Can I Have One Kiss?- Chapter 8
YAY Me!!! :D Uploaded 2 chap in 1 night!!!
Can I Have One Kiss?
Chapter 8
Draco quietly opened the door to Jilli's room to check in on her. She must have been exhausted because she lay on her side, hugging a pillow to her, sound asleep. Draco walked over. Jilli had left her hair in the pony tail pulled back by a ribbon. He carefully pulled the ribbon loose trying not to wake her. She barely moved, still asleep. He gently smoothed her hair back on her pillow. She murmured something in sleep, sighed a bit. Draco pulled a blanket from the end of the bed, tucking it around her, and then gently kissed her on the cheek and then the top of her head, something he could not do if she were awake. The fragrance of lavender and vanilla from her shampoo drifted up to him. She smiled a little in her sleep, but she still did not wake-up.
Jilli woke to Rosie gently shaking her, “It's time to wake up Mistress Jilli, dinner will be served shortly.”
Jillianne sat up. She was starving and even the thought of dinner with the Malfoy's didn't affect her appetite. Jilli noticed she was covered with a blanket and her hair had been let loose from the ribbon. “Rosie, did you cover me with that blanket while I napped?” she asked the elf. “No, Ms. Jilli.” She thought she had been dreaming that someone was running their hands thru her hair and had kissed her on the cheek, it had been pleasant. Well, it was no dream. Her cheeks started turning red as she thought of who it must have been.
Oh, well. She had to get ready for dinner. Jilli quickly washed up, fixing her make-up and running a brush through her hair, wearing it down loose. She picked out a nice evening gown that fit her body snugly and looked in the long mirror.
“You look lovely mistress Jilli,” Rosie spoke-up.
“Thanks Rosie.”
“She's wrong you know,” Draco said as he entered her room, looking her over, “you look beautiful.”
Jilli turned deep red.
“That will be all Rosie,” Draco said, dismissing the house elf.
“You know you have a bad habit of sneaking into people's rooms. I just might have to start locking my door.”
“You can try,” he said with a wicked grin, “but I warn you, I've known how to apperate for over a year now.”
“Yes, but your not old enough to be doing it yet.”
“It doesn't mean I can't,” he smiled, enjoying her discomfort, “It hasn't stopped me so far.”
“Well, the least you can do is knock,” Jilli said exasperated.
“But that's no fun,” he smiled, holding his arm out to her, “I came to escort you to dinner. I didn't want you to have to come down and face them alone.”
“Thank you,” Jilli said sincerely, placing her arm on his.
“You know you keep telling me that. I'm beginning to love hearing it,” he said as they walked down the hall to the stairs.
“Don't get used to it, Malfoy,” she joked, pinching his arm that held hers.
When they made it to the huge, grand, dining room, Draco escorted her to a seat in the middle of the long table, pulling her chair out for her and pushing it in after she sat down. Narcissa and Lucius sat at either end and Draco took up the seat across from her.
The meal was delicious and the talk at the table was basically about Hogwarts and some of their family members that Jilli did not know.
“So Jillianne, I am assuming that your Grandfather told you the news about your betrothal to our Draco,” Lucius said it in that same stuck-up manner which seemed normal for him.
“Yes, Mr. Malfoy. My Grandfather did inform me, though he was very vague on the specifics.”
“Well, the specifics are this,” he looked down his nose at her as he spoke; “when you and Draco were two years old your parents and ourselves signed a marriage agreement for the both of you. The contract is binding. The only way it could be broken is if all four parents agreed to terminate the contract. We have no intentions on breaking it, and forgive me,” he sneered, “but since both your parents are dead, neither do they.”
“Lucius,” Narcissa gasped in shock.
“The betrothal agreement stands,” he said harshly, letting Jilli know the discussion was over.
Narcissa spoke-up, “Jillianne, I would be very proud to call you daughter. Not only are you lovely, but Draco tells us that you are at the top of your classes, and Prof. Snape does nothing but sing your praises. That in itself is quite an accomplishment.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy,” Jilli replied, still looking down at her plate. She was still upset from Lucius's harsh words.
“Please dear, call me Narcissa.”
“Thank you, Narcissa,” she looked up giving Draco's mother a small smile.
Jilli really liked Draco's mum. She could be a bit haughty, but yet she was kind. Jilli finished dessert and asked to be excused, but not before Narcissa made her promise to go shopping with her tomorrow, her treat.
Jilli went straight to her room. She was going to take a long, hot bath and go straight to bed. Jilli filled the tub and added some bubble bath she'd found that made lovely pink bubbles. It felt great. Normally at Hogwarts all she could do was shower, this was like heaven. She sank back into the water, laying her head back at the end of the tub.
Draco knew he really should not be going back to Jillianne's room, but he couldn't seem to stay away from her. She had looked so gorgeous tonight. He felt bad too about the way his father had talked to her. On the other hand, his mother seemed to dote on Jilli.
He knocked lightly on the door, no answer. Draco walked in, she wasn't in there. Then he heard a noise coming from the bathroom like splashing water. He knew better, but he got down in front of the keyhole and looked in. There she was with just her head and shoulders showing above the large claw-foot tub, looking like a beautiful water nymph, her hair wet and hanging over the edge of the tub. She was surrounded by pink bubbles and by the look on her face she seemed to be enjoying herself. He was about to move away when he got more than he'd hoped to see. Jilli stood up, her firm, curvy, flawless body covered here and there with pink bubbles. She had beautiful full breast, her pink nipples barely showing through some of the bubbles. When she turned Draco couldn't help notice her nice, round firm butt. She began to bathe herself with a soapy sponge, stretching like a cat while she ran the sponge over her long limbs. Draco could see everything she'd been born with, and sweat was starting to break out on his forehead. Damn, she was more beautiful than he thought. Draco was definitely beginning to get uncomfortable and becoming very turned on. He quickly stood up and left the room, going to his own room to take a cold shower.
Jilli dressed in her warm, white fleece night gown. She was sitting in front of the vanity brushing out her still damp tangled hair when there was a knock at the door, she had a feeling it was Draco, “Come in.”
It was, “You’re not going to ask who it is?” Draco had on his P.J.'s and a green Slytherin embossed flannel robe. He'd obviously showered already.
“I thought it might be you, after-all who else is it going to be, certainly not your father, that man hates me for some reason.”
“Jilli, I'm sorry about that, it's just the way he is.” Draco sat down on the long bench beside her. He took the hair brush from her hand, “May I?” he asked sweetly.
“Turn around,” Draco said and they both straddled the bench in front of the vanity while he gently began to comb the tangles from her hair.
They didn't speak.
Jilli thought how nice it felt to have someone else do this for her. If she were a cat she'd be purring right now. She couldn't remember anyone ever brushing out her hair except herself. Every once in a while Draco's arm would brush against her side and she would tingle, wondering how it might be to have those arms around her lovingly. Sure she had kissed him the first time to upset and drive Harry away, but she had been too distraught to really notice anything about the kiss. Jilli was confused by this side of Draco, she could deal with the cold, stuck-up, jerk Draco, but what about a kind Draco. He had looked handsome tonight in his black dress robes, his platinum blond hair perfect, his blue-silver eyes sparkling. Jillianne started blushing at her thoughts.
“Jilli, your blushing,” he had been looking at her in the mirror.
“Oh, really,” she turned on the bench to face him, taking the brush back, “Thanks for doing that,” she said still blushing slightly, looking down
Draco wanted to kiss her. More than anything in the world right now. He knew he needed to go slow with Jilli, that she was still getting over Potty, but he had to have one kiss. He decided to be a gentleman.
“Jilli,” he took her chin softly in his hand so she would look at him, they were facing one another, “can I have one kiss?”
Jilli was shocked; he must have read her mind. She nodded yes.
Draco slowly touched his lips to hers, he let her control the kiss, but then the fireworks nearly set them both on fire. Jilli moved in closer to him, her mouth opening as they kissed and when their tongues touched they both were kissing passionately. Draco bringing her legs up and over his as they faced each other on the bench, so close to one another, Draco felt Jilli's arms tight around him and then one hand was in his hair, the other on his chest. Draco was slowly running his hands along her sides and waist and then bringing both hands up to her neck to pull her closer and deepen the kiss. Jilli was slowly unbuttoning Draco's shirt and he could feel her hands like feathers, touching his firm, muscular chest and abs. Drao knew he had to put a stop to this before things got out of hand.
He pulled her hands from under his shirt and slowly broke off the kiss, “Jilli,” he gasped for breath, “I want you more than anything, but if we keep it up I won't be able to stop us from going all the way.”
Jilli looked dazed, her lips swollen from his kiss. Draco couldn't believe he was stopping this, something he had wanted more than anything for a long time.
Jilli slowly came to her senses. She had just been kissing the fool out of Draco Malfoy, her enemy. Jilli felt ashamed. She couldn't help it, Draco had made her feel so much passion and she had wanted him. She didn't know if she and Harry had ever had the sparks she had just felt with Malfoy. She lowered her head in humiliation; she had just betrayed Harry for real this time and that realization struck her hard. The first with Draco had simply been a trick, but just now she had wanted that kiss as much as Draco had. She started feeling sick.
Draco realized by the look on her face that she was upset and probably regretting what had happened. Jilli was that way, she didn't want to do anyone wrong and she probably felt she had done Potter wrong. He wasn't going to let her wallow in self-pity.
“Come on Jillianne,” he took her hand, led her to bed and tucked her in. Draco sent Rosie for some hot cocoa.
“Jillianne, I don't regret kissing you, and I know you felt something too, so please don't regret it either. What we just had was special, not feelings you have with just anybody. Now drink your chocolate, it will help you sleep,” he leaned down kissing her softly on the cheek. “Goodnight princess,” he said as he headed for the door.
Jilli whispered “Goodnight,” as he went out. It was not time to feel guilty, she thought tiredly, it was time to get some sleep and get ready for shopping with Narcissa in the morning.
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