It has now been one month since the accident, and Jessica is still remains unresponsive.
All of Jessica's family has spoke with Danny, but he refuses to listen.
"Daniel, you have to let her body rest. She's gone.. my baby girl is gone and we need to let her go. She's stuck right now, Danny. Please.... Let her go."
"Dorothy, I can't! I know she's going to wake up! I understand she's your daughter, but she's also my wife. I have hurt her many times.. and I will not do it again! I visit her every single day, I talk to her, I pray with her, I sing to her! She's going to wake up, Dorothy!"
Dorothy wiped her cheeks and said, "You have cheated on my daughter. You have lied to her. You had a child with another woman. You hurt her over and over and over and Over Again! And now?
You're being selfish, Daniel. My daughter is dead. She's not coming back, so stop acting she like she is!
You're keeping her hooked up to that machine for yourself! You're not letting her move on. After years and years of treating her badly, you're still finding a way to fuck it up!"
"You're her mother! How can you want this?"
"Because this isn't living! If she wakes up from this, there's noway she will have a normal life! She'll be a vegetable! What are you gonna do then? I know damn well you won't take care of her!"
"You're wrong. I will spend the rest of our lives, day in and day out, taking care of my beautiful wife. There's no question, Dorothy! I will do everything for her! Change her, bathe her, whatever it takes!" Danny shouts with tears in his eyes.
"What kind of life is that for Jessica, Danny? You have her here for yourself. Unable to eat, communicate, walk, use the bathroom! She won't be living, Danny!
Jessica would never want to be remembered that way! She would want to be remembered as the strong woman the entire world knows her as."
Danny looked at Dorothy, then stood up and walked away. Maybe he was doing the wrong thing, at this point, he doesn't know. All he knows is that he loves Jessica. He wants more than anything to look into her eyes, tell her he loves her, hug her tightly and hear her beautiful voice tell him that everything is okay. But each day that goes by, Danny fears he will never get that opportunity. No matter how positive he tries to be, he can't help but have those feelings.
What do you guys think? Should Danny hang onto Jessica? Or should he let them unplug her and finally let her go? 😬
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