Chapter 27
A/N: Lots of swears. Be warned.
(Mark's P.O.V.)
So Jack and I have devised a plan. We're both in the hotel room now and Jack's in the bedroom with the laptop. He's going to Skype Felix and talk about "a future collab". Then I'm gonna walk in and kiss Jack's cheek or something, and we'll see where it goes from there. I'm right outside the bedroom, so I can hear everything going on.
Right now the Skype ringing sound is going on, just the little ringtone. And then it stops and I hear Jack groan. It picks up again. Ring, ring, ring. And then suddenly...
"Hey Jack! Sorry I didn't answer." Felix's voice rings through the hotel room. Jack turns the computer down a bit.
"It's no problem Felix. How are you?" He asks. Felix sighs.
"Busy. How's Vidcon?" He asks. Jack chuckles.
"Awesome. Mark's panel was today. It was loads of fun." He says. My smile widens at this. Felix chuckles.
"Awesome dude. I can't wait to see the video. Rumor has it you two sang?" He asks. Blush creeps onto my cheeks as Jack confirms that the rumor is true. This just excites Felix more. "Anyways, enough about that. There's a reason you wanted to talk, right?" Felix asks.
"Mm-hm. I wanted to talk about possibly doing a collab once I get back to Ireland." Jack says and I hear typing, though I can't tell if it's Jack or Felix.
"Yeah totally! What game?" He asks. Okay, this is a good place to walk in. I walk into the bedroom slowly, silently. Jack shrugs.
"I don't know. Can you think of anything?" He asks. Felix sighs.
"Ugh... Man I don't know..." I walk over and I sit on the bed next to Jack, waving at Felix. "Oh hey Mark! What's...Up..." Felix trails off as I turn and kiss Jack on the cheek. Then I turn and look at Felix again. Felix stares at Jack and I, his face showing pure shock.
"Are you two screwing with me?" He asks. I shake my head slowly. And that's when the shock disappears and all that's there is happiness and excitement. "Oh my fucking god! I can't believe it! You two are dating?! Septiplier's real?! What the fuck?! How did I not know of this earlier?!" He's literally screaming, making Jack and I rush to turn down the laptop volume even more. "I'm so fucking happy for you guys!" He finishes. By now, Jack and I are just laughing. We expected this exact reaction.
"Well, I'm glad. We're pretty happy too." Jack smiles, resting his head on my shoulder. Felix jumps up and down in his seat, just exploding with excitement.
"Oh my god. When did this happen? How did it happen? I must know every fucking detail about this!" He yells. Jack and I laugh, also trying to think of what to say. We can't explain everything since some of it includes Dark and Anti, but we can explain a decent amount.
"What? You don't want to tell anyone about me yet?" Dark's voice rings through my head.
"You know as well as I do why I'm not telling anyone about you." I say simply, keeping a smile on my face as to not arouse suspicion. He only hums in response, and that's that. However, the next five minutes are completely uneventful as it is spent by Jack and I telling Felix what happened, with Felix constantly interrupting to ask questions. We answer all of them, and it just makes him even more excited. Eventually we finish our story and all is quiet. Until Felix gets another question.
"What is it?" I ask, eager to answer. That is, until he asks. He gets very quiet, and leans real close to his microphone.
"Have you guys fucked yet?" He asks and Jack turns completely red.
"Felix!" He squeaks, making Felix, Dark and I all laugh. I'm the only one who knows about Dark laughing, but it's still there. He laughs, while muttering "I'd never forgive you for that". After a minute we all calm down, but Jack is still just sitting there, completely red, staring off into space. I look at the screen.
"Well in case Jack's exclaim wasn't enough, no we haven't." I say, and then, just to excite Felix more, I wink. His smile goes from excited to mischievous in only a second.
"Mm... Okay..." He says and pulls out his phone. Soon I get a text. It's Felix, of course. I roll my eyes and check my phone.
Swedish Meatball: You planning on it?
I look at the screen to see Felix looking at me with a smirk on his face and a glimmer in his eye. And then I hear Jack squeak again. I turn some more to see him looking over my shoulder.
"Mark! Felix!!" He yells, covering his face in his hands. Then he flops on the bed and groans. "I regret everything!!!" He yells, making everyone laugh again. But I soon recover, laying down as well and wrapping my arms around his small frame, kissing his neck softly.
"Aw, do you regret getting together with me?" I ask, kissing right below his ear. He freezes and inhales deeply.
"N-no." He says shakily, making me chuckle. I grab the laptop and angle it so we can see Felix and Felix can see us again.
"Alright. Well... That was fun. I guess now I know how to make Jack flustered, huh?" Felix says, still looking over at Jack. I nod, playing with his hair.
"Yeah, I guess. Anymore questions for us?" I ask, kinda wanting to move on. Not because I don't dislike the idea, but because I can see Jack's seriously starting to lose sanity.
"I don't think so." Felix says and I nod, not complaining. Jack scoffs.
"Felix, I hate you and your mind and everything you stand for." He says quietly but the mic picked it up and Felix acts offended.
"Oh my god! Jack! How could you say that?! We are no longer friends!" He screams over-dramatically, making all three of us laugh once again.
"Well Felix you started it." Jack huffs, smiling slightly. Felix just shrugs before nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, I guess I did. But I was just genuinely curious!" Jack's face once again turns red.
"But then you proceeded to tease about it! You too Mark!" He slaps my shoulder playfully, making me just hug him tighter.
"Aw, stop being a baby. I was just pleasing mister YouTube over here." I nod towards the computer. Felix rolls his eyes, Jack just sighs, burying his face in my chest. I take that as a sign of both being done with this call and being tired. I look at the computer and smile at Felix. "Dude, it's been nice talking to you and all but it's been a long day. I think we're gonna go." I say and he frowns a bit.
"Aw, alright. Well I appreciate you guys telling me. Really, congrats. You two are cute together." He smiles, looking more at Jack then at me. I nod, looking at him myself.
"Yeah. I'll call you later." I say and Felix waves before hanging up. I close the laptop and turn, placing it on the end table real quick, before I turn back to Jack. Only to hear a soft, almost inaudible snore. I chuckle, looking at him to see he's fallen off my chest and laying beside me, fast asleep. I kiss his forehead softly before closing my eyes and falling asleep myself.
A/N: Alright guys! Hopefully you enjoyed this. Just want to say real quick, I will not be posting this regularly. I know a lot of you like this but I've been very caught up with school and R&T. I hope you can understand. It's just been a while since I updated so I thought I'd give you guys this. <3 =)
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