some time. It would be intriguing to hear actually.
"But he couldn't ssspeak to me like you can," Serpentine said with a sad little hiss. "He ussssed sssome sssort of device. Can all wizardsss ssspeak to usss ssserpentsss?"
"No," Harry said, miserably sighing and shaking his head slowly. "It isss very rare for wizardsss to ssspeak with sssnakesss. It isss called Parssseltongue, or Parssselmouth. Sssspeaking Parssseltongue is known to be very bad and evil becausse the only other wizard besssidesss me that can ssspeak Parssseltongue isss a very evil wizard known asss Voldemort. He killsss anyone who getsss in hisss way."
"Oh," Serpentine said. He looked up at the boy, studying him from head to toe. "But you do not ssseem like an evil or bad boy."
Harry let a small sad smile come across his features. If he loses his friends at least he can have snake friends. Merlin, he sees himself as more of a freak now. "I'm not. I am jussst a boy who grew up with thisss ability."
Serpentine glared at the boy and hissed in disbelief; he could see the lie in the boy's facial features. "You are lying."
Harry winced at the angry snake and leaned his back against the tree trunk. "Sssorry, Ssserpentine. I wasss cursed asss a baby. Voldemort killed my parentsss with the killing curssse and tried killing me but the ssspell rebounded and killed him inssstead." He lifted his fringe up for the snake can see his scar. "Ssso, the ssscar isss a curssse. I wasss not born with the Parssseltongue ability. Asss Voldemort'sss ssspell rebounded off me, a part of hisss sssoul trapped itssself inssside me ssso I can ussse hisss Parssseltongue abilitiesss."
"I'm sssorry I had to asssk you that, Harry," Serpentine said with a down demeanor. He looked at his tail and decided to wriggle it.
Familiar cowbells went off from inside the Burrow. Harry sighed and looked at the Burrow. "Well, Ssserpentine. I guesss I will sssee you around sssome other time then. It would be around dinner time for me."
Serpentine swiftly looked at the house in anger. "I hate that bell! It isss horrible! I can hear it from my own Burrow!"
"I'll talk to Mrsss Weasssley about the bell for you," Harry said, promising the snake that he will try to do something about the bell. "I'm sssure ssshe'll agree to not ussse it when ssshe knowsss it disssturbs the wildlife living around here."
"Thanksss," Serpentine said with a polite nod.
Harry stood up from the ground and wiped the dirt off his trousers. "Thanksss, again. It was really great meeting you, Ssserpentine."
"Asss of you." Serpentine slithered off back to his burrow.
Harry returned to the Burrow for some dinner, even though he vomited it all up afterwards. He just felt worse after vomiting, he just wished he could sleep an entire day or even week at times, so he doesn't have to deal with the emotional pain anymore.
He sluggishly went back downstairs to the lounge room, thinking of excuses on why he had to hurry upstairs after dinner and decided bathroom. He found Hermione playing chess with Ron and the twins snickering about something they've obviously planned, and Molly giving Mr Weasley a long lingering kiss.
"No PDA in the living room!" Fred and George said with disgusted looks on their faces. They weren't the only ones as Ginny, making a cuppa tea in the kitchen and Ron too looked disgusted.
Harry let out a small smile at the Weasley's; it was actually nice to see a loving family for once. Yes, the Dursley's gave each other love, but not as much as the Weasley's do. This family was just a full-on love giving family.
"Oh, my children. My dear, dear, children," Mrs Weasley said with a cheeky and flushed smile. "You'll all find love someday; have kids and you'll be in our place. Why don't we start hanging some Mistletoe up everywhere? That is so you can all learn to love and appreciate each other."
"Noooo!" whined Ron and rubbed at his face with his hands. He didn't like this one bit, nor did his siblings. Hermione giggled.
Fred and George looked at each other in disgust and shock. "No way, I'm not kissing him!" they chorused, pointing to each other.
Harry sighed at the Weasley family. He actually thought the twins looked attractive; he wouldn't mind kissing them. He decided he wasn't needed here and headed outside to sit outside on the garden bench and watch the skies for satellites and that's when he noticed something white in the sky growing bigger and bigger until he realized that it was something coming straight to him.
It was Hedwig! She dropped a length of parchment on his lap and came to a stop on the empty seat beside him. Finally, a letter from Sirius! Harry thought as he immediately opened the parchment and started reading the letter. He realized it was about his scar hurting, but there was an add-on to the letter.
Is there something you want to tell me? Or even ask me? You know you can talk to me, Harry, about anything.
So, who's the person you're into? I've been watching you by distance and you seem to get overly distracted by one of the older Weasley brothers. The one with tattoos and piercings. Perhaps, it's a guy then? I think those two older brothers are a little too old for you, Harry, but I do see why you like them. Even the nerdy brother with glasses is sort of cute. You know it's okay, to like guys I mean. I'll even tell you a secret. Back in my days at Hogwarts, I had a crush on a guy. He was actually my best friend, Remus Lupin.
Harry sighed in relief. It was good to know that two people said that being gay was acceptable in the wizarding society. Professor Lupin? he thought with awe.
Promise me you'll keep it a secret, won't you? Let's just say Remus and I did go out with each other back in Hogwarts. It was a long, long time ago, and I know that Remus is currently dating my cousin's daughter, Nymphadora.
Harry felt sad for Sirius. Loving a guy for as long as he did but then losing him to another person. It'd be heartbreaking and Harry didn't think he'd be able to take heartbreak without breaking even more.
So, are you going to tell me who this man you've got your sight on is? You can tell me about this guy some other time. I must go now. Be safe, Harry. - Sirius.
Harry pocketed the letter and gave Hedwig a head pat, deciding to just stay outside a little while longer before he decided to retire back inside. Later on, he sat on his bed in Ron's room and stared down at the wooden floorboards. He pondered what it would be like to have his mother and father alive. Would he still be...gay or would he turn out to be straight? Would he have the best life, or would he be one of the unpopular kids? He has always wondered what it would be like to actually speak to his mother and father, to actually have a conversation with them. Being with Sirius was like having a dad. He remembered last year when Sirius told him about some of the mischief he and his 'Marauders' got up to. He remembers cracking up in laughter. Oh, how he misses laughing. Misses smiling for that matter.
Harry frowned and collapsed on his bed, rolling onto his side and just laid there staring out the window in the far side of the room. He groaned in frustration and searched his trunk for his blade. There, in the book, he found it. He walked out of the room towards the bathroom and closed the door behind him, pushing in the lock so nobody could enter unless he allows them to. He stood in front of the sink and rolled his sleeves up past his elbows. He ran his finger down his scarred arm, feeling every cut he has made previously. He pressed his blade into his skin hard and pulled it across his arm until blood began to seep out. Harry sliced the blade across his skin again. The pain of the cuts soothed Harry. It calmed him down.
Feeling satisfied and in a numb haze, Harry washed the blood off his arms and dried them before heading back to Ron's room to hide his blade back in the book. After hiding the blade, he hopped in bed and pulled the blankets over himself. He just wanted to fall asleep, he tried but ended up just lying there even as Ron came in when it was time to go to sleep.
Ron stared at his sleeping best mate in worry. He knew Harry had been keeping to himself lately but shook the thought away as it was just probably adolescent moods. But he remembered the nightmare Harry had, remembered hearing him shout in fear because of his uncle. It terrified him to think of the nightmares Harry had been having. They sounded pretty intense. He hadn't talked to Hermione about Harry's nightmare because, well, he just didn't think Harry would want him to. Even if he himself had a disturbing nightmare he would not want it to be shared around.
As Ron slid into bed, he could just see his best mate's green eyes staring down at... whatever he was looking at. Although, it kind of scared him. It was possible that Harry could be sleeping with his eyes open. But just imagine that. Imagine waking up to eyes staring at you and a body lying motionless with just the slightest motion of their chest moving up and down. It'd just be horrifying. He blinked at the boy and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over his body as he lay in bed.
Harry and Ron were so excited they couldn't stop bugging Hermione, well, Ron bothered her the most and Harry only faked his excitement as he just felt too depressed these days to be excited about something. Harry knew better than to anger Hermione, he never liked to anger anyone he cared for. He knew how to keep his emotions tucked away, he's been doing that his whole life, except when Snape kept pestering Harry about his father and how 'Ignorant' and 'Lazy' he was.
Harry didn't want to lose his friends; it'd just make him feel lonelier. Even if he did have Hermione and Ron, he still felt pretty lonely, like they were becoming more than friends but that didn't really bother Harry. Yet, if they did start a romantic relationship with one another, Harry would just put on his fake smile and wish them happiness even if he wanted to be loved by someone who'd deeply care for him that way. Harry knew Ginny has been crushing on him for years, but she's always has been like a little sister to him.
Harry knew better than to let his emotions go loose, he didn't want to anger Mrs and Mr Weasley in case they wouldn't let him go to the Quidditch World Cup. He apprehended he was jumping to conclusions by thinking about Ron's parents like that, he was relieved that Mr and Mrs Weasley thought of him like he was their own child. Of course, he kind of was, since Ron is like a brother to him. Waiting on the Quidditch World Cup felt like forever, it was like time itself was slowing down for himself, and the Weasley's.
Ron lay awake, thinking about the big day ahead of him. He couldn't help but think about who would win. Without hesitation he started asking questions, not knowing if there would be a reply or not. "Harry? Are you awake?"
To Ron's amazement, Harry was awake. Harry grunted and rolled over on his side, trying his best to fall asleep. Though he hissed as he rolled onto the arm with all the cuts on it. "Yes, Ron. Why?"
"Nothing, it's just. Who do you think will win?" Ron asked quickly, hoping for an answer straight away. "Ireland or the Bulgarians?" What Harry wanted to know was how could someone be this excited during the night?
Harry rolled his eyes; he did not want to be talking about this kind of stuff at night. He was trying his hardest to sleep but he always ended up waking up during the night at some point.
"Harry?!" Ron whispered but louder, wanting a reply and someone to talk to him. He just couldn't keep quiet at all.
"Umm... I don't know, probably Ireland?" Harry suggested tiredly, wanting to go to sleep so he doesn't wake up feeling even more depressed. But nothing has been helping his sleeping situation and lately, he just doesn't seem to care anymore.
"You think?" Ron asked, sounding a little amused.
"Please, go to sleep", Harry said with a long yawn and he planted his face in his pillow to try and shut out the moonlight that shone into the bedroom. "I'm tired, and apparently, we'll be walking a lot tomorrow."
Ron rolled over on his bed, so he was facing Harry. Can't he be just a little curious about this? "Oh, alright. But who do you go for, though?"
Harry grunted again, feeling irritated and tired. He just wants to try and sleep. Is that really too much to ask? "Um... The Bulgarians?"
"That's great!" said Ron, beaming at this knowledge. "Me two. Who's your favourite player?"
Harry felt like shouting at Ron to shut up, but he just rolled onto his shoulder and tried his best to fall asleep but couldn't manage to do so. He remembered Ron talking about the Bulgarian Seeker, Viktor Krum. "My favourite team player in the Bulgarians would be... Viktor Krum," he lied as he didn't actually know who he was but apparently to Ron he was a star.
"Bloody Hell, Same!" said Ron. "Would you rather be a Seeker for the other team and playing against Viktor or be the actual Bulgarian seeker?"
"I don't know, what would you choose?" Harry asked irritably. He knew it was best to question Ron as he had a lot of knowledge about the Bulgarians. He also knew that he could fall asleep listening to Ron go on and on about the Bulgarians, and so he did. Harry fell into a deep sleep, much like he does after cutting.
"How about you, Harry? Harry? Oi! Harry!" Ron whispered and sighed, laying back on his bed. "Bloody Hell, Harry. You had me scared." Ron thought for a moment if Harry were asleep, he could say anything to him. He decided not to and just head to bed, better safe than sorry, right?
Malfoy Manor
Draco sat silently on his grey canopy bed in his forest green silk Pajamas with his legs crossed. He was reading a muggle book called 'Twilight' after coming back from the shower and shaving his legs. He liked the feel of his legs after shaving, so very soft and smooth.
It was very interesting, what Muggles portray vampires to be. Their version of vampires is like the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters in a Muggle pink cheerleading outfit with high heels and a hair bow. Okay, maybe not exactly like that but it's still funny to think about. Suddenly, there was a knock on his bedroom door. "Come in?" he said as he sat up, putting the book down on his vintage wooden bedside table.
Lucius Malfoy, father of Draco Malfoy had wandered into his son's bedroom wearing his own silk Pajamas but dark grey and, on his face, was, of course, a smirk. "Draco?! Ah, there you are! Good evening son, are you ready for tomorrow?"
Draco gave his father an excited smile and he checked out his nails. "Yes father, I cannot wait!"
"That's vast," Lucius said, his expression merely softening. "Now, we have a guest to accommodate for the remainder of the holiday."
"Is it Crabbe and Goyle?" Draco asked, even though he knew it would be his cousin. He just loved messing with his father, it was just one of those father-and-son things. The only time his father would put on his 'Malfoy' mask was in public, at work, in a mood (which he normally is.) Malfoy's need to keep to our standards, even though Draco hates it so much.
Lucius rolled his eyes, shook his head but played along.
"Is it... Pansy?" Draco then asked and his father shook his head again. "Theodore or Blaise?"
Lucius shook his head again, feeling as if this was going nowhere.
"Oh, I know! Is it Potter?" Draco asked as a joke and a blush formed on his cheeks from thinking about him. Darn Potter with his perfect smile, and those green eyes, and his excellent quidditch moves...
Lucius looked at his son with concern running all over his face, especially with the reddening of his son's cheeks.
Draco knew his father could see the slight red tinge to his cheeks, but that didn't matter. "It's Ivy," he said earnestly with a smirk. "I know. Just playing with you."
Lucius nodded with a wry smile. "Yes, my dear boy. Come down to greet her," he said quickly, flipping his hair as he exited his son's room. Draco smiled at the thought of seeing his cousin again after it had been many months of seeing her.
"Draco!" Lucius yelled from in the dark candle-lit hallway outside of his son's bedroom.
"Coming, father!"
Draco raced out of his bedroom through the double wooden doors, down the darkened hallways of the manor lined with windows as tall as two doors with long black velvet curtains that nearly touched the floor, centuries-old wall candles that lit up the hallways and dark wooden floorboards that seemed to go on for miles. As he neared a T section of a hallway which led to another side of the manor, he took a right and ran past the statue of 2 grey dragons, down the large silver and green luxury bifurcated staircase. Nearly tripping over the last step, he strode into the Entrance Hall to greet his beloved cousin.
"Draco!" came a familiar warm female voice.
Draco walked up to his gothic-styled cousin and wrapped his arms around her in a hug but made it quick, so it didn't look too sympathetic to his father. Meet Ivy Black, his cousin. She's a goth with black curly hair, pale skin and blue eyes. She lives in both worlds, the wizarding world and muggle world. Her mother owns a lot of muggle and Wizarding fashion stores throughout the world so she's definitely wealthy. She is the daughter of Sirius Black and Willow LeStrange.
Draco only knew that his cousin existed because of his Aunt Bellatrix and her wedding. Of course, Draco wasn't born then. His father and mother were both teenagers at the time. He only knew that at his aunt Bellatrix's wedding, Sirius and Willow got pretty drunk and lost their minds, making out and shagged. This disturbed Draco because he knew Sirius is gay as his mother told him about the man when they were younger. So, he didn't believe Ivy was Sirius's daughter. It just didn't add up.
"It's so good to see you, Draco!" Ivy said sweetly, tightening her arms around her cousin in a bone-crushing hug.
"It's so virtuous to see you too, Ivy," Draco said, letting go of the hug even though he knew she needed as many hugs as possible.
"Now, let's head back up to your room. I have something cool to show you!" Ivy said, grabbing ahold of her cousin's hand and running up towards his bedroom.
Draco knew what this meant, she wasn't actually going to show him anything. It's her code to say that she wants to talk about stuff and that she'd also listen to whatever he has to say. He happily agreed and followed her up the stairs, which he had just come down from.
As they arrived at Draco's room, Draco closed the door behind him and gestured Ivy to sit down on his bed. "So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" he asked, looking at his cousin with concern as he joined her on his bed.
"Oh, nothing much," Ivy said sadly, sighing as she looked down at her bandaged-covered wrists. "It's just the usual with mother, you know?"
Draco wrapped his arm around his cousin to give her a side hug. "I know, I'm sorry you have to go through this alone," he said gently. "I wish I could do something about her," he said, sharply. In a softer voice, he asked, "Should we head to bed? It's going to be a big day tomorrow." He let a yawn escape his mouth. "And we can talk more about...stuff...after the Quidditch World Cup".
Ivy yawned on Draco's shoulder, covering her mouth. "Yeah, I guess. I haven't been sleeping much lately, you know... Nightmares and episodes."
Draco nodded understandingly at her. He doesn't get what she's going through but he tried to understand it and to help her as much as he possibly can. "I get that, and would you like me to make you a sleeping potion?"
Ivy shook her head and gave Draco's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "No, I should be fine on my own," she said with a hint of gratefulness. "Thank you, anyway."
Draco looked at his cousin deeply in her dull ocean blue eyes, trying to figure out her emotions. He wishes she would tell him what she's feeling now and then. "Are you sure, though? It wouldn't be a problem."
"No, it's fine, really!" Ivy assured him with a fake smile.
Draco sighed with disappointment, he really does want to help his cousin, especially with her sleeping problems but she just doesn't have the courage to agree. "Alright, if you insist," he said. "I'm going to bed now, if you need anything just ask, alright?"
"Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the dead bite," Ivy said to him with a soft giggle. She loves the muggle bands she listens to with her phone.
"Where in Salazar Slytherin did you come up with that?" Draco asked her as he hopped into bed under the silky sheets. Sometimes his cousin creeps him the hell out.
"It's a muggle song from a band named 'Hollywood Undead'," Ivy said as she was humming one of their songs, 'Bad Moon'. "They make really good songs."
"Ah, okay. Goodnight, Ivy," Draco said with another yawn, crawling under the sheets and turning off the wall lamp.
"Night, Draco," Ivy whispered softly as she walked over to an old castle torchlight, pulled it down, the bookshelf beside her moved to the left, revealing a gothic-looking door behind it. Ivy opened her door and crept inside her Transylvanian vampire-styled room filled with 2 red and black velvet chairs, an old antique bookshelf, and a 4-poster double bed with blood-red drapes. Ivy silently got dressed in her gothic cat Pajamas, hopped in bed, and fell asleep as her head touched the pillow.
Fun fact: Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy, originally auditioned for the roles of Harry and Ron.
I did NOT know this-
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