Chapter 26.5
*This is just a short bonus chapter I came up with at some point, anyway, I hope you enjoy!*
Lily's POV:
My footsteps echoed through the passage way as I made my way towards one of our many laboratories. The door opened once I scanned my hand an I stepped into the sterile room.
Medical and scientific equipment lined the walls and were neatly placed on the counter tops.
My eyes scanned the room before finding the microscope I was trying to locate.
The Petri dish in my left hand was covered in a thin layer of blue cells, an if I was lucky I'd find what I was looking for.
I flipped the light on for the microscope and placed a few of the cells on a thin glass slide and put a cover over that.
As I carefully maneuvered the slide on top of the light my eyes looked through the scopes, allowing me a closer look at the cells.
My wolf vision kicked in, allowing me to see the cells even clearer.
A small smile spread across my face, I could see that the cells were multiplying, and at the speed I had hoped.
The door behind me opened and I put down the tweezers I had in my right hand and looked behind myself, May stood at the walk way.
"Oh, Lily, I didn't expect you to be here," my sister said in a sly tone, playing a good charade but I knew better.
"Yes, well last I checked I lived here as well," I allowed a tiny bit of amusement into my eyes, which she caught onto right away.
"What do you want May? I'm busy," I sighed and rolled my eyes, turning back to the microscope.
"What makes you think I want something?" She said in an innocent voice, she answered to quickly.
"Because we have four other laboratories in this place, and you happen to show up at the one farthest from anything. You have something on your mind?" I turned back to her, standing up off the seat I was on and walking to her. She smirked and placed her hands on her hips.
"I believe you have something to tell me yourself, yes?" She licked her lips as her eyes narrowed, reading me like a book.
I rolled my eyes again and leaned against the wall. My arms crossed over myself as I smiled at her, motioning towards the microscope I was looking at.
"Have a look for yourself," I smiled and watched as she walked over towards the counter top," we did it."
She bent down and placed her eyes at the scopes as I had done, knitting her hands behind her.
I glanced at the whiteboard in the room, had we forgotten anything?
May and I exchanged a few more words while she examined the cells before carefully placing them back into the dish where they merged effortlessly with the rest of the sample.
"Now for what I came to tell you," May's expression suddenly turned very ominous, something had happened.
"What?" My tone remained even, and my arms dropped to my sides and I stood up to my full height.
"It's about the girls, Lily," May said as she closed the Petri dish and pocketed it.
"I have reason to believe they aren't safe," she said as she walked past me, knowing I'd follow behind her.
"What could it possibly be now?! They just fought legitimately every pack in the world," I exclaimed angrily.
"I don't know, but something isn't right," May sighed and left the corridor, our cats waiting outside, seated calmly.
I ran my fingers through their fur before pulling my body onto the top of the cat.
May did the same, the dark light causing our eyes and the cats eyes to glow.
"I'm just kidding, we need to figure out what to do for their birthday," May chuckled as I reached over and hit her on the arm.
"You bitch!" I yelled with a slight laugh.
"What? Do you blame me? There was no other way I could have pulled you out of that lab," she chuckled as I grumbled in annoyance.
"Whatever, let's just get back," I tapped my cats shoulder and they jumped away, running back to the safe room.
May wasn't far behind me and we arrived at relatively the same time.
"My my, slowing down there are you sister?" I teased and narrowed my eyes at her.
"Age, sister," I let out a snort, shaking my head.
"You're a Lycan! You don't age," I stated, she smirked slightly and got to the massive metal door, opening it and walking through with me following close behind.
"We have to do something special for the girls, they haven't have the best birthdays in the past," May pointed out, sitting at the kitchen table.
"Then what do we do? We'll be lucky if Raven lets Shadow anywhere out of her sight," I grumbled slightly.
"We'll burn that bridge when we get to it then. What do we get them? I know that's a 'normal' thing so to speak," she mumbled the last few words and I leaned back in my seat.
"Well, we could always get them new fighting equipment."
"But they have plenty of those, oh!" A smile suddenly spread across her face.
"Okay, now you're scaring me," I joked, and she hit me lightly on the arm.
"What if we get them off-road vehicles? But custom made, super high tech, we can modify them," she grinned and I nodded, smirking.
"Perfect, let's go out and get them then?" I stood up and went to the garage, May locking down the mountain before we leave.
"Their birthday is next week, the first day of Spring," I spoke slowly, the thought of having my niece and daughter back for their 22nd birthday felt strange.
"I know, it's weird for me too," May nodded, coming to stand next to me.
"Yeah," I sighed, placing my hands in my pockets.
"But now they are back, and won't be leaving any time soon," May assured me and I chuckled, nodding.
"Honestly you would think that nothing could kill them now," I noted, earning a snicker from my sister.
Here we stood again, just like the first time we left, staring out across the valley where our family lived many years ago, where our children now rule, where they will raise their kids. A place of blood shed and tears fought for and earned.
This is the land of the Lycans, the most power beasts that the world has ever seen. Here is where they can howl freely and live in peace.
This is the land of the broken, and the land of the strong.
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