A sad end to a Happy beginning
(Warning: mentions of death)
(Roman's POV)
The day of the funeral came. I almost decided not to go. It was just... Too painful.
I sat in my room, staring at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess and I wore baggy sweatpants and a white t-shirt. To top it off, I wore Virgil's jacket. His old one for Patton used his new one to dress him.
I closed my eyes, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. Before I could think anymore, there was a knock on my door.
"Y-yes...?" I called, my voice cracking slightly. "Hey kiddo... It's time to say.. Goodbye to Anxiety." Patton said through the door, clear pain in his voice. I stood up and walked over to the door, opening it. "Okay..."
I followed Patton to Virgil's room, stopping at the open door of the purple and black room. There beyond the door was Virgil, laying in his bed. We didn't have time to get a casket so we ended uo laying him peacefully on his bed.
He looked so... Broken like that. I slowly walked in after Patton, sitting down at Virgil's desk. "I should have stopped him. I should have taken the hit..." I mumbled, more tears pouring from my eyes.
"I believe we should start." Logan spoke up, clearing his throat slightly. "I don't really know what to say so uh... Roman come and say something about Anxiety." Logan spoke, standing next to Patton. I sighed and stood to face Logan and Patton.
"I didn't uh... Know Virgil that well. Hell I just found out his name..." Patton murmured something I didn't quite catch, but knew he said 'language'.
"I... I realized a bit ago that I loved him... I... Loved him." My voice cracked when I said loved the second time.
I closed my eyes and began to sob into my hands.
"Jeez Princey, you look like shit."
I froze.
Quickly, I opened my eyes to see a very shocked Patton and Logan, but they weren't looking at me. I turned to see Virgil, sitting up with that damn smirk on his face. "Love ya too Sir-sings-alot".
I quickly threw myself at him, hugging him tightly. "R-roman! I c-cant b-b-breathe!" Virgil yelled, coughing after I let him go. "S-sorry" I wiped tears from my eyes. Soon Patton and Logan joined us on the bed.
"How are you alive?" Logan asked bluntly, earning a glare from Patton and myself. "Well, I was stabbed by Roman's sword." We all looked at Virgil in confusion, causing Virgil to roll his eyes.
"For a side to be murdered, they either have to be pushed into the void or stabbed by their OWN weapon. Not another's weapon." I went wide eyed. "So if you didn't jump in the way-" he interupted "you would be dead."
I stared at him. He saved me... My hero. "Still hurts like hell, but better than losing a life." Virgil interupted my thoughts. "Ugh im tired..." Patton yawned, obviously faking it. "Can you tuck me in Logie?" He looked to Logan and gestured towards Virgil and I.
I was very confused, but Logan seemed to have gotten it, leading Patton out of Virgil's room to leave Anxiety and I alone.
"So... Wings huh?" I said after several minutes of comfortable silence. "Uhh. Yeah.. Heh" Virgil chuckled slightly, looking at his back where his wings once were. "They appear when I'm in my 'Dark side' uniform."
"I see." I murmured, not realizing I was staring at Virgil's face until Virgil looked back to me and cleared his throat. "So Ro... About what you said about lov-" I cut him off before he could finish with a kiss.
(Third Person POV)
Virgil froze for a moment from Roman's kiss, but melted into it. He wrapped his arms around the Prince, letting his eyes close. He felt something click in his chest, like something just fixed. This was truly his happily ever after. No more of being Broken and Betrayed for he now felt Whole and Loved. The end.
Cheesy I know.
Believe it or not, I almost had this entire chapter done then realized how bad it was and decided to erase it all and start over.
Let me know if you want me to do any bonus chapters. Ill put a voting thing.
Bonus chapter votes:
*Logan and Anger's fight
*What happens years later
*How Logan found Patton
*What happened when Lust and Lonliness woke up
*What happened to cause Virgil to push Depression into the void
*Or a suggestion of your own
Let me know!
I hope you guys enjoyed this story, I know I enjoyed writing it!
Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!
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