Chapter 31
*Time Skip Three Months*
Shade's POV
I clipped in one of my pearl earrings and stepped back to look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black pencil skirt which ended just above my knees, a white button up shirt which was tucked into the skirt and the sleeves were rolled up to just below my elbows, and my shoes were just a simple pair of black high heels.
My phone buzzed, letting me know I had 30 minutes before I needed to get to work which was a 15 minute drive away, giving me plenty of time to stop off somewhere and get breakfast.
I had been up last the previous night writing a transcript that was due today, I couldn't even remember what it was about I was is such a haze.
Picking up my laptop I placed it into its case and walked out the door, tying my hair up into a tight bun. I'd gotten my hair dyed recently so my roots wouldn't show and a new set of blue contacts, it was a picture of myself I had gotten used to in the last few months.
Veana, did I remember -
Yes, Shadow, relax, you remembered your phone. Veana reassured me with a chuckle, I smiled and stepped off the elevator, leaving the building and merging with the morning hustle and bustle.
Stopping off at a small bakery I got a cup of coffee and ran out the door again, traffic was particularly poor today and I'd be lucky if I got to work on time.
"Taxi!" I yelled and ran to the street, getting into a cab and finally relaxing as I sipped on my drink, scrolling through the many messages I'd gotten from my coworkers.
In my small brief case was some yellow folders that had a few prints and records of the cases I had been writing out the last two or three weeks, none were to gruesome, that was saved for people in a higher status than myself if a case like that did come into our firm.
With a sigh I put my phone away and looked out the window as we rolled down the street, eventually making it to the office building where I paid the driver and ran into the building, clocking in and sitting down at my cubical.
Veana was more on edge than usual today, and I felt like something was creeping up my neck, paranoid I looked over my shoulder, but all I could see were people bustling around, on their phones, typing, or writing something down.
I put a pencil behind my ear and chewed the eraser of another one, a nervous habit I had developed along with tapping it on the edge of my desk.
My laptop screen was filled with open tabs, several desktops open for the many cases I was working.
I looked at my watch, praying lunch would be soon so I could stretch my legs and maybe shake this feeling.
Sadly, lunch wasn't for three more hours as it was only nine in the morning. Thankfully one of my bosses emailed me, giving me something to do with my time. Jotting down a few notes from the email I stuck the small yellow sticky on the corner of my computer and within two hours had mostly everything checked off on the list.
Picking up a stack of papers my last few tasks were to turn in the transcript I had finished last night and drop off a few more things to people upstairs.
With one hour left until lunch I made my stops around the offices before making it back to my desk with 15 minutes to spare until lunch, I kicked my heels off and opened up Netflix, watching a few cooking shows - which had become a favorite past time - and watched as all the food made me increasingly hungry and ready for lunch.
"Hey Shadow, what are you doing for lunch?" One of my coworkers rolled over to my cubical in her chair, smiling and fiddling with a blue inked ball point pen, and even through her thick layer of perfume I could tell she had been out drinking the night before. This wasn't much of a surprise at all.
"I was thinking about just going to the caffe for lunch and getting something there, why?" I smiled and turned my chair to face her, leaning back with my elbows on the arm rests of the comfortable chair.
"Amy, Brooke, Mark, Liam, and I were planning on going to breakfast house that's open till one if you wanted to join us," she said in a friendly tone, it wasn't rare for them to invite me on their outings and even more uncommon for me to deny the invite.
"Sure, sounds like a plan, where are we meeting?" I asked, closing my computer, 5 minutes left until they announced lunch.
"Meet us in the lobby on the first floor, we will have an Uber waiting," and with that she went back to her desk and me making a quick trip to the bathroom.
This was the perfect chance to unwind and get my mind off whatever had Veana in a twist.
Okay, what's got your fur in a ruffle today? I asked, finally unable to stop my curiosity.
I don't know, but something feels off, there is a very foreboding presence in the air today, I can't put my nose on it but I feel like it's possibly a rogue wolf or something, whatever it is, its trying to steer clear of us, or keep itself hidden. Veana growled to me, the seriousness in her voice sent shivers down my spin
Okay, say it is a wolf, can you tell their rank? I asked hesitantly, Veana might not want to kill Raven anymore but she was still protective of what she deemed her territory. We had yet to have to challenge another wolf, namely because of the fact that we had yet to run into another Alpha.
No, sorry Shade, I can't tell, they are trying to keep themselves hidden remember? I can't even tell if they are a wolf or not... She mumbled. With a yelp I pulled my hands out of the sink, I had turned on the hot water and didn't realize I was burning my hands.
Thanks, well, when you do get a read on it let me know will ya? I hate being left in the dark about this stuff.
Yeah, don't worry I will. She assured me and cut the link, and suddenly my thoughts were flooded with someone I hadn't thought about in months, Raven.
My breathing became erratic, and my heart pounded loudly in my ears as I leaned over the sink and stared at the white tile. My hands frantically clawing at the marble counter top, nails scratching at the smooth surface.
"Hey, Shadow, you coming or - oh my god are you okay?" Brooke all but yelled when she came into the bathroom, immediately running to where I was.
"Are you feeling okay? You're white as a sheet," she said, holding onto my shoulders to steady me.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you Brooke, just had a late night last night and didn't get anything to eat for breakfast," I muttered, smiling slightly at her in the mirror.
"O-okay, if you say so, come on lets get going, everyone is waiting," she smiled back and lead me out of wash room and to the car that was waiting.
I waved to everyone as we walked out, blocking out the thoughts of my cousin best I could, trying to just enjoy myself.
"Shadow, are you sure you're okay? I haven't seen you like this since you started working at the firm," Liam asked in a worried tone, I shrugged him off and smiled.
"Yes, Liam, I'm fine I promise," I assured him and the car left, Amy, Madison, and Mark were all in a different car and according to Brooke's texts half way to the restaurant already.
On our way to lunch my nerves relaxed and we were all talking about the cases we were working, and what we thought, whether the person was innocent or guilty.
"I'm telling you, the gardener did it! I mean no one else stepped foot on the property in that time frame other than her, and she has a house key. Also the house reported to signs of forced entry," Liam stated and crossed his arms over his chest with a smirk.
"But what about the ex boyfriend? He would have had a key," Brooke countered and Liam nodded, shaking his finger.
"You'd think, right? But the locks were replaced, meaning he would have had to force his way into the house, and the gardener would have seen him, she reported seeing nothing," he reasoned, Brooke chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"Okay, fair point."
The conversations went on into lunch, I was finally at ease again and Veana had gone to sleep, the stress of the day had tired her out. She was still trying to recover from the torture Ira put her through. She was easily worn out and had to take frequent breaks, but this made us vulnerable, leaving me to defend us if anything happened.
Lunch ended and we all decided to walk back instead of take a car. As we walked, we threw jokes back and forth as Amy, Brooke, Madison, and myself walked side by side, pulling at each others hair playfully.
I always found it shocking how alike they were to young wolves, always messing around and being loud. It was a feeling of normality, and I was never to worried that they might turn on me. None of them were wolves, they didn't know who I was at heart.
"Oh, Shadow, if you'd do me a huge favor, I need something from the top floor but I have a meeting when we get back and won't have time to pick it up. Could you maybe make the trip for me?" Amy asked.
"Yeah, sure, I've got to pick something up from there anyways, where do you want me to drop it off?"
"Just my desk should be fine, thank you so much Shadow," she smiled, which I returned and we got back to the firm. All of us went our separate ways, Madison trailing after Amy towards their meeting.
My desk was on the third floor, and I decided to take the elevator, heels and stairs didn't mix well. The echoing of all the shoes hit my ears as everyone went back to their cubicles.
I was lucky that I got on the first round of elevators, knowing perfectly well that it would take some people five minutes to get to their desks.
Most people were occupied on their phone, I was one of those people, sending emails to some of my coworkers before I got to my floor, two other people getting off with me.
We were some of the first people on the floor, and I planned to wait several minutes before going to get the papers. Sitting down at my desk, Netflix had paused its typical play through and I closed the tab out, looking in my inbox and sorting the 30 or so emails I had gotten over lunch before sighing and picking up a stack of papers and several folders.
The elevators had thankfully cleared out at this point and I made several stops, dropping off transcripts and tapes.
"Excuse me Eliot, I believe I have something you want," I smirked as I walked into my bosses office, my team was small and we didn't need to worry about being formal.
Eliot was a tall man, muscular with platinum blonde hair and striking grey eyes. He looked up from his computer as I walked into his office and smiled.
"Shadow, thank you, I was just about to email you," he said, taking the transcript from my hand," here, I have something else if you wouldn't mind going up to the 23rd and getting something from Harper for me."
He gave me something else, a few papers with a dirty yellow envelope.
"Of course, I was going to run that way anyway," I smiled and waved, walking out before back tracking and sticking my head back in," when do you want this dropped back off to you?"
"Whenever you have time today would be great, but if not early tomorrow would work out just fine," he nodded to me with a friendly smile as I left.
Deciding I'd pick up whatever he needed first I got back on the elevator and hit the 23rd button, feeling the box begin to move I watch the floors tick by.
I stepped off and looked around, the floors looked almost identical to each other but here there were people on phone, and more people running around, scribbling things down as they ran back and forth.
Taking a deep breath I followed Harper's scent, looking through the pile of things I had in my arms, picking up the things she needed, rounding a support beam I didn't bother looking up.
"Hey Harper do you have the things Eliot -" I stopped dead in my tracks when I looked up and saw a familiar head of copper hair and a tall muscular figure in front of me, talking to Harper who's attention snapped to me and she smiled.
Her hair was done tightly in a bun and she wore a very similar outfit to mine, even the same perfume which I prayed masked my scent.
"Oh, White, I wasn't expecting to see you," she said as my eyes were glued on the two forms standing in front of her, the shorter one turning to look at me, my eyes meeting hers. Never had I been happier that she called me by my last name and not my first.
My heart pounded, blood rushing in my ears as I felt like my legs might give out from under me at any moment. The scars along her cheek, her scent, her eyes, everything was the same.
Raven had found me.
I gulped as my whole body shook. Looking back to Harper I gave a shaky smile.
"O-oh, it was nothing Eliot just needed something from you, but you seem busy so I'll just come back later," her smile had now faded and she looked more worried than anything.
"White, are you okay? You've gone incredibly pale," she stated in a serious tone.
"No, I'm fine, just had a late last night writing the transcript for the assault case that was due today," I assured her, Raven and Xavier's eyes trained on me and I tried my best to ignore them.
"Here, let me get you those papers for Eliot then," she went to move, almost turning her back, panic set in, with her back turned Raven or Xavier could pounce.
"No, no its okay I'll just come back later, actually, I'm not feeling very well, probably what I ate for lunch, I'll see you tomorrow," I quickly turned around and all but sprinted back the way I had come.
Fuck, how did they find us?! I all but yelled to myself in my head, Veana still sleeping. At least she wouldn't be able to tell I was an Alpha, when Veana sleeps it lowers my power output, which is why I'm more vulnerable when she passes out.
I tapped my foot on the floor as I waited for the elevator, looking over my shoulder with large and terrified eyes.
Eventually the doors opened and I jumped in, spamming the 3rd floor button and forcing the doors to shut.
My breathing was labored and I tried to control it, closing my eyes, having flashback to the torture Ira put Veana and me through, not to mention Xavier.
The doors opened and I also blinked, looking around, expecting to see Raven there, but no one stood in my way as I rushed out of the elevator and to my desk, picking up my brief case and shoving my computer and various papers into it.
"Woah, Shadow, where are you off to in a big rush?" Madison asked, her eyes trying to read me, sweat forming on my hair line.
"Oh here, give this to Amy, I don't have time to run it up to her, thank you so much Maddie," I handed her the papers Amy had requested and picked up my things, running to the stairs.
"Hey! Wait! Shadow, you didn't answer my question!" She yelled after me, I flinched, if Raven heard my name she would know for sure it was me.
"Listen to me, if someone comes around asking you if you know me, say you have no idea who I am. It's for your own safety believe me," I yelled back, taking off my heels and going into the stair well, throwing myself off the edge of the railing and landing on the first floor.
Putting my shoes back on I clocked out of work and ran for the front doors, no trace of Raven or the pack yet.
I waved down a taxi, Veana just waking up as I closed the door to the car. I gave directions to where I wanted to go and we merged with traffic.
Woah! Shade what the hell are you doing? Why are we leaving work? Veana yelled at me in confusion.
Raven, remember the thing you said was trying to hide from us, it was probably her or Xavier. I just saw them and booked it. I explained as I finally relaxed somewhat, my senses on high alert. With that I cut the link, praying the car ride to my condo would be fast, and thankfully traffic wasn't to heavy and we got there in 15 minutes.
Paying the driver I ran into the building, pulling my hair out and running a hand through it, somehow making it up to my condo.
I threw my brief case onto the couch and took off my heels, kicking them into the kitchen.
Closing the door behind me I ran into my bedroom and pulled out a suit case, also taking out my phone and booking a plane ticket to London. I placed my phone on my bed and went into my closet, pulling down some of my outfits and shoes I ran back to the open case and shoved them in.
Making my way back to my closet I pulled out a pair of jeans and a loose fitted dark blue t shirt. Changing quickly I laced up a pair of grey high tops and put on a grey beanie. My hair was wavy and longer than Raven would remember, hopefully it would get me to the airport.
Next to my bed I had a bottle of perfume in case of an emergency, it was different than my normal one so it would keep me hidden long enough for myself to get a cab. A normal wolf might struggle with the two over powering scent at the same time.
Rushing back out to my suit case I threw in my phone and zipped it closed, shrugging on a dark grey jacket and pulling the zipper up.
I felt someone wrap their arm around my throat and something sharp forced against my right side, I struggled, trying to over power them but it was useless.
"Let go!" I managed to force out, strained and slightly muffled. The scent was un-mistakable, as was the strength. Gritting my teeth, Veana had long ago submitted to Ira, it was just me fighting her now.
"I said let go!" I yelled, tears leaking out of the corner of my eyes, streaking down my cheeks and pooling against her bare skin, my canines growing out, Veana couldn't help but want to shift, it had been months since I was last a wolf.
"Stop Shadow, stop fighting," Raven whispered into my ear, pushing the blade into my side as a warning.
I closed my eyes as new waves of tears made their way down my face and I started to fall to the floor slowly.
My knees hit the floor, hands still wrapped around her left arm, but no longer trying to pull it away from my neck. My head fell forward, tears now landing on the floor of my bed room.
The knife was still at my side, but her grip had loosened slightly. I could feel Xavier move into the door frame, watching us intently, eyes stone cold as they landed on me. It was something I didn't need to turn around to see, I could sense it.
For a few moments the room was completely still, no one moved, only breathed and blinked.
I'd lost, and god knows how I'd pay this time.
AN : Sorry this chapter is so long! I hope you liked it haha.
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