Slowly coming to, you felt heavy and warm. You laid there, your eyes closed, as you thought back to the last thing you remembered. There was the memory of the knife in your hand, and Castiel showing up, saying he could transfer the curse. The curse, you remembered it, how it had made you want nothing more than to make Crowley happy. You tried to think about Crowley, to see if you were still obsessing over him, but he didn't draw the slightest bit of interest from you.
Stretching, you slowly blinked your eyes open, realizing you were wrapped in a cocoon of Dean. Sometime during the time you had both been passed out, Dean had rolled over, and wrapped himself tightly around you, pulling you to his chest. Your legs were tangled with his, and the blanket had been pushed to your feet.
His head was resting on yours, and he was still sound asleep. You wished you could stay that way with him all day, but your bladder was telling you something different. Groaning, you began the hard task of detangling yourself from his grasp. He moaned, and reached for you, but you were already sliding off the bed.
As you made your way to the bathroom, his voice stopped you. "Y/N, where are you going?"
Glancing over your shoulder, you saw he had propped himself up, and was staring at you with sleepy puppy dog eyes. "Dean, I have to use the bathroom."
He nodded, "Well, hurry up and come back. I miss you."
Shaking your head at his silliness, you did your business, deciding to brush your teeth while you were at it. When you returned, you watched with concern as he exhaled a deep breath, his eyes glazed over with worry. "Dean, what's a matter?" You asked, concerned.
"You were gone too long, I was beginning to worry." He told you, holding his arm out, expecting you to slide into bed with him again.
Instead, you explained to him. "I'm gonna go see if Cas is still here. I'm not sure what he did last night, but something feels off."
He nodded, before hopping out of bed. "Well, I'm coming with you." The two of you were still dressed in yesterday's clothes, so neither of you decided to change. Instead, you made your way down the hallway, your hand firmly grasped in Dean's, his choice, not yours.
Cas was still there, he was sitting at the table with Sam, who was busy tapping away at his laptop. Heading straight over to the coffee pot, you poured you and Dean a cup of coffee. Handing it to him, you were surprised when he heartily thanked you for it.
"Sure." You muttered, before turning to Cas.
"Y/N, how do you feel this morning?" He asked you, his blue eyes squinting as he took you in.
"I don't know. I mean, I don't really feel a connection to Crowley anymore, I could care less about him." You started.
Sam looked up then, a bright smile on his face. "Well, that's a good thing, right?"
You nodded, before moving to sit down across from him, Dean following in your footsteps. "True, but something feels off still. And I'm not sure exactly what it is." You told them, tilting your head towards Dean, trying to give them a subtle hint. You didn't want to exactly come out and say that Dean was acting weird, it might hurt his feelings.
You were actually surprised when Cas understood what you were trying to say. "Hmm, something does seem different. May I?" He asked, placing a hand on each of your foreheads.
You didn't feel anything, but you just sat there as he conducted his research, but when he pulled back he wasn't smiling. "What is it Cas?" You asked, but he shook his head, before glancing down at Dean.
Sam got the hint. "Dean, why don't you go hop in the shower, or something? I think I might have found us a hunt nearby." He told Dean, but Dean just glanced at you.
"It's alright Dean. I will be right here. You go ahead." You told him, and he reluctantly got out of the chair, and made his way out of the room, acting sort of like a kicked puppy.
As soon as he was gone, you turned to Cas. "What the hell is going on? As soon as I woke up, he was like this. Never wanting to leave me alone, being clingy."
Cas nodded, a frown on his face. "I think last night, when we tried to transfer the curse so you were obsessed with Dean instead of Crowley, it back fired. And now Dean is obsessed over you."
Sam laughed at that, and you both looked at him. "Well, he's always been obsessed with Y/N. What is the difference?"
Cas sighed. "Well, this time, I think he will not want to do anything without her permission, or be out of her sight. It seems that when it was transferred, it amped up that part of the spell. I'm sorry."
You rubbed your hand against your forehead, feeling a huge headache starting. "So now what?"
"We wait. I think since you two are in constant contact anyways, and in love, the spell's duration will be short. It wasn't meant for an actual couple." He explained.
You sat down, gulping down the rest of your coffee in a single shot. "So, now I just have to deal with an obsessive, possessive Dean. Should be fun." You moaned, just as you heard your name being yelled from down the hall.
"Alright, I gotta go. I don't want him harming himself. But Cas, if this lasts longer than a week, I'm taking it out on you." You threatened, before leaving the kitchen, and making your way to Dean's room, where he stood in the middle of it.
"Dean, what's wrong?" You asked, glancing around to find out why he screamed your name.
He smiled sheepishly at you. "I missed you. Why didn't you come back with me?"
Running your fingers through your hair, you answered him. "Because I needed to talk to Cas. Why aren't you in the shower yet?"
He looked down, a little embarrassed at himself. "Because it didn't feel right. Not having you here with me. I need you here with me."
"Alright, big boy. Let's get you in the shower." You told him, watching as a big smile crossed his face. You hoped that Cas was right, and the spell would wear off soon. You loved Dean, but this dependent, winy Dean was going to be tough to handle.
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