chapter 13
Arial p.o.v
I sat in the balcony, Eleanor came sitting on another chair and eating her food as well.
she sat beside me eating silently
"look at you two, what a romantic sight" Sophi said, I smiled weakly "shut up Soph" Eleanor said leaving.
Paul came a few hours Telling us it was time to leave. We packed, not that I had alot of stuff to pack.
The boys had a show in the evening, I insisted that we eat home cooked meals getting an aplause from Mark and a frown from the boys cause they all wanted to eat pizza.
I cooked Lasagna with the help of Sophi.
I got up in the morning to Mark shouting "WAKE UP YOU SCUMP-BAGS!!"
"Ahg, not again!" Niall said.
I got up, heading to the bathroom. I was back when I found Mark forcing Liam to drink some kind of tea "Hurry up, hurry up you'll need it. You think you can hide from me you basterds!! "
"What is going on?" I asked
"I'm gonna work out the shit out of these 3 lazy asses" Mark told me refaring to Niall and Liam and Zayn, who was obviously not liking the mood; which made me laugh inside like hahahhah.
"Can I come too!!!" I asked
excitment obvious in my tone.
The boys plus Mark looked at me suspisiously; "Are you sure? We are not going on a picnic!!!" Mark told me.
"Of course I am sure; give me a minute I will go change" I said running to my bag.
"What are you looking for?" Someone asked from behind me I turned around to Sophi.
"Oh I'm going to the gym with the boys looking for anything that I could wear" I told her
turning back to tearing my bed in search for anything.
"Here" I heard Sophi. I looked up at her.
"Omg thank you so much! you dont have to thou I will just -" I started.
"Take it girl I feel kinda bad owing this with out useing them anyways" She said handing me the gym clothes.
"Thank you" I called for her when she attempted walking away.
"No problem" She called back.
"I'm ready" I came back saying to Mark .
"I like you Arial; but let's see how much you can do" he said
I smiled walking behind him and the lads.
"You are pretty stupid aggreing to this; its like suffocating Mark way" Zayn whispered to me.
"Being stupid is something I'm very good at" I said
He smilled shaking his head.
We arrived at the most magnificent Gym on earth Omg! the equipment in this place is more than highly expensive.
"Okay give me 20," Mark said
The boys bent down quick as thunder to do push-ups.
I mentally cursed seriously, push-ups were my least fav .. hell it was not even an option .... I bent down either ways.
"Are you for real come on, you make me look so bad now," Niall said.
I smilled continuing with my actions.
"Come on pretty girls. A girl does it better than you??" Mark shouted
I laughed a bit panting for breath.
"Up up up crunshes go 1,2,3,4.."
Mark shouted he obviusly had been waiting for this.
We had been working out for about the past hour and 15 min.
Honestly it was so hard for me I have not excirsised this long before.
Before I know it I fell down unable to move I felt so dizzy.
"Crap! !! Ari, are you okay??" Liam said.
I did not say anything, I could not even if I wanted to.
Mark and Zayn and Niall stoped their weigh lifting and came to check what is happening.
Mark bent down to check on me. " did you eat anything since you woke up this morning?" Mark asked
I shook my head No.
He sighed carrying me...
"Don't work on an empty stomach Arial" he said
I smiled gaining my breath.
"Okay you sumb bags, its your lucky day today I am inviting you to breakfast just for the sake of Ari. Go have a shower and get ready." Mark said putting me down on the tour buse's sofa.
<Did he really carry me all the way? Guess he did> I thought
Yesssss!!! The boys chanted I looked around not seeing the girls and Harry and Louis as well I think they too went out.
"Seriously I owe you" Niall told me I smiled grabbing my flates
"Hay you okay?" Niall asked me
"Fine" I said thou I was no where near letter 'F'
"Ari babe; what is wrong??" He asked putting his hands on my shoulders.
I calmed down "I feel so weak" I said barealy a whisper.
"What do you mean are you sick? Omg! should we go to the Doctors? What hurts?" Niall asked panicking.
"No its not like that"
"Then what is it ?"
"Mark carried me all the way here like a baby I hate it I am such a weak stupid worthless nothing!"
" I mean even..." "stop" Niall shouted
I looked at him,
"Stop saying that! you are not foucking weak." He said
Coming closer to Me, my eyes travelled others places.
"You are the strongest girl I have ever known, Hell! you made 25 puch ups even I cant get to 10; And you think you are weak I thought you might have been mistaken with Super women or something" Niall said
I laughed a bit, breathing out.
"Don't you ever say you are anything but beautiful, strong girl" he said
I just hugged him how could I not.
Niall rubbed soothing circles around my back; thou I could not see him; I knew he was smiling.
"Thank you Niall" I said he kissed my forhead; hopfully his lips did not burn from the contact of my 'blushing like hell face.'
"Niall!! Arialllll" Liam called
"lets go" Niall said grapping my hand a shot of electricity/ tingles shot through me when he interwined our fingures togather.
"Damn Mark is gonna kill me" he said making me giggle.
I had a great time with the boys.
On the way out it was really crowdy a lot of fans where there.
Mark held my hand as we walked through the seas of people while the boys sighned some outographs and took some quick pictures.
I enterd the tour bus being gretted by Sohpi "Hay! how was working out" she asked.
"Great actually thank you so much for the out fit"
"I told you sweetheart do not worry about it" She said smiling.
I took off to the living area where all the boys sat "Hay Ari!" Niall came satting beside me,
"Hay Niall!"
"I was wondering!!" Niall said ....
I waited for him to continue but he looked too nervous.
"You were wondering? Can I help you??" I asked
"Yeah actually; how about we go hang out tomorrow night?" Niall asked
I raised an eyebrow "Really??"
"Yeah I am actually really bored. How about that??? just you and me? " He said
"Okay I would like that" I said
"Really! I mean cool," He said ginning.
I giggled "Your are so cute" I said
At excatly the same time Louis handed me the phone saying there is a call for me
"Me!!!" I asked he nodded
"Hello" I spoke into the phone my eyes widening at who it was.
Soo am sorry about this incridbly short chapter. And I am sorry about the sppelling mistakes you will surly find cause I did not edit. So you will find double sppelling mistakes. Not that the rest were fine but ehh sorry,
with that being said
Thank you guys so much and please comment pleaseeeeee ♥♥♥
Lots of love bye♡♡
Btw the outfit picture is Arial's work out clothes.
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