Today is the day I've awaited the most! My best friend/sister Haya is getting married today. The entire Hassan Khan's House is decorated with flowers and lights. The whole place is filled with Haya's relatives wandering around.
"Saba! " Mrs. hassan calls out from the kitchen when she find me entering the living room. "Where have you been dear? "
"Sorry, I'm late. " I tell her.
"Haya is waiting for you upstairs. " she tells me and I nod. I take quick steps to go to her room and as I open the door after knocking on twice, my eyes love what they see right now.
Dressed in a beautiful red wedding gown that has an amazing golden stone-work over it, a very amazing bridal makeup done on her face, Saba looks extremely beautiful. Her eyes lightup even more when she see me coming through the hallway.
"How do I look? " she asks delightfully.
"extremely adorable! " I tell her and pull her into a hug.
"Thank you! " she says and sits on her bed.
"Hammad is gonna love it, right?" she asks, her eyes filled with joy.
"Absolutely! " I assure her with a smile and take out my phone from my purse to take a picture of us.
I have spent the entire afternoon in just getting ready for the wedding. I am wearing a navy blue sleeve-less gown that has dark black and silver embroidery over it. I bought it specially for the wedding. I've straighten my hair and left them in a waterfall style, which kind of suits well on my face. A thin eyeliner, a perfect mascara, a light pink blush and a bright pink lipstick makes me look.... Sexy.
"I'll go downstairs and check if there's anything I can do. " I tell Haya and walk outside her room.
Mr. Hassan has a big giant house but even that looks too small for all the guests today. The stairs are decorated with yellow flowers while the hallway and the lounge shines and blooms with roses. I walk downstairs, admiring the view of the house and walk towards the kitchen. My eyes get to see Zain who is dressed in black and white suit. A black tie completes the hot look of his outfit and he looks very handsome in it. Like real handsome.
I pick up a glass from the counter and walk towards the fridge so pour some water in it. As I do so, I hear him say, "Hey, please fill one for me, will you?"
I nod and pour some water in another glass too.
"Thanks. " he says as I hand him the glass.
"You're welcome." I reply with a smile and take a sip of water.
"So, how's life? " he asks me.
"It's going well. Just have some paintings to complete. And psychology to study. What about you?" I can't believe we are having a conversation. We never had one.
"Sounds great. I'm just working on my dad's new project." he tells me and I nod. He looks at me with a smile, his gentle eyes shine so bright and his lips are apart, as if he is about to say something .
"You look beautiful tonight, Saba. " he tells me and I feel like I'm over the moon. I can't help my blushing, "Thanks. " I manage to say.
"Here you are!" someone calls from behind and we both turn around to see Danish standing in a white suit, staring at me like I'm some sort of showpiece and then says, "Damn, you look hot! "
He walks towards me and pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek. Seriously? Have we gone that far? Zain first glares at me and then at Danish whose hand is now on my waist, making me feel embarrassed in front of Zain.
"What are you looking at? She's my girl! " Danish says to Zain who now looks at me in shock.
" Nothing, Excuse me. " Zain says slowly and leaves the kitchen with an expression hard to read.
"Who was this idiot? " asks Danish.
"That's Haya's brother! And it was very rude of you to say that! " I snap at him and he rolls his eyes.
"As if I care. "
I shake my head in disgust and walk outside the kitchen. "Hey! You can't get mad for just a silly thing! " he puts his hands on my shoulders as we walk outside the house in the lawn where the ceremony has been held.
"For God's sake Danish! You're standing in his house! " he is getting on my nerves now. How can he talk like that?
"Alright, sorry. " he says, "Where's your friend? " he asks looking around.
"She'll be down here any minute. " I reply him.
After few minutes, Haya walks down the aisle with Hammad. They both walk hand in hand, looking at each other with a romantic smile. They both look happy and beautiful together. Will I ever find a man like that? A man who loves his wife unconditionally? Who can sacrifice anything for her?
"What are you thinking about, princess? " Danish whispers in my ear, dragging me out of my thoughts.
"Nothing. " I shake my head in response. The minister turns to Haya and says, "Ms. Haya Hassan Khan, do you accept Hammad Ali as your beloved husband? "
Haya smiles brightly and nods her head, "I do. "
The minister now turns to Hammad and repeats, "Mr. Hammad Ali, do you accept Haya Hassan Khan as your beloved wife? "
"I do. " Hammad replies with a smile.
"Congratulations, you two are now pronounced as husband and wife. " the minister says and everyone stands up clapping.
A tear of happiness comes down through my eyes as I see the bride and groom kissing each other. I'm very glad that Haya is so happy with him. Deep down my heart, I pray that may God always keep them happy together.
"Let's go. " I take Danish's hand and walk towards the newly married couple who is busy in receiving greetings from everyone. Zain is standing next to Haya and Hammad, his eyes have the same shocking look they had earlier when Danish pulled me closer by my waist.
"Haya! Congratulations! " I exclaim with joy and hug her.
"Thank you so much, dear" she replies and then looks at Danish who is staring at her in the eye.
" And you must be the guy my friend has fallen in love with.." she says to Danish who giggles.
"You can call me Danish. And I'm glad to hear what you just said. Congratulations on your wedding by the way. " he replies and looks at Zain who is now staring at both of us.
And suddenly, Zain leaves.
"Thanks. " Haya and Hammad reply Danish.
The rest of the function goes by in dancing and eating and drinking champagne. Luckily or unluckily, I don't see Zain again. I don't know where he went and I'm too tired to search around either.
As I take a sip of my drink, my phone rings. It's my mom.
"Hey, Ma. " I say as I swipe the screen to answer the call.
"Hey dear, how's the wedding? Will you be late? " she asks calmly.
"I think so, but I'll try to make it as early as possible. " I assure her so that she won't have to worry.
"Don't come alone, ask Zain or Mrs Hassan to drop you. " she says.
"I'll be fine mom. Don't worry, bye. "I assure her and hang up as Danish comes near me with a glass of champagne.
His eyes are almost red and the way he's walking, it feels like he will fall down any minute.
"You're drunk again. " I say slowly, hoping he doesn't shout like he did the last time I asked him to stop drinking.
"You're messing with me again. " he says pointing out his finger on me.
"Alright. I'll just go home. " I say, standing up.
"Hey wait! " he holds me by my hand and stands up. " I'll drop you. " he says and I refuse.
"No way. I don't want to get myself in a trouble. " I tell him and start walking outside the lawn to get to the road. Danish follows me.
"Saba! You're leaving? " Zain's voice comes from behind and I turn around to look at him standing few feet away from us.
"Yeah. It's getting late. " I tell him.
"I'll drop you. You don't have your car right? " he asks kindly.
"it's okay, I'll manage. " I tell him.
"I'll drop her! " Danish yells from behind, "I have my car. "
Danish unlocks his car with a remote and opens up the front door for me to get in. And I do. Zain stares at us for a moment in disbelief.
"Bastard!" Danish mutters under his teeth as he gets inside the car.
I decide to stay quiet then. I like Danish but I don't like the way he treat people. It's like he thinks he's the only boss here. And everyone works under him. Mom is right, he lack some manners. My mood is gone off after what he just did and I am happy that I don't have to communicate with him to tell him my address becausehe already knows it.
What else does he know about me?
After ten minutes of complete silence, our car turns out to be on a dark street and my eyes pop open. Fear rise in my heart and I forget how to breathe. My fingers get cold and start trembling.
This isn't the way to my home!
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