An Anniversary To Haunt One's Mind
On the morning of the start of the Christmas Holidays, Harry met Severus and Remus down in the dungeons, with his trunk and Hedwig, where Remus told him to go a week ago. He was thinking about telling them what he wants to do after Hogwarts, but as he neared them by the Potion's classroom, he eventually told them.
"So... I was thinking of starting up a home for wizard and witch orphans, and students of Hogwarts that grew up in abusive households just like I have," Harry says as they walk into the Potions Classroom and to Severus' office. "I don't want them going through the same thing I did, and I want this place to feel homely and welcome to them."
Severus and Remus looked at each other, looking a little uncertain. But they supported their son with his choice.
"Harry, we're so proud that you want to create such an intriguing and profound career," Severus says, grabbing the vase of Floo Powder from over the mantle top and handing Harry it. "But how are you going to start it up? Where is this place going to be located?"
"I'm still thinking about that," Harry says, taking a pinch of Floo Powder from inside the vase. "I was thinking about Grimmauld Place." He then shrugs. "I dunno. It will come to my mind in the future." He throws the Floo Powder into the Floo, walks in the emerald green flames, and says "Snape Household." His father's office disappeared, and he walked into the lounge room of his father's living room. He quickly heads up to his bedroom where he puts his trunk and Hedwig's cage on his bed and then goes back to the lounge room to see his two fathers entering in.
"And what does Draco want to do?" Remus asks Harry, leading him to the lounge chair to sit down. Severus had disappeared from the lounge room into the kitchen.
"Draco wants to become a Mental healer," Harry tells him, sitting down with him on the black couch. "Well, a therapist," he corrects himself. "He wants to help people who live stressful lives or have been victims of abuse, to get better. He said he liked hearing what the Muggle Therapist Ivy and I went to told us, and he wants to do something similar."
Remus nodded his head. "That sure sounds like an interesting career," he says lightly, smiling as Severus comes into the lounge room with two grey mugs of tea in his hands. "Maybe you and Draco can become work partners, I don't know." He grabs the cup of tea from Severus. "Like... you can have your institution, and Draco can have his clinic if he decides to."
Harry nods, liking the idea of working with Draco. But the question is where the safehouse institution will be and how it's going to get built unless he buys some kind of property. And now that he had Draco on his mind, he wanted to go see him. But that would mean going back to Hogwarts, which he doesn't mind doing. He'd just Floo into Severus' office then look for Draco in the common room or Great Hall. Draco would be taking the train back to Platform 9 ¾ to go home, and Harry was allowed to stay over at Malfoy Manor for a few hours. "Well, I'm off. I'll be back at six."
"Have fun," Remus says once Harry gets up from the couch and walks over to the Floo, and he blows on his tea. "And be safe. Don't talk to strangers."
Harry snorts. He's never been told not to talk to strangers. The Dursleys only told him to be quiet when out in public with them. "I won't," he reassures his two fathers'. "Though Hagrid was a stranger when I first met him."
"Hagrid was sent by Dumbledore, wasn't he?" Severus asked, and Harry thought for a moment before he nodded. "Right, so he had a purpose of coming to see you."
"Well, yeah," Harry replies flatly, reaching his hand in the dark vase to grab a pinch of Floo Powder as he remembered the daily torture from the Dursleys he used to get. Worthless, you are. He blinked away the bad voice to add, "But I know better than to talk to strangers, thank you. Goodbye!" He Flooed back to Severus' office and went in search of Draco around Hogwarts. He searched the Slytherin common room and the boy's dorms but couldn't find him. He even asked around the Slytherin common room if anyone has seen them. Only a few had seen Draco exit the common room with Pansy and Blaise a few minutes ago. Damn it, he thought. I missed him.
He thanked the few who gave him an answer and hurried back out of the common room. He checked the Great Hall next, and he nearly tripped over his feet when he saw that familiar handsome face, perfect white-blonde hair, and lean body sitting at the Slytherin table; lean body covered in warm clothes of cashmere and a familiar fur hat. He again nearly tripped over his feet as he walked over to the Slytherin and sat down beside his boyfriend, giving him a long good morning kiss on the cheek.
Draco smiles and pushes his cheek into Harry's lips, his eyes closed as he feels his boyfriend's soft lips against his cheek. "Good morning, gorgeous," he says quietly. An empty bowl of porridge was under his chin, and it was clearly scraped clean by Draco's spoon. "How are you doing this fine morning?"
"I'm doing just great," Harry replies easily, placing an arm around his Slytherin boyfriend's side, feeling the warm cashmere of his grey jumper while his other hand grabbed an apple from the centre wooden bowl of the table. "I dropped my trunk off at home by the Floo earlier, so I'm able to stay with you this evening at the Manor until six."
"Excellent," said Draco in a hushed tone, his smile widening at the picture in his head of him and Harry just relaxing in the Manor's lounge room or snuggling or making love up in his bedroom. But aside from all that he looked forward to he noticed Harry's breakfast choice which was just an apple. A small meal or none at all usually meant he wasn't feeling too happy. Feeling Harry's hand on his waist, he placed his hand over Harry's and threaded their fingers together in the hope it'll ground Harry for some time.
Pansy smiles at the couple but then looks down the table at Daphne who's talking to her younger sister and a few other younger girls.
Blaise was staring over at Neville on the Gryffindor Table, just wanting to be by his side again.
After breakfast, Harry went with Draco to the Slytherin boy's dorm room where Draco had grabbed his trunk, put his thick coat over his arm, levitated his trunk up in the air, and made it follow him and Harry all the way to the Hogwarts Express where everyone was heading down to, huddled together to keep warm from the chilly winter air. They got onto the train and found a compartment together before the Hogwarts Express began its travel to London. They did let Ron and Hermione join them in the compartment after they had some alone time together to snuggle and kiss, and Harry got straight into a conversation with Ron about how his family has been doing.
Apparently, Bill and Fleur are thinking of starting a family. Ron hasn't heard from Charlie or Percy much in the letters he gets from his mum and dad. Ron had said that George is still hurting, and he doesn't think anybody could replace Fred, but he knows he'll get over it eventually.
"He'll get over it," Hermione tells Ron sadly, her hand in his and her other holding a book. "We all will."
"Yeah," Ron said flatly, a slow frown coming on his face. Harry sees Ron tighten his hand around Hermione's and squeeze. "I just wish it could be easier for George. He lost half of him on that unfaithful day and watched that half get buried under six feet of dirt."
"Does he use the inventions he makes?" Draco asks Ron, his arm around Harry as they discuss this sad topic. Fred was a great guy, and he too misses him even if he never knew much about him. As he moved his hand around Harry's torso slowly he felt a large, round item in Harry's jumper pocket. It was an apple, the one he didn't see Harry eat at breakfast. Oh, Harry... At least he still has the apple and hasn't thrown it away. "The cheering Chocolates and Nightmare Nougat you mentioned a few weeks ago," he reminded Ron.
"I never mentioned any Cheering Chocolates to you," Ron drawled, giving him a suspicious look. "Or Nightmare Nougat."
"Harry told me, you boofhead," Draco says, and beside him, Harry sniggers at the muggle insult. He taught Draco well it seems. It looks like he must teach him more!
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," Ron says with disdain and rolls his eyes. "And I wouldn't know what George puts in his mouth. He doesn't tell me."
Harry took that the wrong way and burst out laughing. Oh, if only Ron knew what he said. But he's glad Ron doesn't know what George puts in his mouth. It could be anything. Literally anything. How about that boyfriend of George's? What's his name? Ah, yes, Justin.
Hermione rolls her eyes at her best friend. "Honestly, Harry," she mutters at his disgraceful mind. "Get your mind out of the gutter."
"Wait, what?" said Ron, a little confused.
"That's my dirty-minded boyfriend for you," Draco says, reaching a hand up to run through Harry's mop of hair with a smirk on his lips. "And I couldn't love him any more for his mind. His beautiful, dirty, Gryffindor mind."
Harry grins at him. At least he doesn't find me annoying or too dirty-minded, he thinks. But the thought always lingers there: did I say too much? "It isn't my fault," he tells him at once, then pointed at his best mate. "Ron could have worded what he said better, so it didn't sound wrong."
"No, Harry," Hermione says instantly, shaking her head firmly as she puts her book on her lap. "You shouldn't have thought of what Ron aforesaid in the incorrect way. It's not his fault."
Harry pressed his fingers to his eyes; he didn't want to argue with her. Angry Hermione is scary. Giving up on the conversation, he leaned up against Draco, head on the blonde's shoulder closes his eyes and began thinking of the Holidays and what it'll be like having a Christmas with his two fathers, and what he and Draco can do together during the week. With that on his mind, he fell asleep on his boyfriend in a matter of minutes.
Draco thought about telling Ron and Hermione that Harry hasn't eaten anything at all today but he left them alone. He was to make sure Harry would eat something today and not have his best friends worry about him right as they go on holiday.
When Harry woke an hour later, he found Ron and Hermione weren't in the compartment any more, his head was now lying on Draco's lap, and Draco was staring out the window, his elbow resting on the windowsill, deep in thought. "Are we there yet?" he asks quietly, reaching up to caress the blonde's chin with his fingers.
Draco, startled at the awoken Gryffindor, looks down at him and smiles. "Nearly there, my darling," he replies, remembering seeing London in the distance a minute ago. "Weasley and Granger left, probably to find somewhere to snog." He sneers. "Nobody wants to see that happening."
Harry chuckles softly, leans up and kisses him because he feels he hasn't done that enough today. "That's true," he says, putting his arms around Draco's neck. "I'm used to it. I've seen enough of them making out in the common room that I've grown accustomed to it."
"Oh, the horror," Draco says with a grimace, not even wanting to think about that horrific sight. "I feel sorry for you. You poor thing, having to live through that on your own."
"Maybe I should go look for Hermione and Ron and get them to make out in front of you then," Harry says with a mischievous little smirk that Draco felt a little nervous about why that smile was on his boyfriend's gorgeous face. "I know Ron would love it if it's to annoy the hell out of you. I know it'll amuse me though."
"Don't you dare," Draco mutters, narrowing his eyes at him. "I'll force myself to projectile vomit all over the Weasel if they so happen to start snogging in my sight of view."
"And what about Hermione?" Harry asks with a laugh. Now he wanted to see this happen. But poor Ron. Why him and not some random kid who so happens to walk by? "Will you projectile vomit over her too?"
"No," Draco says immediately, almost cutting Harry off. "She's kind of scary. I don't want to anger her. She's worse than Pansy when her favourite store is closed, or they run out of her favourite style of clothes. Trust me when I say Pansy goes ballistic when that happens."
"That's agreeable," Harry says, looking out the window at the last remaining paddocks before the train enters the city of London. "Hermione is pretty scary when mad. You should see her when she finds out someone is borrowing a book she wants to read when she's had a stressful day. She gets pissed."
Finally, the Hogwarts Express stopped at Platform 9 ¾, and all the students got off and looked for their families. Harry got off with Draco and looked around for Narcissa, who he spotted looking all warm in a full-length light brown fur coat, a fur beanie as well with her robes of dark green underneath and was talking with a woman who looked quite like Pansy and dressed similarly to Narcissa but had on lighter shades of blues. It must be Pansy's mother.
But as soon as the woman saw her daughter exit the train with Blaise and Daphne, she grins and walked over to greet them.
Draco greets his mother with a light hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Harry does the same, noting how soft her fur coat is – it must be real fur, and he hoped Narcissa didn't mind the affection, but she seemed happy to get affection from him. "So, how are you boys doing?" she asks them kindly with a smile. "Have you been studying hard?"
"I'm doing good," Harry says, letting go of the hug with her, "And yes, I'm studying my hardest, and am always trying my foremost to get outstanding grades."
"I'm all right, Mother," Draco then says, a wide smile on his face as he stands by his two-favourite people. "Just studying and living the last of my teenage life at school. At least it's with Harry." He pulls Harry into a side hug, who chuckled and kissed his cheek. "My Harry makes everything better at Hogwarts."
"I'm glad then," Harry says quietly, his eyes becoming lost in those silver orbs of his boyfriend's.
Narcissa laughs at the Gryffindor staring lovingly at her son, which really warms her heart because she knows how loved her son is by this man. She walks around them until in between the two males, wraps her arms around their arms, and apparates them to the front gates of Malfoy Manor. She lets go of their arms, just knowing they'll be too distracted by each other to know where they are right now and taps her wand on the middle of the gate where the Malfoy Emblem is to open the gates up.
Harry finally looks away from Draco, and his eyes travel up to the Manor in front of them. Ah, Malfoy Manor. The Manor that has been in the Malfoy family for centuries and generations. He and Draco walked through the gates and to the Manor, passing the tall neat hedges, and into the Entrance Hall.
Harry looked around the familiar Hall, just picturing people with Draco's white-blonde hair dressed in old vintage clothes from the Renaissance, Tudor, Elizabethan, and Victorian eras and strutting about the Manor with grace and style. He has forgotten just how old the Malfoy bloodline is. The Malfoy's would have had hundreds of House-elves over the years, billions of galleons – though Harry doesn't exactly know how much wizarding money is in just Draco's vault alone. But he doesn't care about the money. It's Draco he wants. Just Draco. Oh, and babies.
Just thinking about all the ancestors of Draco, listening to old Gramophones and dancing in a ballroom with big gowns and dress robes makes him wonder what it would be like marrying into this family, and having a kid with Draco, which would most definitely taint the bloodline. That sounds fun! "Draco will our kids if we have them be Pureblood?" he asks suddenly.
"I really don't care about the blood status of our future kids, Harry," Draco replies softly, eyeing Harry curiously who was just looking around the Entrance Hall like it was his first-time visiting Malfoy Manor. "Plus, I'm a little giddy at the thought of getting rid of the Malfoy Pureblood line once and for all. Just imagine..." He looks up at the large candle chandelier above him, smirking at the thought of children with Harry with those bright green eyes and his blonde hair. It'll be an interesting match. "Malfoy Half-Blooded children. It'll be a new world."
"Je vois," Harry says, but he doubts Lucius, the prejudiced one in this family, would want to taint the Malfoy line. Though he didn't want to think of Draco's father that negatively.
Draco raised a blonde brow, and he chuckles at Harry's British accent saying the French words. "Merlin's beard," he says lightly, impressed with his boyfriend even if it's two words. "You've learnt some French! Never thought this day would come."
Harry smiled, eyes glued to entrancing silver orbs. "I picked up a few words from you," he replied. "And when I get curious, I ask Hermione later. She uses her phone in Hogsmeade to do heavy research, so I ask her to find what such and such French words you say mean in English. She owns a fricking dictionary and she downloaded one on her phone too. Should have known she would though."
Draco nods and smiles as he pulls Harry tightly against him. A muggle dictionary? He knows they're full of all the English words in the world, as they should have. Ivy had one for some reason. "Eh bien, Harry, je suis heureux que vous appreniez Français," he says, and when he sees the confusion on Harry's face, he chuckles. "At least you've learnt something. A whole sentence would be preferred."
"Err," Harry says, thinking hard about what he knows. He doesn't know that much. Only a few words. "J'ai faim, et je t'aime."
"Let's head to the kitchens then for a snack, if you're so hungry," Draco says, and he pats Harry's flat grumbling tummy with a small grin before they headed to the kitchens for some food. He too felt a little hungry. "Oh, and I love you too." Harry beamed.
"Harry, Draco, are you ready?" Narcissa called out as she poked her head into her son's bedroom, but she looked away at the windows just in case they were both nude.
Harry came out of the bathroom first, dressed in a large grey hoodie and tracksuit pants since he knows Azkaban would be pretty cold as it was surrounded by oceans and strong currents. He recalled Sirius talking about Azkaban and what it was like some years ago. "Yes, your son is currently still doing his hair even though I told him that he doesn't need to use so much hair gel. He doesn't believe me when I say he's beautiful just the way he is."
Narcissa giggled but covered it up by placing her hand over her mouth. She adores it when Harry sweet-talks about her son. "My dragon," she says lightly, "always wanting to look his best for you, Harry."
Harry smiled down at the floor as he knew that was true. Draco was always trying to look his best for him. It's adorable. "Do you have any tricks to like...stop him from coating his hair in so much gel?"
"There is one suggestion, but I don't think it would work," said Narcissa, shaking her head at the impossible thought.
Harry raised an eyebrow, intrigued in this one option. He wanted to try it, whatever the suggestion is. "Go on," he said and steepled his fingers, wanting to hear what she had to say.
"You could tell him that hair gel makes you go bald after a certain point in your lifetime," said Narcissa, smirking at how bad that lie would be for her son to believe.
Harry snorted, but then it turned into a laugh. "Yeah, I don't think that would work," he says slowly. An invisible light bulb appeared over his head. "I may know of something to say to him." But as Harry was about to turn around and head back into the bathroom, Draco had just walked out, smiling, and in one of Harry's large black hoodies but in his own black skinny jeans.
Harry was almost drooling, Draco looked amazing in his hoodie. But then those skinny jeans, even if Harry's seen him in those skinny jeans thousands of times. But most of all, he has never seen Draco in the beanie he brought on their second date in London. It was literally a black beanie with cat ears. He forgot Draco even had that beanie.
Harry walked over to Draco and put his arms around him, but he reached his hand up and played with the blonde fringe of Draco's under the beanie. Why does he feel like he's fourteen again? He ran a finger down Draco's forehead to the tip of his nose. He booped Draco's nose then leaned forward and kissed it.
Draco smiled at him adoringly and reached his hand out to Harry's hand. "You're really cute, Harry," he replies sweetly, loving the fact that Harry gets so distracted by him. "We shouldn't keep my mother waiting though. I can't wait to see Father."
"Oh," said Narcissa quietly, waving a hand of dismissal. "I enjoy watching you two but yes, we should head to the Ministry to get an Auror that will take us to Azkaban."
On the way down to the lounge room Floo, Harry got a glimpse of what Harry calls the driveway outside since he has no idea what the Malfoy's call the large pathway from the gates to the front of the Manor. It sure is wide enough to be a driveway but he doesn't see any tire tracks from wizarding vehicles. In fact, he's never heard Draco talk about wizarding vehicles that his family owns. When he mentioned it to Narcissa just because he was so curious, she told him about the large Carriage House outside just past some overgrown bushes and trees that holds a few very old horse-drawn carriages that the family used to own.
But the horses and stables? Harry hasn't seen any horse stables on the land of the Malfoy Estate. Narcissa told him that the stables are on the land but are just very well hidden amongst some overgrown bushes that they really never cleared because they didn't need to use Carriages as transport anymore, not since the 1800s, when they can just Apparate or Floo to destinations they need to go to which is far easier and quicker.
Harry walked into the Floo after Draco and Flooed to the Ministry. He walked out into the busy hallway filled with Ministry witches and Wizards, and he stood by Draco with a grin, holding his hand as they wait for Narcissa. Suddenly, a swarm of Paparazzi rushed over to them and shouted out questions. Harry kept his head down, wishing the Daily Prophet reporters could go away. He doesn't need this, nor does Draco.
"Harry! Harry Potter!"
"How are you, Mr Potter?"
"What's been happening with you?"
"What are you doing here at the Ministry?"
"Give us a smile, Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy"
"Or are you both Potters now?"
That last question made Harry respond to the wizards and witches working for the Daily Prophet. He finally gave them all a smile, kept Draco close to him in his arms, and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "No, we're not engaged yet," he said to Draco's smiling face. "But when that does happen, I'll make sure to tell the public about it."
Finally, Narcissa entered the Floo and glared at the News Reporters swarming her son and Harry. "Boys, let's go," she said at once, nodding towards the elevators.
Draco and Harry quickly gave a pose for the cameras, and then followed Narcissa towards the elevators. Harry understood where Narcissa was taking him and Draco; Kingsley Shacklebolt's office.
Kingsley looked up when three silhouettes came into his office. "Mrs Narcissa Malfoy, good greetings again," he smiles. "How may I assist you, or is it the usual?"
Draco looked at his mother curiously. The usual? What is the usual?
"I would like it if we could visit my husband if we could," said Narcissa poshly with a high chin, showing him that she ought to see her own husband again. It wasn't her first time.
"Of course, the usual," said Kingsley, who nodded at her. He looked to the side at Harry and Draco, to who he gave smiles and whom which returned. "But I must inform you again, if you must speak to your husband in private, just tell the Auror about it and they'll leave you alone for a few minutes."
"Yes, I know," said Narcissa, nodding slowly. Although, she'd rather not be accompanied by an Auror like she has many other times. "Can you get us an Auror now, please? We would like to visit my husband now."
Kingsley smiled, and with a flick of his wand towards the door, a young male Auror with long light brown hair tied up into a bun walked inside the office. "Martin, please accompany this family to Azkaban for a visit to cell 170."
The young Auror nodded at the request. "Yes sir." He turned to the Malfoy family and Harry Potter with a smile. "Ma'am, and sirs, if you would please follow me."
Narcissa took no hesitating moment and followed the Auror out of the office. Harry and Draco followed from behind her, but when they walked out of Kingsley's office, they noticed the Portkey in the Auror's hand. Portkeying to Azkaban? That made sense, but only just a little. But weren't their boats that would transport the prisoners or guards? Harry swore Sirius said there were boats.
"People don't normally visit Azkaban as you should know," said the young Auror, walking backwards to view the two wizards and older witch. "But these Portkeys are always accessible for the three of you at any chosen time since you're family."
"But Harry is not blood-related," said Draco, confused with this Auror and what he was talking about. But Harry is family to him. He's his lover, his one and only. His forever.
"If you consider him family or a lover, then he's still falling under the 'family' category," said the Auror. "But those rings on your fingers, even if they look completely different, tell me and many others otherwise."
Narcissa raised an eyebrow at her son, then looked down at his fingers. She didn't see any engagement rings. She only sees the Malfoy family ring on her sons' finger. On Harry's finger, she sees a black ring with a little emerald on it, the ring Harry gave to her son on his 15th birthday. Though for some reason, the two share her son's birthday ring.
Harry was blushing at the thought of an engagement ring on his finger put on by Draco. He's just wearing the ring he gave Draco for his fifteenth birthday because Draco said that he should wear it. It had something to do with how the emerald supposedly brightens up his own eyes, which he doesn't believe at all.
Draco just smirked at the Auror. "Aren't we supposed to be travelling to Azkaban, sir?" he asks to bring back the reason why they are here at the Ministry in the first place.
"Oh," said the Auror expressionlessly. "Of course, sorry! Grab a hold of this." He held out the small grey box to them. The two Malfoy's and Harry placed their hand on the small box and then they were whooshed away and appeared in a long dark stoned hallway with cells on either side of them.
"Lucius Malfoy," said the Auror, talking into a cell just behind Narcissa. "You have visitors."
Narcissa hurried over to her husband's cell, it broke her heart to see how poorly he was still being kept. She curled her fingers around the black steel bars, feeling the sting of tears at the back of her eyes. She just wants to try her best to give her husband a well-kept room. Not a cell. Couldn't she arrange furnishers and builders to make her husband's cell more liveable and likeable?
"Father," said Draco, frowning and standing by his mother's side. One hand curled around the steel bars and the other was intertwined with Harry's hand just to give him strength. The warmth of Harry's hand around his own sent pulses of warming comfort through his body, keeping him calm and away from any sort of soft emotion that'll make him feel sad. He needed strength right now; he hated the way his own father was living.
Harry placed an arm around Draco's waist, his free hand still intertwined with Draco's. What looks like a bed, was just a large piece of wood magically lifted above ground and stuck to the wall with a mattress and a pillow. Such a dreadful thing to sleep on. At least there's a toilet, but where were the showers? He didn't think Azkaban was this bad. This was probably the same living arrangement that Sirius had been in. He sighed sadly and leaned his head on Draco's shoulder.
Lucius looked up at his family and frowned, disliking how they were seeing him now. His long white hair was dirty and greasy, his face with blotches of grey dirt on it, but his clothes were as dirty as his face and hair altogether. "Hello, my family," he says flatly. "How are you all?"
Narcissa kept a straight face for a moment and then she broke down into quiet sobs, wanting so much for her husband's freedom to come by faster than it feels. Seven years is just too much. "L-Lucius."
Lucius got up from his bed and went over to her. "Shh," he whispers, reaching through the bars and wiping the falling tears from her face. "Do not fret, my dear Narcissa. I am fine."
Narcissa shook her head, and her hands came up to wrap around her husband's hands which cupped her cheeks. "I-I promise. I'll do anything I-I possibly c-can to help you, to ask the minister for a bigger cell so I can put things in it for you like an actual bed or a shower. Or even a living room."
Now Lucius shook his head, disagreeing with this arrangement. "Narcissa, you do not have to do all that," he drawls. "It's just too much work, even for you."
Draco leaned against Harry and nudged his nose in the crook of his neck. It hurt to see his own mother crying, especially over his father. He didn't even realize he was starting to tear up, and the little strokes up and down his back from Harry's hands were the only thing he could concentrate on to be able to calm down.
"My son," said Lucius, looking outside of the bars keeping him from escaping and seeing his son hugging Harry. "And Harry... I really did not wish for you both to see me like this."
Harry smiled weakly at Lucius, and he held Draco tightly in his arms like there was no tomorrow. He could feel Draco's tears run down his neck, tickling him with wetness but he didn't mind at all. "Hello, Lucius." He wanted to at least say something to Draco's father. Something positive. "Um... I think one of my best friends from Gryffindor House is getting engaged sometime next year." Of course, he was talking about Seamus and Dean.
"Oh, how marvellous!" said Lucius, smiling at the sudden news. He needed to hear something good other than the screams and wails of the prisoners around him getting the happiness sucked out of them by Dementors. "I hope you like the present Narcissa will give you from the both of us on your birthday."
Harry nodded at him with his own smile. It was incredibly hard to smile in a place like this. "I know I will like it," he says to the older Malfoy, his future dad-in-law - he'd hope so. "Thank you." Whatever this present is, he cannot wait for it.
Lucius looked pleased. Then he looked back at his son, who slowly, was coming out of Harry's grasp.
"Father," said Draco flatly, trying once again to keep his calm, and he reached through the steel bars to give his father a hug. He noticed that his father didn't smell like his father at all. He felt like he was hugging a stranger, so alien. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, Draco," said Lucius gently. "Every day I'm thinking of you, your mother and Harry."
"Ma'am, it's close to lunchtime," the young Auror informed them, stepping out of the shadows towards the cell that held Lucius Malfoy. Harry was reminded of Ivy when the Auror just appeared from out of the darkness as if he was hiding in it all this time. Draco was thinking the same, it seemed, when he locked eyes with Harry, standing back beside him. "We should leave soon."
Narcissa nodded and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "I understand." She pressed her forehead to the steel bars and sighed. "We will see you very soon, Lucius. I promise you that."
Lucius smiled at her and pressed his forehead against hers. "You don't have to promise me, my dear. I know you all will come when you can." Then he looked at his son and Harry a little sternly. "And Draco, Harry, listen to what Narcissa tells you. If I hear that you've been misbehaving, even if I know you won't since you're both little angels-," Harry grinned innocently at him, and Lucius just smiled. "-I'll let Narcissa do whatever she wants with you as a punishment, and even Severus and Remus."
Harry lowered his head. Punishment... He feared what these three adults Lucius stated could do to them both, but he knows they wouldn't give him a scaring punishment like the Dursleys did. Draco knew that his mother would forbid him and Harry from shopping in either Paris or just someplace with a lot of shops. Remus, however, had no idea what he would do. Severus probably would task him and Harry with making a potion or two, which really isn't that hard. Teamwork is the key to success.
"We won't misbehave, sir," said Harry quickly, and saluted him. Sadly, none of these purebloods knew of the salute so it wasn't really funny. It was funny to Harry, though. Just in his head. Haha... "I swear on it."
"Good," said Lucius with a slow raised eyebrow, confused by the gesture Harry did. "I believe you must go," he added after a second and took a few steps backwards further into his cell. "I want you all back at the Manor with a ton of food on the table in front of you."
Narcissa sniffed, not wanting to leave but she must for her son and future son-in-law. She believes it. "Let's go, my Dragon, and Harry," she said unhappily and looked back up at her husband and smiled sadly. "I love you, Lucius."
"I love you too, Narcissa," Lucius responded, smiling feebly, "and you, Draco, and of course, Harry."
"Goodbye, Father," Draco deadpans, all his emotions that want to escape again were held down deep within him. "I love you." He then elbowed Harry next to him, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder while Harry stared down at him with a sweet smile. "Harry loves you too."
"I do," said Harry, nodding slightly. He reached his hand up to run it through Draco's hair, messing it up a little but it fell back into place. He smiled at his boyfriend's blonde hair and pressed his lips to Draco's forehead. "We should go," he said quietly, it wasn't even in a whisper.
With a sad wave goodbye, Harry, Draco, the young Auror, and Narcissa touched the Portkey, and it transported them back to Kingsley's office in the Ministry. Narcissa stormed over to Kingsley's desk, wanting a change to her husband's cell. "Is there any way possible that I can give my husband proper necessities to live in that disgusting cell?" she asked bitterly, glaring at him with her blue eyes.
Kingsley frowned at her. Azkaban cells haven't been changed for centuries. "I'll see what I can do, Mrs Malfoy," he replies sincerely, his eyes soft with sympathy. "But usually, the Ministry doesn't change how the prisoners are living."
Prisoner?! Narcissa did not like her husband having that title over his head. He was not a prisoner, nor someone who should be locked up. But she had to stay calm. "I understand that, but can't someone at least give the cell a shower and come chairs?"
Kingsley considered that for a moment, and then nodded. "I'll discuss this with the Wizengamot."
Narcissa sighed and dipped her chin to her neck. She hoped there was a way she could help her own husband out. "Come, Harry, Draco. We're going home."
Harry and Draco went up to her; Harry didn't know what to do in this situation as he can't comfort women. He knew not to ask any questions or make a noise just in case she goes off at them but he also knew Narcissa would never take her anger or sadness out on others, she was too sweet for that.
When they returned to the Manor, Narcissa had rushed off to the lounge room on her own, but Harry and Draco went after her to make sure she was alright though they knew she wasn't. They found her lying on her chaise, a book in her hands, and she was sobbing while reading the first page over and over again.
Draco sat by her waist and frowned down at her face. "It will be alright, Mother," he assures her as he wipes her face with the back of his sleeve to get rid of her tears even though he had his own tears running down his face. "Father only has seven more years until he's out."
"They didn't even modify anything to his... c-cell since the last time I asked them t-to," Narcissa sobbed, hiding her face with the book she held so her face could not be seen. "W-Why couldn't Kingsley j-just give him a bookshelf or a nice c-couch to sit on?"
Harry wanted the same for Lucius, to have his cell a little cosier and homier. In fact, he wanted it for all the Prisoners. Well, the ones who had nothing to do with Voldemort and killing his parents. He comforted Narcissa and Draco with love and hope that Lucius will get an upgrade in his cell. He hoped to God that Lucius will survive those last seven years in Azkaban. That place is a real shithole.
Harry woke up on Christmas day in his bed at his dad's house, the early morning sun shining in through the window facing him. He thought he had woken up in his bed back at The Dursley's house, but the window facing his bed shining in bright blinding light reminded him he was at his dad's house, safe, warm, and secure knowing people do love him. He smiled sadly; another Christmas it is yet he woke up sad, and he sluggishly got out of bed, eventually got dressed into warm clothes and walked out of his bedroom and down to the lounge room. It was cold in the room, lit only by flickering candlelight from all the candles around the room set in different locations. He flicked his wand at the fireplace which made it roar to life with dancing flames and immediate warmth. The green fur Christmas tree stood out from the rest of the dark-themed room with its gold, red, and silver ornaments dangling off the tree's branches, and the star on top of the tree glittering in the morning light shining in through the opened-curtain windows. Underneath the tree lay a bunch of presents.
But where were Severus and Remus? If they were still sleeping, Harry would sneak into their bedroom and wake them up. But he decided not to. He doesn't know if Severus and Remus have Christmas traditions, so he started opening his presents. Sometimes he still doubts whether he'll get presents or not every year, due to the fact that he never got anything when growing up, not knowing about Hogwarts.
He opens Hermione's one first as it's the closest one to him, wrapped neatly in blue wrapping paper, and finds a book on 'The Guide to Ghost Whispering', a little album of pictures of him and Draco as Harriet and Dracelle which amused him, and a pair of socks saying 'Certified Pain in the Ass #2'. He laughed at the socks, thinking how it was true as he puts them on. Perfect Fit. But what questioned him was the book. Ghost Whispering? Hmm...
Ron got him a Toy Umbridge on a Unicycle which shouted at him "I will have order!" Harry snorts at it, flicking at the head, wishing it were a Voodoo Doll. There were also a few of George's newest inventions including the Cheering Chocolates, Happy Hula Hoops, Panic Attack Picnics and Nightmare Nougat.
Harry opened Draco's present which was a couple of things. One of them was a red bell, 'Ring for sex' was written on it. He chuckled, thinking, oh, thank you, Draco. The Umbridge on a Unicycle was rolling around him, until it started rolling up the walls behind the tree, somehow defying gravity. There was a hamper with Christmas treats in it, and a card with a green fir tree on it which read 'If I had my life to live over again, I'd find you sooner and love you longer. Merry Christmas, Harry. I love you. From Draco.' Harry sighed. Oh, how lucky he feels to have Draco.
He got another Sweater from Mrs Weasley, the same Emerald Green with a big 'H' on it, and some Fruit Mince Pies. Inside a red box from Severus and Remus were a note and a leather bracelet with an infinity charm weaved into the leather. 'Our dear son,' it read. 'Wherever your journey in life may take you, we pray you'll always be safe. Enjoy the ride and never forget your way home. We will always be there for you for eternity. We love you.'
Harry smiles at the note and puts the bracelet on around his wrist. He reads the note again, and Draco's card too. "Sev?" he calls out. "Remus?" He wonders if they're at Hogwarts. But they would have told him so though... He heads into the kitchen, looking for a note but doesn't see one.
"Merry Christmas!"
Harry shouts and scrambles back in shock, his heart thumping against his chest, and he turns and looks at his fathers in their pyjamas and both wearing Santa hats. Where's his hat? "Jesus, don't scare me like that," he pants.
"Sorry, Harry," Remus says, grinning. "Just thought we'd give you a Lupin Christmas surprise. My mom and dad used to do it every Christmas, scaring me like this. Once I nearly went all wolf on them."
"You'll be glad I don't go all wolf on you two then," Harry says, with a chuckle, though he knew that wolfing out wasn't possible for him – thank God. "Merlin." He walks over and throws his arms around them both in a tight hug. He was surprised to get kissed on the forehead by Sev and Remus. It was sweet. "Thanks for the present, by the way. I love it."
"It's not the only present from us, you know," Severus says, hugging him back and looking over at the Christmas tree in the lounge room. "You have plenty more. Oh, and the Weasleys are having a Christmas lunch and have invited all of us over, including Draco and his mother."
"That's brilliant!" Harry says, leaning away from the hug with a wide smile. He heads back into the lounge room to open the rest of his presents and watch Remus and Severus open their presents.
Later on in the morning, Harry Flooed into Severus' office in Hogwarts, holding a small wooden box in his hands and headed upstairs. He walked through the hallways, ducking away from Peeves, and enters the unused Girl's Bathroom on the second floor.
"Myrtle?" he calls out into the bathroom, and the further he walks into the bathroom, the louder he hears familiar sobbing. He frowns, not understanding why she'd be crying on such a happy day. "Oh, Myrtle?"
The sobbing becomes quieter, and they eventually stop, and the ghost of Myrtle Warren floats out of her toilet. "Oh..." she says quietly, wiping the tears from her eyes with her sleeves. "Harry, hello. I thought you would have forgotten about me."
"Myrtle, I could never forget about my favourite ghost friend," Harry says softly, hiding the wooden box behind his back. "And please don't cry. It's Christmas. You should be celebrating with the other Hogwarts ghosts."
"There's no reason to celebrate Christmas anymore since I'm dead," Myrtle mumbles sadly, sniffing. "There's no point. And I'm too depressed to go to anything happy and festive. I'd rather stay in here and mope all day."
Harry sadly smiled. Oh, he remembers the depressing days in which he didn't care about Christmas, even when he started getting presents from Ron and Hermione. "I have related," he tells her flatly and walks over to her. "But this Christmas – and I'm sorry you've never been given decent gifts after you died – I got you a little something."
Myrtle looked at him in disbelief, until Harry showed her the small wooden box from behind his back that looks quite familiar to her. "You got me a present?" she gasps in surprise.
"Yes, because I wanted to give you something this Christmas," Harry says, opening the wooden box up, and revealing the locket to her. "I'm just glad your niece, Elizabeth, let Draco and I explore your old house for this."
Myrtle cups her mouth and lets out a sob. "Oh, Harry, you got my locket," she says weakly, touching the locket with her index finger and feeling its cold metal and the Myrtle flower. "How... I thought by now it would be gone, rusted away, non-existent."
"I found it in a little compartment inside your bed end," Harry tells her, taking the locket out of the wooden box to show her it. "I'm not sure if you'll be able to wear it considering you're dead, but I just thought you'd like it back."
"Thank you, Harry," Myrtle says softly, her smile a little shaky. Her ghostly tears were welling up in her eyes again. "This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me in so long."
"You're very welcome," Harry says and pats her on the shoulder. He puts the locket back in the box and puts it down by the window she always sits at. "I do wish you were able to join me at the Weasleys for Christmas lunch. It would be great to have another guest over. The more the merrier."
"Oh, I'm good here at Hogwarts," Myrtle says sadly, looking down at the locket she once was able to wear. "I could just go see what's up in the Great Hall and watch everyone be happy, maybe run into Sir Nickolas. But thank you, Harry. You're so nice."
Harry nods, and thinking back to earlier, he gives her a kiss on the forehead. "Have a Merry Christmas, Myrtle," he says merrily, stepping back. Myrtle's pale cheeks coloured, and she giggled a little. "Oh, and please, try to be happy today. Just try. I know it's hard, but I know you can. Go and annoy Peeves for once. He'd hate it, but it'll be worth it."
"Okay, will do," Myrtle says, a full smile appearing on her lips, but she then tears up again because she's really grateful for Harry. "I'll probably visit the other ghosts and say hi, and I'll think of something to do to Peeves too."
"Good," Harry says, taking a few steps back towards the exit. "Now, I've got to go. Draco's waiting for me at Malfoy Manor."
"Bye, Harry, and Merry Christmas!" Myrtle says lightly, wiping at her wet cheeks. "Thank you for coming to see me." Harry smiles and gives her a nod and a little wave, then exits the bathroom back down to the dungeons. He really does wish she can join him, Draco and Narcissa at the Weasleys.
Harry Flooed into the Malfoy Manor lounge room, and he stared in awe at the large green Christmas tree with its silver and gold magical Christmas ornaments. "Whoa..." He walks up to it and touches a small auburn-haired elf on the head, and it winks at him. He smirks and moves around the tree, looking at the many decorations hanging from its branches. He remembers a few from a year ago when he had Christmas with the Malfoy's.
He finds himself at the fireplace and he looks at a couple of wizarding pictures of Draco's family. One had a picture of a smiling Draco who looks around seven, wearing dark green robes and standing in front of a purple flowering bush. He looked adorable! And the other was the wedding of Narcissa and Lucius, they were under a large white arch of white and yellow flowers. Narcissa's white dress was massive, and Lucius' black and white robes must have been the traditional wedding robes.
"That's my favourite photo."
Harry turns around quickly. "Oh, hello, Narcissa," he says, smiling at her. "Merry Christmas! I've never noticed these photos here the last time I was here."
"Merry Christmas, Harry," Narcissa says lightly, putting her arms around him in a gentle hug. "I put these photos here a few weeks ago. I thought the mantle needed some new decor." She smiles at the photo of her wedding day.
Harry hugged her back and looked up at the large family portrait of Draco, Narcissa, and Lucius above the fireplace. "How are you doing by the way?"
"I'm quite well," Narcissa says as she too stares up at the family portrait. "Draco's up in his room getting changed if you'd like to go see him."
"You know I always love seeing your son, Narcissa," Harry tells her, and he kisses her cheek as he leans away from the hug. "He's the love of my life. I couldn't live without him. From death do us part."
Narcissa laughs and pets his cheek softly. "Oh, you certainly will be an exceptional member of our family in the future," she says, making Harry grin widely and flush at the thought of marrying into the family. She put it in his head anyway.
"Now I'm going to go grab Draco," Harry tells her, taking a few steps back towards the entrance Hall. "I'll be right back with your handsome son who yes, I'd be happy to marry, but in the future. The future. Not soon."
Narcissa nodded and sighed happily. She's just so glad her son has found such a kind young gentleman to love and be loved by. "Off you go then."
Harry turns on his heel and heads up to Draco's bedroom on the fourth floor. He finds his man in the bathroom combing his hair. He smiles at him, enters the bathroom, and snakes his arms around Draco's stomach from behind. "Merry Christmas, gorgeous."
Draco smiles at Harry's reflection and blushes, continuing to comb his hair and add gel to it. "Merry Christmas to you too, Harry Potter," he says to Harry's reflection, and he feels himself get lost in those green pools. "My handsome man."
Harry kissed Draco's cheek and gave him a tight squeeze, then let go and leaned against the sink. "Did you like all your presents?" he asks, distracted by the way Draco's looking at him, in such a loving way. "And your mother's waiting downstairs for us. We're ready to head off to the Burrow for lunch. Sev and Remus will be there shortly."
"I loved all my presents, Harry," Draco says, wondering why he wouldn't like them. "Especially the one you'll give me tonight. The bell has a meaning, you know." Harry laughs and nods his head, and Draco smirks. "And how was your first Christmas with your family?"
"Oh, it was brilliant!" Harry beamed. He didn't want to tell Draco how he woke up this morning feeling down. Why should he ruin Draco's Christmas by saying how he felt earlier this morning anyway? He felt much better anyway. "They scared me this morning though. It was after I opened most of my gifts. Remus said it's a Lupin family tradition. Odd one, that is. Oh, and we made pancakes together, ate chocolate, and laughed at bonbon jokes. It was truly incredible. It was my second favourite Christmas."
"That sounds simply marvellous," Draco says grandly, now applying eyeliner to his eyes. What he was curious about is when Harry's favourite Christmas was. "What's your first favourite Christmas though?"
Harry was quite distracted by Draco putting on eyeliner, though he blinked and snapped out of his daze. "Well," he says, placing his hands on Draco's hips which stopped the blonde from continuing to apply eyeliner. "My favourite was our first Christmas, and it was with Ivy. You asked me out then after playing Christmas games with Ivy and made me the happiest bloke alive. We were only fourteen then. And look at us now. 17-year old's, nearly eighteen within a few months. You've turned my life from darkness into sunshine and rainbows. You complete me-"
"Harry, you're not going to ask me to marry you now, are you?" Draco asks suddenly, flatly, putting the eyeliner down beside Harry on the bathroom sink. "Because although that would be romantic, considering it's on Christmas..."
Harry got down on his knees, staring up at his lover with such passionate love. "I can if you want me to," he replies quickly, and Draco blinks and smiles down at him.
"You don't even have a ring," Draco reminds him, his face becoming a shade of light pink at what Harry's saying to him.
"I honestly don't care," Harry says, grabbing Draco's hands and bringing them to his mouth. "I'd propose to you with a flower ring if I conjured up one from in the Manor's gardens." He kissed the blonde's hands. "I would, you know. But maybe in a year or two, hm?"
"Yes, later," Draco said, though he did feel a little twinge that Harry didn't actually mean it at this moment. The proposal. Merlin, if Harry actually proposed to him... "And please, when you do propose, not in a bloody bathroom."
Harry laughs. "Of course, my love," he says, feeling as if his eyes have formed the shape of hearts and are beating as quickly as his heart was. Draco leans down, cups Harry's face in his hands and kisses him. Harry felt like melting into the floor.
"Boys?" Narcissa walks into the bathroom but then pauses at the sight of them. "Oh..." She giggles. "I'll be waiting outside the bedroom for you. Oh, and our House Elves have kindly made some food for the lunch at the Burrow. They'll bring it in closer to when lunch is."
Draco manages an "Mmm" as a reply, too distracted by Harry's lips and his taste to reply to her fully. He gets down on his knees and hands, Harry leaning back onto the cool tile floor, and Draco leaning over him, flattening him to the ground as the kiss deepens.
Narcissa just stands at the bathroom exit, leaning against the door frame with her arms loosely crossed. "Ahem!" Draco looks up at her, his face coloured a light pink, and his lips dark pink and gleaming with saliva. "Yes, you, get up! We don't want to be late now, do we?"
"Of course not, Narcissa," Harry replies, looking behind him at her with a grin. "I just got carried away snogging your son. Sorry."
"As normal," Narcissa mutters, sighing as she walks away from the bathroom with a hidden smile. "And Draco, do clean your room."
"We have elves for that, Mother," Draco calls out to her. He glances back down at Harry, whose exquisite green eyes are filled with sudden lust. Oh, but it has to wait, unfortunately. He pushes himself into Harry, sighing as he's wanting him right now and he loves the feel of Harry against him.
Harry quickly slid out from underneath Draco, got up, grabbed Draco by the wrist and pulled him out of the bathroom. He doesn't want to anger his boyfriend's mother and his future mother-in-law. Draco just laughs at Harry fondly, knowing what he's doing.
They Floo to the Burrow where they found Ron with Percy and Oliver in the lounge room. Bill and Fleur were with Molly in the kitchen making food.
Outside on the lawn laid a long wooden table, able to fit more than twenty people on it. It had a few plates of food on it already like brownies, and little red sausages which are also known as Frankfurt's and there were dipping sauces around it, there was a plate of Pigs in Blankets, some bowels of candy canes, and Fruit Minced pies.
Severus and Remus were talking with Arthur Weasley and Charlie by the table. Charlie had a red and green candy cane in his mouth.
"Andy!" Narcissa called out to her younger sister who she spots with Nymphadora, Hermione, and Ginny by the front door. She walks over to them with a wide grin. Oh, but where's Teddy? Apparently, the little boy was asleep back at home, and Tonks' wand had a buzzer on it to tell if Teddy was awake and needed something.
Draco sighs. He wished his own father was here to celebrate Christmas with him, his mother, and Harry.
Harry looked at him; he read him clearly and knew he missed his father clearly and wished he were here to celebrate. He too wanted that as well. Draco was staring off over at his mother happily talking to her sister and niece.
"I brought Father gifts and asked cousin Dora if it were possible to give them to him, but I don't know if Father got them," Draco then says as if reading Harry's thoughts.
Harry smiled fondly at Draco and his true kind heart. "I have a feeling Lucius has those gifts," he says as he remembers a few days ago, receiving an Owl from Tonks herself about Draco's wishes, and going into the Ministry with Tonks directly to the Minister himself and asking if it were possible to give Lucius his presents. Kingsley told him it was possible and to just leave the gifts on his desk. Harry just hoped Kingsley stood to his word.
"I hope so," Draco says, and Harry kissed him on the cheek for extra hope, links arms with him, and takes him over to Ron, Percy, and Oliver. The Slytherin feels himself blush from Harry's affection; he couldn't help but smile.
"Hey, Percy, Oliver," Harry says, beaming at the couple sitting together on the couch, holding hands. "How are you doing? How's Quidditch, Oliver? And how's work, Percy?"
"Quidditch is fantastic," Oliver says lightly, grinning broadly at the mention of his favourite sport. "Lots of training so far. The next Quidditch Cup's this Summer but Malawi plays Senegal."
"And works alright," Percy says, smiling at Oliver in a loving way as he really loves seeing his boyfriend thrilled over Quidditch. It was Oliver who got him into Quidditch during his first year and went to see his first match back in 1987. He looks away after a second and looks at the two younger boys. "It can get rather boring, but overall, I enjoy my job."
"You enjoy me more though," Oliver whispers to him, nibbling on his lover's earlobe. "And you know I'm not boring in bed."
Percy laughs, his cheeks blazing red, and lets out a low, "Mmm, yes I do." Oliver grins and leans over him, attaching their lips together.
Ron's face quickly coloured bright red. "I'm so sorry you had to hear that," he says quickly to Draco and Harry before escorting them out of the lounge room and upstairs to the first-floor hallway where his parent's bedroom is. "They do that a lot, make out on the couch. And Oliver tends to err... say stuff. They thankfully don't do it around mom and dad though."
Harry shrugs as he just doesn't mind it. "I don't mind, I have heard worse," he says, thinking back to a night when he was still awake and hearing Seamus and Dean make love to each other, and the words coming out of Seamus' mouth. God, the horror of that night.
Ron snorts. "Don't tell me, please," he says at once. "Oh! Matching socks! Aha!" He sticks his foot out towards Harry's so Harry could get a good look at his socks. "Oh, and thanks for the mug. I'm definitely a prick, thanks."
Harry laughed and gave Ron's foot a High-Five. But in their case, it was a Foot-Five. Instead of #2nd Certified Pain in The Ass inscribed on the sock, Ron was the #1st. "Yeah, no problem, mate," he says, also seeing the green cactus mug on the kitchen table with 'Don't be a prick' in white words that he had gifted Ron.
"I drank from it this morning, thinking something magical will happen like it turning me into a cactus but nothing happened," Ron had told Harry, looking a little curious at the mug over on the table. "Was something supposed to happen?"
"No, it's a Muggle Mug," Harry tells his best mate. "Oh, and tell your mother that the Malfoy's House Elves have made some extra dishes for lunch. They'll pop in soon."
Ron licked his lips, excited for free food. "Can't wait," he grinned. "We'll have to give our thanks to those House elves then when they arrive."
Harry notices how quiet Draco has been and frowned a little. He put his arms around him, trapping him in the embrace and gave his cheek a big wet kiss. "Draco... do you want anything that I can get you, besides what you do want?"
Draco shook his head but smiled at his huggable boyfriend. "No, not really," he replies flatly, feeling grateful for Harry and what he's done so far. "I have you. You're all I need."
Ron gagged playfully and stepped away from them. He didn't want to listen to them. "I'm out," he mutters quickly, rushing downstairs and over to Hermione who was helping gather the plates and utensils in the kitchens. His mother was still there too, so he went over and told her the good news.
"I'm glad then," Harry mumbles to his lover, and he presses their noses together with a grin, making Draco chuckle softly at him. "I'm glad I'm the only thing you need."
George walked in on them from upstairs, smiled at them, and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. But he did throw a little something at Harry, who caught that something and laughed at it. Oh, the signs. There was a small note wrapped around a little red box that said 'Please test this out. You know what to do. Thanks. He opened the little red box, and when he opened it, he saw a golden ring.
Draco flushed when seeing the ring in the box. Clearly, the Weasel wanted to see something.
Harry took out the golden ring and studied it. It looked normal to him, and it wasn't made of plastic. "Honestly, George?" he mutters under his breath. Well, if it's to test it out, whatever it's supposed to do... He looks into Draco's eyes which are shining with curiosity. "Draco Malfoy..." He gets down to his knees for the second time today, smiling up at his lover.
Draco shook his head, though a smile was present on his face. "Harry, no."
"Harry yes," Harry says, lifting Draco's hand to him. He slides the ring on Draco's finger, then kisses his knuckles. Draco's cheeks coloured, though he knew it wasn't a proposal. Where was the speech about him being the greatest thing Harry has, and how he completes Harry?
To Harry's surprise, golden letters appear above Draco's head, saying 'Newly engaged to this idiot', and a golden arrow appeared and pointed down at Harry. Draco looked up at the words above his head and smirked, and Harry got to his feet and moved around Draco, and the arrow followed his direction. It made him laugh.
"Glad to see it worked." George entered back up the stairs and saw his newest invention had worked. "Did he actually propose?" he asks the Slytherin, but Draco shook his head. "Harry, how disappointing." He too shook his head but with a sigh of dissatisfaction.
"What?" Harry drawled, putting his arms back around Draco, his chin resting on Draco's shoulder. "It's a little too early, George. We're only seventeen after all." Draco leaned down, kissing Harry's cheek which made the Gryffindor holding him grin and blush.
George suddenly sniffed the air. "Ah, Mom's cooked lunch already," he says, licking his lips and starting to walk down the stairs. "Better hurry before it's gone. Come on!"
Harry stuffed his nose in Draco's neck, wanting to stay there with his lover, but Draco had picked him up bridal style and carried him to the stairs. He laughed on the way down, but when on the ground floor, Draco had put Harry back down and they headed outside to see the large table filled with more food, and house elves he's seen at Malfoy Manor popping in and out, carrying more dishes and some were even talking to the guests.
"This is going to be an excellent Christmas dinner," Harry says, and he spots Misky the House Elf and waves at her. She waves back with a big smile.
"Yeah, it is," Draco replies, though he knew it would be better with his father here. Suddenly, all heads turn their way and Draco's face coloured as he realised the words above his head had not disappeared. "Oh, Merlin," he whispers to himself. "Here it comes..."
"Draco, dear," Narcissa says, staring at the two boys, her hand covering her mouth as if to stop herself from laughing. "What this?" She pointed over her son's head at the golden words above him, and the golden arrow pointing down at Harry.
Severus in the background just rolls his eyes at the boys, having a feeling that Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes had something to do with it, and Remus chuckles and went back to talking with Mr Weasley.
"Mother, it really isn't what you think," Draco says quickly, glancing around for the Weasel who did this to him. He spotted him hiding behind Mr Weasley. "It was a little gift from George Weasley. He wanted Harry to try it out."
"Hmm," Narcissa says, as if uncertain her son was telling the truth. But she knew no normal engagement ring, even filled with magic, could make a sentence above someone's head saying they're newly engaged. "Alright. Well, come sit down. Everything is ready to eat."
When Draco sat down next to his mother, and Harry beside him, he pulled off the ring and threw it back to George. It landed in George's hair, but George didn't seem to notice it.
Harry looked up above Draco's head, seeing the golden words still there. Ah, George, he thinks. Your inventions really are great. He decided to never mention it to Draco, that the words are still there. Facing him was Ron who was sniggering at Draco and the obvious Weasley invention. Draco didn't notice as he was dishing up food onto his plate.
Harry noticed that Hermione was talking with Ginny and Fleur like they haven't noticed the particular words above Draco's head. He looked down at all the food on the table and dished himself some ham, seafood salad, and many other small portions of delicious Christmas food, and then dug in.
Harry woke on a very special day. It wasn't anyone's birthday. It was an anniversary. It was Draco and the 4th anniversary of their relationship. He was excited to see his boyfriend of four, nearly five years. He dresses quickly in some warm clothes, and a heavy coat, and rushes out of his room to the kitchen where he dishes himself a bowl of porridge with jam mixed in.
He had no idea what to do today with Draco when he goes to Malfoy Manor in an hour, so he asked Severus and Remus when they entered the kitchen a few minutes later. He had been thinking about it all month and even researched with Hermione on her phone what couples can do on their anniversary.
"How about you take Draco out on a date," Remus suggests, pouring hot water into three cups of tea from the kettle. "Buy him flowers, chocolates, clothes. Something he would like."
"Or take him to France," Severus also added to the proffer, smiling as Remus passes him a hot grey mug of his favourite Matcha tea. "He likes shopping there, as I've heard many times by you and Narcissa."
Harry considered all of these great options. A bouquet of flowers at the front door, a date in France, and to add to that, shopping. After finishing his breakfast and the mug of tea Remus had given him, he said goodbye and headed for the front door. Excited to surprise Draco with newly brought flowers which he still must buy from the local Florists, he opens the door. He stops under the door frame as on the doorstep, there was Draco Malfoy, dressed warmly in a cashmere green sweater and slacks, with a long green winter cloak over his shoulders, and a large bouquet of red roses wrapped in a silver ribbon in his hands.
"Wow," Harry says at the surprise, but he was more surprised with Draco and how gorgeous he is with his perfect white-blonde hair which curled slightly at his neck, silver sparkling eyes, and a charmingly handsome smile. "And I thought I was going to go buy you the bouquet and appear on your Manor's doorstep, waiting for you to open the door for your surprise."
"A change is always good," Draco says lightly, leaning forward to kiss Harry's cheek, and then giving Harry the bouquet of roses.
"Don't tell me you've got the entire day planned," Harry had said, his cheeks red with a blush at the thought of Draco planning the entire day without his knowledge. Sure, he was only thinking earlier about what he and Draco could do today. He smelt the lovely roses his lover had given him. "Although, I wouldn't mind one bit if you did."
"No, I totally didn't plan out our anniversary morning," Draco says, grinning broadly with his shiny white teeth. Harry rolls his eyes, sensing the truth in the blonde's tone. "I thought you could conceive about what we could do this evening since I have prearranged our morning."
Harry nods. It sounded fair. "What do you have planned then, my love?" Harry asks him curiously as he leads Draco inside the house to the warm lounge room. Severus and Remus were spotted in the kitchen, drinking their tea, and chatting amongst themselves.
"It's a surprise, my darling," Draco says, smiling when Severus and Remus look over at him, and he flushed when the two adults noticed the bouquet in Harry's hands that he had given their son.
"Ah, some flowers to add to the lounge room to spruce it up a little," Remus says brightly, grinning at the bouquet in Harry's hands. And it was nice to see Draco stopping over early in the morning with a surprise for Harry.
"What?" Harry said loudly in shock. He actually wanted to put them in his bedroom somewhere, but there wasn't anywhere to put the bouquet. And the lounge room indeed needed some colour to it. "Oh, never mind." He puts the bouquet on the coffee table. "Yes, for the lounge room."
"So, where are you two headed off to today?" Severus asks Draco, seeing as if Draco has the entire anniversary day planned even if Harry was going to head over to Malfoy Manor to do the same. "I believe it's your 4th year anniversary. It must be a diverting day then."
"Well," Draco says, looking at Harry with a grin and could picture the whole day being perfect. "I have a few things planned for your son and I to do today. One of them involves a lunch date. I won't spoil the rest."
"Oh, well you two have fun then," Remus says and raises his mug of tea up to say goodbye. He and Severus wanted the house to themselves for a while. "I'm sure you'd want to get going and spend some quality time together."
"Wow," Harry deadpanned, unimpressed with his father at the moment. "Very welcomely to my boyfriend." He thought Remus and Severus were to invite Draco to stay for a while and make him a cuppa.
"Let's just be on our way, Harry," Draco says with a nod towards the door, but his eyes remained on Harry's family. "I have a feeling your fathers want some time to themselves since they pretty much see you every day."
"Oh, that's understandable," Harry replies, leading the Slytherin to the door after giving Severus and Remus a quick wave goodbye. "So, my love, remind me again what we're doing today?"
"Oi," shouted Severus from the kitchen as Harry was about to shut the front door behind them, "No proposing until you're both out of Hogwarts!"
"Honestly," Harry mutters, cheeks red with embarrassment at his father, and he shuts the door quickly before Remus has a chance to say something even worse. This isn't the first time he's been embarrassed by his father. Fathers. A week ago, the strange topic of dog toys had come up during dinner, and Remus was saying how back in his Hogwarts days, Sirius in his dog form, used to throw dog toys at Remus in his werewolf form, and they used to just play with the toys with each other and occasionally James. Severus sniggered at this new information.
And so, Harry, thinking it was funny, thought about going to a muggle pet store to buy some dog toys for Remus when he wolfs out every full moon if he misses taking his Potion. Remus agreed, which surprised Harry, and so the next day they had gone to K-mart in Manchester. And oh, the humiliation hadn't started until Harry went off in search of the dog toys. When he found them, Remus was nowhere around him, so he had to go looking for him.
Harry found Remus in the kid's toy section, riding a tricycle, wearing a sombrero, and a noise maker in his mouth. There were kids everywhere around them, even on top of toy shelves. Once Remus spotted Harry, he circled around him, blowing the noise maker, and yelling this is my kid. Harry's face was red and getting redder by the second. He just wanted the floor to eat him up whole. By the time they got home, Harry threw the pink dog chewy toy on the couch that he had brought and marched his way up to his bedroom, ignoring Severus asking how the shopping went, and when launching himself onto the bed, he nearly screamed into his pillow.
Draco laughs at Harry's red face and kisses his cheek, then they walk down the street, passing muggle children playing in the snow. "Oh, trust me when I say my mother's worse," he tells him with a long sigh. "I still cannot believe Mother showed you my baby pictures."
"Hey, you were an adorable angelic little baby," Harry says lightly, smiling at the memories of a few photographs Narcissa had shown him some time ago. He quickly dodges a snowball that a kid had thrown at him. "And I'm glad she had shown me them. I was bound to see them at some point in our relationship."
Draco puts his arm around Harry, keeping him close to him until he leads Harry down an alley between two houses and apparated away. Harry looked around them, they were in a snowy area behind some cottages. There was a frozen river a little to the side of them, and they walked down the side of it, hearing the crunching of snow under their feet, until they came to a large park with a large white sheet of ice. There were a few people skating around the ice, mainly kids messing about. On a white sign above the ice rink read 'Planet Ice, Gosport.'
"So, this is the first thing we're doing together," Harry says with awe, looking around at all the happy people and the scenery. And then he looks up at Draco, beaming. "I cannot wait to get started."
Draco smiles at him, reaches up to comb his fingers through Harry's dark hair who just stares at him lovingly with his green eyes, and then he kisses him slowly as if afraid the day will go by so fast, and he'll wake up the next day wanting to repeat the entire day again.
And after that breathtaking kiss, they walked over to the Ice-Skating Rink, and instead of just renting ice skates, they went behind a tree so Draco could transfigure their boots into ice skates. They only paid to enter the rink, and they went to the back of the rink where not many people were.
"Whoa," Harry said shakily as he was pulled onto the ice by Draco and nearly lost his balance. He still wasn't good with ice skating. He only ever did it once and it was with Draco at Malfoy Manor during their second Christmas together.
Draco laughed and he let go of Harry just so he could skate around him and do a little spin. But he fell over onto his bottom when he slipped, and Harry roared with laughter and tried helping him up, but Draco pulled him down on him.
Harry narrowed his eyes at his blonde boyfriend. "Oh, you little-" But Harry's speech was cut off when Draco kissed him, and he got so lost in the affectionate kiss with his boyfriend that he forgot where exactly they were until his hand came into contact with the cold ice instead of Draco's hair. He shivered in the kiss.
They eventually got to their feet and skated together across the ice. Well, Harry tried to skate. He fell over a few times, to Draco's amusement. But eventually, he got the hang of sliding over the ice on blades by following Draco's movements.
They glided across the ice together, trying different moves, and gathered the attention of the muggles around them. They chose to ignore the muggles and just continued skating around, watching the line of trees around the ice rink light up with purple and blue lights.
No... it couldn't be. Harry thought he saw one of Voldemort's Ex Death Eaters, Igor Karkaroff, staring at him from the crowd of muggles in the far corner of the ice rink. He wore a long black fur cape over his dark robes and a black furry hat that looked like a raccoon over his dark brown hair. Didn't he die though? No, he didn't because he knows where Ivy and Lavender are. But as soon as a muggle girl skated past Harry's sight of view, Igor was gone. Harry blinked at the spot he swore Igor was, but then he looks back at Draco who didn't seem to notice he had been staring across the rink. "Hey babe?"
"Yes, Harry?" Draco says, looking to his side at him and trying the little spin he once tried before. He successfully spun around Harry.
"Have you heard from Ivy much?" Harry asks, thinking back to a week after the Summer Holidays when they were supposed to meet up with Ivy and Lavender at St Mungo's, but the girls never showed up so they had to go back to Hogwarts.
"No," Draco says, suddenly frowning as he shakes his head. He recalls not getting an Owl back from Ivy the evening after he and Harry were going to meet the two girls to take them to St Mungo's for Memory Rehabilitation. He became really worried after a week of no reply, thinking that something bad happened. He hoped not, and just hoped Ivy was somewhere in the world singing her heart out to a large crowd.
"Not even an Owl?" Harry says, but Draco shakes his head. He nods and thinks about where the two girls are at the moment. But he didn't want to be worrying about the two when it was their anniversary. "I have a feeling she's safe somewhere in this world, probably on stage." Then he hesitates, looking back around at their surroundings, seeing nobody familiar, then looking back into his lover's entrancing silver eyes. "Now, my dear, when's morning tea?"
Draco smiled at his hungry lover, and he skates backwards, his hands in Harry's and pulls him towards the middle of the ice rink. "We can eat whenever you want," he replies. "Maybe an early lunch? My treat."
Harry grinned with his teeth. "How about we halve the cost of our lunch?" he suggests as he just felt too generous at the moment as Draco did organise this ice skating and whatever else they'll do today.
"Nope, I'm paying for lunch," Draco says firmly, and Harry sighs and nearly slips over but Draco grabs him in time and steadies him. "Whoa there. Maybe we should get off the ice before you slip and fall on your face."
"Please, yes," Harry says quickly with a nod, leaning his body weight on Draco. He didn't want to fall and humiliate himself. Not today at least. "Get me off this slippery surface. I'd like my feet back on the ground, please. And food in my stomach."
"Alright," Draco replies with a chuckle.
They got off the ice and tried walking towards the trees which ended up being a difficult task as Harry kept falling over in the snow. It amused Draco though. When they had Transfigured their skates back into their winter boots, they headed off on their way into the Town of Gosport in search of a restaurant.
They came across a large boardwalk near a pier with a cobblestone walkway and a few trees centred in the middle of the path. Halfway across the pier, they came across a blue Police Box. Harry grins, knowing it's a replica of the Tardis from Doctor Who. He wanted to take a picture of it, but he didn't have a phone so he couldn't.
They passed expensive boats in the crystal blue waters anchored to the dock, and old industrial buildings that were made into hotels and cafes. A fisherman was loading eskies onto his little fishing boat.
Finally, they found a restaurant on the pier named Arty's and entered it. The walls were a deep blue, though the bottom half of the walls were white wooden boards. Lots of pictures lined the walls, mostly black and white with different photos of the sea, boats, statues, and even some famous Landmarks like the Eiffel Tower. Sculptures of fish and sea urchins hang on the walls. The staff all wore the same dark blue shirts with Arty's in white letters on the chest pocket and small white aprons.
Harry and Draco chose a table in the far corner of the restaurant and sat down on the wooden seats. On their table was a nice little green pot plant with a viola plant in it, salt and pepper shakers, and a menu.
Harry picked at the colourful Viola's, eating the small delicate flowers which he knew were edible as Neville once told him, then picked up the menu right away and looked through it. He just thought about getting some Fish and Chips, and a beer for a drink but he was only 17, so he knows he wouldn't be able to order a beer. "So, what are you going to get?" he looks up at Draco to ask.
Draco was scanning his menu. "I think I'll get a Caesar salad with a medium-rare steak on the side," he says, flipping over to the other side where it showed the drinks. What the hell is Pepsi? He has tried coke though, and he hates it. "What's your order so I can go up and order from the front?"
"Just some fish and chips, with a side of squid, rings," Harry tells him, and Draco nodded and got up from his seat. Harry puts the menu down, and before Draco left to go order the food, he gave Harry a kiss, leaving him smiling. Harry sighs as Draco heads over to the counter to order food, and he looks out the window to the pier, watching a seagull deep-throating a long chip. He smirks, but a sudden flash of dark robes passes his view, making the seagull run off with the chip wedges down its throat. It was a man with long dark brown hair. Harry knew the man wearing robes was a wizard, but he didn't pay him any attention. He just watched with amusement as the seagull tried eating the long chip.
A few minutes later, Harry gets startled by a, "Ahem..."
Harry looked beside him up at Draco, who wore a smirk on his face. "Hi babe," he says happily with a grin. "Oh, did you need help ordering? Should have known." He tried standing up, wanting to help Draco order, but the Slytherin just pushed him back down onto his chair. He looked at him, confused.
"No," Draco says, shaking his head slowly and he takes a step back. "About that... we need to talk."
"What's wrong?" Harry asks at once, suddenly aware that Draco seems a little... off. The Slytherin always looks happy when in his presence. But now... he doesn't. It saddened him a little. What's up with his man? "Did you accidentally order the wrong thing? I don't mind if you did."
"No, Potter," Draco snarls and gestures a hand between them. "This... I'm sorry, I can't. I just can't anymore."
"What?" Harry asks gently, his lip trembling, though he's a little confused with what his boyfriend is meaning. "What are you saying?"
"What I'm saying is that we're done," Draco tells him, his voice clear and cold but he gave him a small smile. "I'm sorry, Potter. I've lost interest."
Harry was shocked at what Draco had admitted, and he felt tears well up in his eyes, but he blinked them away. He didn't believe this. Draco's lost interest... in him? But what was all this morning, and the fun they had, and the kisses they shared? And what about everything they have been through these past years? All of it. "No," he says, standing up and moving towards Draco. "No. This isn't happening. You're joking."
"Goodbye, Potter," Draco says, moving back towards the door that led out of the restaurant. "I said what I had to say. I'm sorry."
"Don't back away from me, Draco Lucius Malfoy," Harry suddenly snaps, anger and sadness both present in him, making him feel like an emotional roller coaster. It just... cannot be happening. This has got to be some kind of joke. "This isn't like you. What's gotten into you?" He reached for Draco's hand, but the blonde keeps his hands to himself and folded his arms across his chest.
"Don't touch me," Draco snaps darkly, sneering at Harry with detest. "Nothing's gotten into me. I want to leave. Go home."
Harry let his tears well up in his eyes. He couldn't control them. He couldn't control his emotions. "Tell me, did anyone say anything to you?" he asks in a softer tone. It's like the first year all over again with that detestable way Draco's looking at him with. "Tell me, who said what to you?" Draco shakes his head and makes an exit, but Harry follows him. "Just think for a minute. I don't care what others have to say about us, and neither should you!"
"Sorry, Potter, but it's over," Draco says casually and gives him a faint smile and a wave goodbye.
"No, this cannot be over," Harry mumbles to himself, shaking his head at what he's heard come from his lover's mouth. Or... ex-lover. "Draco, please, tell me this isn't a joke," he added loudly. "This is literally killing me. You know I can't stand these types of jokes."
"If it's killing you, then let it," Draco says as if he just doesn't care for Harry at all, and they were back in their first year. He's walking backwards, down towards the pier that's leading back into Town. "And this isn't a joke. How many times do I have to tell you."
Harry kept walking after him. Hearing that just broke Harry to pieces. He could feel his insides shattering, his mental walls combusting but building up again. "How dare you say that to me!" he snaps and lets his warm tears run down his cheeks. "How dare you say that when you know how unstable I am."
"Go visit St Mungo's if you're so unstable then," Harry hears Draco say over the honking of one of the boats on the pier.
Harry clenched and unclenched his fists. He forces himself to stay calm and ignore everything Draco has said. "This hurts so much," he says sadly, and he sniffs and looks up at the blue cloudy sky. "What has this day come to?" he chokes out while trying his best not to cry. "It's our fucking Anniversary. This was supposed to be a happy day. Why, God, why does my life have to be so terrible!"
"I'll see you at school," Draco says, before disappearing down the side of the restaurant beside a Fishing tool shed.
Harry, starting to cry, looks to where Draco once was. "You and I were meant to be," he says, his voice shaky, and he just wants to fall to his knees and hope the floor eats him alive, but all he did was manage to walk over to the edge of the pier and look down into the water for a second as he thinks about everything that has been said. He looks back at the restaurant, noticing muggles looking out at him. Oh great, he thinks sadly. I've got a fucking audience.
Wanting to escape all this, everything, even reality, he rushes off down the pier's cobblestone walkway, past the Tardis, and walks in between two buildings where he then apparates out of there and back home. Not even bothering to knock on the door, he spells it open and storms in. "INCENDIO!" he shouts, immediately setting fire to the bouquet of roses still lying on the coffee table, watching as the roses burnt to ashes as his nostrils flared and his tears just kept rolling down his face.
Severus and Remus rush into the lounge room, their wands at the ready as they thought someone broke in. But when they saw Harry, teary eyes and watching the bouquet burn to ashes, they lowered their wands. "Harry?" says Severus gently. "Oh, Harry. Come here."
Remus extinguished the flames from the bouquet. "What happened, Harry?" he asks quickly, softly, as he banishes the remains of the bouquet and burnt roses.
Harry rushed into his father's arms and just cried. It's all he could do. He felt too broken, to heartbroken to say anything. He just couldn't.
Severus looks at Remus, and they both lock eyes. What had happened to their son?
"H-He b-b-broke up w-with me-he," Harry manages to say through his broken uncontrollable sobs. He just wanted to go up to his room and cry now until he fell asleep. Or even better, he just wanted to die. Oh, the pain. How can someone handle it?
"What!" Remus says loudly. He hoped he heard wrong, but his werewolf senses never fail him and are never wrong.
"It hurts so much," Harry mumbles lowly with a few sniffs, but it was unintelligible to Severus. Remus could hear him, thanks to his werewolf hearing.
"What?" Severus asks Remus, a little frustrated that he can't hear what Harry's saying. It was important for him to listen to his son talk about what was going on, but he just cannot hear him.
"It appears that... Draco ended their relationship," Remus tells Severus unhappily, trying his best to keep his disappointment and anger down in the depths of his body. How dare Draco do such a thing, and on their anniversary? But why...?
"Oh," Severus says, now understanding why Harry had Incendioed the bouquet. It was out of pure anger and sadness. "I'm sorry, Harry." He was shaking his head, disbelieving this. "I just don't interpret this. Draco loves you and told you so this morning. Remus and I heard it. It's just... unfeasible that he..."
"Yeah," Remus agreed with him, nodding his head. "I'm so sorry, pup." His voice was smooth and sympathetic. "We never thought this would happen ever. Everyone knows Draco loves you from the bottom of his heart. Did he at least say why?"
"H-He just s-said he's lost interest in m-me," Harry stuttered as he cried into his father's shoulder. He should have just run to his room and locked himself in when he had the chance. "He was g-going to order us l-lunch, but when h-he came back, he... broke u-up with m-me."
"Remus, grab my katana," Severus says at once with a bitter smile. "We're going hunting for blonde men. Not just one, but all men that are blonde."
"We don't have a katana, might I remind you before you go all Genghis Khan on every blonde male you see," Remus tells him, holding back a chuckle because of what Severus had asked of him and his reference. He doesn't understand this situation Harry's in, but he understands what Harry will be feeling. Ah, heartbreak. The most painful feeling in the world. Once he gets his hand on that blonde child, he'll be sure to rip his heart out and feed it to the students of Hogwarts in the form of sausage rolls.
When Harry's crying wasn't dying down, Severus kissed Harry's hair and rubbed his back in the embrace. "Harry, why don't you go up to your room for a lie-down," he suggests gently. "I believe you'll need it. I'll bring you a Hot Chocolate too."
Harry nods his head with a sniff, trying his hardest to just store his hurt deep inside. He slowly lets go of the hug, and when Severus ends the hug and goes to the kitchen, Harry makes his way up to his bedroom. Inside his bedroom where he feels safe, he shuts the door and collapses onto the grey carpet, letting out his tears once again because it's all he could do. He keeps thinking of the breakup, which he knows will only make him feel worse, but he cannot help it. Every word Draco had said hurt like acid. And the Slytherin practically said to let the pain kill him, which hurt even more. Just hearing Draco say that, just makes him want to die.
He threads his fingers through the carpet, gripping it tightly, and lets his tears stain the carpet with his pain of heartbreak. When he hears footsteps nearing, he managed to pick himself up and collapse onto his bed. He wrapped his arm around his white pillow and planted his face in it. It's the pillow, his form of a tissue, to wipe the tears of the pain away when he cries. He has a feeling it'll be soaked by tonight.
"Harry?" asks a soft feminine voice from the other side of Harry's bedroom door. "May we come in?"
"Go away, Hermione," Harry yells into his pillow. He doesn't want to see anyone today, or for a couple of days. When did they even get here?
"Mate," comes Ron Weasley's voice. "Honestly, if you let me, I'd like to find that bloody git and murder him for what he's done. For what he's putting you through."
"I completely understand the feeling," Hermione says icily, wanting to bitch slap the git. In her hand was a mug of Hot Chocolate Severus asked to take up to Harry. "But we must deal with this urge. Harry, I'm coming in." She opens the door to her best friend's bedroom and frowns when seeing Harry in bed, crying into his pillow. "Oh Harry," her voice softens. She gradually walks towards his bed and puts the mug down on the bedside table, but she doesn't sit beside him as she knows he needs his space. "I'm terribly sorry for what happened. But... I just can't believe any of this. He's been in love with you since... was it the first year? The day you met. And ever since then, he couldn't lay his eyes off you. You're his world. You belong together."
"Then why'd he break up with me?" Harry cries, eventually turning his head to the side just to look at his two best friends who could have been busy with their lives but had come to stop by and make sure he's alright. He's glad he has them in his life.
"I don't know," Hermione says just as softly as before. She couldn't help herself but sit down on his bed and place her hand on his arm. She knows he needs it, some love. "Harry, remember that we love you. You're not alone. You have Severus and Remus too."
"I know," Harry deadpans with a loud sniff, and he lets out a yawn because the whole day was tiring to him. So much fun in the first quarter, and then the walking to the restaurant, then the breakup and argument, and then the crying. He's just so tired, tired of feeling pain again. How does one go through it all? "I can't live like this, in pain anymore..."
"Mate, don't say that," Ron says with shock and sits down beside Hermione on Harry's bed. "Don't give up. You're stronger than this and I know it. You're a strong Quaffle."
"We know it," Hermione says with clear tears in her eyes at what her best friend admitted. "You're so strong. Where's that Gryffindor toughness we all know?"
"It died on the day I tried..." Harry trailed off at the memory of his attempted suicide, as the thought of suicide sounded lovely to him, just to end the pain, but he knew his family, Hermione, and Ron will suffer terribly with his loss. Not to mention the Weasleys.
"Oh, Harry," Hermione cries with him and joins him in bed, snuggling up close to him and putting an arm around him. She gets Ron in bed too with a pull of his wrist, making him lie down on the other side of Harry so Harry's surrounded. "Trio cuddle time."
Ron snorts. This was just so weird to him, but he didn't really mind it. It was nice.
Harry moves uncomfortably on his bed. Why'd they have to snuggle up to him? It won't help him much. He's happy with just hugging. Well, scratch happy. Snuggling is what couples do. Then he thinks of Draco again, and their last snuggle session, and he decides to just lean into their snuggle session to try and feel better, but he just doesn't feel any better.
Draco blinked at a blue door that had a red sign saying Employees Only Entry. He was confused. What the hell happened, and how did he get here? He stepped back, noticing he was in front of some kind of light blue shack.
"Hey, excuse me? You're not allowed back here."
Draco turns around until he's facing a young blonde woman with a small white apron on over her jeans. Behind her, a whoosh of dark wizarding robes suddenly disappeared behind her, but Draco didn't see exactly who it was. "Sorry, I'll just leave," he mutters and was about to walk away but the woman grabbed at his hand. Draco yanks his hand away from her and narrows his eyes at her. "Hands off, I've got a boyfriend. I'm gay."
"Really?" the woman says with uncertainty, and she grins in a way that she knew something that Draco didn't. "Because it looked like the two of you broke up earlier. Your fight was pretty... interesting to watch."
"I beg your pardon?" Draco says flatly, and he hoped this lady was just joking with him and that Harry will come to find him down here any minute now. "Fight? What? Why would I fight with my boyfriend when it's our fourth-year Anniversary?"
"Oh..." said the woman and she bit her lip, aware that this dude, whoever he is, had made a grave mistake. "Well, you sure said some things that definitely ended the relationship for real. I don't want to come between you, but what exactly happened? The two of you look so in love with each other, and the next thing you changed and looked as if you didn't like your man anymore."
"Impossible..." Draco drawled as he suddenly remembered seeing a familiar face at the counter as he was ordering lunch for him and Harry. The man had sat down next to him and ordered a beer. And there was a mirror on the wall behind the employees, showing the reflection of the entire restaurant which included his and Harry's table. His memory was blurry. What was he doing here in a muggle restaurant? "Igor Karkaroff..."
"Excuse me?" the girl says, confusion in her tone. But she checks the time on her blue watch and sighs. "Well, I'm off to work. So, shoo! Away from here! Bye!"
Draco just walks away, uninterested in this girl's life and what she does. He was just so confused. What happened? Apparently, he and Harry had a fight and... broke up? He hoped the fuck not. But he doesn't remember it at all. He decided to head back into the restaurant in search of that man, Igor Karkaroff or Harry, but they weren't there. Muttering to himself, he exits the restaurant and decides to search the boardwalk for Harry. When he couldn't find him, he decides to find an apparition spot and apparates to the Snape Household. He takes a deep calming breath, hoping that what the girl told him wasn't true, and knocks on the front door.
The door opens quickly, and Severus Snape appears in the doorway. He glares at Draco with pure hatred, (Draco swallows hard and the colour drains from his face,) and in a quick movement, Severus grabs the blonde by the robes, pulls him inside and pins him to the wall with his wand at his throat. The front door becomes forgotten, but it shuts itself magically. "You dare hurt my son in such a direful way!" he snaps at him quietly, as he didn't want Harry coming downstairs and seeing who's come to visit them. He's sure Ron will kill Draco first if he sees him under the same roof as Harry. "My son came home crying his eyes out, and I couldn't believe it was all because of you. I thought the two of you were attacked by someone!" He jabs the tip of his wand further into the blonde's throat. "You watch your back, Draco Malfoy, as I could hurt you far worse than anything you've ever felt!"
It was clear that Draco was holding back his incoming tears, and he stared up with wide eyes into the cold black eyes of his godfather. He was trying to blink the incoming tears away, but they were just falling down his face as he couldn't control them. So, what the girl said was true? But how could it? He'd never break up with Harry, not ever. He loves him, he belongs to Harry. "It wasn't me," he heard himself say with a timid voice. "I don't remember-"
"Don't lie to me," Severus muttered darkly to the blonde wizard, and he bared his teeth. Draco had flinched.
"Severus, let go of him." Remus walked into the living room with a cup of tea in his hands, completely calm and aware of who was in their lounge room at the moment who broke their son's heart.
"I'm not lying!" Draco snapped back at him, his lips curling. He was just disliking how this day is going and what apparently happened. He tried pushing the older man off of him. "I don't remember a thing! One minute I was ordering Harry and I food, and the next this man-"
"What man, Draco?" Remus asks calmly and sits down on Severus' armchair. He sips his hot tea casually, letting it burn his tongue, so he doesn't go all wolf on Draco and murder him in cold blood. It would be a terrible mess to clean up too, and he's sure Harry wouldn't want anything to do with him if he does end up murdering his ex.
"I believe... it was Igor Karkaroff," Draco says as he tries, yet again, to get away from Severus. "Let me go!" Severus steps away from the blonde quickly and lowers his wand, but he keeps it clutched tightly in his hand. "Thank you."
"You said Igor Karkaroff?" Severus drawls, forcing himself to be calm. He knows exactly who that is. Igor is an old friend of his when he used to follow Voldemort when he was younger and wasn't teaching at Hogwarts yet.
"Yes, the Death Eater," Draco had replied with a little nod, then noticing the pile of ashes on the coffee table with a single red petal left unscathed. He frowns at it, knowing it was the bouquet of roses he gave Harry. "He was there at the restaurant. I didn't see him until he sat down next to me as I waited for the restaurant staff to get my order. I don't know what he was doing there though-"
Draco didn't have any time to put up a Protego to stop Severus from entering his mind. A flash of memories resurfaced in his mind. Draco and Harry were down by the Willow Tree, snuggled together to keep warm from the cold wintry air, and while Harry was slowly falling asleep, Draco kissed his forehead.
Another memory was of Draco watching Harry during Potions and nearly stuffing up. If it weren't for Pansy's giggles on the other side of the room, he would have put a slug into his potion instead of a strand of Knotgrass. Other memories resurfaced themselves before the most recent memory was shown.
Draco had walked over to the white wooden counter, a little nervous to do all this by himself as he's rarely in the muggle world to buy food and is surrounded by muggles. Muggle adults, muggle teens and children. What if he messes up? Perhaps he really should have agreed to let Harry come with him to order. While the employee was busy putting fruits into a machine that made a loud and annoying buzzing sound as it spun the fruit around inside it and turned it into mush (a smoothie blender), he just stared up at the alcohol rack on the walls, pondering why muggles have so much alcohol types.
A man slid onto the seat next to Draco who gathered the attention of a few muggles by the odd hat and robes he wore. "Can I 'ave a beer, please?" asked the man to the employee behind the bar with his heavy accent. The employee girl with a long brunette plait nodded and turned around. "You are not from around 'ere, are you?"
Draco looked to his side at the man. That accent... it sounded very familiar, and that goatee looked familiar too. "Bulgarian, I see," he replies simply. But he then realises who exactly it was. Igor Karkaroff, the Headmaster of Durmstrang. And the apparent... stage director of Ivy's. He didn't know exactly what he was for Ivy. "Here to get drunk?" He decided to lead the conversation.
"Yes, and no," said Igor, and he took a big gulp of his beer once the employee gave it to him in a large glass cup. "And vot iz it to you to care? It iz not your business vether I get drunk or not."
"Whatever," Draco mutters, feeling himself roll his eyes. "So, how's my cousin?" He wanted to know where his cousin was and how she is.
"I don't know vho your cousin iz," Igor says, staring down into the white froth of his beer.
"Oh, I'm sure you know who Ivy Black is," Draco says, noticing the corner of Igor's lips twitching. A young girl behind them sitting at a table with her parents looked up when Ivy's name was mentioned. "I heard she's getting quite famous." He sighs slowly and spots a crate of what looks like chip packets on the countertop on the other side of the Bulgarian. "It's too bad I don't know where she is. I would have loved to see her again and chat about life and love."
Igor sneers. "I know vho the girl iz," he drawls. "I'm the manager. She's got a pretty mom, until..." He muttered something in Bulgarian that Draco didn't understand.
"Until what?" Draco asks, curious. He didn't need to know how pretty Ivy's mother is. He doesn't agree with him though, Ivy's mom is sour on the inside and that's all he'll say.
"Hello, what can I get for you?" A Caucasian male stood on the other side of the bar, facing Draco, his arms crossed over the countertop. His shirt was blue, and it had the restaurant's name on the chest pocket in white cursive words. He had on a white apron over his black pants.
Draco looks at the male employee, quickly smiles and says, "One Fish and chips with a side of Squid Rings, and a Caesar salad with a medium-rare stake, thank you." The male nods and walks away to the left, entering the kitchen.
"It'z a disguise," Igor says, finally looking up at Draco. "The mother... She's not a she."
"What?" Draco says, utterly confused with what Igor's saying. "What do you mean? Oh-" Igor nods. Draco recalls, during the Holidays a year or two ago when Voldemort was defeated, that he and Harry found out the truth about Ivy's mother. Well, her father. Ivy's parent is Rabastan Lestrange who disappeared years ago. The other father or perhaps her real mother? Nobody knows. The other parent could be dead for all he knows. "Why's she – he in disguise still?"
Igor shrugs, but then looks as if something's on his mind. "Not many know about her disguise," he tells Draco, and Draco can smell the acidic beer on his breath. "He'z been like that for long time..."
Draco just had to know if Rabastan was still alive. He wanted it to be admitted. "Who is he underneath all that magic?" he asks, leaning slightly closer to hear what Igor had to say.
"A known Death Eater, "Igor says quietly. "Your family member married into hiz family."
Draco nods. "My Aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange," he says, and Igor nods too. He doesn't know why the man isn't just telling him it's Rabastan. "Is it Rabastan Lestrange you're talking about, right?" Igor hesitates for a moment, before nodding his head again. "And do you happen to know Ivy's other parent?
"No idea," Igor mutters, before taking another swig of his beer.
Draco sighs. He was hoping to find out about Ivy's other parent. "So, how is Ivy doing?" he then asks. "Where is she now?"
Igor mutters under his breath,"Imperio!" And Draco blinks, looking stunned. "I vant you to end the relationship, act casual ven doing so. I'll tell you vot to say if needed. This iz for Rabastan, his orders. You vill forget the talk ve had, and vot you'll say to Mr Potter vile under the curse. Now go!" Draco nods at the command Igor gives him and gets off the stool and walked over to Harry.
The memory doesn't end there, it's just getting started. Severus watched as Draco starts walking over to Harry. He watches the whole fight inside the restaurant, and outside of it before Harry's in tears and apparates away. He raises the Legillimens off Draco and lowers his wand, shocked.
"How dare you!" Draco snarls at him, his nostrils flaring. "How dare you invade my memories!" But he couldn't be the one to judge. Igor had made him say such terrible things to Harry which he feels really bad about. He has a feeling how Harry is taking it, and it isn't very good.
"How dare I?" Severus raises his voice to shout. He was furious with Draco even more and stopped himself from wrapping his hands around the blonde's neck and choking him until his face turns blue. Or even cursing him. "NO! How DARE you say all that to my son!"
"I'M SORRY!" Draco yells, and swiftly turns around, raking his hands through his hair. He wants to throw something, but he still had to show his respect as it wasn't his house. "IT WASN'T ME! YOU SAW WHAT HE DID TO ME! HE USED THE IMPERIOUS CURSE-"
"What is going on here?!" Hermione appears in the stairway and walks through the hallway into the lounge room. She sees Draco and whatever is left of her positive emotions turns into rage. "You!" She shouts, and she grabs the first thing that she could which is a black pillow. She storms up to him and throws the pillow at him. It hits the Slytherin directly over the face, and he stumbles back, trying to find the nearest wall to escape from her.
"How bold and utterly stupid of you to show up here after what you've said and done to Harry!" She shouts, then slaps him across the face hard, leaving a nice red mark. Draco hisses and winces in pain, and he covers the side of his face she hit him with his hand as it stung. Hermione's nostrils were flaring, and her breathing was heavy. She holds in the sharp pain that the hard slap gave her hand. "Don't you ever show up here again! And you're lucky Ron's not down here!"
Draco nodded, looking away with shame as he breaks down into quiet tears. He deserved that. He still couldn't believe Igor would do such a thing and make him say all that. What was his purpose? Did Igor have a purpose to cast the Imperious curse on him? "I-I want to say this one more time, it wasn't me who said – I didn't -"
"We know, Draco," Remus assures him while calmly drinking his tea. "And we believe you." He stands up from his seat and walks past them to the kitchen to refill his mug up with more tea. "Igor was a Death Eater after all, and we know you'd never break up with our Harry." He appears back in the lounge room and goes to Severus. "We see it in your eyes, Draco, and the way you look at him. We know you love him."
"I do love Harry," Draco tells them lightly as he wipes away the tears on his sleeves. "I love him with all my heart. I would never break up with him. Not ever. Not even if he was attacked by a werewolf and has scars all over his body, not even if he lost his limbs to some crazy accident, not even if... I hope you get my point. I love your son with everything I have. I'd rather him than my family's galleons and manors. He means the world to me."
Hermione suddenly giggles. She just loved hearing that about her best friend come from Draco's mouth. "Aww," she sighed and put her fingers to her lips to stop herself from giggling again. "I'm sorry I hit you, but then again, I'm not."
"That's um... okay?" Draco was unsure about how to reply to her. First, when she saw him, she was mad and hit him, but then he told them all that he loves Harry, and now she's all happy but sarcastic. Girls are weird...
"Do you not remember that entire conversation you had with Igor?" Severus then asks Draco immediately, and he finally puts his wand away, looking a little calmer than he was before since Remus now stood by his side. "The talk about Ivy and her father?"
"No, I don't remember the conversation," Draco tells him flatly, thinking back to what had happened using the memories Severus resurfaced to his mind from the Legillimens. "My memory's blurry from the time I left the table to order food. I woke from the Imperious curse outside of the restaurant near some kind of shed."
"Okay," Severus says calmly with a nod of his head. He was intrigued by who Ivy's other parent was, but unfortunately, Igor had no idea who that was so he couldn't tell Draco.
"D-Draco?" came a soft, shaky, and broken voice. Draco turns and sees Harry standing in the kitchen, in the middle of making a cup of tea, his hair ruffled, and eyes blotchy and red. Ron was beside Harry, glaring at Draco. "What are you doing here? Y-You made it really clear you didn't want to see me anymore."
Draco sighs and brings his hands to his face, squeezing his eyes shut and adding pressure with his fingers. He doesn't like explaining it all again, but he did so for Harry because he loves him and doesn't ever want to lose him.
"Oh," said Harry after the long explanation Draco gave him. It made sense after all. But still... he's hurting so much. He doesn't know if he can forgive Draco fully for what he said, even if Draco wasn't himself when he said those hurtful things. But what did flatter him was hearing Draco confess his love for him not too long ago, and mention that no matter what, Draco will always love him even if he gets attacked and loses his limbs. That's sweet.
"You better not be lying," Ron replies bitterly to Draco. "Or-"
"He's not lying, Ron," Remus says, speaking over him before he says anything else. He went back to the kitchen to help them make the tea so they wouldn't accidentally burn themselves, or the house down in Ron's case because of his anger. "Severus saw Draco's memories, and it appears to me that Igor asked Draco to forget their conversation and what he would say to Harry. If Igor didn't, Draco wouldn't have forgotten the conversation they had and the breakup."
"Harry, I'm extremely sorry for everything Igor made me say, and what I said that hurt you," Draco tells him gently, and he walks forward, wanting to be close to him again, to hug and kiss him and tell him about his deep love for him.
Ron steps in front of Harry, blocking Draco from his best mate. He didn't want the Slytherin to hurt Harry anymore.
"Ron, it's okay," Harry says quietly, stepping to the side of Ron to look at Draco. He frowns at him and thinks about if he's able to just get back together with Draco, but he's not ready. He needs time even if his heart is telling him to immediately let Draco back in. Bloody attachment issues... "I forgive you, Draco." The Slytherin gives him a smile. "But that doesn't mean I'm ready to get back with you yet. I need time to heal from what you said, from what Igor told you to say."
"I understand," Draco says with a firm nod, feeling extremely sad about the fact that he made Harry hurt inside even though it wasn't his fault. "I'll give you your time and space. Just remember I'll be waiting for you."
Harry nods, and he notices one part of Draco's cheek is a darker shade of red than the other. "Thank you," he replies, suddenly teary-eyed once again because just looking at the Slytherin reminds him of earlier. "And um... what happened to your left cheek?"
Draco looks at Hermione with narrowed eyes and crossed his arms. "Ask Granger," he drawls. Hermione flushes and gives a guilty smile, and Ron grins happily at her and walks over. Draco rolls his eyes at them and looks back at Harry who looked a tad bit shocked, but there was a small smile on his lips. "Though, I deserved it. I should have known Igor was trouble, but I never thought he'd come after the both of us as he knows Ivy's my cousin."
Harry thought the same. Why would Igor break them up? Not unless he has some purpose and wants something. "Wait," he says, turning away as he remembered something. "You mentioned Ivy's mother actually being Rabastan Lestrange?" Draco nods, and Harry bites his lip. "They're both Death Eaters, the only Death Eaters not in Azkaban. They could be up to something."
"But what?" Draco looks down to ask the floorboards below him.
"Okay, no," said Hermione at once and went over to Harry. "No solving mysteries until you're better, Harry. And you-" she gives Draco a bitter smile, "Harry needs his rest, he needs to get better. Give him a couple of days, maybe even weeks, until you do anything together."
"Alright," Draco had to agree with her. He didn't want to get slapped again. Twice, he's been slapped by this woman, and he really hopes there's not a third. "I need to explain this to my mother too."
"No need," said Severus, who was adding another log to the fireplace. "I've already informed her. But you need to update her on the Imperious Curse parts."
"Of course, you did," Draco mutters, and then he sighs, gives Harry one last glance with a smile, and then turned to leave to the Floo. He gave himself hope for when he returned to the manor to explain everything to his mother. Though she rarely gets angry, she keeps her emotions at bay and doesn't start shouting.
"Hold up," said Harry, and he rushed over to Draco before he could Floo out of the house. Draco looks at him curiously, and Harry just stands before him. But Harry then reaches his hand up and turns Draco's face to the side to get a better view of the mark Hermione's slap left. He leans up and presses a gentle kiss to Draco's cheek where the mark was a little darker there. The bruise was quite warm under his lips.
Draco closed his eyes and smiled, his cheeks suddenly becoming red with a blush. "What was that for?" he asks quietly as Harry leans away, the kiss lingering on his cheek.
"Just a little something that I hope will heal that," Harry replies, pointing at the reddened cheek he had kissed. "But now, I believe you should leave. You shouldn't keep your mother waiting." Draco nods and gives him such a familiar look, a look to say I love you. That makes Harry tear up, and he nods at him and turns to Hermione and Ron. He wanted to reply back but couldn't because it still hurts to even think those three words. But he loves Draco too with his whole being.
"Oh, Harry," Hermione says softly once Draco disappears through the Floo, she sees Harry's eyes filling with tears, and she pulls him into a warm hug. "That was so sweet and so brave of you to do."
"More like odd," Ron mutters, and he gets pinched in the arm by Hermione. "Ow! Bloody hell, woman." Hermione smirks.
"How are you feeling now, Harry?" Severus asks, now sitting in his armchair by the fireplace. "Any better now than an hour ago?"
Harry shakes his head. "No," he replies flatly, his arms around Hermione in a hug. "But I know I'll get better soon. It'll take some time, but I'll get there."
"We'll help you get through this, Harry," Hermione says, and she leans out of the hug and looks him in the eye with a smile. "I'll Floo here tomorrow morning and we can go for a morning jog together around the countryside at the Burrow to clear your mind. That's if your fathers will allow it." She glances to the side at Severus, and then at Remus, who both nodded at her. "Great!"
Harry didn't want to go jogging in the early morning tomorrow, but he will just for Hermione, and to clear his mind as she said. He doesn't want to feel this shitty all week anyways. "Alright," he says. "Tomorrow at 6 am." Hermione nods.
"Why wasn't I invited to this jogging thing?" Ron asked with a forced frown. He hates really tough exercise though, except Quidditch. Quidditch is great!
Hermione looked at him curiously, and she raised an eyebrow. "You can come if you want," she replies. "I just didn't think you'd want to come jogging with us."
"Yeah, that's about right," Ron mutters, nodding his head at the impossible thought of ever getting up early just to exercise. How do people even do that? "I never wanted to go anyway. You both know it."
"Have you all had lunch?" Remus then asks from the kitchen. He knows Harry hasn't and was already thinking of making food for him, Severus, and Harry anyway. "I can make sandwiches for everyone."
"If it's no problem, then that would be lovely," Hermione says with a smile.
"Yes, please," Ron says while putting an arm around Hermione. He grins and kisses her cheek, making her blush.
Harry frowns at them. He misses being in a relationship and having someone to love, kiss, and care for. He misses Draco, but he understands he needs some time until he can get back with Draco.
Draco woke up pretty early, violently sick to his stomach the next day and was lucky enough to make it to the bathroom before anything came up. He thought that this was some sort of Karma, yet he knew exactly what it was as he pulls up his pyjama shirt to look at his stomach. Oh... shit. At least he has something else to tell Harry when he sees him again, whenever that will be. But he most certainly won't be telling his mother of this either.
Sighing deeply and oddly enough feeling tears prick his eyes even though he wasn't feeling really upset, he looks at himself in the mirror, noticing the changes that have happened over the past few weeks since before Christmas to him. He looked like he hasn't slept or eaten in days. It's a little worrying, but he knows this is normal. Pulling his shirt down, he exists the bathroom and goes back to his bed and decided to read until he felt like he could fall back asleep.
Harry really thought the past three days were going to get better for him. He was lying to himself. He knew it wouldn't get better. It'll probably take weeks until this pain lifts. Maybe even months. He just kept to his bedroom, never got up to get food, is always in his pyjamas, and is always waking up late in the afternoon from his terrible sleeping pattern. He didn't even get himself together to go see Hermione or Ron either. They just came to him as he couldn't be bothered getting up and dressed. He felt too depressed to. Ron and Hermione couldn't drag Harry out of his bedroom. They felt as if they were losing Harry.
Remus always brought in Harry's food for him, though he and Severus were growing even more worried by the minute and wanted to get Harry out of bed. But they didn't want to force him out of his bed, where he probably feels safe and secure in the comfort of his bed.
Harry stared up at the enchanted sunroof, watching the rain pitter-patter on the glass, but outside through the window he could see that it was snowing. He pondered what Draco was up to, as he rolled onto his side and felt the all-so-familiar tears build up in his eyes at the thought of the Slytherin. He's been thinking about Draco since he last saw him. He couldn't get the blonde out of his mind. He still cannot believe their anniversary was ruined.
He suddenly sat up quickly, and his emotions mixed together but he mainly felt anger. Anger at Igor, and Ivy's father. They practically kidnapped her and Lavender and gave them another life, and erased all of their memories of Hogwarts, him and Draco, the wizarding world. They were living as muggles now, though Ivy knew she was a vampire. Why hasn't anybody saved the two women yet? They deserve to have their lives back, and for Lavender to complete the last years of Hogwarts.
Harry quickly changed out of his pyjamas into warm clothes with a jacket over the top. Then he headed out of his bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen for something to eat. Severus and Remus were in the kitchen, deep in conversation with each other with mugs of tea in their hands. "Hi," he says with a forced smile. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, never mind that," said Remus, noticing how Harry doesn't look as depressed as he was earlier when he checked up on him. Harry looked a little infuriated. "How are you doing, Harry? And where are you heading off to?"
"I'm doing fine," Harry answers quickly. "I'm off to the Ministry to report on the false murder, kidnapping and involuntary memory removal of my friends, Ivy Black and Lavender Brown." He then mutters," I should have done it earlier." Severus and Remus looked at each other.
"Did you want us to come along?" Severus then asks his mug of Black Tea partly to his lips. "Just as company."
"No, I'm all right," Harry tells him, shaking his head at the kind offer. He didn't want any pressure on his fathers by letting them come with him. And it was something he had to do just for two certain witches. "I want to go on my own. I have to do this for Ivy, Lavender, and for Draco."
"Understood," said Severus. "Good luck, Harry. And be aware to word your sentences properly when speaking to the Aurors."
"Yup," said Harry automatically, and he barely knew that he started fiddling with the button on his jacket. "But I'm not going to the Aurors. I'm going to the Minister himself, Kingsley Shacklebolt."
"Be back before lunch, Harry," Remus says after quickly contemplating what Harry was going to do. He knows Kingsley is quite fond of Harry and has been since meeting him. He's heard some news about Kingsley having a spot for Harry in the Auror department too. "But if you want to go to the Burrow before lunch, you know you can, but you've got to tell us first."
"Of course," Harry says, and he nods and starts walking out of the kitchen. "See you in a bit!" He exits the house through the front door but first stopped at a local nursery in the town of Coventry to buy a lovely bouquet of colourful Orchids. What he knew is that he couldn't do it alone. He would have but he wanted company. Then he finds an apparition point and apparates away.
Harry looks up at the large dark historical Manor, sighing as he thinks this through. He's got to do this. He can't just stay depressed forever and sleep his life and the pain away. He taps his wand on the Malfoy family crest situated in the middle of the gate, though he knew he wouldn't be able to open them by himself. Surprisingly, the large gates did open and slowly he walked in past the hedges to the front door. He hesitated for a minute to suck in his emotions and force out his negative emotions, and then knocked on the large wooden door.
The large door opened and Narcissa stood in the doorway. She looked surprised to see Harry, and then when she saw the bouquet, she smiles. "Hello, Harry," she says kindly and opens the door for him to enter. "It's so good to see you."
"It's great seeing you two, Narcissa," Harry replies and smiles at her as he walks into the Grand Entrance Hall. "I hope you're well."
"I am well, thank you," Narcissa says courteously with a small nod. "Draco's in the library. I'll get one of the house elves to fetch him for you." Harry nods, and Narcissa walks away out of the Entrance Hall.
Harry decided to wander around to the lounge room to wait for Draco, though he got distracted by the Malfoy family portrait. He missed Draco, seeing him look his best, and those silvery eyes. Oh, he cannot forget about those gorgeous eyes of Draco. But it made him frown when remembering the Anniversary a few days ago. It went so well during the past hour but then everything turned upside down. So... is Draco now his ex? Or is he still Draco's boyfriend? They didn't exactly break up, and Harry only needed some time to deal with the pain he felt after Igor made Draco say such hurtful things to him.
"Harry?" came the very familiar voice that brought a few tears to Harry's eyes, and he turns around to see Draco walking into the lounge room with a smile on his face. And ah, that stunning smile that brings happiness into Harry's heart.
"Draco, hello," Harry puts on a bright smile and walks towards him, holding the bouquet out to the blonde. "These are for you. Thought you'd like some flowers after what happened." He then notices the slight change in Draco's appearance, but he thinks Draco's just dealing with everything that happened. He hoped the blonde had been eating and sleeping well since he last saw him.
"They're lovely," Draco says, sniffing the Orchids and sighing delightfully. He had a feeling his mother was peeking her head into the lounge room to watch them. He hoped she was. "Thank you, Harry. Now... I'm guessing you're not here just to give me flowers?"
Harry slowly nods and looks at his feet. "I was hoping you'll come with me to the Ministry to report on what's going on with Ivy and Lavender. With the false death, their real lives obliviated from their minds and taken away from them, and -"
"Yes, I'll go with you," Draco says, cutting him off happily. He wanted to walk into the ministry with the bouquet in his hands but decides to put it down on the couch as there weren't any empty vases around. "It needs to be discussed within the Ministry and with the Aurors. I'm sure they'll track Ivy and Lavender down somehow so they can locate them and bring Igor and whoever else to Justice."
"Thank you," Harry says, and he reaches for Draco's hands. Very warm hands that felt like cotton to the touch. He missed these hands that always covered his own with warmth. "I've missed this, you know? I've missed you."
"I've missed all of this too, Harry," Draco replies gently with a grin on his face, and the need to kiss Harry is itching at his heart. "I've missed you and everything we do together."
Harry tilts his head, and he watches Draco leaning towards his face as if he was going to kiss him, and Harry really wants to kiss him back and knows he can, but he still needs some time. So, he just aimed his forehead at Draco's mouth and sighed happily as he feels those soft addicting lips kissing his forehead. "I love you," he hears himself whisper.
"I love you too, Harry," Draco whispers back to Harry's forehead, and he leans away to look at the young man he loves in front of him. "With my entire existence."
Harry just lets all that sink into his heart. After a moment, he says, "Let's be on our way to the Ministry." Draco nods, and they walk towards the Floo Together.
As they exit the Floo into the Ministry, wizards, and witches all around them begin to stare. But Harry and Draco ignored the staring people. It was normal for them anyway. And they knew the whole Anniversary fiasco wasn't shared with the public otherwise, it'd be everywhere in the Daily Prophet, Witch Weekly, and possibly The Quibbler.
They headed to the elevators and entered an empty one together. Harry pressed the number of the Floor Kingsley's office is, and stood back next to Draco, a little smile on his face. "So, what have you done in the past few days since we last saw each other?" he asks as the lift moves back.
"Nothing really intriguing," Draco drawls as he remembers chucking up every morning and being overly emotional. "Just been strolling around the Manor thinking of you, talking to my ancestors in their portraits, shopping with mother – she, unfortunately, limits the amount I spend since our Anniversary – in France and just around London. How about you?"
"Oh, it's been pretty shitty," Harry tells him how it really felt in the past few days. He doesn't like lying, especially to Draco. "But I'm slowly getting better."
"That's wonderful," Draco says softly as they arrive on the top floor and step out into a dark-brick hallway with many golden-rimmed doors leading into offices. Little brown pot plants stood between each door with a pretty purple flowering plant. Chrysanthemums. They walked down the hallway, passing the many doors with golden signs with the names of the important people in the Ministry until they got to the very end. Harry knocked on the door.
"Come in!" said a loud voice, and the door opened up on its own as if charmed to. The boys walked into the office of Kingsley Shacklebolt, who was writing a letter with a snowy owl quill. The view outside the Enchanted Window to his side was of a beautiful beach with crystal clear ocean.
"Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy," said Kingsley with surprise, "What do I owe the pleasure?"
Harry stepped forward. "Hi," he replies quickly. "We would like to inform you that Miss Ivy Black and Mrs Lavender Brown are not dead and are, in fact, alive." Kingsley opens his mouth, but Harry cuts him off. "I know their bodies weren't found as they were apparently exploded into dust, but we have proof they are still alive. We saw the two young women not long ago during the Summer Holidays."
"Mr Potter-"
"-Their deaths were faked," Harry went on, and Kingsley smiled and leaned back against his chair. "And their memories of their Wizarding lives were erased. Fully erased!" He sits down in the fancy blue visitor's chair in front of Kingsley's desk, and Draco stands next to him with his hand resting on Harry's shoulder. "Oh, and Draco here was put under the Imperius Curse. I don't want to say what he had done because it was a little personal. Although we don't know why Igor Karkaroff put him under it for whatever reason, but it's one of the Unforgivable curses! And he used it. We believe Igor, with a little help from Ivy's mother, also known as Rabastan Lestrange – big story – faked the girls' deaths, erased their memories, and made them live in the muggle world. Oh, and Ivy's life right now is literally a pop star, and we're happy for her, but we want our friends back."
"Are you done?" Kingsley asks with a calm tone, his hands steepling together over his desk. He's used to the ranting of wizards and witches now.
"Not really," Harry replies with a slow shake of his head.
"I see," Kingsley says, and then looks up at Draco. "And you, Mr Malfoy? Do you have anything to add?"
Draco shakes his head with a reply of, "No sir."
"I am aware of Mrs Lestrange's and Mrs Brown's memory loss and false Death," Kingsley tells them firmly. "I was informed by Headmistress McGonagall months ago. We're unable to track the girl's down, however, because without using their magic, they are untraceable. And they're on the move a lot, it seems."
"Yeah, Ivy and Lavender are travelling a lot around Britain for her shows," Harry says as he fiddles with the hem of his jacket sleeve, wanting to find out how the Aurors will find the girls and take down Igor and Rabastan. "But isn't there some way you can find out the next place she'll be at?"
"I think a trip to see the Muggle Prime Minister will help in some way," Kingsley says with wonder while twirling his quill around his fingers. "I'm sure Mr Borris Johnston can tell me, with help from his computer, about where and when Ivy's next show is. Oh, and I'll have to inform him of what's going on with the girls to so he can gather those muggle troops in blue to do their thing and go find her."
"Excuse me for asking, but are there no Aurors out there looking for my cousin and her girlfriend at this moment?" Draco asks at once, forcing himself to stay calm and not get pissed at the thought of no Aurors looking for the girl's when the entire Auror academy should be out there on the search.
"I have a few Aurors out looking for them, yes, but every time they turn up to the place Ivy once was, they find that she's not there," Kingsley explains, standing up and walking to the Enchanted Window to look out of it. "So, it appears Igor, Rabastan, and whoever else with them, is required to keep off the radar."
"It's not possible to give back their full memories, is it?" Harry asks suddenly, a gloomy look on his face when thinking of how Ivy and Lavender are missing out on so much. Draco frowns too.
"I wouldn't think so, but I have no experience and knowledge in memory spells, so I wouldn't be able to tell you," Kingsley says, turning around to look at him with sympathy. "If you want to find that out, I suggest heading to St Mungo's to ask questions relating to memory rehabilitation."
"Okay," Harry replies with a weak nod. He knows he'll be asking dozens of questions whenever he and Draco go to St Mungo's, whenever that'll be. "So, when you do capture Igor and Rabastan... what are you going to do?"
"Well, as the law states, anyone who uses the three Unforgivable will get a free ticket to Azkaban for life," Kingsley reminds them as he leans against the window as if by doing so it'll warm his back with the bright yellow sun over the beach. "Whoever used the Imperius Curse on Ivy and Lavender to make them believe their childhood become such and such, would be going straight to Azkaban. But it is a protocol to interrogate the victims, and the guilty to get the whole ordeal straight. To take away someone's memories of their entire life is like the Imperius Curse, you're taking away that individual's memory, will, and life story, deleting it from existence. It's pretty bad if you think about it."
Harry nodded his head. He wanted Igor and Rabastan in Azkaban as soon as possible for what they had done. It just isn't fair to Ivy and Lavender. So, after Harry told Kingsley a bit more about what Ivy told them about what happens when she does her performances, and who else is with the girls including Theodore Nott, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe.
Harry and Draco exited Kingsley's office and walked down the dark bricked hallway to the elevator. Harry was a little enraged because he wasn't allowed to join in the search, though he knows why. He's just a teenage boy with no experience in the Auror field. It's only this once that he wants to join in the search.
They enter the elevator together, Harry presses the Ground floor, and it begins moving back. The elevator stops two floors down. Arthur Weasley steps into the elevator.
"Oh, hello Harry," Arthur greets with his usual bubbly tone. "And Draco too, I see." The Slytherin gives a small smile and a friendly nod. "What are the two of you doing here?"
"Just some important business Inquiries regarding friends," Draco tells the man before Harry could just say what they were actually here for. He didn't want the man to know such things and worry about two girls who would be thought of as kidnapped, which Ivy and Lavender kind of were.
"Ah," said Arthur with a nod, but looked a little curious about it too and what he wasn't telling him. "What business are your friends doing? And which friends are these? Ron and Hermione haven't talked about any businesses that I know of."
Draco had to think fast with these questions. "My friend Pansy's thinking of starting up a Fashion boutique in Diagon Alley," he responds as he thinks about Pansy and her brilliant choice of clothing style, and then Daphne's hobby of making clothes with that odd contraption called a Sewing Machine.
"Oh, how intriguing!" said Arthur gently. "I hope her business goes well and that it's filled with success. Perhaps Ginny and Luna would like that place to shop at? Luna has quite the eye for unusual things - she loves thrift shopping with Ginny."
"Thank you, Mr Weasley," Draco says with a slow nod of gratitude. He doesn't like lying, especially to the Weasleys. "I'll be sure to inform Pansy of that."
The lift stopped on the 3rd floor and opened its gates. "Well, I'll see you both again at New Year's," said Arthur as he stepped out of the Elevator but turned to them. "You're both invited to the Weasley's New Year's Eve Celebration. As is your mother, Draco, Severus and Remus too. Come by at any time. I must depart now, so bye!"
"Goodbye, sir," Draco says with a smile and a nod.
"Bye, Mr Weasley," says Harry, but he felt relieved when the older wizard left because now, he is alone with Draco. It was all he wanted at the moment. That is until the elevator continues down and they step back onto the ground floor and make their way through the crowds of wizards and witches until they get to the Floos.
When they were safely inside the lounge room of Malfoy Manor, they both collapsed down onto the large grey couch together with sighs. Harry leans down and rests his head on Draco's lap, and it surprised the Slytherin a little, as he smiles and gradually glides his hand through Harry's dark messy hair.
Harry looks up at him and gives him a little smile, and they lock eyes. The moment is ravishing, and suddenly, they want each other. Harry leans up with a hammering heart in his chest, and he cups Draco's cheek which is as soft and as warm as he remembers it. Draco's leaning down, really wanting this, wanting Harry. He parts his lips, and just as he was about to lock lips with his lover, they got disturbed.
"Oh, you're back already?" It was Narcissa, who sound quite dumbfounded. "How was it?"
Draco sighs and leaned away from Harry's kissable face. He was really looking forward to kissing Harry again, to feeling his gentle soft lips, and his warm feather-light touches. But then his mother had to walk in and ruin the moment, not that Draco ever cared if she were to walk in on them kissing. It never bothered him at all. "It went well, Mother," he replies dully.
Narcissa walks around the couch and smiles when she sees Harry lying on her son. She guesses they're back together again. She hopes so. It's a gorgeous sight to see. "That's marvellous!" she says happily. "Oh, and Harry, are you staying for lunch?"
Harry never took his eyes off Draco. "Yeah, for a little while," he replies, a little smile on his face. But he won't be able to stay for long unless he tells Severus and Remus about it. "I'll have to leave right after lunch though. Severus' orders."
"Oh, alright then," Narcissa says with a nod as she leans on the arm of the couch. "Now... Harry, have you seen how Venus Fly Traps bloom? Because my Venicta is about to bloom."
Draco closed his eyes and sighed, feeling quite impatient and annoyed at his mother at the moment. He wanted his mother to leave so he has Harry all to himself. He still hasn't gotten that kiss yet.
"No, I haven't," said Harry, sitting up with curiosity, though his heart was telling him to lay back down in Draco's warmth. "Could I see it?"
"Of course," Narcissa replies lightly and holds out her arm. "Come with me, dear." Harry smiles and takes her hand, but also grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him off the couch as he followed Narcissa outside into the gardens and to the greenhouses. Draco smiled at the meeting of their hands, and he felt giddy as he held Harry's hand they continued holding hands when watching his mother's Flytrap bloom, and when they went back inside for lunch, hands still holding each other's.
Harry returned to Hogwarts with Draco a few days after New Year's Eve. He had spent it with his fathers, Draco, and Narcissa at the Burrow. He was sitting outside the burrow on the garden seat at 11 pm on New Year's Eve, looking up at the stars above him and trying to spot Constellations even though it kind of bore him. But he could clearly see the Draco constellation and the stars shimmered beautifully around it.
The Weasleys, Luna, and Hermione were all sitting by the bonfire that they set up out front, drinking butterbeer and laughing at each other's jokes. George even was laughing and telling jokes with Ron and Charlie. Severus and Remus were with Narcissa, Arthur and Molly, chatting amongst each other happily. That just left Harry alone on the garden seat. Draco was inside, and Harry had no idea what the Slytherin was doing as nobody was inside the Burrow at the time.
The seat next to him creaked, and Harry looked to his side to see Draco with two red mugs of Chamomile tea. He smiles and takes the mug Draco gives him. "Thank you."
"What have you decided for your New Year's Eve Wish?" Draco asks him and rests his arm along the back of the seat, making it appear as if he was putting an arm around Harry.
"Oh," said Harry, looking down to the ground. "I haven't really thought about it. I guess I want no more err... bad situations happening in my life that involves Death Eaters, and I would like to re-do our 4th Anniversary. Pretend the lunch date part didn't happen." He shrugs slightly. "I don't know."
"I think so too," Draco responds with a nod, and he takes a calming sip of his tea. "The Death Eater part, I mean. But are you certain you want to redo our 4th Year Anniversary? Won't it... hurt?"
"Not if we go somewhere different," Harry tells him and leans a little towards the Slytherin to keep warm. "Like... London again but in a different suburb. Or perhaps in a different country?"
"I guess we can do that," Draco says, and as he stared down at Harry's lips, he wonders where exactly he could take Harry. He suddenly licks his lips, puts the mug down beside him on the seat, and sighs with need. "Harry?"
"Mm?" Harry blinks up at him, a little distracted by the light of the silvery moon shining down onto Draco, creating a silvery hue on the blonde's hair. He swore there were stars in Draco's eyes that were twinkling just as brightly as the stars up in the night sky were. The Slytherin was a breathtaking view as he always is.
"Kiss me," Draco whispers, cupping Harry's cheek, and blushed a little at the dictation. He hadn't been kissed by Harry in three days. It's not very long, but to him, it feels like months. Colour rose to Harry's cheeks, and he nods and leans his head towards the Slytherin. Draco tilts his head and he's smiling when he finally, finally feels Harry's lips against his own. It's just so wonderful, and he just feels like melting into the seat into a pile of goo.
Over at the bonfire, Hermione smiled at her best friend kissing Draco. Finally, they made up. And kissed! Ah, she loved her life, and she loves love.
"And what are you smiling at?" Ron asks as he puts an arm around her and kisses her forehead.
"Just Harry and Draco making up," Hermione tells him softly with a giggle, her smile wide and full of happiness. "See for yourself." She points out the two boys kissing on the garden bench.
Ron looks over at his best mate snogging Malfoy and just nods. He's used to seeing that. But he's still mad at Draco, though it wasn't the blonde's fault at all. It was just a bad day for the two.
Harry was the one to lean away, and he smiles and pressed his forehead to Draco's just to catch his breath. "I love you," he whispers as he stares into the Slytherin's eyes which he becomes so lost in.
"I love you too, Harry Potter, and I always will," Draco replies lightly, his smile wide and eyes shiny with love.
The Weasleys, Hermione, Severus and Remus all started counting down from 10 as time reached 11:59:49. And as they finished, George and Ron lit up the fireworks, and stood back as the fireworks shot them up in the air. High up in the air, the colourful fireworks exploded. There even was a flying horse firework that flew around the air as if chasing an invisible bird.
The Cast and Crew Held a Funeral for Emma Watson's Pet Hamster Milli when it died during production.
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