First step
Natsu looked a bit nervous when Laxus walked in the infarmary. He looked towards Zeref, who with a soft smile, nodded towards him. He nods back then with a bit of a shaky breath, he walks a bit closer. He wasn't sure how to start a conversation though, he realised. He grew so accustomed to Zeref starting the conversations or just staying quiet to sit with him. He frowns to himself as he stared at the ground, wondering what to say.
"is everything alright?" Laxu's voice suddenly being heard snapped him out of his thoughts. Laxus was sitting on the other bed the infarmary had, wrapping bandages around his arm, a minor injury from the last job. "uh yeah" Natsu nods his head and squirms a bit on his feet. He watches Laxus with curiosity as the dragon slayer finished with his bandages and saw him stand up, putting something in his ear. A small device held in his hand.
"uh what is that?" Natsu nods towards the strange device in Laxu's hand. "Oh this? It's a new device called mp3. It plays music" The older man explains. Natsu keeps staring at it curiously, Laxus staring back at him. The older man eventually sighed and sat back down at the edge of the bed "come here" Laxus tells the pinkette. Natsu looks nervous at that but slowly sits at the other side of the bed.
Laxus offers him one of his earbuds "here, you put it in your ear. Be carefull though, it can be loud for us dragon slayers." Natsu nodded once again, carefully placing it in his ear. "ready?" "y-yeah i think so" Natsu confirmed. He jumps a bit in his seat when suddenly the small bud started to play music. He blinks confused, listening fir a few seconds. His head started nodding along
"Hey this is pretty good!" Natsu exclaims happily. Laxus smirks "i know. i got loads of songs in here" he shakes his device, now known as mp3. "wow. do you always come up here to listen to music?" Natsu asks, finally starting to feel more relaxed. He moved a bit more to the center of the bed to sit more comfortably, a move that didn't go unnoticed by the blonde.
"Not really. I prefer sitting on the second floor or the rafters. Less people and more quiet from the guild" Laxus explains. Natsu nodded in understanding then looks back towards him. He studies his face curiously. Laxus noticed it a few minutes later "what is something on my face?" He asks, running a hand down his face in question. Natsu shakes his head then turns to face him more "No it's just....don't take this wrong but you seem so rough around the edges. Like someone you shouldn't be near. But you are surprisingly patient and nice" he pouts a bit "unlike that red-head woman. She was so mean"
Laxus seemed shocked to hear that then started laughing wholehearted. Natsu decided that he liked the sound. "Yeah Erza can be pretty mean when she wants to but she means good. Better not tell her that in her face though or she'll get mad" Laxus advises and Natsu nodded his head in understanding. He looks off towards the wall gor awhile. The music keeping them company for this time.
Natsu couldn't help himself anymore and turned back towards the blonde man "are you adraid of anything?" He asks. Laxus opens his eyes and looks back towards him "where did that question come from?" . Natsu looks down on the bed and he brings his knees to his chest "i'm...really scared. of trying to interact with others. and i'm terrified of looking at my memories to figure out what happened to me....but you seem really strong. So i was wondering if you are scared of anything... Zeref isn't afraid of anything but he's super strong so i guess that's normal" He finished his explanation.
Natsu honestly didn't expect an answer to his question. He was pleasantly surprised when Laxus actually did answer "Sometimes, during quests we take. I believe everyone in the guld have come face to face with their fears. Myself included" the blond explained then looked down at the younger teenager. "But if you want to move forward, you must overcome them." He shows around the nursery with a half shrug as he continues "Do you want to stay on ehre for the rest of your life?"
"No..." came the timid answer. "Then i think that you should face your fear eventually". The dragon slayer was still staring at him then gently ruffled the other's hair. Natsu flinced at first upon seeing the hand rise but when he felt the gentle, feathery touch he relaxed slightly. "The first step will always be the hardest. But you were always a brave one, a stupidly brave one at times. You can do this" he concluded.
Natsu stares up at him for a bit then down at the bed. Then for the first time in a long time.... he smiled his famous smile towards the blond "Thank you Laxus" His msmile was not as toothy but it radiated with happiness and hope.
After their talk, Natsu felt a lot better. Laxus stayed with him for some time then left after Zeref came back near lunch. Natsu hadn't even noticed how much time had passed. He was left with a pleasant feeling inside him after he managed to socialize again with someome other than Zeref.
The rest of the day he spend it telling Zeref of his talk with the blond dragon slayer and showing off the mp3 Laxus lended him. He was as excited as a kid on Christmas day while he talked and then showed Zeref how the device played music. And Zeref was happy to see Natsu open up a bit. Sure he wasn't his old self yet. But it was the first step.
As Natsu fell asleep that night, Zeref couldn't help but look a bit sad. Soon Natsu wouldn't need him anymore... He would need to be alone once again. And after spending this much time around others... he could honestly say that he would miss it. But what was more important was for Natsu to get well.
"Good night otouto" he whispered to the sleeping teen then kissed his cheek and he too went to sleep. Unaware though that Natsu actually heard him....
To be continued....
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