You sat there watching Sam, wondering what you had done wrong, if you had read him wrong. He had seemed so nice, so willing to help you, and he knew you too. You had just assumed that there might be something between the two of you, but the look of absolute horror on his face was enough to nix that idea. "Sam?" You asked, wanting him to say something, anything.
His face was bright red, his mouth hanging open as he stared at you. But what you also noticed was he was healed as well, no more hideous black veins crawling up his neck. "Y/N, you know we can't do that, right? I'm the wrong brother. If Dean finds out we kissed, or almost kissed, he will have my head. He won't care if you don't have your memory or not!"
"No, I don't know anything. I don't remember anything! I wish I did. But you were here, you were so nice, helping me, and we just seemed like we had been close at one point. And I don't even know this Dean guy. I just assumed..." You said, your voice trailing off at the end. You knew what people said about assumptions, but it had just seemed so obvious.
He stood up, running his hand through his hair as he came over to you. Holding his hand out, he pulled you off of the floor, before patting you awkwardly on the shoulder. "I know, and we will figure this out. But you love Dean, my brother. Just wait and see. Maybe when you see him all your memories will come back."
You nodded, just as his phone rang in his pocket. "Speaking of which." Sam said, before pressing the green button. "Hey Dean."
You listened to Sam's side of the conversation, not understanding much. Supposedly Dean was helping an officer lady with a baby, and it was taking longer than he thought.
"Yeah, I'm fine here. But hurry up because I have a surprise here for you. And I think it's better if you see it in person, than me telling you over the phone." Sam told Dean, his gaze on you.
"Nope, that's all I'm going to say. I found a cure, and I'm going to try to help these people until you get your butt back here." Sam said before hanging up.
"Why didn't you tell him about me?" You asked curiously. Sam just shrugged as he put his phone away. He turned to the table grabbing his bag, and an old urn.
"Because it's not something I want to talk about over the phone. Now, come on. You can help me try to help these people."
You followed along because you weren't sure what else to do. Sam lead the way carefully back down to the chapel you had been in earlier. Once inside, you stood off to the side, watching as he moved all the furniture out of the way, before pulling the urn out. He began pouring a clear, yellowish liquid on the floor in a huge circle.
"What are you doing?" You asked him, wondering if maybe he had some after effects of the illness making his mind fuzzy.
"It's holy oil. When lit, it's what cured you and me. We're going to try to lure some of the people infected into here, and cure them." He told you, as he set up his phone with a make shift speaker.
"What do you want me to do?" You asked, as a video clip started playing loudly in the room.
Looking proud with himself, he pointed to the doors. "Why don't you stand hidden, by the doors. Then when they come in, you can close them, locking them in here."
"Isn't that dangerous?" You asked, earning a deep chuckle from the man.
"Yeah, but it's the only way I can think of to cure these people." He answered, moving off to the other side of the door, a lighter held in his hand.
You moved too, standing in the shadows near the door on the right. "Sam, you are such a good person. Like truly. Most people wouldn't think twice about saving those already infected."
He shrugged off your complement, seeming like he was doing nothing spectacular. Before you could say more, you heard shuffling footsteps in the hallway, and Sam placed a finger on his lip, warning you to be quiet. You nodded, more than a little nervous, as people began shuffling into the room.
They didn't notice either of you, which you were extremely grateful for. They walked right into your circle, and that's when Sam nodded. Slamming the door shut, you backed up, back into the shadows, as Sam strode forward. Each person had the thick black veins climbing their neck, looking almost like a zombie, their eyes blank. Sam lit the circle, and the fire spread completely around it. You could hear the disgruntled groans and moan coming from the people inside, turning to screams as their black veins started to burn away.
You hadn't been conscious enough when Sam had healed you, so you were very curious about what was going on in front of you. It took only moments, but the veins faded away, the people's eyes once again lucid as they glanced around the room.
"Are we..." One young girl asked Sam, as the two of you stepped out of the shadows.
"Yes, you're healed." He said, as the holy fire's flame started to burn down, before there was nothing left.
"Thank you!" Each person said, as they tried to check their necks. Sam gave them a smile before grabbing his phone, and turning to you.
"Come on. Dean should be here by now." He told you. You followed him out the door, and to the front of the hospital, your heart full of trepidation at seeing this man you were told meant so much to you. Would seeing him make your memories come back? Or would he be upset that you couldn't remember him. You almost wanted to turn around, go back into the safety of the chapel. But in your heart you knew you weren't a coward.
Taking a deep breath, you watched as Sam pushed the front door open, and you followed him down the short stairs. There was a shiny, black car parked out front, a man leaning against it. You stayed behind Sam, not wanting to see this man until you absolutely had to.
"So Sam, what's the surprise?" A very familiar deep voice said, surprising you with how familiar it sounded.
Sam seemed surprised that this man couldn't see you, but then he realized you were hiding behind him. Without giving you a choice, he stepped to the side, leaving you in plain sight of Dean.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, rushing forward to take you in his arms, but you stepped back, still a little unsure. Sure his voice sounded familiar, and his green eyes were hauntingly familiar, but you weren't sure. "Where have you been?"
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