A Graduation and something more!
Harry woke bright and early and got dressed in his Gryffindor Robe. He couldn't believe he was Graduating today. He never thought he'd be able to escape the walls of Hogwarts at all, not like that would be a bad thing anyway. But he did. Well, he will. Harry grabbed the black graduation hat with a red and gold rim that he received from McGonagall yesterday with the rest of his Gryffindor dorm mates and put it on his messy black head of hair. How does it even stay up?
He exited the common room with Seamus, Ron, Neville, and Dean who all wore their own Gryffindor Graduation hats. Hermione and Parvati were still up in their dormitory, probably doing makeup or whatever girls do before graduation. They were all beaming with excitement, glad they could finally leave Hogwarts even if the school brought so many good memories to every one of them.
"I can't believe this is our last day at Hogwarts," said Dean, who placed an arm around Seamus' waist. "It seems like only yesterday we all met."
"Yeah," said Neville, smiling with both his eyes and mouth. "It does seem so."
Harry grinned at his dorm mates, but that grin turned into a frown as he knew he wouldn't be able to see them much anymore. Probably only Ron. He, Dean, Seamus, Ron, and Neville have been through so much together as dorm mates, and good friends too. He's just so grateful that he's met these four other great blokes. "Will we all still catch up with each other in the future?" Harry suddenly asked, but he sounded a little sad.
Ron looked at him, not even sad about the fact that his best mate seemed so down because there wasn't anything to be sad about. He smiled and nudged his best mate in the arm. "Mate, we will all have a get-together every week or so."
"A Gryffindor tea party I assume?" Seamus smirked, and he seemed like he liked the idea even if it sounded a bit like Alice in Wonderland to Harry.
Dean chuckled at the idea, but he was considering having one. "Maybe so, but how about just a nice outing to a bar?" he suggests to them. "Or perhaps lunch somewhere?"
Harry smiled at this new Gryffindor weekly hang-out session suggestion, really looking forward to the first out-of-Hogwarts Gryffindor get-together. It would also mean it'd be their first time as adults. But drinking? He wanted to wait until after Draco's given birth to their child until he could drink.
"That would be pretty-" But Harry was interrupted as a flash of blonde hair and black and green robes came towards him and the next thing he knew was being pinned to the wall with soft, warm lips kissing him, and his heart had started thumping loudly against his chest. Harry melted in the kiss, knowing exactly who was kissing him by the scent of citrus and Vanilla filling his nostrils. Draco. His Draco.
Ron smiled at his best mate snogging Draco, not caring if they were drawing attention. Seamus, Neville, and Dean all smiled too but turned and headed to the Great Hall.
Harry was nearly drooling when Draco's tongue entered his mouth. Nope, he was drooling a little. He groaned as Draco somehow knew he was drooling and licked it all up from the corner of his mouth. Damn, Draco knows how to turn him on. But the feel of warm, moist, and soft lips disappeared, replaced by the cold air of the corridor and Harry opened his eyes slowly. Stunning silver eyes looked back into his own, but the blonde Slytherin still had him pinned to the wall. "That was unquestionably a beautiful greeting, Draco."
Draco smiled and dropped his hands to snake around Harry's waist, his invisible pregnant belly pressing against Harry's stomach. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Harry," he whispered, his voice sounding soft and needy, like he wanted to do it again but with a little bit more body touching. "I've been thinking about how I could greet you today in many different ways."
"Many different ways?" Harry's voice nearly sounded like a screech, and Draco chuckled at it. He never meant to screech; it's just how close Draco was to him. But one thing they had to do was go to the Great Hall. He didn't want to miss out on any important information from McGonagall. "We should join the others, my love."
Draco sighed, his tone sounding like he didn't want to go at all, but he eventually let go of Harry's waist and linked hands with him.
Harry gave Draco's cheek a kiss of approval, which the blonde Slytherin smiled and blushed at, and then they started walking to the Great Hall together. When they arrived, they didn't expect to see all the other seventh years in front of the closed doors of the Great Hall. Another odd thing was everyone was silent, and they could just hear the voice of Headmistress McGonagall from inside the Great Hall.
"Today, our seventh years will be graduating... They should deserve a round of applause as they completed extracurricular..."
Harry tightened his grip on Draco's hand, having a feeling they'd have to make some Grand Entrance. And Harry was right, the Great Hall opened slowly to cheers and applause. But nobody in front of them started moving.
"Please welcome our seventh-year graduates," said McGonagall proudly, a relaxed smile on her face as she gestured her hands towards the Great Hall's doors. "Ms. Hannah Abbot and Ms. Susan Bones." She was going by Hogwarts houses. Hufflepuff was first.
Hannah and Susan nervously walked into the Great Hall, linked arms with each other and up to McGonagall. With a gentle hand gesture to the right from McGonagall, both girls knew they had to line up in front of the Professor's table, which was fairly nerve-racking.
"Anthony Goldstein and Ernie McMillian," the headmistress called out to the back again. "Terry Boot and Michael Corner." Now Ravenclaw.
Anthony and Ernie entered the Great Hall next, just as nervous as Hannah and Susan were, but had smiles on their faces. They both went to where Hannah was and stood by her side. Then Terry and Michael entered through the Great Hall together.
"Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass."
"See you guys on the other side!" Pansy says quite calmly, giving every one of her fellow 7th years a wave before entering the Great Hall with Daphne by her side.
Blaise appeared on the other side of Draco, Harry noticed, and so did Hermione and Parvati. The two girls were whispering and giggling with each other and Harry wanted to know what they were giggling at but he knew it was probably a girl thing that he wouldn't understand.
"Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini."
Draco turns to Harry, with a slight frown, wanting to go with Harry into the great Hall together as a couple. Blaise rolls his eyes at his best friend, grabs his wrist, and pulls him into the Great Hall with him, putting on an easy smile while he knows Draco is glaring at the back of his head.
Harry watched, amused, as Draco tried to slap Blaise on the wrist, but Blaise moved out of the way in time and regained his composure, as did Draco, as they made their way through the clapping crowd to the front where McGonagall was. Harry felt so proud of Draco, for making it through the entire year and being pregnant. He was so strong!
McGonagall kept reading out the names of the seventh-year students until she came to the last two. "Ron Weasley and Harry Potter."
Harry felt nervous. So nervous. He had to walk through a crowd of people looking at him. This wasn't like a Quidditch crowd, where he'd block everyone on the stands (besides Draco) out of his mind and focus on the game. This was a whole crowd of all the students of Hogwarts that were staring and applauding him.
He noticed Draco waving and smiling at him from inside the Great Hall. It gave him the rest of the courage to enter the Great Hall with Ron, smiling and trying his best to ignore the rounds of applause at himself and Ron. He just put in his mind that they're only cheering for Ron. He nodded at Severus and Remus at the Professor Table, who gave him such gratified smiles and claps to signify that they were so proud of him. He and Ron walked over to Dean and Seamus, looking over at all the smiling faces below them.
"Now, the real graduation will be outside Hogwarts by the Black Lake where all their parents will be seated," said McGonagall to her students seated at the four large tables. "It starts at 9:15, only thirty minutes from now. I'm afraid only family members of these graduates are allowed to attend. The rest of you still have one last day of classes." A lot of the students groaned, just wanting to go home already. "Yes, yes, now off you go. Graduates, please head down to the Black Lake."
Harry sighed, still getting used to hearing the words 'graduate' or 'graduates. He's just used to the word 'student', and, of course, 'The boy who lived'. Draco stepped down next to him and Harry clung to him when walking out of the Great Hall, the nerves coming back and slicing through his body. This is it. The last time he and Draco will see Hogwarts ever again. Goodbye castle and great teenage memories.
They walked with the other seventh years down to the Black Lake where they saw a bunch of parents sitting down on white seats or just arriving in front of a large black stage that was transported there by magic. They were currently lining up from the side of the stage, and McGonagall had come down from the castle and walked up on the stage.
Harry scanned the crowd of parents and realized so many people had come. He was trying to find Narcissa in the crowd but had no luck. There were just so many parents, and probably cousins and other family members too.
"Good morning parents, guardians, and siblings," said McGonagall as she searched the crowd with her eyes. "We're all here today to celebrate the graduation of our sons and daughters. We are all so very proud of our students for completing their seventh year as they all have been through a tough year even during Voldemort's final days. But this day isn't supposed to be sad, it's a day for remembrance of all these students who started as first years that are here today as seventh years." She looked at her graduating students and smiled. "When I first met all of you, you all were little balls of nerves. Your sorting was the best part. Some of you shared the same house as me, the rest didn't but I grew to know the others during Transfiguration lessons." She looked back at the parents, making eye contact with a couple of them. "Now, let the graduation ceremony begin!"
Now Harry's nerves were increasing. But he wasn't the only one, Draco looked a little shy – it was the hormones, of course. He hugged his arms loosely around his blonde Slytherin's arms and planted a kiss on his cheek, which he hoped would calm him down. It seemed to have calmed Draco down as a slow smile was spreading on his face. Harry felt more calmer now all because of Draco's perfect smile.
"Ms. Hannah Abbot, please come forth to retrieve your certificate," called McGonagall sometime later, and Severus and Remus stood to either side of her next to two polished wooden desks with stacks of scroll parchment with little red ribbons holding them together.
Hannah Abbot, looking more nervous than she was in the Great Hall, walked up the stairs onto the stage and went towards McGonagall. Severus handed the Headmistress a scroll, and she took it and gave it to Hannah, shaking her hand after in congratulation and gesturing her to the parents. Hannah seemed to nod at her, use the other exit of the stage to her left, and disappear into the crowd of parents.
"Ms Susan Bones." McGonagall kept reading out the rest of her student's names and gave them their scrolls until she came to the last five. "Mr Harry Potter."
Harry swallowed. It was his turn to retrieve his scroll. But could he do it? C'mon, Harry, he told himself, you can do this! It's just a couple of stairs, get your scroll then get off the stage. Simple. Harry felt Draco's hand squeeze him, and he sighed, feeling the nerves evaporate. But he turned his head to the side and quickly kissed Draco, smiling as he felt even better now and because there were soft "Awwes's" and giggles around them. He gave him one last kiss, which his boyfriend could have melted from the look of love he gave Harry, then emerged up the steps to McGonagall.
"Congratulations Mr Potter," said McGonagall in a quiet voice when Harry stood in front of her and gave him his scroll.
"Thanks," said Harry, smiling boldly when she shook his hand. He couldn't wait to get off the stage and look at his scroll. It was a mystery to him of what lies inside it. He turned to his father, just wanting to embrace him in a hug but Severus, seeming like he could tell what Harry wanted, shook his head. Even Remus shook his head when Harry looked at him. He sighed deeply, just wanting a hug from his fathers, and headed over to the end of the stage. But he didn't get off the stage, he waited until Draco's name was called out.
Lucky for Harry, McGonagall called next, "Mr Draco Malfoy."
Harry could see Draco's nerves and hesitation of steps when walking up the stairs, he gave him a little nod and smile when the blonde Slytherin looked his way. Draco smiled sweetly at Harry when going towards McGonagall, ignoring the applause from the crowd, but turned his head when being congratulated by her. Draco nodded at the Headmistress then turned towards Harry, walking up to him, and expecting a hug but what he got was an endearing kiss. He got a hug after the kiss with Harry, so he was even happier.
Harry still wanted a hug from Severus and Remus and hoped to get one after Graduation. He walked with Draco, arms linked, down the stairs and towards the parents. He finally spotted Narcissa and Andromeda. It was good to see them both again. He was expecting Draco to go towards them, but his Slytherin boyfriend stood still on the spot and then shouted happily, "Father!"
Harry, confused as hell and slightly flushing when people were now staring at him and Draco, looked to where Draco was staring and smiled. Lucius Malfoy, dressed in his usual expensive robes coloured with black and greys, was here but had two Aurors behind him. Leaning against his leg was his cane, ending with a silver snake head that Harry knew would hold his wand inside. But was Lucius given his wand? He wouldn't think so.
Draco walked quickly towards his father, and Harry didn't expect to see Draco throw his arms around Lucius in public. Harry rarely saw Mr Malfoy and Draco hug. It was always Narcissa who gave the hugs or whom Draco hugged, besides himself. It must be all the hormones from the pregnancy. His legs began walking towards them, his eyes drawn to Draco.
"I missed you so much, Father," Draco said, his voice a whisper as he spoke into his father's black robes. It feels like it's been nearly a whole year since he last saw his father. But he last saw him when he visited him with Harry and Narcissa months and months ago.
"I missed you too, Draco," said Lucius, his voice pained, and he tightened the hug with his son. He was looking down at the ground just a few feet away from his son and sighed heavily.
Harry smiled at the two Malfoy's sharing hugs, but when Mr Malfoy looked up at him, he froze and didn't know if he should have gone over to them.
"Harry," said Lucius, his smile widened, and he looked pleased to see him. Harry considered this for a moment. He knew that Mr Malfoy didn't exactly despise or dislike him, but the pleasing looks on his face was something he hadn't really seen that much of before. The man had smiled and shown sympathy towards him in the past, like two Holidays' ago when Voldemort was still around.
Draco let go of the hug with his father, slowly sliding his arms back to his sides and stood aside.
"M-Mr Lucius-" Harry raised his hand up for a handshake but hesitated, realising what he had just said. His face flushed and he hoped Mr Malfoy wasn't going to shout at him or something. What he didn't expect, instead of shaking his hand back, Mr Malfoy embraced him in a soft hug. Strangely, the older Malfoy smells a lot like wine and smoked petals. He just didn't expect this at all, though. He's been hugged by Mr Malfoy a couple of times, but it had always been with either Draco or both Draco and Narcissa in the hug. He's never once been hugged by Mr Malfoy individually. "I'm sorry, sir. I-"
Lucius just smiled warmly during the hug with Harry. "Harry, please use my first name," he requested, his eyebrows pulling in together and down, giving him a forehead crease. "I feel old whenever someone calls me 'Mr Malfoy'."
Harry could actually have laughed at that, but he didn't want to sound rude. He didn't want to lose Lucius's trust or liking towards himself. He's earned this trust from him and plans to keep it. "If you wish, Lucius."
"Thank you, Harry," said Lucius kindly, and gave a light squeeze in the hug. Harry smiled, he could feel the fatherly love flow around him from Lucius and it was quite nice. He feels the same thing when hugging Severus, his dad, and Remus. They're like Narcissa's hugs, powerful and lovely, even if Molly's hugs are quite nice too. He's never been hugged by Mr Weasley, but that was okay. He never thought Mr Weasley would be a hugger. But the hugs he loves most are, of course, from Draco.
"You're welcome, sir- sorry, Lucius," said Harry, completely feeling stupid for not saying Draco's father's name like he was told to. Soon enough, Lucius had ended the hug with Harry and took a step back.
"I'm proud of the both of you," said Lucius who sounded so proud, and his facial countenance was lifted. "You did so well in your schooling and studies. I would like to give you both a gift, but don't think I have the actual time to go out and buy you both something."
Harry knew why Lucius thought he didn't have the time. It was because he would return back to Azkaban tomorrow. Harry didn't want that at all, neither did Draco or Narcissa, and he wished he could do something about it. But all that mattered was Lucius being here for Draco and possibly himself. "You don't need to get us anything, Lucius," he tells him.
"The only gift I want is you, Father, here with me, Mother, and Harry," said Draco warmly, and Harry could tell that melted Lucius' heart as the older Malfoy had what looked like tears in his eyes. Merlin, now this family was melting his own heart. Most of all, he just loved what Draco had told Lucius. It was so sweet!
Harry couldn't take all this sweetness from this family. He just had to look away before he broke down into happy tears. He knows it's a really good thing, but he doesn't want to cry in front of Lucius or anyone. When he turned around, he just realised everyone was still staring at him. Well, not at him but behind him. At Lucius. He frowned a little, not wanting to have this much attention displayed on Lucius. He looked directly at the Headmistress and gestured for her to continue the graduation ceremony. Then he sat down next to Narcissa, giving her a little side hug with a grin as she congratulated him.
With a little nod, but a wary look at Lucius Malfoy, McGonagall continued. "Please welcome to the stage Dean Thomas."
Harry heard a loud round of applause come from the right and saw a bunch of girls with the same coffee-brown coloured skin as Dean. They had got to be his sisters, but there was an older woman too. He then looked at Dean who, when McGonagall called out Seamus' name, waited for him on the other side of the stage. He suddenly sighed in wonder; he remembered finding that engagement ring under Dean's pillow one time during their sixth year, and he began wondering when Dean would propose to Seamus one day, as Dean and Seamus walked off the stage together. He knows Dean still has the engagement ring, which is sitting in its box, untouched.
"What's the matter, Harry?" Narcissa asked him quietly, she furrowed her eyebrows and the worry in her voice wasn't hard to hear. But Harry was okay, he was more than okay. He wanted to see his dorm mate propose to his other dorm mate. They've been together for 5 years now.
"Nothing, I'm doing pretty well," Harry said with a small nod. He knew he could talk to Narcissa about anything. But about a proposal that Dean wanted him to keep a secret? He can't keep it in forever. "I'll tell you it later, Narcissa. Some too many people can overhear us."
"Okay, Harry," said Narcissa simply, but she sounded like she wanted to know whatever it was Harry was about to tell her this instant.
Harry felt something beside him and turned his head. It actually was a someone. He smiled at his blonde Slytherin boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. "Hello again," he said with a slight head tilt, wanting to get a kiss from his boyfriend. Draco was leaning closer until the headmistress began to speak again, and he sighed and looked back ahead. Draco kissed his cheek, and Harry beamed and put his arm around him
"Let's all rise and give another round of applause to every one of our graduates!" said McGonagall and as she finished, everyone rose from their seats and began to clap. Harry, Draco, and all the other students who graduated with them threw their hats up into the air.
Harry threw his arms around Draco and kissed him passionately as the excitement around them erupted into cheers. Harry knew this would be his last ever kiss with Draco at Hogwarts, but the beautiful memories would live on inside their heads and hearts, and the walls of Hogwarts. He just knows it.
Then he remembered something. He and Draco still need to tell McGonagall about the secret rooms. He pulled away from the kiss but kept himself close to Draco. Staring into silver eyes and grinning, he said, "We have a few places we must tell McGonagall about, don't we?"
Draco only smiled lovingly at him. "I believe we should tell her right now, Harry," he says, already taking a step back in the direction McGonagall was. "We have already graduated so she can't expel us."
"Expel you?" asked a concerned voice. It was Andromeda Tonks, crossing her arms with a serious look on her face. "What have you done, boys?"
Harry and Draco smiled at her innocently. "Nothing..." they both said slowly. Harry knew that he and Draco hadn't done anything bad or mischievous. Keeping a few hidden rooms a secret isn't a bad thing, right?
Andromeda shook her head in disbelief. "Spill," she said at once. Harry looked at Draco, seeing him deep in thought. Adorably deep in thought. Would Draco tell? He actually wouldn't mind, it seemed harmless to speak of it.
"Do you know of the rooms you found when you were back in Hogwarts?" Draco asked his mother and aunt curiously, but he sounded like he already knew the answer. He knew Andromeda knew what he was talking about.
"Oh, of course!" beamed Narcissa with a hand over her heart, sounding so pleased at the memories she had. "It's like only yesterday we said goodbye to those rooms. Although, that hallway we couldn't open the doors to still remains-"
"No, we opened the three doors to that hallway," said Harry with a smile back, knowing Draco's mother and Auntie would have no idea about it. Unless Draco told them sometimes. "And sorry to cut you off."
Narcissa looked as if she didn't even care that Harry cut her off, she looked very surprised and intrigued about the knowledge, even Andromeda was surprised. "How, Harry? How did you get past the doors? Was there a secret code? A wall torch?"
Harry shook his head at her, knowing it was only just a simple spell. "No, nothing like that," he tells her. "Just the spell 'Apertio' opened the doors. We managed to get into the Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor bedrooms."
"Bedrooms?" asked Andromeda and Narcissa at the same time, confused but still intrigued.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, smiling at Draco and the memories of what they did in the bedrooms. "Yeah, when you open the doors, depending on the colour of it, you enter a bedroom the exact colour of the door," he tells them. "We found loads of books, and even really old items. We figured it's either the founders' bedrooms or their daughter's or son's bedrooms."
"Merlin's beard!" said Narcissa quietly, her eyes widened in what looked like astonishment. "I can't believe it. We found the founder's bedrooms!"
"You found the hallway, Mother," Draco corrected her with a smirk, making Harry chuckle a little. "Harry and I found the bedrooms. There's a slightly big difference."
"Draco, my sweetheart, let your mother and aunt have the fame," said Harry sweetly, running his hand up and down Draco's forearm. "Besides, your mother told you about the hallway, anyway. So, you and I wouldn't have even found the bedrooms if it wasn't for them."
"Thank you, Harry," said Narcissa proudly, patting him on the shoulder whilst ignoring her son. Harry grinned at Draco's mother, enjoying annoying Draco by telling him how right Narcissa was.
Draco muttered a few words to himself, and Harry could hear "Boyfriend," "Sides," and "Mother." That made Harry chuckle and he kissed his boyfriend's cheek. When he saw a smile form on Draco's mouth, he softly grabbed Draco's chin and turned it towards him so he could connect his lips to Draco's warm soft ones.
Narcissa smiled sweetly at the two boys, while Andromeda looked ahead at the stage blankly and clearly deep in thought. Draco was smiling in the kiss, wanting to be as close as he could to Harry but then he leaned away. He was ready to be yelled at by McGonagall once he and Harry showed her the Library's Secret Room, Musical Room, and the Bedrooms.
Harry smiled at him, then he leaned forward and rubbed his nose against Draco's nose. The gesture made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Draco tried his best not to kiss Harry again. Harry was just being so sweet! Such a darling. "You're adorable Harry," he tells him lightly, meaning it with all his heart, mind, and soul.
Harry grinned at him, a blush rising from his neck. Draco couldn't help himself. He kissed Harry, lovingly, but Harry pulled away, making Draco pout. "I try my best to how do you say it, be adorable," he said amiably.
Draco leaned over and kissed Harry's nose, not wanting this moment to stop at all. Harry froze and looked to the tip of his nose, then to Draco's lips. "By the way, where's Lucius gone off to?" Harry suddenly felt like he and Draco were being too cute. He didn't want to gross anyone out.
"Behind you, Harry," said a recognisable low voice. Harry spun his head around in surprise but calmed down a little. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm his beating heart. "Gosh, Lucius, don't scare me like that."
Lucius gave him a smirk from behind and ruffled Harry's messy black hair. "Sorry about that, Harry." He sounded a little regretful for scaring Harry like that without warning. "There's just no seats left for me."
"You could have my seat," Harry offered him at once, smiling. He just wanted Lucius to be included in things. "I'll just sit on Draco's lap or stand behind him. Give him a shoulder massage" He shrugged, "No biggie." Draco smirked at the image of Harry sitting on his lap, and that shoulder massage sounded lovely!
"I don't want to cause you trouble," said Lucius, shaking his head slowly. Harry didn't understand why Lucius didn't want to accept his kind offer. It really wasn't trouble at all, though.
"No trouble at all," said Harry at once and moved away from his seat for Lucius. He figured Lucius would want to sit with Narcissa. "Draco and I have to talk to Headmistress McGonagall about something anyway."
"Harry, you ought to give us a more detailed explanation than just something," said Lucius, using an emphasis on the word 'something'.
Harry just shrugged. This will only take a few minutes to do. He closed his hands around Draco's and said, "We'll be back in a few minutes. Don't go anywhere!" Then he pulled Draco out of the aisle of seats they were in and walked towards the stage without looking back. The headmistress will surely find important information in the secret rooms.
"Harry! Draco!" They both turned around and saw Ron and Hermione jogging up to them. Hermione was panting. "In two days', all of us graduates are having a Graduation party at a muggle hotel called Sunnybank in London," Hermione explained quickly. "We're meeting at the Leaky Cauldron at 11:30 AM then travelling by foot. Parvati, Padma, Hannah, and I thought about this. We currently also have to tell everyone else right now before people start leaving so goodbye!" She pulled Ron towards the stage where Susan Bones was.
Harry exchanged an excited glance with Draco. A graduation Party? It sounded fun. "Hey, professor, sorry to bother you but can we talk to you for a moment?" asked Harry to Headmistress McGonagall who had been talking with Susan Bones' aunt just moments ago.
McGonagall looked up at Harry, then saw Draco come over. She nodded at them. "Certainly, boys," she says to them. She then looks beside her, "Excuse me, Amelia." The tall lady next to her nodded and walked off.
"I think it's best if you follow us, actually," said Draco, knowing if they just talk about it, it will just waste too much time. Showing the professor and talking about it on the way would be best.
"Follow you?" asked the Headmistress, sounding very confused. "Boys, what is it?"
"Just follow us back up to the castle, please?" Harry asked of her, really not wanting to waste time because he knew Draco would like to spend the rest of the day with Lucius. Same with Narcissa. He didn't want to keep the Malfoy's waiting. "We actually...have a few places we discovered together that we need to show you. We were going to show Dumbledore, but well..."
"Show me!" said McGonagall, but she didn't seem irritated by the fact that her students could have kept a place in the castle hidden. But then, of course, her face turned strict again. "I'll deal with you boys later. Just be just glad you're already out of Hogwarts."
Draco nudged Harry lightly in the side and whispered, "See? Who knows what she could have done to us if we told her earlier on in the year?" Harry considered this and didn't like what could have happened. He was just glad it didn't happen. He was glad he had listened to Draco in the past.
Harry and Draco led the Headmistress back up to the castle, and the first place they went to was the library. McGonagall looked confused when she entered the Library after Harry and Draco, and they took her to the left down a long aisle bookshelf. It wasn't until Draco grabbed the black book with the white rose on it and pulled it down, that McGonagall's irritation vanished out of her and was replaced by interest.
Harry began heading down the little tunnel, with Draco, until they got to the oak door at the end and opened it. They walked into the room, Draco had put an arm around Harry and they both were saying goodbye to it as this would be their last time here. All the good memories they made together here, the friendship, snogging, snuggling and even the sex will forever be in their memory. After a few seconds, McGonagall entered and began scanning the room, picking up bits and bobs that were centuries old. There was still the music room and bedrooms to show.
"Professor, this isn't the only place we know of," said Harry, hiding the guilt by clinging to his boyfriend and forcing a smile. The Headmistress turned and looked at him sadly, clearly disappointed that they never told her or Dumbledore about the room.
They showed her the musical room, which McGonagall didn't have any interest in as nothing except the Gramophone and piano were very old. Then they headed to the Transfiguration courtyard and the blank wall with two castle wall torches on either side of them. They knew what lay behind the wall.
"Alohomora," said Draco, pointing his wand at the blank wall, which shook, and the wall began to sink into the ground. When they could just see into the dark tunnel, Draco sent a burst of light to the ceiling of the tunnel and lit it up.
Harry blinked his eyes, remembering travelling down the tunnel a few months ago. They descended down the tunnel until they reached the three coloured doors. With an "Apertio!" Harry opened the Hufflepuff door and Draco opened the Ravenclaw one.
McGonagall didn't say anything about the third door which the boys didn't open, knowing it must be something bad that lies behind the door. She was astounded when entering the Ravenclaw bedroom and having a look around, finding extremely old books, parchment, and items that were centuries old. Same as inside the Hufflepuff bedroom, but it has a lot of plants and information about mythological creatures, normal animals, what they eat, their bone structure, etc.
Last, but not least, the Gryffindor bedroom. McGonagall spent more time in the Gryffindor bedroom than the others, looking around at the artefacts and stunning, aged, bits and bobs on display. "I'm guessing you two were a little scared to enter the Slytherin bedroom?" she asked them but directed the question at Harry.
Harry gulped, not wanting to admit it. "Can you give us the punishment now?" Harry was starting to get a little impatient. He wants to get back to Narcissa, Andromeda and Lucius.
"Unfortunately, I cannot give you detention," said McGonagall, but she seemed happy at what she said as she picked up a really old book. "And I currently don't want to. That job is for your fathers, Severus, and Remus. And your parents too, Draco."
Now Harry was starting to feel scared. Really scared. What would his dads say about this? He squeezed Draco's hand for reassurance and when he got a squeeze back, he let a sheepish smile form on his lips.
Harry and Draco left McGonagall in one of the rooms and decided to walk around the corridors of Hogwarts for a while before heading down to the Black Lake, remembering memories from all their Hogwarts year starting from their first and to their last. All the memories of them starting from rivals, to becoming really good friends, to having their first kiss together and becoming boyfriends were the strongest memories they were reminded of.
Harry felt like he should try and avoid Severus and Remus after today in case McGonagall tells them about what he and Draco had kept hidden. He didn't like the sound of being punished. Or grounded. He was only punished in ways a child should not be. He didn't want to find out what being grounded was like. Maybe he'll reside at Malfoy Manor with Draco and Narcissa?
Harry then visited Myrtle with Draco and saying goodbye to her was so hard. He didn't want this to be the last time he got to see his ghostly friend. She was his friend who related to him and knew how he felt when depressed and wanting to just end it all. Myrtle had ended up in tears before the boys left, and Harry had too. Harry would continue to keep her promise, to live and raise his daughter with Draco and end up marrying him someday. But he also promised her that he'll try to see her again someday.
The boys finally got back down to the Black Lake, seeing parents and students getting up to leave. They quickly went over to Narcissa, Andromeda and Lucius, but it seemed that Andromeda, like the other parents, was getting up to leave.
When Harry spotted Severus talking with Lucius, he immediately went over to him and hugged him tightly with a grin, not really caring if people could stare since not many people know that Severus is his father. He felt his dad hug him back, even hesitantly and smiled.
"Harry, people could be watching," said Severus very quietly like he just didn't want to be standing in a crowd of people, as if he was shy, which he was and didn't want to be there. He's an introvert after all and always has been.
"I don't care if people see us, Dad," said Harry truthfully with a smile filled with pride. "I want them to see. I want the whole world to know that you're my father. It should be known by now to everyone." Draco smiled at Harry and his words to Severus, his hand on Harry's back just resting there, proudly.
"Shall we all head to the Manor for a graduation celebrational brunch?" asked Lucius suddenly to his family, Harry, Remus, and Severus.
"What a wonderful offer, Lucius," said Narcissa sweetly, and when Lucius put a hand over her waist she smiled brightly.
"Unfortunately, I must head home and help take care of the ... um, a few things," said Andromeda, and Narcissa, Draco, and Harry knew what she was talking about. Nymphadora (Tonk's) baby.
"Alright, Andy," said Narcissa, leaning away from Lucius to give her younger sister a light departing hug. "I'll see you tomorrow maybe, or the next day."
"Yeah," said Andromeda, sighing quietly and leaning away from the hug. "Goodbye, everyone." She gave her family all a little wave. "I do hope to see you all soon!"
"See you soon!"
Harry moved away from the hug with Severus and went towards Draco, leaving Severus and Remus to their own conversation. He heard something about Wolfsbane potion but in a Peppermint tea form.
"Harry, dear! Narcissa!" Nobody could mistake that light bubbly voice, it was Molly Weasley. The Malfoy's and Harry turned to look at the sea of redheads coming their way. George, Mr Weasley, Bill, Fleur, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione all came over to greet them. "Would you like to come over for graduation lunch?"
"Ohh," said Narcissa, her voice only quieting when prolonging the 'h'. "We were actually going to the Manor for the Graduation brunch. But how about after lunch? Perhaps then?"
Mr Weasley was glaring at Lucius, but Lucius didn't seem to mind it. It took Ron to elbow his father in the side to make him stop glaring at Lucius. Even Mrs Weasley hit Mr Weasley on the arm to make him say something to the other pure-blooded family.
"That sounds quite alright," said Mr Weasley, clearly trying to keep down his resentment for Lucius. "But that's only if you would like you and your family to come over, Lucius."
"Oh, I would love for myself and my family to come over," said Lucius coolly, smirking. Harry rolled his eyes at these two adult men. He wished they could end their own hatred between each other and become good friends. "Do you have any wine?"
Mr Weasley smirked, "Unfort-"
Harry cut him off, "Yes, Mr Weasley has wine. A lot of it." He just didn't want Lucius to not come just because Mr Weasley actually doesn't have wine. But then an idea came into his head. Sirius has a whole wine cellar in the basement in a secret hatch only he and Sirius know of. "Mr Weasley will provide wine for you if you would like."
"I would love some wine," said Lucius to Harry, his eyes seemed to flare with excitement. Then he looked back at Mr Weasley. "We'll be at the Burrow around Lunch."
"Excellent!" said Mr Weasley but was unsure how he'd get wine for this man in a matter of hours. Harry was grinning, he would tell Draco the plan later.
"So," Harry said and slipped his arms around Draco's waist as the Weasleys then left them to head back to the Burrow. He smiled lovingly at his blonde Slytherin boyfriend. "Brunch at your place? I'm excited."
Draco's smile turned into a smirk, and he brought his hand up to rub his thumb over Harry's bottom lip. "Why don't you stay over for the night, then?" he whispered, still smirking and Harry bit his lip, wanting that too. "We could catch up on some...sex?"
"My son's not staying over with you for the evening, Draco," said Severus, sneering at what he had just heard. Harry flushed when hearing his father's voice, knowing that he would have accepted Draco's offer, but it seemed his father heard at the wrong time.
"Why not, Severus?" Lucius came up to them and placed his elbow on Severus' shoulder, smirking at his son and Harry. "I allow Harry to stay over for the night, or a couple of days, weeks... I don't mind at all or what they do in my sons' room at night."
"...Right..." muttered Severus, looking like he just didn't know how to answer back to what Lucius told him. Remus beside him, however, was quietly chuckling to himself.
"Is that a yes to allow Harry to stay over?" Lucius asks Severus and Remus since he wants to spend as much time as possible with Harry and his son before he leaves back to Azkaban.
Severus just said nothing, looking from Lucius then to his son and Draco then back at Lucius. It wasn't until Remus said, "Yes, we give our permission," that Severus rolled his eyes and nodded too.
"Marvellous!" said Lucius with a wide grin. "Come, Harry, Draco. Narcissa shall apparate the both of you to the manor. A great feast is waiting for us."
Harry smiled at the mention of a big feast, much like the Hogwarts one at the start of the year and the end. He would love a big lunch at Malfoy Manor. It's been a while since he's been there. He and Draco side-along apparated with Narcissa and they ended up at the gates to Malfoy Manor. Lucius and his Two Guards were the last to Apparate to the gates of the Manor.
Behind the dark grey royal dining table, which was filled with plates and bowls filled with different kinds of food and a few wine bottles, still laid the fireplace. However, it was still black, with a few extra decorations on it to make it look less dreary like a couple of champagne glasses on top.
Harry and Draco took a seat next to each other at the dining table, their graduation scrolls placed together in front of them over the dining table, Lucius was on the end chair and Narcissa's seat was facing Harry. Narcissa opened a bottle of champagne and started pouring a glass of it for herself, Lucius, and one for Harry. When Draco tried grabbing the bottle, Harry slapped his hand away and told him strictly, "No!"
Draco pouted. He hadn't forgotten he was pregnant. He just wanted to join in the celebration with a drink.
"You can have some orange juice," Harry tells him and reaches for the lovely curvy glass jug of fresh orange juice. "Nothing else. No wine. Not while you're currently eight and a half months pregnant."
"Listen to your boyfriend, Draco," Narcissa tells her son sternly. "Drink your juice or Harry will be going home to sleep." Draco sighs slowly and lets Harry pour the orange juice into a wine glass for him.
"Yes, Mother." Harry muffled a snort. Draco glared at him but couldn't help a smile form on his lips as Harry gave him a wink. "Shut up, Harry," he mumbles with a chuckle.
Harry reached over the table and put his glass of wine next to Narcissa. "There," he says and then grabs the empty wine glass next to her, then grabs the orange juice jug and pours himself some orange juice. "If Draco's not having any, I don't want any either. I don't want him to feel left out. It can be for either Severus or Remus once they arrive." Draco gives him a loving look and then rubs at Harry's shoulder.
"How generous of you," Narcissa says warmly, and for the other empty wine glass, she pours some campaign in that one too and sets it aside.
Remus and Severus had then walked into the dining room together.
"Ah, Severus and Remus, glad you can make it," said Lucius welcomely with a smile. He gestured to the few seats that were free for them to sit, "Please, sit with us."
"Thank you for having us, Lucius," said Severus and sat with Remus at the dining table next to Narcissa, noticing the already poured glasses of champagne. He wasn't looking at his son or godson at all, and Harry just knew that something was up. Professor McGonagall didn't tell his father about him and Draco keeping the secret rooms a secret, did she? He still pondered what punishment his dad would give him and possibly Draco.
"Oh, it's nothing," said Lucius, waving a hand to say he doesn't want gratitude expressed to him. "I just want as many family members as possible in this Manor today because I want something to remember when I go back to Azkaban."
Narcissa frowned at the mention of the jail her husband would go back to tomorrow. Lucius saw the frown and reached his hand over to grasp hers, squeezing it reassuringly. He didn't want this day to be depressing, he wanted it to be a happy memory.
Draco cleared his throat and reached for a pasta dish, not knowing what it was but could taste tuna in it. Afterwards, Harry did the same but dished himself up a bowl of curry, finding this silence a little saddening.
When more silence surrounded the dining room, the adults then reached for some food. That was until Lucius clinked his glass of wine with his fork and said, "To our sons for finally graduating." He raises his glass and smiles at his son and Harry. "Congratulations, boys. We're so happy for you."
Narcissa, Severus and Remus all raised their glasses as well and smiled at the two boys.
"So, boys, tell me everything about your school year," Lucius said and raised his glass to his mouth. But when he saw a smirk appear on his son's mouth, he rolled his eyes and said in a clearer voice, "That doesn't involve night-time activities."
Narcissa chuckled and Remus smirked at Harry and Draco, Severus just continued eating his lunch in silence. Harry knew just by the silence from Severus that he was thinking about what he was going to say to him after the feast. But then Draco started telling everyone about the year, so Harry's mind went directly to Draco and what he was saying.
"Severus, may I have a word with you?" Lucius asked suddenly after Draco's rather long talk about the year he shared with Harry and his friends. "In private."
Severus looked up at him and nodded, although his eyebrow was raised in question from the smirk planted on the other man's face. He sat up and with Lucius, exited the dining room into a hallway.
Harry turned to Draco, wondering what Lucius was going to talk to his father about. It seemed Draco was thinking the same as both his eyebrows were raised.
"Narcissa, can I please go use the bathroom?" Remus asked kindly, smiling. "And where exactly is it?"
"Just go out into the hallway and go right until you get to the end of the hallway, then make a left and it should be the second door on your right," Narcissa clearly explained with small hand gestures.
"Thank you," said Remus and left the dining room with a smile.
Lucius eventually came back into the dining room with a slightly flushed Severus Snape, but neither Harry, Draco, nor Narcissa saw the small vile Severus slip into his robe pocket that Lucius gave him.
"Where's Remus?" asked Severus who sat down where he was before but stared curiously at Remus' empty chair.
"Remus is right here," said Remus, walking back into the dining room from a different hallway and seated himself back on his seat next to Severus which he then quickly placed a light kiss on his cheek, making the other man blush as public affection he's not used to.
Harry tried to suppress a noise from his mouth at how red his father's face was. He squeezed Draco's hand beside him, brought it up to his mouth and placed a kiss on it. He smiled when Draco looked at him, right into his green eyes, and Draco's silver eyes flickered with some kind of powerful emotion and Harry knew what it was. It was love.
"Oh, look at the time," Harry said quickly and stood up from his seat. "Draco, Severus, and I will be back in a few minutes. I just need to get something from 12 Grimmauld Place."
Severus raised an eyebrow at his son but stood up too. "Yes, to retrieve something." Even Draco looked confused but followed Harry out of the dining room because he knew his own mother and father needed some time together.
"So, babe," Draco started when they were far away enough from the dining room, and he wrapped an arm around Harry's arm. "What's this thing about wine? I know Mr Weasley doesn't-"
Harry kissed him to shut him up, knowing these hallways could echo and he didn't want Lucius or Narcissa to know of his plan.
And Severus rolled his eyes, grabbed the two snogging boys by their wrists and pulled them to the nearest Floo. He smirked when hearing the boy's sounds of protest from being pulled away from the kiss.
When they Floo'd to 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry began to tell them exactly what he was going to do which was one: grab a bottle of wine or two from Sirius's wine cellar, two: deliver them to the Burrow and three: go back to the Manor to Narcissa and Lucius to head to the Burrow with them later on in the afternoon.
"You both realise you must talk about the rooms you've kept hidden from every Hogwarts professor?" drawled Severus as they travelled down the steps to the basement. "And any information you could have found." They were now in the basement; Harry was leading them to the kitchen which had a secret doorway in the food pantry which led them to the wine cellar.
"I know," Harry muttered and grabbed at least two bottles of wine named Pinot Noir, and Cabernet Sauvignon. Weirdly named wines, Harry thought. He passed one to his father who looked as if he had never held a wine bottle before, he nearly laughed at him for it. Harry handed the other to Draco, giving him a quick stern eye to say don't you dare take a sip, then linked arms with him and headed back up to the Floo.
They Floo'd into the Burrow's lounge room where a sea of redheads looked up at them. Harry nervously said, "We've got the wine, just so you're not panicking."
"Oh, goodness," said Mrs Weasley quickly, coming over and taking the wine from them. She had summoned glass cups from the kitchen and placed them around the dining table.
"We'll be back with my mother and father in a few hours," Draco then said, his arms still linked with Harry's. "My father sure would like this. Wine in the afternoon, his favourite."
Mr Weasley just nodded, and Draco, Harry, and Severus left for the manor. "We're back," Draco called to his parents from the lounge room of the Manor. Of course, his parents wouldn't have heard him, so they headed back to the Dining Room to continue with Brunch and after to take up some time until lunch, they went for a wander around the gardens of the Manor.
Harry picked a single petal off a white rose, hoping Narcissa wouldn't mind since it is such a pretty rose, and transfigured it into a small galleon-sized white heart. He was just thinking of having a Jeweller make a locket so he could give it to his daughter when she's at least one, and inside it would be a picture of him and Draco holding their daughter at some point this year when she's born.
"What's this?" Draco asks as Harry gives him the white heart and smiles at what Harry made him. He had watched Harry stop and transfigure the single Rose petal into the heart.
"Just a token of my love for you," Harry tells him softly, and he smiles wide at the gorgeous smile Draco gives him. "Though I can't fit all my love for you into this small heart. I'd have to Engorgio the heart to be bigger than the entire world, the entire universe-"
Draco laughed, trying to cup his pregnant belly but it was Charmed away from the human eyes. He did cup it, but it looked like he was just holding a ball of air. "I know," he replies, his cheeks tinted bright pink with a blush. "Your love for me is endless."
Harry grins. "Yes," he says warmly, and he plants a soft kiss on Draco's cheek. "That is correct, my love."
They continued their journey around the gardens of the manor, stopping by the Buxus hedge maze and walking through it together, then walking through the orchard and lastly, the greenhouses. Harry said hello to the Venus Flytraps, and he got a reply back with a wave of its leaf.
"Are we ready to go have Lunch at the Weasley's?" Narcissa asked as she walked up to the two young men napping on the fluffy green grass of the front gardens half an hour later with Remus, Severus, and Lucius, but her arms were linked with Lucius'. Harry and Draco nodded at her, excited to finally end the hatred between Mr Weasley and Lucius. It's just gotten old and needs a change.
"Let us travel then," said Severus, holding out his arm for Remus and when Remus took it, they headed back inside. Draco and Harry, and Narcissa and Lucius followed them inside the Manor to the lounge room. Severus and Remus disappeared into the green flames first.
Harry then looked at Draco and became so lost in staring at him he didn't know he was being stared at by two smiling adults, Draco's mother, and father. He admires Draco's posture, how straight his back was with his shoulders back and chin up in the air. He licked his lips, and when Draco looked at him, he blushed, kissed him, and then walked to the Floo.
Draco smiled adoringly at Harry's leaving figure, loving when Harry became so mesmerised by his appearance that he dreamily stared at him. Even he stares at Harry dreamily a lot, when Harry's not looking and when he gets caught, which makes his face feel quite warm. It's just a wonderful moment they share together.
Lucius put a hand on his son's shoulder, smiling down at him as Harry entered the Floo and disappeared. "Come on son, we ought to arrive at the Burrow soon. You can snog Harry all you want when we arrive."
Draco smiled at that, and the blush on his face wasn't hidden. He and his parents Floo'd into the Burrow's lounge room and Draco was greeted with an everlasting kiss from Harry, he felt Harry's hands on his hips, and he placed his own hands around Harry's back. Well, it wasn't everlasting as they ran out of breath and had to lean away.
Draco opened his eyes, and his heart skipped a beat as gorgeous emerald green eyes opened and stared up at him, sparkling from the afternoon light shining inside the Burrow's lounge room from the window. He didn't even realize the Weasleys were all staring at them as his parents walked through the Floo. He blushed when realizing he and Harry were being stared at by just a glance to the left. "Who wants wine?" he asked everyone, but he meant that for his father and Mr Weasley.
"Yes," said Lucius, hiding his excitement with a little smile. "The wine." He spotted the table with wine bottles and glasses in the kitchen. "I'd love some. How about you, Arthur?"
Arthur just looked at him, considering this for a moment and jumping to conclusions about how the other man could poison him. Then he decided to nod at him, knowing Harry was the one who brought the wine for him. "I would find some wine most pleasing, Lucius."
"Please, sit," said Mrs Weasley sweetly, gesturing to the table with a few wine bottles on it. It only took some minutes for Mr Weasley and Lucius to break into a long conversation at the table while drinking their wine and that made Harry and Draco happy that they successfully made these two men hate each other less.
Then Draco looked at Harry, as they were sitting in the lounge room on the red lounge chair together. "How shall we celebrate this, my Harry?"
Harry grinned at the word and looked at him, into those pools of silver with a hint of blue he fell in love with. "Ron's bedroom?"
"Oh, you want to celebrate that way?" Draco asked, a smirk now forming on his lips at the thought. Harry's face tinged a bright red, thinking Draco meant sex immediately as a celebration when he was thinking about just resting since he knew Draco was tired from the overwhelming day. "I believe that-"
"-Will not happen," said a disgusted voice beside them. It was Ron with a serious face. "Not likely, mate, sorry. You're going to have to do that at Malfoy Manor or Snape's house. Although, I wouldn't suggest it at our professor's house."
Harry chuckled and nuzzled his nose in Draco's neck. Yeah, he will not be having the time of his life with Draco in his bed in his father's house, unless his father's out somewhere with Remus or if they were at Hogwarts. Oh, well that reminded him of something. His father does work at Hogwarts, which means in two months' time his fathers will have to go back to Hogwarts to teach.
It means a whole year with just Draco if he were to stay at his father's house. Lots of time together, in his own bed with Draco. Sounds lovely! Unless he spends the week or month at Malfoy Manor. But that just means more fun time in Draco's bed, which he hasn't slept in a few months! Not since Easter.
Draco sighed, feeling Harry's breath on his neck which made his skin tingle. "Fine, Weasley," he drawled. "Harry and I will just leave our parents here and head to the manor alone even if this was supposed to be a remembered day for my father." He didn't want to head home at the moment, not unless his family came back with him and Harry.
Ron was silent, staring at them then rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Malfoy." He didn't sound rude or irritated at all. He was quite calm. "Do it some other place except my room, please. That would be much appreciated."
"Will do," said Draco, looking back at Harry with his famous smirk. "We aren't actually going, are we?" Harry kissed the smirk off Draco's face and shook his head with a smile. "I want to spend as much time as I can with my father."
"Yeah," Harry says slowly, and he raises his hand to Draco's hair and threads his fingers slowly through the Slytherin's blonde hair, trying not to mess a single strand up. "You really should be catching up with your father, dear. You haven't seen him in months! We both should be at the dining table, talking with everyone."
"Yeah, I agree," Draco says and taps Harry's lap to tell him to get off. "Let's go. I think Lunch is soon as well." When Harry got off the couch, Draco did so as well, and they went to the kitchen where all the adults were. Harry sat next to Ron, then beside Harry sat Draco.
There were already a bunch of bowls of food on the table, and the few bottles of wine were already being sipped by Lucius, Narcissa, Arthur, Severus, and Remus as they talked. Harry began to feel worried just in case Draco's parents and his own became a little drunk on wine and he and Draco would have to make sure they all get home safely.
Finally, lunch was being served, and Mrs Weasley called her other kids downstairs. Mrs Weasley never offered Harry or Draco any wine, which he preferred, but Mr Weasley did. "No, no," Harry says quickly, shaking his head. "No wine for us."
"Oh, but I insist!" said Arthur at once. "You're nearly eighteen."
"Yes, nearly eighteen but no thanks," Harry tells Arthur firmly. Then he leans to the side, whispering to his best friend, "Ron, haven't you told them that Draco's pregnant?"
Ron shook his head. "I think Hermione might have mentioned it," he replies quietly. "But I've forgotten if she did. I never found a point in mentioning it until the end of Draco's pregnancy, so they know why you'll be taking care of a baby soon."
"Speaking of Hermione, where is she?" Harry asks after a quick look around the table, not spotting his other best friend. "I thought she'd be celebrating with you and the rest of your family."
"She's upstairs having a shower," Ron mutters, his face suddenly flushed. "And she'll be leaving early since her parents want to celebrate by going out for lunch." Harry didn't ask anything more after that.
Harry looked to his side, seeing Draco already digging into some Potato Salad which made him realise how a little hungry he was and dished his plate up with some chicken and vegetables, piling it all onto his plate. Even if he was a little full of Brunch, he'd still eat Mrs Weasley's food because it's honestly really good.
Hermione then joined them, sitting on the other side of Ron. She only stayed for a few minutes, not eating anything except a few slices of celery and carrots. As she left, she kissed Ron's cheek, said her goodbyes to everyone with a wave and then walked out the front door and apparated away.
"Why didn't I get at least a hug goodbye?" Harry asked with a forced pout. Ron grinned at his best mate and gave him a side hug, and when Draco saw that, he crossed his arm over the other and glared at the Weasel. He wanted to be the one to hug Harry, but Ron took that chance away from him. But then he realised he was being silly, so he continued eating his lunch. Silly and jealous he was.
Harry notices Draco's quietness, and he smiles, wraps his arms around Draco's neck and kisses his cheek loudly. Draco blushes as he laughs softly, and he looks at Harry and smiles lovingly. But then Harry is lowering one arm, and he cups Draco's other cheek and is leaning into a kiss which Draco accepts willingly and kisses him back slowly.
Narcissa giggles at the two, her eyes bright from the Wine, and she then looks beside her at her husband Lucius who was swirling the wine in his glass and was smiling at his son and Harry.
After lunch, the Malfoys and Harry Floo'd back to Malfoy Manor. Severus and Remus decided to head back to Hogwarts as they still had a few classes to run, though the lessons wouldn't have the professors teaching the students anything more.
Once in the Lounge Room of his home, Draco collapsed down onto the couch slowly, onto his back, and sighed slowly. "I'm exhausted."
Harry leans against the side of the couch, crossing his arms in a relaxed way, and he stares down at Draco with a warm smile. "It's been a long, exciting day," he says, and he reaches down to play with Draco's soft blonde hair. "Would you like to have a nap then? The walk to your bedroom would be a little draining, but once you get inside you can rest for the entire afternoon."
Draco sighs again and sits up slowly. "I'd honestly love that," he replies, giving Harry a little smile. At least he'll get to lay with Harry for the rest of the afternoon until dinner. "I can't last another hour socialising with people and being on my feet."
"Come on, then," Harry says softly. "Get up. I'll carry you if you want." Draco reaches his arms out to Harry, and Harry grabs his hands and pulls him off the couch and into his arms. "Much better," he whispers, and as Draco smiles at him, he kisses the tip of his nose and walks backwards with Draco into the Hallway leading out of the Lounge Room. Then they untangled themselves from each other and walked on up to Draco's bedroom, the Slytherin linking his arm with Harry as he wanted to be as close as possible to him.
Once inside the bedroom, or what Harry likes to call their bedroom as he's shared this bed with Draco for years, the door closed shut behind them on its own, and Harry pulled the sheets of Draco's bed down so Draco could get in first, then he hopped in next and lay beside him with his arm around Draco's side and his forehead touching Draco's. They both fell asleep in that position minutes later.
Lucius and Narcissa were just walking around the manor together, greeting the portraits until they came across their sons' room. Lucius, being the curious one, slowly and quietly opened the door to find his son's very clean room, as it should be, and his son and Harry in bed under the sheets, sleeping.
"Lucius!" Narcissa snapped quietly, tapping him on the shoulder. "Leave them be and close the door! They need their sleep."
Lucius sighed, peeked in one more time then closed the door behind him. "Fine," he mutters. "I was just curious."
Narcissa rolled her eyes at him and huffed. "You're always curious about what our son and Harry get up to," she whispers. "Can't you tell what they're going to do or what they did together when the door is obviously shut?"
Lucius didn't say anything, knowing it was true about everything his wife said. However, what they both didn't know was that Harry and Draco never had sex at all today. "Why don't we go down to the lounge room for a game or to play the piano while we wait for these lovebirds to rise and come downstairs?" he then suggests out of nowhere.
"That sounds marvellous," said Narcissa willingly and smiling because she knew the boys wouldn't be getting up for a long time.
Harry and Draco were down in the lounge room together by the piano the next morning, and Draco was teaching Harry how to play a couple of notes on the piano. Harry knew he wasn't good at playing the piano, but he never gave up on it and never stopped trying when Draco taught him. He felt ambitious to be able to play the piano. But the thing about today was that Lucius would return to Azkaban in a matter of hours, minutes, or seconds. Nobody in the manor wanted Lucius to leave.
Lucius was in the lounge room with the two young boys sitting with Narcissa, his wife, on her cherry red chaise while reading over the biography of William Shakespeare, some muggle poetic dude from the 1800s.
But then there was a loud banging sound coming from the other side of the Manor like someone was banging on a large wooden door. Narcissa, Harry, Draco, and Lucius went to see where the noise was coming from. It was from the front door of the manor. When the large wooden doors opened, without a push of an arm but by magic, two Aurors and Azkaban guards stood outside of the front door.
Harry watched Draco's smile turn into a frown in the blink of an eye, then Narcissa's. He frowned himself, knowing it was time for Lucius to go. But something gave him luck. It was Kingsley Shacklebolt just behind the two Aurors. But what was he doing here? Maybe for extra protection of his guards and Aurors? But Lucius was trustworthy, to Harry at least, and the Malfoy family.
"I'm aware you know it's your time to return to Azkaban, Mr Malfoy?" Kingsley said, rubbing his wrists like he was uncomfortable to be taking away this family's father for quite a long time.
Lucius nodded sadly, then turned to look at his family. He didn't want to go at all, but he must face the charges again and make it quicker for his return back home for good. "Stay safe, my dear family. Please, look after yourselves."
"I will, father," said Draco, sounding both pained and assuring. He wrapped his arms around his father. "I will look after both mother and Harry."
Harry smiled at Draco, finding it sweet that Draco would protect him but really, he doesn't need protecting. He would rather protect Draco and Narcissa more than anything else in the world. Oh, and his and Draco's child when she's born.
When Lucius leaned away from the hug and went to Narcissa, Harry gave Draco a loving kiss, leaving his boyfriend breathless for a while with a big smile, then he went over to Kingsley. "Sir, can I talk to you for a moment?" He looked uneasily at the Azkaban guards and Aurors. "Alone."
Kingsley nodded at his Aurors and Azkaban guards, telling them it was okay. When the guards and Aurors neared Lucius, Harry and Kingsley walked towards the start of the hedge that led to the gates of Malfoy Manor.
Harry started as soon as they were out of hearing reach from the others, "Is there any way at all I can reduce Lucius's sentencing to like... five or three years?"
Kingsley raised an eyebrow at him, then smiled. "Harry Potter... always got to be the hero or saviour." Harry smiled up at him. "I'm afraid that even your word can't change anything, or even mine."
Harry sighed deeply, really wanting Lucius's sentence to be reduced. But then a thought popped up in his head. It's been a while since he's thought about this certain topic. "How about a big celebration?" Kingsley raised his eyebrow as if he wanted to know more, or if he knew what Harry was going to say. "What I mean is..." Harry looked back at the Malfoy's all hugging each other and Narcissa sobbing into Lucius's neck. "Marriage, sir. Could Lucius stay for at least ... a week if I end up marrying his son? To prepare for the preparations..."
"That's sweet, but aren't you a little too young for marriage, Harry?" Kingsley asked him softly and looked at Harry incredulously. "Right?"
Harry just shrugged and looked back at him, not really knowing the answer. "My parents married the year after they finished Hogwarts," he tells him. "It doesn't answer your question, but I guess that depends on when I want to marry him." Or, he thought, whenever Draco wants to marry him. That put a big smile on his face. He knows the vows already; he just needs to find a ring.
"Do you want to marry Draco Malfoy, Harry?" Kingsley asked, his head slightly tilted to the side, and he sounded wondrous.
Harry doesn't want marriage now, as in the big celebration of it where he and Draco decide on a last name together and become husbands. Although Draco did say no proposals until after Graduation which it currently is. But the ceremony? Not until he is ready, whenever that will be. "I- um... Not anytime soon is all I can say. But..." He scratched the back of his head and looked back at the Malfoys, directly at Draco and smiled. "I do want to. Sometime."
Kingsley smiled at him and placed a hand on the younger wizard's shoulder. "It's your life, Harry. Do whatever you want and whenever." Then he drops his hand from Harry's shoulder and sighs. "But back to Lucius's trial...I will still do everything I can, but I can't promise anything. But yes, if you did marry Draco then Lucius would be able to come home for the preparations of your...marriage with his son. Don't forget you can visit him in Azkaban too whenever you want."
Harry nodded his head. He knew that from Narcissa. He knows that muggles do it, go to prison to visit their friends or family members in jail.
Kingsley sighed long and slowly, giving Harry his notice that he must depart with Lucius Malfoy back to Azkaban. "I'd love to stay and chat some more, Harry, but I must depart."
Harry nodded slowly and looked to the stony ground. "Understood," he responds flatly. He moved backwards to the manor a little. "I just need to say my farewells to Lucius before you...take him away."
When Kingsley nodded, Harry hurried back inside the manor and was immediately pulled into a hug. He smiled at Draco who stood elegantly on the green and silver matted grand staircase as he hugged Lucius back. "I'll miss you, Lucius," he tells the older wizard. "We all will."
Lucius smiled in the hug. "I'll miss you, Draco, and my lovely Narcissa too, Harry." Then he sighed heavily and moved away from the hug but kept a firm grip on Harry's shoulders. "I must go." He gave Harry's shoulders a little pat and went towards the guards. He turned around when feeling magical handcuffs closing in on his hands and said, "Goodbye everyone."
Narcissa was quietly tearing up again, and that's when they took Lucius away. Harry and Draco both wrapped their arms around the older witch who wept for her husband's return. Harry felt Draco's hand find him, so he linked them together and squeezed them.
"Let's go to the living room," Narcissa mumbled after a beat. "I have a few new songs I can teach you both." Harry smiled sadly at her, Draco just nodded, and they followed her to the lounge room.
Harry was rushing to get ready for the after-graduation party just two days ago from the Graduation. He was already dressed in a pair of jeans, a red T-shirt and a black jumper for the party, so he hurried downstairs. He greeted Severus and Remus with a surprise hug, which scared Severus right out of his mind. He doesn't know how Remus took it so well. It's like he could... Right, Remus is a werewolf. How daft of him to forget.
"You going to that Graduation party?" Remus asked when Severus still was trying to calm his racing heart down from the surprised hug. He poured more milk into Severus' coffee.
Harry nodded quickly and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. "Sorry, Dad, for scaring you," he said a little guiltily and rapidly. "Supposed to be a hug goodbye...but-"
The room suddenly was lit up in a green light which meant someone had entered the Floo. Harry swiftly turned his head and beamed. He loves Draco's grand entrances, even by Floo. He walked up to his neatly dressed boyfriend in a black t-shirt, black pants with a white belt and a black beret on his head which caused Harry to giggle at how cute he looked, threw his arms around him in a tight embrace and kissed him quickly. Harry felt Draco's baby belly press against his flat one. "Good morning-nearly-afternoon, my dear Draco Malfoy."
"Good morning, Harry," said Draco with his charming smile, and Harry melted with happiness from the inside because of that gorgeous smile. And the beret, of course. He loved the look of the beret on Draco. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yup!" Harry said excitedly. He didn't know what today would hold but he's excited for it. He then looked back at Remus, giving him a strict look, "Take care of my father, please?"
Remus rolled his eyes, nodded, and shooed them out of the room with just a flick of his wrist. Draco took that as an opportunity to Floo with Harry to the Leaky Cauldron. They were greeted first thing by Hermione and Ron as they stepped out of the Floo.
"Harry!" Hermione embraced him tightly, giving him a little squeeze in the hug. "And Draco. It's good to see you two here! How are you?"
"Suffocating," wheezed Harry in the tight hug. "But good."
"Get your claws off my Harry," said Draco coldly, grabbed Harry's wrist and lightly yanked him in his direction when Hermione let Harry go. He placed his arms around Harry's stomach and gave his cheek a kiss, which a grinning Harry blushed from and took him away from the two other Gryffindors.
Hermione sighed and watched them go out the door, following Hannah Abbot, Susan Bones, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Neville Longbottom, and Blaise Zabini out into the streets of London. "I only asked them how they're doing..."
"I know, 'Mione," said Ron flatly, sighing as he watched the Floo for anybody else. "Let's just head to the place you recommended us. The Native Hideous Park or whatever it is called."
Hermione rolled her eyes at him. "It's Native Hyde Park, Ron," she said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. "And yes, we should get going since nobody knows where this hotel is beside me. I don't want to lose anyone either."
"Do you know where you're going?" Harry asked Draco as they followed behind Seamus and Dean who seemed like they knew where they were going but Harry just wanted to know. Dean looked a little nervous, Harry realised. He noted to himself to keep an eye on his dorm mate today.
"Nope," replied Draco, shaking his head and linking their arms together. "No clue. I'm just following your Gryffindor dorm mates."
"Right," Harry drawled, now unsure if he should have let Draco pull him away from Hermione and Ron. "Oi, Dean, Seamus!" he then shouts. "Where are we going?"
Dean turned around, now walking backwards and he shrugged. "I'm just following the golden arrows," he tells the two. "It's what Hermione told us to do."
"Golden arrows?" muttered Draco curiously, looking around himself and Harry but didn't see any golden arrows anywhere.
"Guys, stop!" It was Hermione, jogging up to everyone with Ron but then as she got to the front of everyone, she stood in front of them all. "Follow us, please. It isn't that far away, and no wands out or spells when in the presence of Muggles."
"Where exactly are we going?" Harry asked even if he hadn't heard from Hermione or Ron. He and Draco were just following their fellow Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin students.
"I guess we find out by following Ron and Hermione then," said Draco simply. He and Harry stayed close to each other, and it turns out Hermione was right, it didn't take long until they got to the hotel. It was nothing new to Harry, Hermione, and Dean. But to all the purebloods and half-bloods, they were surprised at the tall structure that could somehow stand up without magic.
The hotel was just a large white building with four small pillars at the entrance and dark rectangular windows. At the front of the hotel, just over the small road, was a diminutive park and garden filled with trees, bushes of all sorts, trimmed small hedges, and a few wooden park benches.
Harry just wanted to go to the park with Draco and just stay there all afternoon with him because it just looked so romantic and cute. But not as cute as Draco, of course. He and Draco followed everyone else into the white building until they came to a grey stone receptionist's desk with a few grey pot plants decorating the top of the desk, and the space behind the desk.
Hermione was talking to the receptionist lady, but Harry couldn't hear what they were saying. The receptionist lady pointed down the hotel lobby to a modern black stairway that led up to another part of the lobby, and Hermione was nodding at her.
When Hermione started walking down the lobby to the stairway with Ron, everyone followed her. On the second story was a bunch of armchairs crowded around four or five wooden tables. Harry grinned as he saw several board and card games, both muggle and wizarding, on the tables. "Uno!" He dragged Draco to the table with the Uno card game on it.
"You know?" said Draco, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What do you mean you know? Did you know all about this-" Harry, giggling, showed him the multicoloured card box that says 'Uno'. "Oh, Uno. What's Uno?"
Harry gave him an adored smile, only a little one. "I'll teach you how to play." But before anybody could begin playing games, eating little cupcakes and cakes, Hermione stood up with her glass of apple juice and clicked it with her spoon. Pansy was beside her, and Daphne was at the table in front drinking her tonic water happily.
When Hermione gained everyone's attention, she smiled and began. "We're all here from day one since we were eleven years of age. Only six years ago, I met all of you. To think about it, that was a long time ago." She paused to look around at everyone. "Graduation for our parents must've been tough. They go as parents but come home as contemporaries."
"After seventeen years of child-raising, our parents are now unemployed because we all are going out into this big world to find our own life," Pansy says to the crowd of familiar faces. "Your life is your story and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfil your purpose and potential.
"Here, here!" said Seamus, raising his glass of orange juice with a smile. Dean beside him was chuckling and raised his glass, then Neville and Blaise.
Hermione smiled when everyone raised their glasses. "A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that individuality is the key to success."
Then after that, everyone began to laugh because it was true what Hermione had said. "Thank you," she said and did a little bow with Pansy then went back to sit with Ron, Pansy, Daphne, Parvati, and Padma.
Harry sighed and looked back at Draco and reached his hand over to intertwine it with Draco's. "Still want to know how to play Uno?" he asked.
"You know I do," said Draco coolly with a smirk, and Harry groaned at that terrible pun, and as he leaned down, his head bumped onto the table with a thump. "Oww..."
Draco made a sort of 'psssht' noise from the action but instantly regretted it since it looked like that would have hurt. "You alright there, my darling?" he asks softly and runs his hand through Harry's soft fluffy hair.
"Yes," Harry muttered, and as he raised his head he grabbed the Uno card box, tipped the Uno cards out onto his hands and began to shuffle them. He looked up at Draco when shuffling and smiled when catching his boyfriend staring at him. He pulled out a card from the deck. "What does this look like?"
Draco raised an eyebrow at him but looked at the card coloured yellow with two arrows on it. "Uhm... A yellow card?"
"What kind of yellow card, Draco?" Harry asked him, trying to surpass a chuckle at how obvious that answer was. "Does it have a number on it or a reverse icon?"
"I think it's a reverse icon," said Draco slowly, studying the card again but didn't see any number on it. Unless the numbers are very small, he didn't see any smaller numbers, only an arrow symbol.
Harry smiled and twisted his hand around so he could see the card. With a nod of approval, he began to tell Draco the rules of the game. Draco was a little slow at the game, still confused with the cards and what they do, but over time he got used to it. He wasn't an expert or professional, not like how Harry can verse Hermione and play for long hours, but he was good at it.
After at least three rounds, Harry got up from his seat, kissed Draco and said, "I'm just going to the toilet. I'll be right back. Stay here."
"You better be back before five minutes or I'm coming to find you," Draco said sweetly, even if he was supposed to sound serious, but he wanted to sound cute to Harry just to get another kiss from Harry.
Harry rolled his eyes but smiled, definitely finding his boyfriend being cute and he couldn't resist kissing Draco again. Then with a teasing wink, he turned around and went to the stairs, leaving Draco sighing at his leaving silhouette.
Draco picked up a multicoloured card and fiddled with it, then noticed Dean and Seamus got out of their chairs and headed downstairs. Feeling hungry, he stood up and went towards the snack table. He grabbed a green frosting cupcake with a little snake on it and stared at it. He's had cupcakes before but never in the Slytherin colours. He curiously took a bite, and the soft flavour of apples flooded his mouth. He grabbed another one but for Harry, totally not another for himself. He went back to the table, placing Harry's cupcake on Harry's side of the table then sat again.
Draco leaned backwards on his chair, not thinking someone was behind him until his head hit something solid. "Sorry..." He turned around until he faced the other person. It was Neville. "Sorry, Neville."
"It's alright, Draco," said Neville kindly, and beside him, Blaise was smiling. "Did you see where Dean and Seamus went?"
Draco shook his head, not knowing the answer to the Gryffindor's question. Wherever those two went, he didn't care. "What's the time, incidentally?"
"Umm..." Neville gave his wand a little swish and golden numbers appeared in front of him.
"Thanks, Neville," said Draco, and stood up from the table again. It's been three minutes! Where's Harry? Without a word of farewell, he went downstairs to find Harry.
Harry just came out of the bathroom in the lobby and stared outside at the park. He saw two figures and smiled, but then he noticed the familiar appearances of his dorm mates. Seamus and Dean. He decided to have a peek, being the curious little lion that he is. When he exited the hotel, he quickly looked up and down the street for cars and when the road was clear, he crossed it over to the park and hid behind a tree so he could see properly...and hear.
Dean and Seamus were currently seated on a wooden park bench and in front of them was a large tree with a small rose hedge around it. The tree leaves were shining a light green from above them and the sun shone down through the leaves.
"Look, Seamus, I guarantee there will be tough times," said Dean, his hand intertwined with Seamus'. He saw Harry enter the gardens not so long ago, but he doesn't mind. All he ought to do is say what he needed to Seamus. "I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life because I know, in my heart, you're the only one for me." He smiled sweetly at Seamus, then slid off the seat and kneeled down. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the ring box that Seamus thought was Harry's to Draco. But no, it wasn't.
Harry gasped, not from just seeing this but arms wrapped around him tightly. He swiftly turned his head to the side. It was Draco. He shushed him with a finger to his mouth and pointed at his dorm mates while trying not to giggle.
Seamus' mouth fell open and his heart began to hammer against his chest at this thought. "D-Dean..."
Dean opened up the ring box, nerves fluttering inside his stomach if Seamus would accept this, and he showed the Celtic banded ring. "Seamus Connor Finnegan, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"
Seamus slowly cupped his hands over his mouth and nodded swiftly at him with happy tears forming in his eyes. "Aye, Dean, AYE! I will marry you, Dean Edward Thomas!"
Dean was smiling so much as he slid the ring on his now fiancé's finger. "I know this is odd to mention them now, but from the moment I heard Harry telling Draco he wanted to propose in front of everyone in the Great Hall the night of our Formal, it reminded me that I needed to make this happen, to finally put this ring on your finger, this ring I've kept hidden for you for so long," he tells his lover and was about to say much more but Seamus cut him off as he leaned forward for a slow, loving kiss.
Harry just wanted to make an appearance and hug them both, but he was glad Draco was with him, holding him back. He turned around so he faced Draco, he placed his arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.
"What was that for?" Draco asked quietly as he pulled away from the kiss, smiling brightly at his boyfriend, his arms on Harry's waist.
"I couldn't help myself, dear," Harry told him sweetly, his head tilted as he studied his gorgeous boyfriend. "From what we witnessed and how beautiful you are."
Draco blushed and bit his lip. "Merlin's Beard," he whispers as he brings his face closer to Harry's. "I'm so much in love with you."
Harry chuckled a little too loudly and kissed Draco's lips. He has a blush on his cheeks, only reddening more as he repeats what he heard Draco tell him in his mind and feels Draco's lips brush against his own, and the skin around his mouth. "I'm in love with you too, Draco Malfoy," he responds softly and is just about to lean in for another kiss.
Draco yelped and stepped backwards, away from the voice. It was Dean, smirking, and Seamus was just grinning at the engagement ring on his finger.
Harry smiled at the two boys; he was happy for them. "Congratulations, guys!" He didn't give them any time to move away as he embraced them both in a tight hug. "We're so happy and proud of you. We honestly can't wait for whoever walks down the aisle. And Dean, thank God you finally proposed to him, or I would have nicked that ring of yours and given it to Draco."
Draco laughed to himself and just imagined it was Harry who proposed to him by that bench seat. The thought made him blush. "And who will wear the dress," he added, his smile becoming a smirk, and he completely ignored the glare coming from Seamus. Harry chuckled and ended the hug with his dorm mates, stepping back towards Draco.
Dean just rolled his eyes at the obvious answer from Draco, grabbed Seamus' hand, and took him back to the entrance of the hotel.
"Wait!" shouted Harry at their leaving backs. "Are you going to tell everyone?"
Dean turned around; they were already on the stairs leading inside the building. He looked at him and shrugged. "It depends on what Seamus wants."
Seamus grinned and was the one who pulled Dean back inside the hotel, telling him exactly what he wanted without a word. He wants everyone to know.
Harry and Draco followed them inside, after crossing the road safely, into the hotel and back up the stairs to their fellow students. But before they were up at the second story of the lobby, a round of applause was heard, and everyone began crowding around Seamus and Dean. That escalated quickly.
Eventually, after the cheering died down, Harry and Draco went back to their table for the rest of the celebration evening, even if the main topic was about Seamus and Dean's engagement and future wedding whenever that will be. All Dean and Seamus told everybody was that the whole wedding needed to be planned first, with a location sorted out and the theme. Harry tried not to think about himself proposing to Draco sometime in the future all because of this marriage topic brought on by Dean.
And when the celebration ended, everyone went home. Harry went back to the Manor with Draco where they spent their time in their bedroom, snuggling on their bed, or rearranging all the baby items in the corner of the bedroom to make it seem tidier. As Draco was reading to their baby before he had one of his naps, Harry joined him and pressed his face against Draco's round belly and gave him kisses where he could. Until their baby kicked at his face which cracked Draco up in laughter and Harry pouted and rubbed at his cheek. But in the end, Draco kissed Harry's cheek as if to heal it, though the little kick didn't hurt Harry at all. It just shocked him a little and it tickled.
That evening Dean was at the Finnegan house celebrating with Seamus's parents. He had to take a break outside in the chilly Kenmare air as he rang his mother up to tell her the good news. Leaning against the balcony's wood post, he waited for her to pick up, listening to the chirp of his phone to tell him it was ringing, half his hand he slid into the front pocket of his jeans as he stared out at the views of the afternoon sun setting above the countryside.
Seamus joined him, closing the sliding door behind him, in his hand were two beers and he offered one to Dean but he shook his head. That would be his second beer, he doesn't want to get tipsy yet, only when he and Seamus are alone together. Seamus nods and sits down on the bright blue patio seat beside him, propping Dean's beer in the drink holder on the armrest.
Finally, she answered the phone. "Mom, hello!" Dean says brightly.
"Hi, DT!" It was a young girl's voice who answered, not his mother but his younger sister.
"Oh, Chantelle!" Dean looked down at Seamus, smiling. Seamus raised his beer at him, grinning. "Could you put Mom on the phone, please?"
"Sure thing, DT, just give me a sec," Chantelle says. She left the phone, Dean could tell, as he heard her jogging away in her Hightops. Lord knows how she runs in those. Chantelle not taking the phone with her could only mean Mom was in her Office where she didn't want to be disturbed by anybody. Even by phone calls. Dang it.
"Fifty-fifty chance Mom will get out of the office and actually talk to me while she's busy," Dean tells him, walking over and sitting down on the other patio seat next to Seamus.
Seamus snorts. "Good luck with that, love," he says, knowing how hard it is to get Melissa out of her study while she's working, however, when it comes to him needing her help she'll always come out of her study for him. It's his special power. Unlike Melissa's daughters and son who'd need to cause an emergency like a fire to get her out of her office when they need her. He smirked to himself, thinking it was best to pay the Thomas's a visit and to tell Mellissa in person the good news.
He has had multiple occasions where he's been baking food and treats to surprise Dean and needed a few ingredients which he couldn't find already in the kitchen, he looked everywhere and still couldn't find the bloody vanilla essence or brown sugar. So he had to ask Melissa for help. Somehow, somehow in the places he already looked Melissa pulled out whatever he couldn't find as if it was there all along. His mother does the same thing when he's looking for something and can't find it, she just pulls it out from a cupboard or even the fridge though he could have sworn it wasn't there when he looked for it.
"Are you still there?" Chantelle says through the phone, Dean hadn't realised she came back so soon. She's always so quiet like a mouse, even in her Hightops.
"I am, Chant," Dean says almost immediately. "Is she able to talk at the moment?"
"You know she's not," Chantelle says, almost sadly. Dean knew how lonely it could be when their mom was busy and the rest of the family were either out with friends, cousins, at work or in their bedrooms keeping to themselves. "Why? Did you need me to pass something on to her?"
"Yes, actually," Dean replies, and he takes a moment to think about how he wanted to word what he had to say. "Tell her I did it." He bit his lip, smiling as Seamus placed a hand over his. "There's a shiny ring on Seamus' finger. I asked Seamus to marry me. He is now engaged, we're engaged."
"Oh my god..." Chantelle eventually says softly. "Oh...my...god!" she says again, this time with more passion, which then leads to excitement when the realisation hits her, "Did you really? When did this happen?"
Dean then hung up on her. He got the message across, he didn't need to say anything more. "Whew..." He leaned over and got a kiss from Seamus.
"Ye did well," Seamus says. He handed Dean his beer, Dean took it happily and took a sip. "Now we wait for all your family to hear the news and your phone will start notifying ye from all your sisters and mam-"
As he said that, Dean's phone chirped, and then after a few seconds it chirped again. Dean chuckled, checking his phone and saw a Notification from his oldest sister Jolene, and one from Chantelle. He didn't dare open any messages yet.
"Boys?" Poking her head out the sliding door, Aoife Finnegan looked at the boys with a big smile on her face. "There you two are. Cillian and I made your favourite Yorkshire Pudding to take home, Dean, and my dear Seamus made you Apple Crumble." Dean's eyes widened, hearing about food and baked goods that his fiance made for him. "Now, it's about time we head on out to dinner. Melissa just rang me and said she and your family would like to join us."
"Hell yeah!" Seamus responds quickly, already out of the chair and pulling Dean up out of his, excited for dinner and to see Dean's family. "We're on our way, mam." Dean's phone chirped again, he quickly put it on silent so it wouldn't disrupt their evening. He'll be answering a lot of questions later on tonight it seems.
"You know, boys," said Narcissa, seated on her cherry red chaise in the Lounge Room, her hand on her hip and the other hand holding up her mug. "Severus, Remus, and I have been discussing your future. When expanding on that, I mean jobs and where you're going to live."
Draco groaned, his hand over his pregnant belly that was hidden under the oversized grey t-shirt that he had to extend. He did not want to even think that far into his future. Working and finding a job is for the future Draco, not the present Draco. What was he going to do next year and where was he going to stay? He looked at his mother in disbelief, "Surely you're not going to kick me out of the manor, are you?"
"No, I'm just asking you to live in another place for a while," Narcissa tells him simply. "I'm not kicking you out. That would never happen. But I want you to at least live a couple of months in a different household. You and Harry can live together, get an apartment, or stay at 12 Grimmauld Place! But if you can survive someplace without house elves and having to cook for yourselves, then I would be happy."
Draco felt a little anxious at this. He always has house elves around him if he wants something, even at Hogwarts, but he never used those elves. He never had to pay for any place to live in either. It's all free to him.
Harry was okay with this arrangement. It just meant more time with Draco, alone. The only bills he would have to pay at 12 Grimmauld Place were just buying food to eat. Sirius never told him there were any electricity or water bills, so that was a positive to staying at 12 Grimmauld Place. But then again, he had Kreacher if he wanted food.
"When did you want us to live someplace else?" Harry asked Narcissa straightforwardly, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to figure out how exactly he and Draco were going to survive without any adults to guide them. "Because I'm ready for that arrangement. Your son's just lucky I know how to cook, clean, do the laundry, and do other household work.
"Oh, not anytime soon," said Narcissa with a wave of her hand. "Maybe a week or two before Severus and Remus go back to Hogwarts for the start of Term, and of course, when your baby is delivered."
"We don't have to be isolated, right?" asked Draco with a mixture of curiosity and alarm. He didn't want to be isolated from anybody, even though he would have Harry with him which makes his days even better. He'd like daily or weekly visits to see his mother, godfather, and even nephew if his cousin Tonks allows it. "We can still come over and see you, Severus, Remus and anybody else?"
"No, you don't have to be isolated," said Narcissa empathetically with a little shake of her head. "You and Harry are allowed to stay over for a couple of hours to have a cup of tea and chat, to read or have lunch, but not to stay overnight. Are those instructions simple enough for you, son?" She asked that question directly to her son because she knew Harry would easily follow the instructions without hesitation.
Draco sighed with relief from hearing all that. Even if he'd love to spend every minute of every day with Harry, he still would like to see his family every once in a while. "We'll consider this, mother."
"Welcome to the great big world, boys," said Narcissa brightly, raising her champagne glass and smiling at how much these two boys have grown. She feels so proud of these two.
Later on in the afternoon, Harry and Draco were over at the Snape Household where Severus, sitting on his armchair, went over pretty much all the same that Narcissa told them earlier today. It bored Draco, hearing it all again as he lay his head on Harry's lap while lying on the black sofa with Harry. He just wanted to shout we get it; we'll be moving out next Sunday. Though he hoped Severus wouldn't take that literally.
"I presume that's all planned then," said Severus with a proud smile. He was glad Harry and Draco were willing to live away from home for some time. "I merely need to tell Remus this when he arrives back from Hogwarts."
"Oh, what's he doing at Hogwarts?" asked Draco before Harry could, his eyebrows furrowing together out of curiosity. The school term should have ended by now. It was June the 23rd today, and school ends for the Summer on the 12th.
Severus shook his head; he just couldn't tell these young boys just yet. "Sorry, it's school-related and Professor's knowledge only," he tells them firmly. "Direct orders from the Headmistress that nobody is to tell a soul regarding what we discuss."
Harry sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "Well, that's no fun at all when not getting direct answers," he says lamely, and to make him feel better he slides his hand over Draco's head of blonde hair. "Not even a little hint on what you're discussing?"
Severus shook his head again. "No, and this is the last time we'll be talking about this," he said a little sternly. "So, I would appreciate it if we lay off this topic for a while."
"Yes Dad," said Harry in a low voice, and he was trying to suddenly prevent a yawn from escaping his mouth. It was hard not to yawn as he hadn't had a decent amount of sleep since he was back at school. He doesn't sleep well when he knows Draco's on the other side of the country, even if he is a Fire-call away.
"Yes, Severus," said Draco, and he looked up at Harry's face, and it looked like Harry was upside down to him. He smiled at his lover upside down, seeing every part of Harry's face he fell in love with. "We will call it off."
"Thank you," said Severus with a little appreciation. "And I know that what we've discussed may seem like it's your punishment because of what you've both kept from us professors, but it's not. I'm not going to ground you Harry, or you Draco as that's Narcissa's job, for keeping the secret rooms to yourselves, even if McGonagall would believe that we should."
Draco grimaced at the thought of his mother grounding him. Oh, what would that consist of? Chores for a week? No magic? Or even worse, no Harry? That'd ruin and upset him. He needs Harry by his side always at the moment while he's pregnant. He needs Harry in life anyway; Harry's the one thing he cannot get enough of.
"Remus and I have discussed that there are just no ways to ground you," Severus tells his son in his usual monotone. "If we got you to help us with dinner, Harry, we would think you'd start having flashbacks to your past where you had to cook meals for those awful relatives of yours." Harry looked unsure about that, but he did nod his head slowly. "We figured lots of our ways of grounding you would probably bring back terrible memories. So, we left that decision for your selves. And Narcissa agrees with us. You can ground yourselves."
Harry and Draco looked at each other, confused. They had to ground themselves. How can they do that? Do they do it together or separately? But they'll figure it out, hopefully.
"Understood," Harry replies, playing with Draco's hair, and Draco nods slowly in reply to what Harry said.
"Good," said Severus with a tiny smile, and he stood up from his armchair. "Now why don't the two of you discuss further about when you'll be moving out for a month or two while I go start making dinner?" Before he left, he asked Draco, "Oh, and Draco are you staying for dinner? You can if you want to. You'll just need to tell your mother first."
"I'll be heading home soon," Draco tells him. He could practically sense Harry frowning, and he looked up at him with a sad smile. "I don't want to leave my mother home alone much. I know there's nothing to be worried about, but I just hate that she's lonely a lot."
"You're so kind and sweet," Harry coos happily to Draco who's smiling at him with his perfect white teeth, and Harry can't help but lean down and capture Draco's lips in a soft kiss.
"That's alright," Severus responds quietly at the snogging couple, then he's walking out of the lounge room into the kitchen.
Harry opens his eyes and pulls away from the kiss with his lover, then notices Severus is not in the room. "Are we going to talk about that living arrangement?" he whispers to Draco, his hands back in Draco's blonde hair, slowly running through the soft locks. He believes it's a little early to discuss it since it's two months away and he would rather wait a month.
Draco considers this for a moment, long and hard, until he finally replies by shaking his head. "No, we can leave that until later," he says, and he closes his eyes as Harry massages his head and makes him feel so relaxed. "But it'll only be like a fifteen-minute conversation or less about where we'll stay, how we'll get food, taking care of ourselves and the place we'll be staying at."
"Well, I was thinking of Grimmauld Place for where we'll stay," Harry tells him. By far, it sounds quite easy to him. He and Draco can go for rides on Venom through the countryside once Draco has given birth to their daughter, and they give her to Narcissa for a day to spend it with her. "But we can rent an apartment for a week in the Muggle World just so your mother is satisfied that we got the full experience. We have more than enough money, and as I said before, I know how to cook, clean, do the laundry and any housework that needs to be done."
"You don't have to do all the chores, you know," Draco says, reaching his hand up to tickle Harry's chin with his finger. Harry smiled, grabbed Draco's finger, and brought his fingers to his lips, kissing them. "I'd like to at least help out with some chores that you can teach me. Easy chores, of course."
Harry laughs, his head tipped back, and Draco grins up at him. Severus peeped into the lounge room to see what was going on, then went back to the kitchen to continue dinner. "Of course, you'd go for the easy ones, you git," he replies, beaming.
"Oi, don't teach our kid bad little words," Draco fakes a frown and cups his protruding belly, giving it a little gentle rub. "She's nearly ready to come out. She's a ticking time bomb."
"Just a few more weeks," Harry whispered with excitement, his green eyes sparkling, and he leaned back down over Draco who had nodded his head and smiled. "Maybe in three or two weeks. We'll see."
"Can't wait," Draco replies quietly. "Oh, and Harry?"
"Hmm?" Harry mumbles, his nose now touching Draco's.
"I love you," Draco tells Harry's nose and bright green eyes since they were the only parts of Harry's face he could see at the moment.
Harry smiles lovingly at him as he leans away, now seeing Draco's face, the most beautiful face he has ever seen in the world. "I love you too, Draco Malfoy." And then he leaned down and kissed the blonde, his hands reaching forward, intertwining with Draco's hands which rested on his pregnant belly.
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