A Hexagon of Love
Remember Remus' wise words.
"Eat. You'll feel better"
Enjoy this chapter!
Harry woke up from yet again, another nightmare. It was the same one that he always has with that green light in the end. He did his regular breathing exercise like the last time when he feels a panic attack coming on, breathing in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds and breathing out for eight seconds.
He was drenched in sweat as well as his own bed. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, grabbed his glasses off the bedside table, grabbed his wand and cast a quick cleaning charm on the sheets and in a second, the bed was sweat-free.
He really did not feel like getting up at all today, or even interacting with people. He zoned out staring out the window next to Neville's bed showing the mountainside, remembering the times he has been with Draco this school year. The hugging. The kissing. The snuggling. The sex. How Draco makes him feel loved, how he flushes the sadness out of him.
Hours later, his dormmates finished getting ready and headed out while Harry just lay there pretending to be asleep. Dean noticed Harry's eyes were open and staring blankly like he was a dead man. He grew worried for his fellow Gryffindor. "Harry, turn that frown upside down," he said sleepily as he put on his tie and tied it into a full Windsor knot.
Harry gave Dean the best possible fake smile he could ever-present, which turned out that it wasn't very big. "I'm fine, really," he said half-heartedly, finding it hard just to look over at his dormmate when it shoud be so easy. "Thanks for asking..."
Dean blinked at the boy; he was finally coming out of his tired state as he rubbed at his eyes. "It's no problem, Harry." He sounded concerned and his eyebrows were furrowed worriedly as he still saw the frown on Harry's face.
Harry nodded slowly. Right now, he just needed to escape and cut. He sluggishly pulled himself out of bed. Groaning, he felt like his body was made of led. After waiting quite a long time, Dean had finally left the room, leaving Harry alone so he could get dressed in peace.
Harry headed out of the room and made his way down to the boy's bathroom. But as he entered through to the common room, he heard Hermione call for him. He turned around reluctantly and noticed that Hermione had been reading a book. He could not see what she was reading but it had a black hardcover.
"Hello, Harry," Hermione said, beaming at him though she still had her nose glued into her book. She was reading Lord of the Rings. "Did you have a good sleep?"
Harry forced a smile, hoping it was enough for her to believe. "Yeah," he said dazedly and wished he was back up in his room, sleeping the week away. "I slept fine."
Hermione looked as if she didn't believe Harry, but she didn't leave a comment about it. "Harry," she said softly, bookmarked the page in her book and put it down on her lap, closed. "Are you ok? How are you doing?"
"So, how are you and Pansy?" Harry neatly avoided the question. He really was not sure what to say to her. He wasn't okay, but there was no way he would say anything to her that would be concerning.
Hermione suddenly blushed as she hid her face back behind her book, but the blush seemed to run further up her face so Harry could see. "Oh, she's great," she said with a shy smile.
"And how are you?" Harry asked her, forcing himself to chuckle a bit at the response he got from her. He wondered if Hermione and Pansy are mutual friends or even more. That would be nice to see, his best friend being loved by someone.
Hermione sighed happily and looked at the ground where Trevor, Neville's frog, sat. How did he even get out? "I'm great, thank you!" she said, smiling. She paused and smiled at him knowingly, "Have you had a first date with Draco yet? Or your second, third, fourth and so on?"
Harry nodded at her and suddenly he felt a little better at the mention of his boyfriend who can make him laugh more than he ever has laughed before, who makes his stomach and heart do flips and wonderous things inside him when he's kissing, hugging, or having the time of his life with Draco.
Hermione squealed happily and cupped her mouth with a wide grin. "Tell me everything!" she asked of him at once.
Harry told her everything that happened between him and Draco on their first date under the Willow tree, to the dates leading to this week and their most recent date which was only a few days ago. He didn't tell her about Ivy's suicide attempt because he didn't want to worry Hermione and apply more pressure on Ivy. He told her about a muggle garden, but not the one in Hogwarts because that will stay between Draco, him, and Ivy. He told Hermione what happened in the garden and obviously, he told her what actually happened with the kisses, the birds bringing the food, the pond and gazebo.
"Oh, Harry," Hermione said dreamily with a soft smile and a hand over her heart. It's the most romantic thing she's ever heard of. "That all sounds so romantic! Have anything else to tell me? Only if you want to, of course."
"I guess so," Harry said tiredly with a slow nod. It was romantic, all the dates, and he loved every minute of them. "I meant the romantic part. Nothing else has happened. But Draco did say he's planning another date for me and him."
"Well, in a week is Hogsmeade weekend," Hermione reminded him, trying to get Harry to think about what this means for him. In case he didn't know it meant date time. "So, you can take your prince charming there for the next date. Go to Madam Puddifoot's cafe." She wriggled her eyebrows playfully at him.
Harry blushed at that thought of going to Hogsmeade holding hands with Draco and showing the world that Draco is his and his only. It sounds amazing but he doesn't know if Draco wants that. He must think about Draco's feelings other than his own. "The problem is that Draco doesn't want Crabbe, Goyle or Nott to know about me and him together. Or something like that, I may have heard him wrong." He sighed miserably, looked up at the window looking out to the castle grounds.
"Oh, I see," Hermione said and looked back up to Harry sadly. "But you guys were snogging in front of everyone in Hogwarts during breakfast the other day," she said as a smile formed on her lips from that memory. "I'm sure people told their parents already."
Harry frowned and stared at the floor. He felt like everything was his fault. If he never got together with Draco this wouldn't be happening. Draco wouldn't have to sneak around if they do go to Hogsmeade together. He wouldn't have to worry about Draco's father.
Hermione also frowned; she hated seeing her best friend so sad. It's like he was regretting something. "It won't be too bad Harry," she told him reassuringly. "Besides, I'm sure their parents won't believe them."
"Thanks, Hermione," Harry said to her, still staring blankly at the floor in front of him. He understands that Draco's better off without him. He's just a freak who cuts himself, who's a slave, who doesn't deserve such good friends and a wonderful boyfriend. He doesn't deserve any of it.
"Well, I'm so glad you told me about the relationship you and Draco have," Hermione began. "I am so happy you have sorted your rivalry aside and have begun something new with him. I hope you and Draco have the happiest time together, whether there are fights or not. But fights are healthy in a relationship. Just not too many."
"Thanks again, Hermione," Harry said as he forced another smile at her. He didn't believe her at all. He doesn't deserve someone so incredible and beautiful like Draco.
"You and Malfoy?" said a disapproved, disgusted tone of voice from behind them. It was like the person hasn't seen Harry and Draco kissing at all. It's like they were just born today.
Harry saw Hermione look up behind him, so he turned his head around in a flash to look up at a displeased Ron. "How much did you hear?" he asked him slowly, wanting to know what the fuck Ron wanted and why his so-called best mate was here.
"About the whole thing," Ron said while crossing his arms over his chest and leaned lazily on the wall beside him. "Just letting you know I don't mind your relationship with him - that twat, and that I'm sorry for what I've said to you in the past." Without another word, he left them be and walked out of the common room.
Harry looked over at Hermione and she saw his reaction and came over to him. She gave him a big hug and reassured him that everything will be okay. "At least he apologized," she told him softly. "He doesn't seem to mind that you're with Draco Malfoy now either. Malfoy's still a - I don't like to swear - I'll just say idiot is still a scumbag in my eyes. I understand Ron would think so too. If you trust Malfoy then I will too."
Harry felt just the tiniest bit of relief that Ron said sorry and that he approves of Draco being with him, but it still hurt as Ron had still told him he was a faggot months ago. Even Hermione's hugs didn't help him much. They weren't like Draco's lovely comfy hugs. He told her he was going to the bathroom, which was not a lie because after the hug which he ended, he made his way down to the boy's Bathroom.
When he got inside the bathroom, he scanned the room and didn't see anybody else. Good, he thought as he wanted to be alone. But he knew someone were to come in at some point and find out about him if he just stands over the sinks and cuts. So, he grabbed his blade from inside the tin, pocketed it, and rushed out of the bathroom, down to the second floor of Hogwarts, and into the abandoned girl's bathroom.
He paced around the room when inside the unused girl's lavatory, feeling rushes of anxiety course through him from the dream he had last night and the knowledge that Nott, Goyle, and Crabbe could be doing anything to Draco right now. He hoped Blaise was with Draco.
Harry stopped pacing. He knew what he had to do next. He knew what could calm him down. He walked over to the sinks, reached into his pocket to grab out the empty green tin, and removed the ward around the tin to open it. Then he tipped the tin upside down and watched the blade fall into his hand.
(WARNING: Mentions of cutting. Look for the next BOLDED title, then it'll be safe to continue if you can't read further.)
He stood over the sink with the blade in his hand, rolled up his left robe sleeve to reveal the cuts and scars from days, weeks and months ago. He sliced the blade across his arm where no previous cuts lay and hissed with pain. He needed this, he wants this, he deserves this.
Harry slid the blade across his arm again, and again and again until he made five cuts. He placed the blade down on the sink and watched his scarlet blood form in his new cuts. He watched as the blood slid down his arms and dropped droplets onto his robes which thankfully were black.
(You're safe.)
He then felt guilty because of Draco and how he knows how much he loves him. How he kisses him and oh, how he wants to be kissed and touched by him every single minute of every single hour. He doesn't want Draco to worry about him. I love him, he thought. But he doesn't deserve to be loved by Draco as Draco deserves so much better than a depressed little git like himself.
But this was necessary. Harry believes he deserves to have pain; he deserves to be in pain. He doesn't deserve to be loved; he deserves to be lonely. He doesn't deserve to have friends. Sometimes, he wants attention, but does that make him an attention seeker? This is even more reasons for him to be lonely and in pain. He wants to be in more pain.
(WARNING again for mentions of cutting and blood. Skip until next bolded title.)
He rolled up his other sleeve on his right arm and looked down at his bare right arm with a few cuts here and there. He grabbed the blade with his left hand and began to cut on his right arm. First cut, second cut, third cut and fourth cut. As he cut for the fifth, it was the deepest and stung the most. He liked this pain, even though it stung the most. He deserves it for being an attention-seeking git.
(You're safe. :] But there's a little bit of small talk about blades.)
Suddenly Harry heard something from across the bathroom. He quickly rolled down his sleeves and whipped his head around to see where the noise came from. He didn't see anybody or anything until he heard a familiar moan from a particular ghost. "Myrtle?"
Moaning Myrtle came out from her cubicle, looking all sad and mopey like she usually does. "Oh, Harry," she sobbed and floated over to him, wiping the ghostly tears from her dead eyes. "I remember blades back in the old days." She was looking down at the sharp object with a sad smile.
Harry looked at the ghost girl and wondered what was wrong with her mentally, other than her having thoughts about death like he has too. Then he started to panic; either she will tell someone about his problem, or she'll let it go. "That's nice," Harry deadpanned while he toyed with the blade with his fingers, not caring about being careful with it. If he cuts his fingers, even if it's little cuts like a papercut so be it. "This blade came off a shaver."
"Oh," said Myrtle gently as she floats towards him, feeling more intrigued by the minute in this conversation. "Our shavers were a little blunt, but they did their job."
Harry felt a little awkward in this conversation when talking about shavers. Especially to another person. A dead person. "Okay?" he said slowly, wanting to get away from this situation and her as he did not actually know how to reply to her.
"By the way," she floated closer to him and looked at his reflection in the mirror, at his pale face and numbed features. "Are you okay?" she asks softly. "That thing you did with the razor on your arm is not what normal people do these days." She gave him a mock brow as she floated up and down in her seated position.
"Um... It's fine," Harry told her, pushing the blade onto his thumb. "There is nothing to be worried about." He looked ahead of him at the door, wondering if he should get up and escape. "Anyway... I should get going down to breakfast." He stood up, placed his blade back in the tin and pocketed it. With a quick, small smile at the ghost girl, he headed back up to Gryffindor Tower.
He made his way out of the Gryffindor common room, feeling the familiar numbness after cutting. He liked this numb feeling, of course; it meant any other emotions were blocked by the numb haze. While he walked down the hallway towards the great hall, he heard footsteps running towards him from behind and a familiar voice shouting "Harry!" He spun around slowly and met the familiar beautiful grey eyes of Draco Malfoy. "Oh, hello Draco," he said tiredly.
Draco slowed down to a halt in front of Harry and looked into his Emerald Green eyes. His eyes looked so lost to the world and empty. Such a familiar look. "Hello, my darling Harry," he said and grew worried for his boyfriend's mental state. "Are you okay?"
Oh, great. This is not the day, Harry thought with irritation but put a quick smile on his face. He can't let Draco find out about what he had done to himself. Play it safe, Harry. Just say you're fine. Yes, just say that. But then again, he knew he shouldn't say 'I'm fine' because when people say they are fine, they really aren't. Oh, but how those beautiful eyes stare at him with concern. He just wants to snuggle up to him, cuddle, kiss him, and cry onto him. "Uhm... Yes. I'm f- I'm alright. Just tired."
Draco furrowed his eyebrow worriedly. He knew Harry wasn't telling the whole truth and that made him feel a little disappointed. He wanted Harry to tell him what's wrong so he can help him. "Okay, as long as you're alright," he said as he leaned forward and kissed Harry on the cheek.
All he knows is that Harry's treated like a house-elf at home. But with his own research it appears that either the Dursleys don't feed Harry or Harry starves himself. Not to mention the bruises on Harry's back he found months ago which he healed. It just makes sense. Harry gets abused by those relatives of his. If he ever sees Harry's relatives, he will get his father to sue them. Or even better. Send them to prison, whatever the muggle's prison is.
Harry looked away in shame but held onto the kiss Draco gave him with everything he had. He felt himself blush from the kiss and he had to look down at the floor. He hated lying to Draco, but there was no way he could tell him what was wrong. He was stuck feeling like an idiot for keeping things from Draco.
Draco intertwined his and Harry's hands together and smiled at his adorable raven-haired boyfriend when he saw the blush on those cheeks he likes to kiss. He would kiss those cheeks every second so he can see that beautiful blush." Come on, let's head down for breakfast. I want to see you get some food in your tummy."
Harry nodded and gave Draco a nod. "Alright," he said as he looked down at the floor again, zoning out while he thinks about vomiting up food and bloody covered arms. He wasn't really hungry, so he let Draco take him down to the Grand Hall. As they walked on and on through the corridors of the school, Harry thought he saw a student down one of the corridors on roller blades zooming across the corridor. I'm going crazy.
Harry and Draco separated their entwined hands and went to the Slytherin table together once they walked into the Great Hall. The whole Hall smelt of pastries, honey, and vegetables. The breakfasts served on each Hogwarts tables was a mixture of normal English breakfasts and Bulgarian breakfasts.
Pansy looked up at the two and smiled. She had a Mekitsa pastry in her hand which is a popular Bulgarian breakfast that consists of flatbread made with kneaded dough that is then deep-fried in hot oil. "Well, good morning, Harry and Draco," she said to the two in a bubbly voice. "How was everyone's night?"
Draco and Harry both sat down on the other side of Pansy, facing her. Harry looked over at Pansy with that forced smile. At least he's not being ignored. That's something which he hopes won't ever happen to him. He wouldn't be able to take it. "Morning Pansy and my night was fine. Thank you."
Draco looked over at Harry with an eyebrow raised, knowing the 'I'm fine' lie like his cousin uses. It's easy to tell when Harry's lying about his real feelings. He then looked back to Pansy and while he did so he gave Harry's hand a squeeze from under the table. "Mine was alright," he told her as he reached over to grab the same pastry Pansy had in her hands. "I got enough sleep to last a whole week."
Suddenly, Hermione dropped right next to Harry on the chair and smiled at everyone around her who is close friends to Pansy. "Hello, everyone," she said with a cheerful smile, and then looks over at Pansy who's checking out her nails.
Harry nearly fell off the chair as Hermione had startled him, but he managed to calm himself down from getting a panic attack. How can he warn her that panic attacks to him are common? Only when he gets scared. He gave her a weak smile and said, "Hey, Hermione."
Draco looked up at Pansy who he catches staring at Granger, then to Granger whose staring at Pansy, then back to Pansy again. "Oh my, and what do we have here?" he asked his best friend with a smirk. "Are you two dating? Pansy, how come you never told me?" He made his voice sound a little hurt. "I thought friends aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other."
Pansy and Hermione both blushed as they looked away from at each other. "No," Pansy said as she shook her head. Although she wished it were true. "We're not dating... yet." She gave Hermione a little wink just to tell her she definitely wants to get with her. She has been giving Hermione hints ever since the Yule Ball.
Hermione felt a blush rise and she smiled down at her plate which she then decides to fill up with Banista which also originates from Bulgaria. It's made by layering sheets of buttered phyllo pastry with a combination of eggs, yogurt, and cheese such as sirene and feta. "Well, we could make it happen, Pansy," she said shyly and folded her hair behind her ears. "How about Saturday? You and me, Hogsmeade together."
Draco looked up at Granger in surprise, never expecting her to be the one to ask Pansy out first. He always thought it would be Pansy who asks out Granger. Not the other way around. He knows Pansy. She will always do things first before the other and get things done. He looks beside him at Harry again and frowns when seeing Harry just staring at the empty plate in front of him. He wanted to help him but didn't know how except give him all the love and attention he can.
Pansy looked up at Hermione in surprise and gave her a smirk. She likes where this is going. "Sounds like a date," she said, fluttering her eyelashes at her but then noticed Ivy wasn't around so then she looked at Draco. "Draco, where's Ivy? I haven't seen her since yesterday when we were doing homework together in the common room."
Draco looked through the crowds of the Grand Hall then back at Pansy with worry. He could see the concern on her face and knew he looked concerned for his cousin's. Where was Ivy? "I'm not too sure."
Harry looked up at Draco, hoping the worse would not come. He too hoped Ivy was somewhere okay and away from sharp blades. He didn't like the idea of an angry fanged Ivy hissing at students and possibly biting them. "Do you want to go look for her?" he asked him softly, raising his hand to put on Draco's shoulder. "We can do this before classes start."
Draco nodded and grabbed an apple from the breakfast basket and got up. But as he knew Harry hadn't eaten anything, he grabbed a Manista and a Mekitsa for Harry and gave them to him. "You need to eat too, Harry," he told him carefully but as an order. "You need your energy for today."
Harry nodded and followed him, leaving a flirting Pansy and Hermione alone at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall as he begins to slowly eat the Bulgarian breakfast pastries. He followed Draco down into the Slytherin Dungeons.
Draco stopped at the entrance into the Slytherin common room and said, "Magnus Serpens" and a familiar tunnel appeared. Luckily there were no students around and they ended up at the back of the common room in Draco, Pansy, and Ivy's spot where they finally spot her, eyeing her self-harm scars from a week ago.
Draco looked over at Ivy. He was startled at the sight of her cuts showing in the candle chandelier light of the common room even though he's seen her cuts before. "Ivy?" he says with concern, tilting his head to the side. "Are you okay?"
"Yes?" Ivy said, startled, and shot her head around to look at the boys who walked over to her. She pulled her sleeves down past her wrists so they couldn't see anything, but she could sense their worry. "Oh, hello Draco and Harry. No, I'm not okay. I have the urge to... you know?"
Draco nodded at what she wanted to do. It saddened him when knowing the potion Madam Pomfrey gave her had worn off. He wouldn't give it to her again as he doesn't want to drug her with it just so she seems happy. "Oh, Ivy," he said softly, walking to the side of her and giving her a warm side hug. "Do you want help?"
Ivy nodded sadly. She wants this pain to go away. It's all she wants. This pain is all because of her damn mother who she dislikes with all her heart. "I'd do anything to not feel this horrid pain ever again," she told them in a shaky voice. "Pain can go die in a hole for all I care. It can go back to hell where pain originates from."
Draco ended the hug and looked into Ivy's blue eyes which he knows are fake. "Alright," he said and knew what he had to do and how to help her. "How about you book yourself into that psychiatrist you see every three months? You should go see her tomorrow or sometime this week."
Harry watched the sisterly brotherly bond between Ivy and Draco. Even if they were cousins or not, they seemed to get along quite well. He wished he had a sibling, or even his own mother and father alive but no. What luck does he have? None.
Ivy nodded again and looked into her cousin's eyes. "Sure, I guess," she said, agreeing to this idea. "I do miss Emela, my psychiatrist. She's lovely-."
Draco interrupted her with a reassuring smile, "It's good to talk about these things instead of bottling it up inside. You know this. Plus, you need to learn to control your vampire anger issues."
"I'll arrange it later on today," Ivy says with a grateful little smile. "Thank you, Draco, and you too, Harry, for caring so much. Also, Harry, I'm really sorry you saw me change the other day. I hate to think I could have really hurt you both."
"Anytime," Draco said.
"It's all right," Harry says carefully as he remembers that day and how red Ivy's eyes were. It was scary; she could have ripped their throats off if Draco didn't stop her. "I'm just glad Draco knew what to do in that situation."
Ivy laughed bitterly as Draco thought about Harry getting therapy too. He wanted to take Harry with him and Ivy so Harry could have his own therapy/psychiatrist appointment with a professional.
Ivy smiled at them. She's blessed with such an amazing cousin and such amazing friends. "How about Monday after the Hogsmeade weekend at around 3 in the afternoon?" she suggested for the therapy. "I'll be studying before the Hogsmeade trip, and even after during the morning so I get the afternoon off."
"Sure thing," Draco said, dropping his hand from her shoulder and entwined it with Harry's hand. He smiled and looked beside him at his boyfriend. He leaned forward and gave him a little kiss on the cheek to just try and make Harry feel a little better. "Now, we need to go. Be safe Ivy."
Harry began to blush from the kiss Draco gave him. How could he not blush? Draco's kisses always lit him up from the inside with a spark. Then he let out a yawn, which he really should have kept inside because now Draco chuckled at him which made his blush a little darker in colour.
"Didn't get enough sleep?" Ivy asked Harry softly, smiling at Draco's tired boyfriend. When Harry nodded, she gave him a nod back, understanding what it is like to not get enough sleep. It sucks and she knows it. The only times she does get enough sleep is after sex with a girl or after reading a book.
"I wish to stay with you more and chat, but Harry and I have to get to Potion's before Professor Snape arrives," Draco told his cousin carefully, making sure she knows it's not on purpose. He looked beside him back at Harry, smirking. "Unless you want to skip potions and head to Care of Magical Creatures instead?"
Harry looked at him in disbelief. Where's the Draco Malfoy he loves and knows? "You? Skipping potions? Who are you, and what have you done to Draco Malfoy?"
Draco laughed. "Let's go, Harry," he said and gave Harry a warm loving smile. He intertwined their hands together and looked back at his cousin, giving her a little wave with his free hand. "Bye Ivy!" They were off to Potion's with a wave back from Ivy, and they were lucky enough to get to Potions on time before the professor.
They took their seats together and got to work on the Pepper Up potions they were instructed to make by Professor Snape. They got through the potion fairly quickly together, Draco giving Harry the instructions to chop or stir while he does all the hard parts in making sure they have enough ingredients for the potion, making sure Harry is doing everything correctly, and watching the heat of the cauldron. They finished after two other people, that including Pansy and Hermione who were working together, and they gave a vile of their potion to the professor. Then they packed up and left to their next class of 'Care of Magical Creatures'.
Harry and Draco walked down to the area where Hagrid held most of the lessons together. Harry broke the silence as they got closer to the area where the lesson would be held. "So, what animal do you think Hagrid will teach us about?" he asked his boyfriend who he caught staring at him, as if mesmerised. He gave him a shy smile.
Draco shrugged as he had no idea, and he felt his hot blush rekindle. He knew Hagrid would literally teach the class about anything dangerous. "I'm not sure," he said and suddenly looked down at the ground with a smile. "I hope that oaf won't cause any more troubles, not like last year with my elbow."
Harry looked at Draco sadly and nudged him in the ribs. "Hey!" he said, a little hurt that Draco called his friend that. "Hagrid's a friend of mine. Please don't insult him no matter how Oafy he is to you." He halted a few meters away from the place that the class took place at and turned his body around to Face Draco's. His other hand found Draco's free hand and he twined them together.
Draco stopped in front of Harry and sighed guiltily. He stared into those green eyes that glittered in the sunlight, and it made his heart flutter in his chest. "I'm sorry," he said as his eyebrows gathered in and he leaned forward until his forehead touched Harry's. He moved in for a deep, leisurely kiss. He poured his heart and soul into it, wanting Harry to know just from the press of his lips how very special he was, and how loved, and how sorry he was to call Hagrid an Oaf.
"What was that for?" Harry asked when they parted from the sweet kiss that left them both a little breathless. He smiled when looking into Draco's eyes, waiting for an answer from his blonde Slytherin boyfriend.
"I'm just sorry for calling our professor what I had called him in front of you," Draco says softly and his forehead presses against Harry's forehead again. "I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry."
"Draco, an apology is all I need from you, and you gave me one," Harry assured him, his hand coming up to Draco's face and cupped his cheek affectionately. "But that kiss also is included in the apology which I loved." He bit his lip, smiling. "It'll never get old. You should keep at it."
"Maybe I will," Draco said with a smirk, and as he leans forward for another kiss, Harry points towards where everyone in the class is. He looks to where Harry's pointing at and widens his eyes.
"Are those centaurs?" Hagrid stood with creatures that looked half man and half horse. Interesting... He was stunned to see an actual centaur herd. Then he saw a familiar centaur, who goes by the name of Ronan.
Harry looked over at a certain centaur and he remembered him from his first year in the forbidden forest for his first ever detention. It was Firenze, the young blonde centaur. He kind of reminded him of Draco, but his hair was much longer, and he has these charming diamond blue eyes. Harry smiled at the centaur; the centaur smiled back at him. But Firenze's eyes can never be as beautiful and breathtaking as Draco's silvery stormy grey eyes.
Draco saw the reaction from Harry and the centaur and began feeling jealous. He felt anger boil through him as he thought of his Harry being taken away by a... a... creature ... a... centaur! He moved closer to Harry like he was some animal guarding its mate and glared at the familiar centaur. I swear, if that bloody centaur says or does anything with my Harry, it will regret ever seeing the sight of 'The golden boy' ever again and... and... my father will hear about this! he thought, crossing his arm over his chest like a child who was in a tantrum. Hmph!
Harry looked back beside him at his adorable jealous boyfriend and nudged him playfully with a cheeky smile and a wink. Why would his boyfriend ever be jealous of Firenze? Harry doesn't even like the centaur. He likes Draco. No, he loves him with all his heart and soul.
Draco blushed and tried to glare at Harry but couldn't. He just raised his eyebrow and rolled his eyes, shaking his head slightly. Harry giggled and gave Draco a kiss on the cheek, making the Slytherin blush while not noticing that Hermione, Pansy, Neville, Dean and Seamus were all smiling, giggling, and chuckling at them, making kissy faces, and shaping their hands to look like hearts.
Draco looked up at the giggling lot and glared at them. How dare they ruin this moment he's having with Harry! Harry rolled his eyes and intertwined his and Draco's hands together. Draco smiled lovingly at Harry and pulled the Gryffindor even closer to him. Harry returned the loving smile, brought his hands up to cup Draco's cheeks and leaned forward to kiss him softly. Draco melted in the kiss with a smile and put his arms around Harry's back.
Pansy and Hermione used some sort of bubble spell and blew rainbow coloured heart-shaped bubbles towards Harry and Draco. The bubbles flew towards the two boys kissing, circling and floating around them. Harry ended the kiss as he heard something 'pop' right next to his ear. He wondered if his ear popped but didn't know if that was possible. He wasn't in the air, or driving up a mountain, or in an airplane.
Seamus and Dean started kissing each other in front of the whole class, wanting to be a part of this kissing session and it's so their classmates don't just pay attention to Draco and Harry. They knew how awkward it was having people watch you as you kiss your lover. They heard tons of 'Awwe's from around them and one or two "Eww's' coming from the Slytherins, but they didn't care.
Hagrid looked at the snogging males and laughed merrily. It wasn't new to him. He knows there are gay and lesbian couples throughout Hogwarts. They're not hard to find.
Neville grabbed hold of Ron and kissed him because, well, everyone else was doing it (only Harry and Draco, and so was Seamus and Dean) and because he knew that Ron liked Blaise. He decided to make the Slytherin jealous. He heard a couple of gasps around him but really did not care, to be honest, he was actually liking kissing another bloke for some reason. Ron then pulled out of the kiss quickly, and Neville looked over to see Blaise staring at him and Ron, who then looked down and stared at the floor in jealousy.
"What the bloody hell was that mate!?" Ron snapped at Neville, shoving him back a bit away from him. He raised his hand up and pressed the back of his hand to his mouth. He can now say he's kissed two blokes now but it's not something he wants to be impressed by. He cannot believe he let that happen.
Neville flinched at the shove but kept the smile on his face. "What?" he asked him proudly, feeling as if that was the bravest thing he'd ever done. Well, it wasn't really but it was nice to try. "I did that for you as you need it."
"Wait... what do you mean for me?" Ron asked with furrowed eyebrows, not understanding any of this. What did his fellow dormmate mean? "Why the bloody hell do I need it, Nev?" His voice became quieter as if he's embarrassed to say what was on his mind. "Why do I need to be kissed by you?"
"You'll see, Ronny-kins," Neville teased him quickly with a shaky smile, chuckling at the name the twins usually call Ron and seeing Blaise look at Ron sadly. Ron gave him a disapproving snort at the name and shook his head.
Blaise came storming over to Neville and Ron, grabbed Neville by the collar and pulled him behind a tree. He narrowed his eyes at the Gryffindor who kissed his soon to be Ron with those ...lips. Soft lips. He just stared at the Gryffindor's lips and swallowed hard. "What the bloody hell are you doing, Longbottom?" he asked bitterly as he snapped his eyes back up to lightening blue eyes.
Neville smiled at the jealous boy, feeling his heart flutter at being so close to the Slytherin. At least he can say he definitely likes guys. "Relax, that was nothing," he assured the Slytherin. "I just did him a favor and it seemed to have worked." He gave the Slytherin a wink, enjoying watching Blaise get all riled up all from an innocent little kiss he gave Ron.
Blaise grabbed a hold of Neville's collar tighter, tilting his head to the side only an inch. "Stop winking!" he hissed. "It's more annoying than Peeves throwing icy cold-water balloons on you." But then he hesitated and thought about what he heard come from the Gryffindor's mouth. "Wait... what do you mean you did him a favour? And how did it wo-," He hesitated, sighed and let go of the Gryffindor completely.
"Thank you," Neville said kindly, straightened his tie and cleared his throat at what he wanted to ask the Slytherin. "So, are you going to ask him out or are you too chicken?"
Blaise looked at Neville and bit his lip. He didn't realize Neville knew who he liked. "Exactly how many of your Gryffindorks know who I like?" He crossed his arms over his chest while glaring at the Gryffindor in front of him.
"Uhm..." Neville started counting his fingers, "Well... there's Harry and Draco, who make an adorable couple by the way." He chuckled, looking over at the two who are holding hands and kissing each other fondly. "And there's Pansy, Hermione, Dean, Seamus and Ivy..."
Blaise frowned. "Okay, that's a lot of people that know," he said, nearly squeakishly and tried not to sound panicked. Too late. "Anyway... um... just please don't kiss him again." He frowned at the ground and rubbed his arm up and down.
Neville nodded. He can easily do that. "Only if you ask him out," he said and crossed his arms, trying to look confident when standing up to the Slytherin. "And please, just call me Neville. And trust me, Ron likes you back. Even if he's been a complete git about it. It'll take some time for that small brain of his to wrap itself around reality, but that time will come."
Blaise leaned against the tree, deep in thought as he knows how rude Ron had been to Harry by calling him a faggot and a poof. Not that poof really means anything these days. "Okay, but he said such cruel things about homosexuality," he reminded the Gryffindor. "Anyway, I will try to do what you ask of me." He pointed a finger at him, "But I still hate you."
Neville nodded with a warm smile although he doubts the Slytherin hates him. "I can live with that," he said happily. Then he jabbed the Slytherin in the chest with his finger. "Just... do not break his heart! Or I will come after you."
Blaise raised an eyebrow at the Gryffindor showing his bravery towards him. Oh, and does he see a hint of flirt in the Gryffindor's tone? He does so. "Very well," he said boldly and straightened his posture to look intimidating. "I won't unless he breaks mine, then I'll come after you."
"Good," Neville said with a smile and took a wary step back away from the Slytherin. He still gets scared every now and then. "And I'm positively sure that no hearts will be broken. Now, go on and ask him!"
Blaise sighed. He couldn't ask Ron yet. Not after everything the boy has said. "Not yet, Longbottom," he said whilst feeling a smile creep onto his lips at the thought of asking Ron out and not getting rejected. "When I feel as if it is a good enough time, then I'll ask."
Neville crossed his arms on his chest. "Name's not Longbottom, remember?" he said with a grin, but he really didn't mind being called his last name. He prefers his first name though. "Also, that's okay. Ask him out when you feel comfortable."
Blaise rolled his eyes at Neville. "Right, sorry," he said through his teeth. "Anyway, See you around? I want to meet this centaur," he said, giving an evil cheeky grin. "Maybe he and I could plan some fun tricks around Draco and Harry. Get Draco to feel Jealous because of the centaur and his good looks. Oh, the evil plans are pouring into my brain."
Neville smiles and patted Blaise on the shoulder, a little scared about what the Slytherin could get up to. He just hoped this master plan of Blaise's won't be too bad. "You do that. I bet Harry loves seeing a flushed jealous Draco because of a centaur."
Blaise stared at the centaur and rubbed his hands together as he had an evil plan to get to work on. "Hehehehehe! The plan is a go!"
Neville watched him go off and talk to the centaur, feeling proud of his bravery but still a little scared of Blaise's evil plan. "Welp... Poor Draco," he whispers to himself with a side-smile, hoping Blaise won't do Draco in too good.
Harry looked from Neville and back to his boyfriend. He was surprised at his dormmate. "Did you see Neville kissing Ron and then Blaise coming after him?" he asked with a gleam of excitement in his eye. Drama can lighten the mood sometimes, especially if it doesn't involve him. "I honestly thought Neville was going to die of anxiety then."
Draco nodded. He saw it and surprised the living muggle out of him. Not that there is any muggle inside of him. All Pureblood of a wizard. "That surely was a surprise. I didn't think Longbottom had the courage to do what he did."
Harry rolled his eyes at Draco. His boyfriend should know by now to use other peoples first names. "Neville," he corrected.
Draco raised an eyebrow, almost like it's in question. "Pardon?"
"His name is Neville," Harry said with a smile and placed his arms around his Slytherin boyfriend's neck.
Draco rolled his eyes playfully at Harry and grinned. He honestly doesn't really care about that right now. All he cares about is making Firenze jealous of his love to Harry by giving him little kisses here and there while the damn centaur watches. "Whatever."
Harry nudged Draco on the arm, shaking his head at Draco's playfulness. This is serious to him. "Not whatever," he said, a little unimpressed with his boyfriend's behavior. "His name is Neville." He cannot believe he has to repeat himself.
Draco rubbed at his arm with his hand where Harry nudged him and smiled sweetly at his boyfriend. He's just being a playful git to his boyfriend. He just hopes he hasn't taken it too far. "Neville, right," he said a little slowly. "I got it."
"Want to go meet a centaur, you absolute jealous git?" Harry then asks him just as he sees the centaurs making their way around to every student and chatting with them. Gregory just pulled the tail of one of the centaurs which earned him a spear to his throat. What a dumb ass. Another centaur had Hermione's hand in his palm and is leaning down to kiss it while Pansy's glaring at the centaur.
Draco was deep in thought about what he wanted to do. He didn't see the centaur coming up to Harry and himself. Firenze walked up to the two boys and waved. "Well, hello Harry," he greeted with a smile. "It's a pleasure to see you again. It's been many moons, hasn't it?"
Harry smiled at the centaur's warm greetings. Odd, but nice greetings. "Hello Firenze, it's so good seeing you too!"
Draco could already feel the jealousy rush through him and the anger boil in his veins. All he needed to do was calm down with a few deep breaths which he was trying to do. He knew not to get jealous of the centaur. It was just a centaur after all. A bloody beast who deserves no right to touch Harry if he can stand it.
"Firenze, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy," Harry said with a warm smile, looked down and intertwined his fingers with Draco's. He lifted their hands up and kissed the back of Draco's hand, looking up into those stormy grey eyes filled with jealousy and smiled lovingly.
The centaur glared at Draco with a disgusted look in his face. "You have fallen in love with that little brat?" he asked the Gryffindor at once, which he curled his lip. "He left you when danger approached you the last time we saw each other!"
Harry felt outraged at the centaur's sudden anger towards Draco. "Yes, I have fallen in love with him," he said at once as he wrapped his arms around Draco in a tight, protective hug. "I hope it's not a problem, and yes, he can be a little git sometimes but he's an adorable git. He's my adorable git."
Draco didn't know if he should be angry or happy towards Harry for standing up to him. He felt himself blush, feeling a thousand eyes upon himself and Harry. "Harry?" He was a little anxious now. "Crabbe, Nott, and Goyle are staring." He had a feeling those three knew of his and Harry's relationship, but he still felt weary.
Harry smiled and shook his head, not caring about those three Slytherin's right now. They should know by now how much Draco means to him. "I know, let's just leave them to think about it," he said, turning to the shocked students, thankful that it's only a small class. "Who cares if they tell anyone else? Moldywart's supposedly dead, he doesn't know love like we do." He stopped himself from saying 'especially in the bed' as the centaur was still beside them.
The only few who know Voldemort is around was himself, Ron, Hermione and Dumbledore. There was no point in telling anyone that he fought Voldemort/Quirrell in his first year, or Voldemort - well, a young Voldemort - more like Tom Riddle in his second year. And my fucking god, was Tom Riddle handsome. Why? Just why would he give up all that beauty?
Firenze sighed and trotted off back to Blaise with a smile on his face. He was glad the wizard's little prank worked on Harry's boyfriend. Draco was so jealous; it was quite amusing to watch and see how riled up the blonde Slytherin got.
"What's on your mind, Harry?" Draco then asked, relieved the centaur had left them alone.
"Tom Riddle," Harry had said, then had blushed at the memory of Memory Tom Riddle smiling at him. "I, erm, yeah. Just a bloke."
"Just a bloke?" Draco asked in a low drawl, an eyebrow raising at this bloke he's never heard of in Hogwarts but has heard from somewhere... Why's Harry thinking of another bloke? "Tom Riddle? Is he another centaur?"
Harry laughed. "No, no, not a centaur. Tom Marvolo Riddle, I met him in our second year. He was quite a good-looking bloke. The first time I saw him I thought wow, beautiful. He's got very pretty dark eyes too. Well, he had very nice eyes. When he first spoke to me, I felt like my heart just stopped, I was trying to comprehend what was happening until I realized he was talking to me." He recalled being so distracted that he forgot Ginny had been lying on the floor for a moment, until he realized she was and that they were in danger.
Draco snorted, keeping his arising jealousy hidden deep inside. "Naw, was he your first crush?" he asked with a teasing pout.
Harry snorted; although Tom Riddle is very handsome, he's also very old. He'd be like maybe in his sixties, even if his memory-self was a sixteen-year-old version of him. "No way! I'd say you were my first wizard crush. Tom was just really handsome, that's all. Besides, he was sixteen when we were twelve."
Draco smiled with satisfaction, "I'm glad. I do wish I could see this Tom Riddle for myself." He hesitated, again relieved that he hasn't heard much about this handsome Tom Riddle. "You said he had nice eyes. What do you mean? What happened to his eyes?"
"Oh, nothing happened," Harry said as he remembered those red evil eyes on the back of the now deceased Professor Quirinus Quirrell. How and why would someone so damn pretty do that to themselves? Become Lord Voldemort?
Draco pursed his lips, knowing Harry wasn't telling him everything. Who is this Tom Riddle and why does his name sound familiar? He wants to meet this bloke. "Harry, darling, why don't you tell me more about this Tom bloke."
"Maybe another day, Draco," Harry says as he then realized the class was about to end as Hagrid was walking around asking his classmates what they've learnt about centaurs. "Class is about to end."
As soon as class was finished, everyone started walking back up towards the castle and the centaurs all galloped off into the Forbidden Forest. Draco looked at his boyfriend curiously, giving him a kiss on the nose and hugged him with all his love. He still was curious about the Tom fella. Seems he has to wait for answers.
Harry hugged back with a smile. He loves Draco's hugs more than anything in the world. It's where he felt at home. "You know I love you, right?" he asked his Slytherin, his breath ghosting on Draco's neck. He flushed; he hoped it was alright to say such a powerful thing.
Draco nodded with a warm smile as he kissed Harry's neck. "Of course, I know that," he said as he leaned out of the hug only far enough so he could see those green eyes he loves. "I love you too, Harry. Nothing in this world is stronger than my love for you." Behind them, he heard Pansy fake gag at what he told Harry, and Granger must have giggled. Piss off.
Harry blushed a little and leaned closer to him, so their noses touched. It is cute how Draco thought he wouldn't remember how jealous Draco was only minutes ago. "It didn't look like you knew since you were becoming all jealous of me and Firenze," he said, smirking at Draco's little guilty pout. "But either way, I enjoyed watching you get jealous."
Draco rolled his eyes ignorantly. He didn't want to be reminded of it. "Oh, come off it!" he spoke as he pressed his lips into a fine white slash. "You know how jealous I can get when some other guy who I don't know, or I don't like talks to you."
Harry pushed back a strand of Draco's hair, but it bounced back in place. He thought that was adorable and quite amusing to watch. "Oh really?" he teased with a smirk to his lips and pushed their bodies together. "I didn't notice."
"Let's head back to the castle," Draco said and decided to ignore how Harry was teasing him. He would rather Harry tease him in a different way that involves being under the sheets with him. "I don't want to be late for my next single class and I'm sure you don't want to be either."
Harry gave Draco a kiss on the cheek, feeling his warm skin touch his lips and the scent of vanilla from Draco's cologne. Merlin, he loves how Draco smells. "You know me so well, don't you?" His lips brushed against Draco's cheek, and he leans back to look into Draco's silver eyes.
Draco smiled, feeling the kiss still lingering on his cheek. "Yes, I do know you exceptionally well," he says with a nod and places an arm around Harry as they began to walk up to the castle. "Probably even more than your little Gryffindor friends."
Before they arrived at the Viaduct entrance bridge, Harry froze under a tree, turned around to face Draco and looked into stormy-grey eyes. He cupped his hands over Draco's cheeks and kissed him softly and slowly. He didn't want to let go of the kiss at all because all he wanted was to spend the whole day with his boyfriend.
Draco smiled into the kiss and kissed back passionately, not wanting to let go either. When they began running out of air, they slowly let go of the kiss and stared into each other's eyes. "What was that for?"
"No reason, other than the fact that I can," Harry says sweetly and presses his lips to Draco's once more for a quick kiss. He leans away, smiling and caressing the Slytherin's cheeks. He bites his lip softly, wishing to spend the entire day with Draco but unfortunately, he had a lot of homework to do.
They started walking down the viaduct bridge to get into the Hogwarts grounds hand in hand. As soon as they made it inside, they hugged, gave a goodbye kiss and departed in different directions and went to their next classes. But when those classes finished and they were both headed to the Great Hall for lunch, Draco had grabbed Harry's hand when he found him by the Great Hall and led him up to Gryffindor Tower.
Harry didn't ask any questions. He just let Draco take him to wherever the Slytherin wanted to go which was Gryffindor Tower which he found out as they walked up the moving stairs to the portrait of the Pink Lady.
When they were up in the boy's dormitory, Draco had looked around carefully at all the beds and to his luck saw nobody. He shut the door behind Harry with a grin and turned to his Gryffindor. "I just thought some time alone with my boyfriend would be fun," he said and closed the distance between them by placing his arms around Harry's waist. "Don't you think so?"
"You mean some time alone while everyone's down eating lunch while we're up here and could be naked on my bed?" Harry corrected him with a smirk and his green eyes were filled with a sudden glimmer of lust which made Draco excited both sexually and mentally.
"We can make that happen," Draco said hotly, picked Harry up by the bottom with as much strength as he could muster and carried him to the bed which he hoped is Harry's. But the teddy bear he gave Harry on Valentines Day that he saw above Harry's pillow told him that he was on the correct bed. He laid Harry down on the bed, Harry's head on the pillows, and he leaned over the Gryffindor. "By the way, how's that bottom of yours since our first time?" he asked quietly to green eyes.
"Still a little sore but I think I can handle another round if that's what we're going to do," Harry tells him while casting a muttered privacy and sound charm around his bed they were in. "Now give your all to me, Draco."
Draco didn't need Harry to tell him what to do. He'd happily give his all to Harry any day. After closing the drapes around each other, they rid themselves of their clothes one by one (Draco glancing at Harry's bare arms, seeing nothing but appeared to be old, healed scars as if from animal claws) until they were butt naked and kissing passionately in the slight darkness of Harry's bed.
Draco didn't know what it was, but there was a familiar feeling inside him as he lay with Harry, kissing him, touching for the hundredth time the curves and planes that made his body such a delight. He felt that way a lot, and Harry intuited the mood unfailingly, much to Draco's sustained surprise every time it happened. And Harry never refused him. Never.
Some usually passive part of him craved being inside Harry at that moment. It wasn't a ravenous need; rather a slow burn, a hunger that nibbled at him and reminded him how Harry's chest flushed pink so prettily when he's inside Harry, how needy and quiet his moans were.
Draco wanted to love Harry with his body. He didn't want to stamp his possession on their coupling; it was much more about giving Harry all of the pleasure with none of the hard work. Draco would do the work, the preparations, the kisses on Harry's eyelids when they flickered as Draco pushed inside him. He'd hold Harry close and love him, staring down into those wide, innocent eyes as they fluttered with emotion, unused to the gentleness.
It was a beautiful way to start lunch. Draco couldn't get enough of the feel of Harry's calves bumping against his hips, his sides, as he held his legs wide and invited Draco between them. He placed kisses on the soft skin on the insides of Harry's thighs, letting stray fingers wander over the hairless surface behind his testicles, and further back too, until he was sliding a saliva slicked finger in the channel between Harry's parted buttocks; not penetrating him, just stroking him there.
The velvety skin, so much softer even than expensive rose petals, felt flawless against Draco's tongue. He licked Harry everywhere, sucking the little ovals in his sac into his mouth and playing with them before working his way back, lapping invasively at the first hint of the path dividing Harry's perfect, biteable bottom. The bottom which he hasn't tasted yet.
Harry tasted like nothing Draco had ever experienced before as this was his first-time tasting ass to both his disgust but satisfaction. Harry wasn't sharp or bitter. He was rich and clean and sweet under his tongue; he was mouth-wateringly good. He permitted his tongue to slip inside, the taste was purely Harry; so much better, more satisfying to the senses. His tongue dove sloppily inside Harry's hole, tracing the rim lightly with its tip before curling it inside.
Draco's chin slid in the slick wetness even as his tongue did wicked things to the tender flesh, and every broken whimper Harry uttered affected Draco's body. He forced his face into Harry's skin, eager to slide in even a few more millimeters. His heart rate tripled, and his temperature shot up, the muscles in his own hole twitching and pulsing in sympathy with Harry's.
But it was the sliding inside Harry that affected Draco the most. Harry's eyes: they were -they were just so -worshipful. Draco didn't doubt that Harry valued him more than anything else in the world. It was clear to see in his eyes, even the way his lips quivered as he let out a glorious, thankful sigh on each inward stroke. It was magnificent. Draco took his time, spent ages stroking into Harry, making a tease of pulling out of him before gliding back inside, feeling every ridge and bump and unexpected squeeze with gratitude.
Harry wrapped his legs around Draco's hips as Draco stopped tonguing him and crawled forward and began kissing him again. And it was so much better, skin sliding on skin, the heat of Draco's cock against his hip even though he could taste himself in Draco's mouth. Goodness. When he felt a finger teasing his rim again, he reached up and twisted Draco's nipple in response, earning a loud groan from above him. He smiled.
Harry pulled a knee up, exposing himself even more. It was gratifyingly effective, as Draco's hand pressed against the back of Harry's raised knee, bending him almost in half, and he began pressing against Harry's loosened hole.
At first, the feeling was familiar. Pressure that increased steadily, the initial burning stretch that fingering never entirely alleviated. But this was more. Usually after the initial stretch, there was relief. The stretch stopped, overwhelmed by the pressure, and then pleasure, inside him. But this continued, wider and longer, a never-ending burn. His erection flagged, and he closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing.
Draco babbled jumbled nonsense in his ear and continued that long slow thrust. Every moment closer, deeper, and Harry's body struggled to acclimate, to accept. Every moment, Harry almost asked Draco to pause, to stop, and every moment his body opened further, first allowing, and then demanding more.
And then it stopped, and Harry blinked his eyes open, blinked through the tears. "I'm in. I'm in." Draco's breath only barely had words, and Harry clutched at him, opened and stretched, as he'd never imagined before. "Merlin, Harry."
They were both quivering with strain, and as Draco slowly rocked his hips, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't. I have to move," Harry didn't think he'd survive the return press. That if Draco hadn't been on top of him, pressing his leg into his chest and holding his knee, he'd have fled.
But each slide grew longer, smoother, and the spark inside him fired again. He gasped when Draco pulled back, grabbing Harry's other leg and resting each on his shoulders. The change of angle set blood rushing back to his cock. "Yes." Draco's words were a hiss between clenched teeth, and his face was flushed red with strain. "Harry."
Harry didn't care. He reached for his cock, pulling desperately. The lead-up, the teasing. The feeling of Harry, of Draco's cock, pounding into him was too much. He was oversensitive, and his hand on his cock felt both painful and wonderful in the same way that Draco's cock felt where it was buried inside him.
"Come on. Come on." And Harry wanted to release his cock. To concentrate on the feeling deep inside him, the feeling his body had finally—finally—acknowledged as pleasure. "Harry, please." But Draco's words, their pleading tone was too much. His heart was pounding, and each breath gasped around the tightness in his chest.
He stroked his cock, watching Draco: the furrow of his brow, the way his hair had both curled and flattened in places, wet with sweat, the painful-looking flush of his cheeks, the way his own gaze seemed locked on Harry, as if Harry was his entire world. But Harry is his entire world and even his universe.
It was Draco's face, his expression, and the combination of avidity and tenderness there, which tipped Harry over the edge. His back arched, toes curled, his semen boiled out of him, his cry cutting Draco to the quick. Draco bent his head and watched the orgasm complete, fascinated by, and hungry for, the feel of Harry's erection jerking against him. The sound Draco made at that was one Harry never wanted to forget, and he pounded even harder into Harry's arse.
Harry's eyes drooped, as Draco continued fucking into him, overwhelmed by the lassitude following his orgasm. The feeling he didn't think he could take, of Draco's cock stretching and filling him up, now strangely comforting as the rhythm faltered, as Draco let Harry's legs drop, he buried his head against Harry's neck, mouthing the pulse point as he arched and groaned and finally stilled.
Harry wrapped his arms tightly around Draco's shoulders, as he was certain they were the only part of him that could still move. "I'm probably smothering you," Draco's voice was hoarse and breathy, and Harry's hands clenched tighter.
"S'fine." Draco's weight was heavy on him, but he was hesitant to lose it, to have to acknowledge or, Merlin help him, discuss the fact that Draco was in his bed again, much less that he was there with Draco's slowly softening cock still up his arse. He'd much rather bask. He closed his eyes, nuzzling into Draco's hair, smelling the salt and sweat and Citrus that caused his heart to thump in his chest.
"Here. Let me clean you up," And Draco was pulling away, sliding from Harry's arms and arse in the same pull. He whimpered, and Draco's expression immediately went concerned. "Are you alright? I didn't...."
Harry smiled up at him, knowing his expression was stupidly besotted. In that moment, he didn't care how much it revealed. He wanted it revealed. "You didn't," he told him softly. "I'm fine. Better than that, actually."
And Draco's smile grew, lighting his face. "That's good, my darling Harry," he said as he flopped bonelessly against Harry's chest to give his body some time to refresh. He wasn't breathless; they'd gone too slowly for that. It was a different kind of tired, a good kind. "You still hungry for some lunch? We can go to the kitchens if you want to."
"Let's just lay here for a short while and then go get lunch in the kitchens," Harry said as he felt that familiar weird feeling of his body sending his brain happy messages from the sex he and Draco had. The incredible sex, might he add. He wondered if sex is addicting, like a drug or cigarettes.
"As you wish, Harry," Draco says as he leans forward and plants a kiss on Harry's lips. He doesn't know if he's ready to have Harry inside him yet. Not yet. He's just happy being inside Harry. "As you wish."
Ivy was walking down the corridors of Hogwarts as she had a spare period until Charms. She might as well go to the library as she hasn't read a good book in ages. She had just turned a corner and then 'BAM'. A couple of books had fallen on the floor beside her. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she said as she helped the other person pick up their books.
"No, I'm sorry," said a soft voice, that sounded like a sob. "I should have seen where I was going."
Ivy looked up at the person, realizing it's her long-time crush Lavender Brown. What's she doing out of class? She looked into Lavender's beautiful walnut brown eyes and it seems that she's been crying. She couldn't but help and ask if she was okay. "Hi, Lavender," she said, giving her an expression of pure compassion and openness. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm alright," Lavender said while wiping a tear from her eyes with her Gryffindor uniform jumper sleeve. Ivy could sense she was afraid of something. "Thanks for asking."
Ivy looked at her sadly, wanting to know how someone so gorgeous could be so sad and afraid. It just doesn't make sense to her. "Cherie, I know you're not," she said with a sad smile. She's glad she can see through people like others can't. "Please, may I ask why you're upset?"
"I-it's just... I'm s s-cared of what I am," Lavender said with a few stammers, letting a tear run down her cheek. She felt ashamed for crying in front of an older student about something so simple though she hasn't told the girl yet.
"Scared of what?" Ivy asked as she reached forward and wiped that single tea away from her cheek, feeling the brown-eyed Gryffindor's warm skin against her fingers and it just sent a shock though her. "Being a witch?"
Lavender gave a little giggle and looked over Ivy's shoulder, trying to see if anyone was around them in case someone were to overhear them. "No, not that," she told her a little shyly and folded her hair behind her ears. "I mean of my sexuality... being bisexual."
Ivy felt relieved that she could have a chance with this beautiful girl in front of her. "Oh, Cherie, there's nothing wrong with liking the same gender," she assured her carefully, reached up and placed a hand over the girl's shoulder. "It's not new, to assure you. Being homosexual has been around since the beginning of time. There has been royalty that were Bisexual or gay and these facts have been proven, and homosexuality is seen everywhere. You just need to really pay attention around you. There are quite a few gay couples in Hogwarts too. There is no need to worry about anything."
"Oh," Lavender said, hesitated and looked into the eyes of the older girl's when feeling her hand on her shoulder. "I- I never knew that. But how would people react if they knew I like girls? I mean, I asked Parvati what she thought of homosexuality, and she just blew me with words about how disgraceful it is." She started tearing up. "I guess because of her families' views that she was taught - she's Indian."
Ivy couldn't help but feel sorry for this girl so she wrapped her arms around her, giving her the best hug she could give. She smelt so sweet like candies and chocolate. It was addicting. "It's okay, people have their own opinions. They're terrible opinions, so negative, but it's only their opinions. As you said your friend is Indian and most religions dislike homosexuality. If it makes you feel better, I'm a lesbian." She couldn't believe she told her that. Yes, now she knows, and it could possibly be the worst thing she has ever said to this girl.
Lavender ended the hug, wiped away the remaining tears and smiled at Ivy. Looking deep into her eyes, face only inches away. Ivy felt as if they were going to kiss but she couldn't get her hopes up like that. Lavender cast a "Tempus," her eyes widened in shock. "Oh my, it seems it's nearly time for my next class. I should go, see you around?"
"Yeah, see you around," Ivy said, smiling and waving goodbye to her though she didn't want to say bye. This is her first time having a conversation with her besides the Yule Ball. She watched as Lavender turned around and started walking down the corridor. She saw her dirty blonde hair whooshing in the wind as she walked. So beautiful... "Wait, Lavender," she yelled, running up to her. She had no clue why she just did that, but she thought about it and this was her chance.
Lavender turned around with a smile. "Yeah?"
"I- um..." Ivy stuttered, taking a moment to think about what she was about to say and ask. "Since it's Hogsmeade weekend in a few days... I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" she asked while feeling her blood rush down to her pale cheeks.
Lavender smiled sweetly, and felt herself blush. "Sure," she said with a nod. "I'd love to."
Ivy held her excitement behind her quick grin. Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness! What do I wear? No, don't get too caught up with this. It's in a few days. She has days to figure out what to wear. "Great, when shall we meet?" she asks calmly.
"Uhm..." Lavender said and she looked to be deep in thought. She was deep in thought about where she could meet Ivy at. The only idea she came up with is the most obvious. "How about you just meet me at the fat lady's portrait?"
"Sure, I can meet you there," Ivy said and felt like jumping into Lavender's arms. "But the only problem is, we have to go with Draco and Harry." She saw the look of confusion on Lavender's face and smiled. "The reason being is, well, they don't want to raise any suspicion to their relationship in the outside world otherwise... Well, I don't know what will happen. They aren't ready yet to let the entire Wizarding World know."
"Oh, I understand," Lavender said with a nod, excited to go on her first ever date with a new friend. Where will they go for the date though? A restaurant? Cafe? A walk in the park? "So, it'll be like a double date?"
Ivy smiled. "Yeah, but if we get far enough away from other people, we can head our own way," she suggested, then realizing how into the date she's being. Lavender needs to make decisions too. "Like to a rose garden or a someplace else. I've learnt how to... apparate. I'm not the age to do it, but I learnt how to do it. Oh, and I have a few Portkeys I've never used so, if you'd like to go anywhere in the world, I'd be able to take you."
Lavender blushed and nodded, looking down at the ground, clearly deep in thought yet again. "Anyway... I should go," she said awkwardly, pushing a strand of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear and then pointed behind her. She walked backwards for a few seconds then turned around and started walking to her next class.
Ivy smiled. The prettiest girl in the school is going out with her. Well, she hopes Lavender knows what she meant when she asked her. She wonder what Lavender's going to wear. She wondered where she is going to take her- THAT'S IT! She needs to know where to take her. Hmm, well there's the leaky cauldron... Wait, how about the Garden? No, that place is for Harry, Draco and herself. But she would love to take Lavender there someday. Maybe she could even take her to Australia, go to the Australia Zoo. Or she could take her to a fancy restaurant somewhere in Sydney. Or take her to Tasmania, where they can explore the wilderness. Ugh, it all sounds amazing! She's not sure what to do.
Ivy then realized that she was standing alone in the corridors. She cast a quick "Tempus" and it told her she had half an hour until her next lesson. May as well go to the library then, since she wants to get her nose in a good book.
Lavender rushed into Charms, thinking about what just happened. She couldn't help but smile, but she wanted to let out a ginormous Scree of happiness. She quickly ran into class and sat down next to Parvati, her best friend.
"Where've you been?" Parvati asked her suddenly and gave her friend her Charms book. She kept it with her since she last saw Lavender during breakfast. "I was looking everywhere for you. You had me worried."
"Sorry, I just ran into a friend on my way here," Lavender said, smiling widely at the memory of the girl. When seeing Parvati raise an eyebrow, she just felt proud and got into a more comfortable position on the chair she sat on. "I can have other friends than you, you know."
"Who is this friend?" Parvati asked curiously, furrowing her eyebrows at her best friend. Lavender is her best friend. Nobody else's. She knows Lavender can have other friends, but she doesn't want to become a third wheel. It's her worst nightmare.
Harry then walked into the classroom, right by Parvati and Lavender but Lavender had gotten his attention. "Hello Harry," she said kindly, smiling at him. "How's your boyfriend, Draco? And you of course."
Harry looked over at the two girls and forced a smile on his face. These girl's never talk to him, which he doesn't mind. He decided to join them and stood in front of the girl's desk. He hasn't seen his boyfriend since Herbology class this morning. "Hello, girls. I'm doing fine," he told them earnestly. "And Draco is doing quite well the last time I checked."
Parvati suddenly raised her eyebrows at Harry, knowing who the boy was dating. She really didn't have any idea how to react to Harry being gay and having a boyfriend. That boyfriend being Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin. Her parents told her that being homosexual was a sin and she believed them.
"Harry... your friend Ivy," Lavender said, her smile widening at the thought of the pretty Slytherin. "I bumped into her as I was coming to class. So, we kind of talked and... I found about her being a lesbian. And... she asked me to Hogsmeade." She looked beside at her friend who just gave her a little smile, then looked back at Harry. "Has she ever talked about me?"
"Yeah, a little bit," Harry said with a nod and raised a hand and held his thumb and forefinger a fraction of an inch apart to emphasize his point. The Slytherin girl practically rants on and on about Lavender. It is honestly so sickening to hear.
Lavender felt a blush run up her cheeks. It's thrilling to know that Ivy has been thinking of her. "So, what are you and Draco going to do tomorrow once we get away from everyone?" she then asks quietly just so she's not heard by anyone else.
"Oh, not sure," Harry said blankly with a shrug, staring at the desk the girls are seated at. "Probably get a Butterbeer and chill, act as friends in the crowds of Hogsmeade and when he and I find someplace alone he and he and I will just make out."
Lavender happily giggled a little at the thought of Harry and Draco snogging in some quiet place alone. She can see it clearly in her mind. "So, have you got anything romantic planned for him?" she asked him, intrigued on what her fellow Gryffindor could plan for Draco.
Harry thought about it, he wasn't going to tell Lavender about the secret garden. Not unless Ivy wanted to, he'd be fine with that. He shrugged at her question. "Not sure, I was thinking he and I could go and find a garden in Hogsmeade and just sit and relax there. Or we he will plan a date with me somewhere. He's the romantic one. Not me."
"That sounds so romantic!" Lavender says sweetly, her hand coming up to her heart which it rests there. "I wonder what Ivy and I will do; I still don't know who's going to pick the places to go." She was pondering where Ivy will take her. Is there a lunch reservation? Or just a little stroll through Hogsmeade together.
"Well, usually you both pick," Harry said and looked behind the girls at the door, waiting for his blonde Slytherin to walk through that doorway with poise and elegance. He's also looking forward to seeing that arse of Draco's wander in, and how the Slytherin can make his robes billow just by walking. "Well, Draco and I will both pick where we will go. It's not a one-person thing. Do you get me?"
Lavender nodded. She was going to tell him about how Ivy can apparently apparate but she didn't want word to spread since Ivy is underage. Parvati can be a very big mouth. It's how gossip spreads like wildfire through the castle. "I can't wait to get to know her," she then said. "She's so pretty, like a dark angel who fell from the heavens. Her hair is so long and wavy, it's like the ocean under the night sky. Her blue eyes are like the deep blue ocean but yet look so unnatural, her skin looks so soft..." She hesitated with a dark blush as she just let out a whole lot of information about the girl she likes.
"Someone's in love," Parvati teased her best friend with a smile. Harry forced a laugh at that true fact, and Lavender started laughing back.
"Thanks for the talk, I guess," Lavender said gratefully to Harry and Parvati. "I believe it helped me a little. I don't feel as nervous as I did before. Thank you both again."
"Don't mention it," Harry said and thought about the date he and Draco would be planning for Hogsmeade weekend. He looks up and locks eyes with his boyfriend, smiling like he was seeing a pure god.
Draco eyed his boyfriend, Parvati Patil, and Lavender Brown suspiciously. He had seen them talking and wondered what they were talking about. He went over to Harry, gave him a kiss on the cheek in front of the giggling girls, and pulled Harry to an empty seat. When they were seated together, (though Harry stopped himself from hissing in pain as he sat down on the hard seat), he grabbed Harry's chin, turned it towards him, and kissed him square on the lips. It surprised Harry, and he melted into the Slytherin's warm and loving embrace. It wasn't until Professor Flitwick entered the classroom that they pulled away from the kiss with deep blushes on their cheeks.
Lunchtime came around so fast it was like time itself was running late. Harry made his way into the Great Hall, looking around the tables for either Hermione, Ivy or Draco. Finally, he spotted the beautiful Whiteish blonde hair that belonged to his boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. The curious thing was, he wasn't at the Slytherin table. The Slytherin was at the Gryffindor table with Ivy and Lavender.
Harry casually just walked over to the Gryffindor table like nothing was new and sat next to his beloved Draco, trying not to wince. "Hey everyone," he said and turned around to face Draco. "Fancy seeing you here again my love. What's with the new change of seating?"
Draco looked into Harry's green eyes and smiled. It was one of those smiles that lit Harry up with fireworks from the inside. "Well, see my cousin over here wanted to sit with her new friend," he said, pointing a finger to Ivy who was sitting next to Lavender. "She dragged me over here. I don't mind though. But I was getting a few stares from your Gryffindorks."
"Gryffindorks?" Harry says, a little unimpressed by the word and raised an eyebrow at him. He's heard his befriend say that word before. It doesn't bother him at all, but he needs to make sure he's not the only one who's affected by the word.
Ivy and Lavender both rolled their eyes at the boys and continued carrying on a conversation with each other about what they want their date to be and so on.
Something then caught Harry's eye. It was a someone. Ron. "Is that Ron and Blaise heading out into the Grand Hall?" He asked and pointed towards the two boys who were exiting out of the Great Hall. It was intriguing to watch. Where were they going instead of lunch?
"I wonder if they're secretly dating?" Ivy asked quietly but loud enough to hear as Draco, Harry, and Lavender stared at her with confusion. "What?" she says at theit confusion, looking at the three. "It could happen! We know how lovey-dovey he is over Ron even if he hides it well."
Draco nodded his head with a smirk, agreeing with his cousin. He's seen Blaise just lying in bed and staring up at the ceiling of his 4-poster with a dreamy look on his face. It was hilarious actually. "Yeah, that is quite true."
"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked them while searching the Great Hall for a familiar sight of fluffy brown hair. Where was his friend? He is glad Hermione has someone to hang with other than himself and books since he's been spending most of his time with Draco.
"There she is!" Lavender said, pointing towards the Slytherin table. She saw Hermione and Pansy sitting side by side and holding hands as they ate lunch together. "Naww!" she sighed in awe with a hand to her heart.
"So, let's talk about tomorrow," Harry said directly, smiling at the girls who decided to flirt with one another. He pilled his plate up of mini pancakes with syrup on top for his lunch. "We need a plan for the day. Like, when we separate to go off on our own." He held Draco's hand in his because his own hands were feeling a little cold even if it was quite a warm day. Unless it was his excitement making him cold but was that possible?
Draco intertwined his fingers with Harry's with a smile, feeling the warmth of Harry under his fingertips and the palm of his hand. "Yeah," he said, looking beside him at Harry and looked him up and down. He was just excited for Hogsmeade weekend. "So, where will we all meet?"
Lavender looked up from her curried egg sandwich. "The Fat Lady's Portrait which goes into the Gryffindor common room?" she suggested to them quietly as she leant forward so they could hear her better. "I mean, it's easy enough."
The three nodded except Draco. "Why do you lot call her 'the fat lady'?" he asked flatly, and his eyebrows drew together as he felt sorry for the woman in the portrait even if he hasn't talked to her ever. "It's kind of rude, isn't it?"
Harry smiled at Draco, loving him even more for his caring nature of even the portraits. It's beautiful to him. "It's just what we've been told to call her," he told him softly. He knows how bad it sounds. "She doesn't mind the insults. She said she's used to them."
"That's even worse!" Draco answered seriously and couldn't believe the names the poor lady gets told or hears every day. It's saddening. She could have been someone's mother or grandmother. Nobody wants to be called names behind their backs or even in front of themselves. He knows this.
"Anyway..." said Ivy as she knows the Fat Lady really doesn't care for the insults. She's seen the lady been called by those names and she keeps a straight face the entire time. She's even asked the lady herself why she never gets upset. She's just a portrait. "So, when do we meet? 7? 8?"
"Let's do... 9," Harry said at last and Ivy, Lavender and Draco nodded. It is early enough and there's enough time for everyone to get ready and have breakfast. "Okay, so that is sorted. Where will we go?"
"The Hogs Head would be alright," Lavender said agreeably with a nod. "There will be fewer people there and possibly more students to crowd us in."
"What about if we want to be alone?" Ivy couldn't help but ask as she'd love to be alone with Lavender. Who wouldn't want to be with such a beautiful girl? She would want to at least find someplace alone with Lavender.
"We both will find a place away from people and go on from there," Draco said, smiling at the mischievous look in Ivy's blue eyes. She was up to something. "Maybe behind the Hogs Head? I've heard that there's a small enough gap for 2 people at a time to get through. There's apparently a place not a lot of people know about through there."
"That's true, I've been there myself," Ivy said straightforwardly and gave Lavender a little smile. Everyone looked at her in disbelief. "It's amazing there! There's even a magical passageway that leads to a muggle lake. It's gigantic. There are swans, ducks and all sorts of birds."
"Wow!" Lavender said dreamily, staring back into blue eyes which look so unnatural. "That sounds truly amazing! But, since you know how to Apparate and you apparently have Portkeys, can't you take us someplace? Like France, Japan or Australia?"
Harry raised an eyebrow at her in disbelief. He didn't know Ivy could Apparate. He looked beside him at Draco who also looked confused. He's not the only one who doesn't know of Ivy's abilities. Then Draco's expression softened, and he looked beside him at Harry. He nodded like he had read Harry's mind.
Ivy pressed a finger to Lavender's soft lips, shushing her. She doesn't want to be found out of her abilities. "Shhh!" she said quietly with a soft smile. "Lav, I don't want people finding out what I can do."
Lavender blushed and smiled warmly. But one question still lingered in the front of her mind. "Sorry, but isn't it not allowed to go to Muggle places on Hogsmeade weekends?" she asked the older student who should know better than to let three younger teens out into the muggle world. But the thought was exciting!
Ivy nodded a little sadly. But she will try her best to hide the others from plain sight. "That's true but who'll find out if nobody tells?" she asked the dirty blonde-haired girl beside her. She opened her mouth to say that nobody would since she will sneak them out easily but was interrupted by the soft sigh coming from in front of them. She smirked at the two boys in front of her who started kissing, and watched her cousin stick his tongue down Harry's throat.
"Umm..." said a low voice from beside Harry and Draco. Harry broke away from the kiss when hearing that familiar voice and turned his head around and saw Ron with Blaise. Ron was clearly in his own thoughts. "Harry, can we talk?" He looked at Draco, "In private, please?"
Harry looked at Draco warily. He was a bit anxious having Ron around again, especially with what rude things he had called him a month ago. But his best mate had said he was sorry three days ago. So, he couldn't be mad at Ron anymore. But he was.
Draco looked Harry in his eyes and nodded at the nervous look his boyfriend had. He looked beside him and stared right back at Ron, narrowing his eyes at the redhead. "Anything you have to say to Harry, you can say it to me too."
Ron gave a sigh which sounded quite miserable. He was miserable. He had been without his best mate for weeks. He misses Harry dearly and doesn't know why he acted so stupidly towards Harry. "Please, follow me then."
Draco then looked up at Blaise, asking non-verbally if Weasley was actually being serious about this. But when Blaise nodded, he knew it wasn't some sort of set-up. Why would Blaise let him be set up? They're best friends who stick with each other to the very end.
They stood up and followed Ron and Blaise out of the Great Hall. Harry didn't know where they were going, only that they headed towards the entrance Hallway until Ron stopped at the second stairway and looked up at him.
Ron stood leaning on the stone wall on the staircase. "I'd like to apologize for my behavior these past few months," he started with a lopsided smile. He knew Harry and Draco didn't believe him, but he had to tell them everything he could. "I've been a terrible mate, believing homosexuality was bad and not normal." He looked at the two boys, but his eyes stopped when seeing Harry. "It's all my fault and I was stupid enough to believe Percy's biased opinions when I was younger and up until now. So, I'm really sorry."
Harry didn't know what to say, he felt a whole lot better than he did earlier. But that word will never make him forget what Ron had said to him, what Ron had called him. It would stick to him forever. "It's okay Ron, I forgive you."
Ron smiled sadly and felt relieved all of a sudden. "Thank you, Harry," he said to his best mate. Hopefully he is back to being best mates with Harry. "I've missed you, mate. You don't understand how hard it was without you." He takes a moment to let that all sink in. "I'm heading back to the Great Hall as I missed out on lunch. Is anyone coming?"
Draco looked at Blaise, smiling. He knew that what Weasel said was from the heart and not acted out by Blaise. "I think it is best if we all go back up," he said as he gave his Harry a side hug in front of the two other people, making sure Harry's getting the love he needs and deserves.
With a few nods of agreement, the two Gryffindor's and Slytherin's made their way back into the Great Hall. When entering the Great Hall, Harry and Draco took their previous seats in front of Ivy and Lavender while Blaise and Ron went away to the Slytherin table to bug Hermione and Pansy with smirks on their faces.
Down with the 3rd years, Ginny was thinking, thinking hard about the few homosexual couples she has seen walking the halls hand in hand. And after Christmas when she had come back to Hogwarts, she heard Ron talking to Fred and George about him kissing some boy named Blaise Zabini and liking it. At first, she was furious about the fact that Ron had switched sides. But over the month of January, she had even become a little curious about what kissing girls could feel like.
She's been noticing girls more than guys. Their skin that looks so soft to the touch, their lips as well, their hair that she could see herself running her hand through, their body and how curved and pretty it is, beautiful eyes that could hold colours of the rainbow that probably don't exist. It's all so confusing to her. So, when February hit, she went right up to her best friend Luna who she found wandering the corridors alone and pretended to give her a hug but instead she kissed her. It truly was an incredible thing, to feel Luna kiss her back with those kitten soft lips and to be in the comforting arms of her best friend.
"Hello, little sister," George said, sitting down next to Ginny with a smile and on the other side of Ginny, Fred sat down with his own smile.
The twins had started Ginny from her deep thinking about her best friend. "Hello George," she said a little irritably as she didn't want to be disturbed at all right now. Her arm reached over the table to a cheese and ham toasty which she grabbed and started eating.
"My, my... what's with the mood, little sister?" Fred asked her curiously, leaning towards her with an eyebrow that raised forcefully. He had seen her thinking. He knows her thinking face. He and his twin want to know what she's thinking about and if it's intriguing.
"And is it about a particular blonde-haired Ravenclaw that we've seen you stare at multiple times every day?" George asked and smiled knowingly at her. He's seen it clearly and so has his twin. He knows of every look his brothers and sisters give their lovers. He hasn't seen it with Bill yet, but he's heard Charlie talk about a boy he works with loads of times. Percy, he hasn't seen any type of loving look, besides when his face lights up when Oliver Wood gets mentioned in a conversation. Those two were best friends during Hogwarts.
Ginny looked up at her brothers in surprise. "How-" she wanted to ask how they know about her continuous stares at her best friend but knew the answer. They were her brothers after all. "Never mind that. Isn't it wrong to like the same gender?" she just had to ask this question before she comes out to them.
Fred and George shook their heads. How could she not know when there are a few homosexual couples in Hogwarts. Harry and Draco being the most known one and probably the most popular.
"No, it's never wrong," Fred said and reached over to give his younger sister a pat on the shoulder. "If you love someone then go for them. You cannot take away the love in your heart and ignore it. It is impossible. Do you see people discriminating against Harry and Draco? No. Besides you and Ron but that seems to have changed and for the better."
"Love is love, sweet Ginny," George finished softly and gave her a warm brotherly smile. "Love the person who you like, and if that person doesn't like you back, then it is their loss. You're an incredible person, Ginny. Anyone who puts you down, you take them down with you. You're the strongest person we have ever known."
"Look, there are going to be people who are homophobic, but that should never stop you from loving the person you love," George tells her and his hand move to her back so he can give her a little side hug. "Now, go get your Ravenclaw."
Ginny suddenly smiled and she gave a long, relieved sigh. She believes it is time to tell them. "Since I know that now... I would like you both to meet my girlfriend," she said as she stood up from the seat and noticed her brother's surprised expression. "Wait right here, will you?" She gave them both kisses on the forehead just to embarrass them a little. Embarrass them she did. She smirked and headed over to the Ravenclaw table.
"Hello, Ginny," Luna said in her dreamily voice to her girlfriend who had made an appearance at her house table. "How is your morning?"
"Hello, Luna..." Ginny said, smiling brightly at her. "My morning is perfect now that I'm here with you." She watched the blush rise from Luna's neck which made her feel satisfied. "Would you like to go over to Gryffindor table with me and meet my brothers, Fred and George, as my official girlfriend?"
"Sure," Luna said and reached out for Ginny's hand, twining their hands together while ignoring the giggles coming from all around them. "I would love to. Let's go."
Blaise suddenly gave Draco the middle finger from across the Great Hall at the Slytherin table. He didn't know what it meant but some kid gave it to him earlier today after he tried tripping him over. He remembered giving the kid the middle finger back and the kid laughed at him and skated away on shoes with wheels on them. What an odd contraption.
Draco was so confused. What does that gesture mean? Did he do something? Beside him, Harry and Ivy were sniggering at him. What was so funny?
Ivy stopped her sniggering and smirked at the rude gesture from Blaise towards her cousin. Does he even know what it means? "In case you didn't know that gesture means that you did something to anger Blaise. Draco, what did you do or say to Blaise to make him think badly of you?"
"I didn't do anything that I remember doing that could have angered Blaise!" Draco said at once and glared Blaise's way, not knowing what he did to his best friend. Did he do something which he doesn't remember? Nothing that he knows of.
"Hmmm," said Ivy, not sure if she believes him. She sighs and grabs a piece of garlic bread from a basket with white and red little squares on the inside. She squirts what looks like tomato sauce on the garlic bread piece and smiles at the delicious taste as she eats it. "I wonder if Blaise knows what it means in the muggle terminology.
"Same," Harry says and stares down at the odd thing Ivy's eating. Who the fuck eats Garlic bread with tomato sauce? Well, now he knows someone who does. "Um... Ivy, why on earth do you eat such a... odd meal?"
"I'm kind of allergic to Garlic," Ivy tells him but lacks eye contact with him or Lavender. The only person she looks up at is Draco, and it's for help. "I can eat it; I like eating garlic. I'm kind of on a diet." She needs her cousins help. She couldn't tell them too much. "Umm..."
"But how can you eat garlic when you're a va-"
Draco cut Harry off quickly, "Ivy needs to have garlic with something else like the special tomato sauce she has or with a different meal otherwise she goes all red and puffy. She's also on a special diet. She needs to eat meat a lot, but also plant based sides on her plate too. Mainly meat..." Draco really doesn't want his cousin eating garlic at all since he knows of her allergy. Even if she eats garlic with bigger meals, he gets scared for her life. But he is glad she hardly eats garlic. Only on occasions as she does need it. Everyone needs garlic in their system.
"Oh," said Harry with a nod and he reaches for a few pieces of garlic bread for himself after he finished his mini pancakes some time ago. He understands Lavender must not know Ivy's a vampire, not yet. "I understand that. Is that all your allergic too?"
"Well... Look at the time. It's nearly time to go to our last classes of the day," Draco said rather quickly and decided what good a way to spend the rest of lunch was with his boyfriend. It's so the conversation stopped right there before it gets too dangerous. "C'mon Harry, don't want to be late." He got up and dragging Harry by the hand out of the Great Hall with a grin on his face.
Lavender waited until Draco and Harry were out of the hall. She leaned beside her to Ivy and whispered, "They do realize we have 30 more minutes until classes start, right?"
"Yeah, they probably couldn't help themselves," Ivy said with a smirk from where her cousin and Harry had disappeared to. "All we know, they probably are going to some secret place for a snogging session." She was thinking that they probably went to the secret gardens of Amare. "Come on. Let's go for a walk around the castle until classes do start."
"Okay," said Lavender and felt excited about the walk together, even if it was just a walk around the castle. But a walk with someone fun makes it enjoyable. She wondered if Harry feels this way when with Draco.
Together they got up and walked out of the Great Hall but as they headed towards the Grand Staircase, they were stopped by the Hogwarts Medical Witch, Madam Pomfrey. "Hello girls, sorry to disturb your walk but can I please speak with you, Ivy?" she asked the young black-haired girl carefully. "It'll only take a few moments."
Ivy smiled at the nurse, but she could sense the nurse was a little curious and worried about her. "Of course, Madam Pompfrey," she said kindly and looked beside her at Lavender. "I'll see you soon, Lav. I'll be at the portrait into the Gryffindor common room." She let go of Lavender's hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Lavender blushed with a nod and turned away, hoping the medic witch won't keep Ivy long. She began the journey back to Gryffindor Tower where she will wait for Ivy there.
Ivy looked back at Madam Pomfrey, a little mad that the older witch had to split her and Lavender up for the day. She could sense this witch wanted to keep her longer than 'a moment'. "What did you need to talk to me about?" she asked and put on a smile. Whatever this is about she hoped would be important.
"Miss Black, can you tell me your age?" Madam Pomfrey asked carefully as she took the younger witch up towards the Hospital wing. The nerves burned through her as she hoped she was wrong about what Ivy could possibly... have.
"Um... I'm fifteen but turning sixteen this March," Ivy told her, suddenly becoming aware that this medic witch might answer more dangerous questions about herself that even herself couldn't answer.
"Your real age, Ivy," Madam Pomfrey said, knowing the young witch could become a little curious about her sudden questions. It's expected, she knows it. "You're immortal age."
"Immortal?" Ivy said with a laugh. She was confused. "Ma'am, nothing is immortal in the wizarding world. Everything dies. If something cannot die, then that's just... impossible. Beings die, wizards and witches die, trees and bushes die. The moon and sun will probably die in the lengthy future."
Madam Pomfrey nodded. Ivy past that test. When they entered the hospital wing, she told Ivy to sit on the bed at the end of the room. "I'm just checking up on you from the last time you were brought here," she trailed off and bit her lip. She looked at the girls' unnatural eyes and sighed. "Please take out your contact lenses, Miss Black."
Ivy began to feel a little anxious now. She doesn't like Mental Health check-ups. "Um..." she said, warily looking around the room for other students. When she saw nobody, she said, "Okay." She tilted her head back and took out one lenses after the other and then looked at the medic witch.
Madam Pomfrey looked Ivy in her pure black eyes and nodded. Over the years there have been a few students who are half and halfs but they kept their other half a secret. "Okay," she said and when biting harder on her lip, she poked her thumb with a needle and watched as the girl's black eyes turned blood red.
"Madam Pomfrey, what are you doing!" Ivy snapped as she looked away, hissing at that delicious smell of the medics blood filled her nostrils and she could feel her fangs appear in her mouth. She's tried blood before. Human blood which the human let her feed of them so she wouldn't get in trouble by the ministry.
"How many people know that you're a vampire, Ivy?" Madam Pomfrey asked the young girl in front of her. She now understands the girl was born as a vampire. She wasn't turned otherwise it would be recorded in the Ministry's files. "And is your mother a vampire as well?" Ivy looked back at her with a grimace, not wanting to hear anything about her own mother.
"Only Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Professor Dumbledore, and my mother know of what I am," Ivy said with an honest but forced smile, and her white pointy, sharp fangs were showed in the light of the Hospital Wing. "My mother is just a Pureblooded witch. My father, who I've never known all my life, must have been a vampire."
"I see," said Madam Pomfrey, nodding as she fixed her bleeding finger with a simple spell. "Now, everyone knows vampires can't walk in the sunlight, so they turn to ash. How's that necklace of yours?"
Ivy hesitantly took off her black lace choker necklace from under the white collar of her long-sleeved uniform shirt and showed it to her. It was a black lacy choker necklace with a dark blue gemstone, also called a Tanzanite, molded into a pendant with a smaller gem hanging from it by a small black chain. "I'm registered at the ministry as a vampire, but they don't want anybody knowing about it as you should know. My real records are hidden in a secret compartment in my family's manor. Everyone knows me as just Ivy Black, a witch. Not Ivy Black, a vampire-witch. And the necklace, the gemstone keeps me from burning in the sun. And we don't turn to ash, we just unfortunately burn really easily."
"About your last name..." Madam Pomfrey said and trailed off, knowing this young vampire isn't related to anyone from the Black family. She couldn't find what family Ivy comes from as she doesn't have the experience to find out. She watched the young witch's blood red eyes turn back to pitch black, but her fangs still remained. "You're not a member of the Black family, Ivy. Not by blood but by marriage."
Ivy frowned and laid back on the hospital bed she was seated on, and she looked up at the ceiling. So, she's not a Black by blood but by marriage. "I understand that, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get past the wards surrounding the Black Manor in Marlow; only my mom can open the wards. The family home of the three Black sisters. Bellatrix Lestrange, Andromeda, and Narcissa Malfoy. I've seen their bedrooms. I sleep in Bellatrix's since it's the nicest and it has more black in it."
Madam Pomfrey nodded. She tilted her head to the side a little as she reached forward, not showing any fear in what she was about to do, and she lifted the girls lips up to get a better look at her pointy sharp fangs. "Remind me of your diet again, please?"
"Dumbledore knows about me because I had to tell him so he can protect me from everyone," Ivy told her a little hesitantly and put her choker back on back inside the collar until it hit her skin. The cold silver against her cold skin made her a little calmer. "My diet is the same as every student in this castle. But wherever I sit, a house elf brings a bottle of blood which is in a special bottle in front of me. I'm allowed to eat garlic but as long as it's covered in blood or something else then I can still eat it. I always get blood lollipops when I'm in Hogsmeade, and I'm always carrying a black water bottle with me every day which is filled with blood. I ask the elves for human blood for my water bottle and somehow they can get it for me in a blink of an eye."
"Knowing the good use of foundation, I'm guessing you use it on yourself to make yourself a natural skin colour?" the medic witch asked and leaned away from her. "And about your age... I believe your age will start slowing down once you're out of Hogwarts?"
"Yes, and yes," Ivy said, nodding about those two questions the medic witch gave her. "I use foundation a lot but only on the parts of my body which will be seen by everyone else. It's why I wear jumpers a lot, but also to cover my... scars. Unfortunately, the age thing is correct, but I don't want to stay young forever. I want to grow old with someone who I'll love forever."
Madam Pomfrey smiled at the young witch and her future dreams. She hopes those wishes will come true for Miss Ivy Black. "And your abilities?" she asked her. "Very fast and strong, ability to hear and smell something from ages away. What else can you do?"
"I can walk on walls and the roof," Ivy told her with a shrug, and without being told to do it, she stood up on the bed, went to the pillows and placed her foot on the white wall behind the small metal barred bed head. Her other foot joined the one on the wall and she started walking up the Hospital walls. Madam Pomfrey blinked up at her with amazement, unaware that the vampire girl could do that.
Ivy walked up until she was on the roof, her black hair flowing down underneath her, and she had to hold her skirt in place, so it doesn't flap down. She looked down at the medic witch with a smile. "Oh, I also can do this like every other vampire."
In a little flash of black, instead of seeing Ivy on the roof, Madam Pomfrey saw a black fuzzy bat with blood red eyes crawling around on the ceiling and the bat gave a little squeak. She smiled at the bat and watched it fly down, around her torso, and on the bed. The bat crawled around on the bed, just like a kitten would when finding a comfy seated position, and in another flash of black, it turned back to Ivy.
"Keep the transformation a secret, please?" Ivy asked of her sincerely. "Vamps like to keep that ability a secret. It's not known that vampires can transform into bats. It's not even in the books, beside the one about Count Dracula and that book is ancient. Oh, and we can hide in the shadows fairly easily. It's like we're not even there. It's how I scare Draco for fun."
Madam Pomfrey nodded at the secret that she must keep to herself and laughed at what Ivy does for fun. It's intriguing to hear about the life of this little vampire. "About those fangs of yours... Are you able to control them or do they come out when you scent blood?"
Ivy smiled, showing her fangs. She shut her lips together then smiled again, her fangs had gone. "It's a little bit of both," she said with a shrug, her hands gripping onto the bed's mattress. "But yes, I can take them out whenever I want to and when I smell blood they too come out. I learn to control my powers when I was around eight years old. My mother hired an actual full-blooded vampire to teach me. He taught me everything I needed to know and how to control it all by the time I turned eight."
Madam Pomfrey nodded again. She was going to ask the girl about her mother but thought that it shouldn't be talked about right now. "Okay, and I'm sorry to have you answer these questions regarding your being. I swear on my life that I won't tell a soul about what you've told me unless you want me too. Now, to the more serious matters. How have you been?
Ivy sighed slowly. Here we go.
"Dracoooo, where are we going?" Harry asked with a prolonged 'o, getting dragged by Draco to wherever he was taking him. He didn't mind where the handsome blonde Slytherin wizard was taking him as long as it was somewhere he can be alone with him, cuddling, kissing, and probably having fun. The last option excited him.
"You'll see, my beautiful Gryffindor," Draco replied while walking the direction towards the portrait to the secret garden with Harry. He admired how Harry was acting, like a child, which he didn't mind at all. It was rather cute.
Harry looked around and knew exactly where Draco was taking him by the hallway they just entered and the familiar large portrait they're coming up to. The Garden of Amare. He liked being pulled by the Slytherin. No, he loved it.
"Nearly there," Draco said as they walked up to the portrait of a fake corridor. Draco and Harry looked around to make sure the coast was clear and with a little push of the torch, the portrait swung open, and they walked inside. They couldn't be bothered with using a "Lumos" as they already knew the way through without a light. They passed the familiar roots and vines of the dark hallway until they got to the familiar wooden door with a little badger on the doorknob. Draco pushed open the door to reveal the oh so familiar Garden of Amare.
"It's just as lovely as it looks," Harry said with a yawn as he suddenly felt like going up to Gryffindor Tower for a lie down. Why must sleep make him affected right now? He wanted to be with Draco all day long and this is his chance instead of boring homework where he can't get his thoughts away from Draco.
"So, you like this garden better than me, huh?" Draco asked curtly but with a smirk, trying to hide his sudden sadness at the thought of Harry saying 'yes'. Merlin, it would hurt like hell. But he knows how much Harry loves him by the way Harry stares his way, or kisses and hugs him, or the way he moans his name during sex.
Harry looked at him and shook his head, not even knowing how his Slytherin boyfriend could think that. "You're beautiful, more lovely than the garden itself," he said truthfully with a genuine smile. "You are as beautiful as a red rose that blossoms on a spring day. Your eyes are like the full moon and the twinkling stars on a beautiful night, shining over the horizon of oceans." He realized what he just said and bites his lip over his embarassment.
Draco felt himself blush and gave Harry a kiss on the nose. Damn Harry and his compliments which make him feel all warm and fluttery inside. "Thank you! You are so delightful, Harry Potter," he said sweetly and watches as Harry's face and neck become a little red with a beautiful blush to it.
"So, what are we going to do whilst we're here?" Harry then asks him, looking down on his nose where Draco kissed him and feeling like he could cook eggs on his burning face. He probably could cook eggs with his blushing face. Would Draco like them poached or sunny-side up?
Draco shrugged but then remembered one of the things they haven't explored together. The Maze. "We could explore the maze for some time, the one we saw last time we were here," he suggested as it raised his curiosity, and he wondered what lay in it unless it's just a normal maze. Could there be something in it? Like a prize? Or someplace romantic.
"That sounds like a plan," Harry said with a nod of agreement and moved closer to his boyfriend. He began thinking about the maze and what's in it too. Could it be a nice lovely maze with a gazebo in the centre, or could it be a scary maze with monsters on it. He hoped for the first option. He knows muggle mazes can be creepy. Especially corn mazes during the night.
Draco intertwined their hands together with a smile and started walking towards the maze with Harry. They passed the familiar fairy ring, the forest of unusual looking trees that aren't really from England until they got to the maze.
Harry looked up at the 50-meter tall maze, widening his eyes in amazement but also furrowing his brows confusion. "Wasn't it smaller last time?" he asked the blonde wizard whie tilting his head to the side. The maze looked bigger than the last time he saw it.
Draco smiled at Harry and his obliviousness. It's adorable, he admits. Even when Harry's playing dumb it's the cutest thing ever. "Mazes still grow, Harry," he reminded him in case Harry didn't know which he highly doubts Harry would forget. "Just like any other tree or bush."
"Shall we enter then?" Harry asked just to forget how silly he sounded so he gripped Draco's hand tighter while feeling kind of stupid from what he replied to the blonde Slytherin with. For fucks sake... what a way to be an idiot in front of your own boyfriend. He wants to forget about what he had said.
"Do you want to though?" Draco asked carefully as he had to ask just in case Harry didn't want to, for whatever reason. He didn't want to force him or anything. What if he had claustrophobia? Or a fear of mazes? But the look of curiousness Harry gave the maze told him that Harry isn't scared of mazes.
"Only if you want to," Harry responded back with a light shrug. He really didn't care. The maze could have thousands of places to hide and he wouldn have even know it. It would serve as an excellent cutting place though he knew he shouldn't be thinking about that. He wondered how big the maze is on the inside if it is this tall.
Draco nodded and Harry smiled back. They entered the maze, discovering a little statue of Helga Hufflepuff comforting some person who looked sad. A little wary about the statue, they walked and walked until the maze started to form two different lanes leading away from each other. This meant the boys had to split up.
"Well, I guess this is it then," Draco said, looking to his left where the maze led which is where he had to go. He didn't want to leave Harry in one part of the maze alone. What if there were deadly creatures lurking in one of the passageways? No, he shouldn't think about that. This seems like a happy maze, besides the statue.
"Yeah, I'll see you in the middle?" Harry said sadly. It wasn't a question. He hesitated for a minute and looked to the ground. What if he gets lost and isn't able to get out? And if he does get lost how will he feed himself and where could water be?
"Yeah," Draco said, turning back to his boyfriend and seeing the frown planted on his face. He rolled his eyes and thought, Gryffindors. Where is their bravery and courage at times? "Come here Harry." He opened his arms to Harry for a nice comforting hug.
Harry jumped on him with his arms around his neck and kissed him like he would never see him again. Draco nearly fell over but kissed back passionately and cupped his hands over Harry's cheek. As they both let go of the kiss, they couldn't help but look into each other's beautiful eyes and smile at each other.
Harry started walking to his right into his side of the maze, turned around to face Draco and shouted, "See you in the middle!"
"Not if I get there first," Draco shouted back, smirking at the thought of the challenge he must beat Harry to. This is going to be so much fun.
Draco and Harry entered through their parts of the maze, Draco to the right, Harry to the left. The maze sealed off the entranceway so they can't go back.
Harry looked back at the maze that sealed him in and sighed. He guesses he cannot turn back now. He looked up at the skylights, seeing the nice blue sky above him. He decided to start walking, making a left and a right until he came to a long narrow part of the maze which it seemed like it goes on forever.
He heard a massive strike of thunder and looked up instinctively, seeing the nice blue sky replaced by a dark thundery night sky. It was confusing. First a clear sky and now a dark stormy sky? What is the meaning of this? He was about to take a step but looked down and saw a little puddle of what looked like silvery goo.
Harry studied the goo, dipped a finger in it, took it out and watched it ooze down his fingers and knew it was unicorn blood. Could Unicorns be around here? Can they somehow get into Hogwarts? He looked around his surroundings, not seeing any dead unicorn at all. Strange, he thought as he stepped over the puddle and kept on walking.
Then, he heard a blood-curdling scream coming from somewhere within the maze. Draco? he thought with a frown. No, that wasn't Draco. Draco can't sound that girly. Then it hit him, and he knew that voice sounded like Hermione. He ran towards the sound of Hermione's screams but then he heard a male's scream. " Hermione? Ron?!" he shouted. "Where are you guys."
Harry started to panic. He hated hearing screams coming from people, especially in muggle movies because it's when they're getting...killed. Perhaps this maze wasn't meant to be entered? He heard the familiar screams from Ron and Hermione again, and then there was silence. God. He hated this so much.
He started running through the maze, turning left, right, left again, and left again until he came to a large, squared section of the maze that looked like a small park. But what he saw devastated him. Hermione and Ron were there, but they were hanging by their necks from a branch of a tree looking lifeless. Hermione had her neck split open with blood gushing down her robes and Ron had a large cut on his stomach where his guts dropped out on the floor. What's even worse was the flies hanging around his best friends.
Harry screamed for help, begging someone to come to find him but all he could muster was a screech. He started crying, feeling more and more tears come from his eyes that ran down his cheeks like a river. He began to shake, tremble, and fall to the ground. He just couldn't take this sight any longer. What happened to them? What kind of monster would do this?
He looked around at his surroundings and saw the silhouette of a person. That person came out from the darkness of a corner, walking towards him and that's when he recognized who it was. It was himself, blood all over his Gryffindor school robes, glasses broken, a pocketknife as well as his wand in his hand and a devilish smile planted on his face with blood-red eyes.
"No..." Harry choked, moving away from the figure of himself who was walking towards him. He started to feel a familiar loud buzzing noise in his ears. He couldn't take it. The noise was so loud he couldn't hear what the figure of himself was saying. All he really could hear was, "It's all your fault."
He started doing his anxiety attack breathing exercises, even if he was in a really dire situation but it did help. He cleared his throat and crawled backwards until he was directly in front of the deceased Hermione and Ron. He looked up at Hermione and Ron in terror.
"How could you do this to us?" Hermione asked him as blood still rushed down her clothes. Some of it dropped onto Harry's forehead, scarring him with her blood.
"I thought we were friends," Ron said as an organ fell out of his stomach onto the floor with a 'plop' beside Harry. It was his liver.
Harry threw up the contents of his stomach on the lush grass next to Ron's liver, coating it in his lumpy yellow vomit. The liver disappeared as if it wasn't there to begin with but it left a small patch of grass that wasn't covered in his vomit. The sight of his stomach's lumpy contents made him vomit again. Groaning and feeling icky, he wiped Hermione's blood off his forehead with the sleeve of his robe but realised there wasn't any blood on him to begin with, and the dead Ron and Hermione had vanished. He gathered up all the courage and energy he had, picked himself up off the floor and rushed out of that part of the maze. He was still sobbing, but he needed to run and get away from that horrid scene.
He ran and ran, twisting ever corner, turning left and right until he came to a small green room. He entered, looking around and thankfully saw nothing horrible. He sat in a corner and cried, cried until he had no tears left. He just wanted Draco here with him to hug, to cuddle, to kiss.
When Harry finished crying, he looked up and saw a couple of Television-like things on the walls, the roof, everywhere. They were like holograms. Clear holograms but on a floating white board. One of them was showing his past self-back at the Dursleys, sleeping under the stairs. Then it got more triggering. He saw himself being beaten up by Dudley like some punching bag and it was just for fun.
Uncle Dursley was hitting and belting him on his back while Aunt Petunia snickered as she watched Harry's past self get beaten up. Harry was five, sitting in the middle of Dudley's train track, playing with Thomas the Tank Engine while the tv was playing the Beatles song 'Hey Jude' and Dudley skipped into the room and kicked everything around then shouted for his mother and father to help. He had blamed Harry for messing up his train set, and Uncle Vernon had come in with his belt and belted Harry over the back then locked him in his cupboard.
Another one showed him just doing his own thing, cleaning the dishes, but then getting shouted out for getting dirt on the floor when it was actually Dudley who did it and another one showed his past self being starved by the Dursleys. Images of his past self suffering from the abuse of the Dursleys all came on the TV, making him feel miserable as he watched them.
He also saw something else, but it wasn't his own memory. He saw the Eifel Tower in Paris, and he saw a boy a little older than him with dark curly hair and bright green eyes. That boy was kissing Draco. Jealous tears streamed down his face, but he knew this wasn't recent. Maybe it was last year?
Then another scene started. Draco and that older boy were down an alleyway between two old buildings. Harry could tell Draco didn't want to be someplace dark and alone with some older man. The older bloke had his hands up against the brick wall, either side of Draco's neck, trapping him and trying to kiss him but Draco kept pulling his face away. The twat! He didn't know who this older bloke was, but he hated him.
The next scene came on and it pissed him off. That older bloke was groping Draco and kissing his neck while Draco was chuckling awkwardly and trying to move away. That was assault! Sexual Assault!
Harry really wanted something to punch because not only was he scared and upset but now he was angry too. Angry at the dude for assaulting Draco. His Draco. He needed Draco even if he just saw him kissing another bloke on this bloody screen thing. Who was that older boy? He wanted to tell Draco everything so he can get it all off his chest. He could even go to one of those Psychiatrists meeting things with Ivy. It sounds alright, but scary.
He chose to get back up and try to walk through this hell maze without toppling to the floor with shock in what he had seen. He began hurrying through the maze, turning left, right, left, and right again. What he wanted to know is why such a hell of a maze could be in such a beautiful garden. He hasn't the slightest idea why anyone, not even Helga Hufflepuff would put such a maze in this garden of Amare.
Harry kept hearing the screams of Hermione and Ron throughout the maze. He wondered wherever Draco was, he could probably hear the screams too. He hoped the fuck not. He sped up his pace, hoping he won't encounter anything else that would trigger him or just make him feel bad. But then he stumbled into someone with a 'Bump!'
Harry looked up and saw a floating deceased Hermione, but her back was facing him, fortunately. He slowly backed away until he felt something squish under his foot. He turned his head right around and was face to face with a deceased white-faced Ron. Harry shrieked and ran for his life. He hated seeing this, it was like he was living in a nightmare.
He ran further and further away from them until he came to a dead end. He sank down to his feet with his back against the hedge and watched ahead of him, watching the deceased Ron and Hermione slowly come into view. With a hard swallow, he felt as if this was it, the end of him.
"Harry?!" a familiar voice said. Harry looked up with his tear-stained cheek, seeing the person he wanted the most to come and rescue him. "Harry, it's not real. Whatever you're seeing isn't real. It's the maze playing tricks on you."
Harry blinked his tear-stained eyes. The figures of Hermione and Ron disappeared with a shimmer as if they weren't there at all.
Earlier with Draco.
Draco watched as the maze sealed himself in, so he decided to begin walking. He doesn't know when he would be able to see Harry again, but he knows he will. Whatever happens, they will see each other in the end. When walking further into the maze, it began twisting, and turning. Turning left, right, left, left again and right. It just kept on twisting and turning until he got into a small park within the hedge maze walls.
Inside the park, he saw his mother and father. Except his mother was on the ground backing up from someone, and that someone was his father. He shouted, "NO!" They looked his way, tears stained on his mother's face and anger and hatred all over his father's face but then they both just faded into oblivion.
Draco felt a single tear run down his cheek from what he saw. Was his father going to hurt his mother? He didn't want to believe it, so he scanned the room for them but didn't see them. He felt relieved that was not real because his father would never do such a thing to his mother but then he thought about Harry and how this maze was affecting him. Or how it could be affecting him. He didn't exactly know.
Just then, like the maze was listening to his thoughts, he saw Harry. Harry wasn't actually physically there though; it was like a wizard's portrait on the hedge wall. Then he realized that this was Harry before we went into the maze and when they kissed. He smiled at that memory of Harry's soft warm lips on his own. Then the weird rectangular thing showed Harry after the hedge sealed him in, then when he discovered the ooze on the floor. Merlin's Beard...
Draco watched as Harry walked into the park. It looked like the exact one he was in. Draco scanned the room he was in but didn't see Harry. He sighed sadly, wanting to be with him. Then he watched Harry's expression, gone from anxious to fear, as if he's seeing something horrible. Oh, Harry. How he wished he were there with him. He tried to touch the rectangular thing, but his hand went straight through it.
He watched as Harry ran from that place. Good Merlin. That's what Harry should have done all along. He watched Harry run into another place that looked like a room and he saw everything that Harry was made to watch over again. The beatings, the abuse, his self-harming, the starving. Everything. He felt so angry at Harry's relatives. He wanted to sue them, and to send them off to Azkaban.
He watched as Harry ran from that room, running away and coming to a dead end. He watched as Harry crawled into a ball as if something was slowly coming for him. He wanted to see Harry right now! He wants to help him, make him happy. "I love him!" he shouted at the maze walls like they were keeping him from seeing his Harry in pain. "Please!" He held down a bucket of tears, but they all rushed down his face. If his father saw him right now, he'd say, 'Malfoy's don't cry'. But Malfoy's don't cry my ass.
Just like earlier, the maze must have heard his cries, and the maze made a hedge tunnel appear. He began to follow it quickly, from a walk into a run. He ran down the tunnel until it came to a stop. "Please!" he shouted, face full of tears. The maze then created an archway and there I saw Harry. He was sitting against the hedge, his back against the hedge wall, sobbing. "Harry?"
Harry slowly turned to look at him. Draco could see the horror and fright on his face. Harry was shaking, trembling and Draco wished they never entered into the darn maze in the first place. He saw the tears streaming down Harry's beautiful face. He quickly made his way through the archway and told Harry that none of it was real.
Draco sighed in relief and ran up to Harry, embracing him into a warm hug. All he knows is that Harry needed one, more than he did. "Oh, Harry." He didn't know what to say to him, so he just aced it. "Harry, I saw everything," he said and sat down beside him. "Why didn't you tell me about all this? I've asked you to tell me anything and everything about you, and why you're depressed. I wish you could have told me this, instead of me finding it out this way. You don't realize how much I love you, Harry James Potter."
Harry just looked at Draco with a tear-stained face. He leaned into Draco's warm comforting body and just lay there. "I'm sorry, Draco," he started sobbing, feeling his mental walls collapse. "I've always wanted to but never knew when to, I don't want to ruin our romantic moments together. I know it's no reason to not tell you... I love you too, so sodding much."
Draco kissed him on the cheek and let Harry lean his head on his shoulder. "I love you too, and right now, we should get out of this maze," he said as he nudged Harry off, helped him up to his feet and placed a protective arm around him. The maze created an arch hedge with blooming pink flowers on it a few meters from where Harry and Draco stood. Inside the arch was a transcalent portal. Draco took his chances, held Harry's hand, and they went through the portal.
The portal took them back to the gardens and into the Gazebo where birds were happily chirping, and butterflies were swarming the flower bushes. "Do you want to talk here?" Draco asked, smiling sadly at Harry.
Harry nodded, sat down on the gazebo seat, and started from the beginning, holding in his tears. "A-as you know, V-Voldemort killed my p-parents." Draco nodded. Harry continued on telling the blonde about his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and his cousin Dudley and how they treat him knowing he is a wizard. How he's treated like utter filth as if being a wizard was Satanic.
Draco looked at Harry sadly, wondering why someone so amazing could be treated so badly like a house-elf. Harry sniffed, leaned closer to Draco and continued, "So, as I got older, they always made me do servant stuff. C-cleaning, gardening, ironing, cooking. I-if I do something badly, Uncle Vernon would... h-hit me or b-belt me. I- was teased as a kid in muggle school, because of my scar... and... Dudley kept telling everyone lies about me which, unfortunately, everyone believed. I never had it easy, really."
Draco rubbed soothing circles on Harry's back to calm him down. He didn't know what else to do or say beside give Harry comfort and dry Harry's wet face with his sleeve. "Shh, it's okay," he said in a soothing voice. "You're safe here, Harry. I love you so much, Harry James Potter and you should know that." He kissed him on the cheek and leaned his head against Harry's.
Harry wiped the last of the tears from his face with his sleeve, but then Draco saw a glimpse of red from Harry's wrist and felt so sad. Who could treat someone so innocent like that?! He felt anger boil through his veins. If he gets his hands on this Dursley family, he swears he will make their life a living hell!
Harry saw Draco staring at his cuts and rolled down his sleeves past his hands. Dang it... he forgot to cast the cut-healing spell! "I'm sorry..." he managed to say, anxious and horrified at being caught with his cuts. It's the first time, besides Ivy, that has ever seen his cuts. He felt so bad. "I love you too, Draco. I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore."
"Don't be sorry, Harry," Draco said softly and shook his head. "I still want to be with you! Harry, I love you. I understand you're struggling but I need you to know I'll be here for you. Always. I'll always be here for you if you need to vent." Harry's the one who shouldn't be sorry. It's those no-good relatives of Harry's that need to apologies. He leaned forward and gave him a slow kiss on the nose. "It's not your fault, Darling."
Harry forced a smile from Draco's little loving gesture, and he deliberately cocked his head to the side. "Yeah, so the Dursleys are great!" he said sarcastically with a quick noise that sounded like a snort and a sniff. He wanted to burn their house down to the ground.
Draco gave a little laugh at Harry for his sarcasm. It was cute but unfortunately very untrue. The Dursley's are just cruel and are probably worse than The Dark Lord. "So, would you be willing to join Ivy in a psychiatrist appointment on Monday?" he asked him while hoping for a positive answer from his boyfriend who definitely needed therapy.
Harry nodded, staring blankly out towards the little flower meadow. He will do it for Draco. It sounds scary, talking about his life back at the Dursley's to a complete stranger and even worse, an adult, but he will do it. It's all for Draco, Ivy, and himself.
"Great!" Draco beamed at the answer he had been waiting for. This excited him. "Do you want me to come with, just to hold your hand or hug or cuddle with?" He would love to accompany Harry on one of his therapy appointments. It would be fun getting to know exactly how the professionals do it.
"Sure, I'd love to have your company," Harry said with a tired smile and a nod as he knows he won't be able to do it alone. He would need his boyfriend there to comfort him. He really didn't know about this therapy appointment thing and if he should do it, but he would do anything for Draco. He will do it for Ivy too so she's not doing it alone too. An image popped into his mind then: the older boy Draco was with inside the screen thing earlier.
Draco smiled widely at Harry and gave him another kiss on the cheek in approval of this. "Harry, I am so proud of you for telling me this instead of bottling it all up inside." He grabbed ahold of Harry's chin, so Harry would look him in the eye. "You are so brave, kind, caring, beautiful, smart - in your own way. You are loved by so many people, Harry. I love you and I'd hate to see you disappear from existence." He felt tears form in his eyes at that depressing thought but blinked them away.
Harry leaned over, kissed Draco's cheek, and looked back into silver eyes with a small smile. God, Draco doesn't know how much he loves him from the bottom of his heart. After all, he is a bottom. "Draco, who was that older boy?" he then decides to ask, trying his best to ignore his jealousy.
Draco blinked, cheeks becoming pink at the memory he saw earlier that he didn't want to rise from the mental box he trapped it inside of and tried to forget. "What boy?"
"I saw a... well, I know it's not one of my memories because you were in it and so was an older male," Harry said, zoning out once more over Draco's shoulder at the flower meadow. "He was tall with black curly hair and bright green eyes. I think he also had a lot of freckles. He was kissing you." He finally looked back into Draco's eyes, wanting to know the truth.
"Oh," Draco said, suddenly sad again and he nodded his head. "I, um... I wouldn't call him an ex, more like a fling I had in Paris during the Summer Holidays. It should not have ever happened." He hesitated for a moment, looking Harry in the eyes when he finally admitted, "He raped me." Tears stung in his eyes immediately and Harry looked at him with such a pained expression that Draco tore his walls down and let the tears fall. All of the tears. Harry wrapped his arms around the blonde tightly. "I guess he thought that I was into it but really, I wasn't. I didn't want to do it, I told him to stop but he didn't stop and then things escalated-"
"Draco, you don't need to say anything more," Harry says softly, his heart breaking for his boyfriend. How could such a devastating thing happen to him? "I get the picture now. Sexual Assault is a very serious thing. Have you told an adult about this?"
"I've told Professor Snape," Draco says flatly and Harry nods with relief. "I told Blaise first because Edwardo was here at Hogwarts at the start of the year and after trying to forget about everything it all just arose when I saw him as a Beauxbatons student. He recognized me immediately, I didn't want him following me around so I told Blaise about it - he was pissed, so then he told Severus about it. Severus told Dumbledore about it at some point at the start of the year and had Edwardo sent back home. I'm so thankful he's gone. I was scared of it happening again."
Harry felt immensely relieved that Draco's rapist was gone, had gone back to France and would stay there. This Edwardo bloke was on his hit-list. If he ever saw the guy he'd Crucio him on the spot. He leans out of the hug to ask, "Have you told your parents?"
Draco shook his head. "I know I should," he says, rather quickly as he gets lost in Harry's green eyes, finding a comfort in those green orbs. "Father would immediately take this to the law and report it. He probably would have Edwardo's head chopped off. I just don't want my mother and father to know; they have enough going on their plate."
"Draco, I feel like it would be best to tell your parents this," Harry told him with seriousness, trying to let the blonde know how actually serious this topic is. "That guy Sexually Assaulted you. You need to report it to the law. You can have the bloke banned from the country if you wanted it."
Draco opened his mouth to answer Harry but was cut off when Dobby the house-elf popped up right in front of them. "Dobby wants to say that bad thing has already happened and was in that very maze," he told the Slytherin and Gryffindor nervously. "Dobby isn't too happy about it, and it wasn't Dobby's fault at all. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy let Miss Ivy Black into the Gardens of Amare and had to pay the consequence. Maze was consequence."
"Do you mean to tell us that that maze was our only consequence?" Draco asked the elf in disbelief, not at all mad that the topic had changed thanks to the house-elf. At least he and Harry know not to go back in the maze. Who knows what else it could hold inside the walls of the maze?
Dobby nodded at the Slytherin's question. "Dobby says maze is only consequence but don't judge the garden," he said and warned them of ever judging the Garden from its true power. "Maze is now safe to go into if Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy wants to. Maze doesn't hold negative energy anymore otherwise Dobby can sense it. That is all Dobby had to say. Dobby must leave." And then he was gone with a 'pop'.
Draco looked back into Harry's eyes. He's glad that maze was over and done with, although he is also glad that everything inside the maze happened. He would have rather Harry tell him about the abuse and suffering and he would have rather told Harry about Edwardo Bullen than Harry find out by the darn maze.
He smiled faintly at Harry, still a bit sad the one memory of someone he tried desparately to forget had to reawaken. Sighing slowly, he rubbed his face with his hands, trying to think the bad memories away and to his adoration Harry put an arm around him, pulling him closer until their foreheads touched. To distract himself from the past, he closed the distance between them to kiss Harry square on the lips, which Harry kissed back with a small chuckle.
His nerves were buzzing with sudden excitement, everything around him didn't matter anymore besides the slide of Harry's warm soft lips against his own. He cupped his hand over Harry's cheek, Harry slid his hands up and around Draco's neck, bringing him closer. Draco wanted more by using his tongue and licked Harry's bottom lip, asking for entrance and finally, he got it. He slid his tongue inside Harry's mouth, tasting and loving him with everything he had.
Harry and Draco eventually pulled out of the kiss for air with red chapped lips and stared into each other's eyes. They leaned their heads on one another, Harry staring at their entwined hands while Draco stared into the distance towards the meadow of flowers.
Draco ended the moment of silence with a kiss to Harry's cheek, making the Gryffindor chuckle. Satisfied with Harry's cute chuckle, he asked, "Do you want to head back now?" He reached up and brushed away a few strands of Harry's fringe from his green eyes. "I'm sure lunch is nearly over. We could be possibly late for our next class."
Harry nodded on Draco's shoulder. He turned his head upwards, placing his chin on Draco's shoulder and he gave a little kiss to the Slytherin's neck. "Yeah, I am actually looking forward to our evening classes," he said to Draco's ear. "Do we have Herbology or charms?"
"We would have Charms now," Draco said as he turned his head to the side to see Harry with half-open eyes. He adores his boyfriend so much. He gave both of Harry's half-closed eyelids a kiss which made Harry's eyes flutter. It was so hard not to look away. He wondered what new plant and spell they would learn about this afternoon.
"Let's get going then," Harry said softly as he got up off the chair and held out his hand for Draco. The Slytherin happily took Harry's hand in his and they walked towards the Garden's exit together. "We don't want a whole lot of points off for coming late." Harry raised their enclosed hands to his mouth and kissed the back of Draco's hand while looking up at the blonde into his silver eyes. Anything adorable Darco does would always make him feel a little better, even if he had a stressful, lonely, depressing day.
Draco smiled at Harry's adorable little gesture as they exited the gardens through the rooted doorway, down the dark passageway and out the portrait. When they reached the Charms classroom and opened the large wooden doors, all their classmates had turned their attention around to stare at them. Draco ignored all the stares and led Harry to an empty table.
The professor looked over from on his desk at his students. "Ah boys, it's nice of you to join us," he said and pointed to a desk at the back where it was empty. "You both were only five minutes from being late. But on with the lesson. Can anyone tell me what the charm 'Hastio' is?"
Of course, the very hand that had shot up first was Hermione's. Professor Flitwick smiled at his pupil who knows pretty much everything before she comes into class. "Yes, Miss Granger?" asked the professor.
"The spell 'Hastio' is a charm that is used whenever you need to get to places fast," Hermione said proudly. "It basically makes you run 10x faster than you normally can. However, using the charm in events such as races and muggle triathlons will have consequences."
"Very good, Miss Granger," said the tiny professor in his sqeaky vocie. "20 points to Gryffindor!" Then he shouted. "Hastio!" In a matter of seconds, the tiny Professor was running around the room at a very fast pace. He was so fast paced he could have easily run past you in a blink of an eye, and then the tiny professor stopped in the middle of the classroom. "And that, students," he panted, "is the Hastio charm," the Professor said, catching his breath like he just ran a marathon.
Everyone clapped for the professor and smiled greatly. "Now, we're all going to go out into the Quidditch pitch and practice there," said the tiny professor. "That is so nobody breaks anything in the classroom or their bones. Let's be on our way!"
"I'm so happy that was over!" Draco groaned, jumping onto the Slytherin common room couch and hugged his knees up to his chest. He's exhausted from Charms class. He hasn't run in ages, not even that fast. "I swear to Salazar Slytherin himself, that was a very intense class."
"Did you see how fast the Professor ran, even we couldn't catch up to him when using the 'Hastio' charm," Harry said, laughing back tears of joy and sitting next to Draco. He snuggled into Draco's side while Draco placed an arm around his shoulders. They both stared into each other's eyes and before they knew it, they were leaning in for a kiss.
"Hey Dra-," Pansy said but hesitated, looking across the room and seeing not just a Slytherin, but a Gryffindor in the Slytherin's common room kissing her best friend. She smiled at the two, wondering if this is her first time seeing the two in the Slytherin common room together. Was it or had she forgotten the other times?
The two boys didn't even realize Pansy was in the room, but even if they did, they wouldn't care. The Slytherin common room was empty from when they first entered, so they knew they could do a few things without being seen. One of those things were Harry sliding his hand down Draco's stomach and under the waistband of the Slytherin's jeans while they continues kissing, and Draco's tongue was down Harry's throat.
Pansy's eyes widened a little and she backed away from the sight she was seeing. Merlin... She didn't want to see anything else and definitely not any kind of moans from her friends. "I'm off to Herbology now," she whispered to them but was only managed to gain Draco's attention.
Draco, his tongue still down Harry's throat, opened his eyes and looked with his eyes at Pansy. He smirked during the kiss and shooed her off with a wave of his hand which was doing nothing at the time, but he decided to cup Harry's cheek with it. It was all he could do beside moan in Harry's mouth from the touch of Harry's hand exploring down his body.
Pansy rolled her eyes at Draco and decided to leave then. She didn't want to witness anything. Oh... but does this mean they're coming closer to having sex? Whenever that does happen she hopes Draco will tell her so she can give him a 'Congrats for losing your virginity to your first boyfriend' present to him.
Harry's hand slipped down into Draco's boxers until his hand touched something hard and someone moaned. He realized it was himself who moaned. He was touching his boyfriend's most pleasing spot after all. And pleasing he really wanted to do. He ran his hand along as much of Draco's length as he could that he could reach. He suddenly leaned away, the taste of Draco's saliva pooling in his mouth made him a little harder and the fact that his hand was touching his favourite sexual part of Draco.
He looked around the room, seeing nobody still. He had heard Pansy before but that didn't matter anymore as she's gone. He looked back at Draco and fumbled to pull down Draco's pants and white boxers together. He looked down and licked his lips at the cock that jumped out and into his line of sight. He leaned down, scenting the Slytherin's musky smell from his cock, pressed Draco's cock to the grey school jumper and licked from the base of his cock up to the velvety head.
Draco sighed with pleasure and moved his hands to Harry's hair where he threaded his fingers through his boyfriend's dark hair, telling him non-verbally to keep on going. Harry's tongue licked across the velvety head which dripped pre-come and he licked it off, the taste of Draco's salty sweetness entering his mouth and spreading just as he opens his mouth and accompanies a few inches of cock waiting to be sucked dry.
Draco moans and tilts his head backwards on the black leather couch, looking up at the ceiling while feeling his Gryffindor boyfriend's mouth do incredible things to his cock. He grips Harry's hair harder, earning a growl from below him but he keeps at it. "Harry," he moans as he just remembers they're not exactly free to do anything yet. "Herbology."
Harry gives the head an affectionate little lick, feeling his own cock harden just by touching and licking his boyfriend's one. He just didn't want to stop. Draco's just too delicious for him to stop and he wants to swallow every little drop of semen that the Slytherin will shoot into his mouth in a few three or five minutes time. He wants his breath to smell like Draco, and his mouth to taste like Draco. After a few little licks of the head, he leans back and stares at the flushed face of Draco Malfoy, feeling satisfied that he can make Draco feel certain things. "I'll be getting what I want after class, by the way."
Draco's mouth parts a little and then he nods. "Of course, my darling," he whispers to his boyfriend with a shaky smile. Merlin... he could have just came then by what Harry said. He wants to come in that perfect mouth of Harry's more than anything but education matters more than fun at the moment. He and Harry can continue where they left off after class.
Harry smiles, leans down to place a kiss to the head but after, places Draco's cock back into his boxers and pants. He looks into the eyes of his lover with lust filled green eyes and says, "Let's go, my love."
They slowly get up from the couch, intertwined their hands and headed out of the Slytherin common room. But before they made it to the secret entrance, Harry pinned Draco to the wall. Harry restrained Draco's hands to the wall, just above his shoulders. He smiled at the powerless boy in front of him and kissed him hard.
Draco smirked in the kiss, tasting a little bit of himself but he didn't mind it, not feeling powerless. He deepened the kiss, letting a "mmm" escape from his throat from both the kiss but also from Harry's body being pushed up against his. He licked Harry's bottom lip as he wanted entrance, but Harry began to fight for entrance also.
He likes this challenge very much and finally after tongues battled, Draco slipped his tongue inside Harry's mouth and began exploring. He used as much strength as he could and turned Harry around, so Harry was the one pinned to the wall. He would have smirked but was too busy endlessly tasting Harry. He pinned Harry's hands up on the wall and pressed himself hard against Harry.
Harry let out a moan; he felt powerless and having Draco take control and press himself up against him made him hard. He could feel how hard Draco was. He was nearly as hard as a metal pole. Draco's hot wet tongue exploring his mouth felt so bloody amazing and he knew that deep inside, he wanted more. He wanted to skip Herbology so he and Draco had the rest of the evening to theirselves to do whatever they want.
Draco lowered his hands from Harry's and began curling them through Harry's soft hair, slowly pulling Harry's head back so he could explore Harry's mouth deeper. Merlin, he wants him now. He could feel it. It's not just him that wants it. It's his penis. It wants to come in Harry both ways. Into Harry's mouth and in his arse.
Harry took this as an advantage and turned him and Draco back around again, restraining Draco to the wall again. He smirked at the Slytherin, gave him a quick peck, and wandered back up the stairs to the Slytherin common room's secret entrance. His lips felt like they had been pumping weights – if that was possible but it felt utterly amazing.
Draco sighed as he lay with his back against the wall. He enjoyed tasting Harry so much and wanted more. He watched the Gryffindor stroll up the stairs with a loving smile and walked off after him. As he walked up behind his boyfriend, he snaked his arms around his waist. "We really should head to class as we don't want to be late, my darling."
Harry smiled at the embrace and rested his hands on top of Draco's which lay on his stomach. He intertwined their hands together and turned around, noticing how red and swollen the Slytherin's lips were. He smiled lovingly, muttered the Slytherin password and kissed the boy on the cheek quickly.
They headed out of the Dungeons to the Herbology side of the castle. As they got to the greenhouses, Professor sprout was setting pots of flowers down in the middle of the long table and a few Gryffindor and Slytherin students were already there.
"Good afternoon class," said Professor sprout in her usual bubbly and light tone. "We're going to be taking care of muggle flowers. Why? Because we all need to know about muggles as well as our kind. Now, I'd like everyone to form groups, please."
As instructed, every student made partners. Draco with Harry, although they were already stood together. Blaise and Ron, Seamus and Dean, Pansy and Hermione and so on.
"Good, now, the flowers I have here are all planted and ready to be taken care of. That flower over there is called a Lily" The professor pointed to a white bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers on a tall, slender stem. "And that plant over there is called an azalea." The professor pointed to a deciduous flowering shrub with clusters of brightly coloured petals. "That flower over there is called a Rhododendron." The professor pointed over to a shrub with large clusters of bell-shaped flowers and large evergreen leaves. After about 10 minutes of Professor Sprout explaining what flowers are on the table, everyone had to pick a flower to take care of together with their partner.
"So, Harry, what kind of flower would you like?" Draco asked him while looking deeply into Harry's eyes, remembering what they had started earlier before Herbology. He could still feel Harry's saliva on his cock and he wanted nothing more than for Harry to get under the table and finish the job. But that had to wait an hour or more. With the lesson, he wanted to pick the most prettiest flower for Harry. But no flower was prettier than the guy he stood next to.
"I'm not sure," Harry said with a shrug and gave him a loving look, knowing Draco were to pick the prettiest flower. "We could go for a hibiscus or a rose." Although, he knew that the rose would look stunning on Draco, as it always has been. The hibiscus is nice since it is a tropical flower but the rose has more meaning and romance.
Draco thought for a moment before grabbing the Hibiscus. "Perfect, it's beautiful just like you," he whispered into Harry's ears. He had grabbed the hibiscus as it is associated with wealth, fame, or glory which is exactly like Harry. And it also symbolises youth, delicate beauty and perfection. It just says 'Harry Potter' on it's beautiful petals and leaves.
Harry felt his blush recoil on his face and couldn't find the right words to say. His blonde Slytherin could always make him feel so loved and he adores it. He adores Draco and all his perfect imperfections. He didn't know if people overheard Draco or not, so he just looked down with a big goofy smile on his face.
"Just a simple 'Thank You Draco' will do, Harry," Draco said lightly, chuckling softly at his speechless boyfriend and reached to his side to cup Harry's cheek. He caressed his green-eyed Gryffindor boyfriend's cheek and watched Harry press his cheek into his hand. He smiled sweetly and gave Harry's cheek a gentle kiss while nobody was watching.
Harry felt his face burn deeper with the same blush. Where are some eggs? He will literally try cooking some eggs on his face right now. But he doesn't want his classmates laughing at him if that does actually happen. "Thank you," he mumbled, still staring at the table in front of them.
"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that," Draco said with a smirk, holding his hand behind his ear even though he heard Harry quite well. He couldn't help but smirk at the eye roll Harry gave him. Oh, that eye roll. He'll give Harry heaven tonight because of it.
"Thank you, Draco," Harry repeated a little louder, turned to face him with his hands reaching up to the Slytherin's neck and pulled him into a quick kiss just to shut him up. He leaned away just so they don't put on a show and have Professor Sprout scold them for kissing in her class, and just smiled at him.
"You're welcome, Harry," Draco said with a slow smile that builds and was a little surprised by the kiss Harry gave him. Merlin... He's always surprised by Harry's kisses because they do surprise him and make him feel incredible and nervous and fluttery inside. Sometimes it's all hard to explain the feelings when Harry kisses him.
"So, class, all you have to do is water and fertilize your plants," Professor Sprout explained. "It is recommended to water them once a day, the morning is the best time. Fertilize them once a week otherwise the excess fertilizer alters the soil by creating a too high salt concentration, and this can hurt beneficial soil microorganisms." Everyone in the class beside Hermione, Dean, and Neville was confused with what the professor had said.
"Soil micro what?" Ron asked Blaise in a whisper but the Italian Slytherin only chuckled at him.
"What's a salt concentration?" Seamus asked his boyfriend in a low voice, furrowing his eyebrows as he's just so confused about this all. "How can salt have concentration? It's not a living thing!"
"I'll tell you after class, Seamus," Dean whispered back to him, smiling slightly at his confused boyfriend. Seems like muggle gardening does pay off after all.
"Overfertilization can lead to sudden plant growth with an insufficient root system to supply adequate water and nutrients to the plant," the professor continued on, making most of her class even more confused. "These tiny white and yellow balls are the fertilizer. I highly recommend not eating them as they would make you very sick. That is all for today class, thank you."
"What a tiring day," Harry said while letting a yawn escape his mouth as he was heading down to the Great Hall with Draco by his side, holding his hand and smiling. But what he was looking forward to was after dinner with Draco.
Draco melted when seeing his boyfriend yawn as it was so attractive and cute. Then he realized he was staring and caught up to Harry "So, who's going to take care of the plant?" he asked, trying to take his mind off having a sleeping Harry wake up next to him again after a beautiful night of fun under the covers of his bedsheets or Harry's.
"How about we take turns?" Harry suggested and breathes in the sudden smell of chicken and wraps coming from the Great Hall. He now knows how hungry he is. "I take this week and you do next week, and we repeat."
"Okay, it's a deal," Draco said with a warm smile and shook their intertwined hands up and down like he was giving Harry a handshake. "So..." He smirked at the sudden thought of after the dinner events with Harry. "Where are we going to go for our... fun later on tonight?"
"How about yours for a change?" Harry asks him, looking beside him at the smirk planted on his boyfriend's face. Usually it represents Draco is up to something but he knows his Slytherin thinking about sudden things that can happen in beds. "I'll bring my invisibility cloak, a towel, and pajamas for myself."
"That sounds like a great plan," Draco says with a nod, agreeing with the change of setting and beds. He'd like to have Harry naked on his bed again but this time making love with him for what feels like hours until he comes inside of his boyfriend. He loved the look on Harry's face when he first enters his arse, and when he's coming in him. It's beautiful.
As the two boys progressed to the Great Hall, they decided they will have a quick and little meal so they can have their fun sooner than later. Without hesitation, they sat at the Gryffindor table and began piling food on their plates.
Harry stole a curried egg from Draco's plate just for fun and ate it with a grin. He likes stealing food from Draco. It's just so much fun and he would do it again and again when he can.
"Heeeeey, those are my eggs, you little sneaky bugger!" Draco said with a prolonged 'e', swatting Harry's hands away as he quickly ate the rest of his eggs and was thinking of a plan to get Harry back. Maybe tonight in bed he can get Harry back a different way?
Harry smiled cheekily at Draco, knowing somehow Draco will get him back unexpectantly. He had to keep an eye on his Slytherin boyfriend. Constant Vigilance! Maybe he really should be listening to Professor Moody's weird lessons. He can hear his professor shouting "Constant Vigilance!" at him in his mind.
Draco pilled a fish cake onto his plate, squirted some lemon juice on it and began eating. Harry was thinking of stealing Draco's fish cake, but he decided to just leave it and eat the Mashed Potatoes and sausage that lay on his own plate.
Draco began to wonder what he and Harry can do on their date in the muggle world. But he and Harry cannot use magic out of Hogwarts, of course. Unless he wants to have his wand taken off him which will never happen. He knows the rules and laws to the Wizarding World and will never break them.
Oh, they can go shopping, go for a walk around any parks they find, go to restaurants and cafe's without being stared at, go golfing and maybe even High Tea! He realized they can do anything!
So, Harry and Draco continued eating their dinner, eventually started flirting, and small talking to each other. As they got up and left the Great Hall, Draco gave Harry a wink and said, "Be quick, Harry. I'll be waiting for you. All of me."
Harry swallowed a groan and gave Draco a smile and a nod, excited for tonights fun time. He was about to turn around and head towards the Gryffindor tower until Cedric came up to him.
"Harry, it's great seeing you again," Cedric said with his charming smile after witnessing something he knew was exciting for Harry, and he wondered if it was Harry's first time. But that's also why he's here to see Harry. But not just that. "I see your relationship with the Blonde has progressed into something more?"
Harry felt himself blush both at the thought of Draco and the feeling that Cedric knows. But how could he know? He hasn't told anyone besides Seamus and Dean of his sexual experiences with Draco. "Yes, yes it has," he said and gave the Hufflepuff a nod.
"That's wonderful!" Cedric said, beaming at the young Gryffindor. "But, that's not half of what I'm here to talk about, Harry. It's about the third task. On Monday, before classes start, we have to meet the minister of Magic and Crouch and talk about the third task."
"Okay, thank you for telling me this Cedric," Harry said gratefully, giving the Hufflepuff a quick smile. He is thankful for having such a great Hufflepuff friend. But right now he really wants to go and get the stuff he needs for staying over with Draco.
"It's no problem, Harry," Cedric said with a dismissed hand wave. Then he hesitated, bit his lip and looked to the floor. It took a moment for him gather his own thoughts. "If you want to talk to me about anything, anything at all related to..." His face became a little pink from even thinking about it. "You know... just ask."
Harry looked at him with a grin and felt his blush darken in colour, knowing what he meant. Shagging. He felt awkward talking and thinking about shagging with an older student. But at least i was with a fellow gay guy. Then the thought of Draco and himself, naked, in bed, came over him and he couldn't wait for tonight. "Uhm... Yes, will do."
"Sure," Cedric said awkwardly, nodding in agreement as his pink face darkened a little. He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly. "Oh, I have this pamphlet for you." He reached into his robe pocket and pulled out a blue and white folded panthlet. "It will help... um... all I can say is that it is very useful. And here's some lubricant too." He gave a shy smile, held out the rolled up pamphlet for Harry while trying to hold down a giggle. He reached back into his pocket and grabbed out a small black bottle and handed it to Harry also. "Brand new, by the way."
"Uh... Thanks?" Harry said as he reached out and grabbed the pamphlet and lubricant from Cedric's grasp. He stared at the blue and white cover of the pamphlet and read the title, 'For doing the do with your dude'. He smiled awkwardly at the cover and saw a couple of weird shaped long objects in different colours on the front cover.
"If you want to know anything else, just err... come find me," Cedric said with his famous charming smile which held a little bit of awkwardness in it. He reached to his neck and gave it a little rub, his cheeks still pink with a flush on them.
"Thanks again, Cedric. I'll see you... Uh... Monday," Harry said quickly as he made his way towards the moving staircases and up to the Fat Lady's portrait while stuffing the pamphlet and lube in his robe pocket. He said the password and rushed into the Common Room, seeing everyone either studying or talking with friends. He ignored everyone and rushed to the 4th year boys dormitory to get his invisibility cloak, some clean boxers, a towel, and his pajamas. He put the invisibility cloak over himself, rushed back out of the dorm room and down to the common room, exiting out of the portrait and made his way to the Slytherin common room entrance.
Harry didn't even need to say the password when he got down to the Slytherin dungeons as Slytherin student after Slytherin student kept wandering through the secret entrance. When Ivy and Pansy were walking through, he went in right behind them then quietly headed towards the tunnels but then he saw Ivy whip her head around to face him. Oh god... He looked down, making sure he was covered but watched her sniff the air and furrow her eyebrows. Strange... She couldn't smell him could she? He hoped not but if she could that would be a little impressive.
He then turned around and hurried to the 4th years boys dormitory, snaking his way through the male students and opened the door to the door beside the wooden sign which says '4th years. He freezes as Nott, Goyle, and Blaise look his way from on their beds. He checked himself again to make sure he was covered in his cloak and he thankfully was. He looked over at Draco's bed, seeing him lying down on his back and looking up at the ceiling with all drapes around him closed except the one facing the door.
Blaise got up off his bed and sighed as he went over to the door, shuting it but felt an odd gust of wind like someone had rushed past him. "That scared the living daylights out of me," he said and rubbed a hand over his forehead, a little confused with how wind could have gotten inside the common room. "I thought Peeves had something to do with it."
"Or the Bloody Baron," Theodore added and flipped a page over of his Potions textbook, now looking down at it with a slight frown.
Harry walked over to Draco's bed and he got in easily. When he saw the smirk appear on Draco's face, he closed the curtain, shutting out all light from in Draco's bed. He pulled off his cloak and leaned down on his Slytherin, crushing him under his body. "Well hello again, my love," he says quietly and nearly purs when Draco's hands move up his body and grip onto his arse cheeks. "Needy, are we?"
"Yes, very needy," Draco drawled and slipped his hands around Harry's waist, under the Gryffindor robe, and underneath Harry's pants and boxers, getting a good feel of the arse he'll be thrusting into soon. "What took you so long though? Walking up to Gryffindor Tower and then here can't take you nearly fifteen minutes."
"I ran into Cedric Diggory," Harry said and then remembered the panphlet the Hufflepuff gave him. He leaned back, Draco's hands sliding out from his pants, his legs bent on either side of the Slytherin's thighs, and he reached into his robe pocket to pull out the pamphlet. "I believe in these pages we'll find a few moves we can try out. It's what Cedric gave me for some reason." He opened the panphlet up, missing seeing the sparkle of interest in Draco's eyes and the first page his eyes come to is the moves section. Merlin... there's so many.
Draco sat up, loving how enthusiastic Harry is with trying out different moves and such with him during sex. But it was strange for Diggory to give Harry such a thing. "How utterly nice of him," he responds as he sees a page in the pamphlet about 'sex toys'. He smirks at the odd looking colourful long things he's seeing. He twists his body around so he can see what Harry's seeing and sees pictures of men in different sex positions. He sees an interesting one and points to it. "What about this one?"
Harry looks at the position Draco's suggesting and smiles a little at the thought of him riding Draco. Merlin's fucking beard. He wants to try that, to fuck himself on Draco. He looks at Draco whose silver eyes are filled with lust just like before Herbology. "We can do that one if you'd like," he says desiriously and ruts himself on Draco just that once.
Draco bites his lip, wanting to try this new position with Harry so he nods. "Shower first though," he tells him quickly and thrusts himself up. He tried to at least as Harry's weight was keeping him pressed on his bed. "You still need to finish where you left off."
Harry slips the pamphlet under Draco's pillow behind the Slytherin and while he does that he leans towards his boyfriend's ears to whisper, "Then lets go already." He leans back, kisses the smirk of Draco's face and pulls his cloak over himself. "See you in the bathrooms, my sexy snake. You better hurry." With his pajamas and towel in one hand, he used the other to push back the green drapes, sending a bit of light into Draco's bed, he got out and went to the door of the dormitory.
He turned around, leaned his back against the wall next to the door leading out of the dormitory and watched Draco grab a green towel and green silk pajamas from his trunk. When Draco walked over to the door, Harry grabbed for his hand from under the cloak as he was close enough and walked with him to the boys bathrooms which was all the way down the hall past the 'Seventh Years' dormitory and at the very end. They entered, Harry kept the cloak on, and they found an empty shower together.
Harry was the first into the shower, he took off his cloak and when Draco entered after him, he shut the grey door behind them, locking it. They stripped each other of their clothes one peice by one, placing their robes and school uniform on the shelf until they were butt naked. Draco had turned the taps on, fidnding the corret temperature for them both to handle. Not too hot yet not too cold.
Harry pressed their bodies together under the raining shower, placed an arm around Draco's neck, and his other arm rubbed at Draco's thigh. But then he notices something that he should have taken care of earlier. His cuts were showing but since he hadn't cut in a few days they weren't as red. But they still were noticable. He felt himself panic even if he knows the Slytherin knows of his depression and what started it.
Draco felt his pulse pick up as they stood in the dim lit shower. Harry's hand hadn't moved, but it felt like it was pumping a burning heat into Draco's leg, a heat that radiated outward and sent signals to parts of his body, waking them up, making them prickle with tension. He sees Harry's panicked face, and from the corner of his eye he sees red. "Harry, don't be afraid to show your scars to me," he tells him softly, and Harry nods and looks to the ground with a frown. "Don't be ashamed, my darling. Ivy does it too. I'm not angry or mad that you do such a thing to yourself. I believe you'll get better someday."
Harry nods, looking up at the Slytherin but doesn't believe him. How could he get better? How could he just forget everything the Dursley's have done to him and move on, get better? He decided to distract himself by moving down, and he could feel Draco's eyes on him. He went to the floor below Draco, squatting down between his spreaded knees. Running the flats of his palms up Draco's thighs, he made his way to Draco's cock. He could smell Draco's thick, heavy scent, the kind that made you want to bury your face between a man's legs and bite down on something, steal the taste from the surface of his skin. He lowered his face and rubbed his lips up and down his erection, running his tongue around his lips coquettishly to lick the taste away.
Harry had a hand wrapped around Draco's cock, wanking himself, his eyes glued on Draco's face, scrutinising his every change in expression. He looked up, his big green eyes innocent and so full of wonder. So full of gratitude for this treat in store, when surely it was Draco who should be grateful?
Draco wanted to watch this so much, but when Harry's tongue lapped at him, Draco's eyes closed and his hips grew a life of their own. He wanted to be in Harry's mouth, but Harry was exploring him, following the long ridge that ran the length of him until the pointy tongue separated his testicles in their fleshy sac, making the skin writhe and contract. He couldn't stop a hand journeying out and fanning over Harry's head, stroking his hair, combing through it to reach the damp warmth of his scalp.
When Harry started to suckle him, Draco lost all sense of time, of himself. Harry's mouth was full of saliva and he barely closed it around Draco's cock, merely brushing the insides of his lips up and down, the satiny smoothness of the friction creating the most delicate stimulation. How could Harry be so good? How could anyone be this good? If he'd been a Muggle, Draco would have considered it witchcraft.
Draco sobbed when Harry started to use his teeth. He could feel them grazing his hardness, barely pressing down against his shaft, but that one sensation multiplied all the others until his groin was a seething mass of physical feelings: lips, tongue, teeth. And eventually, fingers, as Harry raised a hand and circled the bottom of his erection, pulling the skin tight so that his rosy red head vibrated like a drum under each whisper of oral provocation.
He came in moments, not even managing to restrain himself until Harry pursed his lips and sucked. The orgasm wracked his body in waves, but he seemed to come in one solid flood, feeling himself squirting against the roof of Harry's mouth, the enclosed space washing the sperm back onto himself until he could almost tell the difference between the heavy wetness of his own come and the lighter wetness of Harry's saliva. Draco was grateful for the hands that pressed his hips back against the wall, supporting him as he regained control, yet still languishing in the heavenly, weightless afterglow.
"Wow," Harry gasped. "Just wow."
Draco had to agree with Harry there. Wow indeed. He waited for Harry to get back to his feet and then he reached for his wand in his robe pocket and cast the body wash charm over them. After he does that, he and Harry just wash themselves for a few more minutes before getting half dressed, meaning just putting on pajama pants, and they headed back to the 4th years dormitory with Harry back under his invisibility cloak.
Draco opens the dormitory door for Harry and he waits a few seconds so he can enter, knowing Harry was already inside, and he shut the door slowly behind him. Looking around the room, he sees that Theodore and Blaise are the only ones awake. He gives them both smiles and goes towards his bed where he sees a drape fold up and then fall back in place again. Harry had just entered his bed.
When he crawled into bed and looked to his side, he saw Harry, smiling. He loves Harry's smiles. He quickly cast a few privacy and anti-sound charms around his bed for the near fun they will soon have. Harry then tried to pull Draco down on top of him, to crush himself under the weight, but Draco wouldn't let him. Instead, he pulled back until he was kneeling, and then he reached forward and pulled Harry's pajama pants down one inch at a time. So slowly, teasing him with a stray caress here and there until Harry wanted to shove Draco's hands aside and rip them off himself.
He shifted his hips upward as Draco's hands gripped the waistband of his pajama pants and finally tugged them down, exposing his erection, then his thighs, until the pants were gone and he was naked. He could feel Draco's eyes on him. It was like they burned a path into him, but the burn was inside, not on the surface. He pleaded with his eyes for Draco to come to him, and he did, but with tortuous stealth. As Draco squashed him flat and ground his body down into the bed, Harry wrapped his arms and legs around him, pulling Draco's mouth back to his own because he couldn't bear not to be kissing him. The textures of Draco's skin, his hair, drove Harry insane and he wondered how he wasn't crying with the sheer intensity of it all.
When he thought the press of Draco's erection into his stomach was going to snap his self-control, Harry dug his nails almost angrily into Draco's back, just needing to do something to get some blessed relief. Draco tensed at the pain and pulled away from their kiss, shifting his body until he dropped lower, kissing a path from Harry's chin to his shoulder, then down to his nipple, where his wicked mouth stopped to play for a while.
Oh. Oh. Having the skin pulled taut and twisted between unforgiving fingers made Harry shudder. He could feel every flick of Draco's tongue teasing the tiny point, lapping harshly at it before sucking a mouthful of the surrounding skin right into his mouth and clamping his teeth into it, chewing at him unrelentingly. Harry cried out loud in shock at the sudden bite, but he pushed Draco's head into his chest, flexing upwards into his mouth, wondering how the hell Draco had known to do this. Whatever the explanation, Harry's libido was grateful, and his moans and groans made his feelings known.
Draco didn't stop until the skin was purple and bruised. Then he moved lower and lower down Harry's body, licking his skin, or placing gentle kisses on each and every curve until he reached the ridge of Harry's hipbone. Looking down the length of his own body, Harry took in the huge raw bruise on his chest with satisfaction, before his eyes met Draco's staring up at him, and saw his lips hovering the tiniest fraction above the angular joint.
Harry watched the tip of Draco's tongue dart out and press into his skin. The sight made him squirm, bringing into focus just how close to his erection Draco's mouth was. He watched Draco sit back and pull down his green silk pajama bottoms until that beautiful cock of his sprang free to be worshipped once again.
Draco's body was gorgeous. Harry loved every detail he could remember about it, and he planned to spend hours and hours exploring every square inch with his eyes, his hands, his mouth. But for all Draco's desirability, Harry's immediate hunger was for those six maybe seven glorious inches of hard cock, half of which seemed to be poking out above the waistband of his trousers, screaming Look at me. Taste me. Ride me. Harry's hole clenched tightly in anticipation and he let his need for sex shape his face as he stared up at Draco's heavy-lidded eyes.
Draco shucked his pajama bottoms gracelessly until he knelt naked between Harry's spread legs and reached out a hand to pull Harry up. Even as they were still moving, they were kissing. They ended up as they had started, with Harry sitting in Draco's lap, his knees either side of Draco's hips but it was so much better now because there was nothing between them. No clothes, just skin.
When they broke apart to pull in some much-needed air, Harry rested his forehead against Draco's and looked down into their laps. Draco's cock was just so fucking beautiful to look at, and he knew he'd spend hours studying every curve and plane, but not right then. Because at that moment, all Harry wanted was to lower himself onto Draco and feel his own body fight to take it all inside. He watched, fascinated, as the tiny little hole seeped moisture, and he knew Draco was watching it too.
Too impatient to wait any longer, Draco sucked two fingers into his mouth and wet them as much as he could. Harry watched him pull them out with a kind of dazed look on his face, but he leaned in and licked away the string of saliva that followed the fingers as they left Draco's mouth and tracked across his lip and chin.
"Sit up, Harry," Draco says as he reached underneath Harry with his saliva-coated fingers and as Harry sat up, raising himself from his seat on Draco's thighs, and he looked down into Draco's desperate face, Draco slid the first finger inside. Harry's eyes widened a little and he gasped at what the Slytherin was doing, trying to get him ready.
The second finger followed it quickly, but Harry had the wrong angle for Draco to do anything more than stretch the tight ring of muscles, so that's all he did. His mouth formed an 'o' shape but he reached behind him to his robe but not far enough for the finger to slide out of him and reached into the pocket, grabbing out the lube he hasn't shown Draco yet.
A few moments later, Harry felt another finger glide inside his hole, probing deeper than the others could reach, and he pushed back against it, trying to take more, until he could feel knuckles brushing against his cheeks. He squeezed a generous amount of lube out of the bottle, before transferring it lovingly to the whole of Draco's erection underneath him, working it in just enough to make the thick cream less viscous, more slippery. Draco was smiling now, but it was a lazy, almost drunken smile. His face was pink and his cock was jerking hard in Harry's fist, begging for attention of a different kind altogether.
When Harry leaned down to kiss Draco, his body shifted so that the fingers inside him had to withdraw. He knelt there, dipping his tongue inside Draco's permissive mouth and feeling the gentle spasms in his anus, knowing he was ready and excited for more. But he made Draco wait, loving the tease, feeling the nervous energy expanding in the body below him as Draco twisted and writhed to increase the friction against his skin.
When Draco breathed, "Harry," into his mouth in the most heart-wrenchingly broken voice, Harry readied himself and moved forward. They looked into each other's eyes the entire time as Harry positioned himself. He held Harry's buttocks apart, so all Harry had to do was wiggle a fraction until he felt the round dome push against his muscles and he sank down, swallowing inches of Draco in one continuous, barely stinging thrust. Harry watched Draco's eyes cloud over as he groaned at the pressure on his cock, and it made him smile to see his pleasure, so open and honest and completely uninhibited.
Harry circled his hips, willing the muscles to stretch enough to make the rest of the penetration easier, and he played with those couple of inches of Draco, sliding them in and out of his body, squeezing them tight inside his hole and letting them go again, moaning at the incredible sensation rippling outwards, making himself hungry for more.
Harry watched Draco glance down at his renewed erection as he sat lower onto that huge, hard cock, working his hips more rhythmically now, building up a steady pace so that his own length bobbed and wobbled between them, sometimes tapping against his own stomach, and sometimes against Draco's. He went carefully, accommodating Draco unhurriedly so that his body could get used to the intrusion, could find the ecstasy in it, rather than the agony. And all the while, Draco stared up into his eyes like he was some kind of god, an expression of perpetual wonder on his face, as well as unmistakeable love.
Harry loved Draco as much as he loved Harry. It just added to the swell of passion inside Harry until he was nothing more than a mass of nerve endings, feeling the pleasure multiply and expand until he couldn't think any more. He could just feel. Everything was translated into physical sensation. He could map every minute movement of his inner muscles, and he knew that there was less than an inch of Draco left to take, and he wanted it with a burning, frightening hunger. The tender spot far up inside him, the one that belonged only to Draco, was pulsing and expanding, demanding the final thrust that would bring him all the way home. Harry was eager for the day when he would be able to ride Draco with abandon, knowing it would only come with practice, wanting to practice a lot, so that the day came sooner.
As Harry settled himself flush against Draco's groin, the whole length of his penis buried in him, he leaned in for a kiss, and Draco kissed him back as if he was a fragile thing of great value, something to be worshipped and cherished and tended with infinite care. It was love; pure and simple. Just love.
Harry rocked his body slowly in Draco's lap, settling himself there, savouring the hot stretch of his anal passage, smiling to himself just like the cat that got the cream. Draco's body seemed to liquefy beneath him until all he could do was flop back into the pillow, gazing lovingly up at Harry, his fingers caressing the taut flesh of his backside in lazy circles.
"Oh, Harry," Draco sighed. "You feel so good." And after long seconds, he breathed, "Don't stop. Don't ever stop."
"I won't," Harry whispered back honestly, the gentlest of smiles gracing his lips.
Placing his hands either side of Draco's head, Harry used the bed to balance himself as they made love. He set a steady, languid glide up and down Draco's shaft, reacting to every tiny bump and ripple along its length as they rubbed against his insides, creating wave after wave of comforting tingles up and down his spine, extending inquisitive fingers into his hair until even his scalp was alive with pleasure. His testicles nestled snugly against Draco's pubic bone at the low point of each thrust and he could feel the tickle of hair against them in his hypersensitivity.
After long, long minutes, Draco began to thrust beneath him, rising up carefully to meet his downward strokes, permitting the deepest penetration yet as their bodies bumped gently together. Harry was almost beside himself with emotion, and he tipped his head back and closed his eyes as he absorbed the subtle impact, feeling his cock grow so rigid it hurt for a while. He rode Draco that way for ages, until soft lips against his throat brought him back from his almost out-of-body experience.
After all, his mind was being loved as much as his body, and it was hard not to get swept away under the tender onslaught. He cupped his hands behind Draco's head, combing his fingers through the blonde soft strands as he drew him forward, pulling him into contact with his mouth because he needed to do something to stop himself getting lost again. They did little more than press their lips against each other's cheeks, their noses, but it felt so much more intimate than that. Draco's hands stroked him up and down his back, gripping his bottom before trailing silky paths along his spine and circling his shoulders and dropping down again.
Harry lost track of time. He had no idea how long they stayed like that, kissing and caressing and rocking together, but it could have been minutes, or it could have been hours. When his body was loosened and welcoming, he made his thrusting just a bit harder, eliciting sharper groans from Draco as he flexed his insides to grip at him, revelling in Draco's crumbling composure.
It took Draco a very long time to come, and that was mostly because Harry wouldn't rush. Draco crushed their torsos together and held Harry still as he made his final pumps upward, doing the last of the work until he orgasmed with aching leisure, groaning his relief into Harry's neck as he said his name over and over again. They clung together for a while, and Harry could feel their chests sticking together as their faint sheens of perspiration cooled and began to dry.
Everything inside Harry's anus began to feel different as Draco's angry hardness softened, and the thick, creamy liquid of his semen seeped downwards, soothing the tenderly abused passage. Harry barely paid his own erection any attention as he watched Draco relax back, surrounded by some kind of imaginary glow that exuded complete satiation.
When he brushed some long strands of hair away from Draco's cheek, Harry watched those big silver eyes open and look up at him.
"I've never felt anything like that before," Draco whispered, seeming reluctant to speak louder and break the heady atmosphere. "Sex with you is incredible, Harry," he said with the shyest smile. "You're incredible," he finished, settling his head back into the cushions and closing his eyes again. Harry imagined he could feel his heart pumping the blood around his body, infusing it with the love he was drowning in.
He smiled, but it was a smile just for himself as he basked in the glow of Draco's affection. He felt Draco's hand move from his thigh, where it had fallen and rested. It moved to circle his cock and take a hold, but Harry pried his fingers back and set the hand away again, shaking his head when Draco opened his eyes and frowned. Harry reached for the bottle of lubricant and rubbed some across his fingertips and his palm before he took a hold of himself and began to stroke. The lubricant was cold against his length and it gave him a shiver.
He was too hard, really. The skin of his glans felt overstretched and throbbing and he knew if he touched himself there he would come in seconds, so he kept his hand lower, fondling his sac and the wide base of his length with firm, confident movements. He watched the lubricant make his already sticky skin shiny and wet, and his breath caught in his throat as he felt the jerks of arousal push against his curled fist. Draco sighed his approval as he looked down into Harry's lap, digging his fingertips deeper into Harry's buttocks as he enjoyed the sight.
Under the weight of Draco's scrutiny, Harry found he couldn't hold back. He ran his hand along the entire length of his erection, squeezing the dark red head between his thumb and forefinger on each pass until he was panting aloud, and his orgasm was imminent. When Draco's hand covered his own, Harry came undone. He felt his sac draw tight and then the come was squirting out of him, but instead of messing their chests with the hot liquid, it sprayed into Draco's cupped hand, soaking it in an instant, even as more pumped out and forced its way between Draco's fingers.
Harry choked out a low sob as he dropped his own hand back and let Draco touch him while he emptied himself completely. All he could feel was the manic throbbing of his swollen head and the sticky-thick come dripping down him, being stroked into his shaft by gentle fingers. He was exhausted. Elated, for sure, but completely shattered. He moved to lie against Draco's chest, wondering how he was going to find the energy to lift himself out of Draco's lap, or do anything but fall asleep right on this very spot.
Draco rocked him slowly, rubbing his back in comforting patterns until his eyelids felt leaden and he knew he could be asleep in seconds. The Slytherin gripped his arse cheeks and with a slow move downwards and a tug towards him, Draco's softened and slippery wet cock slipped slowly out of Harry's arse and fell splat on his stomach.
Harry smiled and just lay on Draco's chest, his body sending his brain happy thoughts and feelings that flushed away anything negative. He felt sleep already start eating away at him and he wanted to fall asleep in his boyfriend's arms. He pressed a loud kiss to Draco's neck which earned him a little laugh from below and a soft "I love you, Harry" to which he replied with a tired "I love you too, Draco" back.
"Harry, let me," Draco says and when Harry sleepily gets up from on top of him, he pulls the sheets and duvet underneath them down past their knees so they can get in under the blankets and snuggle up close to one another to keep warm. "Much better.Have a goodnight sleep, Harry."
All Harry could manage to say is a "Mmm" before he drifts off to sleep in the warmth and comfort of Draco's arms. The Slytherin smiles and presses a gentle kiss to Harry's forehead. Merlin... this round of love making was incredible and he couldn't wait for the next one. Just as he closed his eyes, they shot open when the curtains to Harry's side of the bed were forced open and the head of Blaise Zabini appeared.
Blaise's face became a little pink at the sight of his best friend and Harry Potter half naked in bed together. He didn't know Harry came up here. How did he even get in without being seen? "Sorry, Draco," he whispers and looks into the eyes of his slightly irritated boyfriend. "I um... I saw your bed rocking and I thought you must have been having a nightmare or something. I wasn't the only one who saw your bed rocking. Gregory has seen in too and he's starting to get a little curious."
"Let him think what he wants to, Blaise," Draco whispers with narrowed eyes at his Italian best friend. At least he knows the sound and privacy charms had worked. But the bed rocking thing he knew he couldn't stop that. "As long as he doesn't think there's a female in my bed... I don't want false rumors spreading through the school."
"Gregory knows you and Harry are dating, Draco," Blaise tells him, a smirk formed on his mouth but only halfway. "Like that time in Herbology a week ago you just dipped Harry over the table and kissed him in front of the entire class. If that doesn't scream 'couple' then I don't know what will. Oh, and your shagging secret is safe with me if you don't want Pansy and Ivy finding out."
"Dra-co," came the slow voice of a tired Harry Potter below them, and Draco and Blaise looked down at the half-asleep Gryffindor in Draco's arms. "What's happening?" He didn't even open his eyes, he just lay there, only his chest was moving up and down as he breathed in the citrusy scent of his boyfriend.
"Shhh," Draco whispers into Harry's ear, and his hand comes up to gently run through Harry's dark hair. "Nothing's happening, my darling. Go back to sleep." He presses a soft kiss to Harry's temple and shooed Blaise away with a flicked hand towards him. Harry sighs happily and smiles under the Slytherin's loving gesture, sticking his head into Draco's chest and fell back to sleep. Slowly, after Blaise left them be, Draco fell asleep too.
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