Chapter 12
"Wake up Shade! It's time to go!" Rosa yelled in my ear.
"Where's the attack!?" I shot straight up and looked around frantically. Rosa was on the floor laughing, I growled and got out of bed.
"Someone's excited to go to the gym." I smirked.
"Yeah, it was more fun than I thought it would be... I'm still not picking up a gun or a knife." She mumbled, I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah we'll see about that." I hopped in the shower. Once I was finished I got dressed in a black and white sports bra with matching spandex.
"Alright, I'm ready to go." Rosa nodded and we started walking towards the training center. I had a bag slung over my shoulder with workout equipment as did Rosa.
"It's rare to even see you out of the hospital." I joked and she shrugged with a smile on her face.
"These Lycans heal quickly, better than the other Lycans I've helped to get back on their feet." I nodded and we walked in the doors, I noticed that the punching bag was still on the floor, sighing we took it out to the back and threw it into the trash.
"Feel like weapons testing? Raven might kill us if we destroy another bag." I chuckled but I noticed that Rosa had gone rigid, her eyes glazed over and shaking.
Rosa's POV
"Sly! Where are you!" I called out into the burning house, not hearing a peep other than the creaking of the house and the blaze of the fire.
"Slyder!" I called again and this time I heard a cough from the upper level. Sprinting up the stairs I followed the smell of blood and the coughing.
To my horror when I ran in my mate was on the floor a bullet wound in his chest, screaming I dropped the gun I was holding and the sword I was also holding and ran to Slyder's side, pulling his head into my lap and I cried.
"H-hey, d-don't c-cry. E-everything is g-going to be okay." He spoke softly and placed a hand on my face, which was wet with tears.
"But, not I-if your not h-here things won't be." I had a hand placed over my mouth as I cried, staring into his dull grey eyes that where fading.
"Don't forget me." He whispered and his hand fell onto the floor, I sobbed even louder and Shade came running into the house.
"Rosa! Where are you?" I heard her call out. Gathering myself I got up on shaky legs and walkout the door, leaving my weapons on the floor to burn with the house as I walked over to Shade who looked at me and pulled me out of the house as things started to collapse.
"Shhh, it's okay, you're going to be okay, stay with me, please Rosa." Shade whispered to me and she wrapped her arms protectively around me as I covered my eyes with both of my hands, the tears had dried and no more would come. Looking behind me I saw as the house was engulfed in flames, swearing to myself never to pick up a weapon if I couldn't even protect the one I held closest to me.
Shade's POV
I saw as Rosa's eyes light up like flames and her face became one of determination, it made me help and jump back, whatever she was remembering it had a strong effect of her. I hadn't seen this face since we where attacked and she was walking into the battlefield.
"I've got something I need to do." Rosa growled lowly, I nodded, absolutely terrified of what would happen if I talked. As we walking into the gym we went to one of the punching bags, this was like the one that Raven had kicked down before The Games started back at the Silver Bloods Pack.
The card above it said '1250 pounds' Rosa walked up to it and kicked it, the bag flew across the room and shattered the mirrors that where placed in the room.
Everything went quiet, by this time I was aware that Raven had walked into the gym just as Rosa had kicked the bag. I saw Rosa sigh and the fire died down in her eyes, replaced by a smirk.
"I still got it!" She joked, throwing a smile and a thumbs up my way. My lips curled into a smile and Raven came to stand next to me leaning in next to me and Rosa went to change the wraps on her hands.
"Did I see what I think I just saw?" Raven whispered to me and I nodded with a sigh.
"Just, don't ask her about it, I'll explain later." I said and Raven nodded, quickly leaving the gym.
"C-can I try to shoot something?" She asked with a blush and I nodded with a smile.
Raven, change of plans, you are going to want to see this. I mind-linked her as we walked into the indoor shooting range.
Where are you going? She asked and I could practically feel the smirk in her words.
Shooting range. I told her ending the link.
"I hope you don't mind, I invited Raven to see this." I told Rosa, she shrugged.
"Nope, don't mind at all." She smiled and we waited for Raven who got there in about 30 seconds.
"Okay, go ahead." Raven told Rosa, who nodded and picked up the gun, loading in a round and aiming.
"She never misses, kinda like you." I whispered to Raven before Rosa shot the times, I was right, they all hit the same place, the bullseye. Suddenly Rosa started to shake and she dropped the gun, before falling to her knees, pulling a hand on her forehead, she started sweating profusely.
"Rosa!" I called out and ran to her side pulling her into a hug.
"It's okay, you're going to be fine, I'm right here." I shushed her quietly, stroking her hair with my hand and placing my forehead on the top of her head.
Raven joined us and looked at Rosa with a worried expression. Rosa fell asleep and I picked her up.
"She'll be fine, just to much for one day. I'll explain seeing as you probably want to know what happened." I sighed and walked out with Rosa calmly asleep on my chest, smiling down at her as I placed her on her bed and walked out to talk to Raven.
After explaining everything about Sly and the attack Raven sighed and shook her head.
"I just don't understand how I never noticed, I guess I never thought to ask about a mate." She said, staring out the window.
"It's better that you didn't. She doesn't like talking about him much, she still loves him, I don't think she'll ever let him go. Sometimes I would hear her crying at night because she was thinking about him. The very reason she went into medical work was because she couldn't save him, she didn't know what to do, even though the bullet had missed his heart and his lungs it was still silver and still hit a major blood stream." I thought back to the first time I met Slyder, I had only just met Blackthorn and he was introducing me to the rest of the pack. He seemed like such a good guy and he exceeded my expectations by miles.
Now, no one ever talked about him, for fear of brining up the painful memory, we lost more than just him that day, luckily we didn't have to do much as the natural silver in the ground slowly started killing them off.
Hey, Shade, feel like going on a patrol at sundown? Derek asked me and I snapped out of my trance.
Yeah, plan on it. Who all is going? I asked,
You, Hailey, Jace, Nick, and I. He explained.
Sounds like a plan, be to the arena at sundown. I smiled and ended the link.
"I'm going on a patrol later tonight, so I won't be back till morning, Derek just asked if I wanted to go." I told Raven, who nodded absentmindedly before I left for my own work out.
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