6 months later
"Come on doll, just one more bite." A younger man, a vampire whispered in your ear, as he held your arm, keeping you from moving. You could tell he was freshly turned, his appetite was insatiable, he had already fed on you three times that evening.
"Sir, you know the rules. Ask for another girl." You said, exhaustion making your voice low and hoarse. He wasn't the only one to feed from you that evening, and your body was starting to resist the help of the pills, so you always felt worn out, your neck covered in bites because you weren't able to heal easily anymore.
6 months in this club were probably worse than being in hell. Each night you were groped, squeezed, bit and anything else they could think of and you would fall exhausted into your bed, knowing it would be the same exact thing tomorrow. At first you had had Tuesdays off, but when you became the most popular girl on staff, that was quickly taken from you, along with the tips you had been promised.
Now you just stumbled around the club floor, too tired to notice if someone copped an extra feel of your breasts, or groped your butt. It didn't matter, nothing did. You were starting to forget life before the club, the love struck huntress turned into a walking food machine.
"Come on Lily, I'll even make it feel good." He purred into your ear, pulling you down onto his lap, and brushing the hair from your nape.
"It's not my choice. I'm sorry." You explained, trying to make a futile effort at getting away, but your limbs wouldn't follow the directions from your brain.
He leaned down, kissing the skin of your neck, running his tongue back and forth, and you sat there, knowing you were in no shape to fight it. Just as he opened his mouth to bite, you heard Sally's voice from behind you.
"Sir, she is at her limit, and you know that. Either find another girl, or leave, I don't care which."
He growled deep in his throat, annoyed that his meal was being taken away from him. He pushed you off of his lap, and you crumpled to the ground, oblivious to the pain. Pain was nothing new to you, you've lived in constant pain for the last six months.
Watching him leave, Sally stood over you, making sure no one else took advantage of a weak human, which happened way too often in this club. Since you've been there, over a dozen waitresses have died, and you were now officially the longest running waitress they had. In a way you wish you had been one of the dozen.
Sally grabbed your arm, and with surprising strength pulled you to your feet, holding on as she guided you through the crowd my on her way to the office.
Once inside, she let go, and you fell into the chair, waiting for her disapproval that you couldn't stop a customer.
You watched as Sally paced the office, and you realized not much had changed since your last time in this office, 6 months ago.
"We're you really going to let him feed on you again?" She said, turning to face you, her hands on her hips.
"I wasn't sure I had a choice. I wasn't able to fight him." You answered. She was about to say more, but one of her underlings knocked on the door, interrupting her.
"Ma'am, he's here." He said, keeping his eyes downcast in fear.
"Well don't just stand there, bring him in!" Sally yelled, before looking at you. "Damn it, we can't have you in here."
You tried to rise, but the effort was too much, and you sank back down onto the chair. Sally walked to the door, opening it to talk to one of her bodyguards that was keeping watch. He followed her in, and she pointed to you. Leaning down, he scooped you up in his arms with no difficulty, and started carrying you to the door, just as it opened.
You watched in disinterest as Crowley stood on the other side, his eyes wide as he gazed at you.
"My liege."Sally purred from behind you. "Ryan is just removing her. I'm sorry for the delay."
Crowley looked at you a closely. "Y/N?" He asked.
"Who's Y/N? My name is Lily." You weakly answered, knowing Y/N was long dead. There wasn't anything left that was even close to Y/N.
"She doesn't know what she's saying, she's been fed on too many times. She was Y/N, but she goes by Lily now."
Crowley's eyes darkened as he took in your appearance. Your once buxom figure was now thin, your hair flat and dull. Bruises covered your skin from greedy hands, your neck red and angry from too many bites. You knew you looked horrible, completely different from that girl six months ago, but the monsters didn't seem to mind. It wouldn't be long until you were dead anyways.
"She stays." He ordered, and Ryan gently sat you back down in the chair. Crowley strode all the way into the room, sitting in the chair next to yours.
"How can I be of service my King?" Sally asked, pouring him a glass of scotch.
"I need a place to bring an acquaintance of mine. He needs to let off some steam." Crowley explained.
"Of course, anything you need." Sally answered.
"Good." Crowley answered, before nodding at the smaller man who had walked behind him. He left, and seconds later returned with someone you had expected to never see again.
Dean walked through the door, acting as if he didn't have a care in the world. Standing next to Crowley, he gave one of his signature smiles to Sally, not noticing you. You were okay with it, it gave you a chance to observe the man who had meant so much to you at one point. His hair seemed longer than usual, but that seemed like the only thing that had changed. He was wearing a maroon flannel, rolled up to show the mark of cain.
You had waited six months for this man, or his brother, to come rushing through the door, guns blazing, looking for you. After three months of living in this hell, you had slowly grown accustomed to the fact that they weren't look for you, that they didn't care if you had lived or died. At first it had hurt, and you had thrown yourself into your job, letting anyone feed on you, not caring if you lived or died. Then your emotions slowly drained away, pain at being forgotten, sadness that nobody loved you enough to find you, hunger for the sun and your old life. It all went away, and you turned into the shell you were today.
Finally, Dean's eyes swept the room, widening when he saw you. "Well, what do we have here?" Dean asked in that familiar deep voice of his. "A new play toy for me?"
Crowley chuckled. "I wouldn't call her a new toy."
Dean's eyebrow rose at that tidbit of information. "What do you mean?"
Crowley looked at you, before shrugged his shoulders. "Dean this is Lily, formerly known as Y/N."
You watched Dean's reaction, wondering if he would be surprised, or disgusted with you. He stared at you for a moment, before flicking his eyes black. "Hello Y/N. It's been a while."
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