"W-What..." Mickey whispered, the doctor's words flooded the mouse mind. The world seem to drift away and left the mouse alone in his own mind.
Mickey watched Oswald got up to discuss the matters with the doctor as he heard the two talk.
'This can't be no no' Mickey shook his head and stood up from his seat.
"NO!" The mouse shouted, shutting the doctor's and Oswald's mouth.
"Sir, I know that this is hard to take in--" The doctor tried to comfort the small mouse, but Mickey turned to look at Oswald.
"You knew..." Mickey croaked his eyes tearing up.
"Why haven't you told me earlier!?" Mickey shouted, his body shook from the sadness but also from angered of not knowing.
"I was going too, alright!" Oswald shouted back leaving the mouse to flinch at his sudden tone. The rabbit took a long sigh.
"It.. I didn't know how!" He raised his arms out in frustration, but Mickey narrowed his eyes and placed his hand on his hips.
"Oh really! So you decide to tell me ON THE DAY THAT OUR FATHER IS D-D-dying.." Mickey voice turned weaker as he tried his best not to cry.
"I could of have supported him Ozzie.. I would have paid for every surgery he had to take!" He raised his cracky voice.
"But you couldn't find the dang words to tell me! Well- YOU FOUND THE WORDS NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN!" Mickey sobbed, the mouse couldn't hold back the tears anymore. He covered his face as he broke down. Oswald only kept his eyes on his brother, not knowing on what to do.
The doctor stepped in between the two, and pushed Oswald a bit further from his brother. The doctor looked back at Mickey, who was shaking and sobbing.
"Sir.. I suggest you sit down." They suggested and Mickey slowly nodded, he took a step back and sat on the empty seat. The doctor pulled Oswald to the side.
"Listen, sir, about your father, he's on the final stages of cancer.. There's nothing that we can do, but to make his death, much more painless." The doctor informed and Oswald nodded at them. They looked at Mickey, the mouse stayed silent sitting on the chair shaking. The doctor looked back at the rabbit.
"About your brother, now.." Oswald looked at the doctor in surprise.
"He's showing signs of a serious disorder. I don't have the paperwork of him but I suggest making an appointment for a checkup, of his own doctor. I suggest making it as soon as possible." The doctor suggested and pulled out a small card.
"This is a recommendation." Oswald took the card, and read it over. The doctor looked at the two and down at his clipboard.
"You two can see him now.."
The two walked inside the room, and saw their father laying on the hospital bed. Walt raised his finger slightly.
"There you two are.." Walt lets out a weak laugh as two brothers stood next to him.
"I-I'm sorry I never told you this.. S-Sooner Mickey." Walt stutters and Mickey only stood silent and tried to hold in his tears.
"I-I could've h-helped you!" Mickey wiped his eyes and Walt only smiled at him.
"M-Mickey, you know my t-time is up." Walt coughed and looked back at Oswald. The rabbit already started to had tears streamed down his eyes.
"T-Take good care of h-him." Oswald nodded and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. Mickey eyes widened and took a hold of Walt's hand.
"F-Father, what are you talking about..." Mickey whimpered.
"Mi-Mickey, never stop making people happy.." Walt tried to smile but his eyes only shut closed. Mickey only started to cry, and buried his face onto both his arms. Oswald couldn't hold it back, but sobbed next to his brother, and placed a hand on Mickey's shoulder. After hours, they eventually had to leave the room. Oswald had to call Amelia and told her about the bad news. Mickey stayed silent the rest of the way home. The ride home was silent, the children were concerned about their quiet uncle. Usually he would make them laugh, but today was different.
"Uncle Mickey?" One of them tugged Mickey's shirt, Mickey looked down at them. Most of them gave a sad look and the mouse looked away.
"Uncle Mickey isn't feeling good today, leave him alone, okay?" Oswald informed politely, and they all looked down. Mickey kept looking at his hands, they were slightly trembling.
He couldn't believe it. He shouldn't believe it.
Once they were all home, Oswald opened the door for them and the bunny children ran to their home. Oswald looked inside the vehicle to see Mickey lastly get out. His hands in his pockets, Oswald walked out to Mickey.
"Hey Mick.. Come on you can't stay there overnight.." Oswald joked but came out more of pleading.
Mickey looked up from his hands and stared at Oswald with a look of disbelief, the mouse nose shine pink and his eyes all puffy from crying.
"I-I rather not." Mickey voice quavered, the mouse clutched his chest and started to cry more from the thoughts of his father death.
The little mouse body shook from each wail he gave out.
'Maybe the doctor is right...' Oswald thought looking at his brother Mickey walked inside their home, and immediately went straight inside his room, not even saying a word. Oswald followed behind the mouse but went into his room instead.
Mickey sat alone on his bed, and looked at a frame of him and Walt. He couldn't help but just stay silent. He heard a knock and Mickey looked up, to see Oswald by the doorway.
The rabbit slowly made his way up to Mickey, and took a seat next to him. Mickey looked back down at the photo.
"You alright?" Oswald questioned but the mouse stayed silent.
"I'm sorry, I knew I should've told you but-- I couldn't. Our dad said that I couldn't because he was worried, that you would lose focus on your job.." Oswald looked at Mickey, and placed a hand on his shoulder. The mouse only set the photo on his lap, sniffles a bit.
"I-I could've s-saved him then." Mickey stutters and Oswald only shook his head.
"It's not your fault, it's nobody's fault." Oswald tried to reassure but Mickey pushed the rabbit's hand away.
"I-It is my fault.. I-I should've asked if h-he needed help earlier." Mickey's voice turned weaker again, and felt a knot form on his throat. Soon the mouse began to wonder, what if he did save his father if they just let Mickey know earlier.
Just the thought alone made Mickey's heart sank, knowing in the end it's just a bitter sweet dream of his own imaginations. The feeling of sadness once again turn into anger.
Mickey formed his hands into fist, and stood up from the bed as Oswald looked up at him. A bit confused at the mouse's actions.
"H-He can still be a-alive!" Mickey raised his voice, and Oswald noticed the mouse's hand shaking slightly. He stood up as well.
"Mickey.. I think you n--"
"N-No! I-It's all my fault.. T-This is what I-I get for being t-too-- too--" Mickey grabbed onto his ears, and tried to think of a word.
"T-Too naive! I-I'm probably t-too stupid to r-realize anything!" He yelled out before he grabbed on his hair.
"N-Next thing you know-- Y-You're gonna be having a-a serious case w-while I-I'm not gonna be k-knowing about it.." Mickey's voice slowly died down, at the same time he lowered his hands. Oswald stood still, he didn't know what to say.
"Mickey.." Is all he said, before he remembered something from before.
'I suggest making an appointment for a checkup, of his own doctor. I suggest making it as soon as possible.'
"Mickey-- I don't think you're okay." Oswald took a step back, and noticed his brother shaking uncontrollably. The mouse started to pace around the room and the rabbit only walked out the room. He looked back to see Mickey hands started to fidget in front of him.
Oswald closed the door gently, he looked at the wall in stress and worry. He pulled out the card from earlier, and saw the number written on it.
"Here goes nothin'.."
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