Shaking your head to try and clear it, you glanced at Dean again, knowing you had to have been wrong. There was no way the righteous hunter Dean Winchester would ever turn into a Demon. It had to of been a trick of the light, or maybe your exhausted and overworked mind playing tricks on you. Because you weren't sure you could handle the man you had loved being a Demon.
"Did you miss me Y/N?" Dean asked, coming to stand next to you, leaning down so his eyes were level with your own. Green eyes that you had dreamed about, knowing you would never see them again, were now a deep black.
"You're not Dean. What did you do with him?" You asked, finding a burst of energy, enough that you sat up a little, your voice stronger and more assured.
A sly smile covered his face. "Oh sweetheart, it's the new and improved me." Dean smirked before going and standing by Crowley once again.
Crowley stood up to leave, and Dean moved to follow him, shocking you. You weren't even important enough to warrant a conversation, or even an explanation, and it hurt.
Before Crowley left the room, he turned and glanced at you, before catching Sally's gaze.
"My liege, you brought her here, she is slowly becoming a burden to us. What would you like me to do?" She asked as if you weren't even in the room. The sad thing was you didn't even have enough energy to argue. You had used it on Dean. You knew you were done for, it was just a matter of time until they threw you out with the rest of the garbage.
Crowley really looked at you then, noticing how you could barely even hold yourself up in the chair. "I know this will come back to haunt me, but I don't care. Use her just like the rest of them, then let some poor vampire finish her off."
"Crowley." You heard yourself begging, falling out of the chair as you tried to ask for help.
"Bye love." He said, before slamming the door shut behind him. Dean had already left, not caring to stick around and here about your fate.
Sally came over, helping you back to your feet. "Here take this. It's usually never used for waitresses, but you are one of the favorites, and I would like you to last a little longer."
Taking the small purple pill, you immediately felt a difference. You felt energy coursing through your body, and for the first time in weeks you felt more like yourself again.
"This isn't a permanent fix, it will last a couple of hours. Now go out there, and get busy, it's Friday night. But no more feedings today."
You followed Sally's orders, making your way to the club floor, which was packed with monsters. Today you were supposed to be In charge of drinks, and you headed to the back of the bar to grab your apron and serving platter. Heading to your first table, you tried to ignore the fact that Crowley and Dean were sitting at a table further down.
The club was so busy it was easy to ignore them at first, you were run ragged hauling drinks back and forth. Customers were demanding, and you had to pry hands off of your body more than a handful of times. Each time you would glance over, wondering if Dean had noticed, and if he was bothered by it. Every time you glanced over, Dean would have a new shot of whiskey in front of him, and one of the waitresses in his hands. It made you frustrated, and even though you had long given up hope that you would be rescued, it still hurt to see the man of your dreams that disinterested. Even if it was a Demon in his body.
It was then you came up with an idea. You would wait to see if Crowley would leave, then try to sneak behind Dean, and perform an exorcism. If any of the club workers saw you, you would be dead for sure, but it was worth a shot. If Dean was in trouble, you needed to save him, and then hopefully in return he would rescue you.
An hour passed before Crowley made any sign of movement. You had started to worry, your shift was due to end in an hour, and you weren't allowed on the floor after your shift. They didn't want you mingling for free. Once he stood up and moved back towards Sally's office, you started circling behind Dean, acting as if you were working, but brushing away the hands that would reach for you.
Finally, you were behind Dean, close enough to perform the exorcism, but far enough away to not make it obvious. "Exorcizamus te omnis immundus spiritus..." You started but were interrupted by a deep voice in your ear. You had been so busy concentrating on the exorcism, you hadn't noticed that Dean had moved, lightning fast, next to you.
"I wouldn't do that sweetheart, it's really me." Dean said, gripping your arm so tight that you knew there would be bruises.
"It can't be!" You sobbed, wondering what would happen next. Would he snap your neck, or worse, pretend he didn't care about you anymore.
"You see, after you ran away, I tried to kill Metatron, and all I got was stabbed in the chest. But the Mark doesn't want me to die, so here I am, and I'm loving it." Dean growled in your ear, just as Crowley returned.
"A problem Dean?" He asked, bored.
Dean glanced down at you, his eyes turning black, attempting to shock you again. You stayed silent, not wanting to give him the result he was looking for. He frowned, before turning to Crowley. "I want her to come with us."
Crowley raised his eyebrow, shocked and confused. "Why? She left you, she doesn't care about you any more, she's better left here than anywhere else." Crowley tried explaining.
"Crowley, that's not true! " You tried to argue, but both men ignored you.
Dean just shrugged. "Exactly. Because she left me when the Mark made me violent. If she thought I was violent then, she needs to see me now. And I still have some lessons to teach her."
With that, Dean pulled you with him, towards the door you had never been close enough to, one that had always stated freedom to you. This wasn't how you expected freedom, and you feared you were going from one horrible situation to another.
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