"Sam, how are we going to get it translated? Because Charlie is the best code breaker I know, and she couldn't even begin to touch it." You told him, pushing your plate away. You were no longer hungry.
"I'm working on that. But please, don't tell anything to Dean. He was so adamant back there that we burn the book. I can't even imagine how pissed he would be if he found out." Sam said quietly, desperate but upset that he had to sneak around his brother.
You sighed. You didn't want to lie to Dean, not at all, but on the other hand, you were with Sam. What if this book gave you the opportunity to save him? "Fine. I don't like this, and I'm not very good at lying, especially to Dean. But we need the Mark gone, and if this can help, I guess it's a chance we have to take."
Without another word, you stood up, tossing what was left of your sandwich into the trash, smiling at Sam before you left the kitchen. If you had thought you were tired before hand, you were exhausted now, the lie sitting heavy on your chest, and you haven't even had to face Dean yet.
You stopped in front of the door, not sure you were ready to face him. He knew you so well, that with one look at your face he could probably tell something was wrong. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself. Not sure if it worked or not, you opened the door to a dark room, the only light coming from the bathroom. Dean was already sprawled on the bed, laying on his stomach, the covers pulled up to his waist.
Slipping into the room, you grabbed a t-shirt from the dresser, and changed in the bathroom. Leaving your clothes in a pile next to the door, you stood at the edge of the bed for a moment, staring down at Dean. In sleep he looked so peaceful, so much younger, as if he wasn't this big, bad hunter. You loved seeing him like this, with his guard down, his long eyelashes fluttering against his cheek. Slipping under the covers, you turned on your side, facing Dean.
His eyes fluttered open as he felt the movement of the bed, and he gave you a half-hearted smile. "There you are." He murmured, lifting his hand to place it gently on your cheek.
"Sorry, I was hungry." You told him.
"Mmm." He answered, his eyes closing. Before he was fully asleep, he turned onto his back, pulling you to nestle against his chest. You splayed your hand across his chest, your previous worries forgotten as you slowly drifted to sleep.
The next morning, you felt the brush of fingers as Dean ran his hand up and down your arm. You stirred, burrowing yourself deeper against his chest, not ready to wake up yet.
"Morning sleepy head." He told you, pressing a kiss against the top of your head.
You shook your head. "No, it's too early." You muttered, wanting more sleep.
You felt his chest rumble as he laughed. "Y/N, it's ten o'clock. We never sleep in this late."
Sighing, you tilted your head up. "Really? You let me sleep in that late?"
He nodded, before slowly untangling himself from you, standing up and heading towards the bathroom. "Yep, I thought you could use it."
You stood up too, grabbing a pair of pants, and heading out to the kitchen. You figured since Dean was so nice to let you sleep in, the least you could was feed him brunch.
Sam was in the kitchen when you arrived. "Did you even go to sleep last night?" You teased him, but he was busy glancing behind you.
"Is Dean coming?" He asked you, his eyes trained on the door.
You shook your head, pouring a cup of coffee. "Not yet, he was hoping in the shower first."
Grabbing eggs and milk from the fridge, you decided to make french toast, but you stopped when you heard Sam's voice. "Good, cause I need you to cover for me."
"What?" You asked, your voice raising. Glancing at the door, you lowered it, setting the items on the counter.
"I think I have someone who may be able to translate the text. Or at least have an idea of what to do. I need to go meet her, but I don't want Dean to know." He told you, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes.
"Sam, you are so going to get me in trouble!" You hissed at him. "Who is this lady? Can we trust her?"
He shrugged, his gaze leading away from you, and you knew then, he was ashamed of what he was doing. "Sam, who is she?" You asked again.
"It's Rowena okay? I know, she's an evil witch, and Crowley's Mom, but she's also a powerful, ancient witch who knows a lot of things." He explained, pleading with you to understand.
"What is the price? Because you know she is going to ask for a price." You asked him, turning back to brunch, anything to get your mind off of what Sam was telling you.
"I don't know. That's why I need to meet with her. See if it's even plausible. I just need you to cover me, tell Dean I went on errands for you, something." He begged.
Pointing the spatula at him, you warned him. "Fine, I will do this. Because I want Dean cured just as much as you. But promise me you won't trust her, at all."
"I won't. And thank you Y/N." He told you.
"Don't thank me. Not yet. Now about those errands." You said, dropping the first piece of toast into the pan.
"What errands?" Dean asked, stepping through the door, his face lighting up as he realized what you were cooking.
"Sam is going to run some errands for me today. Just some stuff I need." You told him, as Dean came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you.
"Sam, need me to come with?" Dean asked, almost drooling as the first piece was done. Sam was standing up by that time, heading out the door.
"No thanks, I can run these myself. And this way, you and Y/N can have some time together, without your brother being the third wheel." He threw over his shoulder, rushing out of the room.
Dean shook his head, grabbing a plate and dishing up the piping hot food. "What got into him?" He asked, and you sighed, hoping Sam wasn't going to get the two of you into too much trouble.
**Hope this doesn't suck too much, because I wrote half of it during my lunch break!**
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