Chapter 29
Shadow's Canadian Condo above :)
Shade's POV
After a few hours I somehow managed to get to my hotel and get changed for dinner.
I was wearing a pair of nude high heels and a tight fitted gold dress with long sleeves, hiding most of my scars.
The ones on my legs I did my best to cover with makeup before picking up a small gold hand bag that matched the dress and placed my phone and cash in it before closing the purse and walking out of the hotel room.
I was about two blocks away from the restaurant so I decided to walk, having about 15 minutes to get where I was going.
The bright lights of the streets pained my sensitive eyes for a few seconds before I got used to the artificial light and I began walking.
Thankfully I didn't stand out too much and I made it to the restaurant with only a few stares.
Once I got to the front desk at the restaurant, I was immediately lead back to where the real estate agent was.
She looked up and smiled at me, standing up and extending her hand for a hand shake which I agreed to.
"Hello Shadow, please sit," she motioned for me to move to the other booth.
"Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice Amanda," I smiled and looked over the menu, uninterested in the food but for the reasons of being polite I acted like I was.
"Of course sweetie, now, I must know where you are looking to settle down," she smiled at me again and I smiled back.
"I was thinking somewhere here or possibly in Toronto, Canada," her eyes lit up when I spoke and she nodded.
"While I might not be able to actually close the house with you I have connections and we can tour homes together if you'd like," she smiled.
"That would be lovely, thank you," I smiled back, ordering something small to go.
"I apologize that I need to leave so quickly," I said standing up when my food arrived in a box," I have to get back to my hotel."
"Of course dear, that's fine, meet me tomorrow morning at my office," I nodded and left, paying for me food and making a swift exit.
I avoided the alley ways and as soon as I could, took off my shoes, feeling the concrete under my feet.
It wasn't something I was used to, granted but I highly disliked wearing shoes.
We've got to be careful, wolves are likely to feel our power and even though Raven broke us, we still have the presence of an Alpha. Veana warned me.
Yes, I know, and I also know Hunters live here as well, I can't wait until we move to a safer area. I sighed and cut the link, making it back to the hotel.
I got a few strange looks from people in the lobby, mainly because I didn't have my shoes on.
Once I reached my room, jet lag hit full on and I crumpled onto the bed, realizing the only thing I'd had to eat was a glass of wine yesterday.
There was a bag of crackers next to the TV with tea to accompany it, and I carefully reached for the plastic bag.
No! Bad girl, you can't have that... Raven's voice echoed in my mind, she wasn't mind linking me I knew, it was a flash back but it was powerful enough for me to startle and pull my hand away.
I whimpered and pulled my knees to my chest, falling into the comforter and before I knew it I was fast asleep.
The next morning I called a cab and got dressed, and was more drained than usual.
We need to eat Shadow, we are dying of starvation, and now that we can we should, Raven doesn't have us any more, we have control now. Veana told me gently.
I know, I know, but every time I try I can only hear her telling me I can't... I whimper as I pull on a long sleeve shirt and jeans, lacing up a pair of sneakers I pick up my phone and leave.
Next time we eat then, let me take over for a bit just to get you going okay? Veana offered.
I agreed before cutting the link and leaving the hotel, placing my phone in a small over the shoulder fake black leather purse.
The cab arrived quickly and I got in, telling him where I needed to go.
I arrived in about 30 minutes and left to Amanda's office.
The girl at the front desk told me that I could go back, and I knocked on the door but heard to reply.
I slowly opened the large and heavy wooden door.
The office was dark, no sign of her at all.
I walked over to her desk before I was slammed into the oak surface forcefully, crying out slightly but I knew no one would hear me.
Veana suddenly took control and growled, pushing up against the person holding me down and to my surprise it was Amanda.
"I knew it..." She whispered and let me go, stepping back and I noticed her eyes glow yellow.
"Knew what?" I asked tersely, rubbing my stomach which hurt from the impact.
"That you are a wolf, and not only that but an Alpha Lycan," she breathed quietly.
"You could have just asked," I shot back slightly sassily.
She flinched at my tone, she clearly was not of Alpha or Beta blood.
"If I had you wouldn't have answered honestly," she countered and I sighed, knowing she was right.
"But I only have one question then, why are you so... Starved, if your an Alpha you must have a pack or some sort of following," she said in confusion.
"That's a bit of a long story," I said with a slight smile.
"I've got time," she said and sat down behind the desk.
"Tell me how the cousin of Raven Silver came to New York."
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that chapter, sorry things are being so rushed, I haven't really planned everything out in my head haha.
Anyway I hope you all are having a good day and happy holidays!
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