Chapter 7
I woke up to a knock at the door, groaning I put my face deeper into my pillow.
"Come in." I mumbled just loud enough so that the person could hear. Raven opened the door and came to sit on my bed.
"Morning, I hope you realize it is like 12 in the afternoon right?" She scolded, I rolled my eyes and flipped over so she could see my back.
"Your point?" I mumbled.
"My point is you need to get your lazy ass out of bed!" And with that and doused me with ice water. I screamed and jumped out of bed, running into the wall that was just beyond it.
"You know sometimes I really hate you." I growled, rubbing my head. This made Raven laugh even more the she already was.
"I'll meet you at lunch then!" She practically sang as she walked out of the door.
Pushing myself up off the floor I walked into my bathroom and took a hot shower, brushed my teeth, dried my hair, and got dressed along with putting on my makeup. I had on a pair of black jeans with holders for chains, a black workout top, and a pair of black Nike shoes.
Once I walked down for breakfast I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down across from Raven who had her phone out, looking at statistics for the pack. Once I settled down she powered off her Samsung Galaxy 6 and smiled at me.
"Yes?" I asked unamused.
"Nothing." She chuckled, I rolled my eyes.
"You wanted to talk to me about something?" I guessed.
"While you where still sleeping I was planning something. We are going to attack Blake's territory, and you are leading a dozen of my Op Warriors. Luke is leading two dozen and I'm leading the rest, we found that they already built the bomb and are planning on dropping it in three days. Hailey is quiet good at computers and such so she is going to dismantle it, our plan is attack tomorrow." She told me, I was a little stunned but partly glad that they found out the dates. She got up and motioned for me to follow.
Once in her office she sat down in the chair behind her desk and I placed both my hands on the front, looking at the map.
"You'll be stationed here, Luke is here Hailey and I are here." She pointed to three different spots on the territory.
"I'll have my troops stationed here and here so we can cover more ground." I pointed to the north and east part of Blake's territory.
"Luke will cover the other two sides and mine will make a ring on the outside." Nodding I walked out of the room.
I don't know about you but I have a bad feeling about this, like something will go wrong. Crimson growled in my head.
I feel it too, all we can do is sit and watch I guess. But we have to remember lives will be lost, for both sides. I cut the link and rolled over on my bed. Closing my eyes I decided to take a nap.
"You killed him!" Someone screamed behind me. I whirled around and saw Raven holding someone's body.
"You killed him!" She screamed again. I walked over and saw who she was leaning over, Luke. I gasped and stumbled back, hitting someone's chest.
"Shade?" A calming voice said from behind, turning around I saw Blackthorn. Falling to my knees I cried, he stooped down next to me, he pulled me into a protective hug.
"I'm okay Shade, I'm o-" he was cut off my someone driving a dagger into his neck, he fell in front of me, dead. I looked up and saw Blake.
"I will take away everyone that matters to you." He growled to Raven who had come to stand behind me, her face wet with tears. A hand grabbed me and pulled me away, I looked over and saw Blake had a firm grip on my arm. Another hand grabbed my other arm and I saw Raven glaring at Blake. Before I could move there was a pain in my chest and I looked down to see blood.
Raven screamed and lept over me to attack Blake, and everything went black.
I startled awake and found I had been crying, wiping the tears off I flipped over and stared at the ceiling. Looking at the time I decided I should just get up and get ready for the attack. Once I had pulled on an all black top and pants with black shoes I walked out of my room and down to breakfast. Raven came down shortly and we greeted each other with a nod. We both felt the pressure of the day.
Walking outside the units had already been assembled, I looked over to Raven, she nodded and I whistled, telling my unit to get in position. I ran at the front and signaled for the first row to send the signal back and get ready to disconnect. Leaping up into the trees I watch my unit pass under me.
I took a deep breath and waited for the command from Raven to move in. A patrol passed by me, somehow they spotted me. I quickly reached for my throwing knives and aimed for the first ones head.
Once the patrol is taken out, I see Raven give the signal that things are about to get crazy. Hailey jumps to my side and gives me a nod, when I look back up I see that Raven has already dashed through the trees.
The plan was, once the explosive went off to move in with the gas masks on. We all listened carefully. Finally after what felt like forever we heard it.
Raven just gave the signal, get your masks on and move in. Kill everyone that is not of our pack. I linked to my wolves.
Roger that, moving in. The head wolf, Nick reapplied ending the link. I nodded to Hailey and we jumped down from the tree, we ran forward, my dagger drawn.
We searched a building after building, eventually my death count was over twenty with all the guards I had killed.
"Hailey! I think it might be in here!" I yelled over to her, she was taking out one of the wolves that had tried to kill her.
The building was a science facility, and looking like the place you would hide a bomb. Once Hailey and I had walked in the doors we where met with a huge bomb looking thing.
We found the bomb, in the science facility. I linked her after I had walked around it, making sure no one was watching us.
Good, guard the building. I am bringing the prisoners to Luke to return home. She tells me, ending the link.
"Wolves, get to the outside of the building to guard it! Move, move, move!" I yelled at my unit, who and joined me not long ago.
"Hailey, you stay here are get to work, Raven will be here soon." I whispered to her, she nodded and starts to pull of metal panels.
My unit pours out the doors and circles the building. Warriors from Blake's pack had started to understand our plan, making things a little more difficult.
Finally I see Raven and Luke out of the corner of my eye just as I kill one of the approaching wolves. I make a path way for Raven and Luke, catching the wolf that was trying to sneak in with them.
I heard a gun shot and avoided the bullet that was headed for my head. Pulling out my gun I aim at him and ire, making sure the bullet does not miss its target.
Growling as I see more of Blake's wolves running at us.
Hurry up, they figured out our plan! I growl through the link to Raven.
Almost finished. She replies and ends the link. I hear and both Raven and Hailey sigh in relief, and turn to leave after telling Luke something.
Then to my horror I see red paint the door and Luke slump down against it, creating a trail of blood from where he stood. A gun is fired from behind me, I look at just in time to have it hit the top of my forehead.
I stumble back and hit a tree, determined not to let Raven know of the gun shot wound I have, I grit my teeth against the pain.
"Shade! What happened? Are you okay!" Hailey shrieks as she runs out the door.
"I-I'm fine, get back to the pack, my unit will take you back, there are other wolves that need more help and I do." I lie, she shakes her head and kneels down next to me.
"I'm staying with you." She protests.
"If you do, you'll die. You need to leave, now. Nick, please, get her out of here and to safety." I yell to Nick who nods and picks up Hailey. She screams and tries to get out of his grip.
"Let me go! She is going to die if I don't help her!" I hear her yell as she gets farther away. Blake's pack circles me, some smiling evilly others, pure hatred is evident in their eyes.
I feel as my hands are put in cuffs and I am pulled away from the tree, the bullet clearly missed my brain, as it just clipped my skull. Head wounds bleed profusely either way.
Raven and Blake suddenly burst through the doors as Raven heads to the hospital. My mouth is duck tapped and I am pulled after them. I feel faint but not before I am pulled into Blake's house and see Raven, holding the dead body of a girl in her hands, a dagger in the girls neck.
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