"I'm going to have nightmares about that thing for a long time." You said, before tipping back your beer bottle, taking a long sip of the bitter drink. "Who would have something like that to begin with?"
You stared across the table at Donna, who was running the bottle through her hands without taking a drink. "I don't know. But, that poor kid. Stuck inside it, being driven to do it's dirty work, and then take the rap. Poor kid died because of some stupid curse or possession."
You reached across, grasping her hand, trying to comfort her. "It's not your fault. I know it's hard, that you couldn't save him, but we will figure this out, and save other people."
"Thanks. And this, it helps too." She said, waiving her hand around, talking about being at the bar with you, and Sam and Dean. You glanced around the busy place, trying to find the two men in question. They had vanished almost as soon as you had arrived, leaving you alone with Donna.
"Good. Dean's always saying a good night at the bar is a good way to forget about your problems. Well, that and something else, but I'm not gonna go into that." You said, your facing flaming at the way your thoughts led.
Even though you hadn't explained, Donna caught the jist of your words. "And I bet he would rather be doing that with you than being at some hole in the wall bar." She said, winking at you.
"Oh yeah, besides fixing up the Impala, that's one of his favorite pastimes. But I'm not complaining." You said, nibbling on your lips at the thought.
"How come I've never met you before? You've been with the Winchesters for a while, haven't you? I thought you and Dean had been together for a while." She said, finally taking a sip of her beer.
"Yeah, we have. Seems like forever." You replied fondly. "But, it just never seemed to work out. I think when he did the case with you before, I was indisposed." You said, shuddering at the thought of how you were indisposed. That had been during your time in that horrid club, and you never wanted to think of that place again. "Then, during your last one, with the vamps, I needed some me time. Dean and I, we haven't had it easy. Hell, I'm surprised we're even together after everything that's happened." You admitted, finally spotting the brothers playing pool at the back of the bar.
"Relationships, good ones, aren't meant to be easy. Fighting to stay together, that's what makes them strong, and I can tell you to are good for each other. Maybe someday I'll find someone who treats me like that." She said wistfully.
"Dean told me about Doug. The asshat. You deserve better. Like that deputy maybe." You suggested, raising your eyebrow, but she just scoffed.
"Him? Nah. He's another Doug, and I've sworn off anyone by that name. And I don't think he likes me that way." She said, but you could still see the wheels turning in her head.
"I like you, and I hope we can become good friends." You said suddenly, as Dean started coming back towards your table, a frown on his face. "Maybe meet up for more than just cases. It would be nice to have another girl to talk to."
"I'd like that, a lot." She said, just as Dean stopped at the table, glancing at both of you.
"You'd like what?" He asked teasingly.
You ran your hand up and down his arm, deciding he needed a little teasing himself. "Oh you know, next time you head out on a hunting trip, inviting her down for a little girl time."
"You don't have to wait for me to be gone." He said, winking at Donna, then at you, and you laughed. "But seriously, I just heard there was another attack. At the high school. But the coach survived."
"Oh, that's horrible." Donna said. "But how did you hear before me?" She asked, just as her phone rang. With a sorry mouthed to you, she slid out of the booth, heading outside.
"You two seem to be getting along well." Dean said, grabbing your beer bottle and taking a sip.
"I like her." You announced. "And what about us? Are we doing okay?" You asked, searching his eyes for the answer.
He slid into the booth across from you, grasping your hand in his. "Of course we're doing okay. Aren't we?" He answered, and you could tell your comment threw him off.
"I think so. But so much has happened, and we're trying to get back to normal. I just wanted to make sure." You told him, nibbling on your lip.
"Y/N, I love you. And everything that we've gone through has cemented that fact. I know I'm not good at showing it, but please believe me." He said, squeezing your hand just as Sam came over, counting a huge wad of money.
He looked between the two of you, realizing he had just walked into something private. "I'll just go outside with Donna." He announced, turning and leaving. You slid out of the booth, grabbing your coat, but Dean had other ideas. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you into his embrace. Looking down at you, he ran his hands up and down your back.
"Listen, I think that after this hunt, maybe you and I can take some time, just for ourselves. Head to Vegas, or wherever you want." He said, his eyes never leaving yours.
"I would like that, I truly would." You told him. "But maybe we can wait until we're done with Amara. She scares me, and I need her gone before I can relax." You said, shivering as you remembered how she wanted you out of the way.
If he noticed your reaction to her name, he didn't say anything. Instead he leaned down, pressing his lips gently to yours, before helping you into your coat. "Fine. When we're done with her, I'm taking you on a relaxing trip, somewhere. We'll have a fancy hotel room, that we might never leave." He said, lightening the mood when his hand drifted down and pinched your butt cheek right as you pushed the door open and a blast of chilly air plummeted you in the face.
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