Chapter 17
Shade's POV
I'm floating in darkness, I can't feel anything and my eyes won't open. I don't know where I am. Just suspended here for I don't know how long.
I don't feel anything, my body is numb. My brain is often vacant of thought, but when it isn't one word buzzes in my head.
Camryn's POV
"How is she?" Aiden asked warily. Rosa came out with a grim expression.
"Not awake yet but she lost a lot of blood. Her wounds healed and we had to get the bullets out, causing her to lose more blood." She told us, looking if some notes. I nodded and sighed.
"Raven is worried about her, she hardly talks. I don't even know if she has been anywhere other than the gym, her office, or the stable where their beasts are being held..." I muttered and looked out the door, a hand places on my stomach in thought of both Shade and my unborn pup.
"I can't believe this happened, I shouldn't have let her run off like that." Aiden said rubbing his temples. I ran a hand up and down his forearm.
"But you killed Loke." I reminded him, but he flinched.
"Yeah I know." He whispered and got up, leaving.
"Has Blackthorn heard?" Rosa asked and my eyes went wide and I shook my head.
"No or he'd be here already." I said frantically. She relaxed and nodded. Raven then walked in the front door and passed us, going into Shade's room.
This surprised me as she hadn't checked up on her yet. Pushing myself to my feet I thanked Rosa and walked out of the front door. The air was cold and I hadn't brought a coat.
Shifting I took off towards the pack house and grabbed a bowl of meats before walking up to my room and falling onto the bed just as my eyes started to droop I heard a rumble of thunder from the storm above.
"Camryn!" I heard Shade yell from the darkness.
"Shade? I'm here Shade!" I called back but I heard a scream and the sound of blood landing on the floor.
The scene changes and I see that I'm in a concrete cell with blood on my hands, one of them holding a silver dagger and my whole body is coated in blood. I gasp and stumble back, seeing Shade's neck and stomach with multiple stab wounds.
Again the scene changes and I am stuck in the middle of a snow storm, cold and alone. Save for the bright yellow eyes that surround me and I can hear snarling.
One wolf steps out and I could swear that it looked like Rosa's wolf as her scent flooded my nose. Suddenly a wolf launches at me, and I can see that it's eyes are orange and not yellow. The white wolf quickly kills it, staining the perfect white snow a dark red.
More wolves attack out of the storm, one latching onto my arm. I scream in pain and try to pull away, but to no avail.
There is yelling around me though it sounds far off and somewhat familiar. Another wave of pain came over me and I screamed, begging for the pain to stop.
My eyes flew open and I saw as Aiden was staring at me, wide eyed. There was a burning pain in my arm and I winced, looking down to see Rosa stitching it up.
Aiden wrapped my in a hug and whispered calm words to me every time I winced. Once Rosa was done she eyed me warily as all the other wolves left. Raven was about to walk out the door before I stopped her.
"Hey Raven, hang on a minute." I told her and she looked back at me.
"Yeah?" She asked, sitting down in one of the chairs in the room.
"I had a dream..." I whispered and she nodded.
"About Shade?" She asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, that I had killed her." Again Raven nodded.
"I've been having them too. That's why I went to visit her, in one of my dreams she called out to me for help." She told me, sighing.
"Do you think it is possible that she is trying to communicate with us in some way? Telling us she is okay?" I wondered out loud.
"Maybe. I'll ask Rosa, Derek, Jace, and Aiden if it has been happening to them." She said and got up, leaving the room.
I looked out the window to see that it was snowing again, but it wasn't as fierce as it normally was, instead it was calm, the kind that as a pup I'd want to go out and play in.
My mind wander aimlessly for a while, the sun eventually set, causing the world to to black before the house lights turned on. I realized that the holidays where right around the corner the thought of the soft lights and the calm snow made me curl farther under the covers.
Aiden came in with me still staring out the window, he showered and pulled on a pair of boxers and pajama pants before crawling into bed and wrapping his arm around me.
"I can hear it's heart beat." He smiles into my neck and I nodded. Being a wolf and a Lycan, pups develop quickly meaning you can hear their heart beat sooner than you can a human child.
"Yeah..." I mumbled, my eyes growing heavy.
"I've been having them... The dreams..." Aiden said.
"What do you think it means?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, but I know that they mean something." He whispered sleepily before both our eyes closed and we fell into a peaceful sleep.
Shade's POV
I want to scream but I can't find my voice. It burns, like my body is on fire but I can't move. There is pain everywhere and I try to move my hand, finally it twitches. Though it only burns more.
My eyes open and I look around, it's dark outside and I don't know where I am, but my body still burns so, I scream, I scream until my throat hurts and I can't scream anymore and I finally hear as feet come storming down the hallway and my door is thrown open and two people appear in the frame.
"Rav...en..." I gasp, reaching a hand out before snapping it back to my chest where it feels like my heart is on fire.
"She is bleeding again, quickly, we are loosing her again, get me some cold water and call Rosa!" Raven yelled to Jace and Derek who nod and bolt back out the door as another wave of pain over comes my body and I can hardly feel as Raven tries to push my back, back onto the bed.
"Raven, I got the water." Jace says, running in with a bowl of ice water and handing a soaking cloth to Raven and she carefully whipped the sweat from my forehead before placing a hand there and quickly pulling it back.
"She is on fire!" Raven gasped before Rosa ran in the door, I let out another ear piercing scream she quickly tugged away my hand away from my chest to expose the blood that was oozing from the hole where my heart was.
"Raven, I need you to step out for a minute-"She was cut off by Raven growling in rage.
"Like hell I'm leaving!" She yelled, momentarily distracting me. Raven held me down while Rosa stitched up the wounds.
"Shade, listen to me, you have to calm down okay? I know it hurts, I'm sorry I can't do anything to help you right now." Raven told me gently and I could only bite my lower lip and whimper in pain.
At some point the fire died down enough for me to try and speak.
"How long was I gone?" My voice sounded raspy and it hurt like hell to talk.
"About five days." Raven told me, I nodded. For the rest of the night I felt like I was is the fires of hell. Once morning finally came I calmed down. My eyes felt heavy.
Raven and Rosa had left, leaving the room empty. Once I closed my eyes, I was out like a light.
"Mom!" I yelled into the burning house, I couldn't smell anything and the flames licked at my skin, I had made sure that Raven and Aunt May where out before I went back in to look for my mom. Raven was passed out, as was her mother.
The smoke made it impossible for me to breath and I rapidly felt my muscles growing weak from the lack of air. Using the hem of my shirt to filter out some of the smoke I continued to walk farther into my home. I looked in every room, the bathroom door was cold so I looked inside and stared into the mirror, my gold eyes reflected and seemed to glow brightly because of all the ash covering my face, my white hair carefully put into a braid.
A shape appeared out of the smoke, a wolf I hadn't seen before, likely because it was a Hunter and not a wolf. He smiled evilly, my body was frozen in fear.
A scream of pain echoed through the room, and I soon realized it was my own as the waves of pain came from my left eye, finding a silver dagger sticking out from my eye.
I heard a growl and saw as the man was tackled and quickly killed. My mother stood over his body, eyes burning in rage and hatred before she looked at me and her eyes filled with fear and terror.
"Shadow!" She yelled running to my side, I could feel the silver burning me and I screamed in pain again.
"I have to pull it out, you'll heal okay, but I have to pull it out." She told me sternly and I nodded, forgetting about the flames that where all around us. She reached a hand up and pulled it out, again I screamed in pain before my eye started to heal and the blood stopped.
My mother picked me up and ran out of the house, I dared not look around me. My mother was muttering things like,"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry." I was confused, she acted like it was her fault this was happening.
Raven was awake, as was her mom by the time we got out, I could feel Raven's hands in my arm and her gasp when she saw all the blood on my face.
"Shade! Open your eyes, please." Raven cried as I was carefully placed on the ground my by mom, using my legs to stand up.
"Please..." She asked quietly, I opened my right one and then my left, Raven took a sharp intake of air before placing a hand on my cheek.
With a shaky had I reached for the knife that was around my belt and pulled it out of its sheath, using it like a mirror so I could see my eyes.
I gasped at what I saw, my left eye was now a silvery white, the color of the knife that had cut me. I dropped the knife and fell to my knees screaming, though it was drowned out by the lowed sirens of the fire trucks.
Raven placed a hand on my back and my mom hugged me tightly. I sobbed for no reason, it didn't hurt anymore. It was just a dull ache where the knife once was, a small scar going horizontal over my eye. So small you'd have to look closely to see it.
I suddenly felt faint and started to sway from side to side.
"She lost to much blood, Shadow stay here sweetie, Shadow!"My mom yelled but it sounded far off as I fell into Raven's arms.
My eyes flew open and I carefully reached a hand up to my silver eye, for some reason, I always thought that it was just something genetic that cause the different eye color.
I sighed, closing my eyelid and tracing the small scar that ran up and down my eyelid. I dared no move from the bed as I didn't want my wounds to open again.
I really hope Raven doesn't blame herself for this. I thought to my wolf.
Yeah, I know. She replied.
Do you blame her for what happened? I asked and she sighed.
No, of course not. I want to say she would have done the same thing for you. Crimson told me and a smile spread across my face.
Yeah, she would have. I said, ending the link, leaving me in a comfortable stillness and quiet. Glancing over at the clock I saw it was almost noon, my stomach wanted me to move, but I didn't want to move.
Hey Aiden? Can you get me something to eat? I asked though a mind-link.
Yeah, give me a second. What do our want? I don't think raw meat it going to be good for you at this point. He told me and I thought about it.
Um... Just some fried chicken. We should have some in the fridge if I remember. I told him.
Alright. I'll be up there soon. He said and I thanked him before ending the link. Soon I heard as the door was opened and Aiden's brown hair peaked in.
"I'm not going to bite you Beta." I teased and he flushed a bright red.
"Yeah, in this state you aren't exactly scary. And I'm not the Beta anymore!" He defended. I laughed and lightly punched his arm as he set the food down next to my bed. He placed a hand on my forehead and frowned.
"You've got a high fever, are you sure you're okay?" Aiden asked, I nodded and sighed.
"You should have seen Raven after you 'died' I thought that we'd all pay the price for your death." He chuckled slightly, pulling up a chair. I laughed slightly.
"Yeah, like she would have done that." I mused and he shook his head.
"I have legitimately never seen her or anyone so angry. Her wolf is back though, so I'm happy for that." He told me and I nodded, picking up a piece of chicken and eating it.
"Yeah, I guess..." I trailed off and he gave me a confused look. I waved it away.
"It's the past, history, nothing important." I told him and he nodded.
"How is Camryn?" I asked and he smiled.
"Doing well. She is going to be a great mom." He said, a dreamy look in his eyes.
"It's only going to be about 2-5 months you know." I said, finishing the chicken.
"And since she has the blood of a Beta it might be in the 2-3 month range." I warned and he scrunched up his face.
"Since when have you become my mother?" He teased and I rolled my eyes, slapping his arm lightly as Raven came in a shooed him out, telling him he had training with Jace and Derek.
"So, how are you feeling?" Raven asked, sitting down next to me.
"Better, but how are you feeling? How is Ira?" I asked, sitting up slightly as Raven sighed and shook her head.
"Typical you, don't give a shit about how hurt you get as long as others are okay. She is okay I think, haven't really talked to her. I'm feeling much better." She told me and I nodded, pushing myself from the bed, I looped my arm around Raven's shoulder and got out of bed, testing the strength in my legs as she helped me from the room and to the outside.
When we opened the door I noticed three things. 1) There was a thick layer of snow on the ground. 2) I didn't have a coat on. 3) It was fucking freezing outside!
I jumped back with a yelp and fell on the ground with the loss of support. Raven laughed and handed me a black coat that was on the railing to the upstairs.
"Thanks." I said, getting back up and shifting.
"Sometimes I'm jealous that you don't need an extra pair of cloths." Raven muttered as I ran out the door, shaking out my heavily scarred coat. The gold and silver tiger stripes hardly visible with how thick my fur had grown for the winter months.
"Alpha Silver, how is Alpha Shadow?" I heard a little girl ask Raven, looking up at her with shining eyes. She was wearing a heavy pink coat with pink snow pants and pink gloves, a fuzzy purple hat on her head. As she breathed out the cold air turned it into clouds, her bright blue eyes sparkled with hope and her cheeks where dusted his a light red as the cold air nipped at her bare skin.
Raven smiled and kneeled down to the girls level.
"Look for yourself." She said with smile, pointing in my direction, the girl turned and if it was possible, her smile go bigger.
She ran towards me, Raven standing up, when the girl was about half way to me she tripped and fell face first into the snow. I gave a wolfy grin before walking over to the girl and helping her up. Once she was standing again I licked the snow from her face.
She laughed and threw her arms around my neck, burring her face in the fur on my neck. I bent my head slightly, my muzzle resting on her back.
"Chloe! What are you doing sweetie?" I heard a woman's voice ask from behind me. My head lifted as Chloe ran to her mom, I turned around and smiled again.
"Alpha Shadow, good to see you out of bed and doing well." The lady told me, scooping up the girl in her arms. I nodded as Raven came up next to me, I looked up at her as the woman bowed her head in respect.
"Hello Anna, this is your daughter I presume?" Raven asked, smiling. Anna nodded her head, Chloe started to squirm and Anna let her down, Chloe bolted away, laughing.
"That girl, excuse me Alphas." She said, turning and running towards her daughter, who was a dot of pink and purple in the snow at this point.
I flipped on my back, rolling in the snow. Raven rolled her eyes before leaning down and petting my huge chest. She ran behind the trees and shifted before coming out and joining me, her red eyes burned a deep crimson and her fur, much like mine, hardly showed a trace of the ten and white tiger stripes she normally had.
"Come on, I found this place I think you'll like." I told her, my voice boomed around the small town.
"Alright, lead the way." Raven said, her voice was that of Ira and practically all the wolves in the valley bowed their heads in respect. I was the only one who didn't and Raven smiled in satisfaction before I took off into the trees.
When we finally stopped I was overlooking a frozen lake, the waterfall at the other side was frozen as well, creating giant ice spikes overlooking the water. The Ever Green trees had snow topping them and the ground had a perfect layer of snow on it, not a single footprint on the blanket.
I sat down on the small hill top looking out over the beautiful winter scene. Raven skidded to a stop next to me. She sat down and I leaned my head on her shoulder, the blue sky made the snow sparkle.
At this moment everything was okay, nothing else mattered. Two cousins together, running their own pack and not having a care in the world.
Hello all! Thank you all for reading. I am so happy that I get the chance to write with someone as amazing as kutekittykat8265, I honesty owe so much to her and much of how much I progressed as a writer is dew to her.
Please go read her books,"Raven," "Gone," and,"Blood."
If you want a background to this story go read KuteKittyKat's story,"Silver."
Thank you for reading!
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