Nick Fury's P.O.V
I threw the file onto the table the Avengers were seated at. Everyone but Thor was there. Even Peter Parker. The first one to get it was Natasha.(Black Widow)
"Find this person and detain him." I said and walked out.
Natasha's P.O.V
I reached for the file. Who are we getting this time and why would we need the entire team? I looked in the folder and saw a picture of a seventeen year old boy with jet black hair, sea green eyes and a mischievous smile to die for. He had a swimmers body and obviously worked out. He was kind of cute. I passed the photo around and read the information out loud.
"Perseus Achilles Jackson, age seventeen. His mom is Sally Blofis, recently deceased, and his father is unknown. His step father, Gabe Ugliano was reported missing and his newer step father, Paul Blofis, is also recently deceased."
"Why do we need to capture a seventeen year old?" Tony asked with a snort. I glared at him.
"Let Natasha finish." Steve (captain America) said with a scowl.
"He has been on S.H.I.E.L.D.S radar since he was twelve yet somehow he has remained undetected and has slipped out of their fingers for five years. He was thought to be a terrorist since he was twelve when he destroyed a school bus and dropped his class in a shark tank on an outing. He was found with a dead snake in his cot when he was a baby. He has been kicked out of nine schools, blown up several schools, and shortly after the school bus, his mother was reported missing. He has gone missing the past six years during the summer holidays and has been sighted with two other kids when he was sighted falling out of the st. Louis Arch shortly after he apparently blew it up." The others looked at me with big eyes.
"And that's not all. He was sighted leading a big group of children through Manhatten the day before all of the statues in the city had gone missing and the empire state building was lit up with something blue. That was about the time that freak storm was headed towards Manhatten. He was also sighted a bit before the explosion of mount. St. Helens in the area. He was also seen in different areas with two other people. He was spotted all over the globe with seven other kids and one time in Rome, they all came out of the amphitheatre covered in injuries. A parking lot in Italy was exploded right after they saw Perseus go in. Six of the eight children came out on an unidentified flying object and were seen in different places on the globe. His mom and step dad were killed in an airplane accident. " I finished. They stared at me with big eyes. Suddenly Thor appeared.
"What did I miss? What was the meeting for?" He asked and reached for a water bottle, sitting in an empty seat. He took a big gulp of water.
"We have to detain a terrorist by the name of Perseus Jackson." Clint (hawkeye) told him. Thor sprayed some of the water in his mouth all over us and tipped his chair over backwards. He had a coughing fit as we stared at him. Then out of nowhere he squealed.
"I'm going to meet Percy Jackson! Loki is going to be so jealous! Wait till I tell people!" He shrieked. "Wait, did you say detain him?" He paled considerably.
"Do you know him?" I asked.
"No, I have not had the pleasure yet, but I have heard of his feats and adventures. On Asgard we tell of how he is brave and loyal, in hope that our children become like him. He is a legend. Good luck in capturing him." He said and disappeared. Who is Perseus Jackson?
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