A little girl and her parents were in their living room together when they came. The six year old girl was playing with her little war figurines while her parents were wispering in hushed voices. She had just finnished putting the figurines in battle formation so she could play against her dad, and turned to around so she could tell her dad she was done. Then she saw them. She had just started to open her mouth when they brought their swords down. The one who took her fathers life walked over and inspected her figurines, then at the girl. "Good formation kid, but I would put the ogers in the second line...not the first." She could tell that they were trying to scare her, and it worked. But she didn't show it. "Get out! I know where my father put's his swords!" she said as bravely as she could, staring the people who just killed her parents in the eyes. They laughed and said, "Do you really think we're worried about a little girl that is small for even her age? Didn't you see what we just did to your parents little girl?" and she lost it. She summoned the sword -the insainty blade- that her father gave her for her fith birthday, and they steped back. But they still wern't scared ,though. "Good trick kid, but we arn't her to hurt you, even though we will if we have to," and on the last word, she lunged. They caught the blade before it got to them. "Don't try kid, it would be sad if a pretty little girl lost an arm or somthing," they said right before they vanished. When she realized that they were gone, she ran over to her mom and dad's lifeless bodies. The poor girl didn't know that her parents were dead, so just started to sing them a song. When her dad got back from a battle, he would say that her signing would take away all the pain; and her mom agreed. After an hour or two, she realized that they were dead, and started to cry. A hour after that; her uncle ,Chaos, found the little girl crying at the loss of her parents...and his sister. Grief swallowed him, and he walked over to his niece and said, "Alli! Why would you kill your own parents! As punishment, I will send you to Earth to live with all of those foolish mortals," then he vannished her.
Alli's POV:
I didn't even know Uncle was there untill he made me disappear. When I woke up, I was on a small bed. In front of me was alot of other kids...most of them older than me. I saw a lady that looked like nothing I've ever seen before, and asked her, "Exceuse me miss, but where am I?" and she nearly droped the tray she was holding when she saw my eyes. Then she calmed herself and said, "Your at an orphange, darling. Please don't find this rude, but what is wrong with your eyes?" and I just blink at her. Mom used to say that my eyes were rare -being ruby red and all, but nobdy ever asked me how I got them. "Mommy says they're rare, miss...and where's mom and dad?" I say, then remember what happened to them, and my eyes go wide. The lady seemed to know I know what happened and said, "Sweatie, do you mind me asking what's your name?" and I shake my head no. "It's Alli ,miss, and why am I at an orphange?" as I say that the oldest of the kids start to walk towards me. The lady dosen't seem to notice, untill one of the oldest-looking boys say, "What's wrong with your eyes runt?" She turns around and says, "Don't be so rude Benny, she's just got here." When the kind lady goes to get me some food, Benny comes back and says, "Are you going to answer my question ,runt, or do my pals and I have to persuade you?" and puts one fist into his hand. I look him in the eyes, then see his darkest serect. "What if I don't want to answer your question?" I say, starting to make him see his fear. He takes a step back then grabs at his head and says, "Stop! Stop!" and I stop, it's not fun to be mean. His friends look at me -a puny sized girl- making the bigest boy here say mercy, without even lifting a finger. "Ben, I don't think we should mess with this runt...she seems dangerous," they say while backing away from me. Benny runs past the kind lady screaming like a little girl, though I would never scream like that. She sees how everybody is backing away from me, then sees how calm I am. "What happened Alli?" she asks as she hands me a loaf of bread. "Benney was being mean, so I showed him his worst fear," I said casulay, because that's one thing that mom and dad were proud of me doing. Sometimes they would even take me to work with them so I could help them get information. She looks at me -eyes filled with horror- and says, "Will you tell me how you did that Alli?" And I nod my head yes. "All I have to do is look you in the eyes to see your worst fear, like yours is ghost, and force it into your mind. But I won't do it to you, your nice. I can also tell people alot of other stuff ,too!" I added the last part because everybody liked my tricks that I did at mom and dad's partys. "Thank you for telling me that Alli," she says while she walks toward the door. A minute later, a tall man walks into the room and says, "Alli,will you please come with me." I skip after him, thinking that he wants some tricks done to him, then I see the notepad."Alli, we're going to have to know some things about you so we can set you up for adoption...would you like that?" he adds the last part hesitintly. I cock my head and say "What's adoption?" He thinks for a moment, then says "Adoption is when you get a new family Alli," and I remember mom and dad. Then I remember my uncle. "When can I get adoptied?" is what I say before I start answering his questions.
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