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After that evening spent munching on pie with Dean, you were ready to go hide in your room and crash. It had been wonderful, spending time with Dean, both of you getting used to being around each other again, but you were still exhausted. It was easier, being around Dean, but you still felt your body tense, especially when he moved, and you had to fight to make yourself relax, and not flinch every time his hand moved your way. It was hard, and tiring, but worth it in the end, seeing Dean's face lighten up as the evening went on, some of the guilt and self hatred slowly slip from the set of his shoulders, and the depth of his eyes.
So when they both kicked their feet up, and the whiskey started pouring, you excused yourself, making a beeline for your room. Once there you took a deep breath, before changing into your sleep clothes, before laying on your bed, finally relaxing for the first time since the brothers had arrived back home.
You thought back to the afternoon, so grateful that things had gone so well with you and Dean. You had loved being able to jump in his arms and hug him, going with your instinct. But every other time, you had to force yourself to move near him, to not jump when he placed his hand on yours. You knew it was only a matter of time before Dean figured out you were acting, but you hoped it would turn into something more, like old times, before that happened.
Sleep that night had been slow to come, your brain refusing to power down, instead deciding to bring every little thing back to light, running it full speed through your head. You tossed and turned, the covers tangling around you, until finally you fell into a restless sleep.
The next morning, you drug yourself out of bed, feeling as if you hadn't slept a wink. Throwing on a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt, you moved towards the kitchen, where Sam and Dean were already busy eating breakfast and reading the paper.
You poured yourself a cup of coffee, before deciding to make yourself some toast. While you bustled around the kitchen, Sam stayed glued to his paper, but you felt Dean's eyes on you, following you everywhere. Before you sat down, you heard Sam exclaim from behind you.
"I think I found us a job. It's two states over, but people have been dying mysteriously, and the autopsy show their brains have shriveled up. So far four people have died." Sam told you, as you and Dean listened on.
"So, we're thinking a wraith?" Dean asked, as you sat down across from him, next to Sam. If he noticed you hadn't sat down in your usual spot next to him, he didn't say anything. "The last we hunted made us crazy for a while."
"So, let's finish breakfast and we'll go." You replied, before taking a big bite of your toast, ready to get out of the bunker, and back to some sort of normalcy. You were itching to hunt, to get away, back on the road, where there was nothing but the three of you travelling along in the Impala.
But as you eagerly took your next bite, you didn't miss the look the two brothers shared in between them. "What?" You asked.
"Y/N, it's not that we don't want you to go hunting. But you've had some crappy things happen to you recently, and you've been off of hunting for a while now." Sam told you, before shoveling a mouthful of granola into his mouth.
Dean stayed silent, knowing he was treading very lightly here. He had no right to keep you from hunting when he had just gone through as much as you had.
"So? There's no time like the present to get back in the saddle again." You told them.
"We just don't want you to get hurt." Dean finally spoke up, his green eyes watching you carefully, trying to gauge your reaction. "Why don't you stay behind, then when we get back, we can train, get you ready for the next hunt."
Taking a deep breath, you shook your head. "No. I'm coming with. I can at least help with research, and then be backup if you need it. I promise I won't push myself too hard."
Sam and Dean both shared another look, before sighing, and you knew you had won. "Fine, you can come with. But you are strictly on research. Got it?" Dean gave in, as you knew he would. He could never say no to you.
The three of you quickly finished your breakfast, before separating, each one heading to their room to pack for the trip. You were the first one to the Impala, your bag thrown in the back, seated in the back seat, a book on your lap, as you waited for Sam and Dean to show up.
Within five minutes, they were packed and ready to go, and the Impala was heading down the road. Sam was staring out the window, while Dean was busy studying the road, the radio silent for once. It was oddly quiet, and uncomfortable.
"Dean, some music please?" You begged, needing something to break the silence. Dean complied, turning it on, and an old Bob Seger song started playing. At first, you just listened along, enjoying the tempo, but soon you felt yourself tapping your fingers to the rhythm, humming along.
Dean caught your glance in the rear view mirror, smiling as he noticed how much you were enjoying the song. Soon, the two of you started singing along, you leaning forward, ignoring Sam's annoyed face. The song soon switched to another one, but it had done it's job. The three of you were more relaxed now, and you leaned back, your head against the window, ready to enjoy the road trip.
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