Coming out.
Look at that ^
Tom: Hey! *Thinking: OOOOO That's Drarry.* *Is secretly sad cuz he wants it to be real with Daniel*
We all know Tom loves Drarry :3
Tom: What the f-- *See's another picture*
Tom: How cute. *Rings Daniel up thinking he needs to make this official*
Harry woke up with a yawn and grabbed his glasses from his bedside table and slid them up to his nose, watching as everything became clear. He opened the curtains to his 4-poster bed, seeing as his roommates were all asleep still. He decided to just lay there, reading the book Hermione gave him named 'The Hunger Games'.
A few 30 minutes later he heard his roommates stir as they wake up, hearing yawns and shuffles along the floor. So, he quickly got up, out of bed, ignoring everyone as he was still sleepy and got dressed in his school clothes.
He couldn't get the amazing memories of the Yule Ball out of his head, especially the fun he had with Draco that evening. That charming smile that could light up a whole town, gorgeous glimmering silver eyes that remind him of stars and the moon, soft lips that he could kiss forever if breathing didn't exist, soft silky whitish blonde hair which reminds him of the soft fur of kittens, nice round arse...
"Mate," said Ron from his bed on the other side of the common room, and Harry hesitantly looked up at him. He's been glancing at Harry every so often when getting dressed and noticed he has just been staring at a particular spot on the bed. "Why are you up so late?"
Harry decided to shrug. "I just got up," he said and didn't even feel bad for the lie he told Ron. He just couldn't be bothered telling his mate what he'd really been doing which was reading. It helps pass the time and he likes imagining himself in the books he reads that are fiction and imaginative.
"Well, C'mon," Ron said, and his jaw clenched a little with impatience. He just wanted to get to the Great Hall so he could eat but he wanted to go there with his mate. "We need to go to breakfast. I'm starving."
Harry let out a snort, knowing too well his best mate would be hungry. Hungry is like an emotion to Ron. It's a mood that he always is in. "That's an understatement, Ron," he said and gave him a smirk. "You're always hungry."
Ron shrugged with a smile and headed for the door but faced Harry when doing so. "Let's just go, Harry," he drawls and opened the door, feeling the cool air from the common room flow into the room. "Apparently, the house-elves have made bagels, omelettes and croissants."
Harry nodded and followed Ron out of the dorm room and into the common room. From there, they were walking their way down to the Great Hall. They were in a corridor, it was only a few more minutes until they reached the Grand Hall.
"Hey, Ron?" Harry suddenly said and scratched the back of his neck. He still had to ask Ron if he accepted him for liking guys. For liking Draco. He knows Ron said it's disgusting a few days ago, but he wants to know if Ron will accept him. "What is your opinion on..." He stops there. What if Ron hates homosexuality? It can't be that bad. Hermione was okay with it. "Homosexuality..."
Ron stopped walking; he was deep in thought, thinking about what he should say. He's been feeling rather jealous of Harry and Draco, even if he knew those two were dating. They looked to be in love though, the way they look into each other's eyes is truly amazing. The fact that he had been seeing Harry and Draco snogging since the holidays really got to him, it made him realize that you can like anybody no matter what their gender is. He couldn't just tell his best mate that he was jealous. He turned towards Harry, looking like he just ate a bad-tasting 'Bertie Botts Every Flavored Bean' and said, "What, Poofs and Lesbians?"
"Uh, yeah," Harry said, looking down at the ground, feeling a sting of hurt from Ron's words. He didn't speak up for himself. That was it. That's when he felt his mental walls go back up, sealing anybody out from his mind that could try and find their way in. He tried scratching at his arms, hoping the gesture would be wearing off the spell he used on the morning of the Yule Ball. It really was not helping, the scratching. He hasn't cut since before Christmas and that was only a couple of days ago.
"Honestly, mate, it's so unnatural," said Ron, and he wrinkled his nose with disgust. He hated himself for saying this, especially to his mate who he knows likes guys, and the fact that Percy was too, and Charlie. It was just too much for him. He's seen Harry kiss Malfoy. If that doesn't scream gay, then what will? "Just the thought of it makes me want to vomit. It's all freakish and all. I don't know who the first poof in this world was, but they managed to carry the disease with them."
Harry couldn't take it any more, and Ron was practically calling him a freak. He dug his nails into his skin, hoping the pain in his arms would stop him from feeling negative, worthless, and a freak at Ron's rude comment. But really, it wasn't helping at all. It disappointed him that Ron would say such rude things about him. About Draco, and Ivy. He knows this is going to end badly.
"You're a poof," Ron told him reluctantly, and his eyebrows lowered and pinched together. He really hated doing this to Harry, it hurt like hell! He hoped he was doing the right thing. He just didn't want his mate to know how jealous he was, how jealous he was to not have someone to love.
Ouch. That just hurts. "Ron, I really thought you would accept me as who I am. Clearly, you're not very accepting and not a good friend," Harry said in a flat voice and he stared distantly ahead of him. This was saddening. It hurt, and Harry just wanted to run off to Myrtle's bathroom so he could cut and hopefully bleed out onto the floor. He just wants to go back to sleep and just... sleep, the entire day or even better, the entire week.
"Well, I'm sorry that I grew up thinking that homosexuality is bad," Ron snapped, giving him a pained expression full of regret but he hid it by looking down the corridor. "Truthfully, it is unnatural." He took a step back from Harry, thinking and pretending it was contagious.
"Ron, I'm still the same person I was yesterday," Harry said dejectedly, and he felt the tears start forming in his eyes. He quickly blinked them away. "You just didn't know until now, or yesterday." He really needed to get away. He had the urge to cut deep. He just wanted to go someplace alone where nobody could find him so he could bleed out his emotions.
Before Ron could say anything, Hermione came out of nowhere with her 'S.P.E. W.' badge formally presented on her robe. "What are you two on about now?" she asked her friends who seemed to be bickering.
Harry gave a fake smile at her while Ron turned to Hermione and said, "So Hermione, what's your opinion on homosexuality?" He gave a glance towards Harry, feeling as he knew what Hermione was about to say.
Harry didn't look at his two friends. He couldn't be bothered to. If he made a run for it now, he will be sure to escape and not see them for the entire day except classes. Oh, classes. He forgot about that.
"My opinion on homosexuality is that Love is Love, whether you like the same gender or not," said Hermione with a smile. She's glad they're talking about this topic. It needs to be discussed more often. "You should be happy." Harry's still felt like shit. He had just been called a poof and disgusting again by Ron.
Ron scowled a bit. He knew he would have been wrong about Hermione's statement. She's always 'for' than 'against' something. She's always got good opinions though. "Yeah, well... Harry's gay," he said coldly.
"So?" Hermione asked him and frowned at his disgraceful attitude towards Harry and homosexuality. She then turned to look at Harry with a bright smile, completely ignoring her red-headed friend. "It's great you've come out of the closet, Harry," she said as she walked up to Harry to give him a big hug while glaring at Ron. She just had to seem that she didn't know of Harry's relationship with Malfoy. "I always knew you were gay, it's quite obvious." She let go of the hug and smiled at Harry. "Besides, I may have a crush on a certain girl as well."
Harry smiled back at her, knowing he could trust her with this secret. But of course, it wasn't a real smile that would reach his eyes. He just felt to depressed to actually smile. Why must his life be like this? Yet again, he had a really great end of the week starting from the holidays, then the Yule Ball, Christmas too. Now it's all ruined all because of Ron.
"Not you too!" Ron snapped at her in disbelief. He remembers seeing Hermione dancing with Pansy Parkinson and they seemed to have a really good time. The pictures the two girls took together were sweet too. Parkinson had kissed Hermione's cheek more than once on that night though.
"Ronald!" Hermione snapped back at him but in a warning tone and she crossed her arms over her chest. She just couldn't believe Ron right now and how rude he was being. "Don't get pissed at us for being ourselves. We're still the same people as we were yesterday, and the day before."
"Well, it doesn't seem like it anymore," Ron said, his eyes were cold, same as the bitter smile he flashed at them. He huffed and decided to make an exit and walk off by himself to the Great Hall. He wondered what Fred, Ginny, and George would think of this.
"Well, that went well," Harry said and he was rather sad about how it ended. Where has his best mate gone to? Is he stuck in that mind of his somewhere? He still couldn't believe that Ron would say such mean things to him. About him.
"Definitely," Hermione said and twisted her mouth, giving Ron's back a sour expression. How dare her friend act this way. She then looked back at Harry sadly, giving him a frown and wished she could do something to help him. "I'm sorry for his attitude, Harry."
"It's fine," said Harry weakly and once again, it was a lie. What could he say to her? Nothing unless he wants her worrying about him or even worse, agreeing with Ron that he's a disgusting poof and a freak. "It's not your fault he is being such a git."
"C'mon, let's just head to breakfast," Hermione said, and she placed a hand on his back, just hoping the little gesture will help him. She offered him a small smile and started heading to the Great Hall with Harry by her side.
Harry did not want to go to breakfast at all. What if Ron was telling everyone who's homophobic about him? Surely, he'll be getting more hate mail. He just wanted to run away and go someplace alone so he could wallow in self-pity, and bleed out his emotions. He needed to feel numb, it was just an urge. But he just followed Hermione to the Great Hall as he did not want her to worry about him.
Once Hermione and Harry entered the Great Hall, they searched for a free spot away from Ron. Harry sat in his usual spot, overlooking both the Slytherin and Hufflepuff tables, whereas Hermione sat opposite Harry, only seeing the Ravenclaw table.
Harry looked over to where Ron was, it seems he's talking to some other Gryffindors and probably about him being gay. He felt a rush of anxiety and sadness as he felt like Ron was telling the whole of Gryffindor about the talk they had earlier in the corridors. He tensed his arm a bit, wanting to feel the familiar pain flow through his arm.
He faked a smile at the students who glanced over at him every so often. He knew that if he could feel the pain and sting of his metal blade across his skin, it could do a lot more than keep one emotion away. He saw Ron and Ginny glaring at Hermione and himself from the other side of the hall. He felt really guilty that it seems he'd ended Ron and Hermione's friendship just talking about being gay and such. He doesn't deserve such a great friend like Hermione. He deserves to be alone.
Draco watched Harry enter the Grand Hall with Granger. Seeing his boyfriend smile always made his heart melt. But he knew that Harry could easily hide his emotions. That smile Harry was giving everyone, he could tell it wasn't real. Why wasn't it a true smile though? What happened to Harry and why has his mood changed all of a sudden? The Yule Ball was magnificent and a dream come true, Christmas too! So, what was wrong with Harry Potter?
"Hey, Drake?" Ivy said with a smile, looking over at the Gryffindor table to where Harry and Hermione sat. She wanted to go and sit with Harry, just to let her cousin know how easy it is to do so. He needed a boost of courage to talk with Harry anyway. That's what she thought. "I'm going to sit with Harry and his friends, do you mind?"
Draco looked at her, not in disbelief but in surprise. Does this mean he can go sit with Harry too? He hoped so. He just wanted to go over there and comfort his boyfriend to try and make him feel better for whatever reason he's down. "You're doing what now? Do you even trust him? I mean, I trust him with my life since we're best friends."
"Of course, I do, we're friends!" Ivy said positively. She's still a little mortified by the fact that she got high a day or two ago and was speaking nonsense to her cousin. "And I'm hoping you two will finally come to your senses and snog in the hallways."
Draco laughed. He hopes he can do that with Harry soon. "Anyway, how can you just waltz on over there and sit with them?"
"Watch me," Ivy said boldly, smirking at her cousin as she stood up from the table. Draco watched in wonder how his own cousin, a Slytherin, but secretly a Gryffindor at heart, could easily go up to the Gryffindors and just sit down beside them without a single rude comment coming from a Gryffindor's mouth about her being a Slytherin. He felt a little jealous of Ivy as he really wanted to do the same and sit with Harry.
Dean, Seamus, and Neville all gave Harry worried looks as they overheard Ron and Ginny, then they came to join Hermione and Harry on the other side of the Gryffindor table. They didn't want to be included in the biased and negative thoughts towards Harry. It wasn't nice at all. Ginny and Ron looked absolutely disgusted at them as they joined the 'unnatural' side.
All of a sudden, Ivy also came to join them, leaving the Gryffindor's and a few Slytherin's utterly confused. Draco was watching and wishing he could do the same. He remembered the Christmas holidays, having Harry come over and sit with him and Ivy. Remembering having to feed him, which was quite fun and adorable. He sighed, got up and walked over to the Gryffindor table. Now's the time to sit with him.
"Where are you going, Draco?" Pansy asked him curiously with a slight tilt of her head. She looked over at the Gryffindor table at a girl with brown bushy hair and chocolate brown eyes. She smiled at the Gryffindor, thinking back to the photos she received from the photographers about that night of the Yule Ball. She had them take plenty of photos of her and Hermione.
Draco turned his head around to face his friend who he knew was staring at Granger. Typical Pansy Parkinson. "To man up and sit with Harry, of course," he told her brashly. He just hopes he won't get kicked off the Gryffindor table, but Ivy seems to be doing alright over there. Why don't you do the same and sit with Granger?"
Pansy raised an eyebrow at him, confused but also a little surprised at her best friend for going to sit with another table. More specifically, the Gryffindor table and next to Harry Potter. She watched him walk off to the Gryffindor table with a high chin of confidence.
"Hi Harry," Dean said brightly as he sat down on the opposite side of the table with Seamus and Neville. They just hated how Ron was talking about Harry. Not just Harry but every LGBTQ+ members too. It hurt and they didn't want to be around someone with such biased and negative people.
"Hey guys," Harry said halfheartedly and looked at a bowl of porridge and decided to grab it to take his mind of Ron. He continuously dipped his spoon in his porridge, not even taking a bite as the look of it made him sick. He just didn't want to eat today at all. What's the point anyway? Although, everything he has eaten since taking that first, second, and third vial of potion never made him have to rush to the bathroom to empty his stomach out.
"Hello, Harry," Ivy said with a smile and sat down next to him. She didn't eat anything at the Slytherin table but maybe she should at the Gryffindor table so at least she's eating something. She dished her plate up with croissants and bagels just to try something new since the elves rarely make international foods.
Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Hermione looked at Ivy. They were a little confused as to why a Slytherin has joined the Gryffindor table and how she knows Harry personally. They've seen her around Hogwarts but have never met her.
"Hi, Ivy," Harry said and faked a smiled at her. Why were so many people coming over to him and Hermione? Nothing exciting is happening. He notices his porridge is getting a little cold. So be it.
Ivy frowned at Harry and his smile, knowing too well that the smile he gave her was fake. She could tell when someone fakes a smile. She's faked thousands of smiles every day. She's not used to it, and it looks like she made a good decision to come over here so she could look out for Harry.
"Harry?" Dean raised an eyebrow, looking at the Slytherin girl and then back to Harry. He's seen her at the Yule Ball hanging around Harry, Draco, Ron, Blaise Zabini, Hermione, and Pansy Parkinson. "Who's she?" He tried not to sound rude by asking the question. He just hoped the girl wouldn't give them any trouble though she looked as if she could be nice.
"I'm Ivy," said Ivy and she held out her hand for him to shake. She's always greeting people with a handshake. She's grown up with it when she's been with her mother out at her muggle stores and meeting the important people of the world. "I'm in my 6th year at Hogwarts."
Dean smiled back at the Slytherin girl and shook her hand as a greeting. Her hands were a little cold. Almost deathly cold. He's never shaken hands with anyone in a while. It almost feels alien. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ivy. I'm Dean Thomas. This is my... this is Seamus Finnegan, and this here's Neville Longbottom, our friend." He pointed out to the two other wizards sitting next to him.
Neville gave a small wave and smile to her, while Seamus just smiled at her and shook her hand. He heard Dean's mistake easily which made him chuckle a little. He would have guessed Dean nearly said, 'This is my boyfriend' and then his own name but knew because of Ron's behaviour they didn't want to spark attention. What a way to come out to everyone, just by making a little mistake with his words.
"And I'm Hermione Granger," Hermione said with a smile as she shook hands with the goth girl. She winced, Ivy's hands were really cold. She was still sceptical about to older witch and why she doesn't have a reflection. Who doesn't have a reflection? What magical beings don't have reflections or show in photographs?
Draco then made an appearance and sat down on the other side of Harry. He gave his boyfriend a smile and sneakily put an arm around Harry's waist. "Hello, Harry," he said and resisted the urge to give him a kiss on the cheek. He can see how down Harry looks and just wished he knew how to help him. Was there a way though? There should be.
Dean, Neville, Seamus, and Hermione looked at the blonde Slytherin with surprise. Another Slytherin yet again had the courage to sit with the Gryffindor's with ease. Ivy smiled; glad her cousin could man up and come over here to sit with Harry.
"Hey, Draco," Harry deadpanned and leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. He looked down at the plate Draco was dishing up food on and closed his eyes. Just this once while he's depressed, he would like to be alone with Draco somewhere and snuggling up to him. He obviously couldn't do that in the Great Hall, he doesn't like attention.
Draco smiled sadly at Harry, reached his other hand up to brush a few strands of his bangs out of his emerald green eyes and placed a kiss to his forehead. He didn't care who saw him now. He got a positive letter from his father about his sexuality and he's certain Ivy and Pansy know he's dating Harry. Everyone really should know by now, that couples kiss each other and friends don't.
"Hello, Malfoy," Hermione then spoke to make the silence disappear and also gave him a small smile at the loving gesture he gave Harry. She just adores seeing them together even if Harry looks a little down and isn't eating anything. It's worrying for her to see her best friend looking so down. She'll have to ask him about it later.
Draco looked up and nodded slightly at the muggle-born, acknowledging her existence for a bit. "Granger."
Hermione nodded back at him. But she wanted to end this last name basis thing. "Please, call me Hermione and in return I'll call you Draco," she suggested kindly and then she started eating her warm porridge.
"Alright," Draco drawled and turned his head to look back at Harry. His boyfriend was trying to hide the frown from him. He removed his hand from Harry's waist and intertwined their hands together from under the table. "So, how are you?" He knows the question is a daft one but it's a good question to ask. It shows that you do care for someone.
Harry faked a smile at him though he knew Draco wouldn't believe it. "I'm fine," he said, and the lie hurt him from deep within. But he chose to go on with it and feel like a terrible boyfriend. That's what he believes he is. A terrible boyfriend.
Ivy looked over at Hermione, catching her attention with a smile. She gave her a knowing smile and nodded her head towards Draco and Harry. "Do you know about those two lovebirds?" she mouthed to Hermione and leaned forward over the table towards her. She could tell the Gryffindor book worm was getting suspicious of Harry's depressed demeanor and like Draco, she wanted to find out what has upset Harry today.
Hermione nodded at her. "Lovebirds they are," she mouthed back and was glad her favourite topic was now being discussed. "I've been trying for months to get Harry to talk to Draco about their love for one another. What about you?"
"I told Draco at the start of the year that he should set his and Harry's differences aside, so they did," Ivy mouthed back with a frown, but little did she know Hermione knows about the relationship Harry has with Draco and she's not planning on telling anyone about it unless Harry gives her permission. Hermione smiled gleefully at Ivy.
Dean turned his attention back to look at Harry. He has a feeling Harry's looking so down is from Ron telling bias to everyone and thinking that being gay is disgusting and a sin. He hated Ron for that if it's the reason Harry seems so sad. "We heard from Ron's disgusting rant about you that you're gay," he said using a soft tone and squeezed Seamus' hand from under the table. What Ron said affected them both. "Remember what we said in the dorm room after the Yule Ball had finished? It's very much okay to like the same gender."
Draco turned his head to the side and whispered to Harry's scar, "He's right, you know?" He placed a kiss to Harry's scar, hearing Harry sigh and press into the embrace. "But even if it isn't right, I would still be dating you. After all, I fell in love with you."
Harry gave a little smile at that, but the voice in his head told him Draco was lying. He didn't believe the voice at all. He knows Draco loves him because he's been told so by Draco a lot of times but in the French language. If Draco didn't love him then why would the Slytherin be giving hugs and kisses of all sorts to him. He just believes that he is a bad boyfriend and that he doesn't deserve Draco or his love.
Ivy looked at all of the Gryffindor's and she began to wonder why she never chose to be in Gryffindor as it seems they talk about sexuality a lot. This would have been a great place for her even if she liked being a Slytherin. Plus, she'll be closer to Lavender.
"I know, thanks Dean," Harry said with a dazed tone but tried to hide it as best as he could. His appearance was gaunt, and he still did not look up at anyone because all he felt like was a freak. A gay freak. A 'poof' as Ron had called him.
Dean could still see Harry's down demeanor and it still hadn't changed. Harry's mood still hadn't lifted. "Your definitely not the only LGBTQ+ guy in Hogwarts too," he reassured him with a smile, hoping he or someone else could lift Harry's spirits up.
"LGBTQ+?" Neville looked at him, furrowing his brows. He's heard of that weird letter term, but he's never known what it stands for. He has always thought that it was some secret house or secret society in Hogwarts that not a lot of people know of. It's like that WIFI word, and a few students ask him for the password to WIFI. Whatever it is. "What does it mean? Lame Goats Bite Turtles for Quests?"
Seamus nearly spat out his toast when Neville guessed what LGBTQ+ means. He could hear his dormmate say that all day if he could and it would never get old. "Naw, Neville," he said and shook his head, smiling sheepishly. "It stands for the sexualities people in the world have. It means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and others."
"Oh," Neville said, and he hesitated for a minute to just think about all that Seamus had said. Now he just felt stupid. How come he never knew about this? He knows of the sexualities but why hasn't he heard of the whole group?
"I'm the L in LGBTQ," Ivy said and she sounded quite confident with her chin held high and chest thrust out. "I'm a Lesbian and I'm proud of who I am." She then started tapping a beat on the table with her hands, singing quietly.
If you're gay, then you're gay.
Don't pretend that you're straight.
You can be who you are, any day of the week.
You are unlike the others.
So strong and unique.
We're all with you.
Dean and Seamus smiled at each other, then to her while swaying from side to side in tune. Neville even started to sway with the singing as he was eating his Breakfast. Hermione smiled at her, also swaying along with the others.
If you're straight, well that's great.
You can help procreate.
And make gay little babies.
For the whole human race.
Make a world we can live in.
Where the one who you love's not an issue.
Draco swayed with the music, stealing glances at Harry who looked as if he were zoned out. Harry was still looking down at the table as he just wanted to leave. But the thing is he didn't want to leave Draco. He wanted to stay in his arms and receive forehead kisses from him. It's the only love he gets from someone who he really loves deeply with all his dead emotionless heart.
'Cause we're all somewhere in the middle,
We're all just looking for love to change the world.
What if the world stops spinning tomorrow?
We can't keep running away from who we are.
Some of the other Gryffindors overheard Ivy singing. Some were looking confused whilst the others looked at her in amazement for her pure talent. Most of them even clapped and swayed along with her and the others.
"You know about muggle music?" Dean asked with a disbelieving voice, but then he gave her a tentative smile when he realized she did know about the muggle world. He was surprised a Pureblood knew about muggle things.
Ivy nodded at him. "Let's just say, I grew up in both worlds," she said and then the Hannah Montana theme song came into her head and got stuck there. Now she was humming along to the tune as she couldn't get rid of the song from her head. Blasted muggle music.
Hermione looked up at Ivy from the porridge she had been eating while listening to Ivy sing and the others talk. "You're a pureblood, yet you know about the muggle world?" she asked her in disbelief. It was cool having a Pureblood know about the muggle world.
"Yeah, and as much as I love magic and the wizarding world, I also spend my time with muggle things," Ivy told them, and she tore apart her croissant to eat with a simple tug. "For example: phones, muggle toys, devices and muggle books."
"You have a phone?" Dean asked and raised his eyebrows, still surprised that a pureblood would have such a muggle object. How does she even have the money to get a phone? It's not like she has actual muggle money... unless she does.
"What in Merlin's name is a phone?" Neville asked as he sounded confused yet again. A lot of things confuse him, especially when it has something to do with muggles. What even is a phone though? Is it some sort of quill? Or perhaps a Pygmy Puff of a new breed?
Ivy reached into her robe pocket and pulled out what looked like a large, but thin, brick looking thingamajig with a black case and a teddy bear holding an axe that's saying, 'Don't touch my phone!' She liked the cover. It was kawaii but evil.
"What kind is that?" Dean then asked and he leaned over the table, looking like he wanted to study it. He's got a phone but it's only a Samsung A23 model and it's at home. The last time Seamus used it he couldn't get him away from it. It's like his eyes were glued to it.
"It's a Samsung Galaxy A20," Ivy said, a little bored that she had to talk about phones. But it was a little fun telling others what a phone is. It's like other wizards and witches are aliens and she had to teach them nearly everything that muggles have and what they do. She placed her phone on the table so everyone could see it.
"How are you able to afford it, then?" asked Dean, and his eyebrows gathered in a little in curiosity. She must live in the muggle world or something if she has muggle money to afford these things. "It's got to be worth thousands of dollars. Do you live in the muggle world too?"
Ivy looked down at her phone and told them all about how her mother owns a few muggle companies, which is how she gets muggle money, phones and what online shopping is. She even contrasted about the difference between owling and post. She stated what the muggle Post was and how it's similar to owling. She wished she could use her phone at Hogwarts but knew the magic surrounding Hogwarts would temper with the internet connection and possibly damage her phone.
"Interesting..." Neville said blankly but was distracted by the look Malfoy was giving Harry. Neville Longbottom could see things that many could not. He could see the look Harry had and knew there was something wrong with the boy. He personally suffers from depression and high anxiety; he can never hear his own mother's and father's voices speak back to him. That is all he wishes, to have his mom and dad remember him and talk to him about everything they can.
Dean and Seamus looked at each other, then looked back to Ivy. Dean and Hermione nodded, understanding what it's like to be bombarded with questions about muggle things. He and Seamus then started eating a pancake together while putting different toppings on each side. It's what they do together a lot. Many other Gryffindors think they do it just because they're good friends, but they are more than that.
Draco knew he had not seen the Gryffindor eat anything at all, even when he was seated at the Slytherin table with Ivy. Harry really worries him sometimes. "Have you eaten anything yet, Harry?"
"Yeah, just eating porridge," Harry muttered with a slow nod and felt the guilt of the lie eating away at him. He really wanted to escape from the Great Hall. The temptation was so strong. But then again there's Draco who's really caring for him deeply and showing him love in the simplest of gestures like forehead kisses and holding hands.
"How much have you eaten?" Draco had to ask him as the health of his boyfriend matters so much to him. He would literally head to the Library's Secret Room and make another full cauldron worth of the eating disorder potion for Harry just so he's able to eat something. But Harry's depression... He doesn't know how he can help Harry with that.
Harry swirled his spoon slowly around in his bowl of porridge. "Just a few spoonful's," he lied again. "I tend to get full easily." He wants to tell Draco something, but he just doesn't want Draco thinking badly about him. He really likes Draco and he doesn't want to lose him.
Draco shook his head at him. He wants to help but Harry won't let him. "Harry, did you want me to help feed you like I did on the holidays?" he asked in a soft whisper and gave their intertwined hands a squeeze.
Harry shook his head and decided that this was it. He had to go. "Sorry, I, erm, need to go," he said and let go of Draco's warm hand. "I just remembered something." He got up, gave Draco a kiss to the cheek just so he doesn't leave feeling even worse and left. He really did not care if he was being stared at by everyone. He just wanted to get away. He needed to cut, he just needed to. What Ron said really got to him. He felt like a freak. He needed to bleed out his emotions and what better way was to go to the bathroom to grab his little sharp friend.
Draco smiled at the kiss Harry gave him but wished so much that Harry stayed. But he knows that Harry's going off to do something bad. It's the same way Ivy does it. She just gets up and leaves, looking quite depressed but with tears in her eyes. Most of the time he tries to stop her, if he does see her, but fails to do so a lot.
Hermione, Seamus, Dean, and Neville watched him leave. But Ivy and Draco were the only ones who knew something was up. They wanted to follow Harry, to ask if he was all right. Draco was becoming very worried about his boyfriend now. Just looking into those dull and empty but beautiful emerald green eyes, he could see what looked like a shattered soul.
"Speaking about LGBTQ+," Seamus said, ending the silence and continuing with the conversation. "In fact, we're going to lend ye on a little secret. Only a few Gryffindors know this but, me and Dean are dating," he told them, lifting his and Dean's intertwined hands over the table, and kissing his wonderful boyfriend, Dean, on the cheek. The loving gesture made Dean chuckle and a blush rose to his cheeks as he smiled down at his pancake.
Neville spat out the porridge that he was about to swallow back into the bowl as he was surprised at the sudden news. But then he remembered last night and how Dean mentioned that he and Dean were gay. He forgot about that. Ivy giggled and applauded the couple which she's seen holding hands through the corridors and snogging at the Yule Ball.
Hermione stopped eating the piece of toast with strawberry jam and looked at the couple with a bright smile. "Oh, we know," she said and remembered seeing the two snogging during certain events and in the common room. "We've seen you snogging around Hogwarts. I'm very happy for you, guys."
"We're really happy for you guys," Ivy corrected her and just wanted to reach over and give them both a hug but knew it would probably be awkward for them. She'd probably squeeze the air out of them too which she didn't want. "How long has this been on for? Weeks? Months? Fortnights? Years?"
"We both knew we started liking each other to the end of our second year when we turned 13," Dean said with a smile to his boyfriend, and then to her. He hasn't told anyone about how he and Seamus came to be and would like to. "And so, I asked out Seamus just last year."
Seamus smiled at his boyfriend and lay his head down on his shoulder, their hands intertwined under the table. "Does anybody want to know how he asked me out?" he asked them, then tilted his head up and leaned forward, kissing Dean on the jaw. Then he looks back at them. "Who wants to hear the whole story?"
"Oh, I do!" Hermione said, and her eyes gleamed with excitement. She looked at everyone around her, seeing that they all are excited to hear the story.
"I do too!" Ivy said gleefully, expressing her excitement with a wide grin. The croissant she was holding, she squeezed it a bit too hard so it looked like a stick but edible. "Please, tell us! I love a good romantic story."
"Yep," Draco drawls, but all that was on his mind was Harry and what he could be doing right now. The thing is, he doesn't even know where Harry goes to hurt himself, if he does hurt himself like Ivy does. He hasn't exactly seen any cuts on Harry's wrists, but he has a feeling Harry has them. He doesn't know the password to the Gryffindor common room either so even if he is there, he won't be able to reach him. However, he is sure he'd get hexed if he stepped foot into the Gryffindor common room.
Seamus looked up at his boyfriend into those chocolate brown eyes with an adoring smile. "Aye?" he asked him and hoped his answer will get a positive reply. But Dean's answers are always positive.
Dean smiled and leaned forward, licking his lips. When their lips connected and he could feel the smoothness of his boyfriend's lips which lit him up from the inside, he began kissing him slowly. He then leaned away as he heard giggles but that's not why he ended the kiss. He ended the kiss because he had a story to tell. "Of course, sweetheart."
Seamus stared down at his pancake and started, "So, this was during the Christmas holidays in our third year. Dean asked me over for Christmas with his family and of course, how could anybody ever say naw?" He saw Dean smile down at his own strawberry syruped covered pancake. "And it was one afternoon, we were outside having a snowball fight with his siblings and I was walking backwards with a handful of snowballs in my arms and... bam!" He clapped his palms together to signify how hard he fell. "I fell on top of Dean, we were so close to each other, our noses just touching and our lips only inches apart. I looked Dean deep in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes and saw the most beautiful thing. Well, of course, I've always seen something beautiful in my Dean." He kissed Dean's warm blushing cheek, which caused his boyfriend to chuckle. "Then we kissed, it was so..."
"Incredible!" Dean and Seamus both chorused together with loving smiles as they could easily remember the memory. They looked at each other and leaned in for a slow kiss since there was nothing to hide anymore.
Seamus continued with a blush right after he leaned away from the kiss with his boyfriend. "After the kiss back then, we just stared into each other's eyes until we heard giggling coming from around us," he said in almost a dreamy tone, and Ivy had to press her hand over her mouth to stop herself from giggling. "As I looked up, every one of Dean's siblings was staring at us with wide eyes and a few of his sisters were giggling. I remember I was blushing like mad..."
"We were blushing like mad," Dean corrected his Irish boyfriend and gave their hands a light squeeze. "And then I asked Seamus out and we had our first date in a restaurant together. Of course, my mother and my sisters were there but at a different table, so we had a table to ourselves."
Ivy and Hermione giggled at the couple and how adorable the boy's first kiss was, and their first date too. Neville just smiled as he was happy for his friends, but he wished he had someone he could experience love with. He knows that real love will find its way to him eventually though it will take some time.
"Aww!" Ivy said sweetly with a hand over her heart. She couldn't be happier than to hear this little love story from the two boys. "That is so adorable!"
Draco had to admit as he stared down at a basket of muffins, that that was a very adorable story. But all that was on his mind was Harry, and that he hoped he was okay wherever he ran off to. He hopes Harry's safe and away from blades if that's what he uses if he does hurt himself. He wants to find out if Harry does use blades, or if he just deals with the pain. He needs to know.
"So," Hermione said and wondered who else knew of the relationship these two boys greatly have. "Who else knows of your relationship? Do any other students from different houses know too?"
Seamus smiled at Dean, then to Hermione. "Well, we kind of wanted it to be a secret because there are still homophobic wizards around," he said and looked down at the table at Ron and Ginny. "Especially Ron and Ginny, they are probably the most homophobic people in the wizarding world from what I heard them say. But I know there are worse."
Draco raised an eyebrow at the Irish Gryffindor, curious about what Weasel and Weaselette have been saying to make these two boys keep their relationship a secret. "What have they been saying?" Draco had to ask. Maybe it's why Harry looks so depressed. The Weasel kids better have not said anything rude to his Harry.
"They're calling all members of the LGBTQ+ disgusting and sinners," said Dean and he didn't even look like he cared at all that his own dormmate and his little sister thought that way. He knows how to deal with homophobic people and that is to ignore them.
"We're not homophobic though," said two recognizable voices. Hermione, Seamus, Dean, Ivy and Neville jumped in surprise. Fred and George stood there, looking a little disappointed at them, then looked over at the two Slytherins sitting at the Gryffindor table.
Fred and George exchanged glances of confusion as they looked at Draco who seemed utterly worried about something. They ignored him and turned to look at the girl with Black hair and blue eyes. "Who might this lovely lady be-" asked Fred.
"-And is she available?" George finished off the question and winked at her to see if she'd blush. She didn't though, to their disappointment. Ivy just smiled at them and Draco tried to hold down a laugh as the twins didn't know she was a lesbian. But as he remembered about Harry, he grew silent again and stared down at Harry's porridge which hadn't been eaten.
Ivy giggled at the two twins. It seems she has to tell more desperate boys about her sexuality. Though, it doesn't get old because at least she knows she's pretty enough for some guys to like her. "Yes, I'm available, but not for you boys," she said, a smile on her lips as she began eating her stick-croissant.
"And why is that?" George then asked her with a charming smile, wanting to know why she's not available for at least him or just his twin. A guy wants to know, especially if the girl's so damn hot.
"Because I'm a Lesbian," Ivy said easily and she looked down the Gryffindor table and spotted a girl with dirty blonde hair. Lavender Brown. Such a sweetheart as she knows from the Patil twins and other girls in their year.
"Ah, that makes sense," Fred said distractedly as he stared at the empty spot next to the blonde Slytherin wizard. Was someone supposed to be there? He blinked and looked back at the girl named Ivy. "I'm Fred and this is my twin George." He and his twin held their hands out to her for a handshake.
"It's nice to meet you, Fred and George," Ivy said and shook hands with the two twin men. Yet again more handshakes which she hasn't done in a while. She doesn't meet new people every so often and it's quite nice.
Fred bowed at her, and so did his twin and at the same time. "Oh, well It was nice to meet you too, Ivy. We love meeting new people of different houses."
"So, what do you guys think of homophobia, then?" Hermione asked them. Her lips were slightly parted, trying to decide if she should eat the rest of her toast until she's full or just stop eating and become hungry later on.
"We never believed in that silly term, "George said with a sigh of disapproval. But then he saw something worrying on the underside of the Slytherin girl's arm just above her black Uniform sweater who he knew was named Ivy. Red lines... He's never seen anything quite like that except for Kneazle scratches. But still... they looked far deeper than any Kneazle cat scratches he's seen before.
Fred saw the dazed look on his twin's face which made him a little curious. "We're a part of the LGBTQ+ group," he told them with an easy smile, but placed a hand on his twins' shoulders. "George and I are pansexual. We like people for their personalities, not their bodies."
Ivy saw one of the twins look down somewhere near her arms and looked to where the twin was staring. Her breath hiked at the raw cuts she forgot to spell away this morning but really, she couldn't be bothered to. She quickly covered her wrist up by pulling her sleeve down past her knuckles.
George blinked at the girl's arm and knew something was up just by the very sharp inhalation of breath and how she yanked her sleeves back down. He looked at Hermione and smiled uneasily at the disturbing sight he had just seen. "I guess with our family, there has never really been anybody who liked the same gender. Except Charlie though. He's either gay or asexual."
"And us, of course," Fred said as he stared curiously at his twin. Whatever disturbed his twin he knew that he'd have to have a conversation with him in private sometime. He looked to his side and down the table at his younger siblings. "Our little Ronny-kins and Ginny Winny grew up thinking that it's unnatural to like the same gender."
"We're really sorry about our little Ronny and Ginny," George said with a cracked voice, and he rubbed at his nose. He hoped it wasn't all because of him and Fred that their younger siblings were raised like this. "It's a shame. We thought we raised them way better than this."
Ivy looked down towards where she saw most of these friendly Gryffindor's were looking, seeing more ginger hair standing out. She saw Ron but she didn't recognize the girl with long and straight ginger hair.
Dean sighed a little sadly. He hated how rude Ron was being, especially to Harry and the whole LGBTQ+ group. But why would he speak and lose trust in people when he could be quiet and say nothing. "It's fine, guys, really. If they want to act this way, then let them."
George looked over at Draco with a smile. He remembered the Slytherin and Harry dancing non-stop at the Yule Ball, almost like the two were actually a couple. "So, Malfoy, does your family accept homosexuality?"
Draco shrugged and looked up at the twins. He just had to tell them. "My mother does and earlier this week, my father sent me a letter saying he knew of the new relationship I have with Harry as well as dancing with him at the Yule Ball. He said he would start to try to accept me, don't know if he will do or not but I don't care. Mother gets very emotional when father doesn't accept me with things such as what I want to do with my life. I know it's just his way of saying he wants me to do what he wants but I just can't allow that. I want a life of my own, not one my father would want."
"So, what is this relationship you have with Harry?" Fred asked, intrigued, with raised eyebrows. Could it be true that this blonde Slytherin and Harry are a thing? "And what was it like dancing with each other at the Yule Ball?"
Draco bit his lip, feeling his face redden. He didn't want to tell anybody yet. Not until at least the new Year which is in a few days' time. More like in two days. "Harry and I are really good friends?" Really good friends that hug, snog, and make-out until breathless for air.
Fred and George nodded at the blonde Slytherin. But they didn't believe him when he said 'really good friends' because do 'good friends' stare at each other in a loving way? Do best friends kiss each other on the mouth? No, they don't think so. "Alright then, brothers and sisters we must take our leave," they both chorused together.
Once everyone said their goodbyes to Fred and George, the twins gave them all a small wave and left them to their food. They had some mischief to do anyway that involved Peeves.
"I must be on my way too," Hermione said as she got up, taking her toast with her, and left without a goodbye. She wanted to get to class on time before Pansy did. It's like their friendship goal. Get to class before the other does.
"Oh," said Ivy, a little disappointed that she couldn't say Goodbye to Hermione before she exited the Great Hall. There's still a next time though. But she too wants to head back to the Slytherin table just so she and Draco can have a little chat about Harry's state they both saw him in. "Draco and I must head back to the Slytherin table now."
"Aww, but we just met you," said Dean, frowning a little and hoping it'll make them stay for a little while longer. "Can't you stay for a while? We would like to get to know you a little better than from being this mysterious Slytherin girl who just came to join the Gryffindor table today."
"Alright, we can stay for a short while," Ivy said and scooted closer to Draco so there wasn't an empty space between them. She sniffed Harry's porridge, noticing it was still warm and it smelt pretty good too. Even though it was Harry's porridge, and her cousin was staring down at it sadly, she decided to eat it just to give her energy for the day. It tasted pretty good too.
"Great!" Dean said in a hushed voice but sounded gleeful, and he had a bright smile on his face. "So, Ivy. Tell us what other muggle songs do you know? I know the song you sang earlier is 'Everyone is gay' by A Great Big World. Know any other songs like that one?"
"I know a heap of muggle songs and bands, dating back to the '60s," Ivy said, and as she said that, she got out her phone again. She then sighed, knowing the magic around Hogwarts would destroy her phone if she tried to use her mobile data and internet. "The Beetles, Fleetwood Mac, Blondie, ACDC, Guns N Roses, Led Zeppelin etc."
"I know some of those bands," said Dean and looked to his side at his boyfriend who seemed to be playing around with some strawberries on the half-eaten pancake they were sharing. "Especially ACDC and Guns N Roses. Oh, and Panic at the Disco. I love them! But I'm also into J-Pee's music and Hozier."
Seamus looked over at Draco, who seemed to be staring down at the spot Harry once was at. He just smiled and knew the Slytherin must be thinking of Harry since he was just staring at the place Harry had been seated at until Ivy scooted over. "So, Malfoy. Do you want to tell us about ye crush on Harry? Or should Ivy? Oh, and would you rather we call you Malfoy still or Draco?"
"Just Draco," Draco told him flatly, but then he looked to his side at his cousin, glaring at her and giving her the 'Don't you dare tell them' look. Ivy sighed in defeat, really liking annoying the hell out of her cousin by telling Harry's best friends about Draco's crush on him.
Seamus raised an eyebrow and looked at Draco again, "We figured ye like him ages ago, even before ye made the truce. Don't ask us how we know that. We just have our ways. Ye boys have been stalking each other for ages, wanting each other's attention. Ye both love Quidditch, I could go on forever about why ye two are so oblivious to date one another."
Dean nodded in easy agreement. The two are so oblivious to the other's feelings. "You two would be the perfect couple," he said, and he smiled with both his mouth and eyes. "A star couple, two boys into each other."
"So, we were right?" Seamus asked him in a quiet voice. It was so nobody could hear them. He didn't think the Slytherin would want people to know of the crush he has on Harry. "Ye do like Harry?"
Draco nodded slightly and narrowed his eyes at the two Gryffindors just to look a little intimidating. He didn't know how else he could come by this topic since he was already dating Harry. "No one can know about this."
Dean nodded at him. He will never tell a soul. It was interesting to hear about this though as he was getting to know this blonde Slytherin's other side of him except for the rude bully he knew. "Your secret is safe with us until you do come-out."
"Good," Draco said in a serious but soft tone of voice. He felt his cheeks begin to redden and warm up a little bit. "Harry did plan a Butterbeer date in Hogsmeade, so I guess until then we stay quiet."
"What about the Slytherins? I'm sure they're pissed at seeing you and Harry together last night," said Seamus in a low, curious voice. "They haven't begun hexing your every move?"
Draco shook his head, "No, just unwanted staring. By some, anyway, which I don't care. No hexing so far."
Seamus nods, he then turns to look at Ivy. "Could ye maybe sing us another song? We could easily tell the other song was a gay song."
"Yeah, we'd love to hear another song," Neville said quietly, feeling a little sad as he'd been left out of the conversation. But he knew he shouldn't as he'd been asked questions by a number of people around him.
"Sorry boys but this voice needs a rest," Ivy tells them and gives them a sad smile. She'd like to but it's easy for her to lose her voice and she doesn't exactly want that since she'll be casting a lot of spells in Charms class soon. "Well, Draco and I must get going. You boys should be going to class too. You don't want to be late for classes, now do you?"
All three of the Gryffindor boys sighed.
"Yeah, well off you go!" Ivy nearly snapped at them. She doesn't want the boys getting detention all because she stays at their table to chat with them. It would be her own fault. "Don't want to get detention now do you!"
"Sure don't," said Neville as he got up after quickly finishing his breakfast and left with a wave goodbye. He smiled and turned around as he was greeted with a goodbye from Ivy, a new person he had met that day.
"It was great meeting and talking with ye, Ivy," Seamus then said while getting up from the table, his hand still intertwined with Dean's. With a wave goodbye, much like Neville's, he then left the Grand Hall with his Boyfriend.
Ivy and Draco then got up from the Gryffindor table and went back to their required house table. Pansy looked towards Draco and Ivy with a grin on her lips when they sat back down at the Slytherin table. Draco does not acknowledge Pansy's existence, because he is too busy thinking about Harry.
"Hey, did anyone hear that Potter's gay?" asked Nott, looking extremely satisfied with himself as he remembered hearing the Gryffindor say so in the corridors earlier this morning.
Draco looked up towards Nott, leaned over the table and grabbed his tie. He pulled Nott towards him to eye level and said coldly, "Leave it be, Nott! Or I'll owl your father about those magazines I know you have under your pillow!"
Nott flushed, and his face reddened as sniggers were heard all around him. "B-but Potter is apparently gay," he said rather quickly, as if telling everyone that Harry Potter is gay would persuade all the Slytherins that they should be making fun of the Gryffindor rather than making fun of him for what Draco told them. Malfoy scares him at times. "He said so this morning. Luckily one of our Slytherins overheard them. Granger is apparently Bi as well."
Pansy looked up as Nott mentioned Hermione being Bi. She smiled to herself and finished off her breakfast. She hasn't heard from Hermione that she likes girls, but she has her thoughts about it.
Nott waited for Draco to unleash him from his grip so he could breathe again. He was granted his wish when Draco let go of Nott's tie slowly and then sat back down in his seat. What he didn't know was that he was staring into the silver eyes of Harry Potter's boyfriend.
"Give Harry a compliment whenever you see him next and ask how his day has been," Ivy whispered into Draco's ear. "He needs to be remembered about the fun you guys had."
Draco tried hard not to blush at what his cousin wanted him to do but failed to do so. Giving Harry a compliment would be easy now. It should be. He felt his heartbeat a little faster as he was getting up and ready to leave for class with a small smile on his face.
+*About fifteen minutes before*+
After Harry had escaped everyone in the Great Hall, he headed directly back to Gryffindor Tower. Tears were present in his eyes before he finally broke down, Ron's hurtful words still echoing in his head from earlier this morning. Freak, he thought. A depressed gay freak! I'm a depressed gay freak!
And then a voice spoke in his head, "Nobody wants you here, you are so worthless, you should be dead. You should jump off the astronomy tower, or out any window. It would be so quick and painless. You deserve to be in pain, you deserve to be punished, to be called a freak and a poof. You deserve to be unwanted. Would you really think people would miss you if you died?" Harry wiped away his tears on his robe sleeve as he rushed to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. He had his other blade in his pocket, the one he kept inside the old sock. He just thought it'd be easier when having a blade in his pocket just in case he needed it.
Harry entered the unused girl's bathroom and reached into his pocket to grab his blade. As he had the blade in his hands, he took no hesitation, rolled his sleeves up and started cutting deeper than he had ever done before. He knew he was in trouble because he was losing a lot of blood, he did not care though as it was satisfying. He watched the blood run down his arms into the sink, all he could hear was the slow dripping noise of his blood. Mesmerized, he wanted to make more.
He sliced the blade across his skin, again and again. Every new cut was deeper than the other. Until he made five, he felt satisfied. The guilt and sadness had bled out of him and the wave of numbness hit him hard. He continued to watch the blood pour down his arm into the sink, staining the white sink with his scarlet blood. He feels more clear-minded. It is like his mind is back in his body and everything is in clear focus. It was weird and he wondered what else cutting can do.
Soon, Harry started to become irked and dizzy. White spots filled his vision. He felt light on his feet, he really liked this numb haze he was in. When he finished cutting, he washed off his blade, cleaned his arm up and returned his blade to its tin which he spelt shut and placed back in the cupboard. He felt as if he could float, but he also felt tired. He tried to ignore his tiredness and started to head to class.
+*Present time*+
Draco had just escaped Ivy from breakfast and made his way down to Defense against the Dark Arts. He was wondering about Harry and how he was managing the terrible things Weasley had said. He was already halfway to class when he bumped into someone.
"Sorry," came a familiar soft voice that Draco knows too well. Draco looked over at the boy with dark messy hair, round spectacles, and dull beautiful green eyes.
Draco gave his boyfriend a smile and reached down to intertwine their hands together. "Hello, my beautiful Harry," he said sweetly and leaned forward, rubbing Harry's nose with his own nose. "No, it's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." Then he remembered how Harry ran out of the Grand Hall earlier today. His expression turned soft and concerned. "Are you all right, Harry?"
"It's no worries, Draco," Harry said numbly as he stared into concerned silver orbs. A light blush spread to his cheeks at the loving gesture Draco gave him, and he squeezed their intertwined hands together just to let Draco know he was okay. Though, of course, he wasn't. "And I am fine. You needn't worry."
Draco nodded though he did not believe Harry at all and wished Harry could tell him what was up. He knew, thanks to Ivy, that when she was in this state it was better not to ask questions. To take his mind off that subject, he remembered the conversation he had with Ivy. She said to give Harry a compliment. Of course, Draco always gives Harry a compliment whenever he can, but he makes sure this one will be remembered.
Draco checked the Gryffindor with stunning green eyes out, looking up at his hair, his lips, and his green irises. That's it! "Have you ever noticed that your eyes are the prettiest emerald green I've ever seen in the world? Trust me, I've seen all the shades of green."
Harry felt the sudden warmth spread up to his cheeks and across his face, which he then gave his Slytherin boyfriend a small smile. He tensed at his arm; the numb wave almost made him feel... good about himself. Could that actually happen? Could cutting serve a different purpose? Could it make him a little happy, what exactly was he feeling right now?
He was definitely feeling focused, especially with Draco and the compliments the Slytherin gave him. Perhaps, it is only the compliments Draco gives him that make him slightly happy. He thought back to the day of the truce and how the blonde had complimented his eyes then. "That's so sweet of you to say, Draco," he said in a warm tone, and he thought about what to say back. "Have you ever noticed how your eyes are the colour of the moon? They twinkle like stars in the most beautiful way."
Draco smiled back, his cheeks reddening from the compliment. "Heh, thanks," he said and let go of one of Harry's hands so he could run it through his hair. "Now you're the sweet one." He brought his hand up to Harry's cheek and cupped it. Harry wasn't meant to compliment him, it was supposed to be the other way around, but he didn't mind this at all.
Harry gave him an actual smile and he rubbed his cheek into Draco's hand. "No, you are," he says softly, and his other hand comes up to Draco's hand and places it on top.
"That's not possible, Harry," Draco whispered and placed his other hand around Harry's waist, bringing their bodies a little closer. He tilted his head to the side and leaned forward, capturing Harry's lips with his own and kissed them gently and slowly. Harry could then taste vanilla from Draco's lips. He pondered if Draco was wearing lip balm. They stayed kissing for a couple more seconds, Draco gave Harry's bottom lip a little nibble and then pulled away.
Harry bit his lip, loving the feel of Draco's lips against his, and he was looking into those beautiful silvery, well, grey eyes he fell in love with. "We should head to class," he then said as he didn't want to be late to class with Draco. Though detention with Draco seems fun. "We don't want to be hexed by Mad eye."
"Sure," Draco said while he and Harry made their way to class. The professor was a little scary since the first lesson was on the Imperio Curse. In fact, everyone's scared of him. "We're sitting together by the way and not in the front row." He was going to ask about Weasley to have Harry's perspective on it all but felt like he should leave it to another time.
When they entered the classroom, all eyes were on them. They ignored the stares and sat down beside each other. Ron was glaring daggers at Harry, and Draco glared back at Ron when he saw the Weasel look at Harry.
Professor Moody entered the classroom, everyone could hear the familiar 'Clank' of his staff. All the students watched as the professor taught them about the next unforgivable curse called the Killing Curse. They even gasped in shock as the professor used the curses on a poor spider. Hermione had to raise her voice and tell Moody to stop, but of course, he didn't stop.
The professor caught Dean and Seamus snogging at their desk, he made the spider fly around them to try and stop but it didn't work. He had to separate the couple, placing Dean in the front and Seamus in the back row. Both Seamus and Dean eyed each other sadly, wishing they could be near each other again. They even sent love notes to each other for fun, they didn't care if the professor caught them and read the whole notes out to the class.
The professor did catch a love note, smirked and read it out to the class, "Your eyes are the prettiest chocolate brown I've ever seen. I could get so caught up in them. When I snog you all I think of is how you would feel-. Alright!" he snapped, cheeks flushed at what he had just read. "Who the bloody hell wrote this!" His eye looked from one side of the room to the other and he caught a snickering Seamus winking at Dean. "Mr Finnegan! Stop writing such inappropriate notes!" The whole class laughed at the professor.
Harry sighed; this lesson was getting out of hand. He stole quick glances up at Draco who also glanced at Harry. Whenever they would meet eyes, they'd smile but never look away. That was until the professor made the spider jump onto Draco's head, causing him to also jump out of his seat in panic. Harry tried calming Draco down, he stood up to the professor and snapped, "Stop this now! You're hurting the spider and are endangering the lives of all of us students!"
Mad Eye Moody smirked at the boy and made the spider fly towards himself, landing on his desk. "Ah, it seems we have a celebrity in the classroom," he said gruffly. "Harry James Potter."
"And do not call me a celebrity!" Harry snapped at him. He hated being called all these names. "I wish I was just a normal wizard who goes to Hogwarts and has parents. I'm afraid that I can't have that wish. I have to deal with all these things that I cannot control in my Goddamn life all because of this fucking scar created by fucking Voldemort!"
Everyone in the room gasped at the name Harry said. Draco was just staring at Harry who said the Dark Lord's name in vain, and his eyes were a little wide.
Hermione's lips parted at the bad muggle word her best friend used, and twice. She did not care about the fact that Harry said the Dark Lord's name as she's used to it now. She has never heard him lash out like this though.
"Very well, Mr Potter," the professor growled at the tone his student used at him. Merlin, kids these days are just complaining machines.
Harry grudgingly sat back down. He couldn't believe the attitude he used against his Professor. He just feels so embarrassed right now as he'd nearly shouted at his professor. At least he didn't get a detention.
Draco frowned. If Harry wished that his life would be normal, would their friendship still be the same? Would he still share the same feelings for Harry? Well, of course, he would. Who doesn't love those spectacular green eyes, those pretty soft lips, and his fluffy messy black hair.
Harry noticed Draco's frown and rubbed his cheek with his thumb. The blonde wizard looked up and nodded, non-verbally saying he was okay. Harry nodded and smiled, he looked over at Ron who looked at him and Draco with disgust, guilt, and... jealousy?
Harry sighed, reaching in under his sleeve and scratching at his new cuts, the numb haze washed over him again and he felt that weird light and happy feeling again. He reluctantly paid no attention to the lesson; he did not want to learn about all these curses that would send someone to Azkaban if used.
As soon as class ended, Harry and Draco walked out of the room together. "Here," Draco said and pulled out a green apple from his robe pocket, giving it to Harry. "Eat, please. You need food to manage throughout the day. I can't have you snapping at our other Professors like that today."
Harry looked at the apple Draco had offered him and shrugged; the blonde was right he, can't be getting angry at his teachers. He took the apple from the blonde and started munching on it on their way down to Care of Magical Creatures class.
They headed down to Hagrid's hut and Harry saw the sudden nervous and frightened look on Draco's face, so he poked him on the arm. "You alright? You seem a little... anxious," he asked worriedly, throwing the apple core into the bushes. Maybe it'll sprout a tree one day?
Draco nodded slightly. He just hated journalists who worked for Witch Weekly. "Yeah, it's just..." He tried but hoped to Merlin that Harry wouldn't hate him for what he was about to admit. "That Rita lady came by the other day and asked us Slytherins about you."
Harry looked at him seriously, and a little curiously. His eyebrows were raised, showing Draco that he wanted to hear more about this. "What did she want to know?" he asked in a flat voice. "And why are you afraid of it?"
Draco sighed a little guiltily and he scratched the back of his neck. "She asked us random questions and Crabbe, Goyle and Nott said some cruel things about you," he told him. Why did he even follow Nott out of the castle for it? "Even Pansy and I had to answer some questions to not raise suspicion. The reason I am afraid of is knowing the articles she writes, they're full of lies and I don't want the article to ruin our relationship."
"Oh, Draco," Harry said carefully and rose his hands up to squeeze the Slytherin's shoulders reassuringly and to give his cheek a quick and lingering kiss. "I don't care about Rita's articles and you shouldn't either. I can deal with whatever comes out of those articles, whether they're full of bias." Okay, maybe he can't deal with certain things that lower his self-esteem, but he can mask his emotions. "And no matter what you say in the articles about me, I don't care. As long as there's nothing about my friends in them that would hurt them." He raised his eyebrows a little and crossed his arms over his chest. "There's nothing about my friends in these articles, right?"
Draco bit his lip; he knew there was something about Hagrid in there but didn't know if he was one of Harry's friends. He knows what they talk about and when watching him through the years, he knows Harry sometimes goes down to the Professor's hut for some tea and biscuits. He'd always been scared of the large oaf. What if Hagrid was a nonce? It's why he snuck out of the castle in his first year to check up on Harry. He just had to make sure Harry was alright. Thankfully, when he had checked through the window, Harry was okay. His friends too.
"Draco...?" Harry asked seriously and wondered which one of his friends would be punished by rude words from the article that he hadn't had the chance to read. Even if it was about Ron, he'd still back his mate up even though he said some rude words to him about his sexuality. "Who was mentioned in that article besides me?"
"Professor Hagrid," Draco said in a low voice and he rubbed his lower arm up and down nervously. He hated this. He wished he could go back in time and just not follow Nott out to the Courtyard where Rita Skeeter was.
Harry sighed tiredly and rubbed at his forehead. How did Rita even get inside the School without being seen by every student and Professor? "Were you the one who said anything about him?" he had to ask
Draco nodded slightly and bit his lip. "Yes, and I didn't want to say anything about him anyway. So, if there is something rude in the article, I'm really sorry and I'd do anything to make it up to you."
Harry cupped his hand over Draco's cheeks, hoping whatever was in the article wasn't too bad. "It all depends on how bad the article is, Draco," he said while caressing his boyfriend's cheeks with his thumb. "But thanks for telling me this beforehand. Is there anything else I should know before reading the article?"
Draco shook his head, reached his hand up to Harry's hand on his cheek and pressed his hand to Harry's. He turned his head to the side and placed a kiss on the palm of Harry's hand. "I don't think so," he said softly, kissing Harry's palm again. "Again, I'm really sorry Harry."
Harry drew lines with his finger across Draco's cheek, admiring the sharp cheekbones and jawbones he adores with all his heart. "I'm not the person who you should be apologizing to," he told him with a slight frown. "That shelf is for Hagrid if the article is as bad as I think it is."
Draco nodded and eventually took Harry's hands and intertwined them with his again as they continued walking to Magical Creatures. "I know, I will do that after class," he said in a promising tone.
Harry held out his pinky finger to Draco. They've never done this before. It's the first time for everything. "Do you promise, my dear one?"
Draco's frown turned into a small smile and he felt giddy as Harry called him a pet name. He also couldn't stop the heat and blush from rising up from his neck and to his face. He wrapped his pinky finger around Harry's and shook it. "I promise."
Harry smiled back at Draco. He was flabbergasted by Draco's handsomeness as the early sunlight bounced off his whiteish-blonde hair making his hair look almost golden and his eyes sparkled like diamonds. He then leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on Draco's lips, and he tilted his head to the side and did it again.
Draco smiled as he leaned away from Harry's beautiful light and feathery kisses and he pressed his forehead to his boyfriend's. "We should probably rush to class now, we don't want to be late," he whispered as he stared into bright green emerald eyes. "However, maybe I do want to be late if this is what you'll be giving me all morning."
Harry chuckled and rubbed their noses together. "Now, I won't be mad at you for the article because you told me," he deadpans, "and you really are sorry and I thank you for that." He smiled and then he leaned in and kissed Draco's cheek. With a wink, he walked the rest of the way down to the Magical Creatures lesson.
Hagrid wasn't at his hut waiting outside for them. Instead, a witch introduced herself as Professor Grubbly-Plank, and said she would be teaching the lesson. She turned toward the paddocks and led them. Harry and the others asked themselves what had happened to Hagrid.
Draco stood stuck to the floor, cupped his hand over his cheek where Harry kissed him and smiled. His mind was filled with the thoughts of the first hug he gave Harry, to the first kiss on the cheek, then their actual first kiss on the lips together. Smiling at Harry's figure walking away from him, he then made his way to the group of Slytherins while feeling the lingering kiss on his cheek.
The first person he laid eyes on was a pale-faced Pansy and Blaise. His anxiety and heart started beating fast against his chest, he hoped nothing was too absurd. Crabbe, Goyle and Nott were snickering at the article in their hands. Draco walked over to Blaise and read over the article. His face paled as he stared at the ground, he then looked up and stared into emerald green eyes.
Hermione poked Harry on the shoulder, grabbing his attention. She hadn't seen Hagrid anywhere and hoped he was alright. "Where do you think Hagrid is?" she asked worriedly and wrinkled her brow.
Harry knew for a fact that this would be because of the Slytherins and hoped Hagrid was okay. He simply shrugged at her question, "I'm not entirely sure, Hermione," he tells her flatly. "Maybe we should check his hut after classes to see if he's home."
"Wondering where your precious teacher is?" Nott asked with a sneer, and his look at them radiated with superiority. "I think you should read this."
Harry looked back over at Draco; his face was as pale as Sir Headless Nick's. He knew the article was bad, he just hoped it wasn't too bad and would cause Hagrid to stay inside his hut or even leave the school grounds.
Hermione had grabbed the copy of Daily Prophet from Nott and gasped at the title. If the title was bad, then she knew there must be worse things in the actual article. "Dumbledore's Giant Mistake." Hermione and Harry stood and read the article.
"How could they!" Hermione spat. "What difference does it make who his parents are?" She was angry. Harry read the quotes that Draco had given the newspaper and noticed there was definitely some Malfoyism but knew Draco wouldn't say anything really rude about Hagrid or his friends because of the truce. The Slytherins stood watching them. Goyle was laughing and reading his favourite bits of the article.
"Malfoy! "Ron shouted from beside Seamus and Dean with his own newspaper in his hands. He doesn't know what his mate sees in Malfoy at all and why he would be friends with someone who has biased opinions on other people. "How dare you tell such lies about our Professor!"
Harry just shook his head, remembering that Draco apologized for the article even before he saw it. "I don't believe Draco would say anything like that at all, Hermione," he said in a voice that's firm. "Because of the truce, he wouldn't because I know how much he cares about the relationship between us."
Hermione calmly nodded but she still was unsure about her friend being with Draco. But if Harry trusts him then she'll trust Draco a little bit. "Alright, if you are sure about this."
"I am sure, Hermione," Harry said with a strong nod and looked over at Draco who still appeared to be very pale. He'll probably have a talk with Draco when he's next alone with him. "Can't you see the look on his face?"
Hermione looked up at Draco and she noticed he looked extremely pale and Anxious. "He looks quite afraid," she said, then she looked back at Harry. "Why is that Harry? Why does he look afraid?"
"He believes I'll cut off the relationship between him and me because of the article," Harry drawls with a frown as he doesn't want that either. He wants the relationship with Draco to go on for as long as it can and hopefully, that will be for a long time. He wants to get to know more of Draco and to maybe meet his mother and see what she's like.
Hermione raised an eyebrow, wondering if her best friend would actually break up with Malfoy. She doesn't exactly want the relationship Harry has with Draco to end because she sees how Harry looks at Malfoy. She sees the exact same with Malfoy. She sees love but doesn't want it to end in heartbreak. "So, will you break it off?"
Harry shook his head. He wouldn't even dare think about doing such a thing though it will just make him feel negative. It'll tear his heart. "No, never," he said a little sadly at the thought of Draco hating him after breaking up with him and all he'll feel again is unloved. "You know how much I care for him; I'll do anything to help him and I know he'll do the same. I would do anything for love but I won't do that."
Hermione gave Harry a knowing smile as she enjoyed the way Harry showed his true feelings about Malfoy every so often when he was talking about him. "Do anything?" she asked him mockingly. "Hmm? Does that include kissing him on the cheek just up the pathway from Hagrid's Hut? And did you just quote Meatloaf?"
Harry smiled a little and felt the heating sensation rise from his chest and up to his cheeks. Following the sensation was a blush that appeared on his face. "You saw that?" he asked shyly and rubbed at his forearm. He didn't even recognize the pain from doing that as he was distracted by Draco's looks and had him on his mind. "And yes, Hermione. I did quote Meatloaf."
Hermione nodded her head, giggling at Harry quoting a muggle song. She noticed the distant stare from Harry over her shoulder. She knew who her best friend was staring at and had a feeling he was thinking about the blonde Slytherin too. "Yes, and I think Pansy also saw it too."
Harry shrugged, not really caring if Pansy Parkinson saw. She seems like a cool girl since she's Draco's friend, though he hasn't had any good conversations with her. Perhaps he should though so he can get to know her and Ivy as well as Draco.
"Should we check on Hagrid to make sure he is all right?" Hermione suddenly asked and was too busy staring at Pansy Parkinson who's a little to the left of Malfoy. The Slytherin girl seemed a bit pale in the face too.
Harry followed Hermione up the steps to Hagrid's cabin. There was no answer to their pounding on Hagrid's door. They suspected that he was in there but there was nothing they could say to get him to open the door. They gave up and walked back to the castle. Harry retreated to the library into an alcove to study, he just wanted some alone time to get his mind off things. Draco eventually found him in the library, and the blonde smiled and joined him, which Harry didn't mind. He'd have thought the blonde would distract him, but they studied together in silence, Harry watching the blonde twirl the tip of his eagle owl quill into his cheek.
He really wasn't angry at anyone except Crabbe, Goyle and Nott because of the article. The other thing was Draco and how he reacted after Harry kissed his cheek back in class. He hoped it didn't do anything to their relationship, it was just to reassure Draco that he was okay with the article. Well, the article was very hurtful to Hagrid, but he knew it wasn't Draco's fault.
Harry tried to study, but he just couldn't. His mind was too focused on the second task which was in a few weeks' time. He wasn't really feeling hungry at all either, so he decided to take a walk around the castle to try to clear his mind of all stress. He saw a bunch of students walking fast-paced like there was something exciting going on and he decided to follow them as he was looking for something to do.
He was around the Viaduct entrance when all of a sudden, he saw a flash of white and could hear something squealing very loudly and a bunch of students laughing. The squealing was very familiar to him like he's heard it before.
"Professor Moody, no!" shouted a familiar feminine voice and she had her hands stretched out in front of her like she was trying to catch something. The girl had black wavy hair and unnaturally blue eyes. It was Ivy Black. "Put him down, or at least give him to me."
Professor Moody looked downright agitated that Ivy had ruined his plan of revenge for what looked like a whiteish-blonde colored ferret but was actually a student.
"Why is there a ferret?" asked Harry, to a bunch of students around him. He had to admit that it was an adorable ferret and if it wasn't anybody's he would keep it. He could picture himself with the ferret on his shoulder or have it on a leash and take it for walks around Hogwarts. It'd be so cute though!
"That's Malfoy," a fluffy-haired Hermione came out of nowhere, looking amused but also sorry for the white-blonde ferret who's Draco Malfoy. "He got turned into a ferret by Professor Moody because he nearly cast a spell on some second-year."
"Oh," Harry said and really thought twice about adopting the ferret. But a ferret as a boyfriend would be a little difficult. "To be honest, he does look quite adorable as a pet ferret. In fact, if anybody won't turn him back, I might actually adopt him."
"Oh, Harry," Hermione said with a disappointed shake of her head and slapped Harry behind his head with one of her books, making him chuckle and lean away. "How would you feel if you got turned into an animal by someone?" Then she suddenly was looking over her shoulder.
Harry was about to say something but saw Hermione look over at someone. He tried to see where Hermione was looking, and he then caught a glimpse of Pansy Parkinson giggling with her Slytherin friends. He watched Hermione sigh dreamily like she was deep in thought. He half-smiled at her, "So, Pansy is it?"
"Of course, It's Pansy," Hermione said with a smile towards the Slytherin girl. She could probably faint from the sight of Pansy back in her Yule Ball dress again. "She's downright beautiful! Didn't you see her at the Yule Ball? That dress she was wearing looked so amazing on her but everything it seems looks incredible on her."
"You should go and talk with her, I've heard that she's a Lesbian," Harry said and wiggled his eyebrows at her. He could see Hermione starting to blush, so he shoved her towards where Pansy was. "Come on, Hermione. Go to her!"
"Harry!" Hermione spat but couldn't help the laughter though the closer she got to Pansy the more nervous she became. "I swear, I'll- I'll- I'll," she stopped, forcing Harry to let go, and she took a deep breath as she looked at him. "I will come after you if this doesn't go as planned."
"Okay then," Harry said with a hint of fear in his tone, turning away from the angry Hermione. He watched Hermione progress towards Pansy, at first it looked like Pansy didn't want to see Hermione but that changed as Pansy's girlfriends all decided to leave them be. He then turned to look back at the angry-looking whiteish blonde ferret who looked adorable. It was Draco and he just wanted to hold him.
As soon as Moody saw Professor McGonagall a corridor away he finally agreed to levitate the ferret into Ivy's hands. "Alright, you lot," he grumbled at the students surrounding the courtyard. "Clear off, clear off!" He steered all the students in the courtyard to go elsewhere, leaving just Harry, Ivy and Draco the ferret alone together.
"Harry, come over here," Ivy shouted but turned around to look at Harry who made his way towards her. She held her cousin gently in her hands, trying not to squeeze him too much. The thought of doing so made her shudder. "Don't worry Draco, we'll fix you," she whispered to the fluffy ferret's fury ears with a cheeky smile.
"So, uh... how are we going to fix this ferret?" Harry then asked as he looked down at his ferret boyfriend. The ferret squeaked at him like he was trying to talk with him. He then corrected himself. "I mean Draco." He smiled at his adorable little boyfriend. "Well, hello little Dwayco."
Draco the ferret gave Harry a pissed look and hissed at him. He folded his tiny little ferret arms against his chest like an angry toddler and looked the other way. Harry chuckled with pure adoration and gave Draco the ferret a little scratch behind its ears. Draco uncrossed his little ferret arms and gave a little purr at the incredible feeling of being petted.
"You're just so darn cute," Harry said sweetly to the ferret, ignoring the fact that Ivy was beside him and giggling uncontrollably. If Draco was back to normal, he'd be blushing so much from that compliment Harry gave him. Harry looked around the corridors, seeing nobody in sight and when Ivy handed him the ferret, he took him and held him in his hands. He didn't think Ferrets are this flexible and he found out he could bend Draco in so many different ways, but he was careful when doing so.
Ivy laughed a little mischievously and petted her ferret cousin on the head. "He's a little cat snake," she said with a soft expression and didn't see Harry looking at her oddly at the name she called her cousin. "A noodle bear, and a four-legged floof noodle."
She then suddenly got an idea. It was a good idea too which she knows will work. It just has to. Harry looked confused at her and scared of what Ivy might make him do. Then she spat out what she'd been wanting to say. Or what she wants Harry to do. "Harry, I dare you to kiss him."
Draco the ferret squeaked at this proposal. Yes, he would like to kiss his boyfriend but not like this, as a ferret. He wanted his human body back. He did not want to stay as this fluffy ferret for any longer even if he enjoyed the attention Harry gave him.
Harry felt his heart race in his chest as she said that. He's kissed Draco dozens of times but not like this. He's never kissed a ferret before. Not even Draco as an animal. This is definitely a first for him. Would this really be the way he and Draco come out to her? But what's most important is how he and Ivy will change Draco back. He doesn't know the Counter-curse to the spell so she might do. No, she would do. Then he realises she probably just wants him to kiss Draco so after, she can cast the counter-curse. If this is how he'll come out to her then so be it.
Harry sighed and regretted what he was about to say since Draco's never heard him say this at all. "Well then, might as well get it over and done with," he said and tickled the ferret's belly, making Draco the ferret emits almost chuckling sounds. "You're just so cute."
Draco the ferret froze as he knew that Harry Potter was going to kiss him. Well, not technically him, but a ferret version of him. He gave both an excited and startled squeak. He so wanted to reply back but all he could do was squeak.
"Here goes nothing," Harry whispered and rolled his eyes. He leaned towards the ferret, then gave the ferret a kiss under the nose, which turned out to be the mouth. Suddenly, in a flash, the ferret that had been held and kissed by Harry transformed back into the Draco Malfoy. Instead of feeling fluffy fur, Harry felt actual lips on his own, kissing him back, so softly and demandingly. His heart was beating quickly in his chest. He had butterflies fluttering around wildly in his stomach and he just didn't want to let go of this beautiful moment.
Draco's lips were so warm and moist, and Harry couldn't help but cling to them. He could still taste that delicious vanilla taste from Draco's lips. Draco slowly raised his hands to gently touch and hold Harry's cheeks. Harry's cheek felt so warm and soft against his own hand. He then slowly moved his hands to the back of Harry's head to pull Harry closer to him and deepen the kiss. Harry let out a slight "mmm" and he could feel Draco smiling as they continued to kiss.
Ivy smiled sweetly at the two boys snogging in front of her. "True loves kiss," she said a little quietly. "I've seen all the muggle fairy tale stories, and oh my god, I think they're real. It's where if you get cursed, the only way to break the curse is if your true love kisses you." She was watching them the whole time and looked so pleased with herself. She finally got them to kiss again.
Harry and Draco broke out of the kiss, blushing madly and staring into each other's eyes. Draco was still holding Harry's cheek, and they both were ignoring Ivy's girly squeal. Harry decided to end the silence by intertwining their hands together and saying, "Well, my dear. I believe we should tell her." Harry had noticed that Draco's robes surprisingly seemed the same as they were at class. Ironed, and neat even after the transformation. Or should it be Transfurmation?
Draco blushed yet again but not just from the pet name. It was from the realization that a kiss from Harry could turn him back, and he smiled like there was no tomorrow. A true love's kiss. He and Harry turned to look at a giggling Ivy. "I believe we should, my darling," he said and watched as Harry's beautiful lips par,t and a blush spreads up his boyfriend's face.
"OH MY GOD!" Ivy practically screamed and began her uncontrollable giggling again. "I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" She began fanning herself with her hands while tears escaped her eyes. "Sodding hell-"
Harry smiles brightly and he turns his head to look at Draco, giving him a kiss on the jawline, "I couldn't be happier to be with you, Draco Lucius Malfoy." He slid his arms around his boyfriend's neck, watching those silver eyes sparkle and he leaned forward, kissing him slowly with love and tenderness.
Draco kissed back but he just wanted it to be a quick peck. Harry then looked up at Draco's white-blonde hair which was only slightly messy with a few strands sticking out, it looked rather hot like that. He remembered he was staring... again. But he loves staring at his boyfriend. "I- Um, Draco, I-," He stammered, and Draco pressed his finger to Harry's lips, hushing him.
Harry tried to look at Draco's finger on his lips but couldn't stop staring into his Silvery eyes. Those eyes reminded him of the moon, and how beautiful it is shining at night with the many thousands of stars glimmering beside it. He remembered all those summers after getting his letter to Hogwarts, being alone at night with the Dursleys. How he could never sleep, so he just looked at the moon, watching its beautiful glare in the night sky and watching all the bats fly by.
Harry snapped out of his thoughts as Draco said, "I'm so glad I make you genuinely happy." He may as well admit a few things like Harry did. "Every morning I would love to just meet you in the Great Hall and kiss you good morning." He smiled at Harry sweetly, getting so lost in those green eyes.
Harry blushed darker, and he bit his lip when staring at his boyfriend. "So, what exactly happens now?" he asked and decided to lay his head on Draco's shoulder and just let it rest there while he smelled the scents of his boyfriend.
Harry and Draco's adorable moment was interrupted by a sweet, beautiful voice, singing the most muggle song ever. "True love, I know I had it," Ivy sang, swaying from side to side like she was on a stage singing to an audience. "True love, it's so hard to find. True love is in inspiration. True love, it was mine oh mine. True love, if I can get it back, I'd never let it go this time."
Harry let his hands go from Draco's neck and turned around. He then clapped at her singing and remembered a faint memory of Ivy singing in the Great Hall a mornings ago. "Bravo, that was beautiful!" he said and beamed towards her, and then at Draco. "Where did you learn to sing like that?"
Ivy smiled shyly and she chuckled a little. "Oh, I... I've always been a good singer," she told them. She is still not used to the compliments. "I've been able to sing since I was a toddler. I guess someone else in the Black family has a good voice."
"Mother has definitely been singing for a while too as she's got a beautiful voice," Draco said while remembering his mother singing lullabies to him as a child. He doesn't remember all of them but knows a few. Seemingly, they've been sung in the family for centuries.
"I'm not too sure when it comes to Sirius," Harry said and looked back into his boyfriend's silvery eyes which sparkled under the sunlight. "So, Draco... can you sing like your mother can?"
"Honestly, I haven't tried singing at all," Draco said and moved his hands down Harry's neck and his back until he was holding him by the waist. The Gryffindor moved closer into the embrace and was pretty much hugging Draco. "I've never thought about singing at all. It's not a popular Malfoy trait."
Harry nods and really wonders if Draco can sing. But then a different topic comes into his mind. It was about their relationship. "About our relationship now, are we going to keep this a secret just between our friends since they know, or can we come out to everyone? I do want to go on a Hogsmeade date with you."
Draco actually didn't know how he can answer Harry's question. His father already knows so there isn't really any point in keeping the relationship a secret. "My father is slowly trying to accept me for liking guys," he deadpans, and for once, he is proud of his father. "For liking you. However, we should keep it from Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and other Slytherins. Pansy we can trust. But if those three do decide to say something I will blackmail them." He smirked.
"I understand that and your decision, Draco," Harry said firmly and leaned away from the hug. He reached down and intertwined their hands together and gave their intertwined hands a light squeeze. "I don't exactly want Rita to know of our relationship either. She's going to twist a few things about us, and it'll spread like wildfire."
"Yeah," said Draco with a short little nod and he smiled when Harry's green eyes gleamed like there really is a wildfire in that mind and eyes of his. It was beautiful to him. "Oh, and just so Ivy knows, what happened between you and Weasel?"
"Well, he didn't take it too well when I came out to him," Harry said felt the heaviness in his heart come back after a while. He looked looking down at his shoes, thinking over the argument he had with Ron this morning. He scratched at his cuts from under his sleeves but made it seem like a normal gesture. The numb wave immediately hit him and relieved the wretchedness from inside him.
"Oh, I'm sorry about that, Harry," Ivy said with a frown as she kind of knew what it was like. She's had students calling her names behind her back all because of her sexuality. But when she's with older people or people her age who are a part of the LGBTQ+ group, the rude homophobic people stay away and don't say anything. She feels rather protected amongst her group.
"We're sorry that happened to you, Harry," Draco said while distractingly brushing a strand of Harry's Raven-coloured locks out of his eyes. He was right, Weasel didn't take it well when Harry came out.
"Yeah, it's fine," Harry lied to them as he didn't want them to worry about him. Honestly, it hurt like hell that Ron would say something so hurtful. "By the way, what happened with that second year? Why did you try to hex them?"
Draco sighed a little heavily and knew he should not lie to Harry about certain things that happened. "They found out something about me, Harry," he said while bringing Harry closer to him, the anger inside him boiling at what a Beauxbaton student had told a younger Hogwarts student about his past with Edwardo Bullen. Being in Harry's embrace calmed his anger. "Something that happened. I'll tell you when I'm ready. They threatened to tell everyone about it. Wouldn't you do anything to make sure they wouldn't tell anyone?"
Harry nodded, understanding how it feels to have the wrong person know about his own deepest darkest secret. "Yeah, I would do something about it, but I wouldn't go around hexing them," he tells him flatly, wanting the Slytherin to understand him. "I know when to stop. I'd just ask them kindly to keep it a secret and give them a favour in return such as autographing something for them."
Draco laughed, "Of course, they'd do anything for your autograph." Harry grinned. "I was a little too anxious to make a deal with the second year I nearly hexed. Nobody should know..."
Harry's stomach then rumbled, and it vibrated through Draco's stomach, making the Slytherin chuckle and Harry just smiled. "I missed breakfast," he told them and patted his stomach with his free hand. "I can take us all to the kitchens if you'd like. I know how to get inside."
"Yeah, being a ferret makes me hungry," Draco said and felt his stomach rumble in agreement. He heard sniggering beside him and turned his head, narrowing his eyes at his boyfriend and his cousin. "Oh, sod off! You two try being transformed into a stinking animal for a few minutes." It just made Harry and Ivy laugh at him some more.
Harry led the two Slytherins to the kitchen, trying to avoid other students who would raise suspicion of where they were going. It took a couple of minutes to get there, the three of them stopping at the portrait of a fruit bowl.
"So... what now?" asked Draco who was looking around for oncoming students. There weren't any so he looked back at the portrait, a little confused about why they were there. But then Harry winked at him and began tickling the pear in the fruit bowl. It confused him.
The portrait swung open to reveal a passageway that led to the kitchens. Harry, followed by Ivy, followed by Draco walked through the passageway into the kitchen.
"What would you guys like?" Harry then asked the two Slytherins and led them over to the long table towards the centre of the kitchen. He looked behind him at the Slytherins who were looking around the room in awe and he smiled at them.
"Spaghetti Bolognese, please," Ivy said while she was licking her lips hungrily and sat down at the table. There was garlic in the meal she wanted, she knew that but she could easily stomach it. She forgot the House-Elves were here in the kitchens with them as she could hear the clatter of utensils and pans, but the elves were out of sight.
"Same as Ivy, I guess," Draco said with a light shrug and sat down next to Harry. He really didn't know what he wanted to eat. There were so many options from which he could choose, but it was better if the elves didn't have to make three batches of different food for three people.
"Dobby?!" Harry called out into the kitchen for the elf he's good friends with. In a second the house elf named Dobby whipped out of nowhere and onto the top of the table the three were seated at. Draco thought he recognized the house-elf from somewhere band he couldn't tell where he saw the elf from.
"Hello, Master Harry Potter," said Dobby in his normal excited tone when he saw the person who freed him. "How can Dobby be at service to Harry Potter?"
"Can you please bring us 3 small bowls each of Spaghetti Bolognese?" Harry asked his elf friend, though he knew Dobby still thought of him as a master. He didn't want to be the master to anyone. He's just Harry.
"Yes, Master Harry, Sir," Dobby said with a nod and a little bow in which his nose nearly touched the floor. He then looked up and over beside Harry to see two other people, but they weren't Ron and Hermione. His eyes widened in panic at the sight of Draco Malfoy, and he backed away.
Draco now remembered where that house-elf came from: Malfoy manor. He smiled and waved at the elf with grace. He never thought he would see his ex-house-elf ever again.
"M-Mister Harry Potter sir," Dobby said in a shaky and scared tone. He's scared of what might happen since his old master is here. "M-Mister Malfoy is behind you."
"It's alright Dobby," Harry assured him softly and gave his bald head a pat like he would to a dog. "Draco is a friend." He looked beside him at his boyfriend and smiled. "Actually, Draco Malfoy is more than a friend to me."
Draco smiled back at Harry and he laced their fingers together from under the table. To show the elf what Harry meant by 'more than a friend', he leaned to his side and kissed Harry's cheek. He then trailed kisses from Harry's cheek, down to his jawbones and eventually to his neck. Harry closed his eyes and gave in this pleasure of Draco kissing his neck in all the right places and it just sent shivers down his spine every time he found that one spot on his neck which sends him into heaven. It just feels so good to him.
"Yes, sir," Dobby said quickly and hurried into the kitchens to make the required food that he was ordered to. He was weirded out by the neck kissing Draco was giving Harry. He's never seen any of his previous masters do that, but this was nice to hear.
"He's so adorable!" Ivy said sweetly and smiled as she rested her head on her elbows as they crossed over the table. She watched the little house elf run into the kitchens on his tiny feet. "I could hug him."
Draco laughed at the thought of someone hugging a house elf, as he leaned away from Harry's neck. Is that even possible? But he wouldn't caught dead hugging a bloody house elf. It's disgusting. It's probably like hugging a rat. They are slaves after all. "You can if you want to, but I don't think house-elves are too keen on hugging."
"And why is that?" Ivy asked harshly and looked beside Harry at her cousin. Why can't she hug elves? In fact, have elves been hugged before?
"You kind of remind me of Hermione and her S.P.E.W. thing," said Harry and smiles as a little. She does remind him of Hermione, but he knows Ivy's probably not interested in learning as much as Hermione does. But the two care for house-elves as it seems.
"Spew?" Draco asked and raised his eyebrow at Harry. He's so confused, and he knows Ivy is to. He really doesn't need to know if Granger spews though, or anybody else for that matter. "What are you talking about?"
"No," Harry said and shook his head at his confused boyfriend. He finds it adorable when Draco's confused "It's spelt as S. P. E. W. It has got something to do with house-elves and how they should be earning Galleons because they work. Like the Hogwarts house-elves for example."
"Hermione is definitely smart and caring about all creatures," Ivy said as she remembered meeting the bushy-haired Gryffindor during the Yule Ball by Pansy. "She's quite pretty though, for a bookworm and a complete nerd."
Harry and Draco looked at each other and laughed. "Yeah, well..." Harry says and brings his and Draco's intertwined hands up onto the table. He places a little kiss on Draco's knuckles, making Draco smile and so he continued. "She's got her eyes on someone else. A certain Slytherin."
Ivy sighed with her hand cupping her cheek. "I know," she said and starts drawing invisible shapes on the table with her finger as if her finger was a pen. "A certain Slytherin has her eyes on Hermione too. My friend Pansy Parkinson."
"Oh, don't be silly!" Harry said and remembered Hermione looking across the table at Pansy so many times. "Everyone knows those two are meant for each other. Those two need to get together some time, they practically boil their eyes into the back of one another's heads when the other's not looking in class or the Great Hall."
A familiar little house elf came running up to the three students with three bowls of Spaghetti Bolognese levitating in the air. Dobby jumped on top of the table and made his way to them. "Harry Potter sir, Dobby has your Spaghetti here, and for Harry Potters friends.". He levitated the three bowls of Spaghetti Bolognese towards the two wizards and witch, levitating a fork each besids the bowls.
"Thank you, Dobby," Harry said gratefully while grabbing a bowl of Spaghetti Bolognese and a fork from in the air. It was an odd way to receive food, but he liked it. There was melted cheese on top of the meat and that just made it a whole lot better. Nobody can have Spaghetti Bolognese without having cheese on top.
"Thank you, little Elfey," Ivy said with a satisfied smile at the small elf and she reached over and patted him on the head just like Harry did earlier. "You're a nice little one and I hope to god that you get paid enough for working here."
Dobby grinned at Ivy, already beginning to warm up to her even if he could sense the other side of her. "Dobby likes her, she is very nice," The house-elf said, pointing a finger at her. Then he glanced at Draco, looking for some sort of sign for mischief but there wasn't any that he could see.
"Thank you," Draco said to the elf for his assistance in giving and making them food. It's not the first time he's ever thanked a house-elf. The house-elves at the manor he gives his gratitude to since they are doing stuff for him like getting him food, cleaning his room, or doing his laundry.
"Harry Potter and his friends are all welcome," Dobby said and bowed down to them, his nose touching the table, but it seemed he didn't mind. "Is there anything else Dobby can get you?"
"No thanks," Ivy said and looked at Harry and to Draco who all looked happy and hungry. They were also shaking their heads as they were stuffing their mouths with spaghetti. "I believe we're all good. Thanks again, Dobby."
Dobby nodded and then wandered off back into the kitchen, waiting for the three to finish eating and distracting his mind by helping his fellow house-elves clean the dishes.
"Elfey?" Draco asked immediately, looking at Ivy like she was some little girl. Who would call an elf that? Well, he does remember his mother saying that he used to call every house elf he saw 'Snuggllelump'. "Seriously?"
Ivy looked over at Draco and shrugged. These names the house elves are given are a little weird. "What?" she asks him and forces her eyebrows together. "I feel sorry for the elf as he has to work all day and night."
"He doesn't have to work all day and night, " Harry tells them. "He does it by choice." The two Slytherins looked up from their meals and Harry chuckled as he twirled his fork around in the sauce-covered spaghetti and looked at Draco, "I freed him, remember?"
"Ah, yes," Draco said softly with a smirk, remembering when his father wrote to him sometime during his second year and told him that they'd lost a house elf to a sock. Not only that, but he lost his house-elf. "The elf I always talked to you about."
Harry raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend, and he then asked, "You talked about me to a house-elf?" Then it hit him as he remembered his second year. Of course! Dobby had come from the Malfoy's. He pondered what Dobby could tell him about Draco's family.
"He sure did," Ivy said and she saw her cousin glaring at her. She only smiled at him and continued eating her dinner. She didn't have anything else to say to them actually.
Harry smiled and returned the favour by kissing Draco on the cheek. The Slytherin blushed while feeling his pulse racing and just as Harry leaned away from his cheek, Draco quickly moved his head towards Harry and kissed him with passion. Harry smiled into the kiss, feeling his heart hammering against his chest, and he tilted his head to the side while kissing his boyfriend back tenderly.
Ivy smiled at the two. She couldn't help but let out a tiny squeal. Draco and Harry would have laughed at the squealing girl beside them but were too lost in kissing each other until they had to stop for air. Both of their lips were bright pink from kissing each other as were their cheeks with a blush. They stole quick kisses from each other and then continued slurping their Spaghetti.
"Merlin's Beard! This really is amazing," Draco said after a while of savouring every slurp of spaghetti. It's a delicious food that he's had rarely in his life, but he hopes to have more of this delicious delicacy.
"It's like you've never had Spaghetti Bolognese before," Ivy said in disbelief with a slow shake of her head. She just doesn't believe her cousin has never had spaghetti Bolognese before. It's a quite popular dish to have, even in British restaurants. In fact, the meal is international.
"Well, it's not my fault my family are rich and only eat weird expensive meals," Draco retaliated back and he looked at the table with disgust. It was his version of torture. He still to this day cannot get the thought of his father putting those snails on his plate and he had to eat them. "I've even tried snails once in Paris. "
"Eww!" Harry said in a disgusted tone and covered his mouth with his hand. "You've eaten snails? Euck! But since I know snail is a popular meal in France, what are they like?"
"Disgusting," Draco said with a scowl and played with the spaghetti in his bowl with his fork, trying to decide if he can stomach eating more spaghetti or if he had lost his appetite just because the thought of snails entered his mind. " It is like eating jelly slugs but they're slimier. I prefer actual filling meals like this delicacy."
Harry tried finishing his own Spaghetti Bolognese but was only able to eat half of it. "That was delicious!" He said with a lick of his lips and smiled. Though he wished he could eat the whole bowl. He doesn't want it going to waste.
"Yeah, it was," Draco said and peeked into Harry's bowl, seeing as it is half empty. "You've only eaten half of your meal, Harry." He sounded worried, especially since he never saw Harry eat breakfast. This just wasn't a healthy eating habit at all. He needed his boyfriend to eat a healthy size of food. Has Harry taken another ED Potion?
Harry cast a quick 'Tempus' and it told him it was nearly 1:00 PM. Time really does fly when you're having fun or with people. "Well, I guess I have to go now," he said and sounded like he didn't want to go at all, and that was true. He didn't want to leave so soon, but he had a dorm mate to talk with, so he got up from his seat and went over to Draco.
Draco and Ivy looked at each other with blank expressions on their faces. They were confused and a little sad that Harry wanted to leave early. Did he have something to do? Was he meeting anyone?
"Oh, okay then," Ivy said and got up from her seat to give Harry a light hug before he had to go for whatever reason he had. "I'll see you later, Harry. Stay safe and be happy for me." She leaned away from the hug and smiled at him. "Remember that you're not the only homosexual in Hogwarts so Ron Weasley's words don't only affect you. It affects all of us. And don't think that it's your fault he's acting this way. It's his choice if he decides to be a homophobic shithead."
Harry laughed at her words and what she called Ron. He hasn't heard anybody in Hogwarts swear using muggle language before. Not even Hermione has sworn. It's like she's a Christian or has Christian parents.
"Harry, do you have to go?" Draco asked him sadly and pouted a little at him. Why does he have to go? Does his boyfriend have something important to do? What's more important than himself? "And why do you have to go?"
"I have to go because I'm going to get help with the second task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament," Harry said and watched Draco stand up and come towards him. He placed his arms around the blonde Slytherin's waist and smiled. "It's with Hermione. I'm hoping she and I can figure out the task clue."
"What is the clue to the task, Harry?" Ivy asked him while crossing her arms over her chest and tilting her head to the side. "More importantly, what is the task you'll have to do?"
Harry turned his head to the side and looked at her with a slight frown. "I have the clue to the next task but I have no idea what it means," he tells her with a shrug. "I have to go figure it out with Hermione. Now, I need to go. I hope you both have a great New Year's Eve."
"Oh," said Draco and he began to think about when he next gets to see Harry. And New Year's Eve? Is it that time already? He doesn't exactly celebrate it as it just means another year has come. "I'll see you tomorrow during breakfast then. Have a great New Year's Eve, Harry."
Harry smiled and gave Draco a quick kiss goodbye before leaving the kitchen to go to the Gryffindor common room. He rushed his way through the portrait hole behind some young girls before it managed to close. He hurried off towards the Gryffindor tower and made sure to not get caught by Filch, or worse, Snape.
"Are you going to tell any other Slytherins about you and Harry?" Ivy asked Draco carefully though she knew the answer.
Draco thought about that, really thought about that and who he could tell. He trusts Pansy and Blaise, just not Gregory, Vincent, and Theodore. "The people that matter to me most know. I trust Pansy and Blaise more than anyone." He looked at his cousin who glared at him and crossed her arms. He half-smiled at her. "And you, of course."
"Better," Ivy said flatly and unfolded her arms with a smile. "We should get going too." She felt a little tired after an hour anyway and decided to head to the Slytherin dorms, taking her cousin by the hand with her out of the portrait.
"Are you humming, Harry?"
Harry looked up at Hermione, they were trying to figure out the second task in the Library. So far they figured out it had to do with the lake and breathing underwater for an hour. Just an hour. How can he bloody survive underwater for an hour?
"No," he mutters, then looks back at the words of the book he was trying to read about The Black Lake. He smiled, thinking of Draco.
Hermione smiles, "No, I'm sure you were humming 'I Would Do Anything For Love' by Meatloaf. I've never heard you humming before, Harry. Someone must be on your mind."
Harry shrugged. "Guess it got stuck in my head," he says with a laugh. "No thanks to you."
"Hey, you were the one who quoted it first!" Hermione reminded him, laughing too. "Stop humming so we can concentrate on figuring out how you'll survive underwater for an hour. Get to reading!"
Harry was waiting by the Slytherin common room entrance for Draco under his invisibility cloak. He needed him, he wanted to spend the night with him, and he wanted this New Year's to be with Draco. Would Draco's family celebrate the New Year's though? He hoped he wasn't late to see Draco but as soon as he heard footsteps, he walked over to them and saw exactly who he was looking for. Except Draco was with Ivy.
He quickly took off his invisibility cloak and ran up to them, wrapping his arms around the blonde Slytherin and leaning forward to kiss him softly. Draco pinned Harry against the wall while kissing him back and entwined their hands together. The kiss was filled with passion, lust, and love. Everything that both boys wanted. As soon as they were out of breath, they pulled apart. "What are you doing here, Harry?" the blonde Slytherin asked softly through deep breaths.
Harry smiled and leaned forward until his forehead was touching Draco's. Little did he know he was being watched by an older Slytherin by the name of Ivy Black, but he really didn't mind. "Had," He gave him a kiss. "To." A kiss. "Come." Another kiss. "Find." And another kiss. "You."
"And why?" Draco kissed him with a smile. He is glad Harry's here. "Is that?"
"Just follow me, Draco," Harry said in a quiet voice with a wink, wrapping his invisibility cloak around them to keep them hidden from the rest of the world and they made their way to the seventh floor of the castle. When they reached the blank wall, Harry closed his eyes but had no idea what he was doing but wanted a room much like the last one they were in. They snuck inside, hearing the door close from behind. They both walked down the tunnel which now lights itself up.
As they got inside, they leaned towards each other and locked lips. The invisibility cloak slipped off them and Harry chucked it to his side and didn't really care where it went. Harry slowly made his way to the blue bed he noticed while walking backwards, pulling Draco with him and he never stopped kissing his boyfriend until Draco pulled back just an inch and had to ask, "Isn't a little early for... you know?"
Harry smiled and shook his head. He took off his school robe, only leaving him in his uniform and climbed onto the bed. "I wasn't thinking about that, Draco," He said as he turned around, looking back at his boyfriend. "I just wanted to spend the night with you again and when we wake, I would like to kiss you good morning."
Draco climbed onto the bed and sat next to Harry. He reached for Harry's hand and held it in his. "That makes sense, as I was also thinking that exact same thing," he said earnestly with a little nod. "I would also love to wake up with you by my side, Harry."
Harry smiled and gave Draco's hand a little squeeze. Could it be true that Draco actually thought the same as him? He then bit his lip as he didn't know if he should tell Draco what was on his mind or not or not. Oh well, act first think later is the Gryffindor way. "Remember the time when making the sleeping potion?" He watched as Draco nodded at him and accompanied by the nod was a little smile. "Yeah... well, I... erm... I kissed you when you were under the effect of the potion."
Draco's lips parted slightly and then turned into a smirk. He remembers telling Ivy and Pansy about it and then they tell him about sleeping potions and what kind he took. "I know, I could feel it," he tells Harry. "I didn't take enough of the potion to actually fall asleep for an hour though."
Harry felt the warmth rise up from his chest to his neck and with it, a blush appeared on his cheeks. "Oh, why didn't you kiss me back then?"
Draco smiled at the memory of the dream he had about Harry kissing him. Only now he wished he could have kissed Harry back in surprise, but he actually likes how fate brought him and Harry together in its own way. "For me, it was like I was dreaming but could actually feel you kiss me. I couldn't kiss back, I would have, though. Just to get your reaction."
Harry chuckled and leaned in for a kiss like it was the first kiss they both missed on the day they were talking about. He moved closer to his blonde boyfriend and lowered his back down to the Duna of the bed, taking Draco with him so the Slytherin's on top of him. Draco had to hold onto Harry's neck as he was being lowered down on top of Harry and he placed both his legs on either side of Harry's waist. He trailed his hand down Harry's neck, to his back and down to his thighs.
Harry felt a shiver run through him. It wasn't a cold shiver but a pleasured shiver from the touch Draco was giving him. He curled his hands in Draco's jumper and pulled the Slytherin's head down so he could kiss him. They continued to kiss until they ran out of air then they pulled out and never lost eye contact.
Draco stared down at Harry's lips and then looked back up into emerald green irises. "I love it when your eyes sparkle every time you smile, Harry. It's like a breath of fresh air to me," he admits softly with a smile.
Harry knew his face was becoming redder the minute just because of the compliments Draco was giving him. Even though everything Draco has said is sort of schmaltzy, he loves it with every part of him. "How long, Draco? How long have you liked me for?"
Draco smiled, clearly liking how flustered he could make Harry. It reminded him of the compliment he gave Harry earlier today before going to Defense Against the Dart Arts class. "A very long time, Harry."
"You have a really funny way of showing it," Harry muttered, smiled and caressed Draco's warm cheeks with his thumbs.
"It's the Malfoy way, Harry. Don't play your cards until you're certain." Draco leaned in closer to Harry, stealing a kiss from his boyfriend and tilted his head to the side to make Harry believe he was going to deepen the kiss. He didn't. He quickly pulled out of the kiss just for fun, but he didn't want to.
Harry rolled his eyes and rolled over on the bed to face one of the gigantic arched windows. "Tease," he muttered and heard Draco chuckle behind him.
Draco reached over and ran his fingers through Harry's raven hair, trailing them down his neck, and then further down to his back. He slithered his hand over Harry's waist and held him close, his body pressed up against his boyfriend and he was smelling the pine in his boyfriend's hair.
Harry melted into the gesture, letting Draco hold him. He held onto Draco's hand that lay by his waist, loving every minute he spent with the blonde wizard. Although, he did want a nice refreshing shower, even if he didn't want to leave this embrace. "I'm going to take a shower," he then said in a low voice and turned over. "I want to be in something comfy while I sleep."
"Do you have to?" Draco mumbled to his boyfriend, stuffing his nose in the crook of Harry's neck. He actually wanted a shower too just to feel refreshed otherwise he just couldn't sleep at all. "Fine, and I'll have my shower after you."
Harry got up off the bed, leaving a frowning Draco behind. He cupped the Slytherin's cheeks, gave Draco a kiss and walked over to the wardrobe. He grabbed the checkered red pajamas and looked for the green checkered pajamas Draco wore the last time they were here. When he found them, he chucked Draco a pair of green pajamas and entered the bathroom with the red pair.
Draco watched as Harry entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him, he felt the sense of Deja Vu come to him as he heard the shower running. He sighed happily, got up and walked over to the bookshelves filled with books. He noticed they were all mainly about constellations, animals and plants and their science.
He walked over to the enchanted window, peeking outside at the mountains in the distance with the rain pouring down. He closed his eyes and imagined he was outside in the rain, feeling the raindrops fall on him and run down his skin. Before he even knew it, arms had wrapped around him. He turned around and met with those beautiful emerald green eyes of Harry Potter. "Hey."
Harry smiled at his Slytherin boyfriend and gave his nose a little kiss. "Hey yourself." Draco returned the smile and he walked over to the bed, grabbed the green pajamas, and headed into the bathroom.
Harry watched Draco go into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He smiled and hopped into bed and under the covers. He pulled the blankets up to his waist and lay down, staring at the canopy's ceiling. He heard the shower running and closed his eyes, drifting into a silent and peaceful sleep. But that sleep wasn't for long as he woke up as soon as he heard the bathroom door opening.
He rubbed at his eyes from under his glasses and watched as the blonde Slytherin with his shirt off crept over to the bed. He wolf-whistled at the Slytherin and the sight he was seeing. Draco's flat stomach was gorgeous with the these perfect pink nipples that he couldn't wait to touch and feel them whenever he could. "Did it just get a whole lot hotter in here or is it just me?"
Draco stopped as he was in the centre of the room after Harry had whistled at him, and he looked over at his boyfriend who was staring hungrily at him. The whole stare went right to his groin and he felt himself harden a little. He smirked as he put the pajama top on but didn't do up the buttons and was glad that it was a sight for his boyfriend to stare at. "I think it's just you, Harry. You are a very gorgeous sight to look at."
Harry blushed a little and smiled at him sweetly. He moved over to the right side of the bed so there was enough room for Draco. The Slytherin got the message and when he had gotten himself in bed, Harry grabbed both sides of Draco's pajama shirt and pulled him in close, giving him a slow but loving kiss. He moved his hands up to Draco's neck and ran them down the Slytherin's arms, feeling every little bump and lump of muscle there was until he got to his elbows.
Draco tilts his head to the side, deepening the kiss and Harry just moves his hands to Draco's chest, feeling the warmth and skin of his boyfriend under his palms and fingertips. His hands moved further down, now moving down to the Slytherin's stomach and abdomen where his fingertips tickled the skin there and made Draco groan in the kiss. Harry let out a smile in his kiss as he knew he could make Draco feel certain pleasures and he moved his hands to the side and ran them up and down Draco's waist. When they were out of breath, Draco slowly pulled away.
Draco smiled and cast a quick "Tempus" from his wand which he reached from in his pajama bottoms, telling him it was around 7:40 pm. It's nearly his bedtime. He likes early sleep, so he gets more rest during the night.
Harry watched as the golden numbers emerged and told the time. He sighed and laid his head down on the dark blue pillows. "I'm guessing you don't want to stay up until midnight so we can celebrate the New Year's together?"
Draco shook his head and lay down beside Harry, tucking himself under the bed sheets and Duna. He leaned over and gave Harry a quick kiss on the lips. "I can try but I don't think I'll be able to stay up that long, Harry. The most I've stayed up is until ten o'clock. I would end up falling asleep by your side once my head hits the pillow." He then laid back down and felt arms wrap around his stomach. He chuckled softly and whispered, "Go to sleep, my Gryffindor prince."
Harry shook his head and planted a kiss on the side of Draco's neck. "You go to bed my Slytherin Prince," he whispered into the blonde Slytherin's ear and moved his hands around the bedsheets to find Draco's hands. When he felt them, he intertwined their hands together and nudged his knee in between Draco's legs.
Draco sighed happily and rolled over, placing his arms around Harry where he could and snaked their legs together. He gave Harry one last slow kiss goodnight before lowering and resting his head on the soft blue velvet pillow. He closed his eyes and fell asleep next to his boyfriend. Harry smiled lovingly at him, gave Draco a forehead kiss and fell into a deep sleep in Draco's arms later on.
They walked down the corridors together, empty with students coming and going, and then they walked into something which they couldn't get out of. It seemed that they were stuck in a sphere. They actually didn't mind it though as they were stuck together. A whole group of giggling girls appeared, noticing the two boys trapped and looked up giggling again.
Then Draco looks up, and he smirks at the magical enchanted mistletoe that's vining down towards him and Harry. "Mistletoe," he whispers, and that's when Harry looks up out of curiosity, ignoring the laughing girls. "Looks like not all Mistletoe was cleared out after Christmas. This should be easy." He looks back at Harry and brings him towards him by the hand. It's when Harry bites his lip, that Draco places his arms around Harry's waist and leans forward. Harry closes his eyes, leaning a little forward until their lips are connected and nothing else in the world matters.
The smell of the Holy covered and surrounded them, and so did the feeling of magic. Harry breaks away from the kiss as he really needs some air, and that Holy smell is a bit too much for him. He looks up and sees that the mistletoe has vanished. "That was my first mistletoe kiss," he whispers.
"It was mine too," said Draco, and he reached a hand up to brush a strand of dark hair away from Harry's green eyes which shined almost unnaturally. "And I'm glad it was with you, Harry." He hesitated a little and smirked. "Merlin, that sounds cheesy."
Harry chuckles and nods at the blonde wizard's statement. "A little bit," he admits, "I like cheesy romance." He thinks of cheese and his tummy rumbles. He wished he ate more at lunch. "Don't we have a room to go to?" They had agreed to study more Potions together down in the Library after Harry got a sweet little message from Draco during Breakfast that he smiled at as he read it: Meet after lunch outside the Library? We can study and practise more Potions. X
"We do, don't we," Draco was smiling at Harry's laughter which he found adorable. Ignoring the flabbergasted girls who had been giggling, they continued to the library of the castle, from there they had to sneak through the library and try not to get caught by the Librarian Irma Pince. After a few shushes and laughs later when sneaking their way through the library, they were in the section of the library in front of the old bookshelf.
Harry quickly looked behind them, making sure no other students were around, and pulled down the book with a white cover. It triggered the secret entrance and made the bookshelf shake and open up like double doors. The two quickly made their way into the darkened tunnel and just kept going, even in the darkness as they knew the Oak doors on the other end.
Halfway from the door, the torches in the tunnel spark up and bring them light so they can see better. It really didn't help as they knew their way into the secret room. Draco opened the door and light filled the tunnel a bit more from the enchanted windows and the candle lights in the room. They enter the chilly room and the door closes shut on its own. Draco's Potion equipment was already in the room, from his cauldron, jars of potion ingredients and his Potion textbooks.
Draco points his wand at the fireplace and flames roar into life, slowly filling the cold room with warmth. He sees Harry sitting down on the midnight blue couch, and he smiles as he goes over to the couch and sits next to Harry.
Harry swung his book bag onto the table in front of the couch and dug in, bringing out his Potions textbook. He looked down at his homework and showed Draco the section he was troubled with and Draco looked at him in disbelief.
"That silly vacant look on your face during class really isn't an act, is it?" Draco says with a laugh at the simple question Harry wanted help with. "You don't pay attention at all."
"Can't help it," Harry says with a shrug, smiling at the blonde's laugh and his beautiful long eyelashes. "Snape's voice annoys me so much I just tune it out."
Draco showed Harry where he can find the answers to the questions for his Potions essay, then continued with his own Potion's essay. They studied side by side for about an hour, neither saying anything.
"Harry, stop tapping your quill, please? It's annoying."
Harry grinned, "Sorry."
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