Chapter 3
(Jack's P.O.V.)
Mark starts the camera, hence starting the recording. "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to the bouncy house... race... obstacle... challenge." He says, Matt, Ryan and I laughing.
"Best intro 2015." I say, shaking my head a bit. Mark rolls his eyes and continues.
"I'm here with Matt, Ryan and JackSepticEye. Say hi." He says. I wave to the camera, Matt and Ryan say hi. "Alright, so basically what we're doing is we're gonna team up and race through this gigantic bounce obstacle course that we rented specifically for this challenge. Alright? Alright." He says, and everyone breaks, going off to get water balloons to throw at each other and stuff.
I just observe the obstacle course. It's the same course as when they did the challenge with Team Edge so this might be difficult. I remember how much trouble everyone but Mark had on the slide. Eh. Whatever. Matt grabs the camera and points it at himself.
"Alright, so we thought it'd be appropriate that Ryan and myself are teamed up and Mark and Jack are teamed, so that's what we're doing. Mark! Ryan! You two are up first!" Matt yells. I smile a bit, grabbing a whole bunch of water balloons.
Both Mark and Ryan get ready to go. The fun thing about this is, I get to try to hit both of them since Matt's using the camera. Yay. Mark is on the far side, Ryan on the closer side.
"Wait wait wait. Mark you're the best at this. Switch lanes." Matt says. Ryan nods, Mark shrugs, and they do just that. So now Ryan's on the far side, Mark on the close side. Alright.
"Are we timing?" I ask then.
"Yeah. Matt, start a timer." Mark says. Matt pulls his phone out and gets a timer open.
"Alright. On your marks. Get set. Go!" He says, and both Ryan and Mark dive into the first obstacle.
They go through pretty much the entire thing (up to the slides) at a tie, all the while I'm throwing water balloons at them. They both slide down the slide and Mark immediately climbs right back up, falling a few inches before getting to the top. Ryan however, can't get up. Well, kind of. He's halfway up but it took a while for him to get up there. I follow Mark, throwing water balloons at him. One hits his head and makes his head jerk forward. I cringe a bit. I'm really happy he doesn't have his glasses on. Soon he just barrel rolls out of the obstacle course onto the grass, finishing.
"Nice hit Jack." He says with a smile when he comes out. I shrug, going over to the slide. When we get over there Ryan had just gotten to the top of the slides.
"Can I have one?" Mark asks. I nod, handing him a water balloon. He throws it at Ryan, making him fall down the climbing part, falling on his head pretty much. "Oh!" Mark starts laughing. I do as well. Ryan finishes, rushing still to beat times. Once he finishes we all turn to Matt, aka the camera man.
"Ryan finished in 48 seconds, Mark finished in 27 seconds." Matt says. Ryan looks down in shame making us all laugh.
"Mark! You're pro!" I yell, making everyone laugh even more.
"Alright. Matt and Jack. Come on." Mark says, taking the camera from Matt.
"Alright. I'll take the closer side." I say. I have faith in myself. Matt doesn't argue with me and goes over to the far side.
"Alright. On your marks. Get set. Go!" Ryan counts down.
I dive headfirst into the tube thing, sliding through with ease. I easily navigate through the many bars that make up the second obstacle, navigating just as easily through the sea of inflatable spikes basically. I then dive again through the hole in the wall obstacle, climbing up the climbing wall. I've been hit by a water balloon once or twice, but not really that much. I then slide down the slide, climbing back up with a little trouble but not much. Then I jump down the climbing wall, I dive through the hole in the wall, navigate through inflatable after inflatable and then I dive through the tube and onto the ground.
I stand up smiling. "Holy crap." Ryan says, staring at me. I shrug.
"I bet Mark beat my time." I say. Mark shrugs.
"Well you'll see in a minute." He says. I nod and we go over to the slide, where Matt is still having slight trouble. He quickly gets up and gets to the end after that though.
"Okay then. Matt finished in 42 seconds. Jack finished..." Mark pauses. I wait. I'm sure Mark beat my time. I mean, I'm not that good. Mark then continues "In 23 seconds." He says. I just stand there.
"No. I don't want to believe that." I say, smiling ever so slightly.
"The phone does not lie!" Mark says. I shake my head a bit.
"So the winner is Septiplier! Woo hoo!" Ryan says and I roll my eyes. Mark sets the camera on the tripod again and does his outro, all of us saying bye and stuff. Then we turn the camera off and everyone looks at me.
"Yes?" I ask.
"How?" Matt asks me. I shrug.
"Okay. Jack we're gonna do one more challenge, off camera. You on the close side, me on the far side. And we're gonna dump as much water as possible on your side." Mark says.
I shrug. "Okay." I say.
Matt and Ryan get water balloons and water bottles and go over to the slide on the close side, slathering the whole thing in water. I sigh a bit. I'm not even going to ask why Mark wants to do this but whatever. I get ready to go, Mark doing the same. Matt gets a timer and Ryan counts down, ready with a whole bunch of water balloons.
"Get ready. Get set. Go!" He yells. I do the exact same thing I did last time, just falling on the ground this time when I finish. Mark comes out a little after me.
"What the hell?" He asks, panting slightly. I laugh.
"Three second difference. I don't get you. Jack you are not from this Earth if you can do this." Matt says. I smile.
"Apparently the Irish is better at this then you guys." I say. This makes everyone laugh.
"So... What do we do now?" Ryan asks. We all look at the bouncy castle.
"Another video?" Matt suggests. In answer, Mark gets the camera.
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