I Missed You- Chapter 14
I Missed You
Chapter 14
On the train back to Hogwarts for her 6th year, Jilli couldn't believe the change in Draco over the summer. He didn't speak to her; he didn't speak to hardly anyone. He looked a lot paler than usual and his clothing had changed. Draco was wearing a black designer suit; in fact everything about him seemed black and dark. He acted and looked a lot older, as if the weight of what happened with his father had aged him, he was now the man in charge of his family. In all he looked very sinister and unapproachable, nothing like the young man she had known last year.
Draco also was not the same obnoxious bully, he didn't mess with anyone. He kept to himself. He wouldn't even look Jillianne's way, even when she passed by him in the great hall for the sorting and feast.
After the feast Jilli headed to the Slytherin common, she wanted to speak with Draco, but he was nowhere to be found. Jilli saw Crabbe and Goyle sitting near the fire; she normally didn't bother with them.
“Hey, have you guys seen Draco?”
“No,” Goyle said smartly, “we're not his keeper.”
“Why are you asking Ashwood? You never cared to have anything to do with Draco,” Pansy Parkinson spoke-up from nearby.
“Well, if you must know, I had noticed he left the feast earlier,” Jilli replied smartly.
“You just leave Draco alone,” Pansy warned, “he doesn't want to have anything to do with a Potter-loving, blood-traitor like you!”
“Whatever Parkinson, we'll see about that,” Jilli bit back, not really wanting to waste her time with the jealous, wanna-be Mrs. Draco Malfoy.
Jilli went on up to her dorm to look over her class schedule and get ready for her 1st day.
Draco was still not speaking and he was paying no attention to her at all. He still seemed withdrawn, weighed down by something heavy on his mind. They only had a few classes together. Transfiguration, Advance Potions with the new Professor Slughorn, and Defense Against the Dark Arts with none other than Prof. Snape. Draco would sit in the back during their classes so Jilli couldn't see him without making it obvious. She had tried a few times to catch him after class but he was always long gone.
Things rocked on and Jilli tried out again for the Slytherin Quidditch team. This time she made the team. She wondered if Draco had anything to do with it only to discover that he was not on the team this year. Draco had enjoyed being the Slytherin seeker. Something was going on and she had to find out what.
Jilli had given up on trying to catch him after class or at meals because he was hardly ever around. She decided that since she could never catch him in the common room she would wait-up at night to see when he came in. she knew she couldn't really search Hogwarts because it was too big.
After everyone else went to bed, Jilli made her way downstairs. Mr. Muffins came with her and she curled up on the large sofa by the fire. She was in her night clothes but she didn't care, she had to try and talk to him. She tried to read a bit but it was getting late and she was sleepy.
Jilli had almost dozed off when she heard the door open. It was somewhat dark in the common room because the fire had burned down and she had doused the candles. It was Draco but he hadn't seen her. She quietly got up and headed toward him. He headed for the stairs when Jilli reached out, grabbing his arm. He swung his wand around and up; it almost was touching her throat.
“Hello, Draco,” Jilli said sweetly when the wand lit her face.
“Jillianne, you shouldn't do that,” he said nervously, “I could have hurt you.”
“Well, obviously it's the only way I can get your attention. You've been avoiding me, Draco,” she said with false sweetness, really feeling very angry.
“I didn't know you wanted my attention, Jillianne,” he said with a sneer, “you made it perfectly clear before summer that you wanted me to leave you alone. I thought it was a certain eye-glass wearing, scar-head you preferred?”
“Since when does Draco Malfoy respect what someone else wants? And since when does he not like Quidditch. Why did you quit the team?” Jilli shouted.
“I've got other things to do now that is none of your concern. And as far as Quidditch, I was tired of it.” Draco smarted.
“That's bullshit, Draco,” she said angrily, “you love Quidditch.”
“By the way,” Draco said looking her in the eyes, his silver-blue eyes always did make her feel a little weak when he looked at her deeply, “Congrats on finally making the team, you deserve it. You deserved it a long time ago, no thanks to me.”
“Thank you,” Jilli looked at him deeply, her own violet eyes lightening up to a pale amythest since she was calming down, “Look Draco, I know about your father and I'm sorry.”
Draco ran his hand back through his hair and looked away.
“If you need someone to talk to or just be there for you, you can count on me,” she said softly, taking his hand.
It felt so good, her hand holding his. Draco needed Jilli now more than anything. But he also needed distance from her. He didn't really feel he deserved her kindness or love. He jerked his hand free.
“What about you and Potter,” he said with a sneer, “you both seemed to be hitting it off pretty well before summer, despite the fact that you are betrothed to me.”
Jilli was getting angry with him again, her eyes turing a dark purple, “Harry and I are just friends. And as I recall I am still supposed to be marrying you one day, has something changed that I need to know about?”
“Nothing’s changed,” he said quietly, “although you would probably be better off with Potter.”
Now why would he say something like that, Jilli thought. He said nothing else and Jilli was getting frustrated, she didn't care about Harry right now, her thoughts and concerns were now on Draco.
“Look Draco,” Jilli reached up taking his face gently with both hands. He looked down at her, he was at least a whole head or more taller than her, he sure had grown over the summer, “I am worried about you. You will never talk to me, you hardly go to meals and you look like crap, except for those immaculate suits you wear that are more suited for a funeral or an assassin. Do you ever sleep? You have dark circles under your eyes and you act as if you are being tormented by dementors constantly. Please talk to me,” she pleaded.
Draco still said nothing.
“I missed you over the summer,” Jilli admitted, looking down embarrassed, “I thought about you a lot.”
Draco was stunned by this. He'd thought about Jillianne constantly since their Christmas together the year before. He wished his life were simpler, but nothing was simple anymore. He only wanted to be with Jilli like they had been, once upon a time. But things change, and with the dark lords return, Jilli could never know just how bad things were for him.
“I've missed you too,” he admitted lovingly, he couldn't help it. Draco gently caressed Jilli's cheek and then gently touched his lips to hers. And his Jillianne deepened the kiss herself, wrapping her arms around him, their tongues touching and causing the kiss to turn very passionate. Draco wondered if she realized they were made for each other, because she fit him perfectly. He had never felt this passion with any other girl and he didn't believe Jilli had ever kissed Harry this way.
Draco finally had to pull away, breathless, before things got out of hand, Jilli was still clinging to him, “You need to go to bed, and so do I,” he said roughly.
“Okay,” Jilli said, disappointed that he now didn't want her company, “will you promise me you'll eat more and stop avoiding me?” she said as she headed for the stairs, grabbing up Mr. Muffins from the sofa.
“I'll try.”
Jilli decided as she went up to her dorm that she wasn't going to leave him alone no matter what.
Draco watched her walk on up the stairs, smiling as he saw her bare feet visible under her night gown. She had never looked as adorable as she did just now, her hair braided in pigtails, wearing a simple white cotton night gown that he could almost see through, especially with the light behind her. He wished he could follow her up the stairs to her bed, even if it was just to lie there and hold her and have her hold him; that would be heaven. Draco could imagine with delight how stupefied the other Slytherins would be if he did that.
Draco Malfoy was torn. He wanted and needed Jilli so bad, but he didn't want her becoming involved with him for her own good. She was probably better off with someone else, even Potter, but those thoughts made him feel sick to his stomach. He was still selfish enough to want her all to himself. Draco still couldn't get over how much she'd changed towards him. It was as though she actually cared for him. But that was the way Jilli was. She had compassion for others, unlike most other Slytherins. That was one of the things that made her stand out to him, one of the things he liked best about her, she wasn't like him; she was herself.
Draco went up to bed, his thoughts on the platinum haired princess across the hall who held the keys to his heart and didn't even know it.
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