What's beyond?
Author: alright now that i finished with my other story i will be focusing on this story from now on :D i hope that this story will also turn out good and that i get enough ideas to keep on writting this story. Also that i have enough time to write. Anyway on with the story!! Like always, i own nothing
Natsu's pov
Ever since i admitted my fears to Zeref, just some days, or maybe weeks i wasn't sure i couldn't really understand time anymore, things have fallen into some routine. Zeref spends the whole day with me expect for meal times when he leaves for a while to bring me food. My throat didn't hurt any more either which was good as now i could talk some. Not that i really did but still at least i knew i could.
Yet i was uneasy. I was so curious about what was beyond that door Zeref always passed to leave to bring me food and anything else that i might of needed. I could always hear noise and life beyond it so i knew there were other people there. More likely like that weird team that had tried to 'help' me before Zeref came here if they weren't there too. They probably were.
I sigh softly as i open my eyes and stare towards the door again. My mood brightens when i see it open to let Zeref come in again for today. I sit up and greet him with a quiet "hello". Zeref smiles softly and nods "Hello Natsu. Did you have a nice sleep?' He asks as he sets the tray of food on my lap. I nod and start eating it quietly again. My ears kept catching the sound of people right out of the door and my curiosity keeps growing and growing. But i was also scared.
Zeref seems to notice my distress and he gently touches my shoulder. I am not feeling as, as Zeref had called it once, 'jumpy' as i used to be since i first touched him and allowed him to touch me too. Anyway, he pulls me closer and i lay my head on his shoulders and i close my eyes to rest some.
"What's wrong Natsu? You know you can tell me anything that troubles you right?" I nod to his words and then i look up to him. I wanted to tell him i really did. But i was so afraid to. I wasn't sure i could do it. I look down after a bit, unable to keep eye contact anymore. I know Zeref still looks worried but i don't say anything.
"I was wondering if i could come out of here with you.. i want to see where you go. I don't want to always be kept here, i feel trapped..." i say honestly to him. I was scared i might get in trouble now. I didn't want to get in trouble, getting in trouble ends up bad. Painful.
"Oh Natsu you should have told me Natsu! Of cource you can come out with me!" Zeref's voice brings me out of that dark place in my mind. He had that usual soft smile of his. It's strange though, it always looks so sad. But it makes me relax and i nod, a small smile appearing on my face "Thanks Zeref."
After that we stay upstairs for a while. Zeref is reading me a book, he does this every day. I like listening to him, his voice is soft as he speaks though he does change it sometimes to help me imagine how things are in the book. Right now he is reading me anew one with a wizard school and a destined boy, Harry Potter i think is what he called it. I was listening with great interest, i had to say it was very interesting. Sometimes, when i ask, he lets me read too but right now i wasn't really in the mood for it.
Zeref closes the book now and looks at me with his usual soft smile "Shall we go out now?" He asks kindly. I nod and with some help i get to stand up. My arm goes around his shoulders while his right arm goes around my waist. For some reason my face heats up at the contact and i had to look away from him. With him so close i get to take a few steps towards the door, huh the distance wasn't as big as i thought it would be.
With his help i get out of the room and for the first time i get to see what is outside. The place seems familiar but i don't know why for sure. I KNOW this place, i know i do but i can't remember. Everything is a big blur. I shake my head some to clear my head then head downstairs with Zeref.
Third's pov
As Natsu comes slowly downstairs some people start noticing him. Happy tears up when he sees Natsu come downstairs, he thought that Natsu was fine now so he instantly flies towards him, big tears running down his cheeks as he flies straight to Natsu's chest "NATSUUU!!!" He calls out but right before he got to him, Zeref stops him and sends him back.
Then the black haired male helps the dragon slayer stand up straight again. Natsu had gotten scared from the yelling and Happy coming at him like this and he tried to flee. He mumbles a small thanks to Zeref who helps him go to sit on a stool at the bar. Natsu looks around nervously, he didn't like all those eyes on him. It made him uncomfortable, as if he were an animal put out as a show.
Natsu looks around worried in search for Zeref. He finds him talking with a short elder man. The pinkette couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. Was it about him? He tries to listen but his panick level was rising fast and he couldn't focus on the conversation.
He lets out a soft yelp and jumps back some, his attention turned towards Mira. Mira? Mira who? Did he know this girl? He wasn't sure. He sighs softly and shakes his head to rid of such thoughts. The white haired smiles kindly towards him "I'm sorry if i scared you. I didn't mean to." She aplogises and Natsu quickly shakes his head while holding his hands up.
"N-no it's fine. Umm.. w-what was your name again?" He asks worried. The girl smiles softly "I am Mira. And i wanted to know if you needed anything" She says softly. "I am Natsu..um can i have a milkshake?" "Sure! Any preferable flavour?" "uh i am not sure..strawberry?" He says with a small shrug. MIra nods and dissapears after that.
Natsu looks down and plays some with his dirty white scarf. He wasn't really paying any attention to what was happening around him. He thanks Mira quietly as she gives him the milkshake and he takes a bit. "Wow it tastes so good!" Natsu says and smiles a bit. After that the others make themselves to go back to what they were doing before.
Happy was flying nearby to Natsu, his eyes showing how much he wanted to touch Natsu nut he couldn't because then he might hurt Natsu and he didn't want that. Zeref aproaches Natsu and talks to Natsu witha gentle and soft voice. "Natsu will you give me your scarf for a while? It's dirty and i want to wash it. It'll feel a lot better if it's washed ne?" he offers gently. Natsu looks unsure at first but after only moments he takes it off and gives it to Zeref.
"Thanks Natsu. I'll bring it back very soon, i promise you." He assures the dragon slayer, giving him a small kiss to his forehead. Natsu blushes some and nods "i trust you Zeref" The black haired smiles some again then he leaves to the back of the guild. Natsu watches after him for a while then he looks down again at his drink.
After a while, Lucy sits down beside Natsu and talks calmly with him. Well lucy was the one doing most of the talk, Natsu just nods or shakes his head as answers. Happy sits on the bar in front of Lucy and Natsu has now been staring at him for a while. Happy looks confused when his foster father reaches for him and gently pets his head, as if unsure of what he was. The blue exceed smiles then starts purring from the petting. Natsu was scared at first of the sound but soon relaxed. Lucy told him the exceed's name and her own and Natsu was soon relaxing with them. Maybe he could get along with these people like he does with Zeref one day
Just as he was thinking of that the doors of the guild crash open. "NATSU-SAAN!!" A new pale blond man yells as he runs towards Natsu. His mark was different than the on Lucy had, a tiger with big teeth?, and it was placed on his shoulder. Sting hugs Natsu tightly and pulls him close to himself "I WAS SO WORRIED WHEN YOU DISSAPEARED!! I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE HERE AND SAFE NOW!!" Sting keeps yelling, Lechtor joining the hug too.
Rogue was a bit farther back, of cource who could leave sucha reckless mate alone after all, with Frosch in his arms. The shadow dragon slayer had actualy used his head and decided to not jump on the fire dragon slayer, who knew what he went through. Unfortunately Sting wasn't as smart. Now Natsu was having a silent panic attack in his head. With one more wrong move, he could of just break.
Finally his mind caught up with what was happening and started shaking. Before Sting could undertsand what was happening too though, a loud scream rips from Natsu's throat. Without knowing it Natsu uses his flames and sends Sting off to crush on the wall while he had burnt Lechtor's paws. The excced had quickly let go and flied off to Sting.
Natsu now falls off the stool on the flood, his back on the bar now. His hands were clutching tightly onto his hair and tugging on it, his screams being interapted sometimes by his yells of "Don't touch me" and "Make it stop". Team Natsu and Makarov try to come closer and calm him down but this doesn't work well. Natsu was so upset that his flames just kept coming out stronger whenever someone approached.
Finally they move back to give him space and his flames go down. But his shaking doesn't stop, if anything it becomes more intense as now it wasn't only from fear but also from sobs. Natsu was crying and Happy wanted to come closer but he couldn't less he scared the other again. Thankfully, Zeref heard the screams and came rushing in. The scarf wasn't in his hands but right now that didn't matter. Sting and Rogue were confused at first when they saw the black mage, though they didn't know who he was, but kept quiet thinking he was some sort of therapist for Natsu.
Zeref approaches Natsu calmly while talking to him in a soft voice. Natsu recognised Zeref's voice so he didn't lash out...at first. But when Zeref kneeled down and pulled him in a hug, natsu lost it. Again he started screaming an yelling, his flames burning Zeref but the other didn't seem to care about the pain. His hold stays strong even as Natsu starts thrashing and hitting him. When Natsu finaly tires out some, Zeref uses his right hand to caress his hair gently as in a pet like gesture.
"Shh Natsu it's okay. You are not there anymore. Open your eyes slowly and tell me what you see okay?" He offers and after some more coaxing Natsu does open his eyes. it was hard to see with all those tears in his eyes but he now understood what Zeref meant. Yeah he wasn't in that dark place anymore. There were no bars, no torture toys, no chains, none of this was here. His body goes limp as he starts telling some things he saw at random, but the relaxation was enough of an answer to Zeref it seemed.
When Natsu looks down he sees how he had attacked Zeref and he starts panicking all over again. Would he be punished for what he did? When he fought back that man always made him regret it later, ten times worse than what he did. But Zeref catches up on his panick again and pulls him closer again "Natsu no-one will punish you from now on. No punishment okay, no punishment. What you did was right, it was self-defence" Zeref keeps talking and Natsu feels about ready to cry all over again. Not his fault? He wonders when the last time was that someone had told him that, if ever.
"Up" He says with a hoarse voice. He didn't want to be left downstairs now. He wanted to be back in his safe heaven in the infarmary. Only he and Zeref, no bad man wanting to torture him, no crazy people jumping on him. Zeref nods and after taking two bottles of water he teleports himself and Natsu in the infarmary. Now that Natsu was calm he drinks the water from the bottle then leans back on the bed. He was exhausted.
But before he could go to sleep he hears something being placed on the nightstand beside his bed. He opens red tired eyes to look and he notices his scarf. Instantly he takes it and cuddles it to his chest. It smelt good now and there were no longer any stains on the white fabric. It was perfect. Natsu thanks Zeref quietly before falling in a deep dreamless sleep.
Oof it's been so long since i last wrote this story! I am sorry for taking so long but i had been really busy. So i made this chapter extra big for you all to enjoy!! Hehe i hope you liked it. UNTIL NEXT TIME, bye bye
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