Back To Hogwarts
Tom: There's this thing between Draco and Harry.
I love how Tom just right out says how Daniel is attractive. xD
Tom, your Bi! Just get with Daniel already.
Harry saw Cedric on the train to Hogwarts, he was talking to some pretty-looking black-haired bloke down the corridor of the train. He didn't know who he was but recognized him to be a 6th-year Ravenclaw. Noticing they were holding hands; he couldn't help but blush. He started to wonder what it would be like to have someone you like to hold your hand, cuddle up to you when it's cold, hug you and kiss you. Oh, how he wants to be loved by a bloke just like Cedric and that fine-looking gentleman.
Ron startled Harry as he poked his head out over his shoulder at who Harry was looking at, making Harry jump out of his thoughts and look at the side of Ron's freckled face. Ron looked towards where Cedric and the boy were, "Bloody hell!" He was looking at the older boys with a shocked expression. "Is that Cedric, holding hands with another bloke?"
Hermione was in the compartment petting Crookshanks in her lap as she read one of her schoolbooks: 'Standard Book of Spells Grade 4'. She raised a brow at what Ron said.
"Yes, Ron," Harry said slowly as he just couldn't be bothered to give him an explanation of what they were seeing. All he knows is that it's called love. He couldn't tell Ron about his sexuality just yet as well, not until he was ready. He just didn't want to feel worse about himself. This was probably why Fred and George never let their sexuality be known in the family.
He stopped Ron from saying anything more about Cedric in case he said something that would stop him from telling Ron about his own sexuality and thinking critically about himself. He's lost trust in a lot of people now. Even his own best friends. Trust is just a thing of the past.
As Ron went back into their compartment to sit next to Hermione, Harry looked back over at the two older males down the corridor. As if Cedric knew Harry had been staring, he gestured for Harry to come over. At least it is nice to know that people want to talk to him. Well, Cedric wants to talk to him.
"Be right back..." Harry whispered quietly, hoping Ron and Hermione heard him. He left their compartment, closed the door, and walked over to the two 6th-year students outside the compartment.
Cedric smiled as Harry walked up to them. "Hello, Harry," he says happily. "I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Joshua. Joshua this is Harry."
Joshua glanced up at Harry's forehead and smiled, holding out his hand for Harry to shake. He didn't care about Harry's title. A title is a title and means nothing after all. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Harry."
"Likewise," Harry said with his famous fake smile, shaking hands with the boy. All he could think these two blokes would want to hear was about the Ministry, so he informed them of the trouble Mr. Weasley had to help out with. "Mr. Weasley's having some trouble at the ministry so he had to leave early, if you're wondering."
"Oh," Cedric said, furrowing his eyebrows. Sometimes the Ministry concerned him with everything that goes on there. "I hope he'll fix whatever happened there."
Joshua nodded in agreement with him. The Ministry is a tough place full of secrets and lies. "Speaking of the ministry, I was thinking of becoming an Auror after I graduate."
Cedric looked at Josh with an affectionate smile, and his brown eyes gleamed. "That's a wonderful idea, Josh. I'm sure you'll be an amazing Auror!"
Harry gave the boys in front of him the biggest fake smile he could make. He didn't want to stay here long as these two obviously wanted their alone time. He wished he had someone to spend hours and hours of alone time with. Hopefully, his forced smile was enough to make them not worry about him because why would they worry? He's just a burden to this Earth. "Perhaps I'll see you out in the field someday, Joshua. I was thinking of becoming an Auror too." The dream to become an Auror was fading away. He just doesn't see himself as an older man with a job. He doesn't see himself at all getting past the age of 14 or 15.
Joshua kissed Cedric on the cheek for the compliment and looked back to Harry. "Why, that's splendid!" He smiled at the younger boy. "I'll be looking forward to seeing you ready for the test after your graduation."
"Well, it was great meeting you, except I have to head back to my friends," Harry replied quickly. He doesn't actually want to go back to the compartment with Hermione and Ron as he would rather be alone in a compartment so he can just wallow in self-pity. Other than that, amazing but depressing thought, he was feeling a little awkward meeting someone new and the affectionate kisses the two boys were giving each other just made him feel lost and unloved.
"Alright, enjoy the trip back to Hogwarts!" Joshua said with a quick smile, and Harry forced one back and made his way back to the compartment Hermione and Ron were in. He pondered if his best friends would even know he was gone if he decided to find another compartment by himself.
Just as he was about to enter the compartment he noticed Malfoy at the other end of the corridor with Crabbe and Goyle. He froze as he locked eyes with the blonde snake, the goons beside Malfoy having not noticed him yet. As if the three years of their rivalry didn't exist at all, Harry thought he saw Draco fucking smile at him. He lost control of his entire body, it felt like his legs and arms had turned to goo, and he made an embarrassing squeak in the back of his throat as he rushed into the compartment his friends were in. He tripped over his feet and Ron caught him.
"Jess Christ, Harry!" Hermione says at once, looking him over to make sure he was alright. The gesture reminded him of Molly Weasley, motherly affection. Something he doesn't have. "Are you ok?"
No, I'm not, Harry thought to himself as he was helped to his feet but all he wanted to do was sit down. "Yeah, fine, just wasn't looking where I was going," he quickly replies, managing to sit next to Crookshanks who moved to sit on his lap, looking up at him with her cute yellow round eyes that slowly blinked. "The floors are a bit slippery." And he wants to go end it all from the embarrassment! But having Crookshanks on his lap looking at him like that made the thoughts go away. "Nice kitty!"
"Harry, the floors aren't slippery," Hermione tells him softly, firmly. She smiles at her cat showing love to her best friend.
"Did you talk to Cedric? Who was the guy he was with?" Ron asked quickly whilst throwing his dress robe over Pigewideon's cage. Harry glanced away from Crookshanks's round eyes and thought that Ron had a rag over Pig's cage, which looked quite old.
"Yup!" Harry just didn't sound too enthusiastic about this conversation. What if Ron wouldn't accept him for liking guys? "That's his boyfriend, Joshua. Nice guy," he told them earnestly. He couldn't stop looking at Crookshanks and her round eyes, and petting her soft fur. There was just something comforting about her. She's like a teddy bear! "Do you have a problem with people liking the same gender?" He asked Ron softly with a sideways glance. He suddenly felt a little sick in the gut from lunch, even though he only ate half a sandwich.
"No, not really," said Ron, shaking his head. "I find it unnatu-"
"Shhh!" Hermione shushed Ron from further explaining. "Listen!"
A slow familiar voice came from the compartment next to theirs. "My father almost sent me to Durmstrang. The headmaster of the place is-."
Harry felt his heart begin to hammer against his chest and butterflies in his stomach. He forgot about seeing Draco earlier; he never knew Malfoy was right beside his compartment. What if Malfoy finds out that he's into guys? Surely the word will spread around Hogwarts in a matter of seconds and ruin Harry's life even more than it already is.
"Malfoy!" Ron said quietly.
Hermione closed the compartment door silently and sat back down. She didn't want the Slytherins hearing their conversations. Especially if it had something to do with sexualities. Crookshanks swished her tail at her owner and continued staring up at Harry, until she got up off his lap and sat looking outside the window, wishing that pesky rat was still around to chase.
Harry couldn't believe that Draco Malfoy was sitting in the compartment beside them. The butterflies weren't going away at all. Sometimes he dislikes how the Slytherin has been making him feel. "I didn't know they were sitting next to us," he said quietly, biting his lip. He hoped Malfoy and his goons didn't hear the talk they were having.
Ron sighed and stared at his dress robes with disgust. "I wish his father did make him go to Durmstrang so we wouldn't have to put up with him through all these years."
Hermione hit Ron on the shoulder with her book, disliking his attitude. "Ron! He may be a g-... rude, but it doesn't mean you can just say that about someone. You know, you're now sounding exactly like him!"
"Well I'm sorry, but it's true," Ron replied solemnly with a slight smile, making Hermione sigh, roll of her eyes and continue reading her book.
Harry sat there in silence watching his two best friends, Hermione reading a book and Ron continuing to look at his dress robes in disgust. He hugged his legs and leaned his head on the wall, wishing he could just go to sleep for a while as his cuts burned on his arm. His scar had also been hurting due to the dreams he'd been having, the same dreams over and over again. It was getting to the point where he just wanted to go to sleep forever and not wake up. He'd be asleep at the Dursley's, they probably wouldn't care if he died in his sleep. Just another burden lost to the world.
"Where's the professor who will teach us Defense against the Dark Arts?" Hermione asked, looking up at the professor's table for the new DADA professor as they had just entered the castle for the Welcome back feast.
Ron shrugged his shoulders. "Meh. Everyone knows that teaching position is supposed to be cursed; guess people are just too scared," he said, watching the table for the feast to pop up so he could dig in.
Ron and Hermione both scanned the professor's tables carefully, still not seeing an unfamiliar face. Harry really couldn't be bothered looking up, the pain in his arms from scratching at the cuts he made this morning was numbing him. He couldn't think properly or sleep properly at all. What's the point in life if he can't sleep or eat? Those two are the most important things about living and that's the opposite of what Harry wanted. All he did was stare absentmindedly at that one spot his eyes travelled to. He didn't want to eat at all either. He couldn't. Anything he does eat just comes right back up.
"Ugh! Hurry this up!" Ron moaned from beside Harry. "I could eat a whole cow!"
Harry looked over at the Slytherin table, and as soon as he spotted Draco, Draco looked over at him as if he knew Harry was watching him. Harry quickly looked down, flushing from being caught. He remembered what happened in the train corridor earlier.
Draco smiled and chuckled quietly to himself, looking down at his nails, feeling his cheeks colour. Did he just catch Harry Potter staring at him? Again? Oh, he most certainly did. But that's normal, right?
As soon as the hat finished singing, Professor McGonagall rolled out a scroll of parchment and began reading the names of the first years. After that, the feast began, and everyone dug in. As the Headmaster told everyone of the events that were to take place at Hogwarts and finished speaking after the new DADA professor stormed in, everyone dug in. Everyone except one boy with dark hair and green eyes.
Harry wondered what was wrong with this new professor, and how he'd affect him like every other DADA teacher in the past. Well, there was Lupin, and he was a great professor! He wishes Remus could come back. Harry didn't eat a thing, he believed he didn't deserve to eat anything that looked so good because that is just how bad his low self-esteem was because of the Dursleys.
Unfortunately, Hermione saw Harry's struggle to eat which she grew immensely worried about. "Harry?" she asked softly. "Are you going to eat anything?"
Harry shook his head and sighed miserably. "Not hungry," he told her. Even the look of food made him sick. He just needed to escape to the dormitory. "I ate a lot for Breakfast and Lunch."
Hermione knew Harry was lying as she didn't see him eat anything for breakfast or even lunch. Except for half a sandwich, of course. She's beginning to really worry and feel concerned for Harry. She just doesn't know what's been happening with him.
After the feast was finished, everyone returned to their dorms for a good night's sleep, but Harry just lay in his bed and stared at the roof of his 4-poster. He couldn't sleep anyway. What's the point? What's the point of life if he can't sleep, or eat, or be happy?
When he knew his dorm mates were asleep, he quickly grabbed his new metal friend from inside the book he kept it in as well as the one from the sock. He made his way down into the boy's bathroom and found an empty 'Eclipse Mints' tub in a cupboard and put his little sharp friends in it. Nobody has ever used or touched it, nobody probably knows it's there, so he thought that would be a good hiding spot. He put a ward around the tin so nobody could open the tin and find his little friends in the future.
When he finished, he went back down into the dormitory and decided to 'do a Hermione' and read his new textbooks for the year. He thought it would be good to know what he is up against throughout the year.
Harry stayed up late reading, he really hates going to sleep and waking up from the same nightmare over and over again. It drains him emotionally, leaving him feeling tired, depressed, and weak.
It was now morning and Harry was still reading but he changed the books he was reading repeatedly. He didn't want to read the same thing over and over again. What he didn't realize was that someone had been watching him read as they woke up.
Ron was sitting up in his bed and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Oi, mate," he stared at Harry sleepily, his eyes drooping a little. "I swear, if you read another book you will probably end up like Hermione."
Harry looked over at Ron's bed, not knowing how long he'd been up for. He decided to end the topic of reading because that led to questions. Questions he doesn't know how to answer or can't be bothered asking. "How long have you been up?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Harry," Ron replied still in his half-sleep state. Then he yawned, stretching his arms out.
"Sorry, I just want to know what we're going to be doing this year," Harry said as he was finishing off the last chapter of 'Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4' textbook for the third time, none of the information he read seeped into his brain and stayed there. He wished he had actual amusing books to read like Percy Jackson, Quidditch books, The Hunger Games or The Maze Runner. Just something intriguing that will keep him up all night. Not that it'd matter anyway, he wouldn't remember anything he read.
"But up since 4:20 in the morning?" Ron's eyes suddenly widened a little, as if all tiredness had been wiped from them. He was staring at his best mate like he was going crazy. "Surely, you're not tired and don't need to re-read all our textbooks for this year."
"I'm just bored, that's all," Harry said as he looked up at Ron, closed 'Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4' and placed it on the bedside table. How long had Ron been up for? Since 5 am? 4 am? Hopefully not because that's pretty early to be up at. Well, early for Ron. But for Harry, not so much.
"You've been reading for hours, mate," Ron said in a quiet tone as he remembered their other dormmates were sleeping. He was a little worried about his best mate and his new habits. "No offence but I'm just bothered by that."
"I know, and non-taken," Harry said as he sluggishly got up from his bed and walked towards the window closest to him, looking down below at the Hogwarts grounds. "But it is a good way to let time fly though."
"But still, I don't think I've ever seen you reading for that long," Ron admitted, tilting his head slightly to the side. He hadn't recalled seeing Harry with a book for hours before. "Don't you get bored just reading for hours? You know, you're becoming like Hermione."
Harry snorted and shrugged while watching an Owl down below fly around in circles. The rain had calmed down a bit since last night, but it was still sprinkling outside. He started to ignore every word that was coming from Ron's mouth as his train of thoughts kept moving through his head. He felt jumpy, like if he tried opening the window he could jump out in a second and fall to his death. Where would he hit first?
Harry began to deepen into his thoughts, thinking back to the Dursleys and the abuse. But he didn't believe it was abuse because he believed he deserved the punishments he got. "Good night, Ron," he says, focusing his eyes on his reflection in the window. "Best try to get some rest for tomorrow."
"Alright, Harry," Ron says, tucking himself back into bed. "Night. Get some sleep, please."
I'll try, Harry thought to himself, backing away from the window and to his bed. He lay on his side, facing Neville's bed, and closed his eyes. Stormy grey eyes are what came to his mind instantly, as was Malfoy and what the git wore to the Quidditch World Cup. Handsome prat. He had a thought, or maybe it was a dream, of being there with Malfoy, by his side, chatting and laughing together and eventually holding hands! It put a small smile on his face until Lucius Malfoy came to the front of his mind, staring at him with a mixture of annoyance and... curiosity? Lucius Malfoy then swished away the dream he was having and it woke him up. He thought he'd feel happy about the dream he had, instead, he felt heartbroken as he remembered that girl named Ivy.
He sighed and started getting ready for the day even if it was now around 5:00 in the morning. Hermione's probably up too at this hour, so, maybe she can keep him company. He sighed again and made his way down to the common room until it was breakfast. At least he can stare into the fire for a few hours.
The classes Harry had for the day were Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination and Potions. He saw Malfoy before classes with Crabbe and Goyle in the corridors. Sometimes, he just wanted the Slytherin to strut up to him, pin him to the wall and kiss him. It's what he's been thinking a lot about, kissing the prat. He noticed that he had been caught staring at Malfoy, by, of course, Malfoy himself. It made him blush and really want to get away so he turned on his heel and headed to his first class of the day.
Having to squeeze Bubotubers for their pus; was a disgusting way to start the day even if it was satisfying to do and was interesting to learn about. Especially since the Bubotuber's puss can be used to cure pimples and whatnot according to Madam Pomfrey. Harry remembered seeing the disgusted look on Malfoy's face as he squeezed the worm he had been given. It was hilarious but at the same time adorable. He even caught Malfoy staring at him through most of the lesson which made him turn away with a warm feeling tingling his cheeks. He imagined what it would be like to be close to Malfoy, to be his friend, his best friend or even more. What it would be like to look into those sparkling pools of silver for as long as you want while ignoring your thumping heart. As the loud bells rang, Harry jumped out of his dreamy thoughts of Malfoy and rushed to Care of Magical Creatures with Ron and Hermione with his bag over his shoulder.
Even though Harry liked Hagrid, he really didn't know what use knowing how to take care of a Blast-Ended-Skrewt would be for him. All the lessons were pretty much the same, Malfoy being a typical git as always, but Harry couldn't help but stare at the blonde Slytherin Wizard throughout the lessons he had with him. He was as attractive as he's always been with his hair looking perfect - perhaps too perfect, silvery eyes filled with the same hateful emotions, the way he walks, talks, and lives in general.
Ron, Hermione, and Harry walked directly behind Malfoy and his goons as they walked back up to the castle. Harry watched as Malfoy ushered his goons away from him and walked a different way towards the castle. He couldn't help but know what Malfoy was up to, but then again, he wanted to head back to the castle and be alone until the next class. His curiosity got the best of him as he was already following Draco from behind. "I'll be right back..." he said and followed Malfoy down a hill quickly, not hearing Hermione shout his name and asking where he was going. Harry made sure to keep to the sides so Malfoy wouldn't see him, but it obviously failed.
"Potter!" Malfoy spat, turning around to face his rival with a glare. But as he remembered catching the Gryffindor staring at him earlier, and what happened on the Hogwarts Express, which made his heart flutter with a feeling of hope, he just couldn't place his usual Malfoy Mask over his emotions. Merlin, this boy made him go crazy.
"Malfoy!" Harry spat back, watching his rival do an elegant 190-degree spin to face him. Geez, what a prince he was. How can someone just... spin around like that? So elegantly... Did he have princely spinning lessons growing up or something?
"Having fun following me?" Malfoy asked him in a mocking tone, smirking at the slight red attractive tinge to the Gryffindor's cheeks. "Or are you trying to find what I'm apparently up to? You're always wondering that."
"I am not!" Harry glared at Malfoy, his face feeling warmer than usual; he did not know if he should whip out his wand for protection. One thing is for sure, he had no idea why he was even here. Why did he even choose to follow Malfoy? But he must have come this way for some reason...
Malfoy chuckled and gave Harry a quick small smile. "I'm only joking, Potter!" He actually sounded kind, and Harry liked seeing this in the Slytherin. Was he actually seeing the nice version of Draco Malfoy? The one who stays hidden, unless in the common room, probably. "Although, I'm rather concerned with your obsession with me." He gave him a wink too just to be even more of a git.
"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry told him bitterly. He doesn't know what Malfoy is playing at and he doesn't like it. Although, it's making the blood rush to his cheeks faster. Especially with that smile and wink the blonde Slytherin gave him. He was surprised. He didn't think he'd ever seen Malfoy smile at him. It changed his face from its usual haughty sneers to one that was almost, quite attractive.
Malfoy smiled, loving how Potter's getting all 'defency-like' around him. "Look, I'm sorry. I-..." he faltered, trying to come up with the nicest way possible to say what he had to tell the Gryffindor. If only he had Ivy's wise words of helpfulness, then he was sure he'd be able to do this. Even if Ivy wasn't the one to make him do this, it'd be Pansy.
"I?" Harry repeated for him, not believing that Malfoy out of all people had apologized to him. What for, though? He just didn't want to believe this. Was he in some Alternative universe where Malfoy was nice?
"Sorry, had to think before I say this..." Draco bit his lip and Harry still couldn't believe the apology that came out of Malfoy's mouth. It was like he was dreaming. "I'm asking for your hand in a truce, Potter," he said confidently with a high chin, remembering the conversation with Ivy at the Quidditch World Cup.
"I don't ca-" Harry was about to say he didn't care if his glasses were old – which is what he thought Draco was going to say - but he hesitated, trying to take in what he just heard. "What?" He asked straightforwardly, not believing Malfoy just apologized for the third time and how he would actually want a truce with him.
Malfoy rolled his eyes at the Gryffindor in front of him. Whatever happened to his brain? Did that snowy fluff ball of an owl peck it all out of his scalp? "I'm asking you for a truce, Potter," he told him carefully just to let the message sink in. "You know, a stop to this childish rivalry? It's time we grew out of it, yes?"
Harry replayed what Malfoy had said in his head. He has to make sure that this isn't a trick. "What makes you think that I would accept the truce?" he asked him, giving him a sour expression. "Everything you've said and done from the first year to this year. I can't exactly forget everything you've done and move on."
Though he does want a truce with Malfoy, even through all the shit the git has put him through. It's who he is - he's a forgiving person, even though he's got trust issues, which does end up messing things up in the end with the people he decides to put his trust into. He would like to get along with Malfoy just once, or twice, or forever.
Malfoy stared into those intense beautiful green eyes of Harry Potter. Here comes the explanation, but he had to make up a few bits and pieces. "I was thinking..." He smiled at Potter's impatient look and took a step closer to him. "Over the holidays I have come to realize that this weird little rivalry between us is just so childish. So, as I said before, I'd like to make a truce with you."
Harry felt his cheeks redden some more as he stared into those Silver eyes of Draco Malfoy. He's closer to Malfoy now, he could reach over and boop him on the nose. Why did I just think of booping the git on the nose? For fucks sake... I'm weird. He didn't know that Malfoy had been... thinking of this for so long, to actually want to end the rivalry. "Oh, okay... sure," He said with a slow nod. "I accept your truce but only on one condition."
Malfoy raised an eyebrow and nodded, gesturing him to continue with the condition. "Great!" he said, smiling at the Gryffindor just to get a reaction and naturally that attractive shade of red comes back to his face. It always brightens up his day when he sees Potter smile, or blush. "What's the condition I must know about?"
Harry gave a small smile; how could Malfoy not know of the condition? It's so easy to guess. "Do not insult my friends," he told him with a little bit of a stern voice, his arms crossed to show how important this was. He feels like, shortly, he will get to know this kind side of Draco.
Malfoy nodded. Although, that promise seems a little hard to keep. He'll find a way. He'll promise it to Harry. Before he said anything to him, he looked down at his shoes and sighed heavily. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you and your friends," he looked back up at Harry, into those breathtakingly green eyes, his eyebrows gathered in. "If I could go back and change what I've said and done I would have. I just hated the rejection." He held out his hand, asking him for his hand in friendship, just like he did in his first year, but he had a feeling Potter wouldn't reject him again.
Harry hesitated for a moment, looking down at Malfoy's hands and his well-manicured nails. Holding his breath, he took Malfoy's hand and shook it gently. He immediately felt shock as their hands met but ignored it. It's like the feeling of being on muggle playground equipment on a warm day and the metal gives you a shock when it's touched, yet, this touch felt more... alive. It felt like a sizzle of magic raced between them. "It's alright, I'm sorry too," he told him softly. Looking into Malfoy's eyes, he studied them to see if the Slytherin also felt the same thing he did. He saw something flicker in the Slytherin's silver eyes but could not pick up what it was. He wanted to ask if Malfoy felt the same but he didn't want to give him the wrong idea.
Malfoy felt the similar electric shock as Harry had just touched his hand but ignored it also. He furrowed his eyebrows, confused as to why Potter was apologizing. "What are you sorry for, Potter?" He forgot they were still shaking hands. Its just the warmth from the other bloke's hand made him feel all nice and warm inside, and he loved it. He didn't want it to end.
Harry kept the small smile on his face, finding it a little sweet that Draco would be asking about his own apology. He is sure he has said some un-nice things to Draco in the past too. "For not taking your hand in friendship back then and please, call me Harry."
Draco nodded; glad they could come to terms with their truce. "Alright then, Harry." The name was so alien on his tongue, but he actually likes it. "There really is no need to apologize," he said gently, shaking his head. He bit his lip and Harry was mesmerized at how soft those lips look. He thought back to his first kiss with Fred but replaced him with Draco. He blinked back at the thought of kissing Draco and even stepped back, afraid he might to something he shouldn't.
"I was a little rich prick back then." Draco's cheeks burned with shame, knowing he was right. "I believed that my father was always right, and that Purebloods are superior wizards, but we're really not. We're just people. Oh, and if I'm going to call you Harry, then just call me Draco." There was that smile again.
Harry felt something inside him making him feel warm and funny as Draco called him by his first name. He liked it. No, he loved it. That smile too. "I understand that Draco," he replies softly, "You're not... a... I don't want to say it. You're pretty smart!"
Draco felt his face and neck go warm at the sudden compliment, especially with the word 'pretty' coming from Harry's mouth. He just feels like skipping through the corridors of Hogwarts with a smile now while everyone judges him but he just wouldn't care. Merlin's Beard... this is how Harry makes him feel. "I hate to admit this, but I would still have to continue to insult you and your friends in public."
Harry didn't understand this at all. First, Draco wants to make a truce, but he also must keep insulting him and his friends? Boys are just so confusing... "Why?"
Draco hated this too, but he just didn't want his father finding out about this. Who knows how his father will take this? How about his mother? "I need to keep acting as I should be and keep a low profile," he told Harry carefully, frowning a little at the thought of hurting Harry in some kind of way like insulting him again. It always pains him to insult Potter. "If some Slytherins find me befriending people in different Hogwarts houses I'm sure my father will most definitely hear about that in a matter of hours. I wouldn't know what would happen if he found out, what would happen to me. Either I get disowned or just punished... for my acts."
Harry didn't like what he was hearing. Punished for acting a certain way? That was bad. He felt bad for Draco. "I understand," he told him, eyes looking away from Draco's gaze and down at the floor, feeling uncomfortable at the word 'punished' that he used. "Just, don't go too far and please do not insult my friends too much. Insult me, I can easily take it. I'm used to it." That last two bits was a big ass lie but he will take insults just for Draco if that is really what should happen.
Draco's frown deepened if that was possible. He felt a little guilty now. Does Potter-, Harry actually mean he can take insults? How many insults has he taken and ignored? He said that he's used to it. Surely that wasn't because of himself, was it?
Both boys forgot that they were still shaking hands, well not shaking hands exactly but holding hands though they were too caught up in each other's company to notice. Harry looked back into Draco's eyes, a piercing silvery-stormy grey colour that twinkled in the sunlight. They both blushed a little as they just stared into each other's eyes unblinkingly. It wasn't until Draco squeezed Harry's hand out of reflex that they both looked down at their entwined hands and blushed even redder.
"Sorry," they both said as they let go of each other's hands and took a step back. Secretly, they wanted to be closer to one another again.
"I-, uh... I'm going to go," Draco said quickly, pointing his thumb behind him at the castle. But first, he bit his lip, clearly thinking about something. "Harry..." He swallowed down the lump trying to stop himself from saying this. "Have you ever noticed've got the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen?"
Harry looks at him fondly and his face instantly reddens the colour of a tomato. He smiles sweetly and pushes back a strand of hair from his eyes, distracted by the shade of pink he sees on the Slytherin's already rosy cheeks. He remembers that Justin guy saying something similar to him about his eyes. "No... I- um... Thank you, Malfoy. I mean Draco. Yeah, Draco... Um..." Jesus Christ! What just happened...
Draco smiled at him and said, "Well, it's true, Harry." He then spun around and rushed back up to the castle with his head held high and Slytherin robes billowing behind him. He couldn't believe he had just done that. Oh, Ivy and Pansy are going to be exploding into glitter when they hear about this!
Harry watched Draco leave; he was forgetting he was staring at the blonde for way too long than normal. How can the prick pull off such a dramatic exit, Harry thought wryly, and he suddenly smelt Vanilla and zest in the air, a nice mixture of scents. He just could not believe that he had just been complimented by none other than Draco Malfoy! The hottest boy in school. Well, he believes that Draco's the hottest. And he held his hand!
He then made his way back up to the castle a little behind Draco for Divination and then Potions. He wondered how the Slytherin could look so elegant when walking, or even how he could do that flowy thing with his robes. He noticed that the Slytherin almost walked like a model. So elegant and posh.
Divination was the same as always. Professor Trelawny gives Harry death predictions every now and then throughout the lessons. Even learning about the planets in space, the professor would always come up with something that would supposedly affect Harry in the near future. To Harry, it was annoying and depressing. Having predictions being fed to Harry by his own teacher just makes him want to just sleep forever and hope they don't come true. It's what brought his mood down and nothing could bring him back up to what he would call 'happiness'. The only inch of happiness he felt today was when befriending Draco and heard the Slytherin compliment him. That's all.
Harry sat with Ron in Potions, as always. He glanced up at the Slytherin table a few times and met eyes with a certain silvery grey-eyed blonde Slytherin. He gave a small smile to the Slytherin and turned back to making his potion, but he could still feel the blonde's eyes on him. This always gave him butterflies in his stomach.
Harry could feel his cheeks warm up every time he glanced over again. When he met eyes with the blonde again, he mouthed "Stop staring" to him, even though he knew he also was staring. He could see a pink tinge form on the blonde's cheeks as he looked away and he chuckled because of how cute that made the blonde look.
Hermione noticed Harry's distraction in class, Draco Malfoy. She had no clue what was going on between those two, but she had a hunch as she had caught Harry ogling the Slytherin a lot. She's also caught Harry staring at a lot of guys throughout the years and completely ignoring the pretty girls he's ever come across. She smiled at her friend and continued writing down the ingredients for a potion.
Snape looked up from his desk at a snickering black-haired boy with round spectacles. He sneered at the boy, wondering what was so funny that he would distract his class with his laughter. "What are you laughing at, Mr. Potter?"
Harry looked directly up at his potion's teacher, a frown appearing on his face. He didn't think his laughter was that loud and he definitely didn't need Snape's oppression either. "Nothing, sir!"
"Get back to devising the ingredients to the potion you'll be brewing then!" Snape responded coolly in his monotoned voice and crossed his arms over his chest. Harry nodded and continued writing - though he had forgotten what he was supposed to be writing. He snuck a peek at Hermione's notes. Right, ingredients for the Potion. He still felt eyes drilling into his head and looked over at the Slytherins. Draco winked at Harry, causing him to blush a little so Harry glared at him in annoyance as the blonde Slytherin got him into trouble. Draco nodded and Harry looked back down at his parchment and continued writing down ingredients for a potion.
In all his classes, Harry has noticed Draco staring at him. He didn't mind it at all. It actually was a little sweet and it always made his cheeks feel warm whenever he caught Draco staring. But the best part about catching the blonde Slytherin staring at him was the pink tinges that always appeared on his cheeks.
Harry didn't know why but seeing those pink tinges always made something inside him flutter and he thought how attractive it was. It really was a pretty sight to see against his pale complexion as well as that charming smile that always makes his heart skip a few beats.
Whenever he does catch Draco staring, to his delight, the blonde smiles at him with those pink cheeks he adores. He tries smiling back at Draco, though it's very hard to manage a real one when he's not feeling so great, so he gives his forced smile. He tries so much to hang around Hermione and Ron more but all he does is make Hermione seem to worry about him with his quietness and even restlessness when he's anxious (picking at his nails, shaking of his knees) which he cannot help at all and his lack of interest in the things he used to enjoy like evening strolls of the grounds. So, all he does is go for lonely walks around the castle or go to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom for some alone time. He prefers to be alone.
In the corridors of the castle, whenever he and Draco would walk by or see each other, Draco would take the mickey out of him somehow by either teasing him about his glasses or matted hair and Harry would roll his eyes. After the interaction, Harry would look back and notice Draco smiling his way. It put a smile on his face, seeing the blonde give him secret smiles. So far nobody has thought of their behaviour towards each other as suspicious in any way which was good. He understands Draco doesn't want to many people to find out about their truce because of his reasons and Harry accepts that.
Harry was walking through an empty corridor as he prefers them that way and he had his hood over his head to block out the rest of the world. All he wanted was a break from the rest of the world, Hermione, and Ron. They weren't being very talkish to him as much which is why he decided to isolate himself from them. It pretty much happens some days and he's fine with it.
Then he hears a distant voice say "Harry" come from somewhere around him. He pretends to ignore it and keep walking but as he does so he hears footsteps coming in his direction from behind him. Deciding that it is rude to ignore someone calling him, he turns around and faces the one and only Draco Malfoy. "Oh! Hello, Malf - Draco."
"Good morning, Pot-Harry," Draco decides to tease him, with a quick, mischievous smile and Harry snorts. Draco's smile then falters as he notices a familiar dullness in those green eyes. Why does Harry have his hood over his head when it's not even that cold? He quickly glances around the corridors for any oncoming students but sees no one. "How are you?"
Not this question again! But Harry knows it's just a polite way of asking how you have been doing. He gave Draco a forced smile as he said, "I'm doing fine, thank you." He hesitated for a second while also thinking if that lie he told was believable or not. By looking at Draco, he didn't see any looks of disbelief or anything. "How about you? How are you doing on this fine morning?"
"My day has gotten better since I've come across you," Draco replies, and his cheeks glow as he moves a little closer to Harry. To his admiration, Harry blushed because of his words of choice. Maybe he should flirt with Harry more often than keeping it deep inside. Flirting with this Gryffindor is exceptionally fun, specifically when he gets to view Harry's reaction and see him blush.
Harry looked to the floor and he couldn't help but smile. Draco was being so sweet right now; it just warmed his insides. How could he repay him back? "Well... uh, y-you always find a way l-like smiling and it makes my day a little brighter." He cannot believe what he said, and it's a big hint about his feelings for Draco.
A blush appears on Draco's face. Usually, he would do the flirting with Harry and he didn't mind this one bit. Change is good, isn't it? "Thanks, Harry," he says warmly, and his white-blonde eyebrows drew in close as he wondered why Harry was alone. "Might I ask why you're walking the corridors alone and not with Weasley and Granger? I don't mean to prude but you're always with them."
"I just wanted to go for a walk around the castle alone," Harry says, and he looks to the left of him at a large castle window overlooking the green mountains in the distance. He walks to it and looks at the scenery below him of the grounds of Hogwarts. He saw students outside playing around, running, or sitting and reading books. The presence of Draco joining him by the window brings a little flutter within and he has an urge to be closer. "Hermione and Ron have been doing their own things. It's fine though. I like my peaceful walks around Hogwarts."
Draco was having a few doubts about Harry's friends. He seems so down and Granger and Weasley aren't there for him. Where are Harry's friends when Harry needs them the most? Oh well. At least he's here for Harry now. "So, what do you Gryffindor's do for fun? Or what you like doing for fun?"
"Nothing much. We just talk, go for a walk or snack," Harry explained to him. He looked beside him at Draco who stared down at the grounds of the castle, looking so deep in thought that Harry wished he knew what the Slytherin was thinking. "What about you and the Slytherins?"
"We pretty much do all the same, but we like hearing and talking about the gossip in Hogwarts," Draco says, and he looks back at Harry who he catches staring at him. He smiles and looks down at his nails, seeing if there's anything he needs to fix. He doesn't see anything but himself in a few hours buffing his nails.
Harry just nods, wondering what kind of gossip the Slytherins hear about. Was it gossip that would have ruined someone's life if it were humiliating or just good gossip like if two people had started dating? How he wishes this blonde Slytherin could be his, but he knows about Ivy. He still has a dislike for her. He doesn't understand why he gets so worked up when he sees her with Draco. It's just... He wants to be the one next to Draco, holding hands, hugging... kissing.
The sound of footsteps running through the corridors makes Draco panic a little and look around. He would actually like the whole of Hogwarts to know about his and Harry's friendship, but he just doesn't want word spreading to his father about it. Who knows how his own father would react to him befriending Harry Potter?
It was Ivy who called out Draco's name, to Harry's disappointment. Oh, but she's crying. Harry didn't understand this at all. Ivy ran up to Draco, mascara and eyeliner tears running down her face, and she hugged him tightly. Harry just wanted to escape. He couldn't stand the sight of these two hugging. He just felt sick. "Um... I'm just going to go. I'll see you around, Draco."
Draco frowns, not wanting Harry to go at all. However, he knows Ivy would need to talk to him alone like she does when upset. "See you, Harry," he says while he rubs Ivy's back soothingly in the hug. "It was beguiling talking to you again."
Harry nods again and turns around to walk away. He's headed up to Gryffindor Tower to find a place to be alone. A nice quiet bathroom. The pain of just seeing those two makes him feel utterly lost. He feels as if he should be happy for Draco when really, he isn't.
Ivy watches Harry leave, and she looks up at Draco with tears in her eyes. "It seems like y-you two are getting along quite well, Draco, and I'm s-so s-sorry for ruining it," she choked out, though intrigued as to what her cousin and Harry would have talked about... or even done. "There haven't been any s-secret snogging s-sessions between you and Harry that I don't know of, is there?"
Draco smiled at the thought of kissing Harry, feeling those undeniably soft-looking lips pressed against his own in a breathtaking kiss. "No," he shook his head. He wanted it though. "No secret snogging sessions and if there were you know you would be the first to find out. Don't be sorry either. Now let's talk about why you're upset. What happened?"
Ivy ended the hug and sat on the windowsill of the castle's big window. She sighed miserably, her back pressed against the window which made Draco's anxiety soar - what if the window broke and she fell out.... "I was just in the library looking for a book to read when I passed... a table of fifth years and they whispered..." she paused, and she blinked at her tears which began rolling down her cheeks. "They whispered such obnoxious words to me. One of them even called me a... a..."
"It's alright, Ivy," Draco told her quietly in a soothing voice. Whoever hurt his cousin will be sued for life if he could do such a thing or worse. He'll make their lives a living hell. "Just take your time. We have all day if needed."
"A slut," Ivy said, and then she broke down into sobs. She hated life at times. It was just so...depressing! Draco frowns and joins her on the windowsill, sitting beside her. How dare someone call her that! He doesn't understand people at all.
"What house are they in and do you know any of their names?" Draco asked her softly, wanting to kill whoever these people were that hurt his cousin. Can't they actually get a life? "Whoever they are, Pansy, Blaise, and I will gang up on them and give them hell for you."
"They were a mixture of Ravenclaw and Slytherin students," Ivy told him, wiping at her eyes with her palms and messing her black makeup up, making it smudge her cheeks and around her eyes. "One of the Slytherin guys was named Jacob, and his friends Michael and Max. I recognize a Ravenclaw girl as Kiely and her best friend Tobias."
Draco growled deeply, knowing who Tobias, Jacob, and Max were. Whenever he sees them again, he will give them hell and they just won't escape from him. He hopes they're feeling entirely guilty now because when someone messes with his friends, oh, they will be sorry.
Harry was still thinking about whether he should tell Hermione and Ron about the truce with Draco, and also his sexuality. He knew he should though, just never know when to. He knew Ron would probably think that he had gone mental to make a truce with Draco, but Hermione would probably know sooner rather than later because of how smart she is. He also hoped Ron would accept him as being gay and pondered how Ron would take him to have a liking for Draco. Of course, Hermione already knew for how could she not? The brightest witch of her age nonetheless she was a muggle-born.
Harry was just walking through the castle alone, contemplating his life and what it would be like if he had dreamt the whole thing about Hogwarts and woke up back in his cupboard under the stairs at age 11. How depressing... He then saw a familiar set of Hufflepuff robes walking towards the Divination tower. It was Cedric Diggory. Harry didn't know if he should call out his name and have a conversation about something or just let him be. But neither of those options mattered as Cedric came over to him.
"Hiya, Harry," Cedric said with a smile as he neared Harry and gave him a pat on the back. Harry wasn't ready for that pat; he wasn't used to being touched as much either. He's always kept to himself and stayed as far away as possible from anyone who could accidentally reach out and roll his sleeves up.
Harry looked up at Cedric and smiled back. Well, tried to smile. "Hello, Cedric." He's been quite alone today, anti-social, introverted. It was fun while it lasted but it's nice to see a friendly face once in a while. He'd like to see Draco's friendly face more than often too but he's probably down in the Slytherin Dungeons snogging Ivy, for all he cares.
"Say, how has your first week back at Hogwarts been?" Cedric asked him, and his smile slowly built as he raised an eyebrow. Harry could have laughed. His first week has been pretty shitty - apart from Draco being nice to him. He's been pretty shitty for months, years, but he wouldn't tell anyone that. He doesn't want people worrying about him. He's fine...
Harry looked down at the floor and sighed. Here comes the big lie again. All his life is a lie actually. Fake smile, doesn't sleep, his friends don't talk to him much, scarred wrists, and thoughts about suicide. How nice. "It's been fine," he told him with a smile. He hoped the smile was enough to fool the Hufflepuff. "How about you?"
Cedric noticed the emptiness in Harry's eyes which he grew concerned about and told himself to keep an eye on Harry throughout the year. "My week has been great!" He hesitated and looked down at Harry with worry expressed over his face, noticing just how dull and down the Gryffindor looked. "Are you feeling alright, Harry? Anything you'd like to talk about? I'm here for you. I really am."
Harry nodded and looked back up into warm grey-brown eyes. Another lie he must tell but he ought to keep it all inside him so nobody could find this broken boy. He will keep lying for as long as he can until... He doesn't know and will make sure everything stays bottled up inside himself. "I'm fine." The lie he keeps telling everyone, but he is used to it now.
Cedric, of course, didn't believe him. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" he asked him in a soft soothing voice which was supposed to make Harry open up to him a bit but it didn't work. Harry nodded and continued to stare back down at the ground. What he knows is if people start seeing more than most he needs to get away. But he can't just run away without a reason.
"Hey..." Cedric said softly and lifted Harry's chin up so Harry was looking up at him. It was like he was looking into the eyes of a corpse which he has done previously. "Do you want to talk about something? Did anything over the holidays happen? I consider you a friend, Harry, and I hope you feel the same."
Harry shook his head, he winced as he heard the word 'Holidays'. A lot of things happened during the holidays and a lot of those 'things' were fucked up. Just like his life, which he remembers he tried to end by overdosing. What a beautiful memory that resurfaces to the front of his mind every day and it doesn't help him at all. He just contemplates suicide over again, every day. "Friends, yes, of course," he says flatly, giving the handsome bloke before him a smile.
Cedric sighed; knowing because of Harry's gesture and demeanour that something did happen. By the look on Harry's face and in his very dull eyes, he knew Harry wouldn't talk to him, so he decided to drop the topic for later. "So, did anything interesting happen this week?"
Harry was about to shake his head but remembered something had happened. Draco. It's the only good thing that has happened since coming back to Hogwarts. "Yes, actually," he said with a halfhearted nod of his head. "Back in Care of Magical Creatures class, Draco made a truce with me."
Cedric looked a little disbelieving at first, but the little smile forcing its way through Harry's mouth told him otherwise. His eyes widened in surprise as he never in his lifetime would ever think that Draco would be one for making truces. "That's lovely!" he said with a gentle voice and a satisfied smile. "Did he say why he wanted a truce?"
Harry itched at his nose for some reason. He doesn't understand itches and why they suddenly come out of nowhere. But back to Draco... All he remembers is Draco saying that the whole rivalry was childish. That's all he remembers. "He only made the truce because he knew it was childish. He wanted a start-over."
Cedric laughed and nudged Harry in the arm with his elbow playfully. "Perhaps, he wanted to start something new."
Harry began to blush, thinking about starting something romantic with Draco. Oh, a boy can dream. But Ivy's his girlfriend, isn't she? And Does Cedric mean Draco wanted to be just friends with him or... more? "Maybe..." was all he could say.
Cedric smiled at the oblivious boy in front of him. "Maybe is an understatement, Harry." He knew too well what could happen to the friendship between Harry and Draco if it progressed. They had a lot of chemistry; they both just didn't see it. "Have you talked to Ron and Hermione about your sexuality?"
Harry shook his head, "No, not yet." He hesitated and took a calming breath at how he thought Ron would take to his coming-out shortly. Ron was still a mystery as to how Harry would come out to him. Might as well tell Cedric about how Hermione already knew. "Hermione found out. She played the name game, said the names of every bloke in our year until she found the name that made me smile. Ron doesn't have a clue, though."
"I see, but you should tell him too," Cedric said with a little mixture of seriousness and earnestness. This was an important topic to talk about and it must be talked to with friends. "It's better if you tell him than keep it all bottled up on the inside and wait until he finds out on his own."
"I know and I'll tell him when I can," Harry said to him, dropping his gaze back to the floor as somehow tears were forming in his eyes. What the hell is happening? Is he having some kind of relapse or something? He blinked away the tears, focusing on the topic at hand. He just didn't know when he'd be able to tell Ron about the truce with Draco. This was just decision making which he really can't be bothered with doing. "By the way, do you think you'll get into the tournament?"
"Not too sure. I know a lot of other students are entering in as well. I can't guarantee I'll definitely get in," Cedric said, pushing back some loose strands of his golden hair. Harry gives a little nod, a little mesmerised by the older bloke's hair. Eyes too. He hasn't been thinking of the Tournament at all. It's all just a shadow in the back of his mind. "I wonder what it'd be like to have a whole other school here for the tournament. It would definitely make it more challenging."
"Yeah, that would be true," Harry said, pondering when he'll see Ron and Hermione next. But by the sound of 'more students coming to Hogwarts', his social anxiety was starting to increase already. Why must life be so hard? "I know that Fred and George would still be plotting ways to get into the age line," he said just to start a new topic. An intriguing topic. "Do you think they will make it?"
Cedric shrugged and laughed at the thought of the twins trying their best to trick Dumbledore's age line. He gives those two all his luck. "Knowing those two they would try their hardest to get into the age line, but I highly doubt they will make it."
Harry nodded, he looked over Cedric's shoulder and saw Draco walking towards the Transfiguration Courtyard with his robes billowing behind him. Such a pretty sight to see with that blonde hair, and those silver-grey eyes that always make something inside him flutter, that smile... "I don't think magic can be cheated on," he mutters, distracted.
Cedric raised his finger in agreement. "That is correct!" He took a step back and bit his lip, smiling with a pink tinge rising on his cheeks. "Anyway, I'm going to catch up with Joshua. We have a date on the weekend, we're planning on where to go. Bye, Harry!"
"Okay, Cedric. Have fun planning the date," Harry said with as much sympathy he could, his small smile still plastered on his face. He felt a little jealous that Cedric had someone to hold, kiss, hug, and whatnot. He watched as Cedric turned and left, he didn't have that dramatic exit like Draco does where his head is held high and his hair stays in one position and doesn't flop about.
Harry smiled at the thought of Draco, comparing him with Cedric. Why he was doing that? He had no idea. He turned and left for the Gryffindor common room to work on one of his essays, even though he wanted to go and find Draco to have a chat with him. Just a chat about anything.
That Saturday, Harry watched Cedric and Joshua leave the Hogwarts grounds with intertwined hands from behind a tapestry in a courtyard. He smiled weakly at them and wished he had someone to go out with too. Well, a particular whitish blonde-haired Slytherin wizard.
"Stalkerish much?"
Harry, stunned by that familiar voice, turned around and looked up into glimmering silver eyes. He didn't think the blonde could even find him in the mass of students walking around on this beautiful morning. Well, there was one person who was more beautiful than a bright morning. "Draco, hello!" he said, still a little surprised that the blonde snake would pop out of nowhere. "And no. I'm just watching them..."
Draco smiles and looks at the leaving figures of the two seventh-year boys holding hands. He wished he were like them but with a certain guy. A certain guy he's currently standing next to. He looks at Harry, into those emerald green eyes and says, "It still looks like you're stalking them, Harry."
Harry looked back over to where the two silhouettes were, but they were now gone. Had they apparated? he had not an idea. He just adored it when Draco used his first name. It felt so normal, even if it's not. "It's just... they're very cute together."
"Yeah," Draco said as he stared into emerald green orbs. The green eyes that he complimented on the first day of their fourth year at Hogwarts. Who wouldn't compliment those eyes? A stunning green that shines like an emerald in a white room. "They are."
Harry looked back at him, wondering what this handsome bloke was doing up this early. The last time he checked it was seven in the morning. Way too early for a teenager to be up, beside himself. He still doesn't get enough sleep. Either one hour of sleep or two he gets. "So, what're you doing up this early?" He gradually drummed his fingers on the tapestry frame. "Most people are still sleeping at around seven on a Saturday and Sunday morning."
"I just wanted to go for a walk, that's all," Draco told him simply. "And I'm sort of an early bird." He then furrowed his eyebrows as he saw a dull look in those green eyes that belonged to the boy he really, really likes. It's a very familiar look. "Harry, are you alright?"
And there's that bloody question again. The question Harry really dislikes. Can he possibly have a break from the three-worded question? "Yes, I'm fine." He tried not to show any emotion as his face grew expressionless. Lying to Draco... it actually hurt. It was like a needle pricked his heart and began bleeding internally. The 'I'm fine' lie he's been telling for so long, his entire life actually.
Draco didn't know if Harry was lying or not, so he just let it be for now. If he wants this friendship to build, he rather it be with no lying. He doesn't know what Gryffindor friendships are like, and if there's lying involved which actually is a little disappointing. He really disliked seeing Harry look so...numb and dead to the world. The dull look in his eyes was so familiar, but he just could not decipher where he'd seen it from. He only hoped Harry was telling the truth and that he really was well. "Okay, but if you need to talk about anything to me...Anything, I'm always here for you," he assured him with a soft smile. "You know that, right?"
"I know," Harry said while nodding slightly. Only last year if Draco had come up to him and said all that he wouldn't believe him and would tell him to nick off. Now, he does believe him. He should stop putting his trust in people so easily. "Thank you, Draco." That charming smile Draco gave him... it was beautiful. He loved it and it made something inside him... his heart flip. Everyone keeps telling him that he can talk to them about all this, but do they actually mean it? Although he doesn't want to tell anybody about his crappy life. He just knows they will laugh at him and tell him that it's either a mood swing, that he's an attention seeker, or that it is a phase.
"No need to thank me, Harry," Draco said with an easy shake of his head and a tone that was gentle and comforting. He just hoped Harry would open up to him about whatever was making him feel down because he knew the dull look in one's eye wasn't normal at all. "It's what friends and people who care for you do."
Harry just wanted to lean against Draco and hug him, thanking him but thought that would be a bit much for their new friendship. He would love a hug from Draco but knows he doesn't deserve hugs, especially from an attractive guy like Draco. This Slytherin just deserves so much more. Why is he even wasting time with a person like himself? Shouldn't he be with his friends that actually mean something to him?
"Want to go to the library?" Draco suddenly asked, changing the topic because he knows when Ivy's depressed, he would have to talk to her about other things or go to places with her. He's not an expert on mental health, but he knows that it's the best thing he knows to do.
"Oh, sure," Harry said as he pulled the hood of his robe over his head. It's become a habit now. He likes the protection he gets from hoodies and his school robes' hoods. They blocked out the rest of the world for him. But back to the topic of libraries, it would be nice to go somewhere silent, specifically with Draco.
Draco didn't really understand why Harry always had the hood of his school robe over his head. He has seen Harry hiding himself in his robes since school started. Not to sound nosy but it actually concerned him. Why would Harry hide his stunning self from the world? "Harry..." He stood in front of the Gryffindor and pulled the hood down so he could see Harry better. "Don't hide yourself. You're an incredible person." His cheeks tinged pink.
Harry's blush returned to his cheeks, and he smiled at the blonde Slytherin. This incredible, attractive-as-hell bloke just complimented him. He's either hit himself hard in the head or he's dreaming. Although, if he really hit himself in the head and this actually happened then he doesn't mind. "Thanks, Draco. You're p-pretty too. Uh-, I mean... incredible!" Jesus fucking Christ. That did not just happen! He's just feeling like an idiot and feels like he should run away.
The Slytherin gave him a soft expression and he cups his own mouth with a smile. He adored how much Harry was stuttering and mixing up his words. But that compliment, if that's what it is, he will never forget about it. "Let's go, Harry. To the Library."
They headed to the library in silence, stealing glances at each other from time to time but Draco mostly saw a frown on the Gryffindor's face and it kind of hurt. Seeing someone so beautiful and innocent have to go through who knows what. He wanted to know though. But he just doesn't know if Harry will open up to him. Does Weasel and Granger know of this? He doesn't want to talk to them to find out. As they entered the library together, they headed through one of the aisles to sit at an elongated table.
Harry grabbed the first book he could see in front of him. Enchantments: Through the modern ages He read the blurb, not noticing the Slytherin looking up at him worriedly until he looked back at him. Giving Draco a fake smile, he turned the book back over to open it and started reading the first chapter. He just wanted to read away the bad thoughts if that were possible. Usually by doing chores, the thoughts would go away for a while, but they would eventually find their way back into his mind.
Draco sighed at the sad Gryffindor and grabbed a white book from the shelf in his reach. He didn't read the title or the blurb and started reading the chapter. Although he was finding it hard to concentrate when the thing that worried him the most was Harry's state, he seemed to be in. What was up with Harry Potter?
A couple of minutes later after reading a few pages of the book he was reading, Harry looked back at the Slytherin and noticed he was slowly lowering his head to the desk and nodding off into sleep. He couldn't help but smile an actual little smile, it really was a beautiful sight. At least it was a little smile. That was something. Seeing Draco slowly fall asleep in the library, he'd watch all day if he could. He rested his arm on the table and his palm held up his head as he stared at the blonde in an almost dreamily way.
A certain flash of red broke Harry's dreamy state and he looked over at the other side of the library, seeing Hermione giving him a knowing smile with a red book in her hands. Harry blushed from being caught staring at Draco and looked back down at the book he was reading with a smile. Why the hell was Hermione here? Oh, never mind. She's always in the Hogwarts Library.
He looked back at the Sleeping Draco Malfoy but knew Hermione was still watching him with that annoying knowing smile on her face. Really, he just couldn't help to not look at this beautiful bloke beside him. He didn't even recall moving his hand up to even touch the blonde's hair but as he felt how soft and silky his hair was, he drew his hand back as Draco fluttered his silver eyes open.
Draco looked up at Harry with a red tinge to his cheeks as he knew Harry had been touching his hair. He would normally snap at whoever touches his hair, even if it is Pansy or Ivy but with Harry, it just felt different and it felt like...home. It felt nice, really nice. It was like a massage, almost.
Harry smiled at the red tinge to Draco's cheeks, not knowing what that was but really liked it as he found it very attractive. He could just look at him for eternity, not that it's creepy or anything. This Draco he was getting to know... He really likes him. He wants to get to know Draco better from the git he knew.
A smile. That was what Draco could see on Harry's face as he woke up and so he smiled back. It was such a beautiful thing to see. Much more beautiful than nature itself. "Did you really have to wake me up?" he asked the green-eyed Gryffindor tiredly with a little yawn.
"Yes, since Hermione keeps flashing me these annoying looks," Harry said with a little irritation in his voice, and he glared over Draco's shoulder at Hermione who shook her head while rolling her eyes and looked back down at her open book. He looked back into silver eyes, wanting to just get away from Hermione and take Draco with him.
"Maybe she likes you," Draco suggested with a smirk, but the thought of Granger liking Harry kind of hurt and made him feel a little protective over Harry. "Ever thought about that?" The thought of that muggle-born getting together with Harry made him feel sick.
Harry shook his head, not even thinking that his best friend could like him in that way. Even if she did, he wouldn't have noticed. Who would even like a freak like himself? "She doesn't." He looked back to the book he was previously reading. The first word he spots in one paragraph is 'soul'. Strange... "She's always looking over at the Slytherin table."
Draco chuckled, having a clue at who Granger was probably looking at. It's obvious. It's his best friend. "Pansy", he muttered under his breath, smiling at the thought of Pansy finding out about this. She'll literally be running up and down the walls with happiness and bouncing from roof to floor.
Harry looked at him again, raising an eyebrow. "What was that?" Did he hear wrong? He swore Draco said a girl's name. That Parkinson girl. Pansy, isn't it?
"Nothing," Draco said rather quickly as he looked down at the book in front of him. "I should go... My friends are going to wonder where I am when they wake up." He sat up and pushed the chair back under the table. He smiled at Harry, running a hand through his hair and Harry smiled back at him.
"Oh, okay," Harry said, sounding a bit sad. He didn't want Draco to go already. They only spent less than an hour together. Maybe further on in the day, they can spend more time together. "It was great spending time with you today Draco, even if it was for a little while."
"As it was so, Harry," Draco said, agreeing with him about spending time together in the morning. He'd love to do this again but didn't know how to say it. He stood there, staring into green eyes and bit his lip, "Right, I should... farewell for now, Harry."
Harry watched the Slytherin leave, his whitish blonde hair looking as perfect as ever, even if Harry did touch it. He wished he could join Draco and meet his friends. If this were the real Draco whom he was meeting then he would like to get to know Draco's friends too. Maybe they're all nice? He watched the silhouette of Hermione come over from the other side of the library. He groaned in annoyance at that knowing smile still plastered on her face.
"Hello, Harry," Hermione said cheerfully, smiling at her best friend whom she literally saw talk to Draco Malfoy out of all the other people in Hogwarts. "How are you? And what was Malfoy doing with you?"
Harry remembered he still hadn't told Hermione about the truce he made with Draco, but he was too annoyed by that smile to tell her anything of her concern. He'll tell her anyway as she deserves to know. "Believe it or not, he and I are acquaintances."
Hermione laughed at the 'lie' Harry just told her. Harry and Draco, friends? That's just a funny thought. "Right... Sure, okay. Anyway... I'm going to go find Ron to make him do something useful that doesn't involve playing Wizards chess or procrastinating in the common room."
'Good luck with that,' was what Harry just wanted to tell her as getting Ron to do anything useful is hard work and he knows this. "Alright. See you." He looked down at his book and decided to finish off the chapter of the book he was reading.
A certain object caught his eye. It was in the book Draco had previously been reading. Harry moved the book towards him and had a closer look at the object. It is a flower pressed into the book. A red rose. Is it Draco's or has it always been there? Maybe it was given to Draco by someone...? Has Draco been getting gifts from people? Ivy...
If it were Draco's rose, he would rather buy him a new rose instead of giving him that squashed rose back. But what if this rose means a lot to him? Maybe it was given to him by his friends or parents. At least he had parents... Parents that were still alive and loved him.
Getting a little lost in his thoughts about this rose and Draco, he looks at the chapter Draco had been reading. It was chapter one. The blonde Slytherin must have been too tired to actually read anything. He spots the word 'mate' in the footer heading of the book. Soul and mate. Hmm... It couldn't have been a coincidence, could it?
Harry decided to put the book he was reading back on its shelf as well as the one Draco chose but he took out the rose. He had no idea when he would next see Draco just to give him the rose back, but he ended up leaving the library and heading for the dungeons. He knows where the entrance to the Slytherin dungeon is, he just needs the password.
He paced back and forth a few feet away from the Slytherin entrance and waited for some Slytherin's to appear. He didn't see any. After all, it would be close to eight in the morning but he's sure people start getting up at around eight or try to.
It was such an unfamiliar male voice. Harry turned to look at who called him by his last name. He had no idea who this guy was, but he had seen him before. Only a few times. He's quite nice to the eyes, he admits. A boy his age with dark brown curly hair, curls everywhere, and dark eyes. Slytherin. "Oh, hi... Sorry, who are you?"
The boy smiled at him and seemed like he was going to ask for a friendly handshake, but he kept his hands behind his back, linked. "Forgive me. I'm Blaise. Blaise Zabini," he said with a hint of an Italian accent mixed in with a London accent, his chin held high, showing his significance and great posture. "Now what's a Gryffindor like you doing wandering the dungeons?"
"I actually came to see Draco," Harry tells him. He didn't think this Blaise guy would even believe him when he said he needed to see Draco, but Blaise just nodded at him like he'd known all along. He couldn't have, right? "We were in the library. He forgot his rose."
Harry gives Blaise the rose, and Blaise hesitantly takes it, studies it, and shakes his head. "Draco doesn't own a rose, or even a bookmark if you found it in a book he was reading," he told him honestly, giving a half smile. As he studies the rose, he makes a note of one thing. This wasn't a real rose or a man-made one. It was a magical one. His knowledge on magical roses even astounds him. He's been intrigued with magical artefacts since he was younger. Especially ones that are unique and nature-like. Roses that are made by magic always have something to do with love, soulmates, and true love.
"Oh," said Harry, now contemplating why he came down here in the first place. "He left it in the white book he was reading. I just thought maybe it would have been a bookmark of his. I guess not..."
Blaise replays what Harry said to him and something clicks. He felt surprised at Harry, but also happy for his best friend Draco. Merlin's Beard, Draco had no idea about this. "Did you say the book was white, and the rose was just there? Did you see the title of the book? What color was the title and what did it say?" The questions just kept coming and Harry had no time to answer them all. "Was Draco there with you when you found the rose or did the rose appear when he left? Did you touch the book at the same time as Draco?"
Harry just blinked at him. So many questions. How was he supposed to keep up with them? Merlin's Beard! "Yes, the book was white, and the title was printed in silver letters," he explained as well as remembering the book as much as he could. But why were they talking about the book? "I didn't see what the title said though. I forgot if Draco and I touched the book together, and when Draco left that's when I saw the rose."
Blaise beamed and rubbed the back of his neck, knowing exactly what this meant. But he still had to interrogate Draco about this for more answers. "Noted," he said simply. He got out his wand and swished it around the flattened rose. The rose puffed itself up like a balloon, unflattening its petals and blooming into the rose it was before getting flattened. "Would you like me to give this to Draco but say it's from you?"
"Oh, no thanks," Harry said at once, shaking his head and waving his hands as a 'no thank you' gesture. "I... I'm sure his girlfriend would rather have it or be given it by Draco." The thought made him sick to his stomach. He didn't hate Ivy, but he disliked her for being Draco's. It just hurt him to know Draco's taken.
"Girlfriend?" Blaise asked with a strike of confusion, and he shook his head. "Draco doesn't even have a girlfriend. He's not even into girls. I'm his best friend, trust me, I know him." Harry felt this sudden feeling of hope. His dislike of Ivy vanished, and he felt a little better hearing about this. And he finally gets to meet one of Draco's friends! Blaise seems nice and very likable.
"But Ivy Black," Harry reminded him just to make sure of things. He swore they were... he didn't even want to say the word. It sickened him. Merlin, why's he getting all yandere now? "She and Draco are close. I've seen them together a lot..."
Blaise chuckled at the obvious jealousy emitting from this Gryffindor. Someone definitely has a crush on his best friend. "Ivy Black's just a friend of Draco's and a distant relative. Why?" he added in a teasing tone of voice and was smirking. "Is someone jealous?"
Harry swiftly shook his head. Jealous? Who's jealous? Definitely not him. No way. "N-No..." He swallowed. Damn. The traitorous stutter. It always gives him away. Blaise just continued to laugh.
"Keep telling yourself that, Potter," Blaise says after he stops laughing so much. "Anyway, I'll see you around. I'll make sure to give the rose to Draco and say it's from you with all your love. Oh, and your secret is safe with me. Arrivederci, Potter!"
"Wait!" But it was too late for Harry to stop the Slytherin as he disappeared into the Slytherin common room from the secret entrance. He didn't even get to ask about the book and what he meant! Or about the rose, or what he meant about a secret. What secret? There were a lot of things he could have asked the Slytherin but didn't have the chance.
He headed back up to Gryffindor Tower to Ron, wondering what he was up to. He hasn't seen him all day as he gets up early in the morning to get ready. Sleep just doesn't exist for him anymore. It's all just some childhood memory and dream.
Blaise stalked into the Slytherin common room, past some giggling girls whom he decided to just ignore and headed for the fourth-year boy's dormitory. He likes to admire the dorm room every time he walks in. It was nice and large, and it had the tall arched glass windows looking out into the Black Lake and over time you would be able to see a Merfolk swim by or the Giant Squid. The windows had their own dark green curtains hanging down and just touching the floor.
The room had five elegantly royal and wooden 4-poster beds with Slytherin green drapes around the side. On the right side of the dorm room were three of the 4-poster beds and on the left side were the last two. Between each bed was a black bedside table with two drawers and the only light source was the wall candles placed between each of the beds on the wall.
The walls and floors were the same stone as the stone walls and floors in the common room but there was a large Slytherin green mat to keep the cold at bay. Inside the dorm on the right, he found Draco just lying on the bed in the middle which was Draco's bed. His fellow Slytherin was looking up at the ceiling of the bed with a smile. "Someone seems happy today." He decided to make his presence known.
Draco blinks and turns his head to look at his best friend. The smile still remained on his lips, and so he nodded. "Yeah! I've just been with Harry." He immediately sits up and looks around the room warily for his other dormmates. He doesn't trust any of them as much as he trusts Blaise to know about his feelings for Harry, and the truce.
He doesn't need to tell Pansy as he knows Ivy's probably told her all about it and knowing them, they are probably coming up with ways to get him and Harry together alone. He doesn't need their shenanigans when he can just go see Harry himself like he did this morning. He sighs and pats the mattress beside him for Blaise to sit down next to him. Blaise did exactly so but left one leg dangling over the side of the bed and the other leg tucked under the other. "I've just been thinking about him. That's all. He touched my hair."
"Merlin, Draco. You never let anyone touch your hair!" Blaise says, a little shocked that Draco let Potter actually touch his hair as not even Ivy or Pansy can. "And you're officially on a first-name basis. Congrats!" Draco's smile widens and that's when he sees the rose in Blaise's hand. What a unique thing to hold.
"Yeah, when Harry touched my hair it just felt so natural," Draco told him, his tone light and eyes wandering around the room. "Whenever you, Ivy, or Pansy try to touch my hair, you know I get stressed and feel as if you've messed up my hair. But when Harry does it, I just don't mind. Well, I would care if he messed my hair up. I just wouldn't be as pissed with him as I am with anyone else."
"I'm glad I get to hear you say this, Draco," Blaise says with a relaxed smile. He's pleased that Draco would share this with him. "Now...this rose is actually for you. I found Harry by the entrance to our common room holding the rose. For Merlin's sake too... he told me how much he loves you. It hurt to hear because all I heard was Draco this and Draco that."
Draco just froze at what his best friend was saying, and a pink tinge of colour rose up from his neck to his face, completely making him look like a blushing grapefruit or dragon fruit. "No..." He just didn't believe what he was hearing. "Harry wouldn't say that... Not about me."
"And why not?" Blaise asked him firmly, then he started chuckling because these boys just don't see beyond their conversations or the lines. He doesn't know Potter that well, but he knows the conversations between Potter and Draco must have a little bit of flirting. "Come on, Draco. You should know if Harry's into you. We are Slytherins. If we want something or someone, we go for them."
Draco was handed the rose by Blaise and he studies it. It's a beautiful red rose. Beautiful like Harry and red for Gryffindor. "You don't get it, Blaise. I want to show Harry that I am into him, but I chicken out and start feeling all nervous around him. He honestly makes me feel so... different. It's a really good feeling. It's like he's been missing from my life though he's been here the whole time and I've found him."
"Delizioso, Draco, to hear that from you," Blaise says with a fixed gaze on him. He was a little speechless hearing Draco tell him this. It warmed his heart to know that Potter made his best friend feel this way. "To tell the truth... Potter said that rose was found in the book you were reading. The one with a white binder with silver letters. Did you see this rose at all before leaving the spot you and Harry were snogging at in the library?" He chuckled at the pinkness on his friend's face when 'snogging' and 'Harry' was put in the same sentence. He honestly believes these two were made for each other at the way Harry and Draco have both blushed when the other was mentioned in a sentence. These two boys are just... they need to come out to each other soon enough.
"I think I saw something red on the white book exactly when I was about to leave the aisle Harry and I were reading together in," Draco said in a clear voice just in case his best friend was somehow death and mispronounced a word for 'snogging'. The thought of snogging Harry sounds wonderful beyond imagination and something he really wants to do but he can't just go up to Harry and kiss him square on the lips.
"Oh, so that's what they're calling snogging nowadays," Blaise teased him and began to laugh at the flustered look on his best friend's face. Draco glared at him and gave him a hard push, but it just made Blaise laugh even harder. "Relax, Draco. I'm just messing with you. Now... Did you ever touch the book at the same time as Potter?"
"I'm not too sure," Draco says with a light shrug and he tries to remember if he and Harry really did touch the white book at the same time. But why's all this about a damn book? "He and I mainly focused on reading, but I admit that I nearly fell asleep. If it weren't for Harry threading his fingers through my hair I wouldn't have woken up." He fiddles with the rose, smiling as he knows Harry would have been in the dungeons just to give him the rose, but it would have been even sweeter if he did it by person.
Blaise smiles at him and just lets Draco believe that the rose was a gift from Harry when really the Gryffindor only thought the rose was a bookmark. He just enjoyed seeing Draco look so happy all because of a guy. It was a nice change to see every now and then which is his best friend in love with another bloke.
Question of the week: Who's your favorite Harry Potter Character?
While filming Prisoner of Azkaban, the pockets of Tom Felton's Hogwarts robes were sewn shut to stop him sneaking food on set.
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