Given the slip
After you left Sam, you went straight into the room you shared with Dean. The hunt had worn you out, and you were ready to crawl into bed and forget about all of your problems. Opening the door, you realized Dean hadn't retired for the night yet. He was either finishing up in the kitchen, or was drinking his night away in the library.
You weighed your options. You could either go and look for Dean, spending some time with him, or you could crawl into bed and hopefully he would return before you crashed for the night. Deciding on the second option, you quickly changed into one of Dean's t-shirts, and slid under the covers, turning onto your side. Cuddling into Dean's space, you let your eyes drift closed. You were almost asleep when you heard the door creak open.
"Y/N?" Dean whispered, seeing if you were awake. You almost didn't answer him. You knew he would probably want to talk about his brother, and you weren't sure you had the energy to tackle that tonight.
"I'm awake." You decided to answer, turning farther on your side so you could see him. He turned the light on, and came over to the bed, gently sitting on the edge, facing you.
"I was surprised when you didn't come find me." He told you, brushing your hair back from your face. "I wasn't sure if you were still talking to Sam."
"No, I finished about five minutes ago." You answered, before yawning.
He nodded. "How did it go?"
You sighed. "It went as well as expected. He said everything's going well. And no, he doesn't feel left out or stressed because of whats happened with the two of us. He's just worried about you."
He nodded. "Well, did you tell him not to take it too hard, to not worry about it as much? We all want me to be cured, but I don't want him to kill himself over it."
"He said he's gonna take a hunt on his own tomorrow. Wants some time to himself, but it's not a big hunt. " You told him, as he slipped off his shoes, jeans and flannel before sliding into bed next to you. He pulled you close, letting you rest your head upon his chest.
"Maybe I should go ask him if he wants me to go with him." Dean suggested, but you shook his head.
"Dean, let him do this. We can go to a movie, or bowling or something." You replied.
"Fine, but I'm not going to promise I will stay away the entire time. I don't want anything happening to him." He answered, and you knew it was the best he was going to give you.
Tilting your head up, you pressed a slow, lingering kiss on Dean's lip, nibbling on his bottom lip, before snuggling back up to his chest, his arm tight around you. "Night Dean." You whispered.
You felt him kiss the top of your head. "Night sweetheart."
The next morning you woke to find the bed empty. Rubbing your hand against the sheets, you noticed they were still warm, and you knew Dean hadn't been gone long. Stretching, you slowly made your way out of bed, when you noticed a note propped up on the nightstand.
"I've decided I didn't want Sam to have all the fun. He already left, but I'm on my way to catch up with him. Text me when you're awake."
Cussing under your breath, you slipped on yesterday's clothes, and ran out of the room, straight for the garage. Maybe you could catch Dean before he left. Your boots in your hand, you skidded around the corners in your socked feet, smashing hard into the opposite wall.
Cussing the bruise that was going to show up on your shoulder, you finally made it into the garage just as you heard the roar of the Impala. Dean had his head turned, glancing over his shoulder as he started to back the Impala out, and you rushed forward, opening the door and jumping in.
"Damn it Y/N, you scared the shit out of me." He cussed, slamming on the brakes, causing you, in your haste, to slam forward, your head hitting the side of the steering wheel.
"Shit. Y/N, are you alright?" He asks, helping you sit up. You nod, rubbing the bump that was already forming on your temple.
"Yeah. But Dean, why are you doing this? Sam said he wanted to do this on his own." You asked, sitting sideways so you could face him.
"I know. But I just have a bad feeling about it." He answered. "Now are you coming with, or staying behind?"
Buckling your seat belt was your answer, and Dean once again started backing the car out of the garage. "How do you even know were to go?"
He held up a small hotel notebook, with a pencil rubbing showcasing the hidden message. "That's how."
You knew it was about a two hour ride to the house, and you went to pull your phone out to warn Sam. Patting your pockets, you realized they were empty. "Damn it Dean. I left my phone, everything, behind."
He just shrugged as he headed down the highway, and you leaned against the window, deciding that you could catch a few more hours of sleep.
"Rise and shine Y/N!" Dean yelled at you, and you jumped away, wiping the drool from the side of your mouth. You glanced around, noticing you were in an older neighborhood, the homes mostly two story and from the turn of the century.
"We're here? Already?" You asked, yawning.
"Yeah, sleepyhead. You slept the entire way." Dean teased you. Just then a hand appeared on your window, startling you.
"Sam!" You exclaimed, opening your door so he could lean in.
"What are you two doing here?" He asked, but his gaze was on you, a frown on his face.
"Well, I thought you might need some backup." Dean replied.
"I told you I could handle it. It doesn't have anything to do with monsters." Sam explained.
"Well than what the hell are you doing here?" Dean asked, a frown appearing on his face as he realized he might have driven all this way for nothing.
Sam sighed. "It's an item. This used to be a Men of Letter's chapter house, and supposedly there is a book here that I wanted to take back home for safekeeping."
Dean nodded, before opening his door and sliding out. "Well, let's get to it than."
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