chapter 41
Arial P.O.V
I tried to protest as I struggled screaming while trying to pull the stranger's hand off my mouth.
The stranger ignored my protesting actions and pulled me further into the alley as I continued to scream for help for my screams to only come out low and muffled.
"Relax! Relax! It's me!!" I heard the too familiar voice from behind me.
I calmed down looking behind me to see... Naill. I was taken off guard seeing him here.
"Niall? What are you doing here?!" I said hugging him; then letting go to continue with my ranting.
"What are you doing here?! Why didn't you tell me?! Wait! How did you get here?! Aren't you supposed to be in Australia? Are the boys alright?! Did something happen?! Wh---" I was cut off asking the nth question by Niall's hand clasped over my mouth again.
"Ari, just stop!" He commanded, I was certainly not satisfied by that and started to talk which turned out mumbling from under his palm.
"I sneaked out okay! We aren't going to have a show till tomorrow night so I flew here to see you..." My senses were abruptly blocked as he said these last few words.
"Wait!" I cut him off taking his hands off my mouth, he stopped talking and looked at me awaitingly.
"Did you say you came all the way here to see me?" I continued.
"Yeah?" He said innocently, that left me... speechless. I was so touched by this. Niall came all the way from Australia just to see me for a couple of hours, yet he still did it.
"Omg, N-niall that is s-so cute and--" my admiration phase was cut by no one but the sweet guy in front of me now.
"Ari just stop, not now " he said, I gave him a puzzled look as he sighed loudly.
Shortly, he handed me a snapback and a hoddie and gestured me to wear them.
"What are these for?" I played dumb making him heave another sigh.
"Just wear them" he whispered in a shouting manner, I wasn't left with anything but wonder why he acted in espionage.
"Why are you being so secretive?" I asked him not putting the snapback and the Hoddie on yet.
"I told you! I sneaked out and also they might take photos of you" he reasoned.
I exhaled in defeat as I put them on, what Niall said a while ago rewind in my head as I giggled to myself.
I couldn't help but hug him standing on my tiptoes as I wrapped my arm around his neck in the process.
He wrapped his arms around my waist in reply, I could feel his smile on my shoulder.
"Now let's go" he said letting go failing miserably in hiding the smile in his voice.
I smiled while he caught my hand and started pulling me as we walked out of the alley heading to the apartment.
"Okay, it's clear!" I told Niall we both ran quickly shutting the apartment door.
I giggled, "What's so funny, Paul is going to slice me when he knows" Niall said, taking off his disguises as I did too.
I laughed, "I still can't believe you snuck out to see me" I said.
He smiled coming closer, "I would do anything for you; don't ever doubt that" he said.
I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful face. He hadn't shaved and I was liking how that subtle looked on him, his eyes were a lighter shade of blue then what they would normally be. My eyes fixed on his lips as we both inched closer to each other.
"There you both are!!" I got startled by Ela.
"Wait you knew? ?" I asked
"Duh why else would I ask you to bring me coffee, not only because I am super bossy but also because you guys are adorable " she said.
I giggled, "Yeah; on the mention of that where is my coffee??" She asked.
"Uhmm" I scratched my arms.
"Ari!!! Where is my coffee " she asked with such an artificial calmness.
"I dropped it" I said throwing my hands in the air.
"You dropped it?? You dropped my coffee and did not pick it up. That is just so harsh. You got no heart!! " she faked dramatically.
"I will get you another one" I told her.
"Alright " she ended her scene.
"Now go; I need a moment with My Boyfriend" I told her.
She smirked "I will go, don't wet the sheets and use protection thou " she waived going into her office room.
My face flushed, I turned back to Niall to see him smirking a boyish smirk "Whasup!" He said seductively his arms crossed over his chest, making me laugh.
* * *
Niall P.O.V
I told Ari we should have lunch at the near restaurant, it was quite and beautiful which is exactly what I wanted for my plan to work. I am really hopping he comes.
"Okay" she said going to her room to get dressed, I smiled when I saw her walking to me. She looks beautiful. She always does.
"Hallo, Sir nice to meet you! I am glad you made it" I said
"Nice to meet you too. I understand you have something to talk to me about. Logan told me it was an important meeting "
"Yes, about that Sir. I am here to talk to you about Arial "
"Arial? My daughter "
"Yes Sir" I said
"How do you know my Daughter?" He asked
"I am Niall Horan" I replied.
"So?" He asked
I need to be very careful and convincing with my words or else he will punch me and throw me out. I took a breath I had not realized I have been keeping and started.
"You need to call her Sir" I said looking straight at him, I noticed he was going to say something before I quickly interrubted him.
"Believe me Mr.Anderson, I have been there. Do it now before it's too late, someday it will be too late. Someday she won't be open anymore to you. You won't really feel it, much more regret it, regret each second you left her behind, regret every second you pushed her away, regret every second you abundant your daughter until it's too late" I inhaled deeply.
"You don't tell me what to do, who are you even?" He retorted back at me with his face as serious as it could ever get.
I took another deep breath hoping to master enough courage to talk again.
"I am your daughter's boyfriend Sir" I said.
"So Atial has a boyfriend now?" He mused before continuing "oh, so you are the guy who messed Arial's mind up" he concluded.
"I know you don't know me Sir, but I will make you know me one way or another. You need to change how you treat Arial. I don't want you to regret it later. As I said I really felt it, loosing her was so hard for me that it felt like death already"
"I wish to leave. Don't call me or pretend to be someone who calls my boss to meet me " he said standing up.
"NO no please just let me finish. You don't have any idea how Arial is going to feel when you don't show up at her graduation this summer" I begged holding him.
He huffed setting down "what do you want kid" he said.
I mentally praised myself for making him stay.
"I just want to show you something." I said taking out my phone to show him a few pictures of Arial and the speech she made last year thanking her Dad because he was the one to got her into Medical.
"It's been a year and a half already don't you think it's enough? ? You don't want to do this " I pleaded for him to just reconsider his choices.
"What is your name again young man??" He asked, his tune laced with a hind of understandment.
"Niall" I said happily
"How did you meet Arial?" He asked, I quickly narrated the story.
"Will you take care of my daughter? "
"With pleasure Sir, " I said, he nodded.
"I am planning on seeing her this week?? She is in London as you know " I started again my voice hopeful.
"Can I See here?" He asked.
I smiled.
*End of Flashback *
"We are here Ari, bbe come on" I told her as she was busy staring no where.
"Yeah let's go, thanks for taking me out though," she said closing the car door.
I smiled kissing her cheek, you have no idea what I would do for you.
It's when you love someone for no apparent reason. I always thought it was stupid you definitely can't love someone if not for something they have at least a likable personality. As for Arial I am hopelessly in love with her existence.
"I still can't believe you flew all the way to see me " Arial said as we sat on the table, I smiled.
"It's beautiful here!" she said scanning the area with a smile on her face. "Not as beautiful as you" I replied, she blushed like it was the first the time me calling her beautiful. She always took my breath away doing her.
My eyes caught a very much desired person to see, "what's wrong ?" Arial asked,
"Nothing, I will quickly head the toilets" I said getting up.
"You check what this place offers because I am hungry af" I said, she laughed opening the menu.
Arial P.O.V
I bit my lip after settling on very good looking soup, I skimmed quickly the other stuff until I heard someone call my name, I looked up a loud gasp leaving my mouth.
"How are you?? " he asked.
"I am good and you??" I asked, what kind of coincidence is this I thought.
"What are you doing in London??" I asked sollowing.
"Niall told me you.." I did not let him finish, "Niall???" I asked
"Yeah, is not that that blond guy's name??" He asked.
I looked behind me to see Niall with a nervous smile on his face.
"Do you want to take a walk?? " he asked.
"Sure Dad " I said turning my head back to him.
I looked back at Niall while walking my heart holding a very special new place for him.
"The days I lived before you were so hard and the onse with you were so few and sour Dad, and now you are coming to say that you are sorry?? To hurt me again?"
"Arial you have to understand where I am coming from" Dad said
"My heart and yours are more like two mountains now, Autumn leaves flying away and taking my heart with them. Why did you come? to content me or to make me shed even more tears?"
"I just came to say sorry Arial," he said, a part of me wanted to forgive him and the other part couldn't forget he was the reason behind my torture in Rehab.
"Since the day Mom left I haven't stopped crying, my heartbeats stopped you never listened"
"I couldn't bare to look at you all I would see was your Mom in front of me, reminding me of the things I should've done " He said
"Your pain taught me and broke me too; I can't lie about that, but it made me see the world with a different eye. If I can change the past you have no idea what I would do,"
"I would go back and help you I can't explain how much I have missed you" he said, I shook my head unable to believe.
"Now you want us to meet to go back and say goodbye? After you, my heart felt tenderness, you know one of a million things you never gave me, my tears went back to my eyes to where they belong. To forgive this time I don't know I don't think I can" I said trying not to cry.
"You can take your time," my Dad said a hint of something I never heard in his voice.
"That guy you told me he is no good for me, was the one who protected me from the whole world, mostly YOU when you kicked me out. If it wasn't for him I would've been homeless for, well forever. "
"I see that now" he muttered
"Well too late" I whispered
"Leave me and my heart suffer in this swamp you left me in the day Mom died" I said walking away, but not after looking back wiping a tear that fell down my cheek.
Niall gave me his hand creasing my hair whispering nothing's in my ear, "Dady ?" I called
He looked at me, "I will send you my graduation location details in a text message" I said, knowing he is and will always be my Dad.
Huge thank you to everyone made this story reach 6000+ views. I can't even.
Lot's of love ❤❤❤
14th April, 2016
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