Life Goes On
The rubbing of a callused hand up and down your arm slowly awoke you, and you stretched like a kitten.
"Good morning." A voice, rough and deep with sleep said from above, and opening your eyes you tilted your head until your e/c eyes met a pair of green ones.
"Morning yourself." You said, cuddling closer to his chest, enjoying the feel of his body against yours.
He moved his head down, and pressed his lips gently to yours, a sweet kiss that ended before you were ready for it to.
Sighing you moved to slide out of bed, knowing it was probably past time to start the day. You only got an inch of the way out before a hand snagged yours, pulling you back to him. "Dont go." He pleaded, and you couldn't say no.
"Shouldn't we be getting ready to go? The hunt is done." You explained, hating the fact that you were trying to be the reasonable one when you just wanted to lay and cuddle all day.
"We have time. Sam went to go get breakfast." Dean replied before making sure you were once again tucked under his arm. The whole fiasco last night must have melted your resistance to Dean away, because right now you didn't want anything else than to be held in his arms, no flinching or pulling away.
Speaking of last night. "Dean, how are you feeling?" You asked, guilt seeping into your words.
"Not too bad. Definitely not like the love of my life stabbed me." He teased, but it still touched a nerve.
Your eyes filling with tears, you moved your head so you could see him. "Oh my God Dean, I feel so bad. I should have followed Sam's orders and locked myself in the bathroom. You almost died because of me! " You sobbed, the emotions from last night returning.
Dean just placed his hand on your cheek, gently trying to calm you down. "Shh Y/N. Don't kill yourself over it. I'm a hunter, I knew the risks. It's nothing to beat yourself up over."
You weren't surprised that he tried to shrug it off, but you still felt horrible. "But Dean, we had to call Cas. All because of me. Seeing you there with all that blood, your face pale. It was horrible."
"Well, I guess we're even now." Dean told you, and you stared at him shocked. "I spilt your blood, you spilt mine. Maybe this way we are even, and we can start again."
Before you could answer, Sam walked through the door, holding coffee cups and a bag full of bagels. "Hey sleepy heads. Finally awake I see."
Dean raised his arm, and you slid out of bed, welcoming the cup Sam handed you. Taking a sip, you let the warm liquid slide down, before you smiled at him. "Thanks, I really needed some coffee today."
Dean had sat up by this time, and was staring down at his shirt, where it was still ripped and stained with dried blood. "I'm thinking you need a little knife training. Your aim was a little off." He teased.
Tossing a bagel at him, you stuck your tongue out. "Excuse me? That aim is what saved your life. But the person I thought you were was wider, so my aim was perfect. Maybe your defence skills need sharpened." You teased back, happy that your relationship with Dean was somewhat back to normal where you two could joke around.
"So guys, while I was on my way for food, a phone rang. Turns out we have one of Bobby's old phones, and he is needed for the reading of a will." Sam explained to the both of you while you were busy munching on breakfast.
"So? I mean Bobby was like a Dad to us, but that doesn't mean they will let us take his place." Dean argued, but you were intrigued. You hadn't had a chance to know Bobby, but the boys loved sharing stories of him. Maybe this was a way to get to learn a little more about the man who had helped raised these two.
"True, but they said any next of kin would work, so I said we would go. There's no hunts nearby, so I figured why not." Sam said.
"Fine." Was Dean's reply, before he shoved the rest of his bagel into his mouth.
"I'm gonna hit the shower, get ready for the day." You told them, grabbing your bag and heading for the bathroom.
Shutting the door, you started the shower, climbing under the hot spray, hurrying through the daily routine. As you stepped out and wrapped a towel around yourself you heard the hushed conversation from behind the door.
"Dean, really, how are you doing? Last night couldn't have been easy on the Mark." Sam asked, trying to keep his voice down and the conversation away from your ears. Knowing the conversation was meant to be private, you still listened in anyways, unable to resist yourself.
"I'm fine. No bloodlust, no major anger issues. I think that getting things going smoothly again with Y/N is helping it." Dean said, but you wondered if he was really being truthful.
"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything." Sam insisted, but the room stayed silent, and just finished pulling on a pair of jeans and a tank top before stepping into the room.
Sam was back at the table, his laptop in front of him, while Dean was packing his bag, getting ready to hit the road.
"All done?" He asked you, giving you a mega watt smile.
"Almost." You answered, quickly brushing your hair and throwing it into a braid. You didn't worry about anything else, after all you would be spending most of the day stuck in the car.
Stealing one of Dean's flannels out of his bag before he could zip it, you shrugged it over your shoulders, ignoring the raised eyebrow look he gave you.
Making sure everything was back in your bag, you slapped Dean on the rear before heading out the door. "Alright slow pokes, let's get this show on the road." You threw over your shoulder, wanting to keep the energy as positive as you could make it, hoping it would keep Dean centered.
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