chapter 25
OMG just before I start anything Made in the AM like OMG that was really good. I can't. walking in the wind and I want to write you a song. like whattttt!!!
Am not even over Four yet,
Olivia too, just all of them and omg OMG. Never enough. Wtf that is. All ALL ALL✌
Its beautiful never the less .IF I COULD FLY 'for your eyes only'
Arial P.O.V
"Hay you okay? " Niall asked as we reached the tour bus. After along day it was fair to say I was tired.
I had not slept since yesterday took the whole night drawing for Ela. But it was worth it anyways.
"Yeah" I said
"You will be okay. I'm right here Ari, Just please give this a chance. I will protect you." He said rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand. I smiled
I told him that I liked him too. I'm afraid thou. Just hours ago Niall was talking about how nasty it gets when the media and fans know about girls with one direction.
You guys am not saying that all fans are haters of course. But some times it's really bad I wanted to make sure I opened Sophi's instegram last photo she posted a day ago. SOME REALLY AWFUL COMMENTS WERE THERE. THIS IS FOR THE SACK OF THE STORY
I entered the bus being greeted by a full on Liam and Soph snogging each other faces off.
Niall cleared his throat.
They parted immediately embarrassed OMG Soph was burning. And Liam, Well he was trying to act cool. "Couldn't you have come in about 10 min " Liam hissed.
"Well excuse me Liam for interrupting your snogging session." Niall smirked
"You're never gonna let this go, are you" Soph asked below a whisper
She looked so small right now.
It was funny
"Nope" Niall said popping the 'P'
He is so not letting this go.
"I have been waiting to catch him for so long now " Niall said taking his shirt off.
Something that I should get used to, but can't.
"Hmm" that was me trying to act cool.
"Ari?? " Soph came to me.
She was well dressed "where are you going looking all pretty? " I asked
"Well excuse you don't I look pretty all times? " she asked pretending to be offended
"Ask Liam " I said cheekly
She laughed shaking her head "Louis and Liam and I and Lotttie are going out do you want to come?" She asked
"Oh. No. Thanks. I'm very tired. I will stay and sleep. Have fun though " I said
"Okay. What are you drawing? " she asked
I was planning on taking Harry to that Art shop we went to last time so I could sell some items.
"Wow. Is that one of the pictures you guys took today ? " she asked laughing
"Yeah; they look retarded don't they?? " I asked grinning
She laughed "they do show me when you are done. And could I Ask you for something between us " she said
"Sure. How can I help? " I asked
"Could you maybe draw Liam " she asked.
Is she serious thinking I would say no??
"Why. Do you think I wouldn't agree? Of course; could I give it to you tomorrow though. I can't do it now I'm so sorry I'm very tired " I said
"Oh. of course. I Just didn't want to annoy you"
I looked at her like are you crazy!!!
"You are not annoying Sophi " I said
She smiled "You know Ari. I never met someone like you " she said walking away
"I hope that is good thing!! " I said
"Oh it is. It is very good believe me." She called back taking her small clutch and leaving the bus.
I smiled to myself. Never have I ever thought I would be here with these amazing people.
They gave me a new hope to live for.
And for the first time the voices didn't speak back.
I grinned widely.
I walked to the back of the bus Niall was on his laptop. "Are you still awake?"
"No I'm a goast having a chill on Niall's laptop " he said
"Hu. Hu. Hu. " I said "very funny"
"I know I am a very funny guy. The laughs we have. Laughs. Pranks. Me and you. oh!" He laughed. I couldn't help but laugh along with him.
He motioned for me to join him.
I climbed on his bunk. Its very weird how I do not feel awkward when I sleep next to him.
I Yes get all blushy. And shy. But not uncomfortable.
He closed his laptop sliding it under his bunk.
"You didn't show me your drawings before you gave them to El!! "
"Oh. I am sorry. I was on a hurray and totally forgot " I said
"It's fine. Did you draw me Yet?"
"I have you know I did not I am a very busy lady "
"Is that so " he said tickling me
"No stop ppppp."
"Are you going to draw me or not??" He asked
"Yess. Now pl. Please. Please stop" I begged
He lets go of me. I got up brushing it off. Acting all cool.
"Can I kiss you again?? " Niall asked out of the blue
I could feel myself blushing. A deep shade of red must look like a tomato now.
I nodded.
He kissed me slowly. Not taking his hands off my cheek.
I had my arms wrapped around his neck. He smiled into the kiss.
Deepening it.
And I had to physically drag myself out of it. Otherwise I would probably end up kissing him all night.
I washed my face. Doing everything Lottie told me to do. From cleanzing and tonning to washing my teeth and brushing my hair.
That what happens when you spend too much time with makeup artists and stylists.
I got back to Niall laying beside him. "Good night babe " he said
"Would you sing for me. You seem to have a lot of energy That you don't know where to put "
He smiled singing
"That's really beautiful " I said sleepingly he kissed my hair, "What was it?? "
"Through The Dark, From our new album" he whispered
I turned cuddling into him.
Sophi and I made breakfast pancakes and all that delicious food your heart desires.
Pictures in the media✌
"How are you flipping doing that? " Sophi asked
"Come here let me guide you " I said; taking pride in myself I mean who would not. huh
We did some flexibility stretching, Dr. Venues had thought me.
Soon the boys joined in.
Zayn watched not even trying to follow up.
While Harry was all up for it miserably trying to copy me.
"Okay I give up. Ari. That is hard"
"I'm very impressed Mr Payne " I told Liam, as believe it or not he was able to stand on his head and do a split too. We both were standing on our heads. So far Liam was the best.
Is not he always.
Niall was really funny he was like a warm. lol
And then The Tmmo Tomlinson comes with the big bomb / shocker
"Never had I expected Mr Tomlimson" actually Louis the laziest ass of all times. Like I mean this guy is the worst when it comes to physical exercise.
Ready for it *drum roll * please he stood on his hands. For real solid 10 seconds.
"Hu. Try and beat that Payno " Louis said getting up as we stood on our hands.
These two were the funniest, When they act all childish.
Brohood love as Louis once called it.
Sophi was trying it with Liam 's help.
Zayn was just there to support who's bound to fall. Is not he cute.
Mark had to help Harry to stand on his hand. Until he did it that guy is stubborn.
"Niall get up you look ridiculous" Sophi told Niall. Let me tell you he really did look stupid. But I was not able to stop laughing I had tears in my eyes.
I sat in the tour bus with my canvas. Yes I am painting Liam and I'm doing pretty good.
"OMG. Ari. That. wow!! when?? did you?? How?? OMG!! that is amazing. Perfect. Thank you so much " Sophi couldn't make up her words.
And I was proud.
Liam's painting in the media.
the boys wanted to have Italian food tonight. So Louis and Harry volunteered to go and get the food. Putting Harry's precious hair at high risk of it being pulled by fans.
I was not paying much attention to what I have been drawing for the past 30 min until I was almost done with it.
"What the..." I thought loudly shocked. Okay this was definitely not me drawing. What is this???!?!?
"Arial food is here " Liam called.
"Coming " I called back getting up quickly.
"What's up with him?? " I asked Harry quietly
"His beani got pulled. It was his favorite " Harry replied
I got cut by Zayn calling me.
"Ari !! What is this?? " he asked. I turned to him. He showed my drawing.
Picture in the media ✌
"Fouck " I cursed loudly at the moment I did not give two shits.
"Is that me ?? I was never aware you thought of me like that. well At least you could have told me. Ari." He said smirking
"Shut up give me my drawing back " I said
He passed it to Harry. Who passed it to Liam. Who threw it to Niall. Niall gave it to Sophi. Who passed it to Louis. And I ran around them like a lost puppy.
"Oh that is really... hot?? Or cute I'm not really sure love " Louis said
"OMG never had I been this embarrassed. Give it back Tomlimson " I shouted to Louis
"I think it's pretty sexy" Zayn said patting my shoulder.
I glared at him.
He laughed walking to the table to have some food.
"What are you feeling babe " Zayn asked
"Is it frustrating??? " Louis asked
Shameless basterdes.
Sophi laughed her and Liam trying to mentian their balance not to fall on the ground.
"Shut up. Fouck. damn it; its not you. Ahgg gg!! " I lost my control
"Wow. Wow. Since when do you actually curse Ari??" Harry asked
"Can't you see what situation I'm in?? " I threw back at him
"Sorry I'm not aware " he smirked
"Don't you have a saying in this?" I asked Niall who was trying to stop his laughing. His face was red.
"I do. huhhh I do not think it's that bad " he said laughing
"Ahgggg!" I groaned frustrated
"Go ahead and have some food. You will need the energy " Zayn said
I sat down taking the plate from his hand and slapping his hand away. He laughed.
"Since when have you been sexually repressed Ari???? Maybe I can help " Zayn said
Trying to act all serious on me.
"Stop it. Or I swar I will make you Zayn " I warned
"I would like to see that " Louis said highfiving Harry.
I walked closer to Zayn handing my plate to Sophi, who was Still trying to stop dying out of laughter.
"Are you sure. You don't want to stop; " I asked Zayn whispering in his ear
I actually had no idea what I was doing.
Idk where am going with this
"Maybe in two minutes " he said
"I have never seen this side of you Ari." Liam said
"I'm a striper at night if you did not notice " I said
"Harry. Are you serious?? You just Got mobbed like not less than an hour ago "
"Come on please Lou is staying with Lux, cause she is a bit sick poor child."
"Are you sure you're a boy on that matter Styles?? " I asked
He looked inside his pants "Yup. Very sure. "
"Oh God! Then maybe go tomorrow? "
"I can't we have a lot of recording to do before we go home. Come one please "
"Ahggg how is it even possible you want to go shopping, And not clubbing " I asked geeting up and getting dressed.
"Yesss" Harry chanted throwing his fists in the air.
I giggled
"I'm going shopping with Harry. Do you want anything?? " I asked Niall as soon as I got dressed
"Harry?? "
"No I don't mind you going shopping with a friend " he said getting up.
For a second I thought he was going to kiss me but he just gave me a hug. Which I was greatful for either ways.
He did not answer my question.
I was about to leave when he pulled me back to his chest kissing me. "Don't be late " he said walking back to Jami.
Did Jami see that he was on this lap top headphones blasting loud music in his ear that I could still hear.
What is wrong with Niall I thought. But decided to ignore it.
Well the kiss made up good for whatever he is on about.
Harry and I wondered around we stopped only 2 times for fans. But it was not that bad.
"Sorry " Harry kept apologizing for it every time.
"I told you it's fine "
"Hay lets go in there "
"We came here cause I wanted to get a new iPhone case. Not for you to read" he winned. Not like he ever stopped for the last 10 min.
"You have like 7 phones and 150 iPhone cases " I said trying to reason knowing there is no point.
"That is not true"
"You're so cute " I said not taking my eyes off of the book I was browsing planning to buy.
"Hold on to this " I said handing him 3 books.
He read the names out loud. I hummed in response telling him I was listening.
"One direction??? " he stopped laughing
"What I want to read it " I said
I finished shortly. And we head to another store.
"Harry enough already " I said dragging him out.
"I'm hungry " I said
He finally let go "Who knew Harry Styles was a Shopaholic."
"I'm not" Harry winned eating. About 10 people came asking for his outograph.
"Your parents must be really proud of you Harry " I told him
"I'm really grateful for my mom "
"Its pretty astonishing how much success you came across at such a young age "
"Thank you "
"Is there anything you still did not achieve!! Something you dream to do "
"Yeah..... I still..... did not..... find a girl who would love me for me"
"Everyone loves you Harry "
"Apparently the media thinks I'm a vain womanizer and fans think am gay.. not all of them of course. But you know what I mean "
"But who cares what people think; it's what you think of yourself that matters. If you're happy with yourself when you are alone then you don't have to worry about anything else "
Wise. Smooth Arial. I thought to myself.
Look who is talking
He smiled "I sometimes wonder is there a limit for your perfection "
I giggled "I'm far from perfect Harry " I said but started again "but you want to find true love right?? "
He nodded
"Then you must be patient "
"For how long "
"Look when did your mom get married?? " I asked
"Early twenties "
"Here you go and you told me that your parents got separated and then she married a man she loves when you were 19. Think you have waited enough!! Think again "
"I will wait then "
"And we need to go, also I'm paying or I will shave Your head"
I said. "Lets go Harry " I added cutly
"Talk about double faced " he said
Picking his shopping bags up.
I nudged his side to shut him up.
Alright thanks a lot for all the views 1.12K now lots of love ✌
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