Dementors and Depression
Fair warning: Another suicide attempt. But I will put a warning from when you come close to it. Everything before and after it is important for the story
But anyway, enjoy!
The first day of Harry's holiday was a living hell. All that he was put to work on were chores. Chores, Chores, Chores. Dishes, laundry, cleaning, sweeping, cooking breakfast and plenty more. He did those chores to the best of his ability so he wouldn't get into trouble but Dudley always appeared out of nowhere to give him a punch in the gut, or to fire Nerf gun bullets at him, or to trip him over. He didn't care about the hittings or the fact that he's a human target to Dudley, not really. Dudley nearly tripped him down the stairs, but Harry saved himself by grabbing onto the rails. His heart was gunning against his chest then from the possible injury he could have gotten.
When Harry was out mowing the lawns thinking about Draco and what he could be doing, he saw Mrs Figg walking by with her cat Snowy on a leash. How odd yet sweet. Snowy had a blue harness on, and the lead was blue too. He gave her a forced smile, and she gave a real smile back.
"Get back to work, faggot!" Harry rolled his eyes at the voice of his cousin, Dudley, yelling at him from the front porch of the house, sitting on the blue peacock kane chair like a king would. He just wanted to flip the birdie at him and tell himto fuck off but knew he's how he'll get into deep trouble, not that he doesn't want to get into trouble and just be a bad ass. He's actually thinking about finding the CD player, putting a ACDC song on and play it loudly at midnight but pretend he's asleep just to he wake the Dursley's up. It sounds undeniably incredible, and he knows Draco would probably be proud of him. Not to mention the twin Weasley brothers as well.
"Shut your mouth, Dudley Dursley!" Mrs Figg yelled, and Snowy, beside her, just sat down on the concrete path and licked at her paws then rubbed them behind her ears to clean herself. "Stop being lazy and actually do something for living like get a job or do some exercise for a change." Point 1 to Mrs Figg.
Dudley looked shocked, but then he glared at Mrs Figg. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" he spat viciously but kept his tone down. "You're not my mother!"
Harry smirked as he continued mowing the lawn, moving the lawnmower back and fourth to make sure the lawns looked perfect. Now he really wanted to give Dudley the middle finger. Oh, this was just getting exciting.
Mrs Figg scoffed at the young immature boy who should know better. "I may not be your mother, but I'm sure she would have taught you some manors when speaking to other people," she said with a proud smile. "Now why don't you go get some gardening tools and help out your dear cousin. He can't do all these chores on his own now can he?"
The door then bursts open, and Vernon Dursley comes storming out. His eyes directly go to Harry's which he squints them. "What's going on here!" Then his eyes see Mrs Figg and he smiles with forced kind eyes. "Hello, Mrs Figg. How's your day going?"
"It was wonderful until I saw your son just sitting around doing nothing while poor Harry over here is doing all the yard work," Mrs Figg says bitterly, and her stare at Vernon lacked complete warmth. "It's not fair that your son's just sitting up on that chair watching Harry do all the work that should be split equally amongst your family."
Vernon glares Harry's way, knowing it's all Harry's fault for making sweet Mrs Figg act up like this. "I assure you my son has chores too," he told her. "Dudley helps make dinner, does the dishes, and cleans up after himself. He does the backyard, and Harry does the front yard."
Mrs Figg clearly didn't believe Vernon, and so she looked at Harry for the truth, "Is this true, Harry?"
Harry didn't want to tell the truth, nor did he want to get into trouble. But either way, both options get him into trouble. There was no escaping this. It's either tell Mrs Figg the truth and get punished later or lie to Mrs Figg but still get into trouble for even making this entire conversation exist. "I-, umm..." He looked at his Uncle who was glaring daggers at him, and then to Dudley who cocked an eyebrow at him, but he could see he was hoping Harry would lie. In the window beside Dudley was Aunt Petunia with her head poking out the window. "It's not true, Mrs Figg," he then said, looking back at Mrs Figg. "Dudley and I share chores." The relieved face of Dudley made Harry frown a little.
"If you'll excuse us, it's time to have family lunch," Vernon said, gesturing his son to come inside which Dudley immediately did so. Harry knew his Uncle just wanted the conversation to be over already. "Good day, Mrs Figg. Harry, put the lawnmower away and come inside." He said it with such casualty that he didn't at all sound bitter of like he would give Harry his usual punishments, but Harry knew he would get those punishments soon and he was ready for them.
Harry nodded at the order and turned off the lawnmower. He did finish off the lawn lawn anyway while Uncle Vernon and Mrs Figg were chatting. "Mrs Figg?" he said quickly before she could walk away with Snowy.
"Yes, dear?" Mrs Figg asks while her pet cat circles around her, trapping Mrs Figg's legs with the leash but her owner seemed to not mind.
"Can I ask if you have a Floo?" Harry asked of her. He's just been thinking of Draco, and even if it's just been a day, he misses his boyfriend. He misses the feel of Draco's soft lips on his own, and his kisses make him feel so light and happy. The simple caresses of Draco's, whether it be his cheeks, or his body always make his body tingle in all the right ways. He cannot forget that electric magnetic pull his body has over Draco's, wanting to always be as close as humanely possible to him. "I just want to know if it's possible for me to contact Draco, my boyfriend, from the Floo."
"Yes, I have a Floo and Floo powder but it all depends if that family of yours allows you to come over," Mrs Figg says. "Like when they go out for the weekend and they don't trust you enough to look after yourself. But since you're a growing man, I'm sure that won't be necessary anymore. And I would like to meet this young man of yours someday, Harry. He sounds like a lovely boy, even if he is a Malfoy, and everyone knows the Malfoy's by being bad blood. Err... no offence."
"Harry!" came the unusual polite but loud voice of Uncle Vernon. "Get inside... please!"
Harry sighs, bids farewell to Mrs Figg and thanks her for the news, and puts the lawnmower away in the shed out the back. He walks inside only to see his Uncle rushing up to him with a red face but becoming a purple colour in anger and humiliation, and a belt in his hands. Harry swallows uncomfortably but gets down on his knees, practically begging his Uncle to get it over and done with.
Uncle Vernon didn't start with the belt first. He slapped Harry across the face with such force, Harry fell to his side on the floor but he got back up, ready for more. "You freak!" his uncle spat. "Getting my Duddeykins in trouble like that." And Harry thought, here we go again with these insults. He can take them though. He has heard his Uncle say it to him thousands of times. It's already sinked into his mind. He is a freak.
Next came a punch to the face, and then a kick to Harry's stomach, and Harry wheezed in oxygen from his lungs while spitting out blood from his mouth. It wasn't a good mixture. Finally, the belt hit Harry hard against his neck, causing a red bruise to form where the belt hit, and Harry hissed in pain but took it all in. He was waiting for more but more didn't come. He just wanted to shout at his Uncle to keep going, to make him suffer even more but he didn't have the ability to say it.
"Clean this mess of yours up, freak!" Uncle Vernon snarled before walking away, leaving Harry to spit blood onto the floor and wipe his mouth with his sleeve. Just thirteen more days until he sees Draco and all this torment will end, he had to think to himself just to remind his mind that there is hope. But deep down, he knows he will never be able to survive this.
He managed to get himself up, find the cleaning supplies and clean up his own blood from the floor. After that and doing the rest of the chores, he was called into the kitchens by his Auntie. "You're making dinner, Harry," she said as she was putting the dishes away from lunch and ignoring his presence. "Life skills everyone should know, if you want to keep that boyfriend of yours fed and happy."
Harry didn't complain since he didn't want to get into any more trouble, and he doesn't know what to make for dinner. If only he had Dobby here to help him. He knew how to make food. Every house-elf does. But what angered him was how his Aunt mentioned Draco in such a disgusted tone. When Aunt Petunia left the kitchen, Harry thought about what to make. What he needed was a recipe book which he knows where one is. In one of the top drawers of the kitchen cupboards which he looked to find immediately.
The book was creamed coloured with a maroon coloured border and it had a picture of some kind of salad meal on the front of it. He opened it up and scanned the pages. It looked a lot like making potions but with less ingredients and steps. He decided on making a green curry, and he began looking through the cupboards and fridge for the right ingredients. He smiled a little, knowing he has the correct ingredients and started making the dinner.
After dishing up the dinner into bowls and tasting it for himself with a spoon, he gave the Dursley's their meals and started cleaning up the kitchen. There was enough leftovers for himself and he dug in to his meal quickly while listening to the Dursley's talk shit about politics and sport. When he finished his own dinner, he drank a glass of water to make sure his dinner stays down and doesn't come back up later. Harry sighs deeply and decides to look out the window at the sun that's just setting while waiting for the Dursley's to finish off their dinner.
"I hate to say this but I'm quite proud of you."
Harry looks to his side and sees his Aunt with three empty bowls which she puts in the sink. He raises an eyebrow in disbelief at her, that his Aunt Petunia had just said that to him. "That's something I've never heard you say to me," he responds back flatly to her surprising compliment she gave him. "It's nice to hear a blood-relative say that to me."
"Yes, but don't expect more compliments to come," Petunia says and turns on the tap of the sink. "So, how's this boyfriend of yours? What's he like? From where I was standing, he looks like a wonderful young man."
Harry could have snorted. First he was complimented by his cooking, if that's what it was, and now he's being asked about his boyfriend? Has he woken up into some ultimate reality? "He's good, yes," he eventually says, and smiles when looking out the window. "He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. Why are you being nice all of a sudden?"
Petunia shrugs her shoulders, puts in the plug for the sink and fills it up with water. "I just want to know about the person my nephew is dating," she says and squirts the lemony dish washing detergent into the hot water. "Your mother would have done the same thing, questioning you about your boyfriend. What was the boy's name?"
"Draco Malfoy," Harry says and helps her by placing dishes in the sink. Why was she being nice all of a sudden? The lemony scent of the dish washing detergent made Harry close his eyes and picture Draco in his head, looking at him with that charming smile and sparkling pretty silver eyes. "He's an incredible person. Smart, attractive, funny. He's got lots of money, and his family's Pureblood and has been around for centuries, but I don't care about his wealth or blood type. I only want him. I have him." He doesn't know why he's telling her this but he admits it's nice to have these rare talks.
Petunia's eyes lit up as Harry told her about Draco's wealth. "Perhaps I should ask Draco and his family over for lunch sometime," she suggests to him with a hard smile. "These people may be freaks just like you, but your Uncle's got a thing for befriending rich people."
Harry faked a laugh and thought about the Malfoy's coming over for lunch come time. It would be great since he would be able to see Draco again but a little awkward as he would be in the same room with his angry Uncle. He doesn't really want the Malfoy's befriending these people though and he doubts they will actually accept the invitation over to dinner considering the Dursley's are muggles.
"Off you go to bed, I'll finish off here." Harry was yet again surprised by his Aunt saying that and he immediately went up to his bedroom. So he's done for the day? Great! Maybe the first two weeks of holidays won't be that bad?
Harry was wrong. So wrong about the fact that he thought his first week would be okay. It turns out, his living hell was just starting. At six o clock like every morning, Petunia would knock on his door and order him to get up and make breakfast. Same old, same old, Harry thought with a groan as he sluggishly gets up and looks around his bedroom. He goes over to Hedwig sleeping in her cage, opens her cage up for her (He remembered how to pick a lock from Fred and George, so he could open Hedwig's cage) and opens up his bedroom window so she can go hunt whenever she wants.
Harry got dressed and rushed towards the stairs. He blocks the attack from Dudley and instead of being pushed down the stairs, Dudley actually trips and ends up falling down the stairs. He looks like a big fat ball rolling and bumping down the stairs. Oh no. Shit. "Dudley!" he shouts, and his voice echoes through the house. Dudley cries out and clutches at his arm like he's in a lot of pain.
Loud footsteps were heard from upstairs and in the lounge room, and in seconds Vernon enters the main hall from the living room and Petunia appears from up at the stairs. Harry immediately feels like his life is at risk and he's in deep trouble though he didn't do anything.
"What have you done!" cries Petunia as she races down the stairs to her son, sits beside him and accesses the damage to her son's arm. It didn't look broken, but she knew there must be something wrong with it. Maybe a sprain?
"YOU, BOY!" Vernon snaps angrily, pointing a fat chubby finger in Harry's direction. "YOU'RE IN A LOT OF TROUBLE, BOY! GET OVER HERE!" He rushes over to Harry who's eyes widen in fear, and he slaps his hand across Harry's face hard. "YOU ARE WORTHLESS!" he shouts into Harry's face, and Harry winces at the sound of his loud voice and hesitates while feeling the pain burning across his cheeks. "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY DUDDEYKINS! YOU'RE WORTHLESS AND WEAK! YOU DO NOTHING, YOU ARE NOTHING! YOU'RE A FREAK! YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT RICH FREAK! HE HAS A FAMILY, YOU DON'T! YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER ARE DEAD! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY SON!"
Harry hesitantly looked back at the angry face of Vernon Dursley, and just as he expects it, he gets slapped in the face again and pushed back against the wall of the stairway. Vernon threw him onto the floor, then knelled down, and he started punching him with his fat sausage fingers. First in the nose, where a crack could be heard, from both his nose and glasses. Then in the mouth, which knocked a tooth out, and finally he resided to just punching Harry repeatedly in the ribs and in the stomach. It didn't seem like he was satisfied until he heard a crack, and Harry coughed up a bit of blood. Just like that, Harry's whole world crumbles to his feet, and Vernon kicks him in the ribs and gets back up to his feet only to go to his son and ask what happened.
Slowly but carefully, Harry pulled himself up to his feet and makes his way upstairs to his room, and when he's safe in his bedroom on his bed he carefully examined his injuries. He felt a cracked rib, a broken nose, a lost tooth, and bruising all over his body. Harry thought that this was the worst Uncle Vernon has done. He knew his magic would heal the rib, tooth, and nose before the morning, but it would hurt for a couple of days after that. Before he could remember anything else though, he slowly drifted into unconsciousness.
Hours later Harry wakes up to find the house silent enough you'd be able to hear a pin drop. Wincing in pain, he sits up with a frown and remembers where he is. If only Draco could see him like this, what happens to him, how much of a freak he really is. Uncle Vernon was right. He doesn't deserve Draco.
He stands up and goes downstairs to see if he really is alone in the house, and he is. The little puddle of blood he spat out hours ago was still there and he couldn't be bothered cleaning it up. He was walking around the empty house, trying to find a mirror when he looks directly at the medicine cabinet. Deja Vu. He limps over to the medicine cabinet and examines its contents. He sees the pills he he tried overdosing on last holiday and grabs them as well as a fuller container of the same pills. Why even live when all I'm going to do is be hated by everyone? He thought to himself and headed back to his bedroom, hiding his pills in his bookshelf behind some books. I killed Cedric. Everyone hates me for that.
He knows he's not allowed to, but he went inside Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia's room and searched through their stuff. He finds a third empty bottle of his Aunt's perfume which he takes and goes to search Dudley's room. His eyes travel to Dudley's computer. A little curious, he turns it on, manages to sit down on the leather seat, types the password which he knows off by heart: 'Harrystinksandisugly12' and decides to investigate a little. He goes on YouTube and just types up 'depression'. Songs, movies, and even talks, come up under the Search bar about depression. One video stands out though. 'The Family Friendly Noose Song.' YouTube really accepts these kinds of videos? He clicks on the video and it extends into a bigger screen and plays. The creator's name is Rusty Cage.
He listens to the song and watches the man tie a noose. It looks simple enough. He looks around Dudley's desk that something's like a rope and finds a shoelace. Shrugging, he replays the video and tried tying a noose. It took a while, but after trying about four times, he was able to tie a decent noose. He then goes back to the previous page with all the recommended videos to watch under 'depression' and clicks on one of the songs.
Harry listens to all the songs he could in under fifteen minutes and almost cries because of how most of them are so relatable to his life. When he hears the sound of a car, he quickly exits from YouTube, turns of Dudley's computer and rushes back to his room with his Aunt's perfume bottle in his hand. He locks his door and looks out the window. It wasn't the Dursley's car. He sighs in what feels like relief and sits on his bed.
He opens the lid of Petunia's perfume bottle and sniffs it. He gags at the strong scent of Japanese Cherry blossoms. He knows drinking this would be extremely bad for him, yet he doesn't care. He places the bottle to his mouth, tips the bottle back and swallows the first few gulps of perfume. He feels the sudden burn of it inside his mouth, travelling down his throat, and feels it burning the insides of his stomach, probably poisoning his stomach fluids. He immediately feels sick to the stomach, puts the lid back on the bottle and hides it under the Duvet of his bed.
His throat still hurts after a few minutes, so he limps his way to the bathroom to rinse his mouth and throat down with water. He goes back to his bed, lays down and still feels the painful burning sensation inside his stomach. He moans in pain, clutching his stomach and just wishes the pain could kill him already. He wants Death to come to him and take him already. "JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" he screams out to his roof, and feels tears sting his eyes. "Please..."
He then hears a hoot, and it's a familiar hoot but not Hedwig's. He looks beside his bed at the window, but he didn't want to get up at all because of the pain in his belly. He raises his hand up above his eyes to block out the sun. A brown barn owl appears, and Harry recognises it as Draco's owl. "Ulysses." He uses his elbows as support and pull himself up into a sitting position on his bed, and he regrets it instantly as the pain increases and his tears run down his face.
Ulysses notices the pain on Harry's face and gives him an affectionate nibble on the finger and then sticks out his leg for Harry, and Harry looks down at the envelope, a small box of chocolates, and an article from the Daily Prophet. He reads the article first, and the headline reads 'HARRY POTTER MEETS HIS LOVER'S PARENTS FOR THE FIRST TIME AT KINGS CROSS STATION.' There was a photo of him and Draco holding hands as they walk towards the barrier, their trunks in their other hands, and Hedwig under Harry's arm. But he doesn't remember any photographers at Kings Cross Station. This didn't seem too bad to Harry, when he reads the Headline again. Maybe Draco just wanted to send it to him just to tell him that their relationship is already public over the country? He then reads the article.
June, 30th,
Written by: Rita Skeeter
We all know and love our new power couple, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. First enemies, now to lovers. A love story only they know the true story about how it all happened. Sources say they were just meant to be together and fell in love with each other at the Yule Ball. Others say they've been faking their rivalry since they met, and actually were best friends in secret until one of them came out to the other as liking them more than a best friend. What do you think? Have they been faking their rivalry for the past years since they met, or did they just happen sometime during their 4th year? Or perhaps they have a different story to tell us? I'm hoping that young Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are reading this, and if you are, I would like to get the true facts from you. That is all for today, until next week.
Harry frowned at the article. It looks like Hermione really did teach Rita a lesson not to turn words around. At least this article is better-written and truthful, to an extent. But does he want to tell this woman about how he and Draco became lovers? No, not really. He wants a break from publicity.
He looks down at Ulysses who's just sitting on his bed in front of him and sighs, reaching over to pet his feathers. "Ulysses..." he begins but more tears spill down his face. He sniffs and looks up at the ceiling, closes his eyes and wishes for strength to say this. He looks back at him, "Tell Draco that I love him so much," he sobs and wipes at his eyes. "And tell him that I'm... sorry. I'm sorry to do this to him. I need to leave before something else goes wrong in my life. I can't live like this anymore, in pain and suffering."
Ulysses hoots sadly like she could understand what he's saying and rubs his feathery face over Harry's hand. Harry rubs his wet face with his sleeve, and his other hand grabs Draco's white envelope with the black Malfoy wax seal, opens it, and reads the pretty white letter while eating the chocolates from in the box. They tasted of caramel, lemon, and raspberry.
My lovely Harry,
How are you doing, darling? I hope those muggle relatives of yours are treating you well. If not, you would tell me, right? I hope so. My week's been boring, and I miss you already even if it's been two days since we last saw each other. Did you read Rita's new Article? It's better than the other's she's written, to be honest. I was just wondering if you're willing to go to her meeting? If you don't want to, I understand. It's a big decision to make to spill how we became lovers in our 4th year. What's next? She'll ask when we first shagged? Merlin, I hope not.
I got you some chocolates to cheer you up if you ever feel down. :) Don't you ever forget that I love you so much, Harry. You're my whole world. You're the only one I want in life, to spend the rest of my life with. You're my biggest inspiration. I want you to love yourself. I want you to be yourself, to be the light you want to see in the world.
You have everything that you need inside you. Don't you know? I hope you remember my words when you feel alone. I hope you remember from all the words I told you when you were down on yourself, and I hope you find the strength to pick yourself back up if you ever fall. I know you can, and I know you will. The person I saw inside of you can handle it all.
You're strong, you're beautiful, you're intelligent (in your own unique way), you're wonderful. You should believe in yourself, because I believe in you. No matter what happens, no matter what you do in the world, and no matter where I am, I will always love you and that will never change. Maybe I am the sun and you're the moon. But even they can be seen together in the same sky sometimes. May we meet again. Take care. I love you!
Love, Draco. <3
Harry almost cried. How long did it take Draco to write all of that? And all of those words he spend his time writing was all for him. This gave him a little bit of hope to go on with life for a little while. Twelve days left until he sees Draco again and can be in his loving arms again. But that's still days away. He can't survive that long. Not like this and it's only the second day of the Holidays. "You can go now, Ulysses," Harry tells the owl numbly, wanting to be left alone again.
Ulysses just sits there staring at him, and Harry sighs deeply as he knows why the owl is still here. Draco told ulysses to not leave unless he gets a reply from Harry or gives him a treat. The thing is, Harry doesn't want to write back. He cannot be bothered to. But he doesn't want Ulysses to just stay here overnight and starve. He searched his trunk for some parchment and his quill and thought about what to write. But Harry just didn't know what to write. He had brain fog and his stomach was hurting that bad it distracted him. He tried so hard to write but ended up getting a sore head, a migraine, almost.
Eventually, he was able to write a letter back to Draco but it was a little short. He hoped Draco was able to read it.
Dear my beloved Draco
I'm doing well. My muggle family are just ignoring me, but it's better they ignore me than anything else. I miss you too, Draco, and yes, I read the article. I'm not up to going to her meeting, sorry.
Thanks for the chocolate! I'm eating it now as I'm writing this. Very delicious! Draco, I've told you before that I'll never forget how much you love me. I love you too with all my heart. You're the only reason I can get up out of my bed and do things around the house. I love your words of advice, Draco. Really powering and beautiful. Thank you. I cannot wait to see you again!
Love, Harry.
Harry ended the letter there. He hoped the letter sounded truthful since mainly everything he wrote is a lie, besides his love to Draco, being able to get up in the morning because of him though it was mostly being woken up by his Aunt, and knowing how much Draco loves him. He placed his letter in the envelope Draco had his own letter in, and tied it to Ulysses' leg. Draco's brown Barn Owl gave Harry's finger another sympathetic nibble and then took off out the window back to Malfoy Manor, leaving Harry all alone again.
Harry decided to get his chores done now so he's occupied with something other than suicidal thoughts like jumping off the top of his house face first, or jumping off a bridge, or hanging himself, or even overdosing on sleeping pills. He was watering the garden when the Dursley's returned from the Hospital. Dudley looked mad, and he wasn't wearing a sling or cast on his arm. His arm was moving normally like there was nothing wrong with it. So Dudley faked his pain? Lucky... Harry didn't know what to think about that.
Uncle Vernon's ugly fat face appeared through the back door, and then came half his body. "You're lucky Dudley didn't break or sprain anything," he spat at his nephew who just casually watered the plants around the garden. Harry just nodded and got back to watering the plants. He wasn't allowed lunch or dinner in the end though.
Draco received Harry's letter from Ulysses a good two hours after Harry finished the letter to Draco. He takes it out of his own letter and reads Harry's reply. He smiles as it sounds by Harry's tone of writing that he's doing okay. He sure hoped Harry was well otherwise he'll storm the Dursley's household and stun the muggles until they're begging for forgiveness. Then he will take Harry's hand and Floo to the manor with him.
He feeds Ulysses an owl treat which she happily gobbles down, and he walks over to his bed. He crawls in, lies on his back and stares up at the ceiling of his canopy bed. He thinks about Harry and when the next time he'll see him. Should he be romantic and appear on Harry's doorstep with a bunch of roses, a hug and a kiss? Or just Floo in, find Harry and make out with him in front of the muggles? He likes both options.
Harry's week just keeps getting worse every hour of every day. He really couldn't take this pain anymore, and wants the world to go away. He wants to go away. He wants to escape this torture but no, he had to go shopping with his Aunt and cousin again. The memories from last time appeared into the front of his mind as he sat in the back seat of the car with the hood of his hoodie over his head and watched all the houses go by out the window.
In what felt like long minutes to Harry, they arrive at Aldi and get out of the car. Harry folds his arms over the roof of the car and rests his head on his arms. He cut earlier this morning so he feels numb from the pain that he feels deep inside.
"Let's go, mom," Dudley said with a glare Harry's way. "Dad can deal with him later if he's not going to help with shopping." Petunia seemed to frown a little but went into the shop with her son after locking up the car by the remote.
Harry sighs as he is finally alone and decides to go for a walk around town. He doesn't care where he ends up, or if he gets lost but he just keeps on walking. He ends up going down an alleyway besides a happy-looking cafe and a library. The smell of cigarettes fills his nostrils and he looks to where it's coming from. A handsome blonde boy who looks his age, and who looks a little like Draco is leaning against the library's wall and smoking a cigarette. Not knowing if he's going to get into some kind of trouble, he walks up to the boy.
The boy's wearing black skinny jeans, a red polo shirt and a white and light blue apron with 'Summer's Cafe' in yellow writing and Harry knows this boy must work at the cafe they're beside. He then notices the boy's appearance. He didn't have full blonde hair like Draco does. He was a natural brown-haired boy but with long blonde tips in his hair. And his cheeks were high, same was his jawbone, and he had these nice bow-shaped lips. Too bad he wasn't Draco and as handsome as his boyfriend. He would have developed a crush on this boy if he never went to Hogwarts and continued his muggle schooling. Though, that was if he went to the same school as this kid.
The boy finally looks his way and Harry notices that he boy has these pretty hazel eyes that have a little bit of gold near the Iris. The boy looks Harry up and down and smiles. "You're cute," he says in a low tone and offers Harry his cigarette.
Harry looks down at the cigarette, knowing about the dangers of using it but takes it from he boy with a, "Thanks." He doesn't care about the dangers the cigarette has on him. Who gives a shit anyway? He places the tip to his mouth, leans against the library's wall and inhales it from his mouth. He immediately coughs and felt a little dizzy from this new sensation, and the boy beside him laughs.
"Didn't know that was your first," he says, turns to face him, and Harry could smell cigarette smoke in his breath. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed and his hazel eyes bored into Harry's like they were seeing through Harry's soul.
Harry forced a smile and took another inhale of the cigarette. He could feel his pulse and blood pressure increase. He actually felt good, and felt alerted and concentrated. Too bad this was only a one-time offer, he thought when he blew the smoke out of his lungs and into the air. It was amusing to watch the white smoke come out of his mouth and rise up into the air.
"My name's Julian, not that you would care," the boy says and smiles back at Harry. He moves in front of Harry and places his hands around Harry's hips. "You're a pretty one." He cocks his head to the side and Harry tries moving out of his grasp.
"Thanks, but no thanks," Harry says, and takes another puff off the cigarette. This time, he breaths out through his nose, and the smoke comes out of his nose, reminding Harry of the dragon he faced during the first task. "I've got a boyfriend, mate. And my name is Harry."
"Of course you're already taken," Julian says with a sigh of defeat but gives Harry's cheek a little kiss. Unfortunately, it did reach his cheek. "Shame." He leaned away from Harry. "You've got a nice round arse, by the way."
"So I've been told," Harry said, smirking at the confused look on Julian's face which then turned to amusement. He just cannot believe how calm he's being right now. Perhaps it's the cigarette? "Draco, my boyfriend, tells me it all the time. He's gone a beautiful arse too though. Small but round, perfectly shaped like an angel's. Not to mention he's got one hell of a good cock too."
Julian laughs and Harry laughs along with him. It's nice to have a muggle friend who relates to him a bit. Especially when talking about cocks and arse's because he could talk about that topic all day. He's got a nice thick delicious cock to bounce on and make love to when Draco picks him up in eleven days.
"Sounds lovely," Julian says, and Harry agrees with him that Draco's cock is lovely. He just doesn't want to share Draco's cock because it's all his. "Not to be awkward or anything but whose cock is bigger out of you and your boyfriend's?"
Harry flushes a little, finding this conversation's going a little too far but who cares right now? There were no adults around him to tell him what to do, no Dumbledore, no friends, unfortunately no Draco. "Draco's cock is longer, but mine is thicker," he tells the muggle beside him. "So, you work at this cafe?" Julian nods at the question. Harry just wanted the subject to change. "As what though?"
"I'm just a cashier but I'm also a waiter for the customers," Julian tells him, and then shrugs. "It's how I'll get my money for university. I want to become an actor. I've done television ads in the past. I had to start somewhere."
Harry nods. He doesn't know what he wants to be in the wizarding world though. "That sounds nice," he said and looked down at the cigarette in his hand, twirling it around his fingers and hitting the end of it with his pinkie finger so the ash falls out. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Julian, but I'm afraid I must head back to the shops or I'll be killed by my Aunt.
"Rest in peace, mate," Julian says with a wink, and Harry gives the cigarette back to him with a forced smile. "Will I ever see you again, Harry?"
"Probably not," Harry says with a wave of his hand to gesture goodbye. He then smirked. "I'll be too busy sucking Draco's cock and riding him on the other side of the country to be able to see you again."
Julian smirks back, drops the ciggie to the floor and squishes it with the bottom of his white Nike's shoe. "Happy cock-sucking and fucking then," he says, and it makes Harry laugh out loud. He bends down to pick up the flattened cigarette and throws it in the bin. "See you, Harry!" That was the last thing he said before opening up the white door connected to the side of the cafe and disappearing inside.
Harry sighs and decide to head back to Aldi. Thankfully, Petunia and Dudley are still shopping so it gives him some time to air out his jumper. He had to air out his jumper so it doesn't smell like ciggies. And when Petunia and Dudley finally come out of the store with bags of food, Harry goes over and helps them. They didn't seem to scent the cigarettes on him, and that was good. And when they got home, Harry went up to his room after helping put the food away, but his Uncle came in and gave him a beating just because he didn't come into the shops with his Aunt and cousin. What a life.
Draco was laying down on his mother's cherry red chaise in the lounge room of Malfoy Manor and thinking about Harry. Harry was all he could think about actually. His eyes are closed and listening to the light patter of rain on the roof when he heard the familiar ruffle of feathers. He looked up and saw Ulysses flying in through the opened window of the large curtain-drawn windows. He sat up and smiled, wondering what kind of news was going on in the Wizarding World even though he just came back from Hogwarts about five days ago.
Once Ulysses landed on top of the chaise and dropped the Daily Prophet, Draco immediately unwrapped the newspaper and rolled it out. He frowned. Harry's on trial. He scanned the newspaper article on Harry. Underage magic in front of a Muggle. Possible expulsion from Hogwarts. It just happened a day ago. WHAT?! He thought as he raked a hand through his hair. It was luckily only one week left until he could see Harry.
Just yesterday, he begged his mother and father to go see Harry and make sure that he was alright. But they refused. He kept reading every article on Harry, but mostly to stare at his face. He missed looking into those gorgeous emerald green eyes of Harry's and getting so lost in them. Those beautiful kissable lips he just loves to kiss every once in a while. That sexy soft raven hair he loves running his hands through, especially during shagging.
Draco sighed, sat up and examined the ring he got for his birthday from Harry. The emerald was shining, even if it was dim lit inside the room but it was beautiful. The emerald reminded him of Harry's eyes, so gorgeous and bright. He leaned over the large glass desk in front of him, grabbed the black marble jar that contained owl treats, opened the jar, and fed Ulysses one. He lay the newspaper on the glass coffee table and headed to his room.
As Draco walked quickly through the long dark hallways of the Manor, he sighed again as it was much lonelier and emptier without Ivy. Lavender Brown had offered Ivy to stay with her during the holidays and of course, Ivy accepted as she'd love to meet Lavender's family. This left Draco all alone, well, except for his mother, of course. But his mother was currently and always down in the gardens taking care of her plants which left his father with he-who-shall-not-be-named somewhere in the United Kingdom planning something. Draco came to a halt at one of the large windows looking out at the forest behind the Manor. It was a spectacular view. The sun was shining down on the grounds below, the shadows of the trees stretched out into different forms.
Draco leaned his head on the windowsill, wishing he could share this amazing view with Harry. He hoped Harry was okay though. Hoped those muggles weren't treating him...badly. Draco pulled those intrusive thoughts out of his head and decided to just take a stroll through the manor. He passed the many portraits of his late ancestors, all with the same white-blonde hair and silver eyes but some of his ancestors had different coloured hair.
He replied happily to his Aunts, Uncles, and grandparents, giving them a few "Hello's," and "Yes, I'm great thanks!" He kept walking through the large hallways, down the grand staircases until he got to the second floor and that's when he heard a familiar chuckle coming from somewhere around him. He scanned the hallways, looking for any sign of the laughter but there was no one in sight.
"Up here, you git."
Draco looked right up into the face of his younger self. He remembered having this portrait done. It was just before his third year at Hogwarts. Portrait Draco was wearing a black button-down long-sleeved shirt with black trousers. He smirked at himself, noticing now how royal he looked sitting down on the posh black leather armchair with his legs crossed. "Hello, younger and insufferable version of me."
Portrait Draco rolled his eyes at the smile his real self was giving him. "So, who's the lucky guy?" he asks and steeples his fingers together, wanting to hear this new information so badly.
Draco looked right into his portrait's silver eyes and wondered if he knew he was dating Harry. But how would he? Surely his own mother wouldn't be spilling information out to every portrait in the manor, would she? "What..?"
"I see the look on your face," Portrait Draco said with a smirk to his lips. "And that look means you're thinking about a certain someone. Well, a certain some boy, so spill the beans!"
"How do you know about that?" Draco asks his portrait in disbelief, but then again, he and his portrait are the same person. Except for the fact that he is a living breathing being and his portrait isn't.
"Pfft. Puh-lease," Portrait Draco said, smiling down at his real self. "You knew you were gay when you saw those two guys snogging back when you went to London with our dearest mother when we were 10."
Draco nodded. That was quite true. He remembered that day entirely. The day his life had changed forever and he felt something inside him click and he knew then that that's what he wanted. To date boys. To date Harry. "And you wouldn't believe it even if I told you who I am dating now."
"Don't tell me your snogging Blaise," Portrait Draco sneered disgustingly. "I mean, yes, he's kind of... good looking... and he's a good kisser even though we only kissed him once but he's too Italian and quirky for my taste."
Draco laughed. He would never even think about liking his best friend like that. Harry's too hot and handsome and his anyway. "Nope, not even close," he said, grinning while thinking about Harry and what he would be up to now. He knows when he gets back to his bedroom after dinner tonight, he'll jerk himself off in the shower while thinking of Harry and his emerald green eyes, and picturing that beautiful mouth on his prick giving love to it.
Portrait Draco sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He was clearly deep in thought about this new information. "Are they even a Slytherin?" he asks while fixing his hair back to its previous perfect state.
Draco shakes his head. This guessing game was literally hilarious and he wondered how long it'd take for his portrait to connect the dots. "Nope, but then again, yes," he said and decided to nod his head. "My boyfriend said that the hat did place him in Slytherin, but he actually asked the hat to put him into another house."
Portrait Draco looked surprised, and Draco understood why as he remembers Harry telling him about the hat and how he was chosen to be in Slytherin but declined. "Is this boyfriend of ours in Ravenclaw?" Portrait Draco asked, and raised an eyebrow.
Draco shook his head again, feeling slightly annoyed that his portrait hasn't guessed the house already. Now he's come to terms to knows how his father feels when he plays these guessing games with him.
Portrait Draco's posture stiffened as he glared down at his real self. "Don't tell me they're a Hufflepuff," he said, and his lip curled in pure disgust at the thought. To distract his mind, he checked out his fingernails and made sure they looked perfectly round and shiny enough.
Draco shook his head, not even knowing how his younger self could think so low of his standards in men. "He's a Gryffindor, and the most incredible and handsome person I have ever met in my life," he said with a smile and placed a hand over his heart. "My heart only beats for him. He is everything I've ever wanted in life."
"Give me a hint for who he is?" Portrait Draco asked almost eagerly, and he leaned his head slightly forward for a response. "If he's making you feel this way he must be very special to you."
"Yeah, he is." Draco sighed and tried not to give direct answers for hinting out his boyfriend. He knew Harry was the only Gryffindor boy in his year with emerald green eyes that he knew of. Those beautiful emerald green eyes that make his heart flutter every time those eyes look at him. "He's got emerald green eyes and that's all I'm going to say otherwise it'd be too obvious. Oh, and he loves Quidditch."
Portrait Draco nodded in approval at what this apparent boyfriend likes and has. Emerald green eyes sound beautiful, and look beautiful. It's the most prettiest green in the entire universe. "Loves Quidditch and has green eyes, huh?"
"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet," Draco said, and he crossed his arms over his chest, smirking at his portrait self who still doesn't know after the easy clue he gave out. It shouldn't be this hard to guess.
Portrait Draco rose an eyebrow at his real self. It took him a moment to figure it out and he suddenly smiled, and his cheeks tinged a light pink. "You mean, the guy we've been crushing on since... the end of our second year?" he asked casually like this wasn't the most surprising and exciting thing he has heard in his life.
"No," Draco lied, shaking his head. Oh, this is just too much fun!
"Oh," Portrait Draco said sadly, staring down at his frame. He suddenly had an itchy throat but began to think about the boys in Gryffindor he knew but there was no other boy except Potter that has emerald green eyes. Unless there was a transfer from America, Australia or someplace else.
Draco smirked at how sad his portrait self looked. He then felt a little sorry for his portrait for letting him down like that. "Yes, it's Harry you git," he eventually told him. "Harry James Potter, the man of my dreams. My boyfriend."
Portrait Draco tried to suppress a squeal from coming out of his mouth. All he did was blush a deep pink colour and smile brightly. He rapped his fingers against the arms of the chair. "How long for?"
"About seven to eight months now," Draco said, smiling down at a spot on the long red carpet that went on for miles throughout the long hallways of the manor. He hoped that someday he would show Harry his home and that someday his home would become Harry's legally.
"Merlin's Beard!" Portrait Draco said happily in a bubbly voice. "How soft are his lips?" he had to ask, exceptionally eager to hear the answer to his question.
Draco rolled his eyes and grinned, knowing his portrait self was curious. "Very soft," he said, getting lost in his memories of kissing Harry and his soft kissable lips. "Maybe if he comes over, he and I can have our own portrait together so you can... I don't know... kiss him. But, the real Harry's mine. Got that?"
Portrait Draco sighed a little sadly at that. "Yes, Fine," he said but gave a smile to his real self. "You get the real Harry. And yes, I want that portrait! I need it actually."
Draco shook his head in disbelief and smiled brightly; not believing he's still talking to himself. "Alright then, the portrait it is," he said, though he doesn't know when that portrait would happen to get created. "But I'll have to bring Harry over though. Not sure when I'll be able to do that since he-who-cannot-be-bloody-killed is back."
Portrait Draco's eyes widened in horror, his mouth fell open and his upper lip curled back. This was not very good news he was expecting. "H-he's... this... he's... back?" he asked and spoke in fragments as he was unable to speak in full sentences.
Draco nodded sadly, "Yeah." He didn't want to talk about this sudden topic as he knew how much it affects Harry. Speaking of Harry, he was really beginning to worry now. He knows it has only been like a week, but something in his gut tells him something's wrong or something bad is about to happen. It just claws scratching at his gut and he can't get rid of it.
There was a long awkward moment of silence between the two Draco's before portrait Draco ended it. "So, how many dates have you and Harry been on?" he asks with a curious smile and rests his elbow on the arm of the chair while his hand cups his chin.
Draco's frown turned into a smile at the mention of Harry and dates. He and Harry haven't been on a real date for a while. "About... six or seven," he said while counting his fingers and remembering all of the dates. "Counting as a whole trip to London, dinner dates, dancing under the star dates, lunch dates, breakfast dates. Just you know, the usual."
"The Usual?" Portrait Draco asked in surprise, a slow smile building on his face. "I am so bloody jealous!"
Draco chuckled softly. It's make your portrait jealous time. "You want to know what else we did together?" he asked as a smirk formed on his face. The memory of what he and Harry did on the train together on the way back to Kings Cross Station entered his mind. It was a wild train ride and he'll never forget it because of how amazing it was.
Portrait Draco looked back down at his real self, narrowing his eyes, and hoping he was not going to make him even more jealous, and Draco smirked, knowing exactly what his portrait was thinking. "Yes, you guessed right! One million points to Slytherin! Harry and I shagged for our first time ever!"
"Oh, for the love of Salazar himself," Portrait Draco said with a groan as he leaned his head on the back of the leather armchair and rubbed his face with his hands. "You are such a git."
"Takes one to know one, git," Draco replied to himself. He loved these little fights and annoyance sessions with his portraits. Portrait Draco sighed and wandered off to another one of his portraits.
Draco moved forward, grabbed onto the portrait's golden frame and tried looking for himself inside it. "Hey, get back here! I'm not done making you jealous!" When it had just been two minutes, he had given up and headed back up to his bedroom just to look out into his large windows at the large forest surrounding the manor.
As he entered his bedroom, he wandered over to his writing desk and read over the letters he had tried sending to Harry throughout the few days, but Ulysses had always come back to him with the letters not sent. He hoped Harry was doing alright. He was even on the urge to just grab his Nimbus 2001 and fly to 4 Privet Drive on his own just to make sure that Harry was okay.
Petunia notices things, horrible things. And these things are what her nephew does to himself. She once caught Harry in the bathroom with the door slightly open slicing his wrists with a blade. She let in a sharp intake of breath and squinted her eyes to get a better look. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Long fresh cuts on the underside of his left arm. Aside from the cuts, there were visible scars, indicating that Harry had been doing this for a very long time. She just couldn't believe he was in this much pain that he'd cut himself. She saw the signs of the nightmares and the loss of appetite, but never knew it was this bad. Harry never showed any signs that he was falling this bad.
She couldn't believe her nephew would practically hurt himself like this! It was practically committing suicide the way he wasn't taking care of himself. What if one of those cuts were to get infected? What if Harry went too far one day? Petunia shuddered at the thought. Even a few days ago after coming home from Aldi, she smelt Cigarette smoke on him when hopping in the car. She had to keep the windows down the whole car ride home. Doesn't he know that stuff can kill him too? She had to do something! She couldn't let Harry keep hurting himself like that.
Petunia knew Harry hadn't been eating anything at all, always pushing leftover bits of food around his plate and he's lost weight. Harry ignores everything her Dudley does to taunt the boy. She even realized that Harry doesn't dodge Vernon's blows. He just took the punishments with a quiet demeanour, face void of any expression or emotion, as if he were just waiting for Vernon to finish.
Despite her dislike she showed to Harry, deep inside, she did care for her nephew. For how could she not? He was her sister's son. She raised the boy with only neglect and abuse, hating him for being just like his mother, but as the years passed, her hate was starting to fade. Petunia started feeling protective over her nephew as he was the only thing he had left of her sister, but it wasn't enough for her to admit she would love him as her son.
So that night, after dinner, she decided to send a letter to the headmaster of Hogwarts telling him about Harry's depression and how worried she is for his life. Since Harry was hopefully asleep, she could use his snowy white owl to deliver the letter. She had to be brave, she had to own up for her mistakes. She had to do this for not only Harry's life but for the memory of her sister.
Albus Dumbledore was up in his office on a chilling morning. He had to get ready for a personal mission but was interrupted as a ruffle of snowy white feathers. "Ah, Hedwig. Why are you here instead of with Harry?" he asked while he was distracted by his mission.
Hedwig hooted and dropped the letter on Dumbledore's desk. Dumbledore strolled over to his desk and picked up the letter. He sighed at the familiar writing from a known muggle. "Petunia, Petunia. Why are you owling me?" he asked, but then his expression turned solemn. He scanned the letter, reading every detail again and again until he had to believe it was true. He rushed over to his Floo, threw some Floo Powder in and hoped Severus was awake. He leaned into the fire until he could see Severus' living quarters. "Severus?" he called.
Severus entered his lounge room when hearing a voice, seeing Albus in the green-lit fireplace. "Albus, what do I owe the pleasure of a social call at this time of an hour?" he drawled as he sat down on his favourite black leather armchair in front of the Floo.
"Severus, how have you been during your holidays?" Dumbledore asked kindly, not at all in a rush for his mission. "I hope you're enjoying them?"
"If I could call it a holiday," Severus snapped with a sneer. "Skip the pleasantries, Albus, and indulge me in the details of my new mission."
"Ah, let's hope this one is useless, and Petunia is worried over nothing," Dumbledore said solemnly, the twinkling in his eyes fading. But he knew because of Draco Malfoy, that something was up with Harry.
"Petunia?" Severus echoed the name. "As in...?"
"Yes, Severus, as in Lily's sister and the guardian of Harry Potter," Dumbledore said, and frowned at the memories of one such night on the night of James and Lily Potter's death, and how devastated and heartbroken Severus was of Lily's death.
"What's wrong with the Potter brat now?" the Slytherin Head of House asked bitterly. "Hasn't he enough attention from his fan club?" Severus rolled his eyes, covering up the tiny speck of concern in his eyes.
"I have just received information from Petunia that..." Dumbledore pauses and tries figuring out how this is happening. He knows the Dursley's don't treat Harry with the same love they have for their son Dudley, but he never thought it was this bad. "Harry suffers through a lot and she's noticed how he's been having nightmares, doesn't eat and she's seen cuts, Severus..."
"What do you mean cuts?" asked Severus, and his brow only raises a few millimetres up his forehead.
"I don't want to make assumptions, and I wish it weren't true, but Petunia has written that they look a lot like self-harm inflicted cuts," Dumbledore said in a solemn tone. "And if we don't do something about this now, she fears for Harry's life."
"Tell me again what you want me to do, Albus? Surely, he isn't suffering from one of his infamous tantrums," Severus asked slowly, knowing too well where the headmaster could be going with this.
"I'm unable to check on Harry myself as I have to start on my personal mission," said Dumbledore. "I'd really appreciate it if you would check up on the boy sometime and make sure he is okay. If you find out that he isn't safe, take him to Hogwarts or keep him at your house for the time being. Ask him if he wants to see anybody like Draco, presumably, or his friends. I know it will probably affect the wards placed around him but if Petunia considers him a home with her, then it shouldn't be a problem."
Severus sighed. He knew he couldn't say no to the headmaster, especially since he's done so much for him in the past years. Severus just couldn't stand the thought of checking on the boy himself. Who was going to watch Potter? Not himself surely. "If I bring Potter back, then what am I to do with him until you return?"
"He is to stay in either your home, Hogwarts, or ask Narcissa to come over with Draco as we both know how much those two boys care for one another deeply. You've seen it with your own eyes, as has everyone else in Hogwarts. Severus, I can't thank you enough."
Of course, Severus worst fear has come true. Severus scowled in annoyance at his headmaster. "And what if the dark lord's at Malfoy Manor?" he had to ask. "Where will Draco and Narcissa take Potter?"
"I can assure you that has already been arranged, Severus," Dumbledore said. "I don't know exactly where Narcissa will take the boys, but I trust her it's someplace safe. Away from the country until school's back."
"They'll be heading out of the country?" Severus asked in amusement but hid it the best he could. He pondered where Narcissa will take her son and Potter. Germany? France? Australia? America?
"Yes, Severus," said Dumbledore with a little nod. "I believe it's safer as Voldemort doesn't travel across the world. Well, I assume so."
"And what about Lucius Malfoy?" asked Severus, and he steeples his fingers as his elbows rested on the armchair. "Does he know where they're headed?"
"No, Severus and that's for the best. The Malfoy's, I assume, don't use Legillimancy."
"So, I'll just have to trust Narcissa to do the right thing?" Severus asked. Though she's married to a Death Eater, but he can't say anything against it as he's an acting spy for both sides, he doesn't really trust Narcissa. He will try though.
"Yes, I trust her Severus and so should you," said Dumbledore, but Severus still was a little sceptical with Narcissa. If Lucius were to hurt Potter in some way and deliver him to the Dark Lord, wouldn't he have done so already? Unless the man really does have a heart and doesn't want his only son to hate his guts.
Severus sighed, leaned his head on the back of the chair he sat on and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I'll do it, Albus. I'll check up on the Potter brat tomorrow."
"Don't sound so glum, Severus, it could be nothing after all. But if not, and our assumptions are correct, and Harry does come back to you, it's for the best," Albus chuckled merrily at the scowl Severus let out. Then he disappeared out of the fireplace, returning the green flames to red and orange.
Harry's resolve to not worry about Voldemort lasted about one week after he left Hogwarts. It started with the frustration from the lack of the news about Voldemort's return in the Daily Prophet. Did no one care that he was back? What steps were being taken to stop him from gathering all of his Death Eaters? When he wrote with frustration to Sirius, he received only vague explanations. Ron and Hermione's letter was filled with insane stories and no news. Surely something had to be happening.
He wondered how Draco was doing and why he hadn't sent any more letters to him. Was Voldemort at Malfoy Manor? He hoped not. But of course, the only thing worrying Harry was his self. He's gotten worse over the first week back at 4 Privet Drive, especially because of Uncle Vernon and Dudley. His chores weren't helping at all either. Everything he did wrong, he got hit and beaten up. He didn't care anymore; he liked the pain. He's been wishing he had a box of cigarettes so he can light one and breathe it in just to feel relaxed and a little better but no, he didn't have any. He didn't have the money to buy a box either. Well, besides the few $20 he has left from the date in London he had with Draco. Draco. He frowned.
So the next time Aunt Petunia went back shopping at Aldi, Harry joined them and stuffed the $20 he had in the pocket of his black hoodie. When Dudley and his mother went into the shopping centre leaving Harry behind, Harry went his own way to the chemist and brought himself two packets of cigarettes. When asked by the receptionist why he's buying them, he just forced a smile and said it is for his Uncle. Then he left the store, put the rectangular packets of the cigarettes in the pocket of his hoodie and went back to the car. He didn't have a smoke by the car, he waited until he got home.
When Dudley was up in his room probably playing games, and Uncle Vernon was in the lounge room watching television, Harry was out in the backyard, his back to the wall of the house where he knew the laundry room was behind him, and he was taking out a ciggie from the packet and lighting it with a lighter he stole from the kitchen. Before when he, Dudley, and his Aunt made it back home, Harry was beaten up several times by Uncle Vernon in the kitchen but he just took the pain and begged for more. He just didn't care anymore and wanted the pain. And when he had the strength to get up, he had went up to his room to put the other box of cigarettes in his trunk then returned to the kitchen to find a lighter.
Harry placed the cigarette to his lips and breathed it in like a good tasting meal that had come right out of the oven. He felt a little lighter then, and he kept the smoke inside his lungs for a few seconds before puffing it out and watching it rise up into the air. It was amusing to watch the cloud of smoke rise up and disappear into the sky above.
The back door opened, and Harry whipped his head around, his cigarette still in his hand, and he watched his Aunt come out into the backyard holding a washing basket filled with clothes. He just sighed and took another puff of his cigarette.
"Are you serious, Harry!?" came the startled voice of Aunt petunia, and she walked over to him quickly. "Get that thing out of your hand and mouth! Don't you know what it does?"
"My lungs will turn black and I'll die," Harry said simply with a shrug, not caring at all what happens to him. He just likes how it feels to smoke. "So what I've heard," he adds and brings the cigarette back up to his mouth but his Auntie slaps his hand and it falls to the ground. He frowned as she stepped on the only form of feeling okay to him, and squishes it under her blue sneakers.
"If I ever see you smoking again I'll be searching your room for your secret stash," Petunia snapped at him and picked up the cigarette form the ground. "Now go do the dishes and the rest of your chores!"
"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Harry deadpans and heads towards the back door into the kitchen. He frowns and gets to work on his chores. Maybe he should be smoking up in his bedroom now or going off into a park to do it?
Harry's nightmares had also gotten worse. He would wake up screaming loudly as he tried apologising to Cedric and his parents because of how he had killed Cedric. After every nightmare, the same voice came into his head, "You should be dead, not Cedric. You don't deserve to be alive. You are not worth anything, why do you bother, you are messed up. Look at yourself, how pathetic you are, how disgusting you are to smoke. You should have taken that cup on your own. This is all your fault." And every night, after waking up screaming, he'd get beaten by his Uncle more than once.
It was now until one unfaithful night, after being attacked by Dementors with Dudley that Harry sat awake at night and was smoking, his bedroom window was open and the smoke he blew out travelled through the air and out the window. It wasn't helping him much, and he had gotten his worst beating yet with every tool possible that Vernon came into contact with in Harry's bedroom. And Harry couldn't get the little kiss Julian gave his cheek even if it meant nothing to him. Harry felt so disgusted. So disgusted in himself. He felt as if he had cheated Draco, even though he hadn't cheated at all. It was Julian who kissed him, not the other way around.
But still, it felt like this was enough for Harry. He had enough. He had enough of the pain and suffering from this family and the entire world. He had enough of having to deal with it. He had enough at living. He couldn't think properly. He wanted out. The voice in his head was telling him, "You are just so pathetic and worthless, you don't deserve to live, why carry on? There's nothing here for you." The voice was winning, and Harry was letting it.
Harry walked to his window and looked out into the street and the suburbs surrounding him. He never liked this place anyway. He took another puff and blew out into the chilly air but he angled his head to the side and moved his head side to side so the smoke blew in different directions away from him. He looked up at the silvery moon in the sky and chuckled sadly. "By the light of the silvery moon," he says and pretends his cigarette is a cup of alcohol, and he cheers to the moon. "May I never see you again."
He then frowns at the moon and how silver it is and heads to his closet. Silver like Draco's eyes. He grabbed the old skipping rope that he found hidden at the back of his closet and tied a noose just like how Rusty Cage from YouTube taught him. When finished, he hanged it around the ceiling fan and pulled on it to make sure it could hold his weight.
He then went to his desk, opened the empty diary Hermione gave him that was meant to be a messenger book from him to Draco, placed his cigarette to his lips and grabbed one of the black inked pens he had and began writing his suicide note.
To whoever reads this,
I can't do this. I'm sorry. I can't live anymore. It's too hard. I've had enough of this sick, cruel, twisted world. I've locked myself in my room, and these are my last words. I could not escape from the pain and the ignorance. Goodbye all.
I'm 14, nearly 15. I'm always so nervous and anxious. Tell me, why is it that everyone is so perfect? While I feel so worthless and they look so happy. My mood has been so crappy and depressed for too long. It sucks to be me, besides having such an amazing boyfriend. But he deserves so much better than me.
Draco accepts me for who I am and he knows about my past. And overall, he says we'll always last. And I love him. I love him with all my heart. I honestly couldn't take it if we got pulled apart. But this is necessary.
To my parents, are you proud of your precious child? I carry on like a soldier but I can't take it anymore. This pain is just too hard to deal with. I know this isn't my parent's fault, it's the world that should feel shamed. I'm sorry but this world is just not my place. I'm just a waste of space, a subject of war that shouldn't even be happening. I believe I was misplaced in the world by being born in the wrong time and place.
I may be a Gryffindor but I'm no fighter for pain. Hermione and Ron, you've been the bestest friends that I ever had. I'm sorry to do this to you guys, to make you so sad. Draco, my love, I'm so sorry. You deserve so much better. But just remember that you meant everything to me, and you held the only key to my heart. I'm sorry to make you feel this way. I love you so much, all of you.
I stare at my food a lot but I just cannot eat it. I lay in my bed but I cannot sleep. I'm cut open even though I'm not bleeding, besides my wrists. My heart is broken with all this pain that I cannot deal with so I'm going to make it stop beating. I smoke, yet I know of the consequences and that I could die from it but really, I don't care and I like how it makes me feel. I wanna die, not going to lie but thoughts of suicide keep cross my mind on a regular basis. I've overdosed, or tried to. I'll do it again though because I'm a lost cause. So fuck it! Everyone whose got a grudge on me is going to love it. They'll have a smile on their face while my death goes public.
I really cannot picture myself as a grown man. I don't think I want to grow up. I'm going through a lot of bull shit too. I've been wishing to die ever since I was 9. It's not a lie. People don't understand how much I hate my life. If they did, they would how bad I want to kill myself. I quit, I'm bailing, I'm done. I finally give up again. I'm sick of failing and I'm done trying to live up to the expectations everyone has set for me. No more relationships, my friends are all dead to me. My head is aching, I don't have any energy. I'm patiently waiting for the day that I rest in peace. I only try this once in a while like when I forget how to fucking smile. I've had enough. I'm done.
To whoever reading this, I might have left or are about to leave. I feel like I've lost everything. I am broken inside. You may not have known, but this "family" of mine who I'm living with affected me deeply all these years to a point where I just... I can't anymore. I can't live like this, live with them. They torture me everyday. And I let them. These days, I see no light. I wake up not wanting to wake up. There was a time I saw my life become full, but now I just don't see it anymore. These people shattered my dreams. I am broken now. I feel dead inside.
I'm sorry
~ Harry James Potter
Harry ripped out the two pages full of his words from the book and just puts the pages down on the desk and closed the book up. He goes over to the noose hanging from the ceiling and got up on his bed, reaches for the noose and sighs. "I'm sorry Draco," he whispers to the moon shining on his face. "I love you so much, but you deserve so much better than me. I love you with my body, soul and heart to death. And Ron, thank you for trying to understand my worries even though I don't know how much you know about my life here and I thank you for being my best mate when I didn't have one. And Hermione, thank you so much for being there with me and Ron throughout our years at Hogwarts. Ivy, thank you so much for everything, stay safe with Lavender. And Cedric, I'm so sorry for not helping you back in the graveyard, it was my fault so I'm paying for the consequences. I'm sorry guys... This is it, world. Goodbye."
He placed the noose around his neck, dropped his cigarette onto the floor beside the note, and leapt off the bed, feeling the rope strangle him but he let it. He didn't care anymore. But then, a familiar sound of apparition had been heard from Harry's ears and he the last thing he saw before letting the darkness come to him was someone he wouldn't have even suspected to see in his room at night. Severus Snape.
As Severus Snape had apparated into this muggle house that holds Potter in it, he immediately smelt cigarette smoke and wrinkled his nose. He widened his eyes in shock and felt his mouth go dry at the thing he saw next. He couldn't tell if this was real or not but those familiar green eyes that used to belong to his best friend, Lilly Nee Potter was enough to know that it was real. He nearly dropped his wand in shock.
What was Potter doing? Surely, he can't have really been depressed. It's more likely the Potter Brat had been wanting attention than anything else but no. He is hanging from his damn ceiling from a rope. He has tried and failed now that I am here, in killing himself, Severus thought, feeling familiar tears in his eyes, the same tears he felt when seeing his best friend dead. Severus raised his wand at the boy and cut the rope with a spell.
He immediately dashed across the room and grabbed hold of Potter, unwrapped the noose around the boy's throat, holding him close as he knew how much the boy needed it even if he didn't want to give out hugs. After all, Severus Snape was not fond of giving hugs or attention for that matter. Then he saw the cigarette lying on the floor, and the note on the desk. Curious and also worried, he opened the boy's mouth and smelt his mouth. Of course, his guess was correct. Potter smokes, but why? Doesn't he know that smoking kills? He Accioed the note with his wand in his free hand and stuffs it in his pocket to read later. It'll give him an idea about what else is going on in the boy's life.
Why didn't I ever notice? Severus berated himself. He's taught this boy for four years! He knew the signs and what to look for! Severus was an abused child himself and has dealt with several cases of abused children in his Slytherin house during his years at Hogwarts. Severus should have known that during Potter's first or second year that something was wrong.
"Don't die on me, Potter!" Severus whispered angrily. "Your mother didn't give her life away just so you can end it!" Harry's unconscious body lay in Severus' arms, staring up at the ceiling.
Severus sniffed, closed the boy's eyes, and checked his pulse while looking at the rope burn on the boy's throat. How's Potter going to hide that from his friends and Draco? "Thank Merlin, Potter," he said, sighing in relief when he felt a smell pulse. "If you had stayed there for at least two minutes you'd be gone by now." Severus sighed, pointed his wand at the boy and muttered an, "Enervate."
Harry's eyes shot open and he saw Severus Snape looking down at him with tears in his eyes. He tried to move but realized he was trapped in his Potion Professor's embrace which he couldn't believe.
Severus rolled his eyes as his most hated student came back into consciousness. He should feel proud that he saved this kid's life, and he does but he too feels pity for him.
Harry didn't know if he should pick a fight with his Potions Professor, or just cry in his arms. Crying in Severus' arms was what Harry chose, even if it was awkward. He cried and cried, muttering with a pained throat, "You should have let me do it. I don't deserve to live. I'm just a burden, a freak."
Severus couldn't believe what he was hearing, he just couldn't. After everything he's gone through with James, he could never think that Potter had the right mind to do anything of this sort. "Shush, Potter. It's bad enough having to hug you and stop telling yourself your worthless because you're not. You can be a pain in the butt sometimes, no, all the times, but you're not worthless. I understand how you're feeling."
"No, Professor," Harry sobbed, shaking his head sadly. "You haven't an idea of what the Wizarding Worlds 'Golden Boy' lives like and what he goes through. No one does."
"Then make me understand, Potter," Severus snapped, rubbing circles in the boy's back, and feeling a sudden near case of Deja Vu. Potter's breath reeked of Cigarettes. He was that broken he was willing to damage his insides?
Harry's saddening pain suddenly turned to anger. Why was his Professor here in the first place? He didn't ask for any of this. "You won't understand!" He snapped back, trying to wriggle out of the hug.
"Try me, Potter!" Severus snarled. "You don't know me as much as you think. I may have suffered the same thing you have throughout my childhood."
"Oh, really?" Harry asked angrily in disbelief. Who does this guy think he is saving him? He prefers to be dead and with his parents. "Then tell me, Professor! How bad was your childhood compared to mine?"
Snape sighed and dreaded what he was about to say. "I was abused as a child, Potter," he said, and he glared down into Potter's green eyes. "There, are you happy now that I've told you that, you brat!?"
Harry hesitated for a moment and slowly began to calm down. He then frowned. He didn't know about this. Professor Snape was right, he didn't know of his life as a child. "I'm sorry, Professor," he then says in a soft voice. "For snapping, that is."
Severus rolled his eyes and let out a relieved sigh. He was thankful he came at the right time. If he did not, well, he knew he'd have a debt to pay for Lily's sake. What would he have to tell this boy's friends, godfather, and Draco if he was too late? He didn't know but he was glad he didn't have to find out.
"What exactly are you doing here, Professor?" Harry asked, sniffling, and wiping his face clean of tears. What he wanted to do was jump out his bedroom window. Maybe he could if his professor let's go and turns away. Probably go head first, it'll be quick and easy.
"I got an urgent owl from your Aunt about the state you were in, and it seems that she was right," Severus said, hiding the worry in his tone with a sneer. "Now, get off me so I can question you someplace away from here
Harry immediately jumped out of his Professor's reach, nearly tripping over the rope he used and fell backwards onto his bed. What a way of escaping to his death.
Severus rolled his eyes. Couldn't the brat be more quiet? "Merlin, Potter. Now be quiet, we don't want to wake up your relative's."
Harry nodded tiredly, stood back up and took a few slow steps until he was in front of his Professor. "Where are we going?" he asked curiously with a sniff. So much for trying to end it all.
"My home," Severus scowled. It also seems like he's got a few Potions to give the boy when they get back. "Now, get your things as we're leaving."
Harry did what he was told, grabbed his trunk from underneath his bed and threw a few things in it as he didn't really have much. His newly brought clothes were all packed underneath everything, so Dudley doesn't see them when snooping around. But now, he somehow had gotten a ticket to escape. Ending it all would have been easier than escaping, he thought depressingly, closing his trunk quietly and standing back up next to his Potions Professor.
In a blink of an eye and the sensation of his stomach churning, Harry knew they had apparated and he was in Snape's house as everything was different shades of grey and Blacks in the lounge room. The two armchairs, the couch, the mat, the glass coffee table, and even the lamps were greys and blacks. There was a large wooden bookshelf filled with old and new books. Mostly about Potions. To the right through a wide door frame, he could see the kitchen. It looked pretty modern, everything was mostly grey. He didn't even notice Snape moving away from him and sitting down beside his fireplace on a black armchair.
"Tell me, Potter. Why?" was all that Severus could say. He didn't even know where to start.
"Why what?" Harry asked innocently. He sat on the black lounge chair closest to him and hugged his legs to his chest.
"Don't be a brat, Potter," Severus snarled, and he curls his lip at Potter's feet on his nice clean armchair. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."
Harry sighed sadly, he didn't want to talk about his problem, especially not with Snape.
Severus sighed as he knew the boy won't talk... yet. "There's a guest room to your right, that's where you'll stay until I call Narcissa in the morning. You won't find any sharp objects in the room as I have cleared it out, and don't try anything in that room as there's nothing that you can use to...harm yourself. Am I clear?"
"Yes, Professor," Harry replied numbly again and decided to head to bed. Wherever bed was, Harry was still trying to find it. He turned right, exactly where Snape told him to go but he was still lost in the grey hallways. He passed a stairway leading up to the second floor, but finally, he found two doors. One was a blanket, pillow, and sheet closet, but the other was closed. He opened the closed door, walked through the door and collapsed onto the pine green sheets of the wooden bed, face-first into the fluffy pillow. He felt so fatigued. Who knew trying to kill yourself could be so exhausting, Harry thought with a dark chuckle. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell right into slumber.
Severus made sure Potter was gone from the living room and he reached into his pocket and pulled out the kid's suicide note. He pressed the crook of his thumb to his upper lip and read the entire thing. Geez, the kid's suffering through a lot. It actually saddened him to see his godson mentioned in the note, and he cannot forget Lilly.
He headed to his potions lab in the basement of his house and got to work on a potion that would help heal Potter's lungs from the possible damage from the cigarettes he has smoked and just any damage the cigarette smoke would have done to Potter's internal organs including his mouth, gums, and throat. Who knows how much Potter has smoked? In fact, when did he start smoking? Did he do it back in Hogwarts? Surely not. It must have been sometime during the Holidays.
After a few hours of working on the potion, he finished it and put it in a few glass viles for later use. Then he hears a scream coming from upstairs, rushes back upstairs with a vile in hand and to the guest bedroom. He opens it and sees Potter wide awake and hyperventilating. Oh, good Merlin. "Potter, breathe and calm yourself!"
Harry was wheezing but tried his best to calm down and breath. It was a little hard to though since his lungs felt like they were on fire and his ears were ringing loudly. "H-Help."
"Drink this, it'll help you," Severus ordered, and he gave Harry the vile containing the potion he would need more than anything. He watched Harry take the vile from him and tip its contents into his mouth. "Good. Do you feel better?"
Harry hesitantly nodded, the burn in his lungs had gone, and it felt easier for him to breath now. "Thank you, sir," he said, and thought how silly he must sound apologising to his Potion's Professor. Ron would laugh at him if he told him he apologised to Snape. Now that he had calmed down, he glanced around the room and didn't realise how nice it was. Everything was pretty much wooden and a tawny brown: the bed, the dresser, and the bedside table. There was a dark green mat in front of the bed, and a little green plant on top of the dresser.
Severus sighed and Accioed a chair from the living room to him, and he sat down, staring at Potter blankly. He got the note out from his pocket and showed it to the boy. "I've read this entire note, Potter, and I've decided to burn it than let anyone see it," he tells him. "It would break Draco's heart if he read this, not to mention your friends as well. I'm sure you don't want that to happen."
Harry nods sadly. He wouldn't be able to deal with the heartbreak he sees on Draco, Ron, and Hermione's faces if they read the note. "The note is better off burnt, please," he says and places the vile down in front of him on the midnight blue duvet. Severus nods.
Severus then hesitates and gives him the note, knowing that it is best that the writer should get rid of the note. "I think it is best if you burn it," the professor says and takes the empty vial from on the duvet where Potter last placed it. "It would be good for you to do such a thing."
Harry looked a little unsure about this, but agreed to do it. His professor told him to follow him, and so Harry did and followed Snape out into the lounge room and to the fireplace. Harry kneels in front of the flaming fireplace with orange dancing flames, looks down at his suicide note with a frown and rips it in half. He reaches over to the dancing flames with one half of his note in his hand and watches as the flames eventually find the note and start burning it from the bottom and up. He drops it into the fire and does the same with the other half. He just watches his suicide note burn into ashes, and minutes later, Severus tells him to go to bed and rest and so Harry does.
In the early chill morning of July after that horrid night, Severus was up making pancakes for breakfast. He tipped a vial of what he would call happy potion into the pancake mixture as he knew would help the boy for some time. He had no idea what Potter would like on his pancakes but guessed golden syrup was fine. He heard a sleepy yawn from behind him and swiftly turned around. "Morning, Potter. How was your slumber?" he asked coldly, flipping the pancake in the pan onto its other side.
"Morning, Professor. My sleep was okay, thanks," Harry said tiredly, hoping he sounded truthful enough. He sat down on the grey stool behind the counter and breathed in the smell of pancakes on this early morning.
Severus pilled a pancake on a plate and pushed it over to Potter. Golden syrup, strawberry, and blueberry syrup levitating towards the boy too. "Eat up. You'll feel much better," he muttered, giving the boy a half-smile.
"Thanks," Harry said as he began eating the pancake, cutting it up with a knife and fork. He did feel sick when looking at the meal in front of him but masked it away and popped a piece of pancake in his mouth.
"You do know smoking kills, Potter," Severus said distractedly when cooking himself a pancake with the mixture as well as another one for Harry. He only wanted to tell him and ask why he would do such a stupid thing.
Harry eventually nodded when eating a piece of pancake. "I know," was all he said. The taste melted in his mouth and he swear it's one of the most delicious things he has eaten in a while. "How did you learn to cook so well? This is like an expensive restaurant meal." It's a question for a question. He didn't even care that he just complimented the professor's cooking. But these pancakes were very tasty.
"Don't ignore the question, Potter... but thank you," Severus said, and he flipped the pancakes over in the pan, trying to hide his smile. "Tell me, why do you smoke? How did you even come across cigarettes?"
Harry frowned. It was all because of Julian but did he even want to tell Snape about it? Not really, but he decided to go on. "I met this boy in an alleyway between a cafe and a library while my Aunt and Cousin were out shopping, and he was smoking cigarettes and handed me his," he told his professor and decided to leave out the compliments Julian gave him.
Severus only raised an eyebrow as he grabbed another plate from the clean dishes on the rack and placed his own pancake on it. Muggle kids these days... "Do you know what smoking does to your insides?" he asked the Gryffindor and gave him his next pancake and turned off the stove.
"I know what cigarettes do to me, I was taught that during primary school, and I honestly don't care," Harry went on and picked at his next pancake. "I don't care if my lungs turn black and it becomes harder for me to breath. I just wanted to..." He stopped there. He didn't want to tell Snape that he wants to die. He doesn't want to tell anyone right now. "I took the cigarette and had my first puff. It made me cough and feel a little dizzy but I don't care. I took another puff and immediately I felt the good-feelings it gave me."
"I see," Severus said as he finished his own pancake. "Did this guy you meet try forcing you do anything that you didn't want to do?"
Harry shook his head, finding it odd how his Professor was now asking him these questions about his safety. "No, Julian didn't try forcing me into anything," he said truthfully but remembered the kiss on the cheek that meant nothing to him. "I chose to take the cigarette." When he finished, which took about a few minutes and Severus nodded at him to leave, he hurried back to his room.
Severus strolled over to his fireplace, grabbed a bunch of Floo powder, kneeled down onto the floor, muttered a few words and stuck his head in the green flames. "Narcissa?" he called, scowling at how he sounded like Albus.
Narcissa was sitting in the large Lounge room of Malfoy Manor, silently reading a book when the fireplace erupted into green flames and Severus' head popped through. Narcissa warily looked around at her surroundings and when she knew she was alone, except Draco in a corner of the room, she sat down in front of the fireplace. "Severus? What is it? Nobody Fire-call's the manor, you know that," she whispered.
"Yes, well, it's urgent," Severus replied slowly, seeing the worry in Narcissa's blue eyes. He prepared his mental state to the worst of having to explain himself to this family. "Is Draco there?"
Draco heard his name being called and looked over at the fireplace swiftly. He dropped the book he was reading and rushed over to his mother. He kneeled down in front of the fireplace and said, "I'm here, Sev."
Severus smiled faintly at his Godson and continued in a whisper, "I need you two at my house right away. It's about Potter, he tried to kill..." he tried not to look at Draco and frowned. "He tried to take his life last night. I have him here at my home."
Draco heard his mother give in a sharp intake of breath, and he felt his eyes fill with tears quickly at this depressing news. He felt a hand on his shoulder, knowing it was his mothers, and rushed through the Floo, nearly knocking his Godfather over. He looked around the room quarters but didn't see his Harry anywhere. "Where is he?!" he snapped, raking a hand through his neatly done hair.
Severus pointed towards the guest room. "Where you usually stay, I figured it might calm him down."
Draco nodded a thank you and rushed into the guest bedroom. There, he found his Harry sitting on the bed, looking so dull and numb and staring at the floor. He walked over and sat down beside him, not even realising his tears were falling down his face like streams. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, started crying into Harry's black long-sleeved shirt, and whispered, "H-Harry, my w-wonderful boyfriend," he sobbed and gave Harry a wet kiss to the cheek. "I love y-you s-so much and p-please, p-promise me you'll never do t-that again." He sniffles. "I-It was hard enough with I-Ivy but with you, y-you are my s-soul, my one d-desire in life. I n-need you in my life, Harry Potter. No m-matter the ups and d-downs because I want to s-share them with you forever."
Harry didn't have time to react when he felt someone wrap their arms around him, but it was a very familiar embrace and he loved it. He loved hearing Draco's voice; it's been ages since he had seen Draco. Well, maybe not ages, more like a week but it felt like ages. "Draco," he replied numbly, letting tears fall down his face as he looks at his boyfriend's handsome face with tear-stained cheeks. It hurt his heart to see Draco sad because of him.
"Oh, Harry," Draco replied sadly, and his hand came down to Harry's which he folded them together. He let out another sob. "I l-love you, Harry. What's m-more to say to you to believe it?" he asked soberly and placed his forehead's to Harry's. He just can't believe that Harry could have... and he wouldn't have known. He doesn't want to attend anyone's funeral. Not Harry's. Not anyone's.
"I love you too, Draco and I believe you do," Harry said, finally looking deep into tearful silver eyes. This just broke his heart. He then realised how his death could affected Draco. He would be broken, and lonely, and feeling like he lost half of himself. Well, that was what Harry would feel if Draco died.
"Then why'd you try to...?" Draco asked and swallowed down the lump in his throat as he does not want to say the rest. It was just too hard for him.
"I- u-um," Harry stuttered, not really wanting to tell what happened. It was just so hurtful, so painful. He didn't want to hurt Draco any more than he already has because of what Draco knows of what he did.
Draco let out a sob, bent his neck down and laid his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "It's o-okay, Harry. T-Tell me when you can," he said to Harry's shoulder. "Just take your time. You d-don't have to rush this at all. Just know that I love you so m-much."
Harry began to break down into tears at the memory, so he snuggled into Draco for comfort and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. They ended up laying down together on the bed and in each other's arms. Harry didn't know when to start so he started from when he got to 4 Privet Drive. He told Draco of every punishment his Uncle did to him, especially the latest one, and how he thought it is his fault for Cedric's death. He left out the part about smoking because he didn't want to worry Draco any more than he already is.
The soft expression on Draco's face turned blank and was covered by anger. He got up, paced the room, and raked his hand through his hair. "Bloody Hell, Harry!" he said angrily, wishing he never let Harry go back to the Dursleys. "And it isn't your fault that Cedric-"
"Language, Draco," Severus said coldly, peeking into the bedroom with a cup of Chamomile tea in his hands. "Both of you, come out and sit by the fireplace. Narcissa is waiting, don't want to keep her long."
"Sorry," Draco said quickly. He watched as his Godfather disappeared from the doorway, then looked at Harry sadly. "Come on, Harry," he said, helping Harry up by the hand and leading him into his Godfather's lounge room. When Draco caught sight of his mother standing by the fireplace, he narrowed his eyes at her. "Mother, why didn't you let me go see Harry during the first week!"
"Don't blame this on your mother, Draco," Severus sneered, placing his cup of tea of the round coffee table beside him. He was seated back down on his favourite black leather armchair.
"I am not blaming my mother!" Draco snapped at his godfather. He turned to look at his sobbing mother and softened his tone as he asked, "So, why couldn't I see Harry? You know very well that I wanted to see him all week."
Narcissa rubbed at her face in disappointment at herself. "You were allowed to my Dragon," she had decided to say. "It's just... I didn't want you getting hurt out there. Since The Dark Lord is out there... I'm just afraid for you."
"I can take care of myself, mother," Draco said, his lips were pressed together in irritation. He cannot believe her, but he knows she's just worried. He then lowered his voice into a whisper as he walks to her, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm fifteen this year and I'm bloody frustrated, sad, hurt and mad because my boyfriend tried to take his life away!"
Narcissa sighed, she was proud of her son for acting up in a situation like this. Her blue eyes glanced at the broken Gryffindor by the door frame into the kitchen and smiled sadly at him.
Severus took another sip of his tea, "So, when will you be going?" he asks casually like this wasn't the most depressing topic to talk about. "I'd like my place back to myself if you don't mind."
"Oh, Severus!" Narcissa hissed, disliking his tone. "Can't you leave us be for a minute? I need to sort a few things out."
Severus raised an eyebrow but sighed and strolled out of the room with his cup of tea in his hand. "Make it quick," he muttered, but then turned and looked at his godson. "Draco. A word?"
Draco nodded at his godfather, though was curious about what he needed to talk about. He had in mind that it must be important and about Harry. He went over to Harry, gave him a kiss on the forehead, told him that he loves him so much, and then followed his godfather into the next room.
Narcissa looked up at the teary-eyed boy on the couch with solicitude. "Harry dear, are you willing to stay with us for a while?"she asked him in a soft voice and went over to join him on the couch. She doesn't know how she can help her son's boyfriend, all she did was give him a little pat on the shoulder.
Harry nodded slowly; Snape's living room was starting to become smaller by the minute to him. "Yes, I'd love to," he replied numbly, looking beside him at the woman and forced a smile at her.
"Very well, and do you have your trunk?" Narcissa asked him carefully. "I'm sure you know where we're heading to, which is Venice. It's a nice little romantic city in Italy where you and my son can go out and explore." She then gave him a little nudge on the elbow and smiled. "You can even go on a few dates together."
Harry nodded again and started hugging a fluffy black pillow to his chest. He didn't think Severus Snape would every have something fluffy in his household. And a Date with Draco sounded lovely. "Are we going now?" he asked curiously but also sadly.
"Yes, dear," Narcissa said softly with a nod. "Please, grab your trunk so I can apparate us out of here once my Draco comes back in the room."
"No need to wait, dear mother, I am right here," Draco said as he entered back into the room after a short but important talk with his godfather about Harry and how he's been smoking since sometime in the week. But he got confused about what smoking was. He hasn't seen any smoke coming from Harry at all. Apart from how smoking hot Harry is both in bed and in general when he's a little happy and flirty.
But back onto the subject that's concerning to him and what a cigarette is. His professor's description was just about a little tube looking thing with an orange or yellow tip and it needs to be lit by fire for it to work. And when exhaled, a smoke would come out from the mouth of the user. It was scary to him because of how the user could die from it but in the long-term. He didn't want to think that Harry could be... He didn't want to believe it. Besides, Severus had given him a bag of potion viles that are supposed to heal Harry's internal organs, lungs and refresh them. The bag is in his pocket where it is safe, and Harry is supposed to take a vile once a week.
Harry did what he was told and when seeing Draco come into the room, he went up to him and hugged him just for reassurance and comfort. Draco kissed Harry's neck with a sigh. He wished he could feel Harry's heartbeat under Harry's black long-sleeved shirt. Harry turns his head so his nose was on Draco's pulse point in his neck, and he was breathing in the vanilla scent of him. "I love you with my body, heart and soul to death Draco Malfoy," he whispered to Draco's pulse while tears filled up in his eyes.
"I love you with my body, soul and heart to death too, Harry James Potter and I mean it with everything I have," Draco whispered back. Like he could feel Harry's emotions, he too had tears welling up in his eyes. He blinked the tears away and just repeatedly gave kisses to Harry's neck. Though he could verbally tell Harry how much he loves him, he wanted to express his love with gestures and everything and anything to him.
Narcissa smiled at the two lovebirds. She loved seeing her son so much in love with another man. It brought tears of happiness to her eyes even though she felt very sad for what could have happened to Harry. "I hate to interrupt this beautiful moment, but we should go," she said, holding out her hands for the two boys.
"Yes, mother," Draco said, kissing Harry's cheek as another gesture of his love for his boyfriend, because Merlin knows Harry needs it. He went up to his mother with Harry, held onto his mother's arm tightly and gave a nod at Harry.
Harry shyly walked up to Draco's mother with his trunk in his hand and wrapped his hand around her arm. He felt the familiar apparating effect, and his eyes widened as he landed in what looked like large ballroom type of room, but it had many French styled furniture. All he could think about is how long this place has been here for by the look of the old furniture. 1800S? Or perhaps the 1700s?
"Welcome to the Malforia Venicta Mansione," Narcissa said and let go of her son and Harry's arms. She couldn't remember how long ago it was that she was here.
"Wow," Harry muttered in amazement and awe. "It's fantastic!" He felt a sudden change in his behaviour, and he didn't know why. He felt his sadness disappear suddenly, was it because of the house? No, it couldn't be. It's just a house after all. Could it be because of Draco? Harry didn't have a clue. He guessed it was the pancakes he ate as he hadn't eaten anything for days.
Draco saw the sudden change in Harry's demeanour and wondered how that occurred. One minute Harry was depressed and now it looks like he's actually okay? Maybe Severus did something... But he still felt entirely sad and yet chose to ignore his sadness. He snuck up behind him and hugged him from behind. "He, and it sure is," he whispered into Harry's ear and gave his earlobe a little nibble.
"Smooth, son," Narcissa said, smiling at her son's flirtation with Harry. Merlin, get these two a room please. "Very smooth."
Draco felt himself blush raw, kissed Harry's earlobe and made a trail of kisses to his cheek and cupped his hands over Harry's hands. "You have seen nothing yet, my Darling Harry," he said with a grin, completely ignoring his mother right now as he's got the most beautiful man in his arms right now.
"Well, let's go then," Harry whispered, turning his head to the side to look deep into Draco's silver eyes that glimmered with something only Harry knows of: love and a little bit of lust. It was beautiful to Harry, to see that in Draco's eyes, but to also just see Draco. He missed him over the week. His holiday just felt like being trapped in a box of torture and he couldn't get out.
Draco sadly smiled, twirled Harry around and pulled him out of the lounge room. Harry let himself be pulled around this big historical building. It was like a museum. Big, fancy, elegant and rich. All Harry knew that it probably looked nothing like Malfoy Manor, as it was big and filled with white, gold and silver walls that looked like it was housed to a royal. "Are you sure this isn't one of the Queens' castles, Draco?"
"Queen?" Draco asked with furrowed eyebrows, looking to his side into emerald green eyes filled with wonder. What was Harry talking about? What queen?
"Yes, the Queen of England," Harry said with a nod. He noticed the confusion on Draco's face and smiled adoringly. How can someone be so adorable yet hot at the same time?
"There hasn't been a royal monastery in decades, Harry," Draco replied, not knowing what Harry meant. He smiled back at that gorgeous smile he hasn't seen in a long time. It's so pretty and gives him butterflies from deep within his gut.
"Don't you know of the Royal Family of England?" Harry asked curiously. "Wait...there use to be wizard royalty? But I meant the muggle royal family. You know, Prince Charles, the deceased Princess Diana, Prince Harry, Princess Kate, and Prince William?"
"I know a little bit about the Muggle Royals as one of my ancestors was a right-hand man for a king a long time ago, I believe," Draco said and tried remembering all he read in the Malfoy family book as a child. "I recall father saying that the throne actually could have been passed down onto my ancestor but I don't believe that. It could have been true though" He wanted to flirt and say how hot it was to have your name used by a prince or even to ask if Harry was that royal prince, which Draco obviously knew was false even if he treats Harry like a prince but that's because he deserves it. Harry is his prince charming, and he himself is Harry's prince also.
Harry looked Draco up and down, studying him with his eyes. He couldn't believe he could be dating an actual prince, but then again he could. He could imagine that though, Draco and the Malfoy's being apart of the Royal Family of England by their posh lifestyle and enormous wealth. "My boyfriend's a bloody prince," he says and enjoys the disbelieved laugh coming from Draco's mouth. His eyes caught onto a white vase with little blue flowers painted on it standing at the end of the hallway. "Any who, weren't you going to show me something?"
Draco's smile grew. "Yes, indeed I was," he said, tightening his grip on Harry's hand and led him up to his bedroom which he hasn't seen for a long time. They strode through many lit hallways, and up spiralling stairs until they reached a large white door. Harry looked at Draco and Draco shared his gaze. Draco opened the door and led Harry into his room. It looked the same as his one in Malfoy Manor, but with more vibrant colours of greens and whites.
Harry stared around the room in amazement. It was about the same size as the Gryffindor bedroom back at Hogwarts but with green and white colours. There was a large double bed with multiple green silk pillows and a Duvet by the wall in front of them, a shining diamond chandelier on the roof, a walk-in wardrobe, some really comfy looking chairs by the large rectangular windows, a balcony with black flowy curtains. He about seven pillows on Draco's bed. How could someone have so many pillows on one bed?
"This is where you'll be staying, Harry."
Harry looked directly back at Draco; he swore the chandelier was making Draco's eyes sparkle like diamonds and it was just so beautiful. "W-what about you?" he had to ask. He was sure a manor this big would have other bedrooms for guests. Actually, it was probably big enough to have a Grand Ball room in it.
"This, my beloved boyfriend..." Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, bringing their bodies closer together until he could feel Harry's most used and exciting part pressed against his own but underneath layers of clothing. "-is our room, if you don't mind sharing."
"I don't mind, we've slept together before," Harry said while placing his hands around Draco's neck and leaned forward to kiss and nibble on the Slytherin's nose. He could sense the need in Draco's body language, and he could see it in his sparkly eyes too. He wanted to just inhale the need vibrating out of Draco like bite down on Draco's manhood in order to feel and taste something incredible.
"Oh, I know," Draco said and tilted his head slightly to the side so he was an inch closer to Harry's lips. "And I hope we do more than that again sometime during the rest of the holidays. I'm excited for it, a part of me you love and take such great care of is excited for it."
"Of course, but more than once," Harry said, leaning an inch closer to Draco until their noses touched, and one of his hands explored down Draco's back to his arse cheeks in an easy movement. When seeing the lust grow in Draco's eyes, he smirked, slipped his fingers under Draco's trouser line until he could feel raw skin.
Draco gave a sigh from the touch, and Harry knew that's his way of saying more, and so he gave him what he wanted by sliding his hand around Draco's waist, feeling his hipbone, and moving down until his fingers came into contact with the tiny course hairs on Draco's groin and the hard flesh of his cock that excited Harry to the core.
"Way more than once, Harry," Draco said with a throaty groan, closing the distance between them in a soft and needy kiss while begging Harry with tiny thrusts upwards to do something, anything with his dick. Harry kissed back eagerly, craving Draco's touch and taste. Draco slowly pulled Harry to his bed, still kissing him needingly and he whimpered when Harry's hot hand moved up from his cock and disappeared from his skin.
Harry ran his fingers up Draco's skin until his fingers touched Draco's dark grey turtleneck sweater. He ran his hands up and under Draco's shirt until he was touching Draco's nipple and he gave it a little flick with his finger.
Draco moaned in the kiss and pushed himself up against the bed's end, taking Harry with him and started playing with Harry's black long-sleeved shirt. He licked across Harry's bottom lip, asking for entrance and finally after fighting for it, he got it and slipped his tongue in Harry's mouth. Harry moaned as Draco started tasting his mouth with his hot delicious tongue, he felt Draco draw circles below his waist and felt himself start to harden from his touch. Draco kept tasting Harry, drawing circles below Harry's stomach, and slowly started moving his fingers down to Harry's pants line.
Harry pulled Draco's shirt off and admired the beauty of his boyfriend and Draco smirked and took off Harry's shirt. Harry lifted his arms up, so it was easier for Draco to remove Harry's shirt. Draco chucked the shirt to the floor and tried to ignore the familiar but also new cuts on Harry's arms. He took over and kissed Harry hard again, pushing Harry onto the bed.
Harry crawled backwards onto the bed until he reached the pillows but he didn't lay down on them. Instead, he sat up, his arms supporting him behind him on the pillows and he had a cocky grin on his face. "Don't go wasting your emotion," he said, watching as Draco crawled over to him on the bed in a rather sexy way. "Lay all your love on me." That made Draco's eyes darken with lust, understanding what the meaning of what Harry said was.
"Don't go sharing your devotion," Harry continued his way of getting what he wants, though he knew Draco would never share love with anybody else but him. "Lay all your love on me." When Draco was close enough to Harry, he wrapped an arm around Harry's back and pulled him down onto his back so he was over him and he kissed him eagerly, his legs and arms spread apart on either side of Harry.
Harry moved his hands down Draco's chest to his pants and unzipped them. He pulled them off with force he never knew he had and chucked them away, he didn't care where they ended up as long as they were away so he could feel Draco again. Draco helped to get his pants off, but he also helped with unbuttoning Harry's pants and sliding them off his legs. Once both boys were only in their boxers, they rubbed themselves on each other, kissing eagerly, moaning, and wanting more. Harry pulled Draco's boxers down, feeling himself harden as he felt Draco's hardness.
Draco pulled off Harry's boxers, chucked them out of the way and sat on his knees in front of Harry. He slowly leaned forward and rubbed his hardness on Harry's stomach as he kissed him. Harry moaned and reached for his wand, wanting to magically get his lubricant from in his trunk but barely remembered the no magic outside of school rule. "Lube, my trunk."
Draco nodded, but before he did anything, he crawled back a bit until his face was right in front of Harry's ass. He spread Harry's legs apart easily, pushed his tongue past his lips and licked Harry's hole teasingly and hungrily. He ran his tongue over the entire length of Harry's arse, making it wet and slippery and shiny, and then circled his tongue around the hole just to tease the Gryffindor. When he heard Harry whimper which went straight to his groin, he finally inserted his tongue into Harry's entrance slowly. Harry whimpered again at the feeling, but that whimper turned into a moan as Draco pushed his tongue deeper and deeper inside of him.
When Draco pushed his tongue in all the way, he felt himself harden and then reached down to stroke his shaft. He kept sliding his tongue in and out of Harry slowly and he moaned as he felt the familiar feeling inside his gut start. Harry whimpered from Draco's moan as the tongue inside him vibrated, and Draco slid his tongue out when satisfied with how wet he made Harry's entrance, leaned up, and sat on his knees in front of him. He teasingly rubbed his prick over and around Harry's entrance and smirked when he watched Harry look so needy for more.
"Do it, Draco," Harry whined as he wanted more. "I want you."
Draco kept the smirk on his lips. "I want you too, but patience Harry."
Harry groaned and reached down and grabbed Draco's prick, starting to jerk it hard just to get back at Draco. All he wanted was pleasure and to rid himself of the guilt and unhappiness trying to fight its way to the front of his mind but something was keeping it back. He didn't know what it was. He just wanted the unhappy feelings to leave.
"Alright, turn around you impatient twat." Draco just wanted nothing more than to enter Harry and give him love and pleasure. Fighting the urge just to push in and make love with Harry raw, he leaned away and crawled to the end of Harry's bed, and there he could see Harry's trunk. Thanks Misky. He spread his legs apart to balance his weight as he leaned down and opened Harry's trunk, but also to give Harry a good view of his arse crack.
He searched the contents of Harry's trunk and when he found the familiar bottle of lubricant hidden underneath some clothes and grabbed it, he yelped as a hot wet tongue lapped at his arse. He pulled the lubricant towards him while moaning and riding the familiar waves of pleasure from Harry's tongue. Not wanting to waste anymore time, but loving this moment, he turned around to find Harry licking his lips and Merlin, he could have just came right there. He placed an arm around Harry's back, brought their faces together just for a little kiss, and then Harry leans away and moves back to the pillows. It gave Draco enough time to pour some Lube onto his hands, and coat his prick in it.
Harry turned around when by the pillows of Draco's bed, eyes are dark and bright. Draco crawls over to him, presses one knee against his arse, shifting him closer. Harry reaches behind him and grabs a hold of Draco's prick, his eyes fixed on the Slytherin's as he slowly, carefully presses back onto it. He slides slowly down, taking the blonde into him, and he can see the flutter of Draco's pulse in his throat. His lip trembles: his fingernails dig into the mattress. He barely has the head of Draco's cock in him and already he's stretched. He's missed this, missed having Draco inside of him, missed watching the want and need and lust flit across Draco's face as Harry press further down.
And then Draco rocks up, lifts his hips off the mattress, and to hell with taking care. Harry slams down, crying out as the Slytherin's cock fills his arse. Harry catches himself on Draco's stomach, one hand over the other, and they move together, pressing against each other roughly. Harry's cock bounces between both of them; his balls slide over his skin. He spreads his knees as wide as he can, not caring that they ache on the mattress. All he wants is to feel Draco inside of him, thrusting, fucking, taking him—
With one rough jerk, Draco rips free of the chains constraining his wrists. His hands catch Harry's arse, dig into his skin, rubbing, pulling, tugging him into each quick shove of his cock.
"Oh, God," Harry moans, and he leans down to kiss Draco eagerly.
Draco chuckles, deep, and in a moment Harry's on his back and Draco is over him, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. Harry can't stop himself from licking it away. It's salty and musky and he brushes his mouth against the blonde's damp hair, dragging his fingertips over the slick, hot skin of the Slytherin's shoulders. Another rough thrust and Harry arches against him, flexing his toes, then digging his heel against the mattress, the better to roll his hips into Draco's next press.
Their gasps fill the room. Harry's arse aches, burns and there's nothing better than that, nothing he wants more than to feel Draco, to move against him, his flushed skin sliding over the blonde's, his cock pressed between the both of them until there's nothing else in this world but the Slytherin and himself, and God, faster please, Merlin—
Draco grabs Harry's leg, pulls it over his hip and the Gryffindor cries out, a sharp keen as his head falls back, his throat exposed, and Draco's teeth scrape across his skin there as the blonde Slytherin slams into Harry again, lifting him off the mattress with each quick shove of his hips.
"I'm close, so close, and I want—oh, God," Harry does know what he wants. To touch Draco, to have the blonde touch him. For this never to end. Draco flails out with one hand, slapping his palm against the mattress, and Harry barely notices the sting or the twist in his shoulder as Draco rocks into him again. The muscles in the Slytherin's arm clench and release; his eyes are glazed; his breath comes in short gasps.
"Draco," Harry says. "Draco, oh Draco—" Harry's hand slides between the two. Draco's fingers curl around the Gryffindor's prick. Harry jerks, roughly, matching the blonde Slytherin's strokes, and all he can see are his eyes—God, so silver, so silver, such a very beautiful silver—and the shock of whitish blonde hair that falls into them. "My Draco—"
Harry tenses and groans and catches Draco's arm with one hand, digging his nails into the Slytherin's skin as his other hand tugs at Harry's cock, and with a cry, toes curled into the mattress, Harry comes hot and sticky over his own fingers.
Harry's heart thuds. He gasps raggedly, sucking in air that burns his lungs. His hand slows, smears come over heated, stretched foreskin. Harry can still feel Draco inside himself, the blonde thrusts erratic as he groans against Harry's cheek. Draco turns his head, and their mouths meet again. Desperate. Hungry.
"Come in me," Harry whispers against Draco's lips, and Draco shudders, his shoulders tensing. Draco pulls out of Harry; he feels bereft until the Slytherin straddles Harry's hips, his cock in one hand, and Harry grabs his thighs. "Yes." Harry smooths his palms over the Slytherin's skin. "Yes, like that, Draco. Please."
Draco's head falls back. His fingers pull his prick. Harry loves the way they move across his reddened skin, love the way they pull back his foreskin so he can see Draco's slick knob, wet with lube and precome. His thumb sweeps over the head and comes away damp.
"Please." Harry tugs at Draco's hips. There's no magic, no power quite like this. It takes Harry's breath away. "Please, Draco. Now."
Draco groans and twists his palm down his shaft. "Harry—" He lurches forward, catches himself with one hand next to Harry's shoulder. His cock slaps against the Gryffindor's stomach. "Oh, Merlin. Merlin." One more quick tug and Draco comes, splattering over Harry's belly, his chest, mixing with Harry's own cum. Harry tangles his fingers in Draco's hair and pulls him into a long, deep kiss.
"Harry," Draco says, and he's collapsed on Harry now. Harry can barely breathe. Draco bites Harry's lip; sucks it for a moment before he slides off the Gryffindor and pulls him up against his side
"I've missed this," Draco mumbles, feeling the stickiness of his and Harry's cum on his chest. He presses a kiss to Harry's cheek with a smile.
"Yeah," Harry said with a sigh, lowering his legs and tucking them under the green sheets and blanket.
Draco dips his fingers in the cum on Harry's stomach, moves his hand down under the blankets and rubs it around Harry's entrance. As he heard a gasp from the Gryffindor, he repeated the process but slowly inserted his finger inside Harry's widened hole. Harry gasped from the finger wriggling inside his arse. Goodness...
"Now..." Draco said, leaning closer to Harry and slid his finger in until is knuckle touched the Gryffindor's arse. "I read the Daily prophet during the first week and it said you are going to be expelled from school for using underage magic near a muggle. You have no clue how worried I was. I mean, what will I do at school without you? Our secret shagging sessions down in the house bedrooms will be lost forever."
Harry moaned from the finger deep inside him. "I-I was on trial until you, Professor Snape and your mother kidnapped me," he said in a shaky voice. "But didn't you hear about the Dementors?"
Draco's facial expression turned blank and he pulled his finger out of Harry, resting his hand on Harry's stomach. "What Dementors?" he asked, confused. "What in Merlin's beard are you talking about?"
Harry frowned as the finger left his insides and he rolled onto his side so he could face Draco. "Oh, you know, big scary Dementors that will suck your soul out," he explained with a grin on his face, realising how sarcastic he sounded though he was telling the truth. "They attacked me and my cousin, so I had to send a Patronus after them to scare them off otherwise they would have killed my cousin and me."
Draco shook his head in disbelief, "They never said anything about Dementors in the Daily Prophet. I can't believe they are charging you for such a minor defence. You were just protecting yourself from harm, not stealing from a shop in Diagon Alley."
Harry sighed. Whatever happened to people believing him? It has all gone down the drain now. "Yeah, well, the Dementors are innocent, I guess," he replies flatly. "Not me, the bloody Golden Boy of the wizarding world."
Draco chuckled. He smirked as he remembered a little Dementor act he did in his third year with Gregory and Vincent. It was funny while it lasted, but when he saw Harry falling from the sky, he actually regretted the whole thing. "Remember our third year where Crabbe Goyle and I dressed up as Dementors?"
"Ah, yes. That silly stunt you pulled in the third year," Harry said, smiling at the memory even if he did fall around thirty feet from the air.
"Heeeey!" Draco said with a prolonged 'e' and gave Harry a poke in the shoulder. He kissed Harry's shoulder where his poking left a little mark. "That was during my I-want-Harry-Potters-attention-and-I'll-do-anything-to-get-it phrase."
"Oh, you got my attention alright," Harry said with a smirk. "Nearly killed me too, if it weren't for Dumbledore."
Draco rolled his eyes. But then he folded his arm over the pillow and rested his head on it while his finger danced around Harry's stomach. He remembered something from his third year, something only Pansy, Blaise, and Ivy knew about. "You know... while you were still unconscious and in the Hospital Wing, I actually came and saw you on my own."
Harry's eyes widened a little and sparkled with surprise. It made Draco smile and give him a peck on the lips. "You did?" the Gryffindor asks in disbelief, but the nod Draco gave him told him the truth. "I never knew."
"Yeah, it was before your friends were able to see you again," Draco told him, and his hand searched over Harry's body until he found Harry's hand. He intertwined hands with him and gave Harry's nose a little kiss, and to his undying amusement, he watched a blush form back on Harry's face. "I was with Madam Pomfrey though. She didn't trust me enough to leave me alone with you. I um..." He could feel his own blush forming on his face. "I kind of held your hand too and um... whispered my love for you into your ear. I didn't care if Madam Pomfrey heard me, I just had to tell you since you never got to read the note I wrote to you after breaking my elbow. Oh and, when Madam Pomfrey warned me your friends were coming, I may have kissed your forehead before leaving. I don't know why Madam Pomfrey had a smile on her face after I did that. I just guessed she didn't expect that to happen until she told me that she's seen and heard familiar love confessions before her eyes. And that she's helped students by giving them advice. She's not just a healer, but a good person to go to relationship advice for-"
And then Harry kissed him, and he had tears in his eyes from this confession he's never heard before. It just warmed his heart and made millions, if not trillions, of butterflies swarm his stomach. It was just so beautiful to hear. He knows Draco had feelings for him even during their third year. But hearing this and now knowing Draco actually told him this when he was unconscious filled him with happiness.
Draco leaned away from the kiss, a little breathless, and smiled down at Harry. "I wish I could show you the memory of that day so you can see it for yourself," he says though he knows he could just act it out but that would be a little embarrassing. "But right now I want to remind you that you can talk to me about anything. Any worries. Anything that makes you want to hurt yourself. Anything. It even hurts to see you in so much pain. I love you so very much and will do anything I can to help you."
Harry nodded and snuggled up to Draco's chest. He kissed the Slytherin's jaw with a happy sigh. "I love you too, Draco Lucius Malfoy," he says in a quiet voice and trails a hand down Draco's stomach, past his abdomen and down below. He placed a hand on Draco's pubic bone and just rests it there, not moving.
Draco smiled down at him, wanting to make love with Harry again but all he did was kiss him slowly. "By the way, did you see your birthday gifts?" he asked while running a hand through Harry's hair, finding it amusing how his fingers disappear into the thick messy black locks of his boyfriend's scalp. "I know that it's your birthday next week."
"So that's who the presents were from," Harry said thoughtfully with a smile. "Lucky me, I get to spend my birthday with you and I cannot wait. It would actually be the best birthday ever, I believe. My usual birthdays start and end with chores to do. I don't get presents either, besides the few from Ron and Hermione."
Draco smiled as he knew he will give Harry the best birthday ever. It saddened him to know that Harry was never once gifted a birthday present or had a real birthday when he was younger. "I plan your birthday will be the best one you've ever had."
"Mm, it better," Harry said cheekily. He pulled himself on top of Draco so he was seated on his knees, looked down at him for a single second of a moment just to realise how lucky he is to have such an incredible person in his life, and then he leaned down and kissed him.
"Cheeky bugger," Draco said in between kisses before silencing Harry with a deeper kiss. Harry smiled down at him and as he leaned back a bit he realised what he was sitting on. He lifted himself up on his knees, reached underneath him to grab Draco's prick; Draco stared at him curiously but let him do whatever. Harry lined Draco's cock up to his entrance and descended down on him with a concentrated look on his face. He felt Draco's cock slip past his ring of muscles and slide up him all the way until the Slytherin wizard was fully seated inside him. God, he could be seated on Draco like this all day and not care if his arse starts hurting. He could even read for hours like this, as long as Draco's mother doesn't walk in on them.
Draco sighed and leaned his head back on the pillows, panting and feeling himself deep inside Harry once again. It's such a beautiful soul-satisfying feeling. When he felt as if he's calmed down enough he sat up as best he could, one hand supporting his weight while the other hand rubbed circles around the Gryffindor's stomach. "I was going to ask if we should clean ourselves up and head to the kitchens for a snack, but well, I guess not."
"I want to sleep," Harry then mumbled with a smile. Just the feel of having Draco deep inside him makes him feel happy. "I'm bloody fatigued from... you know."
Draco chuckled at how exactly Harry wants to sleep. How can someone sleep in such a lovely position? He doesn't know, but he will try anything with Harry. "This doesn't look like sleeping, Harry," he said with a grin to his face and he kissed the Gryffindor's forehead.
Harry kissed him with love as he slowly rocked back and forth on the Slytherin's cock. The Slytherin moaned and stopped Harry by placing his hands on Harry's waist as he just felt too exhausted to have some more fun, even if Harry could be the one to pleasure him. He met his gaze with the Gryffindor and lied down. The raven-haired lion seemed to know what he wanted, brought their hands together and pulled the blankets over the top of his back and leaned down for a little kiss.
Draco moved his hips just slightly and the Gryffindor on top of him opened his beautiful pink mouth and gasped in pleasure. He just thought that was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his life, even if he's seen Harry looking vulnerable and beautiful in many different other ways when shagging. He reached up and caressed the Gryffindor's cheek while moving his hips up again. Another gasp. He smirked, so beautiful. Such a beautiful man on top of him. He thrust up hard into Harry again. Another gasp and a moan. Merlin, how could he live with such an amazing handsome young man?
With a moan, Harry lowered himself down to kiss Draco again. Draco ran his hands up and down Harry's sides slowly as he kissed back. Merlin, he loved this young man so much. And as he remembered earlier this morning, running for his life into his Godfather's house to find Harry and hold him dear he felt the familiar tears come back again. It just hurt all over. He could have lost Harry if it wasn't for his Godfather. Oh, he really needed to get Severus something to thank him for saving Harry. It has to be something really worthwhile. Perhaps a new cauldron? A new Potions book?
Draco stopped kissing and let the tears fall down his face. What he was wondering was how Harry could go from being all mopey and depressed to quite happy in a couple of hours. It just didn't make sense at all. Harry seemed fine after his mother had apparated them to the manor. But at Severus' place he wasn't at all okay. He was having a mental breakdown, he was crying his soul out and it was heartbreaking to watch. Maybe Severus spiked whatever Harry had for breakfast with a potion? That sounds about right. But would he have done that? Would his scary dungeon bat of a godfather be that nice to Harry and help him like that?
Harry opened his eyes slowly as he registered Draco hadn't been kissing back. He saw the tears falling down his boyfriend's face, brushed a few thin strands of the Slytherin's hair out of his eyes and frowned. "You alright, Hunny?"
Draco nodded. He was alright, he really was. It's just he wanted to know what happened to the mopey Harry he saw earlier today. Maybe his mother would know about this? Perhaps he can Firecall Severus about it later on? "I just really love you, Harry James Potter."
Harry smiled and wiped the falling tears off Draco's face. "I just really really really love you too, Draco Malfoy," he says like a child would to their best friend, but he meant it with all his heart as a lover.
Draco smiled sadly and sat up to kiss him lovingly. Harry smiled in the kiss and moved his arms up to wrap around the Slytherin's neck while his legs wrapped around his back. He moaned as he slightly moved forward and Draco's cock tickled his prostate as he was still deep inside him. "I love having you buried deep inside me, Draco Malfoy."
Draco chuckled softly at how sexual that compliment is and sucked on Harry's bottom lip. He leaned out of the kiss and rubbed circles with his hand around Harry's belly again. "Please remove yourself from my prick so I can finally get some rest, my darling."
Harry laughed, kissed him and did what he was told even if he wanted to stay in that position for as long as he could. He lay down next to the sleepy Slytherin and covered them both with the white sheets and green Duvet.
Draco rolled over so he faced Harry and placed a kiss to the Gryffindor's scar on his forehead. "Sweet dreams, Harry."
Harry buried his head in the pillow and smelt citrus. Delicious. He mumbled, "Night," even though it was nowhere near nighttime.
That afternoon, Harry and Draco were down in the lounge room. Draco was teaching Harry how to play Ode of Joy on the piano. It took some time, and a lot of practice, but Harry got there thanks to the previous lessons at school in the music room. When it was Afternoon Teatime, Harry asked if Draco would want anything to eat and drink.
"Harry," Draco said sweetly. His arms wrapped around Harry's waist and he nudged his nose in the crook of his neck. "You don't have to. And don't forget that you're my guest. I should be asking you what you would like."
"I want to, and it's the least I can do," Harry said quietly and rubbed Draco's cheek with his thumb. It's just what he wants to do for his incredible boyfriend. Draco has done so much for him, and even though getting something from the kitchen is a little thing, it means a lot to him just to be able to do something for him.
"Why though?" asked Draco with an adoring smile. He loved how sweet Harry could be but he truly didn't want Harry to do stuff for him. He has house elves for that if he wanted anything like food or someone to clean his clothes for him.
"For everything you've ever done for me," Harry said and kissed Draco's cheek affectionately and as a silent thank you for everything he has ever done. "Noticing I need help, loving me no matter what weird flaws and traits I have."
"Oh, alright," Draco said eventually and sighed in defeat as he was a little hungry. Especially since making love to Harry a couple hours ago. "But, one biscuit and a cup of tea won't satisfy me."
"What will then?" Harry asked with a smirk, and his hand travelled down to Draco's waist. He knew what Draco wanted. How could he not? He could sense the sexual need in Draco whenever it appears.
"You know exactly what I'm asking for," Draco said, it nearly sounded like a purr. He poked his tongue out, and Harry captured his tongue in his mouth. Draco smiled as Harry began sucking on his tongue which is a little weird but he doesn't mind. He pulled his tongue out of Harry's mouth just so he could say, "But that'll be some other time."
"That, I can do," Harry whispered with a grin. He licked Draco's top lip for fun. With a smirk, he got up from the piano stool and made his way to the kitchens. Well, he was still new to this place, so he hoped he was going to the kitchens. Harry knew exactly where he was when he smelt freshly made brownies. He walked through the stone archway into the kitchen, and there, he saw Narcissa baking. "I didn't know you cooked, Mrs Malfoy," He said as he walked over to the brownies and got a good whiff of the deliciously smelling chocolates.
"It's just a habit, a stress reliever," Narcissa said with a smile while taking a bite from a brownie she made and sighed with delight. "Go ahead, have one and take one to Draco too."
Harry nodded and searched the cupboards for plates and when he found them, he grabbed two small golden rimmed plates and placed two brownies on each. "Thanks, Mrs Malfoy," he said gratefully. He was licking his lips from the sensational smell that was hovering around his nostrils.
"It's no problem dear, and please, call me Narcissa," Narcissa asked of him kindly. "Or mom," she added with a smile. She'd love to have another person in the family. And Harry seems like an amazing young man for her Dragon.
"Okay... Narcissa," Harry said, getting used to the name coming out of his mouth. He felt a sense of Deja Vu and remembered Molly asking him to call her by her first name too. He also cringed at the title, calling your own boyfriend's mother 'mom' was weird, until you marry into the family then it's okay. "Right, well, I'm just going to head back to Draco. These brownies look scrumptious by the way!"
Narcissa smiled at the compliments of her cooking. "Thank you, dear. Oh, also, since we're in another country, you and Draco may explore Venice like it's London," she suggested. "Go on a few dates, explore, you know, couple things."
Harry nodded again and felt his cheeks flush a little as he thanked Draco's mother. He turned to leave but was stopped as he heard Narcissa say something a little embarrassing. "Oh, and please use silencing charms next time you and my Draco decide to... know..."
Harry's cheeks flushed redder in embarrassment as he looked at her. He admired her bravery to actually say something like that though. "Um... I' m sorry about that," he said awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head with his free hand.
"No need to apologise, Harry," Narcissa said sweetly, taking another bite from the brownie she had in her hand. "It's normal to do things like that, especially with the one you love. Especially with my Draco."
"Right..." Harry said awkwardly, not liking where this conversation is heading to but he did find it a little amusing. It was just strange having a conversation about sex with an adult you don't know that much about. "Yes, I'm... just going to go now... See you soon Mrs-, sorry. I mean, Narcissa."
"May I ask why you used underage magic, Harry?" Narcissa suddenly asked, her smile fading as she ate the last of her brownie. It's been all over the news from what she could tell. Even Draco was worried about harry the entire week after the latest Daily Prophet article came out.
"Oh, that... um..." Harry said, trailing off at the memory but then he snapped back into reality. He felt this kind of motherly vibe with Narcissa, but it was much stronger than Molly's. He didn't know why but felt like he could talk to her about anything. Well, anything that's not worrying. "Well, I was just at the park and my muggle cousin and his gang came up to me. And all of a sudden, these massive storm clouds came out of nowhere and everything had become cold and depressing and then the Dementors showed up. I had to use magic to ward them off, by magic I mean the Patronus charm. I had to save my cousin from the Dementors and then we ran back home." Harry left out the other bits as he didn't want Narcissa to worry too much and he was glad he didn't because he could see the shock on her face.
"Oh, my," Narcissa said in a shocked tone, her blue eyes staring blankly at him. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that, Harry. No wizard or Witch should. The prophet never said anything about Dementors though."
Harry sighed deeply. That was true. Nobody should have to run from a Dementor as they should be in Azkaban guarding the prisoners. "Yeah, I told Draco about the Dementors too," he tells her. "He was just as shocked about the Dementor part as you are."
"Harry," Narcissa said softly, wanting to make sure her son's boyfriend knows how much he is loved. "Whenever you want to, you can talk to both me and Draco about whatever is going on in life that made you...that made you depressed. We're always here for you, Harry. You're now apart of this family and I couldn't be happier knowing my son's dating such a kind and generous young man. I don't even care if you're a Pure-blood or not. As long as my son is happy, it is all that matters most to me."
Harry gave Narcissa a small smile. Draco is so lucky to have such an amazing mother. "Thanks, Narcissa," he replies happily. "If I do want to talk, I will come to you and Draco when I feel I can. And thank you for accepting me as who I am, and not just about my blood."
Narcissa smiled. She was glad this young man would want to talk to her and her Dragon about... such dark stuff. She will never tell a soul about whatever Harry tells her though. "Good, Good. Now, I don't want to keep Draco waiting. Misky will bring the tea. Off you go, Ta-Ta," she said, a smile still on her lips as the boy disappeared from view.
Harry brought the brownies to Draco, laying them on the glass coffee table next to the large L-shaped Couch. He flopped onto the bed part of the couch and sighed. Two yellow mugs of boiling peppermint tea appeared on the coffee table in front of them. He jumped, startled, when another body landed right next to him. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, you can sometimes scare the living muggle out of me."
Draco smiled and grabbed a brownie and a yellow mug of tea after giving Harry a peck on the lips. He nibbled on the brownie and his eyes widened in surprise. He leaned his head on the couch and moaned because of how good the brownie tasted.
Harry looked at the facial expression on Draco's face, knowing it too well from shagging. "I think I may be jealous of the brownie now," he said and gave a death glare at the brownie Draco was eating. He picked up his mug, blew gently on the liquid and took a sip. It filled his insides with warmth as the hot tea travelled down his throat. "Especially because of how you're reacting to the taste and that moan you made."
"Oh, my poor Harry," Draco teased but with a smile. "Are you jealous because you probably think this brownie tastes better than you?" He sighed in disbelief when Harry nodded. "Please, you really do taste better than these brownies, even if they do taste heavenly. Merlin, I'd even give you a blowjob right now if my mother wasn't here with us somewhere close by."
Harry snorted and looked around the room while drinking his tea, not seeing Narcissa anywhere. "How thin are these walls, Hun?" he then asked, lowering his voice just in case. "Are they thin enough for your mother to hear us during... you know or...?" He asked while watching Draco eat the brownie slowly and in a very teasing manor which he wishes that tongue of Draco's was licking and loving a part of him. Just the sight of Draco licking his fingers made him feel aroused.
Draco nearly spat out his brownie in shock. He had to take a sip of his tea just to make sure he doesn't choke on the brownie. He then said in a quiet voice, "She heard us having sex in my room?" The question just popped out of his mouth easily like it wasn't the most embarrassing thing to even think about. Surely he and Harry weren't that loud?
Harry nodded. It was quite embarrassing to remember Narcissa telling him it. "She told me to cast Silencing charms around us when we next do have sex, but we can't do underage magic. I'm sure she knows that though."
Draco smirked and dropped a brownie piece on his shirt purposely. Harry licked his lips and ate the brownie off of Draco's shirt. He then looked up into glimmering silver eyes, leaned in and kissed his boy lovingly. He could taste brownies, Draco, and chocolate and just wanted so much more. Draco kissed back eagerly and squished the little bit of brownie in his hands and wiped it all over Harry's neck. He leaned out of the kiss and started sucking on Harry's neck, eating off the brownie crumbs and making Harry taste like chocolate under his tongue.
Harry moaned softly. He loved when Draco was exploring him, even a little down south. "Your mother also said we can head out and go on dates together around Venice," he said just to give Draco some ideas about possible date ideas. Draco can show him the entire manor but that'll only just take a day of exploring, not a whole holiday. Unless the Manor's bigger than he thinks.
"Sounds," Draco kissed Harry's neck. "Fun." He found Harry's sweet spot and bit down hard, causing Harry to whimper. He licked up Harry's neck to his ears and nibbled on Harry's earlobes. "You're so beautiful, Harry," he whispered while continuing to nibble Harry's earlobe.
Harry smiled from the compliment. He really couldn't get enough of these compliments. "You're exceptionally handsome too, Draco," he gave one right back at him. Right now he wants to do something practical with his Slytherin. "Now, what can we do around here for fun?"
"Shagging," was Draco's only reply. "Giving each other blowjobs."
Harry rolled his eyes at the obvious answers from his lovely sexy boyfriend. It seems sex is all that's on Draco's mind today, and Harry didn't mind it as the thought of sex with Draco again was exciting and arousing. "Of course it is but that's not what I meant, babe."
"What do you mean then?" Draco had asked, kissing Harry's cheek but added a bit of tongue to the kisses just so he can leave wet marks on Harry's skin. Wet marks in which only he can create.
"Like... dancing..." Harry's voice broke from Draco's tongue creating wet trails on his cheek. "I don't know. Just something romantic I can do with you." God the Slytherin really liked teasing. Hell, he would sit on Draco's cock again in this very lounge room and not care if Narcissa walks in and sees them in that kind of position.
Draco smiled as he had the perfect idea of what to do with Harry. "I think I know just the thing," he said while he helped Harry up off the couch and led Harry all the way up onto the roof of the manor. It had beautiful views of the whole city of Venice from the railings and it even had a large pool and a spa.
Draco kept Harry about a meter away from the railings, he didn't want anything to happen to his Harry. Or if Harry tried anything and couldn't stop him but he didn't want to think about that. Harry and Draco could see tons of people wandering around the small streets, going into shops, and riding the gondolas around the canals. He stood behind Harry, wrapped his arms around Harry's stomach and kissed his cheek. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"It sure is," Harry said, sighing at the pretty view of a location in which he's never been in his life. In fact, he has never been out of the country. He has seen nothing so amazing in his life. It was like the buildings were floating on top of the water with magic. "It's so magical! How do they get the buildings to float on top of the water?"
"Magic," Draco replied simply with a shrug. It's what he was told anyway.
"Yeah right," Harry said in disbelief with a shake of his head. But he leaned his head back so he could kiss Draco square on the lips. Venice was a muggle built place. So, how could it have magic making it float above water?
"It's true though," Draco whispered after the kiss, this time nudging his nose in Harry's neck and having a nice sniff of his boyfriend. "Wizards are the ones who made the buildings float. Muggle's can't make buildings float."
"No, muggles can make buildings float on water with stilts," Harry told him while inching his face closer to Draco's. He knows that Venice does get rising tides. Unless the magic of this place will protect him, Draco, and Narcissa from the tide. "Well, Venice may be beautiful but it's not as beautiful as you."
Draco felt a raw red blush appear on his cheeks just because he was being compared to a city. A damned city! What a flirt. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "You're so flattering, Harry."
Harry smiled and shrugged a shoulder, "It's what I try to do best."
"Too well, that is," Draco said and trailed soft kisses up and down Harry's neck. "And you're much more beautiful than any flower and city I've ever seen in my entire life. Your eyes remind me of the beauty of nature and all its shades of greens. Your lips when kissed feels like an actual breath of fresh air in a large forest. Oh, what else can I say?"
Harry chuckled while feeling a blush appear on his face and he gasped silently as Draco kissed his sweet spot. Goodness gracious his cotton pickin' soul. "Thank you for all these compliments," he said sweetly with a true bright smile. "Now you're the flattering one."
"I try my best to flatter my beautiful sexy boyfriend," Draco said coquettishly, tightening his grip on Harry because being so close to the edge of the building is so nerving. Especially since he has a suicidal boyfriend who he'll try his best to keep away from certain things he can harm himself with. "I love you so much, Harry James Potter. You don't understand."
"I love you too, Draco Lucius Malfoy," Harry replied and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend even if it started raining pigeon poop. What a way to start the day.
Draco still wanted to know how Harry was still so happy after he'd tried to take his own life. He didn't even want to think about that. It was just so... heartbreaking and sad and... depressing... He wouldn't even know how he'd cope with Harry's death if he did die. Who would even tell him that Harry had died? Would the muggles have kept it a secret? Would Dumbledore tell everyone at the new year's feast? Oh, how upset he would be if he did find out Harry had died. Merlin, how would he cope with living? He'd really feel like apart of him was missing, gone, deleted from existence.
Most importantly, who exactly found Harry? That's what he wanted to know. He knew his godfather had something to do with it and so he needed to talk to him. He wanted to know what happened. He wanted to know where he found Harry before... He just needed to know everything. He knows it would be hard to hear but he really wants to find out. Its just a need. And perhaps if he does talk to Severus, he'll be able to understand a bit more about Harry's depression and everything.
Draco swallowed down the hurtful lump in his throat as he walked to the Floo from his bedroom. Harry was with Narcissa making lunch and so that gave him enough time to talk to Severus. Well, his godfather doesn't exactly know he wants to talk to him, but he really does need to. He needs to know everything.
He threw some Floo powder in the fireplace, kneeled down and said, "Severus Snape's house." The lounge room of his godfather's house appeared through the fireplace in a mass of green flames. He smiled. The Floo flames weren't exactly the colour of Harry's eyes but it was close. But Harry's green eyes were much beautiful than any flame, green or not, in the world.
Draco kept the smile on his face and bit his lip, he was thinking about Harry when he should be talking to Severus. Oh well, Harry is definitely someone he can never take his mind off. He's just so handsome... Focus Draco..., he thought with a smile. You're his boyfriend. You can snog him anytime you want. He chuckled at himself and sighed. "Severus?" he called into the fireplace. "It's me, Draco."
Severus Snape sat down in his favourite black leather armchair and looked at his godson while holding a book he was reading in peace. "Draco," he said coldly. "I've been expecting you."
Draco looked at him and knew that his godfather meant he wanted to talk about Harry. "Yes." He tried to not think of that morning. "I wanted to ask about the night you found Harry... when he was about to..." He felt the tears come back and he blinked them away fast as he didn't want his godfather to see him as weak.
Severus sighed at his godson. He could tell the little snake didn't want to appear weak, but he knew crying wasn't weak. It was good to cry. "Draco, there's no need to confine in your grief. Let it out, it helps."
Draco only stared at his godfather's shoes as he felt as if his eyes didn't have the strength to look up into his godfather's eyes. "I want to know everything, Severus," he said with the courage he was able to muster. "Please, tell me. I don't care if I start to cry about it. I need to know. I deserve to know."
Severus rubbed at his cheek. He knew he had to tell this boy everything he remembered. It was just hard to him too. It reminded him of Lily's death, even if it was murder. He placed the book on the coffee table beside him. "I will proceed to inform you. Where do you intend to commence?"
"Well," Draco trailed off sadly. "I want to ask you if you spiked whatever Harry ate before coming to the manor. He was all depressed and mopey and now he seems happy. Care to explain? Please..."
"I did pour some calming draught and pepper-up potion in Mr Potter's pancake batter," Severus admitted smugly. He was quite proud of his work. If the Potter boy had still been feeling happy since after he spiked the pancakes, then it all should be well. "It improved him, didn't it?"
"Yes..." Draco said and looked at the wooden floorboard beneath him. He just needs to know how long the potions will be effective before they wear off. How long Harry will still be happy for. He now knows how to make Harry happy if he's depressed just with little things like teasing and being embarrassing.
"And is there a problem?" asked Severus carefully. Surely his own potion skills haven't gone to the trolls. Impossible!
Draco shook his head. "No, I just wanted to know," he says a little sadly and dabbed at his eyes with the sleeve of his cashmere sweater. He hesitated and sighed deeply. "And I wanted to thank you, Severus. Thank you for saving Harry before... before I could have lost him."
"Draco, you were not the only one that could have lost the boy," Severus assured him with a small smile, which only he gives to his godson on occasions. "The Weasley's, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Mrs Granger?"
"I know, Severus. I just... I don't..." Draco cleared his throat and looked back at his godfather. Yet again, the lump had come back, and it was hard to swallow. "So, you were the one who found Harry?" Severus nodded. "How did he..."
"Are you certain you aspire to know, Draco?" Severus asked in what he hoped was a soft tone of voice. He didn't want to sadden his godson anymore than he already is.
"Yes," Draco repeated with a slow nod. He wanted to know. Maybe he could help Harry if he knew? All he wants to do is help Harry go through it all. He wants to be there when Harry cries, when Harry feels the worst, when Harry's sick, when he and Harry get married in the future, when Harry comes back from work, when he and Harry have their first child.
"He hung himself," Severus said quietly, but only loud enough so Draco could hear. He didn't want Narcissa to hear it, or even Potter wherever the brat was. It actually was hard enough for him to talk about. He hates admitting it but he might not hate the brat after all. He does care for each one of his students, he just needs to be strict at times and a little sinister just so the students actually do work in his class and don't misbehave. It's his own way of teaching.
"He Hung..." And Draco let the tears fall down his face. His own Harry had tried to kill himself by a rope. Merlin... He was traumatised out of his right mind. He just could not believe it. If Severus hadn't gotten to Harry in time... It would be too late.
Severus frowned at his godson who let all his tears spill out. "Is that all you intended to undergo?" he asked Draco lamentably.
Draco wiped at his eyes with his sleeve again. "I think so... yeah," he says. He then thinks about the future talks he and his godfather could have in the future. He probably would need it anyway. "I can come to talk to you when I need to ask anything else?"
"Of course, Draco," Severus assured him. "I'm constantly here to converse to."
"I can't thank you enough, Severus," Draco said sadly, frowning. He really couldn't thank him enough for all he has done and said. "For saving Harry..."
Severus dismissed a hand for silence. He didn't want to be thanked. It's just a little mission Albus gave him. "It was good seeing you again, Draco. I must now go. This was a good talk."
"Wait..." Draco said quickly and looked to the ground to collect his thoughts again. "How did you know about...? How did you know Harry needed help? How did you get to him in time?"
"Mr Potter's Aunt owled Professor Dumbledore about Harry's state," Severus started. "She had noticed there were cuts on the boy's arm and grew concerned. Her concern even surprised me."
"Oh, so she just found out only days ago?" Draco suddenly snapped. He couldn't believe this. Harry's own Aunt just noticing the cuts from who knows how long Harry had suffered from. Well, he only knew Harry had been suffering since about his third year. But still... And how come his Aunt is only just worrying about him now when she let Harry be abused by his no-good Uncle his entire life?
Severus sighed at the anger from his godson, but he knew it was to come. Just not that loud... "Calm yourself, Draco." He let his godson have a few minute breathers. "As I happened to be stating, and believe it or not, Potter's Aunt does have a soft spot for him."
"She has a sodding funny way of showing it!" Draco snapped again. He calmed himself down as he knew getting angry wouldn't solve anything. He gestures his godfather to continue.
"Dumbledore then informed me of Potter's Aunt's letter and instructed me to check up on him," Severus had said. "I'm just glad I appeared at the correct time... I would have disliked partaking to spread the word that Potter died to the Weasleys, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and you."
"There's no way I can thank you in any other way?" Draco asked sadly and rubbed at his arm, thinking about ways he can thank his godfather. He can buy his godfather anything, but what? "Like a new Potion book?"
"No, Draco," Severus said solemnly, shaking his head. "The only way you can help me is by-" He could tell his godson was listening closely. Why not crack him up a bit? "-not pleading to give me anything because there is nothing for you to give."
Draco's frown turned into a smile and he started chuckling a bit. "Oh, alright." He tried to stop himself from thanking his godfather again. "I will let you go. Have a good afternoon, Sev."
"You too, Draco," Severus replied with that small smile he'll only give his godson.
Draco sat there and watched his godfather go. The flames of the fireplace turned back to yellow and orange and all he could see was the back of the fireplace. He stood up and headed to the kitchen as he just realised how hungry he was. He entered the kitchen and his nostrils filled up with the smell of... Cherry pie and toasties? He groaned from the delicious smell. He smiled at his mother who stood in front of the oven with something round looking in her arms. And on the bench was a plate of fresh cheese toasties. Well, Draco knew there was more in the toasties but couldn't see what.
"You just missed Harry," Narcissa said to her son with a smile. She held the freshly baked cherry pie with large white oven mittens. It was rare to see his mother cooking even if there were a fer house-elves around the Venice manor. "He went looking for you so he could tell you that lunch is ready."
"Thanks, mother," Draco said, sighing because now he had to go looking for Harry and he hoped to Merlin he wasn't lost. At least he remembers all the rooms in the manor even if there were around thirty rooms in total. "I guess I have to find Harry now."
"Yes." Narcissa placed the pie on a plate on the kitchen island. She looked back into her son's eyes and just noticed the worrying redness from what looked like he'd been crying. "Where have you been, if I may ask?" She tried not to sound worried, but she really was.
"Talking to Severus." Draco tried to dip his finger in the little diamond-shaped hole in the pie just to taste the cherries, but his mother swatted his finger away with a yellow tea towel. He nearly growled at her but instead, he just rubbed at his arm. The impact didn't hurt, it was just a little surprise to him.
"Whatever were you talking about?" Narcissa asked curiously as she folded and placed the tea towel in front of her. She crossed her arms over each other on the bench as she looked at her son.
"The night Harry tried to..." Draco trailed off and walked towards the archway that leads out of the kitchen. He didn't want to think about that right now. Not when he has an alive Harry waiting for him somewhere in the house. He stopped and looked back at his mother, "I'm going to find Harry now."
Narcissa gave her son a little nod and gestured he could leave. She had to give the pie to the house elves so they can keep it somewhere safe where no hungry boys get to it. She'll just give it to the house-elves for dessert tonight.
And while Draco began searching for Harry, Harry was just wandering around the Malfoy's Venice Manor, looking at all the artistic walls, floors, and roofs as lunch was ready and he had to find Draco. But he kept staring at the walls around him as they all held a secret. But it wasn't a secret that you would hide from a friend, family or someone you love. No, it was a different kind of secret. A secret that only the building knew. He was just checking out a statue of a Crup when he heard a familiar voice echo through the hallway he was in.
Harry turned around, looking around the hallway he was in for any signs of his boyfriend but he was nowhere to be seen. "Draco?" he called, his voice echoed through the Venetian hallways.
"Up here, you sodding git."
Harry looked up and saw something far interesting than he's ever thought was true. It was Draco, but in a portrait, but a younger version of him. More specifically, he looked like he came from the second year of Hogwarts. He was wearing his Slytherin robes and a sneer on his face. It appeared he was leaning next to a large trophy case filled with, of course, trophies.
"Hello, Draco," Harry said, smiling at the portrait of his boyfriend but younger. He wondered how many portraits Draco had in the manor. Or even in all his manors all over the world.
"Don't call me Draco," portrait Draco sneered with an eyebrow raised from the sound of his first name coming from Harry's lips. Deep down, even if he was just a portrait, he didn't mind at all if Harry called him by his first name. It sounded alien, but he loved it. He seemed to know what Harry was thinking and said, "I have twelve portraits."
Harry rolled his eyes. Of course, Draco has got to have a dozen portraits. "Fine, my beautiful Drakey Boo," he said coquettishly with a wink, and decided to flirt with the younger version of Draco. He could tell that portrait Draco was now blushing from the compliment. It was quite adorable seeing it at such a young age.
"What did you just call me?" portrait Draco scowled, looking Harry up and down with not-so concealed blush to his cheeks. But he knew exactly what Harry had said.
"Oh, so now you're checking me out, huh?" Harry asked, smirking at the oblivious Draco. He really liked how this conversation was going even if he was just talking to a portrait Draco. "Well, two can play it that way." He looked portrait Draco up and down and licked his lips.
"I was never!" portrait Draco said sharply and tried to stop his cheeks from reddening even more. He couldn't after all.
Harry smirked at the younger version of his boyfriend. His beautiful boyfriend. So gorgeous. "You know, you're very beautiful," he said dreamily fluttering his eyelashes at the younger Draco in the portrait.
Portrait Draco glared at Harry, but his lips twitched slightly into a smile and the blush only reddened more. "I don't need you to tell me how utterly gorgeous I am, Potter," he said proudly while running a hand through his blonde hair with pride.
"At least you know since I tell you that every day," Harry said and kept the smirk on his lips. Oh, how he wished his Draco was next to him so he could torment portrait Draco by snogging Draco senseless. The look on portrait's Draco's face would be downright hilarious.
Portrait Draco looked down at Harry and tilted his head quizzically, and he asks "Whatever do you mean, Potter?"
"Oh, you'll soon find out, Honey," Harry said smoothly, winking at the portrait. Oh, he was going to have a lot of fun messing with the other portraits of Draco in the future. He smiled lovingly at the portrait, "Have you ever notice how sparkly your silver eyes are? It's like looking at the moon, or a room full of diamonds, and even the twinkling stars in the atmosphere. So beautiful... You're beautiful, Draco. The most incredible human being I've ever met. Oh, and I should include that you're incredible in bed."
Portrait Draco's blush was raw and red and he looked down at his frame, trying to surpass a smile while he ran his hand through his hair again.
Harry chuckled at the blushing younger version of Draco. This was just so fun to Harry. "Lost your words there, Draco?" he teased with a grin to his face and crossed his arms over his chest.
"I-, umm... Err, I-," Portrait Draco stuttered, not entirely knowing what to say back. This was Harry he was talking to. The boy who rejected him in his first year, the guy he tried his best to be mean to while ignoring the flutter in his heart every time Harry walks in a room he's in, the guy who makes him feel all warm and light inside of his body, the guy who makes him feel all these different feelings when looking at him.
"Harry? Who on earth are you talking to?" Draco asked as he was coming from around a corner and joined Harry who just stood facing the wall. He came to a halt when he saw his younger version in a portrait smiling.
"I was just flirting with the younger version of you," Harry said truthfully as he wrapped his arms around Draco's waist and leaned in slowly to kiss his blonde Slytherin boyfriend. He melted in the kiss when feeling the Slytherin kiss him back, and he felt at home as arms wrapped lightly around his own waist.
Portrait Draco widened his eyes, not believing what he was seeing. "You two are..." Well, he could see it since Harry was somehow in his family's manor in Venice which nobody can locate because of the amounts of wards and charms keeping it out of the human eye. And to muggles, all they can see is a giant old church that looks like it's in ruins. There's just nothing left of the apparent church.
Harry sighed in the kiss and pulled out to stare at familiar but younger silver eyes. "Yes, we're dating," he admits with a happy nod. "And we couldn't be happier without each other. To me, Draco Lucius Malfoy of Slytherin house completes me and I couldn't love him anymore than I do now."
"How?" Portrait Draco asked. He sounded quite amused as he just witnessed the older version of himself snogging his apparent rival but he admits he has liked Potter. Who wouldn't? Those emerald green eyes that he can just stare into for hours and never get bored, that fluffy jet black hair he could run his hands through, those lips that just looked so kissable and yet he watched his older self kiss Harry and how their lips moulded together beautifully. He actually felt a little jealous now.
"It's called love," Draco said sweetly and pressed a gentle kiss to Harry's cheek. He was smirking at how surprised, jealous, and relieved his portrait looked. "And I love him with all my heart and soul. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me."
"Oh, I know you love him," portrait Draco said with a scoff. He rolled his eyes and smiled at them. "I mean, we're the same person and-" He pointed to Harry, "-how could anybody not fall for him?!"
"You fell for me?" Harry asked both Draco and portrait Draco with his hand over his heart. This was just a beautiful moment and his heart was fluttering in his chest from the love he was hearing from Draco. He kissed his Draco's cheek with a smile.
"Of course, how could we not?" Draco and portrait Draco chorused together. They looked at each other, both smirking and Harry couldn't help but laugh. He loves the two Draco's with everything he has. But loves his own Draco more, which he won't admit.
Portrait Draco huffed and smiled. "I mean, those brilliant emerald eyes that shine in the sunlight, that black fluffy sexy as hell messy hair, that smile and lips that look so darn soft and kissable... Who wouldn't want to be your lover, Potter?"
Harry blushed at the compliments and pulled his Draco into a hug. "I love you, babe," he said to the Slytherin beside him and ending the gap between them in a loving kiss.
Portrait Draco swallowed down the jealousy he was feeling. If only he were nicer to Harry back then... "Do I get a kiss too?" he asked shyly and sounding a little bit excited from the thought that popped into his mind.
Harry and Draco both laughed and stared at the portrait. "I don't think you'll be able to feel the kiss anyway," Draco said to his portrait. "Not unless I got another portrait but of me and Harry together."
Portrait Draco sighed. It was unfair for him and practically torture seeing his older self with his crush. But at least he knew that they got together. "True, and speaking of that portrait, when are you two going to be in one?" He placed his arms on his hips, "I'd love to come around and snitch a kiss from my boyfriend."
"Watch it, little me," Draco said arrogantly, narrowing his eyes at his younger self while holding Harry ever so close to him. He even gave him a protective kiss to the temple while glaring at his portrait. "He's mine by the way, not yours... not yet."
"Not yet? What do you mean?" Portrait Draco asked. A sudden burst of excitement shot through him even though he was just a portrait, a lonely portrait of his real self sitting all alone. How he wished he could jump out of his portrait and know what it is like to be free.
"Yeah, Honey," Harry said softly, reaching his free hand up to caress Draco's cheek. "What do you mean?"
"What I mean is, you will get that portrait," Draco said to his portrait self and made a mental note to ask his mother to hire a portrait painter. "So you can snog portrait Harry for as long as you want."
Portrait Draco beamed as he was liking how that sounds. "Excellent!" he said, happy for this future portrait he'll get. "Inform me immediately when it's done."
Draco nodded firmly, "Will do." He then looked at Harry beside him and smiled. "Now, my darling, it's around lunchtime so let's grab a bite to eat. I still need to make sure you're eating properly."
"Okie, dokie," Harry said in a bubbly tone of voice while resting his head on Draco's shoulder and waved to portrait Draco. "Bye now! I hope to see you again."
"Yes, ta-ta Potter," portrait Draco said with a finger wave goodbye.
When Harry and Draco were far enough from the portrait, they both breathed out a sigh of relief. "So, what's for lunch?" Draco had asked, feeling his stomach rumble. He knew there would be Cherry pie and toasties but he wanted to know what kind of toasties he would be eating.
"Anything you want, my love," Harry said and pulled Draco closer to him. He will get Draco anything like something Italian to eat. They are in Italy so the best meals would be around here somewhere. But he would need muggle money for that. Unless he finds a house-elf, but he hasn't seen any around this Venetian Manor at all.
"Anything I want?" Draco asked, smirking at the image he had in his brain of skin against skin, his hands getting a grip of Harry's arse while he slowly takes Harry in his mouth and gives love to Harry's prick.
Harry rolled his eyes at Draco's obvious sex crave for him which he doesn't mind at all. He just kissed Draco's cheek as a promise for love-making soon. "Yes, anything." He kissed Draco's cheek again. "But, nothing sexual. That sexual part can come anytime soon though."
"Your no fun," Draco said with a pout, sighing slowly. He was looking forward to what he had in his mind which he'll possibly get what he wants some other time. Maybe this evening, or tomorrow morning?
"I'm fun when I need to be," Harry said with a wide smile to his face while leading Draco to the kitchen. They ended up having ham, cheese, and tomato toasties for lunch with Cherry pie for afters. They talked about Quidditch, fashion, the best restaurants in Venice and the most romantic places in Venice according to the brochure Narcissa gave them to read that's about Venice. Of course, Draco was the one to talk about fashion, but Harry didn't mind at all as it sounded very interesting and he loved the thought of Draco wearing new clothes.
"I wonder what Ron and Hermione are doing," Harry suddenly said while biting off the crust to his toastie.
"Yeah," Draco said though Weasel and Granger never crossed his mind at all. He watched Harry eat and found it cute how he eats the crust first. "They're probably... I don't know, Ron is probably with Blaise, and Pansy's probably at Hermione's. Or the other way around."
"To get away from that topic..." Harry trailed of as something in his mind has been clawing at him since coming to the manor. "I want to know why I haven't been feeling down lately," he said, and he hesitates for a minute. "I've somehow managed to eat everything I've been given and not had to rush to the toilet to spew it all up."
Draco bit his lip; he knew this question was going to come around sometime soon. " may have made some calming-draught potion and tipped some into your juice when you weren't looking," he said and frowned at what he had done. "And Severus may have given you some pepper-up and eating disorder Potion which was in the pancakes he made."
"You what?!" Harry asked in a mixture of disbelief and shock. He felt slightly annoyed but amused at what Draco and Snape had done for him. But drugging him with these potions? It wouldn't fix him in the long-term. Well, he doesn't think he can be fixed.
"Yeah...umm...sorry, Harry," Draco said guiltily, and he lowered his gaze to the bench top. "I just wanted to help you in some way so you wouldn't go all ignorant on me and wander off who knows where. And I won't give you them anymore if you like. I would stop if you asked me."
"You're lucky I'm still under the potion, otherwise I'd be a little pissed at you," Harry said faintly. He just couldn't believe it. Should he feel mad about this or should he thank Draco and Snape? The pleased look on Snape's face after he would thank him again would haunt him forever.
Draco flinched at the image of Harry shouting at him but cleared his mind from that thought and continued eating his toastie. It was quite delicious. Not so hot and not so cold. Not so toasted and had no slightly burnt bits.
"But thank you, Hun," Harry decided to say, now finding the kitchen bench's white marble tabletop a little interesting. He had decided to apologise as they both saved his life. "I wouldn't even know where I'd be if I wasn't under any potion, or what I'd be doing but I would have a pretty good idea on that. But please, no more potions either."
Draco smiled with a nod and pulled out a piece of tomato from his toastie. "Your welcome," he said while counting all the little yellow seeds on the tomato piece. "And I wouldn't think you'd take any potion when this one wears off as you'd be too..."
"Depressed?" Harry finished with a frown, looking to his side at the blonde Slytherin Wizard.
"Yeah," Draco said with a long sigh. He reached over, cupping Harry's face in his hand and rubbed his thumb over Harry's cheek. "I just want to help you as much as I can, no matter the consequences."
Harry smiled and leaned his head into Draco's hand, rubbing the side of his face over the warmth and comfort of Draco's hand. "Thanks for helping, or at least trying to," he said and when he turned his head to face Draco's hand, hr grabbed Draco's wrist and placed a kiss to the palm of his hand.
Draco felt tingles run through his body from that simple loving gesture, and he leaned forward and kissed Harry's lightning bolt scar with a smile on his face. Harry chuckled softly and kissed the Slytherin's Addams apple, Draco's hand that he had kissed was back on his cheek. "You're welcome, Harry," the Slytherin said. "I'll always help you, it's what boyfriends do best for their boyfriends."
Harry snaked an arm around Draco's waist, feeling the lump known as Draco's waist bone and sighed with a smile. "I love you, Draco," he just had to remind the Slytherin wizard for all he has done for him in the year they've been together for.
Draco's smile widened. He wrapped his other arm around Harry's neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too, Harry Potter," he told his Gryffindor boyfriend, and as Harry looked at him, he pecked him on the lips with a kiss. Even though it was just a peck to the lips, it made his heart do flips with happiness.
"More than anything in the world?" asked Harry smoothly with a smile. But he knows it already after hearing it come from Draco's mouth a lot over the time they started dating since December of last year.
"Yes," Draco whispered and kissed the Gryffindor's nose. He smiled with adoration as he watches Harry's blush appear on his cheeks. "To the moon and back."
"Speaking of the moon..." Harry started and tightened his grip on his Slytherin boyfriend. He wondered if Wizards and Witches knows that men have been to the moon. "Did you know that people have walked on it? The moon, I mean. Men have been to the moon."
"No, I did not know this," Draco said with a shake of his head but felt intrigued. He was suddenly quite interested in this topic. But it's impossible, isn't it? To go to the moon? It's in space! "I guess muggles did it?"
"Yes," Harry said, nodding his head at the fact while breathing in Draco's vanilla-scented cologne. "A Muggle man was the first to walk on the moon. His name is Neil Armstrong and yes, he is a muggle."
"Isn't there no oxygen up in space?" asked Draco, and his eyebrow raised to his hairline where his fringe. "Not to mention the moon or any other planet in space. How could he breathe?" He was sounding more amused and wanted to know a little more about this muggle invention.
"Muggles have invented a ton of things on their own without magic," Harry told him. "One of them is a spacesuit where it supplies oxygen for you. Oh, and a spacecraft where it can actually take people into space. There are even space stations out in space right now with people inside them looking down at the Earth."
"Interesting," Draco said and his eyes trailed down to Harry's lips. "But of course, that's not the only interesting thing that has been made in this world." His voice sounded soft but he could hear the need in it too. It was like a purr. A purr to let Harry know he wanted something. "Or the prettiest."
Harry noticed Draco's staring down at his lips and licked his own lips. "Oh, really?" he asked, amused at the sudden need he could see and so he leaning an inch closer to him. "What's more interesting and prettier then?"
"You, of course," Draco said in a low voice and kissed Harry's lips softly yet lovingly. Harry kissed back with a moan which excited Draco, and he ran his fingers up to Draco's cheek and held his face in his hands. Draco replied by moving his hands up to Harry's hair and threading his fingers through Harry's jet black hair. Harry got off his stool and sat on Draco's lap, wrapping his legs around his waist. Draco broke out of the kiss and started kissing down Harry's jawbone and neck until he reached the sweet spot just under the collar of Harry's shirt and Harry let out a little happy moan. Draco sucked on Harry's sweet spot hard, earning him another small moan from Harry which made him bite down hard until he tasted blood.
"Oh, Draco," Harry whined and bit his lip, just wanting Draco to carry him to his bedroom so they can continue this without getting caught. And he knows this would end up in luscious sex if he was carried to Draco's bedroom. "You're so good for me." He leaned his head back an inch so he gives Draco more room to bite.
"You're good for me too, Harry Potter," Draco whispered and the soft whine he heard only made him bite down harder and he actually tried rubbing himself on Harry, wanting to feel incredible sex once again. Maybe he could bend Harry over the tabletop and make love to him that way. That thought excited him to the point where he leaked in his boxers, wanting nothing more to make that sexual fantasy of his come true. In fact, he wanted to have sex with Harry in every room in his manor but knew that wasn't possible unless his mother's out.
"No blood spillage on these white tiles, please," said a cool female voice who crossed her arms over her chest. Both boys knew it was Narcissa Malfoy who had disturbed their moment. "Oh, shagging on the kitchen bench, please. Leave that for your bedroom and remember to use silencing charms next time," she added, trying to hold down a chuckle by drinking her tea.
Draco looked up at his mother and smiled slightly, "Sure thing, mother." Shagging over the kitchen bench is definitely not going to be erased from his list though. He will get that time with Harry even if he has to force his mother to go shopping somewhere in Venice.
Harry chuckled and started kissing Draco's neck. The Slytherin's salty neck made him trail light feathery kisses down and up to the crook of his neck and then up so he can nibble on his earlobe.
"Right," Draco said with a little gasp. Once again Harry knows where his most pleasured and sweet spots are. "How long have you been watching us for and what makes you think we were going to... do that?" He doesn't like talking about sex with his own mother. It's awkward.
"Long enough to know how intense you were going," Narcissa said, smiling at them both. Though she admits it is nice to see these to give each other love in sweet but weird ways. "And why in Merlin's name were you biting Harry's neck for? You're not a vampire, dear."
"It's what teenagers do these days, mother," Draco said with a smirk to his lips and shrugged. He just wants to give Harry dozens of love bites because he just wants to bite down on Harry's flesh and brand him. "I call them love bites though I know they're called Hickeys thanks to Harry here telling me what they are."
"I love Hickey's," Harry said and continued kissing Draco's neck. He remembered Hermione telling him about Hickey's. Quite the conversation they had back then. It was funny how she thought he had been bitten by a vampire.
"I love the hickey's you give me, Harry?" Draco said, not caring if his own mother heard him say that, and he tilted his head to the side, giving Harry more room to do whatever to his neck. Merlin's Beard, he just wanted to shoo his mother out of the kitchen so he and Harry had the space all to themselves without her to interrupt them from the fun they could possibly have.
Harry sighed and smiled at Draco's pale neck and the little marks he had made. "I love the hickeys you give me, Draco," he whispered while finding Draco's sweet spot. He heard Draco breath in sharply and boy, it was hot. He sucked down on Draco's sweet spot softly and teasingly.
Narcissa raised an eyebrow at Harry and how he's sucking on her son's neck. It was utterly weird but she let it be. "Well, I'm off to my art studio."
Harry looked up at Narcissa, furrowed his eyebrows curiously and asked, "You're an artist?" He had never thought about pure-bloods creating artwork. It was new to him to hear, and whatever these art pieces are, he would like to see them if Narcissa doesn't mind.
Narcissa nodded with a smile. Painting is very calming too her, it helps her when she knows her husband is with... Lord Voldemort. "Yes, I like painting elegance, flowers, animals, or expensive objects."
"Speaking of painting," Draco said with a grin as he placed his arms on Harry's waist and rubbed them up and down. "Do you know anyone who would paint me and Harry's portrait? Or will you be able to?"
Narcissa looked surprised at the sudden mention of portrait painting. "I can't paint people, but I can arrange a painter to come by and paint you a portrait," she said while taking another sip of her tea. She then got an idea and grinned to herself, but she'll have to wait until these two finally get out of the manor.
"Please do, mother," Draco asked of her sweetly. He really wanted a portrait of himself with Harry in it so he can just look at it and admire it with Harry. It's like the day he got out the pictures from the Yule Ball and showed them to his mother on the first full day of the holidays. She actually put them in a photo album for him, which he is fine with that but really didn't think about that. He is just lucky that the photo album is back at Malfoy manor. "We would love to have a portrait of us snogging somewhere." He kissed Harry's cheek. "Isn't that right, Harry?"
"Yes, I'd love a portrait of us," Harry said lovingly, looking deep into his boyfriend's eyes and feeling himself get lost in them. "I'm sure the younger version of you in your portrait would be thrilled to push his way into our portrait and snog the portrait version of me."
Draco laughed at the image of his younger portrait self sneaking into the new portrait they would have done and began snogging portrait Harry. "Oh, I'm he'd sure love to. He would be all over you, you know?"
"I'll arrange it for this Saturday then," Narcissa said with one last smile as she left the room.
"Mm," Harry hummed as Draco's mother had left them all alone. "Now, where were we?" he asked eagerly and licked his lips. Draco smirked, licked his lips, and leaned in to capture Harry's lips in a kiss. He just loves these snogging sessions and hopes, no, he knows they will never end unless someone interrupts them.
Suddenly, the kissing stopped, and they both looked at each other, knowing what the other wanted. Harry had just got off Draco's lap, and his hands were already fumbling with the belt of Draco's pants. Things started to happen down below for Draco, he wasn't completely soft when he felt the hand close around his cock and balls and give a tempting squeeze, rolling his eyeballs back in his skull for a fraction of a second.
Draco pushed Harry backwards carefully, until his thighs rested against the kitchen counter top. His pulse was thumping, now, and he let his shirt be tugged off him so that he was naked, except for the fabric of his sweatpants.
"Turn around, Harry." The words were whispered, but they were commanding. Harry did what he was told, and felt sweatpants and his boxers pulled onto the floor. He was fully naked now, and waiting on Draco's first move.
Draco's hands were all over him: tracing paths on his chest, down his sides, and tickling circles on his buttocks. He was fully hard now, and he touched himself as Draco touched his body, moaning quietly into the silence of the kitchen.
When Draco's hands pressed him forward, Harry bent over the kitchen table top, curling his fingers around the bevelled edges and letting his chest and his cheek rest heavily against the wood. The scrape of a chair told him Draco had just sat down behind him, which meant...
"Oh, god," he groaned. Draco hadn't wasted any time. Harry had felt himself spread wide by firm hands, and then Draco had leaned in and kissed him. Right there. His lips were warm, wet, and they moulded themselves to the contours of Harry's body. The kiss was no less love-laden than one placed on the lips, and Harry felt his knees quake under the explosion of lust in his belly.
Draco breathed against him, and his breath was burning hot. Harry whimpered. Draco's tongue traced a smooth, wide line up and down before centring in on the faint dip where Harry's body would open up under his touch. He licked it with infinite care, his tongue pointy one moment and flat the next, wringing different reactions from Harry's tortured nerve endings. He cannot believe this is happening when Narcissa could come in at any moment. Well, he hoped she was busy painting.
With an exquisite squelch, Harry heard as well as felt Draco's tongue push inside him, wriggling purposefully and making him wet as it taunted him with sensations that were almost too good to bear. He couldn't help but jam himself into Draco's face, eager for more tongue, unable to accept that it wasn't bigger, longer.
Draco continued to rim him like it was a kiss, all moist, mobile lips and darting tongue, until Harry thought he might go insane. His fingers were numb, their circulation long since cut off as he gripped the tabletop for all he was worth. Who could ever have imagined a more perfect, dirty seduction? It wasn't just lust swelling Harry's gut. It was love, too, and there couldn't possibly be a more intoxicating blend of emotions. Not anywhere.
Harry actually felt devastated when Draco drew away from him. It was like a bereavement, every muscle and nerve singing their tension, primed, and at the peak of arousal. At least, that was what Harry thought, until the head of Draco's penis pressed against him and slipped inside. And then he knew that everything up until that point was a pale imitation of what his body was capable of.
Draco was barely in him and he felt full. He couldn't have moved, not for anything. Harry felt his body split in two in the most incredible, achingly beautiful way, as Draco slid another, then another inch inside, going so slowly, handling him with worship and care.
"I'm yours," he heard himself say; yet he hadn't even considered speaking. His voice was tight, choked with emotion. Draco stroked his quivering thigh with a gentle hand, soothing him, helping him ground himself again.
"Let me love you," Draco whispered, and the words rang out clear, even though Harry's ears were echoing with the whirlwind of his own harsh breaths.
The inexorable, unhurried penetration overrode Harry's ability to speak for a while, and he could do nothing except feel. When he could collect himself enough to murmur, "Love me..."
Draco told him tenderly, "I will, Harry. In every way." There was no room for conscious thought after that. They were merely two bodies; two people sharing their love, with all the time in the world.
And then after, they hurried over to the lounge room naked, peeked around the corner to see if its empty which it was, and rushed over to the large lounge chair which they collapsed onto and snuggled up to each other. There was a little red and orange blanket which was a decoration for the couch but Draco just yanked it down and covered their naked bodies with it. Then he gave Harry a sleepy kiss and fell asleep in his arms as he closed his eyes, and Harry fell asleep just a second after him.
Harry was on the porch of Draco's bedroom upstairs, smoking because he had felt the effects of the potions wear off as he woke up. He had gotten out of bed and silently crept to his trunk in search for his cigarette box instead of cutting himself in the bathroom. He kept the lighter he stole from the kitchens in the Dursleys kitchen so he always has something to light his ciggie up with.
He just watched the seagulls and pigeons fly from roof to roof, the gondolas in the canals transporting people to different locations, and the little ocean waves rolling through the canals when smoking his depression away for a while. The smell of the ocean sea filled his nostrils, and it was the most amazing thing he has ever seen and smelt when waking up on a nice morning on his Holiday.
Harry looked inside at Draco who was sleeping peacefully in that nice elegant warm bed of his, probably filled with semen from all the sex they had from the day they came to Venice. Well, from the night he tried killing himself. That memory was still fresh in his mind and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what he tried.
He smiled at his sleepy boyfriend, then turned around and blew out the smoke from his lungs into the cool Venice air, watching it disappear over the roof of some Venice house beside the Malfoy Venice manor he was in. It was amusing to watch, and he kind of missed it over the week.
He heard the sound of a melodic yawn and turned around, finding his half-naked boyfriend getting off the bed and walking over to him. He smirked as he looked Draco up and down, loving waking up in the morning to see this handsome beauty beside him. And oh, the sex he cannot forget too. Especially last night. It was beautiful like always but gets better every time.
He even taught Draco how to twerk and goodness, it is so sexy. The Slytherin even twerked for a few seconds as Harry fucked him hard in the arse. Just the way Draco's arse moves and shows every bit of raw skin just makes Harry want to fuck him all night or just masturbate and come on his arse cheeks as he twerks.
Draco walked out to the balcony and the first thing he smells is rancid smoke. He coughs, gagged a little and steps back into his bedroom. "What is that repulsive smell?" he asks in disgust and looks at Harry who breathed smoke out of his nose just like a dragon does. He admits, that is a little sexy, and unnatural for a human being to do. But how is he doing that?
Harry laughs and flicks off the ashed end of the cigarette, just like what he had seen Julian do. "Long story short I woke up feeling like shit, and instead of cutting in the bathroom like I normally do, I decided to come out here and smoke."
Draco's eyes went directly to the long circular shape in Harry's hand and he just stared at it. Then he remembered what his godfather had said about smoking, and how dangerous it is. "Harry!" he says in a shocked voice and tried snatching the cigarette away from Harry, but all the Gryffindor did was kiss him to distract him.
It didn't work on Draco though, so when he deepens the kiss just by a fraction, he steals the cigarette away from Harry and leans away. He quickly glances over Harry's shoulder for people who could be watching them, and when the coast is clear he pulls down his pants, showing Harry that he doesn't even have boxers on, and he presses his cock up to the bulge in Harry's pants.
He throws the cigarette beside him, not caring where it goes, and he leans forward until his lips graze Harry's earlobe. "Give me sex, Harry," he whispers into the Gryffindor's ears while sliding his hand down Harry's pants and grabbing a hold of Harry's thick length, giving it a needy squeeze. "Have sex with me again until you fill me up with enough semen to make a man pregnant. Fill me up with all of your delicious semen, Harry."
Harry smirks and thrusts up into Draco's hand, telling him exactly what his answer is. "Lead me to your bed then, daddy Draco," he says with a flirty wink, and that's when Draco pulls Harry's pants down past his waist so Harry's full cock and balls are on show.
Draco hadn't a clue why Harry was referring to him as 'daddy'. It was weird, and if he was trying to be or sound sexy, it really wasn't anything of the sort. It was just odd, and he didn't like it. "First off, don't call me daddy," he says as he kneels to the ground and places a kiss to the head of the delicious meaty cock he's facing. "The term 'Daddy' will be used for our future children if we somehow are able to have them. Or you could call my father that when you marry me in years time, if that ever happens."
He feels the first drop of clear liquid leak out of him onto his thigh as he gives Harry's groin a good hard sniff, smelling the beautiful musky scent of Harry and his manhood. Then he takes Harry's cock in his hands and licks the slit, gathering the delicious salty sweetness of Harry's precome on his tongue while staring up at the face of Harry Potter whose face and eyes are full and shiny for lust. "Yes, Harry. Give it all to me. And second of all, I would like it if you stop smoking." He sees the frown slowly appear on Harry's face and he stands up to meet Harry's gaze once again. "It's incredibly bad for you, darling. If I breathe it in, it'll damage my lungs, and my mothers lungs if this smoke is inside of the manor. Just think, Harry. If we somehow have kids in the future whenever that will be, don't you think the damage to your lungs will affect our kids too?"
"Draco, you don't understand," Harry finally says, and yet he hasn't managed to tell him why he smokes. "You and everyone else doesn't understand. Smoking helps me, it gives me really good feelings when I breathe it in."
Draco shakes his head. He doesn't want to hear this and how it apparently helps Harry by poisoning his insides. "Harry, listen to me," he says in a serious tone and twines their hands together. "Are you listening to me?" When Harry nods, he continued. "Good. Harry, there are many ways in which I can help you deal with this pain. That therapist you had an appointment with told us both many different ways that you can cope with your depression like rubbing an ice cube over your arm where you cut, or drawing over your skin with red ink which I can buy for you, or you can write your emotions down in a book. There are so many different ways, Harry. I want to help you. Let me help you."
Harry breathed out a long deep breath like it could remove all the poisonous substance smoke still left inside his lungs and looked down to the ground, finding the cigarette Draco took from him on the floor. But then the figure of Draco was the only thing he saw, and then he realised Draco had grabbed the cigarette off the floor and held it in front of his mouth like he was going to use it. "Draco..." he says carefully and watches in horror as Draco opens his mouth, but Harry swats the cigarette out of his hand. "What are you doing! I don't want you smoking just because I do. I don't want you dying!"
"Then don't smoke, Harry," Draco says in quite a dazed state and throws the cigarette over the edge of the building. He didn't hear where it landed. "It's simple. Now... I still want something from you. You still owe me a lot of sex from that one first week of holidays that we were apart from."
Harry's frown suddenly turns upside down and that same sexy smirk that Draco loves seeing appears on his face. "Like I said before, lead the way," he said smoothly, but then he remained serious. "And I'll try to stop smoking, Draco. I promise."
"Good," Draco says, and his hand searches its way down until it wraps around Harry's cock. He tugs Harry towards him just by a pull on his cock. "Then follow me." He pulls Harry by the penis back into the bedroom and his eyes travel to his desk which he hasn't used in ages where last night's fun had happened.
Yes, that particular afternoon had been one of Draco's favourite fucks. Harry hadn't even bothered to undress him. He'd merely manhandled Draco out of his chair while he was reading and bent him over the desk, yanking his trousers and boxer shorts down his legs and lifting his shirt out of the way to expose the taut curves of his pale backside to view.
Harry had fingered his hole forcefully as he recalled, shoving them up him hard until the crush of digits and the bump of knuckles knocked against his tender parts, relentlessly grinding a path for Harry's cock.
Harry had merely unbuttoned the fly of his jeans and dropped them far enough to get it out, and then he'd slammed it in hard, shocking the loudest grunt out of Draco's mouth, the very one that had distracted him just hours before. He watched himself in his memories getting well and truly fucked by Harry.
It had felt so good. It was the best part. Harry had withdrawn right the way out until his end had popped free of the loosened ring of Draco's hole and then he'd bumped himself back inside, penetrating him all over again. He did it endlessly, over and over: one thrust inward followed by a smooth withdrawal all the way out until the gleaming length of Harry's shaft slipped free and pulled away, permitting a glimpse of Draco's anus shrinking and shrinking until it winked closed, only to have Harry force it open again with the next stab in. Harry's thumbs had been pressed so far into the meat of his buttocks that Draco had bruises afterwards, he recalled. He still does.
They were finally at Draco's bed, which they call their own bed now, and Draco laid down on his back at the pillows while Harry crawled on top of him. Draco placed his hands on Harry's shoulders, and he spreads his legs for Harry when tickling Harry's shoulders and arms with his fingers. But when he smells Harry's breath that reeks of that smoke, he pushes him off. "Let's have a shower first. I need to get rid off this smoke from your breath and body."
Harry groans and stuffs his face in the pillow next to Draco's head as he rubs his dick on Draco's. "Fine," he mutters and gets up off Draco. "But your arse is mine, Draco." He gives one last gaze Draco's way, and Draco smiles cheekily while giving Harry a good show of his arse hole.
When Harry rolls his eyes and heads to the bathroom, Draco goes over to the balcony, gets onto his knees so muggles don't see him nude, and reaches for his pyjama bottoms, and Harry's boxers and pyjama bottoms. Then he quickly gets back inside, dumps Harry's clothes on his bed but puts on his pyjama bottoms, and searches through Harry's trunk top and bottom for these cigarettes Harry has.
He finds a white rectangular packet with red words that read 'Sterling's' and it kind of looked like the tin Harry used to keep his blades in but felt like cardboard. He had a look inside and sees the familiar yellow-orange tips of the cigarettes. He swallows down the guilt of what he was about to do, and he takes the rest of the cigarettes but one out of the packet. He was thinking of dumping the rest of the cigarettes into the canal from one of the open windows, but he doesn't want to litter and pollute the water. "Misky!" he calls out, and quickly, he gets onto his bed and lies down on his stomach.
A small house elf with a dusty rose pillow case covering her popped into the bedroom. She looked around the bedroom, until she saw Draco up on his bed. "What can Misky do for Mister Draco?" she asks with a bubbly tone.
Draco looks into her big blue tennis ball eyes and smiles. "Can you get rid of these, please?" he asks of her and passes her the few ten cigarettes he removed from the box Harry has. "Get rid of them completely until they're nonexistent. Oh, and don't use fire when getting rid of those."
"Of course, mister Draco," Misky says with a bow, her nose just missing the floor. And then she pops out of the room, deciding not to ask questions about what these cylindrical items are.
Draco then goes back to Harry's trunk in search for another packet which he double checks and when he finds no others, he heads to the bathroom to shower with Harry. But he can't just shower with Harry, and the Gryffindor thought the same so they ended up giving each other blowjobs and in the afternoon, they finished the day off with sex until dinner.
Before entering Malfoy Manor by Floo, Narcissa checked around the Manor for any unwelcome visitors and when she knew it was safe, she hurried the boys in through the Floo into their large Lounge room.
Harry stared around the large lounge room in wonder, knowing well that this was Draco's childhood home. He saw a large golden rimmed portrait above a giant old fireplace with a younger Mrs Malfoy, Mr Malfoy and a younger version of Draco who Harry assumed was about 8. He smiled at how adorable Draco looked at that age with his white-blonde hair neatly brushed on both sides.
Draco noticed Harry staring at the family portrait and smiled. He hugged Harry and kissed his cheek as he wondered what it would be like to have Harry in the family portrait. It will be something new and exciting that will hopefully occur to him someday.
They waited a couple of minutes until the painter arrived and when he did, Harry and Draco decided where in the Manor to have the portrait picture painted. They decided on two portraits to have. The first one was where Harry and Draco stood side by side each other in front of one of the large windows overlooking the backyard gardens, and Draco had his arm around Harry with a smile on his face while Harry just smiled, turned his body sideways into Draco's embrace and looked at the painter.
The second portrait consisted of Harry sitting on Draco's lap on the old Victorian black and silver armchair in the large Lounge room of Malfoy Manor. Draco had both arms spread out on the arms of the black armchair as he leaned back on the chair. Harry just leaned back in the space of the armchair where Draco wasn't and his hands gently caressed Draco's arms. But then he looked beside him at Draco and stared into his silver eyes with love as the painter did his thing. Harry was too distracted by becoming so lost in those silver eyes he loves from what the painter was doing.
Draco too was distracted as he stared into Harry's emerald green eyes, getting so lost in them. That was until he couldn't help but lean in and captured Harry's lips in a kiss. Harry smiled into the kiss when kissing back passionately, and he moved his arm to Draco's cheek to deepen the kiss, not wanting this moment to end even if it was just for a portrait.
"Beautiful, boys," said the brown-haired wizard painter. From all the gay and lesbian couples he has painted, these two are the best he has ever seen. "Brings tears to my eyes as to how adorable you two are together."
"Yes, those two are quite the couple," Narcissa said, smiling at the loving look her son gives Harry. It brought her so much happiness in life to see her only son bloom into this wonderful young man with his boyfriend. "I suspect, if they could have kids, that the kids will be such gorgeous little princes or princesses."
"As a matter of fact, they will be," the painter said, smiling warmly at the snogging boys. That is, if the two find male birthing potions. "Do you think they even know they're being painted?"
"Not entirely sure, but as long as they're enjoying themselves that's what matters the most," Narcissa said and gave the painter a pat on the shoulder, then she turned to depart the room. "Now, when you've finished, leave them be and meet me in the lounge room for your payment."
The painter smiled, nodded, and finished the wizarding portrait of the two boys in love.
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