One Step Closer
After the awkward beginning of the road trip, the rest went smooth. Sam dozed off, leaving you and Dean alone to sing along to the rock songs and argue about directions. It was about four hours into the road trip when you realized you hadn't flinched, not even once. There had been ample opportunities, like when he had raised his hand off the steering wheel to grab the map from your hands, or when he reached back to scratch his neck. Each of those times you had stayed still, waiting to see what would happen, but breathing a sigh of relief when you didn't feel your entire body tense.
It was a wonderful feeling, and soon you felt yourself getting closer to him, leaning over the seat, using your arms as a headrest as you both stared at the map together. When he made a wise crack remark, you found yourself slapping his shoulder without a second thought. It was funny, afterwards, the two of you stared at each other, both wide eyed, ready for the other to fumble, or break down. But when it didn't come, you both breathed a sigh of relief before continuing on.
By hour six you were exhausted and ready to be out of the car. By then Sam was awake, and you had laid down in the backseat, your eyes closed as you tried to fight against sleep.
"She asleep?" You heard Dean ask quietly, and you made sure your breathing was slow and even. You weren't sure why, but you felt the need to feign sleep.
"Yeah." Sam replied.
"How do you think she's doing?" Dean asked, his voice soft, making sure you didn't wake up.
Sam was quiet for a moment before he answered. "Truthfully I think she's doing remarkably well. After everything that happened to her, most people would have gone crazy. But she's tough. She'll pull through. You both will."
It was quiet again, and you were almost asleep when Dean spoke up again. "Did she...Has she ever talked about what happened to her?"
You heard Sam sigh. "No, she hasn't said a word. I know it isn't healthy for her to keep it all in, but I don't want to force her to talk."
When Dean spoke again, his voice was hoarse, full of emotion. "I remember everything from being a Demon. And I know what I did was horrible. But Sammy, the place I took her from. That place was the stuff of nightmares, and she was there for a long time.I don't know how anyone could have survived that place for as long as she did."
"She hasn't talked about it. Neither have you. But I know it had to have been horrible." Sam replied, not wanting to push the boundaries.
Before they could continue their conversation about you, you felt the Impala slowing down, before it came to a complete stop. Pretending to sleep still, you waited, as both Sam and Dean climbed out of the car, Sam taking off to get the room.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you. "Come on Y/N, we're here. Wake up." Dean told you, and you yawned, before climbing out of the car, grabbing the bag Dean was holding out to you. By this time, Sam had returned, and the three of you tiredly stumbled to your room.
Inside, you didn't pay any attention to the room, you headed straight for the bathroom, where you changed into a pair of shorts, and a tank top, before heading back into the room. It was then you noticed there was no couch, just a table and the two beds. Sam had already claimed one, he was spread out across it, leaving no room for you. Turning to the other one, you were surprised to see it unoccupied. Dean was standing at the window, already dressed in sleep pants and a t-shirt, and you could see by the tenseness in his shoulders that he was nervous, or upset about something.
Setting your bag down on the table, you moved to stand over next to him, and he glanced at you, his eyes unreadable in the darkened room. "What is it?" You asked.
Sighing, he looked at the bed, then back at you. "Why don't you go to bed. I'll just go bunk in the Impala for the night."
"Dean, this is silly. We are two adults. We are both exhausted. Just climb into bed. It will be alright." You pleaded, grabbing his arm, and pulling him to bed. He didn't put up a fight, instead he let you lead him like a puppy. You pushed on his shoulder, and sighing, he sat down on the bed, and you moved to the other side. Reaching over, you flipped the light switch, bathing the room in darkness. The both of you laid there, neither one moving, both looking up at the ceiling.
"Good night Dean." You finally whispered, before turning on your side and falling asleep instantly.
"Y/N, get back out there. He's back and he's asking for you." Sally told you as you cowered in the bathroom, trying to make it through another day of the place you called hell.
"Him? He's back? Why can't another girl help him?" You pleaded. "He almost killed me last time!" You said, shivering as you remembered how he had left you openly bleeding in one of the many back rooms.
Sally just shrugged. "It's you he wants. I'm not sure why, you've let yourself go. You won't last here much longer." Sally told you, and you let out a helpless whimper. You hadn't let yourself go, it was this job, it turned you into walking zombies. And then it killed you.
Sally didn't take no for an answer, instead she just pushed you out the door, and into the open arms of the Vampire standing outside waiting for you. "Y/N, were you hiding from me?" He asked, displeasure turning his voice to ice.
"No." You whimpered, but he grabbed your arm, tightly enough to leave bruises, dragging you to a secluded edge of the club. There, he pushed you down into a chair before leaning over, licking your neck, and you fought to get away. "No, please don't!" You begged, but he didn't listen, he just laughed, enjoying the fight.
You shoved, but in your weakened state you were no match for the vampire, and his teeth quickly sunk into your neck and you screamed.
"Y/N! Wake up!" You heard, but you couldn't get past the pain, and the fear, and you felt yourself shaking, but you could still see the Vampire's dead eyes, and hear his evil chuckle as he tried to drink you dry.
"Y/N!" You heard again, and this time you fought, trying to force your way to the sound of your name, and you found your eyes opening, the first thing you see was a pair of green eyes full of concern staring at you.
"Dean?" You whisper, before crushing yourself against his chest. He wasn't expecting that, and he almost fell off the bed from the force of your hug, but he was soon wrapping his arms around you. You were sobbing into his chest, the nightmare bringing back memories you had tried so hard to hide.
Dean rocked you in his arms the entire time, rubbing soothing circles across your back as he whispered soothing words into your ear. Finally you calmed down enough that you leaned back, looking up at Dean through red rimmed eyes.
"Was it because of me?" He asked, and you shook your head, tears threatening to pour again at the thought.
"No." You said through your hiccups. "It was about the club. Sally, the manager was forcing me to serve her favorite customer. He tried to kill me, multiple times." You said, not sure if they understood a single word through your garbled speech.
They must have understood, because you watched as Dean clinched his fists in anger, and Sam turned away from where he was standing behind his brother. Their anger was enough to bring another bought of tears, and you found yourself curling into a ball, your tears soaking the pillow. It was a horrible feeling, reliving those wretched memories, and you knew there was nothing you could do about it.
"Shh. It's alright. You're not there anymore. And as soon as I get a chance, I want to blow that place to smithereens." Dean told you, before wiping your tears away. He laid back down, and gently pulled you into his arms, going slow so not to scare you away. You were too worn out from that dream to put up a fight, and soon you found yourself in Dean's arms, the nightmare slowly fading away. This time when you slept, it was peaceful and deep.
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