chapter 39
Arial P.O.V
"Are you sure your family is okay with this??" I asked Niall as he parked his car.
"Yess I am, you will stay in my room anyway, and if you want we could always go to my flat I have one here, " he assured me, giving my hand a light squeeze.
I turned in my seat hugging him. He was took by surprise but didn't stop him from wrapping his arms around me and dazzling his head in the gab between my neck and shoulder.
"Thank you, I don't know what else to say " I said my hands creasing the back of his neck.
"Don't say anything bbe" he said
"Hi Mom," Niall greeted.
"You are back Nialler, where have you been all day? ?" she asked hugging him; she was so small compared to her son. Her words were soon doubted as she laid eyes on me.
" Who is this pretty girl?" She asked
I gave her a small wave " Hallo, nice to meet you I am A.. Arial " I said, seriously did I just stutter ? smooth what a great first impression.
"Arial! The Arial? ?" His mother asked, I was a bit confused did he tell his mother about me ??
"Mom, I don't know any other Arial but Arial " he said, that made me giggle.
"Alright, come in dear," she said stepping away from the door.
The house smelled of Lavender if I am right. And it had alot of pictures framed. And a very old photo of Niall I had never seen he had braces and his hair was so blond. It was so adorable.
I quickly followed Niall as his mother said that she had some Sunday roast left overs. Apparently that's all he has been eating since he came back. Even though it's not Sunday.
I agreed because I didn't want to turn her down. Niall showed me to his room, and told me he will be back. I looked around examining the room. Everything was fairly music and football related.
Niall came back with a huge tray, "What's all of this?" I asked
"My food! !" He said, I giggled.
"Can I taste it?" I asked
"You're lucky I love you" he said, my eyes softened at the sound of that.
"You didn't even offer me a filling lunch at your house " he said. I felt bad, we were too lazy to shop for groceries or even go and eat something out. So we settled on cereal and some frozen pizza I found. "Sorry" I said
"You should be. You left me hungry; and I was too polite to ask for more but don't get used to it " Niall said, I laughed. It's ironic how I thought the world was ending only 20 minutes ago. And now I am laughing.
"Does your Mom know we are together?" I asked curious.
"Of course," he said, I smiled and quickly kissed his cheek.
I took my jacket off, and stood up looking around for something interesting, nevertheless I found what looks very interesting to me.
"Where did you get this from?" I asked
"Oh I think, Mom got it for me when I was younger for Christmas," he said referring to the snow ball he had on the shelf.
"Mom got me one too," I said smiling at the memory.
I felt him only a moment later behind me his hands lased with mine as he rested his chin on my shoulder.
I woke up seemingly hours later, cuddled up to Niall, I smiled getting up and kissing his cheek. I walked to the bathroom washing my face and what not, then taking out my books. I need to at least solve my homework today.
Math took a bit more time than I expected. I ended up just solving my homeworks and having an over view on a few lessons I have missed in math and history only. 4 hours later, I walked back to bed after looking up the time on Niall's phone, my heart smiled when I saw what his lock screen picture was.
I had to get up in 30 min for school, and I was so tired.
My mind rewind back to what Dad said, okay what is going to happen now!!??
I can't live on Niall's shoulder forever!!
He doesn't deserve the suffering I always put him through.
Did Dad really kick me out forever??
How could I be so worthless to him!!
3 Months later
"Congratulations Ari, you are finally graduating!!!" Eleanor screamed.
I laughed "Yessss!! At last "
"At laaaaaaaaaast " Sophi sang
We laughed as Lottie started taking pictures of us, my graduation cap by turn being worn by everyone for a picture.
These three amazing girls travelled all the way to Mullingar to be there for my graduation.
Perrie made me a huge surprise on Skype and apologized for not being able to be there.
Harry and Lou too; Harry sent me the sweetest video message ever, I teared up for a while.
While Lou called me and sent me a video of Lux congratulating me too.
OMG it was soooo cute.
Zayn on the other hand had to be so creative and send me flowers and a beautiful bracelet with the kindest message on a card.
I am just so happy I am surrounded my these amazing people.
I had been living in Niall's flat for the past 3 months, and it's been going great.
Yes I have learned that it's okay not to be okay.
It took a bit of time to realize that, but I know now.
My relationship with Niall is perfect. We rarely argue.
I have a small website now where I sell my art work.
I had arrangements, with Niall's help of course because I can't do anything without him, to enter London's Medical college.
I have not talked to my Dad since I left, I will be going back to say one last goodbye, because I feel like I have to, and take the rest of my luggage as well.
Niall will be going on tour in 2 months for 9 whole months, I did not want to think about that now for not to lose my mind, so Eleanor demanded I will be staying at her place in London.
Instead of me staying alone here.
I didn't really have a choice plus I wanted to experience the London life before the semester starts.
"I am sooooo excited!!!" I screamed, I was finally going to Paris.
I am going to see the actual Eiffel Tower in person.
Niall and I will stay for a week there I'm jumping out of pure excitement.
No one should know what I did when Niall showed me the tickets.
*flashback *
I raged at him "No. No . No. Shut up. No way Aghhhh!!" and just jumped on him springing kisses all over his face.
"You are the best! You are amazing!"
"I can see that" he said trying to get up after he lost his balance and fell on the floor with me on top of him.
"Damn it Ari, I gotta bad knee " He said.
"Ahw, I am sorry, you... you just don't understand I always wanted to go there. You just made that real it's.... it's unbelievable... it's..."
"Ari, breath " Niall said putting his hand on my mouth.
I smiled and gave it a little quick kiss then bent down and kissed his cheek saying "I love you so much. Thank you "
He smiled, his eyes were a deep shade of blue I couldn't see or feel anything around, I felt literally lost in them. With him being so close and so irresistible I couldn't look anywhere else.
He pushed me closer hugging me, I wasn't expecting that. My arms quickly attached themselves to his back, my head resting on his shoulder with my eyes closed.
*End of flashback*
It was a fairly long flight to me, as soon as we landed a car was waiting for us outside.
Thankfully no one recognized us at the French airport.
I gasped the second I stepped into the hotel's suit. It was truly magnificent.
I couldn't help but run to the window and scream at the sight in front of me, a perfect view of the Eiffel tower.
I jumped on the queen sized bed I am going to name this bed Eiffe from Eiffel.
Get it? get it?!
I turned my head to see Niall leaning on the door frame a smile on his face.
He looked HOT!!! could anybody blame me for thinking this way?
I don't think so.
"Come," I motioned for Niall to come lay beside me.
He sighted getting his shoes off and putting his phone on the night stand.
Then wrapped an arm around my waist as I inched closer, and immediately slept.
"Good morning Princess, come on wake up" I heard Niall
I opened my eyes slowly looking around and immediately shooting up like a rocket.
"I will be up in a minute," I said running to the bathroom.
"Done, what are we to do today?" I asked excitement evident in my voice.
"Ari, breath I have a feeling your going to break yourself running around" he said
I realized I was indeed bouncing my feet as if ready to run the biggest marathon.
I steaded myself, then asked " did you have breakfast yet?"
"Room service just came in let's eat" he said chuckling.
I ate slowly trying to calm my nerves. "We will go explore for a bit and then head to the Eiffel tower" he said
My legs bounced again, a weird squealing sound escaped my mouth.
"I am not even going to apologize for my weird behavior because there will be a lot of this coming ahead " I told him, giving the heads up.
He chuckled "It's amusing," he said.
I stuffed a bagel in his mouth to shut him up.
I placed my shoes on, and ran out the door headed to the lobby where I knew Niall would be waiting.
We didn't take a car or anything just strolled around, "lets go there!!" I told him
We entered the small gift shop. I looked around searching for a little Eiffel tower as a sovinear.
We toured around only stopping once for fans. " let's set there for some time" Niall said.
His legs obviously killing him from all the walking I made him do. It was very funny seeing him wine about me turning into a little Mark version.
I got out my most beloved little drawing sketch Note; and the colors I proudly bought with Perrie and Zayn. Only 30 minutes later I was done with my brilliant masterpiece.
"Niall! !! Niall!!" I startled him, he was very quiet his eyes closed relaxing on the bench we were sat at.
"Hmm, what? ?" He asked, taking off his sunglasses. I showed him.
"Wow! that's brilliant! " he said
"I want to ask you something, " Niall started.
"Yeah sure go ahead" I told him.
"Well, I mean we are in Paris and all, so we... me and you... don't want to stay in the Hotel room all the time. Andwellyougoonadatewith metonight" he said real fast.
I giggled "Yes I would love to. Do I get to wear a dress and walk around like Cute couples! !" I asked. "And take pictures!! And send them to our friendsssss! !"
It was his time to chuckle and nod saying "anything for you Princess "
Hallo beautiful readers. I am extremely sorry for late update I was a little.... Idk wired. I had this ready for a while now. Plus I was writing my sacond story which I am about to finish and will be uploading it immediately after finishing Broken. Which is also coming to an end. I just want to thank everyone every single person who took a liking to this story and left a comment or a vote. I can't even begin to thank those who voted for everything because of you I am Overwhelmingly Happy. Thank you so much. 25th of March today Zayn's album was a blast.
Lots of Love ♥ ♥ ♥
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