A lost locket
Harry groans as Ron shakes him awake on a Saturday morning, telling him to get ready for Quidditch practice. He didn't want to go. He couldn't be bothered, and it was cold.
"Get up, Harry!" Ron says loudly. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"
"Leave me alone," Harry mumbles, snuggling further under his bed sheets into the nice snug warmth. "Let me drown in my misery. Or at least sleep it away."
Ron frowned when hearing that. He had no idea Harry felt like that this morning. He sat by Harry's legs and sighed, intertwining his hands together over his lap. "What would you like, mate?" he asks gently, thinking of things his best friend would like when in this state. "Anything from the Kitchens? Or maybe Draco?"
Harry shook his head and hid his eyes under his blankets. But then he hesitated and slowly sat up. "Maybe one thing," he says, opening his arms up, and Ron smiled and gradually hugged him. They stayed in each other's arms for a minute more, and then Ron leaned away and patted Harry on the shoulder.
"Come on, mate," Ron says, his head slightly tilting to the side, hopeful that the hug made Harry's day a bit better. "We need you. And I believe Draco will be there to watch you too."
"Oh, alright," Harry says, agreeing with Ron only because Draco would be there and because he didn't want to disappoint Ron or anyone on the Team. He let out a long yawn. "I'll get ready. Get me some toast, please? With jam, any kind."
"Yes sir," said Ron with an amused chuckle, and he gave him a low bow. He was hoping he could make Harry feel better with some humour. "Your toast will be ready soon, monsieur. Would you like it on a silver or golden platter?"
Harry snorted at Ron's fake french butler act. "Neither, just go," he says tiredly, flicking his hand in Ron's direction as if to shoo an annoying fly away. "I'll be out soon."
Ron bowed down again. "Of course, monsieur," he says with that fake french accent that he had learnt from Fleur.
Harry grabbed his pillow and threw it at Ron, who laughed and ran out of the dormitory. He lies back down on his bed and stretches out. All he wants to do is stay in bed and hope to fall asleep again, but he's got Quidditch practice soon, but it just feels like work to him, like everything else.
He eventually managed to get up out of bed, get dressed in his Quidditch robes, grabbed his broom from under his bed, and headed down to the common room. He was met by Ron who had stuffed into his hands a plate of toast layered with strawberry jam, and Harry thanked him and ate his breakfast as quickly as he could. Then with Ron, he headed down to the pitch with his broom over his shoulder.
Harry yawns again, and Ron notices it. "Mate, did you get enough sleep last night?" he asks curiously, though he sounded more worried as he knows Harry could fall asleep on his broom and not see a bludger coming his way on the Pitch. "When did you fall asleep?"
"Got a few hours of sleep," Harry answers him, looking over at the stands for Draco but didn't see a familiar head of white-blonde hair. Dam... "Around three or four hours, to be precise. Tried sleeping the same time as you, but I don't think I actually fell asleep until around one or two am this morning."
"Harry, why didn't you wake me up and tell me you couldn't sleep?" Ron had asked at once, a little shocked to hear this. "George had come out with some Sleeping Snickers with Fred a while back, but ever since Fred...passed, he forgot about it until a few months ago. They work really well too."
"Sleeping Snickers?" Harry said, thinking of the Snickers bars found in muggle supermarkets and convenience stores. He's never really had chocolate before until he started going to Hogwarts, besides the rare little few that Dudley would give him if he didn't like the chocolate he got.
"George is also close to selling the batch of Cheering Chocolates, Nightmare Nougat, and Memory Mallow quite soon," Ron added and put an arm around Harry's neck to not only keep Harry from zoning out, as he knows Harry does a lot, but also just to ground him. "So... if you're not feeling yourself, you can always have some Cheering Chocolate, and if you're still suffering from nightmares, the Nougat would help you too."
"Sounds interesting," Harry says, putting a smile on his face. He wondered just how one candy can make him happy. Would it actually work or is his depression too powerful? "How is George doing anyway?"
"He's doing all right," Ron tells him, but then the corner of his lips folded down into a frown. "He has come home crying at times during the Holidays. He cannot stand mirrors still. He's thought about dying his hair a few times. Mom doesn't want him to do such a thing. But Justin's been able to ground George a few times. He's a really great guy. He helps George cope with everything he's going through."
"Oh," Harry says sadly. Of course, he knew George was still suffering terribly. He forgot about Justin, and he's glad he makes George happy. He wishes George and Justin well in their relationship.
They entered the Quidditch Pitch, where they found Hermione, Luna, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco up on the stands sitting together. Ginny, Demelza Robins, Jimmy Peakes, and Ritchie Cootes were all down on the pitch with their brooms waiting on Harry and Ron to start.
Harry didn't know what to think now that he and Ron have a crowd. But then he noticed a group of other students he doesn't know seated a few rows above Draco, Pansy and Blaise. Mostly Gryffindors, but two Hufflepuffs were there too. He caught sight of Draco watching him, and he winked up at him. Draco rolls his eyes, smiling, and his cheeks tinged slightly red. It never gets old.
During practice, Harry began to feel like he needs some of those Cheering Chocolates Ron mentioned. It had nothing to do with Quidditch, nor it was because of the Team. He just got distracted by his thoughts about Sirius because of the grey clouds above him, and the shadows the trees of The Forbidden Forest make over the ground. He looked over at Draco a few times, thinking that maybe the look of love could help him. It didn't. Draco was talking with Pansy and Blaise, which wasn't a problem to him, of course. He just doesn't want to feel like this, not anymore.
"Harry?" It was Ginny, floating next to him on her broom. They were ten feet up in the air. "Are you alright? You don't look...like yourself."
"Oh, I am fine," Harry says, forcefully making himself sound cheerful and smile. "I haven't been happier, truly."
Ginny raised an eyebrow; she looked as if she was in disbelief. "Okay," she says, and she rubs at his arm in Sympathy. She's not blind, she has seen the frown on Harry's face every now and then. Luna notices it too. "That's good then. But remember that we're all here if you need to talk about anything. We're here for you."
"I know," Harry says flatly, rolling his eyes. Why can't she just leave? He'd be happier if she did. Now he feels bad for thinking that. What a nice friend he is. "Why wouldn't I be okay?" he then adds.
Ginny hesitated for a second before shrugging. "I dunno," she says. "Luna and I just notice your mood changes quite dramatically. One minute you seem happy, the next you look really down – like you seem now. Are you sure nothing's wrong? If Draco's not treating you right-"
"Ginny, I'm great," Harry forces himself to say instead of snapping at her, and he keeps the fake smile on his face. "Really, I'm all good. Nothing's wrong with me, and Draco makes my life better because he's in it. He'd never bring me down, trust me. And even if he did, I know how to take care of myself."
"Alright," Ginny says after a second of thinking and looking all around them from an incoming Quaffle. "I believe you. Just... please, if something's wrong Luna and I are-"
"There for me, I know," Harry finishes for her. "Thanks..." Quickly, he flies over towards Ron to watch him guard the goals instead of listening to Ginny.
Draco could tell Harry wasn't feeling himself. He was just flying around slowly and zoning out randomly. He wanted to get his own broom, fly up to Harry and hug him tightly and never let go.
Suddenly, a loud repetitive ringing sound came from below Draco, Pansy, and Blaise. It scared them so much that they fell backwards, Pansy looking around frantically for the sound, Blaise stuck underneath her, and Draco looking back up at Harry while lying on the seat. Neville, just below Blaise, felt as if he nearly had a heart attack, Luna had only jumped in her seat but looked quite calm, Seamus and Dean were looking at Hermione who was looking through her book bag. The two didn't seem frightened at all.
"Hermione, are you going to get that?" Dean asked her, looking up at her from the seat below.
"Turn that bloody thing off!" snapped Pansy, glaring down at the Gryffindors below her. She was seated on top of Blaise's back, but she didn't realise it. But she knows what the thing was that was making the loud noise. "It's killing my eardrums."
"Get off me, Pansy!" Blaise shouted, turning his head as far as he could just to glare at his best friend sitting on his back.
Draco dusts himself off and gets back up while sighing at his best friends. What is that noise anyway?
"Sorry, sorry, that's my-" Hermione grabbed her phone out from inside her book bag, slid her finger over the screen and put her phone up to her ear. "Hello? Oh, hi, mom... No, this isn't a bad time – hang on..." She excused herself from the group, stepped around the others, and headed to the stairs.
Harry looked down at them and shook his head with an unimpressed sigh. That's never happened before. And why does Hermione have her phone on her? It's distracting, especially when it goes off. He flew over to the stand, where Pansy finally got up off Blaise. "Are you guys all good?"
"Yep, all good," said Luna with a smile. Harry just noticed the Butterbeer cork earrings she was wearing. They were quite cool. Unique, but cool.
Harry nods at her, then quickly surveys the others. Neville had helped Blaise up, as well as Pansy, but got a kiss on the cheek from Blaise as a thank you. Neville blushed, and Blaise chuckled and kissed his boyfriend properly.
Harry forced a smile at them and flew over to Draco. He landed beside Draco, wrapped his hands around Draco's wrists and rubbed his thumbs on the blonde's palms. Draco looked at him curiously, and Harry leaned forward and took Draco's breath away with a kiss.
Draco smiled slowly in the kiss, and put an arm around Harry's waist, pulling him closer during the sweet gesture. He leans away after a minute, staring deeply into Harry's green eyes, their foreheads touching, and lips moist. "I love you so much," he whispers, ignoring Pansy's sigh of Awe. "You really don't know. How's the practice going?"
"I love you too, Draco," Harry whispers back, putting on a smile. He just wanted to kiss Draco, to feel loved and be loved by him. He wanted to feel better. He hopes it didn't sound selfish. "More than you know... and it's alright. A bit slow, nearly boring. But everyone's doing well, and I better get back." After a quick tight hug, he got back on his broom and took off back to watch practice.
After a good hour of practice, and actually chasing after the practice snitch just so he doesn't feel lazy, he returned to the pitch with the rest of the Team. With a quick glance up at the stands, he sees Draco leaving with Pansy. Blaise and Neville were behind the two, holding hands and sharing little kisses. Sighing deeply, he puts on his captain mask again, tells everyone they did well, gave some tips to the chasers and beaters, and then sent everyone off their way.
Harry turned to Ron, who had already raced off to find Hermione. What a way to feel alone. He heads back up to the castle by himself, suddenly thinking of Dementors and how he feels like one's hanging around him and sucking the little happiness of what's left inside him out.
Back up in the dormitory, he gets changed into warm clothes, and when making sure the dorm is empty, he grabs one of his blades and heads to the boy's bathroom. He just needed a little boost. Some physical pain to feel and deal with the pain he feels inside. Once inside the bathroom, he locks himself in a stall, rolls up his sleeve and makes the first deep cut into his wrist. Hissing in pain, he realises he cut too deep. But he didn't freak out. He didn't think he cut into a tendon in his wrist. He watched his blood bubble up and run down his arm. He enjoyed this feeling. He felt numb, calm, in control, and a little relaxed. He sliced four more cuts into his wrist until he felt that he made enough. Five was a good number.
Harry cleaned his arm up from the blood with some toilet paper but took some time to watch the blood soak up into the white fluffy paper. He pockets his blade, rolls down his sleeve, and heads out of the bathroom. All he's thinking is someplace high, so it's where his feet take him. To his surprise, and utter confusion, he finds himself up at the Astronomy Tower.
He thinks to himself, Really? Why take me here unless my body is telling me something... He doesn't want to think that his body wants him to jump. He wasn't feeling jumpy. Not today, not at all. He walks to the railings and looks down at the cloisters which had students down below talking with friends, reading, and just walking through the castle. Ah, friends. Where are his friends? He doesn't see them anywhere. Ron and Hermione are probably off romantically shagging in the dormitory. Draco? He has no idea. Dean and Seamus? Probably snogging or shagging somewhere. Neville and Blaise are probably down at the greenhouses.
"Hello, Harry."
Harry looks behind him, seeing Myrtle floating towards him. "Hi, Myrtle," he deadpans. He wonders why she's up here. "What are you doing here? I thought, because you're a ghost, you can only stay in one part of the castle."
"I could ask you the same thing, Harry," Myrtle says worriedly, floating up beside him and folding her arms over the railings. "And you are partially correct. My main place is the girl's lavatory, but I do like to float through the corridors sometime until I get picked on by Peeves." She frowned and looked down at the students below. She sees flashbacks of her life before dying, coming up here after being bullied and contemplating life. "The Astronomy Tower was one of my favourite places to go to when I wanted to be alone after I got picked on. Planned many of my suicide attempts up here. Failed attempts."
Harry thought that hearing about Myrtle's suicide attempts was honestly really nice to hear about since his feet brought him up here. That was sarcasm, of course. He didn't want to think about suicide again. Not today, not ever. It was a depressing thought. "I know the feeling of feeling jumpy," he mutters.
Myrtle looked at him sadly and placed her hand over his. "Harry, can you do something for me?" she asks him softly, and Harry nods his head. "Can you live for me?"
"Myrtle," Harry says sadly, his eyes not leaving the cloisters down below which he knows one step over the railings will end everything. Just one step... It is tempting.
"I mean it, Harry," Myrtle says just as softly as before, tears forming in her eyes as she looks at the broken teenage boy. "I want you to live, marry someone–Draco, have kids, watch them grow up, and live life to your fullest. It's something I can't do, but I want it for you. I want you to be happy."
Harry leaned to the side towards her, and Myrtle embraced him in a side hug. "Alright," he finally says after some time of thinking. "I promise to live on."
"Good," Myrtle says, her tears rolling down her face, and a little smile appeared on her face. "I want to see your little misfit children running amuck through Hogwarts, happy and healthy." Harry actually chuckled softly at that thought. "And if I ever find them upset, I'll be there for them, like I am to you now."
"Thanks, Myrtle," Harry says appreciatively, wondering why Myrtle never had any friends when she was alive. Sure, she is mopey and probably had lots of pimples, but that's normal, and some people are more sensitive than others. And crying is a sign of strength, and she's just so nice. "You're a great friend." Harry liked the sudden picture of having a little him running through Hogwarts. He could see it happening with Draco, marriage and kids. But sometimes, he just wants his life to go away.
Myrtle's smile widened. It's rare to hear that coming from someone. "You're a great friend too, Harry Potter," she says brightly, quickly wiping her tears away with her sleeve. "One of my only friends, actually. Besides Draco and Ivy."
"You know, I once had a dream where Draco proposed to me," Harry tells her, distractedly thinking of that very dream when Myrtle mentioned Draco, and because she put marriage into his head.
Myrtle giggled. "Oh, please, tell me about it," she insisted.
Harry sighs and begins to tell her about it. It was a happy dream after all. Nothing depressing about it. But what worried him was if Depression can be passed down like genetics. He hoped the fuck not. There was no way he'd let his future children suffer as he has. He will make sure of that.
Harry wipes his eyes from under his glasses and sighs. He feels like he should get back to the common room so Hermione, Ron and his roommates don't get worried about his whereabouts. And maybe go find Draco. "I think I'm going to... go find Draco," he says as he looks up at the sky, picturing his mother, father and Sirius's faces looking down at him with smiles on their faces, or worry with everything dark he has been through.
"Oh, alright," Myrtle says, stepping aside and letting her arm fall to her side out of the hug. "Go find your friends. They are probably looking for you anyway."
Harry looked at her and forced a smile. "See you later, Myrtle Elizabeth Warren," he says and decides to say her full name because he knows it makes her happy. At least he could make her happy for some time.
Myrtle grinned and threw her arms around Harry, hugging him tightly. It made Harry smile a little. "I love my name," she mumbles. "Such a pretty name, isn't it?"
"Yep, it is," Harry had said and quickly ended the hug. He didn't want hugs right now. He felt as if he didn't deserve them. "Go and start up a conversation with another ghost if you can find one." Myrtle nods. "Bye," he mutters and turns to leave. He doesn't go find Draco or head to the common room. Instead, he finds himself outside of the castle. He looks around for students spying on him but doesn't see anyone, so he quickly headed for the Forbidden Forest.
Why he's heading to the forest, he doesn't know why but just let his feet take him through the dense forest. Sure, there were Acromantulas that could kill him, and Centaurs if they were in a mood. What else? Oh, he had a list. Thinking of his family, he apparates out of the forest.
He stares at the remains of a house that once lived a full happy family, and he walks towards the gate to enter. He knows how dangerous it is to enter the wrecked house, but he wanted to see if anything remained. As his fingers touched the front gate, something held him back. It was a feeling. He decided not to enter, and instead, read the Memorial sign.
Lily and James Potter lost their lives. Their son, Harry, remains the only wizard ever to have survived the Killing Curse. This house, invisible to Muggles, has been left in its ruined state as a monument to the Potters and as a reminder of the violence that tore their family apart.
Harry frowns and subconsciously scratches at the cuts under his sleeve. That hurt to read. Tore their family apart, no shit. He tries picturing the house he once lived in, with his mother and father alive and taking care of him. "Fuck you, Peter Pettigrew," he mutters, thinking of his father's ex-best friend who betrayed them. That man ruined his life, pretty much. "FUCK YOU!" He wanted to die, find Peter, and kill him in Hell, and make sure he suffers, rotting there. And then there was Sirius. He was glad Bellatrix was dead. "And fuck you too, Bellatrix."
Letting his emotions control him, he slams his fists over the gate and feels his eyes fill with warm wet tears. He kicks at a large stone on the concrete, the stone flew over the path onto the road, and he runs his hand through his hair in both anger and sadness. Feeling stupid, he walks away from the house and ends up in the centre of town. There, he sees an Obelisk that he presumes has the names of people who died in one of the muggle wars. But then it began to change. He watches as the Obelisk covered in names transforms into a statue.
Instead of an obelisk covered in names, there was a statue of three people: a man with untidy hair and glasses, a woman with long hair and a kind, pretty face, and a baby boy sitting in his mother's arms. Harry drew closer, gazing up into his parents' faces with teary eyes. He had never imagined that there would be a statue... How strange it was to see himself represented in stone, a happy baby without a scar on his forehead.
He falls to his knees, the care of how hard he fell onto the hard cold stone disappeared from his mind, and his tears fall from his eyes, trailing wet streams down his face. He reaches up, touching the stone woman and man's cold knees, and he breaks down into sobs at what he wished he had. His birth family, and his godfather again.
"Dear, are you okay?" asked a soft voice a few minutes later, and Harry could tell it was a woman's voice.
"I'm fine," Harry chokes out loudly, his hand slipping from his mother's knee, and falling to her shoes.
"Why are you crying by the World War Two memorial then?" the woman asks, and Harry looks up at the statue of his parents, and then behind him at the young woman. She had black hair, but the tips were coloured blue. Her face heart-shaped, black lipstick, and he guessed she was a goth, and not just because of the black makeup. The velvet dress she wore was all black, except for the collar which was white and lacy. Her tights were black as well as her platform boots.
"I'm fine," Harry says again, sniffling and looking back at the memorial. "I just..." He couldn't take this. He stood up, forced a smile at her and hurriedly walked away, the memorial transforming back to the Obelisk. He ran to the graveyard, thanking the Lord that not many people were around.
He spots his parent's grave immediately as if it were calling to him, and when in front of the Marble Tombstone, he gets back down on his knees and just lets it all out. Everything. All the emotions he's been bottling up upside him. He sobs and sniffles, his hands in the brown dirt his parents are buried underneath.
"Honestly kid, what's wr - oh..." The woman was back. Harry didn't pay any attention to her. He wanted to be alone. Was she following him? Was she going to kidnap him? Would he mind? He'd just ask her to kill him. Get it over and done with.
The woman stands beside him, looking down at the grave she's walked by many times before. "I'm sorry for your loss, darling," she says, sounding casual and careless like she's said those words many times before. "I lost my mother when I was five. Died in a car accident. My father took care of me after her passing. I'm Lillian, by the way."
A car accident? Harry knew a little what that was like until he found out the truth. "Murdered," he says shakily to his parent's grave. "By a madman who wanted power. He got it but died a year ago. I was only one when my parents were taken from me."
"Where are you from?" Lillian asks suddenly. "Do you live nearby?"
"My schools in Scotland," Harry deadpans, his tears dropping onto the brown dirt. With the thought of Draco on his mind, and how worried he must be made him rethink today's little adventure. "I live in Little Winging." It was the first place that came to his mind. She wouldn't know where Hogsmeade is. She's a muggle anyway.
"Oh, well that's very far away from here," Lillian says, dismayed at what a schoolboy was doing here far away from home. "You're supposed to be at school, dear. Not here. How did you get here, and why are you here?"
"Needed some time alone," Harry answers her questions with sorrow. It was the truth, and he was sick and tired of lying to people. "Ran away. I didn't want to be disturbed."
Lillian nodded. "You should phone your guardian to let them know you're okay," she implores and takes out her phone from inside her black coffin-shaped shoulder handbag. "Here. Use mine. Or you can phone your friends. I'm sure they're worried. How long have you been away from school?"
"About an hour," Harry says, and he takes her phone. He doesn't believe Severus would have a phone number. The only number he knows is his aunt from all the time he's heard her say her phone number over the phone, but there was no way he would call her. He does know Hermione's phone number too, though he wouldn't call her in case she and Ron were in the middle of something.
"An hour?" Lillian says with clear disbelief, her thin black eyebrow-raising. She reminds Harry of Morticia Addams a little from the show The Addas Family. "What? How can you get here from Scotland in under an hour?"
Harry shrugged. "The bus was really fast," he lies quickly, his eyes focused on the phone dialling pad. He's got no choice. This lady's just being really caring. "I don't think calling anyone is necessary..."
"I insist," Lillian says at once. "I don't want the people who care for you worrying about your whereabouts. You need to go home. Your friends, lover if you have one, and guardians are waiting for you at home. So, I hope you take my advice and go. Your adopted parents would want you back home to your friends."
Harry sighs. Here goes nothing... He dialled his aunt's phone number and just stared at the screen, waiting for her to pick up. What would he even say to her? Um Hi, this is Harry. I'm stuck at Godric's Hallows. Come pick me up?
Not likely. But after another minute, his aunt picked up. "Hello? Petunia Dursley speaking."
Harry looks up at her, and Lillian nods and points to her phone in his hand. He clears his throat. "Hello, Auntie," he says flatly, thinking about all he could say to her.
"Harry?" Petunia says, sounding curious. "Why are you calling me?"
"I... ran away from school," Harry tells her, looking down at the brown dirt with patches of green and yellow grass.
"You what?!" Petunia shouts and Harry winces and frowns. She dropped a frying pan onto the floor, and Harry heard the crashing sound. "Where are you, Harry? I'm coming to pick you up."
"I'm at Godric's Hollows," Harry says, drawing sad faces in the dirt with his finger. "Lavenham. And there's no need, I can just apparate back to school."
"Alright," Petunia says a little more calmly now. "Can I come pick you up though?"
"No, I'm all good," Harry says. "I should probably start heading back now." He heard another voice on the line with Petunia, and he felt himself stiffen. It was his uncle.
"Boy, what the hell are you doing!" spat Uncle Vernon on the phone. "Get back to school!"
"Didn't know you cared," Harry deadpans, suddenly smirking though he doesn't know why. Maybe it's because he knows his uncle can't hurt him anymore, or because he knows he could just go back to their house and get beaten by his Uncle.
"I don't," said Vernon bitterly. "Get back to school-"
Harry hangs up on them. He didn't want any memories resurfacing in his mind. He turns and hands back the phone to Lillian, muttering a "Thanks."
Lillian nods and pocketed her phone. "You should get back," she says.
Harry looks back at his parent's headstone. He wants to stay here and just cry rivers of tears, though knowing that doing so wouldn't make it any better. "I guess I should," he says after a moment. "I-"
"Excuse me, ma'am," said a flat monotoned voice that Harry knows so well.
"Oh, sorry," Lillian says and steps aside, letting the older man dressed in robes in front of her. What an odd set of clothing.
Harry looks up at his father, eyes still shiny with tears, and cheeks stained with his wet tears. "H-Hi," he manages to say. He knows he's in a lot of trouble now.
Severus looks down at his son who he can see is suffering terribly. Why didn't he notice this earlier? "Harry," he says sadly, "you had us all worried." He glances at the tombstone with his best friend's name on it and understands why Harry's here. "Draco, Ron, Hermione, and a few others including Remus and I have been looking everywhere for you. Even the Forbidden was searched when Dean and Seamus saw you enter it a while back. You do realise people know when The Boy Who Lived Twice disappears from Hogwarts?"
Harry just nods. He looks behind Severus to see that the woman was gone. She wasn't walking away, she was just gone. "I was a-about to apparate back to school anyway," he says with a stutter. "I just needed some time alone. Am I... in trouble?"
"No, you're not in any kind of trouble," Severus assures him with a little smile. "McGonagall might let you off the hook. Maybe. The forest is Forbidden, as you know, and you went inside without telling any Professors about your whereabouts. You could have gotten mauled by wolves or werewolves, or accidentally shot by a centaur. A lot of things could have happened to you that we wouldn't have known about."
"I'm sorry," Harry mutters, gradually getting to his feet, ready to go home. Getting shot by a centaur didn't sound so bad. "I just had to get away. Wasn't feeling myself."
"You know you could always stop by my office for a chat when you feel that way?" Severus tells him, and reminds him. "Or Remus'. We're always here for you, and I can still be your therapist when you need it. It's what I'm here for."
"I know," Harry says, stepping towards his father with a final numb gaze back at the tombstone. "I just don't want to disturb you two, or my friends and Draco. For all I know, they were chatting with each other while I was gone, not even thinking about me."
"We both know that's not true," Severus says, putting an arm around him. "Come on. Let's get back to Hogwarts. Everyone really is waiting for your return." Harry nods, and they walk deeper into the Graveyard until Severus apparates them home, then Floo's back to Hogwarts.
When the two walked into Severus' office from the Floo, Harry watched as a blur of white and black ran up to them and hugged him tightly, the scent of citrus and vanilla in the air. It was Draco. Ron and Hermione walked forward from the back of the office, looking quite guilty.
"Oh, Harry," Draco cries, sobbing into Harry's neck. "I couldn't find you anywhere, and trust me, I looked. I even asked the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs if you were in their common Room, but they said you weren't. Dean said he saw you walk off into the Forbidden Forrest, and we searched but couldn't find you. I thought you must have been kidnapped or killed. Where in Merlin's name were you?"
"I was at Godric's Hollow," Harry tells him, voice and face empty of any emotions, and he eventually put his arms around the Slytherin. "I'm sorry, I had to get away from everything. Everyone."
"You could have come to find me so we can talk about how you feel," Draco says softly, blinking his tears away, but one rolled down his cheek. He leans away and looks Harry in the eyes. "I was in the Slytherin Common Room with Pansy and Blaise. Neville was there too. If you came in, and I saw you in this state, I'd come to you and take you somewhere alone to talk."
"I know," Harry mumbles. "I... can we go lie down?"
Draco nodded. "Of course, babe. We can do that."
Harry forced a quick smile, dropped his arms from around Draco, and looked over at Hermione and Ron. "Guys..." he deadpans and walks over to them. "I love you both." He swings his arms around them, pulling them into a tight hug.
"Love you too, mate," Ron says, rubbing Harry's back with a little smile on his face.
"We love you too, Harry," Hermione replies, squeezing him tightly, her face buried in his jumper. "Please, never run away again like that. We were so scared that we lost you."
"I won't, I promise," Harry whispers it to them. Then he leans away and turns to Severus. "Thank you, for... finding me, for being my therapist and father too." He feels like that sounded like a goodbye. But it wasn't.
Severus smiles at him. "It's all good," he says and opens his arms up.
Harry walks into Severus' hug and sighs. He realises someone's not here; where is his other dad? "By the way, where's Remus?"
"He's getting ready for tonight," Severus says. Surely Harry hasn't forgotten what happens to Remus monthly? "It's a full moon. He was out looking for you, and he said he will stop by before he goes off to the Shrieking Shack for the night."
"Oh, okay," Harry says, giving a nod of understanding. "Well..." He looks over Severus' shoulder at Draco who was frowning at the floor. He feels worse now that he's caused his friends and family to worry. "My Draco."
Draco looks up when his name was said. "Yes, my darling?" he asks immediately.
Harry ends the hug with Severus and goes back to Draco. Just like earlier when he wasn't feeling his best, he cups Draco's face and kisses him with as much passion as he could at that moment, and he nearly lifts Draco off his feet when he got carried away as Draco kisses back with those powerful and delicious lips of his. Draco wraps his arms tightly around Harry's waist, pulling him closer and wishing he could feel Harry's heartbeat against his chest.
Severus rolls his eyes, Ron just smiles, and Hermione places her fingers over her mouth and giggles at the two boys snogging. It was a lovely sight to see.
Draco removed his arse from Harry's naked body, feeling giddy at the thought of Harry's sperm swimming around inside him, and he sits down on top of Harry's belly with a grin. "Sex with you never gets old," he whispers, leaning down. "You've got an incredible meat stick there."
Harry laughs and just looks at Draco's nude body displayed only for him, loving and adoring every inch of it with his eyes. He had remembered to cast a quick 'Vulnus Expleret' earlier to make his cuts fade away for a while just so Draco doesn't find out that he's been cutting again.
"So..." Draco says, drawing invisible pictures on Harry's chest with his fingers. "Are you going to scare us all again this Halloween with a prank? And what would it be this time?"
Harry thought about that for a second. The only reason he had thought of the Halloween Prank last year was so he didn't feel depressed all day because it was the anniversary of his parent's death. He wanted it to be a day of fun, not sadness. "Nope," he had said and shook his head. "Nothing like that is happening this Halloween. Why?" He smirked and reached up, moving Draco's hair out of his eyes. "Are you up to something that I should know about?"
"No," Draco says, smiling at his boyfriend's smirk. "I'm not silly enough to fake my own death like I did last time. Or run around school dressed as frickin serial killers, pretending to kill the students off." Harry grinned innocently, causing Draco to chuckle. "But in the mention of Halloween... I might have ordered something, as I heard from some students that they're going to dress in some costume for the day for some reason, and McGonagall apparently allows them to. I wanted to participate because it sounded cool. Someone mentioned something called a Maleficent, whoever Peter Pan is, and whatever a Cinderella is."
"Oh?" Harry said curiously, sitting up on his elbows. Now he was intrigued because he's heard the same thing, but he didn't want to join in the fun day dressed in a costume. "What's this costume you have? A pirate? Pingu – oh, you'd be adorable dressed as a penguin. Or perhaps a cat? You'd be quite sexy as a cat, I believe."
"No, no, and no," Draco says, shaking his head at those odd costume choices. "I was thinking... a vampire."
Harry rolls his eyes. "That's so traditional," he mutters, but indeed likes the thought of Draco dressed as a Traditional vampire. He loves it. He wants to see it. He wants vampire Draco to bite him.
"Why don't you come dressed as something then, if my costume's so traditional?" Draco asks him modishly, and he flops down beside Harry, putting his arm around him. He wanted Harry to dress as a sexy black cat with a bell on his collar.
"Alright, I will," Harry says after a moment, accepting this challenge if it is one. He'll find an outfit that he hopes would be better than Draco's. But what could he dress up as...?
After snuggling for some time, they got dressed and headed to Potions for their last class of the day as their lunch break was filled with making love together and cuddles.
They were in Potions classroom sitting together in the second row in front of Seamus and Dean, learning how to make Polyjuice Potion, but because Harry knew how to make it thanks to Hermione and Second year, it was a little boring to hear.
What intrigued him, however, was the sound of clicking coming from behind him. It's a type of sound that he hasn't heard in years. Looking around the classroom, he can tell the noise was disturbing many students, including Draco, Ron, and Hermione.
"What is that infernal clicking noise?" Severus had asked, looking across the room at all his students for the location of the annoying noise.
Harry looks behind him at Dean, and the clicking noise stopped. He looks at Dean's hand and notices the blue-tipped muggle pen he was holding, and the Muggle diary he was writing in. Seamus too held a pen but had a muggle exercise book that he was writing in.
"What?" Dean whispered when noticing Harry looking at his pen. "We got bored of writing on parchment and using quills. They break easily, I hate having to refill ink, and parchment just becomes messy and takes up space."
Harry nodded, whispering a quick "I understand." He can relate a little, but when he started Hogwarts, he wanted to concentrate on everything in the Wizarding World as his life before Hogwarts was pretty bad with the Dursleys and being bullied by Dudley in school. He liked seeing things from the Muggle world every now and then.
Harry turns back around and looks down at his notes. He then thinks about what costume for Halloween he wants. First, he thinks about the beings related to vampires, or that have something to do with them. There were vampire hunters, and werewolves but he didn't want to intimidate Remus. But then he thought about that deeply. How about a priest but in all black? He liked that idea. But how will he get the costume? He was sure Hermione could help. He needed a muggle cross necklace anyway, and those weren't wizarding jewellery.
Harry glances beside him at Draco, who was staring right back at him. He blinks, feeling his face redden, and he realises Draco's leaning his head towards him. He smiles, cups Draco's cheek, and leans into the kiss until Severus snaps at them to get back to work.
Finally, the class had ended. Harry, with Draco, walked out of Potions and headed for Defence Against the Dark Arts. In front of them, were Seamus and Dean. Harry had noticed Dean doing a really good Moonwalk beside Seamus a few times on their way to DADA.
"Micheal Jackson has come to Hogwarts," Harry says loudly, acquiring Dean's attention who turned around and grinned at him.
"I wish I was as good of a dancer as Micheal Jackson," Dean had loudly said back, and then started creating a beat with his feet and hands as they continue to DADA. "They told him, 'Don't you ever come around here'" he began to sing. "'Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear'. The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear."
"So beat it," Harry sang back, smiling widely. "Just beat it."
Draco watched the two singing, and even Seamus joined in after some time. What he wanted to know was who this Micheal Jackson guy was, and what the song Harry, Dean, and Seamus were singing was about. But he knows he'd get odd looks from the three boys with the questions he wanted to ask. So he kept quiet, slipped his hand into Harry's, and walked in silence to DADA.
"Good afternoon, everyone," Professor Remus says, walking past his students and opening the door to the classroom. He stood aside, letting his students enter before him.
"Good afternoon, Professor."
"Afternoon, Professor Lupin."
"Hi, dad," Harry says with a quick smile, and Remus shook his head with a fond smile and shut the door behind him as he enters. Seamus and Ron snort when hearing that, Dean just quietly laughs, and Hermione rolls her eyes and drags Ron to the front of the classroom.
Draco put his arm around Harry's shoulders, leading him away from Remus to the back of the classroom where they sat down beside Ron and Hermione while he eyed the large brown chest in the front of the classroom curiously. He didn't know why Harry would be so... daft and disrespectful when calling Remus 'dad' instead of Professor like everyone else. But it was kind of funny, he had to admit.
They were to learn about Chameleon Ghouls in DADA, which were a breed of ghoul that could disguise itself as an everyday object to avoid detection, and they learnt how to defend themselves from it. It was an odd creature, green-yellow skinned with yellow eyes.
"It looks like Golem," Harry hears Seamus say to Dean. He couldn't have agreed more.
"It sure does," Dean says quietly, and he freezes when the ghoul looks his way, directly into his eyes. "Jesus Christ..."
"My precious," Harry said in his fake Golem voice and poked Dean in the neck with his wand. To his amusement, he sees a dark red mark on the side of Dean's neck, knowing it's a hickey Seamus would have made.
Dean jumped in his seat and looked behind him, and the attention that was once on Remus and the Ghoul, was now on him which embarrassed him completely. Harry and Draco began laughing, though Draco had no idea who or what a Golem was and what 'My precious' had to do with anything.
"Very funny," Dean muttered to Harry, narrowing his eyes with annoyance at him, his face a little heated. Seamus ignored Harry, all the while more for annoying his boyfriend.
Harry's face paled, and Draco quickly looked down at his parchment.
Dean, confused, looked back at the front of the class but his vision was filled with the face of the ghoul, eyes angry and yellow. He gasped loudly and blinks rapidly. His hand found Seamus' under the table, and he gives it a squeeze.
Seamus' hands were clammy, his lip trembling in fear at the ghoul and what it could do.
In an instant, Remus banished the ghoul, putting it back in the large chest at the front of the classroom and locking it up tight all with a flick of his wand.
Dean put his hand over his heart, closes his eyes and breathes deeply. "Thank you, Professor," he says, voice shrilled from fear.
"Of course," Remus says lightly with a nod and returned to his desk. "Now... Who can tell the class about what Chameleon Ghoul's spittle can do?"
Hermione's hand shot right up, and Remus smiled with a nod her way.
Harry and Ron were rushing down to the Quidditch Pitch with their brooms over their shoulder. It was their first match of the year, and it was against Hufflepuff.
"Are you nervous?" Ron suddenly asks, noticing Harry drum his fingers against his broom handle.
"Nope," Harry drawls, looking up at the pitch where he was sure all of the students in Hogwarts were seated. He knows Draco's up there somewhere. Earlier, he and Draco had spent the morning together in the Gryffindor common room, snogging until their lips hurt. "Why would I? I'm excited to finally verse someone decent in a match."
They entered the locker rooms and were greeted by the other Gryffindor players. "Good morning, everyone," Harry says cheerfully, the most cheeriest he's been all year, counting all the heads in the room. All seven are present. "Remember to keep your focus on your objective during the match, look out for those quaffles, guard our goals, look out for your team players, but most importantly... have fun and do your best. Now let's go!"
The Gryffindor Quidditch Team got ready to walk out onto the pitch, awaiting the call from the commentator. Harry looked up at the blue sky, hoping that the amount of Quidditch practice will pay off. Finally, the commentator, none other than Luna Lovegood herself, welcomed the Gryffindor team onto the pitch.
As the Gryffindor team walks onto the pitch, the Gryffindors up on the stands go wild with shouts and applause. A sea of red and gold colours filled the stands, even on the Slytherin and Ravenclaw sides of the stands. Yellow and black mixed in with the Gryffindor colours through the stands, some were seen in Slytherin and Ravenclaw too.
Harry watched as the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team joined The Gryffindor Team out on the Pitch, and he extended his hand to Zacharias Smith, the Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team.
Zacharias grinned and shook Harry's hand.
"I expect a clean match," said Madam Hooch, her arms on her hips as she gazes at all the Quidditch Players around her. "Up on your brooms, everyone. On the sound of the whistle. Three. Two. One." She blew the whistle around her neck.
"And they're off the ground," Luna Lovegood, commentator, starts. "Ginny Weasley has the Quaffle – Cadwallader and Peece, and Malcavoy zooming towards her. Oh, but Demelza Robbins and Cormac McLaggen are by her side, guarding her like angels."
Harry laughed and gave Luna a Thumbs Up. This was going to be a hilarious match thanks to Luna. But he does admit that she's getting better at commentating. Maybe Ginny told her a few things? He then focuses on finding the snitch, and not paying attention to Zacharias who's also seeking the Snitch. He glances over at Draco like he always does and noticed the blonde Slytherin winking at him which makes him grin.
"Ginny swerves to get away from the opposing team's chasers, and she easily scores a goal after looping upwards like a bird," Luna says. "Such a graceful bird. That's ten points to Gryffindor. How are the seekers going? Zacharias is scanning the skies on his broom, and Harry Potter's being caught ogling Draco Malfoy up in the sky. Oh, what a lovely thing to see. Love, sweet love."
Harry's face burns and he quickly looks away from Draco who's chuckling and covering his face with his hands while everyone in the stands bursts out laughing at the duo. After that, the Hufflepuff chaser scores their first goal.
"Back to the match," Luna says after McGonagall told her to keep watching the match and not the famous couple. "Cadwallager receives the Quaffle from Malcolm Preece, and... ouch – Cadwallager gets hit in the elbow by a Quaffle sent to him by Jimmy Peakes. Nice shot, Jimmy. That has got to hurt. Is that a broken elbow? Madam Hooch rushes over to Cadwallager and is taking a look at it. It seems fine. Is it? And Demelza scores for Gryffindor while Cadwallager's being scanned for injuries!"
A sudden stomping of feet and claps in a beat come from the Gryffindor stands. Stomp, stomp, clap. Stomp, stomp, clap. It keeps going, until nearly every Gryffindor and even some Slytherins began stomping and clapping together.
"Oh?" commentates Luna. "What are the Gryffindors on the stands up to? The Slytherins are seeming to join in for a change. How strange, but also quite incredible. And Hufflepuff scores another goal! That's twenty for Hufflepuff and twenty for Gryffindor."
"BUDDY, YOU'RE A BOY, MAKE A BIG NOISE!" sang the many Gryffindors up on the stands. Hermione Granger was one of them, as Harry could see, and she looked thrilled to be there singing with her fellow students. "PLAYING IN THE STREET, GONNA BE A BIG MAN SOMEDAY. YOU GOT MUD ON YOUR FACE, YOU BIG DISGRACE. KICKING YOUR CAN ALL OVER THE PLACE, SINGIN' WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU. WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU."
Harry knows of that song. Ah, Queen. It's honestly so cool having all of Gryffindor sing it just for the game. But he has a feeling that isn't all that will happen.
"Gryffindor and Slytherin are singing?" Luna says, viewing the stands with curiosity. "What a change to the Quidditch game. Sing it louder, people! Oh, and it looks like Cadwallager is back in the game. Probably was an easy fix of Episkey by Madam Pomfrey. Hufflepuff scores their house another ten points by the epic dive swirl move they did."
"WHO LET THE DOGS OUT!" roared all the Hufflepuffs on the stands as their house earns 30 points. "WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO LET THE DOGS OUT!"
"Oh, so it's a singing competition then?" Luna says to the microphone, pushing back a strand of blonde hair behind her ear from falling over her face. "Oh, look! Ginny has the Quaffle again, and she easily passes it to Demelza, who passes it back to her. The Hufflepuff chasers are a little distracted by the singing, but they get back into the game in a flash. I honestly think Jimmy's hair is filled with Nargles because he's just sitting on his broom and staring at the ground. Jimmy? What are you doing!"
Jimmy looks up, but he was too late to fly away from the Quaffle that came flying towards him, hitting him in the chest and knocking him off his broom.
"Shit," Harry says loudly. That winded Jimmy for sure and probably cracked a few ribs. It's nothing Madam Pomfrey can't handle. He goes back to searching the skies for the snitch, and just then, he sees the golden lightning-fast ball with wings zooming around the top of the Slytherin Quidditch stand. He accelerates forward after the snitch. He knows Zacharias would have spotted him flying towards it and would soon be racing after him.
"Harry Potter's after the golden snitch!" Luna says a little too loudly into the microphone. "Oh, and Zacharias is on his trail. Go Harry and go, Zacharias! You can do it! Harry's getting closer to the golden snitch, oh so closer. He's nearly there, just a few more inches. Zacharias isn't far behind him. Oh, who will it be? And over by the goal hoops, Ginny loses the Quaffle which gets taken by the Hufflepuff chasers. And lucky for them, they score a clean goal while Ron Weasley's distracted by his girlfriend in the stands."
Harry reaches as far as he could with his arm while trying to accelerate in speed. In a matter of seconds, Harry had grabbed the snitch with his fingers. He pumps his fist in the air, showing he caught the snitch.
"- Harry Potter has caught the snitch!" Luna shouts. "That leaves Gryffindor in first place with 170 points to 40. What a nice game this has been. I'm sure Gryffindor Tower will be full of drunk Gryffindors for the rest of the day."
"Luna," Harry groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You weren't supposed to tell anyone that." What other secrets is she willing to spill out about Gryffindor? He flies back down to the grounds, retrieving hugs and high-fives from his teammates. He puts the snitch back in the box and goes to find Draco by his broom. He flies above the crowds of students returning to the castle, searching for a blonde head of hair. He finally spots him walking up with Pansy to the castle, and so he flies off after him.
"Hey, baby," Harry says, flying beside Draco at shoulder height.
Draco grins up at him and reached up to slap Harry's arse, hearing a delicious smacking sound and Harry yelping. "Hello, my darling," he says, licking his lips as he thinks about being in bed with Harry, naked and horny, while he fucks him and hears the slap, slap, slap of his skin against Harry's. He wants it. "How are you thinking of celebrating?"
"I was hoping with you," Harry says. "We can, in Luna's words, get drunk, then make out in front of everyone, and then head up to the dormitory to make sweet love."
"Mmmm," Draco hummed, liking that sound of all that Harry had said. "That sounds incredible. Why don't we head up now, skip getting drunk, but make out on the way up there?"
"Let's go then," Harry says, reaching his hand down to him. Draco grabs Harry's arm and flings his leg over Harry's broom. He presses himself onto Harry's arse, and waves goodbye at Pansy who just rolls her eyes and continues up the path.
Draco grips Harry tightly as they zoom off up to the Astronomy Tower, and when they arrive, they hurriedly make their way to Gryffindor Tower. They rush past every Gryffindor in the common room – Hermione and Ron were snogging by the window – and head up to the dormitory.
"Hurry up and let me through that door, Potter," Draco snarled in his best Slytherin tones.
"Why the mad rush, my gorgeous ferret?" said Harry, looking at Draco with big, innocent eyes, yet smirking at the same time as Draco scoffs at the animal reference.
"Because it's time to claim my bloody prize, prat," growled Draco, voice low and dangerous. It sent a hot shiver right up Harry's spine, prickling through his hair.
Leaning against the doorjamb, Harry smiled and said, "Exactly what 'prize' might that be, then?" He raised his eyebrows in question, knowing full well what Draco wanted. Draco stalked right up to press his body against Harry's, letting him know he was already hardening under his clothes.
His nose almost touched Harry's as he breathed, "Your gorgeous arse, sliding up and down my cock." He closed the remaining few inches and forced a kiss onto Harry's lips. Harry moaned his anticipation into the aggressive contact, submitting to the strength of Draco's desire. How does he always manage to taste so fucking good? Harry pondered briefly. Eventually, they parted, and Harry pushed Draco back a bit before speaking.
"I thought you might say that," Harry started, with the clear intention of saying more. Draco waited in obvious impatience for Harry to finish. "I fully intended to let you have your wicked way with my body tonight." He grinned at Draco and looked up at him through his messy fringe.
Draco started to frown, "...watching you out there performing for all those people made me feel a bit jealous. And very possessive." Draco reached out and grabbed Harry's swollen groin in his hand, squeezing slightly. Draco was gratified to watch Harry's eyes flutter at the contact, and he felt his own pulse start to pound at these first signs of his lover's submission.
Keeping his hand in place, he backed Harry into the opposite doorjamb, leaning in to whisper, "And so, to make sure you know you're mine, and so that I can reassert my ownership of everything that is you..." he pressed a brief, firm kiss onto Harry's lips, backing away quickly. "...I intend to fuck you to within an inch of your life." Harry's eyes widened as he spoke, and Draco's groin throbbed when he saw the pink flush stain the Gryffindor's cheekbones.
He could feel Harry's shallow breathing washing over his cheek as he continued, "I'm going to take what I want Harry, and you're going to let me. And you're going to be screaming my name while I do it." Draco moved in for another kiss, feeling like a predator swooping in to catch its prey. He could feel Harry's length jerking and pulsing in his firm grip as he opened his mouth and sucked that plump, delicious bottom lip in and bit down on it. Harry whimpered and squirmed in response as he pushed himself closer to Draco's body.
Draco laughed into Harry's mouth, pinning him firmly while he ate at the swelling lips before thrusting into the warm, wetness to battle with the flickering, darting tongue. Harry twisted Draco's hair frantically into a blonde mess as he returned the kiss. Draco broke away and leaned into Harry's ear, catching a maddening, faint scent of warm skin and Pine. He murmured, "Can you taste my come in your mouth yet?" Harry's breathing hitched audibly, and he moaned as he exhaled. Draco licked a wide, wet line up from his collarbone to the lobe of his ear before continuing, "I hope you've saved some energy because this is going to be a very long night for you." He released his grip on Harry's groin, only to grind his own erection into it. They both gasped aloud at the sensation, bodies bucking in pleasure. And then Draco picked Harry up. He held the muscular thighs with both hands as Harry wriggled to wrap his legs loosely around the back of Draco's body and leaned over to open the door.
Draco didn't notice anything inside the room other than Harry's inviting bed. He carried Harry to it, ravaging his mouth with kisses on the way, and threw him back onto the mattress before slinking after him like a tiger, or a leopard. Harry's eyes were wide and glassy as he panted his excitement into the otherwise silent room. Draco stripped them both with slow, deliberate movements. He teased Harry's skin with kisses and caresses and strokes as he exposed it, all the time murmuring against the flesh exactly what he was going to do. Draco was not surprised in the least when he had to almost peel Harry's boxers off him, he was so wet with his body's arousal.
Pinning Harry with his eyes, he held the underwear up, whispering, "I'll be keeping these," before throwing them aside and pouncing on Harry. He used his weight and strength to press his beautiful messy dark-haired Gryffindor prince back into the mattress, gasping at the sudden silky glide of skin against skin. The moment Draco lowered his body into full contact, Harry wrapped his arms and legs tightly around him. Their kisses were rough and bruising, leaving saliva slickness all over each other's faces and necks. Harry used his legs to good advantage, clenching and unclenching their strong grip, creating a delicious friction between their erections. Draco growled at him to stop it, but Harry laughed wickedly and upped the pace.
Without warning, Harry rolled them, so he was on top, putting him momentarily in control. Draco watched through passion-fogged eyes, as his lover sat upright and positioned himself, so his crotch was snuggled over Draco's groin. He pressed himself down, shifting his hips in small circles that stimulated Draco's erection, making him moan.
As his eyes shut on a heated rush of desire, Draco reached forward and took hold of Harry's stiff flesh, stroking it softly with his fingertips. He heard the subtle change in breathing and opened his eyes to find his lover staring raptly down at him. A cheeky grin broke out on Harry's flushed face as he was caught watching Draco lost in pleasure. If the sparkle to the normally emerald green eyes was any indication, Harry had clearly enjoyed the minor act of voyeurism.
Draco reached up to grasp a handful of dark messy hair, using it to pull Harry down against him. He was desperate for him, starved for his touch, thirsty for his kisses. "I want you," Draco choked out, as Harry kissed him with passion again.
"What do you want, Draco?" was the whispered response as their mouths finally parted.
"I want to feel your mouth on me. You're so good at that," Draco managed, after a few seconds of just savouring the sensations coursing through his body. He pressed his nose into Harry's neck and inhaled deeply, loving the smell of him.
Harry then exhaled sharply as Draco bit into his neck softly. Draco raised his head to look into his lover's eyes as he said, "Suck me off, Harry. With that beautiful..." He planted a soft kiss on the lips before him.
"...dirty..." Another gentle kiss.
"...mouth," and then the kisses were no longer gentle.
They both moaned, with joyous arousal. Harry broke away first and trailed wet kisses down Draco's body until he was directly over the sticky, wet erection. He looked up at Draco with undisguised hunger, licking his lips lasciviously before taking hold of the length and guiding it into his eager mouth. Draco sighed loudly as he felt Harry cover him, the firm pressure of lips, and his wicked tongue working enthusiastically at the pulsing flesh.
Draco's fingers slid into Harry's soft hair as he groaned and whimpered at the unbelievable perfection of his lover's skill. After a while, it became impossible for Draco to watch Harry devouring him. Every time the emerald green eyes flicked up to meet his own, Draco felt the pulse that signalled his imminent orgasm and he had to look away to stop himself.
When Harry finally reached up with both hands and scratched hot, pink tracks down Draco's chest and stomach he came with staggering force. Harry was unprepared for the sudden explosion and choked a little before swallowing eagerly. Draco basked in the wet warmth of the enveloping mouth for a while, before Harry finally pulled away, resting his head gently on Draco's thigh, panting slightly as he tried to regain his breath.
After a minute, Harry spoke. "Well, now. That was interesting. Perhaps I should grow my nails a bit. What do you think, Draco?" There was much good humour in his voice, and he chuckled as he finished speaking.
Draco stroked the dark messy hair and murmured, "I have no idea where that came from. But it felt incredible." He pulled Harry up over his body until he was covered with gorgeous, messy dark-haired Gryffindor, not unlike a hot, sexy blanket. Harry, of course, was still at the peak of his arousal, and Draco wanted nothing more than to please him.
When Draco felt the press of sharp teeth against his chest, he arched his body into the bite, willing it to mark him, to draw blood. After only a few moments, Draco forced his lover's body up and up, until Harry was squatting precariously just above his face. Draco could not help but lick his lips at the sight of the tempting flesh positioned within his reach, and he lapped gently at the soft skin of Harry's testicles, before moving back and attending to the softly curving perineum. Every stroke of his tongue was accompanied by quiet, heartfelt moans from above.
Harry was obviously trying hard to balance his weight above Draco, but his legs were becoming weak from the stimulation, shaking, and wobbling as Draco licked harder, and more invasively. When Harry finally collapsed forward to rest his head against the wall, Draco moved himself to crouch behind the kneeling figure, sprinkling tender kisses on the firm buttocks.
Draco's heart was pounding with both desire and anxiety as he stretched the flesh apart to display the tiny hole inside. It twitched and pulsed in anticipation, a perfect mirror of Harry's own emotions. He spent a moment just breathing against the little opening and recalling the sensations of having it done to himself. He was momentarily lost in the fantasy until Harry's quiet voice pulled him back.
"Please, Draco. Please," he was saying, in anguished tones.
Draco's knees nearly gave way as he registered the incredible taste of Harry on his tongue. The contact shocked a scream from his lover, who ground himself back into Draco's face. Overcome at the moment, Draco launched himself vigorously into a full assault of Harry's hole and the hidden fleshy channel enclosing it. He was noisy and sloppy in his attentions, which only seemed to increase Harry's arousal. Draco's face slid freely in the wet crease, the tip of his tongue pressing entry into the hole on each rough pass. Feeling Harry's body stretch to accommodate the probing tongue was unbelievable like always – Draco was completely amazed by it. He vaguely registered Harry's high-pitched screams but was unable to think about much else other than how to push as much of his tongue as he could inside the loosening hole. It was completely addictive; Draco thought he could stay like this forever.
It was actually Harry who broke the spell, twisting away from Draco's face and throwing himself back onto the mattress. He was flushed dark red, and panting, "I can't wait. I have to have you now. Please, Draco!"
Draco groaned aloud at his lover's eagerness, and moved swiftly between the stretched-wide legs, bunching the quilt up to raise the muscled, writhing hips enough to afford him easier access. He looked down on his almost frantic prince, stretching a wicked smile across his face as he said, "I don't like sharing you, Harry. Not with anyone." Harry's breath caught sharply at the intensity of the words. As Draco's hands sought a grip on Harry's thighs, he continued, "They were all looking at you, Harry. Only I'm allowed to look at you."
Harry nodded mutely, seemingly spellbound by Draco's possessiveness.
Draco grinned wolfishly as he slid the first inch of himself into Harry. They both closed their eyes and sighed at the same time. Then Draco spoke quietly, "What do you want, babe? Say it to me." His words were almost a plea. He needed to hear it so much.
He heard the murmured response with difficulty, over the pounding of his heartbeat. "Fuck me, Draco," Harry moaned, "Hard..." And then Draco slid himself deeper inside the spectacularly tight passage, and all words were lost for a while. He watched himself impale Harry's hungry body over and over, sliding in and out, seating himself deeper, further inside until Harry had swallowed all of him, and he felt his groin hit against the warm resistance of Harry's body. The hot clasp of Harry surrounding his hard shaft, the gentle friction of his thrusts, and the softly murmured sighs of passion all created a different kind of reality for Draco. A reality where only the two of them existed, where only their love and their happiness mattered.
Needing to feel Harry hold him, Draco leaned over his lover and pressed himself against the fever-hot flesh, capturing a languorous kiss and meeting the emotion-filled emerald green eyes, even as he felt the muscular arms encircle him and pull him closer. He heard Harry whisper against his skin, "I'm yours, Draco...." before feeling the press of teeth into his neck.
Draco pressed himself into the open mouth, whispering, "Harder..." and feeling the response, the teeth nipping into his skin, catching it between their sharp edges. Draco loved that Harry wanted to mark him like this. He knew he would treasure the bruises, stroking them softly when he was alone in the privacy of his own bed, no doubt stroking something else with his other hand at the same time.
Their bodies worked slowly together, developing a mutual rhythm of push, and thrust, edging ever closer to their goal. Harry tortured Draco with the firm clenching of his inner muscles, making each stroke more explosive than the last. Draco didn't notice when the pace started to pick up, just that it had; they were now urging their bodies onto a much deeper, harder penetration. Their bodies quaked with the impact of each stroke, shocking loud moans, and cries from them both.
Draco was circling his hips to rub against Harry's hidden bundle of nerves on each inward thrust, knowing each time he succeeded when Harry's torso convulsed and arched upwards. Draco felt the hands on his back become claws, pressing the fingertips and nails more firmly into him, as they gouged lines up and down his spine. The scratching grew more pronounced as he pounded more vigorously into Harry's hole. They were both grunting unashamedly, pushing the sounds into each other's mouths as their tongues clashed in haphazard kisses.
When Draco felt the sharp nails break his skin and draw blood, he knew he was coming. He had but a moment to shout, "Harry!" before feeling the waves of heat engulf him, rippling over his whole body, as he pumped his violent orgasm into the depths of his precious lover. He groaned loud and long as his body relaxed, feeling with acute awareness the rhythmic clenching of Harry's anus, and the sticky slickness of the aromatic seed now present between their stomachs. He collapsed fully onto Harry, snaking his arms behind his back; feeling Harry's arms tighten around him in return. They chuckled together as they caught their breath, perhaps thankful to have found such a safe and pleasurable haven.
Sliding to lie side by side after a while, they held hands and just looked at each other. "I love you," they said at the same time and ended up chuckling together until Harry kissed Draco softly.
"What do you want to do for the rest of the evening, darling?" Draco asks Harry quietly, squeezing Harry's hands.
"Lay in bed with you," Harry answers easily, rolling onto his stomach and stuffing his nose into Draco's neck. "You're not going anywhere. Not on my watch. You stay in bed, trapped in my arms until dinner time."
Draco smiled. "Alright then," he says, liking the idea of staying with Harry in bed, naked and warm under the sheets that smell like Harry. It's his heaven. He ends up falling asleep with Harry, and they sleep through the continuous celebration.
Down in the common room, Hermione was sitting on Ron's lap and drinking butterbeer. She was close to falling asleep, her bottle almost slipping out of her hand. Ron was watching a couple of younger Gryffindors with their friends from the three other houses who were in the corner of the common room. They were on some kind of white mat with large coloured dots on them, and they were in positions that looked quite uncomfortable. There was a spinner too that the young teens were spinning, and one of the kids then moved their right hand to the green dot to their side.
Another group of Gryffindors were playing a really worrying game of stabbing the knife in between your fingers while singing a ridiculous song. Ron wanted to stop them, but they looked like they were enjoying themselves, so he didn't want to ruin their fun. He wondered what Harry was up to, but then he realized he and Draco were probably snogging in some dark corridor in the castle.
Harry walks down into the common room from the dorm room, dressed in his long dark priest costume and he played with the golden cross of his chain necklace around his neck. He finds Hermione, as always, reading in front of the fireplace before breakfast. "Hermione, can you do my makeup, please?" He asks her as he surveys the common room.
Some girls were staring and giggling at him, and two boys' mouths were hanging open as they ogle Harry. He ignored them, of course. But he did see two girls, one dressed as Dorothy and the other as the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. One young boy looked like a real-life representation of Phineas from Phineas and Ferb. But then another boy joined him, looking like Ferb with his coloured green curly hair and long purple pants and white shirt.
Hermione looks him up and down and smiles at the costume she helped Harry put together. She hadn't thought about dressing up, until the last minute, then she quickly ordered a costume from ebay. "Wow, your costume turned out quite alright," she says in approval. "And sure, I can help you. What would you like me to do?"
Harry shrugged. "I'm not sure," he drawls, looking down at his cross which reflects the light of the morning sun out the window. "Maybe some easy highlights? Just something to make my eyes stand out. To make me stand out."
"Alright," Hermione says, nodding as she thinks about what to do with her makeup for Harry. "Wait here. I'll be right back."
Harry nods and sits down on the other armchair, looking into the fireplace and thinking about Draco. He wondered what he was up to. In minutes, Hermione's back down in the common room holding a dark purple makeup bag. She sits in front of Harry and starts with mascara, lightly applying it to Harry's eyelashes, then adds some eyeliner and finishes off darkening Harry's eyebrows.
"There," Hermione says after some time, putting the mascara and eyeliner back in her makeup bag. "All done."
"Thanks so much," Harry says quickly, getting to his feet as he feels his stomach rumble. "You coming to breakfast?"
"I will soon," Hermione tells him lightly. "When Ron gets up, that is."
Harry chuckles, knowing Ron's sleeping in, and he turns on his heel, heading back up to the dormitory to wake Ron up for Hermione. He uses Levicorpus on Ron to make sure he is awake, and Ron crosses his arms when dangling upside down, glaring at his best mate. "Really, Harry?" Ron mutters sleepily. "Let me down, please."
Harry let Ron back down with a smirk on his lips. He remembered doing the same back in his fifth year when learning about the spell. "Hermione is waiting for you downstairs," he tells him, pointing his thumb behind him at the door. "You better hurry up."
Ron nodded, but he first had a look at what Harry was wearing. He wasn't going to wear a costume. There was no point in it, he believed. "What in the bloody hell are you wearing?" he asks as he begins dressing into some warm clothes.
"I'm a muggle priest," Harry says and does a little turn to show off his costume. Ron looked confused. Harry knows he'd have to explain it to Draco when he finds him. "Priests basically err... they are religious leaders authorised to perform the sacred rituals of a religion like Christianity, Buddhism, and Catholicism. Oh, and they help with exorcisms and killing vampires."
"Oh," said Ron musingly, and then he laughed. "You gonna kill Draco then?"
Harry Accioed his wooden stake from under his bed, and he toyed with it, looking at the sharp end with fascination. "Maybe..." he says, grinning mischievously.
"Have fun with that," Ron drawls, pulling a red long-sleeved top on over his singlet. Harry gave him a quick nod and exits the dorm room so his best mate could get changed.
Just as he walks out of the common room, he feels someone grab his wrist and force him back against the wall next to the portrait of the Pink Lady. His heart skips a beat. He's staring into the pale face of Draco Malfoy. Except, Harry could clearly see the eyeliner on Draco's eyelids which makes his piercing silver eyes stand out, the dark eye shadow gave him an undead look, the pointy elfish ears, and the long vampire fangs. "Wow," he says breathlessly, and he hasn't even seen the entire costume Draco's wearing.
"You look very wow yourself, Harry," Draco whispers, forcing Harry's wrists up against the wall, not even seeing the wooden stake in Harry's hand. "In fact..." He licks his lips and leans his head towards Harry's neck. "You look like a damn treat."
Right when he was going to kiss Harry's neck, Harry manages to get loose from Draco's grip and turns them both around so Draco's against the wall, and he has his arm pushed up against Draco's neck, trapping him there. "I'm afraid I might have my fellow vampire hunters come to kill you," he says, tilting his head to get a better angle of Draco. "Or..." He raises his wooden stake to Draco's chest and puts pressure on it over Draco's heart. "I could do it myself."
"Oh, so that's what you are," Draco says, looking Harry up and down with a smile, his cheeks colouring as he does so. "You look so fucking hot, Harry. Merlin."
Harry chuckled and grinned. "Have you seen yourself in the mirror, Draco?" He asks him, his face reddening as he finally checks Draco out. He really thought Draco just Accioed an actual vampire's traditional clothes and put them on. His costume was incredible. But he knew one thing; Draco wouldn't wear red, so a traditional black and red costume wasn't his choice. Draco's vampire outfit was a mixture of black and dark greens, including a long cape which is a nice rich velvety dark green.
Draco's cheeks had darkened, and he leans his neck forward for a kiss, but Harry raises the stake and holds it at his neck. Draco growls, wanting to touch and kiss Harry again. Quickly, he wraps his arms around Harry's waist and pulls him closer, his lips smacking against Harry's'.
Harry feels Draco's fake vampire teeth as he melts into the kiss, and he wrapped an arm around Draco's neck, his other pocketing his wooden stake. He pressed himself into Draco, bringing their bodies closer together, and he slips his tongue into the Slytherin's mouth, twinning their tongues together.
"So, what do you want to do today?" Draco asks as he pulls away, looking back into emerald green eyes.
Harry knows what he wants to do. But it requires a Portkey, which he does have, and long-distance travel. "I have an idea, and McGonagall has allowed me to do it and bring someone if I wanted," he says, sliding his free hand up Draco's chest and around his neck. "Are you up for a trip to Edinburgh?"
Draco's blonde eyebrow raises up in curiosity at why Harry wants to go to Edinburgh today. He didn't expect his Halloween to be spent out of Hogwarts. "Sure, since it's with you," he agrees, lifting his hand up from around Harry's waist and cupping Harry's cheek, then leans his head towards Harry's exposed neck. He presses a gentle kiss to Harry's neck and then bites down with his teeth into his flesh.
Harry's eyes widen when he feels two fangs pierce through the skin on his neck and sink in. He steps back, but keeps his arms around Draco, and looks at the blonde's mouth. The fangs had a red substance on them, and Harry knew it was his blood. But... how? "What the literal bloody hell?!" he says aloud, and wipes his hand over his neck, then looks down at it. Blood had smeared on his fingers. "What kind of satanic shit is this?"
Draco laughs softly at him. "Harry, they're not real fangs," he tells him amusedly with a wide smile that displayed his vampire fangs. "They've just got a bunch of charms on them to make it seem as if they were real as if the wearer was indeed a vampire."
"Oh, I see now," Harry mutters with a perceivable nod. "But still... I don't want bite marks on my neck. What would Severus and Remus think?"
"They won't find out if you cover them up," Draco says quietly and tries lifting Harry's collar up, but it didn't move any further up his neck. "Well... if you wear a scarf then they won't find out. Now..." He leans back towards Harry's neck and licks up Harry's blood, and although Harry knew how gross it was, he couldn't help just letting Draco lick his neck clean because it felt really good.
"You realize you ruined my costume," Harry mutters to Draco's shoulder, knowing the bite marks can be clearly seen. Draco only made a humming sound as he began to lightly kiss Harry's neck all over. "Priests aren't supposed to be bitten by vamps."
"Too late for that," Draco says to Harry's neck, admiring the bite mark he made. It reminded him of a snakebite. "So, when are we leaving for this Eden place?"
"Edinburgh," Harry corrects him, and he groans when feeling Draco's breath on his neck which sent tingles up his spine. "And as soon as you step away from me so I can cool down the frickin arousal you gave me, then we can leave."
Draco made a low hungry noise in approval and rubbed himself slowly over the bulge in Harry's pants. Harry grunted and let Draco do his thing, wanting pleasure and Draco's body over him, naked and raw, making love with him.
"God, Draco," Harry breathed, but he had to lean away as he also wanted to head off to Edinburgh to get something special from somewhere and for someone. Draco tried pulling Harry back towards him, but Harry stepped back and quickly said "Stop it, please! Tonight, we can have fun, but right now, I really want to go to Edinburgh."
Draco let out a sigh and eventually nodded in defeat. "Of course," he says lightly. "Let's go. But what I want to know is why you want to go to Edinburgh."
Harry gives him a smile and kisses Draco's cheek just to non-verbally say that he loves him and wants him just as much as Draco does. "Well, you'll see when we get there," he tells him as he starts to walk away but wriggles a finger at Draco to gesture him to follow Harry. "Oh, and we'll be speaking to a few people too."
"Who?" Draco had asked when he followed Harry down the corridor. "Who are these people we're visiting, Harry?"
"The Warrens," Harry says, looking down at Draco's hands and intertwining their hands together. "And yes, I mean Myrtle's family. I know she's a ghost, but I want to give her a gift this Christmas. A gift she already owns but doesn't have at the present."
"Oh, that's so nice of you, darling," Draco says warmly, smiling while bringing their twined hands up to his mouth and kissing the back of Harry's hand. "But you do know Myrtle's relatives are all probably very old? Her mother and father are probably dead, though I'm not so sure about her siblings."
"But her siblings could have had kids," Harry had suggested as they entered the Great Hall just to grab themselves a piece of toast buttered with the jam that they liked best. Lemon for Draco, and for Harry, strawberry. "If not, well... I dunno."
Many students were dressed up in costume. A young girl from Hufflepuff was dressed in a large light blue puffy dress, her blonde hair put up in a neat bun with a light blue headband. She was Cinderella, of course. Next to her, her friend was the Fairy Godmother. Two people down, someone was Little Red Riding Hood, and their friend looked like a kawaii version of a wolf. To people's humour, a boy was Po from the Teletubbies for some reason, and his friend's costume was Willie Wonka.
A boy and a girl in Slytherin were dressed as Wednesday Addams and Pugsley Addams. Another boy in Slytherin was dressed as Edward Scissor Hands, and a younger first-year was batman.
In Gryffindor, a few people were in the costumes of the Men in Black, they had dark sunglasses on, and their wands were their neutralisers. There were about seven of them, and the Ravenclaw table had the same but around three people. The Mad Hatter was sitting with the Ravenclaws, as were Sonic the Hedgehog, and Katniss Everdeen. Such thoughtful costumes!
"But if there was someone there that is related to Myrtle, wherever the house is, and they say that you can't have the item, then what happens next?" Draco asks him, watching Harry bite into the strawberry jam on toast as they head out of the Great Hall into the corridors away from what feels like a Halloween Party. He wished it was him Harry was eating out.
"Then I would-" Harry starts but paused as a student dressed as Maleficent came running down the corridor carrying a plastic flamingo that would be found on muggles' front yards and a blue tub of Ice Cream. Behind her, was an older boy dressed as Peter Pan and a younger girl as Tinkerbell chasing after Maleficent with their wands pointed in her direction. "Merlin..."
"Um... what?" Draco says with a chuckle, confused with the situation as Harry begins laughing. "What's a Flabongo?"
"I actually don't know," Harry tells him through his laughter. He knows Dudley probably knows what it is. "I guess the Flamingo that Maleficent is holding is the guys' and he named it Flabongo for some reason. But back to the previous topic, if the relative won't give me the item, then I will respect their decision and leave."
Just then, Hermione and Ron make an appearance arm in arm. "Oi, I thought you weren't going to go dressed in a costume," Harry shouts to Ron who he laughed at for wearing a Mickey Mouse costume complete with a round black nose that he had the urge to boop. Hermione was Minnie mouse, and Harry thought the dress she was wearing was a little too short, but he knew not to mention it to her. "Nice overalls, Ron, and nose. It suits you. This should be your everyday look."
Draco snorted. He couldn't agree more.
"Shut up, Harry," Ron says, rolling his eyes with a smile, his face colouring in embarrassment. "It's her idea," he points beside him at Hermione.
"And I believe you look adorable as Mickey," Hermione says sweetly, pinching his cheeks with a grin. "My mousy man." That made Ron's face darkens in colour, and he hid his face from Harry and Draco with his hand as he tries urging Hermione forward. "You look great, both of you."
"Thanks, Hermione," Harry says, putting his arm around Draco with a smile. Draco nods his appreciation at her, and wraps his arms around Harry tightly, wanting Harry to himself again. "Go get some breakfast," Harry added. "I smelt sausages and bacon while we were in the Great Hall."
Ron licked his lips and was off, pulling Hermione along. Harry laughed at the lie he told Ron, and he continued with Draco down to the Dungeons, leaving Draco confused at what had happened.
They arrive at the spiral staircase going down to the dungeon, only to find Seamus and Dean making out by a pillar, Dean's tongue was down Seamus' throat. Draco ignored them, and Harry gave them a smile as he gets pulled away by Draco and continue down to the Potions classroom.
Inside the classroom, Harry grabs the old straw hat on Severus' desk, which is the Portkey and hands it to Draco, who puts his hand over the top of it. In a flash, they disappeared from the Professor's Office, reappearing in the middle of a plot of land filled with garden allotments.
Draco looks around his surroundings, seeing different birds flying around that he's never seen before, and muggles walking in the far distance around a large park and a half-oval pond. It's like he and Harry travelled to a whole new world.
"It's this way," Harry says, the Portkey on his head, and he linked arms with Draco as they cross the allotment into the grassy fields and towards an intersected pathway. From there, they carry on straight down the path, passing a cricket pitch and tennis courts until they arrive at the large half-oval pond. The two walk around the pond, capturing the attention of muggles they pass by the costumes they were wearing.
"Oi!" yelled a young brunette teenage boy in front of them. He and his friends rode their scooters and skateboards away from the two wizards. "It's a little too early to dress up for Halloween, innit?"
Harry ignored them and continued walking around the pond with Draco. Draco bared his teeth at the boys. Rude curious Muggles. Aren't they supposed to be in school?
Old Victorian houses lined the street across the lake that they were facing, and Harry knew that they were close. Harry led Draco down the street, looking for a certain house number, his eyes looking left and right at the houses. 15 North Park Terrace... where is it? It was only two houses down the road from the first one, and Harry was able to spot it easily. The house was cream-coloured, traditional windows were white, the front door a light blue, and the roof was grey. Out front was a nice little garden with a large tree that covered most part of the sidewalk in its shadow.
"Is this it?" Draco had asked, looking up at the old building with awe. It was small, unlike his Manor in Wiltshire, but he liked it.
"Yes, it is," Harry said, walking up to the front door with Draco behind him. There was an apple tree next door, and he had a sudden urge to jump over the fence and grab one for himself and Draco to eat. Taking a deep breath, he just looks around the block and tries picturing what it would have looked like in the 1930s and 40s.
Harry knocks on the front door, though he sees a white doorbell on the side of the door that, to his delight, looks fun to click repeatedly. Just as he was about to click the doorbell, the front door opened and a middle-aged woman with short dark brown straight hair stood in the doorway dressed warmly in a dark blue sweater and jeans, her light brown eyes looking at the boys curiously.
Behind her was a long hallway, decorated with dark wooden floorboards, and a dark purple Victorian floral wallpaper. On the walls, at the woman's shoulder height, were lined wall candles, and a few round and rectangular portraits. "Hello, dears," she says lightly, not acknowledging the costumes the two were wearing. "How can I help you? Are you trick-or-treating?"
"Hello," Harry says politely with a smile. "I'm Harry, and this is my boyfriend Draco." He stood aside to let the lady see Draco. "We're not trick-or-treaters. We're sorry to disturb you, but are you by any chance a Warren?"
"It was my maiden name, yes," the lady says, nodding her head slightly. "I'm Elizabeth Waldron. Can I ask how you know of my family name, and why you're here?"
"Oh, sure," Harry said quickly, not wanting to waste any second just standing outside and not getting to the point of why he and Draco are here. "You see, Draco and I are from Hogwarts and happen to know-"
"Your wizards, aren't you?" Elizabeth interrupts him, eyeing them excitingly, her light brown eyes wide. "Oh, just like my Aunt Myrtle, who, unfortunately, I never got to meet because she died when my mother was just a girl. I've heard so much about her and the magical world from my parents that Myrtle had once told them. I was named after her, you know."
"Myrtle Elizabeth Warren," Harry said Myrtle's full name, though he knew Mrs Waldron would know. She was Myrtle's family after all. "We know, she told us herself. She's a wonderful young lady who Draco and I are happy to be friends with."
Elizabeth blinked at him with confusion. "What?" she deadpans.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Harry said, having a feeling that she was confused by what he had told her. After all, he doesn't think many muggles believe ghosts exist. He conjured up a bouquet of purple and yellow flowers with his wand and handed it to her, and Elizabeth smiled widely, a little shocked by the magic she just witnessed. "As you know, magic exists. And we magical folk have the ability to see spirits."
Elizabeth smelt the flowers and sighed. Both Harry and Draco heard the sadness in her sigh. "You mean to tell me that you both and every other wizard and witch out there can see ghosts?" she asks them calmly as if she was not upset with the current topic they were discussing.
"Yes," Draco had said, finally speaking up as he nodded his head. "We can see many Wizarding creatures and ghosts, besides muggles like yourself. But you can see Hippogriff, Unicorns, Dragons, and a few other creatures."
Elizabeth raised a light brown eyebrow at the mention of the creatures she's heard in fantasy books and stories. "Dragons are real?" she asks in complete disbelief. "How do we not see them than in our everyday life? As much as I know Dragons, which are big and breathe fire, they should be noticeable flying through the sky."
"Well... yes," Harry says, reaching beside him to grab Draco's hand just because he wants to hold his hand, and he believes Draco knows more about Dragons and could tell this lady more than he can. "But Dragons are mainly kept and trained in Romania. My best mate's older brother works with them."
"And Dragons like flying through stormy or cloudy weather, to answer your question," Draco tells her, smiling beside him at Harry as he twines their hands together. "Now..." he looks back at her and keeps the smile on his face, "is there anyone in your family, besides Myrtle, who's magical?"
Elizabeth shakes her head. "Myrtle was the only one," she says, smiling sweetly at the couple on her doorstep. "Unless one of my daughters is one but they would have shown signs when they were younger. Why don't you two come in?" She stood aside, holding the door open. "It's cold outside. How about a cup of tea?"
"If it's no trouble at all, then that would be lovely," Harry says politely, giving Draco's hand a quick squeeze before walking inside the lady's house.
"Oh, it's no trouble," Elizabeth says at once, closing the door behind Draco who nods politely at her and returns to Harry's side. "Follow me, dears." She leads them down the Hallway, through a door on the left, and into the kitchen, which is a wide area, floors patterned with grey linen, and walls a mint green. The interior was all white, though some appliances like the kettle were green.
Draco looked around in awe at the muggle kitchen. He's never seen such... things before. A large rectangular white box-looking thing with doors caught his eye. What was it? He wanted to find out but knew not to touch other people's items, especially if they just invited you into their home.
"So..." said Elizabeth, opening the cupboards above her and grabbing three white mugs with different floral patterns on them. In a windowed floor cabinet behind her against the wall had a full yellow floral antique bone-China dinner set complete with teacups and saucers. "My Aunt is... alive then? Just not in her body?"
"That is correct," Harry said, pulling Draco towards the kitchen island where he sits down on the white wooden stool. "Ghosts can still feel emotions, but they can't touch us live beings. One time, Myrtle was mad because someone threw a book at her, and she punched my friend in the stomach, but her fist just went straight through."
Elizabeth chuckled at that story as she filled up the kettle with water from the tap.
"She's not the only ghost at Hogwarts though," Harry says, eyeing Draco who was staring at the fridge. "There are twenty ghosts. One of them is a Poltergeist named Peeves, and he is the most rascal thing I've ever come across." The mention of Peeves broke Draco out of his gaze at the fridge, and he then looked at Harry. "He has dumped buckets of water on students, and has let mice run through the corridors," Harry continues. "He's done so much that it's hard to count."
"Good grief," Elizabeth gasps, turning the tap off once the kettle was full, and went over to the stove. "Sounds like one of the boys I knew back in High School all those years ago. Little rascals, they were."
"Can I just ask..." Harry trailed off, staring down at the fruit bowl filled with red apples. He wanted to get right to the point. "I wanted to give Myrtle something from her past this Christmas. She hasn't been given a present in such a long time. 70 years exactly. She told me about a locket she used to own with a picture of her, and her parents inside. It had Myrtle flowers on it, apparently. Do you by any chance know where it is?"
Elizabeth turned around, the long modern lighter in her hand, and she was staring at him with an empty look on her face. "I'm... afraid that she might be buried in it," she mutters, clicking the lighter on and off with her thumb. "But I'm not too sure. It's what I suspect." She turns back around with a sigh and lights the flame on the stove, then puts the kettle on top. "My mother didn't tell me and my siblings much about Myrtle's locket. Only Myrtle really liked it and would put it on once she got back home from Hogwarts. It was that precious to her, that she didn't take it to Hogwarts in case it would get lost."
"Oh," Harry said flatly. He wouldn't go digging up Myrtle's grave for the locket, though he was quite ambitious to get it for her. Perhaps Myrtle would like something else? But Mrs Waldron did say it could have been buried with Myrtle. Not was buried with it. "What about Myrtle's bedroom? Or whoever it belongs to now? Maybe she hid it somewhere in a secret place only she knows?
Elizabeth shrugs, grabbing a white rectangular container with a blue lid from next to the sink. "What kind of tea would you boys like? Black? Chamomile? Peppermint? Chai? Cranberry? And my oldest daughter, Annabel, used to live in Myrtle's bedroom. She didn't change the bedroom much, as she liked the Victorian-style furniture and the clothes Myrtle once had owned. The only things she did change were the posters of old bands and songwriters Myrtle had on her wall. Oh, and the certificates she earned in Primary School. Merit Awards, Best Student Awards, and stuff like that. I have those awards somewhere near the Photo Albums."
"Chamomile, please," Draco said politely.
"Same as Draco," Harry said, and Elizabeth nods. "And have you or your daughter checked everywhere in her bedroom?" he asks her curiously, wanting to just rush up there and search that bedroom top and bottom for some secret compartment or something. "Like behind drawers, behind bookcases, inside shelves. Or perhaps under the bed?"
"You certainly have the ambition to gift my Aunt Myrtle her locket," Elizabeth replies with a happy smile on her face. "It's so sweet. And no, my daughter wasn't interested in finding Myrtle's locket, nor was she told about it. I wasn't interested in it that much either."
Harry smiles widely at her. "I just want her to be happy," he tells her truthfully, thinking about Myrtle being happy for once, but he knows she'll always be mopey. "I don't know if you already know this, but she was bullied by a girl named Olive back when she was alive." He frowns down at the white island bench top. "It got to a certain extent, that she just wanted to... die. Myrtle and I have bonded with this feeling many times before." He really hated admitting this, but he thought it was necessary.
"My mother could tell you where the locket is," Elizabeth said out of topic, the sound of boiling was from the kettle behind her, and steam started rising from the arm. "She's in her room in the Retirement Village with my father. It's not too far away from here."
"Alright," Harry says and acknowledged that Mrs Waldron wouldn't like to talk about death at the moment, or perhaps for weeks. "Can we all go up to Myrtle's room to check for the locket then?"
"Of course," Elizabeth said, and she turned back around to the kettle.
"I understand this must be hard for you, but I have a question," Draco then says, watching the window beside Mrs Waldron where a Wren was peeking into the window at them. "Do you know how Myrtle passed away?"
Elizabeth took a few moments of hesitation until she responded back. "My mother told me it was by suicide," she had said, sudden tears in her eyes at the memory of her mother telling her about it back in the 60s. Though, the boys couldn't see the tears. She didn't want to show them. "That she jumped off the Astronomy Tower."
"What!" Harry had snapped, his mouth falling open in disbelief. He quickly calmed himself down, with a little help from Draco petting him on the back. But Draco seemed just as shocked as he was. "That's not true." He shook his head. "She was killed by a giant snake called a Basilisk."
"A giant snake?" Elizabeth muttered, her hands shaking a little as she takes out two Chamomile Tea bags and one Chai tea bag from the container. She never knew giant snakes besides the Anaconda existed. "I heard of no such thing. From what I heard, there weren't any puncture wounds when Grandma and grandpa got Myrtle's body back. But they did seem a little hesitant when I asked them about it years ago."
Harry sighed heavily. Here's to explaining. "The basilisk has these yellow eyes that kill you if you so happen to look it in the eye," he tells her slowly, so she understands. "It's not like any other snake. Its venom could kill you in under a minute. Not to mention it's around fifty feet long." He wanted to tell her about Tom Riddle and how he commanded the Basilisk to kill her for a Horcrux but didn't want to go too deeply into detail about it.
"Oh my," Elizabeth says quietly, and then she dozed off. But before she disappeared into her mind palace, the kettle went off, snapping her out of it. She quickly poured the hot water into the three mugs. "Once I'm done with making your tea, then we can go searching my daughter's room for my Aunt Myrtle's wand."
"Okay," Harry said calmly with a nod. But then he thought back to graves and Myrtle's corpse. "Would you mind if later on, you can take us to the Graveyard where Myrtle is buried? We'd like to pay our respect to her."
Elizabeth nodded when finished dipping the teabags into the mugs, then handed the two boys their mugs of tea. "If that's what you want, then of course," she drawls. "Now come."
Harry and Draco grabbed their Tea and followed Elizabeth back into the hallway, down the following hallway to a set of wooden stairs that they took up. A few black and white family portraits were hung on the walls, some showing Elizabeth and Myrtle's ancestors from the 1800s, the others of Myrtle when she was just a baby, and a few others when she attended primary school dressed in her uniform. The latest one was of Myrtle in a short-sleeved long dress sitting on a dining chair in the corner of the room with a smile on her face, her long straight hair down and covering her shoulders. Her younger sister and younger brother were standing on either side of her with smiles on their faces too. The portrait was quite haunting.
They passed a few doors, one open and showing a large bedroom which consisted of yellow colours. The door Elizabeth stopped at had the wooden words ARW hanging just above their eyesight. Elizabeth opened the door, and Harry's eyes caught sight of the purple velvet curtains and bay window with the purple floral pattern on the cushions Myrtle had told him about. It really felt as if he has gone back in time, as he stepped into the bedroom after Mrs Waldron.
In the far corner of the room was a wooden antique single bed with lilac purple floral patterns on the doona and pillows, and the bed skirt was a violet purple. A wooden bedside table stood beside the bed with a white vase with purple and white flowers in it. Two windows were on either side of the bed, their curtains the velvety dark purple that hung to the ground. A white wooden vanity with a large mirror was on the other side of the room from the bed. In between the vanity and bed was the bay window. He really could picture Myrtle sitting there reading one of her books or sitting there and crying about her life in the safe space of her bedroom.
Next to the vanity against the left wall was a large white detailed wardrobe, and opposite that on the right wall was a large wooden bookshelf filled with old books. Harry and Draco could tell that some of the books that Myrtle had brought were for the classes she took at Hogwarts, and the others just looked like normal muggle books. Leaning against the bookshelf was a black violin case.
"Well, this is it," Elizabeth says, looking around at her oldest daughter's bedroom. "Feel free to look around. Depending on how long you'll be here for, I will have to ask you both to leave so I can lock up the house and pick up my other daughters from High school."
"Thank you so much, Mrs Waldron," Harry says nicely, and he took a quick sip of his tea which filled his insides with warmth.
"Thank you, Mrs," Draco said with a little nod of appreciation. He grew curious about all the books he's never seen before on the bookshelf to his right such as Pope's Poems and The Treasure of Literature and Art. Muggles have such odd books.
Harry walked over to the wardrobe and opened it up, expecting to see clothes that are recently brought in the past thirty years instead, he sees coats, dresses, and shoes that look 70 years old by the style of them. The clothes weren't old or moulding. The coats just looked like long dresses, and the dresses were high-waist and round. The shoes were fancy and some low-platform heels even had shoelaces on them.
He checked the little compartments beside the hangers, but there were mostly shoes. He searched the vanity next, which had a dark brown wooden jewellery box with engravings in it. Harry checked inside it first, but to his disappointment, no locket was found. Only a few earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. No locket whatsoever. He looks to the other side of the room, and seeing Draco checking out the books. He rolls his eyes, thinking about how helpful Draco is in the moment.
He continued searching the drawers of the Vanity, only finding an old quill that he guessed was once used by Myrtle, some envelopes, and a diary that he stopped himself from reading. He takes out each drawer in the vanity to make sure there weren't any secret compartments, and he was right, there were no compartments. He even looked under the vanity and behind the mirror. Where would a teenage girl keep her most loved possession? He suddenly looks over at the bed.
"Dear, what is that on your neck?" Elizabeth appears in the doorway, her head tilted as she glances at Harry's neck and sees two marks that look like snake bites.
"Hmm?" Harry looks over at her and feels at his neck where the bite marks Draco gave him were. "Oh, it's nothing." He smiles at Draco who grinned at him, showing his fangs. "Just... something happened."
Elizabeth looked at the two curiously, but then she notices the two sharp fangs Draco has. "Oh, dear god," she mumbles, taking a step back. "Vampire... aren't you?"
Draco chuckled and shook his head. "I'm not a real vampire, it's just for costume," he assures her and takes out his fangs, which were easy to slip off. "There's a charm on these fangs, making them seem and appear real. It's how I was able to give Harry that bite mark. It was supposed to be a hickey more than anything else. But vampires do exist, yes. My cousin's a vampire."
"Dear, dear God," Elizabeth says, a little shocked to hear such news that supernatural human predators do exist. "Do they live among us? Like next door?"
"They could do," Harry says with a nod, taking a swig of his tea and watching Draco put his fangs back in. All he knows about vampires is what he learns from Ivy. "Vamps cannot fly, they can't go invisible, but they use the shadows to hide. They have super speed and superhuman strength, yes. Their skin is quite cold, their eyes are black, and can turn blood red once they drink blood. Err..." He looks at Draco for help. "You know more about vamps than I do."
Draco nods at him, then looks at the woman. "Vampires are pretty much like anyone you know," he tells her, grabbing an old dark blue book from the bookshelf. "They're not vicious creatures. They can eat garlic, but it has to be with something. My cousin had the tendency to eat garlic bread with tomato sauce." Elizabeth cringed at that, and Draco laughed. "I know, it's disgusting. I have seen my cousin starving, but she can take the hunger just like we can. Vampires who haven't eaten in weeks, they're like a hungry vicious wolf."
"Werewolves exist as well," Harry says, looking down into his tea, his reflection looking up at him. "My stepfather's a werewolf. He prefers being alone before the full moon. Wolfsbane, the Potion he drinks to stop him from transforming apparently tastes disgusting, but he must drink it." He walks to the bed in the other corner of the room and study's its sheets. "Fairies exist too, as do trolls, elves, and a Giant Pink Toad who gives out Detention to the tiny little things students do."
Draco snorts. He knows who Harry's referencing. "Ah, dear Professor Umbridge," he says lightly, sneering at even hearing the professor's name in his voice. "I wonder what she's doing now."
Harry hopes she's suffering somewhere far worse than Hell. His eyes lock on a deep indent in the centre of the bed's wooden end, and around it had a rectangular shape carved into the wood. Curiously, he pulls at the lowest indent, and it opens up as a drawer. "Oh..."
Inside was a small light brown wooden box covered in dust. It was the only item in this room that was dusty. It was like a ring box but angular, carved, and polished perfectly but glazed with dust, almost like it was rolled in flour. He reached in and grabbed the box which was light in weight. He then blew onto it, the dust coming off into the air, and he then opened the box up. "I think I've found what we've been looking for," he says, looking down at the silver locket with the exact three Myrtle flowers inscribed onto it, one larger than the other two, that Myrtle herself had told him about.
Draco puts the book down on the shelf and walks over. He takes the locket out of the box, holding it by the chain, but the locket itself rested gently on the palm of his other hand as if it was an elegant diamond on display. "It's pretty," he says just as Mrs Waldron appears beside him and has a look at it.
Harry opened the locket up lightly, knowing its quite old and delicate considering it's from the 30s. A picture of a tall man dressed formally in a suit, a woman in a long dress with long hair wearing glasses, and their daughter who Harry can tell is Myrtle looks no older than ten, is smiling at them.
"Oh, it's my Auntie Myrtle," Elizabeth says sadly, a smile on her face though tears were evident to appear in her eyes again. "And Grandma and Grandpa. How lovely. I've seen this picture in one of the many family photo albums."
"That's nice," Harry drawls, forcing a sudden smile as he thinks of the Family Album, he owns which consists of a few pictures of his mother and father, Hermione and Ron, and even one from the Yule Ball that had Draco in it. Oh, and he can't forget the photo Fred and George had snuck into his Album of them making stupid faces at the camera. The rascals. "So... I was wondering if I could gift this to Myrtle with the box, we found it in for Christmas. I understand if you don't, I just wanted to-"
"Please, yes," Elizabeth says at once with a nod, closing the locket and pushing it slowly towards Harry. "Keep it. I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind it."
"Thank you again," Harry says, putting the locket back in its box and shutting it tight. "How about you point us in the direction of the Graveyard where Myrtle is buried? We'd love to see her now."
"Of course," Elizabeth says, gesturing to the door. "She's buried with her parents, so she's not alone." She leads them out of the bedroom. Harry had quietly said goodbye to Myrtle's room, then followed Mrs Waldron through her house with Draco, and to the front door. Mrs Waldron reached for her car keys which hung on the back of the door, and opened the door up, letting in the sunshine to her hallways. "You wouldn't mind driving there, would you?" she asked and stepped aside onto her front porch. "It's a little far to Walk."
"Not at all," Harry said, though he gave an unsure sidewards glance at Draco, knowing he hasn't been in a muggle car before. Only a Ministry official car for Fred's funeral, but those are quite different from muggle cars.
"Good, good," said Elizabeth casually, locking the front door from behind Draco as he walked out after Harry.
Draco jumped a little in fright as the muggle vehicle in front of him made an odd sound and flashed its lights. But all Elizabeth did was unlock her dark blue Jeep with the click of a button on her keys.
"Come on," Elizabeth said, rushing the two forward towards her car out front. "Let's get going."
Harry pulled Draco down the cobblestone path, out the black iron gate, and to Mrs Waldron's car. He quickly opened the back passenger door, and let Draco get in first. Then he walked around the other side and got in, sitting beside him in the back seat. He had closed the door and sat back, putting his seat belt on.
Elizabeth got into the car and started it up, and it again gave Draco another fright from the car's engine turning on. The front of the car beeped, and Harry looked at Draco, knowing what it meant. Draco doesn't know what a seat belt is. God dammit. But he admits that it's kind of cute. He leaned over as far as his seat belt could go and quietly told Draco about the seat belt and how to put it on while he strapped it around Draco and clicked it in.
Elizabeth pulled out of the parking space and turned the car by doing a 3.2 turn, then drove it to the end of the road. "So, where about is Hogwarts, and why can't muggles find it?" she asks, turning the radio on but turning it down to a low volume. Landslide by Fleetwood Mac had started playing.
"Err... Muggles can't see Hogwarts because it's protected by magical charms," Harry tells her, trying to remember everything Hermione told him about Hogwarts from Hogwarts: A History. "All that Muggles will see are the ruins of a castle with a sign that says something along the lines of 'Danger: Do Not Enter'. A lot of wizard buildings in London and all around the World are protected by the same Charms."
"How interesting," Elizabeth says thoughtfully. They were turning down different streets, the main sightings were of old buildings, shops, and old churches. Until Elizabeth had stopped the car outside of a large old gothic Baptist church on the side of the road.
Queensferry Road, Harry had read the street signs as he got out of the car. He looks over at the large black iron gate leading into the Cemetery as he gets out of the car and joins Draco on the sidewalk. They head over and walk into the cemetery, which had a main path that split into two paths shaped like a V leading away from each other. Smaller rock paths lead deeper into the cemetery from the main paths, and Elizabeth took them down one that had a birch tree by the start of the path.
Old, small, and tall new graves lined the pathways, and large trees were spread out around the graveyard. They walk up a small hill, towards an Oak tree where three Graves lay under it. Two of the three graves looked pretty recent, being taller than the one in the middle. Flowers were laid out by the base of the two recent graves, but the middle had a bunch of wilted red roses.
Grant T Warren. 5-8-1898 – 26-4-1983. A loving father, grandfather, husband, and friend.
Myrtle E Warren. 17-9-1928 – 13-6-1943. A loving daughter, sister, and Aunt.
Margaret F Warren 2-4-1899 – 7-3-1989. A loving mother, grandmother, and friend.
Harry kneels down before Myrtle's grave, and he quickly glances around for muggles who could see him with his wand out. He summons a wreath of white Myrtle flowers down by the base of Myrtle's headstone. "May you rest in peace, Myrtle Warren," he whispers to her grave. He knows she's not resting in peace, but he wished she was. He would rather Myrtle be with her parents in the afterlife, not a ghost.
Draco puts his hands on Harry's shoulder. "We should get going soon, Harry," he had said after a moment when he caught sight of a man in the far distance with a top hat on walking down the path towards them. Draco knew the man was a ghost by the greyish-silver hue around him and his transparency. In fact, there were a few ghosts in the Cemetery floating around. He looks behind him and smiled at Elizabeth, "Thank you for having us, Mrs Waldron. Harry and I should get lunch and head back."
"It's all good," Elizabeth says, waving a hand dismissively and smiling down at the magical wreathe Harry had conjured up. "But before you go, can you tell Myrtle about me? I just want her to know she still has a living family."
"Of course, we will," Draco assures her with a nod. "She'd love to learn about you, I'm sure of it." He stopped himself from saying that Myrtle is a little lonely at Hogwarts. But the ghost has him and Harry to talk with, and anyone who goes to her bathroom.
"Well, I'll let you two go now," Elizabeth says, checking the watch on her wrist under her sleeve. "I'll be going over to see my mother before I go pick up my teenage girls in half an hour anyway. Thank you for telling me parts of your world that my aunt knew of. I feel like it has brought me closer to her."
"That's alright," Harry had replied, sideways glancing at her with a wide smile. It was great hearing such positive things from a stranger. He got back up to his feet and wrapped an arm around Draco. "I do hope to see you again, but I'm afraid we'll be a little busy with the End of Year Examinations."
"Good luck with those Exams then," Elizabeth says lightly. "Good day!" She then turns around and heads back to her car, leaving Draco and Harry at the Warren's gravestones.
"We apparating back, right?" Draco asks when they were all alone, beside the ghost of the man with a top hat who stood a few meters away watching them, and a ghost of a little boy hiding behind a small pine tree spying at them. "Hello, sir," he greets the ghost man.
The man blinked as if confused, grabbed the tip of his top hat with his thumb and index finger and nodded. "Good day, young men." The gesture reminded Harry of a cowboy greeting someone.
"Hi," Harry says to the ghost man, but then turned back to Draco. "Actually," he says slowly with a grin, leading Draco by the hand away from the graves and ghost man and to the graveyard's exit. "I was hoping we could go on a lunch date while we're here. I did bring money."
"Sounds delightful," Draco says while trying to give Harry's cheek a kiss as they walked but missed his cheek and got Harry's nose instead. It made Harry laugh and pull him closer.
They walked around town for a while until they found a nice little cafe to get lunch at. Harry ordered a Patatas a Lo Pable as he's never had it before, but it smelt good. It was pretty much a potato meal. Draco ordered a Frittata because it sounded French to him, and Harry just shook his head fondly at him as he really couldn't love Draco more than he already does.
They ate by the window at a red circle table with a yellow chair and a green one. Draco took the green chair first, and it reminded Harry of a Muggle game of Musical Chairs he had once played in Primary School when it was someone's birthday. Harry really didn't care where he sat, as long as he could eat his food. He would have sat down on Draco's lap, but since they were in public, he didn't want any attention brought on them.
After their delicious meals, they tried to find a good apparating spot but were unsuccessful. The Portkey only was supposed to take them one way. And Portkeys wouldn't work going into Hogwarts. So, they ended up just going for a long stroll, enjoying the scenery together for around 15 minutes.
"Harry, what's that place?" Draco had suddenly asked, pointing up the driveway of what looked like a construction site, minus any new buildings being built. But on top of the hill lay an old castle-like structure. It was surrounded by trees, but on the right side of the road was a new aged hotel with a few cars parked out front.
Harry had to really look at the place and around it. It looked a little familiar... He knew what it was when he saw the two Wards hidden in between the large trees. "It looks like it was a Mental Asylum," he says, and then he noticed the sign hidden behind a brick wall at the front. "Craighouse Mental Asylum, Edinburgh. Est. 1801."
"Was an Asylum?" Draco had asked, sounding both confused and curious about the new place he pointed out.
"Yeah, it was some time ago," Harry said, and with a quick glance around their surroundings, he leads Draco over the road to the driveway. "They were like our Modern-day hospitals and used to house the Mentally ill which include people with depression, neurodiverse; autistic people, people with schizophrenia, panic attacks, insane people; orphan children, and even murderers. Everyone knows dark things used to happen in Mental Asylum's all around the World back in the day. Come on, let's go have a look."
"Dark things...?" Draco says worriedly, now a little uncertain about walking towards this old Asylum with Harry. It was Harry that was guiding him up the driveway, past the long-overgrown grass and bushes towards the first structure, which looked a little dark pink and had many old windows. There were traffic cones going up in a line to the asylum, and wire barricades around the building. "What kind of things, Harry?"
"Oh, I don't really know," Harry says as he scans the area for Muggles who may be watching them. He reaches into his pocket, feeling his shrunken invisibility cloak under his fingertips. "I'll have to ask Hermione when we get back to Hogwarts. She would probably know. I wasn't taught about Asylums in Primary School."
Draco nods, but it doesn't make him feel any better. With another quick glance around, Harry cuts through the wire of the barricade with a spell from his wand, creating a long half-oval shape that he was able to push up. Draco went through first, and then Harry, and he repaired the barricade with a quick Reparo, making it seem like nobody had tried getting through. He looks up at the building and sees something dark in the window right above him, but quickly it vanished. Strange...
They walk up the black railings to the door of the pink building and try opening it. Of course, it is locked. Harry uses Alohomora to open the door, and with a clicking sound coming from inside the lock, the door opened up. He rushed Draco inside and closed the door behind them, trapping them in darkness. They couldn't see much, but the sunlight shining through the windows gave them enough light to see around them. It wasn't a room, but a large hallway with doors leading into different rooms, and a stairway to their right.
The floor was seamless cement, the walls an orange-yellow with chipped paint. The entire building was pretty much empty when they walked through it, except for an old wheelchair they found just sitting in the left corner of a room facing them which totally didn't give the boys a creepy vibe, and a few old wooden chairs in another room. To their disgust, in a room that had the word 'Classroom 5B' carved onto a small wooden plank on the door, one out of five wooden chairs had a reddish-black stain on it.
They checked upstairs which had more classrooms, but they found a room with dirty shredded old rags which they believed were once clothes lying on the cold floor. They even saw a few old pairs of socks. Draco hated the room, and he wanted out.
The next room they checked still had a chalkboard on the cream-coloured wall, though the remains of the last lesson the children back then had was still on the chalkboard in white chalk, only faded and haunting-looking. There even was a creepy child's drawing on the bottom of the chalkboard of a weird stick figure with giant wide red eyes and black long hair. The white floor had bits of chipped white paint from the white ceiling, installation, and what looked like broken planks of wood that were once small children's desks.
When walking out of the room, Harry noticed Draco wasn't with him. He turns around and sees Draco staring off to the corner of the room behind the door, which Harry had no view of. "What's the matter, Draco?" he asks softly. "Is there something wrong?"
"No," Draco said, looking back at Harry and giving him a smile. "Nothing is wrong. I just thought I saw something..."
Harry raised an eyebrow curiously. Something? What's this 'something' Draco saw? He decided not to ask and pulled him out of the room. They head back downstairs as they've explored the entire building and went towards a door at the back of the building. It had to be opened with an Alohomora, and the two exited the building.
They stood and stared up at the tall main building of the Asylum, its old walls a light red colour, and it looked much like a castle. Harry grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him over to the little round-a-bout and the entrance into the building, the Slytherin didn't take his eyes off the structure and how big it was.
They walked up the stairs of the entrance, and once again, had to unlock the doors magically to let themselves in. Just the Grand Entrance was huge! Stone arches, like what they'd find in Greece were built into the light blue walls, and long hallways leading down to the other Wards were set in North, East, and Westerly directions. When looking up, they would see parts of the second story and the third that had dark wooden railings around the edge, and the clock tower at the very top. It was gorgeous!
They decided to go East, which was to their left and down a hallway with doors leading into small rooms which they guessed used to be bedrooms for the patients. Harry didn't notice Draco kept looking behind them until Draco actually told him. "Harry, we're being followed," he tells him, pointing down the hallway at the transparent being hiding behind an open door into an empty room.
Harry looked behind him, his eyes adjusting to the lightened hallway and at the ghost of a little girl with blonde curly hair with a yellow bow headband hiding behind the door. She looked to be around five and had on a long vintage yellow dress that reached just below her knees. The sleeves were short, and little black buttons went down the front of her dress. "Oh," he said, realizing they weren't alone in the old building. It would be haunted. He had forgotten about how Asylums can be haunted. "Hello there." He gave a little wave towards the girl, and the girl's light blue eyes widened as if in shock that she had been seen, and she quickly waved back.
Harry smiles at her. "What's your name, sweetheart?" he asks her lightly. "I'm Harry, and this is my lover, Draco." He really didn't know what to say to a muggle ghost girl.
"Y-You can see me?" the little girl asked in her sweet gentle voice, her small child hands gripping the door's handle and playing with it. "And..." She smiles knowingly. "You two are lovers? You love each other very big much?"
"Yes," Draco says with a nod and smiles brightly at the little girl's excitement. "We can see you. Let's just say, Harry and I aren't like other people. We have a special ability to see ghosts. And yes," he leans towards Harry and kisses his forehead, hearing giggles come from in front of them where the little girl was, "Harry and I love each other very much."
"Very big much," Harry says, looking deeply into Draco's eyes. Hearing Harry repeat the little girl's words made Draco laugh, and he brought their faces together, kissing Harry gently on the lips until he leaned away.
"Oh," the little girl says and finally steps out from behind the door, showing herself to them and trying her best to stop herself from giggling again. "People called Explorers and Paranormal Investigators with weird beeping equipment come in and can't see me. But I can communicate with them using the beeping object, and a thing that lights up from green to red when I touch it. Oh, and I'm Eleanora Hill."
"It's nice to meet you, Eleanora," Harry says kindly, relieved to hear her name. Eleanora... It sounded quite Victorian. "Tell us, are you the only one here?"
Eleanora shakes her blonde head. "No, there are many others here in the Kids Ward," she tells them with a grin. "They are all around here, probably doing their own things. The adults are on the other side of the Asylum. My friend Elise is in her room playing with her toys a few doors down. My older brother is probably in his room too, watching the birds fly by. He likes to paint... with his blood."
"Err... what?" Harry had said, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Okay, well, do you have any nurses here that look after you?"
Draco curled his lip. What kind of person would do that?! Paint with their blood. Disgusting.
"We have two," Eleanora says with a nod. "One died in 1857. She didn't want to lose the girl she kisses a lot named Audrey, so she and the girl jumped out the window with the bed sheets wrapped around their necks. One of my other friends saw the two, and she thought they were just swinging on a swing they made. Nobody found out the truth until her bedroom began to smell bad, and she told the nurses about it. The other Nurse was murdered by one of the patients in 1902. The patient had ripped the flesh off her arms and legs with his teeth."
"Merlin," Draco said in shock, covering his mouth with his palm. Muggles were crazy back then. There was no doubt that they weren't. At least they were locked up inside this place. "If you let me ask, how did you end up here?"
Harry felt his mouth go dry. He pictured both death scenes perfectly in his mind. But he listened closely to Eleanora, wanting to hear her story.
"Mommy and daddy were a part of some Cult named The Children of the Devil," Eleanora says weakly, looking ashamed to even mention her parents out loud. "They killed people for fun." Hearing that, made the two men look at each other with concern. "Lured them into their house. They had a basement where they would cut up their victims and cook them for dinner."
Draco winced at that thought. Cannibalism was a real thing? Merlin...
"My older brother Toby was seven and loved the stew mommy made," Eleanora says, grimacing as she knows her own mother probably fed her the same thing but as baby food. She began to float over to the two slowly, knowing the men are trustworthy people. "One day, he went into the basement and found a woman with chains around her wrist that were tied to the ceiling." She frowns and looks down at her shoeless feet. She only wore white socks with little frills. "He ended up killing her with a saw that was hanging on the wall, and that's how he found out his love for writing in blood. Mommy and daddy were so proud of him."
"One day, one of daddy's victims escaped." She puts on a smile as she has always thanked that mystery person for saving her from a life she didn't want to grow up with. "The police came and took mommy and daddy away, as well as Toby. I was just a baby then and was sleeping in my cot. The police thought I was going to turn out like mommy and daddy, so they brought me here with my family. Mommy and daddy are in the Adult Ward, and I hope they stay there." She crossed her arms as if she was happy that her parents were away from her.
"Oh, and I didn't become like mommy, daddy, and Toby." Eleanora seemed happy about that fact. "The nurses said I just have Ay Dee Hach Dee, I think it's called and Pee Tee Es Dee. The Pee Tee Es Dee come out after nearly being hit by a car when Nurse Daisy allowed me to play Hide and Seek with my friends and other kids. I ran far away from the Asylum, crawled under a fence, and wanted to hide across the road where a large park was. I didn't look left or right before running across the road. The driver nearly hit me, but she got out and took me back to the Asylum." She flinched at that memory, remembering having nightmares and wanting to self-isolate herself because of the recurring nightmares and flashbacks. "I was in trouble, a lot of it. I was caned."
Harry had trouble trying not to giggle at how Eleanora pronounced ADHD and PTSD. She's just so cute! But what she has gone through isn't cute at all... It's horrifying! Not something a little girl should have gone through. The word caned brought back memories of his from the Dursleys.
"And later on, I watched my mommy get beaten up by Doctors and Electrocuted until she stopped moving," Eleanora mutters sadly, the memories clear in her dead mind of her mother dying in front of her eyes when she was alive. She began to tear up but tried to not cry in front of the two men. She told herself to stay strong and not cry like a big girl, just like how Nurse Daisy taught her.
"After that, daddy became furious and began hurting all the nurses and doctors around mommy with a long needle and eventually got out of the room." She stopped floating forward when she was a meter away from Harry and Draco. "He killed a few nice patients I got to know who walked by too. He was supposed to die with her that day, and in the end, he was caught but hanged down the hill outside of the Nurse's quarters. I watched it happen from Toby's bedroom."
"We're really sorry you had to go through all that," Draco says gently, frowning as he looks down at her, tears running down her pale translucent face that he wants to wipe away with a handkerchief. "I don't understand how you managed all of that. How you dealt with seeing your parents die, growing up knowing your parents were..."
"It's all okay," Eleanora tells him, giving him a big forced smile. "I'm a big girl. I can handle things on my own."
"Yes, you very much are," Draco says, wishing he could hug and comfort her. She's been through so much, so much that a little young girl like her shouldn't endure. "You're one of the bravest big girls I know."
Eleanora grinned when hearing that and wiped away her tears.
"These Paranormal Investigators you mentioned, are they good people?" Harry suddenly asks. He didn't want Eleanora going on about her life anymore. It was just too sad and horrific. What child deserves to see their parents dying before their eyes? "They don't try bullying you and your friends, do they?"
Eleanora shakes her head. "No, they are very nice people," she replies. "My friends and I follow them around and make their things move and fall over. It's funny when they get scared." She had giggled at the thought of how easy it was to make the Paranormal Investigators scared. "An older patient I know named Nathan once whispered into a guy's ear and told him to get fucked when he was pushing my pink teddy around on the dirty floor." Draco snorted, and Harry just chuckled and shook his head, his eyes shiny with amusement. "I don't know what it means though. I think the man's name was Elton."
"What you said was a very bad word, Eleanora," Harry decided to tell her, the smile remained on his face as he's never heard a child swear before. "It's a swear word. Very bad. Adults only say it when they are angry or annoyed at someone."
"Oh... okay," Eleanor says quietly, looking down and away. She felt ashamed to have said such a word.
"Hey now," Harry says softly and kneels down in front of her at her eye height. He grabs at her hands, which are just as cold as Myrtle's and gives them a little squeeze. Eleanora looked quite surprised to see someone alive touching her hands. "It was just a little mistake you made. We all make mistakes, and you didn't hurt us in any way by swearing."
"It was quite funny hearing a child swear though," Draco admits, leaning against Harry with his arms crossed. "But we don't encourage you to swear again, as much as it humours us."
"I understand," Eleanora says guiltily, looking up at them both. "And I'm really sorry."
"It's all fine," Harry assures her, and even before he tells her to come closer for a hug, she just wraps her arms around him tightly. He smiles and hugs her back, making sure to rub her back as he has a feeling she hasn't been hugged in a century. But ghosts can hug other ghosts, can't they?
"Aww," Draco coos, and he feels sort of proud of Harry. He believes Harry has found his intent in life, beside him. But he will let Harry figure it out for himself and decide on what he wants to do job wise. "Well, at least Nathan was helping you by being rude to the Elton guy."
"I still don't know how the muggles heard Nathan," Harry says, looking down the hallway and seeing the ghost of an older woman float through the wall with a ghost boy who looks a little older than Eleanora. "Muggles can't see or hear ghosts apparently."
"What are muggles?" Eleanora then asks, tilting her head to the side to look up at Draco.
Harry takes a moment to think about that and how to tell her. "Well... muggles are the Explorers and Paranormal Investigators that come here," he says, suddenly pondering why he didn't see any ghosts in the pink classroom building out front. "So like Elton and his friends. They're muggles because they cannot see you or hear you talking. They can't have full conversations with you like Draco and I can."
Eleanora leaned away from the hug with Harry. "I have seen Elton's friend Brandon notice my friend running through the walls," she tells him clearly. "They call us Shadow people or shadow children. One of Elton's friends, Corey, has a ghost attached to him that he names The Shadow Man." Her lip trembled, and she hugged her arms. "He's a scary man ghost. He's tall and thin and wears a suit with a top hat and a cane and is always standing in corners."
"The Shadow Man shouldn't be able to hurt you if you stay away from it," Draco tells her softly. "Tell it to go away. You have the power over evil things."
Eleanora nods her head. "I understand," she deadpans. "But... if you two aren't human and can talk and see me, then what are you?"
Harry smiles at her. "Do you believe in magic?" he asks her.
"Magic?" Eleanora says curiously, "Like fairies and Mermaids, and flying and making objects vanish, float, and appear again?"
"Yes, to all of what you said," Harry says, grinning and reaching for his wand in his pocket. "Magic does exist. Muggles, which are what we call non-magical people, don't know that real magic exists." He points his wand towards the ceiling and says, "Vermillious!" A jet of red sparks flew out from his wand up to the roof and vanished when it touched the ceiling.
"Whoa," says Eleanora quietly in awe, staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes.
"Lumos Maxima!" Harry says, his wand then pointed at the hallway end leading into the Main Hall of the building where he saw the two ghosts. A beam of white light flew out of his wand and down the hallway. It kept going, out of the East Wing, and down the corridor to the West Wing. "We can do much more with our wands."
"So... are you a fairy?" Eleanora asks, and Draco chuckles and shakes his head. She tilts her head and looks for any signs of wings behind Harry. "A wingless fairy, I'm guessing."
"No, Draco and I are wizards," Harry says, getting back to his feet and showing her his Holy wand. "Witches exist too. My mother was a witch, and my father was a wizard. Same as Draco's. And my best friends are magical like me too."
"And mermaids and fairies do exist, yes," Draco added, watching as Eleanora's eyes widen more in exhilaration. "As do elves, goblins, trolls, centaurs, Dragons, and other magical creatures. Muggles cannot see these creatures, though. The woodland creatures tend to hide in forests."
"Your life sounds so cool!" says Eleanora moonily. "Where did you learn how to cast spells like that?"
"Well, Draco and I go to a school far far away in the Highlands of Scotland," Harry says, his voice sounding as though he was telling a fantasy story. "Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Our school is a castle, filled with magic, ghosts, a lake with a Giant Squid, wizard and witch students, and magical portraits that talk to you."
"Expecto Patronum," Draco then says under his breath, thinking of the day he had kissed Harry for the first time. A white ferret sprang out from his wand, but then immediately it transformed into a stag and totted around Harry. Eleanora giggled and floated after the deer, her ghostly smile as wide as ever.
"You can make ghost animals too?" Eleanora asks happily, reaching her hand up to the deer's snout to pet it. The stag leaned its neck down until it touched Eleanora's. "Can you do a cat too?"
"Err, no," Draco drawls, shaking his head. "Every wizard and witch has a different Patronus Animal. Mine's unfortunately a ferret, and Harry's is a stag."
"But... yours is a stag, Mr Draco," Eleanora says, clearly a little confused with the stag that's standing over her that she saw Draco cast.
"It is said that whoever has the same Patronus Animal as someone else, must love the other deeply within their heart," Harry had said, snaking his arm around Draco's waist. Draco's face slowly starts reddening, as though he knows Harry's going to tell her about the meaning. "And since my Patronus is a stag..." Harry smiles and kissed Draco's blushing cheek. "I know my Draco loves me so much."
Eleanora giggles at the realisation, and as the stag disappears, she floated up above their heads. "I have got to tell my friends about you two," she says lightly. "They never came out because they get a little shy. I had the nerve to see who was exploring the building."
"Why don't you do just that and tell them, because Harry and I have to go," Draco says as he looks out the window at the far end of the hallway, it showed the first sign of a setting sun by the orange light flooding in through the large framed window.
"Oh, okay," Eleanora says casually as though she was used to having people come and go. "Will you both come back to meet the rest of us like Elton, Corey, and their friends have?"
"We will try," Draco tells her, but is unsure himself if that would be possible. "We do have to focus on our studies though, but we promise we'll try visiting you."
Eleanora nods, believing them. "Well, goodbye," she says at last, floating down to wrap her arms around Harry for a quick hug, and then she tried giving Draco one, but she went right through him, as expected she'd do. "Oh..."
Draco just smiles. "Goodbye, Eleanora," he says. "It was great meeting you."
"Bye-bye," Harry says with a wave of his hand, and Eleanora smiles and floats away and through the wall to their right. "Well, let's go." Draco links arms with Harry and gives him a quick kiss. Grinning, Harry apparated them to 12 Grimmauld Place so they could use the Floo to enter Hogwarts through the Floo in Remus' office.
Once landed outside of 12 Grimmauld Place, Draco stopped Harry from heading up the stairs to the door. "Um... Harry?" he says, seeming a little nervous.
"Yes?" Harry said, looking at Draco who was staring down at a little boy with blonde hair dressed as a skeleton who was sucking on a red lollipop, and in his hands was a large white pillowcase with candy inside it. "Oops," he added quietly. He understood that this little boy had seen him and Draco apparate to this spot.
The boy's mouth opened in shock, and his lollipop fell out onto the floor as if he had forgotten it was there. "Y-You appeared... out of thin air..."
Harry grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him up the steps to 12 Grimmauld Place. He quickly unlocked the door, rushed through the entrance with Draco, and closed it behind them. "Kreacher?" he called out.
Kreacher popped into the hallway in front of where they stood. "Yes, master Harry Potter?" he had asked in his low croaky voice.
"Could you make us some tea, please?" Harry asked of him nicely. Draco walked past him and Kreacher, and Harry watched him go upstairs. Where's he going? "Oh, and biscuits would be nice too if we have any."
Kreacher nodded and popped out of the room after a quick "It'll be ready soon."
Harry then made his way upstairs to find Draco. He found him in the lounge room with his nose pressed against the living room window.
"Harry, Muggles have the most atrocious sense of Halloween fashion," he declares tightly, looking out into the street.
"Those kids are in muggle costumes," Harry informs him, peering over his shoulder to see a small group of children run up to the houses to the right of 12 Grimmauld Place. The boy in a skeleton costume had run off down the road to the houses over the road where dozens of kids were. "You never went trick-or-treating on Halloween as a kid?"
"No, it's a stupid Muggle tradition," Draco sneers. "I had all the candy I could ever ask for. I didn't need to go beg for it."
"It's fun," Harry says, smacking Draco's arse lightly as he moves away, Draco yelping softly. "Or so I've heard."
"Did those foul Muggles you lived with never take you out to beg for chocolate?" Draco asks with that same murderous look he gets in his eyes every time they talk of the Dursleys ever since Harry told him about them years ago.
"No, but Dudley usually let me have any fruit-flavoured candy he got," Harry says with a wide grin. "He hated them. I had my fun, Draco, don't worry."
Draco instantly looks aloof. "I'm not worried." He turns away stiffly to resume staring out the window, absently crossing his arms as he watches a kid dressed as an astronaut screech as he fights over a large slab of chocolate with another little girl dressed as a witch. "Why do Muggles think that witches are green-skinned?" he demands flatly, glancing around and frowning at Harry who's sitting and pulling his boots and socks off. "That's the second little girl I've seen in a simply dreadful emulation of wizarding robes. Ugh, and her hat is plastic. But why is she green?"
Harry grins. "I think it's just a general consensus among them that witches have wrinkly, green skin and are fatally averse to water," he tells him simply.
Draco looks flabbergasted. "How do they think we clean ourselves?"
"I dunno," Harry says laughingly, standing up and coming over once more, "magic?" He kisses Draco gently, pressing his crotch into Draco's pants.
"Do you plan on incorporating this shameful Muggle tradition with our future kids?" Draco asks, briefly pushing his arse back against Harry's bulge and narrowing his eyes.
"I'm not very fond of this holiday, Draco." Harry hesitates before going on. "My parents were killed Halloween night, so..." Draco pales so fast that Harry instantly regrets bringing it up. "It was why last Halloween, I, and with a little help from Hermione and Dean and others, put together the Halloween prank. It was to get my mind off them mostly, but also to have some fun."
"I—I forgot," Draco says, voice hushed and eyes very wide, his face a stark white. "I'm sorry, Harry, I meant no disrespe—"
"Don't be stupid," Harry says at once, kissing him once more. "And even if I don't take our kids trick-or-treating, you can, right?" he asks, grinning wickedly and tickling the sides of his stomach.
Draco's mouth thins and he sniffs. "I won't be indulging in such pointless frivolities, Harry," he says loftily. "Now," he wiggles his bum over Harry's cock, "What rooms can we practise making babies in?"
Harry chuckles and looks at him hungrily. "Any," he answers quietly. "But a bedroom would be preferable." He blows into Draco's ear, and as he was about to reach down and slide his hands in Draco's pants, a familiar pop was heard, making Harry jump away from Draco and look at Kreacher, his hand running through his hair with embarrassment.
Kreacher rolled his eyes and put the tray of tea and biscuits on the coffee table. Draco sniggered at Harry's red face, and although he really wanted sex with Harry, he had sat down on the lounge chair and taken a mug of tea from the tray. Kreacher then popped out of the room, leaving the two alone in the room.
Harry eventually sat down beside Draco and grabbed a biscuit, which he quickly dipped in Draco's tea and bit into it with a grin.
"Oi," Draco snaps, narrowing his eyes and pulling his cup of tea away from Harry's reach, "Mine."
"No, you're mine," Harry whispers, dropping his half-eaten biscuit on the tray and starting to unzip Draco's fly. Draco smacked his hand away, reached for Harry's biscuit and dunked it in his tea.
"My biscuit now," Draco says vigorously, his lips thinning as he brings his biscuit to his mouth, but Harry grabs his wrist and snatches the biscuit with his mouth, sliding his lips down Draco's fingers in the end. Draco licks his lips, watching Harry's mouth as it sucks on the ends of his fingers. "Merlin's balls... Get your arse upstairs right now to... I don't know, Sirius' room. I expect to see you naked and bent over the end of the bed for me."
"And here I thought you were bottoming," Harry said quickly as he rushed to get up off the couch and head upstairs with a grin on his face, his pants tightening at the thought of how Draco wanted him.
Draco smirks. Ah, the sweet smell of manipulation. "Oh, I'll definitely be bottoming," he mutters as he just continues to drink his tea slowly and eat a few of the biscuits just to make Harry wait. As much as he'd like to see the view of Harry's perfectly sculpted arse, he'd prefer that this time it'd be himself who's bent over the bed's end for Harry to see. And so, after finishing his tea, he took no rush into walking up to Sirius' room where he found Harry naked, but under the sheets of the bed. He shakes his head as he says, "How disappointing."
"It was cold just standing there waiting for you!" Harry tells him stiffly. He had remembered minutes ago to cast a Vulnus Expleret so Draco wouldn't see his cuts and would instead see clear skin. "You took so long."
"Pity," Draco says casually with a sigh, locking the door behind him. But he did feel a little bad as it was a little cold in the room. Harry could have caught a cold. "Oh, and you're actually topping, thank you."
"What?" Harry said at once, getting out of bed and wondering if he heard Draco wrong. "I thought you were-"
"I lied," Draco says lightly. He began to take off his cloak and work on the buttons of his traditional vampire dark green vest. "Now get the lube. I want you inside me, considering you pulled me around all day to different locations in North Britain, though the lunch date I enjoyed very much."
Harry grins and quickly searched the bedside table for some lube. After a few seconds, he grabs it and chucks it on the bed. He looks over at the other side of the bed, and sees a naked Draco already lying on his side. The bloody sexy bastard.
Fun fact: Eddie Redmayne Wanted to Play Tom Riddle
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