A Vampire's Truth
Draco was sitting in bed one morning reading a book on difficult Potion Ingredients while rubbing his small baby bump gently which was on display in the cool air of the dorm room. He wondered when the baby would be big enough to hear him so he could read to her. He wouldn't think his daughter would want to hear about Potions and their ingredients' uses yet though. He did wonder what his daughter would be interested in when she's older.
After checking the time, he puts his book down on the bedside table and gets off his bed. He grunts a little when he feels his feet feeling a little sore, but he ignores it and grabs his towel, some comfy clothes and his Slytherin robe and heads to the bathroom for a shower. Madam Pomfrey had told him that his feet would become sore over time as he carried the baby, as well as other side effects of being pregnant.
When he got back to the dorm room feeling refreshed, he saw Blaise sitting up in bed, fully dressed ready for the day, and meditating. It was great seeing his best friend meditating again. It meant his overall Mental Health had gotten better. "Morning, Blaise."
"Good morning," Blaise says peacefully, opening an eye to look at his best friend. He smiles, "Well, how are the two of you doing this morning?"
"You ask me that every day since that day," Draco drawls as he carefully leans down to grab his shoes from under his bed. He could have done it by magic, but he just doesn't want to seem lazy. "And every morning, I reply with the same 'we're doing great!'" He sits down on his bed and puts on his shoes. "Want to help me with the charm?"
"Sure," Blaise says as he grabs his wand from his bedside table and walks over. "So, how's life without sex with Harry?"
"We still have sex, but it's mostly Harry over me," Draco tells him, his face flushed at the question that he had to answer as he pulls his top up halfway. "I don't want to hurt the baby by being top. As I have a womb, sex won't hurt it as my womb protects the baby. It's what Dr Ivan told me."
"Alright," Blaise says, nodding his head and he waves his wand up and down Draco's stomach area where the tiny bump stood out. Draco could tell there were questions on Blaise's mind that needed answers. "So... do you have any idea of what you'll be naming your daughter in the near future?"
"No, not really," Draco replies as he watches his baby bump disappear from sight underneath his clothes. "That'll be when I give birth to her, and Harry and I see our daughter for the first time." He puts his hand over where the baby bump is and feels it, though he cannot see it. "Then we'll choose a name for her."
Blaise smiles at him and pockets his wand. "Now, are you alright to get to the Great Hall on your own?" he asks and looks as if he's hurrying to go somewhere when he walks back towards the door. "I'm meeting Neville at the Greenhouses to help with a project of his."
"I'll be fine," Draco assures him and gives him a flick of his hand to gesture he could go. "It's just a staircase, and then the rest of the way is flat ground. "I can send Harry my Patronus if I do need help."
"If you're so sure," Blaise says and looks a little uncertain. But he quickly nods and heads out the door as Draco shoos him out with a simple hand gesture. "Bye then!"
Draco sighs and slowly leans his back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Another day... He could fall asleep like this, and he feels sleep trying to pull at him... but he makes himself sit up and gets off his bed. Naps are fun, and the need to nap has increased more now that he's 4 months pregnant. It gets a little annoying, especially in class when he needs to concentrate. He pushes through the urge and gets off the bed.
He grabs his book bag and heads out of the dorm room alone. The Hallway back to the common room is shadowed by the flickering wall candles and empty, besides the occasional one or two male students who come to and from their dorm rooms. He sees Pansy in the common room with Sammy and gives her a quick smile, which she returns and waves him over.
Draco walks over and sits with them. But just as he sits down, a younger Slytherin girl with brunette hair tied up in a bun walks up to him with a large white basket filled with what looks like sweets.
"This is for you," the young brunette says with a smile. "From your one and only, you know who."
"Thank you," Draco replies kindly to her and grabs the white basket from her. The basket was full of Honeydukes candy – Cauldron Cakes and chocolate fudge, slabs of nutty, unimaginably succulent chocolate, enormous Chocoballs filled with strawberry mousse and clotted cream, Chocolate Dragon Eggs (each as big as a real dragon egg) filled with caramel and crushed hazelnuts, dozens and dozens of Chocolate Frogs and Peppermint Toads, little yellow and pink cartons of crystallised pineapple, jars of Pink Coconut Ice, packets of Ice Mice, Fizzing Whizzbees and Glacial Snow Flakes.
"Merlin's balls," Sammy puts the book that she was reading down on her lap and gasps at just how much candy the blonde Slytherin had. "Now I wish I were pregnant."
"Another basket of sweets from Harry, hm?" Pansy says smoothly with a grin to Draco, and she tries grabbing a Chocolate Frog, but Draco slaps her hand away with a hiss of ("Mine!") Pansy sighs, just wanting a chocolate as Draco has dozens there in front of him. "You're spoilt not by your own family, but by Harry too. What's next? He'll buy you a butler to help carry your things when walking to class?"
"No, Harry does that for me already," Draco replies, smiling down at the floor as he puts the basket on the table between the two leather chairs. "He's such a courteous hospitable bastard. Cute bastard though."
"Sure, he is," Pansy rolls her eyes. She should have known Harry would be so chivalrous to Draco.
"So," Draco says to Pansy while reaching into the basket and pulling out a wrapped pink coconut ice. "Any new gossip you've heard about?" He popped the coconut ice into his mouth and to his satisfaction Pansy and Sammy were staring at his sweets.
Pansy sighs deeply and shakes her head. "Nothing juicy or new," she tells him. "Besides..." She glanced down at Draco's midriff on his stomach but didn't see the rounded belly. She knew it was because of the spell Draco learnt from Madam Pomfrey.
Draco nodded, understanding her. "Yeah," he replies, smiles, and puts a hand over his little baby bump that was invisible to everyone's eyes, but not invisible to the touch. "I can't wait to meet her with Harry."
"Same," Pansy says happily. But that happiness died down a bit as she thought of something worrying. "Just uhm... make sure she doesn't find out she was a... mistake." Sammy continued to read her book and looked as if she was about to laugh but was holding it in.
"Pansy!" Draco snaps loudly out in shock. He felt like hitting her for saying such an offensive thing. "She's not a mistake!" he whispered harshly as there were a few students throughout the common room. "Harry and I made her willingly together. I let Harry do his thing in me even though I knew of the probability of getting pregnant. Merlin..."
"Sorry," Pansy mutters with a frown. "Just thought I'd say it."
"What are you going to tell your daughter when she's old enough to find out that you and Harry made her during school?" Sammy asks Draco curiously as she glances up at him from her book.
"Who'd want to know the day or month that your own mother and father made you?" Pansy says with a grimace and checks her nails out to distract her. "Even I don't know that answer when my mom and dad made me. I don't want to know anyway. Who'd want to know that question?"
"Well, it's a question some people might want to know the answer to," Sammy tells them faintly, cheeks a little pink out of embarrassment. She sighs and gets to her feet. "But anyway, I'm hungry. When can we go to the Great Hall?"
"We can go now," Pansy says, looking up at her with a smile. Sammy grins, grabs Pansy by the wrist and pulls her up off the chair and towards the Common Room exit. Draco quickly got to his feet and grabbed the basket, then rushed off to drop the basket of sweets on his bed in the dorm room, and then hurried off to the Great Hall to catch up to Pansy and Sammy.
When he finally made it to the Great Hall, he saw Pansy sitting beside Daphne Greengrass and Sammy sat next to Pansy. Draco watched Pansy kiss Daphne's cheek with a smile on her face, and he sat facing them. As it was a pretty cold day, everyone had poured themselves a goblet of Butterbeer except a few students.
"You're not going to have any Butterbeer?" Pansy asks Sammy, her hands wrapped around the goblet's cup which is warming her hands up.
"Nah," Sammy says with a grimace at the yellowy liquid in Pansy's goblet. "Do you know how many fats and carbs are in that drink? Too much, that is, and I've recorded it myself. I don't want to be drinking unhealthy shit."
Pansy looked at her blankly. "What...?"
"Oh, never mind," Sammy says, waving a hand airily to gesture to stop the conversation. "I'm allergic to eh... butter. I'm Lactose – Dairy Intolerant. I can't have dairy."
"Oh," said Pansy, and then she nodded her head with a look of sympathy on her face and took a sip of her warm Butterbeer.
"Hello, Draco," Harry sat down next to his lover, poured a goblet of orange juice for himself, and slid his hand over Draco's with a big smile. "How's your morning going, my love?"
"Better now that you're here," Draco replies with a smile and a wink, and Harry blushes and kisses him. He turns his hand so he can intertwine his fingers with Harry's. "And thank you for the candy, my darling. It all looks scrumptious!"
"You're most welcome," Harry says brightly, and he takes a piece of toast from the pile in the centre and butters it with Vegemite, as he saw Jessica do earlier. She had gotten Hermione and Ron to try, in her words The Great Aussie Spread, and Ron ended up actually liking it. Hermione didn't like it that much, and she wanted something to spit it out into but there wasn't anything around, so she had to swallow it down. Poor Hermione.
As Harry took the first bite, the taste flooded his mouth and the odd, yet enjoyable flavour of the salty spread tasted quite nice to him. "This is quite nice," he said to his toast and then licked his lips.
"I'm glad you think so," Sammy says as she flips the page over in her book and begins reading the next page, her half-eaten Vegemite toast floating by magic in front of her.
"Um," says Daphne in surprise, noticing the floating toast. She pursed her lips. "Is that... wandless magic?"
"What?" Sammy looks up at her. "Oh, no. It isn't wandless." She lifts her hand up from under the table, showing her fingers wrapped around her long cream-coloured, curly detailed wand. "Just a nonverbal spell."
"Oh," said Daphne with a small nod, looking as if she felt ashamed of herself. Pansy noticed this and intertwined hands with her with a small frown on her lips.
"How does that taste?" Draco asks Harry, grimacing at the dark goop spread on Harry's toast slice. He hopes it's not some poisonous thing that only the Australians are able to eat. He'll kill one of them if Harry becomes sick in a few days' time or hours.
Harry nodded thoughtfully. "It's an interesting taste, but I like it," he replies, voice muffled as he sprays crumbs across the table. Pansy grimaces at his table manners and Sammy just sniggers. Harry takes another bite of his toast and hums with delight. "Want a taste?"
"Err... oh, alright," said Draco at last. "Just a bite though." Harry nods and brings his toast up to Draco's mouth, Draco gently grabs Harry's wrist and guides the offered toast into his own mouth, his tongue dragging over Harry's fingertips for a short second.
Unable to form words, Harry just smiles at him and steals Pansy's Butterbeer thinking it's his goblet of juice, sipping it. He let the taste of the sweet drink wash over his tongue, and he forced himself not to wince at the Vegemite and butterbeer taste mixed together.
"Hey!" Pansy snatched her Butterbeer back, wiped the rim using her sleeves and gave a scowl.
"Sorry," Harry replies quietly, and he picks up his goblet of juice and sips from it. He grimaces, suddenly knowing that was the wrong thing to do from the Vegemite and Butterbeer after taste mixed in with the orange juice.
Draco laughs softly at Harry's sour face, and he gives him some water to wash the funky tastes all down. Harry leans his head on Draco's shoulder after chugging the water down. He feels much better now, and he thanks Draco with a kiss on the cheek. Draco grins, cheeks pink, and he closes his hand over Harry's palm, giving him a little something as a gift.
Harry looked at him curiously, then opened his palm to find a purple-wrapped piece of chocolate. "Thanks," he beams and fingers the candy gently. "Though you know it's all supposed to be for you, right? As for all the other confectionery I brought you."
Draco nodded his head and shrugged. "I have loads of sweets, thanks to you," he replies drily. "I don't know if I'll be able to eat it all. And it's all mine!" he adds when the familiar mischievous little twinkle appears in Pansy's eyes," Nobody else's!"
Pansy sighs, long and defeated.
"Oh, we'll see about that," Harry says quietly to himself at the thought of Draco not being able to eat all the sweets Harry gifted him. He has a feeling Draco will. It'll just take some time.
Daphne got bored. She wanted to hang out with her girlfriend for a while and alone. They had to talk about a few things in person. "If you all would excuse us, Pansy and I have to go meet up with The Grey Lady," she says politely, regarding all who were seated with them, especially a quick glance Sammy's way who nodded amiably. "Thank you."
"That's fine," Harry says dryly. "You've left us with a cliffhanger." He noticed Draco stirring a spoon around in his goblet of milk with a curious expression on his face and looked as though he knew there was a deeper meaning behind the girl's 'meeting with The Grey Lady of Ravenclaw'. He didn't question it but knew Draco would bring it up with Pansy later on in the day.
Daphne just smiled and offered Pansy her hand.
"Darling, what?" Pansy said with mock confusion, she gladly accepted Daphne's hand and got up from her seat, leaving with Daphne and following her out of the Great Hall. Once away from prying eyes, she added, "Is this about what I think it's about?"
"You are quite correct," Daphne says, taking Pansy out to the Clock Tower courtyard. "Aside from that, how's your mother? Have you heard back from her since she was last in Italy?"
Pansy noted the immediate change of subject, and she pursed her lips at Daphne who smiled softly. "I have heard back from Mother, yes," she responds after a second, and she backs Daphne slowly up against the stone archway. "She's still in Italy, most likely spending her time with Blaise's mother again. They're inseparable!"
"Sounds like two people we know," Daphne says with a suggestive wink, moving her arms around Pansy's hips, locking her fingers together and pulling her girlfriend closer to her. Pansy chortled and faked a gag.
"No, no!" Pansy says at once at that horrendous image. "Never! My mother and Blaise's mother are just good friends from Hogwarts! Nothing else!"
"Sure," Daphne says slowly, disbelieving that and Pansy rolls her eyes. "Speaking of overseas, I was thinking during the easter holidays coming up you and I could go for a trip to someplace tropical. Taiwan, Fiji, and the Bahamas, as a few examples."
Pansy's eyes sparkled. "Oh, that sounds entertaining!" she says, keeping calm. She imagines it all, in a hot, tropical place, relaxing by the beach, under palm trees, flowy clothes, large sunglasses, evening broom rides over the ocean.
Daphne noticed how deep in thought Pansy was. She chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to Pansy's cheek, it woke her up from her thoughts almost instantly. Pansy flushed, adverting her eyes from the Clock Tower Fountain and back into Daphne's deep crystal blue eyes. "Adorable," she whispers and pushes back a lock of Pansy's hair behind her ears. "But do you know what else I find adorable?"
"What?" Pansy says in a low voice. "You?"
Daphne laughs. "No," she says. "You. Relaxing on the soft sand of a tropical beach, the bright sun shining down on your pure naked body and you're letting out the softest of moans as I'm down between your legs lapping up your-"
"Ohohoho," Pansy says with a laugh as she presses herself into Daphne and presses her lips into hers. Daphne chuckles in the kiss, grinding herself into Pansy, teasing her, hands moving around Pansy's hips, up her waist, around to her bum, squeezing her through her skirt. Then she stepped back, letting go of Pansy, leaving her confused and horny.
"Get back here, Daph!" Pansy says at once with a pout to her lip, walking towards her, wanting a make-out session. Or even better; to go down to their dormitory where they can be alone for hours.
"No," Daphne says, and even though her body was telling her to go back into Pansy's arms and give her all she has, she took another step back, turned around and swanned off. "You know, back to the topic of what we mentioned before, Harry and Draco's baby shower that we're both planning. Have you told anyone else about it?"
"No," Pansy says, jogging to catch up to Daphne. "I'm a bit preoccupied with being turned on at the moment." She slapped Daphne's arse, earning a beautiful little squeak and cheeky grin from Daph, then placed her arm around Daph's waist as they walked together. "And no, I haven't told anyone yet. I've been wanting to tell Blaise and Neville first, and then Hermione and Ron but haven't had the chance to talk to them all alone."
"Fair enough," Daphne says, now walking towards a corridor that led towards the dungeons. "I've already started buying things for the baby girl," she smiled. "Little tutus, dresses, tiny shoes, tiny hats, all with charms on them to size up as the baby grows bigger. I had to tell the shop owners that I was buying for a doll, not a baby."
Pansy snorts. "I have too," she admits. "I may have spent a few hundred galleons just on clothes, oils, and products for the little darlin'."
Daphne cringes. "Are we going overboard with this baby shower?" she asks after a moment with a curious, soft voice, looking at Pansy's face.
Pansy locked eyes with Daphne, for a minute thinking about that, then said, "Nah. We're not." Then she smirks slowly, "But I can tell you what you're not going overboard with which you should be...and that's me!"
Daphne scoffed. "Alright, get your pretty little bottom down to our dorm room this instant," she says smoothly as she lowers her hand around to Pansy's hip, gliding it down her hip and thigh. "I'll meet you there, darl. Oh, and put that gorgeous silk, lacy two-piece on as well. You know the one." She winkled.
"Mmmmm, finally," Pansy says softly. "My legs would be spread open wide upon your arrival. Be ready." She leans up and tongues at Daphne's lips. "Ta-ta, gorgeous!" Daphne chuckled and counted down for a minute as soon as Pansy had left her alone in the corridor, then started to make her way to the Dungeons.
Harry was down in the common room one Saturday morning with Ron and Hermione, he and Ron were working on Transfiguration homework together while Hermione read and were making sure the two were doing their homework and not getting distracted.
"Harry, I was reading about pregnancies the other day, and it mentioned the mother of the baby developing rashes on their body and itchy skin over time," Hermione tells him over the red book she was reading. "So, there's something to think about."
Harry considered what she said for a moment, his wand poking the fox fur scarf that he was supposed to be transfiguring into a real fox. The thought of rashes on his Draco worried him. What kind of rashes are they? Do they spread? Do they get worse? "What kind of skin care products do I buy for Draco then?" he asks Hermione quietly as there are two other Gryffindors in the room with them.
"Hmm," hums Hermione in thought, looking back into the pages of her book as if it'll tell her, but she was reading Lord of the Rings again. "I'll call my mother about it when we're on our way to Hogsmeade as there is better reception outside the gates of Hogwarts. My mother will surely know of some skin care products for during pregnancy that'll help treat rashes and other side effects."
"Okay," Harry replies with a nod of gratitude and a genuine smile. "Thank you, by the way. Oh, and tell your mother thank you for me as well, Hermione." Then his mind started to overthink. "But... wouldn't Draco require magical skin care products? What if he's allergic to something in the muggle products?"
Ron rolls his eyes at what he is hearing while practising turning a fox fur scarf into a living fox. It was a hard task, turning an inanimate thing into an animate being. At least he gave the scarf Fox ears. Is that good enough?
"That's something you'll have to ask Madam Pomfrey about, Harry," Hermione says, face firm and assured as she looks at her best friend. "She'll be able to run some tests on Draco to see if he's got any allergies, or you can just ask Draco himself."
"He has no allergies as far as I know," Harry tells her, though he scans his mind quickly just in case he's wrong. "He would have told me if he did. Anything else I need to buy for Draco that'll help him through the months?"
"No, not at the moment," Hermione says. "But Madam Pomfrey might tell you a few things that'll happen and how to heal and deal with them."
Harry nodded his head. He looked back at the fox fur scarf and sighed, poking his wand at the fur yet again.
"Um... Hermione?" said Ron, his voice high and his face pale. "I think I did something wrong with the scarf..." Harry and Hermione quickly looked down at the table two fox fur scarves were set, but in front of Ron where his scarf would have been an orange snake with small fox ears and nose was coiled around itself.
"Ronald!" Hermione shrieked at the odd-looking snake, and she quickly ran behind the couch and got out her wand just in case she had to protect herself and her friends.
"Shit," yelled Harry, scrambling back and over the couch away from the snake-fox thing. He didn't want to get bitten, especially by that thing. Then he laughed because that thing looked hilarious!
"Harry!" Hermione snapped at the atrocious language she heard, though she's used to it now because of the Australians. Jessica especially.
"Sorry!" Harry quickly said, watching the snake which looked around the room in curiosity. "How do you get rid of it!" He remembers a few things snakes have told him in the past when talking to them. "It won't attack us unless we threaten it or corner it. So, Hermione, put your wand away-"
"Vipera Evanesca!" Hermione shouts, her wand pointed directly at the snake-fox hybrid. A cloud of black smoke zoomed out of the tip of her wand, and it hit the snake, making it hiss-yelp loudly and disappear.
"Or you could do that," Harry mutters, a little frown on his face as he only gets to meet the little snake-fox in a few seconds instead of just letting it go in the wild. However, letting it go would be a bad idea too.
"There," Hermione says proudly with a smile. "That problem is dealt with."
"Geminio!" said Ron, his wand pointed at Harry's fox fur scarf. Harry's scarf duplicated itself, and Ron grabbed the second scarf and put it next to Harry's one. "Here we go again..."
"Ron, remember that the spell is Serpens Vulpins," Hermione tells him slowly and firmly. "How did you mess that one up?" Ron flushed and nodded his head; he knew of the spell but got a little distracted.
"I know," he replied flatly, staring at Hermione's purple knickers which were half on display as her skirt had risen a little too far up her thighs. How'd that happen? "Just got a little... distracted."
"With what exactly?" Hermione asks him curiously, noting the way he's looking at her.
"Um, Hermione?" said Harry at once as he saw what was distracting Ron. He tore his eyes away from his best friend's knickers, instead looking up at her face. "You might want to pull your skirt down."
"What?" said Hermione quickly, looking down and her face became brilliantly pink. "Oh..." She hurries to push her skirt back down and unroll it from the top, so it appears longer. "Err... sorry you had to see that, Harry. Jessica taught me how to shorten the school skirts... I don't know how that happened to my skirt."
Harry shrugged and laughed. "It's fine, Hermione," he assures her. "Nothing to be ashamed of."
"Right," muttered Hermione. "Maybe when escaping the fox-snake, my skirt went up? I did bend over behind the couch..." She then notices something peculiar and giggles. "Uh... Ron?" She points down to Ron's crotch area where she could see his boner. Ron nodded his head and flushed, his ears turning red. "Oh, Ronald." She rushed over to him, put her arms around his neck loosely and sat on his boner, her legs on either side of his thighs.
"Hermione," Ron groaned. "You're making it worse!" Hermione only grinned, feeling Ron's boner underneath her, which was making her a little wetter down below by the second.
She turned her head, looking at her best friend who refused to look at them, "Harry, why don't you join us?" she asked smoothly. Ron's hands were on her hips, and he shook his head towards Harry who only glanced at him once. "It'll be a threesome," she added.
Harry snorted, and then he burst into loud laughter. Never in his years would he ever think about doing such a thing. "No," he stated firmly, eyes finally looking towards Hermione but not exactly looking her in the eye. "No, gross! I'm not having a fucking threesome with you. I don't want to do that to Draco – I would never do that to Draco, especially four months into his... you know? He'd be an emotional mess!"
"Oh, fine," Hermione sighs, beginning to rock back and forth on her boyfriend. Ron looked relieved; he didn't want to share his girlfriend.
Harry quickly made a run for the exit, wanting to forget what he just witnessed and saw. He can just do his homework later on. He hurriedly headed to the Slytherin Dungeons, in need of Draco and his feather-light kisses and cuddly hugs.
He finally arrives at the entrance to the Slytherin common room, and he walks in after saying the password Dark Prevails. He enters the common room and looks around but doesn't see his blonde boyfriend anywhere, so he heads towards the dormitory hallways.
Harry grins at Draco who was sitting in bed reading and eating candies from the basket of confectionery Harry brought him weeks ago. "Hello, my Draco," he says, noticing the chocolate stain on the corner of Draco's lip.
"Harry, hello!" Draco says brightly as if a ray of sunshine hit him in the face. "How's my darling doing?"
"I'm sure she's doing just fine," Harry says with a happy glance down at Draco's midriff covered in silky green pyjamas, and he crawls into bed beside Draco. The Slytherin laughed, cupping his round belly from underneath his pyjama top. "And I'm doing great, thank you," Harry tells him, kissing his cheek and then licking off the chocolate from the corner of his mouth.
Draco stares at him, at a loss of words for what Harry did. "Merlin, Harry," he drawls, grabs the basket of sweets, and puts it on his bedside table, then grabs Harry and pulls him down into a kiss. Harry chuckles and puts a hand between them on Draco's round stomach, and as Draco moves forward, Harry's hand slips over Draco's stomach and to his groin.
"Oi!" snapped Blaise from his bed opposite Draco's, tearing his eyes away from the book he was reading about Cryptids from Italy. "None of that please while I'm in the room. Especially while I'm reading."
"Then we'll go to Gryffindor Tower," Draco mutters as he drags his mouth away from Harry's delicious mouth, instead leaning up and pressing his lips to Harry's chin.
"No," said Harry, shaking his head and laughing over an awkward smile. "We shouldn't go there. Hermione and Ron are... they're probably making love in the dorm room. I unfortunately got to witness Ron eh... turned on."
"You're not the only one," said Blaise, sighing as he turned the page in the book he was reading. "I'm guessing Miss Hermione Granger turned him on? What did she do? Rut on him?"
"Yes, actually," Harry drawled, rolling onto his side to look over at Blaise. "It was disturbing as fuck! Hermione even offered I join them for a threesome."
"And did you?" Draco asked him flatly, his eyes narrowing at his boyfriend. On the other side of the room, Blaise started laughing loudly.
"Of course not!" Harry tells him at once, a little shocked that his own boyfriend would ever think so little of him. "Why would I do such a silly thing? If I wanted sex, I'd come to you. I wouldn't have sex with my best friends, and to add to that, Ron didn't seem up to sharing his girlfriend."
"Sorry, it's the hormones," Draco replies quietly, putting an arm around Harry as he lies with him. "I know you wouldn't do that with your friends. I'd never do that with Blaise or Pansy either. The thought is disgusting."
"Yup," said Blaise. He couldn't agree more.
"No need to apologise," Harry deadpans, closing his tired eyes for a minute to rest them. "I'm really happy to be here with you, Draco." He opens his eyes after a minute, locking eyes with silver. "What do you want to do?"
Draco shrugs lightly and thinks about that for a moment. "I'd love to go on a date with you," he tells him as a suggestion. "But I've had enough chocolate for the day as I know I busted my daily calorie intake."
"Since when did you ever care about how much you eat a day?" Harry asks him amusedly with a soft laugh.
"You'd be surprised," Draco admits lightly, smirking as he rolls on top of Harry until seated on him. "But you're right, I don't really care." Harry sighs arousedly as Draco moves back and forth just slightly on his crotch. "I don't normally eat much anyway."
"Mmmm," Harry hums quietly, his hands coming up to Draco's waist. "You sexy bastard." Draco grins down at him and leans down for a heated kiss, the drapes of his bed shutting around them magically.
Blaise glared over his book to Draco's bed, seeing the drapes shut close. He rolls his eyes and casts a silencing charm around himself, so he doesn't hear anything peculiar that he doesn't want to hear. "Have fun," he mutters as he looks back at the pages in his book, but then remembers Neville has a Herbology project he's doing in one of the Greenhouses: A herbarium of all the Indoor and Aquatic magical plants of the wizarding world. Professor Sprout gave Neville the project a few months ago since he'd always done so well in class and in handing in his homework.
Blaise would rather get dirt under his fingernails than hear whatever was happening outside of his bed. Quickly, he plugged his ears with his fingers as he scrambled out of bed and stormed out of the dorm room, closing the door behind him, and heading out to the Greenhouses. Relieved he escaped the torment, the journey to the Greenhouses became shorter. He arrived by the greenhouses and checked all of them for Neville, finding him in Greenhouse 3 with books and books filled with pressed Aquatic and Indoor Magical Plants on the long table. "Good morning my dear Neville."
Neville looks up, a big smile coming onto his face as he notices who was standing at the greenhouse doors. "Blaise, honey!" he says happily and walks over to get a hug and a kiss from his boyfriend. "And my morning has been well. How was yours?"
"It was calm and peaceful during my morning meditation until Harry decided to invite himself into the dorm and start getting all cuddly and snuggly with Draco in the bed," Blaise tells him in a drawl, walking around the table and admiring all the work Neville has done by himself. "It wasn't fun knowing things were happening in the other bed opposite yours."
Neville cringed at the image, but his face softened with sympathy. He understands what that's like living with Seamus and Dean, Harry, and Ron too. It's not very nice, even if his roommates use silencing charms. At least when he and Blaise occasionally have some fun they lock the dorm room up, close the curtains, and use silencing charms so nobody does come into the dorm room and know what he gets up to with Blaise.
"Well, here are many forms of distractions from what you witnessed earlier!" Neville says brightly,
Pointing at the few magical flowers in large pots that included Dittany, Asphodel, Fanged Geranium, shrivelfig, and leaping toadstools to name a few. "I just need cuttings of the rest of the potted plants, flowers included, and to press them between this Magical Pressing book. That's all that needs doing, really."
"It sounds simple enough still," Blaise says, nodding in the understanding of what he must do. It wasn't his first time helping Neville with this project. "You've done nearly all of them! Without some of my help too! Only what looks like twenty to go out of...how many did you have to do? 50 Magical Aquatic and indoor plants?"
"100 actually," Neville corrects him, sighing long and tiredly. "I've spent at least half an hour to a full hour every day looking for some of the plants if there weren't any in the greenhouses, and pressing them in this book."
"Ick," Blaise says at the amount of plants Neville has to do. He's just glad he's helped Neville with a few in the past and is helping him now again in the hope of finishing this big project Professor Sprout gave him.
"Ick, yes," Neville says quietly.
"Know that the Herbarium we're doing isn't the only distraction in this greenhouse," Blaise says, nudging Neville in the side gently, playfully. Neville looked at him, confused for a little second before reality hit and he burst out laughing with a tint of red on his cheeks.
"Shush, you!" Neville gets out breathlessly, laughing still. "Same goes for you," he added a little shyly.
Blaise grins, leans over, and gives Neville a little kiss on the cheek, leaving him satisfied as Neville's already pinkened cheeks darken in colour. After some more light flirting and nudges they got back into working on the Herbarium.
Harry woke up next to Draco one cold Monday morning down in the Slytherin 7th years Boy's dormitory, Draco's arm was around his side, his baby belly pressing into Harry's back. He didn't mind that at all, it was rather comfortable. He yawns and slowly sits up in bed, careful not to wake the sleeping Slytherin as he knows Draco gets rather grouchy when tired. Actually, he's always grouchy when he doesn't get enough sleep.
He leans over and gently kisses the Slytherin's warm cheek, then tries to quietly shuffle out of the sheets. He grabs his jocks on the far side of the bed and his pyjamas and starts putting them on quickly.
Draco's hand starts moving, and Harry watches it move around the pillow where his head had rested, then down to the sheets he had been lying on. Draco suddenly sniffed the air, then his eyes snapped open, and he looked around his bed until he saw Harry, dressed in his pyjamas. "Harry, it's cold, come back to bed," he says tiredly and pulls the blankets over his shoulders.
Harry checked the time with a Tempus. It was only 6:20 in the morning. Sighing, he gets back in bed with Draco and wriggles up close to him to keep the Slytherin warm. Draco's hand moves in between their bodies, cupping Harry's cock, and Harry chuckles and moved down under the blankets, using Draco's legs as a guide on how far under into the dark he has gone to.
Harry grabbed onto Draco's inner thighs from under the blankets and kissed his way up from Draco's balls to the head of his cock. Draco sighed and reached his hands under the blankets to try and grab something, anything, as Harry slowly swallowed him from the head to the base. "Merlin, Harry, you incredible bastard," Draco moans, finally grabbing onto Harry's dark hair and pulling towards him, eager for Harry's hot mouth to give him pleasure again.
Harry hums, his mouth filled with Draco's cock, until he pulls his mouth away, hearing Draco's whine of disapproval, and he kissed his way down to Draco's arse crack. Draco moans and spreads his legs further apart, and Harry plunged his face into Draco's entrance, his tongue darting out and licking around the stretched skin of his anus from last night's heaven.
Blaise Zabini glared at the bed next to his that he knew contained two people. He's used to hearing it all from them, but he rarely gets much sleep because of it. Quietly getting out of bed, he dresses himself warmly for the day and heads down to the common room. He sees Pansy and Daphne just about exiting the common room and hurries to follow them. "Oi, Pans!" he calls across the room.
Pansy turns on her heel, gives Blaise a smile and nods in the direction of the common room exit. "We're getting breakfast, come on!" she yells back at him. Daphne had given him a knowing smile.
Zigzagging around the furniture in the common room, Blaise hurries to catch up to the two girls. When they make it outside into the corridors, they spot Neville leaning against the cold stone wall, waiting with the latest Daily Prophet article in his hands.
"Neville, what a surprise!" Blaise beams and opens his arms up for a hug as he nears him. Neville smiles brightly at him, hugs him back gently and kisses him.
"Blaise, hello! By any chance is Harry and Draco with you?" Neville asks quickly, unfolding the article from his hands to show them. "Because I just got the latest article of the Daily Prophet, and it mentioned their friend Ivy Black and our Lavender Brown being alive and free from two or three Death Eaters."
"What!" Pansy yells loudly, her voice booming in the hallway, her eyes filling with tears at the mention of her old friend, and she snatches the article from Neville to read it herself.
"Draco and Harry are currently busy..." Blaise tells Neville awkwardly, though he smirks at the thought of Harry and Draco ever coming out of the dorm room. "We'll need to wait until they're done."
"Oh... alright," Neville replies, the curiosity of what Harry and Draco are doing is just there in his voice, yet he doesn't exactly want to know what the duo are doing as 50% is sex and the other 50 is either homework together, just spending time together or snogging.
But what Harry and Draco were doing now was making their way to the common room, dressed warmly for the day, after a lovely round of Harry eating Draco out and Draco surprising him with a blowjob. When they exited the common room together, hand in hand, they spotted their friends obviously waiting for them, Pansy and Daphne still reading the Daily Prophet, and Blaise and Neville cuddling by the wall.
"Hey, guys!" Harry announces his and Draco's presence.
"Harry!" Neville says, looking up immediately.
"Pansy, show them the article," Blaise says at once.
"What article?" Draco asks, suddenly curious.
"This one," Pansy says and carefully hands Harry the article who takes it and begins to read it with Draco. "It's about Ivy and Lavender." Harry and Draco looked at each other, a little worried but the happy look on Pansy's face assured them that all was okay with Ivy and Lavender. A picture of Ivy and Lavender from one of their tours, dressed fancy for the occasion as they walk onto the front stage of wherever they were located at the time of the picture.
"The Ministry Wizengamot and Officials are finally revealing what they've been hiding from the public for the past month. It's a terrible, saddening and confronting visual of the life of Miss Ivy Black from Birth to the present. Some of the readers may remember Miss Black from Hogwarts, a kind-hearted, quiet girl who was one of the top achievers in her classes. She was quite a misunderstood girl, and she suffered through a whole lot during her youth. We're unable to tell you exactly what she went through as Miss Ivy Black forbids us to tell."
"She was misunderstood," Draco mutters quietly to himself, and Harry hears what he said and nods sadly in agreement. Ivy was quite misunderstood by her peers, and was bullied, her classmates thought she was a little odd.
A few Wizards are on trial as of now and will be discussed further in this week's article who have done some terrible things and acts that changed the lives of Miss Ivy Black and Miss Lavender Brown, both previous Hogwarts Students and lovers. Two of these dark wizards known are Igor Karkaroff and Marco Lovenski, former Death Eaters of He-who-shall-not-be-named, who are on trial and will be sent to Azkaban after the kidnapping of Ivy Black and Lavender Brown two years ago during the July Holidays. Karkaroff and Lovenski had Obliviated Ivy and Lavender more than a year ago, making them forget their lives when growing up until the day their memories were erased and with the help of Willow Lestrange who actually Rabastan Lestrange in disguise and whose Ivy's biological father,(Ivy doesn't want to use her father's last name for her own reasons) guided Miss Black and Miss Brown onto the stage of Muggle Festivals where Ivy sang her heart out to all the muggles there watching her with awed expressions."
"Miss Ivy Black really does have a beautiful voice and creates unimaginable songs. We have another popstar in the Wizarding World! The Good thing about the performances Miss Black carried out is that they raised money for muggle charities in need. The Ministry Wizengamot and Officials suspect that Karkaroff, Lovenski, and Lestrange were up to something far eviller than being the "stage manager" for Miss Ivy Black's stage performances and weren't actually giving away the profits to the charities, but the Muggles involved who were recently interviewed by Ministry wizards said and proved that Ivy's managers did donate the money they raised to charities. The muggles interviewed didn't believe any of Ivy and Lavender's stage managers were suspicious in any way.
Igor Karkaroff, Marco Lovenski, and Rabastan Lestrange were finally caught and captured by Ministry Aurors earlier this month in March in Glasgow during their lunch break before Miss Ivy Black went onstage to perform for the evening. It was all thanks to the Prime Minister of Great Britain who was able to locate where certain festivals were taking place and who would be performing and when. Let's take a moment to raise our wands for our Lovely Prime Minister, Boris Johnson."
"Boris Johnson?" Said a confused Draco Malfoy who slightly remembers hearing the name from somewhere. But he wasn't the only one confused as Blaise, Pansy, and Daphne all didn't know of the name. The only two who knew of the Prime Minister were Harry and Neville.
"Do you lot know what a Prime Minister is?" Harry asks them all slowly as if even the words 'Prime Minister' were hard for the four Pure-Bloods to understand and hear. But they all should know who the leaders of the United Kingdom are, right...? Or don't they know? Harry knows that Draco knows of the Royal Family of England, but that was because he told him years ago.
"No..." Pansy drawled. Daphne shook her head.
"Isn't the Prime Minister just like the Queen of England?" Neville looks to Harry and asks. "My Grandmother has apparently met Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip once in the 50s when she was in her twenties. She said they are quite nice people."
"Yeah, the Prime Minister is pretty much the ruler of England," Harry says and locks eyes with Draco, and feels himself become a little lost in those silver orbs he loves. He had to blink and force himself to look away and back at Neville, "I can just ask Hermione more about the Prime Minister if you're curious and want to know more."
"No, I'm all good," Neville says, shaking his head and pointing at the Daily Prophet to gesture to continue reading.
"So as of Igor Karkaroff, he is on trial for the kidnapping of Miss Ivy Black and Lavender Brown, and the use of an Unforgivable, the Imperius Curse, on a fellow wizard out in Muggle London. We yet again cannot say who Karkaroff used the Unforgivable on as the Ministry won't give us that concealed information. Marco Lovenski, an Italian Death Eater, he's on trial with Igor for kidnapping Ivy and Lavender two years ago. And for Rabastan Lestrange... well, he'll be discussed further down with what he did and who he had hurt."
"And what about Vincent, Gregory, and Theodore?" Draco asks as he scans the article for any mention of the three Slytherins that should be graduating with him and Blaise this year. "Oh..." He adds when he finally finds the mention of his former friends, and when Harry points it out to him and looks at him sadly.
"Three boys also went missing around the same time as Ivy Black and Lavender Brown did in July two years ago. Theodore Nott, Gregory Goyle, and Vincent Crabbe, Slytherin students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and in the same year as Our Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter. Theodore Nott is on trial in the Ministry after killing a muggle boy with the Killing Curse for stalking Ivy Black and Lavender Brown after one of their shows. The muggle boy looked harmless and didn't have any weapons on him except for a muggle device that rings so he probably just wanted a friendly autograph."
"Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle are also on trial and will be sent off to Azkaban for a few years after attempting to kill an Auror while leading them away from where Miss Black and Miss Brown were staying at the time, but Mr Crabbe's trial is further stated to a few extra years in Azkaban for torturing a muggle boy in broad daylight with the Cruciatus Curse after being told to "Go out and have fun" by Igor Karkaroff after downing two bottles of Whisky. Igor, Theodore, and Vincent's trial could lead to a Death sentence, depending on what the Wizengamot decide."
"What!" Draco snaps at what he has read. His old best friends could be put to... death? He hoped the fuck not. "And how come nobody's fucking trying to give Ivy and Lavender their memories back!"
"My thoughts exactly," Harry says quietly in thought about that. "I hope Ivy and Lavender come back and finish their education at Hogwarts. It would be nice to see them again in Hogwarts for the last time."
"Lavender Brown and her family reunited finally!" Pansy says happily as she reads the next paragraph, and a picture of the smiling girl everyone remembers from Gryffindor is hugging her parents and her youngest siblings. A pig and a white fluffy cat are also in the picture, beside Lavender's feet. "That's so great! Family reunited. Oh..." Tears of joy welled up in her eyes.
"The Brown family reunited earlier this February, the day was filled with tears of both joy and sadness and lots of warm hugs. With her memory erased, Lavender deplorably didn't know who they were at first until her family filled her in and showed her family memories and photos of her growing up. The Brown family were scared and deeply hurt when they found out their own daughter had gone missing two years ago. It was their worst nightmare that came true."
"Ivy's father, Rabastan Lestrange, is on Trial for the abuse and torture of Ivy Black since her youth and for hiding his real identity from the public for years and going by the name Willow Lestrange since Ivy Black's birth," Draco reads from the article. "And the punishments put upon Rabastan will be decided by Ivy herself this April."
"Alexandru Rosetti, a Romanian – and quite handsome – vampire spoke up and claimed to be the other biological father to Miss Ivy Black," Harry continued from where Draco had stopped, his eyes wide with curiosity at what Ivy's father is like, and he locks eyes with Draco. "Blood tests show that this claim is correct. So further questioning was involved."
"Alexandru was in Great Britain 18 years ago and had been secretly dating Rabastan Lestrange for 3 years since they met in a large afternoon Garden party in France which was hosted by one of Rabastan's friends from Hogwarts who's actually the first cousin of Alexandru but didn't inherit the vampire gene. Alexandru and Rabastan's first interaction was over the view of the countryside of Paris while tasting some French wine. They both found out they shared a love of the countryside, France, Historical Places, and classical music so from that day on, they hooked up and started going out together every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday."
"Bellatrix Lestrange, a former Death Eater, found out two years later and a month after her marriage to Rodolphus Lestrange that Alexandru and Rabastan were dating when she walked in on Rabastan lovingly rubbing Alexandru's pregnant belly in Rabastan's bedroom and threatened to tell Rodolphus about it. She yelled disgracefully at Rabastan on how uncivil and disgusting he is to ruin the family's name and taint the bloodline. Taking this seriously, Rabastan and Alexandru talked it out and decided that it was best to split, though they'd rather die together than separate from each other. Alexandru was rather scared of Bellatrix as he knew what she could do."
"The lovers couldn't decide on who to look after Ivy, so Alexandru took her under his care. But when Rodolphus found out from Bellatrix of his brother dating a vampire and that they conceived a child, he was pissed and threatened Rabastan to tell him where Alexandru and baby Ivy were. After being tortured and even Crucioed, Rabastan wouldn't tell Rodolphus where Alexandru was so Rodolphus Imperius'd him and slipped Truth Serum into his morning coffee so Rabastan told him exactly where Alexandru and Ivy were."
"That fucker," Draco hissed as he cupped his baby belly from underneath his closed cloak. He would never give up the location of his baby, or even Harry if he was in the situation. He would starve himself to death just in case the situation ever happened to him, and he had such an evil brother. Thank merciful Merlin that his own mother and father never had another kid.
"I know right," Pansy says with shock at what Rodolphus did to his own family member. The complete bastard!
"Jesus," Neville whispers. "What a horrible thing to do to the parents of a child."
Harry didn't want to read on, yet he wanted to just find out more. "When Rodolphus found Alexandru and Ivy in Romania, he brought Rabastan with him and tortured him in front of his lover and 2-month-old child until he forced Alexandru with the Imperius Curse to give him Ivy. Powerless as a vampire would with a wand pointed at his face, Rodolphus stupefied Alexandru and when Rabastan rushed over to make sure his lover was okay, Rodolphus then would have Imperius'd Rabastan to think that Alexandru was dead and to act abusive to Ivy as she grew up or because of the grief of thinking he lost Alexandru. Nobody knows what truly happened as Alexandru was stupefied until woken up by Romanian Aurors in the night after hearing the commotion earlier. And Rabastan, it seemed, was under the Imperius Curse seconds after Alexandru was Stupefied."
"I can't believe this all happened under everyone's noses," Blaise says sadly, frowning at Neville whose eyes were glued to the floor. He wouldn't know what it would be like to lose not only your lover but your only child too. "And after 18 years, it has been solved. For the 16 years of Ivy's life, she has lived in torment and abuse, and nobody knew how it really happened, how Rabastan became so rude and abusive when it seemed he loved Alexandru and Ivy so much."
"Poor Ivy," Pansy says weakly, wiping away a few tears that fell from her eyes.
"And Alexandru too," Daphne adds while comforting Pansy with a side hug. "And Rabastan if he really is innocent. And they're putting him on trial? He could be innocent!"
"As I said before, why can't the Aurors or someone – anyone – give back their memories?" Draco asks at once. He was pissed that this all happened, and nobody knew about it. "There's got to be a memory rehabilitation ward in St Mungo's."
"Lockhart was fully Obliviated to the point where he didn't know who he was in our second year," Harry said just to tell them how serious Memory spells can be. "He tried Obliviating Ron and my memories but failed when he stole Ron's broken wand and unknowingly pointed it at himself." Draco snorts, and Harry looks at him and smiles. "He's still in St Mungo's. His condition cannot be reversed or healed."
"I believe he deserves it," Pansy says with a long sigh as she checks her nails out. Daphne nodded in agreement. The faker did deserve it for what he did. "Karma got him back big time."
"And after eighteen years," Harry continues reading, "Alexandru Rosetti and Ivy Black are reunited once again as a family. Ivy tells us that she loves her singing career that raises money to help the less unfortunate muggles and would love to keep going, but she will be spending quite some time in Romania with her father to see her hometown of Transylvania and get to know him finally and meet her aunts, Uncles, and cousins."
"Oh, I'm so happy for her!" Pansy says lightly, her hand over her heart as she looks at the picture of a smiling Ivy with tears in her eyes hugging her vampire father for the first time. She began to cry. "They can finally be a happy family."
"They aren't the only ones starting from the beginning with a family," Harry says softly to Draco, placing his hand over Draco's baby bump where his unborn daughter is growing inside, and he kisses his lover on the cheek with a bright smile filled with the love he shares for his Draco and his child.
Draco closes his eyes, his smile coming out from hiding as he feels Harry's warm loving kiss sink into his cheek, and he pulls Harry close to him, hugging him tightly with a laugh. Harry grins in the tight embrace and kisses him again, but this time on the mouth, locking lips with Draco's soft ones and melting entirely on the inside as he feels their daughter kick at where his hand is located on Draco's belly. The kick actually started him a little.
"So," Pansy says with a giggle at her best friend and his lover showing each other love in front of her, Daphne, Blaise, and Neville. She wiped at her tears again, Daphne helping by dabbing a silk handkerchief over her wet face. "Is the child going to be a Malfoy or a Potter?" She sniffed, fanning her face with her hands. "You know your father would rather keep the Malfoy name going, Draco."
"Honestly, I don't care about the Malfoy line," Draco says as he leans away from Harry's comforting kiss, his eyes meeting sparkling emerald green. "What I do care about is Harry, and my first child with him and raising her to the best of our ability." He eventually looked away from Harry and at Pansy, "If she'll be a Malfoy, great! If she'll be a Potter, it's also great! I don't really care either way as I'll love her for who she is."
"Draco Potter does sound quite gracious," Harry says thoughtfully, his head tilted slightly to the side to glance at Blaise and Neville. "Doesn't it, Neville? Blaise?"
"Um..." said Neville quickly. He didn't expect the question to be answered by him.
"It actually does," Blaise tells Harry for Neville, grinning at a slightly blushing Draco Malfoy who's got his arms wrapped tightly around Harry's waist. "I can see it. I can see Draco disappointing his father by killing the Malfoy name and replacing it with Potter. The heavens will thank thee Draco for ending thee name of an old family bloodline."
Draco laughs. "It's true," he admits easily, grinning. "I wouldn't care about the Malfoy name as long as I can have Harry and can love him forevermore with my entire existence."
"Awwh!" Pansy sighed merrily at what she had heard. Daphne leaned her head on Pansy's shoulder and smiled at the couple.
"Well... then if you don't care about the Malfoy name then why don't we change it?" Harry asks his Slytherin slowly, and he slides his hands down Draco's arms until he's holding the blonde's hands. Draco looks at him curiously until the realization hits and he blushes deeply and beams at Harry. Pansy and Daphne giggle at the two and take a few steps back as if wanting to give them space. Neville looks confused and Blaise just looks entirely amused.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy," Harry says and gets down on one knee. He remembers the dream he had a year ago of Draco proposing to him in the middle of the rose maze in the Malfoy Manor gardens. Was it a sign to finally marry his one true love? "Or shall it be Draco Lucius Potter?" Draco rolls his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief that this is happening. "Draco, you've made me the happiest man alive over the four years we've been dating, and I couldn't wish for a better man in my life than you."
"Harry, you're not proposing to me in the fucking corridors of Hogwarts!" Draco snaps and pulls Harry back up to his feet, and Harry thinking he'd done something wrong, looks at his lover's face and only sees a wide smile. "Not in a bathroom, and not in a corridor or hallway." Harry pouts at him.
"Wait, has this happened before?" Pansy asked the two in surprise, her eyes wide and mouth smiling happily. "A bathroom?" Harry nor Draco didn't answer her but gave looks of guilty awareness. However, she agrees that a bathroom isn't a good place to propose to someone.
"Alright," Harry says calmly and raises his hands as if in surrender, grinning happily at his lover. "How about I take you to the Garden so I can propose to you there?" He reaches for Draco's hands to hold them dearly in his. "Doesn't that sound better, my love?"
"Yes, it does," Draco tells him slowly with a firm but slow nod of his head. "But please, no proposals until after Hogwarts, okay?" He cups Harry's face in his hands, the beautiful face a portrait to him which makes his heart flutter. "I don't want any other stress while I'm pregnant." Then he lowers his hand to Harry's arse, cupping a cheek and squeezing. "The exams and worrying about your arse are enough."
"Oh, fine," Harry agreed finally after a moment, and he happily pecked Draco on the mouth. "I love you, Draco Malfoy."
"I love you too, Harry Malfoy," Draco responds, a smirk forming on his lips as he lovingly stares at Harry who then laughs loudly at the possible future last name his lover may take legally. "That certainly works too. Doesn't it, Blaise?"
Blaise grins at them. He absolutely loved how this day went. "Why yes, it undoubtedly does," he replies instantly.
Harry's laughter doesn't stop, it's continuous until Draco cups his face again and kisses him deeply. Harry felt rather drunk on Draco's kisses with his tongue in motion with Draco's, his saliva mixing with Draco's, until he felt like he was losing breath and pulled away slowly. With his arms around Draco's waist, he says, "I need to tell Hermione and Ron the great news unless they know it already. Did you all want to come with?"
"Sure, it's not like we were heading there anyway as it's the morning and we're hungry mortals who need food to survive through the day," Pansy says sarcastically. Daphne laughs quietly, and Blaise snorts at what she said.
"I'll come with you to breakfast, yes," Draco says with a slow nod, though he wouldn't interact with anyone around them even if he knew them. He was just so overwhelmed with Harry's proposal attempt that he'd probably just end up leaning against Harry and giving him little kisses here and there all over his face.
"Great!" Harry beams, grabs Draco's hands, and starts walking backwards, pulling Draco with him. "Let's go!" Draco sighs and smiles as Harry drags him away from Pansy, Daphne, Neville, and Blaise. He quickly wraps his long cloak around himself, so nothing particularly round is showing through his shirt as they walk to the Great Hall.
It turns out Hermione and Ron already knew about Ivy and Lavender's freedom as they read the article earlier, and they were really happy for the two girls for finally having their lives back. Jessica, after finishing reading the article, was so confused but excited about what happened to this Ivy and Lavender girl, so she had to be filled in by Hermione and Harry about who they were.
"Lemme get this straight," Jessica says suddenly. "Ivy's half witch and half vampire?" Hermione nodded. "How bloody cool is that! Hiding in the shadows, seeing in the dark, turning into a fucking bat! Though I wouldn't know how anyone could drink someone's blood." She cringed at the thought.
"Yeah," Eloise says next to Jessica, shivering with disgust at the thought of ever doing such a thing.
"Ivy has told me blood tastes sweet to her," Draco tells them as he steals half of Harry's pancake for himself; Harry just letting him steal his food with a little chuckle. "She says it tastes like Cranberry juice to her but thicker and more metallic. She likes dipping garlic bread into blood."
Jessica gags loudly, and Eloise grimaces. "Wait... Ivy can eat Garlic Bread?" Jessica asks faintly with shock as if she didn't hear right. Eloise looked at the Strawberry Jam with disgust. "Garlic? Garlic?"
"Yeah, she can," Draco replies, smearing maple syrup on the pancake he stole from Harry before tearing it into smaller pieces and decorating it with berries. "She can have garlic as long as she has blood with it. She needs the garlic for her half-witch immune system."
"Oh, how...weird," Jessica says flatly, poking her spoon around in her warm bowl of porridge with blueberries and honey. "Hope the garlic doesn't harm her in any way. And what about Lavender? What's she like?"
"She's nice," Harry says with a shrug and tries to remember something about Lavender and what she was like. "Very talkative. Gossips a lot. Loves Divination with her best friend Parvati Patil." Then he remembered something from a while back on a special day. "I remember that she loves her animals. During this one Transfiguration class, we were turning cages into Pigs and Lavender didn't want to turn her pig back into a cage, so she kept it. It lives on her farm. That's all I really know and remember about her. Parvati could tell you a bit more about her, I'm sure."
Jessica nods. "She sounds lovely and almost like a British Bindi Irwin, minus the Zoo," she says softly, getting a laugh from Eloise. "But she's just a regular witch then? Dang...and a vampire fell in love with her. That will be an epic love story!"
"I agree," Hermione says softly, smiling from Jessica to Ron. She loved a good Romance, both novel and real. She wished she got to know Ivy more though, and Lavender too when she had the chance.
"Say, Harry," Blaise pokes his head over Neville's shoulder to look over at him, and he grins widely as he catches Harry's attention. "How about you tell Ron and Hermione about you getting down on one knee and proposing to Draco in the middle of the Corridor earlier?"
"What!" Hermione yells in surprise and looks directly at Harry for answers. Ron spits his pumpkin juice back into his goblet out of surprise.
Dean Thomas looked up from his toast at Harry and Draco, beside him, his boyfriend Seamus Finnegan was happily eating a crumpet buttered with honey. Did he just hear what he thought he heard from Blaise Zabini about Harry and Draco? A Proposal? Marriage? Did Harry really... propose? That reminded him of the engagement ring he had sitting in his trunk hidden in his favourite pair of socks. He still doesn't know when to propose to Seamus. Doing such a thing in Hogwarts isn't his thing. He wants to go somewhere special and nice with Seamus and propose there.
"Nothing!" Harry tells his two friends quickly. "He was joking, guys. It never happened. I wouldn't...propose...until I know Draco and I are ready. It'll be when we're out of Hogwarts sometime."
"Really?" Hermione says lightly, and she smiles knowingly at Harry. "So, you're planning to propose to Draco when you get out of Hogwarts, hm? During Graduation or perhaps after Graduation? Oh, this is exciting!"
"No, I'm not," Harry says quietly at once, blushing as he knows he's gathered the attention of a few people around them. It was Blaise's fault for mentioning it. "Not for... I dunno? I'm just... getting myself ready for the real thing. Now please, come off it?"
Draco kissed Harry's cheek quickly, then leaned his forehead on Harry's shoulder and sighed slowly, though he was hiding a smile from everyone at the thought of Harry ever doing something so life-changing. Marriage? He'd love that. Just... in some time he'd hope Harry would propose. Not anytime during School.
"Hello boys," Dr Ivan says as Draco and Harry walk into the Hospital Wing on a Friday morning. He's carrying a green folder in his arms which he opens. "Please, take a seat."
"How are you doing, sir?" Draco asks with politeness as he sits on the bed and Harry sits on a chair beside the bed. He takes off his long dark cloak which he used to hide his baby bump on the way here.
"I'm doing just right," Dr. Ivan says as he scans the page in the opened folder. "And you, Mr Malfoy and Mr Potter?"
"I'm quite well," Harry replies lightly, smiling at him.
"I'm great!" Draco says, smiling back.
"Alright, so," Dr Ivan thumbs through the pages again, "Your weight gain looks normal – you're a little under actually, but your urine, blood and magical signature scans look healthy enough so there's nothing to worry about. I am going to put you on some pre-meal potions, though, just a preventative so your digestion and bowel movements remain normal." He pauses and lifts wry eyes when Draco splutters, smacking a hand onto his face. "Relax, Draco. Your blood pressure is a tad high, and you need to avoid stressing."
"You know who I'm dating right?" Draco asks drily, "I'm always worrying about Harry. Plus, our occasional playfights and disagreements - sometimes. So, I wonder why my blood pressure's high."
Harry looks genuinely worried. "Isn't there something we should be doing with that?" he demands of Dr Ivan. "Is it going to-?"
"Mr Potter, Draco's blood sugar and pressure levels are going to vary over the next few months," Dr Ivan interrupts calmly, shutting the file and grabbing out his wand from his robe pocket. "Don't you think I'd have told you if it was something to be worried about? You need to avoid stressing too because Draco here is relying on you in several different ways beyond just his supply of chocolate." He stood, smiling and gave a little nod at Draco to open his robes.
"What does that mean?" Harry asks breathlessly, tripping over the leg of his chair as he stands up to watch what Dr. Ivan is going to do next. Draco remains silent as he undoes his robes, he's dying to know what he means himself. "How else is Draco relying on me?"
Dr Ivan is pressing a warm hand over the little swell of Draco's belly; next to them, Harry is ogling openly, mouth open and eyes wide as he stares at the bump. Draco stares at him until Harry's eyes automatically meet his gaze, both their cheeks start warming and they smile wide.
"Hmm?" Dr Ivan seems to only register Harry's question now. "Oh, I just meant, like what Madam Pomfrey told you the last time I was here, that Draco will be relying on you emotionally and physically." He draws his wand, snorting at the way Draco scowls at his explanation. "Additionally, he'll be relying on your magic as well."
Both of them open their mouths at once, questions on the tip of their tongues, but then Dr Ivan is waving his wand over Draco's stomach again and a few seconds later the lights dim, and the same flare of light appears on the wall once more.
Harry and Draco gasp in unison – there is a distantly human-shaped form wriggling faintly in the centre this time. Draco can see the large, round head, the vague, almost shapeless limbs; when he squints, Draco thinks he can see the little arms held up against its chest, hands meeting over the heart, waving around, and so he just watches the little thing wave for a while.
It's only several beats later that Draco remembers he's growing that little thing inside of him; that the blurry little shape he's seeing is his actual baby that's currently residing in him and isn't just a grey shape on the wall of the Hospital Wing.
It's a stupefying and utterly terrifying realisation and Draco feels his heart swelling rapidly and gleefully. When he looks around, Dr Ivan is smiling again, watching the Ultrasound before looking down at Draco kindly, and when he glances, he sees Harry gulping furiously, eyes transfixed and suspiciously shiny.
"You're almost at thirteen weeks so this is the time the foetus is rapidly developing," Dr Ivan tells them, voice quiet and modest. "The vital organs have started to grow and function, and although you cannot see it," he points out the minuscule fingers and toes, "even the nails have started to form."
"The head is enormous," Draco blurts out. "Why does it have such a big head?"
"The head actually measures half of its body," Dr Ivan says, pointing out with his forefinger again. "Your baby is no bigger than a Kumquat right now," he beams, "but she seems pretty happy in there, doesn't she?" He turns, still smiling widely, to Harry, who is just standing there, arms akimbo, lips turned inwards, jaw clenched and eyes over-bright.
"She's perfect," Harry croaks suddenly.
"Don't be stupid," Draco says rather weakly, feeling his heart beating rapidly in his chest. "She's mostly head right now. Although seeing as she's half you, I wouldn't be surprised if she had a fat head forever."
Harry sniffles shortly, giving Draco a tremendous little chuckle, throwing an arm around his shoulders and kissing his cheek. "Shut up, Draco," he says with a decent approximation of a playful sneer, and Draco just looks away back at the blob on the wall, biting his lip over a smile.
"Again, very strong womb," Dr Ivan says approvingly, pointing around the shape of the baby at something Draco nor Harry seems to be able to discern. "Excellent maturation." Unaware of their bewilderment, he addresses them jointly, "I really was serious about the magical dependency. Draco's magic will be bolstered as this little one will be drawing most of it out for herself. I doubt you'll be feeling any strain that comes with sharing magic, Harry." He ends the spell and steps back as the lights come on. Draco holds his breath as he and Harry stare at each other, gazes wide and somehow loud, before Draco pulls himself free from it, righting his robes and sitting up.
"I'll help in any way I can, of course," Harry says quietly, slipping back into his seat. Draco stands beside him, a hand on Harry's shoulder.
"Just be with Mr. Malfoy as much as you can and help him throughout the year," Dr. Ivan says to Harry, collecting his things from the table but leaving the two potions. "Okay...I'm done here for today. I'll come back in another month for a check-up. It was great seeing you two again. Have a good day!"
"You too, sir!" Draco calls as Dr Ivan heads to Madam Pomfrey's office.
"You too, doc," said Harry loudly. As the doctor left the room, he looked beside him at Draco and his heart leapt as he put his hand over Draco's belly. "I love you so much."
"Who are you talking to?" Draco drawls as he stares at Harry suspiciously. Harry looks up and grins at him.
"You, obviously," he replies patiently. "And our baby too. She needs some love."
"She'll be blessed with love when she's born into this world," Draco reminds him as he will make sure his first daughter will be given all the love in the world. She'll be spoilt rotten by him and Harry.
"Yes," Harry says gently, resting his head over Draco's round belly, listening to the little noises Draco's tummy, and most likely the baby, was making. "She will."
After some time, they decided to leave the hospital wing together, arm in arm and with bright smiles on their faces. They found Ron and Hermione in the cloisters, holding each other as they sat against a tree, Hermione reading in Ron's arms.
Hermione acknowledged them quickly and waved them over with a smile. "How did it go?" she asks them, looking up at the two as they join her and Ron. "How's she doing?"
"She's doing fine in there," Harry says with a loving glance at Draco's midriff which was covered by the dark cloak Draco wore. He was stunned to have seen the baby girl moving in Draco's womb by the ultrasound, the excitement and need to be able to hold her in his arms started nagging him. "She's getting bigger, we can see her little limbs moving around in there from the magical Ultrasound."
"Not to mention her large head," Draco says, smirking as he looks at Harry and his handsome face. Harry scoffed in response. "That's one of your own genetics, my darling." He elbows Harry in his side playfully and Harry rolls his eyes.
Hermione giggles at them. "That's lovely to hear," she replies lightly. "Glad we know Harry's enormous head will be passed down to your daughter." She was only joking. Her best friend's head isn't large, and she knows it.
"Shut up, Hermione," Harry mutters, smiling over a laugh and he leans his head against Draco's shoulder. Help me please, he thinks to himself. I'm being teased. Please, God. Save me.
"I wonder if Draco's spitefulness will be passed down to your daughter too," Ron said just to save Harry from the teasing. It's what best mates do... sometimes. Draco glared his way. "I can see that." He nods thoughtfully. "A mini Dracelle running around... Don't spoil her too much or she'll become bratty."
"Like father like daughter," Harry whispers to Draco's ear and then kisses the blonde's cheek. He doesn't believe his firstborn will be bratty. "I cannot wait until you have to deal with a smaller and more insufferable version of yourself but female."
"Don't you mean we?" Draco drawls and gives Harry's ear a pinch. Harry chuckles and rubs at his slightly sore ear. "Mhmm... And I wasn't bratty when growing up. Ask my mother. She'd tell you." Ron snorts a little as he doesn't quite believe that.
"I know," Harry mutters softly. Draco reached up and ruffled Harry's messy dark hair, smiling as his boyfriend's hair just became messier.
"Oi, mates!" yelled a familiar voice. Jessica walked over to them with Eloise and beside them were 2 large brown Kangaroos just hopping around and eating the grass in the area. "Whatcha all doin'?"
"Nothing much," Hermione tells her while eyeing the kangaroos curiously. "Just talking about what's hiding inside Draco's cloak."
"And my apparent large head," Harry adds, slowly walking up to the kangaroo next to Eloise to give it a pat on its furry head. He's never petted a real Kangaroo before. It's like an eager puppy. The kangaroo pressed its head into Harry's hand and flicked its ears. Harry smiles and gives it a good ear scratch.
Jessica looks at Harry, tilting her head. "You don't have a big head," she says slowly as she studies him. "I don't know what you lot are talkin' about saying Harry has a large head..."
"Yeah, nah, I don't see it either," Eloise replies gently, shaking her head.
"Thank you!" Harry says to them with a grin, but then he pouts and points at Draco, "He's a meanie." Jessica laughs and Eloise just smiles.
"Why are you taking your Kangaroos on a walk?" Ron asks curiously, watching as the Kangaroo beside Jessica bounces over to him and Hermione, and he gradually lifts his hand to the Roo's head to pat it. "Aren't they wild animals?"
"Because we can," Jessica snaps at him, her hands coming to her hips. "They're our pets, our mates, we take care of 'em. Yeah, they were wild, but we took 'em in. Ya see... Eloise and her mate found these two injured on a road one day." She sighed, having to re-tell the story a few times today. She bent down onto her knees and gave Skippy a back rub. "Skippy and Jumbo here got hit by a car and had a broken leg and shoulder. If Eloise didn't get there in time, these two would be roadkill."
"Oh," said Ron sadly.
"Oh, the poor things," Hermione said softly, her hand over her heart as she looked at the kangaroos with sorrowfulness.
"That's so sad," Draco replies dolefully, tears welling up in his eyes suddenly. Harry frowned at him as he couldn't agree more and walked back to him, putting his arms around him in a comfortable side hug.
"Yeah," said Eloise flatly, uninterested in regaining the terrible memory of seeing adorable animals injured. "Skippy and Jumbo were only joeys then too."
"Harry," Draco whispers, a tear falling from his eye as one of the Kangaroo looks at him with its round black eyes as if sensing his sadness. "Can we go now? I can't handle this sudden sadness."
"Of course," Harry replies quietly with a nod, giving him a sad smile. The emotions are too overwhelming for Draco right now. He does understand being overly emotional. "Where do you want to go?"
"Anywhere, please," Draco whispers faintly. "Just anywhere."
"Alright," Harry says. He decided to take his lover to the Room of Requirement, asking it for a room full of comfort and tranquillity for Draco and the room transformed into this gorgeous outside-themed room with tree swings, cane chairs and cane sofas surrounded by a lovely garden. The air was clean and sweet, filled with the scent of roses.
Harry looked at Draco as they relaxed together on the cane sofa, noting how relaxed and calm the Slytherin was with his eyes closed, any sense of sadness from earlier had evaporated from within him. "How are you feeling now?" he asks in a whisper.
Draco didn't respond. He was as quiet as a mouse and Harry reckoned, he was fast asleep, in the land of sleepy dreams. So, he just kept quiet, rather than giving Draco peace to sleep and in the peace and quiet he's surrounded in, he just thought of the future ahead of him, past the birth of his child and to what kind of job he wanted to get and when and how he wants to sort out this Housing for the Orphaned Wizards and Witches at 12 Grimmauld Place. He really wanted to make that dream a reality.
Figuring out what to name a chapter is a struggle. xD
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