Arabella was finished with her breathing treatment, and she and Jessica were waiting for the nurse to come get them for her chest x-ray.
"Daddy's on his way, then they're gonna take a picture of your little chest, and Then we can go home! You can sleep with momma tonight. I'm not ready to stop kissing and hugging you, yet.
I'm sorry that momma doesn't have much lap for you to sit on, but you seem to enjoy my built in pillow! Is my belly comfy?" She smiles and runs her fingers on her soft hair.
Danny walks in and Jessica smiles at him.
"Oh look, daddy's here!"
"Hey baby.. you scared me!" Danny gets on his knees and rubs Arabella's back.
"How's she doing?"
"She's being a big girl. She's exhausted though, I can tell."
"I can see that. Poor baby. She looks so comfortable though." Danny smiles.
"I know, that's what I was saying!" Jessica laughs.
"Mama's like a bean bag chair, isn't she?"
"Danny!" She laughs and hits him.
"Hah! So, what's next?"
"We're waiting on the nurse, to do her x-rays."
"Jess you know how they do x-rays on babies, right?"
"The way they do everyone's?"
"What do they do?"
"They have to sit her in this thing.. uh, I don't know what it's called, but.. Well, nevermind. Why don't I take the baby and you stay here. You should be off your feet anyway."
"No Danny, what is it?"
"It looks like they put the baby in a shot glass."
"It's fine, a lot of babies do it!"
"Well it doesn't sound fine!"
Jessica gets her phone out and searches 'baby xray'
"Oh my gosh, they're gonna put my baby in a tupperware bowl!"
"Heh, Jess, she'll be fine! It only lasts a couple seconds."
Jessica rubs her back and rocks her back and forth when the nurse walks in.
"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Huston, sorry for the wait. You can go ahead and follow me." She smiles.
Jessica takes Arabella and holds her on her chest, then attempts to stand up.
"Jess, let me take her."
"I've got it.
Ugh!" She sighs when she can't pull herself up.
Danny grabbed her arm and lifted her body up off of the chair.
"No problem."
Danny held Jessica's back as she waddled with the baby in her arms.
"Jessie, let me take her, you're carrying three babies right now." He chuckles.
"I'm fine, Danny." She pats Arabella's back and kisses her head.
They get into the x-ray room and Jessica sees what they are about to put Arabella in.
"It's gonna be okay, baby! Like mommy said, just a quick picture and we're all done!"
The nurse takes her from Jessica and Arabella starts crying.
"Oh I know you want your mommy! I'm so sorry, but this will only take a minute, okay?"
Jessica stands close to Danny and says, "Danny, this is my fault. I should have stayed home with her and let you take the kids trick or treating."
"No, don't think like that. This isn't your fault. Besides, we're lucky that it happened now. What if we were somewhere where we couldn't get help right away? Or we never found out till she had a really bad attack. It happened for a reason." He rubs her back, then massages her neck with his hand.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Well of course." He smiles.
She chuckles then looks at the baby and says, "Oh Danny, look at her! Se looks scared!"
"But look how cute she is, look at those little rolls!" Danny chuckles.
"I know." She says with a small smile.
"Mrs. Huston, you can stand where she can see you, if that makes you a little more comfortable."
"Thank you!" Jessica stands at an angle and says, "Bella Boo! Mommy's right here, don't be scared!"
The baby sees her and smiles.
"Yeah! Momma didn't go anywhere, silly goose!" Jessica says in a cute baby voice.
After she's finished, they go back to wait for the doctor.
"Oh you're such a good girl! You are so so brave! Momma's so proud of you!" Jessica kisses her cheek.
The baby makes cute but fussy noises and drools on her chest.
"Oh I think someones hungry!"
They wait for the doctor and Jessica feeds her.
"Look at her eating.. Man she's so pretty!" Danny watches Arabella eat.
"I know." Jessica smiles at him, then looks back down at the baby and says, "She's falling asleep.."
"I would too if I had that special treatment!"
Jessica giggles and Danny says, "Man she's gonna miss this big belly, isn't she?" He rubs the bottom of her stomach.
"I think so!" She laughs.
"So will I. I love it when you're pregnant, Jessica. You're always beautiful, Always! I just love the big belly, and this glow you get."
Danny moves a piece of hair out of her face and Jessica smiles.
"Thank you."
Danny places a soft kiss on her lips, then looks at the baby and says, "She's out."
Jessica looks down and laughs at Arabella passed out with her nipple in her mouth.
"Let's put this away before the Doctor comes in." She slowly takes it from her mouth, and covers herself back up.
They send them home with an inhaler and an attachment.
Arabella had to take it twice a day, morning and night.
Jessica sat in the back with her and gently rubbed her cheek with her finger as she slept peacefully.
"Danny, I feel so bad for this poor baby."
"Me too.. She's been through a lot the few months she's been here."
"I know.."
"But she's strong."
"She is.."
"You okay?"
"I'm fine." She looks in the rear view mirror and smiles at him.
"Danny, will you put your seatbelt on, please!"
"Sorry, dear." He listens to her and she chuckles.
Two days later.
"Okay, Bella, time for your medicine, sweet girl." Jessica shakes the inhaler and attaches it to the tube/mask.
"We just have to count to five, okay?" Jessica presses down on the inhaler and places the mask on her face.
Arabella fusses and moves around.
"No, no, no, be still. Ready? One.. Twooo.. Threeee.. Four.. Five! Good girl!" Jessica takes it off of her and kisses her head.
"Mommy, why does she have to take that?" Sofia asks.
"Because her lungs need little help. It's okay. *Smiles* You know, I used to have one.. I still do, I just haven't had to use it in a long long time."
"So she'll be okay?"
"She's fine, sweetie! Don't worry." Jessica smiles and rubs her back.
Danny walks in and lifts Sofia in the air.
"Daddy!" She screams as he surprises her.
He laughs, puts her down and kisses her cheek.
"My turn, daddy!" Jackson runs to him and lifts his arms.
"Okay, Jax!" Danny lifts him and Jackson laughs.
"Bella's turn!"
"Careful, Danny!" Jessica says.
"She's okay!" He says in a baby voice.
Danny sits her back down and grabs Jessica.
"Now mommy's turn!"
"You gotta be kidding me!" She laughs.
"Just playing. I just want a kiss!" He smiles.
"Hm, I don't know.." Jessica turns her head.
She laughs and turns back towards him.
"Muah!" He kisses her but she doesn't kiss back.
"Now a real kiss, woman!"
"When you go to the store for diapers and more peanut butter then I'll kiss you."
She giggles and he gets his jacket and keys.
"I'll be back."
"Be careful!"
"Can I go with, daddy?"
"No Jax, daddy won't be long. Just stay here."
"Awe man!" He says making them chuckle.
"Bye babe, I'll be back. Love you."
"Love you too, baby!" Jessica says before he shuts the door.
"Where is your daddy? Momma needs peanut butter and sissy needs diapers!"Jessica looks at the clock.
"Call him, mommy." Sofia says.
"I did. Let me call again.."
Jessica called over and over again, but never got an answer.
"Dammit, Daniel!" She says as she panics.
"Mommy, where is he?"
"I don't know, Sof.. Go play with your brother."
*Phone Rings*
"Ugh, finally!
Danny! You scared me! Why didn't you answer?!"
"Hello? Mrs. Huston?"
"Who's this?" She starts to worry.
"Mrs. Huston.. There's been an accident."
Hey guys, I'll try to update soon! Please do me a favor and read my new book "Mi Amor" and tell me what you think! <3 <3 <3
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