Saba's POV
I kiss Fahad on his forehead and shake his hand. His smile is alot like his father. "I met him in a party for the first time. " Zoya tells me. "And then, it became impossible to stay away from him. Everything he did to me brought me more closer to him than before. Everything was fine, I loved him with all my heart until one day, he put something in my drink and the next morning I found myself nude on my mother's doorstep. " Zoya says with a shaky voice, her words make my skin crawl.
"My stepmother got so angry that she only let me stay in her house for one day. The next day, I was asked to leave because I had done enough damage to their reputation. Huh, nobody thought how roughly I lost mine. " she's crying now, my heart begin to cry with her. I hold her hand but it doesn't work to make her tears stop from falling.
"A friend of mine agreed to let me stay with her if I did the dishes and laundry. Meanwhile, I tried to search for him everywhere, but he didn't show up. A month later, I found out I was pregnant. It had to be his child because I never slept with anyone else. Finding him became my mission then. I reported in police, luckily I had his contact and photograph. But his number went off and no one could find him. "
She exhales and wipes tears away from her face. " Five years passed. I had learned to take care of a child alone. Part of me still thought that if someday I find him, I'll tell him about our child and we might be back together again. But my fate never stood with me. That day I saw him in a restaurant, I rushed towards him and hugged him. He pushed me away, calling me crazy and telling people that he doesn't know me at all. " Zoya looks at her son with watered eyes.
"Then? "
" I tried convincing him many times to at least meet his son for once, he did. But it wasn't a good one. He told Fahad that his mother is a slut. That she sleeps with dozen of people and then claim the child to be his. He told Fahad that he'd teach me a lesson. I got scared, so I decided to tell the police about the way he harassed me and my son but on my way to the office, he kidnapped us and brought us here. "
"Danish is not normal, Zoya. I felt like the pain I've been through is worse. But look at you, after being through alot, you still hoped that he'd come back for you. But he didn't. He proved himself worst than you ever thought. I still don't understand why he came after me? " I ask Zoya who is about to say something but gets interrupted by another answer that comes from behind.
" Because I love to play. " Danish's cold voice echos in the room and we both turn around. Last night appears again in my head as I see him approaching infront of me. My hand trembles and heart skips a beat. He pulls me up by my hand. A severe pain occurs in my elbow and I sigh.
"You look better without clothes. " he says and move his hand to my shirt, almost near to snatch it when I jump backwards and run out of the door. But he catches me and drags me to the other room which is more dark.
"You can't go anywhere from here, Saba. " his voice sharp.
"You can't do whatever you want! " I hit him with my leg but he holds my leg tight, making me fall on the floor. A loud cry escapes my mouth as he bents down over me, gripping both my hands tightly and then tying them with a chain. " I will tell you what I can do and what not! " he says harshly and tears my shirt apart.
"NO!!!!!!! Zoya!!!! Please help me!!! " I shout out loud, but the bastard slaps my face and starts removing my panties. I hit him as much as I can with my legs but nothing turns him off. From the corner of my eye, I see Zoya leaving with her son.
"Zoya please!! Help!!!! " I cry but she doesn't stop and goes downstairs.
The only sign of hope that I had is now gone.
Zain's POV
My hands are trembling, heart beating faster like a running horse, eyes focused on the road. Saba's face keep popping up in my head. Vision of her beautiful brown eyes and thick brown hair and a beautiful smile makes me shiver at the moment. I've seen this girl my whole life, but I never felt concerned about her like I'm feeling right now. All I want is her to be there in the building and be safe.
I try my best not to concentrate on all the negative second thoughts that are coming in my mind but I can't help it. I have this feeling inside that she's in desperate need of help. That she's not okay. I hold the steering wheel tight and let out a deep breath to take a hold on myself. Then pick my phone from my pocket and dial my friend's father Mr. Saleem's number. He is the chief in police which means he will be helpful in getting Danish caught.
"Hello, Zain? How are you?" he asks right after he picks up the call.
"I'm good, uncle. I need your help urgently. "
"Sure son, what's the matter? " he asks and I tell him the whole story. He listens carefully and then says, "Hmm. You keep going to the highway and find that place. I am on my way as well. When you reach there, don't forget to park your car a few miles away from the actual target place and send me a missedcall or leave a message. Enter the building without being noticed. I've got your back. " Hearing from Mr.Saleem makes me feel more confident about what I am doing.
The roads leading towards The Central Highway are almost clear which makes it easy for me to reach highway in twenty minutes. After that, I slow down the speed to search for the old hotel on the road. After driving for more ten minutes I find a small building standing alone under the shades of dark trees. The building looks very old and scary, I'm sure nobody came here in years. But why Danish would bring Saba here?
I park my car on two miles away from the building under the shade of a tree and quickly rush towards the building. The door is already opened but no physical appearance can be seen. Infront of me are the stairs that are going up. On the right is a large room full of leaves and dust. Suddenly, I hear running footsteps. There comes a lady with a kid in her hand. That's not Saba. Am I at the right place? The girl breathes heavily, fear can be seen on her face.
"Please! Please help Saba! That bastard is gonna rape her again! " she cries to me. Her words hit me like a storm. Again?
I quickly go upstairs, trying my best not to make any sound. There are two rooms on this floor, adjacent to each other. One room is half open while the other is closed.
Saba's screaming can be heard from the room that's open. I run inside and hate myself for seeing Saba lying on the floor. Her hands tied up with a chain, her body is nude and that son of a bitch is on top of her, hitting her with his hands.
I run to him and punch him on the face. Anger boiling my blood, I punch him once and twice and thrice until I lost count and his entire face starts to bleed. He falls on the floor, theres alot of beating left but making sure Saba is okay matters more to me.
I really can't describe my feeling right now. I want to cry with her. But I also want wipe all of her tears and take all of her pain away. "Zain!! " she cries, words cannot leave her mouth properly because of her sobs. I undo the chains to set her hands free. As I do so, she hides her face in my chest. Still sobbing.
"Please, hide me! He will kill me! Please take me away from here! " my heart forgets how to beat when her lips touch my shirt. The only barrier between us is my coat and shirt. I quickly remove my coat and shirt and cover her body with it. Her eyes are closed, but they are still shedding a heartbreaking tearfall.
I hug her tightly, wishing I could take her pain away. "Ssshhh.. I've called the cops. It's gonna be okay. I'm here, Saba. I'm with you, everything is gonna be okay. " I assure her and plant a kiss on her forehead.
I hope she believes me.
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