Attack Dog
You felt horrible for Cas. Even after a shower, and some new clothes, he still looked like just a shell of the powerful Angel he was. His entire body trembled, even wrapped in a heavy wool blanket, his eyes bloodshot, dark circles underneath.
At one point, you had gone over to help him, wanting nothing more than to soothe your friend, but the spell became too much for him to handle, and he jumped you, wrapping his hands around your neck, attempting to choke you. Both Sam and Dean had to pull him off, and he fought their hold, growling at you, as if he was a dog. You scooted back, trying to get away from him, each breath painful through your battered throat. Dean finally pulled out a pair of handcuffs, chaining him to the spot so he couldn't hurt himself, or anyone else.
After he was secured, Dean came over to check on you, wrapping you up tightly in his arms. "Y/N, are you alright?" He asked, as he took in the bruises that were already beginning to form on your neck.
"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. But we need to find a cure, or Rowena, quick." You stated, as Cas started convulsing in his chair, before toppling over.
"Cas!" Dean exclaimed, rushing from you over to the fallen Angel, helping him back into his chair. "What was that?"
"I think the spell is strengthening." He stuttered. "I feel like my insides have gone through a food processor."
"You know what one of those are?" Dean asked, before Sam smacked his shoulder.
You sat down at the table, opening the laptop, looking for any sort of clues, or whereabouts of Rowena. It wasn't long before something jumped out at you. "Hey guys, look at this!"
Dean came to stand behind you, his hand resting comfortably on your shoulder. It was an article about a restaurant, and how these ladies were killed by a man. A man witnesses swore was wearing black contacts. "Hey, witches. There was one survivor. Maybe she will have an idea where Rowena is, or at least maybe a counter spell."
"The restaurant does seem like something Rowena would frequent." Sam agreed. "Let's go."
"But guys." You argued, what should we do about Cas? I don't want to just leave him there, chained up by himself."
Dean looked over at Cas, who was sitting there, his head tilted back, his eyes closed in pain. "We could lock him in the dungeon?"
"Why don't you two go, I'll stay back and keep an eye on our friend." You suggested, already seeing the frown form on Dean's face. You knew he wouldn't like your suggestion, but you weren't sure what else you could do.
"No, Y/N, he just attacked you. I can't have that happen again." Dean argued, just like you knew he would.
Sighing, you turned around in your seat, giving Dean a look that told him you were done with his arguing. "I won't let it happen again. We will keep him handcuffed, and I promise I won't get too close. But we need someone here, and if worse comes to worse, I can try to transport him to where you are instead of bringing Rowena here."
Dean pulled you to your feet, holding you tight to him. "I don't like it, but it's the best plan we have." He whispered into your ear. "Just please be careful, and check in with me a lot. I feel like our relationship is finally in the green, and I don't want anything to happen."
"Dean, don't worry. I will be careful. Now go get that witch, and hurry back to me." You ordered him, and he gave you a quick peck on the cheeks before leaving to follow Sam. Sighing, you sat back down in the chair, sharing stares with Cas.
"Y/N, you should have gone with them. It isn't safe her with me, I'm not safe. You should've locked me in the dungeon." He pleaded with you, but you shook your head.
"No Cas, you're our friend, I couldn't do that to you. Now why don't you try to relax." You told him, before turning back to your laptop, figuring you could use the free time to see if you could find anything about Amara, and how to defeat her.
Hours later, you finally received a call from Dean, saying they had cased the wrecked restaurant, and were currently getting ready to interview the witness, who they were pretty sure was a witch also.
"How's Cas?" He asked you, and you peered at the sleeping man.
"I don't know. He feel asleep shortly after you guys left, and hasn't woken up since. I'm afraid to get to close, to see if he's breathing." You admitted.
"Don't. Stay back. He's probably just exhausted from the spell." Dean ordered from hundreds of miles away.
Shutting your laptop, you leaned back in your chair. "Dean, I wasn't going anywhere close, I'm not that stupid." You replied.
"I know you aren't. Listen, I've got to go. I'll let you know when we're done here." He said, before hanging up.
Your stomach rumbling, you gave one last glance to the sleeping Cas, before heading into the kitchen. Rattling around the pots and pans, you decided to make a quick batch of mac and cheese, wanting some comfort food. Turning the radio on, you waited for the water to boil, humming along to the random song.
Turning to grab the milk from the fridge, you froze in your spot, your heart beating fast as you found Cas leaning against the door frame. He was breathing heavily, his eyes even more red if that was possible, the lines in his forehead prominent as he frowned at you.
"Y/N." He croaked, taking a step towards you, and you stepped back.
"Cas, let's go back out into the library, get you back in that chair where you will be safe." You tried reasoning with him, but he continued taking slow agonizing steps your way, blocking the only exist. Grabbing the knife next to you, you said a brief prayer that you wouldn't have to use it.
"Y/N, it's too late. I need to get out of here." He said, before closing the gap between you, grasping you in his arms.
"Cas!" You exclaimed, just as your phone in your pocket started going off. "Cas, let me go!"
"Give me your keys! I need to leave here." He kept repeating over and over, and you pointed to the table, where you had laid them down last night. Without letting go of you, he reached over and grasped them.
Raising the knife, your hand shaking, you pleaded with him again. "Cas, please, don't make me do this."
He saw the knife, and he grabbed your wrist, squeezing until you had no choice but to drop it.
His other hand grabbed your hair, yanking your head back, and you felt it connect with the corner of the counter. Pain exploded in your head, ringing sounds from both it and your phone running through your head before you felt yourself go limp in Cas' arms.
"Ughh." You groaned as you came to with a start. Your head was pounding, and the person driving wasn't making it any better as they took turns way too fast. Opening your eyes, you watched as Cas drove your car down deserted streets, turning sharply enough that you kept hitting your head against the window.
"Cas, where are we going?" You asked him, your brain still foggy.
"Must find Metatron." He said, his voice even hoarser than usual, and that's what triggered your memories. Cas was still under the watch dog spell, and you were currently trapped in the vehicle with him. With a man that could turn on you at any moment.
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